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Step by step to learn English Grammar

1. Part of Speech

a) Noun (kata benda), adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menamai atau menyebut
orang, benda, tempat, dan ide. Dengan kata lain, kata ini merujuk pada benda fisik
dan konsep abstrak. Adapun beberapa katergori daripada noun diantaranya:

1.) Menurut wujudnya dibedakan menjadi 2, yakni Concrete Nouns dan

Abstract Nouns

(a) Concrete Nouns (Kata Benda Berwujud), adalah kata benda yang
menunjukkan nama objek yang dapat dilihat, diraba, dipegang, dan dirasakan
oleh panca indra. Concrete Nouns dibagi lagi menjadi 4, yakni:

- Proper Nouns (Kata benda nama diri)

- Common Nouns (Kata benda umum)
- Collective Nouns (Kata benda kelompok)
- Material Nouns (Kata benda material)

(b) Abstract Nouns (Kata Benda Tak Berwujud), adalah kata benda yang tidak
berwujud, tidak dapat dilihat, diraba, ataupun dirasa oleh panca indra

2.) Menurut perhitungannya dibedakan menjadi 3 yakno Countable noun,

Uncountable noun, & Mixed noun

(a) Countable Noun (Kata benda yang dapat dihitung)

(b) Uncountable Noun (Kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung)
(c) Mixed Noun (Kata benda yang dapat dihitung ataupun tidak dapat dihitung,
tergantung kondisi atau konteks dimana ia digunakan), contohnya:
 I saw a hair on the floor  pada kondisi ini, hair dapat dihitung, ditandai
dengan artikel a di depannya
 She curled her hair  Hiar ketika sudah di kepala tidak dapat dihitung
karena tidak lazim untuk dihitung

3.) Menurut jumlahnya dibedakan menjadi 3, yakni:

(a) Singular Nouns (kata benda tunggal)

(b) Plural Nouns (kata benda jamak)
b) Article (Kata Sandang), adalah…..Secara garis besar dibedakan menjadi 3 yakni:
1.) Definite Article adalah kata sandang tertentu yang berupa kata sandang
“The” dan
digunakan pada bentuk-bentuk kata tertentu. Definite article bisa dipakai untuk
singular noun (The woman is sitting over there), countable nouns (The People
in the queue frustrated), maupun uncountable noun (The information she gave
me was false). Adapun beberapa kegunaan Definite article yang diantaranya

Definite Article (THE)

Usage Example

Untuk kata benda yang telah disebut I have a book. The book is very
pada kalimat sebelumnya. interesting.

Untuk benda yang baru pertama kali

disebut, tetapi benda tersebut bisa The boy who called you yesterday is
diketahui dengan jelas karena my brother.
diterangkan dengan beberapa kata.

Untuk benda yang baru pertama kali

disebut, tapi benda tersebut bisa
diketahui dengan jelas karena benda Where is Anton? He is in the
yang dimaksud hanya ada satu classroom.
sehingga bisa langsung dimengerti.

Untuk menunjukan kitab suci, tempat, The Sempu Island, The Atlantic
laut atau wilayah. Ocean.

Untuk kata yang menunjukan bangsa The Javanese

atau orang secara kolektif

Untuk nama keluarga dalam bentuk The Cullen

jamak yang berarti family

Untuk nama benda yang hanya satu- The sun, The moon

Digunakan di depan nama alat musik I can play the guitar

Digunakan untuk noun yang bersifat The boss is giving me a hard time
spesifik (boss here mean my boss)

Superlative Adjective : The longest

Reason used in superlative adjective is

When we use a superlative adjective
Digunakan dalam bentuk superlative to describe a noun, that noun instantly
adjective dan ordinal numbers becomes unique (only one thing can
be the biggest, the tallest, the best, the

Ordinal Numbers : She is always the

first to come.

 Mountain Ranges (The Himalayas,

Use with some geographical nouns The Alps  Means group of
 Canals (The panama canal)
 Rivers (The River Nile)
 Seas (The Black Sea)
 Oceans (The Southern Ocean)
 Valleys (The Yarra Valley)
 Deserts (The Sahara Desert)

Don’t use Definite Article in this kind situation!!

1. Don’t use any article (a/an/the) in general statements, example:

(a) Good friends always listen. If you want to make it with article, u can
write a good friend (change from plural to singular)
(b) Sloths are lazy animal
(c) Fruit is sweet  If you want to make it with article, u can write The
fruit is sweet (it change from general to specific noun (specific fruit).
Fruit in this context refers to a plural uncountable noun

Note : Adding the article in general statements changes a noun from

“general” to being specific thing

2. Don’t use an article with the proper nouns

(a) Don’t use “THE” with names of people

Don’t use “THE” with names of people : I saw the frances the other
day  you can use “THE” when talking about a group of people who
have the same name like a family

Except Plural Groups : I bumped into the smiths the other day (the
smiths here mean more than 1 member of the smith family)

(b) Don’t use “THE” with most place names

India, Turkey, and Malaysia are all part of Asia (Not “The India”)

 Countries with kingdom, republic, and union in their name (The
United Kingdom, The Republic Of Congo, The European Union)
 Country names that are plural (The Netherlands, The United
States of America)
 Some countries that are multiple islands (The Philippines, The
West Indies)

(c) Don’t use “THE” with names of streets, parks, etc

Don’t use article at that situation because proper nouns are nouns that name
a specific place, person, or organization. In English Proper nouns always
written with a capital letter (because it’s important)

2.) Indefinite Artice adalah kata sandang berupa “a” dan “an”. Kata sandang “a”
digunakan untuk benda tunggal yang dimulai dengan bunyi konsonan, sedangkan
kata sandang “an” digunakan untuk kata-kata benda yang diawali dengan huruf
vokal. Jika kata benda diawali dengan huruf konsonan tetapi pembacaannya
menggunakan huruf vocal maka kata benda tersebut menggunakan kata sandang
“an”. Jika kata benda diawali dengan huruf vokal tetapi pembacaannya
menggunakan huruf konsonan, maka kata benda tersebut menggunakan kata
sandang “a”. Adapun beberapa kegunaan Indefinite article yang diantaranya

Indefinite Article (A/An)

Common Mistake: Use article in addition to adjective (article between

subject and adjective, then noun)

He’s busy man  he’s a busy man

She’s intelligent woman  she’s an intelligent woman
That’s very expensive car  that’s a very expensive car

Usage Example

Use with singular countable nouns We have a pen

I saw a woman yesterday. The

To introduce a noun for the first time woman was sitting under a tree. The
tree was very tall. The woman
reached out to touch a cat. The cat
jumped on a wall to try and catch a
bird but the bird flew off the wall

We found a key on the ground (any

When describing something that is not
specific The car key was on the ground
(specific key)

I’m a teacher, He’s an engineer

Use with jobs and job titles Reason : We need those article
because there are millions of jobs
(teacher/engineer) all over the world

Digunakan di depan nama kebangsaan An American

Digunakan di depan nama agama A moslem

Digunakan sebelum kata benda An announcer must be able show

tunggal yang digunakan sebagai teater of mind
contoh dari sebuah kelompok benda

Digunakan dalam penulisan jumlah A couple of parents

Digunakan untuk menyatakan harga $ 50 a kilo
satuan tertentu
Digunakan dalam kalimat seru What a beautiful girl!

3.) Zero Article, adalah

c) Verbs (Kata kerja) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan tindakan
(action) atau keadaan wujud (state of being) dari subjek. Adapun beberapa
pembagian daripada verbs diantara nya adalah sebagai berikut:

1.) Berdasarkan bentuknya, verbs terbagi menjadi 2 yakni:

(a) Finitive Verb (Kata kerja terbatas) merupakan kata kerja utama yang
tidak ditemani oleh Auxiliary (kata kerja yang membantu kata kerja
utama), tidak dapat diubah bentuknya menjadi present participle (verb-
ing), serta hanya digunakan pada tenses berbentuk present dan past.
Finitive Verb terbagi lagi kedalam 2 bagian, yakni:

(1) Present form (bentuk sekarang), merupakan kata kerja yang

digunakan untuk menggambarkan keadaan pada waktu sekarang.
Kata kerja yang sering digunakan adalah kata kerja berbentuk simple
present / present continuous. Contohnya yakni:

- The boys play monopoly

- She is here now

(2) Past form (bentuk lampau), merupakan kata kerja yang digunakan
untuk menggambarkan keadaan pada waktu lampau. Kata kerja yang
sering digunakan adalah kata kerja berbentuk simple past / past
continuous. Contohnya yakni:

- Ria took her book

- She was ill at the time

(b) Non-Finitive / Infinitive Verbs (Kata kerja tak terbatas) merupakan kata
kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda (noun), kata sifat (adjectives),
ataupun kata keterangan (adverb). Infinitive verb terbagi menjadi 3
bagian, yakni:

(1) Infinitive (kata kerja dasar) adalah kata kerja yang belum mengalami
perubahan bentuk (baik karena perubahan waktu/tenses, ataupun
perubahan penambahan akhiran huruf s/es/ies), atau sering disebut
juga dengan kata kerja pertama (verb 1)

(2) Participles (kata kerja partisipatif), merupakan kata kerja yang telah
di kata-sifatkan dan berfungsi sebagai adjective atau keterangan atas
kata benda

(3) Gerunds adalah kata kerja yang diberi tambahan huruf –ing dan
berfungsi sebagai kata benda atau mem-bendakan kata kerja.
Meskipun mempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan present participle,
gerund mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda (artinya bukan “sedang”).

