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Nama :
Kelas : III (Tiga)
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris (SD 5 PMT, SD ISLAM)
Cross (X) a, b, c, or d for the best answer!
1. You can not play it a playground. It is ….
a. Skateboard
b. Watching TV
c. Slide
d. Seesaw
2. We need rope to play ….
a. Rope skipping
b. Baseball
c. Football
d. Volleyball
3. I want to go school. I should wear .…
a. raincoat
b. uniform
c. coat
d. swimsuit
4. today is a hot day. I want to wear ….
a. Uniform
b. Gloves
c. T-shirt
d. Jacket
5. The boy doesn’t like playing ….
a. Toy car
b. Doll
c. Rope skipping
d. Dakon
6. A : “What is your favorite …?”
B : “My favorite sport is tennis.”
a. Game
b. Play
c. Lesson
d. Sport
7. We are playing tug of war.
The underline word above in Indonesian is ….
a. Kasti
b. Dakon
c. Tarik tambang
d. Petak umpet
8. I can find … in the park.
a. Spoon, plate, stove
b. Seesaw, swing, slide
c. Bed, pillow, blanket
d. Soap, towel, dipper
9. We need racket to play ….
a. badminton
b. baseball
c. football
d. volleyball
10. P-o-h-s-c-c-h-o-t
The correct arrangement is ….
a. football
b. seesaw
c. hopscotch
d. rape skipping

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

1. She is swimming in the ….
2. Swing and slide are things in the ….
3. Syal in English ….
4. Sarung tangan in English ….
5. Dasi in English ….
6. Jas hujan in English ….
7. Gaun in English ….
8. Sapu tangan in English ….
9. Baju tidur in English ….
10. Kaos kaki in English ….
Answer the following questions correctly !
1. Mention five kinds of games that you like to play it!
2. Mention five kinds of sport!
3. Write 3 clohtes for man!
4. What does woman usually wear for a party!
5. What do you wear today for school!

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