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DOKUMEN NEGARA Kurikulum 2006






Kamis, 22 Maret 2018 (07.30 – 09.30)


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Jenjang : SMA/MA
Program Studi : MIPA/IPS/BAHASA

Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 22 Maret 2018
Jam : 07.30 – 09.30


1. Periksalah Naskah Soal yang Anda terima sebelum mengerjakan soal yang meliputi:
a. Kelengkapan jumlah halaman beserta urutannya.
b. Kelengkapan nomor soal beserta urutannya.
2. Laporkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal, nomor soal yang
tidak lengkap atau tidak urut, serta lembar jawaban yang rusak atau robek untuk
memperoleh gantinya.
3. Gunakan bolpoin/pulpen yang bertinta hitam atau biru untuk mengisi Lembar Jawaban
dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a. Tulislah Nomor Peserta Anda pada kotak yang disediakan.
b. Tulislah Nama Anda pada kotak yang disediakan.
c. Tulislah Nama Mata Pelajaran yang diujikan pada kotak yang disediakan.
d. Kode Mata Pelajaran dan Kode Peserta diisi oleh panitia USBN.
e. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf jawaban yang Anda anggap benar.
f. Apabila ada jawaban yang Anda anggap salah dan Anda ingin memperbaiki,
coretlah dengan dua garis lurus mendatar pada jawaban Anda yang salah, kemudian
beri tanda silang (X) pada huruf jawaban yang Anda anggap benar.
Pilihan salah : A B C D E
Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D E

4. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas, bila diperlukan.

5. Waktu yang tersedia untuk mengerjakan Naskah Soal adalah 120 menit.
6. Naskah terdiri dari 40 butir soal pilihan ganda yang masing-masing dengan 5 (lima)
pilihan jawaban dan 5 butir soal uraian.
7. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, HP, kamus atau alat bantu lainnya.
8. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian.
9. Lembar soal boleh dicoret-coret, sedangkan lembar jawaban tidak boleh dicoret-coret.

Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal.
Kerjakan dengan jujur, karena kejujuran adalah cermin kepribadian.

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel

This text is for question numbers 1 and 2

We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green brands even
closer together. Effective as of 5th December 2013, our official name will be:
The substitution of "West" in our name---replacing "Cianjur"---is the result of an
agreement we reached with Cianjur Gardening Association, following a protest over the
original use of "Cianjur" in our name. We hope this does not create any confusion among
our loyal consumers. While this represents a change from our initial name introduction, it
does not change the quality of products we offer to our consumers.

1. "The substitution of West" in our name ...". The word "substitution"has closest meaning
to ...
A. Insertion.
B. Development
C. Replacement
D. Merger
E. Improvement.
2. Who issues the announcement?
A. Green Miles West Customers
B. The co-worker of Green Miles West
C. Green Miles West Company
D. The partnership of Green Miles West
E. The loyal customers of Green Miles.

This text is for question numbers 3 and 4

For those who are interested in becoming outstanding
debaters for our school team
Do you fit to the followings?
Ø 10th and 11th graders
Ø Knowledgeable
Ø fluent in English
Ø Committed
Ø Disciplined
If so, come for the interview that will be held:
Date : December 17th, 2016
Time : 9 AM
Venue: AV Room
Point to ponder:
Most debaters will succeed in their higher education and
career due to their trained personal and communicative

Confirmation to come, contact to Almira: 08158030833

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
3. What is the text mainly about?
A. The interview of school debating team.
B. English debate competition
C. The recruitment of school debating team
D. The establishment of school debating team
E. The recruitment of school debating team
4. Why does the writer suggest the students to join the program?
A. It encourages the students to be knowledgeable..
B. It will have positive impacts on their education and jobs.
C. It will have effects on their incomes.
D. It motives the students to be fluent in English.
E. It promotes the school reputation

