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“Menjadi departemen yang memberikan kontribusi nasional melalui Tri Dharma

Perguruan Tinggi serta menjadi lembaga terhormat dalam kancah internasional”


 Mendidik mahasiswa dalam membangun kemampuan berpikir yang logis melalui

student-learning centered processes berdasarkan permasalahan nyata dalam masyarakat
dan industri.
 Mempromosikan pengembangan diri mahasiswa dan perilaku enterpreneurial.
 Mempercepat proses penciptaan iklim internasional di dalam kampus.
 Menyiapkan mahasiswa untuk memiliki kompetensi unggul dalam mengolah
sumberdaya Indonesia berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan

Kata Pengantar

Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM telah mempunyai sejarah dan reputasi panjang
sebagai salah satu Departemen teknik kimia terbaik di Indonesia. Departemen Teknik
Kimia UGM mempunyai komitmen untuk menyelenggarakan sistem pendidikan S1
yang mempunyai standar internasional dengan lulusan yang dapat bersaing secara
global dan dapat melanjutkan studi lanjutnya di berbagai universitas terkemuka
dunia. Untuk menjamin kualitas proses dan lulusannya, Departemen Teknik Kimia
UGM telah menerapkan sistem penjaminan mutu yang telah mendapatkan sertifikasi
ISO 9001-2000 sejak bulan Juni 2008. Sejak tahun 2014, Program Studi Teknik Kimia
UGM mendapatkan pengakuan formal secara internasional, setelah mendapatkan
akreditasi internasional dari The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) yang
berbasis di London. Tidak berhenti dengan pencapaian tersebut, Program Studi
Teknik Kimia telah mendapatkan akreditasi penuh dari Indonesian Accreditation
Board for Engineering Education (IABEE).

Selama beberapa dekade ini, Departemen Teknik Kimia telah berhasil menarik
lulusan-lulusan terbaik SMA dari seluruh Indonesia. Dengan kualitas
mahasiswa baru yang baik dan sistem penjaminan mutu akademik dengan
standar internasional, Departemen Teknik Kimia telah menghasilkan lulusan-
lulusan yang telah berkiprah dalam berbagai perusahaan nasional,
multinasional maupun institusi pendidikan ternama baik di Indonesia maupun di luar

Buku panduan ini memberikan berbagai informasi awal yang

diperlukan oleh mahasiswa baru untuk memulai kegiatan akademiknya di
Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM. Dalam buku panduan ini juga disajikan berbagai
peraturan akademik, nilai-nilai etika yang menjadi acuan di Departemen Teknik
Kimia dan berbagai fasilitas yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh mahasiswa Departemen
Teknik Kimia untuk menunjang kesuksesannya selama belajar di Departemen
Teknik Kimia UGM.

Pada akhirnya diharapkan dengan panduan yang ringkas ini,

mahasiswa baru bisa dengan cepat menyesuaikan diri dengan kehidupan
akademik di Universitas Gadjah Mada yang sangat berbeda dengan kehidupan
akademik di SMA. Selamat bergabung dengan Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM.

Dr.-Ing. Teguh Ariyanto, S.T., M.Eng.

Ketua Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Kimia
Departemen Teknik Kimia
Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Daftar Isi Panduan Akademik Mahasiswa
Sejarah Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM 1
Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM Saat Ini 2
Profesi Sarjana Teknik Kimia 3
Apakah teknik kimia itu? 3
Apa saja bidang pekerjaan untuk sarjana teknik kimia? 3
Peran sarjana teknik kimia di industri 4
Bidang lain di luar industri kimia 5
Visi dan Misi 7
Visi UGM 7
Misi UGM 7
Visi Fakultas Teknik 7
Misi Fakultas Teknik 7
Visi Departemen Teknik Kimia FT UGM 8
Misi Departemen Teknik Kimia FT UGM 8
Visi Pendidikan Program Sarjana, Program Studi Teknik Kimia 9
Misi Program Sarjana, Program Studi Teknik Kimia 9
Tujuan Pendidikan 14
Tujuan Jangka Panjang (Program Educational Outcome, PEO) 14
Kompetensi (Program Outcome, PO) 14
Learning Outcome (LO) 16
Peraturan Pendidikan dan Pengajaran 17
Sistem Prasyarat 17
Beban Studi 17
Sistem SKS 18
SKS perkuliahan 18
Pengisian Kartu Rencana Studi (KRS) dan Pembimbingan Akademik 18
Sistem Penilaian 19
Tugas Akhir 20
Yudisium 21
Tata Tertib Peserta Kuliah (LURING) 21
Tata Tertib Peserta Kuliah (DARING) 22

Presensi Kuliah 22
Daftar Matakuliah 24
Semester I 24
Semester II 24
Semester III 25
Semester IV 25
Semester V 26
Semester VI 26
Semester VII 27
Semester VIII 27
Daftar Kode Mata Kuliah Pilihan Minat Keahlian 28
Daftar Kode Matakuliah Pengetahuan Agama (UNU214170) 30
Peraturan Ujian (LURING) 32
Peraturan Ujian (DARING) 32
Keberatan atas Hasil Penilaian Ujian 33
Ujian Susulan 33
Pengulangan Matakuliah 34
Evaluasi 34
Tujuan 35
Prosedur Pendaftaran 35
Penelitian 37
Tujuan instruksional 37
Prasyarat 37
Pelaksanaan penelitian 37
Pembiayaan penelitian 38
Prosedur pendaftaran penelitian 38
Pelaksanaan Penelitian (Penelitian I) 39
Evaluasi penilaian 39
Seminar (Penelitian II) 39
Prosedur dan Persyaratan 40
Kerja Praktek 40
Prasyarat 41
Prosedur Pendaftaran Kerja Praktek 41

Laporan Kerja Praktek 41
Tugas Perancangan Pabrik Kimia 42
Ujian Pendadaran 43
Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) 43
Ruang Kuliah 44
Perpustakaan (Ruang baca) 44
Koleksi, pelayanan dan prosedur untuk menjadi anggota perpustakaan 44
Fasilitas Internet 45
Laboratorium 45
Beasiswa 47
Kompetisi 47
Poise (Process Engineering Series of Event) 48
IChEC (Indonesia Chemical Engineering Challenge) 48
PGD (Process Engineering and Energy Days) 48
Creation (Chemical Engineering Fair and Competition) 48
Sebelum bekerja, yang bersangkutan: 51
Selama bekerja, yang bersangkutan: 51
Setelah bekerja, yang bersangkutan : 52
Kegiatan Kemahasiswaan 53
BSO 55
Badan Perwakilan Mahasiswa (BPM) 56
Reactics Chem-E-Car UGM 57
SPE UGM - SC (Society of Petroleum Engineers Universitas Gadjah Mada Student
Chapter) 57

2. ENERGY 133


Gambar 1. Hubungan Antara Visi dan Misi ............................................................................ 10

Gambar 2. Hubungan antara Tujuan Jangka Panjang, Kompetensi, dan Tujuan Pembelajaran
(Kurikulum 2021) .................................................................................................................... 17
Gambar 3. Diagram Alir Kurikulum 2021 ............................................................................... 31

Tabel 1. Dosen Departemen Teknik Kimia FT UGM ............................................................. 12
Tabel 2. Beban Studi Berdasarkan IP Semester....................................................................... 18
Tabel 3. Sistem Pengelompokan Nilai ..................................................................................... 19
Tabel 4. Sistem Pehitungan IPS dan IPK................................................................................. 19
Tabel 5. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 1 ................................................................................... 24
Tabel 6. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 2 ................................................................................... 24
Tabel 7. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 3 ................................................................................... 25
Tabel 8. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 4 ................................................................................... 25
Tabel 9. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 5 ................................................................................... 26
Tabel 10. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 6 ................................................................................. 26
Tabel 11. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 7 ................................................................................. 27
Tabel 12. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 8 ................................................................................. 27
Tabel 13. Datar Mata Kuliah Minat Keahlian ......................................................................... 28
Tabel 14. Datar Mata Kuliah Pengetahuan Agama ................................................................. 30
Tabel 15. Daftar Kepala Laboratorium dan Studio .................................................................. 45


Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik UGM lahir dalam kancah revolusi
Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Pada jaman penjajahan Belanda, di Indonesia hanya ada
sebuah Perguruan Tinggi Teknik. Perguruan Tinggi Teknik ini berkedudukan di
Bandung dengan nama Technische Hoogeschool yang didirikan Pemerintah Hindia
Belanda pada tanggal 3 Juli 1920. Perguruan Tinggi ini memiliki Bagian Kimia, tetapi
baru pada tingkat permulaan. Pada jaman pendudukan Jepang, tepatnya pada
tanggal 1 April 1944, Pemerintah Militer Jepang mendirikan Perguruan Tinggi Teknik
dengan nama Bandoeng Koo Gyoo Dai Gaku. Setelah Bangsa Indonesia
memproklamasikan kemerdekaannya, Bandoeng Koo Gyoo Dai Gaku direbut oleh
pemuda mahasiswa bersama-sama dengan para staf pengajarnya dan dilanjutkan
dengan nama Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Bandoeng.
Pada penyerbuan tentara Sekutu ke kota-kota besar di Indonesia, termasuk
kota Bandung, Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Bandoeng berhijrah ke Yogyakarta, (yang pada
waktu itu berstatus sebagai Ibukota Negara Republik Indonesia, setelah kepindahan
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia ke Yogyakarta pada tanggal 4 Januari 1946), dan
dibuka dengan nama Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Bandoeng di Jogjakarta pada tanggal 17
Februari 1946. Bagian-bagian yang dibuka pada waktu itu adalah Sipil, Kimia, serta
Mesin & Listrik. Perkuliahan dilaksanakan di Gedung SMA III di Kota Baru Yogyakarta.
Pada waktu yang bersamaan didirikan juga Balai Perguruan Tinggi Gadjah
Mada (Swasta). Nama Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Bandoeng di Jogjakarta ini selanjutnya
segera diubah menjadi Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Jogjakarta yang berstatus sebagai
Perguruan Tinggi Negeri. Pada tanggal 19 Desember 1948 tentara Belanda menyerbu
dan menduduki Yogyakarta, sehingga Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Jogjakarta terpaksa
ditutup. Berkat Perjuangan Tentara Nasional Indonesia bersama-sama rakyat,
Yogyakarta berhasil direbut kembali. SekoIah Tinggi Teknik Jogjakarta, Sekolah
Tinggi Kedokteran (yang juga berhijrah dari Jakarta ke Klaten setelah Jakarta
diduduki Sekutu), dan Balai Perguruan Tinggi Gadjah Mada (Swasta) disatukan oleh
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia menjadi Universitas Gadjah Mada pada tanggal 19
Desember 1949 dengan nama Universitit Negeri Gadjah Mada.
Pada tahun 1946 sampai 1952 Bagian Kimia mengalami kekurangan tenaga
dosen, alat dan buku, di samping kesulitan sebagai akibat langsung penjuangan

kemerdekaan. Dengan adanya bantuan beberapa tenaga asing dan perhatian
Pemerintah yang serius pada tahun 1955 dihasilkan lulusan-lulusan pertama.
Keadaan lebih membaik lagi dengan adanya University of California Los Angeles
Gadjah Mada Engineering Project, yang berlaku efektif dari tahun 1957 sampai tahun
1966. Penyediaan tenaga Dosen, alat dan buku disamping pengiriman Dosen ke luar
negeri untuk tugas belajar berjalan dengan baik. Pada tahun 1959 Bagian Kimia
menjadi Bagian Teknik Kimia dengan pemantapan kurikulum yang bersifat mendasar
dengan lama pendidikan tetap 4 tahun. Perluasan kurikulum menjadi 5 tahun terjadi
pada tahun 1962/1963. Kurikulum 5 tahun ini mula-mula menuntut 192 SKS untuk
pendidikan Sarjana Teknik Kimia yang kemudian dikurangi menjadi 186 SKS. Antara
tahun 1980 sampai dengan 2000 Departemen Teknik Kimia menganut program S-1
yang menuntut 160 SKS untuk Sarjana Teknik Kimia yang terbagi dalam 9 semester.
Kemudian di tahun 1980 juga dibuka Program Pascasarjanadengan menerima
mahasiswa master (S-2) dan doktor (S-3). Sejak kurikulum tahun 2000 (berlaku 2000-
2006) sampai dengan kurikulum 2011 (2011-2016) Program Studi S-1 Teknik Kimia
memberlakukan 148 SKS yang terbagi dalam 8 semester. Di kurikulum 2016 (2016-
2021) dan kurikulum terbaru 2021 (2021-2026), jumlah SKS utk program studi S-1
berjumlah 144 SKS dan pemberlakukan metode MBKM dilaksanakan di kurikulum
terbaru 2021 ini.
Saat ini Departemen Teknik Kimia FT-UGM adalah salah satu Departemen
Teknik Kimia terbaik di Indonesia, terbukti dengan akreditasi A dari BAN PT di semua
program studi yang ada (S-1, S-2 dan S-3). Dalam catatannya, Departemen Teknik
Kimia pernah memenangkan berbagai proyek hibah kompetisi dari DIKTI mulai dari
Quality of Undergraduate Education (QUE) dari tahun 2000-2004, Proyek Hibah
Kompetisi B (PHK B) dari tahun 2006 – 2008, Hibah World Class Research University
(2009) dan Program Hibah Kompetisi Institusi (PHK-I) Tema D mulai 2011-2013. Sejak
tahun akademik 2009/2010, Program Studi S-1 Teknik Kimia telah menerapkan
Outcome Based Education (OBE) menurut standar The Institution of Chemical
Engineers (IChemE) dan telah mendapatkan akreditasi internasional dari badan
tersebut pada tahun 2014 dan berlaku sampai tahun 2023. Selain itu, pada tanggal
30 Juni 2018 Program Studi S-1 Teknik Kimia juga memperoleh akreditasi dari
Indonesian Accreditation Board of Engineering Education (IABEE) dan penyesuaian
kriteria akreditasi Unggul dari BAN PT.


Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM saat ini menyelenggarakan pendidikan mulai

dari program sarjana (S1), program master (S2) dan program doktor (S3). Kurikulum
program S1 Teknik Kimia UGM setara dengan 144 SKS (satuan kredit semester) yang
diprogramkan dalam 8 semester (4 tahun). Program master Departemen Teknik

Kimia menawarkan 3 konsentrasi yaitu Konsentrasi Teknik Proses (MTK), Konsentrasi
Teknik Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan (MTPPL), dan Konsentrasi Pengolahan
Bahan Mineral. Program Master Teknik Kimia UGM dapat diselesaikan antara 1,5 – 2
tahun. Untuk program doktor lebih ditekankan dalam penelitian yang diprogramkan
untuk diselesaikan dalam 3 tahun.
Kurikulum pendidikan Departemen Teknik Kimia selalu disesuaikan dengan
perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan kebutuhan pasar kerja. Paling
lama setiap 5 tahun Kurikulum Departemen Teknik Kimia akan ditinjau ulang.
Saat ini Departemen Teknik Kimia memiliki 609 mahasiswa S1, 118 mahasiswa
master, dan 31 mahasiswa doktor (per Juli 2021). Departemen Teknik Kimia memiliki
37 dosen tetap lulusan berbagai universitas ternama Amerika, Australia, Eropa, dan
Jepang yang terdiri dari 27 doktor, 10 master (4 sedang menempuh program doktor).
Saat ini Departemen Teknik Kimia memiliki 7 guru besar.
Dalam lebih dari 7 dasawarsa usianya, Departemen Teknik Kimia telah
menghasilkan jaringan alumni yang kini bekerja di berbagai perusahaan/institusi
yang tersebar di seluruh dunia, meliputi: petrokimia, makanan, semen,
perminyakan, pupuk, farmasi, perbankan, perdagangan bahan kimia dan sebagainya
pada berbagai level jabatan mulai dari junior engineer sampai pada jabatan-jabatan
tertinggi. Alumni Departemen Teknik Kimia adalah aset yang sangat berharga bagi
Departemen Teknik Kimia karena dengan dukungan mereka Departemen Teknik
Kimia menjadi semakin kuat dan selalu dapat mengantisipasi perubahan-perubahan
trend dalam industri kimia yang sangat dinamis.


Apakah teknik kimia itu?

Teknik kimia adalah salah satu cabang ilmu teknik yang mengembangkan spesialisasi
dalam perancangan proses untuk transformasi bahan baku menjadi produk-produk
bernilai ekonomi lebih tinggi, dengan dukungan berbagai sumber daya seefisien
mungkin dan dampak negatif ke lingkungan yang seminimal mungkin. Kompetensi
yang menjadi karakter seorang sarjana teknik kimia mencakup kompetensi dalam
bidang kimia, matematika, fisika, konsep-konsep transfer (massa, momentum, dan
energi), fundamental rekayasa reaksi kimia, termodinamika, pengetahuan sifat
bahan, pengetahuan peralatan pada produksi skala komersial, dan perancangan
pabrik dengan dukungan pemrograman komputer.

Apa saja bidang pekerjaan untuk sarjana teknik kimia?

Dalam industri kimia saat ini dikenal dua jenis produk, yaitu jenis bulk chemicals
dan fine chemicals. Bulk chemicals diperlukan dalam jumlah banyak namun harganya
tidak terlalu tinggi, misalnya bahan bakar, petrokimia, semen, dan lain-lain. Fine
chemicals umumnya diperlukan dalam jumlah sangat kecil namun harganya relatif

jauh lebih mahal, misalnya parfum, obat-obatan, dan sebagainya. Pada saat ini
industri kimia di Indonesia umumnya menghasilkan bulk chemicals. Namun sejalan
dengan kecenderungan industri kimia dunia saat ini, di masa mendatang industri
yang menghasilkan fine chemicals akan berkembang pula di Indonesia, dan ini sangat
menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. Sarjana teknik kimia tidak hanya
diperlukan di industri kimia, tapi kiprahnya kini sudah merambah industri farmasi,
industri kosmetika, industri parfum, dan lain sebagainya.

Peran sarjana teknik kimia di industri

1. Process engineer
Kebanyakan sarjana teknik kimia (sering disebut sebagai insinyur kimia) di industri
kimia berkiprah sebagai process engineer, yaitu penanggung jawab proses produksi
sehari-hari. Seorang process engineer tidak hanya perlu mengenal peralatan dan
proses dengan baik, tetapi perlu juga memiliki kreativitas untuk melakukan inovasi
proses dalam rangka peningkatan efisiensi.

2. Research and Development

Industri kimia mengandalkan unit risetnya untuk bisa selalu menjadi yang terdepan.
Dewasa ini, daya saing dalam industri kimia, terutama untuk fine chemicals, sangat
ditentukan oleh karakteristik produk, baik dalam skala mikroskopis maupun
makroskopis, seperti distribusi ukuran partikel, distribusi ukuran pori-pori, stabilitas
kimia/biologis, sifat-sifat permukaan, aspek estetika, dan lain-lain. Sarjana teknik
kimia menjadi ujung tombak dalam unit riset industri kimia karena sarjana teknik
kimia tidak hanya dibekali pengetahuan fundamental tetapi juga kemampuan
perhitungan ekonomi. Dengan demikian, dalam menjalankan riset, sarjana teknik
kimia selalu berpikir dalam konteks komersialisasi sehingga produk risetnya
dipastikan layak untuk diproduksi besar-besaran dan siap dilempar ke pasaran. Salah
satu industri kimia terbesar di dunia, BASF, menyatakan bahwa peran para sarjana
teknik kimia di R&D-nya sangat besar dalam meningkatkan pendapatan perusahaan
tersebut melalui inovasi-inovasi produknya.

3. Technopreneur
Dalam kaitannya dengan kompetisi produksi fine chemicals, perusahaan-perusahaan
raksasa dalam bisnis bahan kimia (misalnya Dow, DuPont, BASF, dll.) mulai
melakukan outsourcing untuk mendekati pasar-pasar besar yang sekaligus
merupakan sumber bahan alami untuk fine chemicals (negara-negara
tropis/subtropis berpenduduk banyak seperti Cina, India, dll.). Bahkan outsourcing
ini tidak hanya terbatas pada unit-unit produksi saja, tetapi juga pada R&D. Berbeda
dengan bisnis bulk chemicals yang sifatnya stabil dan cenderung monoton, bisnis fine
chemicals sangat dinamis dan memerlukan banyak pekerjaan-pekerjaan
produksi/riset yang sifatnya temporer. Dengan demikian, lebih murah bagi

produsen-produsen kimia besar mengontrak unit-unit kecil di daerah
pemasaran/bahan baku untuk melakukan pekerjaan-pekerjaan temporer tersebut,
daripada mereka harus membangun unit baru setiap saat. Hal ini telah
menumbuhkan trend baru dalam karir sarjana teknik kimia, yaitu sebagai contract
research organizations (CRO). Saat ini ada lebih dari 1000 CRO beroperasi di seluruh
dunia, banyak di antaranya berbasis di Asia. Diperlukan sarjana-sarjana teknik kimia
berjiwa technopreneur (entrepreneur berbasis teknologi) untuk ambil bagian dalam
jaringan CRO tersebut. Oleh karena itu, Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM memberikan
bekal mengenai entrepreneurship kepada mahasiswanya.

Bidang lain di luar industri kimia

1. Pendidikan tinggi teknik kimia

Sebagai staf pengajar di perguruan tinggi, sarjana teknik kimia dituntut dan
difasilitasi untuk menempuh pendidikan lanjut sampai mencapai derajat doktor,
baik di dalam/luar negeri. Dalam fungsinya sebagai dosen, sarjana teknik kimia
diharapkan mampu memberikan kontribusi untuk pendidikan para calon insinyur
kimia Indonesia, menjalankan riset-riset untuk pengembangan teknik kimia secara
ilmiah, dan melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat untuk membantu
pemecahan problem-problem teknis yang dihadapi masyarakat luas. Staf pengajar
juga dapat berperan sebagai konsultan untuk masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh
industri kimia.

2. Lembaga penelitian
Sarjana teknik kimia merupakan bagian penting dalam aktivitas riset-riset di
lembaga penelitian nasional (misalnya LIPI, BPPT, dll.). Keterlibatan sarjana teknik
kimia ini terutama pada riset-riset yang diproyeksikan ke arah produksi komersial
pada skala besar.

3. Perbankan
Sarjana teknik kimia juga diperlukan oleh dunia perbankan sebagai penilai kelayakan
pengajuan pinjaman dana untuk proyek-proyek yang terkait dengan industri kimia.
Dengan kemampuannya memahami proses dan melakukan perhitungan kelayakan
ekonominya, sarjana teknik kimia memang sangat sesuai untuk pekerjaan tersebut.

4. Konsultan
Sarjana teknik kimia dapat bekerja sebagai konsultan teknik untuk industri kimia,
baik sebagai individu maupun bergabung dalam suatu firma konsultan. Pekerjaan
konsultan ini bisa sangat bervariasi, tergantung dari masalah yang dihadapi oleh para

klien, mulai dari perancangan pabrik baru sampai problem solving pada pabrik yang
sudah beroperasi.

Contoh-contoh di atas baru sebagian saja dari profesi yang umum dijalani oleh para
sarjana teknik kimia. Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM telah merancang kurikulumnya
sedemikian rupa sehingga para lulusannya memiliki fleksibilitas tinggi untuk mampu
mengembangkan diri di lingkungan profesi masing-masing sehingga dapat
mengerjakan berbagai pekerjaan dengan baik.

Mahasiswa baru ketika memulai hari pertama di Universitas Gadjah Mada
secara resmi telah memasuki dunia baru dengan tanggung jawab baru. Bila para
mahasiswa baru ditanya apa beda situasi belajar di SMU dan di Universitas, setiap
mahasiswa baru akan memberikan jawaban yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan latar
belakang sosial dan budaya masing-masing. Namun ada satu persamaan yang
menunjukkan perbedaan fundamental kehidupan siswa SMU dan mahasiswa, yaitu
kemandirian dan self success motivation (motivasi sukses yang berasal dari dalam
diri sendiri).
Saat belajar di SMU, semua jadwal belajar diatur oleh sekolah dengan sangat
ketat mulai dari jam masuk sekolah dan jam pulang sekolah dan itu berlaku sama
untuk seluruh siswa sekolah. Di universitas, setiap mahasiswa membuat rencana
studi di setiap awal semester disesuaikan dengan prestasi akademiknya dan
pertimbangan-pertimbangan lain yang bisa bersifat sangat individual untuk tiap
mahasiswa. Tiap mahasiswa akan mempunyai jadwal kuliah yang bisa sangat berbeda
dengan mahasiswa lain. Tiap mahasiswa bisa menentukan sendiri beban akademik
(jumlah matakuliah/sks) yang akan diambil sesuai dengan prestasi akademik (Indeks
Prestasi) yang telah diraih pada semester sebelumnya.
Ketika di SMU setiap Bapak/Ibu Guru secara berkala akan memberikan
pekerjaan rumah (PR) dan setiap siswa harus berusaha mengerjakan di rumah karena
biasanya ada “hukuman” bagi yang tidak mengerjakan PR. Pekerjaan rumah (PR),
project (‘PR besar’ yang biasanya diberi waktu beberapa minggu/bulan) dan laporan
juga merupakan bagian penting dari pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi dan
merupakan salah satu komponen dari penilaian akhir dari suatu matakuliah dan
bahkan kadang merupakan prasyarat bagi pengambilan tugas/project berikutnya.
Mahasiswa yang tidak mengumpulkan PR, laporan atau tugas pada waktu yang
ditentukan bisa mengalami keterlambatan penyelesaian studinya. Mahasiswa
mengerjakan PR, project atau laporan bukan lagi untuk menghindari “hukuman”
tetapi untuk mencapai target studi yang telah dibuatnya sendiri.
Beberapa lulusan yang sukses mengatakan bahwa kemandirian adalah salah
satu komponen terpenting untuk meraih sukses dalam pembelajaran di universitas
dan nanti pada saat lulusan baru memasuki dunia kerja. Banyak mahasiswa dan

lulusan yang sukses di Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM bukan top student di SMU,
tetapi dengan kemandirian dan success motivation yang tinggi akhirnya mereka
menjadi top student di UGM dan menjadi lulusan yang sukses setelah itu. Hal yang
sebaliknya juga bisa terjadi. Top high school student setelah masuk di UGM menjadi
mahasiswa yang biasa-biasa saja atau bahkan mempunyai prestasi yang buruk bukan
karena kemampuan intelegensia yang rendah melainkan karena tidak mempunyai
kemandirian yang baik dan mempunyai success motivation yang rendah. Maka jangan
lupa disela-sela kegiatan akademik di UGM carilah aktivitas yang bisa memompa
semangat anda untuk berprestasi dan menumbuhkan kedewasaan dan kemandirian


Sebagai pengelola kegiatan Tridharma Pendidikan Tinggi di bawah Fakultas
Teknik UGM, Departemen Teknik Kimia (DTK) memiliki visi dan misi yang merupakan
penjabaran visi dan misi UGM dan Fakultas Teknik dalam bidang Teknik Kimia.
Adapun visi dan misi UGM dan Fakultas Teknik dijabarkan sebagai berikut.

Visi UGM
Universitas Gadjah Mada sebagai pelopor perguruan tinggi nasional berkelas dunia
yang unggul dan inovatif, mengabdi kepada kepentingan bangsa dan kemanusiaan
dijiwai nilai-nilai budaya bangsa berdasarkan Pancasila.

Misi UGM
Menjalankan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat serta
pelestarian dan pengembangan ilmu yang unggul dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat.

Visi Fakultas Teknik

Fakultas Teknik UGM menjadi lembaga pendidikan tinggi teknik yang memiliki
keunggulan dan bermartabat, berperan aktif dalam pengembangan, penerapan ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknik, serta berintegritas tinggi, berbudaya, dan berasaskan

Misi Fakultas Teknik

1. Menyelenggarakan proses pembelajaran yang memiliki keunggulan dan
bermartabat di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknik, untuk pengembangan
manusia seutuhnya.
2. Mengembangkan, menyebarluaskan dan melestarikan ilmu pengetahuan dan
teknik, yang diakui secara internasional.
3. Melakukan dan melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan
menerapkan teknologi berbasis riset yang berlandaskan pada budaya bangsa

4. Mengembangkan kerjasama yang luas dengan lembaga pendidikan tinggi dan
lembaga lain di dalam dan di luar negeri.

Visi Departemen Teknik Kimia FT UGM

Visi Departemen Teknik Kimia sebagai lembaga/institusi dirumuskan
berdasarkan latar belakang sejarah, kondisi terkini dan cita-cita yang ingin dicapai
di masa depan. Departemen Tenik Kimia UGM merupakan salah satu pilar dalam
memajukan perekonomian bangsa khususnya bidang industri kimia. Perubahan yang
cepat dan kompetisi yang ketat merupakan ciri umum dari kondisi masa depan
sehingga diperlukan peran aktif perguruan tinggi termasuk Departemen Teknik Kimia
UGM untuk tetap konsisten melaksanakan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi dalam rangka
mensejahterakan masyarakat. Selain itu, visi departemen mencerminkan visi
Fakultas Teknik dan UGM serta memayungi visi keilmuan program studi di bawah
Departemen Teknik Kimia. Oleh karena itu, Visi Departemen Teknik Kimia FT UGM
mengandung key words sebagai berikut.
- Kontribusi nasional
- Diakui di tingkat Internasional
- Tridharma perguruan tinggi
Pemikiran dan kata-kata kunci (key words) tersebut dituangkan dalam visi
Departemen Teknik Kimia sebagai lembaga/institusi sebagai berikut:
“Menjadi departemen yang memberikan kontribusi nasional melalui Tri Dharma
Perguruan Tinggi serta menjadi lembaga terhormat dalam kancah internasional”

Misi Departemen Teknik Kimia FT UGM

Berdasarkan visi yang ada, Departemen Teknik Kimia menuangkan visi tersebut
dalam rencana aksi yang terangkum dalam misi Departemen Teknik Kimia. Misi
departemen mencerminkan misi Fakultas Teknik dan UGM serta memayungi misi
keilmuan program studi di bawah Departemen Teknik Kimia. Misi dari Departemen
Teknik Kimia memiliki kata-kata kunci berupa: logic, student-centered learning,
real problems, academic atmosphere for personal and enterpreneurship
developments, willingness and skills for sustainable usage of natural resources.
Selanjutnya misi dari Departemen Teknik Kimia dapat dipertajam sebagai berikut:
● Mendidik mahasiswa dalam membangun kemampuan berpikir yang logis
melalui student-learning centered processes berdasarkan permasalahan
nyata dalam masyarakat dan industri.
● Mempromosikan pengembangan diri mahasiswa dan perilaku enterpreneurial.
● Mempercepat proses penciptaan iklim internasional di dalam kampus.
● Menyiapkan mahasiswa untuk memiliki kompetensi unggul dalam mengolah
sumberdaya Indonesia berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip pembangunan

Visi Pendidikan Program Sarjana, Program Studi Teknik Kimia
Visi Pendidikan Program Sarjana, Program Studi Teknik Kimia dirumuskan
berdasarkan analisis kondisi saat ini dan prediksi situasi masa depan yang akan
dihadapi oleh para lulusan teknik kimia. Kondisi masa depan akan sangat dipengaruhi
oleh dinamika dan kompetisi global. Untuk memenangkan persaingan-persaingan
dalam tingkat global, sarjana teknik kimia Indonesia memiliki keunggulan-
keunggulan, antara lain:
i. luasnya krida teknik kimia, yang memungkinkan lulusan teknik kimia masuk
dalam berbagai bidang jika mereka dipersiapkan untuk menjadi pribadi-
pribadi dengan fleksibilitas tinggi
ii. kekayaan sumber daya alam Indonesia dapat menjadi modal yang sangat besar
untuk dapat dikelola para lulusan teknik kimia dalam rangka meningkatkan
kesejahteraan bangsa
Oleh karena itu, visi pendidikan Program Sarjana, Program Studi Teknik Kimia
mencakup hal-hal berikut ini:
i. wawasan nasional
ii. kualitas internasional
iii. fleksibilitas
iv. kepribadian baik
v. life-long learning
vi. kepekaan terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat
vii. pemanfaatan sumber daya alam Indonesia secara berkelanjutan
Pemikiran tersebut kemudian dirumuskan ke dalam pernyataan formal visi
pendidikan Program Sarjana, Program Studi Teknik Kimia sebagai berikut:
”Menjadi Program Studi yang menghasilkan lulusan yang bermoral baik,
berwawasan nasional, berkualitas internasional, dan mempunyai fleksibilitas dalam
pengembangan diri”.

Misi Program Sarjana, Program Studi Teknik Kimia

Visi pendidikan yang telah dirumuskan di atas dijabarkan ke dalam misi yang
diemban oleh Program Studi Teknik Kimia. Kaitan antara visi dan misi tersebut
digambarkan dalam diagram di Gambar 1. Kata-kata kunci dalam visi (wawasan
nasional, kualitas internasional, fleksibilitas, kepribadian baik, life-long learning,
kepekaan terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat, dan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam
secara berkelanjutan) diterjemahkan ke dalam kata-kata kunci dalam misi
(penalaran, student centered learning, permasalahan riil, atmosfer akademik untuk
pengembangan kepribadian dan entrepreneurship, kemauan dan keahlian untuk
pemanfaatan sumber daya alam secara berkelanjutan, aklimatisasi suasana
internasional). Perlu ditekankan di sini bahwa untuk menunjang kemampuan
fleksibilitas, aspek pengembangan penalaran lebih diutamakan dibanding materi.

Gambar 1. Hubungan Antara Visi dan Misi

Berdasarkan hubungan yang dituliskan dalam Gambar 1, dirumuskan

pernyataan misi Program Sarjana, Program Studi Teknik Kimia sebagai berikut:
”Program Sarjana, Program Studi Teknik Kimia mendidik mahasiswa agar
mempunyai penalaran yang baik dengan sistem pembelajaran berorientasi student
centered learning dan berbasis permasalahan riil di masyarakat dan dunia industri
di mana atmosfer akademis diarahkan untuk mendorong pengembangan kepribadian
dan wawasan entrepreneurship serta untuk mempercepat aklimatisasi terhadap
suasana internasional. Selain itu, lulusan disiapkan pula untuk memiliki kemauan
dan keahlian untuk memanfaatkan potensi sumber daya alam Indonesia secara

Ketua Departemen : Ir.Muslikhin Hidayat, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPU.
Sekretaris Departemen : Ir. Ahmad Tawfiequrrahman Yuliansyah,
S.T., M.T., D.Eng. IPM.

Koordinator Unit Departemen

KUD Aset, Keuangan, dan SDM : Ir.Yuni Kusumastuti, S.T., M.Eng., D.Eng.,
Kerjasama, Penelitian, dan : Ir. Ahmad Tawfiequrrahman Yuliansyah,
Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat S.T., M.T., D.Eng. IPM.

Kepala Prodi Sarjana (S1) : Dr. Ing. Ir.Teguh Ariyanto, S.T., M.Eng.,
Sekretaris Prodi : Lisendra Marbelia, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Kepala Prodi Pascasarjana (S2) : Ir.Rochim Bakti Cahyono, S.T., M.Sc.,

Ph.D., IPM.
Sekretaris Prodi : Ir.Muhammad Mufti Azis, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.,

Kepala Prodi Pascasarjana (S3) : Ir.Wiratni, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM.