Berikut beberapa contoh kata kerja tak terbatas dimana the non-finite verb is
shaded and the finitive verb (the main verb) is in bold. Note that you can
tell whether the sentence is in the past tense, present tense, or future
tense only by looking at the finite verbs. You cannot determine the tense by
looking at the non-finite verbs

Type Telltale Sign (Tanda) Example and Function

- He want to play
Rugby (sebagai
Infinitive Biasanya diawali - He want a game to
dengan kata “to” play (sebagai
- He begged to play
(sebagai adverb)
- Lee was the playing
Present Participle : reserve (sebagai
(diakhiri dengan kata adjective)
“ing) - He is playing badly
(verb tense)
- The set-piece
Past participle :
played failed
biasanya diakhiri
(sebagai adjective)
dengan "-ed," "-d," "-
- He has played two
t," "-en," atau "-n"
- The set-piece was
played by lee
Lee likes playing rugby
Gerund The “ing” ending (sebagai noun)

2.) Berdasarkan objeknya, kata kerja dibagi menjadi 2 yakni:

(a) Transitive Verbs adalah kata kerja yang membutuhkan objek ataupun
pelengkap untuk menyempurnakan arti kalimat. Adapun bentuk obyek
(forms of objects) yang terdapat pada kata kerja ini yakni:
(1) Monotransitive (kata kerja transitif dengan 1 objek). Contohnya

- Kata kerja diiringi dengan noun : The boys played soccer in the field
- Kata kerja diiringi dengan pronoun : The dog bites him
- Kara kerja diiringi dengan infinitive : We desire to go to Bali next
- Kata kerja diiringi dengan gerund : I like swimming
- Kata kerja diiringi dengan ungkapan (phrase) : She doesn’t know
how to bake a cake

(2) Distransitive Verb adalah kata kerja transitif dengan 2 objek dimana
salah satu objek berfungsi direct object, dan object lainnya berfungsi
sebagai indirect object. Contohnya kata kerja ini yakni “I give a ring
(direct object) to Sandara (Indirect object)”
(b) Intransitive Verbs (Kata kerja intransitive) adalah kata kerja yang tidak
membutuhkan objek atau pelengkap untuk menyempurnakan arti kalimat.
Contoh kata kerja ini yakni:

- We arrived in the afternoon

- She coughed strangely
- Your dog barks a lot

3.) Berdasarkan perubahan waktunya atau cara penulisannya

(a) Regular Verbs (Kata kerja beraturan) adalah verb yang perubahannya
menambahkan huruf –d atau –ed pada verb bentuk pertama sehingga
menjadi verb bentuk ke-2 atau ke-3. Adapun beberapa ketentuan terkait
regular verbs, yakni:

- Apabila kata kerja dasarnya (infinitive) berakhiran huruf vokal -e, maka
untuk membentuk past tense dan past participle dengan menambahkan
akhiran huruf -d. (Advise  Advised)

- Apabila kata kerja dasarnya (verb-1) berakhiran huruf -y dan didahului

oleh konsonan (huruf mati), maka huruf -y tersebut diganti dengan huruf -i
lalu ditambah huruf –ed (Carry  Carried)

- Apabila kata kerja dasarnya (verb-1) berakhiran huruf -y dan didahului

oleh sebuah vokal (huruf hidup), maka huruf -y tersebut tidak dirubah
melainkan ditambah huruf –y (Betray  Betrayed)

- Apabila kata kerja dasarnya (verb-1) terdiri dari satu suku kata dan
berakhiran huruf mati (konsonan) yang diawali oleh sebuah huruf hidup
(vocal), maka huruf mati yang terakhir itu digandakan, lalu ditambah huruf
–ed (Rub  Rubbed)

- Apabila kata kerja dasarnya/verb-1 (infinitive) bersuku kata lebih dari satu
dan berakhiran sebuah huruf mati (konsonan) yang didahului oleh sebuah
huruf hidup (vocal), tetapi tekanan pengucapannya jatuh pada suku kata
terarakhir, maka huruf akhirnya digandakan kemudian ditambah dengan
huruf –ed (Occur  Occurred)

- apabila suku kata terakhir dari kata kerja dasarnya/verb-1 (Infinitive)

terdapat dua buah huruf hidup (vocal), meskipun tekanan pengucapannya
jatuh pada suku kata terakhir, maka huruf mati terakhir tidak boleh
digandakan dan langsung ditambah dengan huruf –ed (Repeat 

- Apabila kata kerja dasarnya/verb-1 (Infinitive) bersuku kata dua yang

berakhiran dengan huruf mati (konsonan) yang didahului oleh sebuah
huruf hidup (vocal), tetapi tekanan pengucapannya jatuh pada suku kata
pertama, maka langsung ditambah huruf –ed (Follow  Followed)

- Apabila kata kerja dasarnya/verb-1 (Infinitive) berakhiran dengan huruf -l,

yang didahului oleh sebuah huruf hidup (vocal), maka huruf akhiran -l
digandakan lalu ditambah huruf –ed (Compel  Compelled)

- Apabila kata kerja dasarnya (infinitive) berakhiran dengan huruf -l, yang
didahului oleh dua huruf hidup (vocal), maka huruf akhiran -l tidak perlu
digandakan tetapi langsung ditambah huruf –ed (Mail  Mailed)

- Apabila kata kerja dasarnya (infinitive) berakhiran dengan huruf -c, yang
didahului oleh sebuah huruf hidup (vocal), maka huruf -c ditambah huruf -
k lalu ditambah huruf–ed (Mimic  Mimicked)

(b) Irregular Verbs (Kata kerja tak beraturan)

Adalah kata kerja (verb) yang berubah-ubah tidak sesuai dengan bentuk
tenses, Bentuk lampau Irregular verbs (kata kerja tak beraturan) tidak dibentuk
dari kata kerja dasar/verb-1 (infinitives) ditambah huruf -d atau huruf -ed
untuk membentuk verb-2/past tense dan verb-3/past participle

4.) Berdasarkan fungsinya dalam kalimat, verb dapat dibagi menjadi 2 macam,

(a) Kata kerja penghubung (Linking Verbs / Copula Verb) adalah verb yang
digunakan untuk menghubungkan antara subjek dengan kata ganti
(pronoun), kata sifat (adjective), ataupun descriptive phrase yang
menerangkan subjek. Linking verb don’t indicate action in a sentence,
they describe a state of being, a result, or one of the five senses. Contoh
linking verb diantaranya yakni:

- Harold is sleepy
- Everything seemed normal
- Ice feels cold to the touch

(b) Kata kerja bantu (Auxiliary Verbs) adalah kata kerja yang digunakan
untuk membantu kata kerja lain dalam membentuk struktur kalimat yang
lengkap. Auxiliary verb dapat juga diartikan sebagai kata kerja bantu yang
diletakan di depan kata kerja pokok untuk membentuk waktu (tenses),
ragam gramatikal (voice), dan modus (mood). Auxiliary verb dibagi lagi
menjadi 3 jenis, yakni:

(1) Kata kerja bantu utama (Primary auxiliary verb) adalah kata kerja
yang digunakan untuk memberikan karakter pada bentuk waktu (tenses)
dan tidak memberikan tambahan makna pada kata kerja utamanya (main
verbs). Bentuk kata kerja yang tergolong kedalamnya yakni:

Singular Plural To Be
(Tunggal) (Jamak)

I am We are Was/were (past)

To Be You are You are Being
He/She/It is They are Been (Participle)
Will be (Future)

Singular Plural To Have

(Tunggal) (Jamak)

I Have We Have Had (Past)

To Have You Have You Have Having
She/He/It Has They Have Had (Participle)
Will have

Singular Plural To Do
(Tunggal) (Jamak)
To Do I Do We Do Did (Past)
You Do You Do Doing
He/She/It Does They Do Done (Participle)
Will do (Future)

(2) Kata kerja bantu mengendalikan (Modal auxiliary verb) adalah kata
kerja yang digunakan untuk memberikan tambahan makna pada kata
kerja utamanya (main verbs). Yang termasuk kedalam modal auxiliary
verb diantaranya yakni:

Modal Uses Example

Ability / Possibility They can control

their own budgets
Can / Can’t Inability / Impossibility We can’t fix it
Asking for permission Can i smoke here?

Request Can you help me?

Polite Request Could i borrow your
Suggestion Could you say it
again more slowly?
Future Possibility We could try to fix it
Could / Couldn’t
Ability in the past I think we could
have another Gulf
Asking for permission He gave up on his
old job so he could
work for us
May / May not Asking for permission May i speak?
Future Possibility It may rain
Present possibility We’d better phone
tomorrow, they
might be eating their
Might / Might not dinner now
Future possibility They might give us
a 10% discount
Past form of “May” He said he might
change his mind
Necessity / Obligation We must say good-
Must / Musn’t bye now
Prohibition They musn’t
Ought to / Ought Right thing to do You ought to
not to apologize
Offer Shall I help you with
your luggage
Sugestion Shall we say 2.30
Shall / shan’t
Asking what to do Shall i do that or
will you?
Future for “I” and “we” I shall see him
Questions and Let’s continue, shall
suggestions for “I” and we?
Saying what’s right or We should sort out
Should / shouldn’t correct this problem at once
Recommending action I think we should
check everything
Uncertain prediction Profits should
increase next year
Instant decisions I can’t see any taxis
so I’ll walk
Offer I’ll do that for you if
you like
Will / Won’t
Promise and intentions I’ll get back to you
first thing on
Future actions or Price will go up next
certain prediction year
Asking for permission Would you mind if I
brought a colleague
with me
Polite request, offer, Would you prefer
and invitation tea or coffee?
Would / Wouldn’t Making arrangements Would three o’clock
suit you?
Imagined situations What would you do
if you were him?
Past form of “will” He told me he would
Dare / Daren’t
Need / Needn’t

Terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri Modal Auxiliary verb dalam sebuah kalimat,


Ciri-ciri Modal Auxiliarry Example

dalam kalimat

- He can helps you wash your

Selalu diikuti oleh kata kerja car (salah)
dasar tanpa “to” (bare infinitive) - He can help you wash your
car (benar)

- They want to can speak

Mandarin (salah)

Contoh di atas salah, karena

kata can tidak boleh
didahului oleh kata kerja
Tidak boleh diikuti atau
dasar “to” (to infinitive).
didahului oleh kata dasar “to”
Apabila kita ingin
(to infinitive)
mengatakan dengan maksud
di atas, maka kita
menggunakan ungkapan
yang serupa dengan modal
(similar expression of
modal), yaitu kata can diganti
dengan kata “be able to”
(dapat, mampu atau bisa).

