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Najamuddin, S.Pd., M.



CV.Alfa Press

Judul : English For Intermediate Class

Penulis : Najamuddin, S.Pd., M. Hum

Editor : Miftahul Jannah,

Layout : CV. Alfa Press Creative

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Cetakan Pertama : 02 Desember 2022

ISBN : 978-623-09-1058-6

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CV.Alfa Press
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Halaman Awal i
Daftar Isi ii
Kata Pengantar iii
Adjective (Kata Sifat) 1
A. Proper adjective 1
B. Descriptive adjective 2
C. Quantitative adjective 3
D. Numeral Adjective 4
E. Demonstrative Adjective. 5
F. Distribute Adjective. 13
Present Tense 17
A. Present Simple and Present Continuous 17
B. Present Perpect Tense. 22
C. Present Perfect Progressive Tense.
Past Tense. 35
A. Past Tense 35
B. Past Continuous Tense. 49
C. Past Perfect Tense 50
D. Past Perfect Continuous Tense. 51
Simple Future Tense 57
A. Simple Future Tense 57
B. Future Continuous Tense 59
C. Future Perfect Tense 62

D. Simple Past Future Tense. 64
E. Past Future Continuous Tense 65
F. Past Future Perfect Tense 70
G. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense 71
Daftar Pustaka 76

Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, Segala Puji bagi Allah, Tuhan Yang
Maha Kuasa, atas karunia-Nya sehingga Buku Bahasa Inggris Dasar ini
bisa kami terbitkan sebagai buku panduan bagi mahasiswa dengan
empat kompetensi yaitu listening, reading, writing, dan speaking.

Setelah mempelajari buku ajar ini, Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat

mengaplikasikan bahasa Inggris secara aktif maupun pasif dengan tenses
dan grammar yang tepat. Penulis menyadari bahwa isi dan penulisan
buku ajar ini masih banyak kekurangan. Oleh karena itu, masukan dari
pembaca sangat kami harapkan demi sempurnanya buku berikutnya

Mataram 02 Desember 2022


Adjective (Kata Sifat)

Adjective yaitu kata sifat untuk memberi sifat pada noun

(kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti) yang dapat berupa
orang, tempat, hewan, benda. Beberapa jenis adjective
dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan sebagai
A. Proper adjective
Proper adjective menggambarkan suatu benda dengan
suatu nama diri. Dan termasuk dalam lingkungan nama diri
(proper name). Pada adjective jenis ini, dapat diawali
dengan menggunakan huruf kapital.
• The Indonesian language.
• The Sasaknese cuisine.
• The Australian desert.
• The American flag.

B. Descriptive adjective
Descriptive adjective menggambarkan suatu sifat dan
keadaan orang, benda, hewan.

• A smart boy = anak yang pandai
• A pretty woman = seorang wanita yang cantik
• A new book = sebuah buku baru
• A brave man = sorang lelaki yang berani
• A beautiful place = suatu tempat yang indah
• A round road = suatu jalan bundar
• A wild buffalo = seekor kerbau liar
• A tame cat = seekor kucing jinak
• Lazy = malas
• Fat = gemuk
• Thin = kurus
• Good = baik
• Bad = buruk
• Short = pendek
• Long = panjang
• Cheerful = gembira
• Forgetful = pelupa
• Peaceful = tenang, damai

C. Quantitative adjective
Quantitative adjective menggambarkan beberapa banyak
(how much) pada benda yang dimaksud. Kata yang
termasuk dalam quantitative adjective antara lain:
Little = sedikit
Much = banyak
No any = taka da sesuatu pun
Some = sejumlah tertentu
Enough = cukup
Any = sejumlah sedikit
Whole = seluruh
Sufficient = cukup
Half = setengah
• My wife drinks too much coffee.
• Anton ate a little cake.
• Uncle brought too much water.
• My brother thought that Andi will eat that whole food
• Could you cut this mango in half, please?

D. Numeral Adjective
Numeral adjective menjelaskan tentang jumlah dalam
bentuk angka. Dapat digunakan untuk menghitung urutan
dalam sebuah kondisi.

Numeral adjective dapat dibagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu:

a. Difinite Numerals (bilangan tertentu) adalah kata sifat
angka pasti, seperti: one, two, three, four,dst. Ini disebut
dengan bilangan pokok atau cardinals. Sedangkan
ordinals menerangkan posisi atau tempat suatu benda,
seperti: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, dst.
Selanjutnya, ada juga bagian dari numerals adjective
yaitu multiplicatves yang menunjukkan suatu benda
jumlah yang diulangi atau perlipatgandaan, contohnya:
only one, a pair of, a dozen of, double, treble, fourfold,
• There are six persons in the meeting.
• Ahmad is going to sell his three chickens in the
• Yusuf is her second brother.