This text is for question numbers 5 and 6


Total E&P Indonesia, acting as a Production Sharing Contractor of BPMIGAS, hereby invites
companies to register and articipate for pre-qualification prior to the start of the tendering
process for the above mentioned contract.
Prequalification requirements
In order to partcipate in the prequalification process, potential tenderers shall submit
prequalification valid documents as set out below:
a. Expression of Interest letter on potential tenderer’s letterhead signed by his authorized
b. Copy of business certificate issued by the authorized government (SIUP).
Qualification: Usaha Besar (UB)
c. Statement of confirmation that potential tenderer will be able to meet the minimum
domestic content requirement of 35%.
d. Copy of NPWP.
e. Copy of the latest fiscal year balance sheet, which has been audited by public
f. Copy of the latest fiscal year report (SPT 1771/pph Badan) and proven payment of
Income Tax (SSP).
g. Copy of Certificates issued by the Applicable Accredited Association which clearly
indicate potensial tenderers’ classification of business field/sub field and qualification
of expertise..

5. The latest fiscal year balance sheet must be audited by ....?

A. public lawyer
B. public relation
C. public accountant
D. tax account officer
E. an authorized government.

6. The certificates indicating potential tenderer’s classification of business field and

qualification of expertise must be issued by ....
A. the accredited government staff.
B. the applicable accredited alliance
C. the applicable government association
D. the government accountant association
E. the applicable accredited government staff.

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel

This text is for question numbers 7-8

24th Clinton St. Iowa City. IA. 58076
January 15th, 2016
To all Colleagues and Friends,
As those close to me know, I am not good with goodbyes so I do apologize to those who
feel offended that I have left having written only this farewell letter, without personally
shaking their hand and exchanging best wishes.
I have so many people to thank for their support and dedication that it is impossible to
personally get to see you all with the short time that was available.
I truly am humbled to have worked with such a group of "get in and get it happening
people"and I am so proud of the achievements that you have accomplished both in the
operation and (for quite a lot of you) for your own personal accomplishments.
To those of you that I had the opportunity to coach and or set goals for, I commend each
of you for your achievements and hope that you continue to succeed through life journeys.
I can be contacted if required on 08159030832
I wish you all a Healthy, Safe and Prosperous Year.
Thanks, regards and best wishes,
Bill Jones

7. Why does Bill Jones write the letter?

A. To apologize his mistakes.
B. To wish good things to his colleagues
C. To inform his leaving of the office
D. To tell his new office
E. To admire his colleagues.
8. What has the writer done in the office?
A. Having trained the employees.
B. Having conducted a farewell party
C. Having collaborated intensively
D. Having supported innovative efforts
E. Having shaken hands to all his colleagues
This text is for question numbers 9-12

The Dyeing Old T-shirt

Things you need

Old cutton T-shirt
Large thread or rubber band
Cloth dye
First, wash a 100 percent cotton T-Shirt
Second, place the wet T-Shirt flat on the work surface
Next, tie knot in the T-shirt, or twist it and secure the folds with rubber bands or heavy duty
After that, mix 1 package powdered dye in 1 litre hot water. Dissolve 5 tablespoon salt in the
mixture and let the mixture cold to room temperature
When, the mixture is cold enough, put the entire shirt in the dye and let it soak for at least 20
After that, rinse the shirt in cold water until the water runs clear.
Then, undo the knots and rinse once again
Finally, hang the shirt do dry out of the sun
Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama
Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
9. The fourth steps in tie dying the T-Shirt is ….
A. Soaking the shirt in the mixture
B. Dissolving salt into the mixture
C. Folding the rubber band
D. Cooling the mixture
E. Washing the shirt

10. When is the T-Shirt soaked in the dye ?

A. When the powder dye and the salt is already mixed
B. After placing the wet T-shirt into a bucket
C. After the mixing the powder dye with salt
D. Before mixing the powder dye with salt
E. When the mixture is cold enough

11. The text gives us …

A. Explanation how to tie dye old T-shirt
B. Instruction how to tie dye old T-shirt
C. Information about tie dyeing
D. Description about tie dyeing
E. Reusing an old T-shirt

12. After that rinse the shirt in cold water until the water runs clear
A. Move
B. Continue
C. Turn
D. Become
E. Take

This text is for question numbers 13 - 15

Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was dead tired and needed to rest. Then,
he stopped spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag of caps near him and lay down with
his cap on his head.

