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KD 3.5 menerapkan fungsi sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dantulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan /tindakan/
kegiatan /kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/ terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau dan waktu yang akan
datang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan presen tcontinuous, past
continuous, will+continuous)

TUJUAN : Mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang digunakan dalam terkait keadaan /tindakan/ kegiatan
/kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/ terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau dan waktu yang akan datang,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan presen tcontinuous, past
continuous, will+ continuous)

Fungsi sosial
Mengungkapkan sesuatu dengan tenses yang tepat sesuai waktu dan keadaan tertentu

Struktur teks
Ungkapan baku dalam tenses/pattern presen tcontinuous, past continuous, will+continuous

Unsur kebahasaan
(1) Tata bahasa: kalimat imperatif, negatif dan positif sesuai tenses
(2) Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang lazim digunakan
(3) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a,
the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal
(4) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
(5) Ejaan dan tanda baca
(6) Tulisan tangan
Makanan, minuman, barang, yang lazim atau terkait dengan hidup siswa di sekolah,
rumah, dan masyarakat, dengan memberikan keteladanan tentang perilaku jujur,
disiplin, percaya diri, kerjasama dan bertanggung jawab.



-Sikap : jurnal

-Pengetahuan : Tes tulis PG

Ketrampilan : presentasi cara membuat sesuatu

Mengetahui Yogyakarta, 16 Juli 2018

Kepala Sekolah SMPN 15 Yogyakarta Guru Mata Pelajaran

Siti Arina Budiastuti,M.Pd,B.I Pamintaningsihi,S.Pd

NIP 19660929 199903 2 004 NIP 197001201999032003


Present Progressive Used to say what I am studying English now
someone is doing

Positif: S + To be (am, is are)+ Ving
Negatif: S + To be (am,is, are)+ Not+ Ving
Tanya: To be (am, is, are) + S + Ving

Example :
Positive sentences:
- I am writing now (Saya sedang menulis sekarang)
- You are reading my article at present
- She is waiting for you.

Negative sentences:
- I am NOT writing now (Saya sedang tidak menulis sekarang)
- You are NOT reading my article at present
- She is NOT waiting for you.

Interrogative sentences :

- Are you writing now? (Apakah kamu sedang menulis sekarang?)

- Are You reading my article at present?
- Is she waiting for you.

Question words :


Past Continuous Often used to say  I was studying English

when something last Monday when my
was being done friend rang.
or what was
happening when  I was studying English
something else at 5pm last Monday.
Past Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi juga,
tetapi sedang terjadi sekarang, melainkan sedang terjadi tetapi dulu, tetapi sudah lewat.

1. Rumus Past Continuous Tense

Positif (+) : S + was/were + Ving
Negatif (-) : S + was/were + NOT + Ving
Tanya (?) : Was/Were + S + Ving

For example :

a. Positive sentences :

1. I was sleeping when my friend came to my house yesterday

2. They were learning in the classroom when I came

3. I was writing

4. Joko was sleeping

b.  Negative sentences

1. I was not sleeping when my friend came to my house yesterday

2. They were not learning in the classroom when I came

3. I was not writing

4. Joko was not sleeping

c. Interrogative sentences:

1. Was I sleeping when my friend came to my house yesterday?

2. Were they learning in the classroom when I came?

3. Was I writing?

4. Was Joko sleeping?


1. Formula untuk Future Continuous tense atau Future Progressive Tense adalah:
a. Pattern 1
(+) Subject + will + be + ( verb1+ing) + object + modifier
Subject + will + not + be + (verb1+ing) + object +
(?) Will + subject + be + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier?

For Examples :
(+) Farmers in Jati Bali will be growing rice crops at 9 a.m. tomorrow. (Petani-
petani di Jati Bali akan sedang menanam padi jam 9 pagi besok).
(-) Farmers in Jati Bali will be not growing rice crops at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
(Petani-petani di Jati Bali tidak akan sedang menanam padi jam 9 pagi
(?) Will farmers in Jati Bali be growing rice crops at 9 a.m. tomorrow?.
(Akankah petani-petani di Jati Bali sedang menanam padi jam 9 pagi besok).

b. Pattern 2

Subject + [(is/am/are/) going to] + be + (verb1+ing) +

object + modifier
Subject + [(is/am/are/) + not + going to] + be +
(verb1+ing) + object + modifier
(is/am/are/) + subject + going to + be + Subject +
(verb1+ing) + object + modifier

For example :

(+) My daughter is going to be watching TV at 8.30 tonight. 

(-) My daughter isn’t going to be watching TV at 8.30 tonight. 
(?) Is my daughter going to be watching TV at 8.30 tonight? 

