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Niat isun matek aji jaran goyang
Sun goyang ing tengah latar
Sun sabetaken gunung gugur
Sun sabetaken lemah bangka
Sun sabetaken segara asat
Sun sabetaken ombak sirep
Sun sabetaken atine jabang bayine …..
Kadung edan sing edan
Kadung gendheng sing gendheng
Kadung bunyeng sing bunyeng
Sih asih kersane Gusti Allah
Laa ilaaha illallah Muhammadur rasulullah

Saya berusaha mencari ilmu sejati. Ilmu universal yang bisa diterapkan oleh siapa saja yang
berguna bagi manusia untuk memenuhi keinginannya. Keinginan terbesarku adalah merebut
tahta kerajaan dari Panuraga.
Pahit : marara : mim rho alif rho ha = 40+200+1+200+5 = 446

Kopi : qahua : kof ha waw ha =100+5+6+5 = 116

Air : alma’ : alif lam mim alif = 1+30+40+1=72

Gula : sakar : sin kaf rho = 60+20+200=280

Hitam : aswad : alif sin waw dal = 1+60+6+4=71

ilusi /ilu·si / 1 n sesuatu yang hanya dalam angan-angan; khayalan; 2 n pengamatan yang tidak
sesuai dengan pengindraan; 3 a tidak dapat dipercaya; palsu

Sihir adalah sistem konseptual yang merupakan kemampuan manusia untuk mengendalikan
alam (termasuk kejadian, objek, orang dan fenomena fisik) melalui mistik, paranormal, atau
supranatural. Dalam banyak kebudayaan, sihir berada di bawah tekanan dari, dan dalam
kompetisi dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan agama.
Orang yang menjadi pelaku sihir biasa disebut penyihir, tukang sihir, nenek sihir dsb.
Berdasarkan bahasa Arab, sihir berasal dari kata “saharo/sihrun” yang berarti sihir/tipu daya.
Terminologinya menurut ulama [tauhid] adalah suatu hal/perkara atau kejadian yang luar biasa
dalam pandangan orang yang melihatnya.
Sihir dapat dipelajari/diusahakan. Seseorang yang mempelajari, mengetahui dan mengerjakan
sihir, tentu ia akan dapat melakukan perkara tersebut.[butuh rujukan]
Hakikatnya, sihir tidaklah dapat dikatakan sebagai sesuatu yang luar biasa,[butuh rujukan] oleh sebab
dapat dipelajari/diusahakan, hanya saja orang-orang yang melihatnya tidak mengetahui, hingga
dapat dikatakan tertipu daya oleh si pelaku sihir itu.[butuh rujukan]

Lihat pula[sunting | sunting sumber]



Nama Lengkap : Rommy Dwi Rahmansyah, ST.

Tempat Lahir/Tgl. Lahir : Serang, 6 September 1980
NIP : 19800906 200604 1 010
Pendidikan Terakhir : S1
Pangkat/Golongan ruang Terakhir : Penata Tingkat I/ III.d
SK CPNS : 813/KEP.397-Kepeg/2006
Jabatan Terakhir : Kepala Seksi Penataan Perumahan dan Kawasan
Permukiman Dinas Perumahan dan Permukiman
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Tanda Kehormatan yang sudah dimiliki : -
Konversi NIP Baru :
Hukuman Disiplin : -
CLTN : -

Belum lama ini, saya belajar dengan Kabbalist Rav Berg di rumahnya. Kami membahas angka
terpenting dalam semua fisika. Angka itu 137. 137 adalah misteri terbesar dan nomor terpenting
dalam semua sains. Tanpa pertanyaan. 137 mengacu pada elektron dan kemungkinan elektron
menyerap satu foton. Atau dalam bahasa Kabbalah yang sederhana, ini tentang Kapal dan
Cahaya, atau tubuh fisik manusia dan kemampuannya untuk menyalakan Cahaya dari jiwanya
dan membangkitkan Cahaya dalam realitas 99% yang luar biasa sehingga bersinar di dunia kita
yang biasa dan sederhana. Tolong jangan khawatir jika Anda tidak memahami sains dan fisika
yang terkait dengan nomor 137 (juga dikenal sebagai konstanta struktur halus). Bukan itu yang
penting dalam artikel ini. Dan omong-omong, sebagian besar fisikawan juga tidak
memahaminya. Tetapi mereka mengakui dan tahu bahwa itu adalah angka paling penting di alam
semesta. Anda dapat menggunakan google nanti jika Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang cara
kerjanya dalam fisika dan mengapa itu sangat penting. Dalam artikel ini, saya akan menawarkan
koneksi sederhana, bottom line ke nomor misterius ini, nomor yang memiliki fisikawan terhebat
dalam sejarah menggaruk-garuk kepala kolektif mereka.

Misalnya, salah satu fisikawan penting abad ke-20 Richard Feynman menulis yang berikut
tentang angka 137: “Sudah menjadi misteri sejak ditemukan lebih dari lima puluh tahun yang
lalu, dan semua fisikawan teori yang baik meletakkan nomor ini di dinding mereka dan khawatir
tentang hal itu. Itu adalah salah satu misteri fisika terkuat: sebuah angka ajaib yang datang
kepada kita tanpa pemahaman oleh manusia. Anda mungkin mengatakan 'tangan Tuhan' menulis
nomor itu, dan 'kita tidak tahu bagaimana Dia mendorong pensilnya. "

Ilmuwan hebat lainnya abad ke-20, Wolfgang Pauli terobsesi dengan 137. Pauli dan ahli fisika
lainnya yakin bahwa 137 adalah angka mistik dengan makna rahasia di luar fisika. Menurut buku
sains Deciphering the Cosmic Number, oleh Arthur Miller:
"Pauli pernah berkata bahwa jika Tuhan mengijinkannya untuk menanyakan sesuatu yang dia
inginkan, pertanyaan pertamanya adalah" Mengapa 1/137? "
Dalam buku yang sama ini, ia mengungkapkan surat berikut yang ditulis Wolfgang Pauli kepada
saudara perempuannya, Hertha:
"Aku benar-benar percaya bahwa ilmu-ilmu alam akan ... menghasilkan tiang penyangga di
pengikutnya, yang terhubung dengan unsur-unsur mistik lama"
Coba tebak apa yang ditemukan oleh fisikawan dan genius hebat Wolfgang Pauli: Dia terkejut
mengetahui bahwa nilai numerik KABBALAH adalah 137! Pauli mempelajari Kabbalah dengan
harapan menemukan solusi. Masalahnya adalah dia tidak belajar dengan seorang Kabbalis. Dia
belajar dengan seorang sarjana dan dengan demikian tidak dapat memecahkan kode.
Jadi sekarang kita tahu bahwa angka paling penting dalam fisika, yang berhubungan dengan
foton dan elektron, adalah nilai numerik yang sama dengan kata Kabbalah, yang berhubungan
dengan Cahaya dan Kapal.

Wolfgang Pauli juga meninggal di Kamar 137 di rumah sakit Rotkreuz di Zürich, Swiss.
Ngomong-ngomong, ketika saya belajar dengan Rav, Rav mengakui bahwa ada pesan mendalam
di balik fakta bahwa satu angka ajaib fisika adalah nilai numerik yang sama persis dengan kata
Pertama kita mengetahui bahwa malaikat Yofiel, yang dikenal sebagai "Malaikat Pangeran
Torah" seperti yang disebutkan dalam Zohar, memiliki nilai numerik yang sama yaitu 137! Coba
tebak apa yang diajarkan malaikat khusus ini kepada Musa?
Malaikat bernama Yofiel itu mengajarkan Musa misteri Kabbalah! Namun koneksi lain antara

137 dan Kabbalah!

137 DAN TORAH Angka 137 cukup sering muncul dalam Taurat. Ini adalah zaman yang paling
umum untuk tokoh-tokoh Alkitab. Abraham berusia 137 tahun ketika dia mengikat putranya
Ishak di Torah Portion of Vayeira. Ketika Anda memahami Kabbalah, Anda menyadari ini
berhubungan langsung dengan gagasan tentang "elektron yang menyerap foton" atau keinginan
untuk terhubung ke Cahaya. Kita harus mengikat ego kita (Ishak), keinginan negatif untuk
terhubung dengan dunia Cahaya (Abraham) yang tersembunyi dan tersembunyi. Itulah kisah
tentang Abraham yang mengikat putranya, Ishak. Ayah Musa hidup sampai 137, menurut Taurat.
Ismael hidup sampai 137, menurut Taurat. Lewi hidup sampai 137, menurut Taurat. Retribusi
adalah benih dari Suku Retribusi. Yang juga luar biasa adalah bahwa frasa “The Cohen & the
Levites” memiliki nilai numerik 137. Nuh (1) memiliki 3 putra (3) dan 70 (7) keturunan. Ada
yang cerdik lagi 137! Adam (1) memimpin 3 Leluhur, Abraham, Ishak dan Yakub (3) yang
menuntun ke 70 anggota keluarga (7). 137! Ada 304.805 surat dalam Taurat. Apa yang terjadi
jika Anda membalikkan angka berpasangan: 50 + 84 + 03 = 137. Tabernakel Musa, tempat
tinggal Allah di bumi adalah 13,7 meter.


Kemudian Rav menjelaskan bahwa 137 adalah bilangan prima ke-33. Kenapa 33? Rav

mengatakan "nomor 33 terus hidup dan terus dan terus." Benar saja, 33 adalah hari Rav Shimon

meninggalkan dunia ini, liburan yang dikenal sebagai Lag Bomer. Ini adalah satu hari ketika

semua Cahaya Zohar dan Kabbalah terungkap ke dunia fisik, atau elektron menyerap foton.

Hari ke-33 Omer adalah hari Rabi Akiva mengajar Rav Shimon the Kabbalah.

Hari ke 33 Omer juga merupakan hari ketika Rav Shimon meninggalkan gua setelah 13 tahun


Para Kabbalah mengatakan bahwa hari Rav Shimon meninggalkan gua sama dengan wahyu

penuh Cahaya di Gunung Sinai dengan Musa. Jadi 137 - dengan 33 - juga terhubung ke

Kabbalah dengan cara yang mendalam. Tujuan kita di dunia ini adalah untuk menyatukan dunia

fisik (elektron) dengan dunia spiritual Cahaya (foton) dan itulah yang diajarkan oleh Kabbalah

(137) untuk kita lakukan.

33 adalah gelar tertinggi dalam Scottish Rite Freemasonry, yang hanya didasarkan pada


33 adalah zaman Kabbalis Yehoshua ben Yoseph (Yesus) meninggalkan dunia ini.

137 juga memainkan peran secara kosmik. Baca ini…

Probe Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy NASA (WMAP) telah mengambil pengukuran terbaik

dari umur Semesta sampai saat ini. "... para ilmuwan sekarang memiliki perkiraan terbaik pada

usia Semesta: 13,7 miliar tahun"

(ada lagi 137)

Saya bertanya kepada Rav, apa hubungan aneh antara 137 dan Kabbalah ini mencoba untuk

memberitahu kami. Rav kemudian berkata: "137 adalah tentang membuat hubungan antara

kekuatan yang tak terlihat dan kekuatan yang terlihat."

Kekuatan yang terlihat adalah keinginan kita, ranah dunia fisik yang kita sebut realitas 1 persen.

Alam yang tak terlihat adalah sumber kebijaksanaan dan kebahagiaan. 99% realitas yang


Rav kemudian berkata sebagai berikut:

"Jika kamu menambahkan angka individual 137 bersama-sama kamu mendapatkan sebelas.

Jumlah yang sangat kuat di Zohar. Dalam peperangan, menggunakan senjata yang dikenal

dengan kata Ibrani Korbanot (atau pengorbanan) pihak lain (jahat) membawa sepuluh barang dan

orang Israel membawa sebelas. Sisi lain (jahat) tahu sepuluh adalah bagian dari realitas fisik ini,

untuk mengendalikannya. Tetapi orang-orang Israel tahu bahwa sepuluh bukanlah yang terakhir,

melainkan sebelas. Sebelas adalah bagian dari sebelas rempah-rempah yang dibicarakan dalam

Taurat dan Zohar. Dan semua aktivitas koneksi pagi (sholat subuh) bertambah hingga sebelas.

Sebelas adalah angka yang bagus. Dua kali sebelas adalah 22, jumlah huruf dalam taruhan aleph.

Tiga kali 11 adalah 33, Rabbi Shimon dan Lag B'Omer. "
Rav berhenti berbicara selama beberapa menit tentang hal ini. Kemudian, setelah beberapa saat,

Rav kembali ke sana.

"Mengapa sebelas dipilih sebagai angka yang baik?" Tanya Rav. “Sepuluh (sephirot) membatasi

karena bahkan di dunia ein sof (Dunia Tanpa Akhir, dunia di atas dunia fisik kita) kita tidak

berurusan dengan Cahaya tertinggi. Jadi sebelas lebih tinggi dari sepuluh ”

Saya meminta Rav untuk menjelaskan mengapa Dunia Tanpa Akhir (Ein Sof) bukan yang


Rav mengatakan:

"Sebelas lebih tinggi dari sepuluh. Di Dunia Tanpa Akhir ada Cahaya dan Kapal. Yang berarti

masih ada kapal. Tapi kemudian ada Sumber Cahaya yang tidak diketahui, sumber di balik

emanasi Dunia Tanpa Akhir, yang tidak akan ditangani oleh Zohar. Kabbalah hanya berurusan

dengan Cahaya yang bersinar ke luar, bukan sumber Cahaya. Sumber itu melampaui kecerdasan

manusia dan tidak pernah dapat dipahami sehingga lebih tinggi. "

Rav kemudian merangkum seluruh konsep 137-Kabbalah:

“Seluruh proses kehidupan adalah tentang satu hal - keinginan - keinginan untuk menerima

Cahaya, itulah sebabnya mereka menyebutnya Kabbalah - Kabbalah artinya menerima. Mesin di

balik semua aktivitas di bumi, semua tindakan manusia adalah hasrat, keinginan untuk Cahaya.

Ada perang, konflik, dan kesengsaraan manusia hanya karena kita belum memenuhi satu

keinginan itu. Itulah satu-satunya alasan. "

Saya bertanya kepada Rav mengapa sains menggunakan semua istilah ini seperti elektron, quark,

Rav berkata: “Saya dulu mengajar ini sejak lama di kursus dasar. Saya pikir kami
mengambilnya. Dalam listrik, ada 110 volt dan ada 220 volt. Namun keduanya menggunakan
kekuatan listrik yang sama. Kapasitas peralatan yang Anda tancapkan ke gaya listrik yang
menentukan apakah 110 atau 220. Tetapi gaya listrik selalu sama. Hanya ada keinginan untuk
menerima kesadaran. Partikel-partikel yang berbeda hanyalah bejana yang berbeda dengan
kapasitas yang berbeda, tetapi semuanya adalah satu kekuatan kesadaran yang tunggal.
Bagaimana satu kekuatan itu digunakan dan diterima adalah apa yang membuat perbedaan dan
menjelaskan semua keanekaragaman. Keinginan kita untuk menerima tidak dapat lagi beroperasi
seperti sebelumnya (egois). Kita harus berubah dan mulai menerima demi memberi manfaat
kepada orang lain. ” GARIS BAWAH Angka 137 dalam fisika berhubungan dengan interaksi
antara elektron dan foton atau probabilitas elektron yang menyerap foton. Dalam bahasa
Kabbalah, itu berarti interaksi antara Kapal dan Cahaya atau bagaimana Kapal dapat menyerap /
menerima Cahaya. Kita tahu bahwa kita menjauhkan dan terputus dari Cahaya ketika kita
berseberangan di alam karena di alam kesadaran atau kerohanian, yang saling berlawanan
menolak. Satu-satunya cara bagi dunia fisik kita (elektron) untuk menyerap (menerima) Cahaya
adalah dengan meniru Cahaya, berperilaku seperti Cahaya, dan itu menghentikan tolakan. Pada
gilirannya, itu menyebabkan daya tarik. Potongan puzzle yang hilang untuk fisika adalah
kesadaran. Hanya dengan kesadaran kita dapat menyerap dan terhubung ke Cahaya dengan cara
yang abadi dan permanen. Bagaimana? Ketika kita pertama-tama mengakui dan mengakui
bahwa ego kita adalah kekuatan kesadaran yang berbeda dan terpisah (seringkali membutuhkan
waktu seumur hidup), dan kemudian kita berusaha untuk menghilangkannya, sehingga kita
berbagi, alih-alih hanya menerima, kita kemudian bersatu dengan Cahaya. Dengan kata lain,
Cahaya adalah Penyebab Kebahagiaan. Karena itu, ketika kita menjadi penyebab kebahagiaan
orang lain, kita identik dengan Cahaya. Apa pelajaran yang bisa diambil di sini? Sederhana -
tetapi tidak mudah: Alih-alih mewujudkan impian kita sendiri (yang membuat kita terputus
karena menerima, kebalikan langsung dari Cahaya berbagi) kita perlu mulai membuat impian
orang lain menjadi kenyataan. Tapi jangan khawatir tentang mendedikasikan waktu dan bakat
Anda untuk membuat impian orang lain menjadi kenyataan. Anda tidak perlu khawatir karena
seluruh dunia akan berusaha keras untuk mewujudkan semua impian Anda.

Itu adalah rahasia lama. Itulah formula untuk keabadian dan surga. Ketika kita semua bekerja
untuk mewujudkan impian satu sama lain, menggunakan hadiah dan bakat kita untuk tujuan
tunggal menyebabkan kebahagiaan pada orang lain, semua sepuluh dimensi dari sepuluh sephirot
selaras dan terhubung. Tiba-tiba, Dunia Tanpa Akhir dan dunia Fisik bersatu sebagai satu. 1
ranah Cahaya terhubung ke 3 Sephirot atas, yang terhubung dengan 7 Sephirot bawah dan tiba-
tiba Cahaya mengalir. 1 terhubung ke 3 yang terhubung ke 7. Selama-lamanya. Manifestasi
kebahagiaan. 137 menciptakan satu kesatuan yang utuh. Keesaan di antara orang-orang
menciptakan keesaan di antara 1, 3 dan 7. Sekarang buang semua detail dan fisika dan sadari
ketika Anda mencintai tetangga Anda, Anda mengubah hidup Anda dan dunia ini. Tetapi juga
ketahuilah bahwa Anda hanya dapat mencintai sesamamu ketika Anda menghilangkan satu
kekuatan yang mencegah Anda dari mencintai tanpa syarat - ego manusia. Jadi, alih-alih
mengejar cinta, mengejar kebahagiaan, dan mengejar kegembiraan, mulailah mengejar ego dan
sifat egois Anda sendiri, karena begitu Anda menghapus semua itu, cinta, kebahagiaan, dan
kegembiraan adalah hasil otomatis. Dalam. Mendalam. Dan rahasia utama untuk mengubah
Topik forum aktif Numerologi hasta Mohon perkenalkan diri Anda Tengkorak Paracas The
Healing Stones Asal-usul Alkitab Naskah Mesir kuno Lebih   Buku yang Disarankan MITRA 24
Januari, 2017 - 01:05 Ken Jeremiah

Menggunakan Bilangan Suci untuk Menghasilkan Uang –

Praktek Rahasia Kabbalis untuk Menaklukkan Kesempatan

Diagram pentagonal yang tidak biasa dengan angka dan huruf ditemukan dalam beberapa teks
lama. Versi tertua yang masih ada adalah dalam buku Prancis yang diterbitkan pada 1754, tetapi
gambar dan penjelasan yang menyertainya jauh lebih tua. Dikreditkan ke seseorang bernama
Albumaz de Carpentieri, itu adalah salah satu dari banyak "sistem" rahasia yang konon bisa
membantu orang untuk mendapatkan kekayaan. Secara khusus, ini adalah salah satu dari banyak
cara rahasia Kabbalis untuk meningkatkan peluang seseorang dalam lotre extraction

Signifikansi besar disaksikan sehubungan dengan angka. Ada kemungkinan Anda juga harus

memiliki satu nomor keberuntungan itu. Bahkan, ada banyak orang yang menentukan nomor

rumah mereka, nomor plot atau bahkan memulai sesuatu yang penting pada tanggal

keberuntungan, sesuai dengan numerologi.

Analogi serupa telah disaksikan dalam teks-teks lama. Ada diagram pentagonal yang disaksikan

yang menanamkan angka dan huruf.

Sebuah buku berbahasa Prancis, yang diterbitkan tahun 1754 memiliki versi paling tua. Namun,

gambar dan penjelasan yang telah disertakan jauh lebih tua.

Sistem rahasia ini telah dikaitkan dengan nama-nama individu, Albumaz de Carpentieri.

Ini membantu orang memanfaatkan kekayaan. Bahkan, itu adalah salah satu dari banyak cara

prinsip Kabbalis untuk meningkatkan peluang seseorang dalam praktik ekstraksi lotre.

Buku mistik
Ada buku menguning, dalam bahasa Italia yang diterbitkan kembali pada 1800-an. Buku inilah

yang memiliki diagram dan penjelasan tentang cara menggunakan diagram pentagonal. Ini

menanamkan bab tentang Hari-Hari Baik dan Buruk Bulan, Kabbalah Zoroaster, Kunci Emas,

dan Kabbalah Sibyl dan lebih dari 10.000 istilah kosakata bersama dengan hubungan numerik

mereka. Pengungkapannya adalah bahwa seluruh teks ditulis oleh “Kabbalah anonim”. Namun,

metodologi unik di belakang berasal dari Kabbalah dan astrolog yang berbeda yang berasal dari

1500 hingga 1700-an.

Marty Leeds percaya dia telah menemukan sandi dalam alfabet bahasa Inggris berdasarkan

praktik Kabbalistik gematria dan artinya.

Jika Anda berbicara dengan seseorang yang mempelajari numerologi, mereka akan memberi tahu

Anda bahwa ada hubungan luar biasa antara angka dan kata. Mereka akan memberi tahu Anda

bahwa huruf dan kata semuanya memiliki nilai numerik dan bobot yang tersirat dari makna yang

lebih dalam, menghubungkan kata-kata lain dengan bobot yang sama. Faktanya, konsep ini telah

diberikan pantas dan dipelajari dalam kaitannya dengan teks-teks alkitabiah selama ratusan

tahun. Sarjana Yahudi Kabbalis menyebut studi ini gematria dan percaya bahwa ada kode

tersembunyi dalam Taurat yang berisi petunjuk tentang peristiwa saat ini dan masa depan.

Konsep numerologi gematria bermula dari gagasan bahwa matematika adalah bahasa universal

dari alam dan di dalamnya dapat menjadi kunci untuk menjelaskan alam semesta kita atau bukti

kekuatan gaib. Marty Leeds telah mengambil konsep gematria Kabbalistik ini dan

menerapkannya pada bahasa Inggris, percaya bahwa ia telah menemukan kode sandi dalam

alfabet kami untuk membuktikan teori ini.

Apa itu Gematria?

Dalam bahasa Ibrani, setiap huruf diberi nilai numerik dan nilai-nilai itu dapat ditambahkan

hingga mencapai nilai numerik suatu kata. Sementara beberapa orang mungkin berpikir bahwa

ini adalah sistem menggambar koneksi yang sewenang-wenang, praktisi gematria percaya bahwa

ada konteks yang disengaja dengan suara vokal dan konsonan yang kita gunakan dalam bahasa

dengan makna matematika yang saling berhubungan.

Contoh pengaruh gematria dalam Yudaisme dapat ditemukan di tzitzit, selendang yang

dikenakan pada upacara Yahudi. Menyisir nilai numerik dari simpul, dan jumlah untaian simpul,

dengan nilai kata tzitzit menghasilkan angka 613, yang sama dengan jumlah perintah dalam

Taurat. Atau beberapa orang melihat jumlah gulungan benang antara masing-masing simpul, 7-

8-11-13, dipecah menjadi huruf-huruf Ibrani yang sesuai dan menemukan ejaan nama Tuhan.
Ujian Cendekiawan Yahudi bukan satu-satunya yang telah mempertimbangkan konsep gematria,
karena juga umum untuk agama dan budaya lain. Plato merujuk pada gematria Yunani, dan
angka Abjad adalah padanan bahasa Arab. Banyak dari kita bahkan memiliki kepercayaan yang
sama ketika berbicara tentang takhyul yang duduk dalam agama, apakah kita mengetahuinya
atau tidak. 666 adalah angka yang kita asosiasikan dengan kata-kata seperti iblis atau binatang
buas. Beberapa telah menemukan gematria 666 sebagai referensi ke Nero Caesar. Leeds
mengatakan bahwa masuk akal bahwa suatu bahasa dapat disaring menjadi angka dasar karena
kita sudah melakukan ini dengan kode biner. Seluk-beluk segala sesuatu yang digital dapat
dipecah menjadi 1s dan 0s. Dan sains sering bergantung pada kesederhanaan Occam's Razor,
alias hukum kekikiran, di mana hipotesis dengan asumsi paling sedikit lebih disukai atau paling
tidak tempat terbaik untuk memulainya. selendang yang dikenakan saat upacara Yahudi.
Menyisir nilai numerik dari simpul, dan jumlah untaian simpul, dengan nilai kata tzitzit
menghasilkan angka 613, yang sama dengan jumlah perintah dalam Taurat. Atau beberapa orang
melihat jumlah gulungan benang antara masing-masing simpul, 7-8-11-13, dipecah menjadi
huruf-huruf Ibrani yang sesuai dan menemukan ejaan nama Tuhan.

Apa Arti Gematria? Fokus utama penggunaan gematria Kabbalistic adalah pada nama Tuhan.
Tetragrammaton, atau nama Tuhan dalam bahasa Ibrani dalam empat huruf, YHWH, adalah
fokus asli dari gematria. Leeds telah menerapkan sandi alfabet Inggrisnya ke tetragrammaton dan
yakin ada sesuatu di sana. Dia memecah 26 huruf alfabet Inggris menjadi dua bagian, sebagai
representasi dualitas di dunia kita. Dia menggunakan angka 7, mewakili tujuh hari penciptaan,
untuk menetapkan angka pada setiap huruf alfabet. Dia kemudian menunjuk pada penjumlahan
dari angka-angka non-prima, dilambangkan oleh menorah Yahudi, sama dengan 22. Ketika 22
dibagi dengan 7 hasilnya adalah 3,142, atau pi. Di sinilah ia mengatakan telah menemukan nama
tuhan, dalam pi, jumlah arketipikal penciptaan yang merupakan pusat matematika, memperluas
tak terhingga dalam perhitungannya.

Ketika nilai numerik dari huruf Ibrani tetragrammaton ditambahkan, mereka keluar menjadi 26,
jumlah huruf dalam alfabet kita. Karakter itu sendiri, menurut Leeds, terlihat seperti
melambangkan pi diperanakkan oleh 7 dan pi diperanakkan oleh 7 - atau dengan cara yang sama
ia telah menggunakan gematria untuk memecah alfabet Inggris untuk membuat sandi. Dalam
sandi Leed nilai numerik dari kata-kata Tuhan dan Tuhan sama-sama bertambah hingga 13, yang
digabungkan sama dengan 26.

Ketika nilai numerik dari huruf Ibrani oLeeds mengatakan ada bukti bawaan seperti ini di banyak
aspek dunia kita, seperti halnya dengan angka tiga. Tiga dapat ditemukan dalam deskripsi ilahi di
sejumlah agama. Ini dapat dilihat dalam trinitas suci Kristen Bapa, Anak dan Roh Kudus atau
Tritunggal Kudus Hindu Siwa, Wisnu dan Brahaman. Bunyi primordial AUM sering dieja
dengan tiga huruf dan memiliki 3 karakter. Waktu diwakili oleh masa lalu, sekarang dan masa
depan dan, tentu saja, pi diwakili oleh 3.1415. 3 derajat dan 33 derajat juga sangat simbolis
dalam Freemasonry. Bukti gematria dalam freemasonry dianggap terlihat dengan cara yang aneh
tukang batu menuliskan kata sandi mereka. Bukti pengaruh kabbalistik ini sudah ada sejak awal
1700-an. Beberapa orang telah menunjukkan bahwa kata Tuhan dianggap akronim yang berakar
pada Freemasonry dan Ibrani. Dan Leeds menunjuk ke G dalam simbol alun-alun Freemason dan
kompas memiliki koneksi ke nomor 7 dalam sandi-nya. Tetapi apakah koneksi alfanumerik ini
merupakan bukti dari kode rahasia yang merupakan bukti tak terbantahkan dari seorang pencipta
atau hanya kebetulan dan ceri dipilih? Apa lagi yang bisa kita dapatkan dari kode ini jika
signifikan? Apakah nama Anda di gematria memberi tahu Anda sesuatu? Jika tetragrammaton
ditambahkan, jumlahnya menjadi 26, jumlah huruf dalam alfabet kami. Karakter itu sendiri,
menurut Leeds, terlihat seperti melambangkan pi diperanakkan oleh 7 dan pi diperanakkan oleh
7 - atau dengan cara yang sama ia telah menggunakan gematria untuk memecah alfabet Inggris
untuk membuat sandi. Dalam sandi Leed nilai numerik dari kata-kata Tuhan dan Tuhan sama-
sama bertambah hingga 13, yang digabungkan sama dengan 26.

Apa kunci untuk membuka misteri alam semesta? Jika Anda mengharapkan mantra dalam
bahasa kuno, diucapkan oleh orang suci yang duduk bersila di puncak gunung, jawaban ini
mungkin mengecewakan Anda. Mungkin saja nomor 137.

Ketiga digit itu, ternyata, telah lama menjadi objek pesona yang langka yang menjembatani
jurang pemisah antara sains dan mistisisme. "137 terus menembakkan imajinasi semua orang
dari ilmuwan dan mistikus ke okultis dan orang-orang dari ujung masyarakat," Arthur I. Miller,
seorang profesor emeritus sejarah dan filsafat ilmu di University College London dan penulis
2009 buku "137: Jung, Pauli dan Pursuit of a Scientific Obsession," kata melalui email. Konstan
struktur halus Bagi para fisikawan, 137 adalah penyebut perkiraan dari konstanta struktur halus
(1 / 137.03599913), ukuran kekuatan gaya elektromagnetik yang mengontrol bagaimana partikel
elementer bermuatan seperti elektron dan muon berinteraksi dengan foton cahaya, menurut
Institut Nasional Standar dan Teknologi. Konstanta struktur halus adalah salah satu konstanta
fisik kunci alam semesta. "Angka abadi ini menentukan bagaimana bintang terbakar, bagaimana
kimia terjadi dan bahkan apakah atom itu ada," seperti yang dijelaskan Michael Brooks dalam
artikel New Scientist baru-baru ini.

Konstanta struktur halus "mencirikan kekuatan yang penting pasangan berpasangan, misalnya
probabilitas bahwa atom yang tereksitasi akan membusuk dalam waktu tertentu," Paul Davies,
Bupati Profesor Fisika di Arizona State University dan penulis terlaris dari 30 buku-buku tentang
sains, menjelaskan dalam email. Jika konstanta lebih besar, "atom akan membusuk lebih cepat.
Ini signifikan juga karena itu adalah bilangan murni - rasio jumlah dengan satuan yang sama.
Tidak seperti, katakanlah, kecepatan cahaya, yang entah 186.000 mil per detik atau 300.000
kilometer per detik, tergantung pada unit mana yang Anda inginkan. " (Davies menulis artikel
2016 ini tentang konstanta struktur halus untuk Cosmos.) Dalam video ini, fisikawan Inggris
Laurence Eaves menjelaskan bahwa jika konstanta struktur halus adalah nilai yang berbeda,
"fisika, kimia, biokimia akan sama sekali berbeda - dan kita mungkin tidak ada di sekitar untuk

Tetapi secara praktis sejak saat penemuannya pada tahun 1915 oleh fisikawan Jerman Arnold

Sommerfeld, yang semula menerjemahkannya dengan 0,00729, konstanta struktur halus

tampaknya menandakan beberapa kebenaran metafisik yang lebih besar juga. Konstanta struktur

halus "menentukan jarak antara garis spektral atom, yang merupakan DNA atom," jelas Miller.

"Dan itu adalah salah satu dari angka-angka yang merupakan akar dari alam semesta. Jika ada

nilai lain maka struktur materi akan sangat berbeda, dan kita juga. Orang-orang mulai

menyebutnya sebagai angka mistik."

Miller melanjutkan: "Bahasa spektrum - garis spektral tempat Sommerfeld menemukannya -

adalah musik sejati dari bola dalam atom," tulisnya. "Orang-orang bertanya mengapa itu

memiliki nilai khusus ini. Fisikawan hanya bisa menyimpulkan bahwa itu tidak dapat memiliki

nilai ini secara kebetulan. Itu 'di luar sana,' terlepas dari struktur pikiran kita."

Tetapi pada tahun 1929, astrofisikawan Inggris Arthur Eddington - yang memainkan peran kunci

dalam menetapkan validitas Teori Relativitas Umum Albert Einstein dan merupakan penganjur

awal teori Big Bang, antara lain - mulai menyatakannya sebagai 1/137. Dia juga melihatnya
memiliki implikasi spiritual yang lebih besar. "Arthur Eddington mencari mistisisme baru yang

akan muncul dari ilmu pengetahuan alam," kata Miller. "Mungkin, pikirnya, petunjuknya terletak

pada angka, khususnya angka 137. Reputasi Eddington sebagai salah satu ahli astrofisika hebat

pada zamannya memberikan bobot yang besar pada pendekatan ini."

Teori Relativitas dan Kuantum

Seperti yang diperinci dalam buku Miler, perintis fisika kuantum kelahiran Austria Wolfgang

Pauli menjadi terpesona dengan nomor itu juga, karena ia menemukan persimpangan misterius

relativitas dan teori kuantum yang ia eksplorasi dengan bantuan temannya, psikoanalis Carl Jung.

Fiksasi ilmiah pada konstanta struktur halus sedemikian rupa sehingga pada tahun 1936, Nature

menerbitkan sebuah artikel berjudul "The Mysterious Number 137."

Tetapi seperti yang Pauli pelajari pada 1950-an dari seorang sarjana agama, 137 memiliki arti

lain. Itu adalah angka yang dikaitkan dengan Kabbalah, suatu bentuk esoteris dari mistisisme

Yahudi - yang oleh Miller disebut sebagai "hubungan luar biasa antara mistisisme dan fisika."

Seperti yang dijelaskan oleh artikel Billy Phillips dari, angka 137 juga

sering muncul dalam Taurat. Ini adalah masa hidup dalam tahun-tahun tokoh-tokoh seperti

Ismael dan Lewi, misalnya, juga usia Abraham ketika ia mengikat putranya, Ishak, ke altar

dalam persiapan untuk mengorbankannya. Dan seperti yang dijelaskan Phillips, jika jumlah

huruf dalam Taurat - 304.805 - dipecah menjadi pasangan angka dan dibalik, hasilnya adalah

angka 50, 84 dan 03. Tambahkan semuanya bersama-sama, dan Anda mendapatkan 137. Di luar

itu, hubungan tentang struktur halus yang konstan terhadap cahaya dalam fisika sejajar dengan

konsep Kabbalah tentang menghubungkan dengan cahaya, atau menjadi tercerahkan dengan

melepaskan ego.

