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TEMA : (Chapter VI) Too Hot, Too Cool ; Menerapakan fungsi teks dan unsur kebahasaan
penggunaan too…to enough..too
ALOKASI WAKTU : 4 Minggu x 4 Jam Pelajaran @40 Menit

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:
1. Memahami fungsi sosial penggunaan too..... to, enough .... to ...
2. Memahami struktur too ... to, enough ... to...
3. Membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan too.... to..., enough .... to ...
4. Menyusun dialog yang mengandung unsur too.... to..., enough .... to ...

B. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (15 Menit)

Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai pembelajaran, memeriksa kehadiran
peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin
Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan pengalaman peserta didik dengan
materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya serta mengajukan pertanyaan untuk mengingat dan menghubungkan dengan
Menyampaikan motivasi tentang apa yang dapat diperoleh (tujuan & manfaat) dengan mempelajari materi :
Penggunaan too…to enough..too di
Menjelaskan hal-hal yang akan dipelajari, kompetensi yang akan dicapai, serta metode belajar yang akan ditempuh.
Kegiatan Inti ( 130 Menit )
Kegiatan Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya
Literasi kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan terkait materi Penggunaan too…to
Critical https:memberikan
Guru //classroom.gkesempatan
NzBa mungkin hal yang belum dipahami,
Thinking dimulai dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus
tetap berkaitan dengan materi Penggunaan too…to enough..too
Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,
mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi mengenai Penggunaan too…to
Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok atau individu secara klasikal,
on mengemukakan pendapat atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi kembali oleh
kelompok atau individu yang mempresentasikan
Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait
Creativity Penggunaan too…to enough..too
ldet99GCr7pK_pW06pvzl9/view Peserta didik kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan
kembali hal-hal yang belum dipahami
Kegiatan Penutup (15 Menit)
Peserta didik membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam
kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.
Guru membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan
pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.

C. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

- Penilaian Pengetahuan berupa tes tertulis pilihan ganda & tertulis uraian, tes lisan / observasi
terhadap diskusi tanya jawab dan percakapan serta penugasan

- Penilaian Keterampilan berupa penilaian unjuk kerja, penilaian proyek, penilaian produk dan
penilaian portofolio

CHAPTER 1 Too/Enough

Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Setelah mempelajari Bab 1, siswa diharapkan mampu:
1. Mengidentifikasi penggunaan kata ‘too and enough’ pada contoh kalimat.
2. Mengklasifikasikan kata ‘too’ dan ‘enough’ sebagai salah satu pernyataan kecukupan
(adverbs of degree) dengan melengkapi kalimat rumpang.
3. Menganalisis struktur penggunaan ‘too’ dan ‘enough’ dari kalimat rumpang yang
sudah dilengkapi dengan kata ‘too’ dan ‘enough’.
4. Melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang dengan menggunakan ‘too’ dan ‘enough’ melalui
soal soal dari permainan ‘Show Your Choice’.
5. Membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan ‘too’ dan ‘enough’ dengan berbagai jenis
struktur yang berbeda.

Part 1: Warmer Discussion

Activity 1 Pay attention to the sentences below.

“Footballers earn too much money.”

“Teachers don’t earn enough money.”

