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Di Indonesai maupun di luar negeri pastinya orang selalu memberikan kata selamat pada
orang lain yang telah mendapatkan kesuksesan, baik itu mendapatkan kelulusan,
mendapatkan pekerjaan, ulang tahun atau seseorang yang lagi sedang menikah.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, terdapat materi tersendiri untuk memberikan kata selamat pada orang
lain yaitu Expression of Congratulation.
Nah, pada kali ini, admin dari akan memberikan materi tentang Pengertian, Jenis
dan Fungsi Expression of Congratulation dalam Bahasa Inggris. Jadi diharapkan untuk
membacanya jangan lompat-lompat yah, agar materi yang dibahas pada kali ini bisa kalian
semua pahami.

A. What is Congratulating?
Congratulation merupakan ucapan yang memberikan aspresiasi kepada orang telah
mandapatkan keberhasilan.
Expression of Congratulation adalah sebuah ekspresi yang digunakan untuk memberikan
ucapan selamat pada seseorang yang telah sukses dalam meraih cita-citanya..
Congratulation memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata good wish. Artinya memberikan
aspresiasi atau harapan yang baik ke seseorang.

Bagaimana Cara Penggunaan Expression of Congratulation?

Expression of Congratulation digunakan untuk memberikan kata selamat kepada seseorang.
Berikut ini ada ilustarsi tentang Expresent of Congratulation:
Rahmat Isnadi baru-baru saja lulus dari salah satu perguruan tinggi. Kemudian, Nadhy
memberikan kata selamat kapadnya.

Rahmat Isnadi : I have graduated this year. Now, I am very happy.

Nadhy : That is good news; I hope that you get success.

Jenis-jenis Expression of Congratulation

Ada beberapa jenis Expression of Congratulation dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berikut nie
beberapa Expression of Congratulation:
 Someone's Birthday
 Someone's Wedding
 Christmas day
 Eid/ Idul Fitri day
 New Year
 Valentine days
 Anniversary

Contoh Expression of Congratulation

 Congratulation my friend!
 Congratulation on your promotion!
 Congratulation for your graduate!
 Let me congratulate on your success!
 I congratulate you on your achievements!
 Congratulation on your success!
 Congratulation on your achievements!
 Good job!
 Nice work!
 It was really great to hear about.
 You are fantastic!
 That’s excellent of you!
 Well done, congratulation for you.
 Splendid!
 How fortunate!
 You did very well.
 You have done good work.
 I will become the first to congratulate you on your success.
 I’d like to congratulate you on your success.
 Please, accept my warmest congratulations.
 May I congratulate you on …
 I must say congratulation on …
 I would like to congratulate to you.
 Congratulations on your wedding.
 I must congratulate you for a job promotion.
 I congratulate you for winning this tournament.
 Let me congratulate you.
 I am very happy with your success.
 Happy New Year!
 Happy birthday my boy!

Cara Merespon Expression of Congratulation

Ada ungkapan, ada pula respon. Simak beberapa kalimat di bawah ini yang merupakan
respon dalam Expressing Congratulation.

Jika ada ungkapan maka adapula respon dari ungkapan tesebut. Nah, simaklah text di bawah
ini yang merupakan dalam merespon Expression of Congratulation.

 Thank you.
 Thank you very much.
 Thanks, I needed that.
 It’s very kind of you to say that.
 It’s very kind of you to say so.
 Thank you, I still need to learn more.
 It’s nothing at all.
 Do you really think that?

Latihan Expression of Congratulation

Part 1
Choose one of the options that you think is the best answer!
1. Siti has just got the first prize in the “Bakiak race” to celebrate Indonesia Independence
day. Beni congratulates her.
What does Beni say to congratulate Siti?
Beni : ” __________________________.”
Siti : ”Thank you.”
A. Sure, Good luck.
B. Congratulate to Siti
C. Congratulations, Siti
D. Thanks, I will do my best
E. I am sure you will win the race.

