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Adverb of Manner – Mengalami Perubahan Bentuk

Adverbs of manner digunakan untuk memberitahu kita cara atau bagaimana sesuatu
dikerjakan. Sebuah adverb dapat ditambahkan pada sebuah verb (kata kerja) untuk mengubah
atau menambah artinya.

Berikut ini adalah fungsi dan aturan dalam membuat kalimat dengan adverb of manner:

 Cara untuk mengubahnya yaitu “adjective + ly” .

 Tetapi, untuk adjective yang berakhiran dengan huruf Y, huruf Y tersebut dihilangkan dan
diganti dengan huruf i + ly.
 Dan jika adjective berakhiran dengan ic, silahkan tambahkan al+ly untuk mengubah
 Tetapi, ada beberapa kasus dimana untuk mengubah bentuk adjective yang berakhiran
huruf Y dan diawali oleh huruf vokal, tinggal ditambahkan saja ly.
 Dan ada juga kasus dimana adjective yang berakhiran dengan tiga kata yang
berupa “konsonan + le”. Nah, untuk mengubahnya, maka hilangkan saja huruf e dan
gantikan dengan huruf y.

Contoh Kosakata Adverb of Manner

Bentuk Awal Adverb of Manner Bentuk Awal Adverb of Manner
Easy Easily Specific Specifically
Noisy Noisily Dramatic Dramatically
Slow Slowly Scientific Scientifically
Bad Badly Complete Completely
Beautiful Beautifully Shy Shyly
Happy Happily Sly Slyly
Formal Formally Surprising Surprisingly
Calm Calmly Grey Greyly
Careful Carefully Responsible Responsibly
Careless Carelessly Normal Normally
New Newly Gay Gaily
Basic Basically Coy Coyly
Gentle Gently Capable Capably
Rare Rarely Usual Usually
Note: Khusus untuk Shy dan sly ada pengecualian ya, jadi langsung ditambahkan ly saja
untuk mengubah bentuknya.
Nah, bagaimana? Sering mengetahui bentuk – bentuk seperti di atas kan? Mudah juga
kan untuk mengubahnya? Pasti sangat mudah sekali dong. Sekarang, mari kita masuk ke
dalam penerapannya di dalam kalimat. Dan akan saya tunjukkan, betapa berbedanya arti
suatu kalimat ketika adverb of manner ini diletakkan di posisi yang berbeda.
Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris dengan Adverb of Manner
Example Meaning
He quickly agreed to follow the interview
The agreement is quick
He agreed quickly to follow the interview
The agreement is quick
He agreed to follow the interview
The interview is quick
tomorrow quickly
The snail slowly walk in the competition The walk is slow
The snail walk in the competition slowly The competition is slow
Sudah tau bedanya kan? Beda peletakan beda juga artinya ya. Kalau sudah mengerti, berhati
– hatilah dalam meletakkan adverb tersebut, sesuai tips yang sudah dijelaskan di atas tadi ya.

Yang dimaksud dengan bentuk tetap disini adalah tidak adanya penambahan ly pada adjective
(kata kerja).

Contoh Kosakata Adverb of Manner

Bentuk Awal Adverb of Manner
Fast Fast
Loud Loud
Hard Hard
Much Much
Little Little
Straight Straight
Late Late
Good Well
Nah, bagaimana? Sering juga mengetahui bentuk – bentuk seperti di atas kan? Mudah juga
kan untuk mengubahnya? Pasti sangat mudah sekali dong. Sekarang, mari kita masuk ke
dalam penerapannya di dalam kalimat. Dan akan saya tunjukkan sekali lagi, betapa
berbedanya arti suatu kalimat ketika adverb of manner ini diletakkan di posisi yang berbeda.

Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Manner

Example Meaning
I work hard to gain more money for living Hard disini berarti bekerja keras
I work to gain more money for living hard Hard disini berarti dengan susah payah
I work to gain more money for hard living Hard disini berarti dengan susah payah
My little brother well sleeps in his room Well disini berarti tidur nyenyak
My little brother sleeps in his room well Well disini berarti dengan baik
Bagaimana dengan contoh kedua ini? Mungkin memang terdengar sedikit ganjil
dibandingkan dengan contoh sebelumnya yang bisa berubah bentuk tapi ternyata, memiliki
arti juga hehehe.

Lalu, kalau bisa diletakkan dimana saja, tidak ada bentuk kalimat yang salah dong? Benar
semua dong kalau begitu? Tentu, ada bentuk kalimat yang salah. Ciri – cirinya bagaimana?
Ciri – cirinya adalah, tidak sesuai dengan peraturan yang sudah saya jabarkan di atas,

Example of Adverb of Manner:

1. Donna finished the cooking perfectly [correct]
Donna perfectly finished the cooking [correct]
Donna finished perfectly the cooking [incorrect]
2. He quickly agreed to follow the interview tomorrow [correct]
He agreed quickly to follow the interview tomorrow [correct]
He agreed to follow the interview tomorrow quickly [incorrect]
Kalian pasti kenapa yang nomor 1 sama nomor 2 beda? Padahal nomor 1 sama nomor 2,
adverb of manner-nya punya posisi yang sama. Jadi, di nomor 1 itu verbnya hanya ada satu,
sedangkan di nomor 2, ada dua verb. Iya, benar sekali, ketika ada dua verb, adverb of manner
bisa lebih fleksible untuk diletakkan di dalam suatu kalimat. Tapi tetap harus berhati – hati
ya, agar kalimatnya tetap logis dan bisa dimengerti.

ADVERBS OF MANNER (pg. 22 wkbook)

1. Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens.

Examples: He swims fast. How does he swim? - fast. She sings beautifully. How does she
sing? - beautifully. I opened the door wide. How did I open the door? - wide. She quickly
finished her dinner. How did she finish? - quickly.

2. Adverbs of manner are usually placed after the main verb. Ex. He swims fast. She
sings beautifully. It is possible to place the adverb before the verb. This places emphasis on
the adverb. Ex. She calmly announced that she had fallen in love with someone else. She
quickly finished her dinner. But some adverbs are always placed after the verb. These
adverbs are: well, badly, hard, fast. Ex : The team well played. - WRONG The team
played well. - RIGHT

He performed badly. The students tried hard. (note: hard is an irregular adverb -
don't say hardly) The dogs ran fast. (note: fast is an irregular adverb - don't say fastly)

3. If the verb has an object, the adverb of manner is usually placed after the object, not
between the verb and object. Ex : I opened wide the door. - WRONG I opened the door
wide. - RIGHT

He ate the chocolate cake greedily. She typed the email hurriedly. However, it is
possible to place the adverb before the verb, to emphasise the adverb. Ex : He greedily ate
the chocolate cake. She hurriedly typed the email.

4. When there is more than one verb in a clause, the position of the adverb is very important.
If it is placed with the verb, it modifies the action described by the verb. If it is placed at the
end of the clause, it describes the manner of the whole action described in the clause.
Compare: She slowly decided to leave the party. = slowly modifies decided. She decided to
leave the party slowly. = slowly modifies leave the party.
The teacher quietly asked the children to finish their game. = quietly modifies asked. The
teacher asked the children to finish their game quietly. = quietly modifies finish (their game).

Common adverbs of manner

angrily badly beautifully calmingly

carefully cautiously cleverly dangerously

eagerly excitedly foolishly fast

furiously greedily happily hard

hurriedly kindly nervously politely

quickly quietly secretly silently

slowly softly stupidly unhappily

well wickedly willingly wisely

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