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Kelompok 3

Anggota : - Kariza Rahmadani

- Dea Azzahra
- M Sidqi Albar

Dasar pembelajaran
teknologi informasi
MAN 1 Metro merupakan sekolah setara SMA yang berada dalam lingkup Kementrian Agama RI yang terletak di Jl. Ki
Hajar Dewantara, Iringmulyo, Kecamatan Metro Timur, pembelajaran di MAN 1 Metro dibagi menjadi 2 bidang
pembelajaran, yaitu IPA dan IPS, selain mata pelajaran wajib, siswa MAN 1 Metro juga dapat mendalami pembelajaran
non akademik serta aktif dalam kegiatan Organisasi.
Diantara Organisasi tersebut, terdapat MPK/OSIM (Majelis Perwakilan Kelas/Organisasi Siswa Intra Madrasah)
sebagai pewadah dan pembina organisasi-organasi ekstrakulikuler lainnya, selain itu, juga terdapat pula organisasi-
organisasi wajib seperti Pramuka, Paskibra, PMR dan Organisasi lainnya yang berfokus pada bidang tertentu,
IT Club sendiri merupakan organisasi ektrakuliler yang berdiri diatas fungsi dan kontribusinya kepada MAN 1 Metro
sebagai divisi Teknologi Informasi dari organisasi siswa
IT Club adalah komunitas bagi pelajar MAN 1 Metro yang ingin mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan
seputar teknologi dan informasi masa kini mulai dari alat dengan teknologi terbaru, pemrograman terupdate, hingga
perangkat multimedia, seperti desain grafis, editing, dan video grafi yang berbasis komputer,
IT Club pertama kali didirikan untuk memenuhi keperluan sekolah dalam menjalankan dan mengoperasikan program Ujian
Masuk yang berbasis online, karena keterbatasan tenaga dan kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh guru dan staf sekolah, maka
dikumpulkanlah beberapa siswa yang berkeahlian dalam bidang tersebut untuk membantu berjalannya Ujian Masuk, dan
semenjak saat itulah IT Club dibentuk untuk terus meningkatkan pemahaman teknologi masyarakat MAN 1 Metro
IT Club
Dengan begitu IT Club
menjadi pionir dari Ilmu
pengetahuan teknologi
terutama pada bidang
Bidang Studi IT Club

Multimedia Programming
Bidang ini berfokus pada teknik Bidang ini didasari ilmu koding,
dan sarana pengolahan dalam dan rangkaian perintah kompleks
bentuk visual dan audio yang yang bertujuan untuk membuat :
memiliki hasil akhir berupa karya Website, Program, Aplikasi,
seperti : Foto, Ilustrasi, Video, Software engineering, Hardware
Film, Musik, Animasi dan bentuk programming, dan hasil kerangka
A/V lainnya. kode lainnya.
Pemrograman Dasar Bidang Pembelajaran
01 Penguasaan dasar pemrograman
berbasis bahasa : Python, C++, IT Club
Java, Javascript

Pemrograman html/css
02 Penguasaan coding dan membuat
website/situs berbasis : Visual
Studio, Sublime, Notepad++

Multimedia Editing
03 Penguasaan software editing
foto/video berbasis : Premiere Pro,
After Effect, Vegas Pro, Align Motion
(Mobile), Photoshop,

Desain Grafis
04 Penguasaan software vector berbasis :
Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw,
Canva (Cross Platform)
“This is a quote, words full of
wisdom that someone important
said and can make the reader
get inspired.”
—Someone Famous
Our Solutions

01 02
Mercury Venus
Mercury is the Venus is the second
closest planet to the planet from the sun

03 04
Jupiter Neptune
Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is the
planet of them all farthest planet from
the Sun
Main Competitors

Mercury Jupiter Venus Neptune

Market Research
Gross Revenue in the Sector

To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change Sector Growth
the data and paste the resulting graph here
Outreach Top Rated Values

To modify this graph, click on it, follow the

link, change the data and paste the new graph
earths is the sun’s

24h 37mrotation
is Jupiter’s 23s

is386,000 kmto
the distance
the Moon
Age Gender

30% 70%


To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link,
change the data and paste the new graph here Interface
Our Process

Mercury is the closest Venus is the second

planet to the Sun planet from the Sun

Day Day Day Day

1 2 3 4

Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is the farthest

planet in the Solar planet from the Sun
This could be the part of the
presentation where you can introduce
yourself, write your email…
Our Consultants

John James
Venus is the
Jane Patterson second planet Joe Doe
Mercury is the from the Sun Neptune is the
closest planet to farthest planet
the Sun from the Sun
Our Partners

Mercury Jupiter Neptune

Mercury Jupiter is Neptune

is the the is the
planet to
Saturn is planet
Despite of planetis
thetheSun them red,
being all from
ringed Mars is Sun
Helena James
“Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun”

Jenna Doe
“Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all “

Mary Patterson
“Neptune is the farthest
planet from the Sun”

It’s the closest
Venus planet to the Sun
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun Jupiter
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all
Big numbers catch your
audience’s attention
Upcoming Goals

January February March April

Goal 1

Phase 1

Phase 2
The Slide Title Goes Here!

Do you know what helps you make your

point clear? Lists like this one:

● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!
And the most important thing: the
audience won’t miss the point of your
A Picture Is Worth a
Thousand Words
Infographics Make Your Idea
Mercury Neptune
Neptune is the
Mercury is the closest
farthest planet from
planet to the Sun
the Sun

Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is the ringed
planet of them all one and a gas giant
…And the Same Goes for Tables

Mass Diameter Gravity

(earths) (earths) (earths)

Mercury 0.06 0.38 0.38

Mars 0.11 0.53 0.38

Saturn 95.2 9.4 1.16

Maybe You Need to Divide the

01 02
Neptune Jupiter
Neptune is the farthest Jupiter is the biggest
planet from the Sun planet in the Solar
and the fourth-largest System and the fourth-
in the Solar System brightest one
Desktop Software

You can replace the image on

the screen with your own
work. Just delete this one,
add yours and center it properly
Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,

including icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik and
illustrations by Stories
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Alternative Resources

Find more illustrations like these on Stories by Freepik


Vectors Photos
● Programming ● Close-up of woman using a lapto
● Development p
● Mission impossible ● Beautiful young woman holding
● Social networking laptop on pink backdrop
● Segmentation
● Site stats Icons
● Responsive
● Meeting ● Project Management Icon
● Analysis
● Cyber attack
● Secure server
● Control panel Find more illustrations like these on
Stories by Freepik
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Pana Amico Bro Rafiki

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Group the resource again when you’re done. You can also look for more infographics on Slidesgo.


Task 1

Task 2


Task 1

Task 2



Task 1

Task 2
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Creative Process Icons Performing Arts Icons
Nature Icons
SEO & Marketing Icons

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