Anda di halaman 1dari 39


Regresi berganda

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

PER 15,0856 3,23268 115

ROA ,1122 ,17269 115
DPR 33,0174 21,24790 115
LK 18,7757 4,62001 115



Pearson Correlation PER 1,000 ,122 ,002 ,320

ROA ,122 1,000 -,036 ,154

DPR ,002 -,036 1,000 ,124

LK ,320 ,154 ,124 1,000

Sig. (1-tailed) PER . ,097 ,490 ,000
ROA ,097 . ,351 ,050
DPR ,490 ,351 . ,094
LK ,000 ,050 ,094 .
N PER 115 115 115 115

ROA 115 115 115 115

DPR 115 115 115 115

LK 115 115 115 115

Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Removed Method

1 LK, DPR, ROA b

. Enter

a. Dependent Variable: PER

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summaryb
Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 ,330a ,109 ,085 3,09283 1,724

a. Predictors: (Constant), LK, DPR, ROA

b. Dependent Variable: PER

nilai durbin-watson adalah sebesar 1,724. Nilai tersebut berada pada interval tidak ada autokorelasi yaitu diantara 1,66 sampai 2,34. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa

model regresi terbebas dari problem autokorelasi.

Nilai pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat adalah sebesar 8,5%. Sisanya 91,5% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar penelitian.


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 129,541 3 43,180 4,514 ,005b

Residual 1061,784 111 9,566

Total 1191,325 114

a. Dependent Variable: PER

b. Predictors: (Constant), LK, DPR, ROA

F hitung sebesar 279,103 dengan probabilitas 0,005. Nilai probabilitas signifikansi tersebut (0,005 ≤ 0,05) dan nilai F hitung (279,103), maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa

model regresi yang digunakan sudah layak (fit).


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 10,994 1,251 8,791 ,000

ROA 1,358 1,700 ,073 ,798 ,426 ,973 1,028

DPR -,005 ,014 -,034 -,371 ,711 ,982 1,019

LK ,219 ,064 ,313 3,418 ,001 ,959 1,042

a. Dependent Variable: PER

- Dapat disimpulkan bahwa seluruh variabel independen dari penelitian ini memiliki nilai tolerance lebih dari 0,1 dan nilai VIF kurang dari 10 yang berarti tidak

terjadi multikolinearitas antar variabel independen.

- Variabel Laba kotor berpengaruh positif signifikan dengan nilai sig (0,001) < 0,05 dan nilai t sebesar 3,418. Sedangkan variabel DPR dan ROA tidak berpengaruh

terhadap harga saham

- Persamaan linear berganda:

PER = 10,994 + 1,358 ROA – 0,005 DPR + 0,219 LK + e

Coefficient Correlationsa


1 Correlations LK 1,000 -,131 -,160

DPR -,131 1,000 ,056

ROA -,160 ,056 1,000

Covariances LK ,004 ,000 -,017

DPR ,000 ,000 ,001

ROA -,017 ,001 2,892

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Collinearity Diagnosticsa

Variance Proportions

Model Dimension Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) ROA DPR LK

1 1 3,143 1,000 ,01 ,03 ,02 ,01

2 ,633 2,228 ,00 ,90 ,05 ,00

3 ,196 4,006 ,04 ,07 ,92 ,05

4 ,028 10,513 ,95 ,01 ,00 ,94

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Casewise Diagnosticsa

Case Number Std. Residual PER Predicted Value Residual

28 2,058 20,67 14,3061 6,36390

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 12,5233 17,6422 15,0856 1,06598 115

Std. Predicted Value -2,404 2,398 ,000 1,000 115
Standard Error of Predicted
,302 1,434 ,538 ,210 115
Adjusted Predicted Value 12,4007 17,8675 15,0915 1,09035 115
Residual -5,72635 6,36390 ,00000 3,05187 115
Std. Residual -1,851 2,058 ,000 ,987 115
Stud. Residual -1,882 2,074 -,001 1,007 115
Deleted Residual -5,91794 6,46538 -,00590 3,18188 115
Stud. Deleted Residual -1,904 2,106 ,000 1,012 115
Mahal. Distance ,095 23,502 2,974 3,723 115
Cook's Distance ,000 ,123 ,011 ,020 115
Centered Leverage Value ,001 ,206 ,026 ,033 115

a. Dependent Variable: PER

menunjukan bahwa grafik histogram memiliki titik kelengkungan yang sama antara sisi kanan dan sisi kiri hal ini menunjukan bahwa data berdistribusi secara normal.
terlihat bahwa titik-titik menyebar berhimpit dengan garis diagonal, serta penyebarannya searah dengan garis diagonal. Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa data penelitian
berdistri secara normal.
NPar Tests
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 115
Normal Parameters a,b
Mean ,0000000
Std. Deviation 3,05186735
Most Extreme Differences Absolute ,080
Positive ,075
Negative -,080
Test Statistic ,080
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,070c

