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Apa itu Conditional Sentence ?

Kalimat ini dapat digunakan untuk

mengungkapkan sebab akibat, kemungkinan
terjadinya sesuatu, atau untuk mengungkapkan
asumsi tentang hal-hal yang sebenarnya tidak
mungkin terjadi.

Ada 4 jenis kalimat conditional yang masing-

masing menggunakan bentuk tenses yang
berbeda. Namun, pada dasarnya semua kalimat
bersyarat terdiri dari klausa if dan klausa utama.

Conditional Sentence Type 0

Kalimat tipe 0 digunakan untuk menyatakan

sebab dan akibat dari suatu fakta yang secara
umum diketahui benar. Jika hal A terjadi, itu
akan menyebabkan hal B.

Rumus :
If + simple present tense, simple present
Simple present tense + if + simple present

If you heat butter, it melts.
The ground gets wet if it rains.

Conditional Sentences Type 1

Kalimat tipe 1 digunakan untuk

mengungkapkan sesuatu yang sangat
mungkin terjadi di masa depan jika kita
melakukan sesuatu.

If + simple present tense, simple future tense

Simple future tense + if + simple present tense

If you go now, you will arrive there on time.
I will buy a new bike if I pass the exam.
Conditional Sentences

Type 2

Kalimat tipe 2 digunakan untuk

mengungkapkan sesuatu yang tidak realistis
atau sangat tidak mungkin terjadi. Oleh
karena itu, tipe ini cocok untuk
mengungkapkan keinginan kita.
Rumus :

If + simple past, present conditional

Present conditional + if + simple past

If I lived in Seoul, tonight I would go to
that concert. (The fact is I don't live in
Seoul, so I can't go to that concert)

I would play roller coaster every day if I

owned a theme park. (The fact is I don't
have my own playground, so I can't go on
roller coasters every day)

Conditional Sentences Type 3

Kalimat tipe 3 digunakan untuk menyampaikan

asumsi tentang peristiwa yang telah terjadi di masa
lalu. Karena kenyataan sudah terjadi dan tidak bisa
diubah lagi, kita hanya bisa mengungkapkan
anggapan apa yang akan terjadi jika kejadian itu
berbeda dengan kenyataan.
Rumus :

If + past perfect, perfect conditional

Perfect conditional + if + past perfect

If I had left my house earlier, I wouldn't have
missed the train. (In fact I was late leaving home,
so I missed the train)
If she had called me yesterday, I would have been
happy. (In fact yesterday he didn't call, so I'm not
happy now)
Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan

1. If I had accepted that work offer,…………………

A. I will have built my own house.

B. I would have built my own house.

C. I will build my own house.

D. I would build my own house.

Jawaban: B
Kunci untuk menjawab pertanyaan pola kalimat pengandaian
adalah dengan meng-hafalkan rumus pola kalimatnya. Kalimat di
atas adalah kalimat pengandaian bentuk ke 3.

2. If I work at Ministry of Foreign Affairs,……….

A. I will get a chance for continuing my study in foreign

B. I would get a chance for continuing my study in foreign

C. I would have got a chance for continuing my study in
foreign country.

D. I get a chance for continuing my study in foreign country.

Jawaban: A
Pola kalimat di atas adalah pola kalimat pengandaian tipe 1. Fakta
yang diungkapkan dalam kalimat pengandaian tipe 1 adalah ada
kemungkin besar akan terjadi suatu hal di masa akan datang jika
ia melakukan hal tersebut.
3. If I had come to her wedding party, I would not have regretted What is
the fact of the previous conditional sentence?
A. I didn’t come to her wedding party. Therefore, I regretted.

B. I don’t come to her wedding party. Therefore, I regret.

C. I have not come to her wedding party. Therefore, I regretted.

D. I had not come to her wedding party. Therefore, I regret.

Jawaban: A
Pola kalimat di atas adalah kalimat pengandaian tipe 3. Fakta yang diungkapkan
dalam kalimat pengandaian tipe 3 adalah bahwa apa yang diandaikan tidak
pernah terjadi di masa yang lalu.

4. Mr. Bayu would give me an interesting bonus if 1 won the tender. What is
the fact of the previous conditional sentence?
A. I won the tender.

B. I don’t win the tender.

C. I didn’t win the tender.

D. I win the tender.

Jawaban: B
Pola kalimat di atas adalah kalimat pengandaian tipe 2. Fakta yang dari kalimat peng­‐
andaian tipe 2 adalah pada saat kalimat tersebut diujarkan apa yang diandaikan tidak

5. If you … me, I would have been very glad.

A. Help
B. Helped
C. Had helped
D. Would help

Jawaban: C
Pola kalimat di atas adalah kalimat pengandaian tipe 3 karena Would have been
merupakan ciri dari penggunaaan tipe 3. Jadi kalimat sebelumnya harus menggunakan had
+ verb 3.
Latihan Soal
1. If I come to their wedding reception, I will not regret it.
A. I did not come to their wedding. So I regret it. 

B. I didn't come to your wedding. So I'm sorry. 

C. I did not come to your wedding. So I regret it. 

D. I did not come to their wedding. So I'm sorry.

2. My father would permit me to ride the motorcycle……..

A. If I have a driving licence

B. If I had a driving licence.

C. If I had had a driving licence.

D. If I would have a driving licence.

3. If I were you,……………….
A. I will stay at the boarding house.

B. I would stay at the boarding house.

C. I stay at the boarding house.

D. I would have stayed at the boarding house.

4. If they practice a lot, they ………….. the game. 

A. Wins 

B. Win 

C. Will win
D. Would win

5. If she goes to the birthday party, she ………….. A present.

A. Takes 

B. Will take 

C. Take
D. Taken

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