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Hermawati, Yunityas. 2018. Kajian Pemberian Pengekangan (Confinement) Baja

Spiral Pada Beton Mutu Tinggi Terhadap Kuat Tekan dan Modulus
Elastisitas. Skripsi, Program Studi S1 Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik,
Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Nindyawati, S.T., M.T.,
(II) Drs. Boedya Djatmika, S.T., M.T.

Kata Kunci: Beton Mutu Tinggi, Jarak Pengekangan Baja Spiral, Kuat Tekan,
Modulus Elastisitas

Indonesia terletak di daerah dengan tingkat resiko gempa bumi yang tinggi.
Hal ini didukung oleh data Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika
(BMKG) tahun 2017 sudah terjadi gempa bumi dengan kekuatan minimal 5 skala
Richter sebanyak 206 kali dalam setahun. Semakin berat suatu bangunan maka
semakin besar pula gaya gempa yang diterimanya. Mengurangi ukuran elemen
struktur dan meningkatkan kekuatan bahan adalah cara alternatif untuk
meminimalkan gaya gempa pada bangunan tanpa mengurangi kinerja struktural.
Memanfaatkan pengekangan baja spiral pada kolom beton bertulang juga dapat
meningkatkan daktilitas struktural dan memperbaiki ketahanan geser dari elemen.
Penelitian tentang pengaruh jarak pengekangan pada beton mutu tinggi harus
dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan tekan yang dihasilkan dan modulus
elastisitas. Benda uji berupa silinder beton ukuran 150 mm x 30 mm, kuat tekan
rencana beton 42 Mpa sesuai isyarat SNI 03-6468-2000 kategori beton mutu tinggi.
Tulangan longitudinal yang digunakan diameter 8 mm dan tulangan sengkang 6
mm. Benda uji terdiri dari 20 silinder beton masing-masing 5 beton dengan variasi
jarak sengkang spiral 3 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm, dan tanpa pengekangan. Beton diuji pada
umur 28 hari menggunakan alat Universal Testing Machine (UTM) dengan
kapasitas 1000 kN. Analisis menggunakan uji beda (Anova Oneway).

Hasil penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) kuat tekan beton tanpa sengkang sebesar
71,328 Mpa dan modulus elastisitasnya 62.986,747 Mpa; benda uji telah memenuhi
syarat beton mutu tinggi; (2) kuat tekan beton jarak sengkang 30 mm sebesar
108,243 Mpa, jarak sengkang 50 mm sebesar 105,238 Mpa, dan pada jarak
sengkang 70 mm sebesar 89,921 Mpa; (3) modulus elastisitas beton jarak sengkang
30 mm sebesar 98.442,156 Mpa, jarak sengkang 50 mm sebesar 89.741,661 Mpa,
dan pada jarak sengkang 70 mm sebesar 89.111,231 Mpa; (4) tegangan dan
regangan benda uji menunjukkan semakin pendek jarak pengekangan baja spiral
maka semakin tinggi kuat tegangannya dan semakin besar pula regangan yang
terjadi; (5) jarak sengkang 30 mm menghasilkan tegangan dan modulus elastisitas
tertinggi; persentase kenaikan kuat tekan sebesar 46,674% dan modulus elastisitas
sebesar 56,29% dibandingkan dengan beton tanpa sengkang.


Hermawati, Yunityas. 2018. The Effect of Spiral Confinemet to the Compressive

Strength and the Modulus of Elasticity of the High Strength Concrete, on
Experimental Study. Undergraduated-thesis, Department of Civil
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang. Preceptor:
(I) Dr. Nindyawati, S.T., M.T., (II) Drs. Boedya Djatmika, S.T., M.T.

Keywords: High Strenght Concrete, Stirrup Spacing, Compressive Strength,

Modulus of Elasticity.

Indonesia is located in an area with a high level of earthquake risk. It is

supported by data from the Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics
Agency (BMKG) in 2017 that earthquake with a magnitude of at least 5 on the
Richter scale hits 206 times in a year. The greater the weight of a building, the
greater the seismic force is received. Reducing the size of structural element and
increasing the strength of materials are the alternative way to minimize the seismic
load on a building without compensating the structural performance. Utilizing the
spiral stirrups on the reinforced concrete column also could increase structural
ductility and improve the working shear resistant of the elements. Research on the
effect of confinement spacing on high-strength concrete should be conducted to
investigate the resulting compressive strength and the elastic modulus. In this study,
researchers uses cylindrical concrete specimens sized of 150 x 300 mm with the
designed concrete strength of 42 MPa that meet the requirement of Indonesian code.
Three variations of stirrups spacing are examined, which are 30; 50; 70 mm, that is
further compared with the non-confined specimens. The cylindrical concrete is then
reinforced with 8mm of steel bar as logitudinal reinforcement, meanwhile the 6 mm
of rebar is used as the confinement. Five pieces of concrete specimens are prepared
for each of testing variables. All of the concrete specimens are experimentally tested
under Universal Testing Machine at the age of 28 days, and are further analysed
using Anova One-Way method.

The result of this research are: (1) compressive strength of concrete without
stirrup are equal to 71.328 Mpa and its modulus of elasticity 62,986.747 Mpa; the
test specimen has fulfilled the requirements of high-strength concrete; (2)
compressive strength of specimens with 30; 50; and 70 mm spacing are 108.243
MPa, 105.238 MPa, and 89,921 MPa, respectively; (3) modulus of elasticity of
specimens with 30; 50; and 70 mm spacing are 98,442.156 Mpa, 89,741.661 Mpa,
and 89,111.231 Mpa, respectively; (4) the higher compressive strength, the greater
strain achieves; (5) the denser the confinement spacing, the higher compressive
strength and the modulus of elasticity are obtained. The 30 mm spacing produces
the highest stress and modulus of elasticity; the increase of compressive strength
reaches 46,674% and modulus of elasticity is 56,29% higher compared to the
scontrolling specimens.


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