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Conditional Sentences (Kalimat Pengandaian) adalah suatu bentuk kalimat majemuk
yang dapat kita gunakan ketika kita ingin mengatakan bahwa sesuatu tersebut adalah
suatu akibat atau konsekuensi yang tergantung pada situasi lainnya. Conditional Sentence
dalam bahasa inggris selalu berbentuk kalimat majemuk (compound sentence), yaitu
kalimat yang terdiri atas Main Clause (Induk Kalimat) dan Subordinate Clause (Anak
Kalimat). Pada bentuk conditional sentence ini antara induk kalimat dengan anak kalimat
dihubungkan dengan“ if (jika) ”.
 Main clause (induk kalimat) adalah bagian dari kalimat majemuk yang dapat
berdiri sendiri serta memiliki arti yang lengkap jika berpisah dari bagian yang lain
dalam kalimat majemuk.
 Subordinate Clause (anak kalimat) adalah bagian dari kalimat majemuk yang
tidak dapat berdiri sendiri seandainya berpisah dari bagian yang lain dalam
kalimat majemuk.
a) Conditional sentence type 1
Conditional s entence type 1 inibermakna future karena akibat (main clause)
berbentuk future dan subordinate clause berbentuk simple present tense.
Rumus condtional sentence type 1

 If + simple present tense, Simple future tense

 Simple future tense + if + simple present tense
 If I have much money, I will go to America.
 My mother will go to Bali if she has a lot of money.

b) Conditional Sentence type II

Present conditional, yang menyatakan suatu keinginan, harapan ataupun rencana
yang tak terpenuhi.
 If   +  Simple past tense  +  ,  +  Past future tense
 Past future tense + if + simple past tense
 If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t stay here.
 If I were you, I would not do this.
Note: subject dalam conditional 2 ini selalu menggunakan to be “were”

c) Conditional Sentence type III

Type III ini merupakan aplikasi kejadian masa lampau atau simple past tense,
dimana pada masa lampau kita mempunyai keinginan yang tidak dapat kita
wujudkan, lalu kita ingin bercerita kepada teman atau orang lain.
If  + Past perfect + , + Past future perfect tense
Past future perfect tense + if + past perfect
 If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
 She wouldn’t have broken many plates if the waitress had been careful.
 Would you have forgiven him if he had asked for forgiveness?
 Conditionals Summary Chart

 As you can see, each type of conditional has its own combination of tense used in the
if-clause and tense used the 

Activity 13
Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I, II and III) by putting the verbs into the
correct form!
1.      If you (send) the letter now, She (receive) it tomorrow.
2.      If I  ( do )  this test, I ( improve ) my English.
3.      If I (find) your ring, I (give) it back to you.
4.      Peggy (go) shopping if She (have) time in the afternoon.
5.      Sarah (go) to London next week if she (get) a cheap flight.
6.      If her boyfriend (phone / not) today, she (leave) him.
7.      If they (study / not) harder, they (pass / not) the exam.
8.      If it (rain) tomorrow, I (have to / not) water the plants.
9.      You (be able / not) to sleep if you  (watch )  this scary movie.
10.  Susan   (can / move / not) into the new house if it (be / not)

Kalimat subjunctive adalah kalimat angan-angan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan harapan
atau keadaan yang sebenarnya tidak terjadi. Atau dengan kata lain, makna kalimat subjunctive ini
selalu berlawanan dengan kenyataan atau fakta. Kata-kata yang digunakan dalam subjunctive
adalah “wish” (menginginkan/ mengharapkan), “as if/ as though” (seolah-olah), “would
rather” (lebih suka), “if only” (seandainya/ jikasaja).
Fungsi Subjunctive

As if/ as though digunakan untuk menyatakan keadaan yang tidak benar

kenyataan atau faktanya.
Wish, would rather, dan if only digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu harapan
atau keinginan.

Rumus Penggunaan Subjunctive

1.    Future Subjunctive

Future Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang mengacu pada masa yang akan
datang, jadi faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple Future Tense.
Wish Subject (1) + wish + Subject (2) + Could / Would + Verb 1
I wish you would come to the party tonight.
I wish she could reserve a ticket to Malang for me.

2.    Present Subjunctive

Present Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang mengacu pada masa sekarang,
jadi faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense.
Wish Subject (1) + wish + Subject (2) + Verb 2 / were
As if /As Subject (1) + Verb 1 + as if + Subject (2) + Verb2 / were
Would rather Subject (1) + would rather + Subject (2) + Verb 2 / were
If only If only + Subject + Verb 2
Pada bentuk Present Subjunctive, kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk ke-2 (VERB 2), dan
jika harus menggunakan to be, harusmenggunakan“were” untuk semua jenis Subject.
I wish you visited me.
The girl dresses as if it were summer now.
If only she knew.

3.    Past Subjunctive

Past Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang mengacu pada masa lampau, jadi
faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense.
Wish Subject (1) + wished + Subject (2) + Had + Verb 3 / been
As if /As Subject (1) + Verb 2 + as if + Had +Verb 3 / been
Would rather Subject (1) + would rather + Subject 2 + Had + Verb 3 / been
If only If only + Subject + Had + Verb 3 / been
She wished (that) she had had more time last night.
Jeff looked as though he had seen a ghost.
I would rather he had been here.

