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LAPORAN KLINIK Pedoman untuk Clinician di Rendering Pediatric Perawatan

Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan infantil

David H. Darrow, MD, DDS, Arin K. Greene, MD, Anthony J. Mancini, MD, Amy J. Nopper, MD, BAGIAN dermatologi, BAGIAN ON THT - KEPALA

abstrak hemangioma infantil (IHS) adalah tumor yang paling umum dari masa kanak-kanak. Tidak seperti tumor

lainnya, mereka memiliki kemampuan unik untuk rumit setelah proliferasi, yang sering menimbulkan

penyedia perawatan primer untuk menganggap mereka akan menyelesaikan tanpa intervensi atau

konsekuensi. Sayangnya, bagian dari IHS cepat mengembangkan komplikasi, mengakibatkan rasa sakit,

gangguan fungsional, atau dis permanen fi gurement. Akibatnya, dokter primer memiliki tugas menentukan

lesi memerlukan konsultasi awal dengan dokter spesialis. Meskipun beberapa ulasan baru-baru ini telah

diterbitkan, laporan klinis ini adalah fi pertama berdasarkan masukan dari individu yang mewakili banyak

spesialisasi yang terlibat dalam pengobatan IH. Tujuannya adalah untuk memperbarui masyarakat pediatrik

mengenai penemuan terbaru di IH patogenesis, pengobatan, dan asosiasi klinis dan untuk memberikan

dasar untuk pengambilan keputusan klinis dalam pengelolaan IH.

Dokumen ini merupakan hak cipta dan milik dari American Academy of Pediatrics dan
Dewan Direksi. Semua penulis memiliki fi dipimpin con fl ik laporan kepentingan dengan
American Academy of Pediatrics. setiap con fl ik telah diselesaikan melalui proses yang
disetujui oleh Dewan Direksi. The American Academy of Pediatrics telah tidak diminta
atau diterima keterlibatan komersial apapun dalam pengembangan isi dari publikasi ini.


laporan klinis dari American Academy of Pediatrics bene fi t dari keahlian dan sumber Nomenklatur dan klasifikasi fi kation tumor pembuluh darah dan malformasi telah berevolusi
daya penghubung internal dan (American Academy of Pediatrics) dan peninjau
dari deskripsi klinis ( “ strawberry tanda lahir, ”“ salmon Patch, ”“ hemangioma kavernosum, ” dan “ Port
eksternal. Namun, laporan klinis dari American Academy of Pediatrics mungkin tidak
kembali fl dll pandangan penghubung atau organisasi atau instansi pemerintah yang wine stain “) terminologi berdasarkan fitur selular mereka, sejarah alam, dan perilaku klinis.
mereka wakili.
Awalnya digambarkan oleh Mulliken dan Glowacki pada tahun 1982, yang diklasifikasikan
terbaru dan diterima secara luas fi kation anomali vaskular yang diadopsi oleh Masyarakat
Bimbingan dalam laporan ini tidak menunjukkan kursus eksklusif pengobatan atau
berfungsi sebagai standar perawatan medis. Variasi, dengan keadaan individu akun,
Internasional untuk Studi Vascular Anomali (Tabel 1). 1 Sistem ini mencakup hemangioma
mungkin tepat. infantil (IH) antara neoplasma vaskuler, yang lesi ditandai dengan proliferasi abnormal dari

Semua laporan klinis dari American Academy of Pediatrics secara otomatis berakhir 5
sel-sel endotel dan arsitektur pembuluh darah yang menyimpang. Sebaliknya, malformasi
tahun setelah publikasi kecuali reaf fi rmed, direvisi, atau pensiun pada atau sebelum vaskular adalah anomali struktural dan kesalahan bawaan morfogenesis pembuluh darah.
waktu itu.

DOI: 10,1542 / peds.2015-2485

Pediatrics (Nomor ISSN: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). Meskipun IH adalah neoplasma yang paling umum, kelompok ini juga termasuk tumor seperti
Hak cipta © 2015 oleh American Academy of Pediatrics hemangioma bawaan, granuloma piogenik, angioma berumbai (TA), dan beberapa jenis
hemangioendothelioma. hemangioma bawaan secara biologis dan perilaku berbeda dari IH.
PENGUNGKAPAN KEUANGAN: Para penulis telah mengindikasikan bahwa mereka tidak memiliki fi hubungan

keuangan yang relevan untuk artikel ini untuk mengungkapkan. sebagai re fl tercermin dalam nama, hemangioma bawaan hadir dan sepenuhnya terbentuk
saat lahir; mereka tidak menunjukkan fase proliferasi postnatal
POTENSI KONFLIK KEPENTINGAN: Para penulis telah mengindikasikan bahwa mereka tidak memiliki potensi

con fl ik kepentingan untuk mengungkapkan.

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DARI American Academy of Pediatrics Pediatri Volume 136, nomor 4, Oktober 2015
karakteristik IH. 2 varian adalah noninvoluting Ini adalah reaktif berkembang biak lesi vaskular dan dapat tumbuh perlahan-lahan selama bulan
bawaan hemangioma (nich), yang tetap stabil yang diklasi fi ed sebagai neoplasma vaskuler ke tahun, tumbuh dengan cepat, spontan mundur,
tanpa pertumbuhan atau involusi, 2,3 dan (Tabel 1). Lesi ini umum diperoleh pembuluh atau tetap aktif selama bertahun-tahun. 14 - 16 Tidak
berinvolusi dengan cepat hemangioma kongenital darah pada kulit dan selaput lendir terutama seperti KHE dan TA, IHS tidak berhubungan
(RICH), yang mengalami fase involusi cepat mempengaruhi bayi dan anak-anak dan sering dengan trombositopenia atau koagulopati.
dimulai pada fi tahun pertama kehidupan (Gambar salah didiagnosis sebagai IH. Sekitar 12% terjadi malformasi vaskular adalah lesi kongenital, tetapi
1). 4 RICHs, dalam beberapa kasus, telah dikaitkan pada masa bayi, dan 42% hadir selama fi rst 5 beberapa mungkin menjadi jelas secara klinis
dengan trombositopenia tetapi dengan lebih tahun hidup. 10 granuloma piogenik yang paling hanya di kemudian hari, mungkin karena ectasia
ringan dan lebih transient koagulopati daripada sering terletak di kepala dan leher, cepat progresif lambat yang dihasilkan dari intraluminal fl ow.
yang terlihat di fenomena Kasabach-Merritt (KMP; membesar ke ukuran rata-rata 6,5 ​mm, sering Mereka menunjukkan tingkat normal pergantian
lihat diskusi yang berikut); jarang, mereka dapat mengembangkan basis pedunkulata, dan, sel endotel sepanjang sejarah alam mereka, tetapi
dengan erosi, rentan terhadap pendarahan yang
dikaitkan dengan gagal jantung kongestif. 5,6 Beberapa berkembang sebagai pasien tumbuh. malformasi
dif fi kultus untuk mengontrol (Gambar 2). 10
RICHs menunjukkan involusi lengkap, dan adalah vaskular tidak rumit, dan pertumbuhan mereka
mungkin bahwa KAYA dan nich kebohongan di mungkin dalam fl dipengaruhi oleh trauma, infeksi,
ujung-ujung spektrum klinis yang sama. 7,8 Kedua dan perubahan hormonal. klasifikasi fi kation
subtipe dari hemangioma bawaan awalnya didasarkan pada jenis kapal dominan: kapiler atau
diyakini varian IH yang menunjukkan granuloma piogenik terlihat dengan frekuensi yang venulocapillary, vena, limfatik, arteri, atau
pertumbuhan prenatal sampai Utara et al 9 menunjukkanlebih tinggi dalam kulit yang mengandung campuran. 17 Seperti neoplasma vaskuler,
bahwa, tidak seperti IH, lesi tidak mengungkapkan malformasi kapiler. Dua neoplasma yang berbeda nomenklatur malformasi vaskular telah
transporter glukosa protein isoform 1 (GLUT1). lainnya jinak pembuluh darah, kaposiform menyebabkan kebingungan besar. Kapiler atau
granuloma piogenik, juga dikenal sebagai hemangioendothelioma (KHE) dan TA, telah venulocapillary malformasi telah memiliki banyak
hemangioma kapiler lobular, bukanlah piogenik bingung dengan IH. KHE menyajikan terutama sebutan alternatif, yang paling umum
atau granulomatosa. pada masa bayi tetapi dengan rentang usia jauh
lebih luas daripada IH, yang biasanya tampak
dalam fi bulan pertama kehidupan. KHE dianggap
sebagai neoplasma lokal agresif yang biasanya
muncul sebagai massa jaringan dalam, lembut.
Lesi ini telah dikaitkan dengan KMP, 11 sebuah
koagulopati konsumtif berpotensi mengancam
nyawa yang ditandai dengan perangkap platelet “ Port wine stain ” dan “ nevus
parah. Sebelum KHE digambarkan di awal fl ammeus. ” malformasi vena sering keliru
1990-an, KMP keliru diduga terjadi dalam untuk IH,
TABEL 1 klasifikasi fi kasi Cutaneous hubungan dengan IH. Histopatologi, KHE
Vascular Anomali 2014 menunjukkan di fi lembar infiltratif ramping, sel-sel

malformasi vaskular endotel yang melapisi GLUT1negative slitlike

malformasi vena limfatik malformasi kapiler kapiler. 12 TA adalah tumor pembuluh darah jinak
malformasi arteriovenosa malformasi dan fi stulae yang terjadi pada bayi, anak-anak, atau orang
Campuran (gabungan) malformasi
dewasa muda dan biasanya terletak pada leher
atau bagian atas dada. 13 Penampilan klinis mereka
tumor pembuluh darah adalah variabel dan termasuk eritematosa untuk
Jinak lembayung patch, plak, dan nodul. Histopatologi,
Infantil hemangioma (IH)
TA menunjukkan wellde fi jumbai ned kapiler pada
hemangioma kongenital (cepat berinvolusi
dermis yang kekurangan atypia selular atau
[KAYA]; non-berinvolusi [nich]) lobulated
hemangioma kapiler (LCH)
GLUT1 positif dan, seperti KHE, dikaitkan dengan
(Piogenik granuloma) * peningkatan pembuluh limfatik dan kecenderungan
berumbai angioma (TA) Lainnya untuk KMP. Kedua tumor berperilaku tak terduga

lokal agresif
Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma (KHE) Kaposi
sarcoma Lainnya

Lainnya GAMBAR 1
Diadaptasi dari Masyarakat Internasional untuk Studi Vascular Anomali KAYA sepenuhnya terbentuk saat lahir (A) dan kemudian involutes,

2014, ref 1 ( fi kation). sebagian besar selama fi tahun pertama kehidupan. B, Lesi yang sama
* Reaktif berkembang biak vaskular lesi terlihat pada usia 8 bulan.

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Pediatri Volume 136, nomor 4, Oktober 2015 e1061
diistilahkan “ hemangioma kavernosum ” tahun, terutama mendahului perbedaan antara bayi perempuan; Namun, data yang meskipun
dan “ hemangioma vena ” dalam literatur antara IH dan hemangioma bawaan. lebih tua menyarankan femaleto-laki rasio mulai dari
(Gambar 3A). malformasi limfatik, yang dibagi 3: 1 sampai 5: 1, penelitian yang lebih baru
lagi menjadi varietas microcystic dan “ hemangioma ” juga telah tidak tepat digunakan menunjukkan berbagai 1,4: 1 sampai 3: 1. 23,24 Perbedaan
macrocystic atas dasar ukuran kekosongan untuk menggambarkan, secara umum, varietas jenis kelamin tampaknya meningkat di antara
dominan, mungkin juga keliru untuk IH bila ada lainnya noninfantile hemangioma dan pembuluh anak-anak dengan sindrom PHACE ( P osterior cacat
perdarahan ke dalam vesikel pada permukaan darah malformasi. fossa,
kulit atau mukosa (Gambar 3B). Lesi ini secara
tradisional telah disebut sebagai H emangiomas, serebrovaskular
SEBUAH anomali rterial, C anomali ardiovascular
termasuk coarctation aorta, dan E anomali kamu),
“ higroma kistik ” atau Highlights dari Bagian ini di mana penelitian telah menemukan 9: 1 rasio
“ lymphangiomas, ” sebutan yang tidak akurat perempuan-ke-laki-laki. 25 Tidak ada de fi penjelasan
• Infantil hemangioma (IH) adalah
menganggap potensi proliferasi, sehingga definitif untuk perbedaan gender ini. Kebanyakan
terminologi yang diterima saat ini
semakin kebingungan diagnostik. penelitian melaporkan signi fi cantly insiden yang
untuk lesi yang menjadi fokus dari
laporan klinis ini. lebih tinggi pada bayi putih. 23,24,26 Atas dasar
Penggunaan berbagai nama untuk IH telah keberhasilan pengobatan IH menggunakan
• hemangioma bawaan secara
mengakibatkan kebingungan diagnostik besar.
biologis dan perilaku berbeda dari
Misalnya, istilah
“ hemangioma kapiler ” dan
• granuloma piogenik adalah reaktif
“ angioma kapiler ” telah digunakan untuk b- Terapi blocker, telah diusulkan bahwa bayi
berkembang biak lesi vaskular yang
merujuk ke sebuah IH yang terletak terutama di hitam mungkin menunjukkan beberapa bentuk “ endogen
diklasi fi ed sebagai neoplasma vaskuler
dermis dan cerah berwarna merah. Sebaliknya, beta blokade, ” dan ada data biologis molekuler
dan kadang-kadang dapat salah
sebutan untuk mendukung gagasan ini. 27
didiagnosis sebagai IH.
“ cekung ” atau “ vena ” telah tidak tepat
digunakan untuk de fi ne sebuah IH itu, karena
kedalaman di bawah dermis, bisa menanamkan • Lesi didiagnosis sebagai “ hemangioma
semburat biru pada permukaan kulit. Selain itu, kavernosum ” biasanya, pada Insiden IH meningkat pada bayi prematur, yang

malformasi vena dan limfatik dalam serta kenyataannya, dalam IHS atau mempengaruhi 22% sampai 30% dari bayi dengan

arteriovenous malformasi vena. berat kurang dari 1 kg. 24,28 Analisis multivariat telah
mengungkapkan bahwa berat badan lahir rendah
• Fenomena Kasabach-Merritt atau
malformasi telah salah didiagnosis sebagai IH KMP (a koagulopati konsumtif) tidak (BBLR) adalah penyumbang utama risiko ini; ada
mendalam. Akhirnya, berdasarkan prevalensi terkait dengan IH melainkan dengan peningkatan 25% dalam risiko mengembangkan IH
belaka, istilah “ hemangioma, ” tanpa deskripsi kata 2 neoplasma vaskuler lainnya, dengan setiap pengurangan 500-g berat lahir. 29 faktor
sifat “ kekanak-kanakan ” atau dengan deskriptor “ remaja, kaposiform hemangioendothelioma prenatal juga telah diteliti untuk peran mereka
” telah digunakan dalam referensi untuk IH bagi (KHE) dan angioma berumbai (TA). dalam IH. Studi berbeda mengenai peningkatan
banyak risiko yang dihasilkan dari chorionic villus sampling
ibu 24,30 atau amniosentesis, 30,31

EPIDEMIOLOGI dan setiap peningkatan risiko yang timbul

chorionic villus sampling tampaknya terbatas
Studi dari kejadian IH, termasuk studi prospektif
pada prosedur yang dilakukan transcervically. 31 Faktor-faktor
dan review menggabungkan 1 penelitian
prenatal lain yang mungkin termasuk usia yang
retrospektif dan 2 kohort cross sectional,
menunjukkan bahwa 4% sampai 5% dari bayi lebih tua ibu, kehamilan ganda kehamilan,

yang terpengaruh. 18,19 Studi lain menunjukkan plasenta previa, dan preeklampsia. 24 anomali
bahwa IH diamati dalam 1% hingga 3% bayi baru plasenta, seperti hematoma retroplasenta,
lahir 20,21 infark, dan komunikasi vaskular melebar, juga
telah dikaitkan dengan perkembangan IH. 32 Hal
GAMBAR 2 dan 2,6% menjadi 9,9% dari anak-anak, 22,23 tapi ini berteori bahwa benang merah
granuloma piogenik memiliki beberapa fitur klinis dan
kekurangan metodelogi mungkin memiliki di fl dipengaruhi
histologis mirip dengan IHS, tetapi mereka umumnya lebih
kecil, bertangkai, dan lebih mungkin untuk berdarah. ini fi Temuan. IHS lebih umum

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e1062 DARI American Academy of Pediatrics
dalam asosiasi ini adalah hipoksia
plasenta. 32,33

Meskipun sering disarankan sebagai faktor

risiko, riwayat keluarga IH dilaporkan hanya
12% dari kasus 24;
Namun, keluarga pengelompokan telah
dilaporkan. 34,35 Asosiasi juga dilaporkan dengan
penggunaan ibu dari obat kesuburan, 36 penggunaan
eritropoietin, 37 tingkat pendidikan ibu, 36 presentasi
sungsang, 23 dan menjadi fi pertama lahir. 23

A, The darah vena yang terkandung dalam malformasi vena menanamkan rona kebiruan yang dapat menyebabkan misdiagnosis sebagai IH yang

Highlights dari Bagian ini mendalam. B, Perdarahan ke dalam vesikel permukaan malformasi limfatik dapat menyebabkan misdiagnosis sebagai IH.

