Anda di halaman 1dari 4

1. The black dog has won many prizes, but he doesnt know many tricks.

Anjing hitam itu telah memenangkan banyak penghargaan, tapi iia tidak tahu banyak


Dia melihat kucing berjalan di depannya, sehingga ia jatuh sementara ketiak

bermain roller-skating.


Ada hujan meteor di ruang angkasa, tapi para awak tidak tahu bagaimana untuk

meteor tersebut.

4. I wanted to buy a new house, so I started to save my money.

Saya ingin membeli rumah baru, jadi saya mulai menyimpan uang saya.

5. Gillian did not like to read, for she was not very good at it.

Gillian tidak suka membaca, karena ia tidak begitu pintar dalam hal itu.

6. Pam liked Wayne, and Leena also liked Wayne.

Pam menyukai Wayne, dan Leena juga menyukai Wayne.

7. The little boy did not like to go to school, yet he went anyway.

Anak kecil tidak suka pergi ke sekolah, namun ia tetap pergi.

8. You could cry like a baby, or you can clean your room like a man.

Kamu bisa menangis seperti bayi, atau kmamu dapat membersihkan kamarmu
seperti seorang laki-laki.
9. She didnt want to play with Jill, and she didnt want to play with Tim.

Dia tidak ingin bermain dengan Jill, dan dia tidak ingin bermain dengan Tim.

10. Arleens could not play with that boy, nor could she play with that other boy.

Arleen tak bisa bermain dengan anak itu, juga tidak bisa bermain dengan anak

11. Lets go to the swimming pool, for its hot inside the house.

Mari kita pergi ke kolam renang, karena hawanya panas di dalam rumah.

12. I dont want to eat, and I dont want to drink.

Saya tidak mau makan, dan saya juga tidak ingin minum.


Saya tidak ingin berlatih bermain biola, namun saya tidak ingin tidak mematuhi

14. I want to own my own company, and I want to pay all my workers a lot of money.

Saya ingin memiliki perusahaan saya sendiri, dan saya ingin membayar semua
pekerja saya dengan gaji tinggi.

15. I need to go to the store, but Im feeling too sick to drive.

Saya harus pergi ke toko, tapi saya merasa masih terlalu lemah untuk mengemudi.

16. Rabbits make good pets, for they dont make too much noise and they are clean.

Kelinci bisa menjadi hewan peliharaan yang baik, karena tidak membuat kegaduhan
dan kelinci itu bersih.
17. I want to go to the circus, and I want to ride a pony.

Saya ingin pergi ke sirkus, dan saya ingin naik kuda poni.

18. I didnt do my homework, so my parents punished me.

Saya tidak mengerjakan tugas rumah saya, maka orang tua menghukum saya

19. I have never visited Asia, nor have I visited Africa.

Saya belum pernah mengunjungi Asia, juga belom mengunjungi Afrika.

20. You can make a big poster, or you can make a little clay statue.

Kamu dapat membuat poster yang besar, atau kamu bisa membuat sebuah patung
tanah liat yang berukuran kecil.

Compound Sentences with Coordinating Conjunctions

1. I have never visited America, nor have I visited Australia

2. I dont want to practice playing the guitar, yet I dont want to disobey my
3. There was a meteor shower in space, but the crew did not know how to avoid
the meteors.
4. She saw a dog run in front of her, so she fell down while roller-skating.
5. The white dog has won many prizes, but he doesnt know many tricks
6. I drove to the bank, and I checked my account balance
7. I could buy jeans and a coat, or I could buy several other things up to that
8. I went to the parking lot, so I could drive home for dinner
9. I had a really good time, yet it was soon dark
10. She has lived in philippines for more than five years, so she can speak
Tagalog well.
11. You could cry like a baby, or you can clean your room like a man
12. I could not spend a fortune, nor could I spend the whole day, but I would have
13. Lets go to the swimming pool, for its hot inside the house
14. I want to own my own company, and I want to pay all my workers a lot of
15. He didnt answer my call, nor did his friends when I called them last night
16. People complain, but I tell them it's not my fault everything is more expensive
17. I cant whistle, nor can I sing
18. He can buy the book, or he can borrow it from the library
19. She put on a sweater, for it was cold outside
20. Jessica did not like to read, for she was not very good at it

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