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Narrative Text adalah text yang berisi dongeng, cerita rakyat, fable, cerita pendek, yang fungsinya untuk
menghibur/membuat orang senang (to amuse/to entertain the reader/ to give amusement to the audience).
Di dalam text Narrative terdapat masalah/problem/complication yang membuat pembaca tertarik untuk
mengetahui pemecahan masalah tersebut di mana pemecahan masalah dalam text narrative dinamakan
resolution/penyelesaian masalah.

Hal yang terpenting dalam suatu cerita Narrative adalah pesan moral yang terkandung dalam cerita tersebut.
Sehingga diharapkan siswadapat mengambil pelajaran berharga yang sangat berguna dalam kehidupannya
sehari-hari.Pesan moral atau coda terdapat di akhir paragraph, letaknya setelah “resolution/penyelesaian
masalah”. Namun, tidak semua text narrative ada “coda” nya, sehingga pembaca harus menyimpulkan sendiri
pesan moral yang terkandung di dalamnya, dengan memahami alur ceritanya.

Kalimat yang digunakan dalam cerita narrative adalah kalimat “past tense/lampau”.
Sehingga kata kerja yang digunakan adalah:
- V2 (kata kerja lampau), jika negative menggunakan kata bantu “didn’t”
- Tobe yang digunakana dalah to be past, yaitu was (untuk I, he, she, it),
Dan were ( untuk you, we, they).
- Modal past ( could, might, would, should)

Generic Structure (Bagian-bagian text) of the Narrative Text:

1. Orientation :
Pendahuluan, yang berisi setting dari cerita tersebut, dimana (where), kapan ( when),
siapa (who) , tentang apa (what). Biasanya, text narrative di awali dengan latar waktu
“Once upon a time, Few years ago, Long time ago”. One day, long-long time ago

2. Complication/ problem:
Masalah yang menjadi bagian yang harus ada dalam text narrative.

3. Resolution :
Pemecahan masalah.Bagian ini adalah merupakan akhir dari permasalahan dalam cerita,
Mungkin berakhir dengan menyenangkan (happy ending)/menyedihkan (sad ending).

4. Reorientation/coda
Bagian ini dapat berupa pesan moral dari cerita tersebut, atau berisi pendapat pencerita
(writer’s opinion) /nasehat (advice of the writer) sehubungan dengan cerita tersebut.

(Catatan: Paragraph yang berisi re-orientation/coda tidak mesti ditemukan dalam text narrative. Sehingga untuk
menentukan moral value/pesan moralnya, pembaca harus menyimpulkan sendiri dari isi cerita dalam text

Functions/Purpose of Narrative Text:

a. To entertain/to amuse the reader/ the audience: Untuk menghibur pembaca/pendengar
b. To give amusement to the reader: Memberi hiburan/kesenangan untuk pembaca
c. To make the reader amusing/entertaining: Untuk membuat pembaca terhibur.
d. To tell a story about…: Untuk menceritakan cerita tentang…

- Menayakan moral value dari text tersebut.

- What is the moral value of the story?
- What can we get from the story?
- From the story, we can conclude that……
- We can learn from the text that…….