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
Besarnya nilai kolmogorov smirnov yang ditunjukan pada tabel diatas adalah sebesar 0,080 dan signifikansi sebesar 0,070, hal ini berarti data residual terdistribusi secara

normal dan layak digunakan untuk memprediksi nilai perusahaan dimasa mendatang.

2. Uji Glejser


Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

ABSUT_1 2,5696 1,62884 115

ROA ,1122 ,17269 115
DPR 33,0174 21,24790 115
LK 18,7757 4,62001 115



Pearson Correlation ABSUT_1 1,000 ,180 ,026 ,150

ROA ,180 1,000 -,036 ,154

DPR ,026 -,036 1,000 ,124

LK ,150 ,154 ,124 1,000

Sig. (1-tailed) ABSUT_1 . ,027 ,390 ,054
ROA ,027 . ,351 ,050
DPR ,390 ,351 . ,094
LK ,054 ,050 ,094 .
N ABSUT_1 115 115 115 115

ROA 115 115 115 115

DPR 115 115 115 115

LK 115 115 115 115

Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Removed Method

1 LK, DPR, ROA b

. Enter
a. Dependent Variable: ABSUT_1
b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summaryb

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 ,219 a
,048 ,022 1,61048 2,028

a. Predictors: (Constant), LK, DPR, ROA

b. Dependent Variable: ABSUT_1


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 14,558 3 4,853 1,871 ,139b

Residual 287,896 111 2,594

Total 302,454 114

a. Dependent Variable: ABSUT_1

b. Predictors: (Constant), LK, DPR, ROA


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 1,539 ,651 2,363 ,020

ROA 1,525 ,885 ,162 1,722 ,088 ,973 1,028

DPR ,001 ,007 ,017 ,182 ,856 ,982 1,019

LK ,044 ,033 ,123 1,305 ,195 ,959 1,042

a. Dependent Variable: ABSUT_1

Uji Heteroskedastisitas ini terlihat dari nilai sig dari semua variabel yang menunjukkan bahwa variabel diatas tidak berpengaruh terhadap variabel terikat.

Coefficient Correlationsa


1 Correlations LK 1,000 -,131 -,160

DPR -,131 1,000 ,056

ROA -,160 ,056 1,000

Covariances LK ,001 -3,122E-5 -,005

DPR -3,122E-5 5,134E-5 ,000

ROA -,005 ,000 ,784

a. Dependent Variable: ABSUT_1

Collinearity Diagnosticsa

Variance Proportions

Model Dimension Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) ROA DPR LK

1 1 3,143 1,000 ,01 ,03 ,02 ,01

2 ,633 2,228 ,00 ,90 ,05 ,00

3 ,196 4,006 ,04 ,07 ,92 ,05

4 ,028 10,513 ,95 ,01 ,00 ,94

a. Dependent Variable: ABSUT_1

Casewise Diagnosticsa

Case Number Std. Residual ABSUT_1 Predicted Value Residual

28 2,501 6,36 2,3361 4,02777

29 2,059 5,94 2,6267 3,31646
56 2,020 5,53 2,2777 3,25383

a. Dependent Variable: ABSUT_1

Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 2,0253 3,9343 2,5696 ,35736 115