Activity 15

Choose the best answer!

1. Fatimah wished … to buy the book.

A. she had enough money
B. she had had enough money
C. she has had enough money
D. she will have enough money
2. If only she … me about her problem yesterday.
A. told
B. has told
C. had told
D. tells
3. I am thirsty. The subjunctive is ….
A. I wish I am not thirsty.
B. I wish I was not thirsty.
C. I wish I were not thirsty.
D. I wish I were thirsty
4. He wishes it … a holiday today.
A. had been
B. were
C. was
D. be
5. His daughter wished he … a motorcycle.
A. will have bought
B. had bought
C. bought
D. buys
6. My uncle wished I had not gone to the cinema. It means ….
A. I am going to go to the cinema.
B. I went to the cinema.
C. I would go to the cinema.
D. I did not go to the cinema.
7. Bram would rather his father … at BAC now.
A. has taught
B. is teaching
C. had taught
D. taught

8. She acts as though she … the manager of the store.

A. is being
B. is
C. were
D. was
9. Most insurance agents would rather you … anything before an investigation.
A. don’t do
B. didn’t do
C. didn’t
D. do
10. ”I am sorry I don’t know the answer , but I really wish I ….
A. had knew
B. will knew
C. knew
D. know
11. Is Ratu still sick? Yes, I wish she ……….here now to help me type the report.
A.    Is                          
B. Were                      
C.     Will be                  
D. Had been
12. I am planning to go to the party tonight, but it’s raining very hard now. I wish….
A.    It stops                 
B. It would stop         
C.     It will stop            
D. It stopped
13. I wish ……( now ) to watch our play.
A.    He is here.             C. He were here         
B.     He has been here.  D.He be here
14. I wish you ……tomorrow.
A.    Have gone            
B. Will go                   
C.     Are going to go    
D. Would go
15. Let’s Go Swimming, I wish I …we have a test tomorrow and still have to study.
A.    Am able                
B. Could                                
C.     could be               
D. Will be able
Activity 16
1. Our classroom doesn’t have an AC, so we often feel hot. I wish it _______ (have) an AC.
2. Tina didn’t go on the picnic with my classmates last week. I wish she ______ (go) on the
picnic last week with us.
3. It’s so dark here because the lamp is burned out. I wish my father ______ (buy) a new
4. My friend stole my favorite novel. I wish he ______ (return) it.
5. Jane won’t lend me her notebook. I wish she ______ (lend) it to me.


Choose the underlined word or phrase that is incorrect!

1. If the hotel service is good, the visitors would not complain.

2. Before stay in a hotel, you need to reservea room where you are going to stay.
3. What kind of hotel do you want to stay in, it should be depend on the budget you have.
4. My family and I have been staying in this cheap hotel for more thentwo weeks.
5. I would like to reserving a room with a balcony, please, also AC, TV and a refrigeratorfor
three days.
6. Could you tell mehow much the ticket cost from Jakarta to Sydney?
7. Could I book three tickets economy class to Denpasar on Sunday?
8. I have been looking for the possibility to get a ticket to Jakarta but allare sold out.
9. I am lost my credit card. I have no ideato pay for the reservation. Can I borrow yours?
10. If I were you, I will not stop dreaming just because other people scold you.
11. If I was you, I would work hard for a promotion.
12. If I livenear the office, I would walk to work
13. If Musa would knowthe answer, he would have told us
14. .If Tyson prepared for the fight more intensively, he would have won it
15. If she is a good student, she would prepare for the test well.

1. If you try again, you … it well

a. will do
b. could do
c. has done
d. would do
2. If the man … carelessly, he would get an
a. drives
b. didn’t drive
c. doesn’t drive
d. drove
3. She would have returned the book …
a. if you asked her
b. unless you asked her
c. if you had asked her
d. unless you had asked her
4. We will miss the first train, unless we … early
a. get up
b. got up
c. had got up
d. don’t get up
5. If I pass my final test, what …?
a. you will buy for me
b. will you buy for me
c. would you buy for me
d. you would buy for me
6. Unless I know the answer, I … the question
a. will answer
b. won’t answer
c. would answer
d. wouldn’t answer
7. If I.......stronger, I'd help you carry the piano.
a.  am
b. will be
c.    were
d.    has been

8. If we'd seen you, we......

a. Would have stopped
b.  Would stop
c.    Had stopped
d.   Stopped
9. He would have repaired the car himself if he.........the tools.
a.       Has
b.      Had
c.       Had had
d.      Will have
10. If you drop the vase, it......
a.       Breaks
b.      Will break
c.       Broke
d.      Had broken
11. If I hadn't studied, I.........the exam.
a.     Do not pass
b.      Will not pass
c.       Would not pass
d.      Would not have passed
12. If she........him every day, she'd be lovesick.
a.       Doesn’t see
b.       Won’t see
c.       Hadn’t see
d.      Didin’tsee
13. London if I don't get a cheap flight.
a.       Don’t travel
b.      Won’t travel
c.       Didn’t travel
d.      Wouldn’t travel

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