2. Dayu : ”Who won the football match yesterday?”

Udin : ”Our team did. We won two to one.”
Dayu : ”Well done. _________________________.”
Udin : ”Thank you.”
A. I’m glad to hear that.
B. That’s too bad
C. I’m sorry.
D. You’re welcome
E. No problem

3. Edo : ”Happy birthday, Lia.”

Lia : ”Thank you Edo. You are the first who congratulate me.”
Edo : ”Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.”
Lia : ”Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.”
Why does Edo give Lia a present?
A. Because Lia likes present.
B. Because today Dayu’s birthday.
C. Because Edo has a lot of money.
D. Because Lia is celebrating her birthday today.
E. Because they are best friend

4. Dear Wulan, Congratulation on your success on the college entrance exam. May today
success be just the beginning of your long life achievement and happiness. Remember
the challenge is waiting for you in the college. Nevertheless, I believe that you can
handle it well. Good luck!
Your best friend,
The purpose of the text above is ....
A. To persuade someone
B. To entertain someone
C. To congratulate someone
D. To invite someone
E. To give worthily news

5. Dear Wulan, Congratulation on your success on the college entrance exam. May today
success be just the beginning of your long life achievement and happiness. Remember
the challenge is waiting for you in the college. Nevertheless, I believe that you can
handle it well. Good luck!
Your best friend,
What has Wulan done?
A. on the contest
B. Passed the college entrance exam
C. Invited Fitri to his celebration day
D. Graduated from University
E. Won the beauty contest
6. Rania has just made a very beautiful handicraft from coconut leaf. Chandra praises her
craft and hope that she will win the national competition.
Chandra : “_____________.”I’m sure you will win the national competition.”
Rania : “Thank you. I hope so too.”
A. That’s a very beautiful handicraft
B. I’m glad to hear that
C. You are the winner
D. What is that
E. I know you are my best friend

7. Nuri has just finished practicing singing. She will sing in the celebration of the
Indonesia Independence Day. Shinta praises her that she sings like a real singer, and
she will get a big applause for that.
Shinta : “You sing like a singer. ________________________________.”
Nuri : “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.”
A. I’m sure you will get a very big applause
B. I’m sorry
C. You are a good student
D. Congratulate to Nuri
E. I am not sure about it.

8. Fadel is going to participate in the story telling competition. Dara shows her hope that
Fadel will get a prize.
Fadel : “Dara, wish me luck. I will take part in the story telling competition.”
Dara : “____________________. I hope you will win the competition.”
A. Thank you very much
B. I hope so
C. I’m sorry
D. Sure, Good luck
E. I am a little disappointed.

9. Ade has just finished drawing a picture of Tinta, his best friend. He will present it to her
on her birthday. Nida praises the picture and she assures that Tinta will like it.
Nida : “Ade, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure Tinta will like it.”
Ade : “__________________________.”
A. Wish me luck
B. Happy birthday
C. Good luck
D. Thanks. I hope so too
E. What do you say?
10. Rahma’s father has given her permission to walk to the mountain. Gibril is happy for
her and expresses his hope that she will have a safe trip.
Rahma : “Thank God. Finally my father lets me go to the mountain walk.”
Gibril : “______________________. Have a safe trip.”
A. I’m happy for you
B. Wish me happy
C. Thank you very much
D. I hope so
E. I have no idea

11. In these situations below, you will congratulate someone, except _______
A. Someone get a promotion
B. Your friend pass the exam
C. Your uncle move to his new home
D. You unsure about something
E. Your sister celebrate her birthday

12. Which of the following is NOT a way to congratulate someone?

A. Well done! You did it!
B. Happy graduation!
C. See you later!
D. Congratulations on your wedding day!
E. Happy birthday! I promise to give you special prize

13. How would you congratulate someone after the birth of their baby?
A. Congratulations on your new arrival!
B. Good luck!
C. Thank you
D. Happy anniversary!
E. Wish you luck!

