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(Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMAN 2 Skanto)

Alamat : JL. Tawes No. 229 Arso III. RT.17/ RW.06. Kampung Jaifuri.
Kec. Skanto. Kab. Keerom. Provinsi Papua

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No. HP : 085254194001

Song : gubahan seni nada atau suara yang berirama, biasanya diiringi
dengan alat musik.
Lyric : susunan atau rangkaian kata yang memiliki nada dan irama.
Music : sebuah nada atau suara yang berasal dari alat music dan memang
disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga bisa mengandung irama yang
indah, lagu dan keharmonisan
Introduction : Musik diawal sebuah lagu
Verse : baris dari sebuah lagu yang menggambarkan konsep dan tema
lagu tersebut
Chorus : Baris dari sebuah lagu yang dinyanyikan berulang-ulang
Bridge : bagian dari sebuah lagu yang memiliki melodi berbeda dari
sebagian besar lagu
Outro : Baris tambahan dari sebuah lagu yang mengarah ke penutup

Seperti kita ketahui bersama kehidupan keseharian kita tidak lepas dari yang namanya
lagu dan music. Modul pembelajaran ini merupakan media pendukung bagi peserta didik
dalam memahami materi tentang meaning through SONG pada mata pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris kelas XI semester 2. Materi dibuat berdasarkan silabus kurikulum 2013 revisi
tahun 2017 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas XI semester 2 Kompetensi Dasar 3.9
Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja, dan
4.9 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik
lagu terkait kehidupan remaja

Adapun materi yang harus dikuasai oleh peserta didik antara lain:
fungsi sosial, unsur kebahasaan dan makna (pesan-pesan) secara kontekstual lirik lagu
terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK

Semoga modul ini bermanfaat, dapat dimengerti dan dipahami oleh peserta didik sebagai
salah satu sumber belajar khususnya mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
Kompetensi Dasar

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja

4.9 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik
lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja

3.9.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja

3.9.2 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja

4.9 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik
lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK
4.9.1 Menirukan lirik lagu secara lisan
4.9.2 Menyebutkan bagian-bagian yang terkait dengan pesan-pesan tertentu
4.9.3 Menangkap makna terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan secara
kontekstual lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK
Pembelajaran I

a. Objectives

After learning this chapter, students are expected to:

1. Understand meanings in songs contextually,
2. Understand main idea, specific information, detailed information, explicit and implicit
information in a song,
3. Get entertainment from songs,
4. Infer moral values from songs,

b. Materials

1. Social Function
To get entertainment and infer moral values from songs

2. Definition
A song is a piece of music. It consists of several parts, as follows;
 Introduction, or intro, is the music at the beginning of a song.
 Verse are the lines of a song, describing the concept and theme of the song.
 Chorus are the lines of a song that are repeatedly sung.
 Bridge is the part of a song that has relatively different melody from the rest of the
 Outro is the additional lines of a song which brings it to a close.
by Mariah Carey

[Verse 1] [Chorus]
There's a hero And then a hero comes along
If you look inside your heart With the strength to carry on
You don't have to be afraid And you cast your fears aside
Of what you are And you know you can survive
There's an answer So when you feel like hope is gone
If you reach into your soul Look inside you and be strong
And the sorrow that you know And you'll finally see the truth
Will melt away That a hero lies in you, oh, oh

[Chorus] [Bridge]
And then a hero comes along Lord knows
With the strength to carry on Dreams are hard to follow
And you cast your fears aside But don't let anyone
And you know you can survive Tear them away, hey yeah
So when you feel like hope is gone Hold on
Look inside you and be strong There will be tomorrow
And you'll finally see the truth In time you'll find the way
That a hero lies in you
[Verse 2] And then a hero comes along
It's a long road With the strength to carry on
When you face the world alone And you cast your fears aside
No one reaches out a hand And you know you can survive
For you to hold So when you feel like hope is gone
You can find love Look inside you and be strong
If you search within yourself And you'll finally see the truth
And that emptiness you felt
Will disappear [Outro]
That a hero lies in you
That a hero lies in you
Mmm, that a hero lies in you
Answer the question!
1. What is the song about?
2. What is the message of the song?
3. How can we find a hero in ourselves?
4. Do you think it is an inspiring song? Why/ why not?
5. How do you feel after listening to the song and understanding its message?

1. A song is a piece of music. It consists of several parts, as follows;

 Introduction, or intro, is the music at the beginning of a song.
 Verse are the lines of a song, describing the concept and theme of the song.
 Chorus are the lines of a song that are repeatedly sung.
 Bridge is the part of a song that has relatively different melody from the rest of
the song.
 Outro is the additional lines of a song which brings it to a close.
2. Song deliver its message through the lyric.
Penilain Diri

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan jujur.

Sesudah mempelajari e-modul ini saya…,
No Pertanyaan
1 Mampu memahami makna lagu secara kontekstual?
2 Mampu menjelaskan/ menceritakan kembali makna
sebuah lagu?
3 Mampu mengidentifikasi ide pokok dari sebuah
4 Mampu mengidentifikasi informasi khusus dan
umum dari sebuah lagu?
5 Mampu menangkap pesan/ pesan moral dari
sebuah lagu

Bila ada jawaban "Tidak", maka segera lakukan review pembelajaran, terutama pada
bagian yang masih "Tidak".