Too artinya terlalu atau sesuatu yang berlebihan, sedangkan enough berarti cukup.
Activity 2 Please discuss the Function, Form and Example.
English grammar – Too & enough
Too adalah sebuah kata keterangan yang memiliki arti negatif. Padanan arti untuk ‘too’ adalah ‘terlalu’.
Too adalah adverb of degree yang berarti melebihi batas yang dibutuhkan.
Enough  adalah adverb of degree   yang berarti “sampai batas  yang dibutuhkan”.
Too dan enough, dua-duanya juga adalah merupakan kata keterangan, namun pada enough memiliki arti positif.
Padanan arti untuk enough adalah “cukup”.
” Jika too untuk negatif, namun enough digunakan untuk positif.”
Lihat perbedaan fungsi too dan enough pada dialog berikut:
nton: This picture is very beautiful. I like it very much. How much does it cost?
Andi: Rp. 350.000
Anton: That’s too much money for me. I can’t buy it.
ndi: That’s another one that is very beautiful *too. And the price isn’t too high. It’s only Rp. 100.000
Anton: Yes, the price is low enough. I could buy it very easily
Andi: Is it large enough for your room?
Anton: No, it is not. It’s very small
Andi: Actually it’s too small. You shouldn’t buy it.
Using Too
too + adjective/adverb
too much/many + noun
too + adjective/adverb + to infinitive
too + adjective + for something/somebody
•       The children were too noisy. (too + adjective)
•       He worked too hard. (too + adverb)
•       She ate too much meat. (too much+ noun phrase)
•       He had too many  ties. (too many+ noun phrase)
•       This coffee is too hot to drink. (too + adjective/ + to infinitive)
•       The letters are too small to read. (too + adjective/ + to infinitive)
•       The cake isn’t too small  to be divided. (too + adjective/ + to infinitive)
•       The car was too terrible  to be used. (too + adjective/ + to infinitive)
•       They talked too loud  to make him angry. (too + adjective/ + to infinitive)
•       It was too expensive  for him. (too + adjective + for somebody)
•       Your costume are too formal  for the garden party. (too + adjective + for something)
Using Enough
adjective/adverb + enough
adjective/adverb + enough + to infinitive
adjective/adverb + enough +for something/somebody

Example :

•       Am I qualified  enough? (adjective+ enough)

•       He drives slowly  enough. (adverb+ enough)
•       The juice is sweet  enough. (adjective+ enough)
•       You are quite clever you understand perfectly..You are clever enough to understand perfectly ( adjective+ enough to
•       The fruit is ripe. We can pick it. The fruit is ripe enough to pick ( adjective+ enough to Infinitive
•       Your dream is not difficult  enough to be reached. (adjective+ enough to Infinitive )
•       I slept long  enough to be fresh all day. (adverb+ enough to Infinitive )
•       She ran fast  enough to catch the bus. (adverb+ enough to Infinitive )
•       The room is spacious   enough for me. (adjective+ enough+for /Somebody )

•       He was competent   enough for the job. (adjective+ enough+for Something)

1.      Too is used to mean more than sufficient or more/less than necessary.
Too means more than enough, an excessive amount or degree.
o  It’s too late to stop him.
o  Jerry was too young to watch the movie.
o  There are too many people on this train, there’s nowhere to sit.
o  You have too much money, give some to me.
o  You’ve eaten too many of those cakes.
2.      Enough is used to mean sufficient .
Enough means a satisfactory amount or degree.
o  Your clothes are big enough to fit me.
o  You’ve done enough work. You can stop now.
o  Have you got enough money to buy me a drink?
3.      Enough is used in negative sentences to mean less than sufficient or less than necessary.
o  You’re not working fast enough, you won’t finish on time.
o  Sorry, I haven’t got enough food for everyone.
o  Not enough of my friends are coming to the party.
Additional points
1.      Enough can be used without a noun if the meaning is clear.
o  There’s a lot of food but not enough for everyone.
2.      Enough can be replaced with the before a noun.
o  I don’t have the money to go on holiday.
o  His company doesn’t have the resources to do the job.
3.      Time or room can be used alone to mean enough time or enough room.
o  Is there room in your car for one more person?
o  Do we have time for a coffee?

Task 1. What are the functions of these adverbs of degree?
1. TOO = To express
2. ENOUGH = To express
3. NOT ENOUGH = To express

ask 2 Make a sentence for each structure in this column below. Underline words that include in the structure
except too/enough/not enough. No 1a and 3c have done for you.

1. Too + Adjective  This soup is too salty.
2. Not + Verbs + Adverbs of manner + Enough  My father does not walk carefully enough.


