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Opinions and Thoughts


Opinions dan thoughts merupakan cara ketika kita merasakan atau memikirkan sesuatu. Pendapat kita
mengenai suatu hal disebut sebagai perspektif.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, menyampaikan opinions and thoughts diawali dengan subject (I dan we). Lalu
diikuti oleh verb (agree, believe, doubt, reckon, assume, dan think), dan object (the point of opinion).
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh kalimatnya.


- I agree with what they are saying.

- I believe this is not the right way to go.

- I have no doubt for it.

- We assume that you are reflected to this case.

- We think that they don’t care about you.

Structure and language features

Subject yang digunakan dalam menyampaikan opinions and thoughts adalah I atau We (saya atau kami).
Kemudian diikuti dengan kata kerja dan objek.


We (subject) + believe (verb) + with what you said (object).

Selain memperhatikan struktur kalimatnya, opinions and thoughts juga dipengaruhi oleh kata-kata
tertentu yang membuatnya terdengar sebagai pendapat yang kuat (strong), sedang (medium), dan
lemah (weak).

1. Strong Opinion

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh strong opinion yaitu:

I am convinced that . . .

I strongly believe that . . .

I am absolutely certain that . . .

2. Medium Opinion

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh medium opinion yaitu:

I have no doubt on it that . . .

My impression is . . .

It seems to me that . . .

I feel certain that . . .

I believe . . .

It seems to . . .

It strikes me . . .

3. Weak Opinion

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh medium opinion yaitu:

I think . . .

I am fairly certain that . . .

I would have thought that . . .

I don’t think . . .

Kinds of Opinion and thought

1. Personal Point of View

Personal point of view merupakan kalimat yang menjelaskan pendapat pribadi. Beberapa contohnya
adalah sebagai berikut.

I think . . .

I reckon . . .

I will say that . . .

In my experience . . .

In my view . . .

In my humble opinion . . .

To my mind . . .

Personally, I think that . . .

If you ask me . . .

As far as I am concerned . . .

I am compelled to say . . .

As I get that . . .

Based on my point of view . . .

Ketika menyampaikan personal point of view, kita juga mendapatkan balasan berupa persetujuan atau
pertidaksetujuan (agree or disagree).

Ketika kamu setuju (agree) dengan pendapat lawan bicaramu, kamu dapat mengatakan kata-kata
berikut ini.

I agree . . .

Neither do I . . .

I think so . . .

This is absolutely right . . .

I see what your point is.

I know what you mean.

That’s a good point.

Apabila kamu memberikan sanggahan (disagree), kamu cukup melemparkan kata-kata berikut ini
kepada lawan bicaramu yaitu:

I am sorry.

I don’t believe . . .

Sorry, I disagree . . .

I am not convinced that . . .

I am not sure about that.

I think you are wrong.

By this mean . . .
That may be so . . .

That’s true but . . .

That’s very good point, but . . .

That’s ridiculous!

I am afraid I have to disagree with you there.

2. General Point of View

General point of view adalah kalimat yang menjelaskan tentang pendapat kebanyakan orang yang
mendukung pernyataan tertentu. Misalnya:

Some People believe that . . .

Generally, it is accepted as . . .

Some people believe that . . .

Some people say that . . .

Most of people do not agree . . .

Sometimes, people argued that . . .

Almost everyone . . .

Contoh Teks Opinions and Thoughts

Brian: Oh! Hi Adam. How’s it going?

Adam: Oh. Hi Brian. Have you just seen Tornado Express too?

Brian: Mm … no. I saw Friends Forever with my sister.

Adam: Oh! Was it good?

Brian: Pff … no, not really. It was boring. But Molly liked it. She loves that kind of thing. What about
Tornado Express? Was that good?

Adam: Yeah, it was brilliant! Really exciting and the special effects were so good!

Brian: Sounds cool.

Adam: Yeah, I loved it!

Brian I really want to see that film, Double Revenge. Have you heard of it?

Adam: Oh, yeah … with Jessica Foster? Ah, I can’t stand her! She’s so annoying!

Brian: Really? Do you think so? She was good in that film Maximum Risk.

Adam: Oh, I haven’t seen that one. OK, maybe she’s not that bad!

Brian: Well, maybe we should check out Double Revenge together some time.

Adam: Yeah, that sounds good.

Brian: All right, great.

Adam: See you later.

Brian: OK, yeah. See you.

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