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Investigating Factors of Anxiety Faced by Student in Speaking English: A Case Study in

Junior High School

Anzhari Hanandio Haidar1, Alan Jaelani2, Eska P. Prasetya3

Universitas Ibn Khaldun


Kecemasan adalah perasaan frustrasi, terancam, ketakutan, ketegangan, dan kekhawatiran yang dialami sebagian
besar siswa saat melakukan bahasa Inggris lisan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki faktor-faktor yang
menyebabkan kecemasan siswa dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif yang
melibatkan 10 siswa berkemampuan berbicara rendah sebagai partisipan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui
kuesioner dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kurangnya kosa kata merupakan faktor kecemasan
yang paling dominan dihadapi siswa (52,6%). Faktor lainnya adalah kurangnya kosa kata (47,50%), kurangnya
latihan (45,0%), kurangnya persiapan (47,0%), takut membuat kesalahan (47,0%), ketidakmampuan untuk
mengungkapkan ide (45,0%), kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang rendah (46,0%) dan takut menjadi perhatian
(46,0%). Temuan menunjukkan bahwa faktor kecemasan harus dipertimbangkan oleh guru dalam membantu
siswa mengatasi masalah terutama kurangnya kosa kata siswa sebagai faktor dominan.

Kata kunci: kecemasan, berbicara bahasa Inggris, kecakapan bahasa Inggris.


Anxiety is a feeling of frustration, being threatened, apprehension, tension, and worry that most student
experience when performing spoken English. This research aims to investigate the factors that lead to students
anxiety in speaking English. This study is descriptive qualitative which involved 10-low-speaking-proficiency
students’ as participants. The data were gathered through questionnaire and interview. This study finds that
lack of vocabulary is the most dominant factors of anxety faced by the students (52.6%). The other factors are
lack of vocabulary (47.50 %), lack of practice (45.0 %), lack of preparation (47.0 %), fear of making mistakes
(47.0 %), inability to express ideas (45.0 %), low English proficiency (46.0%) and fear of being attention (46.0
%). The findings suggest that the factors of anxiety should be considered by the teacher in helping students cope
with the problems especially for student’s lack of vocabulary as the dominant factors.

Keyword: anxiety, speaking English, English proficiency.

INTRODUCTION language to express meanings in order that people

In this globalization era, English has the most may understand what they talk about.
important role for communication and as a bridge In addition, most English language
to connect people around the world. English is also teachers excessively portion the skills of speaking,
the second language of many countries where the while students' speaking skills seem to be ignored.
primary language is not English, such as Malaysia, The learning appraisal system also tends to be done
Singapore, and others. However, in Indonesia, only on the cognitive aspect, not on the affective
English is taught as a foreign language. It has been and- psychomotor aspects. As a result, interest and
introduced in Kindergarten, Elementary, Primary learning activities of students in these subjects are
school, and University. generally low, which in the end student’s
In learning English, there are four skills: achievement in this lesson is low.
speaking, writing, reading and listening, that Generally, the students want to speak English
students have to master in order to be competence appropriately, but they still find some problems in
in the language. Unfortunately, they do not speaking because to speak in English is not easy for
perfectly master them especially speaking skill. them. Brown (2007) assumes that speaking is more
Meanwhile, speaking is the most important because difficult to be acquired than the three others.
from speaking, people can express their ideas, Therefore, they find out difficulties in learning
thoughts, feelings, and opinions to others. Cameron speaking class. One of the difficulties is due to
(2011) assumes that speaking is the active use of anxiety. Anxiety problem seems affecting them in
learning speaking skill. Woodrow (2006) assumes express ideas, low english proficiency, being
anxiety is a problem in language learning and has focus attention. The percentages factors of anxiety
contributing effects toward speaking English. in speaking skill in the table below.
Meanwhile, Na (2007) supports that language
anxiety is an affective hindrance on second or The percentage of anxiety fac-
foreign language acquisition. tors
LejlaHadziosmanovic (2012) gives the 4750%
examples of the anxiety in speaking skill such as 4700%
feeling nervous, worried, and fear when doing 4650%
presentation or talking in front of the class. They 4600%
show some of the symptoms of anxiety when they 4550%
practice English speaking in the classroom, such as 4500%
sweating, blushing, heart beating faster, dizzying
and even moving a lot during the presentation.
Those occur because they think their language 4400%
problems such as their grammar, vocabulary, and 4350%
pronunciation. In addition, they are worried of
making mistakes, fear of being commented and
laughed by their teacher and friends, because they
think that English is difficult subject. Therefore,
they cannot perform maximally and finally, they
get poor achievement in learning English speaking

METHOD Excerpt 1
This research is classified as case study using “I think I cannot speak in English because I dont
descriptive qualitative method. Case study is have good vocabuary.”
basically an intensive study of an individual or
group that is seen having a particular case. A case Excerpt 2
study is a single instance of some bound system, “I know it in bahasa Indonesia but I do not know
which can range from one individual to a class, a how to say it in English.”
school, or an entire community. The data gathered
can include interview data, narrative accounts, In conclusion, the research’s findings show that
classroom observations, verbal reports, and written lack of vocabulary is the most causes of students in
documents. learning speaking English.
Bodgan and Taylor in Setiyadi (2006: 219) explain
that qualitative research which produces descriptive CONCLUSION
data in written or spoken words from the people There are seven factors leading to low students’
and their behaviour which can be observe. The anxiety in learning English speaking skill by Liu
researcher used descriptive design in this research (2007) First, lack of vocabulary is the most
because this research is focus on a certain case dominant factors anxious faced by low students,
study in the school environment. In this case the there are 47,50% of respondents who feel anxious
case study was the activities of teaching and in speaking skill because they have limited
learning English. Therefore, the appropriate design vocabulary. Second, lack of preparation, there are
can be use in conducting this research was 47,0% respondents who had anxiety in speaking
descriptive research. The design consisted two because they unprepared. Third, fear of making
stages. The first were giving the questionnaire for mistakes, there are 47,0% of respondents who had
low students. The secondstage was doing the anxiety because they are afraid to speak if they
interview with the low students. This interview have mistakes. Fourth, low English proficiency,
happened after the researcher did the questionnaire. there are 46% of respondents who felt anxious
because their English is poor. Fifth, fear of being
RESULT AND DISCUSSION attention, there are 46% of respondents who felt
The questions asked on the closed ended anxious because they felt uneasy if their friend
questionnaire were designed to answer all of the focused on him when speak English in front of
problems statements in this research. The following class. Sixth, lack of practice, there are 45%
are the findings revealed from close ended respondents who had their feeling anxious in
questionnaire about the factors of anxiety in speaking because they do not practice. And the last
speaking skill, such as lack inability to express ideas, there are 45% of
of vocabulary, lack of practice, lack of respondents who felt anxious because they do not
preparation, fear of making mistake, inability to know what to say.
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language learning and teaching (4th
Edition). London: Logman.

Brown. D. H (2004). Language

Assessment: Principles and classroom
practice. New York: Logman

Brown, D. H (2007). Frist language

acquisition principles of language
learning and teaching (5th edition).
Pearson ESL.

Cameron, L. (2001) Teaching language to

young learners. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

Cubukcu, F. (2007). Foreign language

anxiety. Iranian of Journal language
studies (IJLS). Vol.1(2)

Dixon, T. (2001). Understanding anxiety

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