1 TOO a) Too + Adjective a)
b) Too + Much/Little+ b)
Uncountable c)
Nouns d)
c) Too + Many/Few + e)
d) Too + Adverbs of
e) Verbs + Too +
2 ENOUGH b) Adjective + Enough a)
c) Enough + Nouns b)
d) Adverbs of manner + c)
Enough d)
e) Verbs + Enough
3 NOT a) Not + Adjective + a)
ENOUGH Enough b)
b) Not + Verbs + Enough c)
+ Nouns d)
c) Not + Verbs + Adverbs
of manner +
d) Not + Verbs + Enough

ask 3 Please write the form of the adverb of degree. And underline the words that include the Structure or Form.
1. The student can't buy the book. It is too expensive.
 2. The students could not finish the test. It was  too long.
 3. I could not answer the question. It wasn't easy enough
  4. We can't all get into this small car. It isn't big enough.
 5. The woman can't hear the television. It isn't loud  enough.
 6. The man can't see the sun. The sky isn't clear enough.
7. It's too cold to go outside.
 8. The weather isn't nice enough to go outside.
 9. This math exercise isn't easy enough. to do by students.
10. The boy is too short to reach the shelf.

Part 2: Listening
vity 1. Your friends will read the following dialog. Listen carefully. Then underline the sentences whish use too and

Mr. Leok : Hullo, Mr. Jhon. Thank you for coming. I’m glad you can come. I
really appreciate it.
Mr. Jhon : Thank you, Mr. Leok, congratulation on the school anniversary.
Mr. Leok : Oh, Thank you very much, Mr. Jhon. I know you’re very busy.
Mr. Jhon : It’s okay. But I’m not too busy to come here. By the way, how many
classes have you got now?
Mr. Leok : Thank you. Hmm…It’s big enough, 36 altogether and this is
the 25th anniversary.
MrJhon :Tthe 25th ? Well?, you’ve done a great job, Mr. leok. Congratulation
once again and every success in the future.
Mr. Leok : You too, Mr. Jhon. Enjoy the party, please. Oh, would you excuse me
for a moment, please ?
Mr. Jhon : Of course!

vity 2. Your teacher will read the following dialog. Listen carefully. Then, Fill in the blank with the words in the
too much work enough out of
enough enough
too much not be too much
Dialog 1
Professor: Ok students, that is 1. __________________chit chat. It is time to start class. Today, we will start the
second part of the curriculum. There will be more reading for this section, but hopefully it will 2.
___________________to discourage you from continuing with this class.
Dialog 2
Husband: Can we afford this car?
Wife: Well, we have 1. _________________money, but I still think the cost is 2.______________!
Husband: Ok, let's find something cheaper.
Dialog 3
Sylvia: I heard you are quitting law school?
Hank: Yes, it is 1._____________ for me, and I don't think I get 2.____________ it. I plan on doing
something else.

vity 2. Guided Discovery


"Too" dan "Enough" adalah kata -kata yang termasuk dalam golongan Adverbs of degree. Both of them have
function in expressing sufficiency.

OO – there is a problem with quantity or size of something. Usually it shows negative opinion.
 Too + Adjectives, Example: this ladder is too short.
 Too + much/little+ uncountable noun, Example: This coffee is too much/little sugar.
 Too + many/few + countable noun, Example: This room has too many/ few
 Too + adverbs, Example: Your question is too difficult.
Verbs + too much/little (seldom, although it’s possible to use like this), Example: I’ve wrote too much.

ENOUGH– indicates that quantity or size of something is suitable or appropriate.

 Adjectives + Enough, Example: This shirt is cheap enough.
ugh + Nouns (countable or uncountable), Example: There is enough sugar here.
 Adverbs + Enough, Example: That person walk slowly enough.
 Verbs + Enough, Example: I have read enough.

NOT ENOUGH (Negation of Enough) – the quantity is insufficient (the function is same to ‘too’, but how to use it
is difference)
 Not + Adjective + Enough, Example: Lono is not tall enough.
 Not + Verbs + Enough + Nouns, Example: She has not enough money.
 Not + Verbs + Adverbs of manner + Enough,

Example: My friend does not eat slowly enough.

 Not + Verbs + Enough, Example: I have not read enough.

