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Pengertian Subjunctive
Subjunctive adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk membayangkan akibat dari sesuatu yang
tidak ada atau tidak terjadi, yang dapat berupa wish (harapan), requirements  (kebutuhan),
dan suggestion (saran). Atau dengan kata lain, makna kalimat subjunctive ini selalu berlawanan dengan
kenyataan atau fakta.
Kata-kata yang digunakan dalam subjunctive adalah “wish” (menginginkan/ mengharapkan), “as
if/ as though” (seolah-olah), “would rather” (lebih suka), “if only” (seandainya/ jika saja).
Fungsi Subjunctive

As if/ as though digunakan untuk menyatakan keadaan yang tidak benar kenyataan atau

Wish, would rather, dan if only digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu harapan atau

Rumus Penggunaan Subjunctive

1.    Future Subjunctive
Future Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang mengacu
pada masa yang akan datang, jadi faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple Future Tense.
Wish Subject (1) + wish + Subject (2) + Could / Would + Verb 1

I wish you would come to the party tonight.
(Artinya: Saya berharap kamu akan datang ke pesta nanti malam.)
(Faktanya: He will not come to the party tonight)
Walaupun jarang digunakan, tetapi Future Subjunctive terkadang masih
sering kita jumpai, jadi lebih baik kita mengenalinya juga. Sebagai gantinya bisa
menggunakan Present Subjunctive.
2.    Present Subjunctive
Present Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang mengacu
pada masa sekarang, jadi faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense.
Wish Subject (1) + wish + Subject (2) + Verb 2 / were

As if /As Subject (1) + Verb 1 + as if + Subject (2) + Verb2 / were

Would rather Subject (1) + would rather + Subject (2) + Verb 2 / were
If only If only + Subject + Verb 2
Pada bentuk Present Subjunctive, kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk
ke-2 (VERB 2), dan jika harus menggunakan to be, harus menggunakan “were” untuk
semua jenis Subject.

I wish you visited me.
(Artinya: Saya berharap kamu mengunjungi saya.)
(Faktanya: You don’t visit me.)

The girl dresses as if it were summer now.

(Artinya: Perempuan itu berpakaian seolah-olah sekarang musim panas.)
(Faktanya: it is not summer now.)

Shelly would rather he told the truth.

(Artinya: Shelly lebih suka dia mengatakan yang sebenarnya.)
(Faktanya: He doesn’t tell the truth.)

If only she knew.
(Artinya: Seandainya dia tau.)
(Faktanya: She doesn’t know.)

3.    Past Subjunctive

Past Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang mengacu pada
masa lampau, jadi faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense.
Wish Subject (1) + wished + Subject (2) + Had + Verb 3 / been

As if /As though Subject (1) + Verb 2 + as if + Had + Verb 3 / been

Would rather Subject (1) + would rather + Subject 2 + Had + Verb 3 / been
If only If only + Subject + Had + Verb 3 / been
She wished (that) she had had more time last night.
(Artinya: Dia berharap bahwa dia punya waktu lebih kemarin malam.)
(Faktanya: She didn’t have more time last night.)

Jeff looked as though he had seen a ghost.

(Artinya: Jeff terlihat seolah-olah dia telah melihat hantu.)
(Faktanya: He didn’t see a ghost.)

I would rather he had been here.

(Artinya: Saya lebih suka dia sudah berada disini.)
(Faktanya: He was not here.)

If only Rachel had not been at home last night

(Artinya: Seandainya Rachel sudah tidak ada di rumah kemarin malam.)
(Faktanya: Rachel was at home last night.)

Usage of Subjucntive (Fungsi  Penggunaan Subjucntive)

 As If / As Though
Digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah keadaan yang tidak benar fakta atau

 Wish, Would Rather dan If Only

Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan/ menyatakan sebuah keinginan atau harapan.
Namu harus diingat bahwa ada kata kerja (Verbs) tertentu, seperti  Demand, insist,
recommend, suggest and kata Sifat (adjectives) seperti essential, important, vital diikuti
dengan ‘that’ + subjunctive (mandative subjunctive) yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan
atau menekankan bahwa sesuatu harus dikerjkan (directive aspect). Perhatikan contoh
dibawah ini:

1. People demand that the troops be (Orang-orang menuntut bahwa Pasukan

harus ditarik/mundur)
2. It is important that everyone register. (Ini sangat penting bahwa setiap orang
harus mendaftar)
Kalimat-kalimat dalam subjunctive jika diperhatikan terlihat sangat Formal. Oleh karena
itu kita perlu menggunakan auxiliary. Tapi, jika directive aspect dalam kalimat tersebut
sudah cukup jelas, kita tidak perlu menggunakan auxiliary, ini justru penggunaan main
verb pada indicative mood bisa lebih disederhanakan.

