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Lilis Nurasiah
◦ Setiap menjelang pertemuan perkuliahan kumpulkan screenshot
level duolingo
◦ Setiap menjelang pertemuan perkuliahan, list film yang sudah
ditonton minggu sebelumnya. (Film/Series Bahasa Indonesia
subtitle Bahasa Inggris, Film/Series Bahasa Inggris subtitle Bahasa
◦A group of words which act like a noun

Words can go before the noun :

the great river

and/or after the noun :

The cat with the stripes

They modify the meaning of the noun

Look what happens to the noun
My sporty, red car with a sunroof

It has just been

Let’s see it again

The mysterious woman in black

noun phrases
the three musketeers
a gold ring
a class of excellent students
a beautiful little girl
my pen
a green bottle
the best university in the area
a disappointed parent
the lesson after Maths
Make a simple noun phrase
based on the picture!

What is this road like?

What kind of road is it?

Don’t just say it is a road,

but add some more
information to it
What are these
books like?
What kind of
books are these?
Don’t just say
they are books,
but add some
more information
to it

Make a noun phrase

based on the picture!
See how a noun phrase can be
built up
English girl
nice English girl
four nice English girls
the four nice English girls
the four nice English girls from the
You can
add more
of this
Noun phrases in sentences

The little girl is reading her new book in the living room.

Participant Process Participant Circumstance

(Subject) (Verb) (Object)

noun verb noun prepositional

phrase phrase phrase phrase
labels labels preposition +
noun phrase
◦ But noun phrases can also include:
• determiners: Those houses are very expensive.
• quantifiers: I've lived in a lot of houses.
• numbers: My brother owns two houses.
• adjectives: I love old houses.
◦ These parts of the noun phrase are called premodifiers because they
go before the noun.
◦ We use premodifiers in this order:

and > numbers >
Other parts of a noun phrase go after the noun. These are
called postmodifiers.
Postmodifiers can be:
•prepositional phrases:
a man with a gun
the boy in the blue shirt
the house on the corner
•–ing phrases :
the man standing over there
the boy talking to Angela
•relative clauses :
the house that Jack built
the woman who discovered radium
an eight-year-old boy who attempted to rob a sweet shop
Definition of Noun Clause
◦ If a phrase is a group of words which does not contain a subject
and a predicate, a clause is a group of words which contains a
subject and a predicate.
◦ Both noun phrase and noun clause function are to be a subject
or object in a sentence. But noun clouse are usually dependent
clause. Dependent clause is a clause which also contains subject
and predicates but not complete so it cannot stand alone as a
◦ If in a noun phrase nouns become heads, in a noun clause it is
not clear which one the head is.
◦ So, it can be concluded that noun clause is a dependent clause
that has function as a subject or an object.
Question word
Noun clauses with question words are meant to question things but
do not end with question marks
• what(ever)
• what (time, kind, day, etc)
• who(ever)
• whose
• whom(ever)
• which(ever)
• where(ever)
• when(ever)
• how (long, far, many times, old, etc)
◦ The class listened to what the teacher said.
◦ The kitten followed wherever the woman went.
◦ Many people imagine how many time the man was
failed before success.
◦ I know what you did last summer.
◦ You should know when you have to go.
◦ I parked my car where you waited me yesterday.
◦ Mr. John is the man who murders this man.
◦ I don’t know why you said goodbye.
That-clause as a noun clause
It can be the subject or the object of the verb.
• I believe that he is innocent.
Here the that-clause ‘that he is innocent’ is the object of the verb believe.

• She said that she can speak three languages. (Object – that she can speak three
• I suspect that she eloped with her boyfriend. The that-clause can also act as the
subject of the verb.
• That she should forget me so quickly was rather a shock. Here the that-clause ‘that
she should forget me so quickly’ acts as the subject of the verb was.
• That she delivered a marvelous performance pleased her parents. (Subject – that she
delivered a marvelous performance)
If /Whether

Sometimes if and whether are interchangeable, but sometimes using one or the other will
change the meaning of your sentence.

Here's an example where the two words could be interchangeable:

Squiggly didn't know whether Aardvark would arrive on Friday.
Squiggly didn't know if Aardvark would arrive on Friday.
In either sentence, the meaning is that Aardvark may or may not arrive on Friday.
Here’s the examples:
Call Squiggly if you are going to arrive on Friday.
Call Squiggly whether or not you are going to arrive on Friday.
The first sentence is conditional. Call Squiggly if you are going to arrive
on Friday means Aardvark only needs to call if he is coming.

The second sentence is not conditional. Call Squiggly whether or not you
are going to arrive on Friday means Aardvark needs to call either way.

To sum up, use whether when you have two discrete choices or mean
"regardless of whether," and use if for conditional
◦ Adjective merupakan kata sifat
◦ Dalam sebuah kalimat, adjective biasa bertindak sebagai
complement (pelengkap)
◦ Adjective dan adverb sering dikatakan berkaitan erat,
karena banyak adverb berasal dari adjective yang diberi
imbuhan -ly. Bahkan, beberapa adjective adalah pula
adverb tanpa ada perubahan sama sekali.
◦ Perlu diketahui bahwa tidak semua adjective berimbuhan -
ly. Terdapat banyak bentuk lainnya yang perlu dicerna dan
dipahami. Bahkan, ada pula beberapa bentuk adjective
yang menggunakan imbuhan -ed dan -ing, yang mana
perlu dipelajari lebih lanjut perbedaan penggunaannya.
◦ Adjectives are
descriptive words
used to “modify” or
tell more about
nouns and pronous.

