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Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari unit ini Mahasiswa di harapkan mampu:

1. Menjelaskan tentang “Personal Pronoun”

2. Menjelaskan tentang “Reflexive Pronoun”
3. Menjelaskan tentang “Relative Pronoun”
4. Menjelaskan Kata ganti penunjuk
5. Menjelaskan Kata ganti tanya.
6. Menjelaskan Reciprocal Pronoun

A. Personal Pronoun
Kata ganti digunakan untuk menggantikan posisi kata benda. Terdapat beberapa jenis
personal pronoun dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu:

1. Kata ganti orang (subject pronoun)

Kata ganti orang merupakan kata ganti yang menunjukan orang atau pelaku. Kata ganti
orang terbagi menjadi: orang pertama, kedua, dan ketiga. Kata ganti ini memiliki
kedudukan sebagai subjek dalam suatu kalimat
2. Kata ganti objek
Kata ganti objek adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menggantikan sesuatu yang
memiliki kedudukan sebagai objek.
3. Kata ganti kepemilikan
Kata ganti kepemilikan disebut juga possessive adjectives yang biasa dimodifikasi
dengan kata benda yang menunjukan sesuatu yang dimiliki.
4. Possessive Pronoun
Possessive Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan,
kata ganti ini tidak perlu di modifikasi dengan kata benda
Personal Pronoun:

Subject Object Possessive Possessive

Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Adjective
Singular I Me Mine My name
You You Yours Your name
She Her Hers Her name
He Him His His name
It It Its Its name
Plural We Us Ours Our names
You You Yours Your names
They Them Theirs Their names

Contoh :

a. I read some books. They were good

b. Jhon has a car. He drives to work
c. Jhon works in my office. I know him well.
d. That book is here. Yours is over there
e. Her book is her. Your book is over there

Catatan :
- its tanpa apostrophe(‘) digunakan sebagai possessive, sedangkan It’s menggunakan
apostrophe(‘) adalah kepanjangan dari it is.
Its tale is long
It’s my book atau it is my book.
- Pronoun yang menggantikan sebuah noun disebut antecedent
I read a book. It was good.
Pronoun it ditujukan untuk antecedent noun book
Task 1. Direction: indentify the personal pronouns and their antecedents

1. Jack has a part-time job. He works at a fast-food restaurant.

(he = a pronoun; Jack = the antecedent)

2. Most monkeys don’t like water, but they can swim well when they have to
3. The teacher graded the students’ papers last night. She returned them during class today.
4. Nancy took an apple with her to work. She ate it at lunch time.
5. A dog makes a good pet if it is properly trained
6. Tom’s cat is named Maybelle Alice. She is very independent. She never obeys Tom. His
dogs, on the other hand, obey him gladly. They like to please him.

Task 2. Direction: choose the correct words in italics.

1. This is my/mine umbrella. Your/Yours umbrella is over there.
2. This umbrella is my/mine. The other one is your/yours
3. Mary and Bob have their/theirs books. In other words, Mary has her/hers and Bob has
4. A honeybee has two wings on each side of its/it’s body
5. It/it’s true that a homing pigeon will find its/it’s way home even though it begins its/ it’s
trip in unfamiliar territory.
6. I have a pet. Its/it’s name is Squeak. Its/it’s a turtle. Its/it’s been my pet for two years.
B. Reflexive Prov nouns

Singular Plural
Myself Ourselves
Yourself Yourselves
Herself Themselves
Pronoun ini digunakan untuk:
1. Reflexive pronoun digunakan sebagai objek dari kata kerja atau preposisi ketika subjek
dan objek adalah orang yang sama.
I saw myself in the mirror. (sebagai objek)
I looked at myself for a long time (sebagai preposisi)

Pada contoh diatas I and myself adalah orang yang sama.

2. Reflexive pronoun digunakan sebagai sebuah penekanan. Dalam hal ini biasanya pronoun
ini langsung di ikuti oleh kata benda atau pronoun, atau di diakhir sebuah clause.

- A: Did someone fax the report to Mr. Lee?

B: are you sure?

A: Yes. I myself faxed the report to him

- I faxed the report to him myself.

