Anda di halaman 1dari 5

No British American Meaning

1 aeroplane airplane pesawat terbang

2 aluminium aluminum bahan aluminium
3 anticlockwise counterclockwise berlawanan arah jarum jam
4 apologise apologize meminta maaf
tempat berteduh (biasanya
5 arbour arbor
dinaungi oleh tanaman menjalar)
6 aubergine eggplant terong
7 autumn fall musim gugur/rontok
pemukul permainan tenis meja
8 bat paddle
9 behaviour behavior kelakuan/tingkah laku
10 bill check tagihan (di restoran)
11 biscuit cookie kue biskuit
apartemen/rumah tingkat
12 block of flats apartment building
bersusun (rusun)
13 bonnet hood kap mobil
14 boot trunk bagasi barang (pada mobil)
15 braces suspenders Tali selempang (baju+celana)
16 candy floss cotton candy gula-gula
17 Car park Parking lot Tempat parkir
18 cashier teller tempat membayar tagihan
Tempat ambil uang (Anjungan
19 cashpoint ATM
Tunai Mandiri)
20 chect of drawers dresser lemari (rias)
21 chemist's drugstore/pharmacy toko obat (apotek)
22 cheque check cek
23 chips french fries kentang goreng
24 clothes peg clothespin jepitan jemuran
25 colour color warna
26 cooker stove kompor
27 cool box cooler kotak pendingin tempat es
28 cosy cozy menyenangkan/nyaman
29 courgette zucchini sayuran (mirip terong/timun hijau)
30 crisps potato chips keripik kentang
31 diversion detour pengalihan jalan/putar balik jalan
No British American Meaning

32 draw tie skor seimbang

33 dummy pacifier empeng bayi
34 dustman garbage man tukang sampah
35 duvet comforter selimut
36 enamoured enamored terpikat
37 favourite favorite favorit/kesayangan
38 fibre fiber bahan fiber/serabut/serat
39 first floor second floor lantai kedua
apartemen/rumah tingkat
40 flat apartment
bersusun (rusun)
41 flyover overpass jalan layang
42 football soccer sepakbola
43 Friend / Mate Friend teman
44 full stop period titik
45 garden backyard/yard taman
46 Glue Gum lem
47 grey gray abu-abu
48 ground floor first floor lantai paling bawah
49 hand luggage carry-on melanjutkan
50 harbour harbor pelabuhan
51 high street main street jalan utama
52 holiday vacation liburan
53 humour humor lawak/candaan
54 ice lolly popsicle es krim bertangkai
55 indicator blinker lampu sein kendaraan
56 jam jelly selai
57 jelly jello agar-agar
58 Jumper/Pullover Sweater Jaket (biasanya dari wol)
pinggiran jalan raya (biasanya di
59 kerb curb
cat hitam putih)
60 kilometre kilometer kilometer (KM)
61 kit uniform seragam
lif untuk tempat naik ke lantai atas
62 lift elevator
gedung bertingkat
63 liquorice licorice kayu manis
No British American Meaning

64 litre liter liter (L)

65 loo restroom/bathroom toilet
66 lorry truck mobil truk
67 Mac (slang for Macintosh) Rain Coat jas hujan
68 Maths Math matematika
69 meagre meager sedikit
70 motorway highway jalan raya
71 mould mold cetakan/mencetak
72 moustache mustache kumis
73 mummy mommy ibu
74 nappy diaper popok
75 neighbour neighbor tetangga
76 nought/zero zero nol
permainan (tiap daerah beda
77 noughts and crosses tic-tac-toe
nama, ada 9 kotak ukuran 3x3)
78 nutter crazy person orang gila
79 odour odor bau busuk
80 parlour parlor kamar/ruang tamu
81 pavement sidewalk trotoar
82 peckish hungry lapar
83 petrol gas bahan bakar
pom bensin (tempat isi bahan
84 petrol station gas station
telepon umum berkotak
85 phone box phone booth
(biasanya berada di luar negeri)
86 pitch field lapangan
87 Play Time / Break Time Recess waktu istirahat (Cuma sejenak)
88 Plimsolls Gym Shoes sepatu nge-gym
89 plough plow traktor bajak
90 post mail kotak surat
91 postal code zip code kode pos
92 postman mailman tukang pos
93 private school public school sekolah negeri
94 programme program program
95 public school private school sekolah swasta
No British American Meaning

96 pyjamas pajamas baju tidur

97 queue line antrian
98 road surface pavement jalan raya
99 rounders baseball baseball
100 rubber eraser penghapus
101 rumour rumor desas-desus/ kabar angin
102 runner bean string bean kacang panjang
103 School dinner Hot Lunch makan siang (disekolah)
104 Sellotape Scotch tape selotip
105 serviette napkin serbet/lap tangan dari kertas
106 spanner wrench kunci (kunci inggris)
107 speciality specialty kekhususan
108 spectacles/specs/glasses eyeglasses/glasses kacamata
109 Staff Room Teachers Lounge ruang guru
110 sweets candy permen
Swimming costume /
111 Bathing Suit baju renang
makanan siap saji yang bisa
112 Takeway takeout dibawa ketempat lain untuk di
113 tea towel/ tea cloth dish towel serbet/lap tangan
114 telly TV televisi
115 theatre theater bioskop
papan jadwal (biasa ada di
116 timetable schedule bandara, kereta, ataupun
117 torch flashlight lampu
Sepatu sporty (biasa untuk
118 Trainers Sneakers
119 treacle molasses sirup gula
120 Trousers Pants celana panjang
121 tyre tire ban
122 underground subway kereta api bawah tanah
123 vest undershirt kaos dalam/singlet
124 waistcoat vest Rompi
125 windscreen windshiled kipas kaca pada mobil
No British American Meaning

126 zebra crossing crosswalk tempat berjalan

127 zed zee huruf Z

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