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Group 11

Adelia Agustin 19174040

Een Helmi Mundifah 1917404021
Fitri Salsabila Fatah 19174040
Lisa Arifatul Fajri 19174040

Part of Speech :

Part of speech merupakam hal yang sangat penting dalam pemeblajaran Bahasa
inggris, karena setiap bagainya mempunyai hal yang sangat penting dalam kajian Bahasa
inggris. setiap bagianya mempuanyai posisi dan fungsi masing-masing dalam menyususn
frase, klausa ataupun kalimat. dalam Bahasa Indonesia part of speech biasanya disebut
dengan istilah ‘kelas kata’ yaitu pengklasifikasian kata-kata berdasarkan kelasnya untuk
menunjukan tugas atau fungsi setiap kata dalam suatu rangkaian frasa, klausa ataupun

Kelas kata dalam Bahasa inggris terdiri atas:

a. Kata Kerja (Verb)

Love, Send, Study, Swim, Take …
b. Kata Benda(Noun)
Book, Chair, Salsa, Spoon, Pencil …
c. Kata Ganti (Pronoun)
I, You, They, We, She, He, It, Someone …
d. Kata Sifat(Adjective)
Shinning, Shimmering, Splendid, White, Young, Smart …
e. Kata Keterangan(Adverb)
Always, Easily, Here, There, Yesterday …
f. Kata Sambung (Conjunction)
After, And, Because, But, Since …
g. Kata Depan(Preposition)
At, By , For, With, Because, Of, In …
h. Kata Seru(Interjection)
wow!, omg!, sst! …

Asking Opinion
When the two words are combined, asking opinion means "asking for an opinion" or "asking
an opinion". Asking opinion is used when you want to ask or need the opinion of others.
There are many ways to ask your opinion in English, let's look at the following example:

 What is your opinion? (apa pendapat/opini kamu?)

 What is your idea? (apa idemu?)
 What are your thoughts on …? (apa pendapatmu tentang …?)
 What is your point of view? (apa sudut pandangmu?)
 What/how do you think/reckon about …? (bagaimana menurutmu mengenai …?)
 How do you think of my idea? (bagaimana pendapatmu tentang ideku?)
 How do you feel about …? (bagaimana perasaanmu tentang …?)
 Do you have any idea? (apakah kamu memiliki ide?)
 Do you have opinion of …? (apakah kamu memiliki opini tentang …?)

Giving Opinion

Before expressing an opinion or idea that is on your mind, you must know how to start a
sentence properly. So that other people can easily understand your opinion:

 I think/Personally I think… (Menurutku…/Secara pribadi, menurutku…)

 In my opinion/In my humble opinion…. (Menurut pendapatku…)
 From my point of view… (Dari sudut pandangku…)
 To/in my mind… (Menurut pikiranku…)
 I (strongly) believe (that) … (Saya (sangat) percaya (bahwa …)
 As for me, I reckon… (Adapun saya rasa…)
 As far as I am concerned … (Sejauh yang saya ketahui…)
 To be honest… (Sejujurnya…)


Conversation 1

Adel: So, do you think that Jakarta is a great place to live?

Lisa: I believe that, yes. There are so many place to go in Jakarta. But, it’s not easy to travel
around the city. Jakarta is too crowded

Adel: What do you think about the idea that there are too many people living in Jakarta?
Lisa: I think so. There are a lot of people but it makes the city is always busy and exciting.

Conversation II

Salsa: I love these two dresses. But I have to choose one. What do you think? Which one is
suited to me?

Een: I think the dress which has peach color is suited to you.

Salsa: really? But the blue one has a beautiful design.

Een: You’re right. But it seems too big to you isn’t it?

Salsa: yea…

Een: I have an idea! Let’s find a dress which has peach color, but the design is similar to
the blue one?

Salsa: yeah… That’s sounds good!

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