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Buat kalian yang aktif berorganisasi pasti sudah sangat familiar dengan yang namanya
Announcement Text. Ya benar, teks yang dalam bahasa Indonesia lebih dikenal dengan
nama pengumuman ini merupakan salah satu topik yang sering muncul selama kamu
mempelajari bahasa Inggris baik saat SMP, SMA, Perkuliahan bahkan hingga kamu bekerja

Apakah kamu sedang diberikan tugas untuk membuat pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggris
dikantor atau sedang mempersiapkan diri menghadapi Ujian Nasional, memahami apa itu
Announcement text sangatlah penting dan bermanfaat. Modul ini akan membimbing kalian
memahami definisi dari Announcement text, struktur dan unsur kebahasaan dari sebuah
Announcement Text, dan sebuah contoh pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggris.

A. Pengertian Announcement
Announcement adalah pernyataan (pemberitahuan resmi) dalam bentuk lisan atau tulis yang
berisi sesuatu untuk di ketahui oleh semua orang. Namun, tidak semua orang yang
mendengar atau membaca pengumuman tersebut berkepentingan atas pengumuman tersebut.
Pengumuman dapat kita dengar atau baca dimana saja, misalnya pengumuman lisan
disekolah atau di tempat-tempat umum, sedangkan pengumuman tertulis dapat kita baca di
papan pengumuman, di majalah, dan di koran.

B. Jenis Announcement
 Pengumuman orang hilang
 Berita Duka
 Berita pernikahan, ulang tahun, peresmian dan kelahiran
 Pengumuman Pemenang
 Lowongan pekerjaan
 Iklan
 Laporan kegiatan /acara
 Pemberitahuan/ himbauan dari pemerintah

C. Tujuan Announcement
“The purpose is to inform the announcement text information about an event, job
vacancies, new enrollment, new admissions, and so on”. Tujuan announcement text adalah
untuk memberitahukan informasi tentang sebuah acara, lowongan pekerjaan, penerimaan
murid baru, penerimaan mahasiswa baru, dan sebagainya dengan memberikan informasi
yang berbentuk formal kepada masyarakat umum atau masyarakat tertentu (To give a formal
written notice of certain events).

D. Generic Structure Announcement

Dalam penulisan Announcement text, jenis tenses yang digunakan yaitu simple present
tense dan simple future tense. Berikut adalah generic structure dari teks announcenet:
1. Title
Ini adalah bagian yang paling penting karena mewakili isi keseluruhan dari pengumuna
tersebut. Meski begitu kadang tidak disebutkan dengan jelas.

2. Explanation:
Penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang pengumunan tesebut. Biasanya terdiri dari informasi dasar
yang mencakup: jenis kegiatan, waktu, tempat, dan partisipant.

E. Bagian-bagian Announcement
 Judul atau jenis kejadian (The title/type of event)
 Tanggal dan waktu (date and time)
 Tempat (place)
 orang/alamat yang dapat dihubungi (contact person/address)

F. Contoh Announcement
1. Pengumuman Sekolah
In commemoration of National Education Day 2017, it is notified to all the students of
SMA Tunas Englishiana Cerdas Bermartabat that the school will hold a quiz competition
between classes, which will be held on 23 to 24 April 2017 in the auditorium of SMA
Tunas Englishiana Smart dignified. We each class enrolled 4 people representatives. Thus
we submit this announcement. Thank you for your attention.
Bandar Lampung, 16 April 2017

Chairman of the Student body,

Aulia Rahmasari
Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2017, diberitahukan kepada
seluruh siswa-siswi SMA Tunas Englishiana Cerdas Bermartabat bahwa sekolah akan
mengadakan lomba cerdas cermat antarkelas, yang akan dilaksanakan pada 23-24 April
2017 di aula SMA Tunas Englishiana Cerdas Bermartabat. Mohon setiap kelas
mendaftarkan 4 orang wakilnya. Demikian pengumuman ini kami sampaikan. Atas
perhatiannya, kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Bandar Lampung, 16 April 2017

Ketua OSIS,
Aulia Rahmasari

2. Pengumuman Singkat Tentang Kerja Bakti di Sekolah

SMA harapan will hold the cleanliness of the school environment event. The event is
planned to be held on Saturday, March 5, 2017. All students are required to bring cleaning

SMA Harapan akan mengadakan kegiatan kebersihan lingkungan sekolah. Kegiatan
direncanakan dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu, 5 Maret 2013. Semua siswa diwajibkan
membawa peralatan kebersihan.