"Potongan puzzle yang hilang untuk fisika adalah kesadaran," tulis Phillips.
Mason yang sejati tidak terikat kredo. Dia menyadari dengan iluminasi ilahi dari pondoknya

bahwa sebagai seorang Mason agamanya harus universal: Kristus, Buddha atau Mohammad,

namanya tidak berarti, karena dia hanya mengenali cahaya dan bukan pembawa. Dia beribadah

di setiap kuil, membungkuk di depan setiap altar, baik di kuil, masjid atau katedral, menyadari

dengan kebenarannya yang lebih memahami keesaan dari semua kebenaran spiritual. [17]

la luciferian menciptakan garis keturunan illuminati yang bersifat ritualistik. Mereka harus

memiliki ritual, dan simbolisme yang melekat pada ritual ini. Ritual dan simbolisme ini

bertindak sebagai alat manipulasi sigil sihir (juga disebut sugesti hipnosis), yang digunakan oleh

anggota masyarakat elit ini untuk mengendalikan massa. Sifat dasar reptil luciferian mereka

muncul di seluruh dunia. Sifat ini terlihat dalam sistem yang mereka buat untuk memanipulasi
dan memutuskan hubungan kita dari kenyataan. Sifat mereka juga muncul dalam penampilan

fisik mereka, yang sudah biasa kita lakukan, sehingga kita sekarang menganggapnya sebagai hal

biasa. Kesombongan mereka yang luar biasa dan kemudahan mereka dalam mengucapkan

kebohongan adalah legenda. Semua ini, ditambah dengan bagaimana mereka berbicara kepada

massa dengan sikap menggurui dan agama / politik / intelektual, berbicara secara langsung

ditanamkan sebagai bagian dari karakter mereka oleh kelompok entitas pemikir luciferian


Lihatlah salah satu elit mereka, salah satu dari mereka yang sangat dihormati, yang sejak itu
meninggal. Ini adalah John D. Rockefeller, patriach keluarga, yang keluarganya menginspirasi
pembangunan alun-alun World Trade Center, dan keluarga yang Rockefeller Plaza, di sebelah
utara WTC, dinamai demikian. (Belum lagi, traktor John Deere tercinta, dengan logo rusa dan
warna kuning dan hijau. Warna tatanan dunia baru, regenerasi, dan gerakan GREEN

Nama ini, Rockefeller, sekarang telah ditelusuri, di situs ini, melalui simbolisme yang sangat
jelas, hingga perang yang sepenuhnya dibuat-buat terhadap terorisme, dan perang terhadap para
ekstremis Muslim. Muslim tidak lebih ekstremis daripada siapa pun di dunia. Namun, hubungan
dengan nama Rockefeller dan agama Islam terungkap di halaman yang akan datang. (Halaman
16 hingga 52).

ROCK e FELLER in reverse is RELLEF or RELIEF.

Inspirasi untuk nama Rockefeller berasal dari Relief of the Rock di bawah 8 sisi Islamic Dome of
the Rock di Yerusalem, situs bersejarah Kuil Solomon.
Koneksi ke 11 Amerika Serikat bagian barat dan bagaimana mereka berada di Pegunungan
Rockie - BANTUAN terbesar dari semuanya, dan bagaimana mereka terhubung ke Rockefeller
Plaza dan Relief of the Rock di bawah Dome of the Rock, telah dibuat

Koneksi, dengan bentuk 3 lokasi ini, serta nama yang hampir sama, meskipun, tersembunyi
dalam simbolisme dalam ketiga contoh, mengikat keluarga Rockefeller elit dengan pembantaian
di World Trade Center pada 11 September 2001. Namun, ini bukan satu-satunya keluarga elit
yang akan dikaitkan dengan serangan WTC, tetapi itu adalah yang tertinggi. Juga, karena ini
semua sugesti hipnosis, dan ilusi itu tampaknya mencakup ribuan tahun ilusi, ini menyihir
keluarga Rockefeller sudah ada dalam kartu luciferian ribuan tahun ilusi lalu. Pada
kenyataannya, karena tidak ada yang namanya Waktu, simbolisme yang terkait dengan keluarga
ini tampaknya disulap ribuan tahun yang lalu, ... tetapi pada kenyataannya, ... sulapan itu terjadi
SEKARANG JUGA! Seperti halnya seluruh bidang ilusi 3 dimensi, segala sesuatu yang
tampaknya membentuk sejarah alam semesta, terjadi SEKARANG JUGA!

Batu Foundation di bawah Kubah Batu adalah Relief of the Rock yang disebut Gunung Moriah.
Di Amerika Utara, Rockefeller Plaza terletak di Manhattan, yang merupakan bentuk bawah sadar
dari Mountain. Selain itu, World Trade Center yang terinspirasi Rockefeller terletak di Gunung /
Manhatten ini, di ujung selatan.
Amerika Serikat Barat berada di antara Pegunungan Rockie / Rockefeller Manhatten.
Rock terakhir, yang ke-3 di Amerika Utara, terbentuk di seluruh Kanada Barat, Kutub Utara dan
Greenland. Ini disebut Craton Rock Amerika Utara, yang mencakup sebagian besar AS juga.

Lihat halaman 18, 19, 20, dan 21 untuk diagram dan gambar yang mendukung bukti ini
mengenai ROCKS ini dan khususnya 3 batuan Amerika Utara. The Rocks adalah simbolisme
Batu dari kekristenan, di mana Yesus mengklaim, "di atas Batu Karang ini Aku akan
membangun gereja-Ku". Batu ini digunakan untuk membawa Orde Dunia Baru, yang disebut
Kerajaan Mesianik dan Zaman Aquarius. Semua dengan kedok hal-hal seperti Gerakan Hijau
Sekarang lihatlah chap yang begitu dipuja oleh banyak orang di negeri bebas, J.D.Rockefeller.

ET's - Formulir Pemikiran Luciferian

Sekarang periksa sepupu jauh Mr. Rockefeller. Perhatikan karakteristik keluarga. ET ini,
sebagaimana mereka pantas disebut, sama nyatanya dengan Mr. Rockefeller. Satu-satunya
masalah adalah, mereka bukan dari luar angkasa dan galaksi lain, dan mereka bukan ras reptil
Annunaki yang menghuni ruang di sekitar planet kita. Mereka adalah kreasi Formulir Pemikiran
luciferian! ET ini disulap menjadi bentuk kehidupan sama seperti kita manusia disulap menjadi
bentuk energi ringan. Mereka diciptakan untuk melontarkan banyak kebingungan sehingga
orang-orang yang tidak curiga, mencari jawaban, akan melekat pada konsep ras reptil dari
gagasan planet lain. Elit dunia, dan grey kecil ini, sebagaimana mereka dikenal, berpikiran
luciferian, dan Berbasis Pemikiran, tetapi, seperti yang lainnya, hanya bentuk pemikiran
egregore yang digunakan untuk membangun tabir yang disebut kemanusiaan dan kebijaksanaan
kesadaran. negara. Selubung tipu daya ini, selubung ini yang merupakan seluruh tubuh manusia
dan semua bola 3D, menyebabkan pemutusan hubungan menggunakan manusia dari kekuatan
All Knowing. Kemanusiaan adalah ilusi luciferian, yang telah dibuat untuk mencoba
memanipulasi Realitas, (yang adalah siapa dan apa kita sebenarnya), untuk percaya bahwa tubuh
manusia ini, adalah siapa dan apa kita sebenarnya. Jika ini terdengar agak membingungkan, itu
dirancang seperti itu.

Mr Rockefeller, seperti keluarganya masih, seorang pemimpin garis keturunan luciferian

berpikiran antar yang telah memiliki bagian yang luar biasa dalam meraup kekayaan dan
menghancurkan kesehatan tubuh ilusi kemanusiaan. Sekali lagi, ini adalah desain. Penderitaan
yang disengaja ini memulai respons emosional dan koneksi ke dunia 3 dimensi yang ilusif ini.
Penderitaan yang disengaja ini mendorong sejumlah besar umat manusia ke dalam penderitaan
dan kematian, yang melanggengkan emosi luciferian dari CARING dan CONCERN, dan kondisi
trance semakin ditingkatkan karenanya. Ini adalah kepala keluarga keluarga Rockefeller yang
membangun World Trade Center antara tanggal 5 Agustus 1966 hingga 4 April 1977, semuanya
dalam bentuk angka 11. Dengan maksud penuh kemudian, melakukan serangan tahun 2001.
Konstruksi ini memakan waktu tepat 6,66 tahun, hingga hari itu. Ini rusak menjadi tepat, 80
bulan, ke hari itu, dengan 8 menjadi jumlah kontrol total.

Jika Anda pernah bertanya-tanya mengapa George Bush Jr. duduk dengan begitu tenang di ruang
sekolah Florida sementara negara itu diduga, sedang diserang, itu karena keluarga Bush telah
mengetahui selama puluhan tahun bahwa ini adalah rencananya, tetapi tidak tahu mengapa.
Tidak dalam arti keseluruhan. Mereka tahu serangan itu akan terjadi, tetapi karena kondisi trance
mereka yang dalam, dan pengabdian yang mendalam pada apa yang mereka anggap sebagai
Tuhan yang Maha Besar, mereka melakukan kehendak Tuhan. Mereka sama sekali tidak
memiliki konsep, bahwa mereka memenuhi keinginan dan agenda dari kelompok Entitas Pemikir
luciferian egregore. Inilah sebabnya mengapa dia berada di negara bagian saudaranya, Jeb Bush's
Florida, di mana darurat militer telah diumumkan beberapa hari sebelum serangan itu. Mengapa
darurat militer? Tentu saja, kalau-kalau ada yang tidak beres. Hal-hal semacam inilah yang
dibahas oleh para elit di perkumpulan rahasia, seperti klub Skull and Bones. Itu sebabnya

Ini adalah patriark keluarga perbankan yang merupakan pemain utama di Federal Reserve di
Amerika Serikat yang mengambil semua uang pajak penghasilan dari populasi Amerika dan
memasukkannya ke dalam kantong mereka (100% dari itu) dan tidak ada hukum yang pernah
disahkan untuk membuat ini legal. Amandemen ke 16 diadili pada tahun 1913 tetapi gagal dan
tidak pernah disahkan. Namun, diumumkan sebagai hukum, IRS memiliki senjata besar dan
banyak otot, dan karenanya, itu adalah hukum. Ingatlah, ketika Anda maju melalui situs ini,
bahwa angka 16 yang terkait dengan amandemen ini adalah subliminal, dan saran hipnosis yang
berkaitan dengan Lincoln, presiden ke-16, yang pada gilirannya, berkorespondensi dengan Musa,
Raja Singa Mesir, yang dilambangkan sebagai simbol. oleh Sphinx Agung yang berada di
sebelah timur Piramida Giza. Halaman selanjutnya akan membahas simbolisme dan peristiwa
yang sekarang terjadi di sekitar saran Lincoln, serta Obama, presiden ke-44.

Di bawah ini adalah Mata Horus simbolis putra, yang juga merupakan Mata Lucifer, dewa
tritunggal, tempat mereka melakukan semua kengerian ini. Ini adalah bahasa Inggris - bahasa
Manusia Malaikat - bahasa dunia universal yang digunakan garis keturunan elit ini, untuk
menyulap mantra-mantra untuk memanipulasi manusia atas nama bentuk pemikiran kelompok
luciferian ini.

ENGLISH = ANGL-MAN = ANGLE MA which corresponds to the Sacred Geometry of

Secret Societies.
Misalnya, dari nama Horus - kita memperoleh kata horizon - atau putra yang sedang naik daun.
Di sinilah nama untuk negara bagian Arizona berasal. Matahari terbit - seperti halnya putra dewa
(yang mewakili kekristenan sepanjang zaman), untuk melanjutkan kehidupan kekal. Horus
adalah penjaga 12 jam siang hari. Horus, Horizon, Arizona, semuanya mengacu pada rasi
bintang Orion. Ini juga akan terungkap lebih jauh ke dalam situs.
Nama Setan berasal dari kata - Set - yang merupakan nama yang diberikan kepada saudara laki-
laki Horus, di Mesir kuno, penjaga 12 jam kegelapan. Dari Set kita mendapatkan Pengaturan Sun
- atau SA-TAN - bentuk singkat dari pengaturan anak - dewa setan tenggelam ke dalam
kegelapan. Set juga dilambangkan sebagai dewa ayah, dan sedang dalam tahun-tahun
terbenamnya, atau matahari yang pensiun. Horus, putranya, muda dan bangkit, sedangkan ayah /
saudara Set, sudah tua dan mati. Bersama-sama, 2 saudara ini, atau ayah dan anak laki-laki,
membentuk satu hari lengkap 24 jam. Dari simbolisme ini, kita sampai pada kata Dewa, 24 jam

Jangan terlempar oleh pemikiran bahwa saudara laki-laki adalah ayah dan anak laki-laki. Ini
adalah kurva sederhana yang dilemparkan berkali-kali, dalam banyak hal, untuk berusaha
membuat siapa pun mencari agar tidak mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Agama Kristen
bahkan mengajarkan doktrin ini bahwa ayah dan anak adalah satu.

Kata HORUS juga hanyalah saran bawah sadar yang diberikan untuk menahan kita dalam
keadaan trance. HOURS= HORUS dewa matahari - yang pada gilirannya = HORSE dan
olahraga raja. Ada kesamaan luar biasa antara kata-kata ini dalam bunyi, bentuk, dan jumlah
huruf tertentu (5), serta huruf-huruf tertentu yang digunakan. Ini adalah pesan bawah sadar.
Semua 3 kata Horus, HOURS dan HORSE, semua disembah oleh pemikir luciferian. Horus
adalah Putra Dewa yang bangkit, Hours disamakan dengan Waktu Ayah, (Cronus atau Yehuwa),
dan Horse adalah Mount. Koneksi simbolis terakhir ini dengan Gunung membuat koneksi lebih
lanjut ke Gunung Moriah Rock di bawah Kubah Batu di Yerusalem, seperti yang disebutkan di
atas. Dari Mount Rock ini, kita terhubung ke Rock di Rockefeller Plaza yang berlokasi di
Manhattan (Manhattan adalah bentuk tersembunyi dari Mountain), dan kemudian ke Pegunungan
Rockie dan Amerika Serikat Barat. Batuan ke-4 adalah yang terbesar, dijelaskan di halaman 21,
dan merupakan Batuan Kanada, Perisai Kanada, Kutub Utara Kanada, Pegunungan Pegunungan
Kanada, Negara Alaska, dan negara Greenland. Ini benar-benar tidak menjadi lebih besar dari
ini. Batu ke-4 ini, yang ke-3 di Amerika Utara, adalah sugesti hipnosis yang telah ditetapkan di
benak umat manusia untuk membawa kehancuran akibat perubahan iklim global. Lihat bagan
dan diagram di halaman 21 tentang Batu ke-4 Kanada.

HOURS = HORUS = HORSE = WHORES, with the significance of each relating to the
luciferian agenda.

Seluruh konfigurasi partikel cahaya dan cara geometrisnya dibangun, cocok untuk perumusan hal
yang disebut jam. Akan tetapi, ini sendiri bukan subliminal yang sangat kuat, jadi mari sekarang
kita lampirkan pemikiran religius untuk semuanya dan menyebutnya Horus sang dewa matahari,
atau putra dewa. Sekarang kami merasa terdorong untuk menganggapnya sedikit lebih serius.
Namun, untuk mendorong sugesti hipnosis lebih jauh, mari kita menciptakan sebuah ciptaan
yang berjalan seperti angin dan menyebutnya kuda. Gagasan kuda ini, dan balap kuda, mungkin
merupakan aktivitas masa lalu dari para elit dunia. Olahraga raja-raja ini telah membantu
menyebabkan para elit dunia percaya bahwa mereka benar-benar memegang kendali dan tahu,
tetapi pada kenyataannya, adalah yang paling terpesona dari semuanya.
Kenali asosiasi kata, suara, dan bentuk ini, karena di dalamnya, semua rahasia pikiran luciferian
terungkap, dan peristiwa beberapa tahun mendatang dapat diramalkan. Teruslah membaca
halaman-halaman di situs ini dan Anda akan terbiasa dengan rahasia paling mendasar dan
penting dari semuanya.

Satu referensi luciferian lainnya untuk kata Setan. Hari terakhir dalam seminggu adalah Sabtu -
berasal dari Saturnus - tetapi digunakan untuk hari terakhir dalam seminggu karena karakteristik
pengaturan dalam nama. Planet Saturnus tidak lebih dari All Seeing Eye, dengan cincin dan bola
planet di tengahnya.
SATURN = ST.URAN = Saint ORION – an anagram suggesting the constellation Orion.

Jadi saat kita memeriksa manipulasi alfabet dan bahasa, perlu diingat bahwa kita tidak akan
melakukannya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh pemikiran logis, luciferian
memanipulasi sistem elit dunia. Dengan kata lain, kita akan melihat bahasa dari sudut pandang
non-ilmiah. Anda tidak akan pernah melihat apa yang mereka lakukan jika Anda mendekatinya
secara ilmiah. Mereka menciptakan sistem ilmiah (sains / sistem pemanggilan arwah) dunia dan
mendidik kita (sekolah adalah tengkorak - seperti tengkorak dan tulang bersilang) untuk
meyakini bahwa itu FAKTA, ketika dalam kenyataannya, itu adalah rekayasa total.
Berikut ini contoh arti kata-kata sebenarnya.


Cukup ubah suara vokal menjadi suara A yang panjang atau melayang, dan itu hanya
mengatakan bahwa FACT adalah FACE - T. T mengacu pada garis T yang bersilangan dari
bagan berkas cahaya lingkaran zodiak yang diperlihatkan di situs ini. Dengan kata lain, telah
ditunjukkan bahwa partikel sinar diciptakan untuk menempatkan kebohongan dan penipuan
menggunakan kemanusiaan, menggunakan bentuk ilusi 3D kami, untuk menghancurkan
kesadaran dan pemutusan kita dari apa Realitas itu. Mengatakan sesuatu adalah fakta, memang
mengatakan, bahwa itu bohong. Mereka melakukan ini dengan semua kata sehingga saran
hipnosis bisa ada di sana untuk memanipulasi semua orang secara subliminal, tanpa Anda pernah
menjadi sadar bahwa manipulasi sedang terjadi.

Bahasa universal hari ini telah dikonstruksi menggunakan bentuk, suara dan warna. Meneliti
bahasa ini akan dilakukan dengan bentuk kata dan asosiasi suara. Anda akan melihat bahwa
simbolisme terbalik dan cermin akan digunakan secara luas. Kadang-kadang warna dapat
disebut, namun, dalam mengungkapkan sifat sigil (mantra magis dan sifat hipnotis) dari alfabet
dan bahasa, sebagian besar referensi akan membentuk dan asosiasi suara yang mengacu pada
bentuk dan suara surat yang sebenarnya. Selalu ingat, hal ini tidak logis. Saran hipotik tidak
harus logis, hanya harus menyarankan.
Salah satu contoh bentuk sederhana yang ditempatkan secara subliminal di jalan kita setiap hari
terlihat di bagian belakang uang kertas $ 1 Amerika. Di sini kita melihat pikiran kelompok
egucore luciferian mengerjakan sihirnya yang mengerikan. Ada 13 bintang di atas kepala elang
(yang dengan sendirinya mewakili burung phoenix dari Mesir kuno). Kata EAGLE sebenarnya
adalah EAY-EL atau MATA EL, karena tidak ada suara G atau J dalam bahasa Ibrani kuno. Itu
selalu diganti dengan suara Yod. Ini untuk menyembunyikan pesan bawah sadar, meskipun
orang-orang Ibrani kuno tidak tahu mengapa suara ini tidak termasuk dalam bahasa mereka.
Mereka diberitahu itu karena mereka tidak mau menyebutkan nama Tuhan, karena itu suci.
Bintang berujung 6 ini adalah simbol ritual seks tertua di dunia dan ini adalah simbol atom. Anda
harus bertanya pada diri sendiri, "Apa yang dilakukannya di belakang mata uang ... dari negara
yang dianggap Kristen, negara yang takut akan Tuhan"? Seharusnya sudah cukup jelas sekarang,
bahwa Kristus dan Tuhan hanyalah 2 gagasan pemikiran religius yang mewakili penyembahan
lucifer, pencipta entitas kelompok cahaya yang membawa dunia 3D yang ilusi ini dan sebagian
besar masyarakat Amerika diindoktrinasi untuk percaya bahwa Tuhan itu nyata dan baik, dan itu
adalah kebenaran. Tentu saja, tidak hanya orang Amerika, tetapi setiap masyarakat di setiap
sudut dunia dibanjiri dengan propaganda luciferian yang mengerikan ini.
The 6 Pointed Star of Subliminal Sex - The Snowflake
(Lihat grafik segera turun lebih rendah di halaman ini).
Tujuan utama menampilkan bintang berujung 6 ini pada saat ini, adalah untuk menunjukkan
bagaimana pikiran luciferian berpikir tentang pembentukan simbol-simbol mereka. Ketika
mereka berhadapan dengan angka 7, 6 poin bintang ditambah 1 pusat segi enam memenuhi
kebutuhan ritualistik mereka sejauh menetapkan angka 7. Untuk mendapatkan nomor 13 mereka
kemudian menambahkan bintang ke setiap sudut segi enam, bersama dengan 6 titik bintang dan
1 pusat, dengan total 13. Perhatikan bahwa satu bintang (atau saran dari bintang, jika tidak ada
bintang yang benar-benar digunakan) ditempatkan di tengah 7 atau 13. Dalam kasus 7, bintang di
pusat akan mewakili 4, yang merupakan jumlah sisi ke kotak seperti yang terlihat pada diagram
sebelumnya, dan sinonim dengan wanita tersebut. Saat menggambar garis berpotongan dari
setiap sudut alun-alun wanita, mereka melintas di tengah segi enam. Ini mewakili titik penyatuan

Angka 7 kemudian akan berada di tengah bintang ketika melambangkan angka 13. Ketika
membandingkan ini dengan bahasa Inggris, ada 2 set 13 huruf. Bagian tengah pada bagian
pertama dari alfabet adalah G dan bagian tengah dari bagian kedua adalah T. Keduanya adalah
simbol ritual seks yang berdiri sendiri, tetapi semakin diperkuat dengan nada ritual seks dengan
ditempatkan di bagian tengah dari masing-masing alfabet. 2 set 13 huruf alfabet. Alpha-bet
adalah kata yang berarti awal dan kesuburan.
Angka 13 sangat seksual dalam simbolisme. Ini adalah sumber pemikiran luciferian untuk
Kristus dan 12 murid, 12 suku Israel, atau Raja Arthur dan 12 Ksatria Meja Bundar, dll. Angka 7
adalah angka yang terkait dengan penyelesaian, dan 6 menunjuk star (sex point star) meluas ke
bawah sadar bahwa regenerasi telah terjadi, siklusnya selesai dan kehidupan baru akan muncul.

Angka ini 6 dan 7 = 13 saat ditambahkan bersamaan. Di bagian atas halaman ini, tahun ketika
World Trade Center memulai konstruksi, pada tahun 1966. Mereka selesai pada tahun 1977.
Kedua 6 di 66, dan dua 7 di 77 bukan kebetulan. Itu dirancang dengan cara ini karena mereka
tahu menara ini akan menjadi altar pengorbanan darah bagi dewa luciferian, pada tahun 2001.
Lebih jauh ke dalam situs ini, angka 7 terjadi berulang kali mengacu pada kesempurnaan dan
penyelesaian agenda luciferian.
Simbolisme ritual seks yang paling luar biasa, dan paling masif menggunakan bintang berujung 6
adalah kepingan salju. Keindahan kecil ini selalu, tanpa gagal, 6 runcing. Mereka bahkan
mengatakan bahwa tidak ada 2 kepingan salju yang identik. Subliminal yang luar biasa ini,
kepingan salju, berada di daerah yang lebih dingin di dunia, dan lebih spesifik, sebagian besar di
belahan bumi utara. Di sinilah tradisi berpendapat, bahwa dewa perang berada, di sisi utara.
Simbol ritual seks yang sangat kecil inilah yang akan digunakan dalam kisah horor Al Gore
tentang perubahan iklim global, untuk dipersembahkan sebagai pengorbanan, sebagian besar
umat manusia dari muka bumi. Tubuh ilusi manusia yang disulap telah dirancang, dan
dimaksudkan untuk dikorbankan dalam berbagai bagian, dan pada waktu yang berbeda, sebagai
cara manipulasi untuk mengalihkan kita dari Negara Realitas asli kita.
Ketika Anda menumpuk sekelompok kepingan salju satu di atas yang lain, Anda akhirnya
membuat iceburgs dan icecaps ukuran Arktik dan Antartika. Ini akan meleleh ketika sugesti
bawah sadar yang cukup terkonsentrasi di jalan mereka, menggeser fokus kita dengan cara
hipnosis. Ini akan melepaskan Zaman Aquarius yang seharusnya, atau Paskah pada Hari
Penghakiman Terakhir Allah, saat ia membersihkan bumi. Ini akan mengantarkan Orde Dunia
Baru yang seharusnya lebih tepat dinyatakan sebagai kerajaan omong kosong mesianis.

Language – Angelman – Brightman

Bahkan kata, bahasa, adalah kata sihir sigil simbolis, (ketika menggunakan teknik cermin mereka
yang lain, menempatkan huruf pertama dari suku kata ke akhir suku kata yang sama) dan Anda
mendapatkan bahasa-bahasa. Saat menerapkan bunyi, bentuk asosiasi, (bukan evolusi historis
dari suatu kata) kita melihat bahwa kata bahasa benar-benar bahasa malaikat atau komunikasi
spiritual, cara malaikat. Diambil lebih jauh, angel way sebenarnya adalah Eyn, atau EYE El
Way. Komunikasi spiritual ini disebut penyaluran, dan kita semua dipaksa untuk melakukannya.
Namun penyaluran semacam ini tidak meneruskan kesadaran, karena semua pikiran adalah
suara, yang merupakan kebohongan, dan kebohongan ini bertindak sebagai tirai yang tampaknya
memutuskan kita dari keadaan kebijaksanaan awal kita dengan menciptakan gangguan yang
menghambat kesadaran kita. Gangguan dan keterputusan yang tampak ini menciptakan ilusi 3
dimensi yang kita sebut realitas.
Jelas, ini tidak terlalu ilmiah untuk dipastikan. Tapi kenapa berhenti di situ. Bahasa Inggris
adalah Angel-man. Dengan kata lain, Bahasa Inggris adalah kesempurnaan pikiran luciferian
yang berkomunikasi dengan manusia. Semua bahasa perlahan berevolusi (sengaja) agar tidak
mendapatkan simbolisme menjadi kuat, cepat. Umat manusia disulap untuk menelan kegilaan
yang kita lihat di dunia hari ini, pada saat tertentu dalam sejarah, ketika agenda luciferian /
illuminati, menggunakan bahasa manipulasi pamungkas mereka, Inggris, ikut bermain. Ini
dilakukan dengan sengaja, pada jadwal waktu tunda, tetapi tidak sebelum MATRIX penipuan
telah ditetapkan dengan kuat.

Harus ditunjukkan bahwa ketika huruf dasar style block pertama kali diperkenalkan hanya
beberapa abad yang lalu, orang-orang merasa jijik dengan tampilannya. Tidak ada serif pada
surat-surat itu karena mereka terbiasa. Huruf-huruf Romawi klasik dengan titik-titik kecil di
sudutnya terpotong dan garis-garisnya, baik vertikal maupun horizontal, pada dasarnya memiliki
ketebalan yang sama. Gaya penulisan ini dikenal sebagai desain Grotesque. Mungkin aneh untuk
melihat, tetapi alfabet ini akan membawa dunia ke tingkat manipulasi berikutnya. Jadi mari kita
lihat simbol alfabet dan penempatan vokal dan konsonan.

Sesuatu yang perlu diperhatikan, mengenai vokal, mereka dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti,
satu untuk yang lain, karena Anda tidak perlu menutup mulut atau menyentuh gigi atau lidah
Anda bersama-sama, untuk mengucapkannya. Coba ucapkan huruf A dan kemudian lanjutkan
tanpa henti, untuk mengatakan E, lalu I, lalu O dan akhirnya U. Yang akan Anda dengar adalah
frekuensi berbeda yang membentuk mantra sederhana. Lakukan lagi, dan Anda akan mengalami
wahyu yang aneh, sesuatu yang mirip dengan mengulangi mantra magis. Dengan cara berbicara,
itulah tepatnya yang terjadi, tetapi tanpa fokus pemikiran yang pasti, itu hanya pada dasarnya
melayang tanpa manipulasi nyata. Inilah sihir atau spiritualitas sesungguhnya. Tidak ada yang
magis atau spiritual tentang hal itu. Itu hanya cara energi dari dunia 3 dimensi dirancang dengan
sengaja dan orang awam tidak seharusnya mencari tahu cara kerjanya. Dengan menyadari
bagaimana kita, tubuh manusia, disulap menjadi bentuk-bentuk pikiran ilusi, tanpa dasar dalam
kenyataan, kesadaran ini membebaskan kita dari penjara pengalaman hidup 3D dan tekanan
untuk berusaha membuatnya bekerja. Pengalaman hidup ini dirancang untuk gagal, diisi dengan
rasa bersalah dan malu, kegelisahan dan penyakit, dengan tujuan akhir yang kita sebut kematian.
Semua itu adalah sugesti hipnosis yang ilusi.

Di mana untuk mulai pada yang paling mengungkapkan dari semua aspek manipulasi seberkas
cahaya? Tampaknya hampir tidak mungkin bahwa begitu banyak informasi dapat dimanfaatkan
dari konsep semacam itu. Namun, sistem tipuan ini harus berasal dari sumber ini dan dari bentuk
piramida sederhana dari tiga warna primer dan pelangi warna terakhir yang dikenal sebagai roda
warna. Mengapa? Karena kita, sebagai tubuh kemanusiaan yang ilusi ini, telah diciptakan oleh
Proses Pemikiran egucore luciferian sebagai bentuk energi cahaya, atau muncul sebagai bentuk
3D fisik. Jika entitas grup ini ingin memanipulasi kita, ia harus membuat sistem berdasarkan
bagaimana mereka menyulap kita dan apa yang kita tanggapi.
Suara dan bentuk huruf-huruf alfabet bahasa Inggris semuanya memiliki karakteristik primer
khusus. A - tentu saja, adalah piramida dengan batu penjuru yang terpisah. Ini membuat Anda
tahu betapa pentingnya piramida dan segitiga bagi keseluruhan sistem untuk menahan posisi
utama. Ini adalah Alpha - awalnya. Ini adalah suku kata pertama dari kata alpha-bet. Ini juga
salah satu bunyi vokal terkuat yang diproyeksikan dari sudut pandang fisik. Kata PYRAMID =
PEER - untuk melihat / A / MID atau DIM ketika dibalik. Piramida adalah Paradigma, contoh
yang berfungsi sebagai pola. Dari contoh pesan bawah sadar ini, seluruh pola sugesti hipnosis
berlangsung. Lebih jauh, sebuah subliminal ganda, satu saran yang memperkuat yang pertama,
adalah bahwa Piramida adalah Peer, atau kemampuan untuk Melihat, di tengah, atau tengah, dari
Semua Mata Melihat, simbol atom. Namun, selanjutnya, subliminal ketiga dicapai, dalam hal itu,
PYR = FIRE, di MID = MIDST. The All Seeing Eye adalah API REGENERASI SEKS di
tengah piramida pria dan wanita.

B - berasal dari Beta, huruf kesuburan, atau payudara. Tip huruf B ke kanan 90 derajat dan Anda
memiliki belahan dada wanita. Seluruh sistem luciferian ini sepenuhnya terobsesi dengan
melakukan hubungan seks kapan pun memungkinkan, karena segala sesuatu dalam bidang 3
dimensi berhubungan dengan seks. Memanipulasi siapa dan apa kita sebenarnya, dengan
menyulap pengalaman hidup 3D ini dengan sifat seksualnya, adalah bagaimana fungsi entitas
entitas luciferian egregore grup berfungsi. Membuat kita merasa bersalah karena menjadi
manusia dan berfungsi sesuai dengan bagaimana kita disulap adalah korupsi utama.
Ketika Anda menempatkan A dan B bersama-sama Anda mendapatkan suara aneh. AB. Katakan
dengan keras dan apa yang Anda benar-benar dengar adalah AB-BA. Mengatakan huruf B
memaksa Anda untuk mengatakan ABBA yang berarti ayah. Orang Mesir kuno memiliki arti
untuk BA suara, yang mengacu pada SOUL, atau SOL, yang merupakan SUN. SUN ini, pada
gilirannya, adalah SON, Yang harus dikorbankan untuk MENYELAMATKAN JIWA KAMI.
Membaca melalui situs ini mengungkapkan bahwa pengorbanan SUN / SON ini merujuk, bukan
kepada penyelamat mesianis, tetapi pada tubuh ilusi umat manusia, yang dikorbankan terus-
menerus, setiap hari, kepada dewa egregore luciferian. Pikiran lucerfian membentuk langsung
melalui 2 huruf pertama dari alfabet, bahwa itu adalah ayah kita.

FATHER = FODDER = dried food for cattle, etc.

We are of our FODDER, and are likewise implanted with the concept, that we are

Inilah sebabnya mengapa Abraham adalah bapak orang Yahudi, Kristen, dan Muslim. Abraham
hanyalah satu nama untuk entitas kelompok pengorbanan manusia luciferian, yang konon adalah
ayah dari orang-orang terpilih. Abraham memiliki bunyi Abba ayah, tetapi dengan huruf R yang
dilemparkan sehingga Anda tahu ayah dari orang-orang yang dipilih adalah Ra, dewa matahari
Mesir. Ra berarti Ray, seperti halnya sinar matahari.
2 huruf ini juga dapat diucapkan secara naluriah ketika setiap anak belajar berbicara. Tapi mari
kita lompat sejenak ke huruf terakhir dari paruh pertama alfabet. Huruf M. M adalah singkatan
dari ibu, matriark, maternal, MATRIX. Gabungkan huruf M dengan huruf A dan Anda memiliki
istilah MA, yang, ketika diucapkan dengan keras secara naluriah, ingin mengulanginya dengan
mengatakan MA-MA. Jadi kita memiliki ayah dan ibu pada posisi yang sangat penting dalam
sistem huruf. Perhatikan bahwa M adalah 2 piramida yang disatukan dan piramida terbalik
datang dari atas. Ini melambangkan ayah, ibu dan anak lelaki yang dihasilkan oleh persatuan
keduanya. Lebih banyak barang seks.

MOTHER = MATTER = the womb of the 3D illusion

Ini juga merupakan simbolisme desain yang disengaja yang dibangun ke dalam Menara
Kebebasan baru - World Trade Center 1 yang sedang dibangun untuk melambangkan kontrol
total dari Negara Surga abadi yang asli.
Jika itu tidak cukup untuk melihat maksud yang jelas dari simbolisme huruf, lihat G di tengah-
tengah bagian pertama abjad. Ini adalah surat dewa generatif. Ini adalah simbol seks seperti yang
terlihat pada pembukaan di sisi kanan dengan penetrasi stroke (simbol phallic) ke dalam huruf.
Lingkaran G adalah wanita dan stroke horizontal adalah penis pria. Sekarang lihat di sebelah
kanan huruf G dan Anda mendapati Anak telah dihasilkan dalam bentuk huruf H. Anak itu
adalah yang menyangkut pemikiran keagamaan, yang mengambil kendali, dan menyerahkan
segala sesuatu kepada dirinya sendiri.

