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Robotic 28

Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 28

Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telp/Fax: (021) 7806293 2010

A. Pendahuluan
Di SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta terdapat sebuah ekstrakurikuler yang kegiatannya berada di lingkup Robotika dan teknologi yang bernama Robotic 28. Didirikan pada tahun 2008 untuk mewadahi siswa-siswi yang ingin mengembangkan bakat dan minatnya di dunia Robotika. Diusia yang masih muda Robotik 28 sudah beberapa kali mengikuti kompetisi internasional seperti: 1. International Robot Olympiad (IRO) a. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Desember 2008 b. Daejeon Korean Selatan Desember 2009 2. South East Asia Robotic Olympiad (SEARO) Juni 2009 3. Singapore Robotic Games (SRG) Januari 2010 Misi didirikannya ekskur Robotic ini adalah untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan dasar teknologi Robotika yang diharapkan setelah pembelajaran tersebut dapat menciptakan insan Indonesia yang cakap dan tanggap dalam perkembangan ilmu TIK yang ada baik di Indonesia maupun di dunia. Hal-hal tersebut menjadi motivasi bagi kami untuk lebih mendalami ilmu Robotika dan oleh karena itu melalui proposal ini, kami menawarkan untuk menjadi partnership dengan Robotic 28 dalam rangka melaksanakan program kerja tahun kepengurusan 2010/2011 agar dapat berjalan dengan baik.

1. The 12th 2010 International Robot Olympiad (IRO). [Robotic goes to Australia]
Deskripsi kegiatan : The International Robot Olympiad (IRO) adalah sebuah acara kompetisi robot tahunan tingkat internasional yang diselenggarakan oleh International Robot Olympiad Committe (IROC). The IRO dirancang sebagai wadah untuk siswa sekolah dasar dan menengah untuk mengembangkan ide, keterampilan, dan kreativitas mereka melalui penelitian, pengembangan, dan kompetisi. The IRO juga menyelenggarakan sebuah pameran robot untuk para organisasi dan indusrti yang mempunyai hubungan dengan robotika untuk memamerkan, mempromosikan, dan mendemonstasikan produk atau prototipe mereka. Ringkasan kegiatan The 12th 2010 International Robot Olympiad Waktu : 17 s.d. 20 Desember 2010

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

Tempat Peserta

: Brisbane,Australia : Students (Students categories: Age 12 years and below, 13-18) Teachers Professors Researchers Developers Manufacturers Distributors (Exhibition)

Penyelenggara : International Robot Olympiad Committee, (IROC)

Website resmi : (Official website for the event will be opened later) Target keikutsertaan :

Diharapkan dalam kegiatan ini, Robotic 28 dapat mengikutsertakan 30 orang 1. Maze Solving 2. Obstacle/Prison Break legged 3. Obtacle/Prison Break 4. Transporter 5. Creative : 3 tim @ 1 orang : 3 tim @ 1 orang : 3 tim @ 1 orang : 3 tim @ 2 orang : 5 tim @ 3 orang

B. Prestasi Robotic 28 [2007 2010]

No. 1 Event Indonesia ICT Award (INAICTA) 2008 The 10th International Robot Olympiad (IRO 2008) Award Winner Special award Special award 1st winner 3 Robotic is Lifestyle 2nd winner 3rd winner Gulifobot (Gunadarma Line Follower Robot Competition) 2009 1st winner Category Maze Solving Senior High School Challenge Cart Rollingball Maze Solving Challenge Legged Robot Challenge Maze Solving Challenge Maze Solving Challenge Obstacle Prison Break Line Follower SMA Universitas Gunadarma BPK Penabur Organizer Depkominfo


Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

1st winner 5 LKR (Lomba Kreatifitas Robot) YARSI 2009 3rd winner 4th place Gold medal Gold medal 6 South East Asian Robot Olympiad (SEARO) 2009 Special award Silver medal Bronze medal 7 8 Indonesia ICT Award (INAICTA) 2009 The 11th International Robot Olympiad (IRO 2009) 3rd place Special award 3rd place 9 10 11 SRG (Singapure Robotik Games) 2010 Indonesia ICT Award (INAICTA) 2010 IRO (Indonesia Robotic Olympiad 4th place