- They want to be able to speak

Mandarin (benar)

- He may can visit my house

tomorrow (salah)
Tidak boleh terdapat 2 modal - He may be able to visit my
dalam 1 kalimat house tomorrow (betul) 
ubah modal menggunakan
similar expression of modal

Modal auxiliary tidak boleh - Does he can sleep in the

bertemu dengan primary afternoon (salah)
auxiliary yang lain (kecuali kata - Can he sleep in the afternoon
have) (benar)

Tidak dapat menggunakan - They would have done their

modal auxiliary verb pada duties (benar)
kalimat perfect tense (kecuali
modal shall, will, should,
ataupun would)

Similar expression of modal merupakan bentuk yang serupa dengan modal tetapi
secara struktur lebih fleksibel dari pada modal auxiliary verb. Tidak semua modal
auxiliary verb di atas bisa diubah menjadi similar expression of modal dalam
kalimat. Berikut beberapa modal auxiliary verb yang dapat dirubah
bentuknya menjadi similar expression of modal

Modal Auxiliary Verb Similar Expression of Modal

Shall / Will (Future) Be going to

Can (Ability) Be able to
Must (Necessity) Have to, Have got to, Be to
Can / May (Permission) Be allowed to
Would (Habit in the past) Used to
Should (Advisability) Be supposed to

(3) Kata kerja bantu menekankan (Emphasize Auxiliary Verb)

digunakan untuk memberikan tekanan atau kesungguhan pada suatu
tindakan atau peristiwa. Yang termasuk kedalam verb ini antara lain yakni
: (Do, does dan did). Kata kerja ini dapat juga diartikan sebagai “benar-
benar”. Adapun contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat sebagai berikut:

- You do love Marianne (kamu benar-benar mencintai Marianne)

- He does his job perfectly (Dia melakukan pekerjaannya dengan

d) Pronouns (kata ganti), adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda
(nouns) dengan tujuan untuk menghindari pengulangan kata. Adapun jenis-jenis
pronoun antara lain meliputi:

1.) Personal pronoun (kata ganti orang), terbagi lagi menjadi:

(a) The first person
(b) The second person
(c) The third person

2.) Possesive pronoun (kata ganti kepunyaan), adalah kata ganti yang
menunjukkan kepunyaan/kepemilikan. Pronoun ini terbagi lagi menjadi:

(a) Adjective yang diikuti oleh kata benda antara lain berupa my
(kepunyaanku), your (kepunyaan kamu/kalian), our (kepunyaan
kami/kita), dan their (kepunyaan mereka)
(b) Pronoun yang tidak diikuti oleh kata benda antara lain berupa mine
(milikku), yours (milikmu/kalian), his (milik dia dengan subjek laki-
laki), hers (milik dia dengan subjek perempuan), ours (milik kami/kita),
dan theirs (milik mereka)

3.) Reflextive pronoun, terdiri dari:

- Myself (saya sendiri)

- Yourself/Yourselves (kamu sendiri / kalian sendiri)
- Himself (dia sendri)  subjek laki-laki
- Herself (dia sendiri)  subjek perempuan
- Itself (dia sendiri)  subjek benda/binatang
- Ourselves (kami sendiri)
- Themselves (mereka sendiri)

4.) Demonstrative pronoun (kata ganti penunjuk), adalah kata ganti yang
menunjukkan kata benda yang dibicarakan. Kata ganti ini terdiri dari:

- Bentuk tunggal, terdiri dari : this (ini), that (itu), dan one (yang)
- Bentuk jamak, terdiri dari : these (ini), those (itu), dan ones (yang)

5.) Relative/Conjunctive pronoun (kata ganti penghubung), adalah pronoun yang

digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat dengan menghilangkat kata-kata
yang sama. Berikut adalah beberapa relative pronoun beserta dengan fungsi

(a) Who : Digunakan sebagai pengganti subjek dimana subjek tersebut berupa
orang  (My father who teaches every day is an English Lecturer)
(b) That : Digunakan sebagai subjek atau objek untuk menggantikan kata benda
 (There is a television in the room that I want to watch)
(c) Whom : Digunakan untuk menerangkan orang yang berfungsi sebagai objek
 (I see a women whom mother is talking to)
(d) Whose : Digunakan untuk menyatakan kepunyaan atau kepemilikan untuk
orang atau binatang  (You have a cat whose fur is black)
(e) Which : Digunakan untuk menggantikan benda, binatang, tumbuh-tumbuhan,
dan selain orang  (That is mother’s scraf which was lost at the airport)
(f) Of Which : Digunakan untuk menunjukan kepunyaan atau kepemilikan
untuk benda  (You have a cellphone of which camera does not function
(g) Where : Digunakan untuk kata tambahan  This is the place where father
fell down yesterday
(h) When : Refers to time  (Lets’s cross the bridge when we come to it)
(i) Why : Refers to reasons  (I’d like to know the reason why you’re so late)
(j) What : Refers to things  (Pardon me – I didn’t hear what you said)

6.) Indefinite pronoun (kata ganti tak tentu), adalah kata ganti yang tidak
mempunyai kata yang mendahului (antecedent). Pronoun ini dibagi lagi menjadi
2 jenis, yakni:

(a) Indefinite Person or Thing (Orang atau benda tak tentu), yang termasuk
pronoun ini yakni:
- Every (Everybody, Everyone, Everything)
- Any (Anybody, Anyone, Anything)
- No (Nobody, No one, Nothing)
- Some (Somebody, Someone, Something)

(b) Indefinite Quantity (Jumlah tak tentu), yang termasuk pronoun ini yakni:
- None
- All/Most
- Either/Neither
- Each
- Another, Other, The Other, dan The Others
- One/Ones
- Some/Any
- Both/Few : Digunakan untuk menyebutkan jumlah benda jamak yang
dapat dihitung
- Less/Least
- Many/Several
- Plenty (of)/Much
- More
- A lot of/Lots of : Digunakan untuk menyatakan jumlah benda yang
banyak (baik bisa dihitung atau tidak bisa dihitung)
- Little

7.) Interrogative pronoun (kata ganti Tanya), adalah kata ganti yang digunakan
untuk mengajukan atau mengawali suatu pertanyaan. Yang termasuk pronoun ini
antara lain : (Who, whom, what, whose, which, where, when, why, dan how).

8.) Reciprocal Pronoun, adalah pronoun yang menyatakan hubungan timbal balik
antara individu. Yang termasuk pronoun ini antara lain: (Each other, One

e) Adjective (kata sifat), adalah kata yang digunakan untuk memberikan sifat,
menjelaskan, ataupun membatasi arti suatu kata pada kata benda (nouns) atau
kata ganti (pronouns). Adapun jenis-jenis adjective yang antara lain adalah sebagai

1.) Proper Adjective (kata sifat nama diri), merupakan kata sifat yang digunakan
untuk menerangkan kata benda nama diri, dimana harus diawali oleh huruf
kapital karena menunjukkan nama bahasa / negara (ex: American Flag,
Indonesian People)
2.) Participal Adjective (kata sifat partisipatif), merupakan kata sifat dengan
akhiran –ing (untuk present participle), dan akhiran –ed,-d,-t,-en, atau –n (untuk
past participle) yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kata benda / gata ganti
(berbeda dengan participle, kalau participle yang dijelaskan adalah subjek
nya, dimana subjek tersebut melakukan suatu kegiatan/kegiatan tersebut
telah dilakukan oleh seseorang), ataupun menggambarkan keadaan /
kondisi suatu kata benda (noun) / kata ganti (pronoun). Adapun contoh
daripada participal adjective yakni sebagai berikut:

- He fixed the broken radio. (The participle adjective broken describes the

noun radio; the radio had been broken by someone or something.)
- The math class was incredibly boring. (The participial adjective boring  is
the subject complement that describes the math class. The sentence says
that the math class bored the students.)
- Teresa bought her niece a coloring book. (The participial
adjective coloring modifies the word book; it indicates that the book is
intended to be colored on.)
3.) Compound Adjective (kata sifat gabungan) merupakan kata sifat yang
menerangkan kata benda & terdiri dari dua kata atau lebih namun
berfungsi layaknya sebuah adjective tunggal. Terdapat 4 pola yang biasa
digunakan dalam menuliskan Compound adjective di suatu kalimat, dimana pola
tersebut diantaranya yakni:

- Adjective/adverb/noun + Past participle : Old-Fashioned

- Adjective/adverb/noun + Present participle : Mouth-Watering
- Adjective/Noun/Number + Noun : Three-hour
- Noun + Adjective : Wold-Famous, Smoke-Free