H adalah singkatan dari Horus. Ini adalah dewa matahari Mesir kuno atau putra dewa. Ini adalah
sumber dari kata Hor-izon. Horizon artinya Horus - putra yang sedang bangkit. Tapi sekarang,
perhatikan formasi huruf itu. Ada 2 stroke vertikal - pria dan wanita, keduanya bergabung
dengan stroke horizontal yaitu matahari / suo. Di sini kita melihat huruf H adalah simbol dari
konsep tritunggal atau dewa trinitas. Huruf H melambangkan bahwa, tidak hanya ayah dan anak
Satu dan sama, ibu juga merupakan bagian dari konsep dewa tritunggal.
Huruf H juga terdengar seperti 8. Angka 8 adalah jumlah TOTAL CONTROL, seperti yang
ditunjukkan oleh OCTAGON, atau Stop Sign. Huruf H, yang mewakili HORUS, ALLAH
MATAHARI, mengambil PENGENDALIAN SEMUA HAL, dan kemudian menyerahkannya
kepada Bapa, BAPA. Semua ini mungkin kedengarannya seperti gagasan penyelamat, tetapi ini
adalah pembicaraan dua kali, dan manipulasi hipnosis, yang benar-benar mengatakan, bahwa
kita, tubuh khayalan kemanusiaan ini, akan berusia 8, atau ATE, atau EATEN, karena kita
adalah anggota FODDER kita. . Peristiwa ini dicatat dalam tulisan-tulisan keagamaan, sebagai
Perjamuan Kawin Anak Domba. Kami, tentu saja, LAMB yang akan MAKAN.

Being that we’re not looking at these things scientifically, (because of course, science is part of
the flawed system, SCIENCE is SEANCE) but looking at these things as they really are,
through sound, shape and colour association, the ability to reveal is fascinating.

However, we’re not finished with the centre G and H of the first set of 13 letters just yet. Take a
look at what’s on the left side of the letter G. It’s the letter F. Now what word in common use
today starts with the letter F. I’ll give you a hint. It can be used as a curse word or as an
expression at the moment of orgasmic delight and sounds like duck. Okay, so you get it. This
word is derived from fecundate, which means to fertilize, pollinate or impregnate. Some also tell
us that it is an acronym for Fornicate Under the Command of the King – F.U.C.K.
Supposedly ordered by one of the kings of England in the not so distant past.

F also makes reference to father. So, here we have 3 letters in the very centre of the first 13 that
speak symbolically of the father, mother and the son and the sexual union is suggested in all 3
letters. English is a pretty hot language when observed from this perspective.

Following the letter H is the letter I. The letter I is the one supreme being – or as seen in the
diagram above, the one supreme being is the All Seeing Eye. After all, it is the luciferian
mindset we’re examining here. The word EYE has two E’s representing the father of all gods
and the Y, with the sound of I in its pronunciation. So basically the spelling of the word EYE is
a three lettered word symbolizing a father E – a mother (the 2nd E) and the Y – the son in the
Using the substitution rule of changing a G or J to a Y, in REVERSE, and the word EYE = EGE
= EGO, as vowels can be substituted as well. The EYE is the EGO, which initiated the Thought
Process, inasmuch as the EGO THOUGHT IT KNEW SOMETHING.

Have you ever heard this song – Old MacDonald had a farm, E – I – E – I – O… hypnotic
suggestion comes in all kinds of peculiar packagages.

So why is the Y representing the son? Simply because it’s an upside down, three pronged beam
of light, or the 3 primary colour pyramid demonstrated on this site. Simple shape subliminal
symbolism. The point of contact on all 3 strokes of the letter Y is in the centre of the hexagon of
the 6 pointed star, and at the centre of the letter Y itself, and therefore, once again, is referring to
sex. The product of sex is a child, and in this case, the son. The word Eye basically has all the
symbolism of the F, G and H letters. This will happen many times throughout the alphabet.

After all is said and done, the letter I is the middle vowel. A, E, I, O and U. What eventually can
be shown, is that I or EYE is actually the only word and ultimately, the only sound in the
English alphabet. All other sounds, letters and shapes symbolically point back to the Eye, the
letter I. Everything must glorify the luciferian egregore group entity, which is the All Seeing Eye
shape and sound.

Jack Off In The Box

The self centred, arrogant mind of corruption and deceit. The F and G produce an H and the 3
together form the great I (eye) of the “I AM that I AM” of the Christian Bible. (AM is, of
course, the 1st and last letter of the first set of 13 letters).

Let’s go one letter further and see the letter E which precedes the F. This is a strange little
arrangement of strokes. We see that the 3 horizontal lines are all connected by the 1 vertical
stroke. This again symbolizes what’s coming just ahead in the alphabet. Except this time it’s
telling you flat out that the next 4 letters are a lie. Here’s how it reads, E, F and G speak of an
effigy. A fake! A symbol! A puppet god! The great I AM is a fake and it’s telling you it’s a
fake. But go to the letter J, which symbolically is a hook and you find that you’ve been hijacked
along the way. How you ask? It’s quite obvious. The H-I-J-K spells hijack. To be hijacked is to
be taken prisoner along the path as you travel. It’s from this thought, sound and shape concept
that we get the sexual term ejaculation (jack off) and, ridiculous as this may seem, the children’s
toy called Jack In The Box. This Jack is the sexual male symbol inside the Box which is a
slang term for the female sexual anatomy, the vagina. Like I say, this is not scientific, just the
way it really is when it comes to sigil magic and hypnotic mind control of the masses. Subliminal
messaging and suggestion doesn’t have to make sense, it simply has to suggest.

The letter J is very tricky in the power it plays with the human consciousness. It is shaped like a
hook. This again is no coincidence. The ancient Babylonian fish god was called Oannes. This
may not seem to tie into the letter J until you realize that J can be pronounced, and can only be
pronounced in Hebrew, like a Y – as in Yes. This leads us to the name of Joannes (sort of
pronounced like y-waness). (Oneness). Then when you give it the alternative sound of a hard J
(as in Jaybird) you have the name J-ohn.
JOHN = Y-OHN = I-ON the electrically charged ATOM.

So much for the Christian Bible verse, John 3:16, for God so loved the world … stuff.
The name John is just a subliminal for the word ION.

The verse number 3:16 refers to the pyramid shape of the 3 primary colours, the shape and
number associated with the deity. The number 16 is associated with Abraham Lincoln, the 16th
president, which will be elaborated on at large, in later pages. Lincoln corresponds to the
LION KING of EGYPT, the Great Sphinx, who is Moses, and all the suggestion in regards to
the luciferian agenda, hinges on much of the roles these figures represent throughout history.

This is the evolution of the name John the Baptist in the Christian Bible. This is also why, just
as Oannes was a fish god and associated with the water, John is also associated with baptizing
with water. Again, no coincidence. Oannes came out of the ocean and taught humanity to write,
the arts and various sciences. This is the whole purpose of the luciferian elite egregore and the
elite slaves of the world, to perpetuate the illusory body of humanity to be completely inundated
with the world and all its systems built upon language, science and the arts.

Oannes, or Joannes, was half fish and half human. His sacred day of the year is June 24, which is
St. John Baptiste day in Quebec, a province of Canada. Again, no coincidence. The Pope’s
serpent shaped fish hat known as the mitre was also inspired by the fish god Oannes.

The name of John the Baptist and the symbolism of the name is thus transferred to John the
Apostle. On page 20 of this site, it will be demonstrated how John, the apostle of Christ, finds
the large upper room for the last supper passover feast. This he does, by following a man
bearing a pitcher of water. Be certain to read page 20.

Jehovah – Jesus – and Zeus

With this little bit of information, let’s have a look at the name Jehovah and Jesus. Here we
have two well known and frequently used words with the little ‘J’ hook symbol as the very first
letter. Jehovah used to be, and to some folks, is still considered to be, to holy to speak out loud.
So they would make up all kinds of rituals to refer to the great god without saying the great god’s
name. They would refer to him as JH?H. Sometimes JHVH, but that was considered a little to
risky. (Worshipping a fish or anyone who wears a fish hat somehow seems normal to the

This name dance all started out with the name EOVE or EOVA an ancient Egyptian priest.
Eventually, the sound and word association developed into JHVH that became YAH-VEH.
After this bit of juggling YAW-VEH then became YAH-WEH, and eventually landed on the
form of YAH-WAY. If you carry it one more ridiculous sound association step further, you get
THE – notice (YAH sounds like THE) – WAY.

THE = THEO = GOD, so THE WAY is referring to GOD’s WAY.

Here we see, through time and tradition, that EOVA has become THE WAY.
Where have you heard that phrase before? THE WAY? That’s the term used for THE WAY of
living when you believe in JESUS. Jesus is THE WAY – YAH-VEH – the truth and THE
LIGHT. Jesus is the LIGHT and the WAY, and his name is associated with the sigil magic
hook letter J, that is further associated with the fish god of ancient Babylon. Jesus is taught to
be the light bringer, the one true real light of the world. (The LIGHT BEAM). Lucifer is also
the name that means the light bringer. From this simple symbolic connection it has been shown
how Jesus is none other than the Egyptian sun god of old, Eova, Jehovah, The Way, and is
lucifer, the bright and morning star.

Even reversing his name, JESUS = SUSEJ which in turn = SOO-SAY or SOOTH-SAYER. A
Soothsayer is someone who divines or predicts the future. That is most definitely the character
of someone who is representing the godhead. However, just say Jesus the way the old Hebrew or
Spanish might pronounce it, with the J being spoken as a ‘Yod’ sound. Then Jesus becomes Ye-
Zeus, or Hey-Zeus, the chief god of the 12 elite gods of Mount Olympus in Ancient Greece.
This information regarding the name of Jesus, and how it equates with Zeus will be very
important to understand as you read the pages ahead that describe the next 9-11, the attack
against our original eternal state called Reality, using the conjured up illusory body of humanity
that is already well under way.

John the Baptist baptized Jesus with water, and both chaps, Jesus and John, had the J hook and
thereby, the association with the fish god of ancient Babylon. Jesus is the One Saviour of the
world and John simply is spelled out as One, albeit, with a symbolic J as the first letter. Together,
they form the Greek god Zeus who can be coupled with other Greek gods such as Poseidon.
Poseidon was the Greek god of earthquakes, of the sea, and of horses. This may seem like a
strange grouping to be god of, but as you progress through these pages, it will become very
evident how current the understanding of this symbolism is. Poseidon was the brother of Zeus
and Pluto, and further equated with the Roman god Neptune.

One helpful tip in understanding the luciferian agenda, is to group all of the mythological
gods throughout history, into one big myth, or one big god. All of the characteristics of all the
gods grouped together, lays out exactly what the luciferian agenda has planned. Never mind
to differentiate between female and male gods. For all forms and fables are simply established
to act as a smokesreen to throw the reader off the trail, without revealing the deceit being
perpetuated, that there are no gods at all, there is only hypnosis, and all the gods, and all of
intellectual indoctrination adds up to a mass hypnotic trance state

Be very prepared for what you will read as you progress through these pages. The information is,
for many, not able to be contemplated. The evidence is overwhelming showing the coming
devastation. However, keep this in mind, uncovering the horror also brought with it, the
uncovering of the solution to end the lunacy of the luciferian / illuminatiMATRIX web of

It must become quite evident from this little scramble with the English language that Oannes,
Jehovah, John and Jesus are obviously referring to the same type of character that relate
back to the light particle symbolism. That being the luciferian serpent minded fish god of
Babylon. Why were Nimrod, Poseidon and John the Baptist, equated with the sea and
earthquakes. Pages 16, 18 to 21 show the old connection of the sea and earthquakes to this very
day in which we live, and the literal fulfillment of the subliminal messages passed on to us, for
centuries, to actually cause us to bring the devastation upon our illusory selves.

Of course, that’s the reason for the symbolic use of the fish in evangelical and pentecostal
christianity today. As well, the heavy use of the fish symbolism in the Catholic church. They
are truly worshipping the fish god of Babylon, Oannes. Or, in more literal terms, the Fish God
of Babylon is the illusory story relating to the ATOM / ATOM, the electrified ION.

As for the word JEW, the Hebrew letter YOD is the equivalent to our I – J or Y letters. I’m
supposing as well, that our letter U as some connection as well. All these letters have a Yah sort
of sound attached. The letter I has eye-YAH. The letter J, in the silent form is YAH. The letter
Y also has the eye-YAH sound. The letter U has a YAH sound at the beginning, but trails off
into the OO sound. This is a repeating sound throughout the English alphabet and must be
recognized to have sigil incantational strength.

JEW = YEW = WEY in reverse, referring to THEO WAY

JEW = YEW = EWE = SHEEP, god’s chosen people are the SHEEP who have gone astray,
and have been used as sacrificial lambs, or to sacrifice lambs in the name of God, all throughout
this illusory 3D conjured up history.

God’s Chosen People?

The rulers of this nation laid claim to the Divine (god given) Right of Kings to Rule. They
thought of themselves as the Chosen People and are now recognized throughout the world,
(inaccurately that is), as God’s chosen people, calling themselves the Jews. Remember, it’s not
the everyday Jewish person you see who received and perpetuated this Kabbalistic knowledge
and sigil magic, it was the luciferian Thought Process, the Mindset that conjured up rulers of
old Sumer and Babylon. They were, and still are, the inspired luciferian elite, who have
manipulated Reality, using the conjured up, illusory, unsuspecting group of humanity, to be used
as pawns. The elite Jews of the world, have used the common Jews of the world without mercy,
to fulfill the luciferian agenda. Being manipulated by the corrupt elite has placed the Jewish
nation into a deep hypnotic trance, just like the rest of humanity, and they are helpless to see
through the deceit. A great many of the Jewish people practise Kabbalism to this day and even
sell their lucky charms and Talismans for good luck. The Jewish nation has been recognized
throughout history as a nation of magicians and this is why.

It’s helpful to understand that the Thought Process, the luciferian egregore group of
Thinking Entities, IS THE HIDDEN MYSTERY of the mythological illusory gods of old.
The Thought Process, or what we refer to as intellectualism and religion, is the group entity
that acts as the supreme god and, in the same breath, the illusory satan, or devil. Neither of which
has any validity. This hidden entity is not hidden at all, except for the TRANCE STATE,
wherein, its been suggested endlessly by the Thought Process, that intellectualism and belief in
a supreme being is valid, thereby initiating the manipulation of our reality. This is the process of
hypnotic suggestion.
Jehovah’s Witnesses – The Rothschild Religion

Another modern day group which was funded by the luciferian conjured up German Jewish
Rothschild family, are the Jehovah’s Witnesses or Watchtower Society. The acronym for this
group is JW. JW in reverse is again, WJ or WaY, by once again, substituting the J for a Y. The
symbolism never strays very far from the overall plan. They again have this strong connection to
the J hook sound of the Oannes fish god of ancient Babylon. Their dogma has been very pro-
Jewish / Zionist ever since their inception. The ordinary members of this group are
manipulated through simple mind control techniques to buy into this dogma, while the luciferian
inspired elite, at the top rungs of power, go about undetected, manipulating yet another vast
section of humanity. The Rothschild family used Freemason – Charles Taze Russell, the
founder of this religion, to get the Watchtower Society up and running.

Charles Russell is the offspring of the Russell Trust, the family that was involved in The
Freemason Secret Society called the Skull and Bones Order of Death at Yale University.
(The Bush family belong to the Skull and Bones Secret Society, with Bush Sr. taking the
nickname of Magog and Bush Jr. adopting the name Temporary. The Bush family goes back
many decades in its membership to the Skull and Bones.) The money of the Russell family was
accumulated through the OPIUM drug wars of the 19th century.

Of course, the JW organization denies that Charles Taze Russell was a Freemason but the
evidence is overwhelming that he was. See the photograph below of Charles Taze Russell’s
grave site. You will see the strongest Freemason symbolism in the Pyramid with the Capstone
line of separation, along with the All Seeing Eye faintly visible in the capstone. On the lower
section of the pyramid is the Knights Templar logo (the forerunner of Freemasonry), the Cross
and the Crown, which is now used by Freemasons. On the map photo you will notice that one
road is marked Masonic Way. This is the location of the Masonic Temple which is in close
proximity and easily visible in the background at the Russell Grave site. Keep in mind, that
this is how the symbolism of the luciferian Mind works. The more symbolism they’re able to
employ as they go about their agenda, the more confident they feel that their agenda for total
control of our original eternal wisdom state called REALITY, using the illusory body of
humanity to distract and confuse, will succeed. It is through symbolism, that hypnotic
suggestion has strength. For this reason they must use symbolism everywhere, and yet, ever so
slightly hidden. Everything on the 3D plane is symbolic, and conjured up by the luciferian
Mindset, however, there’s symbolism that is the culmination of many layers of suggestion,
and becoming aware of these layered

Consider the name – EIFFEL = EYE FULL or FULL EYE.

This tower was named after a French fellow named Eiffel who built this monument for the
world’s fair of 1889, still, look at the symbolism of this structure. It’s a pyramid, an obelisk (a
female, male sex symbol), it has an arch in the base, speaking of the rising sun / son, it’s made
of iron (symbolic of the iron fist of luciferian control which will be demonstrated to
originate with ORION), and when you overlay it on the light beam you see quite clearly the
resemblance, and the manipulative mind behind such a creation. The nucleus / hexagon centre of
the light beam is located just above the arch of the base. This hexagon is the centre of the sex
ritual symbol which is the six pointed star. Of course, sex has everything to do with love and
romance, and that’s what the Eiffel Tower is famous form as well. Again, not a coincidence.

Just as the demonic elite bloodlines of the illuminati families delight in building pyramids of
stone and skyscrapers of steel, as well as cathedrals of immaculate design, bolstering their
magnificance, here we see that towers are also more sigil magic forms to hypnotize the masses.

The Fake God Of Light

We have a fake god, with a fake religious trinity notion, telling you it’s a sham and that it’s there
to steal your gullible soul. Of course, as you read this you will hear that little voice, telling you
that what I’m saying, is ridiculous. Absolute rubbish! But keep reading. It gets even more
outrageous. This is how the luciferian mindset works. The Freemasons (one of the largest
luciferian secret societies in the world today, not counting every religious and intellectual
organization who are also secret societies) sacrificed Princess Diana in the Pont de Llama
tunnel in Paris. The tunnel is the passage of the moon goddess. They had previously erected
their eternal flame some 10 years earlier above the location where the sacrifice would take
place. They’re telling you they did it, they mark the spot with their eternal flame, the eternal
flame of the Olympic Gods, (another symbol of illumination or enlightened knowledge regarding
the All Seeing Eye). The entranced members of Secret Societies do the ritualistic things they do,
however, being deeply entranced, they’ve been programmed to believe they do these things on
behalf of a Supreme God, for the greater good of humanity, and … a spot in the afterlife to
RULE and REIGN with this Supreme Deity. This is how our English language is constructed,
to allow subliminals, suggestions and symbolism, to be injected without hardly a risk of
detection, and most importantly, so the ritualistic entranced elite of the world will never see, or
become aware of, the manipulation process they perpetuate. They throw in all kinds of
ridiculous hidden messages, telling us that the luciferian Mind did this, and at the same time
indoctrinate us through the religious and the educational systems, that to even begin to reason
this way borders on insanity. What a clever way to add confusion to an already deceived

Always be aware, that humanity, the whole population of the world, is illusory. That includes
the one reading these words. Humanity is not real or valid. The illusory body of humanity is
not at all who and what we really are. We have simply been conjured up, given a 3D name,
body, mind and spirit/energy, (all aspects which are fake), and then filled with endless
suggestions in our illusory brain, that this is who we really are. From this point on, in our 3D
life experience, believing that our 3 dimensional life experience is real, leads to endless
confusion and suffering. This belief manifests the notion of being imprisoned. However, we
are not imprisoned, but if we believe we are, then for all intents and purposes, we might as
well be.

D for Death – The Dessert Of Kings

The letter D is symbolic of Death. It’s the shape of one half of the All Seeing Eye being the
letter O – but cut in half. It’s the destroyer. It’s desolation. It’s a Dog. …Dog? Of course, with a
touch of reverse symbolism, (mirroring letters) Dog is God. With a bit more manipulation, DOG
= DOY, or YOD, which suggests the word for GOD in Hebrew. YOD, suggesting GOD, is then
suggesting DEITY. An even trickier part to this subliminal messaging, is that DEITY then
suggests the number 8, as in EIGHT, and yet again, ATE, as in a Supper Meal. All subliminals
which will have an incredible manipulative effect as part of the luciferian agenda. All of which
will be shown in the pages on this site.

When you see the hieroglyphs in ancient Egyptian tombs and temples and you see the dog,
therein lies just another representation of the god of deceit. This is how the luciferian Mindset
thinks, or conjures up the 3D illusory reality we’re now experiencing. It’s not how, Who and
What we really are, would do things, it’s how the luciferian inspired and manipulated elect does
things. Strangely enough, to hide this incidious way of reasoning, they teach us in the school
systems they build for us, that if we even begin to think that the world is run by a luciferian
egregore group entity, that in turn manipulates the rich and royal elite puppets who agree to
perpetuate the lunacy through rituals, then we’re considered to be a few cards short of a full

The Letter C – See – Sea – Sesame Street

The letter C is yet another All Seeing Eye symbol. It is pronounced SEE. The shape is the eye
observed from the side with the pupil opening to the right. This is symbolizing the light or
knowledge of the world coming in and going out. Of course, we’ve been taught that when the
light enters the pupil it hits the back of the eye and is flipped upside down or reversed. This is
one source of inspiration where reversed symbolism is drawn from in luciferian Thought
Process. By the time the optic signal reaches the brain it, supposedly has it turned right side up
again. This is also the inspiration behind the source of the Freemason slogan, Order Out Of
Chaos. They perpetuate chaos in the world, where none existed, only to take total control and re-
establish order in accordance with the luciferian Mindset agenda. This is why the All Seeing Eye
is such a significant symbol in Freemasonry, Catholicism, and the like.

The letter C = SEE / SEA / and can also represent the K sound.

K = KA = KILL = the AFTER LIFE – and DEATH

The letter K stands for kill. What we have here is an arrow or spearhead, striking someone, as
symbolized by the vertical line stroke. K is the 11th letter of the alphabet and 11 is the number
associated with death. This spear or arrowhead shape in this letter is a subliminal, suggesting an
attack by the “A”, father pyramid letter, or the “V”, virgin, vixen, victory letter. The shape of the
letter K is an incredibly strong sigil marker, and the hard sound of the letter, combined with the
shape, makes it appropriately part of the word kill. The straight vertical LINE of the letter K
suggests the sacred NILE in reverse. The ANGLE portion of the letter K is the ANGEL, or
the SPIRIT of the symbolic shape. All letters have this spiritual symbolism which is used to
induce a Trance State when repeated in endless fashion.

Even in the word ATTACK, the use of the letter A as the first letter in ATTACK is not a
coincidence. Look at the word ATTACK. It is combined with 2 “T”‘s, which are symbolic of
the intersecting death cross lines of the zodiac light molecule, or zodiac cross, which is the root
source of all religion. But there are 2 crosses – a double cross. This is the symbol for the House
of Lorraine, one of the main illuminati bloodline families of France. They use the cross with
one extra stroke in it. This term, double cross, is now synonamous with deceit or being
tricked, something the House of Lorraine lived up to. Also, it is the logo of the massive oil
conglomerate EXXON. This again, is no coincidence. Everything of power and wealth is of the
luciferian conjured up illuminati elite. They are obsessed with symbolism and ritualistic thinking.
Because of this it is a incredibly effortless to see who they are and what their intent is.

The word ATTACK is further constructed with another “A” pyramid – creating a mirror
image – ATTA. This is important symbolism to the luciferian Mindset. It is reverse symbolism
again. Reversing or mirroring things, is a sacred thing to the luciferian Thought Process. All
manner of manipulative subliminal messaging can be implanted, and yet remain undetected by
reversing or mirroring information. Keep in mind, that REVERSE IMAGERY and
MIRRORING are not limited by TIME or SPACE, which are NOT REAL or VALID
CONCEPTS. As the reader proceeds through this site, the extent of REVERSE IMAGERY
and MIRRORING will become evident.

This is the Hebrew expression concerning the tabernacle which is above, expressed down here
below, or “As Above, So Below”. All this is lunacy, of course, but to the luciferian Thinking
Entities, it’s gospel.

The 2nd letter A in the word ATTACK is followed by the C letter, which suggests the
ABILITY TO SEE. Keep in mind, just because letters and numbers are usually observed in
small print, this doesn’t diminish the sigil magic and subliminal strength in the least. Consider
the little owl that sits in the hook of the number 1, on the front of the American $1.00 bill. It is
virtually indistinguishable to the naked eye. But it’s there, serving it’s manipulative hypnotic

This is all finally followed by the letter K which is representing the kill all by itself. We now
have to ask, where does the word “kill” come from? Where does the word “attack” come from?
Why is there a C and a K at the end of ATTA-CK when the C is silent? There’s no need for it to
be there unless it holds sigil magic incantational significance. The letter C sounds like SEE, or
SEA, or ISIS, as in the All Seeing Eye. Using this letter repeatedly, without any audible value,
helps to enhance the trance state. That’s its main reason for being there. Many words in the
English language are developed in this way and with this express purpose, to implant a
subliminal message.

These subliminals are created to cause a response when activated by some seemingly, unrelated
sound, shape or colour. This occurs endlessly in advertising, where the simplest of shapes,
words, jingles and logos cause us to respond mindlessly. This is luciferian Mind manipulation.
Keep in mind, that LUCIFER is not some big bad devil, but means the LIGHT BRINGER. In
religious terms, this is the Creator God who said “LET THERE BE LIGHT, and there was
LIGHT…”. The luciferian mind is the egregore group of Thinking Entities, playing a good god
and a bad devil, neither of which exist. We refer to these jingles, slogans and logos, as simply
doing business. In reality, it is the one primary tool of advertisers and commerce, together
fulfilling the luciferian illuminati agenda. This manipulation is implanted within the minds of the
advertising company by these corrupt Thinking Entities. These Entities implant hypnotic
suggestion using subliminals, that in turn, manipulates the one who becomes entranced, to carry
on the same Thought Pattern, which in turn conjures up the desired illusory reality of the
luciferian Thought Process. In this way, the group egregore of Thinkers, appears to control our
original Reality State. They really don’t control it, they simply appear to control who and
what we really are. The control the luciferian Thought Process is after, is what they’re
attempting to bring to pass with the establishment of the New World Order, or, by another name,
the Kingdom of God on earth. Also called the Age of Aquarius.

Speaking of corrupt entities and spirits, the reference to non-corrupt angels as being on our side,
with good intentions, is further illusion and trickery. Anything of wisdom, does not speak, does
not have a 3 dimensional form and is not at all formed of light or spirit/energy. Light, energy,
sound, shape and colour are all tools that form this 3 dimensional reality, and this physical
world is a total lie and illusion. What is referred to as spirits, angels, demons, the occult, magic,
etc. is nothing more than hypnotic suggestion. There really are no spirits or demons in the
sense of the word that we’ve become accustomed to throughout these illusory centuries. All
that’s occurring is the Thought Process, implanting ideas, or notions, within the 3 dimensional
plane, and depending on the previous experiences and influences of the individual mind, they’ll
perceive, or recognize ‘spirit entities’ in accordance with the pre-programmed suggestions
received along the way. Once this perception has been accepted as reality, then the reality of that
individual recognizes angels, demons, spirits, and witnesses all types of ‘spiritual’ events, or to
some, what might be described as miracles. This is simply hypnotic suggestion. Most individuals
are not trying to lie or deceive, for this is their reality. The truth is, however, that everyone’s
reality is an illusion, and therefore, deceiving.

This is also the reason for the incredible saturation of acronyms within our language in recent
years. Acronyms are shorter, sharper, simpler, more penetrating and able to influence the human
consciousness much quickly and deeper than complete language might. Did you ever wonder
about all the acronym usage in the world today? You should. It’s there to manipulate you into a
deep hypnotic trance.

One such acronym is NOAA. This refers to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. If someone simply saw the acronym NOAA, the story of Noah, the Ark, the
Flood, the Judgment, the New Earth, etc. would flash through our mind. The less said, the
more powerful the suggestion.

All The Gods Are But One Luciferian Mind Trick

The Letter L = EL = ELECT = ELECTRICITY = EL-LAH = ALLAH = LA = … Los Angeles???

The second last letter of the first set of thirteen to consider is L. Again, L sounds like El. This
is the ancient creator father god sometimes associated with the rising sun (Eli) and sometimes
with the dusk. This speaks of the god of time, Father Time, and El was therefore associated with
the God Cronus (chronology – the process of time) in ancient Greece.

The number EL-EV-EN is figured as 11 o’clock on the clockface.

The number TW-EL-VE likewise is represented on the clockface.
In both instances, the syllable EL is coupled with the syllable EV, or VE. This suggests EL-ec-
tricity and the EVE, or coming of the Light. The coming of the Light was initiated by the concept
of LUCIFER, which in turn means, the Light Bringer, who again is the creator god, called EL, or
ALLAH. For others, this name is Chronus, or Jehovah, etc. This is the Thought Process in action,
and the word EL-VE further suggests the spirit concept, or the ELVES, the angelic/demonic
entities that have been conjured up through simple hypnotic suggestion. The Light itself, is
nothing more than Thought. As stated previously:

A THOUGHT is a WORD, …is a SOUND, and sound VIBRATES. Vibration is ENERGY,

… energy GLOWS, … and glowing is LIGHT. Therefore, Light, or everything we see, is
just a Thought.

The Phoenicians in turn, referred to Elus their king as the father god and upon his death
deified him as the star Saturn. Saturn is of course, another English form of the name Satan,
derived from the Arabic ‘SHAITAN’, which is the Setting Sun, the coming of Darkness.

What we have here is just a load of wordplay, meant to establish deceit and authority, so as to
mesmerize humanity into a lunatic Trance State. In case anyone might have missed it, all the
gods throughout all of the ages, in all of the civilizations of the world, are but one god, one
big false luciferian god, one BIG FALSE LUCIFERIAN THOUGHT PROCESS. This god
may be called Jehovah, Jesus, Oannes, Allah, Chronus, …Science, Higher Learning,
Intellectualism, Atheism, …New Age Enlightenment, the Age of Aquarius, or the
Environmental Green Movement, it doesn’t make any difference, they’re all but one god…and
there’s not a drop of wisdom in the whole lot. Something else to keep in mind as one goes
through these pages, it makes absolutely no difference when a particular god is referred to, as to
gender, be it the mother, father or son. For all are ONE, working together within the ATOM,
bearing the characteristics of the ELECTRON (mother), PROTON (father), or NEUTRON
(son). Any reference to any god, is just subliminal messaging meant to manipulate our reality.
The cover, or smokescreen, put to use to keep the subliminal in its subliminal state, is the god
concept. Place the suggestion of a god in front of any subliminal you wish to use, and its real
intent is hidden. Likewise, the ATOM symbol is the Light Beam, and the 3 PRIMARY
COLOURS are found exactly 120 degrees apart on the COLOUR WHEEL. These 3
numbers, 0, 1 and 2 will become incredibly important as this information is contemplated. These
numbers refer to the years 2010, 2011, and 2012, and the luciferian push for complete
control of our original Paradise State, which are elaborated on in later pages.


Return to the top of the page and click on the page 11 – Shania – Goddess – AMERCHA-
Using Sacred Numbers to Make Money - Secret Kabbalist Practices for Conquering

An unusual pentagonal diagram with numbers and letters is found in some old texts. The oldest
extant version is in a French book published in 1754, but the image and explanation that
accompanies it is much older.  Credited to someone named Albumaz de Carpentieri, it is one of
many secret “systems” that could supposedly assist people to obtain fortune.  In particular, this is
one of many secret Kabbalist ways of increasing one’s odds in lottery extractions. 

A numerical system with numbers on a pentagram (courtesy author).

Mysterious Tome
I first came across this diagram and the explanation of how to use it in a yellowed, Italian-
language book published in the 1800s.  It contains chapters on the Good and Bad Days of the
Moon, the Golden Key, Sibyl’s Kabbalah, the Zoroastrian Kabbalah, and more than 10,000
vocabulary terms from dream topics, proverbs, and more, along with their numerical
relationships.  The text only reveals that it was by an “anonymous Kabbalist.”  It also reveals that
he was not the author; the unique methods (for conquering chance) within came from different
Kabbalists and astrologers from earlier than the 1500s through the 1700s. 
Another compilation of such systems (in Italian) is entitled A New Look at Lottery Games ,
published by Giustino Rumeo in 1866, and a second (also written in Italian) was published ten
years later under the title Public Lottery Extraction Numbers .  The only English-language
translation of the text is entitled Making Millions: A 500-Year-Old Kabbalist’s Guide to
Conquering Chance .  
The Kabbalah and a Divine Connection
The Kabbalah is rooted in esoteric Judaism, and many of its teachings, found in the Zohar, the
Sefer Yetsirah , and other texts, demonstrate the interconnectedness of all lives and events; they
indicate that a knowledge of this interrelationship can help people to make causal inferences – to
get a feel for what the future will bring. The Sefer Yetsirah (Book of Creation) in particular
revolves around cosmology and its numerical connections.  Other texts likewise indicate that
numbers define the cosmological structure, so an understanding of numbers can lead to an
understanding of Ein Sof (the Endless) and the interworking relationship between Shekinah and
the Holy One.  In other words, a divine connection can be understood through numbers. 
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life with the names of the Sephiroth and paths in Hebrew. ( Public
Domain )
In the 1600s, Moses Cordovero wrote (in Shi’ur Qomah ) that divinity pervades everything and
the number ten is the key to unlocking this mystical understanding.  “The ten sefirot are the
secret of existence, the array of wisdom, by which the worlds above and below were created. 
Corresponding to this secret are the ten utterances by which the world was created, and the ten
commandments, which epitomize the holy Torah” (Smith, 1995, p. 69).  An understanding of
other important numbers can supposedly illustrate divine attributes as well as a more thorough
understanding of the nature of reality.  Before returning to the unusual pentagonal figure and
explaining its use in lottery extractions, let us explore this a bit further.

The Power of Words, Being Masters of Word Symbol 'Magic'



last yearBusy12 min read

To know the true or original meaning of a word, is to be master of the word, master of the
name, and have the power of that symbol to represent reality. Those who can manipulate the
meaning of words, will be able to manipulate it's representation of reality, and therefore
manipulate the perception of reality by those who use that word. This allows for the
manipulation of the mind and behavior.

Reality and existence is the truth, and that is the basis of what will reflect the true meaning of
words (apart from imagined ideas that aren't reflected in reality). Any word can be used to
describe something, making words themselves arbitrary originally. But word symbol definitions
can limit an accurate understanding of reality. The true meaning of most words is found in reality
to represent something.

In 2004 I watched a "magical" fantasy mini-series called Earthsea. A central theme was an
aspect of fictional "magic", that to know the name of something was to be a master of over it.
The main character sought to know the names of creatures in order to control them and stop their
mayhem, chaos and evil with his "magical" abilities.

Why and how do we have this power to be a master of things? Where did this idea come from?

In language and word symbol magic, to know the true name, meaning and definition for an
aspect of reality is to be master of it, and not be a mere subject to it under its power as a spell
cast on your mind to mind control you into accepting a perception of reality that the word
symbol invokes within you. Words are spelled, i.e. spells.

Basic word symbol concepts are required to build more complex structures in our mind which
represent reality, from the individual particular objects in reality to the common universals that
link particulars together. If our conceptual blocks are falsely representing reality, it greatly
affects the way we perceive and think of reality, and it affects our ability to navigate reality
correctly. This in turn will affect how we behave and act in reality.