Kantor Administrasi
Kour. Akademik, : Raden Nolo Habsari, A.Md
Kemahasiswaan, P2MKA
Kour. Keuangan, Aset, SDM, dan : Wulaningrum, S.E.
Kour. Sarana dan Prasarana : Sugeng Arif Santoso
Para PUMK : Sarip, S.Pd.
Pengadministrasi Akademik : Kartika Widiantari, A.Md.
Pejabat Pengadaan DTK : Risma Wati, A.Md.
IT Support : Ari Pramudyantoro.

Alamat : Jl. Grafika No. 2, Yogyakarta 55281

Telepon : (0274) 649-2170 s/d 2173
Fax : (0274) 649-2170
Email :

Daftar Nama Dosen Departemen Teknik Kimia

Berikut adalah daftar nama dosen Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Tabel 1. Dosen Departemen Teknik Kimia FT UGM

No. Nama
1. Prof. Ir. Wahyudi Budi Sediawan, S.U., Ph.D.
2. Prof. Ir. Rochmadi, SU., Ph. D., IPU.
3. Prof. Dr.Eng. Ir. Arief Budiman, M.S., IPU.
4. Prof. Ir. Suryo Purwono, MA.Sc., Ph.D., IPU.,ASEAN.Eng.
5. Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., IPU., ASEAN.Eng.
6. Prof. Ir. Hary Sulistyo, S.U., Ph.D., IPU
7. Prof. Dr. Ir. Edia Rahayuningsih, M.S., IPU
8. Dr. Ir. Aswati Mindaryani, M.Sc., IPU
9. Dr. Ir. Sarto, M.Sc., IPU
10. Ir. Suprihastuti Sri Rahayu, M.Sc., IPU
11. Ir. Imam Prasetyo, M.Eng., Ph.D.
12. Ir. Rr. Wahyu Hasokowati, MA.Sc., IPM
13. Ir. Sofiyah, M.T.
14. Ir. Moh. Fahrurrozi, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU
15. Ir. Sutijan, M.T., Ph.D.
16. Ir. Wiratni, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM.
17. Ir. Muslikhin Hidayat, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPU.
18. Budhijanto, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM.
19. Ir. Indra Perdana, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
20. Dr. Sang Kompiang Wirawan, S.T., M.T.
21. Ir. Ahmad Tawfiequrrahman Yuliansyah, S.T., M.T., D.Eng. IPM.
22. Ir.Chandra Wahyu Purnomo, S.T., M.Eng., D.Eng., IPM.
23. Ir. Agus Prasetya, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D.
24. Dr.Joko Wintoko, S.T., M.Sc.
25. Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, S.T., M.Eng., D.Eng.
26. Ir. Yuni Kusumastuti, S.T., M.Eng., D.Eng., IPM
27. Ir. Rochim Bakti Cahyono, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D. IPM
28. Ir. Muhammad Mufti Azis, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., IPM
29. Dr.-Ing. Teguh Ariyanto, S.T., M.Eng. IPM ASEAN Eng.

30. Ir. Yano Surya Pradana, S.T., M.Eng., IPM, ASEAN Eng.
31. Hanifrahmawan Sudibyo, S.T., M.Eng.
32. Maulana Gilar Nugraha, S.T., M.Eng.
33. Lisendra Marbelia, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
34. Nur Rofiqoh Eviana Putri, S.T., M.Eng.
35. Laras Prasakti, S.T., M.Eng.
36. Rifki Wahyu Kurnianto, S.T., M.Eng.
37. Danang Tri Hartanto, S.T., M.Eng.
38. Mukmin Sapto Pamungkas, S.T., M.Eng.

Sistem pendidikan strata 1 (S1) di Departemen Teknik Kimia diarahkan untuk
mencapai berbagai kompetensi yang diperlukan mahasiswa untuk menjadi sarjana
teknik kimia. Kompetensi-kompetensi tersebut meliputi:


Tujuan Jangka Panjang adalah kemampuan yang diharapkan dimiliki oleh
lulusan setelah lima tahun bekerja sebagai lulusan sarjana teknik kimia. Setelah
dilakukan analisis terhadap keadaan masa depan, benchmaking, tracer study dan
evaluasi atas customer satisfaction, Tujuan Jangka Panjang dirumuskan sebagai
1. Menghayati nilai-nilai, perilaku, dan etika ahli teknik kimia profesional
2. Mampu mengidentifikasi, memformulasi, dan menyelesaikan masalah
keteknikkimiaan serta melakukan desain keteknikan dengan selalu menjunjung
tinggi keselamatan dan kelestarian lingkungan dengan mengutamakan
pemanfaatan sumber daya alam.
3. Mampu merancang dan melaksanakan eksperimen, serta mengumpulkan,
menganalisis, dan menginterpretasi data.
4. Mampu mengikuti teknologi baru dan memanfaatkannya untuk praktik-praktik
keteknikan dan selalu belajar seumur hidup
5. Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi, kerjasama, dan kepemimpinan dalam
masyarakat lintas disiplin.


Untuk mencapai Tujuan Jangka Panjang, mahasiswa dapat dinyatakan lulus
pendidikan sarjana teknik kimia apabila sudah mampu menunjukkan kompetensi-
kompetensi tertentu. Setelah itu, ia diharapkan mampu dan mau mengembangkan
dirinya secara terus menerus sehingga Tujuan Jangka Panjang tercapai. Kompetensi
yang harus dicapai pada saat lulus adalah diambil berdasarkan Kompetensi Standard
Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi (SN-Dikti), Asosiasi Penyelenggara Program Studi Teknik
Kimia (APTEKIM), dan standar internasional seperti ABET, IChemE, dan IABEE.
Kompetensi lulusan Program Sarjana, Program Studi Teknik Kimia adalah sebagai

PO 1. Memiliki kemampuan untuk mengaplikasikan pengetahuan ilmu alam (fisika,
kimia, dan biologi), matematika, ilmu material, konsep-konsep fundamental
teknik kimia dalam menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan keteknikan (An
ability to apply basic sciences (physics, chemistry and biology),
mathematics, material sciences and chemical engineering fundamentals in
solving chemical engineering problems)
PO 2. Memiliki kemampuan untuk mengambil kesimpulan berdasarkan
pembuktian, keputusan teknik, alternatif penyelesaian atas berbagai
permasalahan teknik yang kompleks berdasarkan pengetahuan ilmiah,
konsep-konsep dasar teknik kimia dan kreativitas (An ability to develop
substantiated conclusions, engineering decisions, and alternative of
solutions on complex chemical engineering problems based on scientific
knowledge, creativity/innovation, and chemical engineering first
PO 3. Memiliki kemampuan untuk mengaplikasikan dasar-dasar teknik kimia
termasuk teknik produk dan perancangan proses untuk menghasilkan suatu
produk dengan spesifikasi tertentu dengan selalu menjunjung tinggi aspek
kesehatan, keselamatan, ekonomi, kesejahteraan, keberlanjutan
lingkungan, global, dan keharmonisan masyarakat dan budaya (An ability to
apply the basics of process engineering which include product engineering
and process design to meet a certain product specification by always
upholding health, safety, economic, welfare, environmental sustainability,
global and societal as well as cultural harmony)
PO 4. Memiliki kemampuan untuk merancang dan melaksanakan eksperimen
termasuk di dalamnya mengumpulkan, menganalisis dan menginterpretasi
data untuk mendukung pertimbangan keteknikan (An ability to design and
conduct experiments, and also to collect, analyze, and interpret the data
to support engineering judgment)
PO 5. Memiliki kemampuan untuk memanfaatkan metode yang tepat, teknologi
informasi, dan perangkat keteknikan dalam rangka pengambilan keputusan
teknis (An ability to utilize appropriate techniques, information
technology, and modern engineering tools to support engineering practices)
PO 6. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang potensi sumber daya alam dengan berbasis
perilaku dan sifat bahan serta pemanfaatannya untuk kesejahteraan manusia
(Understanding of natural resource potentials based on material behaviors
and properties and its sustainable utilization for the benefits of mankind)
PO 7. Memiliki kemampuan untuk memahami dan menghargai nilai-nilai budaya,
perilaku, dan etika ahli teknik kimia profesional (Commitment to uphold
values, attitudes, and ethics of professional chemical engineers)
PO 8. Memiliki kemampuan untuk berperan secara efektif dalam suatu tim lintas
disiplin dan multi-budaya untuk memperkuat jiwa kepemimpinan,

menetapkan tujuan, merencanakan, menyelesaikan dan mengevaluasi tugas
sesuai batasan yang diberikan (An ability to function effectively in
multidisciplinary and multicultural teams to strengthen leadership,
establish goals, plan, accomplish and evaluate tasks under given
PO 9. Memiliki kemampuan mengungkapkan gagasan secara efektif baik secara
lisan maupun tulisan dalam komuniksi keteknikan dan dalam masyarakat
pada umumnya (An ability to effectively deliver ideas both orally as well as
in written within engineering community and also within the society at
PO 10. Memiliki kemampuan dasar untuk melakukan pengembangan diri secara
terus-menerus dan mengikuti isu-isu kontemporer (Sufficient basics for
continuous self-developments and following contemporary issues)


Untuk mencapai kompetensi lulusan, pada saat mahasiswa lulus kegiatan
akademik (kuliah, praktikum, dll) harus menunjukkan tingkat kemampuan tertentu
(Learning Outcome (LO) atau Tujuan Pembelajaran. Tingkat kemampuan tersebut
direpresentasikan dalam level Taksonomi Bloom dari Level 1 hingga Level 6. LO mata
kuliah yang disusun didasarkan pada kriteria LO yang diberikan dalam Panduan
Akreditasi IChemE. Setiap LO mata kuliah akan mendukung Kompetensi (Program
Outcome, PO).
Keterkaitan hubungan antara Tujuan Jangka Panjang, Kompetensi, dan Tujuan
Pembelajaran ditunjukkan dengan skema pembelajaran di Program Studi Teknik
Kimia UGM yang dapat dilihat pada Gambar 2. Hubungan silabus setiap kegiatan
akademik yang ada, seperti ditunjukkan pada Lampiran LO dan PO serta tingkat
Taksonomi Bloom dari LO diberikan pada Silabus Mata Kuliah

Gambar 2. Hubungan antara Tujuan Jangka Panjang, Kompetensi, dan Tujuan
Pembelajaran (Kurikulum 2021)
Di samping harus menyelesaikan berbagai kegiatan akademik tersebut, untuk
mendapatkan sertifikasi kelulusan (Yudisium) mahasiswa juga harus memenuhi
berbagai persyaratan penunjang seperti kemampuan bahasa inggris (syarat yudisium
dilihat pada section yudisum) .
Seluruh kegiatan akademik tersebut dirancang menjadi program pendidikan
S1 teknik kimia yang terdiri dari 8 semester. Kurikulum yang berlaku saat ini adalah
Kurikulum Departemen Teknik Kimia tahun 2021. Kurikulum tersebut akan ditinjau
ulang setiap 5 tahun sekali.


Sistem Prasyarat
Beberapa matakuliah, praktikum atau tugas memerlukan prasyarat matakuliah
atau tugas lain. Sistem prasyarat (lihat flow diagram alir matakuliah) diberlakukan
dan dosen pembimbing mempunyai tugas untuk mengarahkan mahasiswa dalam
menentukan urutan pengambilan matakuliah.

Beban Studi
Beban studi suatu semester selain ditentukan berdasarkan Indeks Prestasi (IP)
semester sebelumnya dilihat pada Tabel 1:

Tabel 2. Beban Studi Berdasarkan IP Semester
IP Semester SKS maksimum yang
dapat diambil
IP  3,0 24
2,5  IP < 3,0 22
2,0  IP < 2,5 20
1,5  IP < 2,0 14
IP < 1,5 12

Sistem SKS
Beban akademik mahasiswa diukur dengan sistem satuan kredit semester (SKS).

SKS perkuliahan
Satu SKS perkuliahan setara dengan 3 jam kerja perminggu selama 1 semester
dengan perincian: 1 jam kuliah tatap muka, 1 jam kegiatan terencana tetapi tidak
terjadwal (misalnya: pekerjaan rumah, penulisan laporan dan sebagainya), dan 1
jam kegiatan mandiri.

SKS Praktikum
Satu SKS praktikum setara dengan kegiatan selama 4-5 jam dalam seminggu untuk
waktu 1 semester dengan perincian 2-3 jam kegiatan fisik atau psikomotorik
ditambah 1 jam kegiatan rangkaian seperti penulisan laporan, ditambah 1 jam
kegiatan mandiri.

SKS Penelitian dan Tugas Perancangan

Satu SKS penelitian dan Tugas Perancangan setara dengan kegiatan selama 5 jam
dalam seminggu untuk waktu 1 semester. Jadi 1 sks penelitian setara dengan 80 jam
efektif selama 1 semester.

Pengisian Kartu Rencana Studi (KRS) dan Pembimbingan Akademik

Setiap mahasiswa wajib mengisi Kartu Rencana Studi (KRS) sebelum kegiatan
kuliah dimulai sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah diumumkan oleh Departemen Teknik
Kimia. KRS mahasiswa harus dikonsultasikan dan mendapatkan pengesahan dari
Dosen Pembimbing Akademik (DPA) masing-masing mahasiswa. Mahasiswa wajib
melakukan entry KRS ke dalam Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIA) UGM melalui portal
akademik UGM ( sesuai dengan jadwal akademik yang telah
diumumkan Departemen Teknik Kimia.
Konsultasi akademik dengan DPA tidak terbatas hanya pada urusan pengisian
KRS. Mahasiswa dapat memanfaatkan bimbingan akademik untuk semua
permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan urusan akademik secara luas. Media

konsultasi akademik diharapkan bisa menjadi sarana deteksi dini adanya problem
akademik yang mempunyai potensi menghambat keberhasilan mahasiswa
menyelesaikan studinya.

Sistem Penilaian
Setiap matakuliah atau tugas akademik yang diambil mahasiswa akan
mendapatkan penilaian dari dosen pengampu pada akhir semester. Hasil studi
mahasiswa dikelompokkan menjadi 12 kelompok nilai sebagai berikut (SK Rektor No

Tabel 3. Sistem Pengelompokan Nilai

Skor (N) Nilai Huruf Atribut Nilai Angka
≥80 A Amat baik 4.00

76 ≤ N < 80 A- 3.75

72 ≤ N < 76 A/B 3.50

68 ≤ N < 72 B+ 3.25

63 ≤ N < 68 B Baik 3.00

59 ≤ N < 63 B- 2.75

55 ≤ N < 59 B/C 2.50

50 ≤ N < 55 C+ 2.25

45 ≤ N < 50 C Cukup 2.00

41 ≤ N < 45 C- 1.75

30 ≤ N < 41 D Kurang 1

<30 E Gagal 0

Nilai bobot dipakai untuk menghitung indeks prestasi. Departemen Teknik Kimia.
Indeks prestasi (IP) dihitung dengan rumus:

Tabel 4. Sistem Pehitungan IPS dan IPK

Jenis Indeks prestasi Rumus
IP Semester (IPS) ∑ (𝑆𝐾𝑆 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑘𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑎ℎ) × (𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝐵𝑜𝑏𝑜𝑡)
𝐽𝑢𝑚𝑙𝑎ℎ 𝑆𝐾𝑆 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑙 𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑏𝑢𝑡
IP Kumulatif (IPK) ∑ (𝑆𝐾𝑆 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑘𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑎ℎ) × (𝑁𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑖𝑘 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑘𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑎ℎ)
𝐽𝑢𝑚𝑙𝑎ℎ 𝑆𝐾𝑆 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎ℎ 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑙

Departemen Teknik Kimia memberlakukan penggunaan nilai terbaik untuk
menghitung indeks prestasi kumulatif mahasiswa dan dokumen Transkrip Nilai.

Tugas Akhir

Penelitian dan Seminar. Pada semester 6, bila semua prasyarat telah terpenuhi,
mahasiswa diharapkan sudah masuk ke salah satu dari laboratorium yang ada di
Departemen Teknik Kimia untuk melakukan penelitian. Hasil-hasil penelitian
tersebut diharapkan dapat diseminarkan pada akhir semester 7. Prosedur
pendaftaran penelitian dan seminar dapat dilihat di Buku Panduan Penelitian S1.
Tugas penelitian dan seminar harus diselesaikan dalam waktu maksimal 12 bulan.

Kerja Praktek (KP). Setelah menempuh 120, mahasiswa sudah memenuhi syarat
untuk melakukan Kerja Praktek di pabrik kimia selama kurang lebih 2 bulan. Melalui
program KP ini diharapkan mahasiswa mempunyai pengalaman beradaptasi dengan
dunia kerja dan menyelesaikan problem riil industri. Di akhir periode program KP
ini, setiap mahasiswa harus menulis laporan KP yang memuat hasil observasi
mahasiswa tentang industri tempat KP dan laporan tugas khusus analisa atau
pemecahan problem riil industri yang telah diterima dari dosen pembimbing dari
Departemen Teknik Kimia dan/atau pembimbing lapangan dari industri tempat KP.
Kinerja mahasiswa dalam program KP ini akan dinilai oleh pembimbing lapangan dan
dosen pembimbing dari Departemen berdasarkan hasil presentasi mahasiswa maupun
laporan KP. Laporan Kerja Praktek diserahkan ke pembimbing maksimum 3 bulan
setelah pulang dari kerja praktek di pabrik untuk mendapatkan nilai maksimum, jika
penyerahan lebih dari 3 bulan, maka nilai maksimum C. Prosedur pendaftaran Kerja
Praktek dapat dilihat di Buku Panduan Pelaksanaan Kerja Praktek.

Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)

Kuliah Kerja Nyata dilaksanakan sebagian besar mahasiswa pada antar semester 6
dan semester 7 selama 2 bulan dengan syarat mahasiswa sudah menyelesaikan
matakuliah dengan nilai minimum C- sebanyak minimum 90 SKS. KKN dilaksanakan
di desa sekitar Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) dan sekitarnya (K1) maupun di luar
DIY dan sekitarnya dan juga di luar pulau Jawa (K2) selama 2 bulan tinggal di desa
tsb. KKN dilaksanakan sebanyak 4 periode dalam satu tahun, mengikuti kebijakan

Tugas Prarancangan Pabrik Kimia (Tugas PPK). Tugas Akhir, berupa Perancangan
Pabrik Kimia dapat dikerjakan setelah mengambil atau bersamaan dengan waktu
mengambil matakuliah Perancangan Pabrik Kimia. Setelah selesai mengerjakan
Tugas Perancangan Pabrik Kimia mahasiswa harus mengikuti Ujian Pendadaran di

depan tim dosen penguji. Prosedur pendaftaran Tugas Prarancangan dapat dilihat
pada Buku Panduan Pelaksanaan Tugas PPK.

Syarat untuk lulus program pendidikan S1 adalah minimal 144 SKS. Ketentuan
Yudisum yang lain meliputi:
1. Telah menyelesaikan/melakukan dan mendapatkan nilai minimum C untuk
semua tugas akhir (Penelitian, Kerja Praktik, Tugas PPK dan KKN) serta Ujian
2. Telah lulus semua mata kuliah wajib dan pilihan yang disyaratkan dengan total
SKS minimal 144 dan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimum 2,0 dengan nilai
C- maksimum 20 SKS tanpa nilai lebih rendah dari C-. Persyaratan nilai
minimum kelulusan untuk mata kuliah-mata kuliah universitas mengikuti
pedoman umum universitas.
3. Telah memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang dinyatakan dengan TOEFL
score (Institutional Testing Program atau International) sebesar 450 atau
Academic Proficiency Test (AcEPT) dengan score 209, yang diselenggarakan
oleh Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa (PPB) UGM.
4. Syarat kelulusan bagi mahasiswa angkatan tahun 2020 dan sebelumnya yang
mengalami masa transisi dari Kurikulum tahun 2016 ke Kurikulum tahun 2021
harus memperhatikan bagian Peraturan Transisi dari Kurikulum 2016 ke
Kurikulum 2021.


1. Mahasiswa peserta kuliah harus sudah hadir sebelum kuliah dimulai. Bagi
mahasiswa yang terlambat lebih dari 10 menit setelah kuliah dimulai, sebaiknya
tidak masuk kelas, karena akan mengganggu dosen dan mahasiswa lainnya.
2. Setiap mahasiswa peserta kelas wajib datang pada pertemuan pertama kuliah
karena pada pertemuan pertama tersebut akan disampaikan kontrak
pembelajaran antara dosen pengampu dan mahasiswa peserta pembelajaran.
Kontrak pembelajaran akan mengikat dosen pengampu dan mahasiswa peserta
pembelajaran baik yang datang maupun yang tidak datang pada pertemuan
pertama tersebut.
3. Mahasiswa tidak boleh meninggalkan ruangan sebelum kuliah selesai.
4. Mahasiswa wajib menjaga suasana kuliah tetap tertib.
5. Mahasiswa berpakaian rapi dan sopan serta bersepatu. Peserta kuliah tidak
boleh memakai sandal, kaos oblong, dan celana berlubang di lutut.
6. Mahasiswa tidak dibenarkan membuat coretan-coretan di kursi dan tindakan
vandalisme yang lain. Tindakan vandalisme akan berakibat dijatuhkannya
sanksi akademik.

7. Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan mengikuti ujian akhir matakuliah tertentu bila
tingkat kehadirannya dalam seluruh rangkaian kegiatan perkuliahan matakuliah
tersebut kurang dari 75 % dari total kuliah.
8. Mahasiswa yang tidak mengikuti ujian akhir dengan alasan poin 7 di atas atau
karena alasan lainnya akan mendapatkan nilai E. Untuk menghindari kerugian
akibat peraturan ini, mahasiswa yang tidak bisa menyelesaikan kegiatan
akademik yang sudah masuk dalam KRS harus membatalkan beban sks akademik
tersebut sebelum batas akhir pembatalan pendaftaran matakuliah berakhir.


1. Mahasiswa wajib mengikuti kuliah daring sesuai dengan jadwal mata kuliah
yang telah terdaftar pada KRS.
2. Mahasiswa wajib menggunakan nama asli dan foto profil saat mengikuti
kegiatan perkuliahan daring.
3. Mahasiswa wajib berpakaian rapi dan memperhatikan etika dan estetika
ruangan pada saat kegiatan perkuliahan daring berlangsung.
4. Mahasiswa wajib mengikuti proses pembelajaran daring dan siap di depan
kamera apabila dosen menginstruksikan dan mengikuti perkuliahan dengan
5. Mahasiswa wajib melakukan absensi sesuai dengan pranala dan alokasi waktu
yang telah disediakan oleh dosen maupun bagian pengajaran.
6. Mahasiswa dilarang meninggalkan gawai atau melakukan aktivitas lain yang
dapat mengganggu konsentrasi saat kegiatan pembelajaran daring berlangsung.
7. Mahasiswa dilarang untuk membuat topik atau berkomentar yang mengandung
unsur SARA (Suku, Agama, Ras, dan Antar Golongan) baik menggunakan fitur
kolom obrolan maupun saat menyalakan microphopne.
8. Mahasiswa dapat mengajukan pertanyaan saat sesi kuliah daring berlangung
dengan cara menggunakan fitur di aplikasi pertemuan yang digunakan.
9. Mahasiswa wajib menjaga kondisi perkuliahan daring agar kondusif, responsif,
dan interaktif.
10. Mahasiswa wajib mematuhi peraturan perkuliahan daring yang disepakati
bersama dengan masing-masing dosen pengampu mata kuliah.

Berdasarkan peraturan UGM, kehadiran kuliah adalah minimum 75%. Mahasiswa yang
memiliki presensi yang cukup dapat mengikuti Ujian Akhir. Dalam hal kasus tertentu,
a. Mahasiswa mengikuti kegiatan akademik berupa Kerja Praktek dan Pertukaran

b. Mahasiswa mengikuti event olahraga, kesenian, ilmu pengetahuan sebagai Duta
UGM di level nasional maupun internasional. Dalam hal ini, mahasiswa harus
melampirkan surat keterangan dari Rektor, Wakil Rektor, Direktur atau Ketua
Departemen yang relevan dengan event tersebut.
c. Salah satu keluarga inti meninggal dunia yang dibuktikan dengan surat kematian
(atau kopinya) dari kelurahan dan/atau rumah sakit.
d. Karena mengalami bencana alam, dan/atau yang bersangkutan secara fisik
sedang menjalani rawat inap di rumah sakit sehingga tidak dapat mengikuti

Mahasiswa dapat mengajukan surat izin tidak mengikuti kuliah yang disampaikan ke
Departemen dan Dosen Pengampu.

Beberapa yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penyampaian izin kuliah:

a. Surat izin dapat diajukan pada hari berlangsungnya kuliah atau paling lambat
sebelum kuliah berikutnya dengan dilengkapi dengan bukti yang relevan.
b. Surat izin yang disampaikan sesudah batas waktu tidak diterima dengan alasan
apapun meskipun konsekuensi mahasiswa tersebut tidak bisa mengikuti ujian
c. Persentase kehadiran kuliah akan ditempelkan paling lambat pada hari pertama
minggu tenang dan keberatan atas perhitungan kehadiran harus sudah diajukan
paling lambat adalah 4 hari kerja setelah pengumuman ditempel. Pengajuan
keberatan harus disertai dengan alasan-alasan yang diterima secara akademik.
d. Tidak diperkenankan secara akademik, mahasiswa tidak mengikuti kuliah
tertentu dengan alasan mengerjakan kegiatan praktikum/penelitian/kuliah
lainnya. Jadwal kegiatan praktikum dan kuliah sudah diatur sedemikian rupa
agar tidak saling tumpang tindih.
e. Mahasiswa yang melakukan pergantian KRS, perhitungan jumlah total kuliah
disesuaikan dengan mata kuliah yang diambil terakhir.


Semester I

Tabel 5. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 1

1. TKK211110 Kimia Analisis dan Instrumentasi 4
2. TKK211111 Kimia Umum 2
3. TKK211112 Kimia Organik 3
4. TKK211113 Matematika 4
5. TKK211114 Fisika 4
6. UNU211110 Pancasila 2
7. UNU211111 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2
Jumlah 21

Semester II

Tabel 6. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 2

1. TKK211220 Kimia Fisis 3
2. TKK211221 Praktikum Analisis Bahan 2
3. TKK211222 Bahan Konstruksi Teknik Kimia 2
4. TKK211223 Dasar Bioproses 3
5. TKK211224 Teknik Tenaga Listrik 2
6. TKK211225 Termodinamika Teknik Kimia 1 3
7. TKK211226 Konsep Keteknikan untuk Peradaban 2
8. TKK211227 Elemen Mesin dan Menggambar Teknik 2
Jumlah 19

Semester III

Tabel 7. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 3


1. UNU212130 Transformasi Digital 2

2. TKK212130 Praktikum Dasar Proses 2
3. TKK212131 Azas Teknik Kimia 4
4. TKK212132 Matematika Teknik Kimia 4
5. TKK212133 Transportasi dan Penyimpanan Bahan 3
6. TKK212134 Termodinamika Teknik Kimia 2 3
7. TKK212135 Ekonomi Teknik 2
Jumlah 20

Semester IV

Tabel 8. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 4

1. TKK212240 Proses Transfer 3
2. TKK212241 Proses Industri Kimia 3
3. TKK212242 Pemrosesan Partikulat 3
4. TKK212243 Metode Numerik 2
5. TKK212244 Praktikum Komputasi 2
6. TKK212245 Operasi Pemisahan Bertingkat 4
7 TKK212246 Penggerak Mula 2
Jumlah 19

Semester V

Tabel 9. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 5

1. TKK213150 Pemodelan Matematis 3
2. TKK213151 Operasi Perpindahan Massa dan Panas 3
3. TKK213152 Perpindahan Panas 3
5. TKK213153 Teknik Reaksi Kimia 1 3
6. TKK213154 Praktikum Operasi Teknik Kimia 3
7. TKK213155 Metodologi Ilmiah dan Komunikasi 2
8. TKK213156 Simulasi Proses dan Optimasi Sistem 2
9. Pilihan Minat Keahlian 2
Jumlah 21

Semester VI

Tabel 10. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 6

1. TKK213260 Teknik Produk 2
2. TKK213261 Pengolahan Air dan Air Limbah 2
3. TKK213262 Pengendalian Proses 3
4. TKK213263 Teknik Reaksi Kimia 2 3
5. TKK213264 Penelitian 1 2
6. TKK213265 Pemanfaatan dan Konservasi SDA 2
7. UNU213260 Kuliah Kerja Nyata 3
8. Pilihan Minat Keahlian 2
Jumlah 19

Semester VII

Tabel 11. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 7

1. TKK214170 Perancangan Pabrik Kimia 3
2. TKK214171 Manajemen 2
3. TKK214172 Kewirausahaan 2
4. TKK214173 Penelitian 2 1
5. TKK214174 Ujian Komprehensif 1
6. TKK214175 Keselamatan Proses Kimia 2
7. UNU214170 Pendidikan Agama 2
8. Pilihan Minat Keahlian 2
Jumlah 15

Semester VIII

Tabel 12. Datar Mata Kuliah Semester 8

1. TKK214280 Tugas Perancangan Pabrik Kimia 4
2. TKK214281 Kerja Praktik 2
3. Pilihan Minat Keahlian 2
4. Pilihan Minat Keahlian 2
Jumlah 10

Daftar Kode Mata Kuliah Pilihan Minat Keahlian

Tabel 13. Datar Mata Kuliah Minat Keahlian

No. Minat Keahlian KODE MATA Matakuliah
I. Teknik Produk TKK213110 Pelestarian dan Aplikasi Produk
Hayati dan Hayati (Natural Product Preservation
Bioproses and Application)
(Natural TKK213211 Aplikasi Bioproses (Applied
Products Bioprocess)
Engineering and TKK214112 Pemisahan dan Pemurnian Produk
Bioprocess) Hayati (Natural Product Separation
and Purification)
TKK214213 Proses Industri Pangan (Industrial
Food Processing)
TKK214214 Kapita Selekta di Teknik Produk
Hayati dan Bioproses (Selected
Topics in Natural Products
Engineering and Bioprocess)
II. Energi (Energy) TKK213115 Energi Tidak Terbarukan (Non-
renewable Energy)
TKK213216 Manajemen dan Konservasi Energi
(Energy Management and
TKK214117 Energi Terbarukan (Renewable
TKK214218 Utilisasi Energi (Energy Utilization)
TKK214219 Kapita Selekta di Energi (Selected
Topics in Energy)
III. Keselamatan, TKK213120 Produksi Bersih (Cleaner Production)
Kesehatan dan
TKK213221 Teknik Pengolahan Limbah (Waste
Treatment Technology)
(Safety, Health
TKK214122 Analisis Risiko Industri (Industrial
Risk Analysis)
TKK214223 Manajemen Keselamatan Proses dan
Lingkungan (Process Safety and
Environmental Management)
TKK214224 Kapita Selekta di Keselamatan,
Kesehatan dan Lingkungan (Selected

Topics in Safety, Health and
IV. Pemodelan TKK213125 Pemrograman Komputer Lanjut
Proses dan (Advanced Computer Programming)
Komputasi TKK213226 Dinamika Fluida dalam Teknik Kimia
(Process (Fluid Dynamics in Chemical
Modelling and Engineering)
Computation) TKK214127 Pemodelan Lanjut (Advanced
TKK214128 Pemodelan Proses dan Sistem
Dinamis (Process Modelling and
System Dynamics)
TKK214229 Perancangan Proses dengan
Komputer (Computer-Aided Process
TKK214230 Kapita Selekta di Pemodelan Proses
dan Komputasi (Selected Topics in
Process Modelling and Computation)
V. Teknik Material TKK213131 Teknologi Polimer (Polymer
dan Teknologi Technology)
Mutakhir TKK213132 Teknologi Keramik (Ceramics
(Material Technology)
Engineering and TKK213233 Teknik Material Mutakhir (Advanced
Advanced Engineering Material)
Technology) TKK213234 Teknologi Komposit (Composite
TKK214135 Teknologi Elektrokimia
(Electrochemical Technology)
TKK214236 Pemisahan Setimbang Termodifikasi
(Enhanced Equilibrium Separation)
TKK214237 Kapita Selekta di Teknik Material
dan Teknologi Mutakhir (Selected
Topics in Material Engineering and
Advanced Technology)
VI. Pemrosesan TKK213138 Mineral Industri (Industrial Minerals)
Mineral (Mineral TKK213139 Karakterisasi Bahan Mineral (Mineral
Processing) Materials Characterization)
TKK213240 Teknologi Pengayaan Bijih Mineral
(Ore Beneficiation Technology)
TKK213241 Hidrometalurgi (Hydrometallurgy)

TKK214142 Piro-metalurgi (Pyrometallurgy)
TKK214243 Flotasi (Flotation)
TKK214244 Kapita Selekta di Pemrosesan
Mineral (Selected Topics in Mineral

Daftar Kode Matakuliah Pengetahuan Agama (UNU214170)

Tabel 14. Datar Mata Kuliah Pengetahuan Agama

No. Kode Mata Kuliah Mata Kuliah
1. FI773 Agama Islam
2. FI774 Agama Katolik
3. FI775 Agama Kristen
4. FI776 Agama Hindu
5. FI777 Agama Budha
6. FI778 Agama Kong Hu Chu

Gambar 3. Diagram Alir Kurikulum 2021

Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM menyelenggarakan ujian terjadwal 2 kali,
yaitu Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) dan Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS). Peserta ujian
secara luring harus memenuhi syarat-syarat sebagai berikut:
1. Datang ke ruang ujian paling lambat 10 menit sebelum ujian belum dimulai.
Peserta ujian yang terlambat lebih dari 30 menit tidak diperkenankan untuk
mengikuti ujian.
2. Membawa kartu ujian dan identitas diri (kartu mahasiswa). Pengambilan kartu
Ujian Tengah Semester dan Ujian Akhir Semester di bagian Pengajaran sesuai
dengan jadwal yang ditentukan, dengan menunjukkan KRS yang telah
ditandatangani dosen pembimbing akademik.
3. Berpakaian sopan, bersepatu, tidak boleh memakai kaos oblong, sepatu sandal,
sandal, atau selop, tidak boleh memakai anting bagi mahasiswa putra, dan tidak
boleh mengecat rambut.
4. Peserta ujian dilarang membawa/menggunakan semua bentuk alat komunikasi
selama ujian berlangsung.
5. Menjaga ketertiban ujian selama ujian berlangsung.
6. Tidak melakukan kecurangan yang berhubungan dengan ujian. Setiap
kecurangan akan berakibat pemberian sanksi minimal pembatalan matakuliah
yang sedang diujikan dan diberi nilai E.
7. Jika waktu ujian telah habis, peserta berhenti mengerjakan soal dan tetap
duduk di kursinya masing-masing. Setelah petugas mengumpulkan pekerjaan
ujian, petugas mempersilahkan peserta meninggalkan ruang ujian dengan tertib
dan teratur.


