Anda di halaman 1dari 3


Exercise 1

Answer the Questions!

Answer the questions based on the text above.

a What should you do first when using washing machine to wash your clothes?

1.Add your dirty clothes and detergent to the drum

of the machine

2. Fill the drum with water at the temperature you


b. What do you do next?

Perform the Wash' cycle-bear in mind a large load will need more time to wash than a smaller one

C. What should you switch after wash' processed is finished?

Once the Wash' cycle has finished,drain the dirty water using the hose refill the drum with

d. What should you do to make your clothes dry?

You now need to get the clothes as dry as possible by spinning them. A fully automaticmachine will do
this for you, but if you have a semi-automatic machine. you now need to transfer your clothes from the
washing drum into the other drum -again, the size of the load will determine how long you need to spin
them for

e. What is the difference between automatic and semi-automatic washing machine when you spin the

Mesin cuci otomatis

masukkan pakaian yang hendak Anda cuci ke dalam tabung mesin cuci

Tambahkan detergen yang sesuai untuk mesin cuci satu tabung

Pilihlah pengaturan pencucian yang sesuai dengan jumlah dan jenis pakaian yang Anda cuci
Selanjutnya, biarkan mesin cuci bekerja dengan sendirinya

Jika proses mencuci sudah selesai, Anda dapat memindahkan pakaian Anda ke dalam mesin pengering
yang terpisah atau Anda bisa juga menggantungnya dan menjemurnya hingga kering

Masukkan cucian tersebut ke dalam tabung cuci

Tambahkan air ke dalam tabung tersebut dan pastikan Anda merujuk pada buku panduan penggunaan
mesin cuci terkait dengan banyaknya air dan suhu yang tepat untuk mencuci

Mesin cuci semi otomatis

Masukkan detergent ke dalam tabung cuci

Selanjutnya pilihlah pengaturan cucian yang sesuai dengan jenis pakaian

Setelah putaran cucian telah selesai, kuras air di dalam tabung lalu isi kembali air untuk putaran

Setelah pakaian Anda selesai dibilasi, kuras air di dalam tabung, lalu pindahkan pakaian Anda yang masih
dalam keadaan basah ke dalam tabung pemutar pakaian . Tabung ini berfungsi untuk memutar dan
memeras air dari pakaian Anda

Setelah semuanya selesai, pindahkan pakaian Anda ke dalam meisn pengering secara terpisah atau
gantung dan jemur pakaian Anda hingga kering.

Exercise 2

Now give your opinion (agree, hesitate or disagree) based on the manual how to use ATM. Give check
(v) sign!
No Statements Agree Hesitate Disagree

1 You should insert your card into the Agree


2 You don't need necessary to select Hesitate


3 You need to inform your PIN Agree


4 It's okay to use similar number for Hesitate

your PIN.

5 You have to select the menu on Agree


6 You have to select the amount of Agree

the money you want to withdraw

7 There are several menu on screen. Agree

8 You can use your debit card to do Disagree

other transactions

9 You have to report the bank if your Agree

card swallowed' buy the machine.

10 ATM will printout the report of Agree

your transaction

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