Anda di halaman 1dari 3


No Indonesia Inggris
1 Asuhan masa nifas Postpartum care
2 Proses Process
3 Laktasi Lactation
4 Menyusui Breastfeed, suckle
5 Pemberian ASI Breastfeeding
6 Cara menyusui The way feeding
7 ASI Ekslusif Mother’s milk exclusive
8 Memperbanyak ASI Increase mother milk
9 Merawat Payudara Breast care
10 Depresi Depression
11 Kebutuhan Necessary
12 Cairan Liquid
13 Nutrisi Nutrition
14 Ambulasi Early ambulation
15 Eliminasi Eliminate
16 Kebutuhan Istirahat Need rest
17 Senam nifas Postpartum exercise
18 Generasi Generation
19 Keluarga berencana The plan
20 Pengkajian Assesment
21 Asuhan kebidanan Education midwifery
22 Kunjungan rumah Home visit
23 Perdarahan pervaginam Vagina hemorrhage
24 Infeksi Infection
25 Mampu Able to
26 Mengasuh Care of, take care of,
27 Payudara Breast
28 Rasa sakit The pain
29 Dokumentasi Documentation
30 Manajemen Management
31 Metode Method
32 Perubahan Change
33 Organ Reproduction
34 Involusi Involution
35 Uterus Womb, uterine
36 Vagina Vagina
37 Serviks Serviks
38 Pemantauan Observatio, monitoring
39 Mencegah Prevent
40 Plasenta Placenta
41 Atonia uteri Uterine atony
42 Hisapan bayi Suction
43 Refleks Reflex
44 Payudara bengkak Swollen breasts
45 Payudara penuh Full breasts
46 Vitamin Vitamine
47 Menempel Stick to
48 Memandikan bayi Bathce the baby
49 Merawat Take care of
50 Laserasi Laceration
51 Komplikasi masa nifas Puerperal complication
52 Jarak Space
53 Kejang Seizures
54 Kesehatan tubuh Body healt
55 Tanda bahaya Warning signs
56 Kandung kemih Bledders
57 Perdarahan hebat Heavy bleeding
58 Lokhea Lochea
59 Infeksi payudara Breast infection
60 Bendungan asi Milk dam
61 Kunjungan nifas Postnatal visit
62 Kehilangan darah Blood loss
63 Kebersihan diri Personal hygiene
64 Fundus Fundus, top of teh uterine
65 Sembuh Heal
66 Luka peruneum sembuh Perineal wound healed
67 Jarak kelahiran Birth spacing
68 Jantung berdebar Heart beat
69 Obat-obatan Medicine
70 Hubungan seks sex
71 Konstipasi Constipation
72 Buang air besar Defecate
73 Buang air kecil Urination
74 Senam kegel Kegel exercise
75 kemerahan Redness
76 Saluran tersumbat Blocked duct
77 Penglihatan buram Blurred vision
78 Cairan vagina berbau Smelly vaginal dischorge
79 Kelelahan Fatigue
80 Bernanah Pus
81 Demam tinggi High fever
82 Kompres Compress
83 Kompres hangat Hot pack
84 Kompres dingin Cold pack
84 Dehidrasi Dehydration
85 Sisa cairan Residual liquid
86 Kontraksi Contraction
87 Mengukur Measure
88 Rasa nyeri terbakar Burning pain
89 Tetes Drops
90 Tanda vital Vital sign
91 Rasa nyaman Feeling comfortable
92 Nyeri bagian bawah abdomen Law abdominal pain
93 Masa segera setlah nifas Immediate post partum
94 24 jam-1mgg nifas Early post partum
95 1-5mgg nifas Late periode postpartum
96 Cacat bawaan Congenital defect
97 Kewalahan Overwhelmed
98 Merasa bersalah Feeling guilty
99 Sakit perut Stomachache
10 Sakit kepala Headache
10 Jahitan luka abdomen Abdomen wound suture

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