Departemen Teknik Kimia UGM menyelenggarakan ujian terjadwal 2 kali,
yaitu Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) dan Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS). Peserta ujian
secara daring harus memenuhi syarat-syarat sebagai berikut:
1. Datang ke ruang ujian virtual paling lambat 10 menit sebelum ujian belum
dimulai. Peserta ujian yang terlambat lebih dari 30 menit tidak diperkenankan
untuk mengikuti ujian.
2. Peserta ujian wajib mengubah nama akun sesuai dengan nama asli mahasiswa
dan mengikuti peraturan yang ditetapkan.
3. Peserta ujian wajib menggunakan pakaian sopan dan menyalakan kamera
sesuai instruksi pengawas.
4. Peserta ujian wajib menggunakan gawai hanya untuk keperluan
ujian/pengawasan dan dilarang meninggalkan gawai untuk melakukan aktivitas
lain selama ujian daring, tanpa seijin pengawas.
5. Menjaga ketertiban ujian selama ujian berlangsung.

6. Tidak melakukan kecurangan yang berhubungan dengan ujian. Setiap
kecurangan akan berakibat pemberian sanksi minimal pembatalan matakuliah
yang sedang diujikan dan diberi nilai E.
7. Jika waktu ujian telah habis, peserta berhenti mengerjakan soal, mulai
memindai lembar jawaban dan mengumpulkannya pada pranala yang
ditentukan. Setelah petugas mengkonfirmasi pengumpulan jawaban, petugas
mempersilahkan peserta meninggalkan ruang ujian dengan tertib dan teratur.


Pada prinsipnya setiap mahasiswa berhak untuk mendapatkan informasi hasil
koreksi kertas ujian, tugas, atau proyek. Bila mahasiswa mempunyai keberatan atas
hasil koreksi ujian oleh dosen penguji, mahasiswa bisa mengajukan keberatannya
dengan cara:
1. Mendiskusikan keberatannya dengan dosen penguji dan dosen penguji
diharapkan menunjukkan serta mendiskusikan kertas ujian dengan mahasiswa
yang mengajukan keberatan. Cara ini yang paling disarankan.
2. Mahasiswa bisa juga mengajukan keberatannya secara tertulis melalui Ketua
Departemen/Sekretaris Departemen dengan menyebutkan: Nama dan nomor
mahasiswanya, nama matakuliah, tanggal ujian, tanggal diskusi dengan dosen
penguji sesuai dengan tahap satu di atas, dan alasan keberatannya atas hasil
penilaian dosen. Pengurus akan mempelajari keberatan mahasiswa dan akan
berdiskusi dengan dosen penguji. Nilai akhir tetap merupakan wewenang
akademis dari dosen penguji.
Keberatan atas hasil penilaian dosen penguji dapat diajukan tidak lebih dari
2 minggu sejak kertas ujian dibagikan atau sejak nilai diumumkan oleh bagian
pengajaran atau di-entry ke SIA.

Pada prinsipnya Departemen Teknik Kimia tidak menyelenggarakan ujian
susulan kecuali peserta ujian mempunyai alasan sebagai berikut:
a. Peserta ujian adalah duta UGM yang mengikuti event olahraga, kesenian, ilmu
pengetahuan di level nasional maupun internasional. Pengajuan ujian susulan
harus disertai surat keterangan dari Rektor atau Wakil Rektor yang relevan
dengan event tersebut dan diajukan sebelum ujian dilaksanakan.
b. Karena orang tua kandung meninggal dunia yang dibuktikan dengan surat
kematian (atau kopinya) dari kelurahan dan/atau rumah sakit.
c. Karena mengalami bencana alam, dan/atau yang bersangkutan secara fisik
sedang menjalani rawat inap di rumah sakit sehingga tidak dapat mengikuti ujian
Untuk alasan a dan b di atas mahasiswa harus mengajukan permohonan ujian susulan
maksimum 3 hari kerja setelah jadwal ujian.

Waktu dan teknis ujian susulan akan ditentukan oleh pengurus Departemen.

Pada prinsipnya tidak ada pembatasan jumlah pengulangan matakuliah. Nilai
yang akan digunakan untuk dokumen Transkrip Nilai dan perhitungan indeks prestasi
kumulatif adalah nilai yang terakhir diperoleh mahasiswa.

Evaluasi hasil studi mahasiswa dilaksanakan secara rutin tiap akhir semester.
Selain itu evaluasi penentu hasil studi juga dilaksanakan pada akhir dua tahun
pertama (akhir semester IV), akhir delapan semester dan pada akhir batas waktu
program studi (14 semester untuk tingkat sarjana).

A. Evaluasi Akhir Semester

Evaluasi akhir semester dilakukan tiap akhir semester secara rutin meliputi
semua matakuliah yang diambil oleh mahasiswa selama semester yang berlaku. Hasil
evaluasi ini digunakan untuk menentukan beban studi yang boleh diambil pada
semester berikutnya dengan ketentuan seperti tercantum pada Tabel 1.

B. Evaluasi Hasil Studi Empat Semester Pertama

Evaluasi hasil studi empat semester pertama sebagai evaluasi penentu apakah
mahasiswa boleh melanjutkan studinya atau tidak. Mahasiswa boleh melanjutkan
studinya bila memenuhi syarat-syarat:
1. Telah mengumpulkan sekurang-kurangnya 30 SKS (dengan nilai minimal C-), dan
2. Mencapai IP kumulatif minimal 2,00.
Mahasiswa yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan tersebut akan dinyatakan
mengundurkan diri.

C. Evaluasi Delapan Semester

Pada akhir semester 8, mahasiswa diharapkan telah memperoleh sekurang-
kurangnya 80 SKS dengan IP kumulatif 2,00. Mahasiswa yang tidak memenuhi
persyaratan ini akan diberi peringatan dan perhatian khusus untuk memperlancar

D. Evaluasi pada Akhir Batas Waktu Program Studi

Pada akhir semester 14, mahasiswa harus sudah memenuhi syarat
kelulusan/yudisium. Hanya masa cuti resmi yang tidak diperhitungkan sebagai masa
studi aktif, sedangkan masa cuti atau mangkir kuliah tanpa ijin tetap dihitung
sebagai masa studi aktif. Mahasiswa yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan tersebut
dinyatakan mengundurkan diri.


Kegiatan praktikum bertujuan untuk membina kompetensi-kompetensi

mahasiswa dalam bidang:
▪ Penguasaan konsep-konsep fundamental Teknik Kimia.
▪ Penguasaan Teknik Produk dan Perancangan Proses dengan menjunjung tinggi
keselamatan masyarakat.
▪ Pemahaman perilaku dan sifat-sifat bahan berdasarkan pengetahuan struktur
makro dan mikro serta komposisi bahan.
▪ Pemahaman prinsip-prinsip peralatan industri kimia.
▪ Penguasaan cara-cara perhitungan sebagai basis pengambilan keputusan
▪ Kemampuan merancang dan melaksanakan eksperimen, serta menganalisis,
dan menginterpretasi data.
▪ Kemampuan berkomunikasi dan kerja tim yang baik.
▪ Kemauan dan kemampuan yang cukup untuk mengikuti isu-isu kontemporer.

Selama menyelesaikan program pendidikan S1 di Departemen Teknik Kimia

setiap mahasiswa akan mengambil praktikum-praktikum:
● Praktikum Analisis Bahan
● Praktikum Proses
● Praktikum Operasi Teknik Kimia
● Praktikum Komputasi


Detail syarat dan pendaftaran praktikum bisa dilihat di buku panduan praktikum
di laboratorium masing-masing. Secara umum syarat dan prosedur praktikum adalah
sebagai berikut:
1. Mahasiswa diperbolehkan mengikuti praktikum setelah memenuhi persyaratan
akademis dan administrasi yang berlaku dan harus mendaftar dengan membawa
KRS ke laboratorium terkait.

2. Setiap mahasiswa yang akan melaksanakan praktikum harus mengikuti pelatihan
mengenai keselamatan serta mendapat modul panduan praktikum dan
3. Setiap peserta praktikum diwajibkan mengenakan peralatan keselamatan selama
menjalankan praktikum seperti jas praktikum, google, dan sarung tangan serta
peralatan lain yang diperlukan (disediakan oleh Departemen Teknik Kimia di
setiap laboratorium) (lihat bagian Kebijakan Keselamatan Kerja Dan Lingkungan).
4. Peserta harus mengikuti penjelasan tiap mata praktikum oleh asisten praktikum
dan kemudian menjalani pretest sebelum menjalankan praktikum tersebut.
5. Peserta diwajibkan membuat laporan ringkas setelah melaksanakan praktikum
yang dikumpulkan satu minggu setelah praktikum dilaksanakan.
6. Peserta diharuskan mematuhi prosedur pembuangan limbah kimia yang diatur
dalam prosedur tersendiri.
7. Setiap mata praktikum memiliki asisten sebagai pembimbing langsung
pelaksanaan praktikum dan dosen sebagai pembimbing pengembangan materi
8. Asisten praktikum dipilih dan diseleksi oleh dosen pembimbing dibantu asisten
dan bertanggung jawab terhadap kelancaran pelaksanaan praktikum yang
9. Asisten diwajibkan mengikuti pelatihan keselamatan yang dilakukan oleh dosen
yang ditunjuk Departemen dan memiliki keterampilan untuk mengatasi kondisi
darurat yang mungkin terjadi, seperti tumpahan bahan kimia, keracunan bahan
kimia, dan kebakaran ringan.
10. Asisten praktikum berhak memberikan inhall (pengulangan praktikum) kepada
peserta jika: peserta terlambat datang praktikum, mahasiswa atau partnernya
tidak datang pada saat praktikum, dan jika mahasiswa melakukan kecerobohan
yang berat ketika melaksanakan praktikum.
11. Pemberian inhall harus dilakukan atas dasar pertimbangan yang wajar dan
manusiawi serta dilaporkan kepada dosen pembimbing praktikum yang terkait
dengan mengisi form yang disediakan.

Detail persyaratan masing–masing praktikum akan disampaikan di awal

semester sebelum praktikum dimulai oleh asisten terkait.

Tugas akhir meliputi Penelitian, Kerja Praktek, Tugas Perancangan Pabrik
Kimia dan Kuliah Kerja Nyata. Bab ini menjelaskan mengenai kegiatan tugas akhir,
prosedur pendaftaran dan prosedur evaluasi (penilaian) dari berbagai tugas akhir.


Kegiatan penelitian mempunyai bobot 3 sks, yang terdiri dari penelitian 1 (2

sks) dan penelitian 2 (1 sks).

Tujuan instruksional

a. Meningkatkan ketrampilan untuk melakukan pekerjaan di laboratorium.

b. Melatih menyelesaikan problem-problem proses teknik kimia.
c. Melatih melakukan evaluasi /interpretasi data percobaan

Pernah menempuh matakuliah Metodologi Ilmiah dan Komunikasi, serta
Praktikum Operasi Teknik Kimia.

Pelaksanaan penelitian
Kegiatan penelitian pada umumnya dilaksanakan di salah satu dari 7
laboratorium penelitian yang ada di Departemen Teknik Kimia yaitu:

1. Laboratorium Teknik Reaksi Kimia dan Katalisis

2. Laboratorium Proses Pemisahan
3. Laboratorium Teknologi Minyak Bumi, Gas, dan Batubara
4. Laboratorium Teknologi Keramik dan Komposit
5. Laboratorium Teknik Pangan dan Bioproses
6. Laboratorium Teknologi Polimer
7. Laboratorium Konservasi Energi dan Pencegahan Pencemaran

Selain laboratorium penelitian tersebut Departemen Teknik Kimia juga

memiliki Laboratorium Analisis Instrumental (Lab. ANINS) yang mengelola berbagai
peralatan analisis canggih seperti Gas Chromatograph (GC), Mass Spectrometer

(MS), High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC), Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer (AAS), Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX), Fourier Transform
Infrared Analysis (FTIR) dan Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy (UV-VIS).
Pada umumnya pelaksanaan penelitian dilaksanakan di laboratorium di mana
dosen pembimbing penelitian mahasiswa berafiliasi. Meskipun demikian seringkali
mahasiswa peneliti memerlukan peralatan yang tersedia di luar laboratorium
afiliasinya. Penggunaan peralatan penelitian yang tersedia di luar laboratorium
tempat dosen pembimbing berafiliasi dapat dilakukan dengan pengajuan
permohonan kepada kepala laboratorium pengelola alat yang diperlukan dengan
disetujui dosen pembimbing penelitian. Penggunaan peralatan di luar Departemen
Teknik Kimia UGM menjadi tanggung jawab mahasiswa peneliti.

Pembiayaan penelitian
Pada prinsipnya mahasiswa peneliti dapat memanfaatkan peralatan
laboratorium dan fasilitas lain yang tersedia di Departemen Teknik Kimia dengan
aturan pemakaian yang ditentukan oleh masing-masing laboratorium pengelola alat-
alat tersebut. Mahasiswa peneliti dapat menggunakan bahan kimia yang tersedia di
Departemen Teknik Kimia yang dibeli melalui dana masyarakat atau dana rutin
pemerintah RI. Beberapa dosen pembimbing memiliki proyek penelitian yang didanai
oleh institusi lain dan melibatkan mahasiswa peneliti. Dalam kondisi ini kebutuhan
bahan kimia dan peralatan mahasiswa akan dipenuhi dari anggaran penelitian dosen
pembimbing. Untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai proyek penelitian yang
dimiliki para dosen, mahasiswa calon peneliti disarankan menghubungi para dosen
jauh hari sebelum pendaftaran penelitian dimulai.

Prosedur pendaftaran penelitian

Biasanya pendaftaran penelitian dilakukan pekan pertama di setiap awal
semester. Penentuan dosen pembimbing dilakukan pada minggu ke dua sesuai
dengan jadwal yang akan diumumkan oleh Bagian Pengajaran. Adapun syarat
pendaftaran penelitian adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Sudah memenuhi semua prasyarat untuk mengambil penelitian
2. Menunjukkan KRS semester yang berlaku yang sudah ditanda tangani dosen
pembimbing akademik
3. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran penelitian yang tersedia di bagian pengajaran dan
menyerahkan kembali sebelum batas akhir pendaftaran.
4. Pendaftaran yang sudah diserahkan tidak bisa ditarik kembali.
5. Nama pembimbing penelitian akan diumumkan selambatnya pada pertengahan
masa kuliah Metode Ilmiah dan Komunikasi.

Adakalanya penentuan dosen pembimbing akan dilakukan dengan undian bila

jumlah peminat yang mendaftar sebagai calon bimbingan melebihi batas kuota

mahasiswa yang bisa dibimbing oleh dosen pembimbing tersebut. Jumlah kuota
mahasiswa bimbingan ditentukan oleh pengurus dengan mempertimbangkan
berbagai faktor termasuk jumlah total calon mahasiswa peneliti yang sudah mengisi

Pelaksanaan Penelitian (Penelitian I)

1. Tahap pelaksanaan penelitian meliputi:
a. Penulisan proposal penelitian dan pengisian formulir analisis resiko dan
mendapatkan pengesahan/persetujuan dari semua pihak yang terkait
(pembimbing dan safety officer) paling lambat 2 bulan kalender setelah
pengumuman pembimbing penelitian. Tahapan ini dilakukan sebagai
bagian tugas (assignment) pada mata kuliah Metode Ilmiah dan
b. Pelaksanaan eksperimen
c. Penulisan laporan penelitian dan naskah seminar
d. Seminar
2. Semua tahapan di atas paling lambat diselesaikan 12 bulan kalender sejak
pengumuman pembimbing penelitian.
3. Penyelesaian rangkaian tugas penelitian yang melebihi 12 bulan akan
mendapatkan nilai maksimum B (terlambat 1 bulan) atau maksimum C
(terlambat lebih dari 1 bulan).

Evaluasi penilaian
Setelah menyelesaikan penelitian mahasiswa akan menulis laporan penelitian
dan mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya dalam sebuah seminar. Komponen yang
akan dinilai dari kegiatan penelitian ini meliputi: kegiatan penelitian dan laporan
penelitian. Kegiatan seminar akan dinilai terpisah dengan bobot 1 sks.
Bahwa batas waktu penelitian mahasiswa adalah 12 bulan termasuk laporan
dan seminar. Jika tidak dapat memenuhi batas waktu tersebut maka nilai maksimal
penelitian adalah B (terlambat 1 bulan) atau C (terlambat lebih dari 1 bulan).


Dalam forum seminar mahasiswa akan mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya di
depan dosen dan mahasiswa lain. Moderator seminar adalah dosen pembimbing
penelitian. Hadirin diberi kesempatan untuk memberikan pertanyaan dan saran
kepada peneliti. Penilaian seminar akan diberikan oleh dosen pembimbing
(moderator). Seminar juga bisa diganti dengan presentasi di seminar nasional atau
seminar internasional yang disetujui pembimbing penelitian.

Prosedur dan Persyaratan
1. Ijin seminar dari dosen pembimbing penelitian dan disetujui oleh Ketua
Program Studi.
2. Pada prinsipnya seminar harus dihadiri oleh hadirin dari kalangan mahasiswa
dan dijalankan hanya pada perioda perkuliahan aktif. Seminar di luar perioda
aktif (minggu tenang, libur semester dll.) boleh dilakukan hanya bila mahasiswa
peneliti bisa mendatangkan minimal 15 mahasiswa sebagai hadirin di luar dosen
3. Sudah pernah mengikuti seminar minimal 3 kali (menunjukkan blangko
4. Menyerahkan naskah seminar minimal seminggu sebelum pelaksanaan seminar.

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Penelitian dapat dilihat pada buku Panduan
Pelaksanaan Penelitian.

Melalui kegiatan kerja praktek setiap mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Kimia
UGM akan melakukan latihan kerja di dalam suatu pabrik selama 2 bulan termasuk
penyelesaian tugas dan pembuatan laporan. Selama kerja praktek setiap mahasiswa
diharapkan untuk mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan industri dan berlatih
menganalisis dan menyelesaikan problem-problem riil di industri yang ditugaskan
secara khusus.
Melalui Kerja Praktek diharapkan mahasiswa dapat membina kompetensi-
kompetensi berikut ini:
1. Memiliki kemampuan untuk mengambil kesimpulan berdasarkan pembuktian,
keputusan teknik, alternatif penyelesaian atas berbagai permasalahan teknik
yang kompleks berdasarkan pengetahuan ilmiah, konsep-konsep dasar teknik
kimia dan kreativitas.
2. Memiliki kemampuan untuk mengaplikasikan dasar-dasar teknik kimia termasuk
teknik produk dan perancangan proses untuk menghasilkan suatu produk
dengan spesifikasi tertentu atau untuk menyelesaikan pemasalahan-
permasalahan keteknikan dengan selalu menjunjung tinggi aspek keselamatan,
keberlanjutan lingkungan, keharmonisan masyarakat dan budaya.
3. Memiliki kemampuan untuk memanfaatkan teknologi tepat guna, berbagai
sumber informasi termasuk TI dan perangkat keteknikan modern termasuk
berbagai perangkat lunak untuk melakukan prediksi, pemodelan dan aplikasi
dalam rangka pengambilan keputusan teknis.
4. Memiliki kemampuan dasar untuk melakukan pengembangan diri secara terus-
menerus dan mengikuti isu-isu kontemporer

Mahasiswa boleh melaksanakan Kerja Praktek bila telah memenuhi syarat-
1. Sudah menyelesaikan minimum 120 sks dengan nilai minimum C-.
2. Mengisi kartu rencana studi pada semester yang berlaku.

Prosedur Pendaftaran Kerja Praktek

1. Sudah menyelesaikan minimal 120 sks pada saat keberangkatan atau
mendapatkan dispensasi dari DPA dan Pengurus Departemen untuk mengajukan
KP lebih awal. Untuk mendapatkan dispensasi ini mahasiswa harus mengisi form
yang sesuai dan mendapatkan persetujuan DPA dan Sekretaris Departemen.
2. Memasukkan KP dalam beban KRS dengan menunjukkan KRS kecuali
mendapatkan dispensasi dari DPA dan Pengurus Departemen dengan mengisi
form yang sesuai.
3. Mengambil formulir permohonan KP dari pengajaran dan mengisinya.
4. Membuat proposal KP sesuai dengan perusahaan yang dituju.
5. Meminta pengesahan permohonan KP dan proposal KP dari Ketua/Sekretaris
6. Tidak diperkenankan mengajukan KP lebih dari satu pabrik secara bersamaan
7. Surat permohanan KP baru dapat dibuat hanya bila: a. Ada penolakan dari pihak
perusahaan, atau b. Tidak mendapat jawaban dari pabrik sampai batas rencana
KP mahasiswa terlewati. Untuk kasus kedua mahasiswa harus berusaha
melakukan komunikasi dengan pihak perusahaan dan konsultasi dengan
Sekretaris Departemen.
8. Surat permohanan KP yang baru juga dapat dibuat jika sampai 3 bulan belum
mendapatkan jawaban dari pabrik yang dituju. Untuk kasus ini, secara
bersamaan mahasiswa juga harus mengirimkan surat pengunduran diri ke
pabrik yang sebelumnya dituju.

Laporan Kerja Praktek

Sebagai bagian dari tugas KP, mahasiswa harus menulis laporan KP yang berisi
laporan observasi mahasiswa mengenai proses, manajemen, dan operasi pabrik. Di
samping itu, laporan KP juga berisi laporan tugas khusus yang telah diberikan oleh
dosen pembimbing dari Departemen dan/atau pembimbing lapangan. Laporan KP
yang sudah dijilid dan disahkan oleh dosen pembimbing harus sudah diserahkan ke
Bagian Pengajaran paling lambat 3 bulan setelah kembali dari pabrik. Mahasiswa
yang menyerahkan laporan melebihi 3 bulan setelah pulang dari pabrik akan
mendapatkan nilai maksimum C.
Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Kerja Praktek dapat dilihat pada buku Panduan
Pelaksanaan Kerja Praktek.

Tugas perancangan pabrik kimia (Tugas PPK) dipandang sebagai salah satu
capstone dari semua matakuliah/tugas yang pernah diambil mahasiswa selama
belajar di program S1 Teknik Kimia. Tugas PPK (4 sks) merupakan satu rangkaian
dengan kuliah Perancangan Pabrik Kimia (PPK, 3 sks). Dalam mengerjakan Tugas
PPK ini, mahasiswa bekerja dalam sebuah tim yang terdiri atas dua atau tiga orang
mahasiswa. Mahasiswa berlatih mengintegrasikan ilmu-ilmu yang telah didapat
untuk merancang suatu pabrik kimia dan mengevaluasi kelayakannya baik secara
teknis maupun secara ekonomis. Tujuan instruksional khusus dari Tugas PPK adalah
sebagai berikut:
a. Mengintegrasikan ilmu-ilmu yang telah dipelajari.
b. Mengembangkan engineering judgement.
c. Mempertimbangkan standar industri pada perancangan alat.
d. Melakukan hitungan detail.
e. Memahami proses iterasi pada perancangan.
f. Melakukan optimasi sistem.

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan terkait dengan Tugas PPK adalah sebagai
1. Pada prinsipnya tim mahasiswa ditentukan oleh Pengelola Tugas PPK dengan
mempertimbangkan usulan mahasiswa.
2. Daftar judul tugas PPK yang bisa dipilih akan diumumkan oleh Pengelola Tugas
PPK pada awal minggu ke-8 kuliah pada tiap semester.
3. Pendaftaran Tugas PPK dilakukan dengan mengisi formulir yang telah
disediakan. Formulir ini berisi: a. Usulan nama anggota tim (2 orang) b. Pilihan
judul Tugas PPK dari daftar yang diumumkan. Tiap tim boleh mengusulkan
maksimum 2 pilihan judul.
4. Dengan pertimbangan tertentu, Pengelola Tugas PPK bisa mengubah anggota
tim Tugas PPK. Setiap perubahan dan alasannya akan dikomunikasikan kepada
semua anggota tim yang terkait.
5. Bila jumlah tim pemilih untuk seorang dosen pembimbing melebihi kuota
bimbingan dosen tersebut, Pengelola Tugas PPK akan menentukan dosen
pembimbing bagi masing-masing tim.
6. Judul Tugas PPK dan nama pembimbing akan diumumkan selambatnya pada
akhir minggu ke-10 masa perkuliahan.
7. Tugas PPK harus sudah diselesaikan paling lama 33 minggu setelah
pengumuman judul Tugas PPK.
8. Tim yang tidak berhasil menyelesaikan Tugas PPK-nya hingga akhir bulan ke-8
akan diberi dua pilihan:

a. Menyelesaikan tugasnya dengan mendapatkan nilai tugas maksimum B jika
terlambat maksimum 2 minggu dari batas akhir atau nilai maksimum C
jika terlambat melebihi 2 minggu dari batas akhir.
b. Mengundurkan diri dari Tugas PPK perioda tersebut dengan mengajukan
surat resmi kepada Pengelola Tugas PPK dengan diketahui dosen
pembimbing Tugas PPK.
9. Pendaftaran Tugas PPK baru dapat dilakukan dengan terikat peraturan yang
menyangkut tatacara pengusulan tugas PPK.

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Tugas PPK dapat dilihat pada buku Panduan
Tugas Perancangan Pabrik Kimia.

Kegiatan pendadaran adalah forum ujian lisan untuk Tugas Prarancangan Pabrik
Kimia. Dalam ujian pendadaran, mahasiswa akan mempresentasikan tugas
prarancangannya di depan tim penguji yang terdiri dari 3 orang dosen.
Syarat dan prosedur pendadarannya adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Surat ijin pendadaran dari dosen pembimbing.
2. Sudah pernah mengikuti pendadaran minimal 3 kali (menunjukkan blangko
3. Sudah menyerahkan naskah pendadaran yang sudah disetujui oleh dosen
pembimbing tugas PPK berdasarkan jadwal yang ditentukan oleh Pengelola
Tugas PPK.


Kuliah Kerja Nyata pada dasarnya merupakan kegiatan pengabdian pada
masyarakat. Melalui KKN, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat mengaplikasikan ilmu-ilmu
yang didapat di bangku kuliah untuk kepentingan masyarakat. Untuk melaksanakan
KKN mahasiswa harus sudah menempuh minimal 90 sks.
Kegiatan KKN dikelola di level universitas melalui Direktorat Pengabdian
Kepada Masyarakat (DPKM UGM). Petunjuk pelaksanaan KKN dapat diperoleh dari
website DPKM UGM (

Departemen Teknik Kimia FT UGM memiliki sarana dan prasarana pendukung
proses pembelajaran dan penelitian yang relatif lengkap. Sebagian besar fasilitas
tersebut diperoleh Departemen Teknik Kimia melalui berbagai program hibah
kompetisi seperti QUE dan PHK B. Sarana dan prasarana tersebut juga diperoleh
melalui berbagai kerjasama dengan industri, alumni maupun berbagai proyek
penelitian yang telah dimenangkan oleh staf Departemen Teknik Kimia FT UGM.

Departemen Teknik Kimia FT UGM mempunyai 10 ruang kuliah yang terletak di
gedung selatan sebanyak 4 ruang (S-101, S-102, S-103, dan S-107) dan di gedung
utara sebanyak 6 ruang (U-232, U233, U234, U301, U-303, dan U-304). Masing-masing
ruang dilengkapi dengan satu set komputer, proyektor, dan AC. Sepuluh ruang kuliah
tersebut mampu untuk menampung perkuliahan yang ada di Departemen Teknik
Kimia. Bila ruangan tidak dipakai, mahasiswa dapat menggunakan ruang tersebut
untuk pertemuan atau kegiatan lain sepanjang mendapatkan ijin dari pengelola
ruang. Pada prinsipnya ruang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai kegiatan, tetapi
diperlukan ijin dari pengelola untuk mengatur jadual penggunaan ruang agar tidak
terjadi penggunaan ganda pada waktu bersamaan.


Perpustakaan Departemen Teknik Kimia dilengkapi dengan berbagai jenis buku-
buku keteknikimiaan, keteknikan, dan pengetahuan umum. Perpustakaan juga
dilengkapi dengan jurnal, laporan penelitian, laporan kerja praktek dan laporan
tugas perancangan pabrik oleh mahasiswa. Untuk membantu kelancaran dan
kenyamanan pengguna (mahasiswa), perpustakaan dikelola oleh dua orang pegawai
yang siap melayani kebutuhan mahasiswa. Untuk kenyamanan pengguna,
perpustakaan dilengkapi dengan AC. Untuk memperlancar pelacakan atau pencarian
materi, perpustakaan dilengkapi dengan satu set komputer yang berisi database
judul-judul buku, jurnal, laporan, dan koleksi lain yang dimiliki oleh perpustakaan.


Beberapa tahun terakhir, banyak sekali bantuan pembelian buku-buku baru
yang berasal dari program QUE project, Hibah B, Hi-Link project dan sumber dana

lain. Koleksi buku-buku terbaru berkaitan dengan keteknikkimiaan, keteknikan dan
pengetahuan umum tersedia di perpustakaan. Perpustakaan Departemen Teknik
Kimia UGM melayani anggota maupun non anggota perpustakaan dengan baik. Untuk
menjadi anggota, syarat utamanya adalah terdaftar menjadi mahasiswa, pegawai
atau staf pengajar di Departemen Teknik Kimia FT UGM.

Departemen Teknik Kimia telah menyediakan access point di beberapa posisi
sehingga diharapkan mahasiswa dapat mengakses jaringan internet dengan baik dan
lancar di seluruh area Departemen Teknik Kimia. Sistem Single Sign On (SSO) dengan
menggunakan email UGM digunakan untuk dapat terkoneksi dengan jarngan internet.
Selain itu Departemen juga menyediakan banyak komputer yang terhubung
dengan internet sehingga bagi mahasiswa yang tidak mempunyai laptop tetap bisa
memanfaatkan jaringan internet. Keterbatasan untuk penggunaan komputer adalah
belum dapat digunakan 24 jam mengingat ruang komputer tutup diluar jam kantor.

Ada 7 laboratorium untuk memfasilitasi penelitian mahasiswa dan dosen yaitu
Laboratorium Teknik Reaksi Kimia & katalisis, Proses Pemisahan, Teknologi Minyak
Bumi, Gas, dan Batubara, Teknologi Keramik dan Komposit, Teknik Pangan dan
Bioproses, Teknologi Polimer dan laboratorium Konversi Energi dan Pencegahan
Pencemaran. Untuk memfasilitasi paktikum mahasiswa ada laboratorium Praktikum
Analisis Bahan, Praktikum Dasar-Dasar Proses, Praktikum Operasi Teknik Kimia dan
Laboratorium Komputasi. Sedangkan laboratorium Analisis Instrumental digunakan
untuk melayani analisis di Departemen Teknik Kimia. Untuk perancangan pabrik
tersedia Studio Simulasi Proses dan Perancangan Pabrik Kimia
Tabel berikut merupakan daftar laboratorium dan studio yang ada di
Departemen Teknik Kimia.

Tabel 15. Daftar Kepala Laboratorium dan Studio

No. Laboratorium Kepala Laboratorium
1 Praktikum Analisis Bahan Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, S.T.,
M.Eng., D.Eng.
2 Praktikum Dasar-Dasar Proses Dr. Ing. Ir.Teguh Ariyanto, S.T., M.Eng.,
3 Teknik Reaksi Kimia dan Dr. Ir.Sarto, M.Sc., IPU.
Katalisis Email:
4 Proses Pemisahan Prof. Dr. Ir. Edia Rahayuningsih, M.S.,

5 Teknologi Minyak Bumi, Gas, Prof. Ir. Suryo Purwono, MA.Sc., Ph.D.,
dan Batubara IPU.,ASEAN.Eng.
6 Teknologi Keramik dan Ir.Indra Perdana, S.T., MT., Ph.D.
Komposit Email:
7 Teknik Pangan dan Bioproses Ir.Yuni Kusumastuti, S.T., M.Eng.,
D.Eng., IPM.
8 Teknologi Polimer Ir. Imam Prasetyo, M.Eng., Ph.D.
9 Konversi Energi dan Pencegahan Ir. Agus Prasetya, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D.
Pencemaran Email:
10 Analisis Instrumental Ir.Muhammad Mufti Azis, S.T., M.Sc.,
Ph.D., IPM.
11 Studio Simulasi Proses dan Ir. Sutijan, M.T., Ph.D.
Perancangan Pabrik Kimia Email:
12 Laboratorium Komputasi Sutijan, ST.,MT.,Ph.D

Ketersediaan beasiswa di sebuah institusi pendidikan (seperti Departemen
Teknik Kimia FT UGM) adalah salah satu daya tarik bagi mahasiswa. Di Departemen
Teknik Kimia UGM, tersedia berbagai jenis sumber-sumber beasiswa. Berdasarnya
sumbernya, beasiswa bisa dikelompokkan menjadi empat golongan yaitu beasiswa
dari Perusahaan, dari UGM, dari Alumni, dan dari pribadi.

Beasiswa dari perusahaan bisa berupa pemberian uang ke mahasiswa dalam

jumlah dan waktu tertentu. Jumlah uang yang diterimakan ke mahasiswa bervariasi
antara Rp 150.000-500.000 per bulan. Ada sebagian perusahaan yang memberikan
beasiswa tersebut tanpa ikatan dinas namun ada juga yang memberikan beasiswa
dengan persyaratan tertentu. Beasiswa dari UGM bentuknya bermacam-macam; ada
yang berupa keringanan pembayaran SPP dan/atau BOP; pembebasan SPP dan/atau
BOP; pemberian uang beasiswa lewat program beasiswa tertentu, dan sebagainya.
Beasiswa alumni Tekagama dan pribadi pada umumnya diwujudkan dalam bentuk
bantuan Uang Kuliah Tunggal dan pemberian uang bulanan untuk membantu kondisi
ekonomi mahasiswa yang kurang mampu.

Selain beasiswa, Departemen Teknik Kimia juga menawarkan program

pertukaran pelajar dengan beberapa perguruan tinggi, salah satunya adalah program
pertukaran pelajar di Ehime University, Japan yang dibuka untuk 4-7 mahasiswa.
Program pertukaran pelajar dapat diikuti sesuai dengan prosedur seleksi yang
ditentukan oleh penyelenggara. Secara rinci, program pertukaran pelajar ke luar
negeri dapat dilihat di laman Selain pertukaran pelajar juga
terdapat short course dan summer course di perguruan tinggi internasional.

