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Watashi wa ______________ desu, Dzo yoroshiku. wah-tah-she wah ______________ dis, dozo yo-ro-she-koo. I am ______________, pleased to meet you. Konnichiwa kon-nee-chi-wa Good day/Good morning Only used in the day, this is a greeting. Ohay goziamasu o-hi-o go-zy-mas Good morning A better Good Morning. Konbanwa kon-ban-wa Good evening A night-time greeting. Oyasumi nasai o-ya-soo-me nah-sai Goodnight! When going to bed. Hajimemashite ha-jee-may-mash-tay How do you do?

O-genki desu ka o-gen-key dis ka How are you? The O- is an honourable addition. It is added politeness. The response is below: Hai, genki desu hi, gen-key dis I'm well You may also be needing the following basic words (don't worry, we'll repeat them later):

Nan desuka ? Kenapa ? ohayou gozaimasu selamat pagi onegaishimasu minta tolong domo arigatou gozaimasu terima kasih banyak2 dou itashimashite sama-sama omedetou gozaimasu tahniah chotto matte kudasai sila tunggu sebentar chigaimasu tidak benar sumimasen maaf irasshai selamat datang shiraku desu ne lama tak jumpa

DEWA, NIHON-GO NO JUGYOU WO TSUTZUKETAI TO OMOIMASU...... perkataan2 "-san", "-kun", "-chan" dan sewaktu dgnnya merupakan kata hormat, atau simply kita katakan kita memanggil seseorang dgn sopan, yg merupakan adat resam nihonjin (rakyat jepun). walau bagaimanapun penggunaannya agak berbeza antara satu sama lain. ok, untuk "-san", perkataan ini biasa dipanggil selepas nama seseorg itu disebut, yg maksud mudahnya "encik"(kalo laki), "cik"(pompuan), (mr & ms.). "-san" ini biasa kita dengar sbb ia berbentuk universal, nak gunakan kepada sesiapa pun boleh, terutama nya bila kita nak `adress`kan org yg x berapa dikenali atau kenalan yg tidak rapat. akan tetapi, di kalangan org yg rapat, "-san" x perlu disebut (yobisute). kadangkala mereka akan memanggil dgn nama pertama (bukan nama keluarga). seperti yg disebut tadi, ianya terhad kpd kenalan yg rapat ataupun dgn izin empunya nama itu sendiri. sebelum nih, aku terangkan penggunaan "-san". kini aku akan cuba terangkan penggunaan "-kun" plak..... ok, kun nih biasernya digunakan utk lelaki, contohnya watak haruko dalam slam dunk pernah memanggil rukawa sbg rukawa-kun(rujuk sd vol 1 edisi melayu) mula2 aku pon x paham sgt, tp lepas belajar nihongo baru aku tau. tp biasanyalah budak pompuan akan panggil lelaki dengan -kun ini. tetapi, -kun juga digunakan apabila seseorang yg berpangkat tinggi dlm satu bidang memanggil org yg pangkatnya lebih rendah @ org bawahan.... x kira laki @ pompuan. contohnya seseorang profesor boleh memanggil pembantunya yg perempuan dengan menggunakan -kun, begitu juga seorang pengurus (sykt) memanggil org bawahannya.... utk "-sama" plak, ianya digunakan utk menggambarkan sesuatu yg great, atau agak besar pangkatnya..... macam untuk tuhan (kami-sama), raja(ou-sama) etc. selain itu dalam urusan / majlis rasmi atau penulisan surat, -san boleh digantikan kepada sama kerana ini formal. walau bagaimanapun -sama juga boleh digunakan sebagai satu simbol dimana kita sangat berterima kasih atau menghargai jasa seseorang( seolah2 dia itu agak hebat)..... kalo kat jepon plak, beckam-sama ngan yon-sama(pek yonjun) sering digunakan pasal kat sini diorang feymess wooo!!! utk dono plak aku dah terangkan sebelum nih, so x yah lagilahkan? utk -chan plak, ianya digunakan utk org2 yg rapat (biaser pompuan) atau boyfren atau kenalan lelaki yg bebetul rapat (kalo main cakap jer boleh kene marah)... ataupun biasanya digunakan terhadap budak perempuan (budak2)...... biasanya ada unsur2 kawaii(chomel) dlm penggunaan -chan inih....

kun-untuk cam orang lagi muda dari kita san-untuk orang lagi tuar dari kite

sama-untuk ketua sensei-untuk guru chan-untuk cam budak budak pastu ni plak pasal perkataan

baaga-bodoh kussa(tak tau camner kalo romaji)-damn it

anosa-cam nak amik perhatian

nadeska-cam aper ni? naayi-gune mase terkejut chikara-kindness

kyoudai-adik beradik keluarga bapa: O-tou-sama, O-tou-san, tou-san, tou-chan, oyaji mak: O-kaa-sama, O-kaa-san, Haha-Ue, haha, kaa-san, kaa-chan abang: O-nii-sama, O-niisan,nii-san, nii-chan ani-Ue, ani, aniki kakak: O-nee-sama, O-nee-san, nee-san, nee-chan, ane-Ue, ane, aneki adik laki: otoutou... tp biasanya diorg panggil nama adik diorg terus +chan adik pompuan: imoutou... dan sama mcm adik laki gak, nama+chan...

"anata no koto ga daisuki desu" <--saya suka awak.. or.. "anata no koto wo itsumo watashi no kokoro no naka ni aru" <--awak selalu di hati saya.. or.. "itsumade mo aishiteru" <--cinta awak selamanya..

aku hanya guna hiragana untuk ajar ni. tak pakai kanji. So first lesson. Greetings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ohayou gozaimasu maksud: -good morning, selamat pagi, fresh start, beginning. bila nak guna: - ketika bertemu kali pertama untuk hari itu tak kira kalau jumpa pukul 12 tgh hari pun. Yg penting korang baru jumpa untuk hari itu. shortcut: osu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ konnichiwa maksud: -good afternoon/it is a nice day/hello bila nak guna: -kalau dah ohayou, pastu jumpa sekali lagi, kita pakai konnichiwa. -digunakan selagi matahari masih memancarkan cahaya. tak kira petang ke, tgh hari ke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- konbanwa maksud: - selamat malam bila nak guna: - bila hari dah gelap sampailah matahari terbit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oyasumi nasai

maksud: - selamat malam/ pegilah tidur/ sila berehat bila nak guna: - ketika nak tidur ke. atau pun nak suruh orang pegi tidur. shortcut: -oyasumi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sayounara maksud: -selamat tinggal bila nak guna: - ketika korang nak pegi luar negeri ke, merantau ke dan takkan jumpa untuk tempoh yang lama. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ja mata maksud: -jumpa lagi. bila nak guna: - kalau nak berpisah untuk tempoh yang sekejap. shortcut: ja Variasi: ja mata ja mata ne (jumpa lagi yek) ja mata ashita (jumpa lagi besok) ja mata atode ( jumpa lagi nanti) ja mata raishuu ( jumpa lagi minggu depan) sumimasen maksud: ada dua maksud. satu mohon maaf, satu lagi excuse me. yang membezakan ialah cara nada sebutan

bila nak guna: mohon maaf = nada rendah ngan penuh rasa menyesal excuse me = nada tinggi untuk perhatian. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gomen nasai maksud: meminta maaf gak. bila nak guna: waktu mintak maaf. variasi: hontoni gomen nasai gomen kudasai ( nak masuk rumah orang) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- arigatou gozaimasu maksud: terima kasih/something from my heart/ bila nak guna: nak ucap terima kasih lah. variasi: doumo arigatou gozaimasu ( lebih polite) arigatou gozaimashita ( diucapkan untuk sesuatu yang telah dilakukan untuk anda. Misalnya member belanja makan pastu lusa plak ko jumpa dia lagi. ko ucap yang ini untuk menunjukkan ko berterima kasih sebab belanja haritu) Cara nak jawab: Iie = takpe dou itashimashite ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itadakimasu maksud: terima kasih kat tuhan sebab ada nasi. bila nak guna: sebelum nak makan atau ada orang bagi makanan kat korang. -mcm baca doalah ni. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

gochisousama deshita maksud: saya dah kenyang/tak boleh masuk lagi dah bila nak guna: -lepas dah kenyang makan shortcut: gochisousama variasi: gochisousama deshita (kalau member korang belanja) ------------------------------------------------------

Bila sebut pa sal komik ni, banyak komik & animasi Jepun yang saya minat. Antaranya adalah Dragon Ball, Onepiece (Budak Getah), Slamdunk, Doraemon dan Shincyan (Adik Pintar). [Sekadar menyebut beberapa komik]. Lagu-lagu Jepun juga saya minat. (Dengar sahaja, menyanyi tak mampu - suara terlalu sedap) Tidak susah untuk menyanyi lagu Jepun ini kerana sebutan Jepun hanya memerlukan huruf vokal diakhirnya. Nanti kalau ada dengar lagu Jepun, cuba lah ikut.. ang ang ang, tottemo dai suki, doraemonnnn........... Hajimemashite. ha-ji-me-ma-shi-te Salam perkenalan atau nice to meet you Nihongo. ni-hon-go Bahasa Jepun Selamat Datang (Welcome) Irashaimase Irashaimase - i-ra-sha-i-ma-se - Welcome Ojyamashimasu - O-jya-ma-shi-ma-su - Kami datang berkunjung (mengganggu) ke rumah anda Contoh: Ali pergi ke kedai Best Denki. Dia di sambut oleh jurujual. Jurujual : Irashaimashe (sambil memberikan senyuman). Ali : (er..Ali nak jawab apa ye? ada pembaca yang tahu? saya biasa nya tak balas apa

pon) Ali pergi berkunjung ke rumah Nakata san. Ali tekan loceng umah dan Nakata pon bukak pintu. Nakata : Oh Ali san. Irashaimase. Ali : Ojyamashimasu. Ali pon melangkah masuk ke dalam rumah Nakata.