The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first thing he did was to
look into his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps were not there. He was
wondering where they could have gone. Indeed, he was greatly puzzled.

When he looked up sky, he was very surprised to see monkeys sitting on the branches
of a tree, each wearing a cap on his head. They had evidently done it to imitate him.

He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In return,
the monkeys only made faces of him. When he began to make gestures, even when he raised
his fi st towards them to threaten them, they also imitated him.

At last he hit upon a clever idea. “Monkeys are a great imitator,” he thought. So he took
off his own cap and threw it down on the ground. As he had expected, all the monkeys took
off the caps threw them down on the ground. Quickly he stood up and collected the caps, put
them back into his bag and went away

13. What is paragraph two mainly about

A. The seller’s loss of his caps
B. The seller’s attempt to get his caps back
C. The seller’s success to get his caps back
D. The monkey’s action towards the seller
E. The monkey’s foolishness

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
14. Why was each monkey wearing a cap on their head?
A. They liked them
B. They liked wearing caps
C. They were imitating the cap seller.
D. They were testing the cap on their head
E. They had stolen the caps

15. What is the moral value of the text ?

A. Monkey’s are clever animals.
B. Put your belongings in a safe place
C. Kindness must be possessed by everyone
D. Foolishness is a source of faulty
E. You have to know who you are dealing with

This text is for questions 16 and 17!

Dear Sir or Madam,

Yesterday I moved to a house rented from your agency in Brighton Boulevard. To my

surprise, I found the house is not well maintained.

The master bedroom has no key. The air conditioner does not work. How could I use my
washing machine if the outlet is missing? The worst of all is that the main faucet has
broken that no water can flow. This makes me unable to wash, to cook and to do any
other things.

I had told Mr. David, one of your employees, about my problems but I got no response
from him. I also called your secretary Miss. Brown but again, there was no response.

I would appreciate if you send me a mechanic to have those problems fixed


Your faithfully

Sarah Johnson

16. What is the letter about? It is a complaint about ….

A. the bad room service of a house
B. the bad respond from the employee
C. the bad maintenance of a rental house
D. the worst condition of the main faucet
E. The unwell situation in the bedroom

17. Who is responsible for the maintenance of the house?

A. The agency.
B. Miss. Brown.
C. The mechanics.
D. Sarah Johnson.
E. The marketing manager.

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
This text is for questions 18 to 20!
We Should Change the Payment System
Nowadays, the system of payment gradually changes. Most people use debit cards
instead of cash to make payment. They think it is more effective, efficient, easier, and
simpler. However, there are still arguments about the use of debit cards as a method of
Well, if you use the card, you will say that the card is so practical. You don’t need to
count how much you should pay. When paying in cash, people are afraid of making
mistakes in counting the banknote for both the payment and the change. With debit
cards the mistakes is made smaller.
Moreover, you should know that the debit cards are safer than money. Suppose you
bring a lot of money when travelling. If it is lost or stolen, you will be left with nothing
in your hands. However, if you bring a debit card, you can just phone the bank which
issues the card to block it.
On the other hand, people who disagree on the use of debit card will say that its use
is so limited. When you buy something in a traditional market, or a vendor, for example,
can you pay using a credit card? Of course not.
Another thing is that, if you want to use the card, you should make a purchase at
minimum amount. If you make less than the minimum transaction, you cannot make use
of the card.
For those reasons we think that credit cards are not fully effective as a means of
payment. We should trace the incoming and ongoing money in our account. Besides, we
have to control our habit of buying first, paying later habit. Otherwise, without being
realized we are charged a lot. You don’t have to use credit cards if not necessary.

18. What is the text about?

A. Differences between payments by cash and credit cards.
B. The disadvantages of paying in cash.
C. The advantages of using credit cards.
D. The advantages of using debit cards.
E. Different payment systems.