Contoh-contoh Moral Value

- Where there is a will there is a way: di mana ada kemauan disitu ada jalan.
- Preventing is better than curing: mencegah lebih baik dari mengobati.
- Kindness will bear luckiness, while evil will cause unluckiness: kebaikan
membuahkan keberuntungan, sedangkan kejahatan menyebabkan kesialan.
- Standing on our own feet is important: Penting berdiri di atas kaki sendiri.
- Never ever trust other people whenever we haven’t known:Jangan pernah percaya
pada orang lain selagi kita belum mengenalnya.
- Think first deeply before taking action: berfikir dengan matang sebelum bertindak.
- Wealthy doesn’t always bring happiness: Kekayaan tidak selalu membawa kebahagiaan.
- Friendship is the most important in our life:persahabatan sangat penting dalam hidup kita.
- Choose your friend carefully: pilihlah temanmu dengan hati-hati.
- Tricky people often deceive the stupid one: Orang yang licik sering membodohi orang bodoh.
- Mother’s love never ends: Cinta ibu tak pernah berakhir.
- Never ignore the mother: Jangan pernah membantah ibu.
- Don’t underestimate to the inferior: Jangan meremehkan orang yang lebih rendah.
- Friend in need is a friend indeed: teman sejati adalah teman yang ada disaat dibutuhkan
- Living in a harmony is precious: hidup dalam keserasian adalah sesuatu yang berharga.
- Greed can bring to poorness: keserakahan membawa kemiskinan.
- It’s much easier to say than to do: lebih mudah mengatakan daripada melakukan.
- Keep silent is better than talk a lot: diam lebih baik daripada banyak ngomong.
- Don’t blame yourself for something bad: jangan salahkan dirimu akan sesuatu yang buruk.
- To eror is human: berbuat kesalahan itu manusiawi.
- No one can do something perfectly: tak ada manusia yang sempurna
- We have to obey our parents: kita harus mematuhi orang tua kita
- Don’t judge a person from his appearance: jangan menghakimi orang dari penampilannya.
- An old habit is hard to change: kebiasaan lama sulit untuk berubah
- All of God’s creations have purposes: semua cipataanTuhan itu memiliki maksud
- Helping each other is the best way in life:saling membantu itu cara terbaik dalam hidup
- It’s good to share things with others: bagus untuk berbagi dengan yang lain
- It is not good to be envious to others: tidak baik merasa iri pada orang lain
- It is good to keep your promises: bagus menepati janjimu
- We have to find a way to save ourselves from danger: kita harus menemukan cara
untuk menyelamatkan diri kita dari bahaya.
- Braveness is needed to be a hero: keberaniaan diperlukan untuk menjadi pahlawan
- Good and right things will win: hal yang baik dan benar akan menang
- Never ever trust to the new one: jangan pernah percaya pada hal yang baru
- Don’t forget to the old friend if you get the new one: jangan melupakan yang lama
jika kamu mendapatkan yang baru.
- Don’t blame someone for our failure: jangan salahkan orang lain akan kegagalan kita
- Bad things may bring good things: keburukan mungkin membawa kebaikan
- We have to listen our parents’ advices: kita harus mendengar nasehat orang tua kita
- We must respect older people: kita harus menghormati orang yang lebih tua
- We have to care others: kita harus pedulipada orang lain.
- Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched: jangan hitung anak ayam sebelum
benar-benar menetas
- Love can conquer anything: cinta bisa menaklukkan segalanya
- Don’t break your promise: jangan mengingkari janjimu.