Nama saya 1. Watashi 2. Wa 3. Desu

Watashi bermaksud saya. Wa bermaksud 'is'. Desu pulak tiada maksud. Desu ini tiada penggunaan nya dalam bahasa Melayu. Desu digunakan untuk menunjukkan sopan santun dalam sesuatu ayat. Watashi wa Ali desu = Saya ialah Ali. Nama awak siapa? 1. Anata 2. Dare 3. Ka Anata bermaksud awak. Dare adalah kata soalan yang bermaksud siapa atau 'WHO' di dalam English. Ka pula seperti bahasa Melayu - 'ke?'. Cara menggunakan perkataan ini: Anata wa dare desu ka? = Siapa nama awak? Perkataan 'ka' akan di letakkan setiap kali kita bertanya soalan. Greeting 1. Moshi-moshi = Hello 2. Ohayou gozaimasu = Selamat Pagi 3. Konbanwa = Selamat Petang 4. Konnichiwa = Good Day (tengah hari sampai lebih kurang pukul 6 petang) 5. Oyasume Nasai = Selamat Malam ( nak tidur / berehat malam ) Sensei Gakusei 1. Sensei = cikgu 2. Gakusei = pelajar Apa Khabar ?

"Ogenki desu ka?" "Apa khabar?" Genki desu = khabar baik Nombor 1. Ichi - i-chi 2. Ni 3. San 4. Yon 5. Go 6. Roku 7. Nana / Shichi - shi-chi 8. Hachi - ha-chi 9. Kyu 10. Jyu Yes...kita sudah kenal number dalam Nihongo sampai 10. Nak lagi sikit? Ini panduan untuk number seterusnya: Jyu = 10 So letak number lain di belakang jyu 11. Jyu ichi 12. Jyu ni 13. Jyu san dan seterusnya sampailah no 19.. Untuk number puluh pula, Jyu = 10 Letak number lain di hadapat akan jadi xx puluh. 20. Ni jyu 30. San jyu 40. Yon jyu dan seterusnya sampai lah no 90. Lagi........ 21. Ni jyu ichi 31. San jyu ichi 41. Yon jyu ichi dan seterusnya sampailah no 99. Pukul Berapa ? Ima wa nan ji desu ka? What time is now? Sekarang pukul berapa? Ima wa ichi ji desu. (sekarang pukul 1) Ima wa ni ji desu. Ima wa san ji desu.

Ima wa yon (yo) ji desu. Ima wa go ji desu. Ima wa roku ji desu. Ima wa nana (shichi) ji desu. Ima wa hachi ji desu. Ima wa kyu (ku) ji desu. Ima wa jyuu ji desu. Ima wa jyuu ichi ji desu. Ima wa jyuu ni ji desu. Harga Barang Kore (sore) wa ikura desu ka?

Berapa harga barang ini (itu)? Kore = Ini Sore = Itu Kore (sore) wa ichi ringgit desu. Ringgitto ringgit Ini harganya seringgit. Kono kamera wa ikura desu ka? Kamera ini berapa harganya? Kono juga bermaksud ini. Kono kamera = Kamera ini Kono hon = buku ini

Hari Hari Apa ?

1.Isnin - Getsuyoubi - Get-su-you-bi 2.Selasa - Kayoubi - Ka-you-bi 3.Rabu - Suiyoubi - Sui-you-bi 4.Khamis - Mokuyoubi - Moku-you-bi 5.Jumaat - Kinyoubi - Kin-you-bi 6.Sabtu - Doyoubi - Do-you-bi 7.Ahad - Nichiyoubi - Ni-chi-you-bi

Melancong Ryokou he ikimasu - ryo-kou he i-ki-ma-su. Maksud nye pergi melancong lah. Ryokou = Melancong Cth : Doyoubi wa Ansana he ikimashita. Nichiyoubi wa Jusco he ikimashita. Panas (Atsui) Kuali ini panas = Kono kuali wa atsui desu ne . (ne untuk sedapkan ayat) Hari ini panas = Kyou wa atsui desu. Atsui ada dua maksud. Salah satu maksudnya adalah 'panas' seperti yang di terangkan oleh Che Det. Satu lagi maksud atsui adalah 'tebal'. Jadi jika ada orang Jepun yang cakap "Ichiban atsui hon wo totte kudasai", jangan pula anda ambil termometer dan periksa suhu semua buku yang ada untuk cari buku mana yang paling panas. Maksud Jepun tu adalah 'tolong ambil buku yang paling tebal'. Hujan (Ame) Kyou wa ame desu - Hari ini hujan. Oishii Sedap. Jimoto he kaerimasu. (ka-e-ri-maru) Balik kampung. Jimoto = Kampung halaman ( asal ) Kaerimasu = Balik Berusahalah. Ganbatte kudasai. Kyou wa ii tenki desu ne. Elok nya cuaca hari ini. It is a nice day.

Puasa Kyou wa danjiki wo shiteimasu ka? Are you fasting today? Awak berpuasa ke hari ini? Watashi wa danjiki wo shiteimasu. I am fasting - saya berpuasa Danjiki fasting

Excuse me / I am sorry ( sumasen ) Sumimasen deshita / Gomen Nasai

Aku Pulang (ada dlm cite dragon zakura : episode 9 (15:34) Tadaima = Saya pulang Okairi = Selamat pulang Bila sampai ke rumah, diorang akan cakap Tadaima dan orang dalam rumah akan jawab Okairi. Contoh : Nakata san baru pulang dari kerja. Sampai depan pintu rumah. Isterinya ada di dalam rumah. Nakata : Tadaima Isteri Nakata : Okairi

Tak Cukup Duit Tak cukup duit - Okane ga tarinai (tarinai boleh digantikan dengan tarimasen) Tak de duit - Okane ga nai (nai boleh digantikan dengan arimasen) Okane = duit Contoh : Nakan san dan keluarga nya pergi shopping di sebuah kedai berjenama. Nakata san berada di kaunter untuk membayar barangan yang di beli nya. Nakata san : Suminasen.Kore wa ikura desu ka?

Juruwang : Kore wa RM250 desu. Nakata san keluarkan dompet untuk membayar... Nakata san : Aramak...okane ga tarinai. Nakata san berpaling kepada isteri nya untuk pinjam duit. Isteri N san : Sumimasen. Watashi mo okane ga nai desu. Mahal dan Murah Takai = Mahal Yasui = Murah Nakata berada di sebuah kedai elektronik. Dia berminat dengan peti ais tetapi tiada tanda harga. Nakata : Kore wa ikura desu ka? Jurujual : Kore wa RM560 desu. Nakata : Takai desu ne. Jurujual : Kalau begitu, cuba tengok yang ini. Yasui desu. Ada diskaun 10%. RM320 Nakata : Hmm... Mo cyotto yasuku dekinai desu ka? (Boleh murah lagi tak?) Jurujual : OK. RM300. AKU PERGI Ittekimasu - it-te-ki-ma-su - Saya pergi Itterashai - it-te-ra-sha-i - Selamat Pergi Sekali lagi saya bercerita tentang karton Sincyan. Sebenarnya, Sincyan ni suka cakap terbalik. Waktu balik rumah dia akan cakap Ittekimasu. Selalu kena tegur dengan mak dia. Malam esok jangan lupa bukak NTV7 pukul 7 malam. Sambil berbuka puasa sambil melayan karenah Sinchan. Wah...macam iklan pulak. Contoh : Nakata san hendak pergi kerja. Ketika hendak keluar dari rumah, dia akan ucapkan kepada isterinya: Nakata : Ittekimasu. Isteri Nakata : Itterashai.

LAMA TAK JUMPA. Hisashiburi - Long time no see. Lama tak jumpa. Mari kita lihat contoh: Nakata bertemu dengan Abu di majlis berbuka puasa di sebuah hotel setelah beberapa lama mereka tidak bertemu. Nakata : Eh..Abu san.

Abu : Ara..Nakata san. Ogenki desu ka? Nakata : Genki desu. Hisashiburi desu ne. Abu : Sou desu ne. Hisashiburi desu. Nataka : Ima wa .... bla bla bla.. Abu : bla bla bla.. (mereka pon teruskan lah perbualan mereka.)