• Insiden pada populasi umum adalah

sekitar 5%.

vasculogenesis, atau pembentukan de novo Konsep ini dikembangkan dari penelitian yang
• Faktor risiko untuk IH termasuk menjadi pembuluh darah baru. 39,40 menunjukkan bahwa penanda molekuler
putih, menjadi perempuan, dan memiliki Teori ini didukung oleh penelitian yang karakteristik jaringan plasenta, termasuk GLUT1,
berat lahir rendah. menunjukkan angka peningkatan yang beredar antigen Lewis Y, merosin, Fc- g reseptor-IIb,
EPC dalam sampel darah dari anak-anak dengan indoleamin 2,3-deoxygenase, dan tipe III
IH. 41 bukti tambahan berasal dari studi di mana iodothyronine deiodinase, juga hadir di IHS. 3,9 bukti
• Asosiasi juga dilaporkan dengan usia
sel-sel induk multipoten berasal dari spesimen IH klinis untuk teori ini disarankan oleh mereka
yang lebih tua ibu, kehamilan ganda
(HemSCs) telah menunjukkan kemampuan untuk penelitian yang menunjukkan peningkatan
kehamilan, plasenta previa,
rekapitulasi IH manusia di immunode fi tikus efisien. 42 insiden IH dalam hubungan dengan chorionic
preeklamsia, penggunaan obat
villus sampling, plasenta previa, dan
kesuburan atau erythropoietin,
preeklampsia. 24,30,31
presentasi bokong, dan menjadi fi pertama
lahir. Ini HemSCs dan EPC darah tali berperilaku
serupa satu sama lain dalam beberapa uji in
vitro, menunjukkan bahwa beredar EPC bisa
menjadi asal dari sel endotel IH. 42 Konsep yang
Sebuah teori pemersatu menunjukkan bahwa IH
IHS berasal dari sirkulasi sel progenitor
hasil dari proliferasi menyimpang dan
multipoten bisa menjelaskan beberapa fitur diferensiasi dari endotelium hemogenic dengan
PATOGENESIS DAN HISTOPATOLOGI yang mereka berbagi dengan pembuluh darah fenotipe saraf puncak dan kapasitas untuk
plasenta, karena disregulasi EPC beredar juga endotel, hematopoetic, mesenchymal, dan
telah terlibat dalam banyak ibu terkait dan diferensiasi neuronal. Ini adalah hipotesis
Patogenesis IH, meskipun studi intensif, belum kondisi komorbiditas janin (preeklampsia, bahwa sel-sel inti plasenta chorionic villus
sepenuhnya dijelaskan. Baris bukti mendukung retinopati prematuritas, dll) . HemSCs juga telah mesenchymal embolisasi bagi perkembangan
asal selular baik dari sel intrinsik endotel terbukti memiliki potensi adipogenic, 43 yang janin dan bahwa waktu embolisasi ini dalam
progenitor (EPC) atau angioblasts asal dapat menjelaskan kehadiran adiposit dicatat kaitannya dengan migrasi sel pial neural
plasenta, namun faktor intrinsik dan ekstrinsik
selama involusi. Stimulus untuk divisi dari EPC sepanjang rute somitic mereka menentukan
juga memberikan kontribusi pemikiran untuk
tidak diketahui, tetapi mungkin mutasi somatik morfologi IH (segmental vs lokal [focal], lihat
perkembangan mereka. 38
atau sinyal yang abnormal dari jaringan lokal. bagian berjudul “ Penampilan klinis “). 44
Teori asal plasenta menunjukkan bahwa sel-sel
progenitor janin timbul dari gangguan plasenta
Faktor intrinsik meliputi di fl pengaruh faktor selama kehamilan atau kelahiran.
angiogenik dan vaskulogenik dalam IH. Faktor
eksternal meliputi hipoksia jaringan dan Sitokin niche dalam IH, termasuk faktor
perkembangan fi gangguan lapangan. Teori EPC pertumbuhan endotel vaskular (VEGFs),
menyatakan bahwa IHS berkembang dari insulin-seperti faktor pertumbuhan, tumor
ekspansi klonal dari EPC yang beredar, sehingga necrosis factor - terkait apoptosis-inducing
ligand-osteoprotegerin (TRAIL-OPG)

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Pediatri Volume 136, nomor 4, Oktober 2015 e1063
jalur, dan sistem renin-angiotensin, kemudian adalah sensor penting hipoksia. 9 histopatologi
mengatur pertumbuhan IH dan responnya GLUT1 telah terbukti diregulasi di zona hipoksia
Terlalu proliferatif dan awal IHS involutif yang
terhadap terapi farmakologis. 44 penulis lain juga tumor mesenkim dan di tali pusat - berasal sel
baik terbatas, massa unencapsulated dengan
telah memeluk induk mesenchymal manusia dalam kondisi
merah-Totan permukaan potong. Kemudian lesi
hipoksia. 49,50 faktor Hypoxiainduced diproduksi
involutif yang fi brofatty dalam konsistensi dan
“ ceruk ” konsep, menunjukkan bahwa EPC beredar fi nd oleh sel endotel tampaknya memainkan peran
kurang de fi ned. Fitur histologis IH berubah
penting dalam lalu lintas fi cking sel progenitor
perjalanan mereka ke lokasi tertentu yang secara dramatis karena mereka melanjutkan
untuk jaringan iskemik. Faktor-faktor ini telah
memberikan kondisi yang menguntungkan untuk mengikuti pelatihan alami mereka presentasi
terbukti diregulasi dalam darah (VEGF-A,
pertumbuhan ke dalam jaringan placentalike. 44 Dalam neonatal, pertumbuhan yang cepat, dan involusi
MMP-9) dan di jaringan IH (sel stroma - berasal
jaringan seperti kulit dan hati, sel-sel progenitor berikutnya, membutuhkan interpretasi dalam
faktor 1 Sebuah, MMP-9, VEGF-A, dan
mungkin mengalami sinyal selular dan faktor jaringan konteks klinis yang tepat. 52 - 54 Tidak ada garis
hipoksia-inducible factor 1 Sebuah)
lokal diperlukan untuk merangsang perkembangan pemisah yang tajam antara proliferasi dan

mereka. Atas dasar proliferasi cepat dari sel endotel,

involusi, dan fitur involusi biasanya hidup
berdampingan dengan fitur proliferasi selama
banyak proses. Awal IHS fase proliferasi terdiri
dari wellde fi ned, massa unencapsulated kapiler
dari anak-anak dengan berkembang biak IH. 41
dilapisi oleh sel endotel gemuk dikelilingi oleh
penyelidikan asal IH difokuskan pada Selain itu, telah ditunjukkan bahwa penggunaan
pericytes gemuk tertanam dalam membran
angiogenesis, yang tumbuhnya sel-sel endotel erythropoietin pada bayi prematur meningkatkan
basement multilaminated tanpa sel-sel otot
dari pembuluh darah yang ada. Studi semacam risiko mengembangkan IH. 37 Dengan demikian,
polos terkait (Gambar 4). Lesi pada tahap ini
telah menunjukkan peningkatan konsentrasi faktor iskemia jaringan mengakibatkan
mungkin setidaknya focally menyerupai
angiogenik di IH, seperti dasar fi faktor neovaskularisasi dari beredar EPC telah
diusulkan sebagai stimulus mengarah ke proliferations vaskular lainnya berkembang
pertumbuhan broblast (bFGF), VEGF-A, faktor
pengembangan dari IH. 41 Secara klinis, daerah pesat seperti granuloma piogenik awal. Kapiler
pertumbuhan seperti insulin, dan matriks
pucat atau darah menurun fl ow di kulit telah berkembang biak disusun dalam lobulus, yang
metaloprotease (MMP) 9 dalam lesi selama
dicatat mendahului perkembangan IH, lanjut dipisahkan oleh halus fi septae brous atau oleh
proliferasi. 45 Juga dalam fase ini, peneliti telah
mendukung hipotesis ini. 51 jaringan intervensi normal. Ini kapiler lesi,
mengidentifikasikan fi ed indoleamin
tergantung pada lokasi jaringan, berbaur
nondestructively dengan super fi otot rangka

2,3-deoxygenase, protein berpikir untuk

resmi fi bers, saraf perifer, kelenjar ludah, dan
memperlambat involusi IH dengan menghambat adiposit. sel endotel dan pericytes menunjukkan
sitotoksik respon T-limfosit. 46 inti bervariasi membesar dan sitoplasma jelas

Selama involusi, apoptosis sel endotel disertai berlimpah. biasanya con fi mitosis gured fi gures

dengan downregulation faktor angiogenik, relatif banyak (Gambar 1B); dan ekspresi luas

sedangkan inhibitor angiogenesis seperti penanda proliferasi sel, seperti Ki-67, con fi rm
Highlights dari Bagian ini
interferon b dan spidol pematangan sel seperti yang baik pericytes dan sel endotel secara aktif

adhesi antar molekul 1 diregulasi. 47 Ini juga • dapat berkembang baik dari sel membagi. Karena IHS fase proliferasi yang

telah menunjukkan bahwa berinvolusi IHS progenitor endotel intrinsik (EPC) tinggi fl lesi ow, meskipun biasanya tanpa signi fi tidak
pameran penurunan produksi oksida nitrat, atau dari angioblasts asal plasenta. bisa arteriovenous shunting, mereka sering
berisi diperbesar menguras urat dengan tebal,
• Pertumbuhan IH dipengaruhi oleh dinding asimetris.
intrinsik di fl uences, seperti faktor
sebuah potentiator dari jalur VEGF, yang diukur angiogenik dan vaskulogenik dalam IH,
dengan penurunan kadar oksida nitrat sintase dan oleh faktor-faktor eksternal seperti
endotel. 48 hipoksia jaringan dan perkembangan fi gangguan
Telah dihipotesiskan bahwa hipoksia memicu
respon vaskular pada bayi. Seperti dibahas di atas,
BBLR adalah signi fi faktor risiko tidak bisa untuk IH,
dan dalam rahim hipoksia merupakan penyebab • Sebuah teori pemersatu mengusulkan
umum dari BBLR. Tidak mengherankan, ada bukti bahwa beredar EPC bermigrasi ke lokasi di

pemasangan peran hipoksia dalam pengembangan mana kondisi yang menguntungkan untuk

IH. GLUT1, transporter glukosa fasilitatif digunakan pertumbuhan ke dalam jaringan

sebagai penanda untuk IH, placentalike. Berinvolusi IHS hadir tantangan diagnostik yang
berbeda. mitosis fi gures berkurang, dan badan-badan
apoptosis dan tiang

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e1064 DARI American Academy of Pediatrics
lapisan seluler. Epidermal atrofi dan mendasari fi jaringan
Highlights dari Bagian ini
parut fibrosa dapat hadir jika lesi ulserasi pada fase
proliferasi. arteri besar dan vena dimodelkan • Berkembang biak IHS baik
selama tinggi yang fl ow fase proliferasi tidak dibatasi dan kekurangan kapsul.
sepenuhnya mundur ketika tidur kapiler tetes
keluar dan dengan demikian sering hadir dalam • Berinvolusi IHS adalah fi brofatty dan
berinvolusi IH. Fenomena ini, dipasangkan dengan kurang de fi ned.
hilangnya aktivitas mitosis endotel, dapat
• GLUT1 adalah penanda immunochemical
menyebabkan diagnosis histologis keliru sebagai
umum digunakan untuk IH.
malformasi vaskular. Misdiagnosis biasanya dapat
dihindari dengan mempertimbangkan penampilan
IH fase proliferasi. lobulus baik terbatas dari kapiler histologis secara keseluruhan dan riwayat klinis.
erat dikemas terdiri dari sel endotel gemuk dan Pada akhirnya, seperti dibahas di bawah, masalah
pericytes dipisahkan oleh elemen dermal stroma KLINIS, KOMPLIKASI, DAN ASOSIASI Fase
tersebut dapat diatasi dengan GLUT1
normal-muncul (hematoxylin dan eosin; Magni asli fi kation
immunoreaction, karena berinvolusi infantil IHS, Pertumbuhan
3 100; foto courtesy of Paula Utara, MD.)
tetapi tidak malformasi, akan menunjukkan GLUT1
immunopositivity di lesi-jenis kapiler residual. 9,56
IHS pameran siklus hidup yang khas.
pengamatan klinis telah menyarankan bahwa
setidaknya ada 2 tahap evolusi dinamis, yaitu,
sel peningkatan jumlah selama involusi awal. 48,55
proliferasi dan involusi. Proliferasi terjadi
kapiler lesi mulai menghilang. Tidak ada bukti
selama masa bayi awal; bertahap spontan
dari trombosis, dan di fl Radang tidak menonjol.
involusi atau regresi dimulai dengan usia 1
Sebagai hasil involusi, membran dasar lesi Pemeriksaan histologis, disertai dengan studi tahun. 58 - 65 Periode menengah antara proliferasi
kapiler menjadi tebal dan hyalinized dan imunohistokimia rutin, menunjukkan bahwa fase dan involusi selama pertengahan-ke-akhir masa
mengandung bintik puing-puing apoptosis proliferasi IHS infantil adalah campuran seluler bayi, sering disebut sebagai “ dataran ”
(Gambar 5). Akhirnya yang tersisa dalam kompleks dengan melengkapi besar sel endotel,
stadium akhir lesi longgar fi brous atau fi brofatty pericytes, sel mast, dan sel dendritik interstitial.
stroma, yang berisi beberapa sisa “ hantu ” mikroskop elektron mengungkapkan sel-sel
endotel yang melapisi gemuk lumina kecil dan fase, lebih mungkin merupakan periode
bertumpu pada membran basement keseimbangan temporer antara sel-sel
multilaminated yang menyelubungi manset dari individual yang berkembang biak dan mereka
pembuluh terdiri dari sisa, kerupuk rambak pericytes. Sel-sel endotel IH telah dilaporkan yang menjalani involusi dan apoptosis. 59 - 66 Proses
menebal dari bahan membran basement yang immunoreact positif untuk “ normal ” penanda involusi memakan waktu beberapa tahun dan
berisi puing-puing apoptosis dan tanpa utuh endotel pembuluh darah darah, seperti CD31, bervariasi dalam durasi.
CD34, faktor VIII - antigen terkait (von Willebrand
factor), dan lain-lain. 57 Saat ini, penanda
imunohistokimia yang paling berguna dan
Proliferatif Tahap (Hingga 12 Bulan Usia)
banyak digunakan untuk diagnosis IH adalah
GLUT1. 9,57 GLUT1 Sangat diekspresikan oleh
Yg memberi pertanda fi Temuan di kulit selama masa
sel endotel dari IHS pada semua tahap evolusi
bayi awal mungkin termasuk blanching lokal atau
mereka dan tidak diungkapkan oleh anomali
makula lokal telangiektasis eritema. Sebagai
vaskular jinak lainnya dan proliferasi reaktif.
proliferasi sel endotel terus, IH membesar, menjadi
GLUT1 imunohistokimia sering digunakan untuk
membedakan IHS dari neoplasma vaskuler lain lebih tinggi, dan mengembangkan konsistensi karet.

dan memberikan bukti yang meyakinkan bahwa Selama periode ini, IHS sering menunjukkan pucat

IHS memang sebagai biologis yang khas dan dilatasi pembuluh darah sekitarnya sekitarnya.

karena mereka khas klinis. Selama periode pertumbuhan yang cepat, ulserasi
mungkin timbul, menyebabkan rasa sakit dan
GAMBAR 5 jaringan parut akhirnya. IHS biasanya memiliki onset
IH fase involutif. kapiler lesi ditetapkan dalam longgar fi
klinis mereka sebelum 4 minggu usia. 66,67 Mereka
bro-jaringan adiposa dan kurang padat daripada di
fase proliferasi. Perhatikan menebal dan membran berkembang biak untuk periode variabel
dasar hyalinized bertabur dengan puing-puing
apoptosis, re fl efektif dari proses involutif. sel-sel
lapisan endotel sisa yang mitotically tidak aktif. (Foto
milik Paula Utara, MD)

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Pediatri Volume 136, nomor 4, Oktober 2015 e1065
waktu, tergantung sebagian pada morfologi dan
con mereka fi gurasi. Namun, sebagian besar
pertumbuhan IH tampaknya terjadi antara 1 dan 2
bulan. 68 Sebuah studi prospektif besar telah
menunjukkan bahwa 80% dari ukuran IH umumnya
dicapai dengan 3 bulan, dan paling pertumbuhan
selesai sekitar 5 bulan. 66 Mendalam IHS muncul
agak kemudian dan tumbuh agak lebih lama
daripada mereka super fi rekan-rekan resmi. 66

involusi Tahap

Untuk sebagian besar bayi dengan IH, involusi GAMBAR 6

dimulai antara 6 dan 12 bulan. Meskipun Cutaneous IHS mungkin diklasi fi ed atas dasar kedalaman mereka. A, Super fi resmi IHS hanya terlihat di permukaan kulit dan mungkin focal (seperti
yang ditunjukkan) atau segmental. B, Deep IHS tidak memiliki keterlibatan permukaan. C, Campuran, atau senyawa, IHS memiliki keduanya yang super fi
proses berlanjut selama bertahun-tahun,
resmi dan komponen yang mendalam.
mayoritas regresi tumor terjadi sebelum usia 4. 48,69,70

Sebagai IHS rumit, kebanyakan lesi fl atten dan

kedalaman jaringan lunak. 61,62,72 Super fi resmi super fi resmi dan dalam IHS. Pengamatan ini
menyusut dari pusat ke luar. Bagi mereka
IHS (Gambar 6A) adalah mereka di mana menunjukkan bahwa IHS mendalam memerlukan
dengan super fi komponen resmi, ini disertai
permukaan tumor tampak merah dan ada sedikit waktu yang lebih lama dari pemantauan
dengan “ sentral kliring ” atau beruban
atau tidak ada komponen subkutan dilihat; dibandingkan mereka dengan super fi morfologi resmi.
permukaan. Meskipun IHS umumnya menjalani
historis, IHS ini telah digambarkan sebagai satu Sebuah spesifik fi c subtipe super fi resmi IH telah
regresi spontan, pengamatan “ involusi maksimal ”
bervariasi disebut sebagai gagal, nonproliferative,
tidak selalu berarti resolusi lengkap. Memang,
arrestedgrowth, minimal-pertumbuhan, baru lahir,
sekitar 50% sampai 70% dari IHS tekad,
“ stroberi ” mengetik. Dalam IHS (Gambar 6B) retikuler, atau telangiektasis IH. 73 - 76
meninggalkan perubahan kulit residual,
adalah mereka yang tumor berada dalam ke
termasuk telangiectasia, fi brofatty jaringan,
permukaan kulit, dan subkutan hasil lokasi
berlebihan kulit, anetoderma, dyspigmentation,
mereka di rona permukaan kebiruan atau tidak
atau bekas luka. 71 Jenis IH menyajikan sebagai makula, patch yang
ada perubahan permukaan jelas; historis, ini
telangiektasis yang mungkin disertai dengan
telah disebut sebagai “ gua, ”
blanching dari yang terlibat kulit (Gambar 7). Tidak
seperti kebanyakan IHS, IHS gagal kurang memiliki
istilah yang kurang tepat yang tidak lagi umum
signi jelas fi cant fase proliferasi. Sekitar dua-pertiga
digunakan. Dikombinasikan, campuran, atau
dari lesi ini terletak pada ekstremitas bawah.
senyawa IHS (Gambar 6C) adalah mereka di mana Banyak yang disertai dengan lokal, daerah papular
Highlights dari Bagian ini kedua yang super fi resmi dan komponen dalam kecil pertumbuhan jaringan pembuluh darah, sering
hidup berdampingan. Super fi resmi IHS cenderung sekitar pinggiran. 77 Gagal share IHS dengan IHS
• IHS biasanya membuat penampilan awal
muncul lebih awal dan mulai rumit lebih cepat penanda permukaan karakteristik yang lebih khas
mereka sebelum 4 minggu usia dan
daripada rekan-rekan mereka yang mendalam, (misalnya, GLUT1), con fi rming bahwa mereka
menyelesaikan sebagian besar pertumbuhan
yang, sebaliknya, cenderung muncul kemudian dan benar IHS; Namun, fase pertumbuhan mereka
mereka dengan 5 bulan usia.
tumbuh selama waktu yang cukup lama sebelum mungkin akan ditangkap. Banyak dari IHS
berinvolusi (rata-rata, sekitar 1 bulan lebih). 62,64,66 Penyelidikan
telangiektasis juga rumit lebih cepat,
• Involusi IHS dimulai sebagai anak
perbedaan ini con fi rm yang jadwal ini mewakili pola kadang-kadang sebelum usia 1 tahun. 78
mendekati usia 12 bulan. Dalam
pertumbuhan karakteristik untuk IHS ini daripada
kebanyakan kasus, mayoritas
timbul bias observasional. 66 Seperti bisa diduga,
involusi selesai pada usia 4.
mereka IHS dengan morfologi campuran memiliki
pola pertumbuhan yang penengah antara
orang-orang yang terkait dengan Namun demikian, komplikasi seperti ulserasi
dapat terjadi. IHS ini mungkin juga segmental
dan kadang-kadang memiliki asosiasi sindrom
Penampilan klinis (lihat bagian yang berjudul “ IH Syndromes dan
Selama fase proliferasi, IHS dapat Asosiasi “). 79
diklasifikasikan fi ed atas dasar mereka