14. How would you congratulate someone who wins a competition?

A. Happy graduation!
B. Congratulations on your promotion
C. Congratulations for winning the competition
D. Happy birthday!
E. Good job brother! You are the best player.

15. The following are the expression of congratulations, except _______

A. Congratulations!
B. Best wishes for your next journey
C. I am sorry to hear that
D. I congratulate you on your success
E. My congratulation on your success

16. The following sentences are responses of a congratulation expressions, except _____
A. Thank you
B. Thank you very much.
C. It was nice of you
D. Don't worry about it
E. Oh I am very grateful for it.

17. Dona: Mom, I finally passed the exam

Mother: _____________________
A. Well done, Dona! Congrats!
B. Thank you, Dona!
C. Don't worry!
D. Do your best!
E. You look so cool!

18. How would you congratulate someone that get a job promotion
A. Happy graduation!
B. Happy anniversary!
C. Congratulations on your promotion
D. Congratulations! I wish happiness, joy and love for you both.
E. How can you reach that position?

19. How to congratulate someone on their wedding day!

A. Good luck!
B. Congratulations on your graduation!
C. Congratulations on your wedding day!
D. Happy birthday!
E. Don’t forget to thank your parents!

20. Your friend was accepted in a reputable university. How would you congratulate him?
A. Congratulations! Good luck for your study.
B. Thank you for your achievement
C. Happy graduation!
D. Happy anniversary!
E. I finally find you in that university.

Part 2
Make congratulations and hope expression/sentences based on the situation given!1.
1. Ana has just got a scholarship to study abroad in UK this year.
You : ___________________________________________
2. Roni wins the story telling contest in his school.
You say : ___________________________________________
3. Your father gets a promotion to be a marketing manager.
You: ___________________________________________
4. Farah made a beautiful handicraft. Many people like it.
You say to her: ___________________________________________
5. You meet with Miss Indonesia 2019.
What would you say to her? __________________________________
6. Shidqi , your close friend becomes a chosen Batang tourism Guide 2019.
You say to him: ___________________________________________
7. Your mother sings very well. And she is going to join the singing contest next week.
You say to your mom: ___________________________________________
8. Toro, your neighbor wins the bicycle race in Semarang.
You are eager to congratulate him.
You: ___________________________________________
9. The ninth grade students have already graduated.
You are the eight student wants to congratulate them.
You: ___________________________________________
10. Your neighbor, Slamet is going to move to the new house.
You said to him: ___________________________________________

Part 1
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. D
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. C
15. C
16. D
17. A
18. C
19. C
20. A

Part 2
Jawaban variatif. Sesuikan dengan kebutuhan!

Ketika kalian melihat seseorang setiap hari atau setiap minggu di tempat kerja,
sekolah, klub percakapan, atau tempat lain di mana kalian berinteraksi dengan
orang disekitarnya, kalian akan melihat beberapa aspek kepribadian, gaya
pakaian, gadget atau teknologi, atau bahkan caranya mereka mendekorasi
kantor mereka.

Pujian adalah menyatakan sesuatu yang positif tentang seseorang, dengan

tulus dan sejujurnya. Pujian itu adalah sesuatu ucapan yang membuat orang
yang mendengarnya merasa tersanjung, sehingga dapat juga memberikan
motivasi kepada orang yang di pujinya. Pujian itu penting sekali, guna untuk
menunjukan betapa kita benar-benar menyukai apa yang di katakan, di
lakukan, atau dicapai oleh seseorang. Pujian membuat orang menjadi lebih

1. Pengertian Expressions of Compliment

Jika kalian ingin meningkatkan hari seseorang, tidak ada yang lebih mudah daripada
memberinya pujian. Memberi pujian juga bisa menjadi cara mudah untuk membuka

What’s a compliment? A compliment is an expression of admiration, appreciation,

approval, or respect.

Jadi yang dimaksud dengan Pengertian Expressions of Compliment adalah sebuah ungkapan
dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk memberikan pujian, kekaguman, penghargaan,
persetujuan, atau rasa hormat..