3. Pengumuman Libur Sekolah

In order to welcome the coming of Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1438 H, school will dismiss
teaching-learning activities from Monday June 19th , 2017 until Saturday, July 1st , 2017
Please take a note!

Dalam rangka menyambut datangnya hari raya Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1438 H, Sekolah
akan meliburkan kegiatan belajar mengajar yang dimulai pada Senin19 Juni 2017
sampai dengan Sabtu 1 Juli 2017
Harap diperhatikan!

4. Pengumuman Lomba 17 Agustus

In order to commemorate the 72nd Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, it si
compulsory for all new students in the Academic Year of 2017/2018 of Universitas
Englishiana Muda Berkarya to attend the 72nd independence day ceremony of RI, on:
Day / Date : Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Time : 7:00 am west Indonesian time
Place : Soccer Field Unila
Dress code : White-black, and coat alma mater

Thanks for your attention.

Bandar Lampung, August 4, 2017

On behalf of Rector

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni

Prof. Dr. Sastra Karya, M.Ba.
NIP. 19621230 197803 1002

Dalam rangka peringatan hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke-72, diwajibkan
kepada seluruh mahasiswa baru Tahun Akademik 2017/2018 Universitas Englishiana
Muda Berkarya untuk mengikuti upacara peringatan hari kemerdekaan ke-72 RI, pada:

Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 17 Agusutus 2016

Pukul : 07.00 WIB
Tempat : Lapangan Sepakbola Unila
Pakaian : Putih-hitam, dan jas almamater

Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.

Bandar Lampung, 04 Agustus 2017

a.n Rektor
Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni

Prof. Dr. Sastra Karya, M.Ba.

NIP. 19621230 197803 1 002

5. Contoh Pengumuman Lomba 17 Agustus di Sekolah

Attention Please!
To celebrate Indonesian’s Independence Day, our school is going to hold some
competitions that will be held on 17 August 2017. There will be Running, swimming, and
many other competition.
Registration will be started from 10th until 15th August at Osis room.
Free registration and amazing prizes!
For more Information contact our OSIS chairperson.
Dimohon Perhatiannya!
Untuk merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia, sekolah kita akan mengadakan beberapa
Kompetisi yang akan digelar pada 17 Agustus 2017. Akan ada lomba lari, berenang, dan
banyak kompetisi lainnya.
Pendaftaran akan dimulai dari 10 sampai 15 Agustus di ruang Osis.
Pendaftaran gratis dan hadiah menakjubkan!
Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut hubungi ketua OSIS kita.

G. Exercises
Announcement Text 1

Green Miles West

The substitution of “West” in our name replacing “California” is the result of an agreement
we reached with California Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use
of “California” in our name.

We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal customers. While this represent
a change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of products we
offer our customers

1. The company assures its customers that they will always maintain the . . . of their
A. price
B. origin
C. quality
D. sale
E. quantity

2. The name “Green Miles West” is . . . .

A. a new name was given to Green Miles California
B. a new name of a merger of two company
C. a new name given from The California Gardening Association
D. a name of a new company that deals with gardening
E. a name given to a company formed by the Gardening Association

Announcement Text 2

All students must join the class meeting from 15th December to 21st Desember2008



3. What kind of the text is it?

A. A letter
B. A label
C. A postcard
D. An announcement
E. Memo

4. What is the text about?

A. The class meeting in a school.
B. The winner of the class meeting.
C. An invitation to join a class meeting.
D. The plan of having a class meeting.
E. Discussion about holding a class meeting

Announcement Text 3

Attention Please!
Students of grade XII are welcome to attend a morning seminar on :
You can learn a lot from Mr. Budi Umar, a well-known education consultant.

Date : July, 27th, 2018

Time : 07.30
Venue : School main hall

Don’t miss this free event. Seats are limited.