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e1066 DARI American Academy of Pediatrics
de fi nitively focal or segmental are considered Multifocal cutaneous IHs are frequently isolated
indeterminate. Multifocal lesions are focal to the skin but may also serve as markers for
lesions occurring at more than 1 anatomic site. underlying hepatic involvement (Fig 9). 88 – 91 Previous
One large study found that most IHs (67.5%) are retrospective reports 26,81 suggested that the
localized, whereas the remainder were presence of a large or segmental (.5 cm)
segmental (13%), indeterminate (16.5%), or cutaneous IH might prove a useful marker for
multifocal (3.6%). 83 hepatic IHs. However, results from a large
prospective study suggest that it is the number
of cutaneous IHs rather than their size that is
The presence of a large, facial segmental IH is
FIGURE 7 the more predictive factor. 92 When 5 or more
a hallmark sign of PHACE syndrome, 25 whereas
Abortive IHs are macular, telangiectatic patches that have IHs are present on cutaneous examination,
failed to fully proliferate.
large segmental IHs of the anogenital and
ultrasonography may be helpful in assessing
lumbosacral areas may be associated with
potential hepatic involvement. 84,93
genitourinary system and spinal cord anomalies
IHS juga mungkin diklasi fi ed atas dasar con as part of other syndromes 84 – 86 ( see section
anatomi mereka fi gurasi baik sebagai lokal entitled “ IH Syndromes and Associations ”). More
(focal), segmental, tak tentu, atau multifokal. 26,80,81 recently, it has been recognized that
extracutaneous manifestations may also arise in
Localized (focal) IHs are discrete lesions that association with segmental IHs involving other
Hepatomegaly and congestive heart failure
seem to arise from a single focal point, whereas anatomic sites, as part of the so-called
also suggest the presence of liver IH.
segmental lesions cover a territory that is PHACE-withoutface phenomenon. 87 These
presumed to be determined by embryonic patients may have segmental IHs of the upper
neuroectodermal placodes. 82 Segmental IHs chest, shoulder, or arm in the absence of facial
tend to involve a larger surface area of skin. IH involvement and in conjunction with structural
Segmental IHs of the face have been observed heart disease, aortic or other major vessel Highlights of This Section

to conform to unique developmental units, which anomalies, central nervous system and sternal • IHs are characterized as super fi cial,
have been mapped into 4 distinct patterns: defects, or eye anomalies. deep, or mixed and as focal,
frontotemporal, maxillary, mandibular, and multifocal, or segmental.
frontonasal (Fig 8). 82 Lesions that are not

• Super fi cial IHs appear earlier and

begin involution sooner than their
deeper counterparts.

• Segmental IHs are more

commonly involved in PHACE (see
text for de fi nition) and other IH
syndromes and associations.

• The presence of more than 5 focal

IHs suggests a higher risk of hepatic

(A) Patterns of segmental IH of the face extracted from image analysisde fi ned. Seg1 (frontotemporal), Seg2 (maxillary), FIGURE 9
Seg3 (mandibular), and Seg4 (frontonasal). (B) An ulcerated segmental IH in the maxillary distribution. Multifocal cutaneous IHs in a child with IH of the liver.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1067
Complications to develop complications and 8 times more usually results in scarring, with the risk of
likely to receive treatment. 84 permanent dis fi gurement. As a result, prompt
Although most IHs do not require urgent
Segmental lesions tend to have longer initiation of therapy is essential in the
treatment, a minority may develop
proliferative phases, some with signi fi cantly management of ulcerating IHs. The speci fi c
function-threatening or lifethreatening
prolonged duration of growth as long as 10 to mechanisms resulting in IH ulceration are poorly
complications, necessitating therapeutic
44 months, and may therefore require signi fi cantly understood. It has been hypothesized that
longer treatment durations. 94
intervention. One study determined that ulceration may develop secondary to increased
approximately 24% of patients with IH who were tissue hypoxia, which leads to the development
referred to a group of tertiary care dermatology of dermal fi brosis and then progresses to
practices experienced some complication The size of the IH was also an important surface breakdown. 98 In such cases, early white
related to their IH. 84 It is therefore prudent for predictor of the need for treatment in the discoloration of an IH, possibly representing
pediatric providers to remain vigilant of possible aforementioned cohort study, although this super fi cial dermal
analysis did not appear to control for anatomic
subtype. 84 The mean size of complicated IHs
complications and of risk factors that may herald was 37.3 cm 2,
future complications. Ulceration accounts for the fi brosis, may be a premonitory sign of
majority of IH complications; others include compared with 19.1 cm 2 for uncomplicated IHs. impending ulceration. 99 Other proposed
bleeding, visual impairment, auditory In addition, IHs that received treatment of any mechanisms include outgrowing of the blood
impairment, congestive heart failure, and airway type had a mean size of 30.4 cm 2, which was supply or rapid expansion exceeding the elastic

obstruction. 84 Gastrointestinal bleeding has 11.1 cm 2 larger than those that did not receive capabilities of the skin. 99,100

been reported as a complication of segmental treatment. However, the mean size of

intestinal hemangiomatosis, in which the IH is segmental IHs is approximately 10 times that of
Several studies have shown that certain subsets
typically situated in the distribution of the localized IHs, 66 suggesting that morphology may
of patients with IHs are at higher risk of
mesenteric arterial system. 94 indeed be a more important indicator of
ulceration. As discussed previously, super fi cial
potential complications. Anatomic location was
and segmental IHs have been found to be at
also a predictor of complications due to IH. 84 Facial
higher risk of ulcerating. 96 – 98,101 In addition, speci fi
IHs were complicated 1.7 times more frequently
c locations at higher risk of ulceration include
than nonfacial IHs; they were also 3.3 times
the head, neck, perioral, and perineal/perianal
more likely than their nonfacial counterparts to regions and intertriginous sites (Fig 10). 96 – 98,102 The
The single best predictor of complications and receive some form of therapy, likely because of neck and anogenital regions sustain maceration
the need for therapeutic intervention for IH is concerns for cosmesis. Periocular IHs and and friction, which may contribute to the
morphologic subtype. 84 Focal IHs have the those in the “ beard ” distribution are also more development of ulceration. Ulceration has also
potential to cause complications primarily by likely to require intervention, as described been noted to occur more frequently in infants
virtue of their location on or near vital structures, below. In 1 study, perineal IHs were the most younger than 4 months, a period of time during
such as the eye (amblyopia, astigmatism), nose likely to ulcerate. 95 which the IH
(anatomic distortion and cartilaginous
destruction), ears (anatomic distortion and
cartilaginous destruction), lips (anatomic
distortion and ulceration), airway (obstruction),
or anogenital region (ulceration). On the face,
focal lesions are 3 times more common than
segmental IHs. 81 Segmental IHs are more
frequently complicated by ulceration. 84 A
prospective cohort study in 1058 patients
undertaken to identify clinical characteristics Ulceration

predicting complications and need for treatment Ulceration, or breakdown of the IH skin surface,
found, after controlling for size, that segmental occurs with an estimated incidence of 5% to
IHs were 11 times more likely than localized IHs 21%. 96

Ulceration was the most common complication

in a large prospective cohort of children with
IHs, occurring in 16% of the study population. 97
Ulceration can lead to signi fi cant pain,
bleeding, and secondary infection. Ulceration
also Ulcerated segmental IH of the perineal/perianal region.

Downloaded from by guest on April 9, 2019

is actively proliferating. 96 – 98 See the section IHs had feeding and oral sensory problems develop noisy breathing or a hoarse cry. 106
entitled “ Management of Ulcerated IH ” for a that resulted in failure to thrive. 105
discussion in greater detail.
The cutaneous fi ndings associated with
underlying airway involvement, when present,
Airway Involvement and Obstruction help to identify those patients at greatest risk of
Airway IHs can occur in the presence or airway IHs. Cutaneous IHs in a “ beard ”
absence of skin fi ndings. Symptomatic
Although concern for potential bleeding in IH is obstructive airway IHs, including supra- and distribution, de fi ned as involving the preauricular
common among caregivers and providers, it subglottic IHs, usually present with progressive regions, chin, anterior neck, or lower lip (Fig 11),
occurs rarely and almost exclusively in biphasic inspiratory and expiratory stridor during have been associated with airway involvement. 106,107
ulcerated lesions. The majority of bleeding that the fi rst 6 to 12 weeks of age as the lesion is Infants with IHs within this distribution bilaterally
occurs in nonulcerated IHs is minor and easily proliferating. 105 appear to be at an even higher risk of
controllable with pressure. The most common
such scenario is an IH that has sustained minor Affected infants may also rapidly
surface trauma (ie, from friction or a fi ngernail),
bled minimally, stopped bleeding spontaneously
or with minimal sustained pressure, and
subsequently presents with surface
hemorrhagic crusting.

In a large prospective study of ulcerated IHs,

bleeding occurred in 41% of lesions but was
clinically signi fi cant in only 2% of these cases. 96,98
Signi fi cant bleeding requiring blood transfusion
or other intervention is infrequently reported. 98 Rare
instances of lifethreatening bleeding have been
observed, including 1 report of ulceration of a
segmental neck IH into arterial vessels, the
bleeding from which necessitated transfusions,
systemic and topical treatment of the IH,
embolization, and surgical excision. 102

Feeding Impairment

Feeding impairment can occur in infants with

IHs involving either the perioral region or the
airway. Infants with ulcerated lip IHs may be
unable to latch onto a nipple secondary to
severe pain, which can lead to impaired feeding. 103
Obstructive airway IHs may complicate
breathing and swallowing, also leading to
impaired feeding. 104 In a small case series in
infants with complicated facial IHs, several with
ulcerated perioral lesions or airway FIGURE 11
A, The presence of multiple IHs in the “ beard ” distribution is associated with a higher likelihood of airway involvement
(reproduced with permission from J Pediatr. 1997;131(4):643 – 646 ©Elsevier). 106

B and C, Patient with airway involvement requiring tracheotomy is shown with “ beard ” involvement at the lip and chin (B)
as well as the parotid area and neck (C).

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1069
having associated airway involvement; in a compromise usually improves with treatment anomalies. The best-known such
recent series in 17 infants with airway IHs, of both the heart failure and the IH. association is PHACE (Online Mendelian
bilateral involvement of the lower facial segment Inheritance in Man
was present in 13 (76%). 106,108 Early referral to 606519). 114 The disorder is also referred
Diffuse lesions of the liver may also be
otolaryngology of infants with severe stridor and to as PHACES to include potential ventral
associated with severe consumptive
a cutaneous IH in the midline defects, speci fi cally S ternal cleft
hypothyroidism caused by excess production of
and/ or
type 3 iodothyronine deiodinase. Liver IHs are
S upraumbilical raphe. Originally described as a “
discussed in greater detail in the subsection
“ beard ” distribution is advisable, because syndrome, ” PHACE is more appropriately
entitled “ Liver ” of “ IHs With Special Anatomic
airway involvement can be life-threatening if termed an association, although there are
Concerns. ”
diagnosis and treatment are delayed. In less recent data suggesting that chromosomal region
symptomatic children, a high kilovoltage 7q33 may provide a genetic susceptibility to
radiograph of the airway may be useful in exhibit the PHACE phenotype. 115
identifying subglottic IH. Airway IHs are
Highlights of This Section
discussed in greater detail in the subsection
under “ IHs With Special Anatomic Concerns ” entitled • Segmental IHs are far more likely
The spectrum of anomalies in PHACE
than focal IHs to result in a
syndrome and the ipsilateral relationship
complication, usually ulceration.
between such anomalies and cutaneous IH
strongly suggest a “ developmental fi eld defect, ”
“ Airway. ” • Focal IHs cause complications
primarily by virtue of their location
whereby an insult at a critical time in
Visual Impairment and Other Ocular on or near vital structures.
embryogenesis gives rise to similar
developmental outcomes. 116 The precise timing
IHs occurring within the orbit have the potential • Facial IHs cause complications more of such an insult in PHACE syndrome is
to cause mechanical ptosis, strabismus, frequently than nonfacial IHs and are speculative, but both the anatomic IH patterns
anisometropia, or astigmatism, which can
several times more likely to receive and several of the associated structural
quickly lead to the development of amblyopia. 108
some form of therapy. abnormalities point to changes early during the fi
rst trimester, probably within the fi rst 3 to 12
Studies have identi fi ed speci fi c characteristics of
• Minor bleeding from an ulcerated IH weeks of gestation before or during early
periocular IHs, which place the child at higher
is common, but rarely of clinical signi fi vasculogenesis. 117 PHACE syndrome is now
risk of amblyopia. These include periocular IHs
cance; bleeding from a nonulcerated understood to be predominantly a congenital
that are larger than 1 cm in diameter, nasal
IH is rare. vasculopathy. In fact, many of its features can
location of the IH, associated ptosis, eyelid
be explained as downstream events of
margin change, or displacement of the globe. 109 – 111
arteriopathy with resultant ischemia, and it has
Orbital IHs are discussed in greater detail in the • Patients with an extensive IH in the “
been hypothesized that vascular dysplasia may
subsection entitled “ Eye and Orbit ” under “ IHs beard ” distribution are more likely to
be a key or even primary event in the
With Special Anatomic Concerns. ” have involvement of the airway.
pathogenesis of PHACE syndrome. 118

• High-risk periocular IHs are those

that are that are larger than 1 cm in
diameter, located near the nose,
Congestive Heart Failure and associated with ptosis or eyelid
Hypothyroidism margin change, or displacing the

Although rare, high-output congestive heart globe. Consensus criteria were recently developed for
failure can occur in infants with large IHs as a the diagnosis of PHACE syndrome (Tables 2
result of arteriovenous shunting of a large blood • Diffuse IH of the liver may be and 3). 25 Clinical examination of the skin and
volume through the lesion. This complication associated with severe eyes as well as detailed imaging of the head,
has been reported in infants with large consumptive hypothyroidism. neck, and chest are required to make the
cutaneous IHs and RICHs and in those with diagnosis. More than 90% of infants with
diffuse or multifocal hepatic IHs. 91,92,112,113 Symptomatic PHACE syndrome exhibit more than 1
infants may present with dif fi culty feeding, poor extracutaneous anomaly, although very few
growth, heart murmur, or hepatomegaly. The manifest the complete spectrum. 119 In contrast
IH Syndromes and Associations
cardiac to nonsyndromic IH, PHACE syndrome
A small subset of children with IH will exhibit
associated congenital

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TABLE 2 Consensus Algorithm for the Diagnosis of PHACE Syndrome is more common in full-term singleton
PHACE Syndrome Possible PHACE Syndrome infants of normal birth weight, although
females are still more commonly affected. 120
Facial hemangioma Facial hemangioma Hemangioma of the No hemangioma plus
. 5 cm in diameter plus 1 . 5 cm in diameter plus neck or upper torso 2 major criteria
major criterion or 2 minor 1 minor criterion plus 1 major criterion or
The hallmark of PHACE syndrome is a large,
criteria 2 minor criteria
segmental, often super fi cial IH, characteristically
located on the face, scalp, and/or neck (Fig 12).
Adapted from ref 25.
PHACE syndrome – associated IHs most
commonly affect facial segments 1 and/or 3,
which also confers a particularly high risk of
associated central nervous system involvement. 84,119

TABLE 3 Consensus Diagnostic Criteria for PHACE Syndrome Organ System

Major Criteria Minor Criteria

PHACE syndrome is not exceedingly rare, and
Cerebrovascular Anomaly of major cerebral arteries Persistent embryonic artery other
probably even more common than
Dysplasia a of the large than trigeminal artery Proatlantal
Sturge-Weber syndrome. 121 The segmental IH
cerebral arteries b intersegmental
Arterial stenosis or occlusion artery (types 1 and 2) Primitive
associated with PHACE is sometimes confused
with or without moyamoya hypoglossal artery Primitive otic with the port wine stain associated with
collaterals artery SturgeWeber syndrome, especially in the
Absence or moderate-severe
newborn period before signi fi cant IH
hypoplasia of the large cerebral
proliferation or in cases of
arteries Aberrant origin or course
the large cerebral arteries b
Persistent trigeminal artery “ minimal growth ” IH in which there is an
Saccular aneurysms of any
absence of signi fi cant proliferation. The risk of
cerebral arteries
PHACE syndrome in an infant presenting with a
Structural brain Posterior fossa anomaly Enhancing extraaxial lesion with large, segmental IH ($22 cm 2)
Dandy-Walker complex or features consistent with
unilateral/bilateral cerebellar intracranial hemangioma Midline
anomaly c of the head or neck is approximately one-third. 120
Neuronal migration disorder d

