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Kode Soal S21071800023

Para mahasiswa fakultas hukum atau sarjana hukum yang baru mau berkarir di bidang
hukum pasti sudah amat familier dengan tuduhan mau menjadi hakim atau pengacara, atau
kebingungan banyak orang untuk membedakan profesi notaris atau pengacara. Sarjana
Hukum bukan sekadar Pengacara & Hakim, ternyata seorang Sarjana Hukum (S.H.) dapat
berkarier di berbagai bidang.
PENGACARA : HAKIM : HUKUM=…… : …. : ……
Penyanyi : Aktor : Pelukis
B. Menteri : Pendidikan : Kebudayaan
C. Guru : Dosen : Pendidikan
Pemerintah : Pelajar : Masyarakat

2. Kode Soal S21071800020

Assyifa Boarding School memiliki Badan Usaha Milik Yayasan yang disebut dengan Assyifa
Learning Center yang bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan dan bisnis. Salah satu di antara
divisinya adalah bimbel. Para tenaga pendidik di Bimbel Assyifa Learning Center adalah
tenaga pendidik dengan kualifikasi linier dengan latar belakang pendidikannya dan ahli di
bidangnya, jejak pendidikan dari mulai S-1, S-2 lulusan dalam maupun luar negeri.
Antonim dari kata ahli ialah……
B. Teruji
C. Terpercaya

3. Kode Soal S21071800026

Hoaks atau berita bohong adalah sebuah isu penting yang wajib dihindari oleh siapa pun,
berawal di media sosial, hoaks makin hari makin marak terjadi baik dalam skala yang
awalnya ringan sampai berita yang membahas hal-hal serius, dampak hoaks sangat
membahayakan, salah satu cara agar terhindar hal ini sebelum menyebar berita alangkah
bijaknya kita memahami secara rasional, mem-filter  dan mengecek kembali apakah isi atau
konten berita itu benar atau tidak.
Arti kata dari Rasional berdasarkan teks di atas adalah……
A. Mempertimbangkan secara mendalam
B. Kajian Ilmiah
C. Menurut pikiran akal sehat
D. Bukti akurat

4. Kode Soal S21072100002

An elderly man, over 80 years old, lived in a very quiet little village. When a neighbor noticed him, he
was planting a durian tree. The old man's neighbor inquired, "Do you expect to eat durian from that tree?"
It will take about 8 years for the durian tree to bear fruit.”
The old man smiled as he sat on his spade. “No, at my age, I know I won't,” he replied. I've eaten
durians my entire life, but never from a tree that I planted. If other men hadn't done what I'm doing now, I
wouldn't have had durians. I'm just trying to repay the other men who helped me plant durians.” It's no
surprise he appeared to be in a good mood.
     We should first give and then ask for something in return. We will not only get what we want, but we
will also be very happy in the end, because we must first sow before we can reap.
From the text we can learn that…
Giving is better than receiving
B. We can reap after we sow

C. Planting is a good activity

Be a curious person in everything

5. Kode Soal S21071800027

Masyarakat dan heterogenitasnya merupakan suatu bentuk permasalahan yang memang
selalu ada dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Suatu masyarakat itu terbentuk karena adanya
perbedaan, sementara perbedaan sendiri menjadikan kehidupan dalam bermasyarakat menjadi
lebih hidup, lebih menarik dan layak untuk diperbincangkan.
Arti kata dari Heterogenitas adalah……
B. Persamaan
C. Keanekaragaman

6. Kode Soal S21071800019

Intuisi—pada tingkat kebenaran yang lebih tinggi—tidak datang pada sembarang orang. Ia
adalah nur (cahaya) yang Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala pancarkan pada sebagian hambanya
berupa pengetahuan dalam memperoleh kebenaran dan ilmu, diakui telah terhegemoni oleh
epistemologi Barat modern. Standar rasio dan empiris yang bersifat positivistik, dalam artian
harus dapat dirasionalkan dan dibuktikan (verification) secara empiris melalui pancaindra
menjadi ukuran ilmiah bagi mereka. Mereka menyangkal dan bahkan menolak intuisi sebagai
sumber dan metode ilmu yang sah hanya karena proses pengetahuan melalui intuisi ini tidak
dapat dibuktikan secara empiris melalui pancaindra dan tidak melalui proses penalaran
berpikir tertentu. Akibatnya, sumber kebenaran melalui intuisi ini pun kemudian dianggap
tidak ilmiah. Tegasnya, Barat selama ini telah membatasi sumber ilmu dan kebenaran hanya
pada rasio dan empiris saja.
Antonim kata ilmiah adalah ……
A. Objektif
B. Keilmuan
C. Fiktif
D. Rasional