4.) Adjective Of Quality (kata sifat keadaan) merupakan kata sifat yang
digunakan untuk menerangkan bentuk, potongan, ataupun keadaan atas
kata benda ataupun kata ganti. Adapun jenis-jenis kata yang termasuk
kedalam adjective of quality diantaranya yakni sebagai berikut: big, small, rich,
poor, cleve, stupid

5.) Adjective Of Quantity (kata sifat jumlah) merupakan kata sifat yang
digunakan untuk menunjukan / memperkirakan jumlah atas kata benda
(noun) ataupun kata ganti (pronoun), dimana jumlah atas kata tersebut
tidaklah pasti, Adapun jenis-jenis kata yang termasuk kedalam adjective of
quantity diantaranya yakni sebagai berikut:
Keterangan Adjective Of Usage Example
Untuk benda A/An Merupakan kata yang - I will eat an
yang dapat menyatakan jumlah tunggal apple
dihitung (singular), dimana a digunakan - Nanda caught a
(Countable untuk kata berawalan butterfly
Nouns) konsonan, dan an berawalan
Number Merupakan ukuran angka, I have three pens for
dimana penggunaan angka di my friend
depan kata benda menunjukkan
jumlah benda tersebut.
Every Memiliki makna “setiap”, Every girl is
dimana Every  digunakan beautiful
untuk menyatakan
keseluruhan benda
Each Memiliki makna “setiap”, Each students must
dimana Each digunakan untuk come earlier
menyatakan 1 benda
Some /
Few Dapat diartikan sebagai “tidak
banyak (not many)” & digunakan
untuk kalimat yang memiliki arti
A Few Dapat diartikan sebagai “beberapa
(some)” & digunakan untuk
kalimat yang memiliki arti positif
The Few Dapat diartikan sebagai “tidak The few remarks that
banyak, tetapi semuanya ada (not he made were very
many, but all there are) good
Untuk benda Much
yang tidak dapat Little Dapat diartikan sebagai “tidak There is little hope of
dihitung banyak (not much)” dan his recovery
(Uncountable digunakan untuk kalimat yang
Nouns) memiliki arti negatif
A Little Dapat diartikan sebagai “beberapa There is a little hope of
meskipun tidak banyak (some his recovery
though not much)”, dan
digunakan untuk kalimat yang
memiliki arti positif
The Little Dapat diartikan sebagai “tidak The little information
banyak, tetapi semuanya ada (not he had was quite
much, but all there is)” reliable
A lot of / lots
Untuk benda Any / Some
yang dapat & A lot of / lots
tidak dapat of

6.) Numeral Adjective (kata sifat bilangan)

7.) Demonstrative Adjective (kata sifat penunjuk)
8.) Interrogative Adjective (kata sifat penanya)
9.) Possessive Adjective (kata sifat kepunyaan)
10.) Distributive Adjective (kata sifat distributif)

f) Adverb (kata keterangan) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan kata
kerja, kata sifat, kata keterangan yang lain, ungkapan kata benda, noun phrase
dan seluruh kalimat. Adapun pembagian daripada adverb antara lain yakni sebagai

1.) Adverb of Manner (Kata keterangan cara) / Adverb Of Quality (Kata

Keterangan Kualitas) adalah kata keterangan yang dipakai untuk
meneragkan bagaimana caranya suatu pekerjaan, tindakan, pernyataan,
atau kualitas dilakukan, atau untuk menerangkan bagaimana suatu
peristiwa terjadi. Kata keterangan ini digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan
seperti “how, in what, by what method, etc”. Adapun contoh bentuk-bentuk
daripada adverb of manner yakni sebagai berikut:
Adverb Of Manner yang terbentuk dari Adjective

Adjective Adverb Meaning Keterangan

Bad Badly Dengan Buruk

Clever Cleverly Dengan Pandai Menambahkan
Kind Kindly Dengan Ramah akhiran –ly pada
Fluent Fluently Dengan Lancar adjective
Glad Gladly Dengan Gembira
Proud Proudly Dengan Bangga
Humble Humbly Dengan Rendah
Hati Mengubah
Gentle Gently Dengan Lemah akhiran –le pada
Lembut Adjective
Simple Simply Dengan menjadi –ly
Laughable Laughably Dengan Lucu
Noble Nobly Dengan Mulia
Angry Angrily Dengan Marah
Lazy Lazily Dengan Malas Mengubah
Happy Happily Dengan Senang akhiran –y pada
Lucky Luckily Dengan Adjective
Beruntung menjadi –ily
Easy Easily Dengan Mudah

Adverb Of Manner yang mempuyai makna yang sama dengan Adjective

Adjective Adverb Meaning

Far Far Jauh

Daily Daily Sehari-hari
Deep Deep Dalam
Late Late Terlambat
Hard Hard Cepat

2.) Adverb of Time (Kata keterangan waktu) adalah kata keterangan yang
dipakai untuk menerangkan waktu terjadinya suatu peristiwa, tindakan
atau pekerjaan. Secara garis besar adverb of time dikelompokkan kedalam 2
jenis, yakni:
(a) Adverb of definite time adalah kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk
menunjukkan waktu yang sudah tentu. Yang tergolong kedalam adverb of
definite time diantaranya yakni:

Adverb of definite time Meaning Example

Today Hari ini

Tonight Malam ini
Everyday Setiap hari
Now Sekarang
- He is reading a
Sunday (day) Hari minggu
magazine now
Last (week/month/year) …..Lalu
- I go to school
Next (week/month/year) …..Depan
by bus
In the Pada….hari
At….o’clock Pada jam….
Yesterday Kemarin
Tonight Malam ini

(b) Adverb of indefinite time adalah kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk
menunjukkan waktu yang tak tentu. Yang tergolong kedalam adverb of
indefinite time diantaranya:

Adverb of Indefinite Meaning Example


Ever Pernah
Usually Biasanya
Still Masih
Seldom Jarang - There is an
Recently Baru-baru ini earthquake in
Lately Akhir-akhir ini Padang recently
Soon Segera - My uncle often
Sometimes Kadang-kadang smoke in the
Often Sering morning
Before Sebelum
Never Tidak Pernah
Afterwards Sesudah itu
Presently Segera akan
3.) Adverb of Place (Kata keterangan tempat) adalah kata keterangan yang
dipakai untuk menunjukkan posisi atau tempat terjadinya suatu tindakan
atau peristiwa. Beberapa kata yang termasuk kedalam adverb of place adalah:

Adverb of Place Meaning Example

There Disana
Here Disini
About Kira-Kira
Anywhere Dimanapun
In Front Of Di Depan
- Your parents live
Around Di Sekitarnya
in Manado
In There Di dalam sana kira-kira
- They waited for
Where Di mana
me there
Within Dalam
In Di dalam
At Di
Whereever Di manapun
Everywhere Di mana saja
Somewhere Di suatu tempat
Nowhere Tidak dimanapun juga

4.) Adverb of Direction adalah kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk

menerangkan kearah mana suatu tempat, kemana suatu pekerjaan,
tindakan, perbuatan, atau kualitas dilakukan, atau suatu peristiwa terjadi.
Adapun yang termasuk kedalam adverb ini diantaranya yakni:

Adverb Of Direction Meaning Example

Above Diatas - Marsella goes to

Backward Ke Belakang Teluk Kiluan Beach
Below Dibawah and then to Krui
Forth Seterustnya Beach
In Pada - The captain went
Inwards Kedalam below
Down Bawah
Forwards Kedepan
In There Didalam sini
Back Belakang
Back and Forth Mondar Mandir
Down There Bawah Sana
Thence Kemudian
In and Out Didalam dan Diluar
Onwards Keatas
Downwards Kebawah
Up There Disana

5.) Adverb of Frequency adalah kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk

menyatakan frekuensi, sering tidaknya atau berapa banyaknya suatu
pekerjaan atau peristiwa terjadi. Yang termasuk kedalam kata keterangan ini
diantaranya yakni:

Adverb Of Frequency Meaning Example

Always Selalu
Often Sering
Rarely Jarang
Never Tidak Pernah
- He often drives his
Frequently Sering
father’s car to
Continually Terus Menerus
Repeatedly Berulang-ulang
- She sometimes
Periodically Pada waktu tertentu
have fried rice for
Sometimes Kadang-Kadang
Seldom Jarang
Ever Pernah
Hardly Ever Hampir tidak pernah
Generally Umumnya
Occasionally Adakalanya
Regularly Secara teratur

6.) Adverb of Quantity adalah kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk

menyatakan jumlah atau berapa kali suatu pekerjaan dilakukan / suatu
peristiwa terjadi. Adverb ini terbagi kedalam 2 jenis, yakni Countable Nouns
& Uncountable Nouns dimana yang termasuk kedalamnya yakni sebagai

Adverb Of Meaning Example Keterangan


A Lot / Lots Banyak

A Few Beberapa - I have lots
Too Many / Too Terlalu Banyak of book in
Few my room Countable Noun
Many / More Banyak (dapat dihitung)
- Sandi has
too many
comics in
the room

A Lot / Lots Of
Little / Less - I drink lots
Much / More of water
Too Much / Too because i am Uncountable
Little very thirsty Noun (tidak dapat
- Do you need

7.) Adverb of Degree (Kata keterangan tingkat) adalah kata keterangan yang
dipakai untuk menerangkat tingkatan / digunakan untuk mengungkapkan
seberapa jauh tingkat suatu keadaan / peristiwa. Kata keterangan ini
digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan “how much, how little, is it more, is it
less, in what degree”. Adapun yang termasuk kedalam adverb ini yakni:

Adverb Of Meaning Example


Almost Hampir
Entirely Sepenuhnya
Indeed Sungguh
Perfectly Sempurna
So Begitu
Absolutely Benar
Extremely Sangat
Intensely Sangat
Positively Secara Positif
Completely Habis
Greatly Sangat
Little Sedikit
Quite Cukup
Too Terlalu
Decidedly Pasti
Harly Sulit
Lots Banyak
- I am hungry, i - Menunjukan jumlah / tingkatan
haven’t got yang memuaskan
enought food - Ditempatkan setelah adjective &
- They feel good adverb
enough today - Ditempatkan sebelum noun
- I have enought
tickets for both of

- My bathroom is too - Menunjukkan lebih dari cukup,

small jumlah atau tingkat berlebihan
- This room is too - Digunakan dalam
big for both of us

She finishes her task Menunjukkan sesuatu hal yang

Very very quickly dilakukan sampai tingkat tinggi,
biasanya faktual

So You look so pale, you Menunjukan tingkat yang berlebihan

should take some rest dari standar

8.) Adverb Of Modality adalah kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk

menyatakan tingkat keyakinan atau harapan. Kata keterangan ini biasa
digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan “How do you feel”. Adapun yang
termasuk kata keterangan ini yakni:

Adverb Of Modality Meaning Example

Fortunately you have a

Fortunately Untunglah, Syukur comfortable bedroom to

Hopefully Mudah-mudahan, Hopefully he goes

Semoga home carrying the good

If you reject the job

Likely Sangat mungkin offer, you will likely
regret it one day

Maybe Barangkali / mungkin Maybe he’ll call you to

continue the discussion

On Sunday morning,
Perhaps Barangkali / mungkin Perhaps i will learn to
drive a car

Cell phone radiation can

Possibly Barangkali / mungkin possibly damage your

He will probably
Probably Barangkali / mungkin remember to reply my

Vita will unlikely

Unlikely Tidak mungkin forget her surprise
birthday party

9.) Adverb Of Focus

10.) Adverb Of Purpose
11.) Adverb Of Reason
12.) Relative Adverb (Kata keterangan penghubung)
13.) Interrogative Adverb (Kata keterangan penanya)
14.) Exclamatory Adverb
15.) Explanatory Adverb

g) Conjunction (Kata Sambung), adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan

kata dengan kata ungkapan dengan ungkapan, kalimat dengan kalimat, dsb.
Conjunction bersifat tidak variable (tidak berubah menjadi jamak ataupun
mempunyai jenis kelamin she/he selayaknya noun atau pronoun). Adapun jenis-jenis
conjunction yang antara lain sebagai berikut:
1.) Koordinat Konjungsi (Kata sambung koordinaif) adalah kata sambung yang
digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat atau kata-kata yang
mempunyai tingkatan yang sama atau sederajat. Secara umum, kata-kata
yang biasa digunakan pada koordinat konjungsi adalah berikut:
F-A-N-B-O-Y-S Example

For (karena) She was absent yesterday, for she was

And (dan) Mr. Wilson invited me and him
Nor (tidak juga) He can not see nor hear
But (tetapi) The shoes are old but comfortable

Or (atau) Is Sam sleeping or going somewhere?

Yet (tetapi) She didn’t study, yet she passed the

So (sehingga) He was tired, so he went to bed

Note :
1. FANBOYS selalu terletak di tengah kalimat atau di antara 2 kalimat, tidak
dibenarkan meletakkan mereka di awal kalimat. Akan tetapi conjunction lain
bisa digunakan untuk menggantikannya ketika di awal kalimat
2. Conjunction for, yet, dan so selalu menghubungkan kalimat dan koma selalu
mengawali mereka

2.) Subordination Conjunction adalah kata sambung yang digunakan untuk

menghubungkan dua kalimat yang tidak sederajat. Dua kalimat tersebut
terdiri dari induk kalimat (main/independent clause) dan anak kalimat
(dependent clause). Anak kalimat selalu diawali dengan subordinating
conjunction. Subordination Conjunction dalam kalimat dapat berfungsi sebagai

Subordination Example Meaning Contoh kalimat

As Karena
Because Karena
Cause or For Karena - I can’t go
Reason Since Karena because i’m ill
(Sebab atau Whereas Melainkan / - The bird will fly
Alasan) Sedangkan since it has
Wherefore Untuk apa / wings
oleh sebab itu
As well as Sebaiknya /
Comparation baiknya sama - I am as tall as
(Perbandingan) Than Daripada you
Rather…than... Lebih baik… - She is rather
daripada wise than him
Although Meskipun
Concession Even though Meskipun - You work hard
(dalam 1 Though Meskipun even though you
kalimat However Akan tetapi are tired
terdapat Than Daripada - He will like to go
pertentangan, Notwithstanding Meskipun however he
namun kalimat that doesn’t have
berikutnya Nevertheless Mesikpun monet
menjelaskan - Event thought
keterpaksaan) you don’t’have
money, you are

If Kalau - He will write

Provice that Asalkan unless he hears
Since Karena the fact
Condition Provided Asalkan - I will fly
(Bersyarat) provided I have
Unless Kecuali
Whether Bagaimanapun wings
As if Seakan-akan
That Supaya - I worked hard
Purpose In order that Agar supaya lest I’m rich soon
(Maksud atau So that Agar - They will eat so
tujuan) Lest Agar that they may
As Berdasarkan - I will reap as I
Manner (Cara How Bagaimanapun sow
atau Taraf) caranya - The taxi hasn’t
As far as Sepanjang arrived yet as far
According Tergantung as I know
As Ketika
As soon as Segera
While Selagi / selama
As long as Selama - He will help me
Before Sebelum as long as he is
Time Until Sampai here
(Waktu) Since Sejak - I will wait you
Still / till Selagi until you come
Ere Sebelum
Whenever Kapanpun
After Setelah
Result (Akibat) That Sehingga I read slowly that I
Apposition I promise that i’ll
(Keterangan That Bahwa come soon

3.) Correlative Conjunction, adalah kata penghubung yang digunakan berpasangan

untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara dua kata, frasa (Phrase), atau klausa
(Clause). Kalimat yang dihubungkan biasanya bersifat parallel
(kedudukannya sejajar) secara struktur garamatikal. Berikut beberapa kata
yang termasuk kedalam correlative conjunction:

Correlative Conjunction Meaning

Between….and…. Di antara…dan…
Both…and… Baik…maupun…
Either…or… Antara….atau…
Neither….nor… Bukan ini…bukan pula itu…
From…to… Dari….ke….
Hardly…when… Hampir…ketika…
No sooner…than… Tak lama…ketika…
Scarcely…than… Tak lama…ketika…
If…then… Jika…kemudian…
Not…but… Bukan…melainkan…
Not only…but also… Tidak hanya…tetapi juga…
The more…the less… Semakin banyak...semakin sedikit…
The more…the more… Semakin banyak….Semakin
Whether…or… Apakah…atau…

Berikut adalah contoh penggunaan correlative conjunction pada kalimat:

1. We can go to either Greece or Spain for our holiday
2. Both rugby and football are popular in France

h) Preposition (Kata depan), adalah

1.) Preposition of Time
2.) Preposition of Place
3.) Preposition of Direction
4.) Preposition of Agents digunakan untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara noun atau
subject di dalam sebuah kalimat dengan aksi yang dilakukan di dalam kalimat
tersebut. Kata yang termasuk kedalam preposition of agent yakni :
(a) Of :
(b) For :
(c) By : The preposition 'By' is usually used to represent the action that a person
is doing
(d) With : The preposition of agency 'with' is usually to represent the doing or
action of a thing
(e) About :
5.) Preposition of Movement
6.) Preposition of Instrument
7.) Preposition of Manner
8.) Berdasarkan gabungan katanya, preposition dikelompokkan menjadi:
(a) Preposition yang berasal dari 1 suku kata
(b) Preposition yang berasal dari 2 suku kata
(c) Preposition yang berasal dari 3 suku kata
(d) Preposition yang berasal dari 4 suku kata
9.) Berdasarkan kata depannya, preposition dikelompokkan menjadi:
(a) Simple Preposition (kata depan tunggal)
(b) Double preposition (kata depan ganda)
(c) Compound Preposition (kata depan gabungan)
(d) Participal preposition (kata depan partisif)
(e) Prepositional Phrase
i) Interjection (Kata seru), adalah
2. Tenses merupakan metode tata bahasa (grammar) dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berbasis pada
kata kerja (verb). biasanya digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu atau keadaan suatu
tindakan pada saat suatu kalimat diucapkan. Berikut adalah Time Table beserta dengan 16
jenis Tenses yang diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

1.) Simple Present, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, dan
kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini. Disamping itu simple present juga biasa digunakan
untuk mengungkapkan peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lalu, terus berlangsung di masa
kini, dan akan berlangsung di masa depan. Oleh karena itu, tense ini bisa dipakai
menunjukkan kebenaran yang umum serta peristiwa masa depan yang merupakan bagian
dari jadwal tetap.

Verb To Be

Affirmative S + Bare Infinitive / Verb S + Is/Am/Are

1 (He is a doctor)
(I like tea)

Negative S + don’t/doesn’t + Verb 1 S + Is/Am/Are + Not

(I don’t like tea) (He is not a doctor)

Interrogative Do/Does + S + Verb Is/Am/Are + S

(Do you like tea?) (Is he a doctor?)