Cerebrovascular anomalies, present in more

Cardiovascular Aortic arch anomaly Ventricular septal defect
Coarctation of aorta Right aortic arch (double aortic arch) than 90% of patients, are the most common
Dysplasia a extracutaneous feature of PHACE syndrome,
Aneurysm followed by cardiac anomalies (67%) and
Aberrant origin of the subclavian structural brain anomalies (52%). 84
artery with or without a
vascular ring
The most common arterial abnormality in
Ocular Posterior segment abnormality Anterior segment abnormality
PHACE syndrome is dysgenesis of the anterior
Persistent hyperplastic Microphthalmia
circulation, particularly within the internal carotid
primary vitreous Sclerocornea
Persistent fetal vasculature Coloboma artery. 119 The neuroanatomic and
Retinal vascular anomalies Cataracts cerebrovascular anomalies observed in PHACE
Morning glory disc anomaly Optic may lead to a number of neurologic sequelae,
nerve hypoplasia Coloboma
including motor and speech delays, seizures,
migraine-like headaches, and rarely, arterial
Peripapillary staphyloma
ischemic stroke. 121 Hearing loss (conductive or
Ventral or midline Sternal defect Hypopituitarism
sensorineural) has also been reported in
Sternal cleft Ectopic thyroid
PHACE syndrome, particularly when the IH
Supraumbilical raphe
Sternal defects
involves the ear and periauricular scalp, which

Adapted from ref 25.

can be related to the presence of ipsilateral
a Includes kinking, looping, tortuosity, and/or dolichoectasia.

b Internal carotid artery, middle cerebral artery, anterior cerebral artery, posterior cerebral artery, or vertebrobasilar system

c Callosal agenesis or dysgenesis, septum pellucidum agenesis, pituitary malformation, or pituitary ectopia.
d Polymicrogyria, cortical dysplasia, or gray matter heterotopia.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1071
to be segmental and often “ minimal growth ” in
morphology. 85 Such IHs were often extensive (eg,
involving the entire leg) and showed additional
potential for ulceration and, rarely,
underdevelopment of the affected limb. Like
PHACE syndrome, the cutaneous IHs and
underlying anomalies showed regional
correlation. Myelopathies, particularly spinal
dysraphism, were the most common
extracutaneous anomaly. Interestingly, arterial
anomalies were noted in a minority of patients
who were speci fi cally studied for such anomalies,
although the true incidence and long-term risks
are unknown. Imaging is region-speci fi c; MRI is
A, Frontotemporal segmental IH typical of PHACE syndrome. B, Sternal clefting characteristic of PHACE syndrome (scar
useful in delineating the extent of lumbosacral
is congenital, not surgical). involvement and potential myelopathy, whereas
additional imaging with MRA may be warranted
intracranial IH involving auditory structures. It risk infants, progressive cerebrovascular changes
for infants with extensive lower limb involvement
has been suggested that children with PHACE may be identi fi ed early, and neurosurgical
to assess for arterial anomalies.
syndrome and periauricular IH be evaluated revascularization procedures can be performed to
with both MRI and audiometric testing. 122 potentially reduce arterial ischemic stroke – related
morbidity and mortality. 125 The presence of

Cardiovascular anomalies are the second most severe cerebrovascular and/or cardiovascular

common extracutaneous manifestation of PHACE arterial anomalies in patients with PHACE

syndrome. The aortic coarctation observed differs syndrome may preclude the use of propranolol

from classic coarctation in that it occurs in a more for treatment of IH in this population, or require
proximal location, often involves the arteries dose modi fi cation. (see section entitled
Highlights of This Section
feeding the upper extremities, and affects longer
• PHACE syndrome includes features
segments, which may preclude detection based
of P osterior fossa defects, H emangiomas,
on a blood pressure gradient between the upper
cerebrovascular A rterial anomalies, C
and lower extremities. The aortic anomalies in “ Medical Therapy for IH ”).
PHACE syndrome are often noted to be
ardiovascular anomalies including
LUMBAR syndrome ( L ower body IH and other
particularly unusual and severe, often requiring coarctation of the aorta, and
cutaneous defects, U rogenital anomalies and
surgical repair; thus, detailed imaging of the arch
ulceration, M yelopathy,
is essential. 123
B ony deformities, A norectal malformations and E ye anomalies.
arterial anomalies, and R enal anomalies) may be
• The hallmark of PHACE syndrome
best considered the “ lower half of the body ”
is a large, segmental IH,
characteristically located on the
Even in asymptomatic infants, MRI or magnetic variant of PHACE syndrome. 85
face, scalp, and/or neck.
resonance angiography (MRA) of the head and LUMBAR has also been previously
neck is indicated, especially given the known described under the competing acronyms
potential for progressive vasculopathy and • The most common extracutaneous
SACRAL 87 ( S pinal dysraphism, A nogenital
resultant ischemic events in a small subset of features of PHACE syndrome are
severely affected patients. 124 cerebrovascular anomalies, followed
C utaneous anomalies, R enal and urologic
by cardiac anomalies and structural
anomalies, associated with
brain anomalies.
Arterial ischemic stroke, a rare but devastating A ngioma of L umbosacral localization) and
complication, appears to be more likely in PELVIS 86 ( P erineal hemangioma,
patients with PHACE who exhibit signi fi cant E xternal genitalia malformations, • LUMBAR syndrome may be best
narrowing or nonvisualization of large cerebral L ipomyelomeningocele, V esicorenal considered the “ lower half of the
arteries, especially when more than 1 vessel is abnormalities, I mperforate anus, S kin tag). The body ” variant of PHACE syndrome
involved and/or if there are associated IHs are usually segmental lumbosacral or and may be associated with
cardiovascular morbidities such as coarctation of anogenital lesions. In an analysis of 24 new urogenital, anal, skeletal, and spinal
the aorta. 125 patients and a review of 29 published cases, IHs cord anomalies.
in association with LUMBAR were noted
Through serial neuroimaging of high-

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IMAGING OF IH high- fl ow feeding arteries and draining veins. CLINICAL APPROACH TO IH

The diagnosis of IH is generally made on the With administration of intravenous gadolinium, The traditional clinical approach to IH has been
basis of history and clinical appearance. lesion enhancement is usually early, with one of “ benign neglect. ” 60 The observation that,
Occasionally, imaging of the lesion may be intense and uniform enhancement on delayed as a neoplasm, IH has the unique ability to
required when the diagnosis is uncertain, when images; however, diffuse or multifocal hepatic undergo involution has led many practitioners to
evaluation of extent is necessary, or when lesions may show early enhancement believe that the best management is to
response to therapy needs to be monitored. peripherally and delayed fi lling centrally
IH-associated anomalies, such as spinal (centripetal enhancement). 91 Nonenhancing
dysraphism, anogenitourinary anomalies, and regions may represent thrombosis or necrosis. “ leave it alone and it will go away. ”
PHACE syndrome, are also best imaged with During the involution phase, as deposits of fat However, 1 study from a group of referral
MRI. However, the risk of early exposure to replace the lesion, foci of increased signal can pediatric dermatology practices suggests that
anesthesia is a consideration in determining the be seen on T1-weighted images, and more than one-third of patients with IH require
urgency and type of imaging for IH. some sort of intervention. 84 Hence, although this
postcontrast images reveal less avid
Ultrasonography is a reasonable initial imaging number may re fl ect referral bias, it is clear that
enhancement. Computed tomography (CT) is
modality for diagnosing IH, because it is some IHs are associated with a high risk of
mentioned only because it is occasionally
inexpensive and does not require sedation. The complications or permanent dis fi gurement. In
ordered when a diagnosis of IH is not expected.
sonogram generally reveals a well-de fi ned high- fl many such cases, early intervention may be
ow parenchymal mass with possible shunting. justi fi ed to potentially arrest the growth of the
During the involution phase, areas of increased lesion, reduce associated complications, and
echogenicity (fat replacement) can be seen avoid years of psychosocial concerns. The fi rst
within the lesions. Gray scale and color Doppler consideration in the management of IH is
ultrasonography have also demonstrated utility fi ndings are similar to those on MRI, including
whether intervention is necessary. The
in monitoring the response of IH to medical well-de fi ned and avidly enhancing lesions
indications for intervention include the following:
therapy. 127 Ultrasonography is also a good fi rst-line during the proliferating phase and less (1) emergency treatment of potentially
modality to screen patients with multifocal IHs pronounced enhancement during the involution
lifethreatening complications; (2) urgent
for liver or visceral involvement, although MRI is phase. Although these studies are shorter in
treatment of existing or imminent functional
preferable to assess complicated or extensive duration than MRI (reducing the likelihood that
impairment, pain, or bleeding; (3) evaluation to
visceral lesions. 128 general anesthesia will be necessary), CT
identify structural anomalies potentially
carries the disadvantage of exposing young
associated with IH; and (4) elective treatment to
children to ionizing radiation and its attendant
reduce the likelihood of long-term or permanent
dis fi gurement. Lifethreatening lesions include
obstructing IHs of the airway as well as liver IHs
associated with high-output congestive heart
failure and severe hypothyroidism. Pain and
bleeding are examples of urgent sequelae that
Highlights of This Section
occur as a result of ulceration; affected children
• Imaging of IH is not usually may have failure to thrive as well. Other
The extent of the lesion and the surrounding
necessary. examples of functional impairment include
anatomy are better shown on MRI. The most
useful sequences include T1-weighted images • When imaging of IH is performed, ocular impairment (loss of visual axis leading to
with and without fat saturation, T1-weighted ultrasound is generally the preferred deprivation amblyopia, astigmatism,
images with fat saturation post – gadolinium modality for diagnosis, whereas MRI

administration, T2-weighted images with fat is better to assess extent of the

saturation, and fl ow-sensitive sequences such lesion.

as gradient echo or MRA. 129 Proliferating IHs

typically appear as well-de fi ned masses with • Imaging may be required when the
features of high fl ow and intermediate signal diagnosis is uncertain, when
intensity on T1-weighted images and high signal evaluation of extent is necessary,
intensity on T2-weighted images. 130,131 Flow when the IH is a possible marker of
voids may be apparent on T2-weighted and PHACE or LUMBAR syndrome, or
when response to therapy needs to
be monitored.

fl ow-sensitive sequences, along with

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1073
Uncomplicated IHs. These lesions generally do not require medical or surgical intervention.

strabismus, visual fi eld cuts), impaired feeding ones in early infancy. 132 For less concerning complication and urgency of intervention;
because of involvement of the lips or mouth, IHs, providers may wish to counsel the family potential for adverse psychosocial
and reduced mobility because of complicated regarding changes of importance, such as rapid consequences; parental preference; and
involvement of the extremities. Structural growth or ulceration, and to establish with the clinician experience. A Cochrane review found a
anomalies of concern include spinal dysraphism family a means to see the child on short notice if dearth of well-designed clinical trials on which
associated with lumbosacral IHs as well as such changes are observed. appropriate interventions for IH could be
anomalies associated with PHACE and other IH determined. 133

“ syndromes. ”

Whether IH affects the psychosocial well-being of

Central to the decision of whether to intervene is affected patients, and the age at which it may do
Long-term and permanent dis fi gurement is a
a discussion of the risks, bene fi ts, and so, is uncertain. Some authors suggest that “ children
concern with IHs of certain anatomic sites
alternatives associated with each of these
(eyelid, nasal tip, lip, breast, genitalia) and with
choices and with each potential intervention. fi rst represent and re fl ect on themselves as
severe ulceration, because these will ultimately
Proper informed consent from the family is independent, objective entities ” in the latter half
leave a scar of similar size.
paramount in achieving a successful and of the second year of life 134 and that the

satisfying physician-patient relationship as well emotional responses of others may affect a child ’
s mood even earlier than 12 months of age. 135 Thus,
as a good therapeutic result. Once a decision
Most IHs are uncomplicated and are not there may be some effect on the child even
has been made to intervene, the second
likely to fall into any of these categories (Fig before entering preschool. In contrast, a review
consideration is which therapeutic modalities
13); the practice of initial observation or of the existing literature on psychosocial rami fi cations
are most appropriate. There is no formula or
of IH was less concerning. 136 Among the 7
algorithm that easily addresses all of the factors
“ watchful waiting ” is reasonable for such studies cited, questionnaires that were validated
in this decision; as a result, the treatment plan is
lesions. However, because the clinical but not speci fi c for IH revealed few or no signs
customized for each patient. Relevant factors
presentation of IH can change within days, it is of psychosocial impact in children with IHs. The
include age and medical condition of the patient;
prudent for pediatric providers to reexamine authors did note that the studies were
frequently, as often as weekly, those children growth phase, location, and size of the lesion or
conducted in small groups of parents, and all
with lesions at high risk of causing functional or lesions; degree of skin involvement; severity of were fl awed in one way or another. In a small
cosmetically critical changes, because many study, quality of life among children 5 to 8
uncomplicated lesions may become

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years of age who had IHs of the head and neck patients who have undergone early surgery and
Highlights of This Section
measuring 2 cm or greater was compared with in whom residual IH intentionally or inadvertently
that of normal controls. Although the remains postoperatively, there is potential for • The indications for intervention for IH
questionnaires were not disease-speci fi c, the additional growth of the lesion after the include the following:
authors found no differences in quality-of-life
procedure. In addition, because IHs are benign
indices or in self-perception scores. 137 1. emergency treatment of
lesions with the potential to involute, surgeons
potentially lifethreatening
do not always endeavor to obtain disease-free
Further complicating this subject is the fact that complications;
margins, instead allowing involution to assist in
quality-of-life investigations in young children
achieving the fi nal result. On occasion, in
require proxy reporting that often re fl ects quality 2. urgent treatment of existing or
surgery for wellinvoluted IHs, tissue may even
of life as perceived by the proxy rather than the imminent functional
be left behind intentionally, using the
child. Thus, no de fi nitive statement can be made impairment, pain, or
regarding psychosocial rami fi cations of IH; bleeding;
however, many clinicians who specialize in the fi eld
3. evaluation to identify structural
will consider treatment of those IHs projected to
anomalies potentially
be cosmetically signi fi cant beyond 4 years of fi brofatty remnant to serve as fi ller to preserve
associated with IH; and
age. 70 normal tissue contours. Lesion-related factors,
such as location, size, and degree of skin
4. elective treatment to reduce the
involvement or ulceration, often dictate the
likelihood of long-term or
feasibility of a given treatment modality. For
permanent dis fi gurement.
example, a pedunculated eyelid lesion causing
Details related to IH stage have been addressed
in a study examining growth characteristics of ptosis or ectropion or a small, ulcerated lesion
• There is no algorithm to determine
IHs. 66 The largest increase in IH size occurred at that is certain to scar may lend itself better to
the most appropriate intervention for
a mean age of 3 months, and by 5 months of early surgical excision rather than medical
IH. Factors affecting this choice
age both segmental and localized IHs had therapy. Conversely, an extensively ulcerated
include the following:
reached 80% of their fi nal size. As a result, segmental IH or a lesion of the genitalia is more
therapy initiated after the early proliferative appropriately addressed with medical therapy. 1. age of the patient,
phase is less likely to be effective in controlling Parental preference is another critical factor in
2. growth phase of the lesion,
the growth of the lesion or in prevention of treatment selection, more so in elective cases
complications. Age and stage are also factors in 3. location and size of the lesion,
than in those that are emergencies or urgent
the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for IH. cases. Parents will often have strong feelings,
Early experience with systemic steroids for IH 4. degree of skin
particularly about surgical intervention or
suggested that younger children had a better involvement,
systemic medical therapy, that will have a major
response to therapy, 138,139 and most studies of 5. severity of complication and
effect on treatment planning for the child.
their mechanism of action suggest they inhibit urgency of intervention,
Similarly, the choice of treatment may be in fl uenced
components of the proliferative process. 140 Similar
by the experience of the treating provider and
data for propranolol therapy are not yet
his or her familiarity with the diversity of 6. potential for adverse
available, but proposed mechanisms of its
potential interventions. For these reasons, it psychosocial
action also suggest primary activity during
may be preferable for complicated IHs to be consequences,
proliferation. 139,141
managed by a practitioner or team who has 7. parental preference, and
experience with all of the available therapeutic 8. physician experience.