Std. Predicted Value -1,523 3,819 ,000 1,000 115
Standard Error of Predicted
,157 ,747 ,280 ,109 115
Adjusted Predicted Value 1,9254 4,0897 2,5713 ,36874 115
Residual -2,50363 4,02777 ,00000 1,58915 115
Std. Residual -1,555 2,501 ,000 ,987 115
Stud. Residual -1,611 2,521 ,000 1,003 115
Deleted Residual -2,73125 4,09199 -,00169 1,64366 115
Stud. Deleted Residual -1,623 2,585 ,001 1,009 115
Mahal. Distance ,095 23,502 2,974 3,723 115
Cook's Distance ,000 ,076 ,009 ,013 115
Centered Leverage Value ,001 ,206 ,026 ,033 115

a. Dependent Variable: ABSUT_1

3. Uji moderasi


Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

PER 15,0856 3,23268 115

ROA ,1122 ,17269 115
CSR ,4892 ,11386 115
moder2_1 1,0429 1,13416 115


PER ROA CSR moder2_1

Pearson Correlation PER 1,000 ,122 -,078 -,013

ROA ,122 1,000 -,192 ,708

CSR -,078 -,192 1,000 ,120

moder2_1 -,013 ,708 ,120 1,000

Sig. (1-tailed) PER . ,097 ,203 ,447
ROA ,097 . ,020 ,000
CSR ,203 ,020 . ,101
moder2_1 ,447 ,000 ,101 .
N PER 115 115 115 115

ROA 115 115 115 115

CSR 115 115 115 115

moder2_1 115 115 115 115

Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Removed Method

1 moder2_1, CSR,
. Enter

a. Dependent Variable: PER

b. All requested variables entered.
Model Summaryb

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 ,186a ,035 ,008 3,21892 1,660

a. Predictors: (Constant), moder2_1, CSR, ROA

b. Dependent Variable: PER


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 41,204 3 13,735 1,326 ,270b

Residual 1150,120 111 10,361

Total 1191,325 114

a. Dependent Variable: PER

b. Predictors: (Constant), moder2_1, CSR, ROA


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 15,187 1,443 10,528 ,000

ROA 4,870 2,691 ,260 1,810 ,073 ,421 2,376

CSR -,132 2,903 -,005 -,045 ,964 ,832 1,202

moder2_1 -,559 ,405 -,196 -1,381 ,170 ,431 2,322

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Variabel CSR tidak dapat memoderasi pengaruh variabel ROA terhadap PER

Coefficient Correlationsa

Model moder2_1 CSR ROA

1 Correlations moder2_1 1,000 -,369 -,750

CSR -,369 1,000 ,395

ROA -,750 ,395 1,000

Covariances moder2_1 ,164 -,434 -,818

CSR -,434 8,427 3,084

ROA -,818 3,084 7,242

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Collinearity Diagnosticsa

Variance Proportions

Model Dimension Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) ROA CSR moder2_1

1 1 3,099 1,000 ,00 ,02 ,00 ,02

2 ,710 2,090 ,01 ,18 ,01 ,04

3 ,170 4,268 ,01 ,61 ,00 ,81

4 ,021 12,038 ,97 ,19 ,98 ,12

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Casewise Diagnosticsa

Case Number Std. Residual PER Predicted Value Residual

68 2,083 21,28 14,5754 6,70455

74 2,240 22,19 14,9790 7,21095

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 13,0115 17,0221 15,0856 ,60120 115

Std. Predicted Value -3,450 3,221 ,000 1,000 115
Standard Error of Predicted
,332 1,797 ,535 ,274 115
Adjusted Predicted Value 12,4373 17,9954 15,0741 ,69777 115
Residual -5,10017 7,21095 ,00000 3,17628 115
Std. Residual -1,584 2,240 ,000 ,987 115
Stud. Residual -1,649 2,252 ,002 1,007 115
Deleted Residual -5,78602 7,28838 ,01150 3,31805 115
Stud. Deleted Residual -1,662 2,295 ,003 1,012 115
Mahal. Distance ,220 34,553 2,974 5,369 115
Cook's Distance ,000 ,378 ,012 ,039 115
Centered Leverage Value ,002 ,303 ,026 ,047 115

a. Dependent Variable: PER


Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

PER 15,0856 3,23268 115

CSR ,4892 ,11386 115
DPR 33,0174 21,24790 115
moder2_2 1,2223 ,97382 115


PER CSR DPR moder2_2

Pearson Correlation PER 1,000 -,078 ,002 -,116

CSR -,078 1,000 -,228 ,219

DPR ,002 -,228 1,000 ,316

moder2_2 -,116 ,219 ,316 1,000
Sig. (1-tailed) PER . ,203 ,490 ,108
CSR ,203 . ,007 ,009
DPR ,490 ,007 . ,000
moder2_2 ,108 ,009 ,000 .
N PER 115 115 115 115