19. According to the text, one advantage of using the debit card is that ….
A. it cannot be stolen
B. it is as practical as using cash
C. we can use it everywhere for shopping
D. the possibility of mistakes in counting is smaller
E. we can make a purchase at minimum amount

20. What is paragraph 3 about?

A. Debit cards for travelling.
B. The advantage of debit cards over cash.
C. The safety system of debit cards.
D. What to do when you lose cash.
E. How to bring a debit card.

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel

This text is for question numbers 21 -23

Fires Range Across Four Australian State

Melbourne, Jan 22 (UPI) – Fire authorities in four Australian states are to control bushfires
fanned by strong winds and searing temperatures.
The Australian reported Sunday that blazes continued to burn in south Australia, Tasmania,
Western Australia and Victoria, where up to six homes have been destroyed, in South,
firefighters who are confronted by blast-furnace winds try to bring the flames under control.
At Roberstown in the state’s mid-north, more than 2,500 acres have already burned. Another
bushfire, started by lightening, charred the earth near Mouth Flat on the Southern side of
Kangaroo island, while Ngarkat conservation Park, in the state’s upper-southeast, is also a
blaze. A 7,500 acres fire at mount Agnew in Zeehan, in the state’s west, broke containment
lines. Saturday afternoon, jumping a road and coming close to homes.
The most serious fire were in Victoria, where up to six homes were destroyed by a fire near
the town of Anakie,36 miles west of Melbourne.
In Tasmania, failing temperature and patchy rain brought some relief to firefighters who
continued to monitor 22 blazes across the state.

21. The writer wrote the text to … the readers about newsworthy even in four Australian
A. Inform
B. Amuse
C. Explain
D. Entertain
E. Persuade

22. What is the text about?

A. Fires in some areas of Australia
B. Weather effects on fire
C. The effects of fire
D. The danger of fire
E. The cause of fire

23. The reporter most likely got the information from ...
A. Visitor
B. Tourists
C. Commuters
D. Fire fighters
E. Homeless people

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel

The aurora is a kind of natural light phenomenon. its natural light can be seen in the
sky, specifically in the hight-latitude (Arctic and Antarctic) areas. The aurora, which
happens in a band, typically occurs in 3 to 6 in latitudinal extent and at all longitudes. This
phenomenon involves atoms, magnetosphere, solar wind and elements in the sky.
Charged particles which, accur in the magnetosphere, solar wind and on earth, are
directed by the earth’s magnetic field into the atmosphere. when collisions among atoms
with these energy charged particles in hight – altitute atmosphere or thermosphere happen,
an aurora occurs. Discrete aurora can be seen in the sky with the naked eye at night. The
light of this aurora allows people to read at night without a lamp.
The aurora borealis or the Northern lights occurs in the northern latitudes, while in
southern latitudes, the aurora is called the aurora Australis or the Southern lighs. The
Northern lights occurs alternately with
the Southern Lights. The Southern Light can be seen in Antarctica, South America, New
Zealand and Australia.

24. Which one is not a fact about aurora?

A. It is a display of natural light
B. Discrete aurora can be seen at night
C. It can be seen in the Arctic and Antarctic
D. Charget particles collide in the stratosphere
E. It is bright enough for you to read a newspaper.

25. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. The process of how aurora happens
B. Types of aurora can be seen in the world
C. Discrete aurora is invisible to the naked eye
D. Discrete aurora is not as bright as the sunlit sky
E. Discreate aurora is usually observed only in the night sky

26. From the text, we know that ....

A. Discrete aurora cannot be seen
B. Aurora is a very beatiful princess
C. Discrete aurora is more beatiful than a princess
D. Aurora borealis is also called the Southern Lights
E. Aurora can be seen in the north and South poles

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
This text is for question numbers 27-30