• He was the first man get big fish in the fishing
• Rina brought a dozen of bottles yesterday.
• He bought a pair of shoes two days ago.

b. Indefinite Numerals (bilangan tak tertentu) adalah untuk

menujukkan jumlah benda yang tak begitu tepat tetapi
dapat dihitung atau perkirakan, contohnya: all (semua),
many (banyak), lots of (banyak), a few (beberapa),
several (beberapa), some (beberapa), enough (cukup),
any (beberapa), few (sedikit), certain (tertentu), one
• They ate all the foot in the party.
• Many students did not attend discussion in the
• She takes any book from the library.
• Few persons are rich in that place.
• Several men came for meeting.
• No women are present.

Yang penting diperhatikan bahwa definite numerals dapat
menjadi indefinite numerals dengan meletakkan some atau
about dalam suatu kalimat.
• Six persons in the meeting. (definite numerals).
• Three persons are rich in that place. (definite
Selanjutnya dapat menjadi indefinite numerals:
• Some ix persons in the meeting. (indefinite
• About three persons are rich in that place.
(indefinite numerals).

E. Demonstrative Adjective.
Demonstrative adjective adalah digunakan untuk
menujukkan pada suau hal atau menerangkan keadaan
orang, barang, atau binatang tersebut berada.
Demonstrative adjective dibagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu:
1) Definite Demonstrative yaitu menunjukkan suatu benda
yaitu secara tepat, seperti „the‟ yang memiliki fungsi
mengarah pada kata benda tunggal (singular) atau
jamak (plural). Atau sering disebut kata sandang
tertentu (definite article).

• The car is small but nice.
• The house has beautiful garden.
• The book is very heavy.
 Penggunaan definite demonstrative adjective
seperti this (ini) yang memiliki fungsi menunjukkan
kata benda tunggal (singular) yang posisinya dapat
dijangkau.Dan pada these dipakai dalam pengertian
• This motor bike has an interesting color.
• This house has beautiful garden.
• This novel has good atmosphere if you read.
• These hand bring all the things to his house.
• These cats are his pet.
 Penggunaan that adalah menunjukkan jarak yang
jauh dan bersifat tunggal (singular).
• That boy enter the classroom is my brother.
• That is a big horse.
• What is that?
• Look at that bird !

 Penggunaan those adalah menunjukkan jarak
yang jauh dan bersifat jamak (plural).
• Those boys enter the classroom is my brother.
• What are those?
• Those birds flying in the river are tropical birds.
 Penggunaan such (yang seperti itu/itu) dipakai
untuk menunjukkan kata benda tunggal (singular
nouns) atau kata benda jamak (plural nouns) yang
sudah diujarkan sebelumnya atau suatu benda yang
baru saja sedang disebutkan.
• He never happy such rush time . (Aku tak pernah
suka waktu sibuk seperti itu).
• No time such as that should not be discussed.
(tidak ada waktu seperti itu tak perlu dibahas).
Selain itu, Such digunakan pada Indefinite
Demonstrative Adjective. Kata ini tidak mengarah
pada suatu yang disebutkan sebelumnya. Dan
situasinya tidak begitu jelas.

• Father visited at my friend‟s place on such a week
(some day or other), and my friend give such
opinion (some answer or other) to his questions.
Ayah datang ke rumah temanku suatu hari, dan
temanku memberikan jawaban atas sejumlah

 The other (yang lain).

Kata ini mengacu pada kata benda tunggal atau
kata benda jamak lain (yang kedua) selain yang
telah ditunjuk sebelumnya.
• Andi is my cousin and the other is my friends.
adalah sepupuku dan yang lainnya
• Where are the other family, we want to discuss
problem ? (Di mana keluarga yang lain, kita mau
membicarakan masalah tersebut?
 The same (yang sama).