Kompetisi di Teknik Kimia cukup sering diadakan. Jenis kompetisi bervariasi, mulai
dari essay dan karya tulis, perancangan dan problem solving, perancangan produk,
hingga kompetisi berbasis penelitian. Sekilas tentang kompetisi yang rutin diikuti
mahasiswa teknik kimia ditampilkan sebagai berikut:

Poise (Process Engineering Series of Event)
Poise merupakan kompetisi yang diadakan oleh Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik
Kimia FT UGM. Kompetisi diinisiasi tahun 2020 dan resmi dimulai sejak tahun 2021.
Jenis lomba yang dilombakan untuk mahasiswa antara lain Psico (Process Simulation
Competition), Safecom (Safety Competition), Phase (Poster Challenge for Decent
Engineer). Psico adalah kompetisi simulasi proses berbasis kasus. Safecom adalah
kompetisi berbasis keselamatan proses. Phase adalah kompetisi membuat poster
bertemakan process engineering. Info lebih lanjut terdapat pada
( )

IChEC (Indonesia Chemical Engineering Challenge)

IChEC adalah kompetisi yang diadakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik
Kimia ITB. Jenis perlombaan yang dilombakan pada kompetisi IChEC (2021)
diantaranya plant design competition, problem solving competition, essay
competition, dan bussines case competition. Plant Design Competition adalah lomba
rancang pabrik dengan tema dan produk tertentu. Konten dari full paper plant design
competition seperti naskah TPPK. Pada Problem solving competition, peserta
diminta merancang solusi paling feasibel dari segi teknis dan ekonomi berdasarkan
kasus tertentu.

PGD (Process Engineering and Energy Days)

PGD adalah seri kompetisi yang diadakan oleh Ikatan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia
UI. Kompetisi ini terdiri CPDC (Chemical Product Design Competition), I-CAST
(International Case Study Competition), Petronation (kompetisi cerdas cermat di
bidang oil and gas), SEMUN (Student Energy Model United Nation), dan Chemecar.
Informasi lebih dalam bisa diakses pada ( )

Creation (Chemical Engineering Fair and Competition)

Creation diadakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Undip. Lomba yang
sering diikuti adalah CeRCo (Chemical Engineering Research Competition).
Perlombaan ini menantang mahasiswa untuk melakukan penelitian yang memberikan
khasanah pengetahuan baru bagi dunia keteknikkimiaan. Informasi lebih lanjut
dapat diakses pada ( )



Asumsi dasar yang digunakan dalam penegakan etika dan disiplin di
Departemen Teknik Kimia adalah mahasiswa sebagai insan yang sudah dewasa dan
mempunyai tanggung jawab penuh segala keputusan dan tindakan yang telah
diperbuatnya. Etika dan disiplin adalah bagian dari setiap profesi termasuk profesi
teknik kimia. Departemen Teknik Kimia memberikan beberapa panduan yang bisa
dijadikan acuan mahasiswa untuk berperilaku di lingkungan Kampus Departemen
Teknik Kimia sebagai berikut:
1. Mahasiswa dan seluruh warga Departemen Teknik Kimia FT-UGM yang lain
mempunyai tanggung jawab yang sama untuk menciptakan Departemen Teknik
Kimia sebagai lingkungan belajar dan kerja yang kondusif, aman, dan
2. Mahasiswa yang masuk ke Departemen Teknik Kimia harus berpakaian rapi dan
sopan, tidak memakai kaos oblong, sepatu sandal, sandal atau selop, tidak
boleh memakai anting bagi mahasiswa putra dan tidak boleh mengecat rambut.
3. Mahasiswa tidak melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang bisa dikategorikan sebagai
perbuatan curang seperti misalnya memalsukan tanda tangan pada daftar hadir
kuliah, mencontek saat ujian atau mengerjakan tugas individual, memalsukan
data eksperimen, melakukan plagiasi karya-karya akademik dan sebagainya.
Pelaku kecurangan akademik akan dikenai sanksi akademik sesuai dengan
peraturan yang berlaku di Departemen Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik maupun
secara umum di Universitas Gadjah Mada.
4. Mahasiswa tidak melakukan dan mendukung tindakan vandalisme seperti
tindakan perusakan sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran, melakukan corat-
coret bangku kuliah, merusak koleksi perpustakaan, merusak dengan sengaja
basis data Departemen dan sebagainya. Pelaku tindakan vandalisme bisa
dikenai sanksi akademik dan atau tindakan hukum yang berlaku bila tingkat
kerusakan yang ditimbulkan akibat perbuatannya sangat merugikan
Departemen Teknik Kimia secara khusus dan masyarakat pengguna Departemen
Teknik Kimia secara umum.

5. Mahasiswa, pegawai, dosen dan tamu Departemen Teknik Kimia tidak
diperkenankan merokok di dalam gedung dan koridor di lingkungan Departemen
Teknik Kimia.
6. Mahasiswa bertanggung jawab untuk mendapatkan informasi dan memahami
peraturan akademik lain yang berlaku di Fakultas Teknik dan Universitas
Gadjah Mada.

Safety Health and Environment (SHE) merupakan hal yang sangat dijunjung tinggi
di industri. Untuk itu mahasiswa harus dibiasakan untuk mempunyai kepedulian yang
tinggi terhadap SHE baik dilingkungan kampus maupun dalam kehidupan sehari hari,
sehingga akan menjadi perilaku yang melekat pada lulusan Teknik Kimia. Untuk itu
ada beberapa aturan yang harus dipatuhi. Salah satunya adalah aturan untuk bekerja
di laboratorium.


1. Dinyatakan memenuhi syarat bekerja di laboratorium jika:
a. Bagi peneliti: menunjukkan proposal penelitian yang sudah
ditandatangani pembimbing kepada laboran.
b. Bagi praktikan: telah mengikuti safety briefing yang diadakan oleh tim
Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja dan Lindungan Lingkungan (K3LL),
Departemen Teknik Kimia, UGM.
2. Telah mengisi RISK ASSESSMENT yang:
a. Bagi peneliti dan siswa PKL: telah disetujui oleh pembimbing, kepala
laboratorium dan koordinator SHE.
b. Bagi praktikan: telah disetujui oleh pembimbing atau kepala
3. Mengetahui lokasi dan cara penggunaan peralatan keselamatan darurat,
termasuk safety shower, eyewash station dan alat pemadam api ringan (APAR).
4. Memahami prosedur tanggap darurat, alarm, dan rute evakuasi.
5. Mengetahui jenis dan penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD).
6. Memahami prosedur kerja dan peralatan yang akan digunakan.


1. Selalu menggunakan APD minimum yaitu: kacamata pelindung (safety glasses),
jas laboratorium dan sepatu tertutup. APD yang lain digunakan menyesuaikan
dengan jenis percobaan. Pemakai kacamata plus atau minus tetap wajib
menggunakan kacamata pelindung bersama dengan kacamata plus atau

2. Mematuhi prosedur kerja dan peralatan dengan mempertimbangkan
keselamatan diri dan lingkungan.
3. Menggunakan peralatan laboratorium sesuai fungsinya.
4. Selalu waspada terhadap adanya kondisi dan tindakan yang tidak aman dan
melaporkannya kepada staf laboratorium atau pembimbing. Misal adanya kabel
listrik yang terkelupas, menggunakan nyala api tanpa ijin dan tidur di
5. Konsultasi ke pembimbing dan mengisi surat ijin yang ditandatangani kepala
laboratorium untuk percobaan yang tidak ditunggui.
6. Transportasi bahan kimia antar ruangan laboratorium harus menggunakan alat
bantu khusus (misal: bottle carrier).
7. Selalu memberi label pada saat menyimpan suatu bahan atau limbah hasil
8. Dilarang menghalangi akses ke peralatan keselamatan, lorong dan pintu.
9. Dilarang bergurau selama bekerja di dalam laboratorium.
10. Dilarang menggunakan peralatan yang menghalangi pendengaran. Misal
memakai headset sehingga tidak mendengar alarm tanda bahaya.
11. Dilarang mempersiapkan, menyimpan atau mengkonsumsi makanan atau
minuman di dalam laboratorium.
12. Dilarang merokok di dalam laboratorium.
13. Bagi yang bekerja di luar jam kerja resmi wajib mengisi surat ijin yang
ditandatangani kepala laboratorium dan dilarang bekerja sendirian.


1. Melepas semua kabel dan alat listrik lainnya (steker, sambungan kabel), yang
penyambungannya hanya bersifat sementara.
2. Membersihkan alat-alat dan tempat kerja, meletakkan dan mengembalikan
alat-alat yang digunakan ke tempat semula.
3. Mengolah atau menempatkan limbah penelitian/percobaan pada tempat yang
disediakan sesuai dengan jenis limbahnya
4. Memastikan bahwa tempat kerja dan laboratorium dalam keadaan aman. Misal
mematikan listrik, lampu, kran air atau kran gas.
5. Mencuci tangan dengan air dan sabun sebelum meninggalkan laboratorium.


Mahasiswa merupakan salah satu elemen yang sangat krusial dalam

pembangunan nasional khususnya di sektor pendidikan karena mahasiswa adalah
calon tenaga profesional penggerak pembangunan yang akan menghadapi persaingan
global. Untuk itu, diperlukan kompetensi yang mumpuni bagi mahasiswa untuk
menjawab tantangan ini. Kompetensi yang dimiliki mahasiswa tentu didasari oleh
ilmu pengetahuan serta keterampilan teknis melalui program belajar mengajar
(hard-skill) di perguruan tinggi. Akan tetapi, kompetensi tersebut tidak akan
tersalurkan secara optimal apabila tidak diiringi dengan keterampilan nonteknis
(soft-skill) yang tidak kalah penting dalam menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang
berdaya saing.

Keterampilan non teknis ini dapat dicapai diantaranya melalui berbagai

kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia FT UGM.
Melalui bidang-bidang serta BSO yang memiliki arah geraknya masing masing,
mahasiswa dapat berkarya dan menyalurkan kreatifitasnya dengan leluasa. Selain
kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh bidang-bidang dan BSO-BSO, mahasiswa
Teknik Kimia FT UGM juga dapat mengikuti berbagai kegiatan lain meliputi tim
Reactics Chem-E-Car UGM, SPE UGM SC, AiChE UGM SC, BKKMTKI, hingga kepanitiaan
melalui POISE UGM, serta kegiatan-kegiatan lainnya. Melalui berbagai kegiatan
kemahasiswaan tersebut mahasiswa akan memperoleh berbagai manfaat yang
diharapkan bisa menunjang kemampuan akademisnya.

Ada sebuah catatan yang perlu diperhatikan, yaitu syarat menjadi pengurus
KMTK adalah menjadi anggota KMTK dan semua kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh
KMTK hanya ditujukan kepada anggota KMTK kecuali kegiatan yang bersifat
eksternal. Jadi hanya anggota KMTK yang memiliki hak untuk menikmati apa-apa
yang dilakukan oleh KMTK.

Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada
(KMTK FT UGM) merupakan satu-satunya organisasi kemahasiswaan strata satu intra
kampus yang berada di bawah naungan Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Gadjah Mada (DTK FT UGM). KMTK lahir pada bulan Oktober tahun 1960.
Organisasi ini bersifat kekeluargaan dan berasaskan Pancasila.

Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia FT UGM merupakan satu kesatuan wadah yang
mengikat seluruh mahasiswa Teknik Kimia FT UGM yang telah memenuhi persyaratan
dalam rangkaian penerimaan anggota, termasuk di dalamnya Badan Perwakilan
Mahasiswa dan Badan Semi Otonom.

Tujuan didirikannya KMTK antara lain:

a. Mewujudkan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada
sebagai insan akademis yang bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
b. Mewujudkan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.
c. Menyiapkan dan mewujudkan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia sebagai tenaga profesional
penggerak pembangunan serta mampu berperan aktif dalam industrialisasi pada
khususnya dan pembangunan Indonesia pada umumnya menuju masyarakat adil
dan makmur.

Program-program kerja yang dilakukan oleh KMTK memiliki tujuan utama untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa serta untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa
yang bergabung didalamnya. Saat ini KMTK memiliki 5 bidang, 2 departemen, dan 5
BSO (Badan Semi Otonom) dalam mendistribusikan kegiatan-kegiatannya. Bidang-
bidang tersebut adalah Bidang Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Wawasan, Bidang
Olahraga dan Seni, Bidang Kaderisasi dan Penelitian Pengembangan SDM, Bidang
Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Bidang Hubungan Masyarakat
dan Opini Publik, Departemen Kewirausahaan, dan Departemen Media Informasi.
Sedangkan BSO-BSOnya antara lain Al Mustaqim, Entropi, GamaEARTH, KSTM, dan

Secara umum, kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh KMTK antara lain adalah
sebagai berikut:
1. Bidang Pendikpenwas (Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Wawasan). Bidang
Pendikpenwas merupakan bidang yang berperan untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan
mahasiswa dalam peningkatan prestasi akademik, pengembangan wawasan
mahasiswa lewat pelatihan dan publikasi serta meningkatkan jiwa kompetitif
mahasiswa pada hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan keilmuan teknik kimia.
Program kerja yang dilaksanakan antara lain: Tutorial, E-Book Corner, Sortir
Soal, OMEGA (pelatihan lomba), Pelatihan Komputasi, dan Pendampingan
2. Bidang Olsen (Olahraga dan Seni). Bidang Olsen merupakan bidang yang
mewadahi penyaluran dan pengembangan minat dan bakat anggota di bidang
olahraga dan seni melalui program kerja sekaligus sebagai wadah menjalin
kekeluargaan antar anggota. Untuk mewadahi minat dan bakat ini, bidang olsen
memiliki dua departemen yaitu departemen olahraga dan departemen seni.
Bidang Olsen juga mengoordinasikan MAXIMANIA secara langsung mulai dari
persiapan hingga pelaksanaan kegiatan suporteran. Program kerja yang
dilaksanakan antara lain: Fun Games, Latihan Rutin, Pekan Olahraga dan
Permainan Teknik Kimia (Porpeteka), Delegasi Atlet dan Seniman, Perayaan
Hari Raya, dan Pentas Seni.
3. Bidang Kalitbang (Kaderisasi dan Penelitian Pengembangan SDM). Kalitbang
yang merupakan salah satu bidang dalam KMTK FT UGM dengan kepanjangan

kaderisasi dan penelitian pengembangan SDM. Sesuai dengan namanya, bidang
kalitbang terdiri dari dua departemen yaitu Departemen Kaderisasi dan
Departemen Penelitian Pengembangan SDM. Bidang Kalitbang memiliki tujuan
untuk meningkatan kualitas dan memaksimalkan kompetensi dari staff KMTK
FT UGM. Program kerja yang dilaksanakan antara lain: Polimer, Sekolah KMTK,
Pemilu KMTK, Penyusunan Buku Kaderisasi, Progress Report, dan Webinar
4. Bidang Kesdim (Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa dan Pengabdian Masyarakat).
Kesdim adalah bidang di KMTK yang bergerak di kegiatan sosial, baik untuk
mensejahterakan mahasiswa Teknik Kimia sendiri maupun untuk membantu
masyarakat yang membutuhkan. Kegiatan sosial yang dilakukan ini bertujuan
untuk menyalurkan jiwa sosial mahasiswa Teknik Kimia dan menumbuhkan rasa
empati juga kepedulian mahasiswa Teknik Kimia terhadap lingkungan sekitar.
Program kerja yang dilaksanakan antara lain: Beasiswa dan Scholarshop, Copy
Center, Psychological Corner, Adik Asuh, Desa Binaan, dan Bakti Sosial.
5. Bidang Hopin (Hubungan Masyarakat dan Opini Publik). Bidang Hubungan
Masyarakat dan Opini Publik (HOPIN) merupakan bidang yang bertanggung
jawab untuk menjaga hubungan baik KMTK dengan departemen, alumni, dan
organisasi kemahasiswaan lainnya. HOPIN juga berperan dalam menjaring dan
memperjuangkan aspirasi mahasiswa. Selain itu, bidang ini juga merupakan
penghubung antara seluruh elemen di Departemen Teknik Kimia yang meliputi
dosen, karyawan, dan mahasiswa. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan HOPIN
bertujuan untuk melatih kemampuan komunikasi dan pendekatan interpersonal
para staff-nya agar dapat memperluas relasi dan siap menghadapi dunia kerja.
Program kerja yang dilaksanakan antara lain: Expo, OTK (Observasi Teknik
Kimia), Benchmarking, Halo HOPIN, DM-DE (Dialog Mahasiswa-Dialog Elemen),
dan Impresi.
6. Departemen Kewirausahaan. Departemen Kewirausahaan yang dapat
disingkat menjadi DKW merupakan departemen yang berada di bawah
bendahara umum yang bertujuan untuk mencari dana alternatif guna
menambah kas KMTK FT UGM. Selain itu, DKW juga melakukan kegiatan-
kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan kemampuan berwirausaha
anggota DKW KMTK. Program kerja yang dilaksanakan antara lain: Pengadaan
Korsa Teknik Kimia, Pengadaan Jas Lab, De CEO, dan De KAFE.
7. Departemen Media Informasi. Departemen Medin adalah salah satu
departemen di KMTK FT UGM yang bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga citra baik
KMTK melalui media publikasi KMTK. Departemen ini juga berperan dalam
mengembangkan skill desain anggotanya. Program kerjanya antara lain:
Pengelolaan OA LINE, Telegram, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, dan Website
KMTK, DWP (Design Workshop Project), dan Safari.

1. Al-Mustaqim. Al Mustaqim merupakan Badan Semi Otonom (BSO) yang
menangani bidang kerohanian dan kegiatan dakwah Islam di lingkungan KMTK
FT UGM. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan antara lain: Kajian Muamalah, Mentoring,
Qurban Teknik Kimia, Rabu Ngaji, Kemuslimahan

2. Entropi. Entropi merupakan salah satu Badan Semi Otonom (BSO) yang
bergerak di bidang jurnalistik dan pers mahasiswa di lingkup Teknik Kimia
Fakultas Teknik UGM. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan antara lain: News Hunting,
Majalah Entropi, Entropi Unveils: Documentaries, Kamis Puitis, Jogja Journal.
3. Mapateka (Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam Teknik Kimia). Mapateka merupakan BSO
yang mewadahi minat mahasiswa Teknik Kimia UGM di bidang kepecintaalaman
dan bergerak dalam penyelamatan lingkungan hidup. Kegiatan yang
dilaksanakan antara lain: Ekspedisi, Beach Camp, MABARETA (Rafting), Senja,
Latihan Rutin.
4. GamaEARTH (Gadjah Mada Epicenter of Appropriate and Renewable
Technology for Humanity). GamaEARTH adalah Badan Semi Otonom (BSO)
green action mahasiswa Teknik Kimia di Universitas Gadjah Mada yang
dijalankan oleh dan untuk mahasiswa yang bergerak dalam ranah memperluas
wawasan dan meningkatkan serta mempromosikan awareness mengenai
renewable energy dan lingkungan demi mendukung upaya Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan antara lain: Weekly
Sharing, Community Networking, Fun Trip, Campaign, Genvormation.
5. Kelompok Studi Teknologi Mahasiswa (KSTM). KSTM merupakan salah satu
Badan Semi Otonom (BSO) di Departemen Teknik Kimia yang bertujuan untuk
menciptakan ruang bermain, berdiskusi, dan juga optimasi potensi melalui
peningkatan kemampuan di bidang inovasi dan keteknikan. KSTM hadir sebagai
wadah dan sarana bagi mahasiswa dalam menyalurkan sekaligus
mengembangkan berbagai ide dan inovasi di bidang teknologi. Melalui wadah
tersebut, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menghasilkan karya-karya kreatif dan
turut serta berpartisipasi di berbagai kompetisi nasional maupun internasional.
Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan antara lain: The World of Work, Riset, Walking
Around, Pendidikan Ristek, Training Lomba.


Badan Perwakilan Mahasiswa merupakan perwujudan dari kedaulatan
Musyawarah Mahasiswa yang secara aktif mengawasi dan mengevaluasi kinerja
pengurus KMTK FT UGM, serta menyalurkan aspirasi mahasiswa kepada KMTK FT

Anggota BPM adalah utusan 4 angkatan termuda pada periode kepengurusan

KMTK FT UGM yang sedang berjalan (masing-masing minimal 3 orang) yang sebaiknya
adalah Komisariat Tingkat (komti) masing-masing angkatan yang kemudian disahkan
oleh Musyawarah Mahasiswa KMTK FT UGM.

Anggota BPM nantinya tidak diperkenankan menjadi Pengurus KMTK FT UGM

Eksekutif dan Pengurus Inti Badan Semi Otonom KMTK FT UGM tetapi masih dapat
mengikuti kegiatan KMTK FT UGM dan Badan Semi Otonom.


POISE is a platform for future leaders to compete in developing creative and
innovative ideas and sharpening critical thinking to answer sustainable problems. It
presents a series of integrated events in which a combination of two annual Chemical

Engineering big events, namely the PETROLEUM INDUSTRY TRAINING (PIT) and the
SAFETY COMPETITION (SAFECOM), plus several other events that include community
social services, roadshows, and more. POISE 2021 consists of 6 events and 4
competitions with 2 side events and will be held for 8 months in total, starting from
April 2021. In general, the event is classified into two parts, pre-events and main
events. Pre-events, such as Goes to School, POISEChat, POISETalks, WAFERS, and
POISECharity, following the pre-events is the POISE Summit.

Informasi lebih lengkap tentang KMTK FT UGM (kepengurusan periode

2020/2021) dapat diakses melalui tautan berikut


Reactics Chem-E-Car merupakan sebuah komunitas atau tim lomba UGM yang
akan mengikuti lomba di kancah Nasional dan Internasional pada Chem-E-Car
Competition setiap tahun. Komunitas ini didirikan pada tahun 2010 dan berpusat di
Departemen Teknik Kimia Universitas Gadjah Mada. Reactics Chem-E-Car fokus pada
pembuatan prototype mobil yang bergerak presisi dan efisien dengan memanfaatkan
sumber energi dari reaksi kimia, dengan mempertimbangkan aspek mekanis,
elektronis, dan kimiawi. Pada dasarnya, jenis mobil Reactics Chem-E-Car terbagi 2,
yakni mobil Gas dan mobil Volta.


SPE UGM – SC is a non-profit organization under SPE Indonesia & SPE Java
Section established in November 2008. Membership of SPE UGM – SC is divided into
Members & Boards. SPE UGM – SC Members are active students in Universitas Gadjah
Mada that already register to SPE UGM – SC as members & pass some administrative
requirements. Meanwhile, SPE UGM – SC Boards are active students in Geological
Engineering Department, Chemical Engineering Department & Geophysics
Department Universitas Gadjah Mada that already pass some recruitment steps and
responsible for daily management of the organization. Both Members & Boards get
privilege & special access to any events held by SPE UGM – SC, SPE Java Section, SPE
Indonesia and even SPE International.

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) is a professional
organization for chemical engineers. Established in 1908 to distinguish chemical
engineers as a profession independent of chemists and mechanical engineers. As of
2018, AIChE had over 60,000 members, including members from over 110 countries
worldwide. The student chapters tend to focus on providing networking
opportunities in both academia and in industry as well as increasing student
involvement locally and nationally.

The Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Student Chapter of the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers was recently established in 2021 and is recognized as an
International Student Chapter of AIChE. AIChE UGM SC aims to empower our
members, promoting their leadership skills, and enables them to have the best

foundation to fulfil a career in chemical engineering industry by equipping them with
professional skills and connecting them to corporate partners and sister chapter of
our exclusive network from around the globe.

BKKMTKI (Badan Koordinasi Kegiatan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia Indonesia) adalah
suatu wadah bagi mahasiswa teknik kimia seluruh Indonesia untuk berkarya. Suatu
yang besar, mengingat skala cakupannya berada pada tingkat nasional.
BKKMTKI memiliki tujuan, yaitu berperan aktif mewujudkan keluarga mahasiswa
Teknik Kimia Indonesia menjadi insan akademis dan organisatoris yang bertaqwa
kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, serta dipersiapkan sebagai tenaga profesional
penggerak pembangunan menuju masyarakat adil dan makmur.

Kepengurusan dan Anggota

1. Pimpinan Pusat BKKMTKI
2. Pimpinan Daerah I (Jambi, Sumatera Selatan, Lampung)
3. Pimpinan Daerah II (DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Banten)
4. Pimpinan Daerah III (DI Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah)
5. Pimpinan Daerah IV (Jawa Timur)
6. Pimpinan Daerah V (Sulawesi)
7. Pimpinan Daerah VI (Kalimantan)
8. Pimpinan Daerah VII (Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Riau)

KMTK FT UGM tergabung dalam BKKMTKI Daerah III.

Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh BKKMTKI antara lain adalah: Training, Liga
BKKMTKI, Sosialisasi BKKMTKI, Pengabdian Masyrakat, LDO, Munas dan Rakornas,
Musda dan Rakorda.



Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation (TKK211110)

General Chemistry (TKK211111)
Organic Chemistry (TKK211112)
Mathematics (TKK211113)
Physics (TKK211114)
Pancasila (UNU211110)
Civics (UNU211111)

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK211110 (4 credit units)
Analytical 2. Prerequisites: -
Chemistry and 3. Aims :
Instrumentatio 1. To understand the basic principles and protocols of qualitative and quantitative
n chemical analysis
2. To understand working principles of instrument, application of instruments, and
how to operate those instruments to perform sample analysis.

4. Learning outcome :
Level of Bloom
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize the principles of the standard 
identification methods of chemical elements and
2 To determine quantitatively the amount of chemical 
elements and compounds in a substance.
3 To demonstrate the ability to formulate protocol for 
qualitative/quantitative chemical/physical analysis
and instrumentation application
4 To explain the principles of sample analysis using √
spectrophotometer and chromatography.
5. Topics
a. Qualitative analysis of chemical elements and compounds
b. Volumetric analysis (Acidic-alkalimetry, oxidimetry, iodometry, argentometry,
and permanganometry)
c. Gravimetric analysis.
d. UV/Vis Spectrophotometer.
e. IR Spectrophotometer.
f. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS).
g. Gas Chromatography (GC).
h. Liquid Chromatography (LC).
i. Introduction to material analysis instrumentation: TGA, XRD, SEM, AFM,
mechanical testing dll.

Topic (a) needs to be restricted to a number of elements, for example: element IA and
IIA in periodic table.
6. Competencies to be developed (based on PO):
Competencies PO 1 and PO 4

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics:
a. Construct identification procedures of chemical elements or compounds and to
construct high precision quantitative analysis
b. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of samples: organic, inorganic, single
component, and multi component using appropriate instrument.
8. Specific characteristics of learning
a. Combination of principles understanding (descriptive and argumentative) and
of calculation.
b. Emphasis on comprehension of instrument working principles and skills to
operate the instruments to perform sample analysis.
9. Embedded learning:
Critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills
10. Assessment system:
Written examinations and assignments
11. Feedbacks :
Questionnaire and personal communication
12. References:
a. Skoog, Douglas A., F. James Holler, and Stanley R. Crouch. 2017, Principles
of Instrumental Analysis, 7 ed, Cengange Learning, Inc.
b. James W. Robinson, Eileen S. Frame, George M. Frame II, 2015,
Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis 7th ed., CRS Press
c. Grinberg, N., Rodriguez, S., 2019, Ewing’s Analytical Instrumentation
Handbook, 4th ed., CRC Press
d. Lindsay, S., 1992, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, John Wiley &
Sons, Singapore.
e. Vogel, A. I., and Svehla, G., 2008, “Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis”, 7
ed., Longmans
f. Relevant journals/publications

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK211111 (2 credit units)

General 2. Prerequisites: -
Chemistry 3. Aim:
To understand the basic principles of chemistry which includes, the correlation between
structure of atoms, molecules, and compounds with their both physical and chemical
macroscopic properties, stoichiometry, and chemical reaction

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To relate atomic structures, molecular structures with 
its macroscopic characteristic.
2 To relate various types of chemical and secondary 
bonding with the macroscopic characteristics.
3 To semi-quantitavely explain intermolecular 
4 To predict material characteristic based on its location 
in the periodic table.
5 To qualitatively explain the phenomena of ionic 

5. Topic
a. Atomic structure, atomic characteristic, and periodic table.
b. Atomic and molecule bonding
c. Molecular structure and intermolecular interaction
d. State and properties of pure matter
e. Mixtures, solution, chemical reaction, and nuclear chemistry
f. Principles and application of chemical equilibrium
g. Oxidation-reduction and electrochemistry.

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1 and PO 4

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
LO5 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Correlation between basic theory of chemistry and macroscopic behavior of materials.
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Encouraging the students to be descriptive and argumentative to develop their
comprehension. Theoretical description on product quality is also suggested.
9. Embedded learning:
Critical thinking, lifelong learning
10. Assessment System:
Written examination (descriptive) and simple calculations and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. J.E. Brady; General Chemistry: Principles and Structure, 5th, John Wiley &Sons,
Inc., New York Ed (1990).
b. J.E. Brady et. al; Chemistry 7th edition, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., New York (2014)
c. D. Sobolev; General Chemistry, 6th, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (1997).
d. E.Brady and Fred Senese; Matter and Its Changes, 4th Ed, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York (2004).
e. W. Vining, S.Young, R. Day, B. Botch, General Chemistry (1st Edition); Brooks
Cole (2012).

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK211112 (3 credit units)

Organic 2. Prerequisites: -
Chemistry 3. Aim:
To understand the molecular structures of organic compounds, the relations between the
molecular structures and the macroscopic properties (chemical and physical), and various
possibilities of the compound synthesis based on the characteristics of the functional

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To predict the physical properties of organic 
compounds based on the molecular structures
2 To explain the mechanism of organic compound 
reactions based on basic concept of chemical bond
theory and molecular characteristics.
3 To generalize the mechanism of organic reaction 
based on functional groups characteristics.

5. Topics
a. Review on Lewis Bond’s theory and resonance
b. Review on molecular orbital theory, orbital hybridization, and molecular
c. Alkane and cycloalkene
d. Free radical reaction
e. Ionic reaction mechanism (SN1,SN2, E1, E2)
f. Alkene and alkyne
g. Reaction of Alkene and alkyne
h. Aldhehid and keton
i. Alkohol and ethers
j. Carboxylic acid
k. Aromatic compounds
l. Introduction to stereochemistry


Organic chemistry covers a number of organic compounds: alkanes, alkenes and
alkynes, alcohol and ether, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic compounds, aromatic

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 4, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √

7. Emphasized topics:
a. Molecular structure relations with its physical and chemical characteristics.
b. Comprehension on reaction mechanism based on molecular stability theory.
c. Resonance theory.
d. Stereochemistry.
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Descriptive and direct to analysis based on general principles about molecular stability,
functional group nature, etc.

9. Embedded learning:
Ability to follow contemporary issues.
10. Assessment System:
Written examinations and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication
12. References:
Solomon, T.W.G and Fryhle, C.B., 2014, “Organic Chemistry”, 11ed., John Wiley and
Sons, New Jersey.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK211113 (4 credit units)

Mathematics 2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim:
To apply and to analyze the concept of derivative, integral, linear algebra and ordinary
differential equation.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To determine derivatives of functions with a single 
and multiple independent variables.
2. To determine integral of arithmetic, trigonometric, 
exponential and logarithmic functions
3 To apply mathematical operation involving vectors 
and matrices.
4. To analyze first and second order ordinary 
differential equation

5. Topics
a. Functions and various coordinate systems.
b. Limit.
c. Calculus of Integral.
d. Calculus of differentiation.
e. First order and second order ordinary differential equation.
f. Examples of differential applications: maximization, minimization, correlation
between rates, and indeterminate forms.
g. Introduction to vector operations and matrices.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 4

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Comprehension on mathematical concepts and their physical interpretations.
8. Specific characteristics of learning
Exercising with real case problems whenever possible according to the level of the
taught concepts. Sufficient practices involving analytical-mathematical manipulation.
Students should also be introduced to spreadsheet to visualize functions and results of
mathematical calculation.
9. Embedded learning:
Problem solving and analytical skills
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Dahlke, R., 2011, How to Succeed in College Mathematics: A Comprehensive
Study and Reference Book for the Students and Instructors, BerwayPub, New
b. Frank Ayres, JR., 1996, Calculus [Schaum’s Outline series], 2nd ed., Erlangga,
c. Howard Anton, IRL Bivens, Stephen Davis, 2009, Calculus, John Wiley & Sons.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK1114 (4 credit units)

Physics 2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim
To master and apply the concepts of basic physics as one of the fundamental concepts of
chemical engineering to analyze simple phenomena.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To perform quantitative analysis on simple physical 
phenomena especially the ones relevant to chemical
industries by applying the concept of mechanics,
heat, gas, vapor and surface tension.
2 To perform calculation on phenomena involving 
energy conversion, including heat to mechanical
3 To apply the concepts of electrostatics, direct 
electrical current and alternating current for technical
phenomenon calculations.
4 To analyze simple physical phenomena both for 
undistributed and distributed system.
5. Topics
a. Mechanics (translational and rotational motion, momentum, force and torque effects
on motion, work, potential and kinetics energy, statics of rigid bodies).
b. Fluids statics.
c. Heat effects.
d. Gas.
e. Vapor.
f. Surface tension.
g. Energy conversion.
h. Electrostatics, direct electrical current and alternating current.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 4

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
7. Emphasized topics:
Application of basic concepts and mathematics, including differentiation and integration, to
analyze physical phenomena.
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Emphasizing on comprehension and analysis. Complicated calculation and mathematical
manipulation should be avoided as much as possible. Ability to perform calculation with
inconsistent units should be introduced. Examples from real chemical engineering cases
are recommended. Students are expected to do sufficient exercises.

9. Embedded learning:
a. Overview of chemical engineering profession and chemical engineering knowledge.
b. Illustrative examples to the flexibility of chemical engineering applications
(contemporary issues).
c. Analytical skills through active learning.
d. Problem solving practices.
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive written examination and home works.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
a. Halliday, H., Resnick, R., and Walker, J., 2018, “Fundamentals of Physics. Extended”,
11th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
b. Young, H. and Freedman, R., 2019, “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with
Modern Physics”, Pearson, London.
c. Alonso, M., and Finn, E.J, 1992, Dasar-Dasar Fisika Universitas, Jilid I dan II, 2nd ed.
(terj. Prasetyo, L dan Hadi, K), Erlangga, Jakarta.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : UNU211110 (2 credit units)
Pancasila1 2. Prerequisites: -
(State 3. Aim:
Ideology) To understand the values of Pancasila and apply them in social life.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
(Base on DIKTI2 regulation No 265/DIKTI/Kep/2000)
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand and be able to apply the values of 
Pancasila and UUD 45 in social life as citizen of
Republik Indonesia.
2 To comprehend and understand various basic 
problems in national community which need to be
solved with Pancasila and UUD 45 as principal
3 To practice the values of Pancasila in responding to 
various changes in order to accomplish the
synchronization of technology, science, and
4 To apply Pancasila values in the learning process, 
thinking process, problem solving, and decision

5. Topics
Based on DIKTI regulation No. 265/DIKTI/Kep/2000,
a. Basis and aims of Pancasila lecture.
b. Internalization of values of Indonesian Exertion History.
c. National Law System and State Structure of Republik Indonesia based on
Pancasila and UUD 1945.
d. Dynamics of UUD 1945 implementation.
e. Pancasila as the philosophy system.
f. Pancasila as the ethics system.
g. Pancasila as the ideology.
h. Pancasila as the paradigm of national life. Actualization of Pancasila in the national
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies PO 7

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Applications of Pancasila values in the daily life.
9.Embedded learning:
Ethics, lifelong learning, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments and observation.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Kaelan,H. (2010) Pendidikan Pancasila, Penerbit Paradigma, Yogyakarta.
b. Soeprapto, Sri (1997). Pendidikan Pancasila Untuk Perguruan Tinggi, LP-3-UGM,

Mandatory course for all majors
DIKTI: Directorate General of Higher Education
Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: UNU211111 (2 credit units)
Civics 2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim:
To develop a sense of responsibility as the citizen of Republic Indonesia by
understanding the formal structure of the state and nation.

