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 Jeff Wallenfeldt

TERAKHIR UPDATED:   11-17-2017   Lihat artikel sejarah

Judul Alternatif:   Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern

Jacinda Ardern , penuh   Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern , (lahir 26 Juli

1980,   Hamilton , Selandia Baru), Selandia Baru   politisi yang
di   Agustus   2017 menjadi pemimpin   Partai Buruh Selandia
Baru   dan kemudian pada bulan Oktober 2017, pada usia 37, menjadi
negara termuda   Perdana Menteri  dalam lebih dari 150 tahun.
Yang kedua dari dua anak perempuan yang lahir dari
a   Mormon   keluarga, Ardern menghabiskan tahun-tahun pertamanya
di Murupara , sebuah kota kecil yang dikenal sebagai pusat aktivitas
geng Maori, di mana melihat "anak-anak tanpa sepatu di kaki mereka
atau makan apa pun untuk makan siang" menginspirasinya untuk
akhirnya memasuki dunia politik. Ayahnya - seorang petugas penegak
hukum karir yang kemudian (2014) menjadi komisaris tinggi
pemerintah Selandia Baru ke pulau Bali   Niue -meminta keluarganya
ke Morrinsville , sebelah
tenggara   Auckland   di Pulau Utara Selandia Baru ,
tempat Ardern menghadiri sekolah dasar dan
menengah. Dia   matrikulasi   ke Universitas Waikato pada tahun
Bahkan sebelum mendapatkan gelar sarjana dalam Ilmu Komunikasi
(2001), Ardern memulai hubungannya dengan Partai Buruh . Pada
tahun 1999, padausia 17, dia bergabung dengan partai tersebut dan,
dengan bantuan seorang bibi, terlibat dalam kampanye pemilihan
kembali Harry Duynhoven , anggotaparlemen Buruh (MP) di   New
Plymouth   distrik. Setelah lulus, Ardern menjadi peneliti
untuk anggota parlemen Partai Buruh lainnya , Phil Goff. Pengalaman
itu akan membawa posisi pada staf Perdana Menteri Helen Clark ,
wanita kedua yang memegang jabatan tertinggi Selandia Baru
dan pahlawan politik dan mentor Ardern .
Pada tahun 2005, Ardern memulai "pengalaman di luar negeri,"
sebuah perjalanan kerja yang biasanya dilakukan ke Inggris, yang
merupakan tradisi tradisional   ritus perjalanan   untuk anak-anak kelas
menengah dan atas Selandia Baru. Alih-alih bekerja di sebuah pub
atau gudang London dan kemudian berkeliling
Continent, Ardern bekerja selama dua setengah tahun di kantor
kabinet Perdana Menteri Inggris   Tony Blair , menjabat sebagai
associate director untuk Better Regulation Executive dengan
tanggung jawab utama untuk memperbaiki cara di mana otoritas lokal
berinteraksi dengan bisnis kecil.Pada tahun 2007 dia terpilih sebagai
presiden Persatuan Pemuda Sosialis Internasional (IUSY), sebuah
posisi yang membawanya ke destinasi seperti Aljazair, China, India,
Israel, Yordania, dan Lebanon.
Pada tahun 2008 Ardern dipilih sebagai kandidat Partai Buruh untuk
anggota parlemen di distrik Waikato, sebuah kursi yang secara
historis berada di luar jangkauan partai dan Ardern kehilangan sekitar
13.000 suara. Meski begitu, ia masuk parlemen sebagai daftar
calon.   Sistem pemilihan anggota campuran proporsional Selandia
Baru (MMP)   memungkinkan kandidat yang mencalonkan diri untuk
kursi distrik juga berada dalam daftar kandidat partai, dari mana 49
anggota parlemen dipilih sebanding dengan jumlah suara yang
diterima oleh partai mereka. Pada usia 28 tahun, Ardern memasuki
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat sebagai anggota termuda. Dalam pidato
perdananya dia meminta diperkenalkannya instruksi wajib di   Bahasa
Maori   di sekolah-sekolah Selandia Baru dan
dia   dikecam   pemerintah Selandia Baru untuk apa yang dicirikannya
sebagai "memalukan" tanggapannya terhadap  perubahan
iklim . Selain diberi nama juru bicara Ketenagakerjaan untuk Urusan
Pemuda, Ardern diangkat ke Regulasi Review dan   Keadilan   dan
Panitia Pemilihan Pemilihan.
Pada tahun 2011 ia mencalonkan diri untuk kursi yang mewakili
Auckland Tengah yang dipegang oleh bintang muda politik Selandia
Baru lainnya, Nikki Kaye dari   Partai Nasional Selandia Baru , yang
baru berusia lima bulan lebih tua dari Ardern . Kaye secara sempit
(717 suara) memenangkan perlombaan, dijuluki "Battle of the Babes,"
tapi sekali lagi Ardern kembali ke parlemen sebagai kandidat daftar
yang ditempatkan dengan baik. DukunganArdern untuk David Shearer
dalam pencariannya yang berhasil untuk kepemimpinan Partai
Buruh membuatnya mendapat tugas yang tinggi sebagai juru bicara
Pembangunan Sosial. Pada tahun 2014 Ardern sekali lagi berhadapan
dengan Kaye untuk kursi di Auckland Tengah, kali ini kalah hanya
dengan 600 suara. Meskipun demikian, berlindung pada posisi nomor
lima dalam daftar Buruh , Ardern dengan mudah kembali ke
parlemen. Pemimpin buruhAndrew Little memperluas portofolio untuk
memasukkan posisi sebagai juru bicara Arts,   Budaya , dan Warisan,
Anak-anak, Keadilan, dan Usaha Kecil.
Seiring profil politik Ardern meningkat menonjol, rincian kepribadian
dan kehidupan pribadinya menjadi lebih dikenal. Menentang Gereja
Yesus Kristus dari orang-orang Suci Zaman Akhir tentang
homoseksualitas dan   Pernikahan sesama jenis , Ardern menjadi
Mormon yang murtad. Dia mendapatkan ketenaran dengan tampil
sebagai a   disc jockey . Dia juga terlibat dalam
a   romantis   Hubungan dengan kepribadian siaran Clarke Gayford ,
yang pada 2016 menjadi tuan rumah   Fish of the Day , sebuah
program memancing part-fishing, part-travel yang membawanya ke
pulau-pulau eksotis di seluruh Pasifik. Ardern mengimbangi perhatian
media terhadap daya tarik fisiknya, mencirikan dirinya sebagai "kutu
buku yang dapat diterima," dan menggambarkan pendekatannya
terhadap kehidupan sebagai "tanpa henti positif."
Pada tahun 2017, Ardern mencatat kemenangan telak dalam
pemilihan parlemen untuk kursi kosong yang mewakili distrik Buruh
yang kokoh di Mount Albert di Auckland. Ketika wakil ketua Buruh ,
Annette King, mengumumkan pengunduran dirinya,  Ardern terpilih
dengan suara bulat sebagai penggantinya. Sementara itu, saat
pemilihan parlemen secara umum yang dijadwalkan pada bulan
September 2017 mendekat, pertunjukkan Partai Buruhdalam
pemilihan tidak masuk akal. Bahkan setelah sembilan tahun berturut-
turut dengan Partai Nasional berkuasa, tampaknya ada sedikit minat
di antara para pemilih dalam mencoba peraturan
Partai Buruh . Sepasang jajak pendapat pada bulan Juli
menemukan dukungan Partai Buruh kurang dari 25 persen - sekitar 6
persen lebih buruk daripada partai yang berada dalam pemungutan
suara pada bulan Juni. Dengan kurang dari dua bulan sebelum
pemilihan, Little mengundurkan diri sebagai pemimpin tapi tidak
sebelum menjamin janji Ardern untuk berdiri sebagai penggantinya
(kabarnya, dia menolak tujuh kali sebelum menyetujui).  Tanpa
dilawan, Ardern terpilih sebagai pemimpin pada 1 Agustus.

