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Bagas Wisnu W/08/XII-IBB

Chika Malahayati /09/XII-IBB


Announcement adalah sebuah functional text yang menunjukkan pemberitahuan

resmi/tidak resmi dalam bentuk lisan/tulisan yang berisikan pesan untuk diketahui
oleh semua orang, biasanya berupa sebuah ajakan. Kita dapat mendengar atau melihat
Announcement dimana-mana seperti di majalah, koran, mading, tempat ibadah,
tempat umum, Televisi, Radio, dan lain lain.

Fungsi Announcement
 To inform/to give information
 To announce/to give announcement

Jenis-Jenis Announcement
 Lowongan pekerjaan
 Penerimaan murid baru
 Pengumuman orang hilang
 Pengumuman
 Berita kematian seseorang
 Pengumuman sebuah acara
 Pemberitahuan dari pemerintah
 Pengumuman mading (Majalah dinding)

Bagian-Bagian Announcement
 Judul (Title)
 Tanggal/waktu (Date/time)
 Tempat (Place)
 Orang yang dapat di hubungi (Contact person)

Generic Structure dari Announcement

Announcement mempunyai struktur yang sangat sederhana yaitu title dan explanation.
 Title : Judul. Bagian ini menunjukkan perwakilan dari keseluruhan dari
Announcement, dengan ini pembaca / pendengar dapat mengetahui langsung
secara singkat isi dari Announcement tersebut.
 Explanation : Penjelasan. Bagian ini merupakan isi dari sebuah
Announcement. Biasanya terdiri dari informasi yang mencakup jenis kegiatan,
waktu, tempat, dan kepada siapa Announcement itu ditujukan.

Contoh Soal
Mighty River Short Story Contest
Deadline December 10, 2008
About the contest:
We're searching for the best short story relating in some way to the Mississippi River,
the River Valley, or a sister River: its landscape, people, culture, history, current
events, or future. Semi-finalists will be chosen by a regional team of published
writers. The final manuscript will be chosen by Susan Swartwout, publisher of
Southeast Missouri State University Press. Winner receives an award of $500 and
publication in Big Muddy: A Journal of the Mississippi River Valley. Winner will be
announced December 15, 2008.
Mail manuscripts to:
MRSS Contest Southeast Missouri State University Press MS 2650, One University
Plaza Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
1. What is the announcement about?
a. Regional publishers d. Some rivers in Mississippi
b. The deadline of a contest e. Short story contest
c. Winners of writing contest

2. When will be the end for the participants send their manuscript?
a. December 10, 2008 d. December 11, 2009
b. December 20, 2008 e. December 20, 209
c. December 11, 2008

3. Southeast Missouri State University Press MS 2650, One University Plaza Cape
Girardeau, MO 63701 is the address of ……..
a. Participants d. winner
b. Senders e. publisher

English Conversation Club

English Conversation Club (SCC) is opening registration for new members join us
and improve your English! Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hall For
registration, please contact Darwin (XIA) or Anisa (XIB)

4. When do the members have meeting?

A. In the morning
B. On Thursday afternoon
C. On Thursday morning
D. In the afternoon at three o’clock
E. In the evening

5. Where do they have the meeting?

A. In the ECC’s meeting room
B. In the XIA classroom
C. At the school hall
D. At the cafeteria
E. At the committee office

6. How long does the meeting last?

A. One and a half hours
B. One hour
C. One and a quarter hours
D. Two hours
E. Three hours

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