7. Kode Soal S21071800017

Intuisi—pada tingkat kebenaran yang lebih tinggi—tidak datang pada sembarang orang. Ia
adalah nur (cahaya) yang Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala pancarkan pada sebagian hambanya
berupa pengetahuan dalam memperoleh kebenaran dan ilmu, diakui telah terhegemoni oleh
epistemologi Barat modern. Standar rasio dan empiris yang bersifat positivistik, dalam artian
harus dapat dirasionalkan dan dibuktikan (verification) secara empiris melalui pancaindra
menjadi ukuran ilmiah bagi mereka. Mereka menyangkal dan bahkan menolak intuisi sebagai
sumber dan metode ilmu yang sah hanya karena proses pengetahuan melalui intuisi ini tidak
dapat dibuktikan secara empiris melalui pancaindra dan tidak melalui proses penalaran
berpikir tertentu. Akibatnya, sumber kebenaran melalui intuisi ini pun kemudian dianggap
tidak ilmiah. Tegasnya, Barat selama ini telah membatasi sumber ilmu dan kebenaran hanya
pada rasio dan empiris saja.
Sinonim dari kata Intuisi adalah……
A. Perasaan
B. Pola pikir
C. Sastra
D. Bisikan hati

8. Kode Soal S21071800025

Isu tentang direvisinya UU lembaga KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) mengundang
banyak polemik, bahkan di salah satu muka halamannya, majalah Tempo menampilkan
gedung KPK yang roboh dan nyaris masuk liang kubur, hal ini menandakan banyaknya pihak
atau perasaan masyarakat yang kecewa atas keputusan pemerintah untuk kebijakan-kebijakan
yang dinilai mampu melemahkan lembaga yang dibangun sejak 2002 ini dalam memberantas
korupsi, daya kekuatan KPK menjadi lemah dan sangat banyak mendapat intervensi dari
dalam diri pemerintahan khususnya DPR yang notabene berprinsip tidak independen.
Makna dari kata Polemik pada kalimat di atas adalah……
A. Perdebatan tentang isu politik yang diumumkan di media massa
B. Perdebatan tentang sebuah isu yang diumumkan di media massa
C. Perdebatan tentang kriminal yang diumumkan di media massa
D. Perdebatan tentang isu korupsi yang diumumkan di media massa

9. Kode Soal S21071800024

Turbin merupakan mesin atau motor yang roda penggeraknya berporos dengan sudu yang
digerakkan oleh aliran air, uap, atau udara. Turbin digunakan secara luas untuk tenaga
industri sebelum adanya jaringan listrik.
A. Uang : Bank
B. Senter : Baterai
C. Tekstil : Pabrik
D. Sarjana : Wisuda

10. Kode Soal S21071800014

Kita tidak boleh terlalu banyak menyimpan banyak ekspektasi kepada makhluk, karena
dampaknya akan hanya membuat kita kecewa.
Makna kata dari ekspektasi adalah……
A. Perasaan
B. Pengharapan
C. Pengekspresian
D. Pengorbanan

11. Kode Soal S21071800021

JSR atau dikenal dengan Jurus Sehat Rasulullah SAW kini makin marak dibicarakan, salah
satu tips hidup sehat yang digalakkan oleh dr. Zaidul Akbar mendapat perhatian penuh dari
masyarakat. Kini masyarakat mulai menaruh perhatian pada obat herbal, ditambah kini JSR
hadir sebagai solusi bagi siapa pun yang ingin hidup sehat bukan dalam bentuk obat namun
dalam pengaturan pola makan atau racikan makanan dan minuman yang lebih sehat.
OBAT : HERBAL=……: ………
Hijau: Sayuran
B. Sayuran: Wortel
C. Pizza: Makanan
Kapsul: Obat