Dengan demikian mulailah sprint bersemangat oleh Ardern untuk

menggantikan Partai Nasional   Bill Inggris   sebagai perdana
menteri. Nya   karismatik  Daya optimis, kekuatan, dan pesona turun-
ke-bumi memberi semangat kepada para pemilih dengan cepat -
terutama perempuan dan kaum muda - dan, sebagai
tanggapan, jumlah pemungutan suara para pekerja naik. Dalam hal
isu, Ardern menyerukan pendidikan universitas gratis, pengurangan
imigrasi, dekriminalisasi aborsi, dan pembuatan program baru
untuk   meringankan   kemiskinan di kalangan anak-anak. Secara lebih
luas, dia menjanjikan "kesepakatan yang lebih adil"
untuk   terpinggirkan . Sebagai " Jacindamania " menyapu negara
tersebut, para pakar mulai mencirikan Ardern sebagai politisi "bintang
rock" dalam mode Perdana Menteri Kanada   Justin Trudeau   dan
mantan presiden AS   Barack Obama .
Dia juga menjadi ikon feminis setelah dia menanggapi pertanyaan
pewawancara tentang apakah dia berencana untuk memiliki
anak. Awalnya, Ardernmengatakan bahwa dia tidak memiliki masalah
dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Keesokan harinya,
bagaimanapun, ketika pewawancara lain menyiratkan bahwa atasan
memiliki hak untuk mengetahui apakah calon pegawai wanita yang
direncanakan untuk mengambil cuti dari pekerjaan untuk memiliki
anak, Ardern menanggapi dengan lebih kuat:

Saya memutuskan untuk membicarakannya, itu adalah pilihan saya ..., tapi
bagi wanita lain, sama sekali tidak dapat diterima pada tahun 2017 untuk
mengatakan bahwa wanita harus menjawab pertanyaan itu di tempat
kerja. Inilah keputusan wanita tentang kapan mereka memilih untuk memiliki
anak. Seharusnya tidak menentukan apakah mereka diberi pekerjaan atau
memiliki kesempatan kerja atau tidak.
Inggris menuduh Ardern kurang   kebijakan luar negeri   pengalaman
dan mendorong para pemilih untuk melihat melampaui "stardust" yang
dia sebarkan.Dalam acara tersebut, Partai Nasional adalah pengambil
keputusan terbesar, memenangkan sekitar 46 persen dari total (tidak
termasuk suara khusus), dan bagian Partai Buruh adalah sekitar 36
persen. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, Partai Nasional berdiri untuk
menahan 58 kursi dan Buruh 45 kursi, tidak cukup untuk meraih
mayoritas, bahkan dengan tujuh kursi Partai Hijau untuk
mendukung pemerintah Partai Buruh . Ketika suara khusus (yang
diberikan oleh orang Selandia Baru yang berada di luar negeri atau
yang telah terdaftar untuk memberikan suara pada hari pemungutan
suara) dihitung, Partai Buruh dan Partai Hijau masing-masing
mendapat tempat duduk dengan mengorbankan Partai Nasional.
Semua ini meninggalkan Partai Pertama Selandia Baru kanan tengah,
yang memenangkan sembilan kursi, dalam peran sang raja.  Pemimpin
Selandia Baru First berusia 72 tahun, Winston Peters, membuat
negara ini dalam ketegangan selama berminggu-minggu saat dia
bernegosiasi dengan Partai Nasional dan Partai Buruh mengenai
partisipasi potensial Selandia Baru Pertama dalam
sebuah   pemerintahan koalisi . Akhirnya, pada tanggal 19 Oktober,
Peters pergi ke televisi nasional untuk mengumumkan bahwa dia
telah memilih untuk melakukan kemitraan dengan Tenaga Kerja yang
selanjutnya akan bergantung pada dukungan "penawaran dan
kepercayaan diri" dari Partai Hijau. "Terlalu banyak orang Selandia
Baru telah datang untuk melihat kapitalisme hari ini bukan sebagai
teman mereka tapi juga sebagai musuh mereka," kata Peters dalam
mengumumkan niatnya untuk memerintah dengan  Partai
Buruh . Ardern menemukan pada saat bersamaan dengan
seluruh negara di mana dia akan menjadi perdana menteri ke-40, dan
dia dilantik pada tanggal 26 Oktober.
Jacinda Ardern