2. Penggunaan Expressions of Compliment

Penggunaan Expressions of Compliment sebenarnya sudah dijelaskan dalam pengertian di
atas, Memberikan pujian adalah cara cepat untuk menunjukkan kepada orang lain bahwa
kalian menghargai mereka dan sesuatu yang telah mereka investasikan waktu – apakah itu
penampilan mereka, gaya pribadi mereka, proyek kerja, atau prestasi lain.

How to Give Compliments?

BUDAYA – Di Amerika Serikat, orang umumnya memberikan pujian dengan antusias
membagikan pendapat mereka. Orang Amerika cukup langsung, sehingga kalian dapat
membagikan pemikiran kalian tanpa terlalu banyak perkenalan.

Sebelum mengatakan sesuatu yang baik kepada orang lain, kalian dapat menggunakan salah
satu dari ungkapan ini untuk memperkenalkan pujian kalian:
 I’d like to tell you that…
 I wanted to say/mention that…
 I’ve been meaning to mention…
 I’ve been thinking that…
 If you ask me, you(r)….
 I noticed that…
 If you don’t mind me saying…

Frasa pengantar ini menunjukkan bahwa kalian telah berpikir dengan hati-hati sebelum
mengatakan apa yang ingin kalian katakan dan membantu orang lain merasa lebih nyaman
mendengar apa yang terjadi selanjutnya.

Here are some guidelines for giving compliments:

1. Be specific
Ketika kalian memberi seseorang pujian, kalian ingin spesifik. Semakin spesifik pujian,
semakin banyak orang tahu persis apa yang dilakukannya dengan baik.

Great job on the presentation!

Ini merupakan salah satu pujian yang bagus, tetapi itu tidak memberikan banyak informasi
tentang apa yang orang itu lakukan dengan benar. Mereka akan merasa baik, tetapi mereka
tidak akan memiliki informasi tentang apa yang harus dilakukan lebih banyak di masa

I love your style. You always wear the coolest scarves. (lebih spesifik)

2. Don’t overdo it
Batasi jumlah pujian yang kalian berikan dan jangan terlalu pribadi saat memberikan
pujian, semakin banyak, semakin baik, bukan? Itu salah!

Memberikan terlalu banyak pujian bisa membuat kalian terdengar tidak tulus (lebai). Saat
memuji orang lain, sebutkan satu atau dua hal yang Anda kagumi, lalu berhenti di situ.
Anda dapat memberikan pujian ketiga, keempat, dan kelima di lain waktu.

Demikian pula, berhati-hatilah untuk tidak terlalu pribadi saat memberikan pujian. Jika
kalian memuji penampilan seseorang, jangan sebutkan bagian tubuh tertentu. Biasanya
tidak apa-apa untuk memuji mata atau rambut seseorang, tetapi tidak banyak yang lain
kecuali mereka adalah teman yang sangat dekat. Juga tidak biasa memuji penampilan fisik
seseorang dalam lingkungan profesional atau akademik. Ini bisa membuat orang lain
merasa tidak nyaman dan umumnya tidak pantas – terutama jika kalian berbicara dengan
seseorang yang memiliki posisi kuat.

3. Use appropriate tone

Jika kalian memberi seseorang pujian, kalian ingin mengekspresikan antusiasme. Cara
termudah untuk melakukan ini adalah memastikan kalian memiliki senyum di wajah kalian
masing-masing. Karena hal ini akan mengangkat intonasi nada kalian secara alami.

Common Topics for Giving Compliments

Karena memberikan pujian adalah masalah budaya dan konvensi, ada topik umum yang
biasanya kita puji orang. Berikut adalah tiga kategori utama untuk memberikan pujian:

 Performance
 achievements (prestasi)
 talents (bakat)
 skills (keterampilan)
 abilities (kemampuan)
 Appearance
 style (gaya)
 personal taste in possessions (selera pribadi dalam kepemilikan)
 Personal qualities
 personality characteristics (karakteristik kepribadian)

Contoh Expressions of Compliment

Indirect compliments
1. Compliments on performance, achievements, talents, skills, or abilities
Cara paling umum untuk memuji seseorang adalah dengan menyebutkan kinerjanya di
tempat kerja atau di sekolah.