4. Learning Outcome : After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the importance of civics education. 
2 To explain functions and roles of citizen in the 
nation life.
3 To apply contextually the sense of spirit of 
nationality in the daily life.
4 To demonstrate the sense of nationality in the 
context of nations and character building
5. Topics:
a. Introduction.
b. Definition of civics education.
c. Nature and elements of state and nation.
d. Rights and obligations of citizens.
e. Civics and law of citizenship.
f. Rule of law and human rights.
g. Wawasan Nusantara as Indonesia geopolitics.
h. Geopolitics transformation into geostrategic in the context of National Resilience.
i. National Strategy Politics.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 7

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Rights and obligations of each citizen.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Emphasis on civics concepts comprehension in the daily life.
9. Embedded learning:
Ethics, critical thinking, lifelong learning, understanding of societal needs and
contemporary issues.
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Bakry, Noor Ms., 1996., Pendidikan Kewiraan, Liberty., Yogyakarta
b. Kaelan dan Ahmad Zubaidi, 2007., Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan., Paradigma.,
c. Lemhanas, 1974., Ketahanan Nasional., Penerbit Lemhanas., Jakarta
d. Lemhanas, 1992., Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa., PT. Gramedia., Jakarta
e. Sudarsono dan Sumarsono, 2002., Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan., PT.


Physical Chemistry (TKK211220)

Material Analysis Labwork (TKK211221)
Material of Construction for Chemical Engineering (TKK211222)
Fundamental of Bioprocess (TKK211223)
Electrical Power Engineering (TKK211224)
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1 (TKK211225)
Engineering Concept for Civilization (TKK211226)
Machine Element and Engineering Drawing (TKK211227)

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK211220 (3 credit units)
Physical 2. Prerequisites: -
Chemistry 3. Aim:
To understand materials properties based on relevant theories and to apply them to
predict product qualities.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply thermodynamics principles to analyze 
various simple phenomena and phase equilibrium
2 To quantitatively describe the composition of a 
chemical equilibrium.
3 To apply basic concepts of reaction kinetics to 
perform simple chemical reaction rate calculations.
4 To explain various liquid properties 
5 To quantitatively analyze various interphase 

5. Topics:
a. Basic concepts of thermodynamics.
b. Simple phase equilibrium.
c. Rate of simple-homogeneous chemical reactions.
d. Simple chemical equilibrium.
e. Liquid properties: e.g. colligative, colloid and emulsion.
f. Interphase phenomena: e.g. physical and chemical adsorption.
6. Competencies to be developed (based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 4, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √
LO5 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Comprehension on material behavior based on the concepts of thermodynamics and
reaction kinetics, including correlation between macroscopic behavior and microscopic
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Focused on understanding, particularly on simple quantitative description.
9. Embedded learning:
Analytical skills: provide foundation for engineering calculation.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Atkins, P., DE Paula, J., 2018, “Physical Chemistry 11th ed.”, Oxford University Press.
b. Alberty, R.A. and Daniels, F., 1983, “Physical Chemistry”, terjemahan Dr. N.M. Surdia,
Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.
c. Sukardjo, 1985, “Kimia Fisika”, Bina Aksara, Jakarta.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK211221 (2 credit units)

2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim:
Material a. To be able to perform physical and chemical analysis.
Analysis b. To understand the concepts of precision and accuracy of measurement.
Labwork 4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To use and set-up the appropriate √
apparatus/techniques to measure concentration of
components in liquid by applying basic principles of
physics and chemistry such as gravimetry, volumetry,
spectrometry, conductivity, humidity etc with
acceptable precision and accuracy
2 To use and set-up appropriate apparatus to √
determine physical properties of material/substance
3 To identify hazard and to respond appropriately on √
the safety issues related to laboratory activities
4 To identify environmental issues which are closely √
related to the experimental works.
5 To practice teamwork and communicate, and to write √
a report of the experiments independently

5. Topics:
a. Temperature measurement
b. Air humidity
c. Calibration of measuring equipment: flow rate of liquid and gas
d. Break modulus and compression strength of solid materials
e. Surface tension and liquid viscosity measurement
f. Volumetric analysis
g. Gravimetric analysis
h. Conductometry
i. Spectrophotometry
j. Boiling point increase of solution
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 3, PO 4, PO 6, PO 8, PO 9

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
LO5 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Skills of data collection (measurement), analysis, and interpretation.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Practical work (in a team), assistance session.
9. Embedded Learning:
a. Analytical skills: acknowledge and be aware of the importance of materials
properties in an experiment.
b. Life-long learning: perform simple experiments, collect, analyze, and interpret the
c. Ability to communicate and work in a team.
d. Be aware of risk aspects and safety.
10. Assessment System:
Lab skills, reports and final examination.
11. Feedback:
Report and grading form.
12. References:
a. Perry, R.H, and Green, D.W., 2018, “Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook”, 9th
ed., McGraw-Hill Professional
b. Smith, J.M., Van Ness, H.C., Abbott, M.M., and Swihart, M.T., 2018,
“Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, 8th ed., McGraw Hill
Book Company, New York.
c. Vogel, A.I., Svehla, G., 1996, “Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis”, 7 ed.,
d. Grinberg, N., Rodriguez, S., 2019, “Ewing’s Analytical Instrumentation
Handbook”, 4th ed., CRC Press
e. Brown, G.G., 1953,”Unit Operations”, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK211222 (2 credit units)

Materials of 2. Prerequisites: -
Construction 3. Aim:
for Chemical To understand the correlation between atomic/molecular structures of materials with their
Engineering physical and chemical properties; phenomena of the phase changes in the materials;
material degradation; selection of construction material for particular purposes.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To relate atomic/molecular structure of 
construction materials to their macroscopic
physical and chemical properties.
2 To explain the correlation between stress and 
strain; and also deflection theory.
3 To interpret various phase diagrams, such as Fe- 
C phase diagram, and to have the ability to explain
various metal heat treatments.
4 To explain oxidation theory, corrosion, and its 
5 To recognize various construction materials, 
including non-metals and able to make material
selection for each particular requirement.

5. Topics:
a. Atomic, molecular and crystal structure of construction materials.
b. Stress-Strain curve.
c. Deformation theory
d. Phase diagrams (i.e. Fe-C).
e. Various metal heat treatments.
f. Oxidation theory, corrosion and its mitigation.
g. Non-metal construction materials.
h. Principle of construction material selection
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
LO5 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Atomic/molecular structure of construction materials and the correlation with their
macroscopic properties.
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Understanding of simple semi-quantitative description.
9. Embedded learning
SHE, ethics
10. Assessment System:
Mid-term examination, final examination, and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Callister, W.D. and Rethwisch, D.G., 2018, “Materials Science and Engineering”,
10th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
b. Budinski, G.B. and Budinski, M.K., 2009, “Engineering Materials: Properties and
Selection”, 9th edition, Pearson, London
c. Smith, W.F. and Hashemi, J, 2018, “Foundations of Materials Science and
Engineering, 6th ed., McGraw Hill Higher Education, New York

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK211223 (3 credit units)

Fundamenta 2. Prerequisites: -
l of
Bioprocess 3. Aims:
Understand the basic principles of bioprocess, for instance the metabolism of
microorganisms as well as a number of factors that affects its activity, and a general
description of bioprocess application in chemical processes and production.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the classification, type, morphology, and 
microorganism physiology which related to the
functions of microorganisms in industry
2 To explain the reaction mechanism of enzymatic 
reaction based on bioprocess concepts and to
understand its limiting factor
3 To estimate the rate of production related to the rate 
of microorganism growth based on simplified
4 To apply the relevant process scenario for several 
bioprocess-based product
5. Topics:
a. Basics of microbiology
b. Stoichiometry and microbial pathway
c. Enzymatic reaction kinetics
d. Kinetics of microorganism growth, either in submerged culture or in biofilm
e. Bioreactor type and its operation
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √ √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Microorganism growth and the limitting factor, stoichiometry and microbial pathway,
biological reaction kinetics, and principles & selection of bioreactor.
8. Specific characteristics of learning:
Emphasizing on understanding and analytical thinking. Quantitative aspect is given
especially for kinetics evaluation. Application is given in form of examples existed in
bioprocess-based industry (very recommended to be held in groups for discussion and
9. Embedded learning:
Analytical skills: development of analytical mindset,
Teamwork skill
Communication: effective communication and logical way of thinking
10. Assessment System:
Written examination (mid-term and final) and examination (individual and group)
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Shuler, M.L. and Kargi, F., 2017 ,”Bioprocess Engineering – Basic Concepts”, 3rd ed.,
Prentice Hall International Series, New Jersey.
b. Bailey, J.E. and Ollis, D.F., 1986, “Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals”, 2 nd ed.,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
c. Blanch, H.W. & Clarck, D.S., 1997, “Biochemical Engineering”, Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
New York.
d. Doran, P.M., 2012, “Biochemical Engineering Principles”, 2nd ed., Elsevier, Oxford.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK211224 (2 credit units)

Electrical 2. Prerequisites: -
Power 3. Aim:
Engineerin To understand industrial power system and electrical power equipment.
g 4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Recognize basics of electrical safety 
2 To explain industrial power system 
3 To explain various electrical power equipment and 
their working principles.
4 To explain characteristics of electrical power 
equipment and perform simple calculations.
5. Topics:
a. Electrical safety.
b. Industrial power system.
c. One phase and three phase alternating current electricity, electric power.
d. Electricity Generator.
e. Transformator.
f. AC Motor.
g. DC Motor.
6. Competencies to be developed(based on Table V)
Competencies PO 1, PO 3

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Equipment’s characteristic as the base of equipment selection.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Descriptive and simple calculations
9. Embedded learning:
SHE, analytical skills.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Wildi, T., 2005., “Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems” 6ed, Prentice

b. Glover, J.D., Sarma, M.S., Overbye, TJ., 2012, “Power System Analysis and
Design”, Cenage Learning
c. Soepartono, 1988, “Diktat Teknik Tenaga Listrik”.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK211225 (3 credit units)

Chemical 2. Prerequisites: -
Engineering 3. Aim:
Thermodyna Qualitative and quantitative understanding of various forms of energy, first and second
mics 1 thermodynamics laws, equation of state, calculations of the changes of thermodynamics
functions as well as applications of thermodynamics principles to analyze chemical
engineering phenomena.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply law of energy-conservation for simple 
non-flow and flow processes.
2 To calculate the changes of thermodynamics 
functions based on equation of state and heat
3 To apply the first and second law of 
thermodynamics for analyzing processes involving
temperature changes, phase changes and
chemical reactions, especially the ones relevant to
chemical industries.
4 To explain tendencies of various processes based 
on thermodynamics analysis.
5. Topics:
a. Thermodynamic fundamental concepts.
b. First thermodynamics law for simple non-flow and flow processes.
c. Equation of state.
d. Second thermodynamics law.
e. Maxwell’s equations and their application in various processes in chemical industries.
f. Heat effects.
6. Competencies to be developed(based on PO)
Competencies PO 1, PO 4

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics :
Quantitative analysis of energy, evaluation of the changes in values of thermodynamic
quantities based on thermodynamic fundamental concepts.
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
Emphasizing on understanding of fundamental concepts and examples of applications in
simple real problems. Applications of thermodynamics concept to understand processes,
material behavior, and equipment are strongly recommended.
9. Embedded learning:
SHE, sustainability, critical thinking, lifelong learning
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Smith, J.M., Van Ness, H.C., Abbott, M.M., and Swihart, M.T., 2018, “Introduction
to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, 8th ed., McGraw Hill Book Company,
New York.
b. Sandler, S.I., 2017, “Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics”,
5th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
c. Tester, J.W. and Modell, M., 1996, “Thermodynamics and Its Applications”, 3 ed.,
Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK211226 (2 credit units)

Engineering 2. Prerequisites: -
Concept for 3. Aim:
Civilization This course provides foundation to engineering ethics, engineer as a profession as well
as the role of engineering science to civilization. The course is organized by Faculty of
Engineering, UGM.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the role of engineers in human civilization √
2 To demonstrate the ethics of engineers as profession √
3 To be able to correlate the role of each engineering √
discipline to civilization within sustainability framework.

5. Topics:
a. Introduction
b. Contribution and the role of engineering in human civilization.
c. Introduction to systemic thinking (epistemology holism).
d. Engineering epistemology in social, culture, environment, politic and economic.
e. The principles of design.
f. Mental attitude of engineers.
g. Engineering ethics.
h. Vision and mission of Sarjana Teknik,
g. Case studies from each Department in Faculty of Engineering

6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):

Competencies PO 7

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Engineering ethics, fundamental of engineering, the role of engineering for civilization and
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Lectures and homework assignments.
9. Embedded learning:
a. Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
b. Critical thinking
c. Sustainability
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Direct communication

12. References
a. Capra, F., 1997, “Titik Balik Peradaban. Sain, Masyarakat dan Kebangkitan
Kebudayaan”, Yayasan Bentang Budaya, Yogyakarta
b. Capra, F., 1999, “Menyatu Dengan Semesta”, Fajar Pustaka Baru, Yogyakarta
c. Clark, B., 1998, “Political Economy, A comparative Approach”, Second Edition,
Praeger Publisher, USA.
d. Koencoroningrat, 1987, “Kebudayaan, Mentalitas dan Pembangunan”, Gramedia,
e. Tim Dosen Ilmu Filsafat Fakultas Filsafat UGM, 2007, “Filsafat Ilmu Sebagai dasar
Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan”, Liberty, Yogyakarta
f. Wahyudi Budi Setiawan, 2014, “Sikap Mental dan Etika Profesi Teknik”, Edisi XIII,
Fakultas Teknik UGM, Yogyakarta

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK211227 (2 credit units)

Machine 2. Prerequisites: -
Element 3. Aim:
and To understand various types and function of machine element in chemical industries
Engineering 4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Drawing Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To describe machine element and explain its 
function and working procedure
2 To demonstrate procedures and standards used in √
engineering drawing.
3 To draw clearly orthography project on of various √
4 To interpret engineering drawing of chemical industry √
5 To sketch simple engineering drawing manually and √
using software
5. Topics
a. Strain in machine element.
b. Coupling mechanism between machine elements.
c. Lubricants and lubrications
d. Bearings, gears, clutch, and bolts,
e. Standardization of machine elements
f. Introduction to engineering drawing
g. Orthography projection.
h. Engineering drawing interpretation.
i. Orthographic freehand drawing
j. Drawing by using software
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies PO 3, PO 5

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
LO5 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Functions of machine elements and ability to interpret engineering drawing
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Lecture, animations, and sufficient portion of drawing exercises.
9. Embedded learning:
Critical thinking, visual communication skills, and teamwork
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Juvinall, R.C., 2020, “Fundamentals of Machine Component Design”, 7 ed., John
Wiley and Sons, New York.
b. Giesecke,F.E, Mitchell Alva, Spencer,H.C, Hill,I.L, Dygdon,J.T, and Novak,J.E,
1991, Technical Drawing, 9 ed., Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
c. Dunnankar, N.D., Machine Drawing 1st ed, Pearson
d. Takeshi Sato,G, dan Sugiarto H,N, 1999, Menggambar Mesin Menurut Standar ISO,
Cetakan ke 8, PT Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta.


Digital Transformation (UNU212130)

Chemical Process Labwork (TKK212241)
Chemical Engineering Principles (TKK212131)
Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engineering (TKK212132)
Material Transport and Storage (TKK212133)
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2 (TKK212134)
Engineering Economics (TKK212135)

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : UNU212130 (2 credit units)
Digital 2. Prerequisites: -
Transforma 3. Aim:
tion To be understand various form of digital transformation and disruption.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain various form of transformation and √
disruption and its impact on various aspects of human
2 To express various digital culture for social √
communication, collaboration, information safety,
ethics, and privacy.
3 To identify the basics of program design and model √
and computational thinking and machine learning.
4 To construct simple program using Python. √
5 To describe principles, methods, technology, and tools √
in Communication and Information Technology.
6 To develop ideas to solve problems in digital era with √
multidisciplinary system and critical thinking
5. Topics
a. Introduction: transformation and disruption
b. Computational thinking
c. Programming: Python
d. Data type, variables, operators
e. Digital Culture
f. System and critical thinking
g. IoT and Cyber Physical Systems
h. Artificial Intelligence
i. Machine Learning
k. Big Data and Data Analytics
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 3, PO 4, PO 5, PO 6, PO 7, PO 8, PO 9

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √
LO4 √
LO5 √
LO6 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Learn independently, teamwork, communication, write individual report, final examination
9. Embedded learning:
Ethics, teamwork, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive grading system (assignments, practical work, skills, group assignment,
11. Feedback:
a. Report and final examination
b. Grading form
12. References
a. Netacad PCAP-Python Essentials (Python Institute)
b. Big Data for Dummies, 2013, Hurtwitz, J.; Nugent, A.; Halper, F.; Kaufman, M.
c. References for ‘Systems Thinking’:
 Richmond, Barry. The “Thinking” in Systems Thinking: How Can We Make It
Easier to Master?. URL:
 Goodman, M. Systems Thinking: What, Why, When, Where, and How?. URL:
 Acaroglu, L. Tools for Systems Thinkers: The 6 Fundamental Concepts of
Systems Thinking. URL:
d. References for Critical Thinking
 Doyle, A. Critical Thinking Definition, Skills, and Examples. URL:
 Tomaszewski, M. Critical Thinking Skills: Definition, Examples & How to Improve.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK212241 (2 credit units)

Chemical 2. Prerequisites: have taken Material Analysis Labwork (TKK211221)
Process 3. Aim:
Labwork To be able to perform various experiments in a laboratory scale in order to carry out
physical and chemical process, to analyze the data based on relevant theory; the
experiments are mainly related to natural resources in Indonesia.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To perform various experiments of chemical √
engineering process, such as: adsorption,
separation/purification, reaction, natural substances
isolation, etc.
2 To utilize experimental data in order to obtain hidden √
process parameter values.
3 To identify hazard (process and chemicals) and the √
culture to use self-protection equipment when needed.
4 To identify the environmental aspect and the waste √
treatment related to the experiments.
5 To practice teamwork and communicate, and to write a √
report of the experiments independently.

5. Topics
a. Phase equilibrium (such as: adsorption)
b. Separation/purification and isolation of natural substances.
c. Separation of organic or inorganic substances
d. Chemical reactions, such as esterification, hydrolysis, etc.
e. Rate processes, both physical and chemical processes
Note: Experimental modules might change, but they are always referred to the
aforementioned topics
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies S1, S2, P4, P5, P6, KK2, KK3, KU1, KU2

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √ √
LO3 √
LO4 √
LO5 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Keep holding the importance of SHE
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Learn independently, teamwork, communication, write individual report, final examination
9. Embedded learning:
SHE, Ethics, teamwork, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive grading system (test before practicum, skills, attitude, report,
test/examination after practicum)
11. Feedback:
a. Report and final examination
b. Grading form
12. References: (based on each practicum modules):
a. Solomon, T.W.G and Fryhle, C.B., 2014, “Organic Chemistry”, 11ed., John Wiley
and Sons, New Jersey.
b. Vogel, A.I., Svehla, G., 1996, “Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis”, 7 ed.,
c. Green, D.W. dan Southard, M.Z., 2018, “Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook”,
9th ed., McGraw-Hill Education, New York
d. Bailey, A.E, 2005, “Industrial Oil and Fat Products” 6th ed, Wiley, New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK212131 (4 credit units)

Chemical 2. Prerequisites : Have taken Mathematics course (TKK211113)
Engineering 3. Aim:
Principles Ability to use chemical engineering fundamentals: material balance, energy balance and
simultaneous mass and energy balances. Recognizing the basic principles diffusional
mass transfers, dimensional analyses and concepts of similarity. Recognizing the basic
concepts of humidity.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 To develop microscopic as well as macroscopic mass √

balance and heat balance equations for steady and
unsteady state systems.
2 To calculate steady-state macroscopic mass balance √
and heat balance.
3 To explain purpose and intents of specific streams in √
processes (for examples: bypass, recycle, purge) and
calculate its mass and heat balance.
4 To explain the phenomena of simultaneous mass and √
heat transfers and calculate simple simultaneous heat
and mass balances. (e.g.humidification and drying).
5 To deduce dimensionless-group equation of a √
phenomenon and perform a simple similarity analysis.
5. Topics
a. Chemical Engineering Profession, Curriculum and Introduction to Chemical
Engineering tools.
b. Process Variables, Introduction of units and dimension. Process terms such as
distillation, absorption, adsorption etc.
c. Introduction to Mass balance : batch-continuous, steady state-unsteady state,
microscopic-macroscopic. Mass balance for steady state macroscopic system
d. Mass Balance for Specific streams in processes (for examples: bypass, recycle,
and purge streams)
e. Rate Processes : Reaction rates and mass transfer rate, Mass balance formulation
of steady state position dependent system and Mass Balance for unsteady state
f. Basic concepts of diffusional (molecular) mass transfers.
g. Review of energy concept: internal energy, enthalpy, heat of phase changes, heat
of formation and reaction, and heat of combustion.
h. Developing heat balance equations: steady-state, macroscopic and microscopic,
reacting and non-reacting systems, constructing differential equation

i. Simultaneous mass and energy balances. Humidification and Drying.
j. Dimension and dimensional analysis: developing dimensionless group equation.
k. Concept of similarity and examples of simple similarity.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies P1, KK3

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √
LO5 √

7. Emphasized topics:
a. Applications of mass balance on various cases (steady and unsteady-state,
microscopic-macroscopic etc.).
b. Formulation and solution of mass balance calculation for various simple process
equipment networks.
c. Heat balance applications for various cases (steady and unsteady-state,
microscopic and macroscopic).
d. Construction and calculation of heat balance equations for simple processes
equipment network.
e. Formulation and solution of simultaneous mass and heat balances for various
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
Real industrial examples are strongly suggested
9. Embedded learning:
Problem solving, analytical skills, and critical thinking
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, assignments and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Solen, K.A. and Harb, J.N., 2011, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering: tools for
today and tomorrow”, 5th ed., John Wiley&Sons, Inc., New York. Felder, R.M.,
b. Felder, R.M., Rousseau, R.W., and Bullard, L.G., 2020, ”Elementary Principles of
Chemical Processes”, 4th ed., Wiley and Sons, New York.
c. Himmelblau, D.F., and Riggs, J.B., 2006, “Basic principles and Calculations in
Chemical Engineering”, 8th ed., Prentice-Hall International Inc., New Jersey.
d. Soegiarto, 1981, “Diktat Kuliah Asas-asas Teknik Kimia”, Pusat Penerbitan Fakultas
Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK212132 (4 credit units)

Applied 2. Prerequisites: have taken Mathematic course (TKK211113)
Mathematic 3. Aim:
s in To construct and to analytically solve ordinary and partial differential equations of simple
Chemical physical phenomena.
Engineering 4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To derive differential equations and boundary 
conditions for simple cases.
2 To solve ordinary differential equations analytically 
using particular functions, such as: Bessel Function
and Laplace Transformation.
3 To solve partial differential equations analytically. 
4 To apply Laplace and Fourier Transformation for 
solving ordinary and partial differential equations.
5 To interpret mathematical solution results. 
5. Topics:
a. Complex number and special function
b. Power series and Functional expansion with infinite series (Taylor, McLaurin, Fourier)
c. Bessel function and its application to solve ordinary differential equations
d. Laplace transform and its application to solve ordinary and simultaneous differential
e. Partial differential equations solution with variable combination method.
f. Partial differential equations solution with variable separation, including non-
homogenous form.
g. Introduction to Laplace and Fourier transformation to solve partial differential
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 4

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √ √
LO5 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Construction of mathematical equations from simple cases and their analytical solution.
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Combination of mathematical manipulation skills and comprehension. Spreadsheet usage
to visualize functions and results of mathematical calculation
9. Embedded learning
a. Problem solving and analytical skills
b. Diligence development and work precision.
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Rice, R.G., and Do, D.D., 2012, “Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical
Engineers. John wiley and sons, New York
b. Rasmuson, A., Anderson, B., Olsson L., Anderson R., 2014, “Mathematical
Modelling in Chemical Engineering”, Cambridge University Press
c. Bequette, B.W., 1998,”Process Dynamics Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation”,
Prentice Hall Int’l Series Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
d. Jenson, V.G., and Jeffreys, G.V.,1977, “Mathematical Methods in Chemical
Engineering”, Academic Press, London.
e. Mickley, H.S., Sherwood, T.S., and Reed, C.E., 1957, “Applied Mathematics in
Chemical Engineering”, Mc Graw Hill Book, Co. New York.

Course: 1. Course code and amount of credits: TKK212133 (3 credits)

Material 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Physics (TKK211114) and Chemical Engineering
Transport and Thermodynamics 1 (TKK211225)
Storage 3. Aim:
To understand the working principles and calculation methods on storage equipment and
material transport.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the working principles and determine the √
advantage and drawbacks of various solid/fluid
transportation equipment.
2. To use the fundamental equations to analyze various √
material transportation systems.
3. To select and design appropriate transportation √
equipment and system for solid/fluid material
(according to code and standard).
4. To select and design appropriate storage equipment √
(according to code and standard).
5. Topics:
a. Properties of fluid
b. Pipe, fitting, and valve
c. Introduction to code and standard
d. Mass balance, energy balance of fluid flow inside pipe
e. Fluid flow meter
f. Pump and compressors
g. Design of piping system
h. Properties of solid
i. Solid transport and feeder
j. Storage equipment: selection of operation conditions and shapes.
k. Design of storage equipment (internal, external, and hydrostatic pressure).

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 4, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √ √
LO4 √ √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Principle of equipment and theoretical analysis need to be discussed at the same portion.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Examples from industries (real cases) are strongly required.
Introduction to concepts of equipment and process design.
9. Embedded learning:
SHE, problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking, lifelong learning
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, assignments and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
a. Perry, R.H, and Green, D.W., 2018, “Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook”, 9 th
ed., McGraw-Hill Professional Brown, G.G., 1953, ”Unit Operations, 4th ed., John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
b. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.L, and Harriot, P., 2004, “Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering”, 7 ed., Mc Graw Hill Book Co, New York.
c. Sinnot, R. and Towler, G., 2020, Chemical Engineering Design-Coulson and
Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Series, Butterwoth-Heinemann, Elsevier
d. Foust, A.S., 1979, “Principles of Unit Operations”, 2 nd ed., John Wiley & Sons,
New York.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK212134 (3 credit units)

Chemical 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Physical Chemistry (TKK211220)
Engineering 3. Aim:
Thermodyna- Applying thermodynamics principles for analysis of systems of process equipment.
mics 2 Understanding of the principles of phase and chemical equilibrium as well as their
applications in chemical process systems.
4. Learning Outcomes: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply thermodynamics concept in analysis of √
power generation systems
2 To apply thermodynamics concept in analysis of √
refrigeration cycles and gas liquefaction.
3 To determine phase equilibrium conditions and √
compositions for ideal and non-ideal systems.
4 To determine chemical equilibrium conditions and √
compositions for ideal and non-ideal systems.

5. Topics:
a. Review on thermodynamics fundamental concepts
b. Thermodynamics analysis of flow processes
c. Conversion of heat into mechanical energy
d. Refrigeration and Liquefaction system.
e. Phase equilibrium.
f. Chemical equilibrium.
6 Competencies to be developed (based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 4, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √ √ √
LO4 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
a. Evaluation of changes of thermodynamic variables
b. Applications of thermodynamics concepts on systems of equipment.
c. Analysis of phase and chemical equilibria for non-ideal systems
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
a. Comprehensive understanding on thermodynamic phenomena
b. Variety of applications on real case problems are strongly suggested
c. Mathematical complication and calculation complexity need to be avoided in written
examination, but strongly suggested in home works
d. Uses of thermodynamics diagrams are suggested, but should not be considered as
the only method
9. Embedded learning:
Sustainability, critical thinking, lifelong learning
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.

12. References:
a. Prausnitz, J.M., Lichtenthaler, R.N., and de Azevedo, E.G., 1998, “Molecular
Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria”, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
b. Sandler, S.I., 2017, “Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics”, 5th
ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
c. Smith, J.M., Van Ness, H.C., Abbott, M.M., and Swihart, M.T., 2018, “Introduction to
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, 8th ed., McGraw Hill Book Company, New

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK212135 (2 credit units)

Engineerin 2. Prerequisites: -
g 3. Aim:
Economics To understand the concept of economic feasibility for chemical engineering field
4. Learning Outcome : After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply the time value of money concept. 
2 To analyze profitability and economic interest of 
investment project.
3 To determine investment alternatives based on 
benefit cost ratio analysis.

5. Topics:
a. Fixed capital and working capital.
b. Expenses type.
c. Time value of money concept.
d. Cash flow analysis.
e. Depreciation
f. Profit analysis.
g. Profitability parameters (NPV, ROI, Payback period, IRR/DCFRR, BEP, SDP, etc.).
h. Comparison methods of investment planning alternatives
i. Decision making process based on economic analysis of investment planning
j. Case analysis involving uncertainty.
k. Analysis of economic sensitivity.
6. Competencies to be developed
Competencies PO 3, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
The importance of economic consideration in engineering decisions, especially the
application of time value of money concepts
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Emphasis on concept understanding through real examples, calculation methods, and
problem solving exercises.
9. Embedded Learning:
a. Ethics (Emphasis on integrity during economy calculation, tax, and technical factors
in economics.)
b. Problem solving and analytical skills
c. Consideration of indirect profit/advantages factors.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, and assignments
11. Feedback:

Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
a. Garrett, D.E, 1989, “Chemical Engineering Economics”, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
b. Peters, M.S. and Timmerhaus, K.D., 2003, “Plant Design and Economics for
Chemical Engineers”, 5 ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York.
c. Sullivan, W.G., Wicks, E.M., and Koelling, C.P.., 2019, “Engineering Economy”, 17
ed., Pearson Education, Inc., New Jersey.


Transfer Processes TKK212240)

Chemical Industrial Processes (TKK212241)
Particulate Processing (TKK212242)
Numerical Methods (TKK212243)
Computation Laboratory Work (TKK212244)
Stage-Wise Separation Processes (TKK212245)
Prime Movers (TKK212246)

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK212240 (3 credit units)
Transfer 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engineering
Processes (TKK212132)
3. General Aim:
Abilities to perform microscopic analysis based on fundamental concept of momentum,
heat, and mass transfers. Understanding of the correlation between microscopic and
macroscopic analyses.

4. Learning Outcome : After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To estimate transport properties (viscosity, √
thermal conductivity, molecular diffusivity).
2. To develop equations to describe momentum, √
heat, and mass transfer based on volume
element concept and generalized correlation
3 To analyze two-dimensional flow problems √
To analyze momentum, heat, and mass transfer √
4. involving two or more variables, including
unsteady-state position dependent problems.
5. To apply generalized diagram to solve unsteady √
state heat transfer problems.
5. Topics:
a. Mechanism of momentum, heat, and mass transfers.
b. Review on basic laws of momentum, heat, and mass transfers.
c. Application on volume element concept to develop momentum, heat, and mass
transfer equations.
d. Heat or mass transfers in a system with more than one independent variable
e. Application of general equations on momentum, heat, and mass transfers
f. Estimation of transport properties (viscosity, thermal conductivity, and molecular
g. Generalization of transport properties correlation.
h. Generalized diagram of unsteady-state heat transfer

6. Competencies to be developed (based on Table V):

Competencies PO 1, PO 4, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
LO5 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Correlation between microscopic distribution of velocity, temperature, or concentration
with macroscopic parameters of the systems.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Complex mathematical manipulation aspects should be avoided, while comprehension on
physical significances of obtained mathematical equations should be emphasized.
9. Embedded learning:
Problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking, lifelong learning
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments and homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Bird, R.B., Stewart, W.E., and Lightfoot, E.N., 2006, “Transport Phenomena”,
revised 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
b. Geankoplis, C.J., Hersel, A., and Lepek, D., 2018, “Transport Processes and
Separation Process Principles (includes Unit Operations), 5 th ed., 2018, Prentice
Hall, New York
c. Welty, J.E., Wilson, R.E., Wicks, C.E. and Rorrer, G.L., 2014, “Fundamental of
Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer”,6th ed, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK212241 (3 credit units)

Chemical 2. Prerequisites: -
Industrial 3. Aim:
Processes Ability to explain manufacturing processes and applications of various inorganic and
organic products.
Ability to understand the various route and parameters of processing in chemical product

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To explain manufacturing processes of organic and √
inorganic materials.
2. To illustrate steps of organic and inorganic compound √
production processes which is demonstrated as block
and symbolic flow diagrams including selecting suitable
equipment for e.g. material preparation, process, and
3. To apply basic principles of chemical reaction and √
equilibrium in industrial processes
4. To identify current development in chemical industries. √
5. Topics:
a. Fundamentals of chemical process principles.
b. Introduction of unit processes and unit operation in chemical industries
c. Equipment symbols and process flow diagram.
d. Fundamental of separation and mixing processes.
e. Effect of chemical process condition on chemical reaction and equilibrium
f. Case study: Sulfuric Acid, Sodium Compounds, Nitrogen Compounds, Phosphoric
Compounds, Nitration, Amination, Halogenation, and Sulfonation.
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies PO 2, PO 3, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Ability to devise various efforts to increase conversion and rates of chemical reaction in
inorganic and organic materials industrial processes.
Fundamentals of chemical process design, process flow diagram, and control of chemical
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
9. Embedded learning:
a. Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues, critical thinking
b. Systematic thinking
c. SHE
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire.
12. References
a. Austin, G.T., 1999, “Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries”, 5ed., McGraw Hill
Education, New York
b. Dhaval, D., 2019, “Unit processes in Organic Synthesis”, LAP LAMBERT
Academic Publishing.
c. Smith, W. and Chapman R., 2018, Chemical Process Industries: Inorganic
Chemical and Allied Industries, CBS Publishers and Distributors PVT LTD.
d. Moulijn, J.A., Makkee, M., and van Diepen, A., 2001, “Chemical Process
Technology”, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., New York.
e. Mc.Ketta, J.J.,1993, ”Chemical Processing Handbook“, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK212242 (3 credit units)

Particulate 2. Prerequisites: Material Transport and Storage (TKK212133)
Processing 3. Aim:
To understand the principles of equipment for particulate processing designed by vendors
and to determine advantages and disadvantages of equipment base for selections of
suitable equipment for certain purposes.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply the principles and mechanism of solid √
formation and size evolution; solid blending and solid
2 To analyze and design various particulate processes √
and equipments, including consideration on particle
size distribution
3 To evaluate main specification of particulate process √
equipment through calculation.

