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Avra u “Os EVALUASI KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK TANAMAN MANGGA (Mangifera indica, L.) PADA BEBERAPA LOKASI PENGAMATAN DI KABUPATEN LEBAK BAGIAN SELATAN Oleh: BUDI EKO CAHYONO 404496007 PROGRAM STUDI ILMU TANAH S-1 DEPARTEMEN TANAH FAKULTAS PERTANIAN INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR 2004 Hatimu putih Ibu... Kau adalah kekuatanku meraih kemajuan Bhaktiku untuk semua SUMMARY Budi Eko Cahyono. Land Evaluation for Mango (Mangifera indica, L.) Suitability of Some Locations in South Lebak District (Supervised by Budi Mulyanto and Hidayat Wiranegara). : Dealing with District Autonomy program, the district governments should be able to do self finance for their own district business, therefore they should recuperate financial support from any sources, including their natural resources, especially their Jand resources for agricultural development. Since Indonesia is an agricultural country, most of districts in Indonesia, including Lebak District, are based on agriculture activities. Therefore development of Lebak District is concentrated to the development of agriculture, that focused on the development of tropical fruits, especially mango trees plantation, because the mango has relatively high economic value and good market prospect. The mango fruit has good market both in and foreign countries, and this commodity is one of the principle crops for the development of the horticulture crops in Indonesia. Related to the above background the objective of this research is to evaluate the land suitability for mango tree plantation of some locations in the South Lebak District, Banten Province, and to know their potencies for the development of mango tree plantation in those areas. : ‘The results indicate that based on the physical and chemical characteristics of some soil profiles evaluation indicate the actual and potential suitability classes of the

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