I read your essay – it was so well written! Congratulations!
Saya membaca esai Anda – itu ditulis dengan sangat baik! Selamat!

Jika orang tersebut memiliki bakat, keterampilan, atau kemampuan khusus, kita dapat
memuji mereka karenanya. Misalnya, jika kalian melihat teman kalian tampil dalam
permainan, kalian dapat memberikan pujian atas kemampuan mereka.

I loved your performance in the school play! You are a talented actor.
Saya menyukai penampilan kamu di drama sekolah! Kamu adalah aktor yang berbakat.
2. Compliments on appearance, style, or personal taste in possessions
Karena kita melihat orang-orang setiap hari di tempat kerja, sekolah, atau bahkan di jalan,
kita jelas melihat penampilan fisik mereka. Merupakan hal yang biasa untuk memuji
potongan rambut atau gaya rambut orang lain atau menyebutkan sesuatu tentang pakaian
atau asesorisnya. Demikian pula, kalian juga dapat memuji selera pribadi seseorang
sehubungan dengan barang-barang seperti sepeda, mobil, atau sepeda motornya, atau
rumah atau apartemen orang tersebut, termasuk perabot dan dekorasi di dalamnya.

You look amazing. Where’d you get that dress?
Kamu terlihat luar biasa. Di mana kamu mendapatkan gaun itu?

I love your hair. It really flatters your face.

Aku suka rambutmu. Ini benar-benar menyanjung wajahmu.

That’s such a pretty scarf. You have great taste.

Itu selendang yang cantik. Kamu memiliki selera yang luar biasa.

What a nice bike! Where’d you get it?

Sepeda yang bagus! Di mana kamu mendapatkannya?

I really like that desk. It looks great in this space.

Saya sangat suka meja itu. Terlihat bagus di ruang ini.

3. Compliments on personal qualities or personality characteristics

Selain memuji keterampilan dan kemampuan seseorang atau selera pribadi mereka, kalian
juga dapat menyebutkan kualitas pribadi atau karakteristik kepribadian yang kalian
kagumi. Kalian juga dapat memuji sikap, pendekatan, atau kemampuan seseorang untuk
tetap tenang, termotivasi, atau menjadi pekerja keras.

You’re always so happy. It always cheers me up.
Kamu selalu sangat senang. Itu selalu menghiburku.

You’re such a hard-working person. I admire you.

Anda adalah orang yang pekerja keras. Saya mengagumi Anda.

I’m impressed that you were able to stay so calm in the meeting. What’s your secret?
Saya terkesan bahwa Anda bisa tetap tenang dalam rapat. Apa rahasia Anda?

Your child is such a good student. Congratulations on raising him well!

Anak Anda adalah murid yang baik. Selamat telah membesarkannya dengan baik!
Your girlfriend is so friendly! Everyone loves talking to her.
Pacarmu sangat ramah! Semua orang suka berbicara dengannya.

Your dog is adorable! What breed is she?

Anjingmu menggemaskan! Trah apa dia?

Common Phrases Used to Give Compliments

Berikut adalah beberapa ungkapan standar untuk memberikan pujian:

1. I really like / love your (possession/object).

Example: I love your bookcase! Where’d you get it?
2. Your (noun) is/looks (intensifier) (adjective).
Example: Your hair looks so shiny. What product do you use?
3. That’s (such) a (adjective) (noun).
Example: That’s such a pretty necklace! You have great taste.
4. What a (adjective) (noun)!
Example: What a cool cell phone. I’ve never seen one like that.
5. You have a (adjective) (noun).
Examples: You have a great apartment. OR You have beautiful eyes.
6. You (really) did a (great / amazing / fantastic / awesome / excellent) job on that
(presentation / project / assignment / test).
Example: You did an excellent job on that presentation. I now understand the research
goals of the project.
7. You look (adjective).
Example: You look so radiant. What’s your secret?
8. Where did you get your…?
Example: Where did you get your watch? I love it. It’s so elegant.
9. Great (noun)!
Example: Great job / game / presentation!
10. Nice (noun)!
Examples: Great watch / car / save (in sports).
11. You have a great (characteristic).
Examples: You have a great memory / attitude / outlook / sense of style / work ethic.
12. You have great (unaccounted noun).
Example: You have great taste / style.
13. That (noun) looks good on you.
Example: Those shoes look great on you. You look so tall.

The Expression of Complement

 That’s a beautiful dress!
 What lovely shoes!
 You did very well.
 You are a good cook.
 You look charming in that dress.
 The Responses of Compliment
 Thank you
 Really? Thanks
 Thank you for saying so
 I am glad you like it
 I am glad you enjoyed it


Part 1
Choose one of the options that you think is the best answer!

1. Audrey : I just bought a new gown. What do you think about it?
Lala : .................................................
Audrey : Thanks.
A. What a pretty gown!
B. I don't know.
C. How much it cost?
D. Where did you buy it?
E. You are welcome.

2. What is a proper respond when someone compliments your looking?

A. I am actually not.
B. No, you're lying!
C. Thanks, I appreciate that.
D. Really? I don't think so.
E. None of your business.

3. Brenda : I ……. your house! It’s so spacious and clean.

Luke : Thank you very much for saying so.
A. hate
B. want
C. dislike
D. love
E. buy

4. Paula : That is a really …….. machine.

Katherine : Thank you Paula. It’s old but it’s still working well.
A. Ugly
B. Fancy
C. Bad
D. Cheap
E. Useless

5. Pluto : Would you like some more slices of pizza?

Hans : Yes, they’re very ……., but I’m full already.
A. Tasteless
B. Not good
C. Delicious
D. So so
E. Much

6. Maria : Mom, finally I won the music contest.

Mother : ______
A. It’s usual thing
B. You must be better next time.
C. I’m proud of you.
D. Do your best
E. Are you kidding me?

7. Oki : I really want to go to Lombok.

Nanda : You must go there someday. ___
A. Lombok is the best place.
B. I want to go with you
C. Lombok is not too good
D. I suggest you not to go there.
E. The trip cost must be expenxive.

8. Rahel : Hey, Daniel! How was the economics competition? Did you and your team
go home with the trophy?
Daniel : Thank God, we did. Fortunately we succeeded to get the first place.
Rahel : _________________________________________________
Daniel : Thank you very much for saying so. So, how about you and your team in
astronomy competition?
Rahel : Unfortunately, I and my team didn’t get the first place. We got the third
place but I was really happy since we had won over many other teams and
gone that far.
Daniel : That’s the spirit, Rahel! I am sure you and your friend did it very well. I
congratulate you on your great success.
Rahel : Thank you very much, Daniel. We still have to learn more to be the first like
your teams did.
Daniel : Cool! Let’s fight for the next competition!

What would Daniel say after his team succeeds?

A. It’s so bad news from you.
B. How you can win in this competition?
C. Wow, i don’t believe you Daniel.
D. Wow that’s a good job, Dan. Congratulation on your team success!
E. Good job. Your team got a bad score in this competition.

9. Farhan : So, how long has it been since the first publishing of your first novel?
Yola : It’s been 3 weeks since then.
Farhan : So, how many copies have been sold this far?
Yola : Thank God. Many people seem to like it very much. Since the first
publishing 3 weeks ago, there have been over 500 copies sold.
Farhan : Splendid! I’d like to congratulate you on your success at your first time
publishing your novels.
Yola : _____________________________________
Farhan : Keep the good work, Yola. I know you could be a great author someday.
What would Yola say after she gets a compliment from Farhan?
A. Thank you very much, Mr. Farhan. It’s very kind of you to say so
B. I feel this makes me very shocked
C. Thank you very much, Mr. Farhan. It’s very bad of you to say so
D. Thank you very much, Mr. Farhan. My dress is created by Muflika.
E. Thank you very much, Mr. Farhan. These green shoes make me taller than before.

