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1. Jenis-jenis embryotomi kecuali ?

a. Dekapitasi
b. Kleidotomi
c. Eviserasi/Eksenterasi
d. Spondilostomi
2. Embryotomi adalah ?
a. persalinan buatan dengan cara merusak atau memotong bagian tubuh janin agar
dapat dilahirkan pervaginam,
b. persalinan buatan dengan cara merusak atau memotong bagian tubuh janin agar
dapat dilahirkan pervaginam, tanpa melukai ibu
c. persalinan buatan dengan cara merusak atau memotong bagian tubuh janin agar
dapat dilahirkan pervaginam, dan meminimalkan luka ibu
d. persalinan buatan dengan cara merusak atau memotong bagian tubuh janin agar
dapat dilahirkan pervaginam, dengan melukai ibu
3. syarat syarat embryotomi kecuali ?
a. Janin mati, kecuali pada hidrosefalus atau pada saat akan melakukan kleidotomi
janin tidak perlu mati
b. Konjugata vera > 6 cm
c. Pembukaan serviks > 3 cm
d. Selaput ketuban sudah pecah atau dipecahkan
4. Indikasi ibu untuk embryotomi kecuali ?

a. Preeklamsia ringan
b. Ruptur uteri membakat
c. Penyakit jantung atau sistemik yang berat
d. Bekas perlukaan jalan lahir
5. Indikasi obstetri untuk embryotomi kecuali ?
a. Kala II lebih dari 5 jam
b. Deep transfer arrest
c. Indikasi pinard
d. Transfer arrest
6. Definisi dari kleidotomy adalah ?
a. suatu tindakan memperkecil ukuran kepala janin dengan cara melubangi tengkorak janin
dan mengeluarkan isi tengkorak, sehingga janin dapat dengan mudah lahir pervaginam.
b. suatu tindakan untuk memisahkan kepala janin dari tubuhnya dengan cara memotong
leher janin
c. suatu tindakan untuk memotong/mematahkan satu atau dua klavikula, guna
mengecilkan lingkaran bahu.
d. suatu tindakan merusak dinding abdomen/toraks,untuk mengeluarkan organ-organ
7. Definisi dari dekapitasi adalah ?
a. suatu tindakan memperkecil ukuran kepala janin dengan cara melubangi tengkorak
janin dan mengeluarkan isi tengkorak, sehingga janin dapat dengan mudah lahir
b. suatu tindakan untuk memisahkan kepala janin dari tubuhnya dengan cara
memotong leher janin
c. suatu tindakan untuk memotong/mematahkan satu atau dua klavikula, guna
mengecilkan lingkaran bahu.
d. suatu tindakan merusak dinding abdomen/toraks,untuk mengeluarkan organ-organ

Persiapan SC

1. elective cesarean deliveries are increasingly being performed for what indication ?
a. prevention of pelvic floor injury
b. medically indicated preterm birth
c. maternal requet
d. all of above
2. practical strategies aimed at reducing the cesarean delivery rate include all Exept which of
the following ?
a. peer review of cases
b. increasing vaginal breech deliveries
c. encouraging vaginal birth after cesarean delivery
d. applying strict criteria to the diagnosis of dystocia
3. pada kasus pelahiran caesar karena permintaan ibu, tidak boleh dilakukan sectio sebelum
usia kehamilan ?
a. 38
b. 42
c. 37
d. 39
4. Anamnesis yang penting diperlukan sebelum tindakan Sectio caesaria kecuali :
a. Usia ibu dan kehamilan (termasuk HPHT)
b. Riwayat persalinan sebelumnya (jumlah, cara dan hasil kehamilan/persalinan)
c. Riwayat medik dan tindakan operasi
d. Riwayat sosioekonomi pada peserta JKN
5. Pemeriksaan tambahan yang diperlukan sebelum tindakan SC meliputi kecuali ?
a. Hb dan hematokrit
b. Golongan darah (ABO dan Rh)
c. Analisa gas darah
d. Uji tapis penyakit menular/berbahaya
6. Pada kasus gawat darurat, pemilihan anetesia pada Sectio cesaria adalah ?
a. Anestesi umum
b. Anestesi lokal
c. Anestesi spinal
d. Bukan termasuk diatas
7. Bila terdapat waktu (setidaknya 30 menit) sebelum dilakukan Sectio cesaria, maka
sebaiknyapilihan anestesi yang diberikan adalah ?
a. Anestesi umum
b. Anestesi lokal
c. Anestesi spinal
d. Bukan termasuk diatas
Penyulit persalinan dan kelainan letak