5. Topics:
a. Properties and characterization of solid particle
b. Size reduction
c. Size enlargement
d. Particle size distribution and screening
e. Particle formation and evolution of size/other properties
f. Solid-solid mixing and blending
g. Solid-fluid separations
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √
LO3 √

7. Emphasized topics:
● Mechanism of solid properties manipulation.
● Principles of particulate process equipment.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Focusing on principles of the particulate processes, by emphasizing on engineering
aspects. Calculation in order to determine the main specification of equipment.
9. Embedded learning:

SHE, ethics, communication skills (oral, written)
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Green, D.W. dan Southard, M.Z., 2018, “Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook”,
9th ed., McGraw-Hill Education, New York
b. Merkus, Henk G., Meesters, Gabriel M.H., 2013, “Particulate Products: Tailoring
Properties for Optimal Performance”, Springer International Publishing,
c. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.L, and Harriot, P., 2004, “Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering”, 7 ed., Mc Graw Hill Book Co, New York.
d. Richardson, J.F., Harker, J.H., and Backhurst, J.R., 2002, “Coulson’s Richardson
Chemical Engineering Vol. 2: Particle Technology and Separation Processes” 5th
ed., Elsevier.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK212243 (2 credit units)

Numerical 2. Prerequisites:
Methods Have taken Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engineering (TKK212132)
3. Aim:
To apply and to analyze numerical method for solving mathematical problems related to
chemical engineering application.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To utilize numerical methods for various mathematical √
operations and tasks.
2 To apply a spreadsheet application for numerical √
method calculation
3 To estimate and analyze the accuracy and stability of √
the numerical methods
5. Topics:
a. Finding root of non-linear equations
b. Solution of simultaneous linear equations
c. Numerical differentiation and integration
d. Solution of ordinary differential equation.
e. Application of finite difference approximation to solve ordinary and partial differential
f. Numerical solution of simultaneous non-linear equations
g. Numerical optimization
h. Developing empirical equations / regression

6. Competencies to be developed (based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 4, PO 5

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √ √
LO3 √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
Ability to compose the algorithm of numerical methods.
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
Emphasis on numerical method; advantage and disadvantages of methods also need to be
understood. Practice on algorithm construction.
9. Embedded learning:
a. Problem solving and analytical skills
b. Lifelong learning
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, assignments, homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Beers, K.J., 2012 , “Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineering: Applications in
MATLAB”, Cambridge University Press.
b. Chapra, S., Canale R., 2010, “ Numerical Methods for Engineers”, 7th Edition, McGraw-
c. Sediawan, W.B., dan Prasetya, A., 1997, “Pemodelan Matematis dan Penyelesaian
Numeris dalam Teknik Kimia”, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.
Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213151 (2 credit units)
Computation 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engineering (TKK212132)
Laboratory 3. Aim:
Work To develop computer-programming skills for solving mathematical problems related to
chemical engineering application.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To construct computer programs of numerical method √
algorithm for various mathematical operations and
2 To present and interpret the calculation result in √
informative way.
3 To estimate and critically analyze the accuracy and √
stability of the numerical methods.
5. Topics:
a. Finding root of non-linear equations
b. Solution of simultaneous linear equations
c. Numerical differentiation and integration
d. Solution of ordinary differential equation.
e. Application of finite difference approximation to solve ordinary and partial differential
f. Numerical solution of simultaneous non-linear equations
g. Numerical optimization
h. Developing empirical equations / regression
6. Competencies to be developed (based on PO):
Competencies PO 4, PO 5, PO 8

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Ability to construct computer programming to extract maximum information from engineering
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Focused on practice of computer programming and the use of computer soft wares.
9. Embedded learning:
Problem solving and analytical skills, lifelong learning.
10. Assessment System:
Practical examination, assignments, homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Beers, K.J., 2012 , “Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineering: Applications in
MATLAB”, Cambridge University Press.
b. Chapra, S., Canale R., 2009, “ Numerical Methods for Engineers”, 6th Edition,

c. Sediawan, W.B., dan Prasetya, A., 1997, “Pemodelan Matematis dan Penyelesaian
Numeris dalam Teknik Kimia”, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK212245 (4 credit units)

Separation 2. Prerequisites:
Processes Have taken Chemical Engineering Principles (TKK212131) and Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics 2 (TKK212134).
3. Aim:
To understand principles of equipment for stage-wise separations and to apply various
calculation methods based on equilibrium approach.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain principles of various stage-wise separation √
equipment (vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid) and flow
stability in the equipment.
2 To determine number of stages based on mass √
balance concept and phase equilibrium.
3 To determine number of stages based on mass √
balance, heat balance, and phase equilibrium.
4 To design mechanical aspects of tray columns to √
handle external pressure, internal pressure, and wind
forces as well as to assure the flow stability and safety.
5. Topics
a. Principles of various processes and equipment for stage-wise separation
(distillation, extraction, leaching, absorption, stripping, and adsorption).
b. Phase equilibrium correlations.
c. Concept of equilibrium stage calculation.
d. Process calculation of distillation column with stage-wise contact based on
mass balance, heat balance, and equilibrium (McCabe-Thiele, stage-to-stage
calculation, Ponchon–Savarit method).
e. Multicomponent distillation using short cut method and stage-to-stage
f. Flow stability inside tray column: entrainment, flooding, weeping, etc.
g. Design consideration of multicomponent separation processes such as
sequencing, azeotropic distillation, reactive distillation etc.
h. Design aspects of tray column concerning of flow stability, safety, and
mechanical consideration by using design standards (code and standard).
i. Computation, Simulation Softwares
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 5, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Principles of equipment and calculation methods are taught in a balanced portion. The
importance of flow stability in distillation and extraction are emphasized as well as the
mechanical design of the equipment.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Strong correlation between principles of equipment-theory-calculation need to be
maintained. Calculation exercises should also be given sufficiently, using hands-on
calculation and using softwares. Problem variation to deepen the students’

understanding is very important. Preparation of equilibrium data bases of calculation
need to be practiced.
9. Embedded learning:
SHE, problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking, lifelong learning.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
a. Sinnot, R. and Towler, G., 2020, Chemical Engineering Design-Coulson and
Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Series, Butterwoth-Heinemann, Elsevier
b. Wankat, P.C., 2016, “Separation Process Engineering”, 4th ed., Prentice Hall
International Series
c. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.L., and Harriot, P., 2005, “Unit Operations of Chemical”, 7th
ed., McGraw Hill Book Co, New York
d. Brown, G.G., 1953,”Unit Operations, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
e. Faust, A.S., 1979, “Principles of Unit Operations”, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK212246 (2 credit units)

Prime 2. Prerequisites: -
Movers 3. Aim:
To understand the basic principles and the characteristics of various prime movers used in
chemical industries.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize various combustion engines, turbine, 
and boiler.
2 To describe the function of combustion engines, 
turbine, and boiler.
3 To explain the working principles of combustion 
engines, turbine, and boiler.

5. Topics:
a. Fuel motor
b. Turbine
c. Boiler
d. Steam standardization
6. Competencies to be developed
Competencies PO 1, PO 3

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Principles, characteristics, and efficiency of the prime mover system.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Descriptive. Equipment principles sketch.
9. Embedded learning:
SHE, ethics, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues in related to the
important role of energy in human life,
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Arismunandar, W., 2002, “Penggerak Mula, Motor Bakar Torak”, Penerbit ITB,
b. Chengel, Y., 2019, “Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach”, 9th ed., McGraw-
Hill, New York.
c. Culp, L.W., 1991, “Principle of Energy Conversion”, McGraw-Hill, New York.
d. El Wakil, M.M., 1989, “Power Plant Technology”, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Mathematical Modeling (TKK213150)
Heat and Mass Transfer Operation (TKK213151)
Heat Transfer (TKK213152)
Chemical Reaction Engineering 1 (TKK213153)
Unit Operation Laboratory Work (TKK213154)
Scientific Methodology and Communication (TKK213155)
Process Simulation and System Optimization (TKK213156)

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213150 (3 credit units)
Mathematical 2. Prerequisites:
modeling Have taken Numerical Methods (TKK212243) and Computation Laboratory Work
3. Aim:
To formulate and to solve mathematical model of chemical engineering phenomena
based on fundamental concepts
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To formulate simple and complex mathematical √
problems in the form of ordinary differential
2. To formulate simple and complex mathematical √
problems in the form of partial differential equations.
3. To perform parameter estimation based on √
experimental data.
4. To solve and interpret the formulated models by √
utilizing modern computational tools as well as their

5. Topics
a. Review on chemical engineering tools.
b. Mathematical models for time-dependent, position-dependent, time and position
dependent phenomena.
c. Formulation and computation of ordinary differential equations.
d. Formulation and computation of partial differential equations.
e. Formulation and computation simultaneous mass transfer and chemical reaction.
f. Parameter estimation.
6. Competencies to be developed (based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 4, PO 5

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Constructing volume element and time element and applying chemical engineering
concepts in those elements. Ability to perform simplification through several
assumptions. Understanding on mathematical concepts and their physical
interpretations. Open ended solution. Ability to construct computer program to solve the
formulated mathematical equations.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Ability to construct volume elements as well as time increment and apply chemical
engineering tools on the elements. Ability to use well known assumptions and
simplifications. Understanding of mathematical concepts along with their physical
interpretations. Experiences in working with open ended problems. Ability to construct
computer program to solve the formulated mathematical models.
9. Embedded learning:
a. Problem solving and analytical skills
b. Communication skills

c. Lifelong learning
d. Ability to gather information’s and data to solve the problems
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Chapra, S., Canale R., 2009, “Numerical Methods for Engineers”, 6th Edition,
b. Rice, R.G., and Do, D.D., 2012, “Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical
Engineers. John wiley and sons, New York.
c. Rasmuson, A., Andersson, B., Olsson, L., Andersson, R., 2014,”Mathematical
Modeling in Chemical Engineering”, Cambridge University Press.
d. Sediawan, W.B., dan Prasetya, A., 1997, “Pemodelan Matematis dan Penyelesaian
Numeris dalam Teknik Kimia”, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213151 (3 credit units)

Heat and 2. Prerequisites:
Mass Have taken Chemical Engineering Principles (TKK212131)
Transfer 3. Aim:
Operation To understand the principles of continuous contact separation equipment and have the
ability to apply various calculation methods based on differential approaches. Understand
the approximation methods for simultaneous heat and mass transfer.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able:
No Learning Outcome Level of Bloom Taxonomy
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To use the law of diffusion, convective mass transfer √
and evaluate the resistance of mass transfer.
2 To calculate the mass and heat transfer parameters √
by various method: modelling, analogy and
3 To demonstrate the mass and heat transfer concept √
in sizing the isothermal and non-isothermal continous
contact unit operation equipment such as absorber,
stripper, extractor, adsorber, cooling tower or
humidification process and dryer
4 To design hydrodynamic aspects of packed columns √
to handle entrainment, flooding, weeping, and
channeling as well as to assure the flow stability and

5. Topics:
a. Mass transfer and simultaneous mass and heat transfer processes in industry or
in daily life
b. Principles of continuous contact separation process and the relevant equipment.
c. Fundamentals of mass transfer (molecular diffusion, bulk diffusion, mass transfer
with one or two films)
d. Estimation of the mass and heat transfer parameters by various method:
Modelling, analogy and experiment
e. Analogy of mass, heat, and momentum transfer
f. Sizing of isothermal continuous contact system such as absorber, stripper,
adsorber, extractor.
g. Flow stability in gas-liquid continuous contact operation in a packed column:
entrainment, flooding, weeping, and channeling, as well as to assure the flow
stability and safety
h. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer: Humidifier, cooling tower, and dryer
i. Computation program, software simulation and design.

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 4, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √ √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics :
One and two film theory. Common approximation for continuous contact system
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Emphasize the concepts comprehension, real cases are suggested; while complex
mathematical calculations are avoided. Calculation exercises should also be given
sufficiently, using hands-on calculation and using various software.
9. Embedded learning:
Problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking, lifelong learning, and SHE
10. Assessment System:
Mid semester examination, final examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
a. Cussler, E.L., 2009, “Diffusion - Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems”, 3rd ed.,
Cambridge University Press.
b. Seader, J.D. and E.J. Henley, 2015, "Separation Process Principles", 4 rd ed, John
Wiley and Sons, Inc. Singapore.
c. Geankoplis, C.J., Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles
(includes Unit Operations), 5th ed., 2018, Prentice Hall
d. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.L, and Harriot, P., 2004, “Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering”, 7 ed., Mc Graw Hill Book Co, New York.Treybal, R.E, 1980, "Mass
Transfer Operation", 3rd ed Mc Graw Hill, Kogakusha Ltd,Tokyo.
e. Badger W.L. dan J.T. Banchero, 1955, "Introduction to Chemical Engineering "
Asian Student Edition, Mc Graw Hill Book Co. Tokyo

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213152(3 credit units)

Heat 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Transfer Processes (TKK212240)
3. Aim:
To review and apply the basic concepts of heat transfer, various heat transfer equipment,
and to have the ability to design and to evaluate the heat exchanger in a particular task.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To understand heat transfer mechanism and principles √
2. To calculate the heat transfer coefficients, dirt factors, √
and pressure drop in various HE equipments
3. To select appropriate type of heat transfer equipment √
and heat exchanger components based on the code
and standards
4. To design heat transfer equipment in detail for a √
specific purpose.

5. Topics:
a. Heat transfer equipments

b. Temperature: ∆T approach, ∆T across, average temperature, LMTD, temperature
correction FT, rule of thumb FT and ∆T approach.
c. Overall heat transfer coefficients and thermal resistances
d. Isolation and critical thickness of isolation.
e. Code and standard for heat transfer equipments
f. Design consideration of heat exchanger: selection of fluid location, Basic Design
Equation, Algorithm Heat Exchanger Design, Fouling Factor, Pressure Drop
g. Detail design of Heat Exchanger for single phase (cooler and heater)
h. Detail design of Heat Exchanger for phase change of single component equipment
(Condenser, Vaporizer, Condenser- Subcooler, Desuperheater-Condenser, and
i. Introduction to multicomponent system for condensation and vaporization
j. Effectiveness and NTU method

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 5

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
a. Calculation for heat transfer equipment.
b. Understanding for equipment operations or equipment aspects
c. Allowable limits for heat transfer system parameters (for example: heat flux in a reboiler
or vaporizer etc.).
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Aspects of concept understanding and calculation skills are taught in a balanced
9. Embedded Learning:
SHE, Problem solving and analytical skills; design aspects
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References: (Tambah Kern dan Holman)
a. Cao, E., 2010, “Heat Transfer and Process Engineering”, McGraw-Hill Education.
b. Backhurst J.R. and Harker, J.H., 1983, “Process Plant Design”, Heinemann
Educational Books, London.
c. Sinnot, R. and Towler, G., 2020, Chemical Engineering Design-Coulson and
Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Series, Butterwoth-Heinemann, Elsevier
Holman, J.P., 2010, “Heat Transfer”, 10th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company,
d. Incropera, F. P and De Witt, D.P., Bergman, T.L., Lavine, A.S., 2007, “Introduction
to Heat Transfer”, 5 ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
e. Flynn, A.M., Toshihiro, A., Theodore, L, 2019, “Kern’s Process Heat Transfer”, 2nd
Edition, Wiley.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213153 (3 credit units)

Chemical 2. Prerequisites: have taken Chemical Industrial Processes (TKK212241).
Reaction 3. Aim:
Engineering 1 To understand reaction mechanism, have the ability to formulate reaction kinetics, and
use chemical engineering principles to design ideal reactor which is needed for a
homogenous reaction
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To develop and evaluate reaction rate equations √
(chemical and bio reactions) based on experimental
data for complex problems (critically evaluate
limitations of assumptions)
2 To develop design equations for various reactors √
based on mass and energy balance.
3 To analyze advantage and disadvantages of reactors √
for a particular system
4 To design various types of chemical reactors (batch √
reactor, flow reactor with agitator, pipe reactor, and
combination of them), with consider non-ideal
5. Topics:
a. Concepts of stoichiometry, conversion, selectivity, and reaction yield.
b. Fundamental concept of chemical kinetics, mechanism, and determination of
reaction rate equation.
c. Experimental data interpretation for various reaction types (multiple reactions,
reversible reactions, irreversible reactions, pseudo steady state hypothesis) in
order to determine the reaction rate.
d. Basic concept of ideal reactor design
e. Influence of parameter design on dimension and performance of chemical reactor.
f. Residence time distribution (RTD) and flow pattern effects on chemical reactor
g. Multiple Steady State concept on CSTR, including extinction and ignition
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 4
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics :
a. Data interpretation which is related to reaction rate equation and design parameters.
b. The differences of various types of reactor (for example: required size correlation
with particular conversion).
c. Simulation through simple mathematical models: influence of operation condition on
reactor performance.
8. Specific characteristic of learning :
a. Emphasis on concept understanding by giving simple illustrations and examples.
b. Beside analytical method, graphical method as well as numerical methods are also
9. Embedded learning:
SHE, ethics, problem solving and analytical skills
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Direct communication and questionnaire.
12. References
a. Fogler, H. S., 2016, “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 5th ed.
Prentice Hall International, New Jersey.
b. Hill, Jr. C.G., and Thatcher, W.R., 2014, “An Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Kinetics & Reactor Design”, 2nd ed John Wiley & Sons, New York.
c. Levenspiel, O, 1999, “Chemical Reaction Engineering”,3rd ed John Wiley & Sons,
New York.

d. Smith, J.M., 1981, “Chemical Engineering Kinetics”, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill
International Book Company, Tokyo.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213154 (3 credit units)

Unit 2. Prerequisites: Chemical Process Laboratory Work (TKK212241), Material Transport
Operation and Storage (TKK212133), Stage-Wise Separation Processes (TKK212245)
Laboratory Can be taken simultaneously with Heat & Mass Transfer Operation (TKK213151). The
Work minimum of these prerequisite courses' mark is pass.
3. Aim:
To be able to perform experiments to produce fundamental information, to apply theories
to analyze physical phenomena, mainly for physical process in chemical engineering.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To show the attitude to uphold environment aspect, √
and waste treatment related to the experiments
2 To build teamwork, communication skills, and prepare √
written reports independently
3 To conduct laboratory experiments for chemical √
engineering unit operations
4 To identify hazard (process and chemicals) and to √
have the awareness to use self-protection equipment
when needed.
5 To design simple experiment to produce various √
added value product and interpret the data obtained
and evaluate the parameter .

5. Topics
a. Drying i. Absorption
b. Fluid flow j. Height of Packing Equivalent to A Theoretical Plate
c. Controller System k. Continuous Ion Exchange /adsorption
d. Sedimentation l. Residence Time Distributions
e. Filtration n. Selected Topics (Topics will be determined in each
g. Phase Equilibrium
h. Extraction
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 3, PO 4, PO 6, PO 7, PO 8, PO 9, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √ √ √ √
LO3 √ √ √
LO4 √ √
LO5 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Skill to perform experiments, data collection, and data analysis.
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Independent learning, team work practice, assistance, communication, and individual
written report preparation.
9. Embedded learning:
Ethics, SHE, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment system:

Final grade will be accessed from grade of subject test, lab skill, provisional report, final
examination, discussion, and final report. Subject test is done before each practical
11. Feedback:
Questioner of materials
12. References:
Coulson, J.M.; Richardson, J.F.; Backhurst, J.R.; Harker, J.H., 1999, Coulson and
Richardson's Chemical Engineering Volume 1 - Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and
Mass Transfer, 6th ed, Elsevier, Butterworth Heinemann
a. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.L, and Harriot, P., 2005, “Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering”, 7th ed., Mc GrawHill Book Co, New York.
b. Treybal, R.E, 1980, "Mass Transfer Operation", 3 ed Mc Graw Hill, Kogakusha
c. Geankoplis, C.J., Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles
(includes Unit Operations), 5th ed., 2018, Prentice Hall
d. Seborg, D.E., Edgar, T.F., Mellichamp, D.A., and Doyle III, F.J., 2011, “Process
Dynamics and Control", John Wiley & Sons (Asia), China
e. Froment, G.F., Bischoff, K.B., De Wilde, J., 2011,”Chemical Reactor Analysis
and design”, 3 ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213155 (2 credit units)

Scientific 2. Prerequisites: -
Methodology 3. Aim:
and To understand the development of scientific methodology for constructing a sound
Communicati- research proposal
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand the philosophy of logic √
2 To utilize available references and resources for √
preparing research proposal
3 To develop experimental methodology √
4 To apply conventions in scientific communication for √
composing technical reports and oral presentation

5. Topics:
a. Logic in the development of science (scientific truth, syllogism, fallacy)
b. Systematic investigation of research problems.
c. Exploration of supporting information from references and other resources.
d. Theoretical and literature review composition based on supporting information.
e. Research methodology preparation.
f. Scientific writing and presentation.
g. Research publication and dissemination
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 2, PO 4, PO 6, PO 7, PO 9

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics:
To develop students’ skills in delivering scientific/technical information in brief and clear
messages. To develop students’ confidence to speak in public. In the end of lecture,

students have to finish their research proposal which will be performed in the Research
Project Assignment using Bahasa Indonesia or international language.
8. Specific characteristic of learning
The lectures are designed to be two-way communications and assignments-based
learning. Students are to be active in the learning process and the instructors serve as
the facilitator.
9. Embedded learning:
Ethics, communication, problem solving and analysis, critical thinking
10. Assessment System:
Activity in the class, research proposal, evaluation on research proposal presentation.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, oral discussion in the mid and end of semester.
12. References:
a. Holman, J.P. and Gajda Jr, W.J., 2011, “Experimental Methods for Engineers”,
8th ed., McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc., New York.
b. Montgomery, DC., 2013, “Design and Analysis of Experiments”, 8 th edition, John
Wiley and Sons.
c. Gamer, B.A., 2013, “Better Business Writing”, Harvard Business Review Series.
d. Duarte, N., 2012, “Persuasive Presentation”, Harvard Business Review Series.
e. Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia (PUEBI)
f. Recent scientific journal and publications.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 4170 (2 credit units)
Process 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Computation Laboratory Work (TKK212244)
Simulation 3. Aim:
and System To be able to construct process flow diagram and to carry out system optimization in
Optimization chemical engineering field using computer aided design software

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To combine and adapt correlation between variables √
for chemical engineering system in the form of
relationship diagram.
2 To develop appropriate process for a novel and √
complex system using computer aided design
3 To design a particular process in computer aided √
design software with incomplete or uncertain
4 To construct innovative and efficient Process Flow √

5. Topics:
a. GUI
b. Vapour Liquid Equilibrium
c. Selecting appropriate equipment in Aspen Plus
d. Basic concept of optimization
e. Various methods of optimizations
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 2, PO 3, PO 4, PO 5

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Construct efficient process flow diagram using computer aided design
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Analysis of real chemical engineering systems based on chemical engineering
fundamental concepts.
9. Embedded learning:
Problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking, engineering judgment
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Aspen Technology, 2014, Aspen Plus User Guide, Burlington
b. Edgar, T.F. and Himmelblau, D.M., 2001, “Optimization of Chemical Process”, 2nd
ed, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
c. Pike, R.W., 1986, “Optimization for Engineering Systems”, Van Nostrand Reinhold
Company, New York.
d. Reklaitis, G.V., Ravindran A. and Ragsdell, K.M., 2006, “Engineering Optimization
Methods and Applications”, John Wiley & Sons. Inc., New York.

Product Engineering (TKK213260)
Water and Wastewater Treatment (TKK21326)
Process Control (TKK213262)
Chemical Reaction Engineering 2 (TKK213263)
Research Project 1 (TKK213264)
Utilization and Conservation of Natural Resources (TKK213265)
Student Community Service (UNU213260)

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213260 (2 credit units)
Product 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Chemical Industrial Processes (TKK212241)
Engineering 3. Aim:
To apply the principles of chemical product development based on chemical
engineering knowledge and principles.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To formulate new product specification based on √
customer/market needs and future trends.
2 To design novel chemical products with desired √
3 To correlate between properties of materials √
(complex macroscopic characteristic) and its
microscopic structure.
5. Topics
a. Understanding the consumer need
b. Converting customer need into specification
c. Molecular properties and its effect on the macroscopic characteristics
d. Stable mixture of heterogeneous system (emulsion, etc.) and its macroscopic
e. Process influences on product macroscopic characteristics
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 2, PO 3, PO 6, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √ √
LO2 √ √ √
LO3 √

7. Emphasized topics:
To obtain a specific quality based on the knowledge of microscopic properties.
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
Comprehend and summarize various theories to be applied in product design
9. Embedded learning:
Sustainability: development of the awareness of the importance of product quality
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Bailey, A.E, 2020, “Industrial Oil and Fat Products” 7th ed, Wiley, New York.
b. Charpentier, J-C, 2002, “The Triplet “Molecular Processes-Product-Process”
Engineering: The Future of Chemical Engineering”, Chem. Eng. Sci., 57, 4667-4690.
c. Cussler, E.L. and Moggridge, G.D., 2011, “Chemical Product Design”, 2nd ed
Cambridge University Press.
d. Moore, W.J., 1999, “Physical Chemistry” 5th ed , Prentice Hall Inc, New York.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK21326 (2 credit units)

Water and 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Chemical Engineering Principles (TKK212131)
Wastewater 3. Aim:
Treatment a. To understand water conditioning for industrial purposes (cooling water, process
water, and BFW)
b. To understand basic principles of wastewater treatment and utilization systems.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To analyze the effect of water contaminants on the √
process and equipment
2. To determine the capacity of equipment for water √
treatment and conditioning
3. To understand the characteristics of wastewater √
4. To develop basic process design of wastewater √
5. Topics
a. Various contaminants in raw water and their effect on heat transfer and process
b. Various industrial water (cooling water, drinking water, process water, and boiler
feed water)
c. TSS removal (sedimentation, clarification, filtration)
d. TDS removal (demineralization)
e. Dissolve gas removal (deaeration)
f. Boiler operation principles
g. Wastewater characteristics (water quality parameters)
h. Principles of organic contaminant removal from wastewater (biological and chemical
i. Principles of inorganic contaminant removal from wastewater (physicochemical
j. Basic process design of wastewater treatment

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 2, PO 3, PO 4, PO 6

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics:
The principle of preparation of various industrial water, clean production concept, and
waste treatment.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Concepts understanding. The concept application is given in case studies.
9. Embedded learning:
SHE, Sustainability, problem solving and analytical skills, understanding of societal
needs and contemporary issues.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and group assignments (written and oral presentation)
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Metcalf and Eddy, 2013, ”Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and Reuse”, 5ed.,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.
b. MWH, 2012, “Water Treatment: Principles and Design”, 3rd ed., John Wiley and
Sons, Inc.
c. Cheremisinoff, N.P., and Cheremisinoff, P.N., 1993, “Water Treatment and
Waste Recovery”, Prentice Hall.
d. Berne, F., and Cordonnier, 1995, ”Industrial Water Treatment: Refining
Petrochemicals and Gas Processing Techniques”, Gulf Publishing Company,
New York.
e. Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook 1998 toward Cleaner Production,
The World Bank Group in Collaboration with the UNEP and the UNIDO, 1999

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213262 (2 credit units)

2. Prerequisites: Have taken Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engineering (TKK212132)

Process 3. Aim:
Control To be able to understand basic principles of process control, to design process control
scheme, and to analyze the dynamics of simple processes

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain types and working principles of √
measurement systems, controllers, control valves,
and process control.
2 To develop mathematical and transfer function √
models for dynamic processes.
3 To predict process stability and dynamic responses, √
and to design feedback control system.
4 To combine and adapt the advantages and limitation √
of some process control strategies
5. Topics:
a. Fundamentals of process control
b. Mathematical models formulation for control
c. Dynamic behavior of processes.
d. Principles and elements of feedback control system
e. Dynamic behavior of control process and stability analysis of control system.
f. Control system analysis using frequency response techniques.
g. Design of feedback control system using frequency response techniques.
h. Design of control-scheme for process equipment.
i. Process and instrumentation diagrams
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 4, PO 5

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √
LO5 √

7. Emphasized topics:
Introduction of characteristics of control equipment and ability to design process control
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Complex mathematical analyses are strongly avoided.
9. Embedded learning:
SHE, problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking.
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, team assignments, quiz, and homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Seborg, D.E., Edgar, T.F., Mellichamp, D.A., and Doyle III, F.J., 2016, “Process
Dynamics and Control”, 4ed, John Wiley & Sons (Asia), China
b. Stephanopoulos, G., 2008, “Chemical Process Control: an introduction to theory
and practice”, Prentice-Hall International Editions, London
c. McMillian G. and Vegas P.H., 2019, “Process/Industrial Instruments & Controls
Handbook”, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Singapore.
d. Coughanour, D.R., 2008, “Process System Analysis and Control”, 3rd edition,
McGrraw-Hill, New York.
e. Luyben, W.L and Luyben, M.L, 1997, “Essentials of Process Control”, McGraw-
Hill International Editions, Singapore.
Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213264 (2 credit units)
Research 2. Prerequisites:
Project 1 Have taken: Unit Operation Laboratory work (TKK213154) and Scientific Methodology
and Communication (TKK213155)
3. Aim:
To be able to design and perform a simple research under supervision of an advisor; to
collect, analysis, and interpret the data; and to communicate the results in written.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able:
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To design a research with concerns on safety, health √
and environment aspects.
2. To collect, analyze, and interpret data and further to √
evaluate the results.
3. To compose a research report with updated literature √
review and upholding methods & ethics of scientific
report writing

5. Topics :
Various processes which are relevant to chemical engineering field with the possible
approaches of laboratory works, mathematical modelling/simulation, or both.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 2, PO 3, PO 4, PO 5, PO 6, PO 7, PO 8, PO 9, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
LO2 √ √ √
LO3 √ √ √ √ √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Relate theories with real cases and data analysis.
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
Independent, under supervision of a research advisor.
9. Embedded learning :
Ethics, communication skill, problem solving, critical thinking, teamwork and leadership,
understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Professional attitudes, analysis and synthesis skills, communication, and teamwork
11. Feedback: :
Oral and written
12. References:
Depending on the topics using updated references from Journal.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK3263 (3 credit units)

Chemical 2. Prerequisites: Chemical Reaction Engineering 1 (TKK213153)
Reaction 3. Aim: To be able to understand reaction mechanisms, to formulate reaction kinetics and
Engineering to use chemical engineering principles to design an ideal reaction for heterogeneous
2 reaction
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 To develop and evaluate general forms of chemical 
reaction rate equations based on the reaction
mechanism and mass transfer effect for
heterogeneous reaction (catalytic and non-catalytic
2 To develop particular form of chemical reaction rate 
equation based on the controlling steps for
heterogeneous system (catalytic and non-catalytic
3 To formulate model of one dimensional 
heterogeneous reactor
4 To design various types of heterogeneous chemical 
reactors with consider the effects of diffusions and
effectiveness factor

5. Topics
a. Review of kinetics fundamentals, stoichiometry, conversion, reaction equilibrium,
and mass transfer
b. Heterogeneous reactor classification
c. Catalysts
d. Concept of effectiveness factor.
e. Multiphase reaction
f. Design of fixed bed reactor and fluidized bed reactor
g. Introduction to slurry reactor and trickle bed.
h. Non-catalytic heterogeneous reactor design.
6. Competencies to be developed (based on Table V)
Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 4, PO 6
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
a. Data interpretation correlated with rate equations and related design parameters
b. Relationship between transport phenomena, chemical kinetics, and overall rate
c. Simulation through mathematical model to study reactor performance
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
a. Emphasis on concept understanding through simple examples
b. In addition to analytical solution, graphical method as well as numerical methods are
also emphasized
9. Embedded learning:
SHE, ethics, problem solving and analytical skills
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Direct communication and questionnaire.
12. References:
a. Fogler, H. S., 2016, “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 5th ed. Prentice
Hall International, New Jersey.
b. Hill, Jr. C.G., and Thatcher, W.R., 2014, “An Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Kinetics & Reactor Design”, 2nd ed John Wiley & Sons, New York Levenspiel, O,
1999, “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
c. Smith, J.M., 1981, “Chemical Engineering Kinetics”, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill
International Book Company, Tokyo.
d. Froment, G.F., Bischoff, K.B., De Wilde, J., 2011, ”Chemical Reactor Analysis and
design”, 3rd ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York
e. Levenspiel, O., 1999, ”Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3rd ed, John Wiley and
Sons, New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213265 (2 credit units)
Utilization 2. Prerequisites: Can be taken simultaneously with Heat & Mass Transfer Operation
and (TKK213151)
Conservation 3. Aim:
of Natural To understand the concept of sustainable development as the foundation for the
Resources utilization of Indonesian natural resources for chemical industries
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able:
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the concept of sustainable development √
and the related legal aspects.
2 To employ sustainability concepts on various global √
environment issues and their management strategies
and be able to apply principles of sustainability
economics and ethics to novel and complex situation
with conflicting requirements
3 To analyze potentials and utilization methods of √
various natural resources, especially those are
available in Indonesia.
4 To analyze case studies based on the principles of √
sustainable management of natural resources

5. Topics
a. Sustainable development and its correlation with industrial activities.
b. Regulations which are related to sustainable development.
c. Global environment, ethics and economic issues.
d. Environment management strategy
e. Types and potentials of renewable natural resources in Indonesia
f. Types and potentials of non-renewable natural resources in Indonesia
g. Technology to processes Indonesian natural resources
h. Qualitative analysis of technical and economic feasibility for sustainable use of
natural resources in Indonesia
i. Case Studies
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 2, PO 6, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √
7. Emphasized topics:
● Awareness of environment and potential of added value of natural resources
● Recognize industrial trees of various Indonesian natural resources.
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
Descriptive and active learning process from information resources and regulations
(references and internet).
9. Embedded learning:
Sustainability, teamwork, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:

a. Ali, M. F., El Ali, B. M., Speight, J. G., 2005,” Handbook of Industrial Chemistry,
Organic Chemicals”, Mc Graw Hill Book Co, New York.
b. Jones, CS. And Mayfield SP., 2016, “Our Energy Future: Introduction to
Renewable Energy and Biofuels”, University of California Press
c. Hartarto Sastrosunarto, 2006, ”Industrialisasi Serta Pembangunan Sektor
Pertanian dan Jasa Menuju Visi Indonesia 2030”, Imagon Sum Creatius.
d. Recent scientific and popular publications

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : UNU213260 (2 credit units)

Student 2. Prerequisites: Having the minimum of 90 credits (minimum grade is D)
Community 3. Aim:
Services To prepare students to become future leaders who are creative, initiative, and able
to create jobs.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To increase students’ empathy and awareness to √
community problems.
2 To nurture good personality and competences √
3 To develop the ability of problem solving for open- √
ended situations by applying scientific approaches in
multidisciplinary team.
5. Topics:
a. Community observation
b. Environmental sustainability
c. Evaluation and improvement of economic capability in a community
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 2, PO 6, PO 7, PO 8, PO 9, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √ √ √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
Individual empowerment, community empowerment, and institutional development.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Living in community and working together with them to solve the community problems
under supervision of the assigned lecturers.
9. Embedded learning:
Sustainability, Character building, soft skills, team work, communication skills .
10. Assessment system:
Student Community Service assessment follows the guidance from Directorate of
Community Service UGM. This sssessment comes from three parties, instructor from
Directorate of Community Service UGM, Field Supervisor, and also community leaders at
the location of the community service activits. The assessment components consist of
the pre-test from the instructor, activity plan reports, student performance,
implementation report, and post-test. The final mark distribution are 10% from Directorate
of Community Service UGM and 90% from the Field Supervisor.
11. Feedback:
Feedback from local government and community
12. References: Guideline of Community Service of UGM.