Conversely, recent retrospective studies
indicate that b- blocker therapy for IH can The management of ulcerated IHs includes
be effective beyond the proliferative phase attention to wound care, pain, and IH growth. 96 Unfortunately,
as well. 142,143 there are no high-quality studies to guide care of
the ulcer, and therefore treatment preferences

Age and growth phase are also considerations are often based on case experience. 132

when surgery for IH is being considered. For

example, in

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1075
Approaches to ulcerated IHs are Pain control is a signi fi cant issue in infants with MEDICAL THERAPY FOR IH

summarized in Table 4. Some clinicians ulcerated IH. Pain can be severe and can
disrupt sleep as well as interfere with daily
liken the
activities and/ or function. For example, Medical therapy for IH includes both topical and
management of ulceration to that of super fi cial
ulceration located on the lips or oral mucosa systemic administration of medications. Topical
burns and suggest culture and diligent wound
may affect oral intake or feeding, whereas agents may be a consideration for smaller, more
care. In 1 study, 16% of ulcerated IHs were
considered to be infected on clinical grounds, interference with urination or stooling may be super fi cial IHs or those for which systemic
and cultures revealed pathogens in half of these seen in the setting of perineal ulcerations. Oral therapy is contraindicated. Systemic therapy is
cases. 98 acetaminophen and cautious use of topical usually initiated for large IHs, those with a high
2.5% lidocaine ointment may be effective in risk of functional impairment or dis fi gurement,
managing the pain of ulceration. 96 With more and those refractory to other initial therapies.
Reepithelialization may be facilitated by
severe ulceration, the use of narcotics may be Beginning in the 1960s, systemic and
debriding crusts with the use of warm
indicated for inadequately controlled pain. intralesional steroids were the cornerstone of
compresses. The ulcer is then covered with a
Collaboration with experts in pain management medical therapy for IH. Shrinkage of IH with
barrier to prevent excessive drying, control pain,
may be useful in this high-risk group of infants. systemic corticosteroid therapy was fi rst
reduce the risk of trauma and potential bleeding,
and reduce the risk of bacterial colonization or observed serendipitously among patients with
infection. Such treatments may consist of topical hemangioendotheliomas (KMP) treated for
antibiotics or anesthetics, wound dressings, thrombocytopenia in the late 1950s and early
barrier creams, or all of the above. Most 1960s. 152 In
ulcerations improve with this conservative
approach to wound care. Because ulceration is
usually associated with proliferation of the IH,
therapies to curb its growth are often used.
Highlights of This Section
Several case series have reported successful
treatment of IH ulceration with propranolol • Management of ulcerated IH
therapy. 144 – 146 Topical timolol has been reported consists primarily of the following: (1) 1967, Zarem and Edgerton 153 treated 7
to be successful for ulceration, 147 but its barrier dressings, (2) pain control, consecutive children with oral prednisolone for
absorption is unpredictable in this setting. enlarging IHs. All 7 experienced cessation of
and (3) control of IH growth.
Systemic steroids may also be a reasonable lesional growth and no rebound growth after
alternative. treatment. On the basis of this result, Fost and
Esterly 138 treated 6 children with oral prednisone
• Adjuvant therapies may include the for extensive IHs. All but 1 had dramatic
following: regression after only 2 weeks of therapy.
1. topical agents, including
Subsequent studies have continued to show ef fi cacy,
antibiotics, anesthetics, or
although physicians have raised concerns about
wound dressings, and
2. pulsed dye laser.
In refractory cases, pulsed-dye laser (PDL)
therapy may also be effective in managing
ulcerated IHs. 96,148 – 150 In a prospective study in
78 children, 91% of the patients responded to TABLE 4 Treatment Options in the Management of Ulcerated IH

laser therapy with a mean number of Wound Care Adjuvant Therapies

Dressings Antimicrobials
2.0 treatments. 148 Thus, PDL therapy has been White petrolatum – impregnated gauze Metronidazole gel

used as both monotherapy and as adjunctive Nonadherent dressings (eg, Mepitel [Mölnlycke Mupirocin, gentamicin, bacitracin ointment Pain
Health Care; Gothenburg, Sweden], Telfa control
therapy in managing ulcerated IHs; however, it
[Covidien/Medtronic; Minneapolis, MN]) Topical
has been recommended that laser therapy be
Hydrocolloid dressings (eg, DuoDERM Anesthetics (eg, lidocaine, benzocaine) Oral
used with caution in patients with proliferating [ConvaTec; Luxembourg])
IHs because of the risks of atrophic scarring Topical agents Acetaminophen with or without narcotics

and/or ulceration. 151 Surgical excision may also White petrolatum, Aquaphor [Beiersdorf Inc.; Other
Hamburg, Germany], Silver sulfadiazine Becaplermin gel Topical timolol PDL
be a consideration for small ulcerations that are
(Silvadene; Monarch Pharmaceuticals; Early excision Oral propranolol or
poorly responsive to medical therapy.
Bristol, TN) steroids

Adapted from ref 368.

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adverse effects of steroids become the fi rst-line medical therapy; however, target hemangioma), compared with a 4% rate
administered in large doses for long periods of optimal dosing, treatment timing and duration, among those treated with placebo. 172 Another
time. and risk of complications have not yet been randomized trial in 40 patients found a marked
established in randomized trials, and improvement in IH volume, redness, and
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, interferon- a showed
recommendations for monitoring are still elevation among those taking propranolol
some promise in the treatment of
evolving. 161 An oral formulation free of alcohol, compared with those taking placebo. 173 In a
steroid-resistant IHs. This drug is a cytokine
sugar, and paraben developed for use in 2011 comprehensive review of the literature,
produced by leukocytes that play a role in the
children (Hemangeol; Pierre Fabre, Castres, response to propranolol therapy was evaluated
innate immune response against viruses. When
France) received approval from the US Food in 79 articles but quanti fi ed in only 6. 160 Positive
synthetic interferon- a 2a was used to treat
and Drug Administration in March 2014. There responses in all treated patients were reported
patients with HIV, an improvement in their
is a paucity of data regarding other b- adrenergic in 86% of publications; the remaining 14%
Kaposi sarcoma lesions was noted. 154
blockers. 162 discussed at least some treatment failures. In
total, 19 of 1175 patients in these publications
were reported as treatment failures, suggesting
a 1.6% treatment failure rate. 160
Because interferon-induced genes are
upregulated during involution of IH, there was a
theoretical basis for its mechanism of action in
Mode of Action in IH
IH, 152 and anecdotal reports as well as clinical
trials subsequently documented its ef fi cacy in The mode of action of propranolol in the

vascular lesions, including IHs refractory to treatment of IH is unknown. Proposed

mechanisms include vasoconstriction, inhibition Moreover, lightening of the color and softening
corticosteroid therapy. 156,157 However, it is now
of angiogenesis (via suppression of VEGF-A of the tumor was noted in most children within
clear that signi fi cant neurologic toxicities,
and downregulation of MMPs and interleukin hours to days of the initial dose of propranolol. 158,159,173,174
including impairment of higher cortical and
[IL] 6), regulation of the renin-angiotensin After initiation of propranolol therapy,
motor function, can occur and generally
system, and inhibition of nitric oxide production; progressive improvement has been noted for at
preclude its use as a fi rst-line therapy. In 2008,
propranolol ’ s ability to stimulate apoptosis is least 3 months in most patients. 158,159,173,174 Like
Léauté-Labrèze et al 158
equivocal. 44,49,140,141,159,161,163 – 167 systemic corticosteroids, propranolol appears to
stabilize IHs in their growth phase; however, it
may also be effective after proliferation has
ended. In 1 study that assigned visual analog
reported their serendipitous observation scores to IHs in children treated with propranolol
Investigators have shown the presence of b 2-adrenergic
that oral propranolol, a nonselective blocker at ages 7 to 120 months, more than half of the
receptors on capillary endothelial cells in
of patients achieved a greater rate of improvement
proliferating IH, and vascular endothelial cell
b- adrenergic receptors used for decades to in their scores after starting the medication. 143 Other
growth factors, which are elevated in rapidly
treat cardiac disorders in children, is effective authors have also reported similar observations. 142,175
growing IHs, are suppressed in the presence of
and well tolerated in the management of IH. A
year later, they reported their experience with
32 infants with severe IH who were treated with
b- adrenergic receptor blockade. 158 – 160,168 It has
propranolol at 2 to 3 mg/kg per day in 2 to 3
also been suggested that propranolol may
divided doses. 159 These infants responded well
prevent the differentiation of IH stem cells into
with a rapid, consistent, therapeutic effect and
endothelial cells or pericytes, 169 reduce
minimal adverse effects. Since that time, there
contractility of pericytes, 170 and/or promote
have been numerous additional reports of the adipogenesis. 140,165,171
safe and effective use of propranolol for the
treatment of medically complex as well as Pretreatment Assessment, Contraindications, and
cosmetically signi fi cant IHs. 160 Risks of Therapy

A complete history and physical examination,

Ef fi cacy with special attention to the cardiac and
In a randomized controlled trial of oral pulmonary systems, aid in assessing a child ’ s
propranolol in 460 infants aged 1 to 5 months candidacy for propranolol initiation.
with IH, patients administered a dose of 3.4 Electrocardiography is often ordered as well,
mg/kg per day exhibited a 60% rate of particularly in younger infants, those with a low
b- Adrenergic Blockers heart rate, and those with an examination or
successful treatment (complete or nearly
For most clinicians treating complicated complete resolution of the
IHs, propranolol has

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1077
TABLE 5 Contraindications and Potential generally asymptomatic and do not require each dosage increase of $0.5 mg/kg per day.
Complications Associated With intervention. 177 Less common complications Heart rates or blood pressure measurements
Propranolol Therapy Contraindications include bronchospasm and hypoglycemia, the lower than 2 SDs from the mean suggest the
Complications latter of which has the potential to induce need for cardiologic evaluation. It should be
Sinus bradycardia Sinus bradycardia seizures. 159,161,180,181 In a systematic review of noted that, where there was controversy, the
Hypotension Hypotension propranolol treatment of IH, there were 371 total group recommended the most conservative
Greater than Diarrhea
adverse effects reported in 1189 patients. 182 approach to propranolol initiation. The risk of
fi rst-degree Cool extremities Sleep
heart block disturbance Reactive hypoglycemia may be reduced by administering
Heart failure airways propranolol and feeding children at intervals not
Cardiogenic shock Hypoglycemia/seizures Those most commonly reported were sleep to exceed 8 hours (or 6 hours in younger
Reactive airways
disturbance (136 patients), acrocyanosis (61 infants). 161
patients), hypotension (39 patients, including 5
to propranolol considered “ symptomatic ”),
hydrochloride Adapted

from ref 161. bradycardia (8 patients, including 1 considered

symptomatic), and respiratory events including Children with any acute illness, especially one
infections, wheezing, and stridor (35 patients). interfering with normal oral intake or one
family history consistent with congenital associated with vomiting or diarrhea, will
heart disease. 161 Some clinicians also require close monitoring and often a
prefer to have a cardiology consultation temporary decrease in dosing or cessation of
before starting the medication. However, therapy.
Initiation of Therapy and Dosing
pretreatment cardiac screening appears to
be of limited value in patients with an Although the optimal setting for the initiation of

unremarkable cardiac history and propranolol has yet to be established, a

examination. 176 – 179 Relative consensus group has suggested that inpatient
Duration of Therapy
contraindications to the use of propranolol hospitalization be considered for infants 8

for IH include weeks of age or younger, preterm infants less The most dramatic improvement using
than 48 weeks ’ propranolol for IH occurs within 3 to 4 months of
initiation of therapy. However, many

cardiogenic shock, sinus bradycardia, postconceptional age, those with poor social investigators continue therapy until patients

hypotension, heart block greater than the fi rst support, and those with cardiac or pulmonary reach an age when IH would normally begin to

degree, heart failure, bronchial asthma, and risk factors. 161 The group recommended regress without treatment. Hence, treatment is
initiating therapy at a dose of 1 mg/kg per day,
known hypersensitivity to the drug (Table 5). 161 Special often continued until at least 8 to 12 months of

precautions have been suggested for children with escalation to a target dose of 1 to 3 mg/kg age, which, in most studies, equated to 3 to 12

diagnosed with PHACE syndrome and signi fi cant per day, although this recommendation was months of therapy. 160,172 For discontinuation of

intracranial vascular anomalies because of the made prior to the FDA approval of Hemangeol, therapy, most practitioners taper propranolol

theoretically increased risk of acute ischemic which is dosed maximally at 3.4 mg/kg per day. gradually over a period of 1 to 3 weeks,

stroke. 161 The optimal dose for maintenance has yet to be primarily in an effort to prevent rebound sinus
established. The group ’ s recommended dosing tachycardia. Rebound growth of IH has been
frequency was 3 times daily; however, the drug observed in 6% to 25% of children, often well
has also been dosed twice daily and showed after their fi rst birthday, leading some clinicians
both safety and ef fi cacy. 172,183,184 Because the to wean propranolol over weeks to months. 185 – 189
Experience in the management of hundreds peak effect of oral propranolol on heart rate and Rebound growth may be more likely in patients
of infants with IH has shown propranolol to blood pressure is 1 to 3 hours after whose IH exhibited a long proliferative stage
have an excellent safety pro fi le and high administration, the group suggested that these and a large subcutaneous component. 185 In
tolerability. The most commonly reported measurements be taken at baseline, 1 and 2 such cases, reinitiation of therapy for variable
adverse effects of propranolol are sleep hours after the periods of time may be necessary.
disturbance and coolness and mottling of
the distal extremities. The use of

b- blockers can be also be associated with

adverse cardiac effects, including bradycardia
and hypotension, both of which are
fi rst dose, and 1 and 2 hours after

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Topical b- Adrenergic Blockers The diversity of these effects may account for
Highlights of This Section
the variability in response, particularly with the
Several investigators have reported
• Propranolol, administered orally stage of the treated lesion. Steroids inhibit
success using topical
at a dose of 1 to neovessel growth in cultured human IH biopsies 197
b- blockers in the treatment of IH. Timolol
3.4 mg/kg per day, is ef fi cacious in and IL-6 – mediated neovascularization in a rat
maleate is a nonselective
reducing the size and color intensity corneal model. 198 Corticosteroids also inhibit the
b- adrenergic receptor inhibitor available in
of IH. expression of proangiogenic proteins, including
a concentration of
• The mechanism of propranolol ’ s VEGF-A, urokinase plasminogen activator
0.25% and 0.5%, which has been used by
effect on IH likely involves several receptor, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1,
processes, including IL-6, and MMP-1, from human IH stem cells in a
ophthalmologists in the United States for more
vasoconstriction, inhibition of murine model. 40,197 In addition, glucocorticoids
than 30 years as a fi rst-line therapy in children
angiogenesis, and stimulation of inhibit the antiadipocytic differentiation effect of
with glaucoma. In recent years, an
apoptosis. preadipocyte factor 1 199,200 and promote
extended-release gel-forming solution has
adipogenesis by increasing the expression of
become available in concentrations of 0.25%
peroxisome proliferator activated receptor. 201,202
and 0.5%. Systemic absorption of the • Common side effects of propranolol
gelforming solution is signi fi cantly lower than include sleep disturbance and
that of the solution, and absorption through discoloration with cooling of the
intact skin is likely much less than that through hands and feet.
the conjunctivae and lacrimal duct. 190

• Contraindications to the use of

This activity is thought to explain the
propranolol for IH include
development of the fi brofatty residuum during
cardiogenic shock, sinus
involution of the vascular components of IH.
bradycardia, hypotension, heart
block greater than
Case reports and case series have shown a
fi rst-degree, heart failure,
good response of IH to twice-daily topical Systemic Corticosteroids
bronchial asthma, and known
application of timolol. 191 – 195 In a randomized
hypersensitivity to the drug. Systemic therapy with corticosteroids for large
controlled trial, timolol was more effective than
and complicated IHs has, in many centers, been
placebo in reducing the size and color intensity
supplanted by systemic b- blockers.
of small super fi cial IHs. 196 Laboratory studies • A consensus report suggests that
Nevertheless, steroids have played a signi fi cant
were not monitored in the majority of studies, heart rate and blood pressure be
role in IH management over the past few
and only 1 infant in 1 large series developed a determined at baseline, 1 and 2
decades, and properly dosed and monitored,
transient sleep disturbance. Responses were hours after the fi rst dose of
they remain an effective modality in the
best in patients who had super fi cial IHs, used propranolol, and 1 and 2 hours after
management of IH, especially in patients in
the each dosage increase of $0.5 mg/kg
per day.

b- blocker therapy is risky or contraindicated. 203 One

• Administration of propranolol with report in 60 children with IHs treated with either
0.5% gel-forming solution, and applied the feedings, and holding doses if oral 3 or 5 mg/kg per day of oral prednisone found
medication for more than 3 months. 195 Many intake is compromised, reduces the an excellent response in 68% and a good
experts now consider topical timolol gel-forming likelihood of hypoglycemia. response in 25%; therapy failed in 7%. 204 A
solution a reasonable consideration for systematic literature review showed an 84%
uncomplicated, super fi cial IHs for which • Topical application of timolol has response rate at an average dose of 2.9 mg/kg
treatment is desired but the risk-to-bene fi t ratio shown ef fi cacy in the management of per day of oral prednisone. 205 Another recent
is too great to justify systemic b- blocker therapy. super fi cial IHs. article reported the response to systemic
However, there are valid concerns regarding the corticosteroids was signi fi cant in 30% to 53% of
bioavailability of the drug when used topically in cases, equivocal in 35% to 40%, and negligible
neonates and infants, especially in the in the remainder. 206 In a prospective,
treatment of larger or ulcerated lesions and Corticosteroid Therapy
randomized, investigator-blinded trial comparing
those on or near mucous membranes. 190 The precise mechanism of action of prednisolone and propranolol dosed at 2.0
glucocorticoids in the treatment of IHs remains mg/kg per day, the drugs
largely unknown. Evidence suggests that
corticosteroid therapy has several effects on IH,
involving both vasculogenesis and adipogenesis.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1079
showed similar ef fi cacy for reducing the area of localized complications involving the overlying occurs in lesions of the upper eyelid, with 3
symptomatic IH; however, although skin or underlying tissues. However, in cases of retinal embolization having been
prednisolone showed a somewhat faster appropriately selected lesions, many authors reported after an injection of corticosteroids into
response rate, propranolol was better tolerated consider intralesional corticosteroid injection IHs in this region. 221 – 223 This complication likely
with signi fi cantly fewer severe adverse effects. 207 an effective intervention, given its results from a combination of high injection
Rebound growth occurs in 14% to 37% during effectiveness and the relatively low frequency pressures (causing retrograde fl ow of the drug
dose tapering, occasionally requiring the of reported systemic adverse effects at low from the eyelid toward the apex of the orbit) and
resumption of steroid therapy. 205 This wide doses (#2 – 3 mg/kg). 210 – 219 excessive injection volume. 224

range in rebound rates likely re fl ects the varied

duration of corticosteroid therapy reported in the
literature. Optimal dosing of systemic However, in several large series of intralesional
In most studies, patients were injected with
corticosteroids remains somewhat controversial. corticosteroids for periorbital lesions, this
either triamcinolone alone or a mixture of
However, although recommendations for complication was not reported. Avoidance of
triamcinolone and betamethasone, at total
prednisolone dosing have ranged from 2 to 5 this complication is discussed further in the
equivalent doses of triamcinolone doses of
mg/ kg per day, 132,203,204,208,209 optimal dosing subsection “ Eye and Orbit ” under
appears to be 2 to 3 mg/kg per day. The , 3 mg/kg, by using a 27- or 30-gauge needle. 218
duration of therapy depends on response rate The interval between injections varied from 1 to “ IHs With Special Anatomic
as well as the age of the patient and phase of IH 6 weeks. 208 Concerns. ”
growth but generally ranges from 4 to 12 weeks After corticosteroid injection, large studies have
at full dose, followed by tapering over several Topical Corticosteroids
reported accelerated regression in 77% to 100%
months and completion of treatment by 9 to 12 of patients with IH and cessation of growth in The use of high-potency topical corticosteroids
months of age. 132,205 16% to 23%. 210 – 219 The effects of the steroid last in IH is usually limited to thin, super fi cial lesions.
approximately 3 to 4 weeks 216 and thus patients In the initial reports in the 1990s, topical
may require additional treatments during the clobetasol propionate was used for periocular
proliferating phase for rebound growth. IHs with good ef fi cacy and no signi fi cant
adverse effects. 225,226 A subsequent
retrospective chart review of 34 infants with
proliferating IHs who had been treated with
high-potency topical steroids found that 35% of
Local complications of intralesional
the infants had good response, whereas 38%
Intralesional Corticosteroids corticosteroids include fat and/or dermal
had a partial response. 227 A more recent
atrophy and/or hypopigmentation (0% – 3%). 213 –
The effectiveness of intralesional corticosteroid comparison of topical mometasone furoate
therapy for problematic IHs was fi rst described versus intralesional triamcinolone acetonide in
in 1967 by Zarem and Edgerton, 153 in the same Systemic adverse effects, including cushingoid
features (0% – 3%) 213 – 217 super fi cial IHs less than 5 cm in diameter
article in which they reported their success showed that 86.5% (50% excellent,
treating IH with oral corticosteroids. and adrenal suppression, 220 can occur when
very large doses of intralesional steroids are
given ($5 mg/kg). A more serious complication