Kata ini menunjukkan kata benda tunggal (singular
nouns) atau kata benda jamak (plural nouns) yang
sama dibicarakan dengan sebelumnya.
• She need the same place with my family. (saya
tempat yang sama dengan keluarga).
• I and my sister bought the same T-shirt two days
ago. (saya dan Ayah membeli baju kaos yang
sama dua hari yang lalu).
Dalam memberikan suatu penegasan pada the
same, selanjutnya dapat menggunakan self-same
atau very same, dan dapat digunakan pada bentuk
singular nouns atau plural nouns.
• She doesn‟t want the very same (self-same) car
with other passanger
(Dia tak ingin mobil yang sama dengan
penumpang lainnya).
2) Indefinite Demonstratives.

a. A, an (seorang, sebuah, sebutir, seekor).Penggunaan
kata ini, sebagai berikut:Kata sandang A/an memiliki
arti satu. Pemakaian kata sandang ini digunakan
bersamaan dengan singular nouns yang mempunyai
fungsi menunjukkan tak tentu atau dengan istilah
Indefinite Article. “A” diletakkan di depan kata
benda berawalhuruf konsonan dan huruf hidup yang
bunyinya seperti huruf konsonan, sedangkan “an”
diletakkan didepan kata benda yang diawali degan
huruf vokal yang bunyinya seperti huruf hidup.

• Maria want to buy a new motor bike.
(Maria mau membeli sepeda motor baru).
• An apple is good for health.
(Buah apel baik untuk kesehatan).
• She has been waiting you for an hour.
(Dia telah menunggumu selama satu jam).

b. One (seseorang, suatu, dan sebagaiannya).

Penggunaan indefinite demonstrative “one” dalam
kalimat dapat digunakan untuk kata ini penunjuk
tak tentu (indefinite demonstrative).
• Andi will bring his friends one day to his house.
(Andi akan membawa teman-teman suatu hari
nanti ke rumahnya)
• One Rafi came to visit family gathering.
(“Yang namanya” Rafi mau datang berkunjung
dalam acara berkumpul bersama keluarga).
• Uncle came one night to my house.
(Paman datang suatu malam ke rumah saya).

c. Any (seseorang, suatu, dan sebagaiannya).

Any memilki sifat yang lebih menekankan bila
dibandingkan a dan an. Dan dapat juga digunakan
pada singular (tunggal) dan plural (jamak).
Any boy come to the carnival.
• I may rent any car for traveling.
• She may visit any time she likes.

d. Some (suatu atau beberapa).
Penggunaan some pada benda tertentu yang bersifat
khusus dan terkadang membuat suatu bilangan tentu
menjadi tak tentu.
•Andi brings me some mangoes.
(Andi membawa beberapa mangga).
•Some person come to the hill this afternoon.
(Seseorang dating ke bukit tersebut sore ini)
• Uncle shows some difficult English words to me.

F. Distribute Adjective.
a. Another (yang lain).
Another menujukkan sesuatu yang lain dan telah
disebutkan sebelumnya pada kata benda tunggal
• Father has send another letter for his friend.
• Another boat will come for bring passenger.

• My brother has brought another mini car.

b. Other (yang lain).

Other menujukkan sesuatu yang lain dan telah
disebutkan sebelumnya pada kata benda jamak
(plural). Dan sering digunakan pada kalimat berita
• I have eaten other food.
(Saya sudah makan santapan lainnya)
• Maria has gone to other place.
(Dia sudah pergi ke tempat lainnya).

c. Any other.
Any other dipakai pada kalimat negative dan kata
benda dalam bentuk (jamak) dan tunggal (singular).
• I have not eaten any other food today.
(Saya tidak makan apapun hari ini).
• My brother hasn‟t seen any other person yesterday.
(Saudaraku tidak melihat seorangpun kemarin).

Write your examples !

Present Tense

A. Present Simple and Present Continuous

Kita dapat menggunakan kalimat Simple Present
untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu secara teratur atau
kebiasaan. Dan Present Continuous untuk mengungkapkan
sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung.
 She plays football every week.
 I am singing jazz now.
 Lisa eats rice every day.
 Julian is eating banana now.
 How to use them

Simple Present, dapat ditambah s or es for he, she and it.

Untuk kalimat negative menggunakan don't untuk kata
ganti orang I, you, we and they, dan doesn't untuk kata
ganti orang he, she and it.
 I watch movie every day. I do not watch the
advanture movie.
 Mother makes dinne every evening. He doesn't
make other meal.

Present Continuous, menggunakan am, is or are and ing.
Dan kalimat negative, menggunakan not.
 I am going to the garden now. I am not going to
 She's studying music now. She is not studying

Simple Present khususnya pada pertanyaan menggunakan

do untuk I, you, we, they dan does untuk he, she,and it.
Present Continuous question.
 What time do you take bath every morning?
 Does Andi ride the motorbike to school every day?
 Are you doing your test right now?
 What is Rudi doing today?