12. Kode Soal S21071800015

Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wanita akan lebih baik berada di sekolah homogen
daripada di sekolah heterogen, baik dari segi akademis maupun konsep diri (Maersh, 2004;
Kayes, 2004; Schemo, 2004; Takahashi, 1997). Carpenter (Dalam Takahashi, 1997).
Ketidakhadiran siswa dengan jenis kelamin yang berbeda sebagai teman bersaing merupakan
suatu hal yang penting dalam membentuk identitas seksual dan pekerjaan individu di masa
depan. Berkaitan dengan perkembangan identitas diri remaja putri, sekolah homogen dapat
membantu mengatasi hambatan dari stereotype budaya dan ekspektasi sosial. Sekolah
homogen memberikan kesempatan yang lebih luas pada remaja putri untuk melakukan
eksplorasi identitas ideologi dan interpersonal, dibanding dengan sekolah homogen.
Sinonim dari kata Ideologi adalah……
B. Pikiran
C. Stigma

13. Kode Soal S21071800016

Kualitas seorang muslim dapat dilihat dari akhlaknya atau bagaimana ia bersikap.
Persamaan kata dari kata Kualitas adalah……
A. Cerminan
B. Kadar
C. Kuantitas
D. Banyaknya

14. Kode Soal S21072100001

An elderly man, over 80 years old, lived in a very quiet little village. When a neighbor
noticed him, he was planting a durian tree. The old man's neighbor inquired, "Do you expect
to eat durian from that tree?" It will take about 8 years for the durian tree to bear fruit.”
The old man smiled as he sat on his spade. “No, at my age, I know I won't,” he replied.
I've eaten durians my entire life, but never from a tree that I planted. If other men hadn't done
what I'm doing now, I wouldn't have had durians. I'm just trying to repay the other men who
helped me plant durians.” It's no surprise he appeared to be in a good mood.
We should first give and then ask for something in return. We will not only get what we
want, but we will also be very happy in the end, because we must first sow before we can
Why did the neighbor wonder about the old man?
The old man planted a tree that took time to bear fruit
B. The old man loved planting durian trees
C. The old man enjoyed eating durians so much
The old man planted a tree to sell the fruit

15. Kode Soal S21071800022

Berdasarkan Badan Pusat Statistik, 2015. Ekspor daging kepiting hingga tahun 2015
mencapai 11.000 Ton. Dalam kegiatan ekspor daging kepiting tersebut tentunya
meninggalkan cangkang kepiting yang akan menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan di
Indonesia. Solusi dari permasalahan lingkungan tersebut adalah dengan membuat Kitosan
(Obat kolesterol) dari serbuk cangkang kepiting yang mengandung kitin di dalamnya. Dalam
suatu penelitian ilmiah Rahman dan Nurdiana pada tahun 2017 proses pembuatan Kitosan
dari serbuk Limbah Cangkang kepiting secara fermentasi oleh bakteri Bacillus subtilis  yang
dapat dilihat bakterinya dengan menggunakan mikroskop.
A. Mikroba : Bakteri
B. Teleskop : Bintang
C. Teleskop : Teropong
D. Bintang : Teleskop

16. Kode Soal S21071800018

Intuisi—pada tingkat kebenaran yang lebih tinggi—tidak datang pada sembarang orang. Ia
adalah nur (cahaya) yang Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala pancarkan pada sebagian hambanya
berupa pengetahuan dalam memperoleh kebenaran dan ilmu, diakui telah terhegemoni oleh
epistemologi Barat modern. Standar rasio dan empiris yang bersifat positivistik, dalam artian
harus dapat dirasionalkan dan dibuktikan (verification) secara empiris melalui pancaindra
menjadi ukuran ilmiah bagi mereka. Mereka menyangkal dan bahkan menolak intuisi sebagai
sumber dan metode ilmu yang sah hanya karena proses pengetahuan melalui intuisi ini tidak
dapat dibuktikan secara empiris melalui pancaindra dan tidak melalui proses penalaran
berpikir tertentu. Akibatnya, sumber kebenaran melalui intuisi ini pun kemudian dianggap
tidak ilmiah. Tegasnya, Barat selama ini telah membatasi sumber ilmu dan kebenaran hanya
pada rasio dan empiris saja.
Antonim dari kata empiris adalah……
A. Percobaan
B. Pengamatan
C. Pengalaman
D. Teoritis