Subsequently, numerous studies have of intralesional corticosteroid therapy

suggested that intralesional corticosteroid 36.5% good) of patients in the topical group and
injection is a safe and effective treatment of IH. 210
95.7% (63.8% excellent,
– 219
TABLE 6 Potential Adverse Effects of 31.9% good) in the intralesional group
Systemic Corticosteroids HPA responded to the therapy. 228
In general, corticosteroid injection is reserved
axis suppression Cushingoid features Growth
for small, bulky, welllocalized IH lesions. Large
deceleration Weight gain/increased appetite
or diffuse IHs are more dif fi cult to manage with Adverse Effects of Corticosteroid Therapy
Hypertension Gastric irritation Irritability
intralesional corticosteroids because of the Insomnia Immune suppression Cardiomyopathy
following: (1) a large volume of injectable steroid Steroid myopathy Osteopenia Potential systemic adverse effects of
is more likely to cause systemic adverse effects 220 corticosteroids used in the treatment of IH are
and (2) it is dif fi cult to evenly distribute the presented in Table 6 and are the most common
corticosteroid throughout a large tumor. In reason cited for using propranolol as fi rst-line
lesions that are relatively fl at or super fi cial, therapy. It should be noted, however, that a few
intralesional steroid injection carries an physicians have favored the safety pro fi le of
increased risk of corticosteroids over that of propranolol. 229
Ocular adverse effects (glaucoma, cataracts) HPA,


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Suppression of the experts. 238 – 240 Furthermore, it has been
Highlights of This Section
hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis has been suggested that infants not receive live vaccines
observed during therapy with both intralesional 215 during long-term corticosteroid therapy and that • Despite their ef fi cacy, systemic
– 217,220,230,231 and systemic 132,232 – 236 steroids. clinicians consider checking vaccine titers on corticosteroids are no longer
However, incidence estimates for completion of corticosteroid therapy to assess considered by most clinicians to be fi
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis the adequacy of response. 237 rst-line therapy for IH due to the
suppression vary widely, from associated risk of adverse effects.

1.7% 222 to 87%. 234 Furthermore, although

Ocular adverse effects of long-term systemic
many patients experience abnormal morning • Corticosteroids, administered orally
corticosteroid therapy include cataracts 241,242 and
cortisol levels, nearly all appear to normalize at a dose of 2 to 3 mg/kg per day,
increased intraocular pressure, 242 – 245 although
in a few months. 220,231 are ef fi cacious in reducing size and
neither has been frequently reported among
discoloration of IH.
children in general or among those being
Temporary growth deceleration has also been treated for IH in particular. The most serious
reported with both intralesional 218,220,232 and ocular adverse effect is that of vision loss • The mechanism of IH growth
systemic 132,236,237 steroid therapy of IHs. caused by embolic occlusion of the central inhibition by corticosteroids likely
Almost all children experience retinal artery after intralesional injection. 221 – 223 involves reduced vasculogenesis
and enhanced adipogenesis.
“ catch up ” growth after completion of therapy. 236 Gastric
irritation is seen in 21% 236 to 32% 234 of patients • Corticosteroids administered
taking oral corticosteroids. This adverse effect intralesionally and topically also
However, the actual risk is thought to be quite
can be ameliorated by concomitant use of H 2- receptorlow and is primarily related to high injection appear to be effective in certain
antagonists. 132,215,218 Mild behavioral changes pressure. 224,246,247 subsets of patients with more
have been seen in up to 29% of infants localized IH, but their dosing and
This complication is discussed in greater detail
receiving systemic corticosteroid for IH therapy. 236 safety pro fi le are not well studied.
in the subsection “ Eye and Orbit ” under “ IHs
These include irritability, fussiness, insomnia,
With Special Anatomic Concerns. ”
and personality changes. 230,234,236,237

• Periodic reexamination of children

Cutaneous adverse effects of steroids are most
receiving corticosteroid therapy for
often associated with intralesional and topical
IH has been suggested for
Osteopenia is a known adverse effect of therapy. The most common risks are atrophy
monitoring of growth and blood
long-term systemic corticosteroid therapy but is and hypopigmentation, although the former is
pressure as well as changes in the
rarely observed in children with IH, which often attributable to the IH itself, whereas the
lesion(s) being treated.
presumably is related to the relatively short latter is usually transient. 227,233 Other potential
duration and nonrepetitive nature of therapy but unusual risks include acne, periori fi cial
typically used for the treatment of IHs. dermatitis, striae distensae, and hypertrichosis.
Hypertension is also a risk of systemic In treating bulky IHs with intralesional therapy,
corticosteroid therapy, but the percentage of cutaneous complications can be avoided by
affected individuals is unknown and is likely keeping the injection well below the dermis. Other Medical Therapies
dose dependent. Immunosuppressive effects of Given the many potential adverse effects of
Before the discovery of the therapeutic ef fi cacy
systemic corticosteroid therapy are well known. glucocorticoid therapy, many physicians will
of propranolol for IH, several other agents were
These include increased infection risk, reduced periodically reevaluate those infants receiving
used in an attempt to optimize ef fi cacy and
B- and T-lymphocyte counts, and poor response systemic corticosteroids (oral or intralesional),
safety. This section will focus on 3 agents that
to vaccines. 132,218,236,237 with speci fi c attention to growth variables and
have documented utility in the treatment of IH:
blood pressure. Some physicians will also
vincristine, interferon- a, and imiquimod.
reassess adrenal function at the end of therapy
Unfortunately, the adverse effect pro fi les of
and determine the need for stress doses of these agents limit their usefulness, and they are
steroids on cessation of therapy.
Rare cases of pneumonia attributable to Pneumocystis generally reserved as treatments only for
carinii infection have been reported in infants recalcitrant lesions. In addition, the potential
taking corticosteroids for IH, and prophylaxis of usefulness of newer angiogenesis inhibitors will
these patients with be discussed.
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole has been
advocated by some

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1081
Vincristine neutropenia, and spastic diplegia. Although The drug was used 3 times weekly in 10
some have reported response rates of up to patients and 5 times weekly in 8 patients, with a
Vincristine is a plant-derived vinca alkaloid that
90% in steroid-resistant lesions, the effect is mean duration of therapy of 17 weeks. All super fi
impairs mitosis via microtubule formation. It has
gradual in onset, and rebound can occur on cial IHs improved, but little or no change
traditionally been used as a chemotherapeutic
discontinuation. 254 occurred in mixed and deep IHs. Irritation and
agent and possesses multiple antiangiogenic
crusting were the most common adverse
qualities. It induces endothelial cell apoptosis
effects. This study was criticized because of the
and is also a potent inhibitor of endothelial cell Up to 20% of children treated with interferon- a appear
lack of a control group. 263
growth, migration, and in vitro capillary-like tube to develop spastic diplegia. 255 This complication
formation. 248 Given that endothelial cells also tends to occur later in the treatment course and
possess a high tubulin content, a biological may be irreversible. 256
rationale for IH sensitivity to vincristine exists. 249 A subsequent phase II, open-label study
followed 16 children with mixed results. 264
Most reports on the ef fi cacy of vincristine Some practitioners initially theorized that only
address the treatment of patients with vascular interferon- a 2a, or perhaps the preservative or
lesions that were not true IHs but rather KHE or vehicle, were the cause of these symptoms; Although some proponents of imiquimod
TAs associated with KMP. 250 however, similar toxicities have also been continue to use it for the treatment of super fi cial
reported with interferon- a 2b. 257 IH, irritation, crusting, and occasionally signi fi cant
ulceration noted with treatment seriously limit its
Given these concerns, interferon- a is generally utility. Imiquimod does not have a role in the
considered a “ last resort ” treatment of deep IHs.
treatment, and most physicians prefer to use
However, vincristine has also been used propranolol, systemic corticosteroids, or
successfully in the management of vincristine before treating with this agent.
Antiangiogenic Agents
function-threatening or lifethreatening IHs
(airway, orbital, or hepatic). 251,252 The drug is Although all of the above treatments have
administered weekly through a central catheter antiangiogenic effects, a few newer therapies
Imiquimod (Imidazoquinoline 5%)
because of its extreme vesicant and irritative have speci fi c antiangiogenic mechanisms of
This topical immune-response modi fi er
potential. Adverse effects include irritation, action that make them theoretically attractive
stimulates the innate immune system by
neurotoxicity, loss of deep tendon re fl exes, therapeutic options. Antagonists to vascular
augmenting the production of cytokines,
constipation, cranial nerve palsies, and bone growth factors or receptors, such as inhibitors of
including interferons ( a, b, and g); IL-10, IL-12,
pain. Alopecia, rash, and myelosuppression are VEGF or bFGF, have been successfully used to
and IL-18; and tumor necrosis factor. These
also possible. Reported adverse effects were blunt angiogenesis in tumor models and as
agents enhance cell-mediated immunity and
transient. 253 This drug appears to be particularly therapies for advanced neoplasms; however, the
induce apoptosis. However, it may well be that
useful in patients with corticosteroid-resistant simultaneous administration of cytotoxic agents
imiquimod ’ s therapeutic effect on IH results from
KMP, but it is not a fi rst-line therapy for IH. appears to be required to achieve signi fi cant
the inhibition of angiogenesis by these
response rates. 265 An incidental decrease in the
cytokines. In addition, imiquimod downregulates
size of a liver IH was noted in a patient treated
proangiogenic factors such as bFGF and
with bevacizumab, a VEGF inhibitor. 266 Most
MMP-9 and upregulates other endogenous
recently, the antivasculogenic effect of
angiogenesis inhibitors, including
rapamycin has been shown in a mouse
interferon-inducible protein
hemangioma model; the drug diminished the
Interferon- a
self-renewal capacity of the IH stem cells while
Interferon- a 2a and 2b have both been used simultaneously inducing other antiangiogenic
successfully for IH in children. 156,157 Interferon- a is effects on IH endothelial cells. 267 Rapamycin is a
10, tissue inhibitor of MMPs, and
given subcutaneously with an initial dose of 1 macrolide known to have both
thrombospondins. 258 Topical application of
million IU/m 2, increasing to 3 million U daily over immunosuppressant and antiangiogenic actions,
imiquimod has been shown to markedly inhibit
the fi rst month of therapy while monitoring and therefore the risk-bene fi t ratio of this agent
tumor cell – induced angiogenesis in a human
neurologic status, white blood cell count, and will need to be clearly established before it
keratinocyte model. 259,260
liver function status. 206 Most patients have
required between 2 and 12 months of therapy.
Adverse effects are signi fi cant and include fl ulike In 2002, the successful use of imiquimod
reactions, rash, gastrointestinal symptoms, was reported in the treatment of scalp
transaminitis, IHs. 261

Subsequently, a retrospective study reported

the ef fi cacy of topical imiquimod in 18 children
with IH. 262

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can be considered a safe alternative to the for absorption by hemoglobin and of an treated and observation groups. 280
agents currently available for the treatment of appropriate exposure time to avoid the Although these fi ndings have been disputed, 281 another
IH. generation of excess thermal energy in article authored by leading laser authorities
adjacent tissues. As indicated in these reports, suggested that infants were particularly
PDL achieves these parameters and has susceptible to complications from PDL
Highlights of This Section become the “ workhorse ” laser in the treatment treatment. 151 The controversy over laser use
of super fi cial vascular lesions. was recently rekindled by a study that showed
• Medications other than
an advantage to early laser management. 282
b- blockers and corticosteroids may
have ef fi cacy in treating IH, but their
utility is limited by their safety pro fi le. PDL was developed primarily for the treatment
of port wine stains. IHs differ greatly in many Although small IHs may be treated without

• Vincristine is used for lesions respects. Although port wine stains are sedation, children with larger lesions often

associated with KMP; however, such malformations made up of low- fl ow, thin-walled require general anesthesia. Recent data
lesions are KHEs and TAs rather ectatic postcapillary venules, IHs are tumors suggest that early exposure to general
than IHs and are associated with made up of small capillaries lined with plump anesthesia may have a negative effect on
potential risks of irritation and endothelial cells and have a higher rate of blood learning and behavior. 283 As a result, repeated
neurotoxicity. fl ow. IHs are also of more varied thickness. As anesthetics required to treat such lesions may
a result, improvement in IH with the use of PDL be less desirable when the likelihood of
is somewhat less predictable than that for port improvement is low and other available
• Interferon- a and imiquimod, although
wine stains. The mechanism for laser treatment options are available. Proposed uses
effective in IH treatment, are
destruction of IHs has not been completely for PDL in IH management include the following:
associated with an undesirable rate
elucidated. (1) early super fi cial facial IHs, (2) treatment of
of complications.
compound IHs in which sacri fi ce of the overlying
skin is undesirable, (3) refractory ulceration, and
(4) signi fi cant residual telangiectasia or fl at IH
persisting after involution.
PDL has undergone multiple improvements
LASER THERAPY FOR IH since it was fi rst introduced. Current models use
Before the discovery of the ef fi cacy of a wavelength of 595 nm and larger spot sizes
propranolol in the treatment of IH, PDL therapy (up to 10 mm) with higher
was frequently a component of the treatment
strategy for IHs. 268 – 277 However, given their fl uences, allowing the laser to penetrate deeper. 279
limited depth of penetration of less than 2 mm, Longer pulse durations facilitate the treatment of Early Super fi cial IHs

these lasers proved useful primarily for super fi cial larger vessels. 279 In addition, the introduction of Although not all super fi cial lesions warrant
lesions and for deep and compound lesions in dynamic cooling delivered to the skin before the intervention, early treatment in cosmetically
which salvage of the super fi cial skin was laser pulse has made treatment safer and less critical areas can reduce or eradicate a super fi cial
desired. Although many such lesions are now painful. dermal IH, allowing the return of normal dermis
treated medically, laser therapy may still have a and preventing the atrophic scarring commonly
role in IH management, particularly when used observed after involution. 268 – 277 Although topical b-
as a part of multimodal therapy or in ulcerating In the 1990s, many laser proponents embraced blocker therapy is also an option in managing
lesions refractory to other therapies. In the the theory that early laser treatment could small super fi cial IHs, there may be greater
1980s, technological advances imparted to eradicate super fi cial proliferating lesions and, at bioavailability of the drug when treating infants,
lasers the capability of selective the very least, reduce the discoloration of the particularly those with IHs that have ulcerated or

photothermolysis, a process by which blood are located near mucous membranes. 189
super fi cial component of a mixed IH. As a
vessels are selectively destroyed while causing result, children often received multiple laser
minimal collateral damage to surrounding tissue. 278 treatments during their
For laser light to be optimized for this purpose, it
needed to be of an appropriate wavelength fi rst year of life. However, a 2002 study in 120
children randomly assigned to laser treatment PDL is a treatment option in such cases.
or observation found that the complete
clearance or presence of minimum residual IH
Treatment of Critical Skin
at 1 year was not signi fi cantly different in the
PDL- In certain anatomic locations, the sacri fi ce of
skin that is atrophic or

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1083
still contains IH tissue is undesirable. The face, During the involution phase of IH, children are
Highlights of This Section
and the nasal tip in particular, are areas in which reevaluated periodically if it is likely they might
the removal of affected skin may leave • Laser treatment of IHs may be require excision of residual fi brofatty tissue,
undesirable scars or a poor color match with useful in early, nonproliferating, resection of scarred/excess skin, or
grafted skin. In such cases, early laser super fi cial lesions; management of reconstruction of damaged structures. A residual
treatment may preserve the overlying skin, critical skin; treatment of ulcerating scar will always be present after ulceration of an
allowing it to be later lifted as a fl ap to provide lesions; “ multimodal ” therapy; and IH and may therefore lower the threshold for
access for excision of the deeper IH management of persisting surgery in some cases. Similarly, those lesions
(demonstrated in Fig 17 later in report). postinvolution telangiectasia. likely to leave large fi brofatty residua may be
addressed early. Surgery is rarely an option for
extensive IHs fromwhich the resulting defect is
too large to close primarily or for those cases in
• Pulsed dye laser (PDL) is used most which surgery will result in signi fi cant functional
Treatment of Ulcerated IH
commonly because its light is impairment or an unacceptable scar.
The potential bene fi t of, and evidence for, laser preferentially absorbed by Conversely, resection of small, complicated IHs
treatment of ulcerated IH has previously been hemoglobin. in cosmetically favorable locations may
discussed (see the previous section entitled “ Management
• Use of laser on proliferating and occasionally be preferable to months of
of Ulcerated IHs ”). 96,148 – 150 In most cases, such super fi cial IHs may lead to observation and/or medical therapy. As
intervention is a consideration only after ulceration. discussed earlier, the timing of intervention is
medical management has failed. based on the age of the patient, the degree of
• Atrophic scarring and
deformity, and whether the tumor is still
hypopigmentation are also potential
regressing. If a child has a minor deformity,
complications of laser use in IH.
postponing intervention until maximal involution
has occurred may obviate the need for a
Persisting Telangiectasia or IH After Involution
procedure. Following the patient for as long as
possible may also be indicated for lesions in
After treatment or involution of IH, super fi cial SURGICAL THERAPY FOR IH problematic locations (eg, lip or nasal tip),
vascular ectasias frequently remain. These are because maximal involution may facilitate
effectively treated with PDL. 284 PDL may also be Timing of Intervention reconstruction and reduce the number of
used to treat fl at areas of residual IH tissue. Elective resection of an IH during the proliferative required interventions. Once it is obvious that a
phase is usually not necessary and occasionally child will require operative intervention, surgery
ill advised. Given their young age and the is usually preferable in early childhood (#4 years
vascularity of the tumor, affected patients are at of age), before the child has much awareness of
Complications of Laser Therapy greater risk of anesthetic morbidity, blood loss, the lesion. 287,288,290 – 292 However, by postponing
Complications of laser treatment include and iatrogenic injury. 287,288 In addition, in many intervention until at least 3 years of age, the
atrophic scarring and hypopigmentation, locations such as the lip and nasal tip, the fi nal tumor has had time to involute, often facilitating
particularly in individuals of darker complexion. 151 cosmetic result is superior when growth of the the procedure and improving the fi nal cosmetic
lesion has ceased and the number of surgical result. 287,288
Lasers are also capable of inducing ulceration, interventions can be kept to a minimum.
although this is rare and seen more commonly However, certain factors lower the threshold for
in rapidly proliferating IHs and segmental IHs, resection of a cosmetically or functionally
which, if left untreated, also have a higher risk of problematic lesion during early infancy, including
ulcerating spontaneously. 81,84,151 Scarring is the following: (1) contraindication to
seen when the dermis between the vessels is pharmacotherapy, (2) failure of pharmacotherapy
coagulated. 285 In IHs in which the dermis is to ameliorate the problem, (3) focal involvement
largely replaced by vessels, ef fi cient in an anatomically favorable area, and (4) a high
likelihood that resection will be necessary in the
future (due to bulk or ulceration) and the scar will
be the same. 287 – 289
photocoagulation of these vessels will lead to
scarring. Although the complication rate of PDL
use for IH has not been studied, it is less than Location Considerations

