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Biodata Lengkap Sammy Kerispatih

Nama Lengkap : Hendra Samuel Simorangkir Panggilan : Sammy Tempat / Tanggal Lahir : Bandung / 8 September 1982 Nama Orang Tua : Ayah D. N. Simorangkir | Ibu Tiur Ida Simanjuntak Anak ke- : 3 (tiga) dari 3 (tiga) bersaudara Nama Kakak / Adik : Bassaru Firda Maudani Simorangkir, Sari Simorangkir Agama : Kristen Protestan Pekerjaan : Musisi / Penyanyi Hobi : Musik Tinggi Badan : 176 cm Berat Badan : 74 kg Uk. Baju : M (L) Uk. Celana : 34 Uk. Sepatu : 43 Pendidikan : 1. 1987 1988 : Eben Hezer Kindergarten, Manado 2. 1988 1994 : Cemerlang Elementary, Jakarta 3. 1994 1997 : St. Agustinus Junior High School, Jakarta 4. 1997 2000 : SMU 21 Senior High School, Jakarta 5. 2002 2005 : Indonesia Music Institute, Jakarta Professional Program 2th, Faculty of Percussion Non Formal : Latin Study dengan Amos Cahyadi DMC Jakarta Pengalaman : 1. IMF Drum Competition 2. IMF Drum Competition 3. Indonesia Idol I Motto Hidup : Sammy Uses : Mic Shure ULX Beta 87 Makanan Favorit : Sate Makanan yang Paling Tidak Disukai : Sayuran Minuman Favorit : Air Putih Minuman yang Paling Tidak Disukai : Soda Kebiasaan Buruk : Susah dibangunin kalo lagi tidur Sifat Buruk : Doyan Tidur Hal yang Paling Tidak Disukai : Dibohongin Lagu Kerispatih yang Paling Disukai : Semua Lagu Kerispatih yang Paling Tidak Disukai : Lagu Kerispatih yang Paling Rumit : Lagu Kerispatih yang Paling Gampang : Cinta Putih Kota Favorit untuk Konser : Semua Kota Kota Paling Heboh Saat Konser : Semua Kota

Tempat Nongkrong Favorit : Kemang Food Fest Paling Ingin Ketemu dengan Siapa : Brian McKnight Binatang yang Paling Disukai : Anjing Binatang yang Tak Disukai : Kucing Buah yang Disukai : Melon Buah yang Tidak Disukai : Mengkudu Band Legenda Favorit : Van Halen Band Sekarang Favorit : Toto, U2, Incognito Keyboardist Favorit : David Foster Gitaris Favorit : Arief Kerispatih Bassis Favorit : Jalo Pastorius Drummer Favorit : Thomas Lang Vokalis Cewek Favorit : Whitney Huston Vokalis Cowok Favorit : Brian McKnight Film Favorit : Pearl Harbor Serial TV Favorit : Heroes Aktor / Aktris Favorit : Bruce Willis Model Favorit : Andrea Dian, Dian Sastro Tempat Santai Favorit : Pantai

Mobil Gacoan : Mobil Gue

Complete Biodata Sammy Kerispatih

Full Name: Hendra Samuel Simorangkir Call: Sammy Place / Date of Birth: New York / 8 September 1982 Name of Parent: Dad - D. N. Simorangkir | Mother - Ida Tiur Simanjuntak All children: 3 (three) than 3 (three) brothers The name of Brother / Sister: Bassaru Firda Maudani Simorangkir, Sari Simorangkir Religion: Christian Protestant Occupation: Musicians / Singers Hobbies: Music Height: 176 cm Weight: 74 kg Uk. Clothes: M (L) Uk. Pants: 34 Uk. Shoes: 43 Education: A. 1987 - 1988: Eben Hezer Kindergarten, Manado 2. 1988 - 1994: Bright Elementary, Jakarta 3. 1994 - 1997: St. Augustine Junior High School, Jakarta 4. 1997 - 2000: SMU 21 Senior High School, Jakarta 5. 2002 - 2005: Indonesia Music Institute, Jakarta 2th Professional Program, Faculty of Percussion Non Formal: Latin Study by Amos Cahyadi DMC Jakarta Experience: A. IMF Drum Competition 2. IMF Drum Competition 3. Indonesian Idol I Life Motto: Sammy Uses: Mic Shure ULX Beta 87 Favorite Food: Sate The Most Unpopular Foods: Vegetables Favorite drink: Water The Most Unpopular beverages: Soda Bad Habits: It's hard when I'm sleeping dibangunin Nature of the Poor: hooked Sleep Things Least Liked: Dibohongin Kerispatih Most Liked the song: All