Usage Example Time Expressions


General Truth The sun rises in the east

Habits I play badminton every


Future Timetables Our train leaves at 9 am

Future after “When”, I won’t go out until it stops

“Until” raining
This Evening
At 11 a.m
Permanent Situations He works in a bank
As soon as
For Newspaper Man enters space
Twice a month
Every Tuesday
With Non-Progressive I believe that you are Sometimes

When Telling Stories Suddenly, the window

opens and a masked man

For Giving Directions First of all, you break the

and Instructions eggs and whisk with sugar

2.) Present Continuous adalah bentuk tenses yang digunakan untuk Untuk membicarakan
aksi yang sedang berlangsung saat ini atau rencana dimasa depan.

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Is/Am/Are + Present Participle / V-Ing

(She Is Cooking)

Negative S + Is/Am/Are + Not + Present Participle / V-Ing

(She Is Not Cooking)

Interrogative Is/Am/Are + S + Present Participle / V-Ing

(Is She Cooking?)

Usage Example Time Expressions


Jim Is Watching Now, At The Moment,

Action Happening Now Television At The Moment Currently…..
Temporary Situations I Am Staying With A At The Moment, These
Friend For A Few Days Days, For A Few Days…

Annoying Habits That Child Is Always Always, Forever,

Crying For No Good Constantly

Changing Situations Her Health Is Improving Little by Little, Gradually

By Leaps And Bounds

Definite Future Plans I Am Taking My French Tonight, Later, This

Class On Tuesday Weekend

3.) Present Perfect, adalah tenses yang berfungsi untuk mengungkapkan suatu aktivitas
atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu
tertentu di masa lalu atau masih berlanjut sampai sekarang

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Have/Has + Past Participle / V3

(I Have Tried Sushi Before)

Negative S + Have/Has + Not + Past Participle / V3

(I Have Not Tried Sushi Before)

Interrogative Have/Has + S + Past Participle / V3

(Have You Tried Sushi Before?)

Usage Example Time Expressions


Things You Have Done I Have Been To England Just

In Your Life

Number Of Time You I Have Been To Paris Already

Have Done Something Three Times

Recently Completed I Have Already Lost My Yet

Actions Which Are Job
Important Now

Situations That Started I Have Known James For For

In The Past And Are Still Four or Five Years

John Has Just Missed The Since

Present Result Bus, So He Will Be Late

Unfinished Actions Or I Have Lived Here Since Never / Ever

Situations 2004

4.) Present Perfect Continuous, adalah Tenses yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan aksi
yang telah selesai pada suatu titik dimasa lampau atau aksi telah dimulai di masa lalu
dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang. Biasanya aksi tersebut ada durasi waktu tertentu
serta memiliki relevansi dengan kondisi sekarang.

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Have/Has + Been + Present Participle / V-Ing

(They Have Been Learning English For Two Years)

Negative S + Have/Has + Not + Been + Present Participle / V-Ing

(They Have Not Been Learning English For Years)

Interrogative Have/Has + S + Been + Present Participle / V-Ing

(Have They Been Learning English For Years?)

Usage Example

Long Actions That Started In The Past I Have Been Living In Ireland For
And Continue Until Now Almost 4 Years

Recent Actions That Have Clear Her Eyes Are Red Because She Has Been
Evidence Or Results Now Crying All Evening

Typically Used For Shorter, More Have They Been Learning English This
Temporary Situations Week?

5.) Simple Past, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian
terjadi di masa lampau dan tidak memiliki keterkaitan dengan tindakan di masa kini.


Verb To Be

Affirmative S + Verb 2 S + Was/Were

(I bought two tickets (He was there)

S + did not + Verb 1 S + Was/Were + Not

Negative (I did not buy any ticket (He was not there)
Did + S + Verb 1 Was/Were + S
Interrogativ (Did you buy any ticket (Was he there?)
e yesterday?)

Usage Example Time Expressions


Completed action in the I saw a ghost last Friday Yesterday


A series of completed I finished work, walked to

actions in the past the beach, and found a Ago
nice place to swim

When I was young, I

Habits in the past watched lots of television Last Month / Last Week
after school every day

With non-progressive He had a small cottage in Last Year

the woods

Action in the past stories She sat down and ordered In 2003
a coffee

6.) Past Continuous, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu
aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Was/Were + V-ing

(She was cooking all morning)
Negative S + Was/Were + Not + V-ing
(She was not sleeping when he came home)

Interrogative Was/Were + S + V-ing

(Was she sleeping when he came home?)

Usage Example Time Expressions


Interrupted action in the They were waiting for When

past the train when i spoke to

Parallel actions I was studying when my While

mother was watching tv

Story background While i was driving to Constantly

work yesterday

Past habit I was always cooking At that time

when i got home from

Specific time as an Last night at 6.p.m. i was In those days

interruption eating dinner

Emphasis of length of I was working in the All morning

action garden all day
Arrangement in the past I was upset because I was For hours
leaving there that morning

When I came to school,

the school bell was
A series of parallel ringing, many students Always
actions were running towards the
garden, teachers were
going out from classrooms

7.) Past Perfect, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi telah
selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Had + Past Participle

(He had finished the test when the bell rang)

Negative S + Had + Not + Past Participle

(He had not finished the test when the bell rang)

Interrogative Had + S + Past Participle

(Had he finished the test when the bell rang?)

Usage Example Time Expressions


Action finished before John had gone out when

another past action his wife arrived in the
Action happened before a Julia had never been to
specific time in the past an opera before last night Already
Action started in the past We had owned that car Since
and continued up to a for ten years before it Just
given time in the past broke down After
Cause and effect I got stuck in traffic
(combine with Past because there had been an
Simple) accident

Emphasize the result of I had been to London

an activity in the past twice by the time I got a
job in New York

8.) Past Perfect Continuous, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu
aksi (dengan durasi waktu tetentu) telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Had + Been + V-ing

(They had been playing tennis)

Negative S + Had + Not + Been + V-ing

(They had not been playing tennis)

Interrogative Had + S + Been + V-ing

(Had they been playing tennis?)
Usage Example Time Expressions

Express a past action that The boys had been

already started and playing soccer for about
continued up to another an hour when it started to
action or time in the past rain
Emphasize the duration Richard needed a holiday By the time
of an activity in the past because he had been For
working hard for six Since

Express the cause of He was tired because he

something in the past had been jogging

9.) Simple Future, adalah tenses yang digunakan ntuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi terjadi
di masa depan, secara spontan atau terencana

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Will/Shall + V
(I will go to Thailand)

Negative S + Will/Shall + Not + V

(I will not got to Thailand)

Interrogative Will/Shall + S + V
(Will you go to Thailand?)
Usage Example Time Expressions

For actions decided at I have a toothace. I will

the moment of speech take medicine

For unplanned future Winter will come soon


With conditional, time When I arrive at home, I Soon
and purpose clauses will call you Later
Next Week
In two weeks/month
For unpreventable Summer will come soon Next year
actions in future Later
The day after tomorrow

For offering, ordering, I am afraid we will get wet


For thoughts, I promise i will not tell

predictions, assumptions, anyone your secret
sureness, fears about

10.) Future Continuous, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang
akan sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa depan

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Will + Be + V-ing

(I will be singing in the concert tomorrow)
Negative S + Will + Not + Be + V-ing
(I will not be singing in the concert tomorrow)

Interrogative Will + S + Be + V-ing

(Will you be singing in the concert tomorrow?)

Usage Example Time Expressions


Interrupted actions in When you come

the future tomorrow, they will be
playing tennis

Actions in progress at a At 12 o’clock tomorrow,

specific time in the we will be having lunch at
future school

Parallel actions or series He will be watching tv,

of parallel actions in the and she will be cooking Next week
future dinner At 5.p.m tomorrow
Next time
Next week
To ask a question Will you be bringing your
In the future
politely about the future friend to the party tonight?
At this time next Friday
Next year
At this time tomorrow
Emphasis on future He will be coming to visit
plans and intentions us next week

When I arrive at the party,

everybody will be
Atmosphere in the future celebrating, some will be
dancing, others will be
Refer to actions that are
happening now and Unfortunately, sea levels
expected to continue will still be rising in 20
some time in the future years
(combined with “still”)

11.) Future Perfect, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu
aktivitas akan sudah selesai pada suatu titik waktu di masa depan

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Will + Have + V3 (Past Participle)

(He will have done it by this evening)

Negative S + Will + Not + Have + V3 (Past Participle)

(He will not have done it by this evening)

Interrogative Will + S + Have + V3 (Past Participle)

(Will he have done it by this evening?)

Usage Example Time Expressions


12.) Future Perfect Continuous, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan
bahwa suatu aksi akan sudah berlangsung selama sekian lama pada titik waktu tertentu
di masa depan

Form Structure
Affirmative S + Will + Have + Been + V-ing
(I will have been eating vegetables for three months)

Negative S + Will + Not + Have + Been + V-ing

(I will not have been eating vegetables for three months)

Interrogative Will + S + Have + Been + V-ing

(Will you have been eating vegetables for three months?)

Usage Example Time Expressions


13.) Past Future, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi yang akan
dilakukan, membuat prediksi, dan membuat janji di masa depan pada saat berada di
masa lalu

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Should/Would + V1 (Present Participle)

(I would buy a sports car if my parents gave permission)

Negative S + Should/Would + Not + V1 (Present Participle)

(She wouldn’t (would not) walk by herself in the evening)

Interrogative Should/Would + S + V1 (Present Participle)

(Would they come if i invited them?)
Usage Example Time Expressions

14.) Past Future Continuous, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi atau
situasi imajiner yang sedang berlangsung apabila unreal condition nya terpenuhi

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Should/Would + Be + V-ing

(I should be working on my thesis two days ago)

Negative S + Should/Would + Not + Be + V-ing

(Kansha should not be telling her parents about the detention)

Interrogative Should/Would + S + Be + V-ing

(Would you be cooking?)