UMUR SAYA Ima wa nan sai desu ka? - Sekarang berapa kah umur awak? Ima wa 20 sai desu. - Sekarang 20 tahun. Anawa wa nan sai desu ka? - Awak umur berapa? Watashi wa 20 sai desu. - Umur saya 20 tahun.

SAKIT PERUT Onaka ga itai desu - Sakit perut onaka = perut itai = sakit Itai ni boleh digunakan untuk banyak benda. Gantikan sahaja tempat yang sakit tu. Contoh kalau sakit kepala - Atama ga itai desu. Atama = kepala kalau sakit tangan - Te ga itai desu. Te = tangan. JERUBU moya ENCIK DAN SAN Encik Nakata = Nakata san Cik Ayumi = Ayumi san San: Berkenaan dengan perkataan san, perkataan ini adalah universal, kita boleh gunakan untuk sesiapa sahaja. Untuk senang faham, san ini sama maksud nya dengan Encik/Puan/Cik. Senang kan nak faham penggunaan san. Kun/Cyan :

Kun sesuai digunakan untuk panggilan terhadap kawan lelaki. Bagi orang yang bercouple, saya biasa dengar girlfriend memanggil boyfriend nya as kun. Cyan pulak lebih kepada kawan perempuan. Tetapi ada juga orang Jepun panggil kawan mereka lelaki dengan panggil cyan. Panggilan cyan dilihat sebagai lebih mesra. Biasa nya kun dan cyan ini digunakan untuk panggilan terhadap kawan rapat sahaja. Kun dan cyan juga boleh digunakan untuk memanggil orang bawahan. Cyan juga digunakan sebagai panggilan manja untuk budak-budak. Contoh panggilan yang amat popular adalah Sin cyan. (Pernah tengok kan katon ni? Setiap hari sabtu pukul 7 di ntv7.) Saya memanggil anak saya sebagai Epi cyan.
ps: Sanji kun dalam Onepiece suka panggil Nami as Nami Cyuan. :)

Sama / Dono : Sama digunakan dalam surat-menyuarat. Juga untuk org berkedudukan/berpangkat besar. Jika dianggap sebagai darjat, perkataan sama tinggi sedikit darjat nya kalau dibandingkan dengan san. Dono pula untuk kerabat diraja. Kalau nak panggil sultan ke, putera puteri ke, digunakan dono.
ps : Kat Jepun dulu ada rancangan TV, Shimura Ken. Ada salah satu wataknya yang glamor - Baka Dono. Cerita pasal sorang raja yang agak lembab :)

Ini pula komen dari Hakuchou san: (saya copy paste komen dari En. Hakuchou dan sedikit edit) Hakuchou san said maaf kalau salah... hakuchou rasa 'kun' digunakan untuk memanggil lelaki yang sebaya atau yang lebih muda dari usia sipemanggil ...tidak terhad kepada orang bawahan sahaja. Ada juga ketua-ketua yang memangggil pekerja wanitanya dengan panggilan 'kun' sebagai tanda ia tidak membezakan pekerja wanita itu dengan pekerja lelaki lain. sekali lagi maaf kalau tidak tepat. fuad-san : jika tidak pasti yang mana satu harus digunakan, gunakanlah 'san' kerana ia 'lebih selamat' dan boleh digunapakai secara umumnya. * hakuchou menggunakan 'san' pada nama saudara fuad kerana hakuchou tidak tahu usia saudara fuad ;-) IMPIAN

Naritai = Want to be (nak jadi?) Contoh: Ore wa Hokage ni naritai = Aku ingin menjadi Hokage Watashi wa anato no tsuma ni naritai = Saya ingin menjadi isteri awak Mudah kan untuk menggunakan ayat ini? Cuma gantikan perkataan bewarna biru dengan apa yang anda ingin jadi.

Ore wa ooganemochi ni naratai. I wanna be a millionaire.

LAMBAT Osoi - lambat Chikoku - lambat Kes 1 : Ali berjanji dengan Nakata untuk bertemu di sebuah tempat pada pukul 10. Tetapi jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 10.15 baru Ali sampai. Nakata : Ali san, osoi desu yo. Ali : Sumimasen. Nakata : Dame desu yo Ali san. Jikan wo mamotte kudasai. (Salah ni Ali. Sila tepati masa). Kes 2 : Abu lambat lagi ke pejabat. Dia dipanggil mengadap bos nya. Bos : Abu san, kyou mo chikoku shita. 3 kai renzoku. (3 kali berturut-turut). Abu : Sumimasen, bos san. Jyutai desu (triffic jam). Bos : No sumimasen. Omae wa kubi. You are fired. BALIK BERAYA DENGAN KERETA Nan de kaerimasu ka? Kuruma de? Nak balik dengan apa? Dengan kereta ke?

HARI INI KITA CUTI Kyou wa yasumi desu Today is holiday / Hari ini cuti Lagu lagi Uta = Lagu Uta wo utaimasyou = Mari menyanyi Karaoke he ikimasyou = Jom berkaraoke

Akacyan ga umaremashita = Baby dah lahir Akacyan = baby Umaremashita = Lahir

KELUARGA Keluarga = Kazoku Ayah = Otou san (Cici) Emak = Okaa san (Haha) Abang = Onii cyan (Ani) Kakak = Onee cyan (Ane) Adik lelaki = Otouto Adik perempuan = Imouto Gakko yasumi - cuti sekolah. Omedetou gozaimasu - tahniah Kekkon kahwin

Minna sama, ohayou gozaimasu. Ogenki desu ka? Getsuyoubi wa mata kita ne. Mai nichi, maisyuu, mattoshi, jikan no nagare ga hayai. Kizuite nai uchi ni, mou toshi ga totta. Kyou wa yasumi wo timasyou ka. Cyotto, karui jyoudan no artikel wo yomou...kiraku de ne.Sa, kyou mo ichinichi shigotou de, gakkou de ganbarimasyou ne. MUSIM HUJAN LAGI Tenki ga ii kara, sampo shimasyou. - Cuaca baik ni, jom pergi jalan-jalan.

Memandangkan cerita pasal hujan, ini ayat yang sesuai digunakan waktu hujan. Ame = Hujan 1. Ame ga furimasu - Hujan turun 2. Ima wa ame desu ka? - Sekarang hujan ke? 3. Ame ga furi sou desu - Macam nak hujan 4. Kasa wo motte kudasai - Sila bawa paying SAKIT MATA Me ga itai desu - Sakit mata me = mata itai = sakit

Ore wa Kinyoubi, jimoto ni kaerimashita. 2 syuukan buri ni tsuma to kodomo tachi ni aimashita.. Ureshikatta... Kesa, bas de Terengganu kara kaerimashita. Bas de yokatta ne. Jibun de untenshitara, tabun shigoto ni konai to omou. Tsukareta...

PERIBAHASA Peribahasa - Kotowaza Saru mo ki kara ochiru - maksud nye sama seperti "Sepandai-pandai tupai melompai, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua". Tapi dalam peribahasa jepun tersebut, binatang yang digunakan adalah monyet. Saru = Monyet DERMA DARAH Derma darah - Kenketsu Darah - Chi GANBATTE KUDASAI



Hairul fadly san he, waalaikumsalam. Hajimemashite. Hideru desu kedou.... Anata wa gakusei san desu ka? Kaki no link ni e-book wo download shite kudasai. (to download : right click your mouse,then select save as). Wakaranai koto ga attara, watashi ni kiite kudasai. Jya, ganbatte kudasai ne.

Tenki = Cuaca Ano-hito = Orang itu Nihon-jin = Orang jepun Kaze = Demam Chichi = Ayah (untuk ayah sendiri) Shucchou = Outstation Omiyage = Buah tangan Uta = Lagu Kiku = Dengar Kanashii = Sedih Omoide = Kenangan Omoidasu = Teringat Kekkon = Kahwin Dokushin = Bujang Mada = Belum/Masih Seiji = Politik Houkokusho = Laporan Jouhou = Maklumat Daigaku = Universiti Webu-saito = Laman Web Demo = tapi Hi = Api Neru-mae-ni = Sebelum Tidur Denki-wo kesu = Tutup lampu Sanso = Oksigen Kieru = Padam/Hilang Kaigai = Luar negara Pasupooto = Passport Mareeshia = Malaysia Kaeru = Balik Kyouto = Kyoto (Salah satu bandar besar di jepun) Onaji = Sama Tomarimasu = Bermalam Hoteru = Hotel Isogashii = Sibuk Hima = Lapang Mise = Kedai Yasui = Murah Takai = Mahal Juppun = 10 Minit Kite-kudasai = Sila datang Go-nen = 5 Tahun Kyoushi = Guru Naru-kamoshiremasen = Mungkin Menjadi

