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3/30/2021 Laporan kasus pneumomediastinum dan emfisema subkutan yang terkait dengan pandemi COVID-19 pada pria berusia

a berusia 43 tahun.

Clin Imaging. 2021 Agustus; 76: 74–76. PMCID : PMC7808249

Diterbitkan online 2021 14 Januari. Doi: 10.1016 / j.clinimag.2021.01.009 PMID: 33578133

Laporan kasus pneumomediastinum dan emfisema subkutan yang

terkait dengan pandemi COVID-19 pada pria berusia 43 tahun.
Rojin Ramezani , seorang Farzane Jafari , seorang Yaser Fahami , b Abdolghader Pakniyat , c, ⁎ dan
Mohammad Ghasemi Rad d
aKurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran
bDepartment of Internal Medicine, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Saqqez, Iran
cDepartment of Emergency medicine, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran
dDepartment of Interventional Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,

MA, United States

⁎Corresponding author.

Received 2020 Mar 28; Revised 2020 Dec 31; Accepted 2021 Jan 6.

Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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COVID-19 adalah penyakit yang baru muncul dengan angka kematian tinggi di antara orang tua dan
pasien dengan kondisi medis yang mendasarinya. Kami melaporkan kasus infeksi COVID-19 yang
dikonfirmasi dengan komplikasi pneumomediastinum.

Kata kunci: COVID-19, Kematian, Infeksi, Pneumomediastinum

1. Perkenalan
COVID-19, sebuah virus korona baru, menyebabkan pandemi global pada Maret 2020. 1 Pasien covid-
19 pertama didiagnosis dengan pneumonia virus atipikal di Wuhan, Cina, pada akhir Desember 2019. 2
Keluarga virus korona pertama kali dikarakterisasi pada tahun 1960-an. Mereka menyebabkan berbagai
gejala pernapasan. COVID-19 dapat asimtomatik atau hadir dengan gejala ringan hingga berat seperti
keterlibatan paru yang parah dengan pasien yang memerlukan bantuan ventilasi. Ia juga dapat
mengalami mutasi yang cepat dan rekombinasi yang sering selama bertahun-tahun. [3] , [4] , [5]Virus ini
memiliki masa inkubasi selama 2-14 hari. Banyak subjek yang terinfeksi tidak menunjukkan gejala
atau mungkin hadir dengan gejala pernapasan ringan yang tumpang tindih dengan flu biasa dan
influenza. Orang lain bisa datang dengan demam (77–98%), batuk (46% -82%), mialgia atau kelelahan
(11–52%), dan sesak napas (3-31%). Gejala lain mungkin termasuk hidung berair atau tersumbat, sakit
tenggorokan, batuk dengan produksi dahak, hemoptisis, sakit kepala, nyeri tubuh, diare, dan mual.
Standar acuan untuk diagnosis adalah swap tenggorokan RT-PCR (SARS-CoV-2 RNA) virus hidup,
yang dapat berlangsung selama 24-72 jam. 6 , 7 Menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), sekitar 1/6
3/30/2021 Laporan kasus pneumomediastinum dan emfisema subkutan yang terkait dengan pandemi COVID-19 pada pria berusia 43 tahun.

20% pasien dengan COVID-19 mengalami gagal napas yang parah dan mungkin memerlukan oksigen
atau ventilasi mekanis. 1 , 8Computed tomography dada pada tahap awal untuk mereka yang menderita
pneumonia menunjukkan kekeruhan ground-glass perifer bilateral. 9 , 10

Pneumomediastinum (PM) didefinisikan sebagai perangkap udara di ruang mediastinal dan

diklasifikasikan menjadi dua jenis; patologi spontan dan sekunder. 11 , 12 siang adalah komplikasi yang
tidak biasa dari penyakit pernapasan seperti RSV, 13 Influenza, 14 Asma, 15 dan HSV. 16 Pasien
mungkin asimtomatik atau datang dengan nyeri dada (58, 37,2%), dispnea, demam, muntah, krepitasi /
udara subkutan, dan disfagia. 17 , 18 PM Sekunder pada pasien COVID-19 dilaporkan merupakan
komplikasi dari ventilasi mekanis dan intubasi yang sulit. [19] , [20] , [21]

Ini adalah kasus pertama virus COVID-19 yang dikonfirmasi laboratorium di wilayah barat Iran, yang
dipersulit dengan pneumomediastinum. Dalam tinjauan literatur Inggris, kasus kami adalah pasien
kedua dengan COVID-19 terkonfirmasi dengan komplikasi pneumomediastinum.

2. Deskripsi kasus
Seorang pria berusia 43 tahun dengan riwayat batuk selama empat hari (tanpa dahak), sakit kepala,
mialgia, kelelahan, dan sesak napas yang progresif dirujuk ke bagian gawat darurat Rumah Sakit
Saqqez, Universitas Ilmu Kedokteran Kurdistan, Sananadaj, Iran . Anggota keluarganya, termasuk istri,
anak laki-laki, dan ayah mertuanya, juga mengalami gejala serupa namun ringan selama dua minggu
terakhir. Pasien bukan perokok, tidak memiliki masalah kesehatan sebelumnya, dan tidak sedang dalam
pengobatan. Alat vitalnya adalah sebagai berikut: tekanan darah normal, takikardia (120 / menit),
takipnea (30 / menit), dan saturasi oksigen 93%. Pemeriksaan fisik signifikan untuk kursus kresek di
dasar paru bilateral dan pemeriksaan jantung normal. Pemindaian computed tomography (CT)
menunjukkan konsolidasi perifer multi-lobar bilateral dan kekeruhan ground-glass,Gambar 1 ); namun,
CXR tidak diperoleh dan juga ventilasi invasif tidak digunakan.