Part 3 : Speaking
Activity 1. Look at the pictures below! Write a sentence for each picture. Use too + adjective, adjective +
enough. Number has been done for you.
1 6
He is too young to drive

2 7

3 8

4 9
5 10

ity 2. Please complete the sentences below!. Use too or enough.

A.    The car is _____ expensive to buy
B.     Lono is not tall _________
C.     I have _________ sugar to make a glass of tea.
D.    She is pretty _______.
E.     she is not old __________ to get married.
F.      I’m _______short to play basketball
G.    I have _______ sugar to make a glass of tea.
H.    The coffee is ______hot to drink
I.       I have not got _________time to play tennis today.
J.       This room has _______ many/ few books.

ity 3. Complete with TOO or ENOUGH and the adjective in brackets:

a) Peter is _____________to become a police officer. He's only 1.65 cm tall. (short)

b) I'd like to buy a new car and a good house, but I'm just not  __________to do it. (rich)

c) My school is _____________ from my house to go on foot. So, I cycle to school every morning. (far)

d) Kelly is ____________ to drive a car. She's only 14. (young)

e) That skirt you are wearing is __________  for you. You need a bigger size. (tight)

f) David is quite a fast runner, but he isn't  ________to beat the Italian runner, who is considered to be the best. (fast)

g) I'm a good swimmer, but I'm not _______ to enter a championship. (good)

h) The beach was  _________yesterday, so we decided to go somewhere else. (crowded)

i) We wanted to go to Paris last weekend, but the plane tickets were ____________ , so we stayed at home. (expensive)

j) This T-shirt isn't ___________ for me. I need a bigger one. (big)

k) We didn't buy the sofa because it wasn't ______________ . (comfortable)

l) The students are ____________  to study the irregular verbs list by heart. (lazy)

m) The soup isn't __________. I'd like it to be hotter. (hot)

n) Don't eat that chicken! It's _________. (salty)

o) The music is  ___________and I can't hear anything you say. (loud)

ity 4. Show your choice.
Instruction of Game :
a) Decide your group (4 to 5 persons)
b) Each member of the group will get A5 paper.
c) Each member should write ‘too’ in the upper side and ‘enough’ in the back side.
d) The teacher read the question and all of member of the group should answer it by raising on of side of the paper.
e) The member that answers the question wrongly, the amount of the member will be decreased.
(For example, group 1 contains 4 members. Then two of them show the wrong answer. Then, their members will be
f) The most member left in a group will be the winner.

1. Is she going to get married?
(Old) No, she is not old enough to get married.

2. I need to talk to you about something.

(Busy) Well, I am afraid I am ________ to talk to you now.

3. Let’s go to the cinema.

(late) No, it is ________ to go to the cinema.

4. Why don’t we sit in the garden?

(Warm) It is not __________ in the garden.

5. Would you like to be a politician?

(nice) No, I am __________ to be a politician.

6. Do you want to play tennis today?

(energy) No, I have not got _________ to play tennis today.

7. Did you hear what he was saying?

(far away) No, we were _________ to hear what he was saying.

8. Can he read a newspaper in English?

(English) No, he does not know _______ to read a newspaper.

Part 4 : Reading
vity 1. Read the following story carefully. Then underline the sentences which use too and enough.

Reading to a story
Beach story:
The other day I went to the beach with my family. It was a scorching day, I asked my friend to come but he said
it was too hot to go to the beach. We got in the car and drove to the beach. The beach was very crowded.
“Oh no! There are too many people here!” said my Mum.
“Don’t worry, there’s enough space for everyone.” said my Dad.
We unpacked the car and walked down to the beach. We put our towels down and my sister and I decided to go
for a swim. We ran to the water and jumped in.
“Brrrrr!” said my sister. “It’s too cold for me!” and she ran back to my Mum and Dad. I continued swimming for
a few minutes when suddenly I saw people windsurfing and there was a shop renting windsurfing boards, it looked
so much fun. I ran back to my parents and asked them if I could try it.
“I’m not sure.” said my Mum. “Do you think he’s old enough?” she asked my Dad.
“I think he’s old enough, but is he strong enough? I think the sail will be too heavy for you son.”
“Please please please, Dad!” I begged.
“Ok, let’s go and see how much it costs.” So we walked down to shop. It cost €20 to rent the board for the whole
“Buff!” said my Dad. “I think that’s too expensive, I don’t have enough money to pay that much.” So Dad
negotiated and in the end we paid €15 for the day. We took the board out into the water and I tried to lift the sail but
it was too heavy.
“Come on son! You’re not trying hard enough!” said my Dad. So I took the sail with both hands and made a big
effort. I didn’t want my dad to think I wasn’t strong enough to lift it. The sail came out of the water and the board
started moving across the water it was the most amazing feeling! We spent the whole day windsurfing, it was one of
the best days of my life.