Sakana = Ikan Orenjijuusu = Jus oren Shinbun = Suratkhabar kimashita = telah datang ichido = sekali kuruma = kereta mizu = air ugoku = bergerak takai = mahal zenzen omoshirokunai = tidak menarik langsung Kekkon-kinen-bi = Hari ulangtahun perkahwinan Okusan = Isteri Yubiwa = Cincin Kazoku = Keluarga Tegami = Surat Jidousha = Kereta Hikouki = Kapal terbang Fune = Kapal aruite = berjalan kaki kaisha = tempat kerja ( Syarikat ) maiasa = setiap pagi doitsu = jerman kaisaisareru = di adakan kare = Dia (Untuk lelaki) kanojou = Dia (Untuk perempuan) nihon = jepun tegami = surat moraimasu = menerima ushi = lembu kawa = kulit kaban = beg Neta = Telah tidur Neteiru = Sedang tidur Neru = Akan tidur mizu = air nomimasu = minum mimasu = menonton yomimasu = membaca gakkou = sekolah ikimasu = pergi ame = gula-gula kaimasu = beli hakimasu = pakai kutsu = kasut ryokou-suru = Melancong

Tahun ini = Kotoshi Tahun lepas = Kyonen Tahun depan = Rainen Minggu ini = Konshuu Minggu lepas = Senshuu Minggu depan = Raishuu Kelmarin = Ototoi Semalam = Kinou Hari ini = Kyou Esok = Ashita Lusa = Asatte Aimasu = Jumpa (polite form) Byouin = Hospital Shiken = Peperiksaan Hajimarimasu = Bermula (polite form) Kaerimasu = Balik (polite form) Jisho = Kamus Nihon-jin = Orang Jepun Akai enpitsu = Pensel berwarna merah Chikai = Dekat Tottemo oishii = Sangat Sedap Ichiban takai = Tertinggi Yama = Gunung Gakkou = Sekolah Yasumu = Cuti Kinou = Semalam Shaberu = Bercakap Naku = Menangis Namida = Air mata Deru = Keluar Kaerimasu = Balik Tomodachi = Kawan Kimasu = Datang Koko = Sini Kekkon = Kahwin Sumimasu = Tinggal Nihon = Jepun Dansei = Lelaki Kurasu-no-naka = Di dalam kelas Sakki = Tadi Neru = Tidur Ookina ie = Rumah besar Nooto = Buku nota Rakugaki = Conteng Shusshin = Berasal Shumi = Hobi

Kanai = Isteri (Untuk isteri sendiri) Otoko-no-ko = Budak lelaki Onna-no-ko = Budak perempuan imasu = ada(untuk benda bernyawa) arimasu = ada(untuk benda tidak benyawa) neko = kuching soto = luar inu = anjing ginkou = bank kedai buku = honya tonari = sebelah ue = atas gomibako = tong sampah ushiro = belakang Kore = Ini Sore = Itu Hon = Buku Jitensha = Basikal Enpitsu = Pensel Aishiteru = I love you imasu = ada ( untuk benda bernyawa ) arimasu = ada ( untuk benda tidak benyawa ) kare = dia ( untuk lelaki ) ushiro = belakang ie = rumah mae = depan matteiru = menunggu ue = atas shita = bawah hidari = kiri migi = kanan onegaishimasu = gembira Ore / Boku (polite) = aku Petto = Haiwan peliharaan Usagi = Arnab Neko = Kucing Kau = Pelihara Kaeru = Katak Yomu = Baca Tsukue = Meja Ue = Atas Nooto = Buku nota Arimasu = Ada (Untuk benda tidak hidup)

Apaato = Apartment Heya = Bilik Itta-koto-ga arimasu = Pernah pergi Tabako = Rokok Enpitsu = Pensel Kaimashita = Membeli (Bentuk kata kerja past tense) Shiroi = Putih Kami = Kertas Nuno = Kain Shi = Puisi Kakimashita = Menulis (Bentuk kata kerja past tense) nin = orang kyoudai = adik beradik nan-nin = berapa orang O-hiru = Tengahari (Polite) Mada = Belum Issho-ni = Sama-sama Shokuji = Makan Doko = Di mana Ikimashou = Mari/Jom pergi Shokudou = Dewan makan Mai-nichi = Setiap hari Mai-ban = Setiap malam Nihongo-no-benkyou = Belajar Bahasa Jepun Gurai = Lebih kurang Kara = Dari Made = Hingga Boku = Saya ( Untuk lelaki ) shuumatsu = hujung minggu takkyuu = ping pong dare = siapa jouzu = pandai omoshiroi = menarik omoshirosou = nampak menarik isshoni = sama-sama moshi-moshi = hello Kondono nichiyoubi = Hari ahad ini aru = ada yotei = rancangan nanimonain = tak ada apa-apa daigaku = universiti guraundo = padang sakka = bola sanka suru= join ohayou gozaimasu = selamat pagi konnichiwa = selamat tengahari

konnichiwa = hello konnichiwa = selamat petang konbanwa = selamat malam oyasuminasai = selamat malam (sebelum tidur) kachou = pengurus iidesu = ok maane = bolehlah kao = muka warui = tak elok kazedemo hiiteimasuka = demam ke ? soudesu = betul tu byouin = klinik ittahouga iidesu = lebih baik pergi hajimemashite = apa khabar doumo / arigatogozaimasu = terima kasih douzo = sila osuwari = duduk namae = nama watashi = saya shusshin = asal ima = sekarang sundeimasu = tinggal ichiji = pukul 1 niji = pukul 2 sanji = pukul 3 sanji han = pukul 3 setengah yoji = pukul 4 goji = pukul 5 rokuji = pukul 6 shichiji = pukul 7 hachiji = pukul 8 kuji= pukul 9 juuji = pukul 10 juuichiji = pukul 11 juuniji = pukul 12 nanji = pukul berapa ima= sekarang sanjuppun= 30 minit gogo = petang gozen = pagi owarimasu = habis/ tamat jugyou = kelas/kuliah nemui = ngantuk ore = aku kiku = dengar

shusseki = kedatangan gaman = sabar getsuyoubi = isnin kayoubi = selasa suiyoubi = rabu mokuyoubi = khamis kinyoubi = jumaat doyoubi = sabtu nichiyoubi = ahad ichigatsu = januari nigatsu = februari sangatsu = mac shigatsu= april gogatsu = mei rokugatsu= jun shichigatsu = julai hachigatsu = ogos kugatsu = september juugatsu = oktober juuichigatsu = november juunigatsu = disember anata = awak tanjoubi = hari jadi itsu = bila watashi = saya nijuugonichi = 25 haribulan otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu = selamat hari jadi otanjoubi paati = majlis hari jadi isogashii = sibuk kondo = akan datang juuyokka = 14 haribulan Di atas sekali : "Deguchi" = Pintu keluar Di tengah-tengah : "Basunoriba" = Tempat naik bas ataupun platform bas Di bawah sekali : "Otearai (Uee)" = Tandas (Di atas) peribahasa 1. Chiri-mo-tsumoreba-yama-to-naru = Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit 2.Ten-ni-mukatte-tsuba-wo-haku = Seperti meludah kelangit 3.Tana-kara-botamochi = Dapat durian runtuh 4.Korobanu-saki-no-tsue = Sediakan payung sebelum hujan 5.Fukusuibon-ni-kaerazu = Nasi sudah menjadi bubur 2. 1. Ato-no-matsuri = Nasi sudah menjadi bubur 2. Hayai-mono-gachi = Siapa cepat dia dapat 3. Rekishi-wa kurikaesu = Sejarah berulang kembali 4. Toki-wa kane-nari = Masa itu emas 5. I-no-naka-no-kawazutaikai-wo-shirazu = Seperti katak di bawah tempurung

Ahmad berada di sekolah Ahmadowa gakkou-ni imasu Ali berada di negara jepun Aliwa nihon-ni imasu Kuching kepunyaan abu berada di bawah kerusi Abu-no-neko-wa isu-no-shita-ni imasu Anjing berada diluar rumah Inuwa ie-no-soto-ni imasu Bank berada disebelah kedai buku Ginkouwa honya-no-tonari-ni arimasu Buku bahasa jepun berada di atas meja Nihongo-no honwa tsukue-no-ue-ni arimasu Tong sampah berada di belakang komputer Gomibako-wa pasokon-no-ushiro-ni arimasu Benda apakah ini ? Korewa nandesuka? Benda apakah itu ? Sorewa nandesuka? Ini buku Korewa hondesu Itu buku Sorewa hondesu Ini basikal Korewa jitenshadesu Itu basikal Sorewa jitenshadesu

Ini pensel Korewa enpitsudesu Itu pensel Sorewa enpitsudesu

Untuk digit ribu cara penggunaanya adalah seperti berikut:___Sen___ ( untuk selain drp 3,000) ___Zen___ ( untuk 3,000) Contohnya :1,000 = Sen 2,000 = Ni-Sen 3,000 = San-Zen 8,000 = Has-Sen 9,900 = Kyuu-Sen-Kyuu-Hyaku

Puluh Ribu
Untuk digit puluh ribu cara penggunaanya adalah seperti berikut:___Man___

Contohnya :10,000 = Ichi-Man 20,000 = Ni-Man 32,300 = San-Man-Ni-Sen-San-Byaku 67,801 = Roku-Man-Nana-Sen-Hap-Pyaku-Ichi 80,003 = Hachi-Man-San 99,523 = Kyuu-Man-Kyuu-Sen-Go-Hyaku-Ni-Juu-San

Ratus Ribu
Untuk digit ratus ribu cara penggunaanya adalah seperti berikut:___Juu___-Man___