Chemical Plant Design (TKK214170)

Management (TKK214171)
Entrepreneurship (TKK214172)
Research Project 2 (TKK214173)
Comprehensive Written Examination (TKK214174)
Chemical Process Safety (TKK214175)
Religion (UNU214170)

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK3214170 (3 credit units)
Chemical 2. Prerequisites:
Plant Design Have taken: Have taken Engineering Economic (TKK212135) with minimum grade of C-
and Process Control (TKK213262)
3. Aim:
To be able to design feasible processes by selecting and arranging the appropriate
equipment; and to evaluate its economic feasibility.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To select appropriate equipment suitable for a √
particular process
2 To arrange equipment for a specific process in √
construction of Process Flow Diagram by upholding
3 To design commissioning (startup) and shutdown √
management system
4 To evaluate economic feasibility of a chemical plant √
5 To infer maximum information from the data for a √
novel process design, which data are unreliable or
5. Topics
a. Chemical plant design concepts
b. Selection of suitable equipment and process design with consideration of SHE
c. Process integration (heat and mass)
d. The use of references and experimental data for design calculation
e. Process Engineering Diagram and Engineering Drawing in plant preliminary design
f. Economic evaluation and feasibility analysis of a chemical plant.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 2, PO 3, PO 4, PO 5

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √
LO5 √ √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
Selection of suitable processes and equipment for a particular requirement, data
interpretation for plant design purposes.
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
Accustom with holistic thinking
9. Embedded learning
a. Health, Safety and Environments
b. Problem solving and analytical skill and engineering judgment
c. Understanding of societal needs, contemporary issues, and sustainability
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, assignments, and homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
Process design
1. Douglas, J.M.,1988, ”Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes”, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York
2. Smith, R., 2016, “Chemical Process Design”, 2 nd, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New
Batch Processes
3. Biegler, L.T., Grossmann, E.I. dan Westerberg, A.W., 1997, “Systematic Methods of
Chemical Process Design”, Prentice Hall International Inc., New Jersey
Design fundamentals
4. Rudd, D.F. dan Watson, C.C., 1968, “Strategy of Process Engineering”, John Wiley
and Sons, New York
5. Sinnot, R. and Towler, G., 2020, Chemical Engineering Design-Coulson and
Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Series, Butterwoth-Heinemann, Elsevier
Economic Evaluation
6. Aries, R.S. dan Newton, R.D., 1955, “Chemical Engineering Cost Estimation”,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
7. Peter, M.S. dan Timmerhaus, K.D., 2013, “Plant Design and Economics for Chemical
Engineers”, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
8. Brennan, D., 2020, “Process Industry Economics: Principles, Concepts and
Applications”, 2nd, Elsevier
Chemical Engineering Scope
9. Harper, J.I., 1954, “Chemical Engineering in Practice”, Reinhold Publishing Corp.,
New York

Course: 1. Course code and amount of credits: TKK214171 (2 credit units)

Managemen 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Engineering Economic (TKK212135)
t 3. Aim:
To understand principles of management to be applied on action and decision making.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize various organizational systems of √
companies including the advantages and the
2 To apply operation management theory as the √
consideration for decision making.
3 To demonstrate the ability to manage, communicate, √
motivate, and lead a group in a project.
5. Topics:
a. Organizational system of company
b. Human resources management
c. Network analysis.
d. Linear programming.
e. Inventory control.
f. Transportation modelling.
g. Guest lectures
6. Competencies to be developed:
Competencies PO 6, PO 7, PO 8, PO 9
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
The importance of humanity aspect in chemical engineering profession
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
Examples of real cases from industries are strongly suggested.
9. Embedded learning:
Sustainability, lifelong learning, teamwork, leaderships, understanding of societal needs
and contemporary issues
10. Assessment system:
Homework, Written examination, report, discussion
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaires
12. References:
a. Robbins, S.P., and Coultar, M., 2018, “Management”, 14 ed., Prentice Hall, Inc.
b. Moore, J. H., and Weatherford, L.R., 2005, Decision Modeling with Microsoft Excel,
6 th ed., Prentice Hall, Inc.
c. Stoner, J.A.F, and Freeman, R.E., 1994, “Management”, 6 ed., Prentice Hall, Inc.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214172 (2 credit units)

Entrepreneur 2. Prerequisites: having taken Engineering Economics (TKK212135)
ship 3. Aim:
To develop business plan related to forefront chemical engineering application.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Tingkat Penguasaan
Yang Diinginkan
(Level Taksonomi Bloom)
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To correlate the principles, mental attitude, √
and professional ethics of business.
2. To evaluate business development methods √
to utilize resources based on forefront
chemical engineering technologies.
3. To compose a business plan based on √
critical awareness of wider engineering
5. Topics
Principles, mental attitude, and ethics of business. Methods of business development
(business plan) and provision of necessary resources. Chemical industry businesses that
already exist and which could potentially be developed in Indonesia. Guest lectures from
business expert.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 2, PO 7, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
The opportunities of chemical industry business in Indonesia.
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
Descriptive and active learning from existing sources in the library/internet.
9. Embedded learning:
Communication, recognizing the importance of the business aspects of the profession of
chemical engineering and chemical industry structure. Growing entrepreneurship
10. Assessment system:
Mid and final exam, assignment, and writing a business idea related with chemical
engineering field.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Bessant, J.R and Tidd J., 2015, “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, 3rd ed, Wiley
b. Abrams, R., 2017, “Entrepreneurship: A Real-World Approach”, 2nd, Planning

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214173 (1 credit units)
Research 2. Prerequisites: Have completed Research Project 1 (TKK213264)
Project 2 3. Aim:
Ability to effectively communicate results of research both in written and oral
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To write a comprehensive seminar paper. √
2. To communicate research results in a systematic and √
effective scientific presentation.
3. To demonstrate ability to argue based on sound √
scientific principles.
5. Topics
Based on the research topic.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 6, PO 8, PO 9, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √ √ √
LO3 √ √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Ability to analyze, summarize, and communicate
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Presentation of the research results and report
9. Embedded learning:
10. Assessment System:
Competence in the research subject, analysis, and communication skills
11. Feedback:
Oral discussion
12. References:
Duarte, N., 2012, “Persuasive Presentation”, Harvard Business Review Series.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214174 (1 credit unit)

Comprehensi 2. Prerequisites: having the minimum of 120 credits (minimum grade is C-)
ve Written 3. Aim:
Examination To understand the fundamental concepts of chemical engineering.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To demonstrate the knowledge and ability to √
understand various basic sciences and
chemical engineering subjects
2. To identify, formulate and solve problems using √
chemical engineering principles
3. To recognize and make informed judgements √
on varius contemporary issues by applying
scientific knowledge, creativity and chemical
engineering tools

4. To conclude a chemical product design or √
process by upholding, safety, economics, and
sustainability values
5. Topics
Written examination which is related to chemical engineering courses.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 3, PO 4, PO 6, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √ √
LO2 √ √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √

7. Assessment system:
Written examination
8. References:
a. Lindeburg, M.R., 2012, “PPI Chemical Engineering Reference Manual”, 7ed, A
Kaplan Company
b. Sinnot, R. and Towler, G., 2020, “Chemical Engineering Design-Coulson and
Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Series”, Butterwoth-Heinemann, Elsevier
c. Geankoplis, C.J., “Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles
(includes Unit Operations)”, 5th ed., 2018, Prentice Hall
d. Perry, R.H, and Green, D.W., 2018, “Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook”,
9th ed., McGraw-Hill Professional
e. Smith, J.M., Van Ness, H.C., Abbott, M.M., and Swihart, M.T., 2018,
“Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, 8th ed., McGraw Hill
Book Company, New York.

Course: 1. Course code and amount of credits: TKK214175 (2 credit units)

Chemical 2. Prerequisites: can be taken with Process Control (TKK213262)
Process 3. Aim:
Safety To be aware of the importance of process safety; ability to develop holistically effective
strategies in evaluating a chemical process in order to reduce hazard which is related to
materials and operation condition.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To assess properties of material in correlation with √
2 To identify cause-effects and various types of √
accidents in chemical industries, such as: fire,
explosion, dangerous chemical release to
3 To identify and evaluate hazard and risk in the √
chemical industry system.
4 To develop effective systems and strategies to √
reduce possible risk in a chemical industry system.
5 To explain and apply the concept of inherent safer √
design and strategies.

5. Topics:
a. Introduction of standards and regulations on health and safety engineering.
b. The concepts, classification, and sources of hazard in the chemical industry,
including: dangerous and toxic materials such as flammability, explosivity,
corrosivity, reactivity, radioactivity, toxicity, etc.
c. Influences of accidents to human, process, and environment.
d. Hazard identification techniques
e. Risks and types of accident in chemical industries.
f. Risk assessment techniques
a. Layer of protection analysis (LOPA)
g. Safety aspect consideration on process design.
h. Inherently safer design.
i. FTA and dumping system/blowdown
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies PO 3, PO 6, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √
LO5 √
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Comprehension on hazard and risk concepts and ways to identify them.
b. Hazard reduction or elimination is more important than hazard control to
minimize risks in chemical process system. .
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
a. Highlight on chemical processes, hazard understanding and the strategy to avoid
them with reducing or eliminating the existing hazard.
b. Deliver more contextual industrial real cases
c. Complex calculation and mathematics are avoided.
9. Embedded learning:
1. Inform the importance of health, safety and environment in chemical industries.
2. Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
3. Critical thinking
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Center for Chemical Process Safety, 2012, “Guidelines for Engineering Design
for Process Safety”, 2nd edition, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
b. Crowl, D. A., and J. F. Louvar, 2019, “Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals
with Applications”, 4th edition, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
c. Mannan, S., 2012., “Lee’s Loss Prevention in the Process Industries”., 4 th
edition, Elsevier Inc.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : UNU 4101 (2 credit units)
Religion 2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim:
Education of religion in the university aims to develop students’ character which is
devoted to God Almighty, faithful, to be rational and dynamic, broad-minded, and to
participate actively in inter-religious cooperation in the framework of the development and
utilization of science and technology to human and national interest (based on decree of
DIKTI (Directorate General of Higher Education) No. 263/DIKTI/Kep/2000).

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Recognize Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize essence of a religion. √
2 To practice religious teaching in daily life. √
5. Topics
As per decree No 263/DIKTI/Kep/2000,
a. Islam:

Man and religion, Sources of Islamic Teaching, Framework of Islamic Teaching,
Aqeedah, Islamic Worship and Social Dealing, Islamic Manners, Piety, Science and
Technology from Islamic Perspective
b. Catholic Religion:
Catholic students who are aspired by the people and the Church, Religious study
method in public higher education, Basics relation possessed by human
(philosophical descriptions), Mind seeking truth, Faithful man want to follow Jesus
Christ and believe in Him, Jesus Christ’s nature and His role on the lives of
believers, Church as a community of believers, Basic considerations and steps in
good and bad decision making, Motivation, Catholic Family, Catholic religion
acknowledge the autonomy of sciences even the methodology of sciences, the
Responsibilities of Catholics in developing the world, the lay apostolate as the duty
of the believers in the middle of the world..
c. Protestantism (Christianity) Religion:
Human, Christianity, Church, Christian Faith, Science and Technology, Human
Development, ethical issues in social life and capita Selecta themes
d. Hinduism:
Philosophy of science and religion, history of Hindu religion, the Universe, the Veda
as the Holy Book and also as the source of Hindu Law, Principles of Srada in
Hinduism, Catur Purusartha and Catur Asrama, Catur Marga Yoga, Hindu
Sociology, Sad Darsana, Sila and Hindu ethics, Yadnya, Pandita and Pinandita,
Holy places and Holy days for Hindu.
e. Buddhism:
Man and religion, Buddhism, Buddhist teaching sources, Basic Framework of
Buddhist teachings, the Dharma, the precepts, meditation, Buddhist, add sciences
and study cases.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 4, PO 7
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Understanding on tolerances in social life.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Contextual materials
9. Embedded learning:
Ethics, lifelong learning
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and observation
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire.
12. References:
Based on each religion

Plant Design Project (TKK214280)
Industrial Placement (TKK214281)

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214280 (4 credit units)
Plant Design 2. Prerequisites: Chemical Plant Design (TKK214170) and Chemical Reaction
Project Engineering 2 (TKK213263)
3. Aim:
 To be able to design a chemical plant at the level of preliminary design by applying
chemical engineering principles based on incomplete data and uncertainty by
upholding health, safety, and environmental aspects.
 To be able to clearly convey ideas, technical concepts associated with the design of
chemical plants
 To be able to solve open-ended problems related to chemical processing systems

4. Learning Outcome: After succesfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To construct a feasible process flow diagram √
including the instrumentation and control system
2. To perform detail design calculation for main √
equipment and quick designs for other equipment
with compliance to engineering codes and standards
3. To evaluate economic feasibility of the project √
4. To write the preliminary design report √
5. Topic
Preliminary design of a chemical plant with the topic decided by the Department.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 4, PO 5, PO 6, PO 7, PO 9, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √ √
LO2 √ √ √ √ √
LO3 √ √ √
LO4 √ √ √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Equipment and process selection for a particular requirement, SHE aspects, and data
interpretation for design process.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Independent assignment with supervision; development of professional attitude.
9. Embedded learning
SHE, Understanding of societal need, contemporary issues, and sustainability, teamwork
and communication skills, ethics and project management
10. Assessment System:
 Quality of the reports within specified time constraint
 Oral examination.
11. Feedback: Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Green, D.W. dan Southard, M.Z., 2018, “Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s
Handbook”, 9th ed., McGraw-Hill Education, New York
b. Peter, M.S., Timmerhaus, K.D., dan West, R.E., 2013, “Plant Design and
Economics for Chemical Engineers (International Edition)”, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill
Book India, India
c. Sinnot, R.K. dan Towler, G., 2019, “Chemical Engineering Design: SI Edition
(Chemical Engineering Series)”, 6th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford
d. Turton, R., Shaeiwitz, J.A., Bhattacharyya, D., dan Whiting, W.B., 2009,
“Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes”, 5 th ed., Pearson,
e. Ulrich, G.D. dan Vasude, P. T., 2004, “Chemical Engineering Process Design
and Economics : A Practical Guide”, 2nd ed, Process Publishing
f. Chemical Process and Equipment Design Books.
Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214281 (2 credit units)
Industrial 2. Prerequisites: Having the minimum of 120 credits (minimum grade is C-)
Placement 3. Aim:
a. To know the real situation in the industrial plant (actual dimension, working of
equipment, and professionalism atmosphere in the workplace).
b. To solve the real problems in the industrial plant by applying the chemical
engineering tools and SHE consideration.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To practice and explain standard procedures and √
SHE aspects.
2. To construct a solution for special assignment by √
applying basic sciences and chemical engineering
3. To demonstrate communication/technical report skill √
and teamwork.

5. Topics
Industrial placement is conducted in the work places that employ chemical engineers.
There, the students have opportunities to obtain experiences in the design and operation
of chemical and physical processes.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 4, PO 6, PO 7, PO 8, PO 9, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √ √ √
LO2 √ √ √ √ √
LO3 √ √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
Evaluation of the process/equipment, SHE aspects, and data interpretation for problem
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
Individual assignment with directional supervision, with target oriented to the project
9. Embedded learning:
Understanding of societal needs, contemporary issues and sustainability, ethics, and
completing the work according to the target and time.
10. Assessment system:
Assessment is based on the industrial supervisor feedback, assignment report, and
interview result with the supervisor
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire filled by supervisor in the industry.
12. References:
All of the books used in chemical process and equipment design.


Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213110 (2 credit units)
Natural 2. Prerequisites: have taken minimum 50 credits (minimum C-).
Product 3. Aim:
Preservation This course aims to provide general explanations related to industrial bio-based products.
and 4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the types of raw material, classification, √
and production for bio-based products.
2 To apply the basic engineering concept for bio- √
based product development.
3 To be able to analyze the potential and challenge √
for developing industrial bio-based products.

5. Topics:
a. Raw material type, characteristics and potentials of bio-based products.
(specific topics: oleo chemicals, pharmaceutical and medical natural products, food
supplement, and natural dyes).
b. Market prospect and current issue of bio-based technology for industrial
c. Application and design technology for bioresources based products.
d. Optimization of bio-based products application in term of its technology, economy,
and SHE.

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies, PO 1, PO 3, PO 6, PO 9
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
7. Emphasized topics:
The fundamental of product design technology, industrial natural product, and the ability to
analyse the potential for developing natural products

8. Specific characteristic of learning

Emphasize on understanding and analytical thinking in the development of industrial
industrial natural products/ The lectures are designed to be two-way communications and
to be recommended held in groups for discussion and presentation.

9. Embedded learning:
Teamwork and presentation skills
10. Assessment system:
Written examination (mid-term and final), assignment report and presentation.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Bernd Schaefer, 2015, Natural Products in Chemical Industry
b. Amélia Pilar Rauter, Fernando Brito Palma, Jorge Justino, Maria Eduarda
Araújo, Susana Pina dos Santos, 2010, Natural Products in the New Millenium:
Prospects and Industrial Application
c. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry: Bioactive Natural Products (Part L)

1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213211 (2 credit units)

Course : 2. Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering Principles (TKK212131), Applied Mathematics in
Applied Chemical Engineering (TKK212132)
Bioprocess 3. Aim:
To introduce the specific nature of bioprocess engineering and to apply the chemical
engineering principles on basic bioreactor design.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To analyze the appropriate bioreactor type for specific 
2 To design bioreactors with complex behavior 
3 To evaluate operation parameters for bioreactors: 
start up and steady state operation

5. Topics
a. Introduction of industrial bioprocess
b. Fundamentals of bioreactor design and operation
c. Reactor design for suspended culture: batch, fed-batch, chemostat
d. Introduction of immobilized cell system: biofilm concept, mass transfer across biofilm
e. Reactor design for immobilized system: fixed bed and fluidized bed
f. Bioreactor operation: start up and steady state

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 2, PO 3, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √
LO3 √

7. Emphasized topics:
a. Interpretation of growth kinetics into bioreactor design
b. Utilization of mathematical modeling for process optimization
c. Specific requirement of bioreactors due to handling living organisms

8. Specific Characteristic of learning

9. Embedded Learning (transferable skills):

Team work
10. Assessment System:
Assignments (written and oral presentations), written exams (midterm and final).

11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication
12. References:
Shuler, ML and Kargi, F, and DeLisa, M., 2016, “Bioprocess Engineering: Basic
Concepts”, 3rd, Prentice-Hall.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK214112 (2 credit units)

Natural 2. Prerequisites: -
Products 3. Aim:
Separation To understand the principles of separation, purification, and preservation technology for
and bio-based products.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 To determine optimum process for separation, 
purification and preservation in bio-based products
2 To create a flow model or block diagram process that 
illustrates and analyzes the separation, purification
and preservation for bio-based products
3 To design equipments for separation, purification and 
preservation in bio-based products

5. Topics
e. Introduction on various technology for separation, purification and preservation for
bio-based products
f. Process design of separation, purification and preservation for bio-based products
g. Block diagram and flow diagram process for separation, purification and
preservation for bio-based products
h. Equiment design for separation of bio-based products
i. Equipment design for purification for bio-based products
j. Equipment preservation and stabilization for bio-based products

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 3, PO 6, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √

7. Emphasized topics:
The fundamental of product design technology, industrial natural product, and the ability
to analyse the potential for developing natural products and biomaterial.

8. Specific Characteristic of learning

Emphasizing on understanding and analytical thinking. For more understanding and
analyse in industrial natural product very recommended to be held in groups for discussion
and presentation. The lectures are designed to be two-way communications and students
should be active in the learning process.

9. Embedded learning:
Development of analytical mindset, teamwork skill, effective communication, and logical
way of thinking
10. Assessment System:
Written examination (mid-term and final) and examination (individual and group)
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication
12. References:
a. Buddy D. Ratner, Allan S. Hoffman, Frederick J. Schoen, Jack E. Lemons, 2012,
Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Academic Press,
b. J.B. Park and J.D. Bronzino. Biomaterials: Principles and Applications. CRC
Press. 2002. ISBN: 0849314917
c. Updated journal papers.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214213 (2 credit units)
Industrial 2. Prerequisite: Fundamental of Bioprocess (TKK211223)
Food 3. Aim:
Processing To apply chemical engineering concepts on unit processes in food industry and to define
optimization strategy based on fundamental concepts.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able:
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply principles of food preservation process design 
in short cut design of food preservation techniques.
2 To apply principles of food safety in designing food 
2 To apply principles of solid handling for food processing 
context for simple scale up method.
3 To develop simple process flow diagram for food 
processing from raw materials to final products.

5. Topics:
a. Food preservation: microbial aspects (survival curve, thermal death time, spoilage
probability), various preservation techniques (conventional drying, osmotic
dehydration, refrigeration, pasteurization, Ultra High Temperature technique,
preservatives, edible coatings), principles of equipments.
b. Food safety and food regulation
c. Solid handling: principles in solid mixing, size modification (comminution and
enlargement), principles of equipment, examples of simplified scale-up method.
d. Simple process design of food processing flow diagrams on various commodities
(emphasized on Indonesian natural resources)
6. Competence to be developed (based on PO):
Competence PO 1, PO 2,PO 3, PO 6, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √ √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
Consideration in food process design, based on fundamental principles
8. Specific characteristics of learning:
Balanced among description of phenomena, simple mathematical representation for the
purpose of determination of process conditions and scale up, and principles of equipment.
Lectures are given solely to introduce basic principles and instructions for projects.
Calculations and development of process flow diagram are given as group tasks to be
presented and discussed in class.
9. Embedded learning:
Motivation for life-long learning and team work.
10. Assessment system:
Written exams and in class presentations
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication
12. References:
a. Toledo, R.T., 2018, “Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering”, 4th ed., Food
Science Text Series, Springer Science and Business Media, New York.
b. Singh, R.P. and Heldman, D.R., 2001, “Introduction to Food Engineering”,
Academic Press, Suffolk.
c. Mullin, JW, 2001, “Crystallization”, 4 ed., Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford.
d. Pietsch, W, 2001, “Agglomeration Processes – Phenomena, Technologies,
Equipment”, Wiley-VCH, Germany
e. Updated journal papers.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214214 (2 credit units)

Selected 2. Prerequisites: -
Topics in 3. Aim:
Natural This course aims to provide general explanations related to the selected topics. This course
Products intended to provide insights to students in order to know the latest scientific developments in
Engineering the field.
and 4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Bioprocess Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the basic concept of the selected topics. √
2 To explore the latest developments of the selected √
3 To analyse the importance of the selected topics and √
its applications

5. Topics
Case studies in Products Engineering and Bioprocess including novel processes and
forefront technology.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 5, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
7. Emphasized topics:
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Learn independently, teamwork, communication, write individual report, final examination
9. Embedded learning:
Ethics, teamwork, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive grading system (assignments, group assignment, exams)
11. Feedback:
a. Report and final examination
b. Grading form
12. References: Textbooks and other relevant references. Recent journal/Publications
related to the selected topics


Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213115 (2 credit units)
Non- 2. Prerequisites:
Renewable Have taken Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1 (TKK211225)
Energy Have taken at least 50 credits with all courses get C- as minimum grade.
3. Aim:
Identifying available non-renewable energy resources and the treatment process for their

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able:

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand the concepts of thermodynamics and 
2 To understand the management of various non- 
renewable energy resources including their utilization.
3 To determine the physical properties and physical test 
from non-renewable energy resources.
4 To describe the process to utilize non-renewable energy 
5 To evaluate the feasibility of utilization of specific non- 
renewable energy resources.
5. Topics:
a. Energy trends.
b. Energy and thermodynamics.
c. Resources, the exploration way, characteristics, and applications of:
 Oil and gas
 Coal
 Nuclear
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
4 √
5 √
7. Emphasized topics:
Non-renewable energy resources which are still has potential to be utilized in Indonesia.
8. Specific characteristics of learning:
Emphasizing to understanding on the real cases. Introducing calculation method to do an
engineering evaluation, economical feasibility study, and environmental impact assessment
upon the utilization of non-renewable energy resources.
9. Embedded learning:
Energy issues are inseparable aspect with environmental issues. Relationship between energy
and environment is the main concern.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Fink, J., 2014, “Petroleum Engineer's Guide to Oil Field Chemicals and Fluids”, 2nd ed.,
Gulf Professional Publishing, US
b. Speight, J.G., 2020, “Refinery Feedstocks (Petroleum Refining Technology Series)”, CRC
c. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213216 (2 credit units)

Energy 2. Prerequisites: -
and 3. Aim:
Conservatio Understanding the way to save energy and making calculation of energy efficiency in
n process equipment and system.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No. Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the relationship among energy, 
economics, and environment.
2 To explain the ways to save energy reserve of 
fossil energy through utilizing the renewable
energy resources.
3 To describe the theory of enhancing the efficiency 
in consuming energy at process equipment and
4 To calculate the efficiency of energy consumption 
in process equipment and system.
5. Topics:
a. Energy, Economics and Environment
b. Goverment policy in the aspect of energy
c. Techniques of energy analysis
d. Energy audit
e. Energy Monitoring, Targeting and Waste Avoidance
f. Energy conservation and technology related to.

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 2, PO 8, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
Concepts of energy saving in process equipment and system
8. Specific characteristics of learning
Application of energy saving concept in industry
9. Embedded learning:
a. Health, safety, and environment
b. Problem solving and analytical skills
c. Development of work ethics and accuracy
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and presentation
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Beggs, C., 2010, “Energy: Management, Supply and Conservation,” 2nd, Elsevier
Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.
b. Armstrong J., 2020,“The Future of Energy”, Energy Technology Publishing.
c. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK214117 (2 credit units)

Renewable 2. Prerequisites:
Energy Have taken Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1 (TKK211225)
Have taken at least 50 credits with all course get C- as minimum grade.
Identifying available renewable energy resources and the treatment process for their
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able:

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand the concepts of thermodynamics and 
2 To understand the management of various 
renewable energy resources including their
3 To evaluate the feasibility of utilization of specific 
non-renewable energy resources.
5. Topics:
a. Energy and thermodynamics
b. Resources, the exploration way, characteristics, and applications of:
1. Biomass-based energy
2. Biodiesel
3. Bioethanol
4. Biogas
5. Solar energy
6. Hydropower
7. Ocean energy
8. Wind energy
9. Geothermal energy
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
7. Emphasized topics:
Renewable energy with potential to be utilized in industrial scale and closer to the scope of
chemical engineering such as biomass-based energy biofuel, and fuel cell.
8. Specific characteristics of learning
Emphasizing to understanding on the real cases. Introducing calculation method to do an
engineering evaluation, economic feasibility study, and environmental impact assessment
upon the utilization of renewable energy resources.
9. Embedded learning:
Energy issues are inseparable aspect with environmental issues. Relationship between
energy and environment is the main concern.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Rule T., 2018, “Renewable Energy: Law, Policy and Practice”, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley
West Academic Publishing.
b. Mehta, D.P and Thumann, A., 2013, “Handbook of Energy System Engineering”, 7th
ed., John River Publisher., New York.
c. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK214218 (2 credit units)

Energy 2. Prerequisites:
Utilization Have taken Heat Transfer (TKK 213152) and Stage-wise Separation Process (TKK212245)
Have taken at least 50 credits with all course get C- as minimum grade.
3. Aim:
Applying thermodynamics concept to analyze industrial system either on one unit operation
system or multiple unit operation system so that energy need minimization can be achieved.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand the way to do thermodynamics 
analysis in industrial system.
2 To determine the target for energy need minimization 
in industrial system.
3 To synthesize energy integration system on several 
heat exchangers and distillation units.
5. Topics:
a. Efficiency concept
b. Thermodynamics analysis based on thermodynamics law 1 and 2 (pinch analysis and
exergy analysis)
c. Process analysis
d. Strategy of process integration
e. Heat integration on heat exchangers
f. Heat integration on distillation units
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 3, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √
7. Emphasized topics:
Thermodynamics analysis and heat integration
8. Specific characteristics of learning
Understanding and studying the real cases in industry.
9. Embedded learning:
Energy issues are inseparable aspect with environmental issues. Relationship between
energy and environment is the main concern.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and homework
11. Feedback
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Mehta, D.P and Thumann, A., 2013, “Handbook of Energy System Engineering”, 7th
ed., John River Publisher., New York.
b. Ishida, M., 2002, Thermodynamics Made Comprehensible”, Nova Science Publisher,
Inc., New York.
c. Linnhoff, B, 1994, “User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of
Energy”, 1st ed., the Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK.
d. Linnhoff, B, 1998, “Introduction to Pinch Technology”,
e. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214219 (2 credit units)

Selected 2. Prerequisites: -
Topics in 3. Aim:
Energy This course aims to provide general explanations related to the selected topics. This course
intended to provide insights to students in order to know the latest scientific developments in
the field.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the basic concept of the selected topics √
2 To explore the latest developments of the selected √
3 To analyse the importance of the selected topics and √
its applications

5. Topics
Case studies in Energy, including novel processes and forefront technology.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 5, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
7. Emphasized topics:
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Learn independently, teamwork, communication, write individual report, final examination
9. Embedded learning:
Ethics, teamwork, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive grading system (assignments, group assignment, exams)
11. Feedback:
a. Report and final examination
b. Grading form
12. References: Textbooks and other relevant references. Recent journal/Publications
related to the selected topics


Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213120 (2 credit units)
Cleaner 2. Prerequisites :
Productio Have taken Chemical Industrial Processes (TKK212241)
n 3. Aim:
Having awareness on the importance of pollution prevention through chemical processes
and developing effective strategy in analyzing and evaluating chemical processdue to the
intention to reduce or prevent pollution.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To describe the importance of the application of √
cleaner production concept in industry
2 To apply principles of sustainability, economics, and √
ethics to novel and complex situations with
conflicting requirements
3 To apply the techniques for analysing the interaction √
of process, product, and plant with the environment
and minimising adverse impacts
4 To modify the process for minimizing waste √

5. Topics:
a. Cleaner production concept
b. Identification of waste sources and causes
c. Green chemistry concept
d. Pollution prevention in unit operation
e. Pollution prevention in unit synthesis
f. Application of cleaner production concept through heat integration and mass integration.
g. Industrial ecology concept

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Pemahaman tentang resiko lingkungan.
b. Pentingnya mencegah tejadinya pencemaran dibandingkan dengan mengolah limbah
setelah terjadi pencemaran.
8. Specific characteristics of learning:
Emphasizing on the understanding of chemical processes together with the negative impact
related to the environment. The importance of prevention strategy through selecting process
equipment and process condition, recycling, using environmentally friendly materials,
integrating process. Group assignment to create conducive forum for students.
9. Embeded learning:
SHE, ethics and critical thinkings
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and group assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Schenck, R and White P, 2014, “Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment”, American
Center for Life Cycle Assessment.
b. Boethling R and Voutchkova-Kostal A., 2014, “Green Processes: Designing Safer
Chemicals”, Wiley-VCH.

c. Nilsson L., Persson P.O., Rydén L., Darozhka S., and Zaliauskiene A., 2007, “Cleaner
Production Technologies and Tools for Resource Efficient Production”, The Baltic
University Press, Nina Tryckeri, Uppsala.
d. Allen, D.T and Shonnard, D.R., 2002, ”Green Engineering: Environmentally Conscious
Design of Chemical Processes”, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
e. Anastas, P.T. and Warner, J.C., 1998, “Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice”, Oxford
University Pers Inc, New York.
f. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213221 (2 credit units)

Waste 2. Prerequisites:
Treatment Have taken Water and Wastewater Treatment (TKK213261)
Technolog 3. Aim:
y Synthesizing and designing waste treatment process (solid, liquid, and gas) and selecting
appropriate process equipment together with determining the specifications.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To characterize the waste √
2 To understand the principal in waste treatment √
3 To design the waste treatment process and √
understand the importance of sustainable
development; safety, health, and environmental
4 To design the equipment for waste treatment √
5. Topics:
a. Introduction : Overview on waste generation, prevention, reduction, collection,
transfer, processing and utilization (10%).
b. Wastewater Treatment and Engineering (60%):
● Characteristics of waste and wastewater: physical, chemical and biological
parameters; water and wastewater quality.
● Water and wastewater treatment system: physical, chemical and biological
● Water and wastewater treatment plant: primary, secondary and tertiary
treatment, including minor part: (sedimentation, coagulation, flocculation,
filtration, adsorption, ion-exchange, stripping); major part : (ammonia and
phosphate removal, anaerobic and aerobic digestion, activated sludge and
trickling filter, constructed wetland and natural treatment systems).
● Industrial wastewater treatment: characteristics of industrial wastewater,
treatment levels and available technologies.
● Utilization and conservation of treated wastewater.

Solid Waste Treatment and Engineering (30%):
● Sludge treatment of organic waste: composting, bio-digesting, physico-
chemical treatment and other utilization methods.
● Solid waste characterization and classification of non-organic waste: reduction,
reuse and recycling, resource recovery and utilization.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 3, PO 10

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √ √ √
LO4 √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
Ability to identify the types of waste and to identify the suitable treatment process.
8. Specific characteristics of learning:
Emphasizing on the understanding of types of waste together with the environmental
impact in the need of desigining technically and economically feasible wate treatment
9. Embedded Learning:
The importance of seeing the environmental problem wholly to generate awareness of
preventing the pollution by applying more sustainable ways than treating the waste after
pollution happen (avoiding end of pipe approach).
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Metcalf and Eddy, 2013, “Treatment and Reuse”, 5th . Ed, McGraw Hill, New York.
b. Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F.L., Stensel, H.D., 2004, “Wastewater Engineering”, 4 ed.,
Metcalf and Eddy Inc., McGraw Hill, New York.
c. De Nevers, N., 2000, “Air Pollution Control Engineering”, McGraw Hill, New York.
d. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK214122 (2 credit units)

Industrial 2. Prerequisites :
Risk Have taken Chemical Process Safety (TKK214175) and have taken minimum 50 credits
Analysis (minimum C-).
3. Aim:
Having a comprehensive understanding of the concept of risk and how to analyze it and
develop a risk management system according to industry characteristics.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To identify potential hazards to industrial systems and √
the environment by various methods.
2 To determine quantitative frequency and consequences √
3 To analyze risk calculations based on justification in √
various industrial systems.
4 To construct safeguard system for minimizing risk √

5. Topics:
a. Review Hazard identification techniques
b. Quantitative frequency Evaluation
c. Quantitative consequences evaluation
d. Basic Concepts of Risk Determination
e. Calculation of Risk in Industry
f. Mitigation of Risks in The Industry.