 Jeff Wallenfeldt
See Article History

Alternative Title: Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern

Jacinda Ardern, in full Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern, (born July 26,

1980, Hamilton, New Zealand),New Zealand politician who
in August 2017 became leader of the New Zealand Labour Party and
then in October 2017, at age 37, became the country’s
youngest prime minister in more than 150 years.
The second of two daughters born to a Mormon family, Ardern spent
her first years in Murupara, a small town best known as a centre of
Maori gang activity, where seeing “children without shoes on their feet
or anything to eat for lunch” inspired her to eventually enter politics.
Her father—a career law-enforcement officer who later (2014) became
the New Zealand government’s high commissioner to the island
of Niue—moved his family to Morrinsville, southeast of Auckland on
New Zealand’sNorth Island, where Ardern attended primary and
secondary school. She matriculated to the University of Waikato in
Even before earning a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies
(2001), Ardern began her association with the Labour Party. In 1999,
at age 17, she joined the party and, with the help of an aunt, became
involved in the reelection campaign of Harry Duynhoven, a Labour
member of parliament (MP) in the New Plymouth district. Following
graduation, Ardern became a researcher for another Labour MP, Phil
Goff. That experience would lead to a position on the staff of Prime
MinisterHelen Clark, the second woman to hold New Zealand’s
highest office and Ardern’s political hero and mentor.
In 2005 Ardern embarked on an “overseas experience,” an extended
—usually working—trip to Britain, which is a traditional rite of
passage for the children of New Zealand’s middle and upper class.
Instead of labouring in a London pub or warehouse and then touring
the Continent, however, Ardern worked for two and a half years in the
cabinet office of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, serving as an
associate director for Better Regulation Executive with the primary
responsibility of improving the ways in which local authorities interact
with small businesses. In 2007 she was elected president of the
International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY), a position that took her
to destinations such as Algeria, China, India, Israel, Jordan, and
In 2008 Ardern was chosen as Labour’s candidate for MP of the
Waikato district, a seat that historically had been beyond the party’s
reach and that Ardern lost by some 13,000 votes. Nevertheless, she
entered parliament as a list candidate. New Zealand’s mixed member
proportional (MMP) election system allows candidates who run for a
district seat also to be on a party’s list of candidates, from which 49
MPs are chosen in proportion to the number of votes received by their
parties. At age 28 Ardern entered the House of Representatives as its
youngest member. In her maiden speech she called for the
introduction of compulsory instruction in the Maori language in New
Zealand schools and she castigated the New Zealand government for
what she characterized as its “shameful” response to climate change.
In addition to being named Labour’s spokesperson for Youth Affairs,
Ardern was appointed to the Regulations Review and the Justice and
Electoral select committees.
In 2011 she ran for the seat representing Auckland Central that was
held by another of New Zealand politics’ brightest young stars, Nikki
Kaye of the New Zealand National Party, who was just five months
older than Ardern. Kaye narrowly (717 votes) won the race, dubbed
the “Battle of the Babes,” but once again Ardern returned to
parliament as a well-placed list candidate. Ardern’s support for David
Shearer in his successful quest for Labour leadership won her a high
profile assignment as Social Development spokesperson. In 2014
Ardern once again faced off with Kaye for the Auckland Central seat,
this time losing by only 600 votes. Nonetheless, ensconced at the
number five position on Labour’s list, Ardern easily returned to
parliament. Labour leader Andrew Little expanded her portfolio to
include positions as spokesperson for Arts, Culture, and Heritage,
Children, Justice, and Small Business.
As Ardern’s political profile increased in prominence, the details of her
personality and personal life became better known. Opposed to the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ stand on homosexuality
and same-sex marriage, Ardern became a lapsed Mormon. She
gained notoriety by performing as a disc jockey. She was also
involved in a romantic relationship with broadcast personality Clarke
Gayford, who in 2016 became the host of Fish of the Day, a part-
fishing, part-travel television program that took him to exotic island
locales throughout the Pacific. Ardern bridled at media attention to her
physical attractiveness, characterized herself as an “acceptable nerd,”
and described her approach to life as “relentlessly positive.”
In 2017 Ardern registered a landslide victory in the parliamentary by-
election for the vacant seat representing the solidly Labour district of
Mount Albert in Auckland. When Labour’s deputy leader, Annette
King, announced her resignation, Ardern was unanimously elected as
her replacement. Meanwhile, as the general parliamentary election
scheduled for September 2017 approached, Labour’s showing in
preference polling was abysmal. Even after some nine consecutive
years with the National Party in power, there was seemingly little
interest among voters in trying Labour Party rule. A pair of polls in July
found Labour Party support to be less than 25 percent—some 6
percent worse than the party’s standing in a June polling. With fewer
than two months left before the election, Little stepped down as leader
but not before securing Ardern’s pledge to stand as his replacement
(reportedly, she refused seven times before agreeing). Running
unopposed, Ardern was elected leader on August 1.