Present continuous tense biasanya digunakan untuk
menerangkan waktu (adverbs of time): now, at the
moment, today, this morning, evening, afternoon, dst.
Present continuous tense digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan suatu tindakan pada waktu yang sedang

berlangsung. Dapat juga berupa suatu rencana yang akan
dilakukan dimasa yang akan datang. Sesuatu yang perlu
diperhatikan dalam perbedaan antarasimple present and
present continuous tenses. The simple present tense
merupakan suatu ungkapan atau tindakan secara rutinitas
dilakukan. Contohnya: tentang pekerjaaan, hobby,
kebiasaan, dst.
Dalam kalimat, Presents Continuous Tense menggunakan
Subjek + be + verb (-ing) + … (positive)
Subjek +be + not + verb (-ing) + … (negative)
Be + subjek + verb (-ing) + …? (interrogative)

In sentences, Present Tense use this forms:

Subject + Verb + Object or Subject + To be (is, am. are)
+ adverb
Subject: I, You, They, We, He, She, It
You, I, They, We : Subject + Verb + Object.
She, he, It : Subject + Verb-s/Verb-es + Object.
For subject He, She, It, every Verb or Verb which add -s
or -es.
example Verb which add -s or -es Untuk He, She, It.

Bacalah kalimat dibawah ini dan jawablah dengan benar
dengan memilih jawabannya.

I my uncle every Saturday.

a. do call
b. call
c. am calling
Julian a lot in the morning.
a. is read
b. is reading
c. reads
Students to the tutor right now!
a. don't listen
b. aren't listening
c. not listen

Perhatikan !
Penggunaan Simple Present Tense mengungkapkan suatu
kebiasaan dalam watu sekarang dan Simple Present
Continuous mengungkapkan sesuatu aktivitas yang sedang
terjadi. Simple Present: ditambah „s‟ atau „es‟ for he/she/it

khususnya pada verb. Kalimat negative ditambah don‟t
atau doesn‟t. Present Continuous: verb „to be‟ and „-ing‟
ditambah „not‟ dalam kalimat negative.
 My mom makes lunch everyday.
 Ria does not make b‟fast everyday.
 They are studying culture now
 you are not studying culture now.

Latihan ! buatlah beberapa contoh sesuai penjelasan


B. Present Perpect Tense.
a. Present Perpect Tense menjelaskan suatu peristiwa atau
tindakan yang telah terjadi pada waktu sekarang namun
tidak menjelaskan waktunya kapan tepatnya.
 Rudi has sent a cabinet to his brother in Bali.
 We have never seen train in this town.
 I have done the home work.
 She has gone to other island.

 Julian has written the letter for her friend.

b. Talk about events or actions that occur repeatedly

before present time.
 Andi has gone two times for the last four months.
 We have played football at last two times.
 She has eaten this food at last this week.

c. Talk about events or actions that started in the past and

still in the present.
 Rudi has liked football since he was still in
elementary school.
 His karate has really improved since he moved to

Adverbs that are usually used in the Present Perfect Tense,

such as:
 Already = sudah, telah
 Never = tidak pernah.

 Ever = pernah.
 Recently = baru-baru ini.
 Yet = sebelum (dalam kalimat negaive)
 For times = selama beberapa waktu.
 Up to the present = samapai sekarang.
 Up to now = hingga kini.
 So far = sampai kini.
 Lately = belakangan ini.
 Since = sejak
Verbs use in Verb3. Present Perpect Tense use in positive,
negative, and interrogative sentence.
Sentence pattern:
The present perfect tense is divided into two, namely
verbal and nominal.
a) Verbal
1. Positive Pattern.
Subject + have/has + Verb 3.
 They have finished their test.
 Andi has bought a story book.
 She has gone from this town.

2. Negative Pattern.
Subject + have/has + not + Verb 3.
 They have not finished their test.
 Andi has not bought a story book.
 She has not gone from this town.

3. Interogative Pattern.
 Have/has + subject + Verb3 + ?
 Have they finished their test ?
 Has Andi bought a story book ?
 Has she gone from this town ?
So, we can answer with this: “Yes, I have” or “No, I

b) Nominal.
1. Positive Pattern.

S + have/has + been + Verb-ing

 They have been playing basketball for two years.
 I have been looking sunset here for half hour
 Rudi has been fishing in the lake since nine o‟clock
this morning.

2. Negative Pattern.

S + have/has + not + been + Verb-


 They have not been playing basketball for two

 I have not been looking sunset here for half hour.
 Rudi has not been fishing in the lake since nine
o‟clock this morning.

3. Interogative Pattern.

Have/has + S + been + Verb-ing

 Have They been playing basketball for two years?
 Have I been looking sunset here for half hour?
 Has Rudi been fishing in the lake since nine o‟clock
this morning?