Line Follower SMA Line Follower SMA Line Follower SMA Challenge Maze Solving Creative Robot Creative Robot Challenge Obstacle Prison Break Challenge Obstacle Prison Break Maze Solving Senior High School Challenge Cart Rollingball Maze Solving Creative Robot University Depkominfo Lego Indonesia, Mikrobot Depkominfo IROC ROCI Universitas Yarsi

C. Maksud dan Tujuan

Maksud dari keikutsertaan Tim Robotic 28 dalam perlombaan IRO 2010 antara lain: Mencari pengalaman tim Robotic 28 di ajang internasional Membawa nama Indonesia di ajang internasional melalui bidang Robotika Menambah ilmu tentang robotika yang nantinya dapat diajarkan kepada siswa-siswi yang lain pada khususnya dan masyarakat luas pada umumnya.

D. Deskripsi Acara

Acara International Robot Olympiad (IRO) 2010 adalah perlombaan robot tingkat internasional yang diadakan oleh IROC (International Robotic Olympiad Commitee) organisasi resmi robotika internasional-. Acara IRO 2010 akan dilaksanakan pada: Hari/tanggal Waktu Tempat : Kamis, 17 Desember 2010 s.d. Minggu, 21 Desember 2010 : 08.30 s.d. 18.00 waktu setempat : Griffit University Gold Coast Brisben Australia

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

E. Peserta (dari SMAN 28)

Dari SMAN 28, akan diberangkatkan 25 orang siswa dan serta 5 Orang guru/Orang Tua Murid :

F. Anggaran Dana

G. Sponsorship
Untuk merealisasikan semua kegiatan Robotic 28 pada tahun kepengurusan 2009/2010, kami mengundang para donatur dan sponsorship untuk memberikan dukungan bagi Robotic 28. Adapun, paket-paket sponsorship yang kami tawarkan dalam rangkaian kegiatan Robotic 28 tahun kepengurusan 2010/2011 adalah sebagai berikut: A. Basic sponsorship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B.
Sponsor tunggal Sponsor utama Sponsor pendamping Sponsor partisipan Sponsor partisipan Sponsor pendukung (Maze Solving) (Creative Robot) (Transporter) (Obstacle Prison Break) (Legged Robot)

: Rp : Rp : Rp : Rp : Rp :


(Observer Robot)

(tergantung kesepakatan)

Alternative sponsorship Bentuk dari alternative sponsorship dapat berupa pemberian materi yang dibutuhkan oleh pihak panitia atau penggantian ongkos produksi bagi materi yang bersangkutan, dimana bentuknya dapat disesuaikan dengan kesepakatan bersama.

Kontraprestasi yang akan diberikan oleh Robotic 28 dan SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta adalah sebagai berikut:

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

Paket Sponsorship
Obstacle Prison Break Creative Robot Legged Robot Maze Solving Alternative Sponsorship Transporter


Pencantuman nama sponsor didepan nama Robotic 28 Pengizinan penggunaan nama Robotic 28 dalam iklan sponsor Promosi produk sponsor dengan promo (stand/roadshow) di SMAN 28 Jakarta sebanyak 1 kali

disesuaikan dengan besarnya partisipasi, bentuk kerjasama negosiasi yang diadakan kedua belah pihak -

Promosi produk sponsor melalui spanduk yang dipasang di 3 buah 1 buah lingkungan SMAN 28 selama H-30 sampai dengan H+20 masing-masing kegiatan* Pencantuman logo pada banner Robotik yang menjadi identitas dan media promosi Robotik 28 Pencantuman logo pada bagian belakang kaos,jaket, dan topi yang akan dipakai oleh anggota Robotik di berbagai kegiatan Robotik 28 Pencantuman logo pada spanduk yang akan dibuat Robotik 28 menjelang/sesudah pelaksanaan kegiatan Pencantuman logo pada website SMAN 28 ( Pencantuman logo pada website Robotik 28 ( s.d. Juni 2010

Catatan: Semua materi iklan produk dari pihak sponsor, disesuaikan dengan jenis media iklannya. Apabila pihak sponsor menghendaki adanya kerjasama dalam bentuk lain yang tidak terdapat dalam paket sponsorship tersebut, dapat diadakan negosiasi yang bersifat fleksibel sesuai dengan kesepakatan kedua belah pihak. Pembayaran berbentuk cash dapat ditransfer ke rekening: BCA cabang Lippo Karawaci a.n. Muhammad Arif Harahap d.n. 761 04 38 410 Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi: 1. Robotic SMAN 28 Jakarta up. Bapak Muhammad Arif Harahap Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan No. Telp : (021) 7806293 No. HP : 0812 8811 7674