Thus began a spirited sprint by Ardern to replace the National

Party’s Bill English as prime minister. Her charismatic optimism,
strength, and down-to-earth charm quickly energized voters—
especially women and the young—and, in response, Labour’s
preference polling numbers climbed. In terms of the issues, Ardern
called for free university education, reductions in immigration,
decriminalization of abortion, and the creation of new programs
to alleviate poverty among children. More broadly, she promised a
“fairer deal” for the marginalized. As “Jacindamania” swept the
country, pundits began characterizing Ardern as a “rock star” politician
in the mode of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and former
U.S. president Barack Obama.
She also became something of a feminist icon after her response to
an interviewer’s question about whether she planned to have children.
Initially, Ardern said that she had no problem answering the question.
The next day, however, when another interviewer implied that
employers had a right to know whether prospective female employees
planned on taking time off from work to have children, Ardern
responded much more forcefully:

I decided to talk about it, it was my choice…, but for other women it is totally
unacceptable in 2017 to say that women should have to answer that question
in the workplace. It is the woman’s decision about when they choose to have
children. It should not predetermine whether or not they are given a job or
have job opportunities.
English accused Ardern of lacking foreign policy experience and
encouraged voters to look beyond the “stardust” she spread. In the
event, the National Party was the biggest vote getter, winning some
46 percent of the total (excluding special votes), and Labour’s share
was about 36 percent. Based on those results, the National Party
stood to hold 58 seats and Labour 45 seats, not enough for either to
attain a majority, even with the Green Party’s seven seats in support
of a Labour government. When the special votes (those cast by New
Zealanders who were overseas or who had registered to vote on
polling day) were tallied, Labour and the Green Party each gained a
seat at the expense of the National Party.
All of this left the centre-right New Zealand First Party, which won nine
seats, in the kingmaker role. New Zealand First’s 72-year-old leader,
Winston Peters, kept the country in suspense for weeks as he
negotiated with both the National Party and Labour over New Zealand
First’s potential participation in a coalition government. Finally, on
October 19, Peters went on national television to announce that he
had chosen to go into a partnership with Labour that would be further
dependent on “supply and confidence” support from the Greens. “Far
too many New Zealanders have come to view today’s capitalism not
as their friend but as their foe,” Peters said in announcing his intention
to govern with Labour. Ardern found out at the same time as the rest
of the country that she was about to become its 40th prime minister,
and she was sworn in on October 26.

Bagaimana PM perempuan muda ini di hadapan para lelaki senior

pemimpin dunia
Lara OwenBBC World Service
  13 November 2017
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Pada umurnya yang menginjak 37 tahun, Perdana Menteri Selandia

Baru, Jacinda Ardern, memunculkan kontras di hadapan para pemimpin
lain di KTT APEC tahun ini.

Jacinda Ardern sering menjadi disc jockey , ikut dalam unjuk rasa hak-hak
perempuan, serta berswa-foto. Namun bagaimana prioritas-prioritas
programnya, kebijakannya, serta kepemimpinannya dibandingkan dengan
para raksasa pemimpin APEC yang kebanyakan terdiri dari para lelaki mapan

Ihwal Usia
Karier Jacinda Ardern sungguh melesat secara mengagumkan. Ia mulai jadi
politikus yang terpilih lewat pemilihan umum pada usia 28 tahun dan sekarang
menjadi perdana menteri termuda negeri itu sejak 1856.

Ada jarak umur 42 tahun antara Jacinda Ardern sebagai pemimpin termuda di
APEC, dengan pemimpin tertua, Presiden Peru, Pablo Kuczynsky, yang
berusia 79 tahun.

Kemenangannya dalam pemilu Selandia Baru membuatnya menjadi PM
perempuan ketiga di negeri itu setelah Jenny Shipley dan Helen Clark.

Dia lantang dalam berbicara tentang isu perempuan, seperti status hukum
aborsi, kesetaraan penggajian, dan hak untuk tidak mengungkapkan rencana
memiliki anak kepada majikan.
Dua perempuan lain yang akan bergabung dengan Arden di KTT APEC ini
adalah pemimpin eksekutif Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, dan Presiden Cile,
Michelle Bachelet.

Presiden perempuan pertama Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, tak akan hadir. Akan ada
utusan khusus yang mewakili 'Cina Taipei,' yang berarti Taiwan hadir sebagai
entitas ekonomi, bukan entitas politik. Ini karena Cina tidak mengakui Taiwan
sebagai negara, melainkan provinsi yang memberontak.

Gaya pribadi
Di berbagai kesempatan, Jacinda Ardern telah mengungkapkan bagaimana ia
cemas dan gugup sebelum kemudian mendapat posisi nomor wahid di
Selandia Baru -padahal bisa saja hal ini menghambat prospek kariernya.

Keterbukaannya tentang masalah pribadi yang dihadapinya itu sangat kontras

dengan kebanyakan pemimpin lain yang berada di puncak.
Hun Sen, perdana menteri Kamboja, dikenal 'keras,' dan selalu bernada
menantang kalau berurusan dengan tuduhan bahwa dia otoriter dan
mengintimidasi lawan politik.

"Saya tidak akan sekadar melemahkan oposisi, saya akan membuat mereka
mati ... Dan jika ada yang cukup kuat juga untuk coba-coba mengadakan
demonstrasi, saya akan menghajar semua anjing-anjing itu dan menjebloskan
mereka ke dalam kerangkeng," katanya pada tahun 2011 .

Tokoh terkenal lain yang tampil di APEC, Presiden Donald Trump yang kalau
bicara tak jarang memicu kehebohan, sudah tak perlu diperkenalkan lagi,
Tentang LGBT  

Jacinda Ardern menanggalkan keyakinan agamanya saat berusia 20-an tahun

karena sikap negatif Gereja Mormon mengenai isu LGBT. Sementara dia
adalah pendukung lantang hak-hak LGBT dan pada tahun 2013 ia bersuara
mendukung undang-undang kesetaraan perkawinan yang mendukung
pernikahan sejenis.

Di lebih dari separuh 21 negara anggota APEC, pernikahan sesama jenis

adalah hal yang ilegal. Di Brunei, seks gay dikriminalisasi, baik berdasar
hukum pidana maupun hukum syariah, dengan ancaman hukuman sangat
Beberapa negara anggota APEC sedang berada di ambang perubahan,
seperti Cile: Presiden Michelle Bachelet telah menandatangani undang-
undang yang akan melegalkan pernikahan sesama jenis.

