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A. Latar Belakang

Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa Internasional. Dengan menguasai

bahasa Inggris dengan baik, maka kita akan dapat berkomunikasi dengan

bangsa- bangsa lain di dunia ini. Di sampan gitu, kita pun akan dapat

menambah wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan kita demi kemajuan bangsa

dan Negara kita, karena kita akan dapat membaca literatur-literatur bahasa

Inggris, mendengarkan siaran-siaran radio luar negeri, serta menonton

film-film, menambah wawasan ilmu pengetahuan yang lainnya.Setiap

bahasa tentunya mempunyai kaidah-kaidah atau sering kita sebut dengan

istilah tata bahasanya masing-masing, begitu pun dengan bahasa Inggris,

banyak sekali kaidah-kaidah yang harus diperhatikan dalam

penggunaannya, terutama dalam bidang writingnya, dari sekian banyak

kaidah bahasa Inggris Dengan demikian, pada akhirnya kita dapat

menguasai pengetahuan-pengetahuan di segal abidang. Oleh karena itu

,tenses merupakan hal yang penting dalam pendidikan bahasa inggris. Dan

juga merupakan suatu aturan dalam berbahasa inggris. Jika seseorang

ingin menguasai bahasa inggris dengan baik, maka harus dapat menguasai

tenses denganbaik. Diantara bentuk- bentuk tenses lainnya, dalam makalah

ini kami menjelaskan mengenai simple past past tense dan past continuous


B.     RumusanMasalah

a. Simple past tense

1) Bagaimana yang dimaksuddengan simple past tense ?

2) Bagaimana rumus simple past tense ?

3) Bagaimana penambahan ED pada kata kerjabentuk 2?

4) Bagaimana penggunaan was/were pada simple past tense ?

5) Bagaimana penggunaanketeranganwaktupada simple past tense ?

6) Bagaimana menyatakan suatu kejadian dengan menggunakan

simple past tense ?

7) Bagaimana contoh kalmat dari simple past tense ?

b. Past continuous tense

1) Bagaimana yang dimaksud dengan past continuous tense ?

2) Bagaimana rumus dari past continuous tense ?

3) Bagaimana penggunaan was/were pada past continuous tense ?

4) Bagaimana penambahan ing pada kata kerja berupa verb ing ?

5) Bagaimana penggunaan keterangan waktu pada past continuous

tense ?

6) Bagaimana menyatakan suatu kejadian dengan menggunakan past

continuous tense ?

7) Bagaimana contoh dari past continuous tense ?


a. Simple past tense

1) Untuk mengetahui apa yang dimaksud dengan simple past tense

2) Untuk mengetahui rumus simple past tense

3) Untuk mengetahui penambahan ED pada kata kerja bentuk 2

4) Untuk mengetahui penggunaan was/were pada simple past tense

5) Untuk mengetahui penggunaan keterangan waktu pada simple past


6) Untuk mengetahui suatu kejadian dengan menggunakan simple past


7) Untuk mengetahui contoh kalmat dari simple past tense

b. Past continuous tense

1) Untuk mengetahui apa yang dimaksud dengan past continuous tense

2) Untuk mengetahui rumus dari past continuous tense ?

3) Untuk mengetahui penggunaan was/were pada past continuous tense

4) Untuk mengetahui penambahan ing pada kata kerja berupa verb ing

5) Untuk mengetahui penggunaan keterangan waktu pada past

continuous tense

6) Untuk mengetahui suatu kejadian dengan menggunakan past

continuous tense

7) Untuk mengetahui contoh dari past continuous tense




A. Definition of the Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterite, is used to talk

about a completed action in a time before now. The simple past is the basic

form of past tense in English. The time of the action can be in the recent past or

the distant past and action duration is not important.

B. Formula Simple Past Tense


(+) Subject + be (was/were) + Non Verb + Object

(-) Subject + be (was/were) + NOT + Non Verb + Object

(?) be (was/were) + Subject + Non Verb + Object? (-?)


(+) Subject + Verb 2 + Object

(-) Subject + Didn’t + Verb 1 + Object

(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 + Object

C. The use was/were of the Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense form of time using this type of "TO BE" (was /


Was to subject: I, she, he, it.

Were on the subject: you, they, we.