To reserve your seat, please call Kemal: 0812 69795677 0r 085234576

5. The advantages of attending the seminar that students get are able ….
A. To meet the education consultant
B. To prepare for the final examination
C. To teach strategies for the final examination
D. To get the free chance of joining the seminar
E. To be a presenter in that seminar

6. Who will come to the morning seminar?

A. All students
B. Mr. Budi Umar
C. Students of class XII
D. All students and their neighbors
E. Student who is the best in class XII

Announcement Text 4

To All students
We would like to inform you, that we would be having the school holiday from Thursday 8th
to Saturday 10th August 2015.
During the holiday, our school has already made plans! We want to go camping in the
Highlands to a place called Aviemore. It’s an outdoor center where you can learn to climb,
canoe and fish and do all sorts of exciting things.
Of course, we have to take you to Edinburgh Castle and the Festival too. Don’t worry; you
aren’t going to be bored! The school pays for all students, so you are free of charge.
Don’t forget to take your changing clothes with you. it may be wet. For those who want to
go, please meet Mr. Ananta at the teacher’s office.
Sincerely Yours


7. What should the students do to join the activity?

A. To pay for the trip
B. To go to the teacher’s office
C. To meet the headmaster
D. To bring the changing clothes
E. To visit principal’s house

8. From the text we know that ….

A. There are at least 5 activities that the school offers
B. The students should bring their own food
C. The holiday will last for two days
D. The holidays won’t be excited
E. All student will be examined in the highlands

9. The text is written to ….

A. To give information about the activity on school holiday
B. To describe an outdoor activity on school holiday
C. To remind students about an outdoor activity
D. To announce the school Thursday matter
E. To persuade students on joining student camp in the holiday

Announcement Text 5

Our school will celebrate its 17th anniversary on:

Day/ Date : Saturday, 17 February 2018

Place : Sport Hall
Time : 8.00 am – 11.00 am

To highlight this event, a special bazaar will be held together with music show of the school
band featuring a well known singer. All the teachers and students are supposed to attend this
celebration. For this reason all school extracurricular activities at school such as basketball,
Martial art, Football and English Sunday meeting will not be done for that day.

10. What did the school do to celebrate its anniversary?

A. To hold a special bazaar
B. To have a martial art competition.
C. To do all extracurricular activities.
D. To highlight all events well.
E. To participate in the marching band competition

11. The school did not have all the extracurricular activities on that day because … .
A. the sport hall would be used for the celebration of the school anniversary
B. all students had to attend the bazaar and buy everything sold in the event
C. there was an attractive music show performed by all students of the school
D. nobody was interested in playing basketball in the sport hall that day
E. All students have played football for 3 days

Announcement Text 6

To: All students

To celebrate the Hero’s day, our Student Organization will hold some interesting programs
such as English Speech Contest, Story Telling and Class Wall Magazine Competition.

Time : November 15, 2018, 8.00 a.m. – 13.00 p.m.

Theme : Hero
Registration : Budi

The coordinator of this program

12. What does the text announce?

a. A student organization
b. An English Speech Contest
c. Interesting event
d. A Hero’s Day Celebration
e. Student organization forum

13. Based on the text we can say that …

a. The programs will last for 5 hours
b. The programs will be held in the Hero Street
c. Two competitions will be held
d. Budi is one of judges of the programs
e. Only some student will participate in the celebration

Announcement Text 7

To All students and teachers

Come and visit our new library. Lots of new books (brand new novels and non-fiction books.
are available. You can also enjoy our newest DVDs collection.
Head of library


14. What are the things offered in the new library?

A. Books and DVDs
B. Old and new books
C. New books and novels.
D. New DVDs and non-fiction books
E. Popular movies

15. Why does the writer make the announcement?

A. To resume a new novel.
B. To invite the reader to visit the library.
C. To let the reader know about the head of library.
D. To help the reader know where to find the DVDs.
E. To make competition who visit the library a lots

16. Who make the announcement?

A. Ramadhan
B. All students
C. All teachers
D. The librarian
E. Guardian

Announcement Text 8

English Conversation Club (ECC.) is opening registration for new members
Join us and improve your English!
Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hall
For registration, please contact


17. When do the members have meeting?

A. In the morning.
B. On Thursday afternoon
C. On Thursday morning.
D. In the afternoon at three o’clock.
E. Tuesday night

18. Where do they have the meeting?

A. In the ECC’s meeting room.
B. In the VIIA classroom.
C. At the school hall.
D. At the cafeteria.
E. City hall

19. How long does the meeting last?

A. One and a half hours.
B. One hour
C. One and quarter hours.
D. Two hours.
E. One o’clock

Announcement Text 9
This is a new school year and there are many new students around. Please be friendly and
help them understand the rules of our school.