Vocabularies: - respectful : hormat

I. ADJECTIVE: KATA SIFAT - rich/ wealthy : kaya
- timid/clumsy : kikuk, grogi, pemalu - poor/ needy : miskin
- charming/interesting : menarik - generous/ noble minded : dermawan
- abundant/plentiful : banyak - stingy/ misery : kikir/pelit
- steady : tegap/kokoh - precious/ valuable : berharga/ bernilai
- diligent/keen : rajin - prosperous : sejahtera
- hungry/starve : lapar - polite/courteous : sopan
- thirsty : haus - patient : sabar
- crazy/fanatic/keen of/keen on : tergila- - faithful/loyal : setia
gila/ sangat suka - corrupt : selingkuh
- crazy/slanting/mad : gila/sinting - honest/trustful/believable : jujur/dapat dipercaya
- damaged/destroyed/broken/out of order : rusak - tricky/ cunning/sly : sukamenipu
- greedy : serakah - coward : curang/pengecut
- boastful/ arrogant/ proud : sombong - satisfied/contented : puas
- humble : rendah hati - dissatisfied/disappointed : kecewa
- worried/ anxious : cemas - fortification/castle : benteng/pertahanan
- curious/eager : penasaran, ngebet. - palace/castle : istana
- angry/ furious/ outrage/scowl : marah - kingdom : kerajaan
- afraid/scared/frightened/fearful : takut -- army/soldier : tentara/pasukan
- bold/dare/brave : gagah berani - knight : ksatria
- ashamed/embarrassed/shy : malu - pirate : pembajak
- helpful : suka membantu - thief : pencuri
- attentive : perhatian/peduli - robber : perampok
- cruel/rude/mean/violent : kejam, semena-mena - beggar : pengemis
- tired/exhausted : lelah - vendor : pedagang asongan
- intelligent/smart/clever : pandai - hometown : kota asal
- stupid/dull/foolish : bodoh - wizard : penyihir laki-laki
- solemn/serious : khusuk/sungguh-sungguh - witch : penyihir laki-laki
- incredible/unbelievable : tak dapat dipercaya karena - giant /giantess: raksasalaki-laki/perempuan
hebatnya - dwarf : kurcaci
- unique/odd/distinctive/peculiar/unusual/strange/ - angel : bidadari
weird : unik, tidak biasa,janggal, asing - God/goddess : Tuhan/dewa/dewi
- antique/very old : antik, sangat tua - fairy : peri
- huge/ very big/ gigantic/giant/enormous : sangat besar - creature : makhluk
/raksasa - demon/devil/genie : syetan/jin
- tiny/ microscopic/ very small/dwarf: sangat kecil/ - armor : baju besi
kerdil/kurcaci - spear : tombak
- vast/extremely large : sangat luas - arrow : anak panah
- exist : ada - bow : busur
- extinct/vanished/ no longer exist: punah/musnah/ - warrior : pejuang/pasukan
tak ada lagi - war : perang
- rare/scarce/getting smaller : langka - ceasefire : gencatan senjata
- proud/smugly : bangga - power : kekuatan
- pure/original/natural : asli/alami - enemy/foe : musuh
- fake/false/artificial : palsu/tiruan - prey : mangsa
- breath taking/wonderful : menakjubkan - rival/opponent : lawan
- famous/popular/well-known : terkenal - partner/pair/couple : pasangan
- excited/pleased/glad/happy : senang - nest : sarang burung
- bored : bosan - cage : kandang/ kurungan
- annoyed : jengkel - stable : rumah untuk hewan
- sad/upset/grief : sedih - maiden : perawan/perdana
- miracle : ajaib - infant/baby : bayi
- wise : bijaksana - rescuer : penolong
- thankful/grateful : suka berterima kasih - volunteer : sukarelawan
- envious/jealous : iri/cemburu - inventor : penemu
- shocked/panic/surprised : kaget - prize/reward/present : hadiah
- amazed/surprised : kagum
- solely/solitary/ merely/only : hanya, sendirian III. VERBS: KATA KERJA
- gorgeous/enchanting : sangat indah - to capture/ to catch/ to arrest: menangkap
- to free/ to flee : membebaskan/melepaskan
I. NOUN:KATA BENDA - to seek/to look for/to search : mencari
- toll/victim/casualty/injured people: korban/penderita/ - to spy/to peek/ to peep : mengintai
orang yang terluka - to attack/ to outfight : menyerang
- refugee : pengungsi - to grumble/ to ground : menggerutu
- survivor : orang yang bertahanhidup - to ridicule : menghina/mengejek
- hermit : pertapa - to escape/to run away/ to flee: kabur/melarikan diri
- inhabitant/occupant/resident : penghuni - to curse/ to spell : mengutuk
- inhabitance/residence : hunian - to obey : mematuhi
- shelter/refuge: penampungan/tempat mengungsi - to ignore/to neglect/to refuse/to reject: membantah/
- hut/ very small house : gubug menolak
- loch/lake : telaga/danau - to judge/ to execute/to prosecute: mengadili
- spring : mata air - to punish : menghukum
- tear : air mata - to drift : terombang-ambing
- meadow : padang rumput - to drown/to sink : tenggelam
- hollow : lubang di pohon untuk bernaung - to float : mengapung
- burrow : lubang di tanah untuk tempat tinggal - to rescue/to save : menyelamatkan
- to help/ to assist : membantu - to creep : merayap/ mengendap-endap
- to stray/to wander : berkeliaran - to crawl : meringkuk
- to spoil : menumpahkan kasih sayang/ memanjakan - to roar : mengaum
- to pray/to wish/ to utter : berdoa/memohon - to trap : menjebak
- to grant : mengabulkan - to resist : menahan
- to chase/ to run after : mengejar - to lead : menggandeng/ memimpin
- to chase away : mengusir - to mislead : menyesalkan
- to care/ to look after : merawat - to earn : mencari pengahasilan
- to pretend : berpura-pura - to change/ to alter/to convert: merubah/ mengganti
- to disguise : menyamar - to grab/to rush : merebut
- to beat/ to defeat/ to edge out: mengalahkan/ - to envy : merasa iri
menyisihkan - to yell : bersorak
- to deceive/ to trick : menipu - to disturb : mengganggu
- to bear/ to produce : menghaslkan/membuahkan - to hug/ to embrace : memeluk
- to accuse : menuduh - to hop/ to leap/ to jump : melompat
- to admit : mengakui - to gallop/ to sprint : berlari cepat
- to stand : berdiri
- to bend down : membungkuk
- to stumble : menyandung
- to cross the leg : duduk bersila
- to spread/ to expand/ to extend: menyebarkan/ - to fold the leg : duduk bersimpuh
- to hatch : mengerami
- to harvest/ to crop : memanen
- to groan : mengerang


Read the text then answer the questions!