Most songs Kerispatih Unpopular: The Most Complicated Kerispatih song: Most songs are easy Kerispatih: White Love Favorite Cities for Concert: All Cities Concerts At the stormiest city: All Cities Favorite hang out spot: Kemang Food Fest Most Want to Meet with a Who: Brian McKnight The Most Favored animals: Dogs Preferably the animal is not: Cats Fruits are preferred: Melon Fruit an Unpopular: Noni Legend Favorite Band: Van Halen Current Favorite Band: Toto, U2, Incognito Favorite Keyboardist: David Foster Favorite guitarists: Arief Kerispatih Favorite bassist: Jalo Pastorius Favorite drummer Thomas Lang Girls Favorite singer: Whitney Huston Favorite Male Vocalist: Brian McKnight Favorite Movie: Pearl Harbor Favorite TV series: Heroes Actor / Actress Favorite: Bruce Willis Model Favorites: Andrea Dian Dian Sastro Relax Favorite place: Beach Gacoan Cars: Cars I

Berikut data diri Profil Agnes Monica dan Biodata Agnes Monica
Nama lengkap : Agnes Monica Muljoto Nama Panggilan : Nez, Nyez Tempat & tanggal lahir : Jakarta, 1 Juli 1986 Nama Ayah : Ricky Mulyono Nama Ibu : Jeanny Siswono Tinggi/berat badan : 167cm / 50kg Saudara : Steve Muljoto Pendidikan terakhir : Universitas Pelita Harapan Karawaci (Fakultas Hukum) Makanan Favorit : Niku Udon (Japanese Food), Bolognaise (pasta) Minuman Favorit : ice tea dengan banyak ice cubes Warna Favorit : hitam, biru, pink Buku bacaan : semua buku (terutama novel & psikologi) Olahraga : softball, badminton, lari Baju : casual dan sporty Hobi : menyanyi, dancing, akting, travelling ALBUM = -Si Meong (1992) -Yess! (1995) -Bala-Bala (1996) -And the Story Goes (2003) -Whaddup A..?! (2005) -Sacredly Agnezious (2008) -Agnes Is My Name (2011) SINETRON DAN FTV = -1999 : Lupus Milenia -1999 : MR Hologram -2001 : Pernikahan Dini -2002 : Amanda -2002 : Cinta Selembut Awan -2003 : Cewekku Jutek -2004 : Cantik -2004 : unga Perawan -2005 : Ku Tlah Jatuh Cinta -2005 : Romance In The White House (DRAMA TAIWAN) -2006 : Pink -2006 : The Hospital (DRAMA TAIWAN)

-2008 : Jelita -2010 : Pejantan Cantik -2011 : Marissa FILM = -PENGANTIN CINTA (2010) PRESENTER = -VAN (Video Anak Antv) -Tralala Trilili RCTI -Diva Romeo Trans TV Iklan : -Jas Jus -So Klin Pewangi -Biore Anti Acne -Natur-e Shampo -Sakatonik ABG -Ovale Face Paper -Kacang atom DK -New ERA -Hemaviton Action -Sambal sasa -Vitron -Honda Vario Z28 -Air mineral Ciryo -Kacang Dua Kelinci -Zinc 2009 -Kacang Atom DK -Enervon C -provider 3 -Honda Genuine Parts -Oops wafer keju PRESTASI = -Pembaca anak-anak terbaik versi Panasonic Award tahun 1999 -Bintang Drama Terfavorit Panasonic Awards tahun 2001 -Artis terngetop SCTV awards tahun 2002 -Artis terfavorit Panasonic Awards tahun 2002 -Artis terfavorit Panasonic Awards tahun 2003 -Artis terfavorit Panasonic Awards tahun 2004

