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Name: ___________________________________________


By: Noor Khalidah
1. Chart

Subject Object Possessive Possessive
To Be + Contraction
Pronoun Pronoun Adjective Pronoun
To be

I Am I am I'm Me My Mine
You You are You're You Your Yours
Person We We are We're Us Our Ours
Person They They are They're Them Their Theirs
She She is She's Her Her Hers
He Is He is He's Him His His
It It is It's It Its Its

a. To be: Merupakan penghubung anatara objek dan subjek.
b. Subject Pronoun: Subject pronoun atau kata ganti subjek digunakan untuk
menggantikan subjek yang bisa berupa orang, hewan, atau benda yang melakukan
c. Object Pronoun : Kata ganti ini berfungsi sebagai kata ganti milik benda atau orang yang
berkedudukan sebagai objek. Dengan kata lain kata ganti ini adalah kata ganti milik yang
dikenai tindakan.
d. Possessive Adjective: Kata ganti ini berfungsi untuk menunjukkan kata ganti
kepemilikan terhadap noun atau kata benda. Penggunaannya harus diikuti oleh kata
benda (noun).
e. Possessive Pronoun: Kata ganti ini berfungsi untuk menunjukkan kepunyaan dalam
sebuah kalimat dimana kata ganti ini berkedudukan sebagai subjek dalam kalimat. Kata
ganti ini tidak diikuti oleh kata benda.
2. Sentence Examples
a. To be:
There is a butterfly above your head (ada seekor kupu2 di atas kepalamu).

- Kata bergaris bawah “is” merupakan to be sedangkan kata “a butterfly” adalah kata
benda (noun) yang artinya kupu-kupu.
- Kalimat di atas menggunakan to be is karena hanya terdapat seekor butterfly.

My brother is so cute (saudaraku sangat lucu).

- Kata “is” yang bergaris bawah adalah to be sedangkan “so cute” merupakan kata sifat
(adjective), yang artinya sangat lucu atau menggemaskan.
- Kalimat tersebut mengunakan to be “is” karena subjek dalam contoh kalimat
tersebut adalah “my brother”, kata ganti orang dari “my brother” adalah “he” jadi to
be yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yaitu “is”.

b. Subject Pronoun
She is a singer (dia seorang penyanyi).
You will know the truth (kamu akan tahu kebenarannya).
- Kata “she” dan “you” merupakan contoh dari subject pronoun.

c. Object Pronoun (Objek dalam Kalimat):

She makes me angry (dia membuatku marah).
Mom made some food for us (ibu telah membuatkan beberapa makanan untuk kita).
Kata “me” dan “us” merupakan contoh dari object pronoun.

d. Possessive Adjective (Kepunyaan terhadap noun):

They are my friends (mereka adalah temanku).
Your work is the best than the others (pekerjaanmu adalah yang terbaik dibandikan
dengan yang lainnya).
Kata “my” dan “your”adalah contoh dari possessive adjective.

e. Possessive Pronoun (Kepunyaan):

This bag is mine (tas ini punyaku).
My bag is full, may I put my jacket in yours? (tasku penuh, bolehkah aku titip jaket di
Kata “mine” dan “yours” merupakan salah satu contoh dari possessive pronoun.
3. Reflexive Pronoun

Subject Reflexive Pronoun

I Myself
You Yourself
They Themselves
We Ourselves
He Himself
She Herself
It Itself
Kata ganti ini digunakaan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh diri sendiri untuk
diri sendiri.

I cook my breakfast by myself (aku memasak sarapanku sendiri.
He cuts his hair by himself (dia memotong rambutnya sendiri).
We can finish our works by ourselves (kita bisa mengerjakan pekerjakan kami sendiri).
Kata “myself”, “himself”, dan “ourselves” adalah contoh dari penggunaan reflexive pronoun.