Write your own examples !

C. Present Perfect Progressive Tense.
a. Present Perfect Progressive Tense digunakan pada suatu
kejadian yang sudah dimulai pada masa lalu namun masih
berlangsung sampai sekarang.

 We have been working for seven hours.
 I have been waiting you for two hours
 She has been here since 2019.
 He has been watching movie since nine o‟clock this

b. Digunakan juga untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa masa

lalu tanpa menyebutkan waktunya dan masih
berlangsung sampai kini.
 My room is still renovation, so I have been staying
for while in my brother‟s room.
 Her bike is in garage, so she has been going to
school by public transportation.

Kata kerja yang digunakan pada Present Perfect
Progressive Tense adalah Verb +ing.
Pola yang digunakan dalam kalimat positive,
negative dan introgative.

Pola Positive:
Subject + has/have + been + verg-

They have been swimming in the pool for two


Pola Negative:

Subject + has/have + not +been + verg-


They have not been swimming in the pool for two


Pola Introgative:

Has/Have + Subject + been + verg-

ing ?

Have they been swimming in the pool for two

hours ?

Write your own examples !

Past Tense.

A. Past Tense
Simple past tense adalah bentuk kalimat atau kejadian di
masa lalu dan kejadiannya berakhir di masa lalu atau
lampau. Past tense dibicarakankan saat sekarang
tentang kejadian di masa lalu.

Subject + Verb2

Pada pola di atas menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang

terjadi di waktu lampau dan berakhir pada saat tertentu
di saat lampau juga.
 She went to Bali four days ago.
 I bought this book a month ago.
 Andi brought the big bag yesterday.


Subject + did + not + verb1

 She did not go to Bali four days ago.

 I did not buy this book a month ago.

 Andi did not bring the big bag yesterday.

Did + Subject + did + verb1 ?

 Did she go to Bali four days ago?

 Did I buy this book a month ago?
 Did Andi bring the big bag yesterday?

Kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat verbal dimana Verb
dalam bentuk lampau.
Selanjutnya kalimat di bawah ini merupakan kalimat
nominal dalam bentuk lampau.
Subject + to be (was/were) +

complement (+)

 I was an actor.
 Linda was a teacher.
 They were an architec.
 We were rich.
 Andi and Brian were good and smart boys.

Subject +to be (was/were) + not +
complement (-)

 She was not thin.
 Ali was not good yesterday.
 you were not happy.
 They were not bad boys.

To be (was/were) + Subject + complement


 Was Susi so angry?

 Was Rudi hungry to work in restaurant?
 Were students happy to play in the garden?
 Were you late to come to the class?

Selanjutnya sangatlah penting kita mengenal sejumlah kata

kerja baik yang beraturan (Regular Verb) maupun yang
tidak beraturan (Irregular Verb).
a. Regular Verb.
Regular Verb (kata kerja beraturan) adalah kata kerja
yang memiliki perubahan secara teratur yang pada
umumnya bila dalam bentuk past tense dan past participle
maka bentuk dasar atau infinitive ditambahkan dengan –
ed atau –d.
Infinitive Past Tense PastParticiple Meaning

add added added menambah(-kan)

help helped helped membantu

act acted acted bertindak

advise advised advised menasehati

close closed closed menutup

try tried tried mencoba, berusaha

value valued valued menilai, isi,


play played played bermain

cry cried cried menangis

smoke smoked smoked merokok

cancel cancelled cancelled membatalkan

travel travelled travelled berpergian

occur occurred occurred terjadi

omit omitted omitted menghilangkan

adjust adjusted adjusted menyetel

celebrate celebrated celebrated merayakan

change changed changed mengubah

check checked checked memeriksa

claim claimed claimed menuntut

chat chatted chatted mengobrol

dance danced danced dansa

decorate decorated decorated menghiasi

design designed designed mendesain

face faced faced menghadapi

fix fixed fixed memperbaiki

free freed freed membebaskan

formulate formulated formulated merumuskan

help helped helped membantu

hesitate hesitated hesitated ragu-ragu

import imported imported mengimpor

imagine imagined imagined membayangkan

improve improved improved memperbaiki

invent invented invented menemukan/


instruct instructed instructed mengajar

jump jumped jumped melompat

knock knocked knocked mengetuk

kiss kissed kissed mencium

look looked looked melihat

limit limited limited membetasi

mail mailed mailed mengesposkan

manage managed managed mengatur

mix mixed mixed mencampur

neglect neglected neglected mengabaikan

phone phoned phoned menelpon

present presented preented menyajikan

qualify qualified qualified memenuhi syarat

question questioned questioned menanyakan

reply replied replied menjawab

report reported reported melaporkan

talk talked talked berbicara

stop stopped stopped berhenti

tie tied tied mengikat

type typed typed mengetik

update updated updated memperbaharui

use used used menggunakan

underline underlined underlined menggarisbawahi

push pushed pushed mendorong

panic panicked panicked menjadi panic

thin thinned thinned mengencerkan

wait waited waited menunggu

wash washed washed mencuci

b. Irregular Verb.