Usage Example Time Expressions


15.) Past Future Perfect, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk membicarakan suatu aksi
yang tidak terjadi di masa lalu

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Would/Should + Have + V3 (Past Participle)

(Alex should have worked for his father)
Negative S + Would/Should + Not + Have + V3 (Past Participle)
(Alex should not have worked for his father)

Interrogative Would/Should + S + Have + V3 (Past Participle)

(Should alex have worked for his father?)

Usage Example Time Expressions


16.) Past Future Perfect Continuous, adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
suatu aksi atau situasi imajiner sedang berlangsung pada titik tertentu atau selama
periode tertentu di masa lampau

Form Structure

Affirmative S + Would + Have + Been + V-ing

(Kimi would have been making a new dress)

Negative S + Would + Not + Have + Been + V-ing

(Andrea wouldn’t have been leaving the house)

Interrogative Would + S + Have + Been + V-ing

(Would andrea have been leaving the house?)

Usage Example Time Expressions

3. Kalimat, Frase, dan Klausa dalam Bahasa Inggris

A. Kalimat (Sentenct)
1.) Pengertian Kalimat
2.) Unsur-Unsur Kalimat
3.) Jenis-Jenis Kalimat
4.) ds

B. Frasa (Phrase)
1.) Pengertian Frasa
2.) Syarat-Syarat Frasa
3.) Jenis-Jenis Frasa
A.) Noun Phrase
B.) Adjective Phrase
C.) Adverbial Phrase
D.) Prepositional Phrase
E.) Conjunctional Phrase
F.) Interjectional Phrase
G.) Absolute Phrase
H.) Appositive Phrase
I.) Participle Phrase
J.) Gerund Phrase
K.) Infinitive Phrase

C. Klausa (Clause)
1.) Pengertian Klausa
3.) Ds
4.) ds

4. Conditionals, Reported Speech, Passive Voice, Quantifiers, dan Determiners

A. Conditionals / Conditional Sentence (Kalimat Pengandaian)

Conditionals Sentence adalah kalimat majemuk (Complex Sentence) yang dibentuk

dari subordinate clause (subordinate clause adalah kalimat (sentence) yang terdiri atas
subjek dan predikat. Berbeda dengan main clause yang dapat berdiri sendiri,
subordinate clause tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat dan selalu
diawali dengan kata atau frasa singkat yang disebut subordinating words) yang
diawali dengan subordinate conjunction “if” berupa condition (syarat) dan main clause
berupa result/consequence (hasil). Secara umum terdapat 4 jenis conditionals sentence
yang meliputi:

1.) Conditionals Tipe 0 (factual conditional)

Conditionals Tipe 0 (Factual Condition)

Digunakan untuk menyatakan sebab akibat akan sebuah fakta yang sudah umum
diketahui kebenarannya. Jika hal A terjadi, maka akan menyebabkan hal B

Structure :
2. If/When + Simple Present (if clause), Simple Present (main clause / results)
(if this happens) (then this happen / this is the result)
3. Simple Present + If/When + Simple Present

Use if : There is a chance

Use when : We are certain that action is going to happen

Usage Example

 If the power goes out, we can’t

watch tv

Facts  if I get sick, I go to the doctor

 if you put ice in your drink, it melts

 The ground gets wet if it rains

Habits If it’s hot, I go to the beach

Rules Children can swim, if an adult is with

Instructions if it’s cold, light (imperative form) the

2.) Conditionals Tipe 1

First Conditionals ( The possible conditional / Possible Future Result)

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu hal yang sangat besar kemungkinannya

terjadi di waktu yang akan datang jika kita melakukan sesuatu.

Structure :
1. If/When + Simple present (if clause), will + simple future tense (main/results)
(if this things happens) (this will likely happen)
2. Will + Simple future tense (results) + if /When+ simple present tense (if
(this will likely happen) (if this things happens)

It is also common to use this structure with unless, as long as, as soon as or in
case instead of if. Example:

 I'll leave as soon as the babysitter arrives.

 I don't want to stay in London unless I get a well-paid job.
 I'll give you a key in case I'm not at home.
 You can go to the party, as long as you're back by midnight.

Usage Example
Predictions Arsenal will be top of the league if they
Plans  If it’s hot tomorrow, I’ll go for a
swim at the beach
 I will buy a new bike if I pass the
 If I get sick, I will go to the doctor
Promises When I finish work, I'll call you.
Warnings If you leave the milk out, it will spoil

3.) Conditionals Tipe 2

Second Conditionals

Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang tidak realistis atau sangat kecil
kemungkinannya untuk terjadi. Karena itu, tipe ini cocok untuk menyatakan

1. If + Simple past, would/could/might + verb infinitive/simple present (present
(if this happened) (that would happen)

2. Present conditional + if + simple past

Extra Tips:
1. If is a conjunction : the purpose of conjunction is to join 2 sentences or 2
different clause together
2. We can change the order of the clause
3. Subject + would are usually contracted when spoken  only do this in
informal writing
 I Would  I’d
 You Would  You’d
 She Would  She’d
 He Would  He’d
 They Would  They’d
 We Would  We’d
4. Conditionals Sentence 2 Break Grammar Rules
In conditionals sentence 2, u can change the to be verb
 I was/were
 He was/were
 She was/were
 It was/were
You can change the to be verb into like this:
 If I were you, I would break up with him
 If she were taller, she would be an air hostess

Usage Example

 if I had enough money, I would

buy a house

 If I won the lottery, i’d buy a car

To talk about things in the future
 I would play roller coaster every
that are unlikely day if I owned a theme park

(kenyataannya saya tidak memiliki

taman bermain sendiri, jadi saya
tidak bisa bermain roller coaster
setiap hari)

To talk things that are impossible in

the present

 What would you do if you quit

your job?
 If you won a million dollars, would
you travel the world?
 If you only had one day in
Singapore, what would you do?
 If you could travel to any country,
To ask hypothetical questions
where would you go?
(to ask someone what they would do in
a different situation) Penjelasan : Travel disini bukan
bentuk past simple, tapi
infinitive/simple present. Hal
tersebut karena sebelum kata travel
ada kata could, yang mana itu
merupakan modal verb. Dan modal
verb harus selalu diikuti dengan
bentuk infinitive (simple present)

 If i were you, I’d talk to my boss

To give advice before I quit my job
 If I were her, i’d break up with

To give reasons why we can’t do  If I had the money, I’d lend it to

something you
 If I wasn’t so busy, i would invite
you over for dinner

4.) Conditionals Tipe 3

Third Conditional  Regrets/Dissapointment/Unreal Past

Digunakan untuk menyampaikan pengandaian atas kejadian yang sudah terjadi di

masa lalu. Karena sudah terjadi dan tidak bisa diubah lagi kenyataannya, kita
hanya bisa mengungkapkan pengandaian apa yang akan terjadi jika kejadian
tersebut berjalan berbeda dari kenyataan.

1. If + Past Perfect, Perfect conditional
If this had happened this would have happened

(If + Subj + Had + Past Participle, Subj, Would + Have + Past Participle)

2. Perfect conditional + if + past perfect

Usage: Imaginary situation in the past, imaginary result in the past, regrets about
the past, things that wish we could change something in the past, tell someone off
about something they did in the past

Extra Tip : You can change the modal verb to:

1. Would have (certain about the imaginary result)
2. Might have (to show probability or certainly)  If she had studied more, she
might have passed
3. Could have (possibility or ability)  if you had lent me your car, I could have
got there faster

Usage Example
Telling someone off If she had replied to my message, I
wouldn’t have been so worried

 I would have made time to see

Regret about the past you, If I had known you were

 If you hadn’t been so rude, they

would have invited you back

 If I had left my house earlier, I

wouldn’t have missed the train

(kenyataannya saya telat berangkat

dari rumah, sehingga saya
ketinggalan kereta)

5.) Mixed Conditional (Conditional Tipe Campuran)

Mixed Conditional  Help to move through time

Mixed conditionals adalah kalimat pengandaian dengan dua masa waktu yang

berbeda. Kalimat ini disebut juga unreal conditional, karena sifatnya
mengandaikan hal yang tidak dapat terjadi. Terdapat 3 jenis mixed conditionals,

1. Past action  present result (changing the past action and the hypothetical
present result that would happen)
2. Present condition  past result (imagine the present is different,
unfortunately it is not, but if it were, then how would the past hypothetically
have been different as a result. present condition in here is unreal to imagine)
3. Future action  past result

1. Used in two different times that work together
2. if clause and main clause have different times that work together
3. Still talking about something that’s unreal
4. Like other conditional, we can change if clause and main clause position

Past action  present result

If + past perfect + present conditional
If + Past perfect, would/could/might + verb infinitive (present conditional)
It this had happened this would happen

1. If you hadn’t taken the job, we would be travelling together
2. If they had paid more attention, they wouldn’t be failing in class

Present condition  past result

Imagine the present is different, unfortunately it is not, but if it were, then how
would the past hypothetically have been different as a result. Present condition in
here is unreal to imagine

If-clause (If + simple past) + main clause (perfect conditional)
If + Past present, would/could/should/might + have + past participle
If this happened This would have happened

Example: (present condition but using the simple past, because that’s not a real
1. If I didn’t have motion sickness, I would have enjoyed the roller coaster
2. I would have enjoyed the roller coaster ride if I didn’t have motion

In fact, I have motion sickness so I didn’t enjoy the roller coaster ride.