Part 5 : Writing
ity 1. Rewrite the sentence adding too or enough to the sentence to modify an adjective, adverb or noun.
1.      My friend isn't patient with his friends.
2.      I don't have time to get everything done.
3.      I think the test was difficult.
4.      There is much salt in this soup!
5.      You are walking slowly. We need to hurry up. 
6.      I'm afraid I have many responsibilities.
7.      Peter isn't working fast. We'll never finish on time!
8.      I wish I were intelligent to pass this test. 
9.      Is there wine for dinner?
10.  He types quickly, so he makes a lot of mistakes.

Activity 2. Fill in the correct word (too or enough).

1.      I left the coffee for a minute to cool because it was ……hot to drink.
2.      He wasn't strong ……….to lift that heavy box.
3.      There aren't……….. policemen in our town.
4.      Do you have ………. information to help me with this problem?
5.      It is …………difficult to do for a little child.
6.      I do not have ……….much time to prepare dinner.
7.      I didn't buy the car because it was ……..expensive.
8.      He didn't work hard ………… to pass the exam.
9.      My mum can't sleep because she drinks ………much coffee.
10.  She isn't old ……… to start driving.
11.  Is there ............... bones in the fridge to feed two hundred dogs?
12.  Susan is strong .............. to carry these heavy bags.
13.  I can’t go to the disco because I’m ................... busy doing my new website.
14.  Philip isn’t ................. brave to kill a hen.
15.  Beta is .................... absent-minded to remember about everything.
16.  I’ve got .................. time to finish this exercise.
17.  Didn’t you prepare .................. many sandwiches?
18.  This soup is .................. salty.
19.  Nicole used .................. much pepper.
20.  My meal is warm .................. .
21.  Paul has got .................. money to buy Lamborghini.
22.  She bought .................. many flowers last week.
23.  Pauline’s horse is .................. slow to win that race.
24.  You’ve told .................. . Go to your room and think it over.
25.  My boyfriend is intelligent .................. to pass all the tests.
26.  We’ve painted .................. rooms today. Now we can go home.
27.  He’s .................. young to play this computer game.
28.  Dave is tall .................. to reach that shelf.
29.  The weather isn’t hot .................. today.
30.  They aren’t .................. responsible to look after small babies.
Activity 2. Complete with too or enough.