Infinitive Past Tense PastParticiple Meaning

begin began begun mulai

beat beat beaten memukul

bid bade bidden menawar

bless blessed blessed memberkahi

build built built membangun

bring brought brought membawa

buy bought bought membeli

blow blew blown mengembus

choose chose chosen memilih

come came come datang

catch caught caught menangkap

crow crew crowed bangga

draw drew drawn menggambar

dream dreamt dreamt bermimpi

drink drank drunk minum

eat ate eaten makan

fall fell fallen jatuh

drive drove driven mengemudi

find found found mendapat,


fly flew flown terbang

forget forgot forgotten lupa

forgive forgave forgiven memafkan

freeze froze frozen membeku

get got gotten mendapat,


give gave given memberikan

go went gone pergi

grave graved graven memahat

grow grew grown tumbuh

hang hung hung menggantung

hide hid hidden tersembunyi

keep kept kept menyimpan

know knew known mengenal

lay laid laid menaruh

learn learnt learnt belajar

lend lent lent meminjamkan

lie lay lain berbaring

lose lost lost hilang

meet met met berjumpa

mistake mistook mistaken salah

misunderstanding misunderstood misunderstood salah paham

oversee oversaw overseen mengamati

prove proved proven membuktikan

ring rang rung bordering

sell sold sold jual/terjual

string strung strung memberi tali

swear swore sworn bersumpah

sweep swept swept menyapu

swim swam swum berenang

throw threw thrown melemparkan

tread trod trodden melangkah,


B. Past Continuous Tense.
1. Past Continuous Tense adalah kejadian atau
peristiwa yang sedang terjadi waktu lampau dan
diikuti peristiwa lain yang terjadi.

S + was/were + Ving

 While Rudi was swimming in the river I heard his
young brother cry.
 When you called me, Hendra was coming from
 We were talking about tourism when they come

2. Menyatakan suatu pertiwa atau kejadian yang sedang

terjadi di masa lampau

 She was watching horror movie yesterday night.
 Ria was fishing in sea two days ago.
 The students were playing football yesterday

C. Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense merupakan suatu bentuk peristiwa
yang telah terjadi namun sebelumnya ada peristiwa lain
lebih dahulu terjadi.


Had + Past Pefect

 When my father worked, I had washed my
 The bus had gone after she came.
 I had studied hard before my teacher came to

 She told me her brother‟s name after I had
asked her many times.

D. Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense merupakan suatu
perbuatan yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau waktu
tertentu di masa lalu. Terkadang menurut orang Past
Perfect Continuous menerangkan aktvitas yang dilakukan
pada lalu tetapi masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.
Sederhananya, situasi ini mengacu pada
penggunaan waktu ini harus sudah selesai.
Pola dari Past Perfect Continuous Tense terbentuk
oleh auxiliary verb “had” dan “been” dan “present
participle”. Polanya dapat dibagi menjadi tiga:

 Kalimat positif

S + had + been + V-ing.

 Andi had been studying.

 The Mechanic had been working hard.
 Rudi had been climbing.
 We had been finishing the exam.
 Hendra had been eating.

 Kalimat negative.
S + had + not + been + V-

 Andi had not been studying.

 The Mechanic had not been working hard.
 Rudi had not been climbing.
 We had not been finishing the exam.
 Hendra had not been eating.

 Kalimat interogatif
Had + S + been + V-
ing ?

 Had Andi been studying?
 Had the mechanic been working hard?
 Had Rudi been climbing?
 Had we been finishing the exam?
 Had Hendra been eating?

Fungsi dan contoh kalimat Past Perfect Continuous Tense

umumnya suatu keadaan ini menjelaskan bahwa suatu
aktivitas terjadi sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.
 When my friends came, we had been cooking
for two hours.
 She had been walking in main street for 25
minutes before the people were full.

Dalam suatu situasi atau perbuatan yang dilakukan

tentunya memilki masa yang berlangsung. Apabila kita
ingin menerangkan waktu suatu aktivitas yang berlangsung
di masa lampau secara khusus.

