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FANNY (31)


Subjunctive adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk membayangkan
akibat dari sesuatu yang tidak ada atau tidak terjadi, yang dapat berupa wish
(harapan), requirements (kebutuhan), dan suggestion (saran). Atau dengan
kata lain, makna kalimat subjunctive ini selalu berlawanan dengan
kenyataan atau fakta.
Kata-kata yang digunakan dalam subjunctive adalah wish
(menginginkan/ mengharapkan), as if/ as though (seolah-olah), would
rather (lebih suka), if only (seandainya/ jika saja).
As if/ as though digunakan untuk menyatakan keadaan yang tidak benar
kenyataan atau faktanya.
Wish, would rather, dan if only digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu harapan
atau keinginan.

Rumus Penggunaan

Future Subjunctive
Future Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang
mengacu pada masa yang akan datang, jadi faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple
Future Tense.

Wish :
Subject (1) + wish + Subject (2) + Could / Would + Verb 1
I wish you would come to the party tonight.
(Artinya: Saya berharap kamu akan datang ke pesta nanti malam.)
(Faktanya: He will not come to the party tonight)

2. Present Subjunctive
Present Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang
mengacu pada masa sekarang, jadi faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple Present
Wish :
Subject (1) + wish + Subject (2) + Verb 2 / were
As if /As though :
Subject (1) + Verb 1 + as if + Subject (2) + Verb2 / were
Would rather :
Subject (1) + would rather + Subject (2) + Verb 2 / were
If only :
If only + Subject + Verb 2

Pada bentuk Present Subjunctive, kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk ke-2 (VERB 2), dan jika harus
menggunakan to be, harus menggunakan were untuk semua jenis Subject.
I wish you visited me.
(Artinya: Saya berharap kamu mengunjungi saya.)
(Faktanya: You dont visit me.)
The girl dresses as if it were summer now.
(Artinya: Perempuan itu berpakaian seolah-olah sekarang musim panas.)
(Faktanya: it is not summer now.)
Shelly would rather he told the truth.
(Artinya: Shelly lebih suka dia mengatakan yang sebenarnya.)
(Faktanya: He doesnt tell the truth.)
If only she knew.
(Artinya: Seandainya dia tau.)
(Faktanya: She doesnt know.)

3. Past Subjunctive
Past Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang mengacu
pada masa lampau, jadi faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense.

Wish :
Subject (1) + wished + Subject (2) + Had + Verb 3 / been
As if /As though :
Subject (1) + Verb 2 + as if + Had + Verb 3 / been
Would rather :
Subject (1) + would rather + Subject 2 + Had + Verb 3 / been
If only :
If only + Subject + Had + Verb 3 / been

She wished (that) she had had more time last night.
(Artinya: Dia berharap bahwa dia punya waktu lebih kemarin malam.)
(Faktanya: She didnt have more time last night.)
Jeff looked as though he had seen a ghost.
(Artinya: Jeff terlihat seolah-olah dia telah melihat hantu.)
(Faktanya: He didnt see a ghost.)
I would rather he had been here.
(Artinya: Saya lebih suka dia sudah berada disini.)
(Faktanya: He was not here.)
If only Rachel had not been at home last night
(Artinya: Seandainya Rachel sudah tidak ada di rumah kemarin malam.)
(Faktanya: Rachel was at home last night.)

Soal subjunctive
1. Question
I wish he my best friend.


2. Question
It is important that a newcomer student the instructions carefully.


3. Question
If I a doctor, I would never diagnose heart failure by symptoms alone.


4. Question
It is imperative that everybody quiet in the library.


5. Question
Raissa acted as if she Lady Macbeth.



Soal subjunctive
6. Question
My husband requested that tea used instead of coffee.


7. Question
She cried as though she a million dollars.


8. Question
She would have helped you if you asked her.


9. Question
We wish that we another choice.


10. Question
He insisted that I a gift from him.



Conditional sentence adalah satu kalimat kompleks yang
terdiri dari klausa dependentyang diawali dengan kata if
berupa condition (syarat) dan klausa independent berupa
result/konsekwensi (hasil) dari persyaratannya. Kalimat
conditional disebut juga dengan kalimat pengandaian..
digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin
terjadi atau mungkin tidak terjadi seperti yang diharapkan

Pengertian Conditional Sentence Type 1

Conditional sentence type 1 adalah conditional sentence yang
digunakan ketika result / consequence (hasil) dari condition (syarat)
memiliki kemungkinan untuk terwujud di masa depan karena conditionnya realistik untuk dipenuhi.

Rumus Conditional Sentence Type 1

If + Subjek +V.1, S + Will + V.1

Contoh Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 1

If I prepare well for the test I will pass it .
Fakta:bersifat kemungkinan,probably,may be

Pengertian Conditional Sentence Type 2

Conditional type 2 ini digunakan sebagai aplikasi kejadian masa
sekarang atau present yang akan terjadi jika kondisi yang ada berbeda.

Rumus Conditional Sentence Type 2

If + Subjek +V.2/Were +S + M2 + V.1
M2 (Modal bentuk 2) : Would,could

Contoh Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 2

If I prepared well for the test, I should pass.
Fact: I dont pass the test
Fakta:berkebalikan dengan pernyataan memakai prediket present

Pengertian Conditional Sentence Type 3

Merukan aplikasi kejadian masa lampau atau simple past tense,
kejadian yang harus sudah dipenuhi di masa lalu. Terkadang, di masa
lampau kita mempunyai keinginan yang tidak dapat kita wujudkan. Lalu
kita ingin bercerita kepada teman atau orang lain.

Rumus Conditional Sentence Type 3

If + Subjek + Had + V3 +S+ M.2 + Have + V.3

Contoh Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 3

If I had prepared well for the test, I should have passed.
Fact: I didnt pass
Fakta:berkebalikan dengan pernyataan prediket di ganti
dengan past tense

Soal conditional sentence

1. good quality cookware, we mightnt have needed to get rid of burnt taste in this food.
a. Had we used
b. We had used
2. Your sister to you if you dont stop yelling at her.
a. won't be nice
b. wouldn't be nice
3. If I advise her about travelling by plane with children, to me?
a. she will listen
b. will she listen
4. Unless it rains, I clothes in the sun instead of using the dryer.
a. will dry
b.would dry
5. If the student had got enough sleep, she difficulties in reading the material.
a. wouldnt have faced
b. wouldnt has faced

Soal conditional sentence

6. If I you, I would look for my passion to find a new career.
a. Were
b. was
7. Your calls if you had reply her text message fast
a. wouldnt have been ignored
b. wouldnt have ignored
8. I tall, I would consider joining the army.
a. if were
b. were
9. If you got a bunch of money, it on stupid things?
a. would you spend
b. would you have spent
10. It would be fun if the button to lower volume on my PC properly.
a. Could work
b. Could worked

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