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All animals have consciousness, but human animals have higher order consciousness
capabilities. We have the capacity to abstract and define particular aspects of reality and induce
universal grouping concepts (philosophical metaphysics). Consciousness has the power to assign
meaning and purpose through definitions we create that are abstracted from existence. That is
the power to recognize identity within the diversity, variability and multiplicity of existence,
universe and reality. This is the power of logic, non-contradictory identification of reality (Law
of Logic, Law of Identity, Law of Excluded Middle).

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Everything in our reality operates within the Law of Logic. Everything is what it is and it not
another. This is identity and non-contradiction. There are no contradictions in the universe.
Contradictions and paradoxes are limitations in attempting to think or describe something. They
only arise from the mind's attempt to derive an answer to a question to find meaning, purpose,
and make sense of reality, albeit erroneously.

This is the power we have to be master of a thing (existents in existence). We know its "true
name" by giving it meaning and definition, and essentially assigning purpose to it. We have
the power to identify and assign specific meaning and purpose to provide a definition through
symbols that reference reality. This is how we can come to master an understanding of reality
by being masters of the names or word symbols that reference reality. This is word symbol

Without the abstraction and inference of consciousness to decipher and derive symbols from
reality (derivation, differentiation, deduction, i.e. logic), there would simply be everything as one
amalgamation. There would be no differences and no different names/words to refer to different
aspects of reality. And there would be no communication about anything.

There is a science and art of imagery, symbolism, metaphor, allegory and analogy. This is
the ability to use word symbols, both in writing and speech (rhetoric), to elicit, invoke, summon,
inculcate, affect and influence the creation of perceptual images within consciousness. These
images can be cast as a spell into consciousness and affect how we think, feel and act. The
ability of imagery to elicit emotional responses is strong. Emotions can drive and motivate us to


Beliefs can be created through the complexity of the science of imagery and symbolism. Think
of reading a book and how the words create images and make you feel. Think of how a priest can
make people feel a certain way. Think of a politician doing the same. Those who know and
understand how to use imagery and symbolism can manipulate the consciousness of others, have
them believe things that are not real, and then get them to act and behave in certain ways based
upon the casting of spells in consciousness.
Those who first create the name and definition to imbue, invoke, and summon meaning into
a word symbol (i.e. magic), are setting the grounds and foundation for understanding reality
within a specific referential framework. This is what language is at it's foundation: a framework
and model to reference reality through word symbols. This power to define meaning and
imbue the symbol with knowledge of reality, enables mastery over the name/word/symbol that
represents reality.

But is that name or word symbol accurate? To what degree is it accurate? Does it only address
and define a partial aspect of that thing, and therefore hides, occults, or encrypts other
important aspects of reality through that word because it prevents deeper meaning and

Do we have the key to unlock the true meaning through a reference to reality? Are we only
looking at the definitions given to us? Does the etymology go deep enough? Can we decipher the
encoded meaning, definition and purpose of symbols to be a "master of the name"?

We look into etymology to find the true/original meaning of words. Words are symbols that
imbue and encode knowledge about reality. They may be very accurate, but they may be
somewhat limited in their depth of expression about reality. They lay the groundwork for the
original intent to reflect an attempt at understanding reality (or unreality). There can be more to
learn in a word than a simple definition.

Those who first created the symbols and imbued them with specific meaning and definition
had the original power. Those who can alter meaning and definition of symbols, and have
others accept those alteration, also have the power to be masters of names and symbols about
reality to control the perception of reality. This is mind control enabling them to influence what
people do in reality. This is magic that sorcerer manipulators engage in.

Over time the true meaning of some symbols gets altered, and the power of the word is
affected. If we can't know or use the true meaning of a symbol as it should reflect reality, then
we can't be the master of the name and our power to see reality accurately is altered. We are
influenced (magic) into seeing reality a certain way. Our ability to recognize things can be
limited. The generative power of our thoughts, emotions and actions to create into reality are
also affected in consequence.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."

– Ludwig Wittgenstein

Knowing the true meaning and definition of a symbol or name is to know what that symbol is
really representing about reality, what it's really saying. When we know that, then we have the
power of the word symbol in our grasp, in our possession, in ownership, in mastery. We become
a master of the word symbol, master of the name, to reference reality accurately, and we are
then in greater mastery of understanding reality.
To accept an altered meaning of a word is to not use it in its original meaning and definition, in
its original power as it was created and imbued with. This can be to reduce meaning and restrict
thinking about reality, or maybe the definition is limited and we can improve upon it in some
cases to be better define reality. But that is where the sorcerer manipulator's spell is created,
when we accept symbol references to objective reality that then create a subjective unreality
(secondary inner-"reality") and prevents us from seeing the world as it really is.

We can easily be charmed with word symbol magic and manipulated with the power of the word
to create as someone else wants us to create (abracadabra), to create according to their will.
Charisma and charm can "magically" charm and put a spell on people, emotionally and
cognitively. Speech tone and repetition can entertain, amuse, amaze, mesmerize and hypnotize
you to induce a state of experience in consciousness. The words have power to alter how we
create into the world (the Word, Logos).


The symbols are arbitrary and can be anything to represent reality. But once a symbol is created,
it is imbued with meaning. We can correctly or incorrectly understand reality and create symbols
to represent something that is or is not, that does or doesn’t exist. Those who created the original
meaning of a word can also limit a proper realistic understanding of reality. As such, some
definition can be understood in greater depth by actually look at reality and how the word is used
to reference aspects of reality in greater degrees of clarity. The definition is one layer of the
attempt to reflect reality in all it's diversity, variability and multiplicity.

Images in the mind that reference or imitate reality, can be referenced or imitated through
symbols. Symbols in turn can imitate reality and elicit, invoke and summon images in the mind.
The more abstract the symbols, such as those of letters and words compared to pictographs, the
more differential is the imitation invoked. Letters and words look less like an object in reality,
and more altered in form/shape, compared to pictograph direct images of something in reality we
can make reference to.



This abstraction power of consciousness can also invent phantasmal (fantasy) images in the
mind's eye through imagination. These imaginary images can be represented more easily
through specific abstracted word symbol meaning and definition that narrow the range of
meaning to identify something and are clearer to represent a concept with a specific meaning
(specificity). Pictographic symbols use objects and shapes already existent in reality that they
immediately reflect. They clearly represent something in reality at a simple level, but they can be
less clear in a sense and less specific (not de-finite) because of the range of symbolism inherent
in images/pictures.

A circle does not represent a square. A square circle does not exist. Basic symbols have objective
meaning in themselves (a circle means something and not another, identity in reality). There is
also a certain degree of freedom of meaning through the imagery a symbol can invoke in the
mind's eye. A circle can symbolize "nothingness", the sun, a mouth, or other ideas.

Pictographic imagery and symbols look most like something in reality. Other qualities can be
decoded from basic pictographic symbols in reality (a circle), and symbolic imagery can be
applied from basic shapes (a circle as nothingness). Basic symbols can combine to become sigils,
more complex symbols (many circle, with lines, etc.). Basic shapes can be altered and distorted
to create new shapes and symbols.

Kabbalah Numerology

Among all branches of Numerology, Kabbalah Numerology is one of the largest and it became
popular after few Hollywood stars like Britney and Madonna began popularizing this branch.
Kabbalah is pronounced like "Kabala".
Background of Kabbalah Numerology
Kabbalah knowledge have originated from Hebrew mystical sciences, and its largest part is
Hebrew alphabet. The meaning of the word Kabbalah symbolizes the work of mind, rather than
the experience out body had. It means that Kabbalah numerological system assumes one to have
profound level of self-understanding and self-honesty.
For example Chaldean and Pythagorean Numerologies need different information about a
person. When it comes to Kabbalah Numerology - only name is needed. That's why some people
consider it being less efficient among other numerological approaches.

How Kabbalah Numerology Works

Every letter of the alphabet has a certain value attached, as you can see below:
Hebrew alphabet served as a basis for finding numerical values of each letter. There is a
tendency to concentrate only on the most common numbers, because Kabbalah knowledge has
more than four hundred path numbers. The ultimate task is to find right Kabbalah number for

How to Find A Kabbalah Number

In order to find out your personal Kabbalah number, take a look at your first name. Then check
the value of your name. By the way, your middle name should be included as well. Make a sum
from each value of each letter. You will have a double digit number, sometimes even more than
double. You should divide the result by 9. All the numbers that remain after a whole number are
called remainder, after that just add 1 to remainder: it would be your Kabbalah number.
For instance, your letter's value result is 42. If you divide 42 by 9, you will have 6 as a
remainder. To number 6 you have to add 1, the result will be your Kabbalah number - 7. In
cases when you have a whole number as a result, and there is no remainder like in 81, you
should imagine it like 81.0 and add 1 to a remainder 0. Your Kabbalah number will be 1.

What Does a Kabbalah Number Mean?

As soon as you've found out your Kabbalah number, you can look at the energy that is connected
to this number. So the major Kabbalah values are:
1 - Development.
2 - Enlargement.
3 - Affection.
4 - Unsuccessful.
5 - Formation.
6 - Implementation.
7 - Mystic.
8 - Impetuous.
9 - Luck.
What Makes The Kabbalah Method Different?
For the person, unfamiliar with different branches of Numerology, Kabbalah may seem just as
many others. Generally, each branch of Numerology says something using numbers. Indeed,
there are some real differences between numerological types. Kabbalah uses only the name of
the individual, without a date of birth. Other numerological branches will use only the date of
birth and provide information regarding this aspect only.
The value each number has is also different regarding to the numerological approach. If the letter
A may have the same value in Kabbalah and Chaldean approaches, it won't work the same way
for letter W and others.
Kabbalah Numerology has a wider spectrum of numbers. It has more than 400 various life path
combinations according to different vibrations. It is a hard work to do, but lots of numerologists
work with the most common combinations and the most widespread life path numbers.

People who are interested in this type of Numerology, there is always a way to take part in it.
Don't forget that Kabbalah Numerology works better when a person is sincere, when he or she is
in harmony with inner self. Finding the key to your inner world and total self-acceptance is the
main task of Kabbalah Numerology.

Languages are made of symbols of abstraction to represent reality, called letters and words. It's
like the imagery of magic we have from fictional works, where they create all these symbols and
say some magical words, and that gives them special powers. These fictional allegories are at the
very least symbolic for the power of language itself. Language is the original magic, the art of
mouth through word symbol magic.

Consciousness is powerful. Words are powerful. Spells cast on consciousness (thoughts and
emotions, "mind and "heart") are powerful mind, thought and emotional control. With the magic
of spells (words) and the science of imagery (symbolism), you can get people to accept falsity as
truth. You can get people to accept beliefs that will change their behavior and actions to what
you want them to do (belief in authority). This is to bend the will of others to your will
(sorcery). Word symbol magic spells are a powerful sorcery magic to manipulate our lives
and steer us in certain directions, path and ways of living.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

Meaning of Numbers – Number Symbolism

“Numbers rule all things.”Pythagoras 580 – 500 B.C.E.

Plato called the study of number symbolism “the highest level of knowledge”.

Pythagoras believed numbers had souls, as well as magical powers.

The Pythagoreans divided the numbers into two groups: odd and even, male and female, light
and dark etc.

Their most sacred number was number 10.


Numbers are used in superstitions, religions and in mythology around the globe.


Submitted by David Livingstone on Thu, 02/27/2014 - 07:54

Abdul Qadir al Jilani, the founder of one of the most influential Sufi orders in Islamic history,
the Qadiriyyah, according to a famous Jewish historian, was a secret Jew. Chacham Israel Joseph
Benjamin II wrote Eight Years in Asia and Africa from 1846 to 1855, in which he reported that
there was a mosque in Baghdad where the grave of the great Marabut (Sufi mystic) Abdul Qadir
is a highly venerated, and mentioned that, “the Mosque was a Synagogue before,” and that “the
Marabut was nothing less than the famous Talmudist Joseph Hagueliti.”[1]
His report is enlightening, as it has been claimed by occultists that the Qadiriyya Sufi order are
the origin of the Rosicrucians, who in turn gave birth to the Freemasons. According to
Rosicrucian tradition, an Egyptian “priest” named Ormus Christianized the Egyptian mysteries.
This is to be understood to refer to Hermeticism, which was mistakenly believed to represent an
ancient Egyptian “wisdom.” This Gnostic tradition then supposedly survived in Egypt, where it
was kept by the “Knights of Palestine.” They were also known as the “Brethren of the Rosy
Cross of the Orient.”[2]
This notion of “Eastern mystics,” with whom the Knights Templar came into contact during the
Crusades, is a reference to the Asiatic Brethren of the tenth century, who despite their outward
allegiance to Islam, were highly regarded by Kabbalists over the centuries. The Asiatic Brethren,
like much of the occult in Islam, derived their influenced from the so-called Sabians of Harran in
southeastern Turkey, who preserved the traditions of Hermeticism and Neoplatonism. The ideas
of the Brethren of Sincerity reflected elements of Pythagorean, Neoplatonic and Magian
traditions, which they attributed to a common origin, with Jewish roots.[3]
Mystical tradition also purports that the Zohar, the preeminent Kabbalistic text, written in the
thirteenth century, was based on an earlier “Arabic Kabbalah” of the Brethren of Sincerity. The
Brethren of Sincerity and other Sufi mystics were widely studied by later Jewish mystics, such as
Abraham Ibn Ezra, Moses Maimonides, Judah Halevi, Bahya Ibn Pakuda, and Ibn Gabirol, the
philosopher who most personified the interweaving of Judaism and Islam. An eleventh century
Spanish Jew, Ibn Gabirol assimilated ideas from the Brethren of Sincerity to such an extent that
they was his primary source of inspiration after the Bible. He also followed the teachings of the
tenth century Sufi mystic Mohammed Ibn Masarra (883–931 AD), who had introduced Sufism to
Tradisi mistik juga menyatakan bahwa Zohar, teks Kabbalistik yang unggul, yang ditulis pada
abad ke-13, didasarkan pada "Kabbalah Arab" sebelumnya dari para Sufi Muslim. Mistikus sufi
lainnya dipelajari secara luas oleh mistikus Yahudi kemudian, seperti Abraham Ibn Ezra, Musa
Maimonides, Yehuda Halevi, Bahya Ibn Pakuda, dan Ibn Gabirol, filsuf yang paling
mempersonifikasikan jalinan Yudaisme dan Islam. Sebagai seorang Yahudi Spanyol abad
kesebelas, Ibn Gabirol mengasimilasi ide-ide dari para Sufi sedemikian rupa sehingga mereka
adalah sumber inspirasi utamanya setelah Alkitab. Dia juga mengikuti ajaran mistik sufi abad
kesepuluh Mohammed Ibn Masarra (883-931 M), yang telah memperkenalkan tasawuf ke
Spanyol. [4]
Ibn Gabirol, along with Ibn Arabi, was considered one of the two great followers of Ibn Masarra.
Ibn Arabi (1165 – 1240) was the Arabic philosopher most responsible for the fusion of Sufism
with Neoplatonic thought. He was heavily influenced by the Brethren of Sincerity, and
formulated many of the ideas that became central to the Zohar.[5]
Ibn Gabirol, bersama dengan Ibn Arabi, dianggap sebagai salah satu dari dua pengikut besar Ibnu
Masarra. Ibn Arabi (1165 - 1240) adalah filsuf Arab yang paling bertanggung jawab atas
penggabungan tasawuf dengan pemikiran Neoplatonik. Dia sangat dipengaruhi oleh para sufi,
dan merumuskan banyak ide yang menjadi pusat Zohar.

Al Jilani was condemned for harboring heretical works in his school, particularly the writings of
the Brethren of Sincerity.[6] According to David Margoliouth, al Jilani’s fame among his
followers in some cases nearly displaced that of the Prophet Muhammed, and he is regularly
styled the Sultan of the Saints.[7] His reputation attracted numerous pupils from all parts of the
Islamic world, and his persuasive rhetoric is said to have converted many Jews and Christians to
Al Jilani dikecam karena menyembunyikan karya-karya sesat di sekolahnya, khususnya tulisan-
tulisan para Pemimpin Ikhlas. [6] Menurut David Margoliouth, ketenaran al Jilani di antara para
pengikutnya dalam beberapa kasus hampir menggesernya dari Nabi Muhammad, dan ia secara
teratur disebut sebagai Sultan para Orang Suci. [7] Reputasinya menarik banyak murid dari
semua bagian dunia Islam, dan retorikanya yang persuasif dikatakan telah mengubah banyak
orang Yahudi dan Kristen menjadi Islam.
The legend of Jilani’s life and career were largely embellished by his successors. For example,
his pedigree was traced on his father’s side in the direct line to Hasan, grandson of the Prophet.
But the pedigree was shown to be a fabrication of his grandson, to whom numerous fictions can
be traced.[8] The list of his performed miracles began at the earliest while only a child, when he
was to have begun a fast by refusing the breast of his mother. He was believed to be able to
punish distant sinners and assist the oppressed in a miraculous manner, walk on water and move
through air. Angels and Jinn, and even the Prophet Muhammed himself, it was said, would
appear at his meetings and express their appreciation.
Jilani also claimed to have come into contact with the mysterious figure of al Khidr, meaning
“the Green One.” Though not mentioned by that name in the Quran, al Khidr is identified with a
figure met by Moses. But the name Khidr is found only in Hadith literature.
The figure of Khidr originated most likely from Jewish legends and is associated with the
Muslim Mahdi, in the same way that the prophet Elijah is associated with the Jewish Messiah.[9]
Elijah is an important figure of the Kabbalah, where numerous leading Kabbalists claimed to
preach a higher knowledge of the Torah directly inspired by the prophet through a “revelation of
Elijah” (gilluy 'eliyahu). The Zohar was ascribed to Shimon bar Yochai, a rabbi of the second
century who, according to Jewish legend, was inspired by the Prophet Elijah to write the work.
Khidr also shows certain affinities with the ancient pagan dying-god by also representing
fertility, which is offered as the reason for his association with the color green. Likewise, Elijah’s
association with fertility and rain production is widespread in Biblical and rabbinic literature.[10]
Khidr is recognized as associated with the Green Man motif, which is often related to fertility
deities found in different cultures throughout the world.
The figure of al Khidr has its equivalent in the cult of Saint George, shared by Christian, Jews as
well as Muslims. There is a tradition in the Holy Land of Christians and Muslims going to an
Eastern Orthodox shrine of Saint George at Beith Jala, with Jews also attending the site in the
belief that the prophet Elijah was buried there. These Muslims worshipped this same Saint
George or Elijah as the Sufi figure of al Khidr, a tradition which was found throughout the
Middle East, from Egypt to Asia Minor.[11]
Historians note that the origin of Saint George is in Cappadocia and is similar to the ancient god
named Dionysus-Sabazios, who was usually depicted riding on horseback. George’s mother was
from Lydda, Palestine, but he was a Cappadocian born in Cilicia, the heartland of the Mithraic
Mysteries during Hellenistic times, and its capital city of Tarsus was the birthplace as well of the
apostle Paul. Saint George is also the origin of the knightly tale of rescuing a maiden from a
dragon. The legend is not a Christian story at all, but is a Christian adaptation of the typical duel
of the Middle Eastern dying-god, like Baal, against the Sea-Dragon, or Zeus against Typhon the
A further identification with the dying-god and the Kabbalistic concept of the Primordial Adam,
or Adam Kadmon, and later Metatron, is found in al Khidr’s identification in Sufism with the
concept of the Qutb, meaning “pole” or “axis” and with Hermes. This idea of the perfect man
among the Sufis is recognized by scholars as dating back to ancient Magian and Gnostic sources,
and the notion is traced by Gilles Quispel to Kabbalistic conceptions concerning the primordial
Idries Shah, secretary and companion to Gerald Gardner, the founder of the modern religion of
witchcraft known as Wicca, and close associate of the godfather of twentieth century Satanism,
Aleister Crowley, claimed the Rosicrucians derived from the influence of the Qadiriyya
Sufi order. Christian Rosenkreutz would have supposedly come into contact with the Qadiriyya
during his travels in the Middle East. Al Jilani, the founder of the Qadiriyya, was known as the
“Rose of Baghdad.” The rose became the symbol of his order and a rose of green and white cloth
with a six-pointed star in the middle is traditionally worn in the cap of Qadiriyya dervishes.
According to Shah:

Ignorance of this background is responsible for much useless speculation about such entities as
the Rosicrucians who merely repeated in their claims the possession of the ancient teaching
which is contained in the parallel development called alchemy, and which was also announced
by Friar Bacon [Francis Bacon], himself claimed as a Rosicrucian and alchemist and illuminate.
The origins of all these societies in Sufism is the answer to the question as to which of them did
Bacon belong, and what the secret doctrine really was. Much other Rosicrucian symbolism is
Although Shah’s works have been criticized by Orientalist scholars, he was chiefly responsible
for popularizing his version of Sufism in the West, which was a thinly disguise Luciferianism.
The introduction to Shah’s book The Sufis, was written by Robert Graves, author of The White
Goddess, a key book for modern Pagans and Wiccans. Graves’ introduction described Shah as
being “in the senior male line of descent from the prophet Mohammed” and as having inherited
“secret mysteries from the Caliphs, his ancestors. He is, in fact, a Grand Sheikh of the Sufi
Tariqa…” Graves confessed, however, that this was “misleading: he is one of us, not a Moslem
Shah was also a member of the Club of Rome and, as reported by Robert Dreyfuss in Hostage to
Khomeini, worked with the Muslim Brotherhood in London. Shah, like Bennett, Gurdjieff,
Graves and the Naqshabandi Sufi order, represent the strange contribution of Sufism to the
activities of the CIA, particularly through their association with MK-Ultra, and the hokey
mysticism of the Esalen Institute, which has been the key organization behind the rise of the
New Age movement.
Shah was also a close associate of John G. Bennett, former head of British intelligence in
Istanbul, and protégé of “rascal mystic” and spy, George Gurdjieff, who claimed to derive his
teachings from Sufi masters in Central Asia, known as the Sarmoung Brotherhood. Gurdjieff was
instructed in Sufi secrets by Abdullah Faizi ad Daghestani (1891-1973), Shaykh of the
Naqshbandi Haqqani Sufi order, in Damascus. Daghestani was also the teacher of Sheikh Nazim
al Haqqani, leader of the Naqshbandi-Haqqani Order, who along with his son-in-law and deputy
Sheikh Hisham Kabbani, who are key agents in the convergence of Sufi ideas and the New Age
Sheikh Kabbani supervises, which touts itself as one of the top Islamic websites in
the world. Also associated with Kabbani’s wing of Shaikh Haqqani’s Naqshbandi-Haqqani order
is Stephen “Suleyman” Schwartz, Jewish convert to Islam and author who has been published in
a variety of media, including The Wall Street Journal. Schwartz wrote in article in the
Huffington Post, “Islamic Sufism and Jewish Kabbalah: Shining a Light on Their Hidden
History,” where according to him, “Islamic Sufism and Jewish Kabbalah -- that are so close to
one another that the presumption of mutual influence is inescapable.”[15]
Shah claimed that it is from Sufism that Freemasonry derived its central tenet, which is that the
world can be united in the acceptance of a single esoteric tradition (the Kabbalah), which is
supposedly the root of all exoteric faiths. Therefore, according to Shah:
The connection between the ancient practical philosophies and the present ones is seen to have
been based upon the higher level unity of knowledge, not upon appearances. This explains why
the Muslim Rumi has Christian, Zoroastrian and other disciples; why the great Sufi ‘invisible
teacher’ Khidr is said to be a Jew; why the Mogul Prince Dara Shikoh identified Sufi teaching in
the Hindu Vedas, yet himself remained a member of the Qadiri Order; how Pythagoras and
Solomon can be said to be Sufi teachers. It also explains why Sufis will accept some alchemists
to have been Sufis, as well as understanding the underlying developmental factors in Rumi’s
evolutionary philosophy, or Hallaj’s ‘Christianity’; why, indeed, Jesus is said to stand, in a sense,
at the head of the Sufis.[16]

This is the ancient secret which Freemasons believe they inherited from the Templars by way of
the Sufis. The ultimate mystery learned is the central teaching of the Kabbalah, that man is God.
Robert Graves, in his introduction to Shah’s The Sufis, explains that the real builders of
Freemasonry were, “not Solomon’s Israelite subjects or Phoenician allies as is supposed, Abdul
Malik’s Sufi architects who built the dome of the rock on the ruins of Solomon’s temple, and
their successors. Their names included Thuban Abdel Falz (‘Izz’) and his ‘great grandson’
Maaruf, the son (disciple) of David of Tay, whose Sufic code name was Solomon, because he
was the ‘son of David’.” Therefore, the universalism of the Sufis is found in Freemasonry, as
explained in The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, by Manly Palmer Hall:
The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a
Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for
he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every
altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness
of all spiritual truth.[17]

Breathe between the brain hemisphere. With inhalation left lobe spinning counter clockwise right
lobe clockwise simultaneously synchronized with breathe intention and visualization of white
light entering vesica piscis gateway overlapping visualized pineal gland or third eye chara.
Balance divine masculine feminime poles of duality to open zero point trinity and it’s unlimited
creative potential. Before we were further polarized electro chemically in puberty as a child we
were closer to this God energy. Balance opens the portal and return us to trinity spirit.

Bernafas di antara belahan otak. Dengan inhalasi lobus kiri berputar berlawanan arah jarum jam
Lobus kanan searah jarum jam secara bersamaan disinkronkan dengan niat bernafas dan
visualisasi cahaya putih memasuki gerbang vesica piscis yang tumpang tindih dengan kelenjar
pineal divisualisasikan atau chara mata ketiga. Seimbangkan kutub dualitas feminim maskulin
ilahi untuk membuka trinitas titik nol dan potensi kreatif tanpa batas. Sebelum kita terpolarisasi
lebih lanjut secara elektro secara kimiawi pada masa pubertas, kita lebih dekat dengan energi
Tuhan ini. Balance membuka portal dan mengembalikan kita ke trinitas semangat.

"Siapa pun yang menghancurkan satu jiwa, itu dianggap seolah-olah dia menghancurkan seluruh
dunia. Dan siapa pun yang menyelamatkan satu kehidupan, itu dianggap seolah-olah dia
menyelamatkan seluruh dunia"

Tumbuhan hidup di dunia Bumi, air dan sinar matahari. Hewan hidup di dunia tubuh dan
indranya. Manusia hidup di dunia dengan kata-kata mereka sendiri. Orang bijak memanggil kita
"makhluk yang berbicara" yang mengatakan bahwa jiwa kita dipenuhi dengan kata-kata. Ketika
kata-kata kita meninggalkan kita, keberadaan kita keluar di dalamnya. Kami menaklukkan
mereka. Kami menyatakan penguasaan kami atas Penciptaan bersama mereka. Kata-kata kami
memberi tahu kami bahwa kami ada. Bagi kami, tidak ada yang benar-benar ada sampai kami
menemukan kata untuk itu. Semua pikiran kita tentang setiap objek dan peristiwa adalah pikiran
tentang kata-kata. Dunia kita adalah dunia sensasi dan rangsangan, tetapi kata-kata. Bangun
dunia Anda dengan kata-kata berharga. Isi hari-hari Anda dengan kata-kata yang hidup dan
memberi kehidupan. Hafalkan kata-kata Taurat dan orang Bijak. Siapkan mereka untuk istirahat
di hari Anda. Ke mana pun Anda pergi, sediakan tempat itu dalam suasana kata-kata yang kuat
itu. Dari kebijaksanaan The Lubavitcher Rebbe

"Jagalah pikiran Anda dengan sangat hati-hati, karena pikiran benar-benar dapat menciptakan
makhluk hidup. Semakin tinggi fakultas, semakin jauh hal itu dapat dicapai. Anda bisa
menendang sesuatu dengan kaki Anda, tetapi Anda bisa melemparkannya lebih tinggi lagi
dengan tangan Anda. Dengan suara Anda, Anda dapat menjangkau lebih jauh, memanggil
seseorang dari jauh. Mendengar mencapai lebih jauh lagi - Anda dapat mendengar suara seperti
tembakan dari jarak yang sangat jauh. Visi mencapai lebih jauh: Anda dapat melihat hal-hal yang
tinggi di langit. Semakin tinggi fakultas, semakin jauh dapat dijangkau. Yang tertinggi dari
semuanya adalah pikiran, yang dapat naik ke ketinggian tertinggi. Karena itu Anda harus
menjaga pikiran dan pikiran Anda sebaik mungkin. " Rebbe Nachman dari Breslov - Sichot
Haran # 46 Foto - Ribuan mengunjungi zona mati Chernobyl, tempat dinasti Hasidic didirikan

"Bagi kaum Kabbalis, surga tertinggi ada di sini sekarang, karena Cahaya Tak Terbatas ada di
sini sekarang.
Fokus Kabbalah bukanlah pada ketenangan. Juga tidak pada pencerahan transendental. Ini
memberikan mereka juga, tetapi sebagai sarana, bukan sebagai tujuan. Tujuan Kabbalah adalah
tindakan yang terinspirasi. Apa pun kebijaksanaan yang diperoleh Kabbalis, keadaan ekstasi atau
mistis mana pun yang ia naiki, hasil akhirnya akan selalu menjadi tindakan keindahan di dunia
fisik. "
Rabi Tzvi Freeman

Buat protagonis berlapis-lapis, mis. Tidak semuanya buruk atau semuanya baik. Penjahat harus
memiliki alasan yang dapat dimengerti untuk berperilaku mengancam. Ini bisa berupa perlakuan
buruk pada masa kanak-kanak, balas dendam atas kesalahan yang dirasakan atau kebutuhan
putus asa untuk menyingkirkan orang dari jalan menuju sukses. Tapi selain itu dia mungkin juga
mengumpulkan uang untuk amal atau bersikap baik kepada wanita tua. Demikian pula, korban
seharusnya tidak semuanya baik-baik saja, ia bisa menyembunyikan rahasia yang mengerikan,
tidak setia kepada suaminya atau mencuri uang dari tempat kerjanya. Bersiaplah untuk
mengubah sudut pandang antara penjahat dan korban sehingga pembaca dapat sepenuhnya
memahami setiap karakter.
Masukkan kejutan dalam narasi untuk mengejutkan pembaca ketika dia paling tidak
mengharapkannya. Saran terkenal dari penulis Amerika, Raymond Chandler, untuk 'mengirim
pria dengan senjata' berguna dalam memerangi 'perantara yang kendor' dalam sebuah thriller
psikologis. Itu tidak harus benar-benar menjadi seorang pria dengan pistol tetapi harus menjadi
insiden yang menambah putaran tak terduga atau meningkatkan tingkat kegembiraan. Gunakan
cliff-hanger yang mengejutkan di akhir bab untuk menjaga pembaca membalik halaman.
Manfaatkan pengaturan. Bukan kebetulan bahwa banyak fiksi gelap dibuat di lokasi yang suram
seperti daerah pedesaan yang sepi atau kawasan industri yang kumuh atau dalam dinginnya
musim dingin yang kelabu. Pengaturan yang tidak ramah meningkatkan kecemasan dan
ketakutan karakter dan pembaca. Pikirkan pondok yang ditinggalkan di daerah terpencil dengan
pengejaran berjalan kaki di antara pepohonan saat kabut turun.
Memiliki celah yang mencekam. Penggemar thriller psikologis memiliki rakit novel yang dapat
dipilih. Mereka akan membeli yang memiliki halaman pertama yang paling menarik. Buka cerita
dengan insiden menghasut langsung yaitu sesuatu yang mengganggu kehidupan protagonis dan
memulai aliran kejahatan.

Buat pembaca merasakan dan memahami emosi karakter. Untuk melakukan ini penulis harus
seperti aktor, melangkah ke posisi masing-masing karakter secara bergantian. Bayangkan teror
dari korban. Penjahat itu mungkin takut juga, tetapi ketakutannya mungkin berubah menjadi
kenikmatan kekuasaan ketika dia memiliki korban yang terlihat. Masuk ke dalam kepala karakter
sangat penting dalam thriller psikologis karena banyak konflik dan ketegangan akan datang dari
permainan pikiran yang dimainkan oleh karakter. Aksi dan / atau kekerasan hanya memainkan
sebagian kecil dalam plot.
1. Memiliki konsep yang sederhana dan jelas. Beberapa buku terlaris terbesar dalam beberapa
tahun terakhir dapat didistilasi menjadi satu baris, tetapi masih sangat menarik. Sebagai contoh:

The Girl on the Train: wanita melihat insiden menghasut melalui jendela kereta
The Couple Next Door: pasangan meninggalkan bayi mereka di rumah, dengan konsekuensi
yang mengerikan
Permintaan Teman: wanita menerima pesan Facebook dari seseorang yang menurutnya sudah
Di Balik Pintu Tertutup: pernikahan yang kejam terjadi di balik pintu tertutup

Jelas, semua buku ini memiliki alur cerita lain, narasi terperinci dan komplikasi, tetapi yang
penting di sini adalah prinsip top-line. Seorang pembaca dapat memahami tentang apa masing-
masing buku itu dalam sedetik - dan begitu pula seorang agen, editor, dan penjual buku.
Pembaca dapat membayangkan diri mereka dalam situasi itu, mereka pada dasarnya adalah
situasi yang dapat terjadi pada siapa saja, dan itu membuat mereka dapat diakses dan menarik.
Ketika Anda menulis, cobalah untuk memikirkan terlebih dahulu apa inti dari novel Anda,
bagaimana Anda dapat merangkumnya dalam satu baris seperti itu, menghilangkan embel-embel
tambahan yang akan memberikan kedalaman buku Anda.