Lingkungan Hidup
Jacinda Ardern telah mengungkapkan komitmennya secara jelas, yang
merupakan hal yang sangat kontras dengan pernyataan presiden AS,

Antara lain tentang peningkatan dana konservasi, program penanaman

pohon, Undang-Undang Nol Karbon dan investasi untuk bersepeda dan
berjalan kaki yang aman.
Di sisi lain, bulan Juni, Trump mengatakan AS akan menarik diri dari
kesepakatan iklim Paris.

Trump mengatakan bahwa dia akan, "memulai negosiasi untuk kembali

bergabung dalam kesepakatan Paris atau suatu transaksi yang sepenuhnya
baru dengan ketentuan yang adil bagi Amerika Serikat" - gagasan yang
langsung dikesampingkan oleh para pemimpin lainnya.

Trump bukan satu-satunya yang skeptis. Bulan Oktober, mantan Perdana

Menteri Australia Tony Abbott, ia berpidato di sebuah lembaga yang skeptis
pada perubahan iklim. Judul pidatonya, "Berani untuk ragu."
Perdana Menteri Australia yang sekarang, Malcolm Turnbull juga dikritik
karena gagal menghadapi para penyangkal perubahan iklim di partainya.

Pada beberapa topik, seperti pendidikan, Jacinda Ardern menemukan
kesamaan dengan para sejawatnya di APEC.

Perdana Menteri Jepang berjanji untuk menjadikan pendidikan sebagai

prioritas setelah dia terpilih kembali dalam pemilihan sela bulan lalu. Namun,
partai oposisi, yang telah lama berkampanye mengenai masalah ini,
mempertanyakan ketulusan rencana ini.
Di seluruh kawasan Asia Pasifik kebanyakan perguruan tinggi masih
mengenakan biaya, dan sebagian di antaranya tergolong tinggi.

Namun, Taiwan menawarkan biaya kuliah yang rendah, dan pada bulan
Agustus Presiden Filipina Rodrigo Duterte menandatangani undang-undang
baru yang menyediakan pendidikan gratis bagi lebih dari satu juta siswa di
sekolah menangah atas dan kejuruan negeri.

Bulan September, The Wall Street Journal membandingkan Jacinda Ardern
dengan Presiden AS Donald Trump untuk sikapnya terhadap imigrasi.

"Perkenalkan, Justin Trudeau dari Selandia Baru - kecuali bahwa dia lebih
mirip Donald Trump tentang isu imigrasi," katanya.

Jacinda Ardern tidak akan membangun tembok dan dia tidak tampak
mendukung larangan perjalanan seperti Trump, tapi dia memang ingin
mengurangi migrasi tahunan hingga 30.000 orang per tahun. Ini kebijakan
yang dia warisi dari pendahulunya.

Dia merujuk isu-isu infrastruktur dan krisis perumahan sebagai alasannya,
tapi dia bersikeras bahwa kebijakan ini tidak akan berdampak pada pengungsi
yang ada di Selandia Baru.

Dia bahkan mengatakan bahwa Selandia Baru harus bersiap untuk

menghadapi 'pengungsi perubahan iklim' dari negara-negara kepulauan
sekitarnya di Pasifik.

Masih harus dilihat seberapa sulit baginya untuk mengejar ambisi ini,
mengingat Partai Buruh ikut bergabung dalam koalisi. Bulan lalu, Pengadilan
Imigrasi dan Perlindungan Selandia Baru menolak permohonan sebuah
keluarga dari pulau Tuvalu yang ingin tetap tinggal di Selandia Baru, dengan
menggunakan alasan perubahan iklim.

Jadi, Jacinda Ardern yang belia, liberal, santai dan pemimpin terbaru dalam
paket APEC ini sekarang menjadi bagian dari kelompok perempuan terpilih,
yang duduk di kekuasaan tertinggi. Tetapi apakah dia akan meninggalkan
pertemuan puncak APEC ini dengan memperoleh lebih banyak teman atau
Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern (/dʒəˈsɪndə ˈɑːrdɜːrn/, lahir pada 26 Juli 1980) adalah
seorang politikus dari Partai Buruh Selandia Baru,[1] yang kini menjabat sebagai Perdana
Menteri Selandia Baru.[2] Jacinda Ardern merupakan perdana menteri termuda dalam 150
tahun terbentuknya Negara Selandia Baru, sekaligus menjadi pemimpin wanita termuda di

Kehidupan Awal
Jacinda Ardern lahir sebagai bungsu dari dua bersaudara di Hamilton, Selandia Baru, pada
26 Juli 1980.[4] Ayahnya, Ross Ardern, bekerja sebagai polisi, dan ibunya, Laurell Ardern,
bekerja sebagai pekerja di kantin sekolah.[2][5]  Jacinda Ardern tumbuh besar di Murupara,
sebuah kota kecil di timur laut Wellington, sebelum akhirnya berpindah
ke Morrinsville, Waikato, akibat kenaikan pangkat ayahnya. Ia kemudian menamatkan
pendidikan dasar dan menengahnya di kota ini.[5]

Setelah menamatkan pendidikan menengahnya, Jacinda Ardern mengambil jurusan

komunikasi politik di Universitas Waikato pada tahun 1999.[1] Saat masih kuliah, Ardern
dikenal telah aktif di dunia politik. Ia bergabung dengan Partai Buruh Selandia Baru tak
lama setelah menempuh pendidikan tinggi, di usia 17 tahun, pada 1999. [2][5] Dengan
bantuan bibinya, ia menjadi terlibat dalam kampanye pemilihan Harry Duynhoven sebagai
anggota parlemen di distrik New Plymouth.[2] Setelah meraih gelar sarjana, Ardern bekerja
sebagai peneliti kebijakan politik untuk anggota parlemen lain dari partainya.
 Pekerjaannya ini membuatnya mendapat posisi sebagai staff dari Perdana Menteri yang
menjabat saat itu, Helen Clark, wanita kedua yang pernah menjabat sebagai Perdana
Menteri Selandia Baru.[2][5]

Karier politik[sunting | sunting sumber]