In this modern era, there are still some parents who are reluctant to send their daughter to
collage. The narrow attitude show to women’s education largely do to the traditional role of
women in society. A women is expected to be a wife and a mother. Most parents belief that if
their daughter gets married and chooses to be a housewife, then the higher education will be a
waste. However, an education woman not only a better wife but also contribute something to
the society.
Nowadays, more and more woman are successfully combining their career and marriage.
Educated women are richer both emotional and financially. They are able to find an outlet for
their monotonous drudgery of their housekeeping. They bring more satisfaction and
contentment of their life.
Depriving girls of higher education is class discrimination. Times have change, modern
society needs the talent of its people regardless of gender. Today, women work a long side
men. In fact, in the last few decades, women have made outstanding contribution to society.
Women should be given the freedom to be educated whether or not they get married or go to
work after finishing their education, because it is only through education that a woman will
feel herself useful and discover what she wants in life. A woman who works is not an insult to
her husband. Conversely, her husband should feel proud of her achievement since marriage is
actually an equal partnership.
Therefore, parents should not think that girls should receive less education just become they
will get married one day.

27. What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To tell the parents in this modern era about how to educate their daughter
B. To put forward a view or argument about higher education for women
C. To explain to the readers about how to give education to their daughter
D. To persuade readers what should and should not do about education
E. To describe the fact how some parents educate their daughter

28. What makes parents reluctant to send their daughter to collage?

A. It is a waste of money
B. Traditional role of women in society
C. More women are successful in their collage
D. They think that education will be waste of time
E. They have to contribute something to the society

29. “In fact, in the last few decades, women have made outstanding contribution to
society”(par.3) the antonym of the underlined word is …
A. Uninteresting
B. Unremarkable
C. Well known
D. Popular
E. Famous

30. Modern society needs …

A. Good housewives and mother
B. Talented men and women
C. Educated career women
D. Educated women
E. Married women

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
This text is for question numbers 31-33

Banyuwangi is the eastern-most regency of East Java which borders with Situbondo on the
north and Jember and Bondowoso on the west. Banyuwangi has diverse natural scenery,
rich art, cultural, customs and traditions.
The beauty of nature is spread across Banyuwangi from the west to the east. Mountains,
forests and beaches mark the landscape of the regency. For instance, Ijen Crater in the
western of Banyuwangi is famous for its beautiful crater lake. The National Park of Menu
Betiri is famous for its Java tigers and turtles.
Banyuwangi also has various arts, culture, customs and traditions. One of the typical arts
of Banyuwangi is gandrung, a welcoming dance for distinguished guests. Besides,
seblang, kuntulan, Damarwulan, angklung, ketoprak, barong, kendang kempul, jaranan are
arts that can be seen in Banyuwangi. Other customs that can be observed in Banyuwangi in
include sea offerings, metik (a celebration performed before harvesting rice and coffee),
rebo wekasan, ruwalan, tumplek punjen, gredoan, endog-endogan, ect. These events are
performed every year and are included in the calender of events of Banyuwangi.
The typical handicrafts and traditional food are available across Banyuwangi. The
products and place s that should be visited are batik tulis at Temenggungan and Tempo,
while bamboo handicrafts at Rogojampi and Kalipuro Sub-districts. Banyuwangi also has
typical food products, such as bagiak and selai pisang (banana jam).
The native people of banyuwangi are Banyuwanginese. They have their own dialect
which combines the languages of Javanese and Balinese.

1. ”...,a welcoming dance for distinguished guests. (paragraph 3).

The underlined word has the closest meaning to...
A. Rich
B. Great
C. Common
D. Simple
E. Prominent

2. What is the text about?

A. The culture of Banyuwangi.
B. The people of Baanyuwangi.
C. The desciption of Banyuwangi.
D. The tourist resorts in Banyuwangi.
E. The natural scenery of Banyuwangi.
31. Which of the following statements is mentioned in the text?
A. Banyuwangi has beautiful scenery.
B. The cultural events are held biannually
C. Bamboo handicradt can be found in tempo
D. The native people of banyuwangi speak javanese
E. Banyuwangi is located on the northem part of Java.