10. X : I haven’t told you what happened yet, have I?

Z : I haven’t heard anything.
X : My boss offered me a promotion, and I took it.
Z : Are you serious?
X : Yes, I am really excited.
Z : __________________________

A. Thank you very much for your compliment

B. Thanks God.
C. Oh My God. I know you can do it
D. That’s great. Congratulations.
E. Congratulation! You get best score in this examination.

11. Melkah : Hello Fatimah!

Fatimah : ______________________________
Melkah : Thank you very much. Yesterday I went to the salon and I decided to get a
Fatimah : It’s a good style for you. Which salon you visit yesterday?
Melkah : Johny Andrean’s salon in Bintaro.
A. Hello Melkah! Oh my god! You hair is so cute
B. Hello Melkah! How are you?
C. Hello Melkah! How think about my new hair?
D. Hello Melkah! Let’s go to the salon now
E. Hello Melkah! Your shirt is so cute

12. If you want to give compliment someone on their appearance, what would you say?
A. Well done.
B. Happy birthday to you
C. Congratulation
D. Thank you
E. Your hair is so beautiful

13. If you want compliment someone because he won singing contest. What would you say?
A. Thank you very much
B. Thanks a lot
C. That was wonderful, you are so talented
D. That was wonderful, your dance is nice
E. That was wonderful; you are so pretty on the stage

14. When you come in night premiere and you look someone wear a nice hat. What would
you say?
A. This is so bad
B. This is so nice hat
C. It’s bad style
D. It’s good style
E. It was like Harry’s style
15. When you come in Salsa’s birthday party. What would you say to Salsa?
A. I know you happy now
B. Happy New Year
C. Happy Ied Mubarok
D. You look so happy
E. Happy birthday

16. If you are Moslem, when you will say “ Happy Ied Mubarok!”
A. In Ied Fitri
B. In Shuro
C. In Chrismas
D. In Maulid Day
E. In Valentine Day

17. When your mother cooks spaghetti and it has good taste. What would you say to your
A. It’s delicious
B. It’s flat
C. It’s great
D. Nice job
E. It’s spaghetti

18. Z: ........
X: Thanks! I made it myself!
Z: Teach me how to make one someday, ok?
X: Ok!
The correct sentence to fill in the blank is...
A. Nice dress!
B. No, thanks
C. I'd like a cup of tea please
D. Is that yours?
E. I am proud of you.

19. You met your friend at school with a new haircut. The correct sentence to compliment
her is ________________
A. Nice shoes! Where did you buy them?
B. Your hair looks awful. Try to use another shampoo
C. I love your bag. How much is it?
D. Your hair looks so cute!
E. The haircut looks strange to me.

20. X: What's your name? (1)

Z: My name is Olivia (2)
X: What a lovely name! (3)
Z: Thanks! (4)
X: You are welcome (5)
Which sentence is a compliment?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

21. The following sentences are compliments, except...

A. You look gorgeous!
B. I have a new phone
C. I like your outfit!
D. You look amazing!
E. Splended!

22. (1) B: Yeah!