Bila semua jawaban "Ya", maka Anda dapat melanjutkan ke pembelajaran berikutnya.

Heal The World

(By Michael Jackson)

There's a place in your heart Heal the world

And I know that it is love Make it a better place
And this place could be much For you and for me
Brighter than tomorrow And the entire human race
And if you really try There are people dying
You'll find there's no need to cry If you care enough for the living
In this place you'll feel Make a better place for you and for me
There's no hurt or sorrow
And the dream we were conceived in
There are ways to get there
Will reveal a joyful face
If you care enough for the living
And the world we once believed in
Make a little space
Will shine again in grace
Make a better place
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify its soul
Heal the world
Though it's plain to see
Make it a better place
This world is heavenly
For you and for me
Be god's glow
And the entire human race
There are people dying We could fly so high
If you care enough for the living Let our spirits never die
Make it a better place In my heart I feel you are all my
For you and for me brothers
Create a world with no fear
If you want to know why
Together we cry happy tears
There's love that cannot lie
See the nations turn their swords into
Love is strong
It only cares of joyful giving
If we try we shall see We could really get there
In this bliss we cannot feel If you cared enough for the living
Fear of dread Make a little space
We stop existing and start living To make a better place
The it feels that always
Heal the world
Love's enough for us growing
Make it a better place
So make a better world
For you and for me
Make a better place
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me
You and for me

1. What is the theme of the song?

a. To describe love between men and women.
b. To fight against fears.
c. To encourage us to pursue our dreams.
d. To provide assistance for people who are in need.
e. To create a peaceful world for all people and next generations.

2. What is expected by the singer through the song?

a. We should love and care for each other.
b. We should support people to build the world.
c. We should actively participate in an effort to stop fear.
d. We should donate some of our belongings to others.
e. We should motivate other people to think positively.

3. What happens when there is a strong love between us?

a. We’ll have many friends.
b. We’ll be in big trouble.
c. We’ll have to go through difficult times.
d. We’ll be living in happiness with others.
e. We’ll face many unforgettable moments.

4. We could fly so high

Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we cry happy tears
See the nations turn their swords into plowshares

Who does ‘our’ refer to?

a. The singer and his family.
b. The singer and his friends.
c. All the people in the world.
d. All the people who are in fight.
e. The singer, his friends and family.

5. Heal the world

Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place
For you and for me

What does ‘it’ refer to?

a. The people
b. The singer
c. The writer
d. The world
e. The song

6. Heal the world

Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place
For you and for me

What is the message of the lyric?

a. We should make the world become a better place to live in.
b. We should avoid war.
c. We should live in the peace place.
d. We should make the world full with peace.
e. We should live in another world to avoid the war.
That’s The Way It Is
By. Celine Dion

I can read your mind And your heart's left in doubt

And I know your story Don't give up on your faith
I see what you're going through, yeah Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
It's an uphill climb
That's the way it is
And I'm feeling sorry
But I know it will come to you, yeah When life is empty
With no tomorrow
Don't surrender
And loneliness starts to call
Cause you can win
(loneliness starts to call)
In this thing called love
Baby don't worry
When you want it the most
Forget your sorrow
There's no easy way out
Cause love's gonna conquer it all, all
When you're ready to go
And your heart's left in doubt When you want it the most
Don't give up on your faith There's no easy way out
Love comes to those who believe it When you're ready to go
And that's the way it is And your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
When you question me
Love comes to those who believe it
For a simple answer
(And that's the way it is
I don't know what to say, no
There's no easy way out
But it's plain to see When you're ready to go
If you stick together And your hearts left to doubt)
You're gonna find the way, yeah Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
So don't surrender
And that's the way it is
Cause you can win
That's the way it is
In this thing called love
That's the way it is
When you want it the most Don't give up on your faith
There's no easy way out Love comes to those who believe it
When you're ready to go And that's the way it is
7. What is the song about?
a. It’s about never give up.
b. It’s about giving advice to find true love.
c. It’s about one-sided love.
d. It’s about giving spirit when someone is having trouble in finding true love.
e. It’s about finding true love.

8. What can you learn from the song?

a. Let your love go away
b. Chase your true love
c. Love will find the way
d. Never let your love go away
e. Love is in God’s hands.

9. When you want it the most

There's no easy way out
When you're ready to go
And your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

What does “it” refer to?

a. True love
b. Faith
c. Way out
d. The song
e. The message

10. When you want it the most

There's no easy way out
When you're ready to go
And your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

What does “it” refer to?

a. True love
b. Faith
c. Way out
d. The song
e. The message
Daftar Pustaka

Bima M, Bahtiar dkk. 2017. Bahasa Inggris. Klaten: Intan Pariwara.

Setiawan Dj, Otong., Supeni. 2016. Bahasa Inggris. Bandung: Yrama Widya

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI. 2017. Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK/

MAK Kelas X. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI.

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