1. People demand that the troops are/ should be (Orang-orang menuntut bahwa

tentara seharusnya ditarik)
2. It is important that everyone registers. (ini sangat penting bahwa setiap orang
seharusnya mendaftar)
1. I am planning to go to a party tonight, but it’s raining very hard now. I wish_____
a. it stops
b. it will stop
c. it would stop
d. it has stopped
2. Rust can deteriorate a steel pipe to such an extent that it will snap easily____it were
a. If
b. Unless
c. as though
d. although
3. She went to the blackboard as if she knew how to solve the problem. The italic words
a. she actually can’t solve the problem
b. she ought to know how to solve the problem
c. she definitely knew how to solve the problem
d. she should know how to solve the problem
4. I am sorry I cannot go to the airport to see your mother off. I wish I_____to work
overtime tonight.
a. wouldn’t have
b. haven’t had
c. don’t have
d. won’t have
5. Being an outgoing person, Andrew_____his time with friends on saturday nights than
stay at home.
a. might be spending
b. would rather spend
c. could have spent
d. ought to have spent
6. ”why don’t you ask your sister to come along with us to the movie?”
“I did, but she_____stay at home”
a. used to
b. could
c. might
d. would rather
7. ”Tita, are you going to see the dentist this afternoon”
“I wish I didn’t ave to”
we may conclude that____to the dentist
a. she doesn’t have to go
b. she needs to go
c. she is willing to go
d. she has gone
8. ”you didn’t like the horror film you saw yesterday, did you?”
“you’re right. I really wish___”
a. I did not see it
b. I wouldn’t see it
c. I had not seen it
d. I have not seen it
9. The past few years in the last decade the rate of crime has been hight due to the
increase in the rate of unemployment. Today people wish the local
government_____first priority to the solution of this problem.
a. Gives
b. would give
c. had given
d. will give
10. My sister acted as if she were the actreess. This sentence means____
a. she is an actrees
b. .she was an actrees
c. she is not a actrees
d. whe was not an actress
11. "Tita are you going to the dentist this afternoon?"
"I hope I don't have to do it."
a. he doesn't have to
b. he has to go
c. he did not go this afternoon
d. he is willing to go
e. He was gone
12. Kiki: I wish I had a deposit certificate.
Beautiful: Why?
Kiki: Interest rates are high now

From the dialogue we can conclude that Kiki ...

a. has no interest in opening an account at a bank
b. has a deposit certificate
c. enjoy high interest paid by the bank
d. no
e. Will deposit the money in the bank
13. Hadi: What do you think of the global economy?
Tito: Yes, I think there will be many foreigners coming to Indonesia and foreign products
will be easy to find in our country. But I hope it's not expensive.

From the dialogue above we can conclude that ...

a. Tito does not agree with the global economy
b. There will not be many tourists visiting Indonesia
c. Tito likes to buy local products
d. Cheaper foreign products
e. Expensive foreign products
14. I know you are experiencing financial problems. But you keep it to yourself. I wish
you .... to me about it now.
a. Talk
b. Speak
c. speak up
d. not speak
e. Not yet spoken
15. I hope someone answers my call. It has been ringing for about five minutes.
The underlined sentence means ....
a. Someone will answer the phone
b. someone has answered my call
c. The phone has stopped ringing
d. no one answers the phone
e. I will answer the phone
16. He orders people around as if he is a restaurant owner.
From the statement above we can conclude that ...
a. He is a successful businessman
b. He has worked hard to own a restaurant
c. He is very proud of his restaurant
d. he has been the owner for years
e. He is just an ordinary employee.
17. I hope ... now to watch our game.
a. she's here
b. he has been here
c. he is herer
d. he will be here
e. He is here
18. I hope you ..... to stay at home because I am sure you will enjoy the concert very much.
a. does not have
b. does not have
c. no
d. does not have
e. Does not have
19. Did he take medicine last night?
No, ....
a. I hope he will
b. I wish he had
c. I hope he does it
d. I hope he can
e. He hopes he does not
20. "Come swimming!"
"If only I ... tomorrow we have an exam and I still have to study.
a. Can
b. Can
c. will be able to
d. can
e. You can
21. “Dinda, Donny are you going to see the doctor today?”
“we wish we did not have to”
a. They don’t have to go
b. They need to go
c. They are not going today
d. They are willing to go
22. Rina: “my parents wish they had a certificate of deposit”
Dea: “why?”
Rina: “the Intertest rate’s very high recently”
From the dialogue we can conclude that Rina’s parents…
a. Do not have money kept in bank
b. Have no Interest to open an account in a bank
c. Enjoy the very high interest paid by the bank
d. Are going to deposit their money in the bank
23. We know that they are having several problems. But they keep it to their sel. We wish they …. to
us about it now.
a. Had not talked
b. Talked
c. Did not talked
d. Talk
24. I wish somebody answered my call. The phone is been ringing for about Three minutes
The underlined sentence means…
a. Nobody answers the phone
b. The phone would be answered
c. Somebody had answered the call
d. The phone has starter ringing
25. We wish … now to support her daughter
a. She is here
b. She has been here
c. She were here
d. She will be here
26. If only …. in the house, her husband would not angry
a. She had been
b. She is
c. She has been
d. She was
27. If only it were not hot. The fact is…
a. It is cold
b. It is hot
c. It is raining
d. It is snowing
28. If only i …. in Bali
a. Had lived
b. Is living
c. Lived
d. Left
29. If only we knew the venue. The fact is…
a. They don’t know the venue
b. They had came
c. They were looking for the venue
d. They stay at home
30. If only i … my homework
a. Check
b. Had checked
c. Has check
d. Not checking
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. D
13. E
14. D
15. D
16. E
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. E
21. B
22. A
23. C
24. A
25. C
26. A
27. B
28. C
29. A
30. B

Nama : Raden Bagus Sulistyo Wibowo

Kelas : XII TKRO A

No.Abs: 31

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