17. Kode Soal S21071800013

Pada perang Uhud, umat muslim telah menang dan menghalau mundur kaum kafir, namun
akibat getasnya ketahanan kaum muslimin terhadap harta tak bertuan yang ada di sana,
mereka tergoda dan mengambili semua itu, ketika itu musuh yang masih punya harapan
memutar balik posisi dan menguasai Gunung Uhud dan menyerang balik dari tingginya bukit
hingga akhirnya umat muslim yang terdesak dan kalah. Hikmah dari kisah tersebut adalah
iman kita tidak boleh mudah getas.
Persamaan kata dari Getas adalah……
A. Lemah
B. Rapuh
C. Pesimis
D. Gentar

18. Kode Soal S21072100003

An elderly man, over 80 years old, lived in a very quiet little village. When a neighbor
noticed him, he was planting a durian tree. The old man's neighbor inquired, "Do you expect
to eat durian from that tree?" It will take about 8 years for the durian tree to bear fruit.”
The old man smiled as he sat on his spade. “No, at my age, I know I won't,” he replied. I've
eaten durians my entire life, but never from a tree that I planted. If other men hadn't done
what I'm doing now, I wouldn't have had durians. I'm just trying to repay the other men who
helped me plant durians.” It's no surprise he appeared to be in a good mood.
We should first give and then ask for something in return. We will not only get what we
want, but we will also be very happy in the end, because we must first sow before we can
“When a neighbor noticed him...” (Paragraph 1)
The underlined word refers to ...
A. the writer
B. the neighbor
C. the old man
D. the other men

19. Kode Soal S21072400111

Jika xyz=0, xst=0 dan yts=1, yang manakah di bawah ini yang benar ..
A. x=0
B. y=0
C. z=0
D. s=0

20. Kode Soal S21072400112

Nilai dari   sama dengan …


21. Kode Soal S21072500115

fill the blank for (v) with the suitable answer
Snakes.…(v) elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be
…. (w) from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates,
snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of
snakes …. (x) skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to
swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To …. (y) their
narrow bodies, snakes’ paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other
instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species …. (z) a pelvic
girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.
B. is
C. were

22. Kode Soal S21072400098

Pada sebuah olimpiade Kimia, lima peserta berkompetisi untuk mendapatkan nilai tertinggi.
Nilai Amar melebihi nilai Yoga, tetapi tidak melebihi nilai Oskar. Sedangkan nilai Bahar di
bawah Rio tetapi di atas Oskar. Pemenang dari lomba kimia tersebut adalah….
B. Rio
C. Bahar

23. Kode Soal S21072400107

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H sedang ingin menonton bioskop. Karena penontonnya sudah banyak, posisi
duduk yang mereka dapat seperti gambar ini.

Manajer yang akan memberi mereka tiket mengetahui beberapa hal berikut:
Tiap orang tidak ingin duduk berdekatan dengan orang yang mereka benci
A dan B saling membenci
G dan H saling membenci
C membenci B dan D
F membenci E dan G
D membenci E
Siapa yang duduk berdekatan?
B dan G
B. E dan G
C. A dan H
C dan F

24. Kode Soal S21072400053

Rizal dan Ramli mendapat tugas untuk mengisi air ke dalam tong. Masing-masing mengisi
satu tong yang memiliki volume sama yaitu 10 m³. Jika Rizal menggunakan ember yang
memiliki volume 0,5 m³ dan Ramli menggunakan ember yang bervolume 0,4 m³, serta
kecepatan mereka mengisi air masing-masing 0,6 m³/menit untuk Rizal dan 0,8 m³/menit
untuk Ramli. Maka pernyataan di bawah ini yang BENAR adalah…
Rizal lebih cepat mengisi penuh tong
B. Ramli butuh 20 ember untuk mengisi penuh tong
C. Rizal butuh 12,5 ember untuk mengisi penuh tong
Mencapai volume yang sama saat Ramli mengisi 5 ember dan Rizal 4 ember