Contohnya :100,000 = Juu-Man 200,000 = Ni-Juu-Man 302,300 = San-Juu-Man-Ni-Sen-San-Byaku 670,801 = Roku-Juu-Nana-Man-Hap-Pyaku-Ichi

700,203 = Nana-Juu-Man-Ni-Hyaku-San 990,523 = Kyuu-Juu-Kyuu-Man-Go-Hyaku-Ni-Juu-San

Tsuitachi = 1hb Futsuka = 2hb Mikka = 3hb Yokka = 4hb Itsuka = 5hb Muika = 6hb Nanoka = 7hb Youka = 8hb Kokonoka = 9hb Tooka = 10hb Juu- nombor dlm bhs jepun -nichi (untuk 11hb,12hb,13hb,15hb,16hb,18hb,19hb) Juu-yokka = 14hb Juu-shichi-nichi = 17hb Hatsuka = 20hb Ni-juu- nombor dlm bhs jepun -nichi (untuk 21hb,22hb,23hb,25hb,26hb,28hb,29hb) Ni-juu-yokka = 24hb Ni-juu-shichi-nichi = 27hb San-juu-nichi = 30hb San-juu-ichi-nichi = 31hb

2) Nomu = Minum
Mizu-wo nonda = Telah minum air Mizu-wo nondeiru = Sedang minum air Mizu-wo nomu = Akan minum air

3) Miru = Lihat
Eiga-wo mita = Telah tengok filem Eiga-wo miteiru = Sedang tengok filem Eiga-wo miru = Akan tengok filem

4) Yomu = Baca
Hon-wo yonda = Telah baca buku Hon-wo yondeiru = Sedang baca buku Hon-wo yomu = Akan baca buku Tabe-kata = Cara makan Hanashi-kata = Cara bercakap Tsukuri-kata = Cara buat

Chokoreeto keeki = Kek coklat Oshietekudasai = Tolong ajar Omoshiroi = Menarik Kanji = Tulisan Kanji Wakarimasen = Tidak tahu/tidak faham Kokusaidenwa = Panggilan antarabangsa 1 ichi 10 ju 2 ni 3 san 4 shi / yon 5 go 6 roku 7 nana 8 hachi 9 ku PM petang gogo a m waktu pagi gozen ada aru aku ore alone hitori de apa nani apa khabar salam perkenalan hajimemashite awak anatawa awak anata baca yomimasu belajar benkyo belakang ushiro beli kaimashita bought belum mada berapa banyak ikura How much ? berhampiran chikaku near berjalan sampo berusahalah ganbatte kudasai bilik mandi o furo bolehla aane buat shimasu to do (verb) bulan gatsu dapur daidokoru dari kara depan mae dewan utama genka di atas ue di bawah shita

di dalam naka di mana doko di mana dore dia perempuan kanojo faham wakarimasu from wakaru hari nichi he dia kare hello moshi moshi home uchi how are you o genki desu ka how nice ih desu ne hujan ame ia desu ikan sakana in ni particle ini kore This object (near the speaker) is not dewa arimasen itadakimasu mari makan itu sore that object (near the person being spoken to) itu bukan imasen living ( there is not ) itu ialah arimasu non-living (There is) itu ialah imasu Living (There is) untuk benda hidup itu that one sore iye ke so desu jangan risau shinpai suruna jom ikimashou kahwin kekkon kanan migi kerja shigoto kerusi isu kiri hidari lama tak jumpa shiraku desu ne living room ima makan shokuji makan tabemasu meja teburu melihat mimasu i am going to see membasuh sentaku membeli kaimono to shop mendengar kikimasu minta maaf sumimasen minta tolong onegaishimasu minum nomimasu musim bunga haru musim bunga aki musim panas natsu

musim sejuk fuyu objek itu are that object(not near either person) panas atsui parti pati peduli kamau peguam bengoshi pelajar gakusei pergi ikimashita sabar gaman sama sama dou itashimashite saya watashi saya boku polite sound saya untuk lelaki boku saya tahu or faham wakattemasu sedap oishii sehingga made sekarang ima selamat datang irasshai selamat datang masukla irrasaimase selamat hari jadi otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu selamat malam konbanwa selamat malam oyasumi nasai selamat pagi ohayou gozaimasu selamat petang konbanwa semalam ashita semalam kino setiap hari mainichi siapa kochira sibuk isogashii sila tunjuk misete kudasai surat khabar shinbum syarikat kaisha tahniah omedetou gozaimasu tak ada apa apa nan imo nain tak tahu wakaranai taman niwa garden tamat owarimasu tandas o terai televisyen terebi terima kasih arigato gozaimaz tidak eyay tidak benar chigaimasu tolong please kudasai tutup soba close was deshita ya hai

50. Particle Review We use many, many particles when we utilise the Japanese language, and as you've probably seen there are different rules to using them. Different particles are needed in different circumstances. This section will serve to refresh our memories of particles. You can follow the links back to previous sections to get more information on the use of a specific particle. You may be interested to know that particles are called "jyoshi" - literally "helping words".

Particles and their uses Study the various particles below and their uses. Particle 'ga' We use 'ga' in a similar way to 'wa', but 'ga' is when new information is being requested or given. For example, "where is the book?" would use 'ga' because we are asking for new information. Likewise, the reply "the book is on the table" would also use 'ga' as it is new information being given. Ashita no haikingu wa dare ga ikimasu ka - dare (who) Who is going hiking tomorrow? Dono hito ga anata no tomodachi desu ka. - 'ga' because this is new information being requested. Which person is your friend? Asoko no onna no hito desu. That woman over there. - onna no hito - "woman's person".

Particle 'kara' The particle 'kara' is an often used one, because it has many meanings. Pt wa 6(roku)ji kara 9(ky)ji made desu. - 'kara' as this is "from <time> until <time>". The party is from 6pm until 9pm. Gakk wa nan-nichi kara hajimemasu ka. - 'kara' as we mean 'from' (when). What day do you start school?

Q. Kono tegami wa doko kara kimashita ka. - 'kara' to mean 'from' (place). Where did this letter come from? A. Nihon ni kara kimashita.

It came from Japan.

Yamamoto: Kin, d shite shigoto o yasumimashita ka. - yasumu (to rest/be absent) Why were you absent from work yesterday? Kimura: Kaze o jimi kara desu. Because I had a slight cold.

Daniel: Ky wa yasumi desu kara, watashi wa gakk ni ikimasen. - yasumi (holiday) Nozomi: Because today is a holiday, I am not going to school.

Particle 'made' Made is often used in conjunction with kara. It is often used in relation to time, but sometimes as a transition from one place to another. Watashi wa itsumo uchi kara kaisha made, kuruma de ikimasu. - 'made' as this is "from <place> to <place>". Everytime I go from the house to the office I go by car.

Q: Dshite ky byin wa 12-ji made desu ka. Why does the hospital close at 12:00(midday) today? A: Ky wa do-ybi desu kara. Because today it is Saturday Particles 'de' and 'te' We use 'de' for several reasons. Mainly, we use it to show that an action is taking place at a place. But it is also used to give a reason in some situations. Nakamura-san wa kin kaze de shigoto o yasumimashita. - shigoto o yasumu - be absent from work (yasumu - to rest) Yesterday Mr. Nakamura had a cold, so (as far as work is concerned) he rested. We use 'de' as in this situation it means 'because'. But we only use 'de' for nouns - for verbs we must use 'te'. e.g. zutsu de narimashita - I got a headache. aru te tsukaremashita - because of walking I got tired. Watashi wa ybe resutoran de gohan o tabemashita. - 'de' is used because the action of eating happens at the restaurant. Yesterday evening I ate a meal at a restaurant. Shashin wa zenbu de 5(go)mai arimasu. - 'de' here shows existance of photographs at a place.

There are five photos in total. Heya de shigoto o shimasu - 'de' here shows an action. In this room I do work. Particle 'ni' A very common particle. You would have seen this used all the time with 'iku' (to go) as the use of 'ni' indicates direction. Do remember that sometimes we see hiragana 'he' substituted for 'ni' but the meaning is the same. Watashi wa ashita eiga ni ikimasu. - 'ni' is used to indicate direction e.g. iku - to go I am going to the cinema tomorrow. Sait-san wa ie ni tsukimashita. - 'ni' for direction again. Mr. Saito arrived home. Watashi wa kin byin ni ikimashita. Yesterday I went to the hospital. However, if you wish you say you left someplace, use 'o' with deru (to leave). Watashi wa London o demashita. I left London. And with travelling using transport, we use ni to get on a train, but o to get off. Densha ni norimashita. - noru (to get on) I got on the train. Densha o orimashita. - oriru (to get off) I got off the train.

Kin watashi wa ken e sakk o shi ni ikimashita. - Go to do - convert to -masu, remove -masu, then 'ni iku'. Yesterday I went to the park to play football. Dzo mata asobi ni kite kudasai. - Come and do - As above - asobu(to visit or (sometimes)play) - asobi ni Afterwards, please come see me. O-sara wa doko ni arimasu ka. - 'ni' is used with doko and arimasu to ask where something is. Where is the ashtray? o- is the honourific prefix for sara (ashtry in this case, but literally 'big plate').