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3/30/2021 Laporan kasus pneumomediastinum dan emfisema subkutan yang terkait dengan pandemi COVID-19 pada pria berusia 43 tahun.

Gambar 1

Pemindaian Ct Dada pada tingkat mediastinum atas pasien dengan COVID-19 yang dikonfirmasi
menunjukkan kekeruhan kaca tanah perifer bilateral.

Pemeriksaan laboratorium menunjukkan gas darah arteri: pH: 7,45, paO2: 70 mmHg, paCO2: 46
mmHg, bikarbonat 28 mmol / L, protein reaktif C: positif (4+), reaksi berantai polimerase positif untuk
COVID-19 (RT-PCR) , tes fungsi ginjal dan hati normal serta kadar elektrolit normal, hematologi:
hemoglobin 16,6 g / Dl, jumlah sel darah putih 4,3 * 109 sel / L, dan jumlah trombosit 121 * 109 sel /
L. Lihat PDF

The patient was admitted to an isolated critical care unit with noninvasive monitoring, including facial
mask O2 (5L/min) and started on imipenem 500 mg, (per 6 h) and omeprazole gastric ulcer
prophylaxis. The patient was also started on a three-drug treatment regimen according to the Ministry
of Health's Guidelines [Chloroquine phosphate 150 mg (single dose), Lopinavir 200 mg (twice a day),
and Ribavirin 1200 mg (daily)]. On the second day of admission, he developed worsening chest
discomfort (retrosternal pain) and neck swelling with crepitus. The patient's heart sounds were muffled
but normal. The oxygen saturation dropped by 78%, and respiratory rate reached 36 per minute.
Emergent CT chest without contrast was performed, which demonstrated improved pulmonary
parenchymal findings and new pneumomediastinum with subcutaneous emphysema (Fig. 2, Fig. 3 ).
The patient was started on hydrocortisone 100 mg (per 6 h) and intravenous vitamin C. He remained in
the critical care unit for the next few days with no change in his treatment regimen. His neck swelling
and chest discomfort were improved. Repeated CT on the seventh day of the admission was performed,
which demonstrated the resolution of pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema with
persistent bilateral ground-glass opacity (Fig. 4 ). The patient was discharged home asymptomatic with
oxygen saturation of 93% on room air on day 14. We did not repeat RT-PCR prior to his discharge. The
patient was isolated at home and followed by his family physician daily for 2 weeks and then mouthy
for 3 months. 3/6
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Fig. 2

Chest Ct Scan at the level of great vessels of a patient with confirmed COVID-19 demonstrates bilateral
consolidation, ground glass opacities as well as air (pneumomediastinum) along the right mediastinal

Open in a separate window

Fig. 3

Coronal computed tomography of the chest demonstrated pneumomediastinum as well as left lower neck
subcutaneous emphysema.

Open in a separate window

Fig. 4

CT axial chest at below the carina demonstrates bilateral consolidations with resolution of

3. Discussion
COVID19 pneumonia is a new infectious disease due the coronavirus family. It soon became a Lihat PDF
worldwide threat, and the World health organization declared its pandemic in the early March 2020. At
the time of this report, there are approximately thirty million patients confirmed with COVID-19
infection and more than 900 thousand deaths from its complications. Although most of the individuals
infected with this novel virus have mild symptoms, it can cause severe respiratory symptoms in the
elderly and those with underlying medical conditions. Our knowledge about COVID-19 is unfolding as
thousands of researchers around the world are studying different aspects of the disease, including its
epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. The Chest CT Scan has been
proved to be a valuable tool in screening the complications of COVID-19 pneumonia. In the early
stages, there are bilateral ground-glass opacities that can progress over time to diffuse consolidations.
A patient with positive COVID-19, confirmed based on laboratory, CT scan, and RT-PCR results, was
isolated in an intensive care unit and developed pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema
during hospitalization. The incidence of pneumomediastinum (which is often accidentally found on
imaging in radiology) is rare, i.e. 1 in 32,896 cases in the general population.12 Its pathophysiology is
described by the Macklin phenomenon, which is an alveolar rupture caused by an enhanced pressure in
alveolar space (by coughing, sneezing, vomiting, and labor). The potential causes of this problem are
severe pulmonary infection, blunt or penetrating chest trauma, diagnostic interventions, illicit drug
inhalation, as well as idiopathic causes.[22], [23], [24], [25] It can be easily recognized by computed
tomography of the thorax.11 4/6
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In conclusion We have reported a case of COVID-19 pneumonia complicated by pneumomediastinum.

Early Chest CT imaging allowed recognition of this complication which was treated with conservative
supportive care.26 Such care prevented further progression which was documented by follow-up CT
that showed resolution of the pneumomediastinum.12

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