CSR 115 115 115 115

DPR 115 115 115 115

moder2_2 115 115 115 115

Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Removed Method

1 moder2_2, CSR,
. Enter

a. Dependent Variable: PER

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summaryb

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 ,131 a
,017 -,009 3,24797 1,686

a. Predictors: (Constant), moder2_2, CSR, DPR

b. Dependent Variable: PER


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 20,352 3 6,784 ,643 ,589b

Residual 1170,972 111 10,549

Total 1191,325 114

a. Dependent Variable: PER

b. Predictors: (Constant), moder2_2, CSR, DPR

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 16,056 1,574 10,203 ,000

CSR -1,319 2,891 -,046 -,456 ,649 ,854 1,171

DPR ,004 ,016 ,028 ,270 ,788 ,808 1,238

moder2_2 -,382 ,347 -,115 -1,101 ,273 ,811 1,233

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Variabel CSR tidak dapat memoderasi pengaruh variabel DPR terhadap PER

Coefficient Correlationsa

Model moder2_2 CSR DPR

1 Correlations moder2_2 1,000 -,315 -,385

CSR -,315 1,000 ,321

DPR -,385 ,321 1,000

Covariances moder2_2 ,120 -,316 -,002

CSR -,316 8,357 ,015

DPR -,002 ,015 ,000

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Collinearity Diagnosticsa

Variance Proportions

Model Dimension Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) CSR DPR moder2_2

1 1 3,479 1,000 ,00 ,00 ,02 ,02

2 ,271 3,584 ,03 ,03 ,01 ,72

3 ,229 3,896 ,00 ,02 ,75 ,19

4 ,020 13,068 ,97 ,95 ,23 ,06

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Casewise Diagnosticsa
Case Number Std. Residual PER Predicted Value Residual

29 2,051 21,43 14,7694 6,66062

74 2,077 22,19 15,4445 6,74548

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 13,0733 15,5884 15,0856 ,42253 115

Std. Predicted Value -4,762 1,190 ,000 1,000 115
Standard Error of Predicted
,368 1,531 ,565 ,220 115
Adjusted Predicted Value 12,9174 15,6582 15,0746 ,47327 115
Residual -4,83785 6,74548 ,00000 3,20495 115
Std. Residual -1,490 2,077 ,000 ,987 115
Stud. Residual -1,507 2,105 ,002 1,004 115
Deleted Residual -5,02045 6,92984 ,01097 3,31870 115
Stud. Deleted Residual -1,516 2,139 ,003 1,009 115
Mahal. Distance ,471 24,344 2,974 4,025 115
Cook's Distance ,000 ,193 ,009 ,020 115
Centered Leverage Value ,004 ,214 ,026 ,035 115

a. Dependent Variable: PER


Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N

PER 15,0856 3,23268 115

CSR ,4892 ,11386 115
LK 18,7757 4,62001 115
moder2_3 1,1260 ,97857 115


PER CSR LK moder2_3

Pearson Correlation PER 1,000 -,078 ,320 -,020

CSR -,078 1,000 -,118 ,248

LK ,320 -,118 1,000 -,098

moder2_3 -,020 ,248 -,098 1,000

Sig. (1-tailed) PER . ,203 ,000 ,417
CSR ,203 . ,104 ,004
LK ,000 ,104 . ,148
moder2_3 ,417 ,004 ,148 .
N PER 115 115 115 115

CSR 115 115 115 115

LK 115 115 115 115

moder2_3 115 115 115 115

Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Removed Method

1 moder2_3, LK,
. Enter

a. Dependent Variable: PER

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summaryb

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 ,323a ,104 ,080 3,10042 1,739

a. Predictors: (Constant), moder2_3, LK, CSR

b. Dependent Variable: PER


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 124,325 3 41,442 4,311 ,006b

Residual 1067,000 111 9,613

Total 1191,325 114

a. Dependent Variable: PER

b. Predictors: (Constant), moder2_3, LK, CSR

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 11,486 1,856 6,190 ,000

CSR -1,315 2,645 -,046 -,497 ,620 ,930 1,076

LK ,221 ,063 ,316 3,490 ,001 ,981 1,019

moder2_3 ,076 ,307 ,023 ,246 ,806 ,934 1,071

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Variabel CSR tidak dapat memoderasi pengaruh variabel Laba Kotor terhadap PER