D. Spelling- ED

1. If the verb ends in an E , add D

Example :

Love = loved

Like = like

2. If the verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the final

consonant and add ED

Example :

Trap = trapped

Clap = clapped

3. If the verb ends in a L , we double L and add ED

Example :

Cancel = cancelled

Travel = travelled

Controll = controlled

4. If the verb ends two vowel + one consonan, add ED do not double the



Rain = rained

Need = needed

5. If the verb ends consonan + Y, change Y to I and add ED


Study = studied

Carry = carried

6. If the verb ends vowel + Y add ED do not change Y to I


Play = played

Enjoy = enjoyed

E. Signal Time of Simple Past Tense

 Yesterday

 Last Monday

 An hour ago

 Last night

 Last week

 In 2004

 The other day

 Last year

F. The Use of Simple Past Tense

1. We use it with finished actions, states or habits in the past when we

have a finished time word (yesterday, last week, at 2 o'clock, in 2003).

Example :

I went to the cinema yesterday.

We spent a lot of time Japan in 2007.

2. We use it with finished actions, states or habits in the past when we

know from general knowledge that the time period has finished. This

includes when the person we are talking about is dead.

Example :

Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa.

The Vikings invaded Britain.

3. We use it with finished actions, states or habits in the past that we

have introduced with the present perfect or another tense. This is

sometimes called 'details of news'.

Example :

I've hurt my leg. I fell off a ladder when I was painting my bedroom.

I've been on holiday. I went to Spain and Portugal.

4. For stories or lists of events, we often use the past simple for the

actions in the story and the past continuous for the background.

Example :

He went to a café. People were chatting and music was playing. He sat

down and ordered a coffee.

G. Example for Simple Past Tense

1. Nominal

a. (+) I was fifteen years old last year.

(-) I was not fifteen years old last year.

(?) was I fifteen years old last year?

yes, I was. / No, I was not.

b. (+) They were here two hours ago.

(-) They were not here two hours ago.

(?) Were they here two hours ago?

Yes, they were. / No, they were not.

c. (+) She was sick yesterday

(-) She was not sick yesterday

(?) Was She sick yesterday?

2. Verbal

a. (+) We watched a football match yesterday.

(-) We didn't watch a football match yesterday.

(?) Did we watch a footbal match yesterday?

Yes, we did. / No, we did not.

b. (+) She drank a glass of milk this morning.

(-) She didn't drink a glass of milk this morning.

(?) Did she drink a glass of milk this morning?

Yes, she did. / No, she did not.

c. (+) My mother wrote a letter for her sister last week.

(-) My mother didn't write a letter for her sister last week.

(?) Did my mother write a letter for her sister last week?

Yes, she did. / No, she did not.

d. (+) She went to Bandung last week.

(-) She didn’t go toBandung last week.

(?) Did she go to Bandung last week?


A. Definition of the past continuous tense

General understanding past continuous tense sentence is a sentence that

states the events taking place in the past. On the use of Past Continuous Tense

verb used must end with-ing / (Verb + ing). Past Continuous Tense form of

time using this type of "TO BE" (was / were).

B. Formula past continuous tense

Sentence type The formula

positve(+) S + be(was/were) + V1-ing/present participle

S + be(was/were) + not + V1-ing/present


interogative(?) be(was/were) + S + V1-ing/present participle?

C. The use was/were of the past continuous tense

Past Continuous Tense form of time using this type of "TO BE" (was /


- Was to subject: I, she, he, it.

- Were on the subject: you, they, we.

D. Spelling – ing

1. If the verb ends in an E we remove the E and add ING.

Example :

live = living

have = having

2. If the verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the

final consonant and add ING.


Stop = stopping

Sit = sitting

3. If a two-syllable verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant, we do

not double the final consonant when the stress is on the first syllable.

Example :

Happen = happening

Enter = entering

Offer = offering

4. But, we do not double the final consonant when the verb ends in W, X

or Y or when the final syllable is not emphasized.


Fix = fixing

Enjoy =enjoying

Snow = snowing

5. If the verb ends in IE we change it to YING.


Lie = lying

Die = dying

Tie = tying

6. If the verb ends in consonant + vowel + L, we normally double the

final L and add ING.

Note: In the United States (US) they do not double the L when the

accent is on the first syllable.


Travel = travelling (UK) = traveling (US)

Marvel = marvelling (UK) = marveling (US)

7. If the verb ends in a stressed vowel + R, we double the final R and

add ING.

Example :

Refer = referring

Defer = deferring

8. If the verb ends in an unstressed vowel + R, we do not double the final R

and add ING.

Example :

offer = offering

suffer = suffering

whisper = whispering

E. Signal Time of Past Continuous Tense

 When

 While

 As

 Al day yesterday

 The whole day last Sunday

F. The use of past continuous tense

Past Continuous is used to express the following :

1. Stating activities being carried out at a specific time in thepast .

example :

    We were gardening at 7 a.m yesterday .