Pada kalimat “I myself faxed the repot to him”, pembicara memberikan penekanan yang
kuat dalam kalimatnya.
3. By + a reflexive pronoun artinya sendiri
Contoh :
Anna lives by herself ( Ana tinggal seorang diri)
I do it by myself (saya mengerjakan seorang diri).

Catatan : kadang sebuah objek pronoun sebagai objek preposition ketika subjek dan
objek ditujukan untuk orang yang sama. Contoh: I took my books with me. She kept her
son close to her.
Task 3 : Complete the sentences with appropriate reflexive pronouns.
1. Tommy told a lie. He was ashamed of himself.
2. Masako cut …herself……… while she was chopping vegetables.
3. People surround …themselves……… with friends and family during holidays.
4. Rita is careful about her weight, but she allows herself…… one piece of candy a day.
5. Omar thinks Oscar is telling the truth. So does Ricardo. I …myself…… don’t believe
Oscar’s story for a minute.
6. A: did Mr. Yun’s secretary answer the phone?
B: No.Mr,Yun …himself……….. answered the phone. I was very surprised.
7. Now that their children are grown, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson live by…themselves….
8. Nadia didn’t join the rest of us. She sat in the back of the room by herself…….
C. Kata Ganti Penunjuk
Kata ganti penunjuk adalah kata ganti yang digunakan sebagai penunjuk ini atau itu.
 Kata ganti demonstrative untuk bentuk tunggal adalah that, this, one.
 Kata ganti demonstrative untuk bentuk jamak adalah those, these, ones.

Contoh :
1. This paper must be submitted tomorrow morning.
2. Those are my new novels.

Catatan: Kata ganti penunjuk this/these ditujukan untuk kata benda yang dekat dengan
pembicara, that/those untuk kata benda yang jauh dengan pembicara.
D. Kata ganti tanya
Kata ganti tanya adalah kata ganti yang digunakan di dalam bentuk kalimat tanya.

Nama Subyek Objek Kepemilikan

Manusia Who Whom Whose
Benda What What Whose
Tempat Where -
Waktu When -
Contoh :
- When will you finish your English assignment?
- Whose bag is this?
Where is the location of Borobudur temple?

E. Reciprocal Pronoun
Reciprocal pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menunjukan adanya hubungan
timbal balik. Contoh dari bentuk kata ganti ini adalah each other dan one another.
Contoh :
Beny and Maria have loved each other for a long time.
F. Another, the other, others, and the others.
Penggunaan kata ganti ini memperhatikan jumlah kata benda, baik tunggal maupun jamak.

Dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung Dengan kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung
Another + singular -
The other + singular -
Other + plural Other + non-count noun
The others + plural The other +non-count noun

Task 4. Directions : complete the sentences with a from of other.

1. I got three letters. One was from my father. Another one was from my sister. The other
letter was from my girlfriend.
2. Look at your hand. You have five fingers. One is your thumb. …………………… is
your index finger. …………………… is your middle finger. …………….. finger is
your ring finger. And ……………finger ( the last of the five) is your little finger.
3. Look at your hands. One is your right hand ………….. is your left hand.
4. I invited five people to my party. Of those five people, only Jhon and Mary can come.
……..can’t come.
5. I’m almost finished. I just need …….five minutes
6. I would like some more books on this sucject. Do you have any ……….that you could
lend me?
7. I would like to read more about this subject. Do you have any ………… books that you
could lend me?
G. Relative Pronoun

Posisi Orang (person) Benda (thing)

Subjek Who That
Kepemilikan Whose Of which the
Objek Whom/that That/ which
Preposisi Whom preposition Which preposition

Subjek :
- The tall man is my teacher
- He is standing near library building
Penggabungan kalimat
- The tall man who is standing near library building is my teacher

- The old woman is my neighbor

- I met her at train station last night.
Penggabungan kalimat
- The old woman whom I met at train station last night is my neighbor.

- My sister’s friend has gone home

- I want to borrow her novels
Penggabungan kalimat
- My sister’s friend whose novels I want to borrow has gone home.

- The beautiful girl is wise

- I got some advices from her
Penggabungan kalimat
- The beautiful girl from whom I got some advices is wise.

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