25. Kode Soal S21072100005

A tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, measuring up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft.) over curves
and weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb.) in the wild. The pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange
fur with a lighter underside is its most distinguishing feature. The species belongs to the Panthera
genus, which also includes the lion, leopard, jaguar, and snow leopard. Tigers are apex predators that
prey primarily on ungulates like deer and bovids. They are territorial, solitary, but social animals that
require large contiguous areas of habitat to support their prey requirements. This, combined with the
fact that they are indigenous to some of the world's most densely populated areas, has resulted in
significant conflicts with humans.
Tigers once ranged widely across Asia, from Turkey in the west to the eastern coast of Russia.
Over the past 100 years, they have lost 93% of their historic range, and have been extirpated from
southwest and central Asia, from the islands of Java and Bali, and from large areas of Southeast and
Eastern Asia.
Which statement is NOT TRUE about tigers based on the text?
A tiger is the largest cat species
B. A tiger does not belong to the Panthera genus

C. Tigers need large contiguous areas of habitat

Tigers lost 93% of their historic range

26. Kode Soal S21072400058

Ada empat topeles masing-masing berisi sejumlah permen yang sama banyaknya. Topeles no
1 disediakan untuk si Ali, topeles no 2 disediakan untuk si Badu, topeles no 3 disediakan
untuk si Cecep, dan toples no 4 disediakan untuk si Dedi. Si Ali setiap kali selalu mengambil
tepat 3 butir permen sekaligus. Si Badu setiap kali selalu mengambil tepat 5 butir sekaligus.
Si Cecep setiap kali selalu mengambil tepat 7 butir permen sekaligus. Si Dedi selalu
mengambil tepat 9 butir permen sekaligus. Hingga suatu ketika topeles no 1 bersisa 2 butir
permen, toples no 2 bersisa 3 butir permen dan topeles no 3 bersisa 2 butir permen.
Sementara topeles no 4, tidak jelas bersisa berapa, yang pasti kurang dari 9 butir.
Temukanlah jumlah permen tersisa di no 4 tersebut?
A. 8
B. 6
C. 5
D. 2

27. Kode Soal S21072400052

Jika panjang ST=RS=PR=12 dan panjang PQ=6 cm, maka panjang US adalah... cm

A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 10

28. Kode Soal S21072500121

Smoking in restaurants is just not disturbing. It must not be allowed because it is impolite, harmful to
others, and dangerous to smokers.
      Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of smoke affects everyone and can cause
them to turn off their food. People pay to eat good food, not to be turned off by foul-smelling smoke.
       Another reason smoking should not be allowed in restaurants is the potential harm it can cause to
others. Passive smoking, or breathing in a smoker's smoke, can cause asthma attacks and even cancer.
     Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes cause heart and lung
disease and should be avoided at all times, not just in restaurants.
       As a result, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others, and poses a health risk to
smokers, and it should be prohibited in all restaurants.
What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform the readers

B. To describe to the readers

C. To argue about smoking to the readers

D. To tell a story to the readers

29. Kode Soal S21072400103





30. Kode Soal S21072400105

B. 84
C. 210
31. Kode Soal S21072400051
Tiga buah bola pejal dengan jari-jari 4 cm, 7 cm, dan 9 cm akan dicairkan dan dimasukkan
dalam cetakan tabung dengan ukuran jari-jari  8  cm.  Berapakah tinggi tabung  yang
16,27 cm
B. 20,75 cm
C. 17,23 cm
23,67 cm

32. Kode Soal S21072400056

Perhatikan gambar berikut.

Luas daerah yang diarsir adalah … cm2

A. 45
B. 54
C. 72
D. 81

33. Kode Soal S21072400100

Hasil bagi suku pertama oleh suku ke-3 suatu barisan aritmetika adalah 1/2 . Jika suku ke-5
barisan tersebut adalah 12, maka suku ke-7 adalah ...
A. 12
B. 14
C. 16
D. 22

34. Kode Soal S21072400046

A. x/y
B. y-x
C. y+x
D. x-y

35. Kode Soal S21072400049

Diketahui balok ABCD.EFGH dengan panjang diagonal bidang sisi depan balok tersebut
adalah 12 cm, dan panjang AB 8 cm, sedangkan panjang AD 4cm. maka luas permukaan
balok tersebut adalah ....cm2