    He was eating at 8 p.m last night.

2. Stating activities being carried out when other events occurred in the

past .

Example :

    I was cooking when the phone rang .

    When the phone rang , I was cooking .

    They were chattering when I came .

3. Declare two activities / more is going on simultaneously in the past.


While I was sweeping the floor , my father was watering plants .

At 9 am yesterday , I was baking a cake while my brother was

reading a book.

G. Example for past continuous tense

1. (+)The team was running

(-)The team was not running

(?) Was the team running?

2. (+) The workers were queuing

(-) The workers weren’t queuing

(?)Were the workers queuing?

3. (+) We were keeping running far away.

(-) We weren’t keeping running far away.

(?) Were we keeping running far away?

4. (+) She was bringing many books.

(-) She wasn’t bringing many books.

(?)Was she bringing many books?

5. (+) I was eating sandwich yesterday.

(-) I wasn’t eating sandwich yesterday.

(?) Was I eating sandwich yesterday?

Conclusion About The Brain And Nervous System

The brain is like a computer that controls the body’s functions and the

nervous system is like a network that relays messages to parts of the body.

Your brain has many different parts that work together. We’re going to

talk about these five parts, which are key players on the brain team :

1. Cerebrum

2. Cerebellum

3. Brain stem

4. Pituitary gland

5. Hypothalamus

The Biggest Part : The Cerebrum

The cerebrum make up 85% of the brain weight , it is the thinking part of

the brain and it controls your voluntary muscles the on that move when you

want them to. The cerebrum has two halves, scientists think that the right half

helps you think about abstract things like music, colors,and shapes. The left

half is said to be more analytical, helping you with math, logic, and speech.

The Cerebellum’s Balancing Act

The cerebellum is at the back of the brain below the cerebrum. It’s a lot

smaller than the cerebrum at only 1/8 of its size. But it’s very important part of

the brain. It controls balance , movement, and coordination( how your muscles

work together).

Brain Stem Keeps You Breating and More

The brian stem is another brian part that’s small but mighty. The brain

stem is in change of all the functions your body needs to stay alive, like

breating air, digesting food and circulating blood. Part of the brain stem’s job is

to control your involuntary muscles the ones that work automatically. It’s the

brain stem that tells your heart to pump more blood when you’re biking .

Pituitary Gland Controls Growth

The pituitary gland is very small only about the size of a pea! Its job to

produce and release hormones into your body. This gland is a big player in

puberty too. This little gland also plays role with lots of other hormones,like

ones that control the amount of sugars and water in your body.And it helps

keep your metabolism going.

Hypothalamus Controls Temperature

The hypothalamus is like your brain’s inner thermostat .The

hypothalamus knows what imperature your body should be (about 98 ͦ F or 37 ͦ

C).If your body is too hot, it is tells is to sweat,if you’re to cold, it get you

shivering, sweating are attempts to get your body’s temperature back where it

needs to be.

Human have some nerv !

The brain is boss , but it can’t do it alone. It mneeds some nerves actually

a lot of them. And it needs the spinal cord, which is a long bundle of nerves

inside your spinal column, the vertebrae that protect it. It’s the spinal cord and

nerves known as the nervous system that let message flow back and forth

between the brain and body.

Emotion Location

Your brain has a little bunch og cells on each side called the amygdala.

The word amygdala is latin for almond, and that’s what this area looks like. It’s

responsible for emotion, it’s normal to feel good ,bad,scared,or silly or glad.


Otak seperti komputer yang mengendalikan fungsi tubuh dan sistem saraf

ibarat jaringan yang menyalurkan pesan ke bagian tubuh.

Otak Anda memiliki banyak bagian berbeda yang bekerja sama. Kami

akan membicarakan lima bagian ini, yang merupakan pemain kunci di tim


1. Cerebrum

2. Cerebellum

3. Batang otak

4. Kelenjar pituitari

5. Hipotalamus

Bagian Terbesar: Cerebrum

Cerebrum membentuk 85% dari berat otak, ini adalah bagian pemikiran

otak dan mengendalikan otot sukarela anda pada gerakan itu saat anda

menginginkannya. Cerebrum memiliki dua bagian, ilmuwan berpikir bahwa

separuh kanan membantu Anda memikirkan hal-hal abstrak seperti musik,

warna, dan bentuk. Bagian kiri dikatakan lebih analitis, membantu Anda

dengan matematika, logika, dan pidato.