Future action  past result

1. If I didn’t have an importang meeting tomorrow, I would have gone out
2. If she wasn’t going on holiday next month, she would have asked for a day off
3. If you weren’t going on a big hike tomorrow, would you have come on bike
ride today?

B. Reported Speech (Direct & Indirect Speech)

1.) Direct Speech
2.) Indirect Speech

3.) Tenses Change In Reported Speech

Direct Speech Indirect / Reported Speech

Present Simple Past Simple

She always wears a coat He said (that) she always wore a coat

Present Continuous Past Continuous

I’m looking for my keys She said (that) she was looking for her

Present Perfect Past Perfect

She has written three letters for her He said (that) she had written three
friend letters for her friend

Past Simple Past Perfect

My friend gave me a bar of chocolate He said (that) his friend had given him
a bar of chocolate

Will Would
I will finish my report in two days He said (that) he would finish his report
in two days

Can Could
I can speak english She said (that) she could speak English

May Might
I may invite them to dinner She said (that) they might invite them
to the dinner

Must Had To
I must go to the bank and get some She said (that) she had to go to the bank
many and get some money

Have To Had To
I have to submit this assignment by 3 She said (that) she had to submit this
pm tomorrow assignment by 3 pm tomorrow

C. Active & Passive Voice

1.) Pengertian
2.) Active Voice
3.) Pasive Voice
4.) Passive Voice Rules for All Tenses

Tenses Structure Example

Active Voice & Passive Active Voice & Passive
Voice Voice

S + V1 (V1 Base Form Of I make a cake

Simple Present

S + Is/Am/Are + V3 (V3 A cake is made by me

Past Participle)

S + Is/Am/Are + V-ing They are planting some

Present trees
S + Is/Am/Are + Being + Some trees are being
V3 planted by them
S + Have/Has + V3 Someone has eaten my apple
Present Perfect

S + Have/Has + Been + V3 My apple has been eaten

Present Perfect S + Have/Has + Been + V- Sophia has been playing

Continuous ing violin

S + Have/Has + Been + Violin has been being

Being + V3 played by Sophia

S + Will/Shall + V1 My parents will take me to

the party
Simple Future
S + Will be + V3 I will be taken to the party
by my parents

S + Is/Am/Are + Going To Emma is going to make

+ V1 dinner tonight
Simple Future
(Going To)
S + Is/Am/Are + Going to A dinner is going to be
be + V3 made by Emma tonight

S + Will/Shall + Be + V-ing Liam will be washing the

Future dishes at 7.00 pm tonight
Rare S + Will/Shall + Be + Being The dishes will be being
+ V3 washed by Liam at 7.00 pm
S + Is/Am/Are + Going To Isabella is going to be
Future + Be + V-ing preparing dinner
(Be going to)
Rare S + Is/Am/Are + Going To Dinner is going to be being
+ Be + Being + V3 prepared by Isabella

S + Will + Have + V3 They will have completed in

the project before the
Future Perfect deadline

S + Will + Have Been + V3 The project will have been

completed before the
deadline by them

S + Is/Am/Are + Going to + They are going to have

Have + V3 completed the project before
the deadline
Future Perfect
(Be going to)
S + Is/Am/Are + Going to + The project is going to have
Have + Been + V3 been completed before the
deadline by them

S + Will + Have + Been + He will have been eating the

Future Perfect V-ing bananas
Rare S + Will + Have + Been + The bananas will have been
Being + V3 being eaten by him

S + Is/Am/Are + Going to + The artist is going to have

Have + Been + V-ing been painting the wall for
over 15 days by the time it is
Future Perfect finished
(Be going to)
Rare S + Is/Am/Are + Going to + The wall is going to have
Have + Been + Being + V3 been being painted by the
artist for over 15 days by the
time it is finished

S + V2 They restored the building

Simple Past S + Was/Were + V3 The building was restored

by them

S + Was/Were + V-ing Emma was writing a letter

Past Continuous
S + Was/Were + Being + A letter was being written
V3 by Emma

S + Had + V3 He had delivered the pizzas

Past Perfect
S + Had + Been + V3 The pizzas had been
delivered by him

Chef Liam had been

S + Had + Been + V-ing preparing the restaurant’s
dinners for three years before
he moved to London
Past Perfect
(Rare) The restaurant’s dinners
S + Had + Been + Being + had been being prepared by
V3 chef Liam for three years
before he moved to London
S + Would + V1 She would type the letters
Future In The
(Would) S + Would + Be + V3 The letters would be typed
by her

 S + Have/Has somebody
+ V1 + Something My father had liam wash
 S + Get(s) + Somebody his car
+ To + V1 + Something
Causative Form

S + Have/Has/Get(s) My father had his car

Something + V3 + (By + washed by liam

S + Modal Verb + V1 I can solve the problem

Modal Verbs
S + Modal Verb + Be + V3 The problem can be solved
by me

S + Modal Verb + Have + The snake might have killed

V3 him
Modal Verbs
(Present Perfect)
S + Modal Verb + Have + He might have been killed
Been + V3 by the snake

D. Quantifiers
1.) Pengertian
2.) Neutral Quantifiers
3.) Quantifiers of Large Quality
4.) Quantifiers of Small Quality
5.) Countable Nouns
6.) Uncountable Nouns
E. Determiners

5. Aturan-aturan dasar dalam Grammar (Basic Grammar Rules)

6. Materi Lain-Lain

The Different Between Just, Still, Yet, and Already

The Different Between “Between” and “Among”
The Different Between “No” and “Not”
The Different Between “Because”, “However”, “Whereas”, and “Although”
The Different Between “Since” and “For”
The Different Between “Much”, “Many”, “A Lot Of”, and “Lots Of” (Quantifiers)
The Different Between “Little”, “A Little”, “Few”, and “ A Few” (Quantifiers)
The Different Between Another, Other, Others, The Other, and The Others

Word Function Example Meaning

Digolongkan sebagai 1. Another Book 1. Buku Lain

Another ADJECTIVE ataupun 2. Another Girl 2. Gadis Lain
PRONOUN. Digunakan untuk 3. Another Is There 3. Yang Lain Disana

Digolongkan sebagai 1. Other Books 1. Buku-buku lain

Other ADJECTIVE saja dan 2. Other Girl 2. Gadis-gadis lain
digunakan untuk PLURAL 3. Other Schools 3. Sekolah-sekolah lain

Hanya dapat digunakan 1. Others are coming 1. Yang Lain Datang

Others sebagai PRONOUN dan 2. Others are there 2. Yang Lain Disana
termasuk PLURAL, sehingga
menggunakan kata “are”
(bukan is)

Dapat dianggap sebagai kata 1. The Other Book 1. Ds

sifat maupun kata ganti. Dapat 2. The Other Books 2. Ds
The Other juga digunakan untuk 3. The Other Is 3. ds
(Akan tetapi tidak dapat
digunakan untuk PLURAL
Kegunaannya sama seperti 1. The Others Are 1. Yang Lainnya
The Others “Others”, akan tetapi hanya There Disana
digunakan untuk PRONOUN 2. The Others Are 2. Yang Lainnya
dan PLURAL Coming Datang

Auxiliary Verb (Kata Kerja Bantu)

Definition : Auxiliary Verbs (Helping Verbs) help the main verb to denote the actions of the
subject. They help in making compound tenses of the main verb and also help in making
negative statements, questions and passive voice statements
Auxiliary verbs are generally of two types:
Primary auxiliary verbs :
Modal auxiliary verbs :

Primary / Main Auxiliary Verb

Definition :

To Be To Do To Have
Am Do Have
Is Does Has
Are Did Had

Modal Auxiliary Verb

Definition :

Verb Usage Example Meaning

1. Ability
2. Possibility
Can (Present)
3. Permission
4. Request
5. Offer (Help)
6. Can Not (Not

1. Ability (Past)
2. Possibility
Could (Past)
3. Permission
4. Reques
5. Suggestion
6. Conditional
Of Can

May Possibility
Might Possibility
Should Advice
Will Predicition
Would 1. Prediction 1. Ds
2. Refusal 2. I would smell
3. Request something burning
4. Offer 3. Would you hand me
5. Conditional the pencil?
6. Future In 4. I would help you with
The Past Spanish
7. Habit In The 5. If I had a car, I would
Past drive around the world
6. She said that she would
be help them move
next month
7. When I lived in the
country, I would go for
a walk in the woods
every day
Must Obligation
Ought Advice
to Conclusion
Used to

Advanced Vocabularies Instead Of Very

Word Advanced Vocabularies Meaning

Very Heavy
Very Hot
Very Painful
Very Pale
Very Perfect
Very Powerful
Very Lazy
Very Long-Term
Very Shiny
Very Angry Furious
Very Beautiful Gorgeous
Very Big Massive
Very Boring Dull
Very Noisy Deafening
Very Poor Destitute
Very Cheap Stingy
Very Clean Spotless
Very Short Brief
Very Difficult Arduous
Very Dry Arid
Very Quick Rapid
Very Bad Awful
Very Smart Intelligent
Very Sad Sorrowful
Very Upset Distraught
Very Cold Freezing
Very Strong Forceful
Very Huge Colossal
Very Calm Serene
Very Ugly Hideous
Very Small Petite
Very Funny Hilarious

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