Anggota parlemen[sunting | sunting sumber]

Pada tahun 2008, Jacinda Ardern menjadi kandidat anggota parlemen dari Partai Buruh
untuk mewakili distrik Waikato.[1] Ia kemudian terpilih di usianya yang baru 28 tahun,
sekaligus menjadikannya anggota parlemen termuda. Dalam pidato-pidatonya ia dikenal
sebaga pendukung dari kebijakan penggunaan bahasa Maori di sekolah-sekolah Selandia
Baru.[1][2] Ia juga mengecam respon dan kebijakan pemerintah Selandia Baru terhadap
perubahan iklim yang ia nilai sebagai sesuatu yang "memalukan". [2]
Pemimpin partai[sunting | sunting sumber]

Pascapengunduran Andrew Little sebagai pemimpin Partai Buruh pada 1 Agustus 2017,

hanya sebulan sebelum pemilihan umum Selandia Baru dilaksanakan, Jacinda Ardern
berhasil terpilih sebagai ketua baru Partai Buruh. [2] Sebagai pemimpin Partai Buruh yang
baru, Ardern berhasil membuat Partai Buruh meraih 36.9% suara pemilih, [5] dimana pada
bulan Juli sebelumnya, survey menunjukan Partai Buruh hanya masuk dalam 25%
preferensi pemilih.[2]

Perdana Menteri Selandia Baru[sunting | sunting sumber]

Setelah lobi-lobi yang cukup alot, Jacinda Ardern akhirnya berhasil memperoleh koalisi
untuk mengamankan setidaknya 63 kursi di Parlemen Selandia Baru, sekaligus
membuatnya naik menjadi Perdana Menteri ke-40 Selandia Baru. [5][7] Seperti pendahulunya
Helen Clark, Jacinda Ardern dalam pidato-pidato dan kebijakannya memberi perhatian
khusus terhadap seni serta warisan dan kebudayaan Selandia Baru. Lebih khusus lagi, ia
menyatakan akan mengurangi dampak dari kemiskinan terhadap anak-anak. [5] Arden juga
dikenal sebagai sosok yang memberi perhatian khusus pada kebijakan-kebijakan yang
terkait lingkungan hidup dan perubahan iklim. [2]

Kehidupan pribadi[sunting | sunting sumber]

Jacinda Ardern dibesarkan sebagai anggota dari Gereja Yesus Kristus dari Orang-orang
Suci Zaman Akhir, namun pada 2005 ia memutuskan keluar dari keanggotaan gereja
tersebut karena dukungannya terhadap hak-hak dan kebebasan kaum homoseksual.
 Pada Januari 2017, dalam sebuah wawancara, Jacinda Ardern menyatakan dirinya
sebagai agnostik.[6]
Sumber: diakses 05/02/2018 diakses 10/02/2018

Jacinda Ardern
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Right Honourable

Jacinda Ardern

Ardern in 2017

40th Prime Minister of New Zealand


Assumed office
26 October 2017

Monarch Elizabeth II

Governor-General Patsy Reddy

Deputy Winston Peters

Preceded by Bill English

36th Leader of the Opposition

In office
1 August 2017 – 26 October 2017

Deputy Kelvin Davis

Preceded by Andrew Little

Succeeded by Bill English

17th Leader of the Labour Party


Assumed office
1 August 2017

Deputy Kelvin Davis

Preceded by Andrew Little

Deputy Leader of the Opposition

In office
7 March 2017 – 1 August 2017

Leader Andrew Little

Preceded by Annette King

Succeeded by Kelvin Davis

17th Deputy Leader of the Labour Party

In office
1 March 2017 – 1 August 2017

Leader Andrew Little

Preceded by Annette King

Succeeded by Kelvin Davis

Member of the New Zealand Parliament

for Mount Albert


Assumed office
8 March 2017

Preceded by David Shearer

Member of the New Zealand Parliament

for the Labour Party List

In office
8 November 2008 – 8 March 2017

Succeeded by Raymond Huo

Personal details

Born Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern

26 July 1980 (age 37)
Hamilton, New Zealand

Political party Labour Party

Domestic partner Clarke Gayford

Parents Ross Ardern (father)

Alma mater University of Waikato

Website Official website

Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern[1] (/dʒəˈsɪndə ˈɑːrdɜːrn/,[2] born 26 July 1980) is a New Zealand

politician who has been serving as the40th Prime Minister of New Zealand since 26 October 2017.
She is also Leader of the Labour Party, having taken office on 1 August 2017, and has been
the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Mount Albert electorate since 8 March 2017. She was first
elected to parliament as a list MP at the 2008 general election.[3] Ardern is the world’s youngest
female head of government, having taken office at age 37. [4]
After graduating from the University of Waikato in 2001, Ardern began her career working as a
researcher in the office of Prime Minister Helen Clark. She later worked in the United Kingdom as a
policy advisor to British Prime Minister Tony Blair.[5] In 2008, she was elected President of
the International Union of Socialist Youth.[6] Ardern became a list MP in 2008, a position she held for
almost ten years until her election to the Mount Albert electorate in the 2017 by-election, held on 25
February. She was unanimously elected as Deputy Leader of the NZ Labour Party on 1 March 2017
following the resignation of Annette King.
She became Leader of the Labour Party on 1 August 2017 when Andrew Little resigned from the
position following a historically low poll result for the party.[7] In the general election of 23 September
2017, the Labour Party won 46 seats (a net gain of 14), putting it behind the National Party led
by Bill English, which won 56 seats.[8] After negotiations with National and Labour, New Zealand
Firstchose to enter into a minority coalition government with Labour, supported by the Greens, with
Ardern as Prime Minister.[9]
Ideologically, Ardern describes herself as both a social democrat and a progressive.[10][11]

Early life and education[edit]

