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Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan kehadiran Allah SWT. atas limpahan rahmat dan
hidayah-Nya penyusun dapat menyelesaikan makalah Direct and Indirect Speech ini dengan
baik. Makalah ini diajukan guna memenuhi tugas Bahasa Inggris.

Kami mengucapkan terimah kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu
sehingga makalah ini dapat diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya. Makalah ini masih jauh dari
sempurna, oleh karena itu kritik dan saran yang brsifat membangun sangat kami harapkan
demi sempurnanya makalah Direct and Indirect Speech ini.

Semoga makalah Direct and Indirect Speech ini dapat bermanfaat bagi yang
membaca dan untuk pengembangan wawasan dan peningkatan ilmu pengetahuan bagi kita
semua. Aamiin
( Kalimat Langsung dan Tak Langsung)

A. Pengertian Direct and Indirect

Direct Speech is words or sentence said is direct the than the speaker, the sentence is not
altered or added (kata-kata atau kalimat yang diucapkan langsung dari si pembaca,
kalimat tersebut tidak diubah atau ditambah).
Whereas Indirect Speech is sentence said to submit the others statement (kalimat yang
diucapkan untuk menyampaikan pernyataan orang lain).
D : She says, “I’m very good in english”
I : She says that he is very good in english.

Jika dilihat pada kalimat direct speech (kalimat langsung), terdapat ciri-ciri yang identik
yaitu terdapat pada tanda petik (“). Tanda tersebut merupakan cara yang sering
digunakan untuk membedakan mana yang direct atau yang indirect. Ketika kalimat direct
speech tersebut dirubah menjadi kalimat indirect speech, tanda petik tersebut dihilangkan
atau digantikan dengan kata that atau to.

B. Perubahan dalam Direct and Indirect Speech

1. Adverb of time ( keterangan waktu) and Adverb of place (keterangan tempat).

Direct Indirect
Now Then
Today That day
Tomorrow The next day, the day after, the following day
Next .... The ... after, the following...
Last ..... The ... before, the previous ...
.... ago .... before
Yesterday The day before
The day before yesterday Two days before
Here There
This That
These Those
Direct : He told me: “ I went to malang yesterday”.
Indirect : He told me that he had gone to malang the previous day.

2. Pronoun and Possesive

Direct Indirect

I He / she
You Me / he / she / them / I / her / him
My His / her
Our Their / our
Your My / his / her
We They
Direct : Bella said me: “I go to campus everyday”
Indirect : Bella said me that she went to campus everyday.

3. Tenses
Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Simple Present (V1) Simple Past (V2)

Lika said: “I go to school today”. Lika said that she went to school that day.
Present Continuous (V1+ing) Past Continuous (V1+ing)
John said: “I am studying english John said that he was studying english
now”. then.
Present Perfect(S+have/has+V2) Past Perfect (S+had+V3)
Anggi said: “I have read your letter” Anggi said that she had read your letter.
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
(S+have/has+been+V1+ing) (S+have/has+been+V1+ing)
Hilmy said: “I have been waiting for Hilmy said that he had been waiting for
ages”. ages.
Past Simple (S+V2) Past Perfect (S+had+V3)
Ary said me: “I drank white coffee Ary said me that he had drunk white
today”. coffee that day.
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Father told me: “I was sick Father told me that he had been sick that
yesterday”. they before.
C. Penggunaan Direct and Indirect
1. Statement (kalimat pernyataan)
Pada umumnya direct statetment menggunakan kata kerja (say, tell, said, told, dll).
Sedangkan indirect statement, kata that (bahwa) digunakan sebagai penghubung
antara kalimat pengantar (he said, she said to me, he told me, she says, dll) dan kata-
kata yang dilaporkan.
D : He said, “I have seen the movie”.
I : He said that he had seen the movie.

2. Command (kalimat perintah)

a. Positive Command
Direct (Verb 1)
“Come in, please.” Said dony

Indirect (To + Verb 1)

Dony said her to come in.

b. Negative Command
Direct (Don’t + Verb 1)
“Don’t open the door!.”

Indirect (Not + to +Verb 1)

He told me not to open the door.

3. Question/ Interrogative (pertanyaan)

a. Yes, No Question → Pertanyaan yang diawali kata bantu seperti is, am, are, was,
were, do, does, did, has, have, had,dll.
Dalam Yes/ No Question, Indirect Speech dimulai dengan if/wheter (apakah).
 Present tense → Past tense
Direct : “Are you sail today?.”
Indirect: Diana asked me, wheter sailed that day.
 Past tense → Past perfect tense
Direct : “can you drove this motorcycle?.”
Indirect: Shanty asked wheter I could driven to motorcycle.
b. Question word Pertanyaan yang diawali dengan what, why, where, who, when,
how (5W1H)
 Present tense → Past tense
Direct : “where does margaret live?.”
Indirect : Diana wanted to know where Margaret lived.
 Past tense → Past perfect tense
Direct : “who opened the seminar yesterday?.”
Indirect : He wanted to know who had opened seminar the day before.


Hariyono, Rudy. Andrew Mc. Carthy. 2008. ABC Plus English Gramar.
Kurniawati, Cicik. Yuniarti Dwi Arini. 2013. PR BAHASA INGGRIS Untuk
SMA/MA Kelas XII. Klaten: Intan Pariwara.

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