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Materi bahasa inggris kelas 1 SD

Semester 1
“ Parts Of The Body “

Dosen : Elinda Perlitasari, M.Pd

Disusun Oleh:
Kelompok 5

Evita Suryawati ( 20198600065 )

Putri Sindy Aulia Dwi Wulandari ( 20198600021 )
Sabillah Nurul Khanitat ( 20198600003 )
Susana Anung ( 20198600025 )
Susi Susanti Surat Mukin ( 20198600022 )

Kelas 3A


The method of learning English for elementary school classes is first by
introducing vocabulary, then giving examples of existing pictures, then giving an
explanation and finally giving exercise assignments. The material this time is getting
to know the Parts of the body.
On this occasion we will discuss the Parts of the Body (body parts). In
addition to the vocabulary about Parts of the Body that you must master, you must
also be able to make simple sentences using words related to parts of the body
using English. Okay, here's the explanation.

 Vocabulary

1. Head : kepala. 16. Leg : Kaki

2. Mouth : mulut. 17. Foot : telapak kaki
3. Eye : mata. 18. Neck : leher
4. Ear : telinga. 19. Chest : dada
5. Teeth : gigi. 20. Elbow : siku
6. Nose : hidung. 21. Arm : lengan
7. Hair : rambut. 22. Finger : jari tangan
8. Tongue : lidah. 23. Finger nail : kuku jari tangan
9. Eye brow : alis mata. 24. Knee : lutut
10. Sholder : bahu / pundak. 25. Toe : jari kaki
11. Stomach : Perut. 26. Toe nail : kuku jari kaki
12. Hand : tangan. 27. Forehead : dahi
13. Thigh : paha. 28. Waist : pinggang
14. Calf : betis
15. Heel : tumit
 Function of the body

1. Lips ( bibir) = kiss (mencium)

I can kiss with my lips (saya bisa mencium dengan bibir saya.
2. Tongue (lidah) = taste (mencicip)
I can taste with my tongue (saya bisa mencicip dengan lidah saya)
3. Teeth (gigi) = bite (menggigit)
I can bite with my teeth (saya bisa menggigit dengan gigi saya)
4. Mouth (mulut) = eat (makan)
I can eat with my mouth (saya bisa makan dengan mulut saya)
5. Nose (hidung) = Smell (membau)
I can smell with my nose (saya bisa membau dengan hidung saya)
6. Ears ( telinga) = hear ( mendengar)
I can hear with my ears ( saya bisa mendengar dengan telinga saya)
7. Eyes ( mata) = see (melihat)
I can see with my eyes (saya bisa melihat dengan mata saya)
8. Arms (lengan) = hug (memeluk)
I can hug with my arms (saya bisa memeluk dengan lengan saya)
9. Hands (tangan) = write (menulis)
I can see write with my hands (saya bisa menulis dengan tangan saya)
10. Feet (kaki) = kick (menendang)
I can kick with my feet (saya bisa menendang dengan kaki saya)
11. Fingers (jari) = snap ( menjepret )
I can snap with my fingers (saya bisa menjepret dengan jari saya)

 Example of sentences.

1. It is my head.
( ini adalah kepala saya)
2. These are my hands.
(Ini adalah tangan saya.)
3. I have two legs.
(Saya mempunyai dua kaki.)
4. It is my arm.
(Ini adalah lengan saya.)
5. It is my stomach.
(Ini adalah perut saya.)
6. I have ten fingers.
(Saya mempunyai sepuluh jari kaki.)
7. I have ten toes.
(Saya mempunyai sepuluh jari kaki.)
8. I walk with my feet.
(saya berjalan menggunakan kaki saya.)
9. I hold the broom with my hand.
(Saya memegang sapu menggunakan tangan.)
10. I write with my hand.
(saya menulis menggunakan tangan.)

 Exercises
1. kei - en - i - i =......
a. stomach
b. hand
c. arm
d. knee
2. We have two ....
a. head
b. fingers
c. hands
d. toes
3. We have ..... toes.
a. ten
b. eleven
c. twelve
d. thirteen
4. You put your hat on your ....
a. stomach
b. finger
c. head
d. neck
5. I write with my ....
a. foot
b. knee
c. neck
d. hand
6. …
 Song

Head Shoulders knees and toes

Head, Shoulders ,Knees, toes

Eyes,ears , mouth,and nose
Head , Shoulders, knees and toes.
Knees and toes....
And eyes ,and ears,and mouth and nose.
Head , Shoulders,knees,and toes.
Knees and toes....
Head, Shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes...
And eyes, and ears ,and mouth and nose ,
Head , Shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes...
Head , Shoulders, knees ,and toes.

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