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NIM :4202227035



1. Klaimat posifi ,negatif dan introgatif dari present future tense dari kata kerja work

(+) I will work on the project tomorrow.

(Saya akan bekerja pada proyek itu besok.)

(+) They will work together to complete the task.

(Mereka akan bekerja bersama untuk menyelesaikan tugas.)

(+) She will work overtime to meet the deadline.

(Dia akan bekerja lembur untuk memenuhi batas waktu.)


(-) I will not work late tonight.

(Saya tidak akan bekerja hingga larut malam ini.)

(-) They won't work on the weekends.

(Mereka tidak akan bekerja pada akhir pekan.)

(-) They will not work for that company anymore.

(Mereka tidak akan bekerja untuk perusahaan itu lagi.)


(?) Will you work on the new project?

(Apakah Anda akan bekerja pada proyek baru?)

(?) Will they work from home tomorrow?

(Apakah mereka akan bekerja dari rumah besok?)

(?) When will she work on the report?

(Kapan dia akan bekerja pada laporan?)

2. active sentences into passive sentences

• Kalimat pasif Simple presen tense (study)

Active: She studies English every day.
(Dia belajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari.)
Passive: English is studied by her every day.
(Bahasa Inggris dipelajari olehnya setiap hari.)

• Simple past tense (listen)

Active: She listened to the music yesterday.
(Dia mendengarkan musik kemarin.)
Passive: The music was listened to by her yesterday.
(Musik itu didengarkan olehnya kemarin.)
• past continuouse tense(drive)
Active: She was driving the car when the accident happened.
(Dia sedang mengemudikan mobil ketika kecelakaan terjadi.)
Passive: The car was being driven by her when the accident happened.
(Mobil sedang dikemudikan olehnya ketika kecelakaan terjadi.)

• past perfect tense (visit)

Active: He had visited his grandparents by the time I arrived.
(Dia telah mengunjungi kakek-neneknya pada saat saya tiba.)
Passive: His grandparents had been visited by him by the time I arrived.
(Kakek-neneknya telah dikunjungi olehnya pada saat saya tiba.)

• present future tense (talk)

Active: She will talk to her friends later.
(Dia akan berbicara dengan teman-temannya nanti.)
Passive: Her friends will be talked to by her later.
(Teman-temannya akan dibicarakan olehnya nanti.)

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