2. Future Continuous Tense digunakan

a. Untuk menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu yang
spesifik di masa depan. Spesifikasi waktu biasanya dinyatakan dengan jam (i.e.
jam berapa kejadian itu berlangsung).
For example :
5. My daughter  will be watching TV at eight thirty  tonight. (Putri saya akan
sedang nonton TV jam 8.30 malam ini)
Sebagai seorang ibu, saya tahu rutinitas putri saya. Jam 3 -5 belajar atau
ngerjakan PR, jam 8-9 nonton TV, 9-11 bejalar lagi. Karena sudah tahu persis
rutinitas putri saya tersebut, saya berani bilang bahwa pada jam 8.30 nanti, dia
sedang nonton TV.
6. She will be copying the materials at 10 o’clock this morning. (Dia akan
sedang memfotokopi materi jam 10 pagi ini). Asumsi, sekarang belum jam 10
7. I will be  discussing English with my classmates at 2 p.m. next Friday. (Saya
akan sedang mendiskusikan bahasa Inggris dengan teman-teman kelas saya
jam 2 sore Jumat depan).
8. I will be being busy at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. (Saya akan sedang sibuk
jam 8 pagi besok).
9. They will be being very happy at 9 o’clock next Saturday night. (Mereka akan
sedang sangat bahagia jam 9 malam minggu depan). Asumsi, mereka baru
jadian (pacaran).
10. This time next year, she will be studying Economics at the University of
Toronto. (Bulan ini tahun depan, dia akan sedang belajar/kuliah Ekonomi di
Universitas Toronto).
11. They will be taking an English exam at 10 a.m. tomorrow. (Mereka akan
sedang mengikuti ujian bahasa Inggris jam 10 besok pagi).
12. We will be watching  a football game at 11 p.m. tonight. (Kami akan sedang
nonton pertandingan sepak bola jam 11 malam ini).

b. Untuk menyatakan kejadian/aktivitas yang sedang terjadi/berlangsung di masa

depan, yang terinterupsi oleh kejadian yang lain. Dalam hal ini, formulanya adalah
sebagai berikut:

When + subject1 + simple present tense, subject2 + future

Subject1 + future continuous + when + subject2 + simple present

Note: Kejadian/aktivitas yang menginterupsi dinyatakan dalam simple present

tense dan berfungsi sebagai keterangan waktu; Sisipkan tanda koma, jika letaknya
mendahului future continuous. Koma tidak diperlukan jika ditempatkan setelah
future continuous.

For example :

1. When I arrive home, my daughter will be watching TV. (Ketika saya tiba di

rumah, putri saya akan sedang nonton TV). My daughter punya habit nonton
2. When I call him tonight, he will be playing card with his friends. (Ketika saya
telpon dia malam ini, dia sedang main kartu dengan teman-
temannya). He punya habit main kartu sama teman-temannya tiap malam.
3. I will be waiting  for you outside the class when you finish your exam. (Saya
akan sedang menunggu di luar kelas ketika kamu selesai ujian).
4. He will still be studying at the library tonight, so he will not see his mother
when she arrives home. (Dia akan masih sedang belajar di perpustakaan malam
ini, jadi dia tidak akan melihat ibunya ketika ibunya tiba di rumah).
5. When I go to her house on Saturday night, she will be being with her
boyfriend. (Jika saya pergi ke rumahnya malam minggu ini, dia akan sedang
bersama dengan pacarnya).

c. Juga digunakan untuk menyatakan dua kejadian yang terjadi pada saat bersamaan
di masa depan. Dalam hal ini, gunakan formula berikut:

While + subject1 + present continuous, subject2 +  future

Subject1 + future continuous + while + subject2 + present

For example:
1. While I am typing another note tonight, my family will be watching TV in
the family room. (Sementara saya sedang mengetik catatan yang lain malam
ini, keluarga saya akan sedang nonton TV di ruang keluarga).
2. While the president is giving his speech, the audience will be listening
to him carefully. (Sementara presiden sedang berpidato, pemirsa/hadirin akan
sedang mendengarkannya dengan seksama).
3. Male students will be playing around while the female
ones are chitchatting. (Murid laki-laki akan sedang bermain-main sementara
murid-murid wanita sedang ngobrol). Kapan mereka belajar ya?
4. My roommate will be snoring loudly while I am studying. (Teman sekamar
saya sedang mendengkur keras sementara saya sedang belajar).
5. We will be  smoking while others are drinking. (Kami akan sedang merokok
sementara yang lain akan sedang minum).
6. John will be washing dishes while Jane is making  dinner. (John akan sedang
mencuci piring sementara Jane sedang masak untuk makan malam).
REMEMBER: Hindari menggunakan keterangan waktu “While + future
continous tense“. Tetapi, kalau keterangan waktunya tidak menggunakan
“while“, barulah tiap clause dari kejadian yang sedang berlangsung secara
bersamaan ini dinyatakan dengan future continuous tense.