-Anugerah Planet Muzik Award tahun 2004 di Singapura -Solo Wanita Pop Terbaik AMI Samsung Awards tahun 2004 -Karya Produksi Dance/tekno Terbaik AMI Samsung Award tahun 2004 -Artis terngetop SCTV awards tahun 2004 -Artis terngetop SCTV awards tahun 2005 -Artis Solo Wanita Terbaik 2006 versi AMI Award tahun 2006 -Most Favourite Female MTV Indonesia Award tahun 2008 -Most Favorite Female Artist 2009 versi MTV Indonesia Award -Artist of The Year 2009 versi MTV Indonesia Award -The Most Fashionable Women of the Year 2010 -Jpop Awards 2011 -Pemeran Utama Wanita Terpuji versi Festival Film Bandung 2011 -Best POP Female Singer (Indonesia Music Award) tahun 2011 Agnes Monica pada awalnya memulai karir di dunia tarik suara pada usia 6 tahun. Dia menciptakan tiga album anak-anak ketika itu, yakni Si Meong, Yess dan Bala-bala, yang seketika itu juga mempopulerkan namanya ke dalam deretan penyanyi anak-anak terpopuler di tahun 1990-an. Setelah itu, pada usia 15 tahun, artis yang memiliki akun twitter @agnezmo ini mulai merambah ke dunia seni peran dengan membintangi sinetron Pernikahan Dini, dimana dia juga menyanyikan lagu soundtrack sinetron tersebut yang berjudul Pernikahan Dini dan Seputih Hati. Aktingnya di sinetron tersebut mampu melahirkan penghargaan aktris terfavorit di ajang Panasonic Awards selama dua tahun berturut-turut, yakni pada tahun 2001 dan 2002. Agnes Monica merupakan putri dari pasangan dari Jenny Siswono dan Ricky Suprapto. Si artis enerjik tersebut mulai merambah karir internasionalnya dengan membintangi Serial Drama Asia yang berjudul The Hospital di Taiwan pada 2006. Walaupun ketika itu peran yang dimainkannya bukanlah peran utama, namun akting yang diperankan oleh Agnes Monica pada waktu itu telah membuktikan bahwa dia layak go internasional. Walaupun dia berakting bersama Jerry Yan, salah satu personil F4, Agnes Monica tidak tampak minder sedikitpun. Di samping menyanyi dan berakting, Agnes Monica juga bergelut di bidang sosial yakni sebagai duta anti narkoba se-Asia, yang pada waktu itu ditunjuk oleh DEA (Drugs Enforcement Administration) dan IDEC Far East Region di tahun 2007. Selain itu, artis yang pernah digosipkan dengan Dirly idol ini juga melanjutkan kegiatan sosialnya dengan menjadi spoke person dari MTV Exit (End exploitation and traficking) dan menjadi duta LG Elektronik Indonesia selama beberapa tahun. Di samping itu, dia juga sempat menjadi juri di dalam ajang pemilihan penyanyi berbakat, yakni Indonesia Idol. Sungguh luar biasanya orang ini, talent nya, semangatnya, auranya, top dah