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
7. Emphasized topics:
Emphasizing on identify risks and determine methods for mitigation in the industry.
8. Specific characteristics of learning:

Understanding the concept of risk and the priority of risk management. Emphasis on
concepts and understanding based on case studies.
9. Embeded learning:
SHE, ethics and critical thinkings
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and group assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Crowl, D. A., and J. F. Louvar, 2011, “Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with
Applications”, 3rd edition. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
b. Center for Chemical Process Safety, 1993., “Guidelines for Engineering Design for
Process Safety”., American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).
c. Mannan, S., 2005., “Lee’s Loss Prevention in the Process Industries”., Elsevier Inc.
d. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214223 (2 credit units)

Process 2. Prerequisites: Have earned at least 50 with GPA of 2.0
Safety and 3. Aim:
Environmental This course is aimed to facilitate students’ learning to understand the basic principles of
Management safety and environmental management and how to apply them throughout the whole life
cycle of chemical process industry.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To describe to the management of safety, √
health, and environment in practice and in the

2 To apply the element of process safety √

3 To construct the environmental management √
system (EMS)
4 To assess the environmental impact of √
chemical waste
5. Topic
a. Introduction to Process Safety Management (PSM)
b. Process Hazard Analysis
c. Mechanical Integrity
d. Management of Change
e. Emergency Planning
f. Environmental Impact Assessment
g. Environmental Management System
h. Introduction to Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies P3, P7, KK1, KK2
Kompetensi/ Program Outcomes (PO)
S1 S2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 KK1 KK2 KK3 KU1 KU2
LO1 √

LO2 √

LO3 √ √

LO4 √

LO5 √
7. Emphasized topics:
Principles of safety and environmental management and their applications in design,
operation, and maintenance stages.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
In addition to lecturing, relevant real problems (case studies) should be presented during
lectures and also assigned to the students.
9.Embedded Learning:
Understanding relation of SHE and sustainability and business prospect, SHE minded
10. Assessment System:
Written exam, homework, and group project assignment
11. Feedback: Discussion
12. References:
1. Crowl, D.A. and Louvar, J.F., 2019, Chemical Process Safety: Fundamental with
Applications, 4th ed , Prentice Hall PTR, N.J
2. Buchholz, R.A, 1998, Principles of Environmental Management; The Greening of
Business; 2nd ed., Prentice Hall
3. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214514 (2 credit units)

Selected 2. Prerequisites: -
Topics in 3. Aim:
Safety, Health This course aims to provide general explanations related to the selected topics. This
and course intended to provide insights to students in order to know the latest scientific
Environment developments in the field.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply the basic concept of the selected topics. √
2 To criticize the latest developments of the selected √
3 To analyse the importance of the selected topics √
and its applications.
5. Topics
Case studies in industry including novel processes and forefront technology.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 5, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √

7. Emphasized topics:
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Learn independently, teamwork, communication, write individual report, final
9. Embedded learning:
Ethics, teamwork, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive grading system (assignments, group assignment, exams)
11. Feedback:
a. Report and final examination
b. Grading form
12. References: Textbooks and other relevant references. Recent journal/Publications
related to the selected topics


Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213125 (2 credit units)
Advanced 2. Prerequisites: Numerical Methods (TKK212243) and Computation Laboratory Work
Computer (TKK212244)
Programing 3. Aim:
To be able to construct well-structured programs using modern computation tools to
solve a range of complex engineering problems.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To construct well-structured program using modern √
computation tools to solve complex problems.
2 To evaluate performance of equipment/processing √
system based on observed performance data.
3 To visualize and interpret the performance of √
equipments/processing system using appropriate

5. Topics:
a. The introduction of the software (Scilab or Matlab)
• Types of variables
• Creation and matrix operations
• Basic programming: iterative and flow control program
• Function of input and output
• Preparation of various types of charts
b. Modelling and simulation
• differential equations (partial and ordinary)
• differential algebraic equations (differential algebraic equations)
c. Optimization
• Completion of non-linear equations
• Parameter fitting
• Programming linear and quadratic
d. The introduction of dynamic system modeling
• Introduction of the software used (Xcos in Scilab or Matlab Simulink)
• An example of a simple dynamic system modeling

6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 5, PO 8, PO 9
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Controlling and organizing the program
b. Various important routine in programming
c. Programming applications to solve a wide range of chemical engineering problems
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Strong emphasize on the use of logic and creative thinking, case studies or demo,
group assignment.
9. Embedded learning
a. Problem solving and analytical skills
b. Critical Thinkings
c. Communication skill
10. Assessment System:
Individual assignments, group assignments, mid-term examination, final examination
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Campbell, S.L., Chancelier, J. And Nikoukhah, R., 2006, “Modeling and
Simulation in Scilab/Scicos”, Springer, New York
b. Constantinides, A. and Mostoufi, N., 1999, “Numerical Methods for Chemical
Engineering with Matlab Applications”, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River,
New Jersey.
c. Otto, S.R. and Denier, J.P., 2007 ,“An Introduction to Programming and
Numerical method in MATLAB”, Springer-Verlag, London

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK213226 (2 credit units)

Fluid 2. Prerequisites: Numerical Methods (212243) and Transfer processes (212240)
Dynamics in 3. Aim:
Chemical To apply the Navier-Stokes equations; conservation, energy and mass equations in
Engineering solving chemical engineering problems.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To construct geometrical model and computational √
domain representing the real object.
2 To select and adapt appropriate models for the √
problem encountered.
3 To solve the developed models using appropriate √
CFD software.
4 To interpret the calculation results as the basis of √
engineering decisions.
5. Topics:
a. Introduction of general Navier-Stokes equation, modified equations for more complex
b. Introduction to drawing geometry software.
c. Introduction to CFD software GUI.
d. Case study: Flow of incompressible fluid in a pipe and channel.
e. Case study: Flow of incompressible fluid in a pipe involving a heat transfer at the
f. Case study: Flow of incompressible fluid in a pipe involving a heat and mass transfer
of substance A at the wall.
g. Case study: Flow of incompressible flow at pipe enlargement.
h. Case study: Fluid flow in the porous media.
i. Case study: Jet flow.
j. Case study: Gas-solid flow in the pipe: horizontal and vertical.
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 5, PO 8, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
Understanding each terms in the Navier-Stokes equation, model selection and material
properties, and ability to run CFD software as well as interpret the results.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Fundamental understanding along with practices and assignments.
9. Embedded Learning
Development of deductive reasoning, skills to run the software and honesty.
10. Assessment System:
Individual assignments, mid-term examination, final examination
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Bird, R.B., Stewart, W.E., and Lightfoot, E.N., 2002, “Transport Phenomena”, 2
ed., John Willey & Son, Inc., New York.
b. Versteeg, H.K., and Malalasekera, W., 1998, “An Introduction to Computational
Fluid Dynamics, The Finite Volume Method”, Longman Group Ltd., London.
c. Wilkes, J.O, 2017, “Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers”,3rd, Pearson
d. Andersson, B., Andersson, R., Håkansson, L., Mortensen, M., Sudiyo, R., van
Wachem, B., Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers 1st ed., 2011,
Cambridge University Press.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214127 (2 credit units)

Advanced 2. Prerequisites:
Modelling Have taken Mathematical modeling (TKK213150) and students should have completed
50 SKS (minimum C-)
3. Aim:
To formulate and to evaluate mathematical models from engineering problems and/or
natural phenomena based on the relevant fundamental concepts
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To construct mathematical models of complex √
engineering and scientific problems based on
fundamental concepts.
2. To plan and perform mathematical analysis on √
chemical industrial projects including forefront
3. To critically evaluate optimization techniques to tackle √
engineering problems including complex problems
4. To formulate necessary simplifications to solve a √
range of complex problems including the limitations of
assumptions of the approach taken.
5. Topics
a. Mathematical modeling principles
b. Constructing discrete models
c. Constructing continuous models,
d. Constructing deterministic models,
e. Constructing stochastic models
f. Statistical analysis of mathematical models
6. Competencies to be developed (based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 4, PO 5
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
The course covers the modeling of relatively complex engineering problems and/or
natural phenomena such as advanced reactor system, environmental modeling,
bioprocess system, and modeling systems with uncertainty.

8. Specific characteristic of learning:

The course is taught as problem based learning. The students learn how to plan and
perform the modeling of various engineering and/or natural problems through project
works. They will learn how to present the project result in written reports as well as oral
9. Embedded learning:
a. Problem solving and analytical skills
b. Ability to gather information’s and data to solve the problems
c. Communication skills
d. Lifelong learning
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Rasmuson, A., Andersson, B., Olsson, L., Andersson, R., 2014,”Mathematical
Modeling in Chemical Engineering”, Cambridge University Press.
b. Heinz, S., 2011, “Mathematical modeling”, Springer
c. Nocedal, J. & Wright, S.J., 2006, “Numerical Optimization”, 2 nd Edition, Springer

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214128 (2 credit units)

Process 2. Prerequisites: Process Control (TKK213262) and students should have completed
Modeling and 50 SKS (minimum C-)
System 3. Aim:
Dynamics a. To develop a process dynamics model including uncertain disturbances.
b. To integrate the knowledge of process dynamic behavior as well as sufficient
knowledge to control the process.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply and integrate chemical engineering √
principles to model the dynamics of a process.
2 To identify, formulate and solve a number of √
problems on process dynamics.
3 To analyze process dynamics, stability and √
instability of a process and apply appropriate control
4 To evaluate various types of process control √
scheme and analyze the dynamic behavior based
on the process control scheme.

5. Topics:
a. Definition of system dynamic: description of system behavior as well as the use of
appropriate mathematical models to represent the system.
b. Mathematical modeling of process dynamic: 1st order system, 2nd order system and
higher order system. It will also covers simultaneous 1 st order system and time-lag.
c. Linearization of non-linear systems: Laplace transform, solution to linearized models
using Laplace transform, transfer functions, inherent process behavior analyses based
on mathematical models.
d. The dynamic responses of a process based on various inputs: step, pulse, impulse,
ramp, sinusoid.
e. Various parts in process control system as well as their transfer functions, various
configurations of the control system (feedback, feedforward, hybrid, cascade etc.),
control system: single input-single output (SISO) vs multiple input-multiple output

f. Case study: SISO control system, inherent behavior of a controlled process for
different types of control schemes, process behavior of a controlled process based on
various types of disturbances.
g. Stability analysis of control system.
h. Case study: dynamic analysis and stability of a controlled process, the effect of
control devices (proportional, PI, PID).
i. MIMO system: some examples of MIMO cases and their control system.
j. Various types of modern control system configuration.
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 5, PO 8
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
Mathematical modeling of transient system, dynamic behavior analysis of a chemical
process, stability analysis, principles of process control system control applications in
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
a. Strong emphasis on the understanding of processes as well as their mathematical
b. The emphasis on the depth of problem understanding and the use of logic in problem
9. Embedded Learning
a. Being able to understand the application of various control systems in various
scientific fields and real life.
b. Encourage student awareness to understand process behavior as well as the
importance of process control system.
10. Assessment System:
Group assignments, mid-term examination, final examination
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Seborg D. E., T. F. Edgar, and D. A. Mellichamp, 2016, “Process Dynamics
and Control”, 4th ed, John Wiley & Sons, New York
b. Stephanopoulos G., 2008, “Chemical Process Control-An Introduction to
Theory and Practice”, Prentice -Hall, New Jersey
c. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214229 (2 credit units)

Computer- 2. Prerequisites: It can be taken together or after Plant Design (TKK214170)
Aided Process 3. Aim: Students should be able to design a specific chemical process with the aid of
Design process simulation software ASPEN

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Being able to design a chemical process that 
involves chemical compounds outside ASPEN
2 Being able to design fractionation processes of 
crude oil into various products according to market
3 Being able to design a chemical process that 
involves solid materials.
4 Being able to design a chemical process for an 
electrolytic system.
5. Topics:
a. Adding components of non-database.
b. Access data and specification of petroleum, assay data, distillation curves, the use of
pre-flash, crude distillation unit
c. Modeling the chemical nature of electrolyte process, component selection, electrolyte
model selection, reactions in electrolytic system
d. Stream class and substream, solid conventional and non-conventional, particle size
distribution (PSD), inherent qualities in solids
e. Unit operations of solids separation
f. Process design assignments with the aid of ASPEN
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies PO 3, PO 5, PO 6, PO 9, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √
LO4 √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Accessing facilities in Aspen,
b. Equipment for solids separation
c. Design projects
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Lecture, group assignments
9. Embedded Learning
a. Creative thinking
b. Self and lifelong learning
10. Assessment System:
Assignment and discussion :20%
Midterm exam: 40%
Final exam : 40%
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Sinnot, R. and Towler, G., 2020, Chemical Engineering Design-Coulson and
Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Series, Butterwoth-Heinemann, Elsevier
b. Seader, J.D. and E.J. Henley, 2015, "Separation Process Principles", 4rd ed,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Singapore.
c. Aspentech Guideline and Evaluation (
d. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214230 (2 credit units)

Selected Topics 2. Prerequisites: -
in Process 3. Aim:
Modelling and To provide student insights to engage with the forefront in process modeling and
Computation computations.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To analyze the basic concept of the selected topics.
2 To synthesize the latest developments to solve the √
selected topics.
3 To interpret the computational results to generate √
engineering decisions.

5. Topics
Case studies in Process Modelling and Computation including novel processes and
forefront technology.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 5, PO 10
LO Program Outcomes (PO)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
7. Emphasized topics:
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Learn independently, teamwork, communication, write individual report, final
9. Embedded learning:
Ethics, teamwork, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive grading system (assignments, group assignment, exams)
11. Feedback:
a. Report and final examination
b. Grading form
12. References: Textbooks and other relevant references. Recent
journal/Publications related to the selected topics


Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213131 (2 credit units)
Polymer 2. Prerequisites: have taken minimum 50 credits (minimum C-).
Technolo 3. Aim:
gy To understand the concept of polymerization reaction and characteristics of polymer.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the classification and chain structure of √
2 To explain the principles and kinetics of √
3 To apply the principles of polymerization and √
polymer processing technologies
4 To describe polymer properties and √
5 To understand the advanced polymer products √

5. Topics:
a. Polymer characteristics: thermoplastic, thermoset, polymer network, glass transition
point, melting point, polymer solution.
b. Polymerization reaction: condensation-addition, step – chain reaction, copolymerization
c. Molecular weight (MW) and MW distribution, MW determination
d. Polymerization technology: reactors, bulk, solution, emulsion, suspension, plasma
e. Polymer processing: molding, extrusion, calendering, spinning, thermoforming.
f. Topics of commercial polymer: PE, PP, PVC, natural and synthetic rubber, cellulose and
its derivative, polyurethane, silicon etc
g. Advanced polymers

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 3, PO 6
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √
LO5 √
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Basic concept of polymer characteristics from molecular structures
b. Mechanism of polymerization
c. Basic knowledge of commercial polymer: PE, PP, PVC, rubber, cellulose, etc
d. Advanced polymers
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Emphasize on the understanding of microscopic concept (molecular structure) to physical
and reaction properties
9. Embedded learning:
Teamwork and presentation skills, systematic thinking to understand polymerization
reactions and characteristics of polymer.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination (mid-term and final), assignment report and presentation.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication

12. References: (tambah yang baru)
a. Rochmadi dan Permana, A., 2015, “Mengenal Polimer dan Polimerisasi”, UGM Press,
b. Stevens, M.P., 2008, “Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction”, 4th ed., Oxford University
Press, New York.
c. Billmeyer, F.W., 1984, “Textbook of Polymer Science”, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons,
New York.
d. Fried, J.R., 1995, “Polymer Science and Technology”, Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey.
e. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic ( review papers)

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213132 (2 credit units)

Ceramics 2. Prerequisites:
Technolo Have taken Material of Construction for Chemical Engineering (TKK211222)
gy Have taken minimum 50 credit units (minimum C-)

3. Aim:
To understand the fundamental of ceramics materials, ceramics properties from the
microstructure and ceramics processing technology.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand the structure, properties and √
analysis of ceramics materials.
2 To understand the specific reaction mechanism in √
ceramics technology.
3 To differentiate the ceramics processing √
4 To explain the advanced process and product of √
ceramics technology
5. Topics:
a. Properties of ceramics properties
b. Combustion technology
c. Sintering
d. Product characteristics
e. Sol-gel technology
f. High temperature kinetics
g. Novel process and ceramics products

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 6, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Basic properties of ceramic form the molecular structures
b. Kinetics in the ceramics processing
c. Novel ceramics product and processing
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Emphasize on the understanding of microscopic concept (molecular structure) and basic
properties of materials for industry.
9. Embedded learning:
Teamwork and presentation skills, systematic thinking to understand reactions and
characteristics of ceramics
10. Assessment system:
Written examination (mid-term and final), assignment report and presentation.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Richerson, DW and Lee WE, 2018, “Modern Ceramic Engineering: Properties,
Processing, and Use in Design”, 4th ed., CRC Press
b. Bansal NP and Lamon J, 2014, “Ceramic Matrix Composites: Materials, Modeling
and Technology”, Wiley-American Ceramic Society
c. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213233 (2 credit units)

Advance 2. Prerequisites:
d Have taken Polymer Technology (TKK213131) and Ceramics Technology (TKK213132).
Materials Have taken minimum 50 credit units (minimum C-)
ing 3. Aim:
To understand the fundamental properties of composite materials, bio-based materials and the
materials combination based on nanomaterials point of view

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand the properties of materials based on their √
structural molecules.
2 To understand the mechanical characteristics of √
composites, polymer blends, and bio-based materials.
3 To analyze the effect of thermal treatment and √
weathering on the composite.
4 To select the proper materials and processing for a √
specific purposes.
5. Topics:
a. Composite, polymer blending
b. The principles of nanotechnology
c. Bio-based materials and applications in food, medicals, separation, enzyme and
d. Functional and advanced polymers : biomedical polymers, self-healing polymers,
conductive polymers
e. Functional and advanced ceramics : biomedical, self-healing, conductive ceramics,
superconductor, semiconductor, magnetic ceramics

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 6, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √ √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √
LO4 √
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Basic properties of composites form the microscopic structure/molecular structures
b. Effects of thermal and environment on the materials properties.
c. Advanced ceramics and polymers
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Emphasize on the understanding of microscopic concept (molecular structure) and basic
properties of composites (poly-blends, nanomaterials, bio-based materials)
9. Embedded learning:
Teamwork and presentation skills, systematic thinking to understand the composites
10. Assessment system:
Written examination (mid-term and final), assignment report and presentation.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Sanders, WS., 2018, “Basic Principles of Nanotechnology”, CRC Press;
b. Wessel, J. K. (Editor-in-Chief), 2004, “The Handbook of Advanced Materials:
Enabling New Designs”.
c. Callister, Jr., W.D., and Rethwish DG, 2020, Materials Science and Engineering, an
Introduction”, 10ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
d. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic (review papers)

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213234 (2 credit units)

Composite 2. Prerequisites:
Technology Have taken minimum 50 credit units (minimum C-)

3. Aim:
To understand the fundamental properties of composite materials, bio-based materials, and
the materials combination.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand the properties of materials based on √
their structural molecules.
2 To understand the mechanic characteristics of √
composites, polymer blends, and bio-based
3 To analyze the effect of thermal treatment and √
weathering on the composite
4 To be able to design the proper composites type √
and processing for a specific purposes
5. Topics:
a. Composite, polymer blending
b. The principles of nanotechnology
c. Bio-based materials and applications in food, medicals, separation, enzyme and

7. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Basic properties of composites form the microscopic structure/molecular structures
b. Effects of thermal and environment on the materials properties.
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Emphasize on the understanding of microscopic concept (molecular structure) and basic
properties of composites (poly-blends, nanomaterials, bio-based materials)
9. Embedded learning:
Teamwork and presentation skills, systematic thinking to understand the composites
10. Assessment system:
Written examination (mid-term and final), assignment report and presentation.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Wessel, J. K. (Editor-in-Chief), 2004, “The Handbook of Advanced Materials:
Enabling New Designs”.
b. Callister, Jr., W.D., 1994, Materials Science and Engineering, an Introduction”, 3
ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
c. Smith, W.F., 1996, “Principles of Materials Science and
Engineering”, 3 ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co.,New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK214135 (2 credit units)

Electroche 2. Prerequisites : Have taken minimum 50 credits (minimum C-).
mical 3. Aim:
Technology Having a comprehensive understanding of the concept electrochemistry and its
applications in commercial use..
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand basic concept of electrical, √
electrochemical, and electroneutrality.
2 To understand the principles and √
mechanism of electrochemical reaction
and redox (reduction and oxidation)
3 To understand the concept of cell √
4 To describe electrochemical applications √
in commercial use.
5. Topics:
a. Electrical aspects and electrochemical developments.
b. Electroneutrality and the double layer theory of electricity.
c. Electrochemical cell.
d. Electrochemical reaction.
e. The concept of cell potential.
f. Electrochemical applications for chemical analysis (voltammetry, amperometry).
g. Electrochemical applications for energy sources.
h. Electrochemical applications for corrosion protection and electroplating.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 3, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √

7. Emphasized topics:
a. Basic concept of eletrochemical reaction’s mechanism.
b. Application of eletrochemistry in commercial use.
8. Specific characteristics of learning:
Emphasize on the understanding of electrochemical cell and mechanism of
electrochemical reaction.
9. Embeded learning:
Teamwork and presentation skills, systematic thinking to understand electrochemical
reactions and its application.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and group assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Cynthia G. Zoski, 2007, Handbook of Electrochemistry, 1st edition, Elsevier
Science, Amsterdam
b. Vladimir S. Bagotsky, 2006, Fundamentals of Electrochemistry, 2nd edition,
Wiley-Interscience, New Jersey
c. Atkins, P dan Paula, J. 2006, Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, edisi 8, Oxford
University Press, Oxford
d. Sawyer, D.T., Sobkowiak, A., dan Roberts J.L., 1995, Electrochemistry fo
Chemists, 2 nd, John Wiley and Sons, New York
e. Teguh Ariyanto, Andreas Kern, Bastian JM Etzold, Gui-Rong Zhang, 2017,
Carbide-derived carbon with hollow core structure and its performance as catalyst
support for methanol electro-oxidation, Electrochemistry Communications, Vol. 82,

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK214236 (2 credit units)

Enhanced 2. Prerequisites:
Equilibriu Have taken Physical Chemistry (TKK211220), Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1
m (TKK211225).
Separatio Have taken minimum 50 credit units (minimum C-)
3. Aim:
To understand the principles of separation of non-ideal mixtures and azeotrope in distillation

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To analyze the composition and properties of non- √
ideal equilibrium.
2 To understand various separation mechanisms √
(reactive, extractive, pressure swing distillation and
membrane separation)
3 To understand stage to stage calculation for non- √
ideal mixture separation.
4 To design the separation system with solvent, √
reaction, pressure swing, membrane and salt
5. Topics:
a. Equilibrium principles: phase and reaction
b. Analysis of azeotropic diagram y-x, T-xy.
c. Simple distillation, Residue Curve Map (RCM) method
d. Column design with BVP, minimum and total reflux determination.
e. Pressure swing distillation
f. Homogeneous and heterogeneous azeotropic distillation
g. Distillation with salt, solvent, and chemical reaction addition
h. Heat integration
i. Membrane separation

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 3, PO 6, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √

LO4 √
7. Emphasized topics:
a. The principle of distillation boundary, residue curve map, column feasibility.
b. Design of distillation column for non-ideal mixture
c. Separation Sequencing for non-ideal systems.
8. Specific characteristic of learning
Emphasize on the understanding of non-ideal mixture properties and logic thinking in related
problem solving.
9. Embedded learning:
Systematic thinking, and using fundamental properties for prediction and process design.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination (mid-term and final), assignment report and presentation.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Malone, M.F. and Doherty, M.F., 2001, “Conceptual Design of Distillation Systems”,
McGraw Hill, New York.
b. J.D. Seader and E.J. Henley, 2015, "Separation Process and Principles", 4th ed,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA.
c. Prausnitz, J.M., Lichtenthaler, R.N., and de Azevedo, E.G., 1998, “Molecular
Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria”, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
d. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214237 (2 credit units)

Selected 2. Prerequisites: -
Topics in 3. Aim:
Material This course aims to provide general explanations related to the selected topics. This course
Engineering intended to provide insights to students in order to know the latest scientific developments in
and the field.
Advanced 4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Technology Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the basic concept of the selected topics √
2 To explore the latest developments of the selected √
3 To analyse the importance of the selected topics √
and its applications

5. Topics
Case studies in Material Engineering and Advanced Technology including novel processes
and forefront technology.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 5, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
7. Emphasized topics:
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Learn independently, teamwork, communication, write individual report, final examination
9. Embedded learning:
Ethics, teamwork, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive grading system (assignments, group assignment, exams)
11. Feedback:
a. Report and final examination
b. Grading form

12. References: Textbooks and other relevant references. Recent journal/Publications
related to the selected topics


Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213138 (2 credit units)
Industrial 2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim:
To understand thmineral resources in Indonesia, process, and technologies applied to
convert those mineral ores to final product.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand the mineral resources of both metals √
and non-metals
2 To identify the mechanism of mineral processing of √
both metals and non metals.
3 To analyse process flowsheets of metals and non- √
metals resources including novel processes
5. Topics:
a. Industrial mineral resources in Indonesia and the world.
b. Process flowsheet of base metals
c. Process flowsheet of precious metals
d. Process flowsheet of rare earth elements
e. Process flowsheet of non-metals
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 2, PO 6, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √

7. Emphasized topics:
a. Flowsheets and processes of metals and non-metals.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
a. Highlight on the understanding of potencies of minerals in indonesia and how to
b. Deliver more theory application in industrial real cases.
c. Complex calculation and mathematics are avoided.
9. Embedded learning:
1. Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
2. Critical thinking
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Wills, Barry and Tim Napier-Munn, 2006, “Mineral Processing Technology”, 7th
edition, Butterworth Heinmann
b. Shadia, I., 2016, Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2016, John
Wiley and Sons, Inc.
c. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213139 (2 credit units)
Mineral 2. Prerequisites: -
Materials 3. Aim:
Characterizati To be able to select appropriate characterization method and to demonstrate
on comprehensive analysis based on characterization results for further mineral processing.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To select appropriate methods for mineral √
characterization including advanced technique
2 To interpret results of characterization analysis. √
3 To demonstrate comprehensive analysis on √
mineral characterization results.

5. Topics:
a. Introduction to mineral structure
b. Mechanical and physical characterization
c. Principle of mineral analysis
d. Elemental characterization analysis
e. Structural characterization
f. Thermal analysis

6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):

Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 6, PO 8, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √ √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
Mineral characterization for mineral processing
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
a. Highlight on chemical processes, their danger potential understanding and the
strategy to avoid them with reducing or eliminating the existing hazard.
b. Deliver more theory application in industrial real cases.
c. Complex calculation and mathematics are avoided.
9. Embedded learning:
1. Inform the importance of health, safety and environment in chemical industries.
2. Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
3. Critical thinking
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Wills, Barry and Tim Napier-Munn, 2006, “Mineral Processing Technology”, 7th
edition, Butterworth Heinmann
b. Shadia, I., 2016, Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2016, John
Wiley and Sons, Inc.
c. Brandon, D., 2008, Microstructural Characterization of Material, 2nd ed., John
Wiley and Sons, Inc.
d. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213240 (2 credit units)

Ore 2. Prerequisites: -
Beneficiation 3. Aim:
Technology Able to select suitable mineral processing technique to concentrate certain minerals.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To describe the importance of mineral liberation, √
and principles and processes of crushing, grinding,
and size classification (screens, hydrocylcone,
2 To apply mass balance principle to determine plant √
3 To describe the fundamentals of sampling, gravity, √
magnetic, electrostatic.
4 To understand forces (centrifugal, gravitational, √
buoyant, viscous, magnetic, electrostatic, etc)
acting upon a particle in different processes and
their effects on separation performance.
5 To analyze and develop appropriate process √
flowsheet for mineral beneficiation, including novel
5. Topics:
a. Selection and sizing of mineral processing equipment: comminution,
classification, gravity, magnetic and electrostatic separations, solids and slurry
storage and transport.
b. Mineral processing flowsheet synthesis and circuit design.
c. Material and energy balances.
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 3, PO 6, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √
LO5 √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
b. Understanding on mineral processing equipment
c. Selection of appropriate technique to concentrate minerals
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
a. Highlight on criteria of instruments needed to concentrate minerals.
b. Deliver more theory application in industrial real cases.
9. Embedded learning:
1. Understanding contemporary issues
2. Critical thinking
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Gupta A and Yan DS., 2016, “Mineral Processing Design and Operations: An
Introduction’, 2nd, Elsevier
b. S.K. Kawatra, 2005, Advances in Comminution, Society for Mining, Metallurgy,
and Exploration, 2005.
c. Wills, Barry and Tim Napier-Munn, 2006, “Mineral Processing Technology:, 7th
edition, Butterworth Heinmann, 2006, 456 p.
d. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK213241 (2 credit units)
Hydrometallurgy 2. Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering Reaction 2 (TKK213263)
Industrial Minerals (TKK213138)
3. Aim:
Able to comprehensively consider the determination on minerals extraction using
hydrometallurgy technique and to design the equipment by applying the chemical
engineering principals.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand the sample preparation, mechanism of √
the extraction, and factors affecting to obtain optimum
recovery in hydrometallurgy.
2 To determine mineral that is feasible to be extracted √
using hydrometallurgy.
3 To apply mass and heat balance, thermodynamics and √
kinetics in hydrometallurgy processes
4 To design an appropriate hydrometallurgy installation √
to extract valuable minerals including complex
5. Topics:
a. Introduction to hydrometallurgy
b. Thermodynamics of hydrometallurgy
c. Kinetics of hydrometallurgy
d. Hydrometallurgical processes, including leaching (autoclave, agitation, heap, and
bioleaching), purification and concentration via ion exchange, and solvent
e. Metal recovery via electro-winning, electrolysis or precipitation.
f. Refining processes.
g. Flowsheet studies.
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 6, PO 8, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √ √
7. Emphasized topics:
d. Hydrometallurgy processes and kinetics
e. Design an appropriate hydrometallurgy installation
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
a. Highlight on basic understanding of hydrometallurgy, the affecting factors, and
flowsheet process.
b. Deliver more theory application in industrial real cases.
9. Embedded learning:
a. Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
b. Critical thinking
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Habashi F, 2017., Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, Routledge
b. Moore, J. J., and Boyce, EA., 2013, Chemical Metallurgy, Butterworth-Heineman
c. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK214142 (2 credit units)

Pyro- 2. Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering Reaction 2 (TKK213263)
metallurgy Industrial Minerals (TKK213138)
3. Aim:
Able to understand the principles of thermal processes apply to extract metals from
mineral ores and basic design of pyro-metallurgy processes by applying the chemical
engineering principals.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To determine mineral to be extracted using 
2 To evaluate mass and heat balance, thermodynamics 
and kinetics in pyrometallurgy processes.
3 To develop conceptual design of pyrometallurgy 
process, including novel processes.
5. Topics:
a. Introduction to pyrometallurgy
b. Thermodynamics of pyrometallurgy (solid-liquid, solid-solid), phase diagrams
c. Kinetics of pyrometallurgy
d. Pyro-metallurgical processes; calcination, roasting, smelting, retorting
e. Refining processes
f. Process flowsheet development
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 6, PO 8, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
a. Pyro-metallurgy processes, kinetics and thermodynamics
b. Basic design of hydrometallurgy processes
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
a. Highlight on basic understanding of pyrometallurgy, the affecting factors, and
flowsheet process.
b. Deliver more theory application in industrial real cases.
9. Embedded learning:
1. Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
2. Critical thinking
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Habashi F, 2017., Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, Routledge
b. Moore, J. J., and Boyce, EA., 2013, Chemical Metallurgy, Butterworth-
c. Rao, Y.K., Stoichiometry and Thermodynamics of Metallurgical Processes,
Cambridge University Press, 1985.
d. Guthrie, R.I.L, Engineering in Process Metallurgy, Clarendon Press, 1992
e. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK214243 (2 credit units)
Flotation 2. Prerequisites:
Have taken Material Transport and Storage (TKK212133)
3. Aim:
Able to apply chemical engineering principals in designing flotation circuit in particular for
sulphide and non sulphide minerals.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand the importance of flotation in the √
processing of sulphide and nonsulphide minerals.
2 To determine an appropriate flotation circuit (cleaner, √
scavenger, and rougher) for certain minerals based on
physical and chemical properties.
3 To apply mass balance principle in the flotation circuit. √
4 To develop flotation circuit for sulphide and non √
sulphide minerals including complex processes

5. Topics:
a. Introduction to Froth flotation and flotation circuits.
b. Reagents and their functions — collectors, frothers, depressants, and activators
c. Surface chemistry of mineral particles
d. Kinetics in flotation circuit
e. Flotation for sulphide and non sulphide minerals
f. Process flowsheet development for flotation unit
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 1, PO 2, PO 6, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √ √
LO3 √
LO4 √ √

7. Emphasized topics:
a. Principal of flotation in mineral processing
b. Design an appropriate flotation circuit in sulphide and non sulphide minerals
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
a. Highlight on basic understanding of flotation, the affecting factors, and froth
flotation circuits.
b. Deliver more theory application in industrial real cases.
9. Embedded learning:
1. Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
2. Critical thinking
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Wills, Barry and Tim Napier-Munn, 2006, Mineral Processing Technology, 7th
edition, Butterworth Heinmann,
b. M.C. Feurstenau, G. Jameson, and R.H. Yoon, Froth Flotation a century of
innovation, Society for Mining, Metallugy, and Exploration, 2007.
c. Srdjan M. Bulatovic, 2014, Handbook of Flotation Reagents Chemistry, Theory
and Practice: Flotationof Sulfide Ores, Elsevier Science & Technology Books,
d. Rao, SR, 2013, Surface Chemistry of Froth Flotation, 2 nd ed, Plenum Press, New
York and London
e. Recent journal/Publications related to the topic


Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK214244 (2 credit units)

Selected 2. Prerequisites: -
Topics in 3. Aim:
Mineral This course aims to provide general explanations related to the selected topics. This
Processin course intended to provide insights to students in order to know the latest scientific
g developments in the field.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply basic concepts of the selected √
2 To criticize latest developments of the √
selected topics
3 To analyse the importance of the selected √
topics and its applications.
5. Topics
Case studies in mineral processing industries including novel processes and
forefront technology.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies PO 5, PO 10
Program Outcomes (PO)
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
LO1 √
LO2 √
LO3 √
7. Emphasized topics:
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Learn independently, teamwork, communication, write individual report, final
9. Embedded learning:
Ethics, teamwork, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive grading system (assignments, group assignment, exams)
11. Feedback:
a. Report and final examination
b. Grading form
12. References: Textbooks and other relevant references. Recent
journal/Publications related to the selected topics


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