36. Kode Soal S21072100004

A tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, measuring up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft.) over curves and
weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb.) in the wild. The pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur
with a lighter underside is its most distinguishing feature. The species belongs to the Panthera genus,
which also includes the lion, leopard, jaguar, and snow leopard. Tigers are apex predators that prey
primarily on ungulates like deer and bovids. They are territorial, solitary, but social animals that require
large contiguous areas of habitat to support their prey requirements. This, combined with the fact that
they are indigenous to some of the world's most densely populated areas, has resulted in significant
conflicts with humans.
Tigers once ranged widely across Asia, from Turkey in the west to the eastern coast of Russia. Over the
past 100 years, they have lost 93% of their historic range, and have been extirpated from southwest and
central Asia, from the islands of Java and Bali, and from large areas of Southeast and Eastern Asia.
What is the purpose of the text?
A. To describe a tiger in general
B. To explain what tigers do

C. To entertain the readers

D. To relate an experience

37. Kode Soal S21072400055

Pada gambar segitiga ABC berikut, diketahui titik D  terletak pada AC. Jika BD = DC maka
besar sudut ADB adalah … derajat.
B. 120
C. 135

38. Kode Soal S21072400057

Sebanyak 16 pelukis dapat membuat 50 lukisan yang sama berukuran 24 m2 dalam waktu 6
hari. Dengan demikian, 7 pelukis dapat membuat 15 lukisan yang sama berukuran 56
m2 dalam waktu kira-kira ⋯ hari.
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10

39. Kode Soal S21072400050

Guru dan murid SMA Assyifa Boarding school mengadakan wisata Bersama. Jumlah murid 3
kali dari jumlah guru. Biaya wisata per orang adalah Rp.40.000,- dan jumlah uang yang
terkumpul adalah Rp.3.200.000,- berapa jumlah guru yang ikut wisata?
A. 60
B. 50
C. 30
D. 20

40. Kode Soal S21072400048

Ketika sedang melaksanakan Outing asrama, salah satu murid SMA As-syifa Boarding
School melihat seekor monyet yang mula-mula berada pada ketinggian tertentu pada sebuah
tiang, kemudian ia turun 4 meter, naik 3 meter, turun 6 meter, naik 2 meter, naik 9 meter, dan
turun 2 meter. Pada ketinggian berapakah monyet itu berada?
sama seperti posisi semula
B. 2 meter di atas posisi semula
C. 1 meter di bawah posisi semula
1 meter di atas posisi semula

41. Kode Soal S21072400101

B. 120
C. 160

42. Kode Soal S21072400102

Jika 4 botol jus apel dicampur dengan 5 botol jus tomat dan 3 botol jus anggur, maka ada
berapa bagian jus apel pada campuran tersebut?
A. 1/6
B. 1/4
C. 1/3
D. 4/9

43. Kode Soal S21072400106

Jika terdapat suatu deret : b – m – n – d – o – p – f – q – r .... .... .... Tiga huruf berikutnya
adalah ...
A. h - t - s
B. h - s- t
C. d - r - s
D. g - s - t

44. Kode Soal S21072500118

Fill the blank for (y) with the suitable answer
Snakes.…(v) elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be ….
(w) from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates, snakes
are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of snakes
…. (x) skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow
prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To …. (y) their narrow
bodies, snakes’ paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of
side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species …. (z) a pelvic girdle
with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca. 
A. accommodate
B. accommodated
C. accommodates
D. accommodating

45. Kode Soal S21072400104

Jumlah semua bilangan ganjil antara 50 dan 100 adalah...
B. 1875
C. 1880

46. Kode Soal S21072400059

Sebagai ice breaking pembelajaran di kelas, Pak Ramdan memberikan quiz tebak angka
kepada murid SMA As-syifa Kelas Khadijah

Pak Ramdan: “Angka berapakah yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik pada kolom?”
Bantulah Kelas Khadijah  menemukan semua angka yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik pada
kolom tersebut.
5,8 dan 9
B. 4,7 dan 9
C. 4,8 dan 9
4,8 dan 10

47. Kode Soal S21072400110

Banyaknya angka 172 muncul pada akar  agar
persamaan    bernilai benar adalah…
B. 289
C. 867

48. Kode Soal S21072100006

A tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, measuring up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft.) over
curves and weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb.) in the wild. The pattern of dark vertical stripes
on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside is its most distinguishing feature. The species
belongs to the Panthera genus, which also includes the lion, leopard, jaguar, and snow
leopard. Tigers are apex predators that prey primarily on ungulates like deer and bovids. They
are territorial, solitary, but social animals that require large contiguous areas of habitat to
support their prey requirements. This, combined with the fact that they are indigenous to
some of the world's most densely populated areas, has resulted in significant conflicts with
Tigers once ranged widely across Asia, from Turkey in the west to the eastern coast of
Russia. Over the past 100 years, they have lost 93% of their historic range, and have been
extirpated from southwest and central Asia, from the islands of Java and Bali, and from large
areas of Southeast and Eastern Asia.
Why do tigers need large contiguous areas?
to support their prey requirements
B. to entertain their children
C. to make them free
to help them to grow