1% in the treatment of port wine stains. 286 For an IH that causes a deformity that cannot be
easily concealed (eg, on the face), surgical
intervention may be

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considered in early childhood to prevent diameter of the original IH. 293 This technique IHS WITH SPECIAL ANATOMIC
psychosocial morbidity. If the tumor is hidden by can also be used to alter a vertical forehead
CONCERNS Eye and Orbit
clothing and is not bothersome to the child, scar to a horizontal orientation. In the scalp,
waiting for maximal involution to occur is lenticular excision and linear closure is
acceptable. When considering resection, it is preferred to circular excision/purse-string IHs of the orbit, eyelid, and conjunctiva, also
important to weigh the postoperative scar after closure because a long linear scar is camou fl aged known as periocular IHs, have the potential to
removal of the IH against the preoperative by hair, whereas a circular scar may leave an cause a unique set of vision-related
appearance of the lesion. Linear scars are area of visible alopecia. 288 complications because of their anatomic
ideally placed along the relaxed skin tension location. Compression of the globe, obstruction
lines in the anatomic area where the IH is of the visual axis, and extension into the
located to facilitate the best possible cosmetic Fibrofatty residuum from the deep component of retrobulbar space have the potential to cause
outcome. an IH can be removed by using suction-assisted refractive errors, strabismus, and amblyopia.
lipectomy; similar lesions on the cheek can Although evaluation and management follow
occasionally be approached intraorally to avoid principles common to all IHs, additional
a major cutaneous scar. considerations in these cases strongly in fl uence
Certain anatomic locations present speci fi c clinical decision-making. The importance of
challenges to the surgeon. IHs of the auricular early ophthalmologic assessment of patients
helix and nasal tip involve skin that does not with periocular IH cannot be overemphasized.
move well over the underlying cartilage and is Ophthalmologic consultation is often necessary
dif fi cult to replace. Lesions of the lip that to determine the urgency of intervention. In
Highlights of This Section
extend outside the vermilion may require addition, the full depth of these lesions within
• Indications for surgery for IH during
reestablishment of the vermilioncutaneous the orbit is often underappreciated on routine
infancy are limited to the following:
border as well as the natural labial contours. physical examination, as are visual
Surgery involving the eyelids, oral
1. failure of, or contraindication to,
commissure, and genitalia also carries a risk of
functional impairment from the procedure itself.

2. focal involvement in an area

anatomically favorable for
resection; and
fi eld cuts and changes in refraction or
3. a high likelihood that resection will
extraocular motion. Amblyopia is the most
ultimately be necessary and the
Technical Considerations common and most serious ophthalmic
scar will be the same regardless
complication of periocular IHs. This disorder
Because an IH itself acts as a tissue expander, of timing.
results when, because of improper stimulation
there is usually adequate skin to allow primary,
linear closure of the wound; skin grafts and local of the involved eye, the portion of the brain
• During involution, surgery may be
fl aps are rarely needed. Because the tumor is serving that eye does not develop properly.
indicated for excision of residual fi brofatty
benign, the entire lesion does not need to be Amblyopia occurs in 43% to 60% of
tissue, resection of scarred/excess
removed; the goal is to improve the appearance
skin, and/or reconstruction of
of the child and subtotal excision is often
damaged structures.
performed. For circular lesions located in visible
areas, the length of the scar and distortion of
• Timing of surgery is based on the
surrounding structures can be minimized by
age of the patient, the location and
circular excision and purse-string closure. 293 Although
degree of deformity, and whether the
lenticular excision of such a lesion will result in a
tumor is still regressing.
scar 2 to 3 times the diameter of the lesion,
purse-string closure, followed by second-stage
lenticular excision several months later, will • Elective surgical intervention for IH is
leave a scar approximately the same length as reasonable after age 4 years
the because, by this age, self-esteem
and long-term memory begin to form
and the tumor has completed most of FIGURE 14

its involution. IH of the left eye causing visual fi eld cut and
astigmatism. Untreated, the lesion could proliferate,
potentially resulting in deprivation amblyopia.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1085
children with untreated periocular IHs, involvement is common in typical superonasal the region all in fl uence the treatment method
usually as a result of visual deprivation or eyelid and orbit cases, but the strabismus is selected. As with most IHs, treatment with
refractive errors. 294 – 296 subtle and requires forced ductions or other propranolol has become the mainstay of
testing to diagnose. Permanent eyelid deformity systemic therapy for periocular lesions.
results from direct invasion, vascular steal, or Numerous case series suggest success not only
Deprivation amblyopia occurs when a bulky IH,
usually in the upper eyelid, completely obstructs prolonged pressure of adjacent structures, in controlling the growth and size of the lesion

visual input into the involved eye. The lack of including the levator palpebrae superioris, but also in improvement of astigmatism. 302 – 304 Unfortunately,
input causes a maldevelopment of visual tarsus, eyelash follicles, and lamina papyracea. perceived successes with propranolol therapy
pathways and may result in irreversible loss of The levator muscle can be salvaged with early may, in some cases, lead to delayed
vision. 297 treatment, but prolonged invasion produces a ophthalmologic referral for more subtle

fatty, atrophic muscle akin to true congenital sequelae, resulting in irreversible changes and

ptosis. Tarsus, lash follicles, and the bones of limiting treatment alternatives, underscoring the
Refractive errors are due to astigmatism or
need for early ophthalmologic evaluation. Before
anisometropia. Astigmatism is the production of the orbit also respond well to early intervention
the advent of propranolol, intralesional steroid
a blurred image on the retina due to altered because the ongoing anatomic destruction or
injection was a popular intervention for the
curvature of the cornea and occurs in 20% to deformity can be arrested at a very early stage.
management of bulky periocular IHs. 299 With the
46% of patients with periocular IHs. 298 IHs Preservation of the tarsus ensures eyelid
use of a combination of triamcinolone and
causing this disorder usually involve the upper margin stability, whereas maintenance of the
betamethasone, a response within 2 weeks
lid 294 ( Fig 14) but may occur in the lower lid as bony socket prevents enophthalmos and facial
could be anticipated in 60% to 80% of patients. 305
well. The astigmatism can be reversed with asymmetry.
However, intralesional steroids have been
early intervention, preferably before 9 months of
associated with a number of complications.
age. Beyond 13 months of age, astigmatism
typically persists despite involution of the IH; 295,296 Most feared is embolism of the central retinal
artery. 221 – 223 This complication is thought to
result from several factors, including high
injection pressures (causing retrograde fl ow of
the drug from the eyelid toward the apex of the
Proptosis is the forward displacement of the orbit), excessive injection volumes, and direct
however, some cases of improvement during
globe from an intraorbital IH. Occurring in intravascular injection. 224,246,247 Although it has
involution have also been reported. 299 – 301 Anisometropia
approximately one-third of children with orbital been argued that high pressures can be avoided
is a difference in refractive error between the
IHs, proptosis can result in impaired by using a large-capacity syringe and small bore
eyes that results in a relatively clear retinal
approximation of the eyelids and corneal cannula, 306
image in the eye with the smaller refractive error
exposure. Optic neuropathy may also result
and a relatively blurred retinal image in the eye
from compression or stretching of the optic
with the larger refractive error. Although children
nerve. 294
with refractive errors attributable to IH can be
treated with contralateral patching regimens,
many still develop permanent spectacle Patients with PHACE syndrome may present
dependence; in many cases, the brain may
with a unique set of ophthalmologic
ignore the blurry image in the involved eye,
abnormalities, including increased retinal
resulting in amblyopia.
vascularity, microphthalmia, optic nerve
hypoplasia, exophthalmos, choroidal
hemangiomas, strabismus, colobomas,
cataracts, and glaucoma. Twenty percent of
affected patients will have at least 1 of these fi ndings,studies suggest that even these precautions
Strabismus, or misalignment of the eyes, occurs often on the side contralateral to the IH. 118 may be insuf fi cient in preventing embolization. 224
in approximately onethird of children with Other reported complications include
untreated periocular IHs. 294 Strabismus may hypopigmentation, atrophy of subcutaneous fat,
result from deprivation amblyopia, mechanical and full-thickness eyelid necrosis. 307 – 310 With
obstruction of extraocular muscle movements, improvements in systemic medications and
or direct extraocular muscle invasion. Medial Alternatives available to treat periocular IHs surgical techniques, many now believe that
rectus involvement is most common and most mirror general treatment options, but special there are better options for the management of
obvious, producing esotropia. Superior oblique regional factors may in fl uence the periocular IHs.

fi nal treatment plan. Urgency, laser safety, and

the luxuriant vascularity of

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IHs can involve any part of the airway. 314 The

exact incidence of airway IH is unknown;
however, over a 4-year period, 33 freestanding
US children ’ s hospitals discharged an average
of 2.5 patients with this diagnosis who had
undergone an airway procedure. 315

Symptoms of airway IH usually manifest during

the period of rapid growth during the fi rst few
months of life. A total of 80% to 90% of affected
infants will present within the fi rst 6 months of
life, with a mean age of 3.6 months at diagnosis. 316,317
Most develop biphasic stridor and barky cough
as the IH enlarges in the subglottis, the
narrowest portion of the pediatric airway (Fig
15). Voice and swallowing are generally normal.
Often, the symptoms are mistaken for those of
infectious or in fl ammatory croup or reactive
FIGURE 15 airway disease, especially when the symptoms
Airway IH extending from the vocal folds inferiorly into the subglottic space, the narrowest region of the pediatric airway. worsen in the presence of upper respiratory
(Photo courtesy of Jonathan Perkins, DO.)
illness. As a result, symptoms are often present
for several weeks before a de fi nitive diagnosis is
made. Approximately half of infants in whom an
Topical use of timolol has shown ef fi cacy in the eyelid, and orbit preservation. 312,313 airway IH is diagnosed also will have a
management of super fi cial periocular IHs, as For periocular IHs that are considered for cutaneous IH, but only 1% to 2% of children with
well as IHs involving the conjunctiva and iris. 194,311 surgical resection, preoperative imaging aids in cutaneous IHs also have airway IHs. 318,319 Symptomatic

This drug has replaced other topical therapies establishing the extent of the lesion. Those that airway IHs can be associated with lower facial

such as imiquimod, which causes signi fi cant are best suited for surgery are located outside cutaneous or oral/pharyngeal mucosal IHs in

irritation of the skin, conjunctiva, and cornea, the bony orbit and well circumscribed and nonin fi approximately 50% of cases. 106,107
ltrative on MRI. 313
and topical steroids, which carry the risk of
glaucoma and cataract formation. Laser
treatment (PDL) can also be very effective in
treating super fi cial periocular IHs but usually
requires corneal protection and general
Highlights of This Section

• IHs of the periocular area have the

potential to cause compression of the
globe, obstruction of the visual axis,
and extension into the retrobulbar
Periocular IHs are often diffuse and are Most infants suspected of having an airway IH
space, resulting in refractive errors,
therefore dif fi cult to excise. Surgery can also on the basis of historical and clinical presentation
strabismus, and amblyopia, leading to
cause hemorrhage that complicates the surgery undergo operative endoscopy. 320 Imaging of the
vision loss.
and can cause postsurgical changes, such as head and neck may be useful in some cases to
ptosis and ectropion, which may be dif fi cult to con fi rm the diagnosis of IH, to de fi ne the extent
correct. However, early surgical removal, in • The permanence of ophthalmic of the airway lesion, or to detect any associated
selected lesions, eliminates the risk of complications due to IH is often vascular, brain, or chest anomalies that could
amblyopia, decreases amblyopia treatment related to their severity and duration, affect treatment. 321,322 Because these airway
times, and dramatically improves the chances underscoring the need for early lesions have a characteristic clinical and
for extraocular muscle, ophthalmologic evaluation. endoscopic

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1087
appearance, biopsy of airway IH is not usually initial management of all airway IHs. 338 in patients with bilateral or circumferential
necessary, but when performed, the histologic lesions who may be at risk of postoperative
appearance and cellular markers are the same stenosis or require tracheotomy. However, open
Corticosteroids may be helpful in refractory
as those of cutaneous IH. 323,324 As in cutaneous surgical excision may be more dif fi cult in cases
cases. Initial doses of prednisolone at 2 to 4
IH, airway IH can be localized (focal) or involving signi fi cant extension outside the
mg/kg per day are generally necessary to
extensive (segmental), and many subglottic
control growth. Maintenance doses of larynx, and the procedure may potentially result
lesions show transglottic or paratracheal
approximately 1 to 2 mg/kg per day are often in some degree of dysphonia.
extension. 108,314 The more extensive the lesion,
considered before weaning the medication, and
the more signi fi cant the airway compromise, and
treatment duration is based on clinical
aggressive therapy is usually necessary to
response. Response rates reported in the
prevent airway obstruction. literature vary between 30% and 93%, although
there is little consistency among dosing Highlights of This Section

regimens. 339 • Most patients with IHs of the airway

have subglottic involvement causing
biphasic stridor and barky cough,
The need for and type of intervention for airway often mistaken as croup. Voice and
IH is determined by several factors, including swallowing are generally normal.
Intralesional steroids are a consideration for
the degree of airway obstruction, the extent of
patients whose IHs have necessitated
extralaryngeal IH, the location of the patient at
endoscopy or endoscopic resection. Although
the time of diagnosis, the experience of the • Diagnosis of airway IHs is usually
repeated injections are usually necessary as
treating physician, and the preferences of the single-modality therapy, 327 these medications made by endoscopy in the
parents/ caregivers. Because involution is the may be effective adjuvant therapy for patients operating room.
ultimate fate of virtually all IHs, whose lesions are being observed, treated • In most cases, IHs of the airway may
pharmacologically, or partially resected. be managed medically; in cases of
Successful management has been achieved in severe obstruction, surgical
“ watchful waiting ” is reasonable in cases 77% to 87% of cases with the use of reduction or excision may be
involving minimal intralesional steroids. 317,327 entertained.
symptomatology. In rare symptomatic cases for
which observation is still preferred or pediatric
airway expertise is not readily available,
tracheotomy is occasionally necessary. 325 However,
Airway IHs causing focal obstruction may be Nose
in most cases, some alternative intervention for
addressed surgically by a subtotal endoscopic
the IH is more desirable. Nasal IHs deserve special attention for several
approach by using a microscope or telescope or
reasons. First, the prominence and central
by total excision through an open approach.
location of the nose make it a critical facial
Subtotal approaches generally use a laser 317 or
feature. As a result, even a small IH of the nose
Before the advent of propranolol therapy, rotarypowered instrument. 340 However, subtotal
can have a greater effect on appearance than a
endoscopic laser ablation or surgical excision resection carries the risk of growth of the
lesion of the same size located elsewhere. In
was often recommended in the management of residual lesion during the proliferative phase,
addition, damaged nasal tip skin is exceedingly
airway IH, because the only medical therapy and laser treatment carries a 5% to 25% risk of
dif fi cult to excise or replace without considerable
was long-term corticosteroids. 317,326 – 330 However, subglottic stenosis that is greatest with deeper
cosmetic consequence. Functionally, a nasal IH
many clinicians have now reported success and resections and in cases of bilateral or
may also cause collapse of the nasal introitus
low complication rates using propranolol in the circumferential disease. 326,341,342
and intranasal obstruction. Focal nasal IHs
management of airway IHs. 326,331 – 336 Although
account for 15% to 20% of all focal IHs of the
the optimal dose and appropriate duration of
face; of these, approximately one-third involve
therapy remain uncertain, most clinicians are
the nasal tip. 81 These lesions appear to have
dosing the drug as they would for cutaneous IH. 337
their origin in the intercartilaginous ligament of
Open surgical excision of a focally obstructing the lower lateral nasal cartilages. 346 As the IH
airway IH became popular in the 1990s, after grows, it displaces the
complications of laser therapy became
increasingly apparent. 329,343 – 345 The procedure is
Some authors have suggested that useful in cases refractory to medical therapy and
treatment with propranolol should may be preferable to laser
become the standard for

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playwright known as much for his prodigious
proboscis as for his dramatic works. 290,347 Segmental
IHs involving the nose typically affect more
nasal subunits than their focal counterparts, and
they are more likely to ulcerate, resulting in
destruction of critical areas such as the
columella and ala. Conservative management of
nasal IHs is associated with a poor outcome in
most cases. 129,209,348 As a result, early
management of nasal IHs has been advocated
to avoid complications and improve the
likelihood of a favorable outcome, 290,346,349,350 although
the assumed bene fi t is yet unproven. The
approach to nasal IHs is often multimodal,
varying with the location, the stage, and the
depth of the IH. 290,350,351

Medical therapy may commence once the

diagnosis has been made and it is clear that the
IH is growing. The duration of treatment will
depend on the type of lesion and its response.
Focal IHs that respond to propranolol are
generally treated until at least 9 to 10 months of
age, at which time growth of these lesions is
Open rhinoplasty approach to nasal tip IH. These lesions (H) originate within intercartilaginous ligament of the lower likely to cease. Rebound growth may be
lateral nasal cartilages (arrows), rotating them outward. addressed by restarting the medication for a
month at a time until there is no further growth.
cartilages outward, rotating them in an “ open involution of the IH, will remain dis fi gured. The
Because segmental IHs may proliferate for
book ” fashion (Fig 16). The net effect is a deformity has been referred to as the “ Cyrano ” nose,
longer periods of time, weaning is often delayed
bulbous, distorted nasal tip, which, even with after Cyrano de Bergerac, the French
until 18 months of age; rebound may be
addressed with additional treatment in 3-month

Propranolol-treated IHs of the nasal tip are less

likely than untreated lesions to undergo surgery
or laser therapy, but many lesions still require
such interventions. 352

Extensive skin involvement in focal lesions

may respond to topical
b- blockers or judicious use of laser (PDL)
during proliferation (Fig 17). This treatment will
salvage the skin by reducing the number of
intracutaneous vessels and will also diminish
A, Compound IH of the nasal tip with signi fi cant surface involvement. B, Nasal tip after treatment with PDL to salvage tip the risk of venous stasis in
skin before surgical resection.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1089
the deep component after surgical resection. It
also helps to maintain more normal collagen
and skin after proliferation has ceased.
Similarly, for nasal lesions within segmental IHs
that have failed to respond to medical therapy, it
may be best to delay surgery until the overlying
skin has been adequately treated. 350 It is
generally preferable to delay surgical
intervention for such lesions until there is no
further proliferation. PDL may also be used to
treat residual involvement of the overlying skin
after surgery.