2. Garis pembunuh pertama. Di bengkel kami melihat beberapa baris pertama dari buku terlaris
komersial baru-baru ini, dan di semuanya, Anda langsung merasa gelisah, memposisikan buku-
buku dengan jelas dalam genre mereka, dan Anda juga bisa memahami apa isi buku itu.
Jadi, misalnya:
Gadis di Kereta: "Ada setumpuk pakaian di rel kereta api."
Permintaan Teman: ‘Email tiba di kotak masuk saya seperti bom yang tidak meledak: Maria
Weston ingin menjadi teman di Facebook.’
Lalu Dia Dihilang: "Bulan-bulan itu, bulan-bulan sebelum dia menghilang, adalah bulan-bulan
Wanita di Jendela: ‘Suaminya hampir di rumah. Dia akan menangkapnya kali ini. "
Sebelum Saya Pergi Tidur: ‘Kamar tidurnya aneh. Tidak dikenal. ’
Di semua itu, Anda tahu ada sesuatu yang salah - mengapa ada pakaian di jalur kereta? Itu
mengisyaratkan kecelakaan atau sesuatu yang serupa. Email yang tiba seperti bom segera
menunjukkan kepada Anda bahwa itu bukan hanya ASOS dengan kesepakatan baru.
Penghilangan, seorang suami yang siap untuk menangkap seseorang, kamar tidur yang tidak
dikenal - semua hal itu bukanlah norma dan sekaligus menimbulkan kecurigaan dan ketegangan
dalam pikiran pembaca. Dan itu baru di kalimat pertama! Jika Anda dapat membuat baris
pertama yang benar-benar kuat dan berdampak, Anda memaksa pembaca untuk beralih ke
kalimat kedua, dan kemudian yang ketiga, dan tujuan dari buku ini adalah menjaga agar tingkat
ketegangan tetap tinggi sehingga pembaca Anda tidak punya pilihan selain terus membalik
3. Pikirkan tentang langkah Anda. Idealnya, sebuah thriller psikologis komersial harus relatif
cepat, menjaga pembaca tetap di kursi. Setelah Anda selesai membuat konsep pertama, Anda
selalu dapat kembali dan melihat lagi kecepatan novel Anda dan mencoba menggunakan teknik
untuk mempercepat dan memperlambatnya pada saat-saat penting. Beberapa tips di bawah ini.
Gunakan kata-kata pendek, kalimat, paragraf, acara, adegan, dan bab
Jelaskan bagian tindakan
Tunda hasil
Gunakan dialog
Tambahkan bagian deskriptif
Jelaskan hasil
Jelaskan pikiran
Gunakan kata-kata, kalimat, paragraf, acara, adegan, dan bab yang panjang
Ini jelas disederhanakan, tetapi berguna untuk diingat saat Anda bekerja. Kuncinya saat menulis
ketegangan adalah untuk membuat pembaca Anda merasa khawatir - khawatir tentang karakter
Anda dan situasi Anda memasukkannya, dan khawatir tentang apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya.
4. Karakterisasi Beberapa tips dari presentasi saya di bawah ini:
- Gunakan teknik ‘zoom in’
- bayangkan sebuah lensa hingga karakter Anda, dan fokus pada hal-hal kecil
- kemudian pilih pasangan untuk disebarkan ke teks Anda.
- Ketahui backstories karakter Anda, bahkan jika mereka tidak berhasil masuk ke buku final.
- Memahami motivasi karakter Anda, bahkan jika Anda tidak perlu menunjukkan pembaca
- Berusaha jika Anda ingin pembaca menyukai karakter Anda - mereka tidak harus
melakukannya, tetapi memiliki setidaknya satu orang yang dapat dibujuk dan dihubungkan
dengan pembaca sering membantu.
- Jangan punya terlalu banyak karakter! Anda akan membingungkan pembaca Anda dan
mencairkan alur ceritanya.

Aturan dalam penulisan kreatif sedikit dan jarang. Tapi ketika datang ke thriller psikologis, saya
punya tiga tips sederhana, tetapi sulit dimenangkan, untuk membantu memperlancar jalan Anda.
*** Kiat # 1: Rangkullah sisi manipulatif Anda
Secara pribadi, saya adalah pendongeng yang mengerikan: Saya mau tak mau memulai anekdot
yang berpotensi menarik dengan membuat audiens saya tahu bahwa — jangan khawatir —
semuanya pada akhirnya berhasil dengan baik. Dalam menawarkan jaminan ini, saya pada
dasarnya memberi semua orang izin untuk berhenti mendengarkan. Lagi pula, mengapa orang
harus memperhatikan ketika hasil yang damai telah dijamin? Dalam thriller psikologis, hal
terakhir yang Anda inginkan adalah orang-orang keluar dari zona, jadi saya memilih pendekatan
yang berbeda. Saya malah mempertimbangkan bagaimana membuat mereka tetap
memperhatikan, membuat mereka tidak seimbang, tidak yakin ke mana arah cerita ini. Misalnya,
akhir bab adalah tempat yang menyenangkan dan mudah bagi seseorang untuk melakukan
peregangan, melihat telepon mereka, memeriksa Twitter, mendapatkan camilan. Mungkin
kembali ke buku nanti. Mungkin tidak. Jadi saya berpikir tentang bagaimana membuat akhir dan
awal bab menarik. Tidak memuaskan. (Memuaskan hanya untuk akhir buku ini.) Saya ingin
menarik — wahyu, penemuan, atau bahkan hanya perubahan nada aneh yang membuat pembaca
mempertanyakan karakter mana yang harus mereka percayai. Saya juga bermain dengan mondar-
mandir penemuan informasi. Saya berpikir tentang apa yang ingin diketahui pembaca dan
bagaimana tidak memberikannya kepada mereka (dan idealnya tanpa menggunakan telepon
seluler karakter yang kehabisan baterai di tengah percakapan sepanjang waktu). Apakah saya
memberikan beberapa jawaban di sepanjang jalan? Benar; terkadang pembaca harus
mendapatkan jawaban — mereka memperolehnya dengan terus membaca — tetapi hanya setelah
saya menaburkan lebih banyak pertanyaan, dan mungkin beberapa ikan haring merah, ke dalam
Kiat # 2: Kemuliaan abadi yang merupakan keputusan yang buruk tetapi dapat dimengerti
Apakah ada sesuatu yang begitu nikmat menyiksa ketika menyaksikan seseorang membuat
keputusan yang buruk tetapi dapat dimengerti? Detektif amatir yang benar-benar tidak boleh
pergi ke ruang bawah tanah itu, tidak boleh percaya bahwa orang aneh yang baru saja mereka
temui, tidak boleh mulai membuntuti pelatih trek mereka ... dan toh tetap melakukannya? Sangat
penting bahwa keputusannya buruk, karena melihat orang membuat keputusan yang baik
cenderung sangat membosankan (saya sangat bangga dengan teman-teman saya yang makan
dengan sehat dan berolahraga secara teratur, namun minat saya untuk mendengar detail dari
kesuksesan itu cukup, eh, terbatas). Keputusan yang dapat dipahami sama pentingnya, karena
jika tidak, keputusan dan karakternya akan menjengkelkan. Kunci untuk membuat keputusan
yang mengerikan dapat dipahami adalah memiliki karakter dalam keadaan emosi yang tinggi.
Ketika stres, ketika panik, ketika bersedih, itu jauh lebih mudah untuk membuat pilihan yang
tidak terpikirkan. Di satu sisi, itu hanyalah versi tinggi dari apa yang sering kita lakukan:
kehabisan jalan tanpa melihat kedua arah karena hujan dan bus datang dan kami tidak ingin
ketinggalan, bertengkar dengan teman ketika kami benar-benar marah pada bos kami,
memutuskan untuk tidak memeriksa siapa yang ada di pintu sebelum menelepon mereka karena
kami mengharapkan paket yang sangat penting. Jika karakter Anda berada dalam keadaan
emosional yang tinggi, masuk akal bahwa mereka mungkin tidak membuat keputusan rasional
yang dingin, dan karenanya mereka bebas untuk membuat yang mengerikan, sangat miskin.
Tip # 3: Konektivitas: Ketika satu hal mengarah ke yang lain, lebih disukai semuanya dalam
spiral ke bawah yang mengerikan
Manipulasi dan keputusan yang buruk tetapi dapat dipahami adalah penting, tetapi juga perlu ada
konektivitas: objek yang mengarah ke seseorang yang mengarah ke tempat yang mengarah ke ...
Jika ini dapat terjadi secara organik dalam suatu proyek, itu luar biasa. Terkadang titik plot dapat
mengalir secara logis, tetapi di lain waktu Anda mungkin harus melakukannya. Anda mungkin
tahu bahwa agar plot Anda berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya, karakter Anda perlu mencari tahu
hal-hal pada waktu tertentu, di tempat tertentu, tetapi mungkin sulit mencari tahu bagaimana cara
membawanya ke sana tanpa membuatnya muncul di bangunan yang ditinggalkan. , atau kamar
mayat, atau bidang terisolasi yang gelap, tanpa alasan yang jelas.
Jadi, saya sering berpikir kembali ke kelas penulisan drama yang pernah saya ikuti di mana
instruktur membuat kami menulis ide dalam kelompok sepuluh — sepuluh alasan mengapa X
mungkin terjadi, sepuluh lokasi di mana adegan dapat terjadi, sepuluh ide untuk karakter. Saya
menemukan latihan ini sangat membantu dengan konektivitas: Walaupun ide pertama saya
tentang bagaimana menghubungkan dua adegan seringkali tidak terlalu baik, pada saat saya
memaksa diri saya untuk membuat sembilan yang tambahan, biasanya ada setidaknya satu bagus
yang bisa saya gunakan, dan semuanya mulai menyatu.
Itulah mereka, tiga tip saya untuk menulis sebuah thriller psikologis: manipulasi, banyak
keputusan yang buruk tetapi dapat dipahami, dan konektivitas.
Dan jika ceritamu cocok dengan mereka, ceritakan padaku tentang hal itu.
Why We’re Here – Paradise –
They will think to change times and seasons.

This begs the question: who will think to change times and seasons? After years of
observation in seemingly unrelated areas, the answer as to whom, and even how, why,
and when has been discovered.

This is not just another take on the illuminati agenda.

Prepare yourself – the conclusions herein are troubling. Once we absorb this
information, another question will present itself: What to do about the illuminati cabal
– the luciferian mind – and its agenda of manipulation? The answer will become self-
evident. The illuminati is mindful of its final moments to realize its goal. That goal is
total control of our eternal wisdom state through a new world order, a new age of
reason, designed to manifest itself through the 3 dimensional experience we call life.
The new world order has long been established, but a subliminal hex must be cast
over humanity, convincing us once and for all the 3D scenario is legit, that the 3
dimensional life experience is actually REAL. This luciferian mindset is
convinced of success. However, it has failed. We now know what the scenario really
consists of, how it was perpetuated using the illusory manifestation known as
humanity, and most importantly, how to end the illusion.

The luciferian egregore group of thinkers manipulate the illuminati pyramid

through a process of hypnotic mind control, know as kabbalism. This pyramid is in a
DEEP TRANCE STATE and is composed of the elite royal bloodlines that control
world affairs. Institutions such as the Vatican, the Monarchy, the United Nations,
NATO, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the Club of Rome, the Council
on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the
Red Cross, the Red Crescent, the US Federal Reserve, United Way, Habitat for
Humanity, World Wildlife Federation, Greenpeace, the Salvation Army (Red Shield-
Rothschild), The Watchtower Society – Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints, The Roman Catholic Church, Protestant and Evangelical Christian
Organizations, the World Zionist Movement, the media, the movie industry, the
recording industry, the Corporation of the United States of America … you name
it, they own it and manipulate it in one way or another. Their agenda is saturated with
deceit and corruption. The world is deceived by their manipulation, thereby generating
fear and hypnosis, in much the same manner as they, themselves, have been
manipulated into being pawns for the luciferian MINDSET. The luciferian /
illuminati mindset feeds insatiably on this fear. However, all the organizations and
world systems are only the tip of the iceberg, and are a decoy to throw everyone off
the trail of what is really happening, and what will happen over the next few years, and
most importantly, who and what is at the top of the pyramid and beyond. This site will
explain and show in great detail, the luciferian god that conjured up the whole illusory
experience known as the 3 dimensional world.

Signs of Things To Come

This dialogue won’t be at all scientific.

In fact what is put forward will actually show what a sham science is. Examples of
sound/word/shape association will be given many times in the pages that follow.
Homonyms, and letter/word shapes have particular significance to the luciferian
thinkers of the world. Sounds, shapes and colour, and the endless combinations of
these, are the arsenal of the ancient, magic-based religions. Neuro-linguistic
programming, subliminal messaging, symbolism, reverse symbolism,
reverse speech patterns, and the like, have been used to implant the luciferian
agenda into the world system. This is their weapon and tool and the agenda will be
exposed in the pages ahead.

Here is one such example. Science can be looked upon as Seance. Seance is
communication with the dead spirit or occult mind/hidden mind with a particular
purpose. The source of science, religion, and magic are one and the same – the
luciferian mind.

The chart below is a symbolic illustration representing a beam of light. It has no

scientific value whatsoever, as there is no element with 3 electrons, 1 proton and 1
neutron. However, it is the most powerful symbol in the world, for every symbol,
element, and physical 3D representation, including the illusory concepts of the
soul and spirit, are found within this diagram.

A beam of light passing through a prism creates a rainbow of colour. When this
rainbow is placed on a 2 dimensional plane, and in the shape of a colour wheel (the
colour wheel is basically a round rainbow), three primary colours are revealed.
Note that the red, yellow and blue appear at 120 degree intervals on the colour

120 degrees is 10 x 12. These 2 Tables of Multiples, 10X and 12X comprise the 2
major systems used to create religion, science and magic. These 2 tables are found
symbolically in the Hebrew Temple, as shown on pages 16 and 17.

The occult mind, or the mind that chooses to remain hidden and in secret, must
keep the relationship regarding the 120 degree interval intact as it establishes its
scenario, or lays its foundation. However, once established it will distort to
achieve its goals, and at the same time avoid detection. Without this original
foundation to establish the illusory deception, the number system needed to
manipulate humanity would collapse, and would have no validity whatsoever. In other
words, we would be immune to hidden occult trickery. The 120 degree intervals on
the colour wheel are the basis for geometric, mathematical, astrological,
numerological and chemical formulae that are the foundation of the 3
dimensional experience.

The Deliberate Luciferian System of

Corruption and Deceit
The three – 120 degree intervals – total 360 degrees. Each degree is supposed to
represent a day. After 360 days the earth is supposed to have travelled around the sun.
This 360 degree circuit around the sun is the source of the 360 degree circle that
religion and science is based on. In actuality, the earth takes 365 and 1/4 days and a
couple of minutes and a few seconds to go around the sun. This clumsy number,
which actually has an inifinite decimal, would never allow any precise formulae be
concocted. Therefore, the circuit around the sun is rounded down on the zodiac circle
(light beam chart) to 360 degrees/days. When applied to mathematical equations,
Natural Pi is rounded down to 3 or 3.14. The Golden Ratio, or Golden Mean, is
rounded down to 1.61. This is deliberately done so the natural course of
creation, created by the luciferian group mind, would conflict with the
unnatural systems of the physical world. The luciferian mind is the creator of the
world we see, and is the same mind that conspires the world systems to conflict with
the natural creation. Therefore everything corrupts or is corrupted. Everything
exists beneath the dome of duality and the illusory death experience.

The chart immediately below offers insight into the mind of lucifer. This group of
entities, the mind of lucifer, plays the dual role of supreme god and devil. This is the
duality evident in creation, however, the duality does not have a good and
righteous god. There is one delusional thought form behind everything, that is
the luciferian egregore group mindset. Humanity is not corrupt, not sinful, not
going to hell, for hell doesn’t exist. We don’t really experience death. This thing
called death is only part of the hypnotic trance. We’re convinced we’re dying because the
physical body appears to separate from what appears to be our spirit. Contrary to dying,
we are returning to our original state of wisdom, free of 3D interference to deceive any
further. In “death” we actually reclaim our eternal state of wisdom. The big deception in
all this is that our physical body is an illusion. This includes the mind, the spirit, and the
illusory soul. The physical body, made of atoms, has no physical mass at all. The
atoms whirl about at incredible speed, creating the illusion of mass.

It wasn’t until the luciferian mind – the kabbalistic group of light bringing entities –
decided to create this 3 dimensional illusion, that ATOMS even existed. Atoms
formed the first human ADAM, hence the name and play on words. Of course, the first
Adam created was actually ADAM and EVE, who were created for breeding
purposes, or the regeneration process. (See the home page of this site). Atoms are the
result of divided light, literally ripping apart the truth, and dropping the illusion of
matter through the orbiting characteristic of the electron to create a magnetic attraction
with the proton, which initiated the sex act. This illusion of matter is the subliminal
message of the master hypnotist that makes us believe the 3D illusion.

This 3D illusion isn’t real, nor is matter, nor energy associated with matter. We are led
to believe that we are simply energy, and energy can’t be destroyed. However, energy
can be eliminated, because energy is an illusion, a fabricated lie. Energy, creating the
illusion of matter, is an illusion of scientific magical thought, and is already finite, or
limited. This energy with the illusion of matter in the atom has no relevance to the
eternal state of ecstasy – called WISDOM. Matter does not exist in the eternal
wisdom state. There is no divided light, no shape, no colour and no sound. All
these 3D manifestations are bits and pieces of illusory deception, attempting to simulate
something of value. Matter is simply light, manipulated to form an atom and the
appearance of everything 3 dimensional. The light originated from a thought. (Read
page 41). These thoughts – these atoms – are lies!

When we look at shape, sound and colour as being of value, we are selling ourself
short. We are robbed blind. When we look past the measure of pleasure of the 3D
illusion, the ultimate expression of wisdom, ecstasy, worth and strength is
recognized as being ours. Physical pleasures are just that, pleasurable. However, to
reconnect to our original wisdom state, by realizing what’s transpiring within this 3
dimensional experience, reclaims the incredible freedom and liberty of the eternal
wisdom Paradise state, and the 3D physical pleasures are even more pleasurable
because of this awareness. The increased pleasure is experienced because of the
realization that sin, death, hell, and all the forbidding of the luciferian mind, is a lie.
Without any forbidden fruit to play the guilt card, an effortless existence of simply
observing, watching and waiting, and knowing all things, becomes ours once again.

This is our original state of existence: to know all things and to be free and
liberated. This has nothing to do with whether our physical bodies are free and
liberated, it has to do with becoming free and liberated from the hypnotic manipulation
of our minds. Hypnotic manipulation of our minds is when we actually believe

What we believe to be OUR MIND and OUR THOUGHTS, is actually the luciferian
conjured up illusion of OUR MIND. This is THEIR MIND and THEIR
THOUGHTS we experience in this 3 dimensional plane. For this reason we must
always watch and wait. Don’t react to anything in anyway, for this is all luciferian
based emotional manipulation. Emotionally detach from placing value on the
things that the luciferian mindset suggests are of value in this 3D experience.
In this way we reclaim the power of our original state and once again reconnect with
Paradise – RIGHT NOW!
Listen to the video link just below, and it is imperative to also read page 41, and the
TEXT VERSION of the video.

Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the

foundational root of hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what
god is.

Click here to watch video.

Below are a few pictures of the little car used to measure the pulse of the community
around me. People gaze, wonder, move on in puzzlement, but rarely see what they’re
looking at. Hypnosis is a blinding entity.

The Greatest Story Ever Told … THE BIGGEST LIE

The Jesus myth (the Hey-Zeus myth) and every christ lie sold throughout the ages is
exposed in these pages. Christianity is 6,000 plus years old, not merely 2,000 years
since the non-existent Jesus (Hey-Zeus). All sun god worship (including the Jesus
myth) has its source in the constellations, the sun and earth. We will discuss the
foundation that even the constellation source of religion is built upon. The
constellations and natural disasters of our time are connected to the World
Trade Centre attack, the fabricated war on terrorism and the global climate
scam. These events are different stages of the same agenda. The World Trade Centre
attack did not end on September 11, 2001. That event was, as mentioned on page one,
only the start button.
The Geo’s back and roof display the painting “Bridal Eyes” modeled by Playboy
model, Devin Devazquez.
Intellectualism – Indoctrination In
Every word and number conjured to form the 3 dimensional energy illusion, is
based on a flawed system conspired to generate death. For example, the 360 degree
circle is based on the yearly cycle the earth travels around the sun. This number of 360
degrees is supposed to represent the 360 days needed to fulfill the cycle. However, the
actual time it takes is 365 1/4 days, and a couple of minutes and a few seconds. The
number 360 is rounded down so that mathematical equations can be devised. This is
done deliberately to conflict with the illusory luciferian conjured up natural
creation, so that the illusory 3 dimensional world experience is out of
harmony, corruptible and subject to death. So much of the 3D illusion seems to
almost work, to almost be in harmony, yet isn’t. Not only does it create
disharmony, it is designed to frustrate and fail, keeping peace and harmony just out
of reach.

The numbers on the 360 degree/day circle are further simplified in the 12 months of
the year. Here is another misrepresentation, as there are actually 13 – 28 day months,
or moons, each year. The numbers used to represent these 360 days/12 months are the
numbers from 0 to 9, and combinations of these numbers. The numbers themselves
are individually flawed because they are the measuring device used to create
the flawed, rounded down system. Ultimately any formulae or equation developed
is flawed, or rounded down, and is without accuracy or true scientific validity. Science
is indoctrination in learned knowledge, which in turn is manufactured
knowledge, based on concepts originating with the luciferian egregore
THOUGHT PROCESS, which is the illusory 3D world system. Science / seance
is the basis of all secret society lunacy. Science / seance is religion cloaked in
intellectual lunacy.

The luciferian egregore groupmind suggests a vast array of subliminal

messages to convince us science is based in truth and reality. However, just because
it’s accepted doesn’t make it true. Furthermore, scientific principles based on a flawed
number system doesn’t demonstrate accuracy. In other words, learning a lot of
incorrect and flawed information doesn’t achieve wisdom or truth. Learning
massive amounts of flawed information doesn’t lead to a reconnection with our
original wisdom state or awareness of what’s transpiring in the world. Learning a
lot of inaccuracies, a lot of flawed information, ultimately leads to indoctrination in

Just listen to a well-educated person speak. It takes but a few moments and the
limitations of the luciferian mindset is overwhelmingly evident. There isn’t any
evidence of simply knowing what is. The rhetoric they reiterate is the result of
academic programming, or stated more succinctly, luciferian mind control. The
intellectually indoctrinated then venture out into the 3 dimensional mirage, spewing
forth what has been indoctrinated over the course of many years of TRANCE

The Birth of Intellectualism – The

Invention of Babylon the Great
A light beam, refracted to form colours, when connected to the thought of a
specific shape, actually forms the illusory shape conceived. The shape isn’t
really there, only the illusion of the shape. The light beam, when divided, forms the
atom symbol when observed in 2 dimensions. But how could the ancient mystics
possibly have knowledge of the atom 6,000 years ago? There were no microscopes.
The answer is, they saw this up close and first hand. They were in the presence of
light energy at its origin, when it was first conceived or conjured forth. The luciferian
group mind did everything. These THOUGHT FORM entities created this illusory
light by just thinking it. The light bringer, lucifer, thereby created colour,
shape and sound. The luciferian group mindset is the creator of heaven and
earth, the light bearer, or more accurately, the divider of light and creator of

As light passes through a crystal, it is refracted into a rainbow. This is the origin of
the term, christ. The luciferian egregore group of thinking entities is the father god, the
creator of LIGHT or LIES, and their saviour is the crystal, the light of the
world, the messianic christ-all, that convinces us the 3D illusion is real.

This mystical information is known as kabbalism (cabbalism) which has been passed
on to the luciferian pawns, the illuminati elite power brokers, but with a slight twist,
YOU’LL NOW READ ON THIS SIGHT if you so choose. The rulers of ancient
Sumer/Babylon were the first to receive the knowledge of kabbalism. These
leaders laid claim to the divine right of kings to rule. In other words, some god gave
them the right to be royal or chosen. The word ROYAL, especially the first 2
letters, RO, appear often in tracking the luciferian thought process. RO is the source of
the word Royal. To become ROYAL, one must RISE ABOVE ALL. This Royal Rise
is the Rose, the Order of the Rose that rules the world through hypnotic
suggestion. In the word ROYAL, a very major subliminal message is implanted and
completely undetected.


and the RISING Pacific Ocean

The luciferian agenda is centred around the destruction of the SPIRIT of Los
Angeles, the LUCIFERIAN FABRICATED spirit of whoredoms. The luciferian
egregore group mind conjured up the notion of good and bad, right and wrong, and cast
whoredoms in the camp of the bad. This ultimately gives, what would appear to be just
cause, to bring about a world cataclysm and time of judgment. This judgment and
cleansing of the earth will be meted out on the 11 Western States, and ultimately
throughout the whole world.

At this point on this site, this last statement will make very little sense to anyone new
to this information. However, do continue reading the hundreds of pages and charts
developed just for this site, and the whole luciferian agenda, and the timeline of the
events that are meant to come to pass will become exceedingly evident. All evidence
hinges around the symbolism of the World Trade Centre attack, which in turn
relate to the ROCK that the illusory Jesus proclaimed, he would build his church upon.


The Rose of Babylon, The Egyptian Order of the Rosy Cross, The Holy Rosary
of the Vatican, The London Rose, all of which lead to the White House and the
Rose Bush family and their famous Rose Garden. It doesn’t end there, however.
The Rose continues within the Qing Dynasty and ultimately to the Pacific Ocean
that Rose, and is Rising for the final calamity.

These chosen people of Babylon became known as god’s chosen people and, through
a series of mythical maneuverings throughout these illusory ages, with countless
conjured up ‘god stories’, the ultimate favoured nation of the luciferian lord became
known as the Israelites. Remember though, it was only the rulers of the empire who
laid claim to the divine right to rule. They in turn adopted a group (common
Babylonians) to manipulate via the sharing of kabbalistic knowledge. Thus the
shaman/priest was anointed and religion was established. Even today, many jewish
people still practise kabbalism as part of their faith. However, it’s not only in judaism
that one sees the kabbalistic principles applied (kabbalism is sun god or light worship).
Christianity is also kabbalism. As is Islam and every form of religion in the
world, including atheism. Different names, rituals and holy days have been applied, but
the worship of a supreme being, the LIGHT, is the ultimate dogma. That supreme
being is the light bringer, luciferian egregore, the conjuring group creator, who in
turn are the kabbalistic group of thinking entities.


As the centuries slid by kabbalism was employed by many other groups. Eventually it
was passed into the hands of the Christian Roman Catholic Church and the Society of
Jesuits. The Knights Templar (the Christian Crusaders) also laid claim to this
knowledge around 1000 AD, which morphed into the Secret Society of Freemasonry as
well as other Secret Societies today. The mystic knowledge is passed on to whomever is
appointed to further the luciferian agenda, which agenda is, the intellectual learned
knowledge of the 3 dimensional illusion. Learned knowledge is kabbalistic mind control
through hypnotic repetitious indoctrination, be it religious or scientific in its make up.



The following chart portrays the some of the symbolic connection from ancient
Babylon to present day freemasonry. The rulers of the globalist empires have
intermarried since the beginning of human history. In this way the limited kaballistic
information given to the elite is certain to be maintained through the notion that blood
runs thicker than water. In other words, the information given to the elite of the world,
though limited, was to be kept as a sacred family heirloom. For instance, the royal
families of Europe, who really are all one family, strictly intermarry, and will
shun any family member who marries a commoner with no royal ancestry. This is the
luciferian inspired elitist bloodline, with the alleged divine right to rule. These are the
chosen people of god (in their own eyes) as stated in the new testament, which is
the new/next stage of the agenda).

This race of god’s chosen people, the Jews, is emboldened through the christian
religion. The Christians, in turn, claim to be the chosen people by choosing to be
supporters of the chosen people. If this sounds convoluted, it’s meant to be. Christianity
is but an extension of the old testament of god’s chosen people. The free world can now
partake in the ignorance of accepting the Jesus myth. Even though there have been
dozens of messiahs prior to Jesus, and they all happened to be born on December 25.
Most of them were crucified and resurrected on the third day. All were born of a
virgin, etc. The Jewish / Christian connection then enjoined with the creation of
Islam in the early 7th century AD. This brought together the 3 major players,
collectively known as the Children of Abraham, or the children of HUMAN
SACRIFICE, who form approximately half of the world population, and this site will
reveal completely, the luciferian / illuminati agenda entrusted to conquer our
connection to reality through this kabbalistic group entity, going back to ancient
Babylon and the ARAB WORLD, the ABRAHAMIC WORLD, and the CRADLE of

Destroying the GODS of THOUGHT /

At this time, be aware, that what we’re dealing with, (as pertaining to the luciferian /
illuminati agenda), is NOT FLESH AND BLOOD HUMAN BEINGS. What’s being
described on this site are the entities that have conjured up this total 3D illusion,
through the THOUGHT PROCESS and everything we see is a THOUGHT FORM.
Who we really are, is not the illusory body of humanity numbering in the billions. We
are that formless thing called WISDOM, and we are the ULTIMATE
EXPRESSION of BEING that the luciferian 3 dimensional illusion was designed to
separate us from. Separation from that wisdom, brings us into total control under
their intellectually based systems of science and religion. We’re in a war with the
mythical gods of old, the illusory THINKERS, who attack us through the
fabricated minds we’re certain are our minds. Yet, these minds that we use
to contemplate all things 3 dimensional, are their minds, fabricated to receive the
THOUGHT PATTERNS meant to disconnect us from the powerful stillness and
knowing of the ETERNAL PARADISE STATE, which is who we are.

Winning this war is TOTALLY DO-ABLE. The luciferian egregore group of

THINKERS have absolutely no power but what we give them as we consign our
HYPNOTIC AFFECT it creates and then manifests as the 3 dimensional LIFE
EXPERIENCE. What we accept and believe within this thought process, is what our
illusory reality appears to be. As we disconnect from this emotional validation of
everything 3D, (which doesn’t mean we try to stop doing things in the 3 dimensional
plane), we reconnect to our original eternal state of KNOWING ALL THINGS.
Whether we do certain things, or not, in the 3D sense, is irrelevant, as all things 3D are
just illusions, and one has no more value than the other. There is no good or bad, right
or wrong, up or down, or black or white. The 3 dimensional plane is just an illusion
of electrons, protons and neutrons buzzing around at break neck speed, creating
the illusion of MATTER, TIME and SPACE. There is no such thing as MATTER! No
such thing as TIME! And no such thing as SPACE! Becoming aware of this, is the
catalyst to breaking the TRANCE STATE, terminating HYPNOTIC CONTROL of
our reality, and reconnecting to the ETERNAL PARADISE STATE, the state of power
which we’ve never left, but have only become disconnected from awareness of
that state because of the VEIL called this 3 dimensional life experience. The
very form we exist in, within this 3 dimensional illusion, the form we refer to as our
physical body and mind, is the very thing keeping us disconnected from
PARADISE. The only thing that needs to be accomplished to reconnect to
PARADISE, is to become aware of this realization that everything is an illusory
subliminal hypnotic suggestion, entirely designed to misdirect who we really
are, with sinister controlling intent, directing us away from our power and
strength, and away from our eternal reality state of wisdom.

The freemason religion today, with its kaballistic knowledge, has within its ranks,
christian clergy and priests. Many catholics, protestants, and basically all christian
denominations are well represented. Of note is Billy Graham, a 33rd degree mason
since 1949. Of course, the freemason organization denies this vehemently because Billy
Graham, working the Magic Mysteries of a Secret Lord, has brought millions of
people to this Secret Society Lord. And that Lord, and any Supreme Being, is the
lucifer light bringing group egregore god who said LET THERE BE LIGHT. This
explains in part, why Mr. Graham has been the spiritual advisor to all the modern
day US presidents. As will become apparent on this site, what is commonly referred to
as the SPIRIT, is itself, part of the luciferian LIGHT SHOW, and will be shown to be
nothing more than a conjured up bit of hypnotic lunacy. Being a freemason, Mr.
Graham’s philosophy matches the luciferian agenda perfectly. Furthermore, the Billy
Graham Crusades have been organized by freemasons and the Shriners (32nd
degree freemasons) have participated.

Shriners must pledge allegiance to Allah – hence the official name of their group:
The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. This is the
significance of the Shriners’ fez hats with the crescent moon and the sword.

Consider the chart below, and notice that the 6 pointed star is the key symbol which
finds its roots in the ATOM SYMBOL, which in turn is created by the ELECTRON,
PROTON and NEUTRON, which in turn is simply the THOUGHT PROCESS. The
separating us from WISDOM and not allowing us to experience our PARADISE
STATE RIGHT NOW. We are NOW in that ETERNAL PARADISE, however the
3D VEIL completely hinders us from experiencing the power and liberty of
that state if we remain in the TRANCE. We remain in the TRANCE by rendering
validity to the THOUGHT PROCESS and the 3 dimensional illusion.
The creation of the number system was a crucial first step to global
manipulation, and for that matter, global creation. In freemasonry, as well as in
occultism, numbers are sacred. SACRED GEOMETRY is the number system
presented as religion. This is the significance of the freemasonry symbol – the
compass and square. This is the 6 pointed star, and is a from a Christian CROSS,
or a SWASTIKA, and basically, it includes every religious symbol within its form in one
fashion or another. Freemasons are not obsessed with the construction of physical
buildings, just for the sake of building a building. Freemasons, and the
INTELLECTUALIZED world as a whole, are fulfilling the agenda of the great god
and architect of the universe, and to this end, apply the principles of their sacred
geometry. To a freemason, an ANGLE is an ANGEL. Their black and white tiled floors
express the duality of the luciferian GROUP king. To these checkerboard patterns,
they also attribute numbers forming the holy sacred cubes and the magic squares.

Freemasons run the governments of the world and strive to erect landmark buildings,
monuments and national parks, etc., as strategic symbols of their influence and to
instill the validity of the 3 dimensional realm. Not only as symbolic power,
these structures act as direct subliminal hypnotic suggestion. Their agenda uses
the flawed system of number and language rituals to build order out of chaos.
The freemasons relentlessly build and construct the modern day cities on behalf of the
illuminati elitist families, who in turn are simply illusions themselves, working
within, and in accordance to, the luciferian agenda of 3 dimensional construction,
sincerely believing they are fulfilling the will of god and literally building his
kingdom on earth.

Without the number system there can be no global deception and

manipulation. Every corruption in the world is the result of a religious or scientific
system using numbers. Therefore, those desiring to control and manipulate must create
some type of number system before they can proceed.

The beam of light in the above chart shows a circle of 360 degrees. Supposedly this
represents the number of days it takes for the earth to orbit the sun. However, it actually
takes 365 1/4 days and a few minutes for the earth to circle the sun. This is the key
origin of how the times and seasons have been manipulated as required, to change
history according to the illuminati agenda. Discussion of this discrepancy and its
significance occurs in the following pages.

Oh Baby Baby – Baby Me

The oneness of our original awareness state is evident when a baby is born. The baby
recognizes nothing of its surroundings. As far as the baby is concerned, everything is
still oneness – still connected to authentic awareness. Let me ask this question. When
do we first begin to recognize people, things, the stars and even ourselves?
If memory serves correctly, I may have had an inkling of recognition at about 2 or 3
years old. Before then not much seems to have taken place. Actually nothing did take
The reason we can’t remember seeing or hearing anything for the first year or two, or
longer, of our physical life, is because it’s not really there. We start to learn the
language, learn to interpret the stupidity of our brainwashed parents (I’m a
parent of 5 children, so I personally know how stupid a brainwashed parent can be),
learn a number system and become indoctrinated in the seductions of the other
senses and so the 3D illusion appears real. Then we store a memory bank of
events to recall. Add to this the trauma of fear, stress, anxiety and deceit over
decades and we become totally hypnotized – convinced this is real. It isn’t real and
it never has been!

To consider the source of the system that runs the world, return to the top of the page
and click on, Page 3 – All Seeing Eye – Clockwork, etc. in the navigation bar at the top
right side of the page. The next few pages will lay the foundation for how the kabbalistic
system for hypnotic control is actually structured. This may become slightly tedious and
its therefore recommended to skip ahead to other pages to gain insight into how
extremely revealing this foundational information will be in uncovering the whole
luciferian agenda, and in fact, answering those age old questions of WHO GOD IS, and
WHY ARE WE HERE, etc. Every question you may have ever entertained at anytime
in your life, can now be answered.
Language = Subliminal Symbolism (Illuminatimatrix)

Believe nothing. Explore Everything.

Ideas are Toys. The Search for Truth is a Game." ..from Dedroidify

According to Bryan Kemila at language is just another form of mind control
devised by a luciferian bloodline and their secret societies, to keep us pure-awareness being imprisoned in this
luciferian holographic matrix of illusionary lies of light. He makes some original and very interesting claims, I'm not
convinced by all of it at all as usual, though I consider his ideas very valuable pieces of the puzzle of truth.