4. WH-Question
We usually form wh-questions with:
a. wh- + an auxiliary verb (be, do or have) + subject + main verb
b. wh- + a modal verb + subject + main verb

What’s What is
Who's Who is
Where's Where is
How's How is
What are What are


Be: When are you leaving? Who’s been paying the bills?
Do: Where do they live? Why didn’t you call me?
Have: What has she done now? What have they decided?

Modal: Who would she stay with? Where should I park?

5. Exercises
a. Subject
Find the Subject in the following sentences:

1) I am going home today evening.

2) She is the girl I was talking to you about.
3) It was a time when I was so happy.
4) All my friends are coming home for my parents
5) Josh and Derrick visited Disneyland last month.
6) The cat drank all the milk that was left in the kitchen.

b. Pronoun
Read at the following sentences. Should the reflexive pronoun be used? Why or why

1) Aisha let (her / herself) in when she arrived.

2) Feel free to let (you / yourself) in when you get here!
3) Alex asked Jada if she would let (him / himself) in when (she / herself) arrived.

Identify the antecedents and pronouns in the following examples:

1) Itzel and Camila were the top ranking doubles team at OSU. They hadn’t been
defeated all year.
2) People asked Jorge to review their papers so often that he started a small editing
3) Henry called his parents every week.

In each sentence, fill in the blank with the correct pronoun. Identify why you selected
the pronoun you did:
1) André told me that it was ___ box of cereal, but I couldn’t remember having bought ___.
2) George Washington was the first president of the United States. ___ set the standard of
only serving two terms of office. However, ___ wasn’t illegal to serve over two
terms until 1951.

Find the pronoun in the text below:

A man kidnapped a little girl and hid her in a bungalow on the outskirts of the city. He
sent her parent a ransom note telling them to leave fifty thousand rupees near the
postbox outside the Head Post Office. The man said he would then send a map showing
them their daughter’s whereabouts.
6. Bibliography

1. Definitions
Adverb of Frequency adalah sebuah kata atau frasa yang mengekspresikan seberapa sering
kegiatan tersebut dilakukan oleh seseorang. Frasa yang akan kita temukan dalam Adverb of
Frequency ini di antaranya adalah daily, weekly, often, rarely, dan lain sebagainya.

a. Put before a main verb
Subject + Adverb + Main verb
- I always have breakfast
- He normally drinks milk for the breakfast
b. Put after to be
Subject + to be + Adverb
- They are never on diet
- Prevention is always better than cure
c. Ketika Menggunakan auxiliary verb (have, will, must, might, could, would, can, etc.).
Maka adverb is placed between the auxiliary dan main verb.
Subject + Auxiliary + Adverb + Main verb
- Una can sometimes go swimming
- They might never do any exercises

d. Menempatkan usually, normally, often, frequency, sometimes, occasionally di awal

Exg. Occasionally, I like to eat junk food

e. Bisa juga digunakan ketika ingin mengatakan hal yang lebih spesifik. Such as:
everyday, once a month, twice a week, four times a day, etc. Posisinya terletak at the
end of the sentence.
Exg. He goes to gym twice a week
2. Excercise
Put the adverbs in the correct place. Then practice the conversation
a. A: Do you get much exercise? (Usually)
B: Yes, I play badminton after work (sometimes). And on Sundays I go to the gym

b. A: What dou you have for breakfast? (Usually)

B: I have milk breakfast (Always). I have coffee (Never)

Tell me something you...

a. Always do in the morning d. Sometimes do on weekend
b. Usually do in the afternoon e. Seldom do in the afternoon
c. Sometimes do in the evening f. Rarely do in the evening

3. Bibliography


1. Definition
The Present Simple atau simple present dipakai untuk membuat kalimat simple yang
menyatakan sebuah fakta, membicarakan hal-hal yang sudah terjadi berulang kali, dan untuk
mendeskripsikan benda yang selalu benar atau kegiatan sehari-hari.
2. Formula
a. Positive:

- Untuk He/She/It dalam menggunakan verb (kata kerja) maka ditambahkan
penggunaan –S atau –Es dikarenakan subjectnya.
- I eat fried rice
- She brings my bag
- Ahong studies English

b. Negative:
Negative with do and does:

- Kata “not” ditambahkan setelah verbs. Untuk verbs lainnya, “do not” atau “does not”
yang dipakai dan menyesuaikan subjek.
- Setelah kata “do not” atau “does not” maka menggunakan Verb 1 (Kata kerja
- Untuk He/She/It dalam hal ini tidak menggunakan tambahan –S atau –Es.