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

H. Penutup
Demikian proposal ini kami susun dengan maksud untuk memohon bantuan donatur/sponsorship kepada Bapak/Ibu/Saudara dalam usaha Robotic 28 mengikuti IRO 2008. Mohon maaf apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam penulisan, penyusunan, ataupun hal lainnya. Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu/Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih. Ketua Komite SMAN 28 Jakarta Pembina Robotic 28 Ketua Robotic 28

H. Achmad Maulana Lubis, S.E.

M. Arif Harahap, S.T.

Aldino Jazmi P

Mengetahui, Kepala Sekolah SMAN 28 Jakarta

Drs. H. Edi Sumarto NIP.196107051986021006

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

Rincian Pengeluaran Brosur, Kategori Lomba, dan Jadwal IRO 2010 Deskripsi Singkat Tentang Robot yang Dipakai Untuk Lomba Foto-foto Tim Robotic 28 di ajang IRO 2009 Korea Selatan : Lampiran 1 : Lampiran 2 : Lampiran 3 : Lampiran 4

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

Lampiran 1:
Rincian Pengeluaran

Kuantitas 20 Robot

Nama Barang

Perkiraan Harga Satuan Rp 3,000,000 Rp Rp Rp Rp Rp 1,200,000 2,000,000 11,000,000 1,000,000 200,000 150,000 Rp Rp Rp Rp Rp Rp Rp Rp 40,000 Rp Rp

Total 60,000,000 2,000,000 1,250,000 36,000,000 60,000,000 330,000,000 30,000,000 1,600,000 6,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 529,850,000

Perangkat pendukung latihan Baterai 30 30 30 30 8 40 Visa Registrasi

Tiket Pesawat Jakarta-SedneyRp Brisben-Sedney-Jakarta Akomodasi dan Biaya Tak Terduga Jaket Kontigen Kaos dan topi Spanduk dan Mading (Sarana promosi intern) Rp Rp Rp





Biaya Pembuatan Proposal

Total Rencana Pengeluaran

Terbilang: Lima Ratus Dua Puluh Sembilan Juta Delapan Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah.

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

Lampiran 2:
Brosur dan Jadwal IRO 2010

Period : 14-17 December, 2010 Venue : Tallebadgera Recreation Centre, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia Host : IROC, Griffith University Organizer : ARA [ Australia Robotics Association] Sponsors : Queensland State, Gold Coast City

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

Participation : Students, teachers, professors, educators, Robotics industry etc. Website : , Rules : Junior , Challenge, Creative Related event : International Robot education exhibition, Educational robot symposium

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

Lampiran 3:
Deskripsi Singkat Kategori Lomba
Cart Rolling ball Maze Solving
1. Objective The objective of the New Cart Rolling Ball Maze Solving is to understand the basics of mechatronics such as the principles of physics, usage of sensor and programming. Applied from line tracer, the mission is to carry the metal balls and blocks in the cart and the loader of the robot and finish the course fast. 2. Leagues Junior / Challenge 3. Team Individual with one robot 4. Game Methods 4-1. The robot must solving the maze and deliver the standard number of balls and blocks in both loader and cart. The standard number of balls and blocks will be announced on game day. 4-2 Any team carrying less than the standard number of balls will be disqualified. 4-3 The team with the fastest time record will be the winner. The completion time consists of the time for the robot to complete the maze. The time will be deducted for carrying extra balls and blocks. Extra time will be added for the dropped balls and blocks along the way. 4-4 The organizer will announce the minimum and maximum number of balls and blocks that the participants need to carry in order to complete the mission. The mission may include requiring robot to turn (180 to 360 degree) during the race. eg. Mission: Carry balls in the loader (min. 10, max 20, deduction -1 sec.) 5 blocks in the cart When participants complete mission with 20 balls in the loader, 5 blocks in the cart and finished at 40 sec. Completion time of the participants will be 40-20 (numbers of balls) 20 points 5. The robot 5-1. The robot must be built during the construction time by the participants. Except: 1) Controlling part, 2) Sensor part, 3) Loader and cart 5-2. The robot must be smaller than 18cm x 22cm and the loader must be bigger than the robot. 5-3. The robot must be battery operated. 5-4. Direct control by the participants is not allowed via any means including wired and wireless means; with the exception of starting the robot at the beginning of the game.