1. I can't work today. It's ________


2. I'd like to buy those shoes, but they are ---------expensive.

3. We need another ladder. This one isn't long _________.

4. I can't do this exercise because it's _______difficult.

5. Nobody bought my bike because it's ________ old.

6. We had to change rooms because our room wasn't big ___________ .

7. John didn't win the race because his car wasn't fast _________.

8. Don't play near the railway line. It's _________dangerous.

9. Pam couldn't reach the top shelf because she wasn't tall _________.

10. I'm sorry, but your work isn't good ______________.

Part 6 : Group Competition
ity 1. Show your competence.
Instruction of Game :
a) Decide your group (4 to 5 persons)
b) Each member of the group will get A5 paper.
c) Each member should complete the following sentences using the options given below each question.
d) The teacher read the question and all of member of the group should answer it by raising on of side of the paper.
e) The member that answers the question wrongly, the amount of the member will be decreased.
(For example, group 1 contains 4 members. Then two of them show the wrong answer. Then, their members will be
f) The most member left in a group will be the winner.
1. She was ………………… to walk.
A. too tired
B. enough tired
C. tired
2. He isn’t ………………….. to lift that box.
A. strong enough
B. enough strong
C. too strong
3. The boy was ………………… to solve the problem.
A. enough clever
B. clever enough
4. We are not ………………….. to buy a car.
A. enough rich
B. rich enough
C. too rich
5. His behavior was ………………… for me to tolerate.
A. impudent enough
B. enough impudent
C. too impudent
6. She has become ………………….. to wear her old pair of jeans.
A. too fat
B. enough fat
C. fat enough
7. Was he ………………….. to listen to her?
A. enough foolish
B. foolish enough
C. too foolish
8. This is …………………. to be true.
A. enough good
B. too good
C. good enough

9. There were ……………….. many questions to answer so I ran out of time.

a) too
b) enough
10. She is old ………………… to make her own bed now.
a) enough
b) too
11. The tea was ………………….. hot for me to drink.
a) enough
b) too
12. The room was …………………. so I turned the heating off.
a) too hot
b) hot enough

13. I didn’t buy the laptop because it was …………………

a) too expensive

b) expensive enough
14. The shirt was ………………. so I didn’t buy it.
a) too small
b) small enough

15. The tablet is ……………… to fit inside your pocket.

a) small enough
b) too small

16. It is ………………. to start a new lesson now.

a) too late
b) enough late
17. I haven’t got …………………. to buy the tickets.
a) too money
b) enough money
18. It was ……………… to carry.
a) light enough
b) too light

19. The room was _________ , we couldn't get a seat.

A. not crowded
B. too crowded
C. crowded enough

20. James is too ________.

A. not young enough
B. young to drive
C. young enough to drive

21. The service really __________.

A. too good enough
B. good enough
C. wasn't good enough

22. Accidents happen when you are not _______ enough.

A. carefully
B. care
C. careful
23. I'm _______ enough to run a marathon.
A. fits
B. too fit
C. not fit

24. She ______ live close enough to walk to work.

A. don't
B. isn't
C. doesn't

25. I was too embarrassed _______ say anything.

A. enough
B. to
C for

26. The computer was _____________, so we didn't buy it.

A. expensive enough
B. enough expensive
C. too expensive
27. This book is _____________ to read; I don't understand it at all.
A.                difficult enough
B.                 too difficult
C.                 enough difficult
28. They didn't have _______________ for all the people at the wedding reception.
A.                enough food
B.                 food enough
C.                 too food
29. There were _________ students in the classroom and _____________________.
A.                enough / too much desks
B.                 too / not desks enough
C.                 too many / not enough desks
 30. I wanted to catch the 9:00 train, but I arrived _______________.
A.             enough late
B.              too late
C.              too much late
31. The test was ___________ for everyone to pass.
A.             easy enough
B . too much easy
C. enough easy
 32. Do we have ______________ to buy a house?
A.             enough money
B.              money enough
C.              too many money
33. I'm ____________ to drive because I didn't get ____________ last night.
A.             enough tired / sleep enough
B.              tired enough / too sleep
C.              too tired / enough sleep
 34. This dress is __________. I need a smaller size.
A.                too big
B.                 too much big
C.                 too many big
35. I didn't ____________ at  breakfast this morning, and now I'm hungry!
A.                eat enough
B.                 too much eat
C.                 eat too many
Part 7 : Self Assesment (Self Journal)

Name   :
Class   :
Theme :
vity 1 At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions to know how effective your learning process is.

1. Are you able to identify the use of the word ‘too and enough’ in the example sentence.
2. Are you able to classify the words ‘too’ and ‘enough’ as one statement of sufficiency (adverbs of degree) by
completing the sentence of occupation.
3. Are you able to analyze the structure of usage ‘too’ and ’enough’ from the pass phrase that has been completed
with the words ‘too’ and ‘enough’.
4. Are you able to completing the passages using 'too' and 'enough' through the question questions from the 'Show
Your Choice' game.
5. Are you able to Make sentences using ‘too’ and enough ’with different types of structures.

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