Coefficient Correlationsa

Model moder2_3 LK CSR

1 Correlations moder2_3 1,000 ,072 -,239

LK ,072 1,000 ,098

CSR -,239 ,098 1,000

Covariances moder2_3 ,094 ,001 -,194

LK ,001 ,004 ,016

CSR -,194 ,016 6,996

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Collinearity Diagnosticsa

Variance Proportions

Model Dimension Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) CSR LK moder2_3

1 1 3,578 1,000 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,02

2 ,350 3,197 ,00 ,00 ,02 ,90

3 ,056 7,978 ,00 ,43 ,47 ,08

4 ,016 14,879 ,99 ,56 ,51 ,00

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Casewise Diagnosticsa

Case Number Std. Residual PER Predicted Value Residual

28 2,083 20,67 14,2117 6,45835

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 12,4950 17,5258 15,0856 1,04430 115

Std. Predicted Value -2,481 2,337 ,000 1,000 115
Standard Error of Predicted
,334 1,384 ,537 ,216 115
Adjusted Predicted Value 12,2399 17,9965 15,0878 1,05661 115
Residual -5,67078 6,45835 ,00000 3,05935 115
Std. Residual -1,829 2,083 ,000 ,987 115
Stud. Residual -1,874 2,103 ,000 1,003 115
Deleted Residual -6,00303 6,58162 -,00223 3,16377 115
Stud. Deleted Residual -1,896 2,136 ,001 1,008 115
Mahal. Distance ,331 21,721 2,974 3,880 115
Cook's Distance ,000 ,103 ,009 ,014 115
Centered Leverage Value ,003 ,191 ,026 ,034 115

a. Dependent Variable: PER

/METHOD=ENTER CSR LK moder2_3 ROA DPR moder2_1 moder2_2


Output Created 21-AUG-2018 20:52:35

Input Active Dataset DataSet0
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data File 115
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated as
Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no
missing values for any variable used.
ROA DPR moder2_1 moder2_2
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00,72
Elapsed Time 00:00:00,99
Memory Required 4220 bytes
Additional Memory Required for
864 bytes
Residual Plots
Variables Created or Modified RES_25 Unstandardized Residual
Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

PER 15,0856 3,23268 115

CSR ,4892 ,11386 115
LK 18,7757 4,62001 115
moder2_3 1,1260 ,97857 115
ROA ,1122 ,17269 115
DPR 33,0174 21,24790 115
moder2_1 1,0429 1,13416 115
moder2_2 1,2223 ,97382 115


PER CSR LK moder2_3 ROA DPR moder2_1 moder2_2

Pearson Correlation PER 1,000 -,078 ,320 -,020 ,122 ,002 -,013 -,116

CSR -,078 1,000 -,118 ,248 -,192 -,228 ,120 ,219

LK ,320 -,118 1,000 -,098 ,154 ,124 ,025 -,141

moder2_3 -,020 ,248 -,098 1,000 -,042 -,141 ,442 ,527

ROA ,122 -,192 ,154 -,042 1,000 -,036 ,708 -,054

DPR ,002 -,228 ,124 -,141 -,036 1,000 -,105 ,316

moder2_1 -,013 ,120 ,025 ,442 ,708 -,105 1,000 ,402

moder2_2 -,116 ,219 -,141 ,527 -,054 ,316 ,402 1,000

Sig. (1-tailed) PER . ,203 ,000 ,417 ,097 ,490 ,447 ,108
CSR ,203 . ,104 ,004 ,020 ,007 ,101 ,009
LK ,000 ,104 . ,148 ,050 ,094 ,397 ,066
moder2_3 ,417 ,004 ,148 . ,329 ,066 ,000 ,000
ROA ,097 ,020 ,050 ,329 . ,351 ,000 ,283
DPR ,490 ,007 ,094 ,066 ,351 . ,131 ,000
moder2_1 ,447 ,101 ,397 ,000 ,000 ,131 . ,000
moder2_2 ,108 ,009 ,066 ,000 ,283 ,000 ,000 .
N PER 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

CSR 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

LK 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

moder2_3 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

ROA 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

DPR 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

moder2_1 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

moder2_2 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115

Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Removed Method

1 moder2_2, ROA,
. Enter

a. Dependent Variable: PER

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summaryb

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 ,363a ,132 ,075 3,10856 1,754

a. Predictors: (Constant), moder2_2, ROA, LK, CSR, DPR, moder2_3, moder2_1

b. Dependent Variable: PER


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 157,369 7 22,481 2,327 ,030b