Mission to Mars : Robots helping secure our water future!

1. Objective The Creativity Category provides an opportunity for students to give free rein to their creativity; to acquire science and engineering knowledge and apply practical skills. 2. Leagues Junior / Challenge 3. Team No more than 3 persons and 1 robot per team

4. Game Methods 4-1. The Creativity Category competition consists of four parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Robot concept design contest. Robot construction contest. Presentation contest. Written test.

The written test is open to all students participating in the IRO. The final score of the team in the competition depends on the scores achieved in all the parts. Ties in the score will be resolved by giving preference to the team that demonstrates higher creativity, explanation, completion, and skill. 5. Game Rules 5-1. Robot concept design contest The teams are given 5-hours to develop a concept for a robot related to the assigned design theme and to illustrate it on a poster. The design theme for each of the Leagues is announced at the beginning of the contest. When assessing the poster the contest judges pay attention to the following aspects: theme embodiment, systematic observation of robot functions, design solution quality, clear presentation, and aesthetic appearance. The teams can use the internet but are not allowed to be assisted by other people. 5-2. Robot construction contest The theme of this contest is announced on the IRO website in advance. The teams use the time before the competition to design a robot, describe it on a poster, and prepare its controlling part. At the contest, the teams are assigned to build a robot from scratch and demonstrate its operation to contest judges. They have 5 hours to perform the assignment without assistance from other people. Evaluation of the projects focuses on the following aspects: theme embodiment, design concept, technical implementation, operation quality, and understanding principles of robot operation. The teams must observe the following rules: Only the participating team members can enter the designated game area. If persons that are not registered team members are found in the game area the team related with these persons will be disqualified. The robot must be constructed in 5 hours, preassembled robots are not allowed. However a processor module for robot control is allowed. The robot should perform functions described in the poster The use of dangerous and polluting materials and operations is not allowed. Each team must bring its own materials and tools for building the robot. Electric tools are allowed; however, the electric instrument should have self-regulation power. Teams are allowed to bring a computer for programming.

5-3. Presentation contest The teams are given 10 minutes each for oral presentation of their projects in English. They present their robot systems, describe design problems and explain their solutions. When evaluating the presentations the judges look at understanding robotics concepts, level of problems, quality and originality of solutions, and their presentation.

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

5-4. Written test The 40-50 minutes test consists of questions which cover the areas of mechanics, electronics, programming, and sensors. The questions present real problems which could arise during the robot project and require a solution based on theoretical background and practical experience in robotics.

1. Objective To understand physics, sensor control, programming as well as dynamics in robotics by completing mission of transporting the object. 2. Leagues Junior and Challenge 3. Team Individual with one robot 4. Game Methods 4-1. Robot must complete given mission in time. 4-2. There is no direction that robot should complete, however, robot must complete the mission in given time as close as possible. 4-3. Deadline, position of object, target and map will be given on the game day. Mission example: Move the targets to the destination and arrive finish line at 30 seconds. Target No.1 to Area No.2, target No.2 to Area No.1, Target No.3 to Area No3. Plus point: -0.5 sec. Negative point:+1 sec.

Player. 1. Complete time: 26 sec. Succeeded: Target No.1 & 2 Failed: Target No. 3 Final Record of Player 1: 26 sec + 2(succeeded) * -0.5 + 1(failed) = 26 sec. 5. The Robot 5-1. The robot should be built on the site by the participant during the construction time except for the robot controller. 5-2. The robot must be smaller than 18cmX22cm (W*L). 5-3. The robots must be battery powered. With the exception of starting the robot, the robot must be fully autonomous. 5-4. The robot must have lift to carry the target within its body.

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

Attachment 4:
Foto-foto Tim Robotic 28 di ajang IRO 2009 Korea Selatan

Gambar 1: Berfoto di Keduataan RI di Korea Selatan

Gambar 2: Tim Maze Solving Robotic SMAN 28

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

Gambar 3: Foto bersama dengan timROCI pada malam penganugrahan

Gambar 4: Robot Creative Team Robotic SMAN 28 mendapat medali perunggu (muali dari kiri) Dhisa Ari Dwiyanto, Trie Yunianti Andini, dan Ahmad Rifki Alhadi

Robotic 28
Jalan Raya Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Telephone: (021) 7806293 | Email: | Website:

SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta

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