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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : XI (Sebelas)
Bidang Keahlian : SEMUA JURUSAN
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu : 07.30 s.d. 09.00 WIB

1. Tulislah lebih dahulu nomor peserta dan identitas anda.
2. Untuk menjawab soal pilihan ganda, gunakan pena untuk menyilang pada huruf A, B, C, D atau E pada
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3. Selama pelaksanaan PAS tidak diperkenankan bertanya atau minta penjelasan mengenai jawaban soal
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4. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, HP, Kamus, dan alat bantu lain dalam menjawab soal PTS selain yang
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5. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum anda menjawabnya.
6. Laporkan kepada pengawas bila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah soal kurang.
7. Jumlah soal sebanyak 45 butir soal Pilihan Ganda dan 5 butir soal uraian.
8. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah.
9. Periksa pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas dan keluar ruangan.

I. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini pada lembar jawab yang tersedia dengan memberikan tanda silang (X)
pada pilihan A, B, C, atau D !
Text for 1 to 5

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world. Located in the heart of Paris, France, this
wrought-iron masterpiece was completed in 1889. Standing at a height of 324 meters, the Eiffel Tower offers
stunning panoramic views of the city. Visitors can take an elevator or climb the stairs to reach the observation
decks on the tower. Lit up at night with thousands of sparkling lights, the Eiffel Tower is truly a sight to behold.

1. Where is the Eiffel Tower located?

A. London

B. Paris

C. Rome


2. In which year was the Eiffel Tower completed?

A. 1789

B. 1889

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C. 1989


3. How tall is the Eiffel Tower?

A. 224 meters

B. 324 meters

C. 424 meters

D.524 meters

4. How can visitors reach the observation decks on the Eiffel Tower?

A. By boat

B. By bus

C. By elevator or stairs

D.By helicopter

5. What is a notable feature of the Eiffel Tower at night?

A. It disappears in the dark

B. It emits loud sounds

C. It is covered with fog

D.It is lit up with thousands of sparkling lights

6. My sister __________ French every Monday.

A. Study

B. Studies

C. Studied


7. They usually __________ a walk in the park after dinner.

A. Takes

B. Take

C. Took


8. She __________ to the gym three times a week.

A. go

B. goes

C. going


9. The sun __________ in the east.


B. rise

C. risen

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10. We __________ a new movie every weekend.

A. watches

B. watch

C. watched


11. Choose the correct order for the adjectives in the sentence: "She bought a __________ dress."

A.Beautiful long red

B. Red beautiful long

C. Long red beautiful

D.Red long beautifil

12. What is the correct order of adjectives in the sentence? "He is a __________ singer."

A.talented young Italian

B. Italian young talented

C. young talented Italian

D.Italian talented young

13. Select the appropriate order for the adjectives in the sentence: "They live in a __________ house."

A.small white Victorian

B. Victorian white small

C. white small Victorian

D.Victorian small white

14. Which is the correct adjective order for this sentence? "She adopted a __________ cat."

A.cute little fluffy

B. fluffy cute little

C. little cute fluffy

D.cute fluffy little

15. What is the proper adjective order in the following sentence? "He wore a __________ tie to the wedding."

A. silk black elegant

B. elegant black silk

C. black silk elegant

D.elegant silk black

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Text for no 16 to 20

The Enchanted Forest

Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and dense forests, lived a curious young girl named
Lily. Lily was always drawn to the mysterious forest at the edge of the village, but everyone in the village warned her
to stay away, as it was said to be enchanted.

One sunny morning, Lily decided to venture into the forest despite the warnings. As she stepped under the thick
canopy of trees, the air felt different, and a gentle breeze whispered through the leaves. The forest seemed to come
alive with vibrant colors and magical creatures.

As Lily explored deeper, she stumbled upon a clearing where a wise old owl perched on a branch. The owl spoke in a
melodic voice, telling Lily about the enchanted nature of the forest. The trees were ancient guardians, and the animals
were protectors of its secrets.

Lily was given a small crystal by the owl, which glowed with an ethereal light. The crystal, the owl explained, held the
magic of the enchanted forest. Lily was entrusted with the task of protecting the forest from those who sought to
exploit its magic for selfish gains.

From that day forward, Lily became the guardian of the enchanted forest. She would visit regularly, ensuring the
delicate balance was maintained. The once-feared forest became a source of wonder and admiration for the villagers,
thanks to Lily's newfound responsibility.

16. What is the main character's name in the story?

A. Rose

B. Lily

C. Daisy

D. Violet

17. Why did people in the village warn Lily to stay away from the forest?

A. It was infested with dangerous animals.

B. The air in the forest was poisonous.

C. The forest was said to be enchanted.

D. Lily was allergic to trees.

18. What did Lily find in the clearing of the enchanted forest?

A. A talking rabbit

B. A wise old owl

C. A magical potion

D. A hidden treasure chest

19. What was Lily given by the owl?

A. A map of the forest

B. A magic wand

C. A small crystal

D. A golden key

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20. What did the crystal given to Lily do?