1. Sorry, we can’t practice our band in my house tonight. My dad  will be

having his colleagues over and my brother  will be studying for his final
exam. (Maaf, kita tidak bisa latihan band di rumah saya malam ini. Bapak
saya akan sedang menjamu kolega-koleganya di rumah dan kakak saya akan
sedang belajar untuk ujian akhirnya.
2. The party will start at 8 pm. I’ll get there around 9. When I get there, Budi
and his band will be performing. Some people will be dancing, some will be
drinking and smoking, and the others  will be just talking. (Pestanya akan
dimulai jam 8 malam. Saya akan tiba di sana sekitar jam 9. Ketika saya tiba di
sana, Budi dan bandnya akan sedang perform. Bebeerapa orang akan sedang
berdansa, beberapa akan sedang minum dan merokok, dan yang lainnya akan
sedang ngobrol saja).
d. Untuk menyatakan suatu hal atau kejadian yang diyakini/benar-benar akan
segera terjadi.
For example :
1. I think the sun  will be shining soon. (Saya kira matahari akan segera sedang
2. Oh no! The clouds are very dark and thick. It will be raining soon. (Oh tidak!
Awan sangat gelap dan tebal. Akan segera sedang turun hujan).

D. Adverbs of time

Tenses Adverb of time

Present continuous tense Now, right now,
Past Continuous tense Yesterday, last night, last week,
Future continuous tense Tomorrow, next year, next month


Video about “Lonney’s activities”.
Video Bout “The activities doing in the past”.
Kuta Beach
Picture 1 :

Situation :
Jack is reading a news paper. He finds advertisement for
promo holiday in Kuta beach. He will be planning to go
there. He will be sunbathing in Kuta beach.

Song video future continuous

Picture 2:
Situation :
Everyday, The Bowen always
breakfast at 7 o’clock. Mr. Bowen is
going to meet her brother tomorrow
morning. Tommorow morining at 7.15
a.m. when His old friend come, Mr.
Bowen and his family will be having

Picture 3 :
Situation :

Picture 1 (mother goes to traditional market

buying chicken)

Picture 2 ( Mother and Susi make roasted


Picture 4 (tonight, when mother and I will be having dinner, my father arrives home)

Lembar Kerja siswa pertemuan 1

Activity 1. Make an observation outside about the activities that you see!

Activty 2. Write down into table below the activities happening at the moment you see!
Activities places Time
The headmaster is in front of library 9 o’clock
Activity 3. Fill in the blanks using action verbs+ing stating the activities that are

Activity 4. Match the pictures of the activities using the appropriate action verbs by
adding- ing, than complete the blanks in the dialogs!

1 2 3

Teach read cook

Sing Watch
1. A : ____ he _____ television?
B : Yes, ______

2. A : ____ she ____ at the pub?

B : Yes, _____

3. A : ____ Yenny and her mother ______ at the kitchen?

B : Yes, ______

4. A : Where ____ he teaching?

B : he __________ in the classroom.

5. A : When ____ she reading a book?

B : She _______ reading a book at 7 o’clock.

Lembar Kerja siswa pertemuan 2

Activity 2. Write down the sentences describing the pictures considering the use of past
tense and past continuous tense!
Activity 1. Complete the blank sentences by choosing simple past/past continuous formof
the verbs in the brackets. There may be more than one correct answer!
1. While Rob . . . . . . . . . . (practice) the cello, his brother . . . . . . . . . . his car.
2. When the dog . . . . . . . . . . (hear) the burglars, it . . . . . . . . . .
3. I . . . . . . . . . . (sleep) when the fire . . . . . . . . . . (break out)
4. All the children . . . . . . . . . . (shout) when the headmaster . . . . . . . . . .
(come) in.
5. Jack and Tina . . . . . . . . . . (play) outside when it . . . . . . . . . . (start) to
6. Who . . . . . . . . . . (sing) so loudly, while we . . . . . . . . . (try) to sleep?
7. Why . . . . . . . . . . (you/not pay attention), while I . . . . . . . . . . .(talk)?
8. They . . . . . . . . . . (see) a good play, while they . . . . . . . . . . (stay) in New
9. Yesterday, while I . . . . . . . . . (rest), someone . . . . . . . . . . . (ring) the
10. We . . . . . . . . . . (have) such a good time that we . . . . . . . . (not want) to go

Lembar Kerja siswa pertemuan 3

Activity 1. Make an interview to one of your friends about the activities they will be doing
at certain time in the future using interview card!

Activity 2. Write down the interview report inform of text stuctures of stating and asking
activities happening at a certain time in the future!
Name of intervieweer :

No. Interview Questions Answer

1. What will you be doing tomorrow I will be washing
afternoon at 4 p.m.? dishes.
2. After that, what will you be …………………
doing? .
3. When will you be taking a bath? …………………
4. ……………………………… …………………
5. ……………………………… …………………
6. ………………………………… …………………
Pertemuan 1
Activity 1and 2

Answer may vary.