Cerebellum menyeimbangkan tindakan

Cerebellum ada di bagian belakang otak di bawah otak besar. Ini jauh

lebih kecil dari pada otak besar hanya 1/8 dari ukurannya. Tapi itu bagian yang

sangat penting dari otak. Ini mengendalikan keseimbangan, gerakan, dan

koordinasi (bagaimana otot anda bekerja sama).

Batang Otak Menjaga Anda Berkembang dan Banyak Lagi

Batang brian adalah bagian brian yang kecil tapi hebat. Batang otak yaitu

mengubah semua fungsi yang dibutuhkan tubuh anda untuk tetap hidup, seperti

mengembangbiakkan udara, mencerna makanan dan sirkulasi darah. Bagian

dari pekerjaan batang otak adalah mengendalikan otot tak sadar anda yang

bekerja secara otomatis. Ini batang otak yang memberitahu hati anda untuk

memompa lebih banyak darah saat anda bersepeda.

Kelenjar Pituitary mengontrol pertumbuhan

Kelenjar pituitari sangat kecil hanya seukuran kacang polong! Tugasnya

untuk memproduksi dan melepaskan hormon ke dalam tubuh anda. Kelenjar ini

juga pemain besar di masa pubertas. Kelenjar kecil ini juga berperan dengan

banyak hormon lain, seperti yang mengendalikan kadar gula dan air di tubuh

anda. Dan ini membantu metabolisme anda tetap berjalan.

Hipotalamus mengontrol suhu

  Hipotalamus adalah seperti thermostat dalam otak Anda. Hipotalamus

mengetahui apa yang harus dimiliki tubuh anda (sekitar 98 ͦ F atau 37 ͦ C). Jika

tubuh anda terlalu panas, kuncinya adalah berkeringat, jika anda kedinginan,

itu membuat anda menggigil. Berkeringat adalah upaya untuk mengembalikan

suhu tubuh anda ke tempat yang seharusnya.

Manusia memiliki beberapa saraf

Otak adalah bos, tapi tidak bisa melakukannya sendiri. Ini membutuhkan

beberapa saraf, sebenarnya banyak sekali. Dan dibutuhkan sumsum tulang

belakang yang merupakan kumpulan saraf panjang di dalam tulang belakang

anda. Tulang belakang yang melindunginya. Ini adalah sumsum tulang

belakang dan saraf yang dikenal sebagai sistem saraf yang membiarkan pesan

mengalir bolak-balik antara otak dan tubuh

Lokasi Emosi

Otak anda memiliki sel kecil di masing-masing sisi yang disebut amigdala.

Kata amygdala adalah latin untuk almond, dan seperti itulah daerah ini terlihat.

Ini bertanggung jawab atas emosi, wajar rasanya merasa baik, buruk, takut,

atau konyol atau senang.

The Difficult Word

1. Digesting 13. Voluntary

2. Through 14. Solve

3. Forth 15.roller coaster

4. Released 16. steering

5. Thermostat 17. challenging

6. Shivering 18. workout

7. Attemps 19. Making art

8. Create 20. Beneath

9. Handlebars

10. Contain

11. require



3.1 Kesimpulan

3.1.1 Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense menunjukkannya bahwa perbuatan (kejadian),

kegitan, situasi, yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan berakhir pada saat

tertentu di waktu lampau dan waktu terjadinya diketahui

Rumusnya :

A : S + Tobe (was/were)

B : S + Verb II

Example :

A : I was fifteen years old last year (Nominal )

B : She went to Bandung last week ( Verbal )

3.1.2. past continuous tense

Pengertian secara umum kalimat past continuous tense adalah

kalimat yang menyatakan peristiwa sedang terjadi pada masa lampau.

Pada penggunaan Past Continuous Tense kata kerja yang digunakan

harus diakhiri dengan -ing / (Verb + ing). Bentuk waktu Past Continuous

Tense menggunakan jenis "TO BE " (was/ were).

Rumusnya :

A : S + be(was/were) + V1-ing

Contohnya :

The team was running

3.2. Saran

Menyadari bahwa penulis masih jauh dari kata sempurna ,

kedepannya penulis akan lebih focus dan detail dalam menjelaskan

tentang makalah diatas dengan sumber-sumber yang lebih banyak yang

tentunya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. Penulis memohon sangat

kritikan dan sarannya untuk perbaikan makalah ini sehingga kedepannya

lebih sempurna.

Daftar Pustaka di

akses pada tanggal 15 November 2017

continuous-tense di akses pada tanggal 15 November 2017

Jack C. Richards.A Communicative Grammer Course in English.


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