This symbolism is not just in words, but in letters and numbers of all languages. Furthermore words can be cut up,
mirrored, etc. An understanding of this symbolism, which is heavily rooted in astrotheology (as above so below),
helps us to better deconstruct the lies permeating our life. Also if we are aware of the symbolism, its subliminal
effect is completely lost and we are free from it.

He claims that the only thing we need to do to wake up out of this is to reconnect our awareness and realize
everything we experience here is a lie. The rapid solution to enlightenment? Or Psychosis? :p He even claims
'lightworkers' are part of the luciferian agenda, to a great extent I can relate to this, there's an amazing amount of
bullshit in the new age. Note: The Pleiadens call themselves the Bringers of the Light, another Lucifer reference...
He says that love alone is not the way, because the love we know is just another illusion part of duality, and simple
pure awareness is the key instead. And not in meditation, but in everyday life, so when the heavy shit goes down
we don't have to think about our meditation time in some dark room but we know we can reconnect to
awareness. (which agrees with Eckhart Tolle's methods, pure awareness without internal dialogue does activate
the right brain)

I have to say, I'm intrigued by his theories. It could be possible that (sombunall - some but not all) mysticism and
spirituality (or aspects of it) in general are just further devices to trap us here. Though after some serious re-
evaluation of my most valued opinions on life (not beliefs, so no attachment) I don't think that's very likely,
considering meditation experiences, life lessons, synchronicity, etc. I have experienced non-duality and it felt closer
to home and 'love' than any of this here. So I'm definitely not 'convinced' (yet?) by Kemila's theories, at all. Yet I
repeat, I consider his ideas very valuable pieces of the puzzle of truth and I keep re-evaluating my views of reality

"It is the mark of an educated man to entertain an idea without accepting it." - Aristotle

His theories sometimes seem very farfetched - which he claims isn't his farfetched thinking, but simply his
observation of the luciferian symbolism which simply seems ridiculously complicated and farfetched for the
beginner. Though remember: What the thinker thinks, the prover proves = a human being can think of possibly
anything, but he can only prove what he thinks about. Confirmation bias can lead us to some pretty weird theories
if we believe in them before we explore them objectively. It could be that Mr. Kemila got a little carried away with
the confirmation bias. Though who knows?

Again, I believe nothing, I'll be meditating and reconnecting to awareness both thanks very much :p Yet, on the
other hand, this work could very well be the key to getting out of here. Who knows? I certainly don't, but I'm
enjoying the search! Remember that life is a dance, and we do not dance to reach the conclusion, but simply to

The Subliminal Symbolism of the Alphabet

click here for an image of the alphabet from
Language and Symbolism.

Here is a list of the alphabet, nrs & words with associations a lot of us haven't thought of. This
work is not to be considered scientific, more synchronistic, it is just observing and relating. It is
very incomplete, please do not see any of these explanations as definitions but as possible hints
and possible meanings.

ps: this is a very incomplete, sloppy and sometimes just funny list, I just thought I'd share what I
compiled on a whim so far. Most of it is from Bryan Kemila, though there are some Michael
Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell and other symbolism decoder's theories in there too.

(Note: You might have to skip around a bit as it's very chaotic. To better understand this article:
as there is no G sound in Hebrew the G can be replaced by Y. El=hebrew for god. Finances
worldwide are handled by maritime law instead of the law of the land.)

the 1st set of 13 letters dealt with establishing the genetic family link of the triune godhead, the
first set of letters is very concerned with the life side of this 3 dimensional realm.

A: pyramid with capstone, alpha, pyramid = peer, ability to see, in the mid/middle of the all
seeing eye, atom symbol. 6 of the 7 continents start and end with an a - a pyramid letter.

B: beta, fertility letter, breast, B 90 degrees to the right and female cleavage
AB: say it out loud, what you really hear is abba, abba=father, abraham is the father of jews,
christians and muslims, abraham is a name for the luciferian entity.
AM: i am that i am simply first and last letter of the first set of 13 letters.

C: see sea sesame street, shape is eye observed from side with pupil opening to right,
symbolizing light or knowledge of the world coming and going out

D: death, the dessert of kings, the all seeing eye O cut in half, the destroyer, desolation, dog, god

E: 3 horizontal lines connected by 1 vertical stroke, 4 next letters are a lie

EFG: effigy(representation) fake

F: fuck, fecundate, fertilize, fornicate under the command of the king = f.u.c.k., father 3 letters in
center that speak symbolically of father mother and son.

G: god, generative, sex symbol, opening on right side with penatration of the stroke into the
letter. circle = woman, stroke = man.

H: the son, horus, hor-izon, rising son, 2 vertical strokes, man and woman, horizontal stroke the
son/sun. h symbolizes trinity

HIJK: hijack, youve been hijacked by language

I: the one supreme being is the all seeing eye, eye= two e's = father and y (sound of i), father e,
mother 2nd
e, and y son in th emiddle

J: a hook, babylonian fish god = oannes. j=joannes. john - john the baptist, water fish god,

K: kill, 11th letter, death, arrow shape is subliminal, suggesting attack by the a, father pyramid
letter, or v virgin vixen victory letter

L: el, hewrew for god

M: mother, matriarch, maternal one, matrix, ma, ma ma, m is 2 pyramids joined together and a
reverse pyramid coming from above, symbolizes the father, mother and son being produced by
their union, m-erchandising, re-ligion
this 2nd set of 13 letters is primarily concerned with the death aspects of this 3d experience. right
from the 1st letter n to the last letter z we have death and war written all over this group of sigil
magic forms.

N: connecting letter in its sigil magick strength

Nazi, swastika originally a symbol for good (though still a symbol for the sun god) and reversed
for evil in nazi germany, n z overlaid eight pointed star see graphic
No: n connecting to the o the all seeing eye

O: the all seeying eye

P: prince, | is phallic symbol with the all seeying eye

Q: queen, q - r - s - t equals qrst = christ = cursed

QRST = christ = cursed

R: destructive like k, ra, reptile, remember, rebel - resist - revenge - retreat - react - repetition -
religion - reflex, repetition.
REverse, rever-s, revere s, satan
RItual, rich (ritual), right, rite, write, spell out the rite and cast the spell, right
RI, ring (bell), enormous amount of ing sound in english, bell beelzebub, baal, bill (clinton and
collector), school bell
RO is the ancient word from which we get royal. we also have words like rope - robe - rock (as
in ro-ckefell-er, one of the major royal bloodline families). we also have rode - rogue - role -
roam - rome - roar - roast - rose (as in the or-d-er of the rose, the organization which takes its
name from the petal appearance of the female genitalia).
RU is the sound and shape associated with ruby - rude - rule - ruse - ruin - rub - run - rut - rum
etc., and even names such as rudy - rudolph, etc. what should be evidenced as you read the r
words, line after line, is a strong feeling of repression (repression - when broken down into sigil
terms re-press-sun). the word repression is formed of the repeating pressure sound and shapes
which are meant to st-re-ss your system. this r sound is a killer. it is used all throughout our
language excessively. why? of course, the desire (desi-re) of the luciferian egregore, master
hypnotist group is to manipulate you endlessly, through every waking moment of every day.
RAil road - ra rose of death - the liar door

S: serpent snake form, scale, sacred, spell, 2 s's are 8, caduceus, inifity, eyes of owl, breasts

T: in the middle of second set, tammuz babylonian sun god

T-er-ro-ris-m which is t the sun god and re the reptilian brained luciferian thinkers - ro the rose
that - ri rises - m always refers to the matrix womb of gestation). this word alone is enough to
show who really was behind the world trade centre attack. the sm at the end of words also
alludes to sado masochism in acronym form
TT=symbolic of intersecting death cross lines of zodiac light molecule or cross, root source of all
religion. double cross, house of lorraine, main iluminati bloodline families of france. deceit or
tricked. exxon. attack: atta (mohammed), as above so below, c to see, k to kill

U: u does indeed stand for you. not just you however, it stands for the opposite of you - this is
reverse imagery - as in the u-turn - this letter is again referring to the corrupt luciferian mind. the
letter u refers to union and united. this is the act of joining things together, through a twist, or
change of direction. as in the original 13 states of the american union. also, in the united nations.
yet again in the united states, the european union, the african union and so on. the word 'fun'
features 2 u's if you turn the n upside down.
UVWXYZ - you v-eye double you hex w-eye see, you (u) are the vessel (v) the winged (w) spirit
will attempt to extinguish (x).
U - you - u duality - do-el-eye-t shift

V: v. this is letter is sort of like the thumbs down signal from the roman emporer, as he decided
to have the loser killed, or spared, in the forum. v is venom - vegas - vengeance - venerate - veil -
venus - vehement - virgin - vagina - vex and so on. it comes to us with a little shroud of secrecy,
in that it can be pronounced vay, as in the letter w, (double u), which is a duble vey, or double v.
the letter v is just another form of the letter y, with almost the same shape, only more attack and
killing oriented, than the letter y. both of these letters have the eye sound subliminal, but one
refers to the penta, 5 pointed institutions of death, and one refers to the outright attack manifested
through the veil of sex, blood and war. sometimes referred to as love.

W: double your pleasure, double your fun w, like the letter m, is 3 triangles interlocking. this is
the mother, father and son trinity of religious thought. only now it is mirrored or inverted. 2 of
the triangles are coming from above and one from below. when you combine the v, which is
situated right next to the w - or double v - there is an area of the alphabet where the manipulation
factor kicks into overdrive.
Worshipful master as used in freemasonry. w from worshipful and m from master are mirror
images of each other. when you hear these words together there is a sense of awe and wonder.

X: x is made from the 2 intersecting lines of the zodiac circle that is symbolic of the 4 seasons.
this is the shape within the light beam that really perpetuates in our thoughts, the passage of time.
the seasons are passing. furthermore, this x shape is the hourglass, another simple form (another
symbol of freemasonry), that instills within us the passage of time. from this shape we further get
the term, the hourglass figure of a woman's body. the term x rated is derived from these
intersecting lines. try triple xxx. i wonder how that's supposed to move us? all this is pleasurable
and sensuous stuff, but i don't appreciate the fact that the serpent mind is trying to manipulate me
through this symbolism. this word intersecting is also the source of the word sex, as mentioned
before, from the sound of intersection. broken down it looks like inter-sex-sun. all this sexual
energy is amplified by having the vw (the destabilizing letters) placed immediately before the x
in the order the alphabet is written. x - hehex - excite - exhilerate - expel - extreme and so on. a
recent blockbuster tv show was called the x-files. this whole show was based on the story of the
egyptian god isis and osiris, and the sun god horus. have a peek at the youtube video for a
compelling breakdown of the symbolism employed.
X - sex - vex - tex - mex

Y: upside down three pronged beam of light, 3 primary colour pyramid

Y - why - w-eye. y sounds like why, the word that asks a question. it is the hebrew yod - yowd -
yode - yud letter. sometimes the hebrew letter for yod is placed within a triangle. (this kind of
let's you know who the hebrew god is). it is the 10th letter (the number of intensity and is
synonamous with white light.
Y: pentagram, the five pointed star, and flip it upside down, you have the strongest luciferian
subliminal associated with this shape. the letter y is derived from the shape formed by the two
points at the top meeting in the centre of the triangle and then forming a line to the lower third
point of the triangle. this y is then joined from the top 2 points to the lower point. this forms a
winged shaped triangle when combined with the letter y in the centre. this wing shaped triangle
is then shortened to read as winged angle.the word angel or angle refers to a winged spirit. in this
you have the connection to jehovah, the creator god, the eye, and the white light, or y-eye-t

Z: z - the doze-iac - zodiac. z is a strange one. it refers to sleep (as in - i'm going to catch some
z's) and it refers to the first number zero, which is eros, or sex, (eros is also ros-e), in the number
system. however, zero represents emptiness or nothing. the source of creation, the light beam, or
something from nothing.
Z is half of the nazi lightening bolt symbol. it is the sword fighter symbol as in the word zorro.
notice that z-or-ro has a few royal and rose things going on with it as well.
real strength in this letter however, is the z-ero connection from letters to numbers. they have to
make them link. subliminal messaging must not have a weak spot, or break in the suggestion. the
connection is again, sexual, as z-ero is the sound and shape of z-eros or eros, the greek word of
sexual desire. from eros we get erotic - erosion which in turn is corruption. corruption is not sin,
it just means that things die.

The Numb-er Cyst-em

0zero z last letter of the alphabet


3trinity son, father, holy spirit


5five pointed star: pentagram, pentum=five, pentagon inside pentagram, sirius, venus, the
microcosm, man
6six pointed star: sex pointed, regeneration, cycle completed and new life will spring forth. star
of david, male and female, merkaba
666: mark of the beast, not, cause that's 616 from latest translations.
666 is a nr for the heart chakra, also called in other traditions the Christ/Buddha consciousness

7seven: completion, seven rays of light, seven candles

7seven: mercury, saturn, jupiter, venus, mars, sun, moon = ancient gods of ancient world, seven
lights in the heavens
7sevenpointed star: masonic, thumbs up = aleister crowley developped it, california highway
patrol logo, seven days of week

8infinity, ouroboros, 1776/2=888, octagon = chaos, or according to bryan kemila total and
complete control, the 8 sided freedom tower, the 8 sided islamic dome of the rock and the 135
degree angle of the octagon, all connect together with the fabricated war on terrorism and al
gore's pathetic scam of man-made global warming.
eight pointed star: eight, ate, 2 squares superimposed, double square of freemasonry, (fair and
square according to secret societies), double square however: disorder: power over order and
disorder, chaos and order, chevron logo= 2 squares (boxes on each other), double square on
queen's crown (veel variaties), knights of malta (pyramid from the top, and no capstone), chaos,
chaos magick, discordianism, eris

9origin of time


12elite, holy, or main characters pay homage to the great god of hypnosis, and from that we
derive the importance of the number 13. this is symbolized by the 6 pointed star, with all it's
points and intersections. the

12 elite gods of olympus, zeus being the main god, plus cronus - father time. the 12 tribes of
israel plus jehovah - the ancient of days. the 12 apostles minus judas iscariot plus jesus (ye-zeus)
- plus the father - yah way, etc.

13 : 6+7 regeneration + completion, annuit coeptis, steps pyramid, stripes on eagle symbol,
points: star of david, arrows, feathers,
'unlucky to the masses', because it's gods son/sun with his chosen 12, divinely inspired
jesus+12apostles, sun+12zodiacs, lucky nr

Word List

adam: atom - adom=cut off or divided

al gore: al gore, whose name really means - roy-al. again, there is no g sound in the old hebrew,
just a yud sound. say gore backwards with a silent e and you have roy-al.would you believe a
thing this all seeing eye guy says? what is going on here is nothing more than mass hypnosis,
causing the world to stay focused on a particular topic, whereby the concentration of thought
energy actually causes the acceleration of global melting ice. exactly in the same way as holding
a magnifying glass up to the sunlight, aiming at a piece of paper, will cause the paper to ignite.
the concentration of energy, which is nothing more than thoughts, causes heat to be generated
wherever the focus is directed. this is kaballism, demonism, intellectualism, science, religion…
you name it, this is how they're making us do it to ourselves. they're doing it deliberately, and
methodically. this is setting up the human cull. check out this name al (el or eli - ancient egyption
deity) gore (think blood and guts all over the place).many millions and billions of people will be
this massive environmental weapon they are creating, in our minds, that will be unleashed ever
so soon. it can be stopped by becoming aware that we are in a state of hypnosis and everything in
the world system has been herding us for 6,000 plus years to this final hypnotic state of total
control. know what they're trying to do, become aware of the duality nature of the luciferian
mindset, that plays god and the devil at the same time, but do not react or believe that this thing
is real. if we believe this sea level rising scam, guess what, the sea level will rise. the sea is the
see, the all seeing eye, and the rise, is the rose, the christ messiah concept who rose from the
dead to establish his kingdom on earth. see how this hypnotic suggestion has been implanted
mercilessly for thousands of years. we are fully indoctrinated and ripe for the picking. gaining
this new perspective, and this alone, and realizing that it's a complete sham, can prevent the
devastation of the masses, and a return to our eternal state of awareness.

amen: amon ra

angle: angles are angels - the sacred geometry of freemasonry

armageddon: armageddon - megiddo - mexico. is a play on words with megiddo, the valley
where the lord's vengeance will be poured out. george bush sr. also took the name magog as his
nickname in the skull and bones society.this is the real battle of armageddon. this last battle is the
struggle of connecting to our awareness versus being disconnected by their hypnosis. this battle
is within us. however, the hypnotic suggestion that induces the trance state, unfolds in the actual
physical valley of megiddo, which is located in the new world. the valley of megiddo is the
valley of sacrifice and death. this battle is the day of the lord's vengeance, where he / it, (the
luciferian god), performs the cull of humanity. this entity will kill those who do not bow down
and worship him / it.
ark of the covenant: not the only one, the egyptians had loads of these things
arrowhead: arrowhead or spear. again notice, ar-ro-w-head and sp-ear. arrow-head is eros-head,
or sexual love. this has the further sexual overtone of oral sex, and giving head. the word spear,
in reverse, is raeps or rapes, and needs no further clarification.
arthur: arthur means ra-thur or ra-thor, the god of war

baal: bail you pay bail, ba'al, bill, ball, baal=phoenician god responsible for fertility of land and
flocks as is volcanic lava
bank: bench (the judge is owned by the bank), vatican canon law = swiss guard guard the pope =
switzerland=banking, pope = banking boss
battery cell: we're batteries, energy stored and transmuted by sun, matrix, morpheus holds up a
battery, battery farm of humans, alien ant farm, when you're jailed you're sent to a cell
beehive: human society, pope has beehive shaped headdress, beeziness buzziness, buzzes busses
beijing: begging, beginning
black color: saturn, judges, priesthoods of religions, school, don't care about who wins as long as
they get paid
bread & circus: bread = bred = breed = sex. circus = circle = zodiac = doz-iac = doze-ac = sleep.
bread and circus is sex and sleep. 2 potent characteristics of the trance state.
brit ish: brit contract or covenant, ish man, british the man of the covenant, man's kingdom, the
united kingdom

captain: from the latin capitol, money, capitoline hill where caesar ruled rome from, capitol hill

christ: christened, oiled, oil, king's anointed = big cock, anointed with pseudo-sperm
church: “…the word church incidentally, is an interesting word. its an english word, okay. its an
english word church. it comes from a Scottish word kirk. that’s why we have one of the old
hymns kirk of the valley. kirk in the scottish is church in English. but kirk in scottish comes from
a greek word circe. circe in the greek mythology was the mother. circe who was able to put a
spell on people and to bring them into her house and change men into pigs and eat them .. of
course.. so
i don’t know what that tells you.” Jordan Maxwell
cross with a circle: the earth going around the sun in 4 seasons
crystal: crystal or christ all (all christ) supreme god notion.
comet: cometh, come t, welcome to the sun god, t cross sign
continents: notice anything peculiar about these names? of course you do. 6 of the 7 continents
start and end with an a - a pyramid letter. these 6 also include an i - eye, within the body of the
word. 5 of the 7 include an r - the sun god symbol for ra. there's europe which has no a at either
end, but does have an e at each end. this is symbolic of el, the father of all gods. just as the
number 15 and the triangle pyramid symbolized, ra, the sun god.europe does have an r and an ro
- and ru in reverse - and the word rope as well.
cousins: at least 34 of the 43 presidents to date, (march 2007), can trace their lineage to
charlemagne (800 ad). the bush family can even be traced to alexander the great, (325 bc - new
england genealogical society and burke's peerage). some suggest the bushes can be traced to the
pharoahs of egypt. in other words, all the presidents of the united states are cousins.

day star shines: peter said: continue untill the day star rises in your heart: lucifer=venus
degree: masonic degrees, school degrees, given the third degree
democracy: demon-crazy
demonstration: demon-st-ray-sun.
devil: the evil
dimensional: die men sun all
dna: tree of life, snake, ouroboros, caduceus, collective unconscious,
akashing records, the coiled serpent to unciol toward conscious evolution
dogma: amgod, the belief & control systems engineered by the secret societies, they consider
their word to be law as they consider themselves as gods. The moral framework and belief &
control systems are unconsciously worshipped by the domesticated primate.
dome: domesticated, domineering, dominican, presence of divine, female breast symbol
double cross: knights templar, eastern, russian orthodox, doublecrossing :p deceiving, exxon
logo, v for vendetta party logo
dragon: winged/feathered serpent, the combination of spiritual and physical love, quatzalcoatl,
the kundalini

earth: three
egregore: what sets this thing, the egregore thought form, into motion is the gathering of like
minded thinkers, who have a similar purpose or thought. this is referred to as the egregore. from
this word, through sound and shape association, we get the words con-gregation and gregarious.
the meaning of congregation is obvious, it is to con, or trick, the gregarious. these are people
who delight in gathering together for ritualistic worship. this word egregore is a little understood
concept, that represents a thought form or collective group mind. in actual practise it is witnessed
when a church congregation joins together to worship. w-or-ship - also think war-ship. in the
christian bible we read that "wherever 2 or more are gathered there i am also." this, i am, is the
luciferian group of entities. again, the bible says "forsake not the gathering of yourselves
together…" of course, this is so the kaballistic magic can be performed. some call it miracles,
some refer to it as signs and wonders. this is actually mind and light manipulation of physical
matter in accordance with the kaballistic knowledge based on luciferian principles of creating an
illusion.other satanic groups which use this knowledge for powerful effect are sex cults who
form a circle, join hands, say a few phrases, get aroused and enjoy the orgasm. all fine and
dandy, but don't manipulate me with the illusion of being in touch with reality or wisdom. this
egregore is also present at concerts, sporting events, and the like. the audience gathers around the
stage or set (set or seth is one ancient egyptian name from which we also derive the term satan),
and focus on the action occurring before them. the energy created at an event, in this way, is
massive. the hypnotic trance achieved is powerful.the resulting emotional crash after a sporting
event, rock concert, etc., is also devastating, as the energy released at an event such as this, is
very hard to recover from. quite often at a religious crusade the people will be asked to join
hands. or similarly, a relatively new thing at sporting events is the wave, where people throw
there hands up in sequence to create a wave affect around the arena or stadium. this is the
undulating, hypnotic motion of the serpent, and the serpent mind. this is the pivotal sway of a
mystery woman. the result is the same. an immense amount of energy is expended on behalf of
this demonic group of entities. ancient rome was known for their bread and circuses which were
provided for the common population, to keep them sedated and in a state of stupidity and
hypnosis. today it is a perfected manipulation art form.
eiffel tower: the eye full tower, just another pyramid, also symbol of beam of light

eight pointed star: eight, ate, 2 squares superimposed, double square of freemasonry, (fair and
square according to secret societies), double square however: disorder: power over order and
disorder, chaos and order, chevron logo= 2 squares (boxes on each other), double square on
queen's crown (veel variaties), knights of malta (pyramid from the top, and no capstone), chaos,
chaos magick, discordianism, eris

ejaculation: jack off, jack in the box: jack is sexual symbol inside the box, which is slang for

el: Saturn was known as El in the old phoenician language, the 'wise' were known as the elders,
the elite, elevated, elevator, electricity

empire state building: the name alone should raise a few eyebrows

entheogens & astrotheology: symbolism: basis of all religion

fascism: god's law, law dictionary: fas= (latin) god's law, the authorities consider themselves

fish god: dagon fish god, christian fish, vescica pisces

forbidden fruit: according to pharmacratic inquisition: the psychedelic experience, the snake is
the kundalini representing human drive for truth
forbidden fruit: according to thelema press's sex the gate to eden: the energy of kundalini sex chi
energy, which should be preserved and transmuted into spiritual energy, and shouldn't be
dissipated through ejaculation if one wants to use this energy purposefully
forbidden fruit: according to michael tsarion: adam's wouldn't listen to the deceiving teachings of
the genetic scientists that created them, represented by the snake (dna, science), but eves would

gangster: bankster :p

g: masonic symbol, geometry, generational principle, god, great architect

genetic manipulation origins: "zeus gathered the gods in council to express his concern that these
unusual creatures would one day challenge their hegemoney. he was loathe to exterminate them
with his thunderbolts, though, because there would be no one to bring the gods offerings. he
solved the problem by putting each creature into a trance and then splitting it down the middle.
upon awakening, each half only dimly remembered what it had ben prior to being cleft in two.
zeus explained to the assembled gods and goddesses the cleverness of his scheme. these
creatures would no longer pose a threat to the gods, because they would dissipate their
considerable energy by spending the rest of their days searching for their missing halves." plato

geneva robe of priests: 2000 dominated europe, vatican canon law, swiss guard guard the pope,
god: good

gold: ye old

gospel = go - spell - in other words, go put the world in a spell through religion and science, the
rebirth of thinking.

grail: liar, holy grail, hole liar

grail: the holy grail, the amanita muscaria

ground zero: g-ro-un-d gro=roy-al or ro-se u-double cross, u-turn, double back n=eye-n to
connect two opposing things together, as in the letter 'n which is the word "and". this is also the
sound of the hebrew word ayin, which means something from nothing. the letter n in any word,
is just reinforcing the thought that everything comes from nothing, or that everything is simply
the eye of the light particle. d=death. zero = ero-z = eros the greek word meaning sexual love. the
god of love. this corresponds with the roman god cupid, who shot his arrows at the intended
victim. the 2 aircraft hitting the twin towers were the arrows, (the word arrows = eros) of cupid's
love. love, sex, blood and war, are always combined.

haarp: h.a.a.r.p. experiments. (high activity auroral research program - patent 4686685 license to
control and alter the atmosphere). the purpose of this patent is to control life by controlling the
climate. haarp also holds a patent to use large amounts of barium in the atmosphere. when
sunlight hits this concentration, electron density increase dramatically. this can then be
manipulated to perform the same function as a heath type nuclear device without a detonation. a
heath weapon can lift the magnetic field of the earth itself without the expenditure of massive
amounts of energy. communication and radar interference or enhancement as well as the ability
to totally control the weather are the ambitions of the haarp agenda.keep in mind, this is the
luciferian illuminati agenda. this is the agenda of our political leaders running the world today.
this is a highly sophisticated electro-magnetic grid in the state of alaska. from this position, high
altitude frequency signals are sent into the atmosphere and the resulting reflection back to earth,
creates an immense amount of energy which penetrates deep into the earths core. one problem
with this little trick, is that the frequency used to perform this deed, is that the same frequency is
used by the human brain to function properly. imagine the interference when these little blasts go
muse their latest tour will be called the HAARP tour

hale: hail, welcome, hale to be forced to go, eg haled before a judge, comet hale bopp?

hebrew: there is no hebrew language, what we call the hebrew language is a phoenician-cananite
language spoken by hebrews. (like americans speak english and not american)

history: his story, the paternal fabrication

holy: whole, complete

horus: horizon, rose, horse (for the 'e'levated or mount(ain)ed ones), etc

hours: 12 steps of horus

human being: monster in 'law dictionary' by james a. vallentine

hur: hebrew spelling of horus

ia: caninites/phoenician (hebrew) mountain of the moon god

ion: ion (the 3 letters, ion, at the end of these words) is an electrically charged atom, molecule or
radical (ra-dical - a group of atoms behaving like a single atom).
imagination: i-magi-na-tion or image na-sun: images are magic tricks of the eye and of the sun,
imagi-nation: nations aren't real, i-magi-nation: magi, magician

isis: What is is. mississipi

israel: isis ra el, state of israel, the 51st state of the u.s.

jahbulon: jah, One Masonic scholar alleges that the word first appeared in an early 18th Century
Royal Arch ritual, as the name of an allegorical explorer searching for the ruins of King
Solomon's Temple; while another Masonic scholar believes it is a descriptive name for God in
Hebrew; other, non-Masonic, authors have alleged that it is a Masonic name for God, and even
the name of a unique "Masonic God", despite repeated statements by Freemasonry's officials that
"There is no separate Masonic God", nor a separate proper name for a deity in any branch of
Freemasonry. Walton Hannah stated in his book Darkness Visible that the interpretation that
Jabulon was a name for God reportedly disturbed Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander
of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, who, when he first heard the name, called it a
"mongrel word" partly composed of an "appellation of the Devil"

jehovah witnesses: york mason founded it, symbol of crown with cross through it and more on
his grave

jehovah: jesus: jhvh, started with the name eove or eova, ancient egyptian priest, sound and word
association developed into jhvh, yah-veh, yaw-veh, yah-weh, yah-way, the way

jerusalem: killer of the prophets said jesus, the city is only 'holy' cause a lot of shit got started
there by the elites :p

jesus: ye-zeus, susej, soothsayer, one who divines or predicts future events
esi, same as hindu god

judgment= judg gduj men, duy men, die men

juno moneta: money, where caesar coined his money

katrina: arrina female hittite sun god, superdome = arena, arena arrina

kundalini: sex chi energy, dormant energy that can be awakened by tantra,
yoga, etc, the caduceus, the serpent power

law: there's law of the land, and law of the water, money, maritime admiralty law

light: lie-ght, all seeing eye, lie

light: (sun) latin lucious lux luke skywalker walking across the sky
light bringer: lucifer, jesus, pleiades,...
light: thought is light. thought = words, words = sound, sound = vibrates, vibration = energy,
energy = glowing, glowing = light, light = thought

lightning: arrow

love: evol, evil

bryan kemila's view: love: love = loave = bread = bred = sex the bread of life. or love = e - vol =
el father god and vol = the abbreviation of volume - volcano - and volt. love has a v so as not to
miss the intentional penetration into your thought process and ulitmate manipulation and
disconnection from awareness. the mispelled form of love is luv. this is meant to be a sharper
and deeper penetrating form. also, as mentioned above, the letter u is a subliminal that is filled
with deceit and double cross. in the word luv, we have the symbolism of l - who is el, the father
god, and u, the double cross, and v, the thumbs down pyramid.
I personally think it's possible they just associated negative symbols with a positive emotion.
Besides there is no good or bad, positive & negative are different, only duality, yin/yang.

lucifer: venus, lightbringer, priests would face the east early 4 o'clock in the morning and see
venus rising, the sun is right behind it, announced the coming of the sun, day star, bringer of the
dawn, bible: light came into the world but world was not worthy: intellectual and spiritual
enlightenment, when you 'wake up' when 'asleep' with bright light you'll be upset/offended that
now you'll have to 'think'
lucifer: gnostic christians beleive lucifer to be the bringer of light, because he is the last demon
( ego) that is faced, and then the cosmic christ energy is born within. in egypt seti being the
opposition, evil, is eternal, but has to be cut into peices, or overcome.

manna: what is it? (hebrew), mana from heaven: small round waferlight sweet hard melted
heaven, mushroom -> you can talk to god, cookshat,

mayday: may 1st 1776 illuminati and us birth dates, means trouble

mona lisa:, lisa=lease, one lease, one contract

moon: moongod caninites/phoenician (hebrew) name = sin

new age: of aquarius, the nazis taught the dawning of a new age, it's possible that disinfo
campaigns of today in new age forms could be mixing truth (a consciousness shift?) with fiction
(aliens, lizzies, planet x, nibiru, nwo, etc).

new orleans: or = ro(yal) - lean, nael, nile, new nile

new man: "a race of people on the earth who have lost all identity with the old ways of caring
about people, love and family etc and they are going to be totally robots, in our hands"
paraphrased hitler quote, nothing with god or spirituality, just an automaton, word controlled,
this is what we are today (from jordan maxwell)

new world order: novos ordo seclorum: new order of the ages, new world order
jew world order, few world order, new WORD order, new world odor.

new york: york: scottisch (egyptian) and york rite (old york order, supposedly christian)
masonry, new york, new world empire state 43ste minuut (maxwell basic slideshow) , york:
malta, templar, red cross (!), royal arch mason, most excellent master

nova scotia: new scotland, from the scottish rite of masonry

novos ordo seclorum: new order of the ages, new world order

organisation: this is the origin, the genetic foundation, if you will, of the
number and language system. from this orig - gene - sound we get words like orga-niza-tion. this
should actually be spelled org-a-nazi-sun. a form of total control derived from using the sun
system of mind control.

orion: subaru = japanese for orion, orion pictures, important to mystical judaism along with
pleiades and sirius.

owl: dollar bill, bohemian society, sees in the dark, more brilliant than masses, molech

ouroboros symbol: cyclical nature of time, according to michael tsarion the stargate net that
imprisons our planet

oz: osiris, zion, atlantis etc

passing: death, grandpa passed on, egyptians said when you die you left from one world and
went into another, passed over into another world. in ancient world northern hemisphere
celebration on dec25th: the passover (see season)

person: law dictionary james a vallentine, 'inlcudes a natural person, firm, co-partnership,
association, limited liability, company, or corporation

phallic symbol: church towers, obelisks, scepters, crowns (with centerpiece), 2 phallic symbols
on each side of door, beer bottles
photon: very similar to thoughts, photons and thought affect dna

pleasure: sure to please

political science: method to control people, not political leaders, but misleaders

pope: banking boss, vatican canon law = swiss guard guard the pope = switzerland=banking,
wears jewish yamaka jewish masonry, hinge of door, cardinal, door to god, mitre hat like fish
(fish god)

potter: god of egyptians were potters of humans, the potter creator in judaism and christianity, in
qu'ran: we created you

priest robe: female because in ancient world only women were priests, pistis sophia, female

psychosis: psychoasis

pyramid: simbolizes the vanishing point of the eye, the illusion, five sides (counting the base),
illuminati pyramid represents horus, the all seeing eye, the sun and sirius.

ra: ray, sun ray, amon ra (amen), hooray, radiant, rationalism, cheer ra ra ra,

ram's horn: moses blew the horn 2000 years of aries, moses comes down worshipping golden
(sun) calf, taurus bull

red and white: amanita muscaria

red shield: rothshild, symbol of fascism

red square: eg nazis with swastika in it, fascism symbol

reincarnation: re-in-car-nation =reptilian in car (reversed) ra-c nation

re-ptilian: in ra sun god - (c = all seeing eye) - nation.

what follows are con and pro arguments but I still have to work this out properly:
con-reptilian: Michael Harner talked to a shaman who assured him that the lizzies can be seen in
altered states and they only rule out there. Which may or may not be mere mental projection.
Reptilian enduced hallucinations could be part of disinfo, mind control ops. 'The insider' claimed
that the illuminati tricked David Icke by misusing the concept of synchronicity and leading one
"reptilian-victim stooge" after the other to him. A lot of abduction reports include very weird and
subjective material suggesting they could be hallucinations (endogenous or otherwise dmt trips
pro-reptilian: Jordan Maxwell points to the human brain, the two lobes if you open them up
there's a smaller brain, the reptilian brain (circuit 1). He mentions Michael Cremo who is trying
to show artifacts (chisles) of 4 billion years old, Jordan Maxwell thinks our species is very old
and we've been around for millions and millions of years (hmm). When we cut into the crust
under the ocean off the coast of England we find made artifacts a 1000 feet under the atlantic
ocean. Reptilian visions in altered states could be evidence for or against, though the reptilians
are more than extra-terrestrial, they are extra-dimensional which complicates matters further.
Reptilian imagery in religious texts and imagery also can also support both viewpoints. Some
religious texts do seem to talk about a conspiracy soap opera more than a religious account.
Genetic manipulation evidence quote from plato, see genetic manipulation in this list.