20. Where can you find the text?

A. At a school
B. At a bookstore.
C. At a bank.
D. At a park.
E. At school fee sheet

21. Why does the principal make the announcement?

A. To ask the students to be nice.
B. To let the students introduce to their junior.
C. To ask the students to contact their parents.
D. To inform about the new school year.
E. To persuade students to have holiday

22. Who do you think reads the announcement?

A. New students.
B. Senior students
C. Parents.
D. Teachers.
E. School graduates

23. ”Please be friendly….”. What is the meaning of the underlined word?

A. Disturbing
B. Interesting
C. Welcoming
D. Bothering
E. Attacking

Announcement Text 10

There will be a holiday camp next month. All scouts must join this camp. The activity will
take place at Royal Camping Site and last for three days.
For further information, please contact Mr. Arkan.

Medan, May 12th, 2010

The Chief of Scout Organization

24. When will the activity be held?

A. In May
B. In June
C. In July
D. In August
E. in April

25. If the camp starts in June 5th, when will it end?

A. June 6th.
B. June 7th.
C. May 12th.
D. May 25th.
E. July 5th

26. Who must join the activity?

A. All students
B. All scouts
C. All chiefs
D. All Medan people
E. All rulers in Medan

Announcement Text 11

Because of the high demand for electrical power due to extremely cold weather, the city is
facing a serious power shortage. We are asking residents to help us avoid this situation.
Please reduce your power consumption as much as possible. Lower household heat to sixty
degrees. Turn off all unnecessary appliances. Postpone energy-consuming tasks such as
doing the laundry.

27. The announcement is about …..

A. A serious power shortage in the city
B. The high demand for electrical power
C. The extremely cold weather in the city
D. The need to turn off all unnecessary appliances
E. The demand to postpone energy-consuming tasks

28. The announcement is addressed to …..

A. The residents of the city
B. The companies in the city
C. The rich people in the city
D. The officials that work in the city
E. The employees of the electricity company

29. “Turn of all unnecessary appliances.” The synonym of the underlined word is …….
A. Cables
B. Wires
C. Iron
D. Devices
E. Ingredients

Announcement Text 12

Albert and Partners Law Firm is pleased to announce that they have opened their law
practice on September 1, 2012 in 4 different cities
New clients are welcome
A law firm for all family matters:
Real estate, estate planning & administration, traffic, personal injury
divorce/custody/support, wills/trust, adoption, and home visits

Main Office : Jalan Kebayoran 5 Bandung

Branches : Jalan Angsana Timur 456 Jakarta
Jalan Agiwiyata 688 Surabaya
Jalan Surabaya 343 Medan

A new branch office in Semarang will open next month.

30. According to the text, clients who live in Surabaya can go to branch office for
A. Jalan Kebayoran 5
B. Jalan Angsana Timur 456
C. Jalan Agiwiyata 688
D. Jalan Surabaya
E. Semarang

31. From the text, we know that ….

A. the law firm has six offices
B. the main office is in Surabaya
C. the office has four branch offices now
D. they recently opened a branch in Bandung
E. they will soon have five offices in Indonesia

Announcement Text 13

To All Third Grade Students

All library books have to be returned on the twenty-second of May, 2009. They should be
covered with non-colorful wrapping plastic. Lost books must be replaced with the ones of
similar subjects. Fine will be charged to the late return of the books. Students who have
handed on all books will get receipts that have to be submitted to the administration officers.

32. What is informed on the announcement?

A. Request to return library books.
B. The subjects of the library books.
C. A compulsory to replace lost books.
D. The library administration officers.
E. Submission of receipts.

33. What will happen if the book you borrowed is lost?

A. You will get receipts.
B. It should be covered by non-colorful plastic.
C. The librarian will be fined by a certain amount of money.
D. You should cover with wrapping plastic.
E. It should be replaced with a similar book.