49. Kode Soal S21072500117

Fill the blank for (x) with the suitable answer
Snakes.…(v) elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be
…. (w) from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates,
snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of
snakes …. (x) skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to
swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To …. (y) their
narrow bodies, snakes’ paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other
instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species …. (z) a pelvic
girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.
B. was

C. Had

50. Kode Soal S21072400047

Ryan mampu menyelesaikan 80% soal dari 25 soal Bahasa Indonesia, 90% soal dari 40 soal
matematika dan 70% soal dari 10 soal Bahasa Inggris. Banyaknya soal yang diselesaikan
Ryan adalah …
A. 63
B. 75
C. 80
D. 84

51. Kode Soal S21072500120

Smoking in restaurants is just not disturbing. It must not be allowed because it is impolite,
harmful to others, and dangerous to smokers.
      Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of smoke affects everyone and can
cause them to turn off their food. People pay to eat good food, not to be turned off by foul-
smelling smoke.
       Another reason smoking should not be allowed in restaurants is the potential harm it can
cause to others. Passive smoking, or breathing in a smoker's smoke, can cause asthma attacks
and even cancer.
     Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes cause heart and
lung disease and should be avoided at all times, not just in restaurants.
       As a result, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others, and poses a health risk
to smokers, and it should be prohibited in all restaurants.
Smoking in the restaurants must be avoided because……
It is harmful to other
B. It’s dangerous to the smokers
C. It can cause heart and lung disease
All answers are correct

52. Kode Soal S21072500114

Prophet Ibrahim, his wife Hajar and their little baby Isma’il had been traveling for days. They stopped at
a place that had no water, plant or human life. The only thing they could see was hills and sand. Prophet
Ibrahim helped his wife and child dismount and then left them with a small amount of food and water in
the middle of the dessert.
Hajar was very surprised and asked him, “Where are you going Ibrahim, leaving us in this barren
valley?” He did not answer her. She repeated herself but he remained silent. She was worried something
terrible would happen to them, especially their baby who could die of hunger and thirst.
Then she asked him,” Did Allah command you to do so?”
“Yes,” he replied.
Then because she was an obedient wife who trusted Allah, she said, “If this is Allah’s Command, then
He will not abandon us.”
After a few days, the water and food had been used up; Hajar and her baby Isma’il were gripped with
hunger and thirst. Hajar had been feeding Isma’il milk from her breasts, but that too had dried up. Baby
Isma’il began to cry piteously and Hajar’s tears too began to flow.
She started running toward Mount As-Safa hoping to find some food, water or somebody to help them
in this distressing time. Then she went down and ran in the valley reaching the mountain of Al-Marwa.
Frantically, She ran back to the first hillock, then from one to the other, completing seven runs.
Zam Zam! Hajar returned to her little baby with an aching heart and found him shrieking. “Mercy, O my
Lord!” she cried. She looked at her baby helplessly who appeared as if he was on the verge of dying,
praying with all her heart for Allah to help them.
Allah had responded to her cries. Suddenly, in this moment of deep anguish, she saw crystal clear water
bubbling out of the dry earth. Quickly, she poured water onto Isma’il’s mouth and he drank. She
thanked Allah tremendously for His never-ending mercy.
Hajar ran toward Mount As-Safa for the first time ____ she found nobody around. Then she ____ mount
As-Safa, ran in the valley to get to the mountain of Al-Marwa.
A. yet, descended

B. when, walked on
C. since, went down

D. but, hiked
53. Kode Soal S21072400099
Jika diketahui suatu barisan 168, 161, 164, 82, 75, 78, 39, 32, …Maka suku berikutnya
A. 64
B. 25
C. 28
D. 35