riverbank: directs the flow of the water, banks direct the flow of currency, merchant mer=sea,
cashflow, the juice

rockefeller and rothschild: then we have rot (as in ro-thschild, yet another major illuminati
family). is this a coincidence to have two of the major bloodline families with similar sigil
symbols in their name? both names, rockefeller and rothschild, have the ro in their name. what
this represents, in both cases, is the rose. rock, should actually be read as roce - k, or rose-k. rock
is the killing rose. as you read through this site, it will become extremely evident of just how
much of a killing machine this rockefeller rose really is.
the ro in rothschild, is symbolic of the rose, but this time representing the god of war, as in thor,
which is an anagram of roth, written mainly in reverse form.thor was the scandanavian god of
war. the rothschilds are german, very close cousin to the scandanavian families. roth also
represents red, as in blood. the main purpose of war is to spill the blood of the people as a
sacrifice to the luciferian god. they tell you it's for some other reason, but the primary reason is
always blood sacrifice.
the salvation army and their red shield logo, is derived from this rothschild family name. this
organization is a front for the real hypnotic enslavement of a portion of humanity. the salvation
army was founded and funded through this family. roths-child = red-shield.
the rothschild wealth also funded the jehovah's witness watchtower society and the church of
jesus christ of latter day saints, (mormans), based in utah.
rose: this circle is the symbol of the rose - the compass rose - the symbol of the order of the rose
- which you will see on this site follows a path around the earth to imprison and destroy
humanity. the compass rose points to the north, east, west and south. symbolically included the
whole world in its grip.
ro-tation: this should really be spelled ro-tate-the-sun. this is the clock we use with the hands
rotating from the centre pivotal point.
royal: ro makes referrence to the royal bloodline and the g makes referrence to the genetics and

symbolism of the middle pivotal letter in the first half of the alphabet. both, the ro and the g, are
symbolic subliminals referring to the sex rose demonstrated on this site as the light beam
particle. to become royal, one must rise above all others. this is accomplished through genetic
inbreeding and maintaining the lunacy of the luciferian thought form. to rise above all others, is
to become the one who rose above all others, and is to become royal.
saturn: The inhibitor, the one who holds you back and restricts your movement. So the hebrews
said then why do nothing on that day, satur(n)day became their sabbath. Saturn was known as El
in the old phoenician language, see el for more on that. Planet is lord of the rings, women had to
obey their god so they wore ear rings. Wed before your god so you wear a wedding ring. black
color: judges, priesthoods of religions, schools, don't care about who wins as long as they get

seasons: first day sun is highest, directly overhead northern hemisphere, each day of first day of
summer moves one degree southward each day, when it hits halfway point, crosses over equator,
then it falls, fall autumn, fall=spring in southern hemisphere, first day of winter lowest,
autumn=scorpio=scorpio kiss of death son (of god) falls. sun rises on lowest degree on 22nd, on
23rd sun rises same identical degree, on 24th rises still same = god son's dead for 3 days, 4th
day= dec25: sun moved one degree northward, son is born again

see: sea-d, seed

sex: intersection. this is the source for the word sex. therefore, the messiah saviour notion and
eternal life springs from the concept that if we have sex, we create eternal life. however, we have
to go through the sex act to have this eternal life. in other words we have to come into the
presence of god, through his son, the intersection, the inter-sex-son ritual.
shalomar: s serpent, halo, mar=ram, luciferian lightworker

shell oil symbol: seven lines, rising sun

ship: all female, maritime admiralty law, cause they carry money, captain has to provide for the
port authorities a certificate of manifest, the ship has manifested, shipping of goods

sin: moon: moongod caninites/phoenician (hebrew) name = sin

sinagoge: mountain (gog?) of the moon god

solomon: the sun, solo=latin sun, om=hindu sun, on=city of the sun in egypt: heliopolis.

sophistication: sophistry sophistry is often associated with rhetorical but flawed argument

spain: serpent pain, new spain=mexico

stargate: michael tsarion: energy structure that encapsulates our planet, a prison, see u.n. logo,
ouroboros symbol

stargate: also a symbol for 2012, altered state of consciousness, enlightenment (also concentric
circles or checkered floor), interdimensional travel, water gate, heaven's gate, also see sun door

sun: all seeing eye, son, son of god, sun of god, jesus(son) & 12 apostles = sun & 12 zodiac
signs, nearly all major religions are sun-worship in disguised symbolism, maSON. Possible that
our sun is not the one worshipped in secret by the ones in the know, texts about RA, the sun god
do not follow the course of our sun, possibly the dog (god) star Sirius (or Nibiru? who knows)

sun: light: latin lucious lux luke skywalker walking across the sky

sun door: holy door, heaven's gate, immortality, monolithic gateway, sometimes winged

sunset: seth from egyptian mythology, darkness, darth vader :p

swastika: hindu sun symbol, arians clockwise to east - old arian ancient eastern occultism

tarot: bible based on torah, torah based on tarot, madonna original name taurt, taruth, truth =
tarot, charoch, church, thought, toth

television: televi zion, sun worship again

terror: terra, earth, war on terror is war on earth

t-er-ro-ris-m which is t the sun god and re the reptilian brained luciferian thinkers - ro the rose
that - ri rises - m always refers to the matrix womb of gestation). this word alone is enough to
show who really was behind the world trade centre attack. the sm at the end of words also
alludes to sado masochism in acronym form

testify: testicle, if you lied you losed your testicles in commerce in ancient
times :p

thief: feith - faith

third degree: they give you the third degree, masonic

thirteen: 6+7 regeneration + completion, annuit coeptis, steps pyramid, stripes on eagle symbol,
points: star of david, arrows, feathers,
'unlucky to the masses', because it's gods son/sun with his chosen 12, divinely inspired
jesus+12apostles, sun+12zodiacs, lucky nr

thunder: voice (of god) in hebrew

trance-portation: another interesting event which took place immediately after 7/7/7 on 7/8/7 or
july 8, 2007, was the unveiling of the new boeing jet, the 787. boeing is located in seattle,
washington, usa. it employs 50,000 people. seattle is a freemason hotbed of activity. the
symbolism of introducing a new jet on this day

tree of knowledge: the psychedelic experience, the mushroom, the amanita muscaria, soma,
tree of knowledge: according to a documentary by thelema press, sex, the sex energy of the
kundalini, abstaining from orgasm and pleasures of the flesh, to feed the spirit with the energy

tree of life: dna, kabbalistic system and map of consciousness, spirituality

trinity: abraham isaac jacob, isis osiris horis, brahman vishnu shiva, father son & holy ghost

twin towers: two towers (lotr), jachin (fleetness, strength - divine man) & boaz (founding -
earthly man) mason pillars, a lot of churches have twin towers.
These two pillars respectively connote also the active and the passive expressions of Divine
Energy, the Sun and the Moon, sulphur and salt, good and bad, light and darkness. Between them
is the Sanctuary they are a reminder that Jehovah is both an androgynous and an
anthropomorphic deity. As two parallel columns they denote the zodiacal signs of Cancer and
Capricorn, which were formerly placed in the chamber of initiation to represent birth and death-
the extremes of physical life. In the mysterious Sephirothic Tree of the Jews, these two pillars
symbolize Mercy (Jachin) and Serverity (Boaz). These columns had the same symbolic import as
the obelisks before the sanctuaries of Egypt. When interpreted Qabbalistically, the names of the
two pillars mean 'In strength shall My House be established.'"

2012: plane of solar system will line up with plane of our galaxy, the milkyway, took 26000
years to complete,
consciousness shift, stargate symbolism, mayan calender, timewave zero novelty theory, sunspot
cycle, zion numerically equivalent

2012: tarot cards 2012: star (8 stars), moon, sun (16 rays), judgement

USA: 1868 company started=united states corporation, if you work for them you're not a
employee but a citizen, maritime law start

vegas: comes from the brightest star in the constellation lyra (think liar because that's all it's
really meant to convey). the city las vegas is patterned after just that concept. the fastest growing
city in america today and famous worldwide for its dazzling strip. coincidence? i think not. the
name las vegas means city of the brightest star. the brightest star, is of course, the luciferian
egregore thought form.nevada is actually navidad, the birthplace or nativity location of the so-
called saviour of the world. even now, today, they are planning to build a 142 story hotel tower
in las vegas. the number 142 coincides with the number 10, the number of intensity, on the 12th
clockface demonstrated on this chart. this is a combination of the 10 and 12 times tables, the
source of which goes back to the hebrew temple.this tower will be 1,888 feet high. remember, 8
is the number of total control. it will be a few hundred feet taller than the freedom tower. it is
planned to be opened in 2012 if all goes well, and they actually need it as part of the necessary
symbolism for that year. the name of this structure wil be the crown las vegas. this is symbolism
for crowning the king.

venus: sun ev: evening sun, setting sun = satan

victory sign: v peace sign, aleister crowley told churchill to use this symbol to intimidate the
german occult elite

volcano: vulcan, vulcanus, velchanos, see hand blessing spock

wall: llaw, el law

water: your mothers water broke, birth certificate, you are now a maritime admiralty product,
your mother delivered you, they 'ship' products, birth canal, birth & death certficiate by the 'doc'
doctor, dock
word: words, sword, the sword of reason, reason cuts, we are ruled by (s)word

yahweh: volcano mount sionai, pillar of cloud by day & pillar of fire by night

volcano, lightning arrow, thunder=voice (of god) in hebrew, moses face glowing (the hole
mountain! :p)

yoda: yuda, jewish wisdom :p

yoga: union, link back, tie together, eight fold system of conscious evolution, not really for
'finding god', but 'finding one's self' and one's connection to source

yoga: yogic systems probably date from the time of lemuria, may have been devised for the
express purpose of combating the alien proclivities and for conditioning out the alien dna.
basically yoga has to do with cleansing and hygiene

york: scottisch (egyptian) and york rite (old york order, supposedly christian) masonry, new
york, new world empire state 43ste minuut (maxwell basic slideshow) , york: malta, templar, red
cross (!), royal arch mason, most excellent master

z: nazi swastika, nazi thunderbolt, sigil magic & sound association to suggest sleep

zion: noize - sion - sun - atlantis - oz - tion-suffix

Z(2)I(1)O(0)N(2) backwards is 2012 Numerically

zionism: says jordan maxwell: political movement out of france/switzerland, protocols of the
elders of zion - supposedly a forgery - but a forgery has an original :p going back to the Priory
Of Sion (= the holy house of sion). France & Switzerland both have a city called Sion. Is not
"jewish" at all, but masonic. Has to do with gentile domination of the world (an ancient concept
& ancient word).
The Beginning Of Miracles - IlluminatiMATRIX...continued


The Christian celebration called epiphany is celebrated on January 6. This coincides with the
Olympic Torch relay date with day 69 of the relay. The number 69 coincides with 9 on the 6th
clockface. This celebration deals with observing the birth, childhood events, baptism, and the
Wedding at Cana, the beginning of miracles, by Jesus, where he turned the WATER into WINE.
However, its mostly concerned with the BAPTISM of Jesus, by John the Baptist. One such ritual
occurring within the Epiphany celebration, is the Blessing of the Waters, where a cross is tossed
into a body of water and swimmers go out to see who can retrieve it. The swimmer who claims
it, brings it back to the priest who gives a blessing to the swimmer and to his whole house. (No
need to elaborate on the suggestion here).

The Beginning Of Miracles At CANA

The 1st miracle of Jesus occurred in Cana Galilee. This is where Jesus turned the WATER into
WINE. What’s being suggested here, in a subliminal sense, is hidden within the fabricated Swine
Flu hysteria that has recently unfolded, and will continue to unfold, throughout the world. This
suggestion involved the Sea Water being turned into Wine. This is the BEGINNING of


CANA = CANADA the Sea/See Kills begin in Canada
SEA WINE = S-WINE the drink being served at the Marriage Supper

The beginning of miracles within the luciferian agenda will begin in Cana, or Canada. The
suggestion is that at the Wedding Feast, which is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb of God, the
Sea Wine, the Water of God, the Living Water, will begin to cleanse the earth. From these
humble, yet miraculous beginnings, Jesus will eventually WALK ON WATER, and feed the
masses with a few loaves of BREAD and FISH.

This preoccupation with WATER, corresponds to the FLOOD of the NILE. As mentioned on
previous pages, this was celebrated on July 4th in ancient Egypt, and coincides with the birthday
of the United States of America, which occurred on July 4th, 1776.

1776 divided by 2 = 888, or ATE ATE ATE, as in a FEAST.

This FLOOD, in turn, corresponds to the suggestion of WASHING, and President George
WASHINGTON, the 1st President of the USA. The number 1 again.
Washington = WA or the value of 6 (in Hebrew), and is the sacrificer, or refers to the means and
method used to initiate sacrifice.

Washington and the number 6 corresponds to Building 6 of the World Trade Center Plaza, where
WASHINGTON STREET ran perpendicular to Building 6. WASHINGTON STATE, the
location of Mount Olympus Washington, which suggests the gods of Olympus, borders on
Vancouver, British Columbia, which coincides with Building 7, the site of the 2010 Olympics.

BRITISH = BRITANNIA the goddess of the Sea / the Queen of Heaven, the Moon goddess, the
Flood of the Nile, etc.

COLUMBIA = COLUMBE the Dove / the Holy Spirit / that descended upon the Son and also
depicted as the symbol of Mother Mary, the Sea.

The Dove is the symbol that corresponds to the story of NOAH and the Flood.
The name British Columbia relates subliminally to the name of SOLOMON = SOL/SUN and

Building 7 corresponds to British Columbia in the WTC Plaza as shown 2 charts above.
The name British Columbia is referring to SOLOMON.
Building 7 was called the SALOMON Brothers Building. The SUN and MOON building.
The days of the week – SUNDAY and MONDAY – likewise refer to SOL and MON, and are
thereby associated with Solomon’s Temple of sacrifice and cleansing.

The Sol/Sun/ corresponds to the Son God.

The Mon/Moon/Flood/Sea refers to the Mother Goddess, the Moon Goddess.

The flag of British Columbia is shown below, with the SUN/SON god and the WATER/MOON
goddess shown as simple illustrations.

The Union Jack flag demonstrates the UNION of the Son and the Mother in Marriage, or
This again is the UNION of the LION KING, or LINCOLN, the Great Sphinx, which represents
the Mother and the Son.

888 DAYS Till the 2012 Olympics

The subliminal numbers 1 and 2

In the previous century, the 20th century, the 3 dimensional illusory sphere, underwent the most
radical changes ever encountered in the history of this illusion. The number 20 coincides with the
number 8, the number of CONTROL.

Now, in this century, the 21st century, beginning with the WTC attack of 2001, (again, the
numbers 1 and 2), everything appears to have undergone an extreme trance-formation and we’ve
only begun to experience the 21st century as we enter the year 2010.
The number 21 coincides with the number 9 on the 2nd clockface, the number of the FALL. This
symbolic number 21, or the numbers 1 and 2, when associated with the number 0, (which is a
number of no value unless UNITED, or MARRIED with another number), is symbolic of the 10
times tables and the 12 times tables represented in the objects within Solomon’s Temple.

Its this symbolism, and the endless sacrifice associated with Solomon’s Temple, that is now
being prepared to be fulfilled as the 21st Olympiad of the 2010 Games is set to begin, in the 21st
century, in the province of British Columbia that borders on the 120 degree W longitude, the
exact same 120 degree W longitude as the vertical border of California. Yet another use of the
numbers 1 and 2, coupled with a 0.

British Columbia was also the 6th province to join confederation, the number value of the
Hebrew term WA, or VA, the WAVE.

The 2010 Olympics begin in Vancouver on February 12, Lincoln’s 201 birthday.

Exactly 10 days later, Washington’s birthday occurs, on February 22.

Keeping in mind that this WASHING in the name WASHINGTON, is referring to the FLOOD
of the NILE which relates to July 4th and the year 1776, or the number 888.

1776 divided by 2 = 888

The suggestion being, that 888, or ATE ATE ATE, or the time alotted for the MARRIAGE
SUPPER, the cleansing will continue.

From the day ending on February 21, 2009, the day preceeding Washington’s Birthday on
February 22, until July 28, 2012, the day the Olympic Games actually begin in LONDON, (the
Opening Ceremonies take place on July27), 888 DAYS will have transpired.

This is the initiation of the cleansing period and the beginning of Jesus’ miracles, (which begin
in CANA / CANAAN / CANADA), preparing the sacrifice to be offered. This is the period of
whatever form the flood and cleansing might take. Be assured, the luciferian Mindset is not
limited to utilize just physical water as a means of flooding and cleansing the world of whatever
is deemed undesirable.

February 21 and 22 utilize the numbers 1 and 2. Just as the WTC Towers were also 1 and 2.

February 21 is a SUNDAY, or SOL day, the 1st DAY of the week. February 22nd is a
MONDAY, or MOON daythe 2nd DAY of the week. Together they suggest the sacrifice of
SOL-o-MON’s Temple and the cleansing of sin and a time of renewal.

From this symbolic date, February 21, 2010, for 888 days, until the 2012 Olympics begin in
London, on July 27 and 28, sacrifices will be cleansed, made ready, and also offered in ritual.
1776 divided by 2 = 888 divided by 2 = 444 by 2 = 222 by 2 = 111 by 2 the number of creation =
55.5 the sacrifice.

The number 1776 divided by 2, 5 times = 5.5.

The 2010 Olympics are the XXI Winter Olympiad.

XXI = 21

The numbers 1 and 2 with inTENsity 0 are used throughout the luciferian cleansing agenda.

The year 2010 – the beginning of cleansing.

Lincoln’s birthday – 201 on the 12/02/2010

Washington’s birthday – 22/02/2010
The beginning of the cleansing – 21/02/2010

The XXX (30th) – London – July 27, 2012 to August 12, 2012

The cleansing process continues until XXX – the beginning of the London Olympics –
The Olympics end – 12/08/2012

The Roman numerals of XXX, triple X SEX, 3 Kisses, also stand for 10/10/10, or triple
intensity. As in the number 1000.

The word KISS is an anagram for SIKS, or 6.

The word SEX sounds like SIX
The last 3 letters of the English alphabet are XYZ, which again, is ZYX, or SYX, or SIX, or 6, in
reverse, and substituting the Z with S.

The letters XXX are therefore symbolic of the number 666, or SICKS SICKS SICKS.

When XXX are added up as 10+10+10=30. The number 30 coincides with 6 on the 3rd
When 666 are added up as 6+6+6=18. The number 18 coincides with 6 on the 2nd clockface.

The day, month and year of 12/08/2012 breaks down like this:
12+8 = 20 coincides with 8 on the 2nd clockface
2012 = 20 coincides with 8 on the 2nd clockface
2012 is therefore another 8+12 = 20, which again coincides with 8

The day, month and year of 2012 is symbolic of 88, and the relate to the 888 days of cleansing
which correspond to the Flood of the Nile, which was a time of regeneration, rebirth, and a new
Stop the war.
John F. Kennedy made this speech April 27, 1961

Please watch this. Until we realize the world is run by secret devils, we should stop the carnage
that is taken place all over the world. The wars in Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan, of today and the
wars of past years, WWI and WWII. The ill treatment of the Chinese people, Russian, Polish; the
list is endless. We can, & should stop the progress of the new world order.

In this speech John clearly states the danger we are in from these secret societies. The
Freemasons had been infiltrated by a deeper darker society with evil intent. They are "the
John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
The same year the dollar bill that is enslaving us right now was
These numbers are not just numbers. They are the fingerprints of
the Gods and the digital principles of all past, present and future
That is why all roads lead to Rome. 753 x 21 x 4 = 63252. 252 / 63
= 63636363. Therefore 63 x 5 = 315, the number of the Devil.
On the right side, you will see a 315. This number is connected to
the circle of lies because the 3rd dimension was never the only
dimension. We're just deeply ingrained into thinking that this is
our life, but you cannot spell "life" without "lie".
Here's an expert on the matrix. He'll tell you how much of this
world is just a hologram that is mathematically programmed. The
one we are in isn't the first one, either. ... b6KufdejTA

If you only knew how deep the rabbit hole goes:

You will understand that the world we are living in pretends to be natural / logical, but deep
beneath it is a source of evil that is digitally beyond mortality.
10 – Alphabet A to M – Symbolism – The Rockefeller
Dome Of The Rockie Mountains – ET’s – 6 Pointed
SNOWFLAKES – Jack Off In The Box – Jehovah’s
Witnesses – EYEFULL Tower – KLM Not The Airline –
Angels / Demons Hypnotic Suggestion
agree with everything in it. However, a good percentage of the knowledge in the article
resonates very well with my teachings about word magic.

As always, use your intuition and critical thinking skills to discern the information in the article.
Contemplate the information that resonates with you and leave the rest behind. – Pao Chang


Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of

hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.

[illuminatiMatrix – What in the World Is Going On? Pt 1 of 4]

The luciferian created illuminati bloodlines are ritualistic in nature. They must have rituals, and
symbolism attached to these rituals. These rituals and symbolisms act as sigil magic
manipulation tools (also called hypnotic suggestion), that these elite members of society use to
control the masses. Their luciferian reptilian based nature shows up throughout the world. This
nature is seen in the systems they’ve created to manipulate and disconnect us from reality.
Their nature also shows up in their physical appearance, which we have become so
accustomed to, that we now just take it for granted. Their incredible arrogance and their ease at
uttering lies is legendary. All this, coupled with how they talk down to the masses with their
patronizing attitude and religious/political/intellectual double-speak, is directly implanted as part
of their character by the luciferian egregore group of Thinking entities.
Have a look at one of their elite, one of their highly venerated elect, who has since passed on.
This is John D. Rockefeller, the family patriach, who whose family inspired the building of the
World Trade Center plaza, and the family who the Rockefeller Plaza, to the north of the WTC,
was named after. (Not to mention, the beloved John Deere tractor, with its reindeer logo and
yellow and green colours. The colours of a new world order, regeneration, and the
environmental GREEN movement).

This name, Rockefeller, has now been traced, on this site, through overwhelmingly obvious
symbolism, to the totally fabricated war on terrorism, and war on muslim extremists. Muslims
are no more extremists than anyone in the world. However, the connection to the
Rockefeller name and the religion of Islam is revealed in the upcoming pages. (Pages 16 to 52).

ROCK e FELLER in reverse is RELLEF or RELIEF.

The inspiration for the Rockefeller name comes from the Relief of the Rock under the 8 sided
Islamic Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, the historic site of Solomon’s Temple.

The connection to 11 of the western United States and how they’re situated on the Rockie
Mountains – the biggest RELIEF of all, and how they connect to the Rockefeller Plaza and the
Relief of the Rock under the Dome of the Rock, has been made.

The connection, with the shape of these 3 locations, as well as virtually the same name,
albeit, hidden in symbolism in all 3 instances, ties the elite Rockefeller family to the massacre at
the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. However, this is not the only elite family that
will be tied to the WTC attack, but it is the highest profile one. As well, because this is all
hypnotic suggestion, and the illusion appears to include thousands of illusory years, this
conjured up Rockefeller family was already in the luciferian cards thousands of illusory years
ago. In reality, since there is no such thing as Time, the symbolism associated with this family
appeared to be conjured up thousands of years ago, … but in reality, … the conjuring occcurred
RIGHT NOW! As with the whole 3 dimensional illusory plane, everything that appears to form
the history of the universe, is occurring RIGHT NOW!

The Foundation Rock under the Dome of the Rock is the Relief of the Rock called Mount
Moriah. In North America, the Rockefeller Plaza is located in Manhattan, which is a subliminal
form of Mountain. As well, the Rockefeller inspired World Trade Center is located on this
Mountain/Manhatten, on the southern tip. The Western United States are located amongst the
Rockie Mountains / Rockefeller Manhatten. The final Rock, the 3rd in North America, is
formed within all of Western Canada, the Arctic and Greenland. This is called the North
American Craton Rock, which includes much of the USA as well.

See pages 18, 19, 20, and 21 for the diagrams and pictures backing up this evidence regarding
these ROCKS and especially the 3 North American rocks. The Rocks are the Rock symbolism
of christianity, where Jesus claimed, “upon this Rock I will build my church”. This Rock is
being used to bring in the New World Order, the so-called Messianic Kingdom and the Age of
Aquarius. All under the guise of things such as the Environmental Green Movement.

Now have a look at the chap so adored by many in the land of the free, J.D.Rockefeller.

ET’s – Luciferian Thought Forms

Now check out a distant cousin of Mr. Rockefeller. Notice the family characteristics. These
ET’s, as they’re apt to be called, are just as real as Mr. Rockefeller. The only problem is, they’re
not from outer space and another galaxy, and they’re not the Annunaki reptilian race who inhabit
the space surrounding our planet. They’re luciferian Thought Form creations! These ET’s are
conjured up life forms just as we human beings are conjured up light energy forms. They were
created to throw a massive amount of confusion in the way so that unsuspecting people, looking
for answers, would latch onto the concept of a reptilian race from other planets notion. The elite
of the world, and these little grey’s, as they’re affectionately known, are luciferian minded, and
Thought Based, but are, like everything else, just egregore thought forms used to construct a veil
called humanity and the wisdom of the awareness state. This veil of deceit, this veil which is the
whole body of humanity and all of the 3D sphere, causes a disconnection using humanity from
the power of All Knowing. Humanity is the luciferian illusion, that has been fabricated to
attempt to manipulate Reality, (which is who and what we really are), into believing that this
body of humanity, is who and what we really are. If this sounds a bit confusing, it was designed
to be that way.

08 – Number 13 – Messiah Mesa MessHall Mecca – MEMORY The Illusion Of Time Past –
Human Sacrifice – Bohemian Grove – The Manipulated Become Manipulators – The OWL
Seeing EYE – The Capitol Building – Genocide In Canada – Nazi Mind Control

number 13 – christian human sacrifice – genocide in canada – bohemian grove – satan

worshipping presidents – prime ministers – royalty – the rich elite
We’ll now take a look at the number 13. This will be the last number to be examined for the
moment. This number is dark and ominous. It kind of has a foreboding about it as if to say keep
your hands off. Of course, that’s the hypnotic suggestion behind the number. Don’t look to
closely at it, or you’ll easily see what a sham the rest of the number system really is. Thirteen is
associated with bad luck and death. The number 13 is symbolizing the 12 HOURS, OURS,
WHORES, or HORUS, of the clockface plus the 1 supreme being. This is the luciferian group of
intellectual thinkers who conjured up the whole flippin’ thing, to manipulate the paradise state
into this realm of lunacy we’re now experiencing. The number 13 coincides with 1 on the 2nd
clockface. This suggests a New Age, a New Season leading into renewal and regeneration and
the season of Spring. The 2nd clockface suggests that this is all accomplished through the
DUALITY nature of the 3 dimensional illusory life experience. All this is actually subliminal
messaging for something entirely different than what it appears to be saying, and as you progress
through this site it will become extremely apparent what the subliminals entail.
The number 13 is seen in the Messiah complex throughout the world religions. If your particular
religion has no Messiah included within the text, if your religion suggests that this 3D illusory
world can be made to be better, or made to work, or perfected, or cleansed, then you have a
Messiah. The main symbolism and strength of this number is seen in the completeness it has in
incorporating all of the strengths of all the basic numbers of the colour wheel system, which is an
astrological chart, and the foundation of the Messianic religious and intellectual systems of the
world. All the systems of the world are actually hidden in the number 13. It is the number of
secrecy. The secrecy of the world systems and what actually drives them is perpetuated
symbolically through this number. As stated, the number 13 coincides with 1 on the 2nd
clockface. Symbolically this say, 1 – A New Age, 2 – Duality, and 1+3=4 – the 4 Square
Foundation that everything is built on.
The word Messiah must be deciphered at this point, to prepare the reader for the pages to follow.
All the following words associate subliminally with the word Messiah and are all inter-connected
in spite of what might at first appear to be isolated words.
MESSIAH the Saviour
= MESSAH the crocodile oil used in the Coronation of the British Royal Monarch
= MESA the formations of the western 11 United States
= MESS HALL a dining room – supper room
= MECCA the holiest site to Islam
The world systems are created by the luciferian egregore group of Thinkers and the Thought
Process that they initiated, with the express purpose of fostering duality. Everything in the 3
dimensional realm is simply a thought, or suggestion manifesting as energy or the spirit. This is
DEVIL. Whatever you’re able to sense or perceive in the 3D sphere, THIS IS THE ENTITY that
manipulates your life experience for you. Even the very body you walk around in, and the brain
you believe is yours, and the energy that fires this vessel into action, all of this is part of the
GROUP ENTITY, the UNSEEN HIDDEN ILLUSORY GODS. They think up energy based
systems focusing on religion, politics, science, etc. This expression of energy in any form is the
lie and is used to direct us into choosing sides. This “choosing sides” action is actually entering
into the hypnotic state because we begin to “think” that one is right and one is wrong. After this,
its simply a matter of giving you further suggestion to cause you to continue choosing and
looking at the 3 dimensional world in terms of good and bad, black and white. The hypnosis then
becomes deeper and deeper, and the victim is completely unaware that the trance state has
captured, what they come to believe, is ‘their mind’, but is actually the mind of the luciferian
egregore, and always has been. The victim then believes that their mind actually is real, and is
their’s, and the thoughts they experience, they believe, actually originated with them. Nothing
could be further from the truth.
MEMORY – Trance State Illusions
See the simple chart below listing just a few obvious duality energy forms that are thrown at us
daily. Keep in mind that none of these things are good or bad, right or wrong. They’re just
manipulation tactics used to create war, disease, death, fear and the like. Keep in mind also, that
the 3D physical body, mind and spirit, are the conjured up illusions of the luciferian Thought
Process, designed with the ability to receive the THOUGHTS of the luciferian egregore group of
Thinking Entities. This is the source of Duality, and the foundation for illusory concepts of good
and evil. This was all manifest as the Thought Process was initiated and the 3D realm appeared
as real. This was the illusion conjured up, projecting the notions of Time and Space, both of
which are not real.

There is but One Eternal Moment, in spite of what may seem to be the passing of time. As you
progress through this site, it will become abundantly clear, the foolishness of the concept of time.
It will also become evident that, what has puzzled scientists and intellectuals studying the human
brain, and in particular those studying MEMORY, who can find no portion of the brain that
stores MEMORY. The reason being, MEMORY DOES NOT EXIST. What we look upon as
MEMORY are simply the sensations of the whole life experience being played out in this One
Eternal Moment. When certain words are spoken, asking you to recall a certain event, this acts as
a button pusher, much like on a tall skyscraper elevator, that obediently goes to the correct floor,
observes the sensation associated with that floor, and then regurgitates those sensations in
response to the query. All floors are located one above the other, however, no time passes and no
space is involved in separating the floors. Its all just there, within the trance state, as long as the
luciferian egregore allows the layers to be accessed. The layers are there, containing the
information concerning individual illusory experiences, but they’re not necessarily allowed to be
accessed, for the simple reason of using this as yet another form of stress and anxiety to instill
fear and disease.
Because of the existence of this Eternal Moment, no such thing as Memory is required or has any
basis in reality. Memory implies the passage of Time, and recalling past events. However, there
is no such thing as Time, and therefore, no such thing as remembering anything that occurred
within the concept of Time. All of which is simply illusory.
Bohemian Grove – More than a B and G word
On the chart above, what we see, are ideas which seem to be opposites, but are actually designed
to attract confrontation that in turn generates the confusion the luciferian elite need to stay in
control. Remember they have no control or power but that which they manipulate from us
through the fabricate illusory 3D systems. These systems are perpetuated through the elite of the
world, who have been indoctrinated in the secret rituals of the luciferian mindset. This
indoctrination has caused them to be induced into an extremely hypnotic trance state, so deep,
that they have no recollection whatsoever, of what reality is.
Many of the male leaders of the United States, be they the politicians, corporate executives,
famous movie stars, etc. and many of the leaders of many European countries belong to a private
club called Bohemian Grove. This private club is patterned after the Skull and Bones Secret
Society in many ways, located in New Haven Connecticut. This is 2,700 acres 75 miles north of
San Francisco in the redwood forest. Both these numbers 2700 and 75, coincide with 3, the
number of the deity, on the clockfaces. The members pay a huge initiation fee and hundreds
annually to belong. Running through the confines of Bohemian Grove is the Russian River. The
symbolism of this river, and its name, becomes obvious as you read through this site. The river
links to RUSSIA and the Cold War, the Water Bear-er relating to the Age of Aquarius, and the
Global Warming Flood, (Noah’s Flood), that’s been suggested will come in the Day of the
Lord’s Vengeance. Even though there’s no Lord, and Noah never existed, the Age of Aquarius is
simply a pipe dream, and the Cold War was a manipulation by the luciferian Thinkers, in spite of
this, the world submits to the subliminal hypnotic suggestion built into the whole agenda, and
employed through such idiotic institutions as Bohemian Grove.
What is this club?
Bohemian Grove is an elite luciferian drunken sex orgy, blood drinking and (if rumours bear any
truth), a human sacrifice men’s club. Every modern day president of the United States either
belongs to this club or has attended the rituals held there annually. This club is based on the
ancient religious worship of the serpent/fire god Molech. Molech was symbolized 3,000 years
ago as a huge stone owl (the horned bird – the horned bull) with an incinerator carved into it’s
belly to burn the human children of the Egyptian people. This was a necessity for the luciferian
thinkers then, just as it is today. They have to generate fear so the people will obey. This fear
based obedience is called hypnosis.
The priests in the picture are the priests of the presidents, royals, and prime ministers of today.
This is not a picture of some stage set in Hollywood depicting ancient Egypt, this is in California
today. This is the scene at Bohemian Grove where a 45 ft. tall stone owl is worshipped. (Actually
its a metal framed, imitation concrete stone structure with recording equipment inside for
dramatic affect…). They burn a human effigy at this site with the rumoured human sacrifices
taking place in private chalets deeper in the confines of the redwood groves. (See the photo
When you read pages 17, 18, 19 and 20, you will soon realize why Bohemian Grove is in
California. Why it is located just to the north of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge. You
will also see what the next 911 is and the time frame in which it will be carried out. The next 911
is massive! If you know anyone who lives in California, especially on the coast, or in the
Sacramento / San Joaquin Valley, you must tell them to read these pages. This warning is not
based on spiritual channeling, psychic research or any such thing. Its entirely based on the
subliminal hypnotic messages which have been flooding the world for decades, even centuries,
and humanity, in its deep hypnotic trance, has been manipulated to establish within our belief
system that this devastation is going to occur.