 I was annoyed since I had been waiting for
an hour at the train terminal.
 By the time father came, we had been waiting
for 30 minutes.part of the text.
 She had been working with my computer all
night, and I wanted cook for ate.

Write your own examples !

Simple Future Tense

A. Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense ialah suatu bentuk waktu yang
akan dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang. Bentuk
waktu ini dengan kata will, shall, dan going to. Dan juga
digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keinginan.

Kalimat (+)
S + will/shall + V1
S + to be going to + V1

Kalimat (-)
S + will/shall + not + V1
S + to be + not + going to + V1(?)

Kalimat (?)

Will/shall + S + V1?

To be (am/is/are) + Subject + going to
+ V1?

Will biasanya dipakai untuk suatu aktivitas yang akan

diselesaikan. Sedangkan penggunaan going to biasanya
dipakai untuk aktivitas yang akan dilakukan, namun
telah direncanakan sebelumnya.
Adapun Adverb of time atau keterangan waktu yang
bisa digunakan dalam simple future tense adalah sebagai
 Soon.
 Tomorrow.
 Next week.
 Tonight.
 Later.
 The day after tomorrow.
 By and by.

 I'll be here soon.

 Will you be at garden the day after tomorrow?
 They will move to another place.
 I am sure they will have a good time.
 We will not be ready for next week.
 We will come to Bali next month.
 She is going to invite her uncle after lunch at.
 They're going to dive this morning. a movie
next week.
 Will you come to my brother house tomorrow
for do homework?
 Will you help me to make the good project in
the future math tomorrow?

B. Future Continuous Tense

Future Continuous Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang
dapat juga disebut future progressive tense. Tense ini
digunakan pada suatu peristiwa yang akan terjadi di
masa akan datang dan berkelanjutan untuk beberapa
saat. Suatu catatan yang penting disini adalah peristiwa
ini memiliki jangka waktu terentu.
Fungsi Future Continuous Tense antara lain:

 Melakukan suatu aktivitas yang akan atau sedang
dikerjakan pada masa akan datang dengan diikuti
keterangan waktu yang khusus. Contoh: Brian will
come here at 10 o‟clock tomorrow morning.
 Menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang sedang
berlangsung di masa akan datang pada saat ada
suatu aktivitas lain terjadi secara bersamaan di masa
akan datang. Contoh: They will be swimming when
you come for fishing tonight.
 Memberikan suatu pertanyaan secara formal
dengan tujuan untuk menyampaikan keinginan
seseorang. Contoh: Will they be coming in my

 Pola kalimatnya Positif sebagai berikut;

Subject + will/shall + be + Verb-ing.

Will untuk Subjek: I, you, they, we, he, she, it. Dan terkadang
shall digunakan untuk Subjek I, we.
 They will be running in the beach this afternoon.

 I will be watching the film with my sister for two
 you will be drinking the coffee at 6 o‟clock this
 I shall be inviting my brother this evening.
 He will be coming to my warehouse to see all the
things tomorrow.

Pola kalimatnya Negatif sebagai berikut;

S + will/shall + not + be + Verb-ing.

 They will not be staying here for a week.

 Eric will not be writing the story when the
references is not enough.
 Because the new books come in our office soon,
we shall not be going outside for have lunch later.
 She will not be coming to your birthday party
 He will not be playing basketball for a week.

Will not dan shall not dapat disingkat menjadi won’t dan
shan’t. Tetapi singkatan untuk shan’t sangat jarang
digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Biasanya
digunakan hanya dalam tulisan saja.

Kalimat Pola
(+) S + will/shall + have + been + complement
(-) S + will/shall + have + not + been +
(?) Will/shall + S +have + been + complement?

C. Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang
menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang diperkirakan akan
sudah terjadi dan sudah selesai di masa akan datang.

Yang perlu diperhatikan dalam future perfect tense ini adalah

 Dalam kalimat nominal, “have” diikuti
dengan Verb3 dari “be”, yaitu “been”. Selanjutnya,
tidak ada kata kerja regular atau irregular untuk
menerangka aktivitas secara khusus.

 Kata kerjanya dapat ditambahkan V -ed di akhir
kata kerja yang digunakan (regular verb).
 “Have” digunakan untuk semua subjek, baik itu
berbentuk singular ataupun plural.

 We will have been at your village when the
ceremonial start.
 Rudi will have not been in the office when the
friends came.
 Will we vave been here today?

Dalam kalimat verbal:

 Anisa will have finished his duty at 10 p.m.
 I will not have worked the build next day.
 Will you have written the story when Andi comes
to your place by tomorrow morning?