Announcement Text 14

Because of the high demand for electrical power due to extremely cold weather, the city is
facing a serious power shortage. We are asking residents to help us avoid this situation.
Please reduce your power consumption as much as possible. Lower household heats to sixty
degrees. Turn of all unnecessary appliances. Postpone energy-consuming tasks such as doing
the laundry.

34. The announcement is about …..

A. A serious power shortage in the city
B. The high demand for electrical power
C. The extremely cold weather in the city
D. The need to turn off all unnecessary appliances
E. The demand to postpone energy-consuming tasks

35. The announcement is addressed to …..

A. The residents of the city
B. The companies in the city
C. The rich people in the city
D. The employees of the electricity company
E. The officials that work in the city

36. “Turn of all unnecessary appliances.” The synonym of word “appliances “is …….
A. Cables
B. Wires
C. Iron
D. Ingredients
E. Devices

Announcement Text 15

To : All Employees
Effective date : February 1st, 2010
Subject : Staff uniforms

All employees are required to wear a uniform during work hours. This is to make it easier to
distinguish them from customers. Women should wear a colorful blouse with black pants or
a black knee-length skirt. Men should wear black pants with an orange or red T-Shirt.

37. What should woman employees wear?

A. an orange shirt and black pants
B. a yellow skirt and black pants
C. a black skirt and colorful blouse
D. a white skirt and colorful blouse
E. a blue shirt and colorful blouse

Announcement Text 16

In accordance with the international security regulation, the following items are never
allowed to be taken onto a plane by passengers, either in their carry-on bags or in their
checked luggage: weapons, including knives and guns; explosives, including dynamite and
The following items may be placed in checked luggage but not on carry-on bags. Tools,
including hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches; sport equipment such as golf clubs,
baseball bats, skis, and ski poles.
When you pass through the security line, all bags will go through our X-Ray machines and
some bags will be manually checked by personal, as well

38. What is the announcement about?

A. Weapons and explosives
B. Items brought on carry-on bags
C. Welcoming foreign passengers
D. An international airport security regulation
E. A warning to passengers from different countries

39. The underline part of the sentences above means…

A. All bags will be sent to the x-ray machines
B. All bags will be delivered with x-ray machines
C. All bags will be move to the x-ray machines
D. All bags will be packed next to x-ray machines
E. All bags will be checked by using x-ray machines

40. Things can be brought onto an airplane, except…

A. Knives
B. Ski poles
C. Wrenches
D. Screwdrivers
E. Basketball bats

Announcement Text 17

English Speaking Club

There will be a program to develop our speaking skills next Sunday. We’ll practice guiding
tourists in Borobudur Temple. Please enroll soon since there are limited seats.
Departure : 08.00 a.m.
Fee : Rp50.000.-
Contact person : Devi Mia


Budi Wila

41. Which statement is TRUE about the announcement of the English Speaking Club?
A. Devi Mia is the supervisors of the program.
B. The implementation of the program is on Sunday
C. Each participant has to pay rp50.000 to the chef.
D. The aim of the program is to guide foreign tourists.
E. The participants will guide foreign tourists in Borobudur temple.

42. “Please enroll soon since there are limited seats.” The word “enroll” means …..
A. Register
B. Answer
C. Subscribe
D. Appeal
E. Record

Announcement Text 18

Pay attention!
Please join us!
Are you ready?

Our school will have an English Debate Competition

Participants: All students in our school
It will be held from 28th – 29th September 2018
I. Rp. 1.000.000
II. Rp. 750.000
III.Rp. 500.000

43. What is the announcement about?

A. A school debate
B. A school competition
C. Participants of debate
D. English debate competition
E. Extracurricular activities

44. According to the text, the competition …

A. Is only for students with good grade
B. Is in the form of spoken arguments
C. Is in the form of written arguments
D. Will be held after school hours
E. Will run for two days

Announcement Text 19
The registration of English Debating Championship (EDC. is extended until 20 October
2018. Only the candidates of participants who have completed the registration process who
will be invited to this championship two weeks later.
For more information, please call our contact person, Haris Andika at (021. 9933847
EDC Committee

45. What is announced by the announcement?

A. The registration of EDC is prolonged
B. The cancellation of competition
C. The registration is closed
D. The registration is opened
E. Invitation of registration