Residual 1033,955 107 9,663

Total 1191,325 114

a. Dependent Variable: PER

b. Predictors: (Constant), moder2_2, ROA, LK, CSR, DPR, moder2_3, moder2_1


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 10,965 2,030 5,402 ,000

CSR ,162 2,887 ,006 ,056 ,955 ,784 1,275

LK ,209 ,066 ,299 3,195 ,002 ,924 1,083

moder2_3 ,495 ,418 ,150 1,185 ,239 ,506 1,975

ROA 5,235 3,333 ,280 1,571 ,119 ,256 3,909

DPR -,004 ,017 -,026 -,229 ,819 ,647 1,545

moder2_1 -,799 ,576 -,280 -1,387 ,168 ,199 5,036

moder2_2 -,062 ,467 -,019 -,132 ,895 ,410 2,439

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Variabel CSR tidak dapat memoderasi pengaruh variabel ROA, DPR dan Laba Kotor terhadap PER

Coefficient Correlationsa

Model moder2_2 ROA LK CSR DPR moder2_3 moder2_1

1 Correlations moder2_2 1,000 ,368 ,159 -,104 -,545 -,275 -,460

ROA ,368 1,000 -,067 ,274 -,128 ,369 -,852

LK ,159 -,067 1,000 ,009 -,177 -,038 -,014

CSR -,104 ,274 ,009 1,000 ,233 ,051 -,203

DPR -,545 -,128 -,177 ,233 1,000 ,225 ,217

moder2_3 -,275 ,369 -,038 ,051 ,225 1,000 -,419

moder2_1 -,460 -,852 -,014 -,203 ,217 -,419 1,000

Covariances moder2_2 ,218 ,573 ,005 -,140 -,004 -,054 -,124

ROA ,573 11,110 -,015 2,640 -,007 ,514 -1,636

LK ,005 -,015 ,004 ,002 ,000 -,001 -,001

CSR -,140 2,640 ,002 8,336 ,011 ,062 -,338

DPR -,004 -,007 ,000 ,011 ,000 ,002 ,002

moder2_3 -,054 ,514 -,001 ,062 ,002 ,175 -,101

moder2_1 -,124 -1,636 -,001 -,338 ,002 -,101 ,332

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Collinearity Diagnosticsa

Variance Proportions

Model Dimension Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) CSR LK moder2_3 ROA DPR moder2_1 moder2_2

1 1 5,991 1,000 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00
2 ,908 2,568 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,11 ,01 ,03 ,01

3 ,557 3,280 ,00 ,00 ,01 ,15 ,03 ,05 ,02 ,04

4 ,298 4,481 ,00 ,02 ,01 ,05 ,00 ,22 ,00 ,16

5 ,125 6,924 ,00 ,04 ,00 ,67 ,04 ,30 ,04 ,26

6 ,061 9,871 ,00 ,01 ,00 ,06 ,65 ,26 ,82 ,49

7 ,045 11,564 ,01 ,29 ,68 ,02 ,09 ,10 ,04 ,05

8 ,014 20,671 ,98 ,65 ,29 ,03 ,08 ,05 ,05 ,00

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Casewise Diagnosticsa

Case Number Std. Residual PER Predicted Value Residual

28 2,020 20,67 14,3911 6,27888

a. Dependent Variable: PER

Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 13,1351 18,3046 15,0856 1,17492 115

Std. Predicted Value -1,660 2,740 ,000 1,000 115
Standard Error of Predicted
,409 1,773 ,769 ,284 115
Adjusted Predicted Value 11,0093 18,5152 15,0818 1,26101 115
Residual -5,82078 6,27888 ,00000 3,01161 115
Std. Residual -1,873 2,020 ,000 ,969 115
Stud. Residual -1,909 2,251 ,000 1,009 115
Deleted Residual -6,05211 8,52067 ,00374 3,27939 115
Stud. Deleted Residual -1,934 2,296 ,002 1,015 115
Mahal. Distance ,978 36,099 6,939 6,285 115
Cook's Distance ,000 ,306 ,012 ,031 115
Centered Leverage Value ,009 ,317 ,061 ,055 115

a. Dependent Variable: PER


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