A. It made her invisible.

B. It granted wishes.

C. It held the magic of the enchanted forest.

D. It turned into a magical creature.

Text for 21

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system, stretching over 2,300 kilometers. Located
in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland, Australia, it is home to a stunning array of marine life.

21. Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?

A. Pacific Ocean

B. Atlantic Ocean

C. Coral Sea

D. Indian Ocean

Text for 22 to 23

The Serengeti National Park, located in Tanzania, is a vast and breathtaking expanse of savannah and grasslands
that stretches over 14,750 square kilometers. Famous for its annual migration of wildebeest, zebras, and other
herbivores, the Serengeti is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The park is home to a diverse array of wildlife,
including the "Big Five" – lions, leopards, elephants, buffalos, and rhinoceroses. Visitors to the Serengeti are
treated to the sight of vast herds of animals grazing on the plains, as well as the predators that stalk them. The
wide-open landscapes, dotted with acacia trees, provide a stunning backdrop for this incredible display of
nature's wonders.

In addition to its rich wildlife, the Serengeti is also known for its captivating sunsets and sunrises. The golden
hues of the sun as it dips below the horizon create a magical atmosphere, casting a warm glow over the
savannah. The expansive sky, painted in hues of orange and pink, adds to the enchantment of the Serengeti
experience. As the day transitions into night, the starlit sky over the Serengeti is a mesmerizing spectacle,
offering a unique and unforgettable view of the African wilderness.

22. What is the Serengeti National Park famous for?

A. The Eiffel Tower

B. The Great Barrier Reef

C. The annual migration of wildebeest and zebras

D. The Amazon Rainforest

23. What are the "Big Five" animals that can be found in the Serengeti?

A. Tigers, giraffes, kangaroos, wolves, and bears

B. Lions, leopards, elephants, buffalos, and rhinoceroses

C. Dolphins, whales, sharks, turtles, and seahorses

D. Monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, lemurs, and orangutans

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Text for 24 to 25

Mount Everest, standing at a towering height of 8,848 meters (29,029 feet), is the world's highest peak. Located in the
Himalayas on the border between Nepal and Tibet, it is a challenging yet irresistible destination for climbers from around
the globe. The summit of Mount Everest offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountain ranges, and
reaching the top is considered a remarkable achievement in the world of mountaineering.

The base camp of Mount Everest, at an elevation of approximately 5,364 meters (17,598 feet), serves as a starting point
for many climbers attempting to conquer the summit. The journey to the Everest Base Camp is an adventure in itself,
taking trekkers through picturesque landscapes, Sherpa villages, and high-altitude terrain. Despite the harsh conditions,
the allure of Mount Everest and the sense of accomplishment make it a dream destination for those seeking an
unparalleled mountaineering experience.

24. What is the main subject of the descriptive text?

A. The Sherpa village

B. The journey to Everest Base Camp

C. Mount Everest

D.The panoramic views

25. What is the significance of reaching the summit of Mount Everest?

A. It offers panoramic views

B. It is considered a remarkable mountaineering achievement

C. It is an adventure through Sherpa villages

D. It is the starting point for climbers

26. Where is Mount Everest located?

A. Alps

B. Andes

C. Himalayas

D.Rocky Mountains

26. What serves as the starting point for climbers attempting to conquer Mount Everest?

A. The summit

B. The Sherpa villages

C. Everest Base Camp

D.The picturesque landscapes

Text for 27 to 30

Smoking Should Be Banned in Public Places

Smoking is a harmful habit that not only affects the health of the smoker but also poses risks to those around
them. One solution to this problem is to ban smoking in public places. Public spaces such as restaurants, parks,
and public transportation should be designated as smoke-free zones to protect the health and well-being of
both smokers and non-smokers.

Firstly, secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard. Non-smokers who are exposed to the smoke from others'
cigarettes are at risk of developing various health problems, including respiratory issues and even cancer.
Banning smoking in public places would reduce the exposure to secondhand smoke and create a healthier
environment for everyone. Additionally, such a ban would encourage smokers to quit or at least limit their
smoking, leading to an overall improvement in public health.

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27. Why does the author argue for a ban on smoking in public places?

A. To promote smoking as a healthier habit.

B. To protect the health of both smokers and non-smokers.

C. To encourage smoking in designated areas.

D. To limit the rights of smokers.

28. What is the main health risk associated with secondhand smoke mentioned in the text?

A. Digestive problems.

B. Respiratory issues and cancer.

C. Skin diseases.

D. Eye irritation.

29. What is one potential positive outcome of banning smoking in public places?

A. Increased exposure to secondhand smoke.

B. A decrease in the number of smokers.

C. No impact on public health.

D. Encouragement of smoking in enclosed spaces.

30. The synonym of “affect” is ….

A. Stright

B. Involve

C. Tried

D. Brought

Text for 31 to 34

A Better Option for Education

The traditional classroom setting has been the norm for centuries, but with advancements in technology, online
learning has become a viable alternative. Online education offers flexibility and convenience, allowing students to
access course materials and lectures from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility is particularly
beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or those who may not have access to traditional educational

Furthermore, online learning promotes a self-paced approach to education. Students can progress through the
material at their own speed, ensuring a better understanding of the content before moving on. This personalized
learning experience caters to individual learning styles, making it more effective for many students. Additionally,
online learning often provides a wealth of resources, such as interactive multimedia, discussion forums, and
online quizzes, enhancing the overall learning experience.