(+) I work outside (+) Sila works in the hospital
(-) I do not work outside (-) Sila does not work in the hospital
Negative with to be:

- Kata “not” ditambahkan setelah penggunaan to be yang dipakai dan menyesuaikan
- Untuk He/She/It dalam hal ini tetap menggunakan tambahan –S atau –Es.

(+) I am a farmer (+) Bela is a doctor
(-) I am not a farmer (-) Bela is not a doctor

Menuliskan kata-kata negatif, “be” nya bisa disingkat. Hal ini untuk mempermudah
penulisan, tetapi akan susah didengarkan jika tidak terbiasa dengan singkatannya.

c. Interrogative:
Interrogative with do or does:

- Ketika dijadikan kalimat tanya yang memastikan sesuatu maka diambahkan “Do”
atau “Does” (sesuai subjectnya) didepan kalimat.
(+) I live in Surabaya
(-) I do not live in Surabaya
(?) Do you live in Surabaya?
Intrerrogative with to be:

- Dalam kalimat tanya, penggunaan to be akan diletakkan di depan atau di awal
(+) We are students
(-) We are not students
(?) Are we students?

3. Exercise
Fill this questions below with the correct verb based on the subject!
1) I ____________ (work/works) at bank
2) Rina ________________(live/lives) with her husband
3) The cats ________________ (eats/eat) a fish
4) Rara _________________ (make/makes) delicious cookies
5) Una ____________ (speak/speaks) English very well

Complete each question with the correct “Do, Does, Am, Are, Is”.
1) ___________ (Do/Does) Shania live in a flat?
2) ___________ (Am/Are/Is) You work in there?
3) ___________ (Do/Does) They a farmers?
4) ___________ (Am/Are/Is) I a kid?
5) ___________ (Am/Are/Is) the cat eat a fish?

Find a subject, to be, and verb in this music lyric!

So it breaks my heart
When you say I’m not a friend to you
Cause friends don’t do the things we do
Everybody knows you love me too
Tryna be careful with the words I use
I say it cause I’m dying to
4. Bibliography

1. Definition
Present Continuous Tense merupakan tense bentuk yang menunjuk pada tindakan yang
sedang berlangsung sekarang atau ketika pembicaraan itu sedang berlangsung. Jadi,
tindakan itu sudah dimulai dan belum berakhir ketika pembicaraan itu erlangsung. Tense ini
juga bisa digunakan untuk menjelaskan sebuah kejadian yang terjadi dengan singkat
dan/atau yang telah terjadi dalam rentang waktu yang lama.

Use Adverb of Time: Now, Right now, at the moment, this moment, this week, etc.

(+) I am taking English lesson this month
(-) My sister is not teaching right now
(?) Is Ahong going to school now?

2. Exercise
Make questions and answers. Use Present Continuous.
a. Q: (She/work/in Kotabaru this year?)
A: (No/She/work in Surabaya)
b. Q: (Your father/watch TV show right now?)
A: (Yes/he watch a talkshow)
Answer the following present continuous questions. Try to use full sentences.
a. When are you going home?
b. What are you doing tonight?
c. Who are you meeting this weekend?
d. What are you thinking about?
e. Who are you talking with?
f. What are you studying these days?