Born in Hamilton, New Zealand,[12] Ardern grew up in Morrinsville and Murupara, where her
father, Ross Ardern, worked as a police officer[13] and her mother, Laurell Ardern, was a school
catering assistant.[14] She attended the University of Waikato, graduating in 2001 with a Bachelor of
Communication Studies (BCS) in politics and public relations.[15]
Ardern was brought into politics by her aunt, a longstanding member of the Labour Party, who
recruited a teenage Ardern to help her with campaigning for New Plymouth MP Harry
Duynhoven during his re-election campaign at the 1999 general election.[16]
Ardern joined the Labour Party at a young age, and became a senior figure in the Young
Labour sector of the party. After graduating from university, she spent time working in the offices
of Phil Goff and of Helen Clark as a researcher. After a period of time volunteering at a soup kitchen
in New York City,[17] Ardern went to London to work as a senior policy adviser in an 80-person policy
unit of then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair.[5]
She never met Blair there, but did question him about the invasion of Iraq at an event in New
Zealand in 2011.[18] She was also seconded to the Home Office to help with a review of policing
in England and Wales.[15] In early 2008, she was elected as the President of the International Union
of Socialist Youth,[6] a role which saw her spend time in several countries, including Jordan, Israel,
Algeria and China.[15]

Political career[edit]
See also: Electoral history of Jacinda Ardern
Member of Parliament[edit]

New Zealand Parliament

Years Term Electorate List Party

2008–11 49th List 20 Labour

2011–14 50th List 13 Labour

2014–17 51st List 5 Labour

2017 51st Mount Albert Labour

2017–present 52nd Mount Albert 1 Labour

Ahead of the 2008 election, Ardern was ranked 20th on Labour'sparty list. This was a very high
placement for someone who was not already a sitting MP, and virtually assured her of a seat in
Parliament. Accordingly, Ardern returned from London to campaign full-time. [19]She also became
Labour's candidate for the safe National electorate of Waikato. Ardern was unsuccessful in the
electorate vote, but her high placement on Labour's party list allowed her to enter Parliament as a list
MP.[20] Upon election, she became the youngest sitting MP in Parliament, succeeding fellow Labour
MP Darren Hughes, and remained the youngest MP until the election of Gareth Hughes on 11
February 2010.

Ardern, with Phil Goff and Carol Beaumont, at an anti-mining march on 1 May 2010

Opposition leader Phil Goff promoted Ardern to the front bench, naming her Labour's spokesperson
for Youth Affairs and as associate spokesperson for Justice (Youth Affairs). [21]
She has made regular appearances on TVNZ's Breakfast programme as part of the "Young Guns"
feature, in which she appeared alongside National MP Simon Bridges.[22]
Ardern contested the seat of Auckland Central for Labour in the 2011 general election, standing
against incumbent National MP Nikki Kaye for National and Greens candidate Denise Roche.
Despite targeting Green voters to vote strategically for her, she lost to Kaye by 717 votes. However,
she returned to Parliament via the party list, on which she was ranked 13th. [23] She maintained an
office within the electorate while a listed MP based in Auckland Central.
After Goff resigned from the Party leadership following his defeat at the 2011 election, Ardern
supported David Shearer over David Cunliffe. She was elevated to the fourth-ranking position in the
Shadow Cabinet on 19 December 2011, becoming a spokesperson for social development under
new leader David Shearer.[21]
Ardern stood again in Auckland Central at the 2014 general election. She again finished second
though increased her own vote and reduced Kaye's majority from 717 to 600. [24]Ranked 5th on
Labour's list Ardern was still returned to Parliament where she became Shadow Minister of Justice,
Children, Small Business and Arts & Culture under new leaderAndrew Little.[25]
Mount Albert by-election[edit]
Main article: Mount Albert by-election, 2017

Ardern announced that she intended to put forward her name for the Labour nomination for
the Mount Albert by-election to be held in February 2017[26] following the resignation of former Labour
leader David Shearer on 8 December 2016. When nominations for the Labour Party closed on 12
January 2017, Ardern was the only nominee and was selected unopposed. On 21 January, Ardern
participated in the 2017 Women's March, a worldwide protest in opposition to Donald Trump, the
newly inaugurated President of the United States. [27] She was confirmed as Labour's candidate at a
meeting on 22 January.[28][29] Ardern won a landslide victory, gaining 77 percent of votes cast in the
preliminary results.[30][31]
Following her win in the by-election, Ardern was unanimously elected as deputy leader of the Labour
Party on 7 March 2017, following the resignation of Annette King who was intending to retire at the
next election.[32] Ardern's vacant list seat was taken by Raymond Huo.[33]
Leader of the Opposition[edit]