1. A fetus presents in breech position and is delivered without assistance as far as the
umbilicus. The remainder of the ody is manually assisted by yhe obstetrician. What is this
called ?
a. Version and extraction
b. Spontaneous breech delivery
c. Partial breech extraction
d. Total breech extraction
2. Transverse lie in a multipara at term in labor is best treated by wich of following ?
a. External version
b. Internal version and extraction
c. Oxytocin induction
d. cesarean delivery
3. Which of the following is the most common indication for primary cesarean section ?
a. Dystocia
b. prolaps cord
c. diabetes
d. Malpresentation
4. In which of the following cases might internal podalic version be indicated ?
a. Vertex delivery of the first twin and breech presentation of the second twin
b. Term tranverse lie with cervix completely dilated and membranes intact
c. Double footling breech
d. Compound presentation
5. A woman without prenatal care in labor at 38 weeks has a breech presentation. As the
breech is expelled, a spina bifida noted. The head does not deliver. With this history, what is
the most likely problem?
a. Hydrocephaly
b. Cephalopelvic disproportion
c. Fetal goiter
d. Incompletely dilated cervix
6. Prolong latent phase is associated with :
a. A cervix that has undergone little ripening prior to labor
b. An increased risk of subsequent arrest of dilatation
c. A need for cesarean delivery
d. Unresposiveness of the uterus to exogenous oxytocin
7. A brow presentation occurs with which of the following changes at the neck ?
a. Hyperflexion
b. Military position
c. Hyperextension
d. None of above

Vakum extraksi

1. the meta-analysis of trials comparing forceps with vacuums concluded that:

a. Forceps cused more neonatal trauma than vacuums
b. Vacuums caused more perineal trauma than forceps
c. Vacuums caused less perineal trauma than forceps
d. Intracranial bleeding was only seen in vacuums.
2. Which instrument requires less training to become proficient ?
a. Vacuum extractor b. Simpson forceps c. Luikart forceps d. Kielland forceps
3. Early experiments with with a type of vacuum extractor were conducted by ?
a. Levret b. Smelie c. Ternier d. Simpson
4. Which principle is most important in the proper conduct of vacum extraction delivery ?
a. Cup size b. Station of presenting part c. Type of cup d. Placement of cup
5. which of the following is more strongly associated with vacuum extraction than forceps ?
a. Deep perineal lacerations
b. Increased need for anesthesia
c. Subgaleal hemorrhage
d. Later development of fecal incontinance
6. neonatal intracranial hemorrhage occurs more often with :
a. Forceps than vacuum
b. Vacuum than forceps
c. Simpson forceps than luikart forceps
d. None of above
7. with vacuum extracton, correct cup placement is described by which of following ?
a. Centered across the sagital suture
b. placed over the posterior fontanel
c. If ROA, the cup is placed on left fetal parietal bone
d. Traction axis is aligned with the suboccipitobregmatic diameter.

Forcep extraksi

1. Wanita 30 tahun G3P2A0 mengeluh mulas-mulas sejak 20 jam. Kehamilan cukup bulan,
sudah dipimpin mengedan selama 3 jam oleh paraji (dukun beranak) Kepala anak sudah
engaged di H4. Tindakan yang harus dilakukan:
a. SC b. Vakum c. observasi d. ekstraksi forceps
2. after a low forceps delivery for fetal intolerance, a mother continues to have excessive
vaginal bleeding despite a well-contracted uterus. Which of following locations is most likely
to be the site of a vaginal laceration after an instrumented delivery?
a. Extending of the cervix
b. Anterior upper third under the pubic symphysis
c. Lateral middle third over the ischial spines
d. Posterior middle third over the coccyx
3. which of following criteria are not required for an outlet forceps?
a. Head on pelvic floor
b. Sagital suture in the anteroposterior diameter
c. Head visible without separating the labia
d. Station at +5 cm
4. Long-term follow up studies on women and infants delivered via either vacuum or forceps
confirm that:
a. Fecal incontinence is not observed after vacuum extraction
b. Urinary incontinence is seen more often after forceps than after vacuum extractions
c. Neurologic injury to fetus is more common with forceps
d. Both vacuum and forceps deliveries result in a comparable incidence of urinary
and fecal incntinance at 5-year follow up
5. What feature of luikart forceps is useful to correct asynclitism ?
a. Pseudofenestrated blades
b. Overlapping shanks
c. Sliding lock
d. A bar built into the handle
6. Which of following cannot be classified as a low forceps?
a. Delivery from +3, LOA
b. Delivery from +2, ROP
c. Delivery from +4, OA
d. Delivery from +1, ROT
7. which of the following instruments is best suited for rotating the fetal head from occiput
posterior to occiput anterior?
a. Simpson forceps b. Kielland forceps c. Luikart forceps d. Piper forceps

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