The following personal data profiles and Biodata Agnes Monica Agnes Monica
Full name: Agnes Monica Muljoto Nickname: Nez, Nyez Place & date of birth: Jakarta, July 1, 1986 Father's name: Ricky Mulyono Mother's Name: Jeanny Siswono Height / weight: 167cm / 50kg Brothers: Steve Muljoto Educational Background: University of Pelita Harapan Karawaci (Faculty of Law) Favorite Food: Niku Udon (Japanese Food), bolognaise (pasta) Favorite drink: ice tea with lots of ice cubes Favorite color: black, blue, pink Books: all books (especially novels and psychology) Sports: softball, badminton, running Dress: casual and sporty Hobbies: singing, dancing, acting, traveling ALBUM = -The Meow (1992) -Yess! (1995) -Bala-Bala (1996) -And the Story Goes (2003) -Whaddup A '..?! (2005) -Sacredly Agnezious (2008) -Agnes Is My Name (2011) Soap operas and FTV = -1999: Lupus Millennia -1999: MR Hologram -2001: Early Marriage -2002: Amanda -2002: Cloud-soft Love -2003: Cewekku Jutek -2004: Beautiful -2004: UNGA Virgin -2005: My 'Love Tlah -2005: Romance In The White House (TAIWAN DRAMA) -2006: Pink -2006: The Hospital (TAIWAN DRAMA) -2008: Jelita -2010: Beautiful Stud -2011: Marissa

FILM = Bride-LOVE (2010) PRESENTER = -VAN (Video Children's quiz) RCTI-Tralala Trilili Trans-Romeo Diva TV Ad: Jas JusSo Klin-Deodorizer Biore Anti-Acne Natur-e-Shampoo ABG-Sakatonik Face-ovale Paper DK-atom Nuts -New ERA -Hemaviton Action Sasa-Sambal -Vitron Honda Vario-Z28 Mineral-water Ciryo Nuts Two-Rabbit -Zinc 2009 Atom DK-Nuts C-Enervon 3-provider -Honda Genuine Parts Oops, cheese wafers ACHIEVEMENT = -Readers are the best children's version of Panasonic Award in 1999 -Star Favorite Drama - Panasonic Awards in 2001 SCTV-artist awards in 2002 terngetop -Go Artist - Panasonic Awards of 2002 -Go Artist - Panasonic Awards of 2003 -Go Artist - Panasonic Awards of 2004 Award-Anugerah Planet Muzik 2004 in Singapore Best Pop Female Solo-Samsung AMI Awards of 2004 -Works Production Dance / techno Samsung AMI Best of 2004 Award SCTV-artist awards in 2004 terngetop SCTV-artist awards in 2005 terngetop -Best Female Solo Artist Award 2006 version of the AMI in 2006 -Most Favourite Female MTV Indonesia Award in 2008

-Most Favorite Female Artist MTV Indonesia Award 2009 version -Artist of The Year 2009 version of MTV Indonesia Award -The Most Fashionable Women of the Year 2010 Awards 2011-Jpop Praised for Women Home-Starring Film Festival London 2011 version POP-Best Female Singer (Indonesia Music Award) in 2011 Agnes Monica at first to start a career in singing at the age of 6 years. He created three children's album when it was, namely Si Meow, Yess and Bala-bala, which immediately popularized his name to the row of children's most popular singers in the 1990's. After that, at the age of 15 years, the artist who has a twitter account @ agnezmo is starting to break into the world of soap opera acting by starring in Early Marriage, which he also sang the soundtrack of the soap opera entitled Early Marriage and Heart. Acting on the soap opera is able to give birth to actress award at the event join Panasonic Awards for two consecutive years, namely in 2001 and 2002. Agnes Monica is the daughter of a couple of Jenny and Ricky Siswono Suprapto. The energetic artist is starting to break his international career by starring in a Drama Series for Asia, entitled The Hospital in Taiwan in 2006. Although when it is not the role he played a major role, but the acting, played by Agnes Monica at that time has proven that he deserves to go international. Although he was acting with Jerry Yan, one of the F4 personnel, Agnes Monica did not seem at all inferior. In addition to singing and acting, Agnes Monica is also struggling in the social field as an anti-drug ambassadors in Asia, which at the time designated by the DEA (Drugs Enforcement Administration) and IDEC Far East Region in 2007. In addition, the artist who once rumored to Dirly idol is also continuing its social activities with a spokes person of the MTV Exit (End Exploitation and trafficking) and LG Electronics Indonesia to become the ambassador for several years. In addition, he also had a jury in the selection of talented singers, namely Indonesia Idol. It was this extraordinary man, his talent, his spirit, his aura, dah top :)

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