Presenting a blue car, a red

car and a light brown car…
An Adjective tells about

a person a place

an animal a thing
An Adjective
answers the question “What kind?”

The small boy is walking.

The gray cow was on the farm.
This is a funny book.
Some adjectives tell about

and Shapes
Did you see the gray kitten?
I love red strawberries.
Did you see my yellow duck?
The round sun is in the sky.
The food is in a square bag.
Some adjectives tell about

This is a small bunny.
T-Rex has a short neck.

T-Rex has a big legs.

T-Rex has a long tail.

T-Rex has a huge head.

We can use more than one
adjective before a noun.

There is usually one correct

1. It’s beautiful sunny weather.

2. John has a big brown dog.

Word order
We order adjectives according to
their meaning.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Opinion Size other Age Colour
6. 7. 8. 9.
Origin Material Type Purpose
Group Examples

1. Opinion (how good?) wonderful, nice, great,

2. Size (how big?) small, large, long, tall,
3. Most other qualities quiet, famous, important,
soft, fast, warm….
Group Examples

4. Age (how old?) old, new

5. Colour green, red, brown…

6. Origin (where China, England….

Group Examples
7. Material (made of?) paper, wood,
8. Type (what kind?) an electric kettle,
road transport…
9. Purpose (where a face towel,
for?) a bread knife….
Kata Sifat dari Kata Kerja atau Kata Benda
Banyak kata sifat yang terbentuk dari kata
kerja atau kata benda dengan
menambahkan akhiran seperti :
◦ -able : manageable
◦ -ful : colourful
◦ -ic : energetic
◦ -ive : attractive
◦ -ous : humorous
◦ -ible : permissible
◦ -(i) an : victorian
◦ -dish : reddish

1. The production of alcohol from fusel oil is economically

2. Sun ray can be diffracted into colourful continuous
3. Collision between two or more molecules results energetic
molecules that can lead to the formation of new species
4. The most attractive discovery in Science was revealed by
Albert Einstein more than 50 years ago
5. To be a Scientist must be humorous in addition to serious
6. Reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to form water is
energetically permissible
7. During the Victorian era, England reached its biggest area
8. The color of litmus paper changes from blue to reddish in
weak acid solution
Banyak kata sifat yang terbentuk dari kata jenis lain dengan
menambahkan awalan seperti :
◦ un- : unimaginable
◦ in- : in-able
◦ il- : illegal
◦ im- : impractical
◦ dis- : disagreeable
◦ ir- : irreversible
1. The effect of television to society is
2. The temperature applied in your experiment
was not high enough, so that it is in-able to
convert the reactant to product
3. The impractical aspect in reacting oxygen
and hydrogen is the extremely high
activation needed
4. To keep gun with you is illegal in most
countries in the world
5. Your reason is in disagreeable with the
6. Corrosion is an irreversible oxidative
reaction between iron and oxygen
Perbandingan Kata Sifat
Kata sifat yang tersusun atas satu suku kata harus ditambahkan akhiran –er
untuk makna lebih dan akhiran –est untuk menyatakan makna paling.

◦ Cold – colder – the coldest

◦ Clean – cleaner - the cleanest

◦ Hot – hotter - the hottest

◦ Big – bigger – the biggest

◦ Nice – nicer – the nicest

◦ Fine – finer – the finest
◦ Large – larger – the largest
◦ Late – later – the latest
◦ Safe – safer – the safest

◦ Busy – busier – the busiest

◦ Easy – easier – the easiest
Kata sifat yang tersusun atas dua suku kata bisa memiliki dua bentuk
dalam menyatakan makna lebih dan paling.

◦ Bentuk pertama seperti contoh, ditambahkan akhiran –er untuk makna

lebih dan akhiran –est untuk menyatakan makna paling.
Contoh pada kata-kata :
◦ Clever – cleverer – the cleverest
◦ Narrow – narrower – the narrowest
Bentuk kedua adalah dengan
menambahkan kata more untuk makna lebih
dan most untuk menyatakan makna paling.
Contoh :
◦ Correct - more correct – the most correct
◦ Famous – more famous – the most famous
◦ Clever – more clever – the most clever
◦ Narrow – more narrow – the most narrow
Kata sifat yang tersusun atas lebih dari dua suku kata, harus
ditambahkan kata more dam most untuk memberikan makna lebih
dan paling.
◦ Beautiful - more beautiful – the most beautiful
◦ Careless- more careless – the most careless
Kata sifat tidak beraturan dalam menyatakan makna lebih dan paling

◦ Good / well – better – the best

◦ Bad – worse – the worst
◦ Much / many – more – the most
◦ Little – less – the least
◦ In case of typical suffixes for adjectives, there are two other forms
which might be confusing: -ed and -ing. Words that end with
those two suffixes can be nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
◦ In adjectives, even one word can end with both -ed and -ing and
with different way of use.
◦ Adjectives with -ed usually describe somebody’s condition (the
subject is a person);
◦ Adjectives with -ing usually describe the condition of things/
events. Look at the examples below (Murphy, 2019: 196).

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