Anda di halaman 1dari 4


Gambar 2.1. Anatomi Pelvis.. ............................................... 6

Gambar 2.2. Anatomi Femur...................................................................... 7
Gambar 2.3. Posisi Bokong Saat Intrauterin... 10
Gambar 2.4. Budaya membedong pada Masyarakat awam.. . 11
Gambar 2.5. Perbedaan sendi panggul dewasa dan bayi..................... 11
Gambar 2.6. Gambar Uji Ortolani............................................................... 14
Gambar 2.7. Gambar Uji Barlow. 15
Gambar 2.8. Gambar Skematis pemeriksaan Tanda Galeazi16
Gambar 2.9. Rontgen Pelvis. 17
Gambar 2.10. Sudut Acetabular.................................................................... 18
Gambar 2.11. Garis Shenton. 18
Gambar 2.12. Foto Rontgen perbandingan sendi Panggul normal dengan
Sendi Panggul yang mengalami Dislokasi ...... 19
Gambar 2.13. Coronal view of the hip joint in the standaart plane with the
hip in the physiologic neutral position............................. 21
Gambar 2.14. Picture coronal view . The ultrasound transducer is placed
parallel to the lateral aspect of the infants joint.................... 22
Gambar 2.15. Coronal Ultrasound . 22
Gambar 2.16. Transverse anatomic illustration.... 22
Gambar 2.17. Transverse Flexion View............................... 23
Gambar 2.18. Transverse Ultrasound Images............................................. 23
Gambar 2.19. Ultrasound Evaluation of the Hip. 24
Gambar 2.20. Measurement of Alpha and Bheta Angle on Ultrasound.. 24
Gambar 2.21. Measurement of Alpha and Bheta Angle on Ultrasound ..... 25
Gambar 2.22. Graft Methods, Alpha and Bheta Measurement 27
Gambar 2.23. Gaft type I , II 28
Gambar 2.24. Graft type III,IV... . 29

Gambar 2.25. Pengukuran sudut sektor asetabulum anterior (AASA), sudut

sektor asetabulum posterior................................................... 30
Gambar 2.26. Penggunaan bidai dari Cambridge untuk koreksi dislokasi
sendi panggul bawaan 34
Gambar 2.27. Avascular necrosis of the Femoral Head.. 40
Gambar 2.28. Anteroposterior view of the left hip in a patient with
avascular necrosis.. 41
Gambar 2.29. Anteroposterior view of the left hip in a patient with
Bilateral avascular necrosis... 41
Gambar 2.30. Frogleg lateral view of the right hip in a patient with avascular necrosis shows the
cresent sign 42
Gambar 2.31. Axial computed tomography scan in a patient with avascular
Necrosis. 44
Gambar 2.32. Axial computed tomography scan in a patient with avascular
Necrosis of the femoral head. 44
Gambar 2.33. Foto Rontgen Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency. 46

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