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Pada PJJ minggu lalu sudah anda pelajari Conditional Type 0 dan Ttype 1.

Pada PJJ kali ini dibahas Conditional Type 2 dan Type 3.

Baca materinya di bawah ini, dan kerjakan EXERCISES yang ada di bawahnya.

Conditional Type 2


If + simple past tense , would + Verb 1

would + verb 1 + if + simple past tense

CONDITIONAL TYPE 2 digunakan untuk menyatakan pengandaian yang tidak mungkin
tercapai/ terjadi, karena CONTRARY TO THE PRESENT FACT (Bertentangandengan
realita yang ada sekarang).

Misal, HARI INI temanku ulang tahun. Saya tidak menghadiri pestanya karena tidak

Lalu anda berkata : If he invited me, I would attend his party.

Seandainya dia mengundangku, aku (pasti) akan menghadiri

Itulah contoh Conditional type 2.


Perhatikan contoh-contoh yang berikut ini.

1. If I lived in Seoul, tonight I would go to that Kenyataannya saya tidak tinggal di Seoul,
concert. sehingga saya tidak bisa pergi ke konser itu

2. If it rained today, I would sleep all day. Kenyataanya hari ini hujan, sehingga saya
tidak tiduran sepanjang hari

3. If I had more time, I would exercise more. Kenyataannya saya tidak punya lebih banyak
waktu, sehingga saya tidak berlatih lebih

4. If I were rich, I would spend all my time Kenyataannya saya tidak kaya, sehingga saya
travelling. tidak menghabiskan seluruh waktuku untuk

Conditional Type 3

Conditional sentence tipe 3 digunakan untuk menyampaikan pengandaian atas kejadian

yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu. Karena sudah terjadi maka apa yang kita andaiakan itu
menjadi pengandaian belaka, tidak akan terwujud.


If + had + verb 3 , would + have + verb 3

would + have + verb 3 + if + had + verb 3

CONDITIONAL TYPE 3 digunakan untuk menyatakan pengandaian yang tidak mungkin
tercapai/ terjadi, karena CONTRARY TO THE PAST FACT (Bertentangandengan realita
yang sudah terjadi di waktu lampau).

Misal, SEMINGGU YANG LALU temanku ulang tahun. Saya tidak menghadiri pestanya
karena tidak diundang.

Lalu anda berkata : If he had invited me, I would have attended his party.
Seandainya (WAKTU ITU) dia mengundangku, aku pasti akan
menghadiri pestanya.

Itulah contoh Conditional type 3.

Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut ini

1. If I had left my house earlier, I wouldn’t Kenyataannya saya telat berangkat dari rumah,
have missed the train. sehingga saya ketinggalan kereta

2. If she had called me yesterday, I would Kenyatannya kemarin dia tidak menelpon, sehingga
have been happy. saya tidak merasa senang

3. If you had remembered to invite me, I Kenyataannya kamu tidak ingat untuk mengundang
would have attended your party. saya, sehingga saya tidak menghadiri pestamu

4. We might have gone to South America Kenyataannya isteriku hamil, sehingga kami tidak pergi
if my wife had not been pregnant. ke Amerika Selatan.

5. If you hadn’t forgotten her birthday, Kenyataannya kamu lupa hari ulang tahunnya, sehingga dia
she wouldn’t have been upset. sedih

6. If they had booked earlier, they could Kenyataannya mereka tidak memesan lebih awal, sehingga
have found better seats. mereka tidak mendapatkan tempat duduk yang lebih baik


Nah, mudah bukan untuk membedakan kegunaan conditional sentence masing-masing

tipe? Sekarang, kamu pun bisa membuat conditional sentence sesuai dengan kegunaannya
dengan benar.

1. What would you do differently if you _____ to do this again?

a. have
b. had
c. would hav

2. If I _____ the more expensive bike, I won't have enough money to pay my rent.
a. buy
b. bought
c. will buy

3. The project _____ delayed if I don't finish this report on time.

a. is
b. will be
c. would be

4. If I _____ you, I'd go to the doctor's.

a. am
b. were
c. will be

5. When I look at a computer screen for too long, I _____ a headache.

a. get
b. got
c. would get

6. You don't need to print your ticket as long as _____ the email.
a. you have
b. you had
c. you'll have

7. If I cared what people think, I _____ a very boring life!

a. had
b. will have
c. would have

8. I'll go and visit her as soon as I _____ time.

a. have
b. will have
c. had

9. If I'd planted seeds in spring, I _____ tomatoes now.

b. would have
c. had have
d. 'll have

10. My mum would be fine now if the doctor _____ what was wrong with her at the
a. had realised
b. would have realised
c. realised

11. If my train had been on time, I _____ my meeting.

a. won't miss
b. wouldn't miss
c. wouldn't have missed

12. If you _____ studying earlier, you'd feel more prepared for the exam.
a. start
b. would start
c. had started

13. They would have seen the fireworks if they _____ here 15 minutes earlier.
a. were
b. would be
c. had bee

14. If I didn't have so much work this week, I _____ with you yesterday.
a. would have gone
b. would go
c. had been

15. My parents _____ if my grandmother hadn't left Ireland.

a. wouldn't meet
b. wouldn't have met
c. won't meet

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