Adverb of Time dalam Future Perfect Tense.

Tense ini mempunyai ungkapan waktu (adverb of time),
antara lain; at this time next week, at this time next month.

Dan “by” memiliki arti „tidak lebih dari atau pada‟,

D. Simple Past Future Tense.

Simple Past Future Tense adalah waktu yang mengacu
pada masa lalu atau lampau mengungkapkan peristiwa
yang akan dilaksanakan.

Pola kalimat verbal:

Kalimat Pola
(+) S + would + V1
(-) S + would + not + V1
(?) Would + S + V1?

 You would work the take home test with your
 She would write the novel with good circumstance.
 You would not work hard.
 Would she dance of tango?

Pola kalimat nominal:

Kalimat Pola
(+) S + would + be + compl
(-) S + would + not + be + compl
(?) Would + S + be + compl ?

 You would be happy.
 She would not be nice with bad attitude.
 You would not be hungry.
 Would she be happy for the party?

E. Past Future Continuous Tense

Past Future Continuous Tense adalah bentuk waktu
yang dipakai untuk mengungkapkan peristiwa yang
sedang terjadi di masa lalu.

Pola kalimat verbal:

Kalimat Pola
(+) S + would + be + V-ing
(-) S + would + not + be + V-ing
(?) Would + S + be + V-ing?


 She would be writing a letter for her sister.

 I would be preparing the task if the electricity did
not turn off.
 Lisa would not be writing a letter for her sister if
she came to here.
 Would Rudi be preparing the task if the electricity
didn‟t turn off?
 Would you be going to „Pasar Malam‟ tonight?
 Would Anisa be telling you the true story when she
met the ghost?

Pola kalimat nominal:

Kalimat Pola
(+) S + would + be + compl
(-) S + would + not + be + compl
(?) Would + S + be + compl?


 They would be here.

 You would be hungry if you didnn‟t eat this
 Would you be here for help him?

Write your exeecise here!

F. Past Future Perfect Tense
Past future perfect Tense ialah waktu yang dipakai
untuk mengungkapkan peristiwa yang akan telah
berlangsung di masa lalu.

Pola kalimat verbal:

Kalimat Pola
(+) S + would + have + V3
(-) S + would + not + have + V3
(?) Would + S + have + V3?

 Bryan would have submitted the homework last
 I would have finished exercise by January last
 The students would have received the extra task
for add the result of exam.
 I would not have called you last day.
 Would you have written the historical story?

Pola kalimat nominal:

Kalimat Pola
(+) S + would + have + been + compl
(-) S + would + not + have + been + compl
(?) Would + S + have + been + compl?

 Bryan would have been here last night.
 I would have been done.
 The students would have been here yesterday for
 I would not have been there.
 Rudi would not have been late for saw the

G. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Past future perfect continuous tense adalah waktu yang
dipakai untuk mengungkapkan peristiwa yang akan
sudah berlangsung selama waktu tertentu pada masa

Pola kalimat verbal:

Kalimat Pola
(+) S + would + have + been + V-ing
(-) S + would + not + have + been + V-ing
(? Would + S + have + been + V-ing?

 He would have been working hard for a month
if his salary has been here.
 I would have been writing with French language
in this newspaper for a year by 2017.
 When I took this job, my brother would have
been studying in the broad for three years.
 Would she have been calling the police?
 She would not have been calling the police.

Pola kalimat nominal:

Kalimat Pola
(+) S + would + have + been + compl.

(-) S + would + not + have + been + compl.
(? Would + S + have + been + compl?

 He would have been there
 Arya would not have been angry.
 Would Linda have been here?

Write here your exercise!

Daftar Pustaka

Fogiel. M. 1992. Rea‟s Handbook of English

Grammar, Style, and Writing. Publishing by Research
and EducationAssosiation. 61 Ethel Road West
Piscataway, NewJersey 08854. USA.

Junaida, Dkk. 2007. Complete English Grammar.

BelajarBahasa Inggris dari Awal sampai Mahir.
PenerbitPustaka Pelajar Celeban Timur UH
III/548Yogyakarta 55167. Indonesia.

Raymond Murphy. 1997. Essential Grammar in Use.

Publishedby Cambridge University Press,
Echol M. Hasan Shadily. 1996. Kamus Inggris-
Indonesia. EdisiGramedia dan diterbitkan di Indonesia
dengan ijinkhusus dari Penerbit aslinya Cornell
UniversityPress. Diterbitkan di Gramedia Jakar
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