46. Who makes the announcement?

A. Haris Andika
B. EDC participant
C. The committee
D. The jury of EDC
E. The candidate

47. When will the championship be held?

A. 20 october 2018
B. Not determined yet
C. 20 september 2018
D. 28 september 2018
E. 29 september 2018

48. What is the synonym of the word championship?

A. Competition
B. Parade
C. Winner
D. Display
E. Volunteer

49. Which one is not true according to the text above?

A. There is a number to call if we need more information
B. The candidates of participants have to register no later than 20 October 2018
C. Haris Andika is the leader of the committee
D. Not all of the candidates will be invited to this championship
E. The candidates of participants have to complete the registration process
Announcement Text 20

CyboEnergy, Inc. (Rancho Cordova, CA. Is pleased to announce that our company has been
awarded US. patent 8,786,133 entitled “Smart and Scalable Power Inverters”.
CyboEnergy has implemented technology In Its award-winning Cybolnverter off-grid solar
power systems. For more Information, please visit our website or Contact us.
PH: 1 413 75 680n (office.

50. What is the objective of the text?

A. To inform the U.S. Patent 8,786,133
B. To describe the implementation of the technology
C. To announce “smart and scalable inverters
D. To explain the U.S. Patent
E. To advertise CyboEnergy Inc.

51. Why has the company been awarded?

A. It successfully used alternative energy resources
B. It successfully implemented the new technology
C. It successfully improved the technology of power inverters
D. It successfully modified the energy systems
E. It successfully changed power systems

52. Cybolnverter is the equipment for ….

A. Energy saving
B. Alternative energy
C. Power supply
D. Energy consumption
E. Power diffusion

Announcement Text 21

Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a Fund Raising Activity next month. It is intended to
help victims of the landslide which happened yesterday. Everyone who is interested in this
activity, please join us. You are also invited to donate your used clothes. If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Maryam as chief program coordinator at her house
from 07.00 a.m. – 03.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

53. What is the announcement about?

A. A neighborhood’s activity
B. Ms. Maryam’s program
C. Used clothes donation
D. Victims of a landslide
E. Fund raising activity

54. Where can Ms. Maryam accept her neighbors’ questions?

A. At her house
B. At her office
C. At the neighborhood
D. At the landslide area
E. At the committee office

55. If you have any question, please feel free to contact Ms. Maryam. This sentence has the
same meaning as .…
A. Ms. Maryam is always ready to give information you need
B. Ms. Maryam is always ready to ask your questions
C. You are not charged if you contact Ms. Maryam
D. Ms. Maryam will give you questions freely
E. Ms. Maryam has questions to ask

Announcement Text 22

To all employees
There will be a blackout each Saturday during this month. Consequently, we will use the
generator as the electric source. So, please do not use air conditioners on Saturdays.
Please don’t forget to turn off the lights, computers, printers during the break as usual.

56. Where can you read the announcement?

A. At school
B. In a bank
C. In a company
D. In a library
E. In a farm

57. According to the text, what should the employees turn off each Saturday?
A. Computers
B. Air conditioners
C. Lamps
D. Printers
E. Generator

Announcement Text 23

Pay Attention Please!

This Thursday is August 17th, the Independence Day.
Don’t miss the Independence Day festival!
The festival begins at 08.00 in every district In Jakarta.
Gather in front of our school at 07.30 to see the parade with the principal.
Don’t miss it! And Join many contests at school.
Free registration, full of prizes!

58. What does the text tell about?

A. Independence Day Festival
B. Gathering in school
C. Parade with the principal
D. School contest
E. Time registration

59. What time will the festival start?

A. In the mid night
B. In the midday
C. In the morning
D. In the evening
E. In the afternoon

60. Where do they have to gather to see the parade?

A. in Jakarta
B. in Principal’s room
C. in front of their school
D. in school corridor
E. in school yard
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. D
22. B
23. C
24. B
25. B
26. B
27. A
28. A
29. D
30. C
31. E
32. A
33. E
34. B
35. A
36. E
37. C
38. D
39. E
40. A
41. B
42. A
43. D
44. B
45. A
46. C
47. B
48. A
49. C
50. C
51. C
52. B
53. E
54. A
55. A
56. C
57. B
58. A
59. C
60. C

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