Ogawa-san wa nan ji ni kaerimashita ka - We use 'ni' with definate time. At what hour did Ogawa-san return? 1 shkan ni 3kai pru ni ikimasu. - We use 'ni' with frequency also. I go swimming three times in a week. Note: 1 shkan is pronounced 'ee-shoe-kan' (not ee-chee). Gink de Harada-san ni aimashita. - The meeting was 'at' the bank (de) but we 'went' there (ni). I met Mr. Harada at the bank. Watashi no ane wa asoko ni imasu. - The person is 'over there' My older sister is over there. Heya ni 3(san) hito ga imasu - 'in' the room In this room there are three people. Particle 'ka' 'ka' is a particle that is used sometimes as a replacement for other particles and as such its meaning can change. ka - either Watashi no chichi wa mai-asa kh ka kcha o nomimasu. - 'ka' means "either" in this context. Every morning my father drinks either coffee or tea. ka - what Nani ga nomitai ka oshiete kudasai. - 'ka' means "what" in this context. oshieru (to teach/impart knowledge) Please show me (lit. teach me) what you would like to drink. ka - Linking verbs Takahashi-san wa ima doko ni iru ka shite imasu ka. - ka is used to link iru (existance) with 'do you know' (shite imasu ka). Do you know where Mr. Takahashi is now? Yamaguchi-san ga itsu ryok ni iku ka, oshite kudasai. - ??? Please tell me when Mr. Yamaguchi goes on his trip. (doko) ka - somewhere Doko ka e ikimasu ka - This is like "where" + "either". Are you going somewhere? Consider this sentence compared to that of one that does not use 'ka': Doko e ikimasu ka. Where are you going? The response would be to use 'mo' for negative - iie, doko e mo ikimasen.

ka - I don't know Taberu ka wakarimasen. - Here, 'ka' means "with" as 'mo' can. I don't know if [I/he/she] can eat. (Perhaps there is some fried beef and you are speaking to someone about your friend who may be vegetarian) As we said, we are using 'ka' to link "not understand" with an action. This is quite confusing, so let's look at more examples. Oishii ka wakarimasen. I don't know if it is tasty. Sensei ga nan-ji ni kuru ka wakarimasu ka. Do you know when the teacher is coming? Kimura-san ga pt ni kuru de dka shite imasu ka. Do you know whether Mr. Kimura is coming to the party? Kimura-san ga pt ni kita ka dka shite imasu ka. Do you know if Mr. Kimura came to the party?

Past Tense Be careful with the past tense, as there are two different meanings. Kuruma wa aokatta ka wakarimasen. - present tense about an object in the past. I don't know if the car was blue. Kuruma wa aokatta ka wakarimasendeshita. - past tense about an object that was also in the past. I did not know if the car was blue (...before my friend drove it to my home).

Particle 'to' We use 'to' when wanting to state multiple items, but crucially we are explicitly stating that those items are the only ones - there are no others. For example, "in this room there are two chairs and a table (and nothing else)" would use 'to', but "in this room there are two chairs and a table (and some other objects)" would take the particle 'ya'. Watashi wa kesa pan to ringo o tabemashita. - 'to' meaning 'and' when only those stated items apply (as opposed to 'ya'). This morning I ate bread and apples (and nothing else). Or we could say "nani mo tabemasendeshita" - I ate nothing. Similar to "heya ni nani mo arimasen" - there is nothing in the room. See the section below for more on this.

'to' because it is with a friend and nobody else. If with a friend and others, we would

use 'ya', and if by ourselves we use 'hitori de'. Watashi wa kin tomodachi to sakk o shimashita. Yesterday I played football with my friend (and nobody else). We can also use 'to' with 'dare' to ask "with who?" (did you go to London etc.). Mike: Dare to kimashita ka. - Who did you come here with? Yamamoto: Hitori de kimashita. - I came here by myself. Or Yamamoto: Tomodachi to kimashita. - I came here with a friend.

Particle 'o' Because it is used for objects, it is easy to remember how to use particle 'o'. Mai asa nani o tabemasu ka. - 'o' because we are asking about an object. Every morning, what do you eat? But when used to indicate leaving someplace or getting off a mode of transport, we use 'o' with a verb because the place or transport is treated as an object and we are going away from it. Watashi wa Oxford o demashita. I left Oxford. Basu o orimashita. - oriru (to get off) I got off the bus. But we use 'ni' to get on a bus. Basu ni norimashita. - noru (to get on) I got on the bus.

Particle 'mo' The use of 'mo' is to mean "with". Interestingly you can use this with a negative to mean "without" (literally 'with no (verb)'). Similarly, 'mo' can be used to mean "also". See the examples below for more information. Kin Sasaki-san wa gakk o yasumimashita. Ikeda-san mo yasumimashita. - 'mo' because we mean 'also'. Yesterday Sasaki-san was absent from school. Ikeda-san was also absent. We can use this particle to ask if someone is going somewhere "as well", or if they will be doing something "as well". Consider the example below. Peter: Ybinkyoku ni ikimasu ka. - Are you going to the post office? Nozomi: Hai, ikimasu. - Yes, I am going. Peter: Sp ni mo ikimasu ka. - Are you going to the supermarket as well? Nozomi: Hai, ikimasu. - Yes, I am going (there as well).

Using 'mo' to say that, although you are expected to go somewhere, you are not going: Brian: Kotoshi wa Furansu ni ikimasu ka. - Are you going to France this year? Peter: Iie, kotoshi mo ikimasen. - No, not this year.

The word m however is used to mean "already". In hiragana this looks different of course - literally it is 'mou'. Consider the following. Brian: M sono eiga o mimashita. - Have you already seen that film? Mike: Iie, made mite imasen. - No, not yet. (mada here means 'yet') OR Mike: Hai, m mimashita. - Yes, I have already seen it. Because the response is positive we use the same particle - m. Ybe watashi wa reizko no b&etilde;ru o zenbu nomimashita. Reizko ni b&etilde;ru wa m arimasen. Yesterday evening I drank all the beer in the refridgerator. There is no beer in the fridge.

Particle 'no' Indicates belonging. Watashi wa maish tenisu no rensh o shimasu. - 'no' because it is tennis' practice. Every week I practice tennis. Onna no hito:Sumimasen. Kono boshi wa dare no desu ka. - Woman: Excuse me. Whose hat is this? Hito:Dare no ka wakarimasen. - Man: I do not know whose it is. Literally translated this is "who 's I do not know". We could also have used 'watashi no desu' - "it belongs to me".

Gurai / Goro Not really a particle but included for completeness, these two words relate to an approximate amount and duration. You must understand which to use relating to time, and objects. Ashita no pt ni 50(goj)nin gurai kimasu. - gurai (about/approximately) There are about 50 people coming to tomorrow's party. Watashi wa ybe 8(hatchi)jikan gurai nemashita. - 'gurai' is used for amount or duration(time), while goro is for a point in time such 12 o'clock. Yesterday I slept for 8 hours. San-ji goro aimasu. I will meet him around 3 o'clock.

Kesa wa 7(shichi)-ji goro okimashita. This morning I went out around 7 o'clock. Dake - Only We can use dake to show an exception. In the first example below we say that 'only' Ishikawa-san ate. Nozomi: Minna hiro gohan o tabemashita ka - Has everyone eaten? Masashi: Iie, Ishikawa-san dake tabemashita. - Only Ishikawa-san ate. Again, another example of 'dake'. Peter: Nakajima-san no kodomo wa minna onna no ko desu ka - Are all of Nakajimasan's children girls? Daniel: Iie, Onna no ko dake dewa arimasen. - No, not only girls.

Nobody, Nowhere, Nothing This is a western idea that is strange for Japanese people to grasp, and likewise the translation takes some getting used to. We use an interrogative (such as 'where') and the word 'with' to give it meaning. Nobody Heya ni dare mo imasen. - dare mo("with who?") There is nobody in this room. Kono mondai wa dare mo dekimasendeshita. Nobody was able to do(solve) this problem. But if somebody was able to solve the problem, you can say "Kono mondai wa Mikesan ga dekimasu". Kin wa ichinichi ie ni ita kara, dare ni mo aimasendeshita. - 'ni mo' because verb au (to meet) takes 'ni' Yesterday, because I was at home all day (????????) I did not meet anyone.

Nowhere Watashi wa doko ni mo ikimasendeshita. - doko ni mo("with where?") I did not go anywhere. See how this differs from "where did you go?" (doko ni ikimashita ka?) and "I went to London" (London ni ikimashita). Similarly ni is sometimes replaced by 'e' (hiragana 'he'). Ashita wa doko e mo ikanai de ie ni imasu. Tomorrow I do not want to go anywhere, I will stay at home.

Ototoi wa nichi-ybi deshita ga, doko e mo ikimasendeshita. Two days ago as it was a Sunday, I did not go anywhere. Remember that sometimes 'e' (hiragana 'he') is used in place of 'ni'. Watanabe-san o sagashimashita ga, doko ni mo imasen. - sagasu (to look for) I searched for Miss Watanabe, but I found nobody. This is difficult to understand.