Activity 3

1. It is raining heavity and we can’t go out to play in the garden.

2. Mr. Black is typing a letter of complaint to the supplier.
3. Our neighbours are travelling to the seaside by car.
4. My cousins are fishing in the pond.
5. Jack is smiling because he is very happy.
6. Molly is fedding the animals in the park.
7. The children are acting in a school play tonight.
8. Trevor is sunbathing at the beach in the Caribbean.
9. I am flying a kite with my dad in the garden.
10. We are playing tag in the playground. We are having a great time.
11. Bobby is writing his literature essay.
12. My sister is helping in the garden and she is watering flowers
13. Ted and Liz are taking dog for a walk in the park.
14. We are building a sandcastle.
15. Alan is riding a soccer outside and he wearing a helmet.

Activity 4

a. Match picture and the action verbs in the box.

1. Sing
2. Watch
3. Cook
4. Teach
5. Read
b. Fill the blank dialog using the action verbs above and don’t forget to put –ing.
1. A : IS he watching television?
B : Yes,he is.

2. A : Is she singing at the pub?

B : Yes, she is.

3. A : Are Yenny and her mother cooking at the kitchen?

B : Yes, they are.

4. A : Where is he teaching?
B : he is teaching in the classroom.

5. A : When is she reading a book?

B : She is reading a book at 7 o’clock.
Pertemuan 2

Activity 1

1. While Rob was practicing (practice) the cello, his brother was fixing (fix) his car.
2. When the dog heard (hear) the burglars, it was barking (bark).
3. I was sleeping . (sleep) when the fire broke out (break out).
4. All the children were shouting (shout) when the headmaster came (come) in.
5. Jack and Tina were playing (play) outside when it started (start) to snow.
6. Who was singing (sing) so loudly, while we tried . (try) to sleep?
7. Why were you not pay attenting (you/not pay attention), while I told (talk)?
8. They were seeing (see) a good play, while they stayed (stay) in New York.
9. Yesterday, while Iwas resting (rest), someone rang (ring) the doorbell.
We had (have) such a good time that we were not wanting (not want) to go home.

Activity 2

Picture 1 : I saw Sue in town yesterday but she didn’t see me. She was looking the other

Picture 2 : I met Tom and Ann at th airport a few weeks ago. They were going to Berling
and I was going to Madrid. We were having a chal while we waited for our

Picture 3 : I was riding bycycle to home yesterday when suddenly a man stepped out into
the road in front of me. I went quite fas but luckily I was managing to stop in
time and didn’t hit him.

Pertemuan 3

Activity 1 and 2

Chose the correct answer for the question below!

1. Tom will be……. English for an hour if you invite him to play football at 8a.m
a Study
b Studied
c Studies
d Studying
e To study
2. He…. Be cleaning his room if you come to his house at 9a.m next Sunday
a Will
b Shall
c Do
d Does
e Did
3. If I come to your house at 8p.m tonight, will you….studying?
a Do
b Does
c Been
d Did
e be
4. We will…staying in Paris at 9a.m next Saturday
a Been
b Does
c Be
d Do
e Did
5. If you meet at 8p.m tonight, they will be…their homework
a Done
b Doing
c Does
d Do
e Did


Complete the sentences with present continuous tense (am, is, are . . . ing), past continuous
tense (was, were , and future continuous tense (will be . . ., will be
1. Please be quiet, I . . . . (work)
2. Look! Somebody . . . . (swim) in the river
3. We are here on vacation. We . . . . . (stay) at the On The Rock Hotel
4. “where is Auni?”. “ She . . . . . (take) a shower.”
5. I . . . . . (write) a composition at the same time as my sister . . . . . (play) tennis.
6. They . . . . . (see) a good play while they . . . . . (stay) in New York.
7. Yesterday, while I . . . . . (rest), someone . . . . . (ring) the doorbell.
8. I can’t come to your house at noon. By then, I. . . . . (fly America)
9. Don’t phone on Monday . . . . (we have party)
10. Will you . . . .(see) Laura tomorrow?


1. Please be quiet, I am working (work)
2. Look! Somebody are swimming (swim) in the river
3. We are here on vacation. We are staying (stay) at the On The Rock Hotel
4. “where is Auni?”. “ She is taking (take) a shower.”
5. I was writing (write) a composition at the same time as my sister was playing (play)
6. They were seeing (see) a good play while they stayed (stay) in New York.
7. Yesterday, while I rested (rest), someone was ringing (ring) the doorbell.
8. I can’t come to your house at noon. By then , I will be flying America (fly America)
9. Don’t phone on Monday , we will be having party (we have party)
10. Will you be seeing (see) Laura tomorrow?

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