Ardern campaigning at theUniversity of Auckland in 2017

Main article: Shadow Cabinet of Jacinda Ardern

On 1 August 2017, just seven weeks before the 2017 general election, she assumed the office of
Leader of the Opposition and leader of the New Zealand Labour Party following the resignation
of Andrew Little, and was unanimously confirmed in an election to choose a new leader at a caucus
meeting the same day.[34] At 37, Ardern became the youngest leader of the Labour Party in its
history.[35] She is also the second female leader of the party after Helen Clark.[36] According to Ardern,
Little had previously approached her on 26 July and said he thought she should take over as Labour
leader then as he was of the opinion he couldn't turn things around for the party, although Ardern
declined and told him to "stick it out".[37]
At her first press conference following her election as leader, she said that the forthcoming election
campaign would be one of "relentless positivity".[38] Immediately following her appointment, the party
was inundated with donations by the public, reaching NZ$700 per minute at its peak. [39] Ardern's
election was followed by a spate of positive coverage from many sections of the media, including
international outlets such as CNN,[40] with commentators referring to a 'Jacinda effect' and
After Ardern's ascension to the leadership Labour rose dramatically in opinion polls. By late August
they had risen to 43 per cent in theColmar Brunton poll (having been 24 per cent under Little's
leadership) as well as managing to overtake National in opinion polls for the first time in over a
decade.[37] In mid-August 2017, Ardern announced that a Labour government would establish a tax
working group to explore the possibility of introducing a capital gains tax but ruled out taxing family
homes.[43][44] In response to negative publicity, Ardern abandoned plans to introduce a capital gains
tax during the first term of a Labour government. [45][46] Finance spokesperson Grant Robertson later
clarified that Labour would not introduce new taxes until after the 2020 election. The policy shift
accompanied strident allegations by the Minister of Finance Steven Joyce that Labour had a
$11.7 billion "hole" in its tax policy.[47][48]
The Labour and Green parties' proposed water and pollution taxes also generated criticism from
farmers. On 18 September, the farming lobby group Federated Farmers staged a protest against the
taxes in Ardern's hometown of Morrinsville. New Zealand First leader Winston Peters attended the
protest to campaign, but was jeered at by the farmers because they suspected he was also in favour
of the taxes. During the protest, one farmer displayed a sign calling Ardern a "pretty Communist".
This was criticised as misogynistic by former Prime Minister Helen Clark.[49][50] During the campaign
trail, Ardern expressed her support for easing restrictions on abortion by removing it from the 1961
Crimes Act.[51]In September, Ardern said she wanted New Zealand to have a debate
on removing the monarch of New Zealand as its head of state.[52]
Preliminary results from the 2017 general election indicated that the party got a more modest
35.79% of the vote to National's 46.03%. Labour gained 14 seats, increasing its parliamentary
representation to 45 seats. This is still the best result for Labour since losing power in 2008. [53]
 Following the elections, Ardern and Deputy Leader Kelvin Davisentered into negotiations with the
Greens and New Zealand First parties to explore forming a coalition since the rival National Party
lacked sufficient seats to govern alone. Under the country's mixed-member proportional (MMP)
voting system, New Zealand First held the balance of power, and was, therefore, able to practically
choose the office-holder.[55][56]Following the release of special including overseas voting results on 7
October, Labour gained an extra seat, raising its presence in a parliament to 46 seats. [8] Ardern
welcomed the results and remarked that they would give Labour an advantage in negotiations to
form the next government.[57]
Prime Minister of New Zealand[edit]
See also: Sixth Labour Government of New Zealand and List of international prime ministerial trips
made by Jacinda Ardern
Ardern with Deputy Prime MinisterWinston Peters and Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy at the
swearing-in of the Cabinet on 26 October 2017

On 19 October 2017, New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters announced that his party would
form a coalition with Labour, [9] making Ardern the next Prime Minister, and the second youngest in
New Zealand's history (after Edward Stafford).[58][59] This coalition will receive confidence and
supply from the Green Party.[60] In return for Peters' support, Ardern named him as Deputy Prime
Minister andMinister of Foreign Affairs. She also gave New Zealand First five seats in her ministry,
with Peters and three other members serving in Cabinet. [61][62]
On 20 October, Ardern confirmed that she would hold the ministerial portfolios of National Security
and Intelligence, Arts, Culture and Heritage, and Vulnerable Children, reflecting the shadow
positions she held as Leader of the Opposition. [63] However, as of 25 October 2017 her position as
Minister for Vulnerable Children had been replaced with the role of Minister for Child Poverty
Reduction, and New Zealand First MP Tracey Martin took on the role of Minister for Children. [64] She
was officially sworn in by Patsy Reddy on 26 October 2017, alongside her cabinet. [65] Upon taking
office, Ardern said that her government would be "focused, empathetic and strong". [66]
Ardern is New Zealand's third female Prime Minister after Jenny Shipley (1997–1999) and Helen
Clark (1999–2008).[67][68]
On 31 October 2017, it was announced that Ardern would make her first official overseas trip to
Australia, where she would meet Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Relations between the two
countries had been strained in the preceding months because of Australia's treatment of New
Zealanders living in the country, and shortly before taking office, Ardern had spoken of the need to
rectify this situation, and to develop a better working relationship with the Australian government.
The meeting, the first time the two Prime Ministers had met face-to-face, took place on 5
November 2017. Turnbull described the meeting in cordial terms: "we trust each other...The fact we
are from different political traditions is irrelevant". [70] Ardern flew to Vietnam on 9 November 2017 for
the 2017 APEC summit.[71]
On 19 January 2018, Ardern announced that she was pregnant and that Winston Peters would take
the role of Acting Prime Minister for six weeks after the delivery.[72]

Political views[edit]
Ardern speaking at a Labour Partyevent in 2016

Ardern has described herself as a social democrat,[10] a progressive,[11] a republican[52] and a feminist,

 citing Helen Clark as a political hero[74] and calling capitalism a "blatant failure" due to the extent
of homelessness in New Zealand.[75] She advocates a lower rate ofimmigration, suggesting a drop of
around 20,000–30,000. Calling it an "infrastructure issue", she argues, "there hasn't been enough
planning about population growth, we haven't necessarily targeted our skill shortages properly".
 However, she wants to increase the intake of refugees. [77]
Ardern believes the retention or abolition of Māori electorates should be decided by Māori, stating,
"[Māori] have not raised the need for those seats to go, so why would we ask the question?" [78] She
supports compulsory teaching of the Māori language in schools.[10]
On social issues, Ardern voted in favour of same-sex marriage[79] and believes abortion should be
removed from the Crimes Act.[80] She supports the decriminalisation of cannabis, pledging to hold a
referendum on the matter in her first term as prime minister. [81][82]
Referring to New Zealand's nuclear-free policy, she described taking action on climate change as
"my generation's nuclear-free moment".[83]

Personal life[edit]
Ardern was raised a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but left the church
in 2005 because, she said, it conflicted with her personal views (in particular her support for gay
rights).[84] In January 2017 Ardern identified as "agnostic".[84]
Her partner is television presenter Clarke Gayford. [85][86] They had a ginger and white polydactyl
cat named Paddles, which became a celebrity as the "First Cat" after Ardern took office, even having
a Twitter account established in its name. Paddles died in early November 2017 after being hit by a
car in the Auckland suburb of Point Chevalier.[87][88][89]
On 19 January 2018, Ardern announced that she was pregnant and expecting her first child in June.

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