Nothing Heya ni nani mo arimasen. - nani mo("with what?") There is nothing in this room. Ky tesuto ga arimasu ga, watashi wa kin nani mo benky shimasendeshita. Even though there is a test today, I did no studying yesterday. Kin kaimono ni ikimashita ga, nani mo kaimasendeshita. Even though I went to do shopping yesterday, I bought nothing.

51. Interrogatives Review Interrogatives for the basis of most conversations and are a great way to give yourself some thinking time as it invites the other person to speak, at least for a while.

Who, What, Where, When, Why? The following are examples of how to use the questions who, what, where, when, and why. Donata / Dare - Who Donata is the more formal version, but dare is perfectly acceptable. We have already seen that we can combine "who" with particles to make "whose", "who with" and other variations. Brian: Tsukue no ue no megane wa dare no desu ka - Whose are the glasses on top of the table? Mike: Watashi no desu. - (They) belong to me. We could also say 'dare no (megane) ka wakarimasen' - I don't know whose glasses (they are). Dare desu ka. Who is it? Kochira wa donata desu ka. Who is this?

Nan(i) - What What is this, what is that etc. Kore wa nan desu ka. - What is this? Sore wa gaikoku no kitte desu. - Those are foreign stamps. Doko - Where? Use <Subject> wa 'doko desu ka' for "where is <Subject>?". Sumimasen. Gink wa doko desu ka. Excuse me. Where is the bank? Asoko ni arimasu. Over there. Naomi: Kore wa doko no kuni no hana desu ka. - doko no kuni - where's country Which country do these flowers come from? Nozomi: Nihon no desu.. They are Japanese. Dore - Where <Obj>? Use Dore ga <Object> desu ka for "where is <Object>?". Dore ga kin no shinbun desu ka. Where is yesterday's newspaper? Itsu - When? When is an often used interrogative word and its usage is important. Itsu Nihon ni kimashita ka. - itsu (when?) When did you come to Japan? Kyo nen no natsu kimashita. - natsu (summer) I came this Summer. D shite desu ka - Why Is That? This phrase is used to ask why. For instance, in Section 47: I think / Probably there is a conversation regarding tickets being sold out. a follow up to being informed of this would be to ask 'd shite' - "why is that?". Brian: Onaka ga suite imasu ka. - Are you hungry? Emma: Iie, onaka ga suite imasen. - No, I am not hungry. Brian: D shite desu ka - Why is that? Emma: Asa-gohan o taberu kara desu - Because I have eaten breakfast.

Below we see another example of asking why, but also note the example usage of 'kara' - because. Masaomi: D shite jugy o yasumimashita ka. - yasumu (to rest/be absent) Why were you absent from class? Daniel: Atama ga itakatta kara desu - itai (painful) Because I had a headache.

Other Interrogatives Some other questions can be made with the folowing words. D desu ka - How do you find it? A familiar phrase similar to d shite, we use this to ask what a person thinks of something. Ryo: Ryri wa d desu ka. - What do you think of the cooking? Masashi: Totemo oishii desu. - It is tasty. Masaomi: Atarashii ofisu ga d desu ka. - ofisu(office) What do you think of the new office? Peter: Okikute shizuka desu. It is big and quiet. See the adjective conjugation section below for detail on joining adjectives together. In this example we use ooki -> ookikute shizuka desu. The opposite (quiet and big) would have been shizuka -> shizuka de ookii desu. Brian Ima no shigoto wa d desu ka. - What do you think of the current work? Peter: Amari omoshiroku arimasen. - Not very interesting.

Dochira - Which? You must remember 'which'. Yamamoto: Pan to gohan to dochira ga suki desu ka. - dochira (which?) Which do you like, bread or (cooked) rice. - Pan (bread) Kayoko:Gohan no h ga suki desu ne. Cooked rice is better.

Masaomi:Email to denwa to dochira ga hayai desu ka Email or telephone, which is faster? Mike:Denwa no h ga hayai desu.

Telephone is faster.

Dono - Which Object? Very useful and very important to remember. This is the interrogative form of this object (kono, sono, ano, dono). Dono ga Nihon-go no jisho desu ka. - dono (which object?) Which (object) is the Japanese book? Dono densha wa Fujisawa ni ikimasu ka. Which train goes to Fujisawa? You can also use it to ask "which person?". Emma: It-san wa dono hito desu ka. - Which person is Mr.It? Mike: Ano hito desu. - That person (over there).

Donogurai - How Much? Sometimes changes to donokurai, this askes how much or how long. Daniel: Eki kara gakk made donogurai kakarimasu ka. - donogurai (how much time), kakaru (to take time) From the station to the school how much time does it take? Yamamoto: Basu de 30-pun (san-j) kakarimasu.. It takes 30 minutes by bus.

52. Grammar Review Throughout the past 11 or so pages you will have seen many Grammar boxouts that explain a new syntax. Here we shall review the most important of those and introduce a couple more.

Grammar Reminders The following boxouts are reminders of how to use the various rules and syntax, and to follow these we'll have some examples.

Grammar - Relative Time Needs No Particle From Basics #2. When we talk about travelling to or from places with relative time markers we have no need to use particles. By relative time we mean this year, last week, tomorrow, etc. while examples of definite time would be 24th June, 1999, and the fifth week in the year. Refer

to this table for relative time markers. Ky ikimasu I am going today

Grammar - Would You Like...? From Basics #2. "Would you like" is an often used phrase. We use "ikaga desu ka" preceeded by the object. Gohan o m ippai ikaga desu ka. Would you like a cup of rice? Kekk desu. No thank you.

Grammar - If You Are Expected To Go Somewhere From Basics #2. Suppose we visited Japan last year and a friend asks us if we are going again this year. The assumption is that we are going again because we went last year. Kotoshi wa Nihon ni ikimasu ka Are you going to Japan this year? Hai, kotoshi wa ikimasu Yes, this year. Iie, kotoshi mo ikimasen No, not this year. Be warned that sometimes these are reversed, i.e. the person with the assumption may use mo instead of wa. A simple rule of thumb is to use the same particle if the assumption is correct, and the opposite if wrong.

Grammar - Comparisons From Intermediate #4. The syntax for comparing is as follows: _____ no h ga _____ yori <adjective> desu _____ is <adjective> than _____

For example, let's use ooki (big) and chiisai (small): A B A no h ga B yori ooki desu. A is bigger than B. B no h ga A yori chiisai desu. B is smaller than A. Let's try a real-world example where a bus is heavier than a car: Basu no h ga kuruma yori omoi desu. A bus is heavier than a car.

And for perfect Japanese: Kono basu to sono kuruma to dochira ga omoi desu ka. Which is heavier, this bus or that car? Kono basu no h ga sono kuruma yori omoi desu. This bus is heavier than that car.

Grammar - Concatenating Sentences From Intermediate #2. Two sentences can be made into one using the -te or -ta form of verbs. Do-ybi ni London ni ikimashita. Eiga o mimashita. Becomes... Do-ybi ni London ni itta, eiga o mimashita. On Saturday I went to London to see a film. Uchi ni ikimasen ka. Ndru o tabemasen ka. Becomes... Uchi ni itte ndru o tabemasen ka. Won't you come to my house to eat noodles? Hon-ya ni ikimasu. Jisho o kaimasu. Becomes... Hon-ya ni itte, jisho o kaimasu. I went to the bookstore, I bought a dictionary. Tanaka-san ni aimasu. Issho ni eiga ni ikimasu. Becomes... Tanaka-san ni atte, issho ni eiga ni ikimasu.

I am meeting Mr. Tanaka, and together with him I am going to the cinema. Kabuki o mimasu. Shokuji o shimasu. Takushi de kaerimasu. Becomes... Kabuki o mitte, shokuji o shite, takushi de kaerimasu I saw the kabuki, I had a meal, I returned by taxi.

Grammar - Different Ways to Concatenate Concatenation in Japanese depends on what it is you are trying to join, for example -i adjectives have a different method to -na adjectives. Subjects Use ya and to, with ga before the verb. Heya ni Daniel-san to Mike-san ga imasu. In this room exist Daniel and Mike. Verbs This is where we use the te form of the verbs, except the last one which does not change. Rmen o tabete, bru o nomimasu. I eat rmen and drink beer. Rmen is chinese style noodles in broth. Sentences Instead of using desu twice, we can use de for the first statement then desu. Hayashi-san wa Nihon-jin de, ABC no buch desu. Mr. Hayashi is Japanese, and ABC's general manager. -i Adjectives For when you want to use two or more describing words (-i adjectives) we take off the i and replace with kute. Below we see the words kuroi (black) and ookii (big). Kurokute ookii fukuro desu Black, big bag. -na Adjectives As above, except with -na adjectives we remove the na and replace with de.. Below we see the words shizuka-na (quiet) and hen-na (strange). Shizuka de hen-na hito desu Quiet and strange person. Adverbs - adjective + verb This differs depending on the type of adjective used. For -i adjectives we remove the

last i and add ku, and for -na convert it to ni. Here we use utsukushii (beautiful), aoi (blue), and kirei-na (neat/clean). Utsukushiku kaku To write beautifully. Aoku kaku To write in blue Kireini kaku To write neatly. Ky amari isogashiku arimasen Today I am not very busy. Multiple Verbs For example, I am going to a restaurant to eat. To use multiple verbs, we remove the -masu extention and use the last verb as usual. Sakana o tabe ni ikimasu. I am going someplace to eat fish. Sukiyaki o tabe ni ikimasen ka. Wouldn't you like to go and have sukiyaki? Shashin o tori ni ikimasu. I'm going someplace to take a photograph. Kin Kamakura ni oyogi ni ikimashita. I went to Kamakura yesterday to swim. New Grammar

Grammar - Hoshii - Wish / Want The word 'hoshii' is used commonly in Japan. Think of it as a word similar to suki, but more like 'want' instead of 'like'. Shabushabu ga hoshii desu. I want shabushabu. Nihon no kiite ga hoshii desu. I would like Japanese stamps. Watashi wa jitensha ga hoshii desu. I want a bicycle.