(2) A: They look adorable!
(3) A: Oh my god, where did you get them?
(4) B: I found them across the street. They looked lost so I brought them in
Put the sentences in the right order to make the right dialog!
A. (1)-(2)-(3)-(4)
B. (4)-(2)-(1)-(3)
C. (3)-(4)-(1)-(2)
D. (3)-(4)-(2)-(1)
E. (4)-(3)-(2)-(1)

23. Which of the following sentence is a not a compliment?

A. That looks awful
B. What a lovely dress!
C. Nice car!
D. You look amazing!
E. Marvelous!

24. A compliment is...

A. To describe an object
B. To tell a sequence of events
C. To praise others
D. To entertain the reader
E. To persuade readers

25. Z: Ben, meet my daughter, Felicia (1)

X: It's nice to meet you, Felicia (2)
Z: Nice to meet you too (3)
X: You have a lovely name (4)
Z: Thank you. I like your outfit by the way (5)
X: Why thank you (6)
Z: Very well then, we have to go now. Bye (7)
X: Goodbye (8)
Which sentence is a compliment?
A. (2) And (7)
B. (1) And (2)
C. (4) And (5)
D. (9) And (3)
E. (3) And (1)

26. Which of the following sentence is a compliment?

A. Good job!
B. Don't give up!
C. See you tomorrow!
D. Have a nice day!
E. I am sorry.

27. You friend is wearing a new suit.

The followings are the expressions of compliment, except _______
A. Nice suit!
B. Pretty spiffy! What's the occasion?
C. You look nice.
D. I love your suit - is it new?
E. Oh no, it doesn’t suit you.

28. Your friend has had a new hairdo.

The followings are the expressions of compliment, except _______
A. I like your hair.
B. That length looks good on you.
C. You've had your hair done! Looks good!
D. Let me tell you something about your hair
E. You've had your hair done. It looks great

29. You are visiting your friend’s house / flat for the first time.
The followings are the expressions of compliment, except _______
A. You have a very nice place here.
B. Wow! You did a great job decorating your house!
C. I really like your house/flat
D. What a beautiful house!
E. The rent price is too expensive.

30. Your friend has played the piano for you.

The followings are the expressions of compliment, except _______
A. That was wonderful.
B. That was fantastic. You must have studied music for a long time.
C. That was brilliant. You're so clever.
D. That was fantastic - you're so talented!
E. The tone you play makes me sleepy.

Part 2
Make an admiration sentence/compliment based on the situation below!
Mother cooks a delicious fried chicken today.
 I like the friend chicken, Mom.
 How delicious it is!
 What a delicious fried chicken!
 -etc.

1. Kliwon has a cute cat in her home.

 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
2. Dodi bought a nice motorcycle yesterday.
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
3. Your teacher has a new hair cut.
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
4. Mother cooks a delicious food today.
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
5. Father goes to his office on time.
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
6. There is a big helicopter landing on Batang square.
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
7. You see a high building in Jakarta.
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
8. Slamet gets 100 in English test.
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
9. Daonah gives a beggar some money
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
10. Your friend has an expensive bag.
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________

Part 3
Complete the following dialogues using suitable expression!

Dialogue 1
A : ________________________ (1)
B : ________________________ (2). This is a brand new outfit.
A : What store did you get it from?
B : I went to Sarah’s and picked it out.
A : I love your outfit
B : Well, I think _____________________ (3), too.
A : Thanks, I found these new shoes earlier at the store.
B : I think that ____________________(4). What kind are they?
A : These are Eagle.
B : Your Shoes ____________________ (5) really nice. How much did you get them
A : They only cost me about Eighty thousand rupiahs
B : I’m going to get a pair for myself.

Dialogue 2
X : Wow, That’s a _________________ (1) dress Rina, Is it new?
Y : Yes, it is. ___________________________ (2)
X : The color and the style _________________ (3) on you
Y : Oh, ___________ (4), Tia. I am really fond of this dress.
X : Did you make it yourself?
Y : Certainly no, Tia. My aunt gave it to me as a birthday gift.
X : Did she? What a ____________________ (5) you have.
Part 1
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. D
11. A 12. E 13. C 14. B 15. E
16. A 17. A 18. A 19. D 20. C
21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. C
26. A 27. E 28. D 28. E 30. E

Part 2
Jawaban variatif. Sesuikan dengan kebutuhan!

Part 3
Jawaban variatif. Sesuikan dengan kebutuhan!

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