54. Kode Soal S21072400108

Aisyah mengikuti 5 kali tes, dengan setiap tes masing-masing bernilai maksimum 100 poin.
Skor Aisyah pada tiga tes pertama adalah 76, 94, dan  87. Untuk mendapatkan rata-rata 81
pada semua tes tersebut, maka berapakah skor terendah yang bisa dia peroleh pada salah satu
dari dua tes tersebut?
A. 48
B. 52
C. 66
D. 70

55. Kode Soal S21072400109

Jumlah 5 bilangan yang membentuk barisan aritmatika adalah 75. Jika hasil kali bilangan
terkecil dan terbesar adalah 161, maka jumlah bilangan terbesar dan terkecil adalah ....
A. 16
B. 8
C. 30
D. 4

56. Kode Soal S21072400060

Dalam ruang kelas, diketahui 5/6 dari seluruh siswa adalah perempuan. Jika sebanyak 1/4
dari jumlah siswa perempuan dan 3/5 dari jumlah siswa laki-laki suka menggambar, maka
banyaknya siswa yang tidak suka menggambar adalah ⋯⋯ bagian dari seluruh siswa
A. 3/40
B. 43/90
C. 67/120
D. 83/120

57. Kode Soal S21072500119

Fill the blank for the (z) with the suitable answer
Snakes.…(v) elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be
…. (w) from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates,
snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of
snakes …. (x) skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to
swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To …. (y) their
narrow bodies, snakes’ paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other
instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species …. (z) a pelvic
girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.
A retains
B. retain

C. remain

58. Kode Soal S21072400054

Asrama Ad-Duha dengan 8 ruangan yang harus dipasangi lampu. Ruangan pertama dan
kedua merupakan ruangan yang menyatu (tidak dipisahkan dengan sekat ). Sementara
ruangan ke 7 dan ke 8 juga merupakan ruangan yang menyatu atau tak disekat. Sisanya
merupakan ruangan sendiri atau diberi sekat pemisah. Berapa jumlah lampu yang paling
efisien untuk dipasang jika ingin berhemat listrik?
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3

59. Kode Soal S21072500113

Prophet Ibrahim, his wife Hajar and their little baby Isma’il had been traveling for days. They
stopped at a place that had no water, plant or human life. The only thing they could see was hills and
sand. Prophet Ibrahim helped his wife and child dismount and then left them with a small amount of
food and water in the middle of the dessert.
Hajar was very surprised and asked him, “Where are you going Ibrahim, leaving us in this barren
valley?” He did not answer her. She repeated herself but he remained silent. She was worried
something terrible would happen to them, especially their baby who could die of hunger and thirst.
Then she asked him,” Did Allah command you to do so?”
“Yes,” he replied.
Then because she was an obedient wife who trusted Allah, she said, “If this is Allah’s Command,
then He will not abandon us.”
After a few days, the water and food had been used up; Hajar and her baby Isma’il were gripped with
hunger and thirst. Hajar had been feeding Isma’il milk from her breasts, but that too had dried up.
Baby Isma’il began to cry piteously and Hajar’s tears too began to flow.
She started running toward Mount As-Safa hoping to find some food, water or somebody to help
them in this distressing time. Then she went down and ran in the valley reaching the mountain of Al-
Marwa. Frantically, She ran back to the first hillock, then from one to the other, completing seven
Zam Zam! Hajar returned to her little baby with an aching heart and found him shrieking. “Mercy, O
my Lord!” she cried. She looked at her baby helplessly who appeared as if he was on the verge of
dying, praying with all her heart for Allah to help them.
Allah had responded to her cries. Suddenly, in this moment of deep anguish, she saw crystal clear
water bubbling out of the dry earth. Quickly, she poured water onto Isma’il’s mouth and he drank.
She thanked Allah tremendously for His never-ending mercy.
The story of Prophet Ibrahim, his family and the origin of Zam Zam mainly teaches us about…
A. The strong will to pass the test from Allah SWT
B. The faithful father with great responsibility

C. The strong faith and sole dependence upon Allah SWT

D. The struggle of a mother to provide for her child

60. Kode Soal S21072500116

Fill the blank for (w) with suitable answer
Snakes.…(v) elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be ….
(w) from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates, snakes
are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of snakes
…. (x) skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow
prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To …. (y) their narrow
bodies, snakes’ paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of
side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species …. (z) a pelvic girdle
with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca. 
A. ran
B. distinguish
C. distinguished
D. run

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