Once upon a time, there lived a happy family in a village. A man and his wife lived happily on a little farm,
tending their flock of geese and selling their eggs at the market. They were not rich, but they were happy with
their life together.
Then one day, a new goose flew in among their flock. The couple was surprised to find a shiny golden egg in
her nest. Each and every day after that, the goose laid another egg of solid gold
The couple was soon richer than they had ever dreamed of, but they were not happy. They grew impatient
with only one golden egg a day. The farmer said to his wife, “Our goose must be full of gold. Why should we wait
to have more egg?”
“If we her open.” His wife agreed,” We can get all the eggs at once,” So they killed the goose. They were
very surprised to find that it was just like any other geese inside. Even worse, there would never be any more
golden eggs.

1. How many golden eggs did the couple get each day?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

2. How did the couple relieve their impatience?

A. By killing the goose. C. By tending their flock of geese.
B. By selling the new goose. D. By selling the eggs at the market.

3. What moral value can we learn from the story?

A. We should know our limitation. C. We should stand on out own feet.
B. We must be honest to get success. D. We must be patient, not be greedy to get richer.

The king of the mice lived inside the banyan tree in a forest. One Day, a poor man was cutting down
some trees. As he started to cut down the banyan tree, the king of mice grew frightened, “Please leave the tree
standing” he said to the woodcutter, “and I’ll give you a piece of gold everyday”.
The woodcutter agreed. So, every evening the king of mice took out a piece of gold from under the roots
of the tree and gave it to the woodcutter. The woodcutter took the pieces of gold home and showed them to his
After a few days, his wife asked, “Where does the gold come from?”
“Don’t worry about that”, he said. “Just keep it”.
A few days later she asked him again, but he did not tell her. “If you don’t tell me”, she said,“I’ll go and tell
the government or even the king that you are a robber”.
The woodcutter was frightened of his wife when she was angry. So he said, “Everyevening the king of
the mice gives me a piece of gold from under the roots of the tree.”
“Oh, you are stupid!”. His wife said. “You’ve been tricked by a mouse. He gives you one piece of gold every
evening but the rest of the gold is under the tree all the time! Why don't you cut down the tree and take it all
The woodcutter did as he was told. He cut down the tree. But when he looked under the roots, the gold
was not there. The king of the mice had run away too.
That night, the king of mice crept up to the woodcutter’s house and took back all the gold. So the
woodcutter was as poor as before.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To describe the king of mice who lived inside a banyan tree in a forest.
B. To present information about the woodcutter and the king of mice.
C. To entertain readers about the story of the woodcutter and the king of the mice.
D. To tell readers that the woodcutter was a poor man at the end of the story.
5. Why did the woodcutter cut down the tree?
A. He wanted to get more gold.
B. He was afraid of the king of mice.
C. The king of the mice lived inside a banyan tree.
D. The king of the mice never gave the gold to the poor.
6. What can we learn from the story above?
A. The greedy person would never satisfy himself.
B. The tricky person will get a problem.
C. The lazy person will never be successful.
D. The poor person must work hard.

An ant that ran quickly in search of food came across a chrysalis that was close its time to change. The
chrysalis moved and this attracted the attention of the ant who for the first time realized that it was a living
thing. "Poor, pitiable animal!", cried the ant disdainfully "what a sad fate is yours! While I can run with my
pleasure, you lie imprisoned here in your shell". The chrysalis heard all this, but did not try to make any reply.
After a few days, when the ant passed that way again, nothing but the shell remained. Wondering what
had happened to its content, he felt himself suddenly shaded and fanned by the gorgeous wings of a beautiful
butterfly. "Behold in me," said the butterfly, "your much pitied friend!" So, the butterfly rose in the air and lost in
the summer breeze.
7. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the story?
A. To entertain the readers of the story
B. To describe the adventure of an ant
C. To tell the Chrysalis is an animal
D. To explain how arrogant the ant is
8. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
A. Chrysalis is an animal
B. The Chrysalis lie imprisoned
C. The ant goes around to have fun
D. The ant was feeling sorry for the Chrysalis
9. We can learn from the text that ….
A. everyone should appreciate each other
B. we have to be confident in ourselves
C. appearance may be deceptive
D. never look down on others

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