Nasal IHs that fail to respond to propranolol or FIGURE 18

leave signi fi cant residual tissue after treatment Ulcerated IH of the lower lip has resulted in distortion of the soft tissue and obliteration of the vermilion-cutaneous
are usually addressed surgically. Although
some authors have advocated surgery for focal
IHs as early as 10 to 12 months of age, 346
occurs, some infants will have dif fi culty latching
Highlights of This Section
on to a breast or bottle nipple without
• Early management of nasal tip IH discomfort, occasionally leading to failure to
most physicians will operate at 1 to 3 years of reduces the likelihood of poor thrive. Furthermore, the vermilion of the lip is a
age. 353 This approach allows for complete cosmesis resulting from skin unique tissue that cannot be replaced if
cessation of growth and adequate time for excision and/or replacement and permanently damaged by ulceration, 358 and
involution of small lesions that may ultimately effects on the underlying cartilage. reconstruction of the normal lip contours after
cause no signi fi cant distortion of the tip.
ulceration can be challenging. Proactive
• Goals of surgery for nasal tip IHs management of IH of the lip, often systemic, is
include complete IH excision, vital if ulceration is to be avoided. However, in
Several publications have dealt with the surgical reconstruction of the cartilaginous the lower lip, some 30% of IH lesions ultimately
approach to nasal IHs. 346,347,350,353 – 357 All of framework, and judicious skin ulcerate. 98 Once ulceration has occurred,
these publications predate the treatment of IH excision and redraping. occlusive dressings are impractical, and
with propranolol, which has clearly changed the therapies such as topical anesthetics and
management paradigm. The major issues in petroleumbased products carry the risk of
surgery for IHs of the nasal tip relate to accidental oral ingestion. Occasionally, children
adequate access and the ability to dispose of with IHs on the lip bene fi t from laser treatment
the excess skin once the lesion has been of the ulcer, but worsening of the ulceration is a
removed. In general, smaller lesions may be The lips deserve special consideration in the risk. 151 Early surgical resection is a
addressed in a single procedure through an management of IH due to their critical role in consideration, but only for small ulcers in
external rhinoplasty approach, leaving a scar cosmesis and function. Distortion of the lips cosmetically favorable areas. Otherwise,

only on the columella of the nose. 290,350,353,356 Larger from IH is common, and restoring normal lip attention is best directed to systemic therapies

IHs may require external incisions on the ala, contour is one of the greatest challenges in to reduce the likelihood of further ulceration and

also described as a “ modi fi ed subunit approach, ” reconstructive surgery. Furthermore, the lips of excessive lengthening of the lip.

which simpli fi es excision and redraping of the (and the lower lip, in particular) are at increased
skin. 346 Surgery is also useful in restoring the risk of ulceration, 96,98 resulting in pain and
normal position of the lower lateral cartilages bleeding in the short term and in increased
and other components of the cartilaginous scarring and dis fi gurement in the long term.
framework. During proliferation, the goals of managing IH of
the lips are to minimize distortion and to control
ulceration (Fig 18). Once ulceration
Reconstruction of a lip that is scarred and dis fi gured
because of IH is best performed only after
growth of the IH has de fi nitively ceased,

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recurrence is certain to interfere with be fraught with complications, management failure, hepatomegaly, or abdominal distension. 84,91,92
recontouring. Furthermore, the mucosa of strategies generally focus on those topical and Hepatic IHs have been characterized as
the mandibular oral vestibule is most useful systemic medical remedies previously occurring in 3 patterns: focal, multifocal, and
for discussed (see “ Management of Acute IH diffuse. 362 Focal singular lesions are usually
reconstruction of the vermilion when it is free of Ulceration ”). In rare cases, colostomy has been detected on antenatal imaging or as an
the IH. performed to facilitate wound care. 361 abdominal mass in the newborn infant. It is now
clear that these lesions are not true IHs; rather,
Lesions located exclusively on the vermilion can
they are the hepatic manifestation of a RICH,
be removed by using a transverse mucosal
which explains why they are fully grown at birth. 362,363
incision to hide the scar at the junction of the
They spontaneously involute 90% volumetrically
vermilion and vestibular mucosa 358;
Highlights of This Section by 13 months of age, and involution is not likely

lesions traversing both tissues may require a to be hastened by pharmacologic agents. 362 Diagnosis
• IHs involving the lips and perineum
vertical incision. Bulkier lesions that cause may be made by ultrasonography on the basis
have a tendency to ulcerate, and
lengthening of the lip and those that cross the of the presence of arteriovenous shunting or on
these regions are dif fi cult to
vermilioncutaneous border are best addressed CT or MRI, which reveal hyperintense peripheral
reconstruct. Such lesions are
by using a wedge excision, 359 with some authors contrast enhancement and central sparing.
appropriately managed aggressively
advocating a 2-stage procedure to improve scar Some hepatic RICHs have associated
with medical therapy.
camou fl age. 358 In such cases, incisions may be macrovascular shunts (usually hepatic artery to
placed along the mucocutaneous junction or hepatic vein) that can cause high-output cardiac
philtral columns. Debulking lip IH while failure. If shunts are absent, a hepatic RICH can
preserving vermilion can be performed through be observed with serial ultrasonography to
a mucosal incision; however, it is often Liver determine whether its behavior is typical.
exceedingly dif fi cult to separate IH from Differential diagnosis can include
The liver is the most common location for
orbicularis oris muscle. 359 hepatoblastoma and mesenchymal hamartoma.
visceral IH. Research from the past decade has
If imaging and involution are not diagnostic,
contributed greatly to the classi fi cation of
hepatic tumors and to clarify their natural percutaneous biopsy may be indicated. If shunts

history. 91,362 are present and causing high-output failure,

selective embolization can ameliorate cardiac
Previously viewed homogenously, and often
Eversion of the lower lip can be corrected by failure, and the lesion can be allowed to
treated inappropriately, it is now becoming clear
excision of a mucosal strip, and correction of involute. There is a very small risk of rupture
which patients are at risk and what treatment
inversion may require a lyophilized dermal and hemorrhage with extremely large tumors.
options are sensible.
implant or dermal graft. 359 Setting the “ white roll ” Surgical resection or transplantation is rarely
( ridge at the vermilioncutaneous border) of the necessary. Multifocal and diffuse hepatic IHs
lower lip and restoring normal sublabial Patients at risk of hepatic and other exist on a spectrum. They are true IHs and often
concavity may be particularly challenging. 360 extracutaneous IHs are those with multiple or coexist with cutaneous lesions. In a prospective
multifocal cutaneous IHs. Because studies have study in 151 infants, 16% of infants with 5 or
documented that infants with multiple cutaneous more cutaneous IHs were found to have hepatic
IHs are at increased risk of having hepatic lesions on screening ultrasonography. 364 Multifocal
involvement, screening for hepatic lesions with lesions have ample normal hepatic parenchyma
abdominal ultrasonography has been suggested between them. 362 They
for infants with 5 or more cutaneous IHs. 89,92,93 Other
Although perineal area IHs occur in a nonhepatic visceral organ involvement is
nonconspicuous area, they are highly prone to relatively rare in infants with multiple cutaneous
ulceration. In case series from tertiary care IHs; however, performing a thorough review of
dermatology practices, perineal IHs account for systems and physical examination on any infant
approximately one-third of all ulcerating lesions, with multiple cutaneous hemangiomas is
and approximately 50% of IHs occurring in this advisable.
area ultimately ulcerate. 96,98

Perineal ulceration can, at least transiently,

result in signi fi cant pain during defecation and
urination and during diaper changes. Because Infants with hepatic IHs may remain clinically
surgical intervention involving structures in this asymptomatic or can present with
area may life-threatening symptoms of congestive heart

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 4, October 2015 e1091
are often asymptomatic; however, some patients with massive hepatomegaly and abdominal CONCLUSIONS
will have macrovascular shunting causing high- fl ow compartment syndrome occasionally has
The management of IHs has evolved
and possible high-output cardiac failure. These disease that cannot wait for drug-induced
considerably in the past decade. The
patients are best treated pharmacologically with involution; in rare cases, such a child may be a
serendipitous discovery of the response of IH to
propranolol or corticosteroids. Shunts will usually candidate for hepatic transplantation.
systemic b- blockers has expanded therapeutic
close with involution of the IH. Selective shunt options for these tumors. Timolol, a topical
embolization is a consideration in those rare
instances in which rapid cardiac failure does not b- blocker, has shown promise as a potential
allow suf fi cient time for response to therapy for super fi cial lesions. A greater
pharmacotherapy. understanding of the indications and limitations
Highlights of This Section of laser therapy also has emerged.
Concurrently, bench research has provided a
• Hepatic IHs have been
deeper understanding of the origins of IH and
characterized as occurring in 3
Diffuse lesions have little hepatic parenchyma patterns of IH growth. It is anticipated that
patterns: focal, multifocal, and
apparent between densely packed nodular IHs continued research will further clarify the
throughout the liver. 362 Patients present with etiology of IH, hopefully leading to
• Focal hepatic IHs are the hepatic
hepatomegaly, which can become massive. pathogenesis-directed therapeutic options.
manifestation of RICH; they are fully
They may develop abdominal compartment
grown at birth, and involution is
syndrome with compromised ventilation, renal
almost complete by 1 year of age.
failure attributable to renal vein compression, or
poor inferior vena caval blood return to the heart Although many IHs can be observed without
and may progress to death. 92 Virtually all diffuse treatment, others will clearly bene fi t from
hepatic IHs cause acquired hypothyroidism • Multifocal and diffuse hepatic IHs are
medical or surgical intervention. It is important
attributable to the inactivation of thyroid true IHs and often coexist with
for pediatricians to keep abreast of advances in
hormones by type 3 iodothyronine deiodinase cutaneous lesions.
IH management, because the types of
constituent in the lesions. 365 intervention and the threshold for their use are
• Multifocal hepatic IHs have normal likely to evolve. When complications are likely or
hepatic parenchyma between them. the threshold for intervention is uncertain,
Many patients are asymptomatic; referral to an experienced specialist or a
however, those with high- multidisciplinary vascular anomalies center may
Hypothyroidism can be very profound and can be advantageous.
require massive replacement hormone dosing. fl ow and/or high-output cardiac
Multifocal lesions also suggest the need for failure require pharmacologic
prompt thyroid screening, because they may therapy with propranolol or
collectively contain enough tumor mass to corticosteroids.
overwhelm endogenous thyroid production. 91,92,365 • Patients with diffuse hepatic IHs
present with hepatomegaly that can LEAD AUTHORS

lead to compromised ventilation, David H. Darrow, MD, DDS, FAAP Arin K.

renal failure attributable to renal vein Greene, MD, FAAP Anthony J. Mancini,
Infants with diffuse hepatic IH, particularly
compression, poor inferior vena MD, FAAP Amy J. Nopper, MD, FAAP
those with congestive heart failure, are at
caval blood return to the heart, and
greatest risk of mortality. 363 Aggressive
pharmacologic therapy and thyroid hormone
Richard J. Antaya, MD, FAAP (Dermatology) Bernard
replacement are indicated for infants with such Cohen, MD, FAAP (Dermatology) Beth A. Drolet, MD
lesions. Effective IH treatment will result in a • Diffuse hepatic IHs may cause (Dermatology) Aaron Fay, MD (Ophthalmology) Steven

gradual reduction in the requirement for thyroid acquired hypothyroidism. J. Fishman, MD, FAAP (Pediatric Surgery)

replacement and eventual return to the

euthyroid state. 366,367 • Most hepatic IHs are managed Sheila F. Friedlander, MD, FAAP (Dermatology) Fred E.
medically; rarely, embolization, Ghali, MD, FAAP (Dermatology) Kimberly A. Horii, MD,

High- fl ow shunts are uncommon in diffuse surgical resection, and FAAP (Dermatology) Manish N. Patel, DO (Radiology,

transplantation have been Interventional Radiology) Denise W. Metry, MD

lesions. There is no role for embolization in the
(Dermatology) Paula E. North, MD (Pediatric Pathology)
absence of macrovascular shunts and a necessary.
Teresa M. O, MD (Otolaryngology)
highoutput state. An infant who presents

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Jonathan A. Perkins, DO (Otolaryngology) Michael L. Smith, Noninvoluting congenital hemangioma: a rare
MD, FAAP (Dermatology) Patricia A. Treadwell, MD, FAAP ABBREVIATIONS
cutaneous vascular anomaly.
(Dermatology) Milton Waner, MD (Otolaryngology, Facial
bFGF: basic fi broblast growth Plast Reconstr Surg. 2001;107(7): 1647 – 1654
Plastic Surgery)
factor CT: computed
Albert C. Yan, MD, FAAP (Dermatology) tomography EPC: endothelial progenitor 3. North PE, Waner M, James CA, Mizeracki
cell GLUT1: glucose transporter A, Frieden IJ, Mihm MC Jr. Congenital
nonprogressive hemangioma: a distinct
protein isoform 1 HemSC: clinicopathologic entity unlike infantile
COMMITTEE, 2014 – 2015
multipotential stem cell hemangioma. Arch Dermatol. 2001; 137(12):1607 – 1620
Bernard A. Cohen, MD, FAAP, Chairperson Richard J.
derived from IH
Antaya, MD, FAAD, FAAP Anna L. Bruckner, MD, FAAP
Kim Horii, MD, FAAP
specimens IH: infantile 4. Boon LM, Enjolras O, Mulliken JB. Congenital
hemangioma IL: interleukin hemangioma: evidence of accelerated involution. J

Nanette B. Silverberg, MD, FAAP Teresa KHE: kaposiform Pediatr. 1996; 128(3):329 – 335
S. Wright, MD, FAAP
Albert C. Yan, MD, FAAD, FAAP, Chairperson-Elect Michael L.
hemangioendothelioma KMP: 5. Baselga E, Cordisco MR, Garzon M, Lee MT,
Smith, MD, FAAP, Ex Of fi cio
Kasabach-Merritt Alomar A, Blei F. Rapidly involuting congenital

phenomenon LBW: low birth haemangioma associated with transient

FORMER SECTION ON DERMATOLOGY weight LUMBAR: Lower body IH and thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy: a case
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER series. Br J Dermatol. 2008;158(6):1363 – 1370

Sheila F. Friedlander, MD, FAAP other cutaneous defects,

Urogenital anomalies and 6. Rangwala S, Wysong A, Tollefson MM, Khuu P,
STAFF ulceration, Myelopathy, Bony Benjamin LT, Bruckner AL. Rapidly involuting

Lynn Colegrove, MA deformities, Anorectal congenital hemangioma associated with profound,

transient thrombocytopenia. Pediatr Dermatol. 2014;31(3):402
malformations and arterial
– 404
anomalies and Renal anomalies


MMP: matrix metalloprotease PDL:
pulsed-dye laser PHACE: Posterior 7. Berenguer B, Mulliken JB, Enjolras O, et al.

fossa defects, Rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma:

Charles Bower, MD, FAAP, Chairperson Christina
clinical and histopathologic features. Pediatr Dev
Baldassari, MD, FAAP German Paul Digoy, MD,
Pathol. 2003;6(6):495 – 510
FAAP Andrew Hotaling, MD, FAAP Stacey Ishman,
MD, MPH, FAAP John McClay, MD, FAAP Diego Hemangiomas, cerebrovascular
Preciado, MD, PhD, FAAP Kristina Rosbe, MD, 8. Mulliken JB, Enjolras O. Congenital hemangiomas
Arterial anomalies, Cardiovascular
anomalies including coarctation of and infantile hemangioma: missing links. J Am
Acad Dermatol. 2004;50(6):875 – 882
the aorta, and Eye anomalies MRA:
Scott Schoem, MD, FAAP, Past Chairperson Jeffrey magnetic resonance
Simons, MD, FAAP Steven Sobol, MD, FAAP David 9. North PE, Waner M, Mizeracki A, Mihm MC Jr.
Walner, MD, FAAP GLUT1: a newly discovered immunohistochemical

angiography NICH: marker for juvenile hemangiomas. Hum Pathol.

noninvoluting congenital
STAFF 2000;31(1):11 – 22
hemangioma RICH: rapidly
Vivian Thorne involuting congenital 10. Patrice SJ, Wiss K, Mulliken JB. Pyogenic

hemangioma TA: tufted angioma granuloma (lobular capillary hemangioma): a

clinicopathologic study of 178 cases. Pediatr
Dermatol. 1991; 8(4):267 – 276
COMMITTEE, 2014 – 2015

Peter J. Taub, MD, FAAP, Chairperson Stephen factor

B. Baker, MD, FAAP Arin K. Greene, MD, FAAP 11. Enjolras O, Wassef M, Mazoyer E, et al. Infants with
Timothy W. King, MD, MPH, FAAP Kasabach-Merritt syndrome do not have “ true ” hemangiomas.

Donald R. Mackay, MD, FAAP, Immediate Past REFERENCES

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Diagnosis and Management of Infantile Hemangioma
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Diagnosis and Management of Infantile Hemangioma
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Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it

Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of
Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, has been published continuously since 1948.
60007. Copyright © 2015 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print the American Academy of
ISSN: 1073-0397.

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