Grammar - <Attribute> is <Adjective> Rather than say "Mr. Smith is tall" was can say "Mr Smith's height is tall" or "Mr Smith has long arms". Some examples follow. Sumisu-san wa se ga takai desu. lit. As far as Mr. Smith is concerned, height it tall. Sumisu-san wa uda ga nagai desu. Mr. Smith has long arms. Sumisu-san wa atama ga ii desu. Mr. Smith has a good head (is clever).

Grammar - Not So Much <Adjective> In English we can say that the weather is "not too bad". We can also say "that (watch) is not too expensive". In Japanese this is a difficult idea to communicate, but we can use 'sorehodo' and a negative adjective to make our point. Sorehodo warukunai desu. warui - warukunai (bad -> not bad) Not too bad. Sorehodo takakunai desu. takai - takakunai (expensive -> not expensive) Not too expensive. Sono tokei wa sorehodo takakunai desu. That watch is not too expensive.

Linker 'sorekara' Sorekara is used to mean "and then". It is used in the same manner as in English. Nichi ybi watashi wa sentaku o shimashita. Sorekara, heya o sjishimashita. 'sorekara' to link the sentences. "and then...". On Sunday I did the washing. And then, I cleaned the room. Sentaku o suru - to do washing. Sjishimashita - did cleaning.

Linker 'sore dewa' Sore dewa means "well then...". Consider the following. soredewa, hikki de aimasu. Well then, let's meet at the airport.

Linker 'soshite' We can use 'soshite' and link sentences with an and. Kynen Nihon ni kimashita. Soshite rainen igirisu ni kaerimasu. Last year I came to Japan. And this year I am returning to England. Tanaka-san ni atte, issho ni ban-gohan o tabemashita. Soshite uchi ni kaerimashita. I met Mr. Tanaka and had dinner with him. And then I returned home.

Ano tatemono wa hoteru desu ka. - tatemono - building Is that building a hotel? Hai, s desu. Yes (it is). When we talk about things we do in our spare time we often mean to infer that these actions happen often. To show this, we use -tari with verbs (see Section 39 - repeating actions). Kayoko: Yasumi no hi ni wa donna koto o shimasu ka - yasumi no hi (spare time) What do you do in your spare time? Ryo: S desu ne, pru de oyoidari, ken o sanposhitari shimasu. - oyogu -> oyogi (to swim), sanpo (to walk) I swim in the pool, and walk in the park. Asking someone to perform some action - <verb>-te kudasai. Or simply <obj> o kudasai to request an object. Sumisu: Hagaki o 5(go)mai kudasai - Please give me 5 postcards. Ten'in: Hai, dzo. - Here you are. Asking someone to not do something - <verb>-nai de kudasai. Keikan: Sumimasen ga, koko de tabako o suwanai de kudasai imasen. - Policeman: Please do not smoke here. Hito: Dmo sumimasen. - Woman: Ok.

53. Adjective Review We use adjectives to describe things in more detail, and have done so many times already. Here we will go over the different ways of using adjectives to add meaning to our sentences. Remember the various rules for using adjectives with verbs, tenses, and other adjectives.

Adjective Types There are two types of adjective that we have been using: the -i adjectives and the -na adjectives, named after their ending characters. How you utilise the two types is different. Let's examine some of these describing words as a reminder.

-i adjectives akai red takai tall / expensive fukai deep tsuyoi strong aoi blue hikui short (height) asai shallow yowai weak shiroi white nagai long omoi heavy atsui hot (air temp) kuroi black mijikai short (length) karui light samui cold (air temp) midori green tooi far ii / yoi good amai sweet kiiroi yellow chikai near warui bad karai spicy hot

-i adjectives ending in -shii tadashii right / correct isogashii busy airashii lovely wazurawashii troublesome atarashii new muzukashii difficult utagawashii doubtful ichijirushii remarkable mezurashii rare kanashii sad sabishii lonely utsukushii beautiful kuwashii full, detailed koishii miss kewashii steep shitashii friendly, intimate ureshii glad, happy kibishii severe yasashii kind

hazukashii abashed -

-na adjectives

These -na adjectives are Japanese. There are also Chinese and Foreign and are written in kanji and katakana repectively (see below). shizuka-na nodoka-na odayaka-na makkuro-na quiet peaceful calm coal-black akiraka-na kasuka-na obvious vague These -na adjectives are Chinese. my-na ky-na strange sudden komayaka-na tender hen-na strange kantan-na simple shiwase-na happy -

rippa-na kiken-na kirei-na kagakuteki-na bunkateki-na wonderful dangerous beautiful scientific cultural These -na adjectives are Foreign. They are spelt with katakana characters, and sound similar to English! furesshu-na shinpuru-na shikku-na sumaato-na romantikku-na fresh simple chic refined romantic

Adjective Conjugation Check out Section 16 for more examples and explanation. Busy Affirmative Form isogashii desu I'm busy Nigel-san, isogashii desu ka Nigel, are you busy? Isogashii hito desu. A busy person. Affirmative Past Form isogashikatta desu I was busy Kin, isogashikatta desu. Yesterday I was busy. Negative Past Form isogashikunakatta desu I was not busy Negative Form isogashikunai desu I'm not busy

Pretty / Clean Affirmative Form kirei desu It is clean Negative Form kirei dewa arimasen It is not clean

Heya ni kirei dewa arimasen. In this room it is not clean. Kore tsukue wa kirei desu. This table is clean. Kore wa kireina tsukue desu. This is a clean table. Affirmative Past Form kirei deshita It was clean Kin, heya ni kirei deshita. Yesterday this room was clean. Negative Past Form kirei dewa arimasendeshita It was not clean

ame desu It is raining

ame dewa arimasen It is not raining

ame deshita It was raining

ame dewa arimasendeshita It was not raining

Linking Adjectives -i Adjectives For when you want to use two or more describing words (-i adjectives) we take off the i and replace with kute. Below we see the words kuroi (black) and ookii (big). Kurokute ookii fukuro desu Black, big bag. -na Adjectives As above, except with -na adjectives we remove the na and replace with de.. Below we see the words shizuka-na (quiet) and hen-na (strange). Shizuka de hen-na hito desu Quiet and strange person. Adverbs - adjective + verb This differs depending on the type of adjective used. For -i adjectives we remove the last i and add ku, and for -na convert it to ni. Here we use utsukushii (beautiful), aoi (blue), and kirei-na (neat/clean). Utsukushiku kaku To write beautifully. Aoku kaku To write in blue

Kireini kaku To write neatly. The table below shows how adjectives link when together when with another adjective or with a verb or noun. + atarashii + hito + kaku + shizuka(na) ookikute atarashii Big and new kirei de atarashii Beautiful and new shizuka de ookii Quiet and big ookiku kaku Write big kirei ni kaku Write beautifully shizukani kaku Write quietly ookii hito Big person kirei-na hito Beautiful person. shizuka hito Quiet person

Sentences Using Adjective Conjugation Using the table above you can see how the different adjectives conjugate in various circumstances. Koko wa attatakai desu. - atatatakai (warm) This place is warm. Koko wa attatakakunai desu. This place is not warm. Ano ko wa ji o kirei ni kakimasu. - kirei (na) -> kirei ni That child writes beautifully. Ano ko wa ji o kirei ni kakimasen. That child does not write beautifully. Shigoto wa kin taihen dewa arimasendeshita. - taihen (na) (difficult/extremely) The work yesterday was not difficult. Ybe wa samukatta desu. - samui (na) - samukatta (was hot) Last night it was hot. Ybe wa samukunakatta desu. - samui (na) - samukunakatta (was not hot) Last night it was not hot. Rensh o shita kara, suk ga jzu(na) ni narimashita. - jzu ni naru - become good at Because of practice, I became good at skiing. Harada-san wa isha ni narimashita. - ni naru - transitive verb takes 'ni' Mr. Harada became a doctor. Or perhaps kaikeishi (accountant) or bengoshi (lawyer). Reizko ni irete bru o tsumetaku shimashita. - ireru (to put in), tsumetai suru -

tsumetaku shita (was cold) Beer put into the fridge was cold. Ky wa amari samukunai desu. - samui - samukunai desu (not cold) Today it is not very cold.

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