31. What is the main advantage of online learning mentioned in the text?

A. Strict schedules.

B. Flexibility and convenience.

C. Traditional classroom settings.

D.Limited access to course materials.

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32. Why is online learning considered beneficial for individuals with busy schedules?

A. It requires in-person attendance.

B. It offers flexibility and convenience.

C. It lacks access to educational institutions.

D.It restricts access to the internet.

33. What does the second paragraph emphasize about online learning?

A. It promotes a rigid, one-size-fits-all approach.

B. It limits the resources available to students.

C. It supports a self-paced approach to education.

D.It discourages personalized learning.

34. Why is it important to include a solution or recommendation in a hortatory exposition text?

A. To confuse the readers

B. To make the text longer

C. To provide guidance or advice

D. To hide the main idea

35. What is the main purpose of a hortatory exposition text?

A. To entertain the readers

B. To inform or describe a phenomenon

C. To persuade or convince the readers to take a particular stance

D.To criticize and complain about a situation

36. Which of the following is a common feature of a hortatory exposition text?

A. Presenting facts objectively

B. Providing a balanced view of the issue

C. Using strong opinions and arguments

D.Avoiding any form of persuasion

37. Change the following sentence into passive voice: "The chef is preparing a delicious meal."

A.A delicious meal was being prepared by the chef.

B. A delicious meal is preparing by the chef.

C. A delicious meal has been prepared by the chef.

D.A delicious meal were prepared by the chef.

38. Convert the given sentence into passive voice: "People speak Spanish in many countries."

A. Spanish is spoken in many countries by people.

B. Spanish is speaking in many countries by people.

C. Spanish spoken by people in many countries.

D. Many countries speak Spanish by people.

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39. Rewrite the sentence in passive voice: "The students will present the project next week."

A. The project will be presented by the students next week.

B. The project will present by the students next week.

C. The project has been presented by the students next week.

D. The students will be presenting the project next week.

40. Change the active voice sentence into passive voice: "The company has launched a new product."

A. A new product has been launched by the company.

B. A new product was launched by the company.

C. The company launched a new product.

D. A new product is being launched by the company.

41. Transform the given sentence into passive voice: "They are building a new bridge across the river."

A. A new bridge is being built by them across the river.

B. A new bridge was built by them across the river.

C. They build a new bridge across the river.

D. A new bridge is built by them across the river.

42. Change the following sentence into passive voice: "The gardener planted beautiful flowers in the garden."

A. Beautiful flowers were planted in the garden by the gardener.

B. The garden was planted with beautiful flowers by the gardener.

C. The gardener plants beautiful flowers in the garden.

D. In the garden, beautiful flowers are planted by the gardener.

43. Convert the given sentence into passive voice: "People will celebrate the festival next month."

A. The festival will be celebrated by people next month.

B. People will be celebrating the festival next month.

C. The festival will celebrate people next month.

D. Next month, the festival will be celebrating people.

44. Rewrite the sentence in passive voice: "The teacher gave the students a challenging assignment."

A. The students were given a challenging assignment by the teacher.

B. The teacher was giving a challenging assignment to the students.

C. A challenging assignment was given by the teacher to the students.

D. The students were challenging assignments given by the teacher.

45. Transform the given sentence into passive voice: "They have designed a new website for the company."

A. A new website has been designed for the company by them.

B. The company has designed a new website.

C. They have designing a new website for the company.

D. A new website was designed by them for the company.

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II. Answer the following questions!

46. What's your opinion on the use of social media in today's society?

Text for no. 47 to 48

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a magical forest that was hidden from the eyes of ordinary
people. Only those with pure hearts could find the entrance. One day, a curious girl named Lily discovered
the entrance and decided to explore the enchanted woods.

47. What kind of people could find the entrance to the magical forest?

48. Who discovered the entrance to the magical forest, and what was her name?

Text for no. 49 to 50

The Enchanting Sunset

The sun slowly dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the sky. The clouds painted
vibrant hues of pink, orange, and purple, creating a breathtaking canvas. The tranquil sea reflected the
stunning colors, making it seem like a vast mirror embracing the beauty of the evening.

49. Describe the colors mentioned in the text during the sunset!

50. What effect did the sunset have on the sea, according to the text?


47. Only those with pure hearts could find the entrance to the magical forest.

48. Lily, a curious girl, discovered the entrance to the magical forest.

49. The colors mentioned during the sunset are vibrant hues of pink, orange, and purple.

50. The tranquil sea reflected the stunning colors of the sunset, making it seem like a vast mirror embracing the
beauty of the evening.


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