This text is for question numbers 34-35

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
Helen Adam Keller was born with normal senses of sight and hearing on June 7, 1980.She
also showed quick development as she started speaking when she was 6 month old and
started to walk at the age of one.
When Keller was 18 month old, Keller got ill and was struck blind, deaf and mute. Keller’s
mother realized it when her daughter didn’t give any reaction when the dinner bell was rung
or when someone waved a hand a hand in front of her face. Some doctors diagnosed that
Keller had contracted an illness called “brain fever”. it might have been scarlet fever or
meningitis, but the true nature of her illness is still a mystery.
However, in 1887 Keller made amazing progress in her communication ability with assistance
from her teacher, Anne Sullivan. Keller also went to college and graduated in 1904. Despite
her limitations, Keller received many awards for her accomplishments

32. Paragraph 2 tell us about…………

A. The struggle of Keller’s mother
B. The reason for Keller’s illness
C. Keller’s achievement
D. Keller’s struggle
E. Keller’s illness

33. “when the dinner bell was rung or when someone waved a hand a hand in front of her
face”, The word her refers to…
A. Keller’s mother
B. Keller’s teacher
C. Anne Sulivan
D. The doctor
E. Keller

This text is for question numbers 36-38

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel

2012 Film Review

2012 is Roland Emmerich’s film which uses the Mayan Calendar and other end-of-days
prophecies for their doomsday scenario. It imagines the world coming to an end in
2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It stars when
Cusack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeway and skyscrapers
crumble all around him from the shock of a 10.5 earthquake. The preposterous flying
sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark. When an
equipment malfunction almost threatens the entire mission.
Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the requisite
clarity. In 2012 film, Emmerich leaves us befuddled as to exactly what is happening to
whom. However, Emmerich’2012 deserves credit for offbeat casting. Cusack supplies
his trademark hangdog charm. McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet’s cocky.
Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the tormented president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as
the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock role. Platt has fun playing
the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bug-eyed
radio prophet trying to warn his listeners about Armageddon.
All in one, 2012’s cinematography, production design and visual effects are
award-worthy. Music also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up,
Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.

34. The writer of the film 2012 was ....

A. Adam Lambert
B. Danny Glover
C. Cusack
D. Roland Emmerich
E. Nick Everhart

35. Which part of the film should be improved?

A. The music.
B. Visual effect.
C. The equipment.
D. Crucial sequence.
E. The design.

36. “The movie hits its peak early on “ (paragraph 2)

The underlined word is closest is meaning to ....
A. average
B. top
C. failure
D. name
E. descent

37. Read the following text and answer the question.

A lot has changed in the world since John Doe established “Doe Radio and Television
Service”. Because we are now a leader in computer and cellular telephone service, we are
changing our name to “Doe Electronic Technologies”. We think John would be pleased.
As part of this event, we invite you to stop by anytime during the next month to
receive a special 20% discount on any compact discs, computer equipment, or cellular
phones. It is always a pleasure to serve you.

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Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel
Which item is on discount 20%?
A. Radios.
B. Services.
C. Telephones.
D. Televisions.
E. Compact disc.

38. Arrange the sentences below into a good order.

1. At the further of the wood was another pretty cottage
2. There was once a sweet maid who lived in a pretty cottage
3. She gave her a red clock with a hood which she always wear
4. Where grandmother lived in
5. Everybody loved this little girl, her grandmother loved her most of all
6. So, people called her Red Riding Hood
The best arrangement is ….
A. 1-2-4-3-5-6
B. 2-1-3-4-5-6
C. 2-1-4-5-3-6
D. 1-2-3-4-5-6
E. 2-3-1-4-5-6


39. Read the following text and answer the question.

We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green brands even closer
together. Effective as of 5th December 2013, our official name will be:


The substitution of “West” in our name---replacing “Cianjur”---is the result of an agreement we
reached with Cianjur Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of
“Cianjur” in our name.
We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal consumers. While this represents a
change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of products we offer to
our consumers.
“The substitution of “West” in our name …”.
The word “substitution” has closest in meaning to ….

40. If I work harder, I------- my paper in due


41. We would not have lost our bag, if we -------- it in the hotel..
42. ‘ Why didn’t you take the job ? You seemed to like them.’ ‘I would have if it had been
easier.’ The answer means… .
43. “ Why does he baby next-door keep crying?”
“As usual, it ……by the babysister

Kab. Enrekang USBN-2017/2018_K2006 _Utama

Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi SulSel

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