3. Bibliography


1. Definition
Simple past tense, terkadang disebut preterite, digunakan untuk membicarakan kejadian yang
sudah selesai di waktu sebelum sekarang. Kejadian dapat terjadi belum lama di masa lalu
atau sudah lama di masa lalu, dan durasi kejadiannya tidak penting.
Time: Yesterday, Last night, last week, last month, 2 days ago, last minutes, last Monday, etc.

2. Formula
a. Using did in simple past


Subject + Verb 2
- She bought a new book
- They took an apple
Subject + did not + Verb 1
- I did not go to clinic
- We did not buy a car

Did + Subject + Verb 1
- Did you enjoy the class?
- Did Ariana go to clinic?

b. Using to be in simple past

Subject + Was/Were
- I was in vacation
- It was a wanderful performance

Subject + Was/Were + not + place/time/adjective
- Paule was not in the office
- They were not at home in London last week

Was/Were + Subject + place/time/adjective
- Were you in Austria last year?
- Was Paule in Hawai?
3. Exercise
Complete the short conversatiton below with was, wasn’t, were, were’n’t!
A: ____________ Paule at work today?
B: No, he ___________ in the office. I think he is on leave.

A: Do you know where is Mike?

B: Yes, I _________ at Mike’s party in Hawai last summer. _________ you there?
A: No, We _____________ there. Phil and I __________ in Japan last summer.

Fill the following sentences using the correct form of Verb 2!

They ___________ (Sell) many vagatables in Lokbaintan floating market yesterday.

Last year, Drh. Riny __________ (Travel) to Japan with her family.
We _________ (Go) to Turkey in February and Mila ______________ (Lose) her passport.

Let’s Talk about something!

a. How many times did you shower yesterday?
b. What did you laugh about recently?
c. What did you cry about recently?
d. Can you remember borrowing something? What did you borrow? Why did you borrow it?
e. Who cooked last night's dinner for you?
f. Did you like the last movie you saw?

4. Bibliography

1. Definition
Simple future tense merupakan bentuk tenses untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa yang belum
mulai dan baru terjadi di waktu yang akan datang atau di masa depan. Jadi, tenses ini merujuk
pada tindakan yang akan dilakukan setelah sekarang. Selain untuk mengekspresikan hal
tersebut, simple future tense juga dapat kamu gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu prediksi dan

Use adverb of time: Soon, next week, tomorrow, from now, Tonight, the day after tomorrow, next
month, etc.
2. Formula

a. Using Will
+ = Subject + Will/Shall + Verb 1
- = Subject + Will/Shall + not + Verb 1
? = Will/Shall + Subject + Verb 1

(+) I will sweep the floor
(-) Arina will not attend the class
(?) Will they join the meeting?
(?) Shall we go together?

b. Using (be) going to

+ = Subject + (am/is/are) going to + Verb 1
- = Subject + (am/is/are) + not + going to + Verb 1
? = (Am/Is/Are) + Subject + going to + Verb 1

(+) Michael is going to get a job after the class
(-) They are not going to the restaurant
(?) Are we going to the white house?

c. Different time to use Will and Going to

Will = We use ‘Will’ when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. Which is the
speaker has not decided it before. (Digunakan ‘Will’ pada saat sedang berbicara.
Yang mana belum diputuskan atau dipikirkan pada saat itu.)
Be Going To = We use ‘Be going to’ when we already decided to do something or already
have a plan. (Digunakaan ketika sudah memutuskan untuk melakukan
sesuatu yang akan datang).
3. Exercise
Complete the following sentence using will and be going to!
a. You can hear Ria calling you.
And you don’t like it, So you think: I ___________ (not/answer) her.

b. You meet your friend and ask:

What _____________ (you/do) tonight?
He answer, I ___________ (clean) my room because my mom told me to do it yesterday

Let’s discuss!
a. Are you going to study tonight?
b. Are you going to meet friends today?
c. Will you wear the same clothes tomorrow?
d. Are humans going to live on Mars someday?
e. Will being able to speak English still be a useful skill in the future?
f. When will you get home today?

4. Bibliography

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