Bohemian Grove supposedly commits mass murder through human sacrifice rituals just as they
did in ancient Egypt and Babylon. The presidents of the United States do this! The royal families
of Europe do this! Why do they call themselves royal and everyone else a commoner? Simply
because they lay claim to the divine right of kings to rule. What divine right? What god told
them they could rule over you and me, (even though this is just an illusory 3D trance form?) The
luciferian Thought Process gods of course. These luciferian, Light Bringing Thinkers that
conjured up the 3D experience and, in turn, conjured up the regeneration process establishing the
royal elite bloodlines in the world, who in turn perpetuated the 3D illusion by establishing the
world systems based on the mathematical intellectual and religious Thought Processes that create
an incredibly deep 3 dimensional trance state. To this day, just as in ancient Egypt and Babylon,
they must commit human sacrifice continually to generate the fear which generates the energy,
which is the spiritual illusion called reality, that they need to maintain control within this
hypnotic trance state. The human sacrifice rituals are supposedly performed in secret, in the
chalets of Bohemian Grove and the royal palaces of Europe, etc. As well, these human sacrifice
rituals are performed en masse, in the form of manipulated wars, disease and so on. This private
club gets their sacrifice victims through the CIA and the MKUltra mind control program. (MK
stands for Mind Control). Many thousands of children are simply bred for sale to this program.
Children are used for every possible perversion by the leaders of the world before they’re ritually
sacrificed. (More will be said about this later). The point to make here is that the very same
hideous rituals take place all over. Societies around the world have been placed into a deep
hypnotic state so that, even as they look at rituals as incideous as those committed at Bohemian
Grove, they don’t see it. Societies themselves, are iIlusory concepts as well. Complete
fabrications of the luciferian Light Bringing Thought Process.
The Manipulated Then Manipulate
Its all this lunatic ritualism that the luciferian Thought Process wants us to know about. They
want to simply PRETEND TO HIDE their deeds, but use unwitting trance induced members
within society, to infiltrate these SECRET SACRED SEX RITUAL GROUNDS, and then report
back to the world, so that the whole of humanity will go off in a rage, looking for revenge,
looking to retaliate, looking to resist and reject the way things are in the 3D realm. In this way,
the luciferian Thought Process manipulates who and what we really are into attempting to
maintain, and to attempt to make the 3 dimensional life experience work. When in fact, it is
totally designed to fail, and in so doing, distract us from reality and thereby submitting our power
and wisdom to the Thought Process. The manipulated become the manipulators, … unwittingly
of course.
Below we have the USA $1 Bill. In the top right corner, nestled gently in the top left corner of
the shield around the number 1 you find a miniature owl. You can’t see it without magnifying it,
but subconsciously, you see it and you’re DNA energy code, or put another way, the
subconscious mind, registers the subliminal. (See the DNA chart on page 45). Follow the arrow
to the location of this little character, which incidentally, took 2 years to develop the design. If
they spent that much time on the design, it must hold a pretty important position in their overall
agenda. Just how important, and what this design on the front of the whole bill reveals, will be
shown on page 27. Suffice it to say, the 9-11 attack of 2001 is on the back side of the $5, $10,
$20, $50 and $100 bills, and the NEXT and LAST 9-11 is shown on the front of the $1 bill.
Remember, everything within the 3D illusory trance state, is designed to implant all of the
subliminal messages that, in fact, not only manipulate this illusory plane according to the
luciferian agenda, but actually conjures up the 3D realm that we’re convinced is real.

Now see it close up.

These luciferian elite leaders also have a LARGE OWL (a horned bird) on the face of their
sacred money. You can’t see it up close, but subliminally, you get a warm fuzzy towards the
great god Molech (the horned beast or bull) and human sacrifice. This owl symbolism is
referring to a womans breasts (she was called Lillith in ancient Egypt, and symbolized by an
The name Lillith can be deciphered as:
LILLITH = LILLI-THEO = Lilly Flower God = Sacrifice Death Flow Water of God
This large owl is also an infinity symbol if you draw a lazy 8 around the eyes. Furthermore, it is
the number 8, the number of total control, which has captivated the world through the sex
ritualism, the regeneration process, that acts as a temptress, in everything we do in this 3
dimensional realm.

The Large Owl Seeing Eye

Now look at this one at a distance. Step back a few feet from your monitor if you need to and it
will become extremely obvious that the OWL is the intended subject. Do you see the owl’s face?
George Washington’s face is the top beak. His throat is the bottom beak. The eyes are offset and
in different colours so as to give the life-like 3D realistic feeling.

So, you have to ask yourself, “What the hell is that there for?”
We have luciferian human sacrifice Molech worshipping Thought Process entities conjuring up
and directing our governments and the elite power brokers of the world. This is the SECRET
behind SECRET SOCIETIES. So secret in fact, that the Secret Societies themselves, are unaware
of what is being stated here.
This $1 dollar bill design was created by the Freemason Secret Society. George Washington was
a 33rd degree mason. President Roosevelt was also a high ranking Freemason when the back side
of this dollar bill with the Great Seal (not shown) was commissioned. On the front of this $1 bill,
they placed a miniature owl and an oversized owl on the front of the dollar bill. Why? One very
obvious reason is so they can watch us mere mortals (commoners to these folks) observe who’s
running the world. They’re telling us that they’re running the show but they laugh at how stupid
we are for not seeing it. They do this everywhere. Their arrogance is massive but now it’s caught
up to them and their empire is collapsing. The collapse is inevitable because its only strength is
the deception and lie that its built upon. The information on this site, (as lunatic as it appears), is
the uncovering of this lie. Once a lie is known, and accurately uncovered, its power and hold and
ability to manipulate is ultimately finished.
It would seem the owl holds quite a place in American, and for that matter, world politics. But
try this one on for size. The US Capitol (not Capital) Building was also built by the Freemasons
and carries with it the OWL DESIGN as seen in the road system and garden layout. The name
Capitol comes from Capitoline Hill in Rome, the ancient site of the worship of the sun god and
goddess Semiramis. The black statue at the top of the dome is Persephone, the goddess of the
underworld. The Washington Monument extends farther out from the bottom of the tail section.
This monument is 555 feet tall above ground and 111 feet beneath the ground. A total of 666
feet. The Washington Monument was also built by the Freemasons. The monument is a phallic
symbol, however what you’re looking at, when observing the Washington Monument, is the
female (square) expression (see number 5 chart to see the order that the square, circle and
triangle take) of the phallus. Inside the square or box, is the male circle phallic expression, which
demonstrates the sex act of how the penis is inside the woman. Within the male circle is the
triangle shape which is the seed of the child, the son of god, or the sun god. (Again, be sure to
see the charts on the previous pages describing this sequence).
Have a look at the capitol building from above and the obvious owl outline built so meticulously
around it.

Now zoom out and the wings of the owl are able to be seen. The significance of the owl in
luciferian thinking and symbolism is that the owl is able to be silent in the night as he hunts. The
owl has a coating on its wings that keeps it from being heard as it flies. This is unlike other birds
which can be heard when in flight. The owl can see in the dark, has 360 degree visual ability, has
horns, has talons, is a meat eater/blood drinker, etc. When you think about it, this is a very
appropriate symbol for the political, religious and academic leaders of our day. It should be
mentioned as well, that the tail section of this owl is a pyramid with a capstone separated. This
capstone is the wisdom of the luciferian All Seeing Eye and is situated right in the Capitol
Building itself. What does that tell us?

Genocide In Canada
In Canada we have the very same mind control program as is taking place in the United States.
After the Second World War, Canada harboured 1,200 Nazi mind control specialists used at the
concentration camps to exterminate the Jews. There were more Nazi war criminals allowed in
Canada than any other country in the world, including Argentina. Their documents were forged
to allow them access legally into this country. What did they do when they arrived in Canada?
They were sent into the native residential schools which had been established already in 1890 to
exterminate the native population of Canada. Unbelievable you think! Unbelievable, yes – but
also true.
The Gradual Civilization Act – Also Called Murder
In 1857, before Canada became a country, it was governed from Upper Canada, and the Gradual
Civilization Act was passed to slowly and methodically exterminate the native Indian population.
Even the name of Upper Canada is derived from the areas of Upper and Lower Egypt, the land of
the pyramids and sun god worship. Upper Canada will be shown to be a very significant part of
the world in subsequent pages, and connects the war on terrorism with Al Gores Global Climate
Change Treaty.
The Gradual Civilization Act was carried out by giving legal rights to the United Church of
Canada, the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church to go onto reservations and
remove the children by force (even unto death) from their parents. This was done with the
assistance of the North West Mounted Police which became the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
(RCMP). What followed are reports of torture, murder and rape. Murder by beatings! Murder by
lethal injection! Murder by nuns throwing little children out of 3rd story windows and selling the
bodies for $10.00 to the experimental laboratories at Canadian Universities! Murder by
establishing tuberculosis sanitariums across Canada and then feeding food laced with TB to the
native children so they could watch them die!
When they took the children to the sanitariums it wasn’t to help them get better, after all it was
the school officials that made them sick. It was to keep them out of sight and under control so
that they could kill them under the guise of taking care of them. The death rate at these schools,
from 1890 to 1984, ranged from 35 – 70% of the population. The minimum number of children
murdered and missing is 50,000. The actual numbers are estimated to be around 250,000. The
rape and eventual births born to the young native girls were never ever recorded. This was done
all across Canada. I live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, on the west coast of Canada.
These events happened at the residential schools at Port Alberni, Kuper Island, Nanaimo and
elsewhere on the island, as well as across Canada.
Were we aware of what was going on? Not a bit. We would just look at the native people not
acting or living as civilized as us and wonder what was wrong with them that they couldn’t get
their lives together. What was wrong, was that after almost 100 years of torture and murder, their
minds and wills were broken. After World War 2 and the introduction of the mind control
Nazi’s, that was the last straw. Virtually nothing was left of the native culture. Today, a
government manipulated agency called the Council of First Nations only acts as a smokescreen
to hide the real agenda of the luciferian think-tank and their illuminati puppets.
(See and the research Kevin Annett has done
for more than a decade to expose this criminal lunacy).
This happened and continues to happen before our eyes. The things that happen at Bohemian
Grove are occurring all over the world today. We are in a hypnotic mind control state and we
have to wake up. Waking up from such a massive deep suggestive state is staggering. Keep
reading the information on this sight and the hypnosis will begin to break. Become aware of the
duality nature of the luciferian egregore thought form that is holding this whole illusion together.
Realize that the thing we call light, is the energy and the tool the creates the deceit of everything
in this 3 dimensional realm. When we wake up and become aware of this duality of the luciferian
mind that masquerades as god and as the devil, we must not react in fear or anger. We must
expose the butchery but do not seek revenge. We must open our eyes to the horrors, and
understand that there is a master demonic entity manipulating the whole illusion. Just as a stage
hypnotists spell can be broken, likewise with this spell, simply by becoming aware of how the
spell is constructed. At no time should we resist, retaliate or resent, because that is to remain in
the hypnotic state and under the spell. Revenge is yet another tool the luciferian serpent
mindentity is looking for.
All of this horror and corruption is, after all, just a deception, a horrific distraction, to an even
bigger horror that is about to transpire. Keep reading the pages on this site and it will be spelled
out exactly what is going to take place in the next few years. This information is based on this
luciferian thought forms main tool, that of symbolism and subliminal messaging. All the
information is based on the symbolism derived from examining the symbolic significance within
the beam of light and its construction. After all, the beam of light is the very foundation that all
of the hypnotic state is based upon. The hypnotic state is the 3 dimensional world you observe
daily. This 3D world is the light, is lucifer, the light bearer and is the light particle demonstrated
as an atom symbol. Therefore, upon dissecting this energy symbol, it becomes self-revealing,
what will transpire in the years just ahead. We must expose without retaliating.
Human Sacrifice Altars – Mine Sacrament
Consider the symbolism in the 2 pyramid pictures below. Both are symbols of Human Sacrifice.
One is in Sacramento California and one is a Mayan structure. After considering the implications
of this symbolism, read pages 17, 18, 19 and 20 and the massive sacrifice already in progress
which will be served up at the Head Table of California.

Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of
hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.
Click here to watch video.
YouTube Video highlighting some of the subliminal elements hidden in the Dome of the Rock in
Please read the next paragraph before watching the ROCK VIDEO.
On the ROCK VIDEO, the World Trade Center is mistakenly called the ROCKEFELLER
PLAZA. The WTC was conceived and promoted by the Rockefellers. The Rockefeller Plaza is to
the north of the World Trade Centre, on the MANHATTAN ROCK, or MANNA STONE. The
WTC and the Rockefeller Plaza , along with the area of CENTRAL PARK, relate to the
TEMPLE MOUNT in Jerusalem, and the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the ROCK, and the
Temple Courtyard. These in turn relate to the North American West Coast. See page 39 for more
02 – Why 3D – Intellectualism – Demonism – Biggest Lie
Ever Sold – The Royal ROSE – The ROSE GARDEN – The
3D Illusory Me – Kabbalism / Intellectual Indoctrination –
Who is GOD – Why Are We Here – Warring With
THOUGHT FORMS – Wisdom The Eternal Paradise State


Box should appear in bottom left corner.

Bryan Kemila Fine Art EXPERIENCE … new website!

(Click on the card picture below)
Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of
hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.

Click here to watch video.

YouTube Video highlighting some of the subliminal elements hidden in the Dome of the
Rock in Jerusalem

Please read the next paragraph before watching the ROCK VIDEO.

On the ROCK VIDEO, the World Trade Center is mistakenly called the
ROCKEFELLER PLAZA. The WTC was conceived and promoted by the
Rockefellers. The Rockefeller Plaza is to the north of the World Trade Centre,
on the MANHATTAN ROCK, or MANNA STONE. The WTC and the
Rockefeller Plaza , along with the area of CENTRAL PARK, relate to the
TEMPLE MOUNT in Jerusalem, and the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the
ROCK, and the Temple Courtyard. These in turn relate to the North American
West Coast. See page 39 for more details.

Click here to watch the new Rock Video on YouTube.

This page is under construction.


Why We’re Here – Paradise – Manipulation

They will think to change times and seasons.

This begs the question: who will think to change times and seasons? After years of observation
in seemingly unrelated areas, the answer as to whom, and even how, why, and when has been

This is not just another take on the illuminati agenda.

Prepare yourself – the conclusions herein are troubling. Once we absorb this information,
another question will present itself: What to do about the illuminati cabal – the luciferian mind –
and its agenda of manipulation? The answer will become self-evident. The illuminati is mindful
of its final moments to realize its goal. That goal is total control of our eternal wisdom state
through a new world order, a new age of reason, designed to manifest itself through the 3
dimensional experience we call life. The new world order has long been established, but a
subliminal hex must be cast over humanity, convincing us once and for all the 3D scenario is
legit, that the 3 dimensional life experience is actually REAL. This luciferian mindset is
convinced of success. However, it has failed. We now know what the scenario really consists of,
how it was perpetuated using the illusory manifestation known as humanity, and most
importantly, how to end the illusion.

The luciferian egregore group of thinkers manipulate the illuminati pyramid through a
process of hypnotic mind control, know as kabbalism. This pyramid is in a DEEP TRANCE
STATE and is composed of the elite royal bloodlines that control world affairs. Institutions
such as the Vatican, the Monarchy, the United Nations, NATO, the World Bank, the World
Health Organization, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the Red Cross, the Red Crescent, the US Federal
Reserve, United Way, Habitat for Humanity, World Wildlife Federation, Greenpeace, the
Salvation Army (Red Shield-Rothschild), The Watchtower Society – Jehovah’s Witnesses, The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, The Roman Catholic Church, Protestant and
Evangelical Christian Organizations, the World Zionist Movement, the media, the movie
industry, the recording industry, the Corporation of the United States of America … you name
it, they own it and manipulate it in one way or another. Their agenda is saturated with deceit and
corruption. The world is deceived by their manipulation, thereby generating fear and hypnosis, in
much the same manner as they, themselves, have been manipulated into being pawns for the
luciferian MINDSET. The luciferian / illuminati mindset feeds insatiably on this fear. However,
all the organizations and world systems are only the tip of the iceberg, and are a decoy to throw
everyone off the trail of what is really happening, and what will happen over the next few years,
and most importantly, who and what is at the top of the pyramid and beyond. This site will
explain and show in great detail, the luciferian god that conjured up the whole illusory
experience known as the 3 dimensional world.

Signs of Things To Come

This dialogue won’t be at all scientific.

In fact what is put forward will actually show what a sham science is. Examples of
sound/word/shape association will be given many times in the pages that follow. Homonyms,
and letter/word shapes have particular significance to the luciferian thinkers of the world.
Sounds, shapes and colour, and the endless combinations of these, are the arsenal of the
ancient, magic-based religions. Neuro-linguistic programming, subliminal messaging,
symbolism, reverse symbolism, reverse speech patterns, and the like, have been used to
implant the luciferian agenda into the world system. This is their weapon and tool and the agenda
will be exposed in the pages ahead.

Here is one such example. Science can be looked upon as Seance. Seance is communication
with the dead spirit or occult mind/hidden mind with a particular purpose. The source of
science, religion, and magic are one and the same – the luciferian mind.

The chart below is a symbolic illustration representing a beam of light. It has no scientific value
whatsoever, as there is no element with 3 electrons, 1 proton and 1 neutron. However, it is the
most powerful symbol in the world, for every symbol, element, and physical 3D
representation, including the illusory concepts of the soul and spirit, are found within this

A beam of light passing through a prism creates a rainbow of colour. When this rainbow is
placed on a 2 dimensional plane, and in the shape of a colour wheel (the colour wheel is
basically a round rainbow), three primary colours are revealed.

Note that the red, yellow and blue appear at 120 degree intervals on the colour wheel.
120 degrees is 10 x 12. These 2 Tables of Multiples, 10X and 12X comprise the 2 major
systems used to create religion, science and magic. These 2 tables are found symbolically in the
Hebrew Temple, as shown on pages 16 and 17.

The occult mind, or the mind that chooses to remain hidden and in secret, must keep the
relationship regarding the 120 degree interval intact as it establishes its scenario, or lays its
foundation. However, once established it will distort to achieve its goals, and at the same time
avoid detection. Without this original foundation to establish the illusory deception, the number
system needed to manipulate humanity would collapse, and would have no validity whatsoever.
In other words, we would be immune to hidden occult trickery. The 120 degree intervals on the
colour wheel are the basis for geometric, mathematical, astrological, numerological and
chemical formulae that are the foundation of the 3 dimensional experience.

The Deliberate Luciferian System of

Corruption and Deceit
The three – 120 degree intervals – total 360 degrees. Each degree is supposed to represent a day.
After 360 days the earth is supposed to have travelled around the sun. This 360 degree circuit
around the sun is the source of the 360 degree circle that religion and science is based on. In
actuality, the earth takes 365 and 1/4 days and a couple of minutes and a few seconds to go
around the sun. This clumsy number, which actually has an inifinite decimal, would never allow
any precise formulae be concocted. Therefore, the circuit around the sun is rounded down on
the zodiac circle (light beam chart) to 360 degrees/days. When applied to mathematical
equations, Natural Pi is rounded down to 3 or 3.14. The Golden Ratio, or Golden Mean, is
rounded down to 1.61. This is deliberately done so the natural course of creation, created by
the luciferian group mind, would conflict with the unnatural systems of the physical world.
The luciferian mind is the creator of the world we see, and is the same mind that conspires the
world systems to conflict with the natural creation. Therefore everything corrupts or is
corrupted. Everything exists beneath the dome of duality and the illusory death experience.

The chart immediately below offers insight into the mind of lucifer. This group of entities, the
mind of lucifer, plays the dual role of supreme god and devil. This is the duality evident in
creation, however, the duality does not have a good and righteous god. There is one
delusional thought form behind everything, that is the luciferian egregore group mindset.
Humanity is not corrupt, not sinful, not going to hell, for hell doesn’t exist. We don’t really
experience death. This thing called death is only part of the hypnotic trance. We’re convinced
we’re dying because the physical body appears to separate from what appears to be our spirit.
Contrary to dying, we are returning to our original state of wisdom, free of 3D interference to
deceive any further. In “death” we actually reclaim our eternal state of wisdom. The big
deception in all this is that our physical body is an illusion. This includes the mind, the spirit, and
the illusory soul. The physical body, made of atoms, has no physical mass at all. The atoms
whirl about at incredible speed, creating the illusion of mass.
It wasn’t until the luciferian mind – the kabbalistic group of light bringing entities – decided to
create this 3 dimensional illusion, that ATOMS even existed. Atoms formed the first human
ADAM, hence the name and play on words. Of course, the first Adam created was actually
ADAM and EVE, who were created for breeding purposes, or the regeneration process. (See
the home page of this site). Atoms are the result of divided light, literally ripping apart the truth,
and dropping the illusion of matter through the orbiting characteristic of the electron to create a
magnetic attraction with the proton, which initiated the sex act. This illusion of matter is the
subliminal message of the master hypnotist that makes us believe the 3D illusion.

This 3D illusion isn’t real, nor is matter, nor energy associated with matter. We are led to believe
that we are simply energy, and energy can’t be destroyed. However, energy can be eliminated,
because energy is an illusion, a fabricated lie. Energy, creating the illusion of matter, is an
illusion of scientific magical thought, and is already finite, or limited. This energy with the
illusion of matter in the atom has no relevance to the eternal state of ecstasy – called WISDOM.
Matter does not exist in the eternal wisdom state. There is no divided light, no shape, no
colour and no sound. All these 3D manifestations are bits and pieces of illusory deception,
attempting to simulate something of value. Matter is simply light, manipulated to form an atom
and the appearance of everything 3 dimensional. The light originated from a thought. (Read page
41). These thoughts – these atoms – are lies!

When we look at shape, sound and colour as being of value, we are selling ourself short. We
are robbed blind. When we look past the measure of pleasure of the 3D illusion, the ultimate
expression of wisdom, ecstasy, worth and strength is recognized as being ours. Physical
pleasures are just that, pleasurable. However, to reconnect to our original wisdom state, by
realizing what’s transpiring within this 3 dimensional experience, reclaims the incredible
freedom and liberty of the eternal wisdom Paradise state, and the 3D physical pleasures are
even more pleasurable because of this awareness. The increased pleasure is experienced because
of the realization that sin, death, hell, and all the forbidding of the luciferian mind, is a lie.
Without any forbidden fruit to play the guilt card, an effortless existence of simply observing,
watching and waiting, and knowing all things, becomes ours once again.

This is our original state of existence: to know all things and to be free and liberated. This
has nothing to do with whether our physical bodies are free and liberated, it has to do with
becoming free and liberated from the hypnotic manipulation of our minds. Hypnotic
manipulation of our minds is when we actually believe OUR MIND IS OUR MIND.

What we believe to be OUR MIND and OUR THOUGHTS, is actually the luciferian conjured
up illusion of OUR MIND. This is THEIR MIND and THEIR THOUGHTS we experience in
this 3 dimensional plane. For this reason we must always watch and wait. Don’t react to
anything in anyway, for this is all luciferian based emotional manipulation. Emotionally detach
from placing value on the things that the luciferian mindset suggests are of value in this 3D
experience. In this way we reclaim the power of our original state and once again reconnect with
Paradise – RIGHT NOW!
Listen to the video link just below, and it is imperative to also read page 41, and the TEXT
VERSION of the video.

Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of

hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.

Click here to watch video.

Below are a few pictures of the little car used to measure the pulse of the community around me.
People gaze, wonder, move on in puzzlement, but rarely see what they’re looking at. Hypnosis is
a blinding entity.
The Greatest Story Ever Told … THE BIGGEST LIE
The Jesus myth (the Hey-Zeus myth) and every christ lie sold throughout the ages is exposed in
these pages. Christianity is 6,000 plus years old, not merely 2,000 years since the non-existent
Jesus (Hey-Zeus). All sun god worship (including the Jesus myth) has its source in the
constellations, the sun and earth. We will discuss the foundation that even the constellation
source of religion is built upon. The constellations and natural disasters of our time are
connected to the World Trade Centre attack, the fabricated war on terrorism and the global
climate scam. These events are different stages of the same agenda. The World Trade Centre
attack did not end on September 11, 2001. That event was, as mentioned on page one, only the
start button.
The Geo’s back and roof display the painting “Bridal Eyes” modeled by Playboy model, Devin

Intellectualism – Indoctrination In Lunacy

Every word and number conjured to form the 3 dimensional energy illusion, is based on a
flawed system conspired to generate death. For example, the 360 degree circle is based on the
yearly cycle the earth travels around the sun. This number of 360 degrees is supposed to
represent the 360 days needed to fulfill the cycle. However, the actual time it takes is 365 1/4
days, and a couple of minutes and a few seconds. The number 360 is rounded down so that
mathematical equations can be devised. This is done deliberately to conflict with the illusory
luciferian conjured up natural creation, so that the illusory 3 dimensional world experience
is out of harmony, corruptible and subject to death. So much of the 3D illusion seems to
almost work, to almost be in harmony, yet isn’t. Not only does it create disharmony, it is
designed to frustrate and fail, keeping peace and harmony just out of reach.

The numbers on the 360 degree/day circle are further simplified in the 12 months of the year.
Here is another misrepresentation, as there are actually 13 – 28 day months, or moons, each
year. The numbers used to represent these 360 days/12 months are the numbers from 0 to 9, and
combinations of these numbers. The numbers themselves are individually flawed because they
are the measuring device used to create the flawed, rounded down system. Ultimately any
formulae or equation developed is flawed, or rounded down, and is without accuracy or true
scientific validity. Science is indoctrination in learned knowledge, which in turn is
manufactured knowledge, based on concepts originating with the luciferian egregore
THOUGHT PROCESS, which is the illusory 3D world system. Science / seance is the basis
of all secret society lunacy. Science / seance is religion cloaked in intellectual lunacy.

The luciferian egregore groupmind suggests a vast array of subliminal messages to convince
us science is based in truth and reality. However, just because it’s accepted doesn’t make it true.
Furthermore, scientific principles based on a flawed number system doesn’t demonstrate
accuracy. In other words, learning a lot of incorrect and flawed information doesn’t achieve
wisdom or truth. Learning massive amounts of flawed information doesn’t lead to a
reconnection with our original wisdom state or awareness of what’s transpiring in the world.
Learning a lot of inaccuracies, a lot of flawed information, ultimately leads to indoctrination in

Just listen to a well-educated person speak. It takes but a few moments and the limitations of the
luciferian mindset is overwhelmingly evident. There isn’t any evidence of simply knowing
what is. The rhetoric they reiterate is the result of academic programming, or stated more
succinctly, luciferian mind control. The intellectually indoctrinated then venture out into the 3
dimensional mirage, spewing forth what has been indoctrinated over the course of many years of

The Birth of Intellectualism – The Invention

of Babylon the Great
A light beam, refracted to form colours, when connected to the thought of a specific shape,
actually forms the illusory shape conceived. The shape isn’t really there, only the illusion of
the shape. The light beam, when divided, forms the atom symbol when observed in 2
dimensions. But how could the ancient mystics possibly have knowledge of the atom 6,000
years ago? There were no microscopes. The answer is, they saw this up close and first hand.
They were in the presence of light energy at its origin, when it was first conceived or conjured
forth. The luciferian group mind did everything. These THOUGHT FORM entities created
this illusory light by just thinking it. The light bringer, lucifer, thereby created colour, shape
and sound. The luciferian group mindset is the creator of heaven and earth, the light bearer,
or more accurately, the divider of light and creator of duality.
As light passes through a crystal, it is refracted into a rainbow. This is the origin of the term,
christ. The luciferian egregore group of thinking entities is the father god, the creator of
LIGHT or LIES, and their saviour is the crystal, the light of the world, the messianic christ-
all, that convinces us the 3D illusion is real.

This mystical information is known as kabbalism (cabbalism) which has been passed on to the
luciferian pawns, the illuminati elite power brokers, but with a slight twist, THE ILLUMINATI
THIS SIGHT if you so choose. The rulers of ancient Sumer/Babylon were the first to receive
the knowledge of kabbalism. These leaders laid claim to the divine right of kings to rule. In
other words, some god gave them the right to be royal or chosen. The word ROYAL,
especially the first 2 letters, RO, appear often in tracking the luciferian thought process. RO is
the source of the word Royal. To become ROYAL, one must RISE ABOVE ALL. This Royal
Rise is the Rose, the Order of the Rose that rules the world through hypnotic suggestion. In
the word ROYAL, a very major subliminal message is implanted and completely undetected.

RISING Pacific Ocean

The luciferian agenda is centred around the destruction of the SPIRIT of Los Angeles, the
LUCIFERIAN FABRICATED spirit of whoredoms. The luciferian egregore group mind
conjured up the notion of good and bad, right and wrong, and cast whoredoms in the camp of the
bad. This ultimately gives, what would appear to be just cause, to bring about a world cataclysm
and time of judgment. This judgment and cleansing of the earth will be meted out on the 11
Western States, and ultimately throughout the whole world.

At this point on this site, this last statement will make very little sense to anyone new to this
information. However, do continue reading the hundreds of pages and charts developed just for
this site, and the whole luciferian agenda, and the timeline of the events that are meant to come
to pass will become exceedingly evident. All evidence hinges around the symbolism of the World
Trade Centre attack, which in turn relate to the ROCK that the illusory Jesus proclaimed, he
would build his church upon.


The Rose of Babylon, The Egyptian Order of the Rosy Cross, The Holy Rosary of the
Vatican, The London Rose, all of which lead to the White House and the Rose Bush family
and their famous Rose Garden. It doesn’t end there, however. The Rose continues within the
Qing Dynasty and ultimately to the Pacific Ocean that Rose, and is Rising for the final

These chosen people of Babylon became known as god’s chosen people and, through a series of
mythical maneuverings throughout these illusory ages, with countless conjured up ‘god stories’,
the ultimate favoured nation of the luciferian lord became known as the Israelites. Remember
though, it was only the rulers of the empire who laid claim to the divine right to rule. They in
turn adopted a group (common Babylonians) to manipulate via the sharing of kabbalistic
knowledge. Thus the shaman/priest was anointed and religion was established. Even today,
many jewish people still practise kabbalism as part of their faith. However, it’s not only in
judaism that one sees the kabbalistic principles applied (kabbalism is sun god or light worship).
Christianity is also kabbalism. As is Islam and every form of religion in the world, including
atheism. Different names, rituals and holy days have been applied, but the worship of a supreme
being, the LIGHT, is the ultimate dogma. That supreme being is the light bringer, luciferian
egregore, the conjuring group creator, who in turn are the kabbalistic group of thinking


As the centuries slid by kabbalism was employed by many other groups. Eventually it was
passed into the hands of the Christian Roman Catholic Church and the Society of Jesuits. The
Knights Templar (the Christian Crusaders) also laid claim to this knowledge around 1000 AD,
which morphed into the Secret Society of Freemasonry as well as other Secret Societies today.
The mystic knowledge is passed on to whomever is appointed to further the luciferian agenda,
which agenda is, the intellectual learned knowledge of the 3 dimensional illusion. Learned
knowledge is kabbalistic mind control through hypnotic repetitious indoctrination, be it religious
or scientific in its make up.



The following chart portrays the some of the symbolic connection from ancient Babylon to
present day freemasonry. The rulers of the globalist empires have intermarried since the
beginning of human history. In this way the limited kaballistic information given to the elite is
certain to be maintained through the notion that blood runs thicker than water. In other words,
the information given to the elite of the world, though limited, was to be kept as a sacred family
heirloom. For instance, the royal families of Europe, who really are all one family, strictly
intermarry, and will shun any family member who marries a commoner with no royal ancestry.
This is the luciferian inspired elitist bloodline, with the alleged divine right to rule. These are
the chosen people of god (in their own eyes) as stated in the new testament, which is the
new/next stage of the agenda).

This race of god’s chosen people, the Jews, is emboldened through the christian religion. The
Christians, in turn, claim to be the chosen people by choosing to be supporters of the chosen
people. If this sounds convoluted, it’s meant to be. Christianity is but an extension of the old
testament of god’s chosen people. The free world can now partake in the ignorance of accepting
the Jesus myth. Even though there have been dozens of messiahs prior to Jesus, and they all
happened to be born on December 25. Most of them were crucified and resurrected on the
third day. All were born of a virgin, etc. The Jewish / Christian connection then enjoined with
the creation of Islam in the early 7th century AD. This brought together the 3 major players,
collectively known as the Children of Abraham, or the children of HUMAN SACRIFICE,
who form approximately half of the world population, and this site will reveal completely, the
luciferian / illuminati agenda entrusted to conquer our connection to reality through this
kabbalistic group entity, going back to ancient Babylon and the ARAB WORLD, the

Destroying the GODS of THOUGHT /

At this time, be aware, that what we’re dealing with, (as pertaining to the luciferian / illuminati
agenda), is NOT FLESH AND BLOOD HUMAN BEINGS. What’s being described on this site
are the entities that have conjured up this total 3D illusion, through the THOUGHT PROCESS
and everything we see is a THOUGHT FORM. Who we really are, is not the illusory body of
humanity numbering in the billions. We are that formless thing called WISDOM, and we are the
ULTIMATE EXPRESSION of BEING that the luciferian 3 dimensional illusion was designed
to separate us from. Separation from that wisdom, brings us into total control under their
intellectually based systems of science and religion. We’re in a war with the mythical gods of
old, the illusory THINKERS, who attack us through the fabricated minds we’re certain are our
minds. Yet, these minds that we use to contemplate all things 3 dimensional, are their minds,
fabricated to receive the THOUGHT PATTERNS meant to disconnect us from the powerful
stillness and knowing of the ETERNAL PARADISE STATE, which is who we are.

Winning this war is TOTALLY DO-ABLE. The luciferian egregore group of THINKERS
have absolutely no power but what we give them as we consign our REALITY BASED
creates and then manifests as the 3 dimensional LIFE EXPERIENCE. What we accept and
believe within this thought process, is what our illusory reality appears to be. As we disconnect
from this emotional validation of everything 3D, (which doesn’t mean we try to stop doing
things in the 3 dimensional plane), we reconnect to our original eternal state of KNOWING
ALL THINGS. Whether we do certain things, or not, in the 3D sense, is irrelevant, as all things
3D are just illusions, and one has no more value than the other. There is no good or bad, right or
wrong, up or down, or black or white. The 3 dimensional plane is just an illusion of electrons,
protons and neutrons buzzing around at break neck speed, creating the illusion of MATTER,
TIME and SPACE. There is no such thing as MATTER! No such thing as TIME! And no such
thing as SPACE! Becoming aware of this, is the catalyst to breaking the TRANCE STATE,
terminating HYPNOTIC CONTROL of our reality, and reconnecting to the ETERNAL
PARADISE STATE, the state of power which we’ve never left, but have only become
disconnected from awareness of that state because of the VEIL called this 3 dimensional life
experience. The very form we exist in, within this 3 dimensional illusion, the form we refer to
as our physical body and mind, is the very thing keeping us disconnected from PARADISE.
The only thing that needs to be accomplished to reconnect to PARADISE, is to become aware
of this realization that everything is an illusory subliminal hypnotic suggestion, entirely
designed to misdirect who we really are, with sinister controlling intent, directing us away
from our power and strength, and away from our eternal reality state of wisdom.

The freemason religion today, with its kaballistic knowledge, has within its ranks, christian
clergy and priests. Many catholics, protestants, and basically all christian denominations are well
represented. Of note is Billy Graham, a 33rd degree mason since 1949. Of course, the
freemason organization denies this vehemently because Billy Graham, working the Magic
Mysteries of a Secret Lord, has brought millions of people to this Secret Society Lord. And
that Lord, and any Supreme Being, is the lucifer light bringing group egregore god who said
LET THERE BE LIGHT. This explains in part, why Mr. Graham has been the spiritual
advisor to all the modern day US presidents. As will become apparent on this site, what is
commonly referred to as the SPIRIT, is itself, part of the luciferian LIGHT SHOW, and will
be shown to be nothing more than a conjured up bit of hypnotic lunacy. Being a freemason, Mr.
Graham’s philosophy matches the luciferian agenda perfectly. Furthermore, the Billy Graham
Crusades have been organized by freemasons and the Shriners (32nd degree freemasons) have

Shriners must pledge allegiance to Allah – hence the official name of their group: The
Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. This is the significance of the
Shriners’ fez hats with the crescent moon and the sword.

Consider the chart below, and notice that the 6 pointed star is the key symbol which finds its
roots in the ATOM SYMBOL, which in turn is created by the ELECTRON, PROTON and
NEUTRON, which in turn is simply the THOUGHT PROCESS. The THOUGHT
PROCESS, or INTELLECTUALISM in all its forms, is the VEIL separating us from
WISDOM and not allowing us to experience our PARADISE STATE RIGHT NOW. We are
NOW in that ETERNAL PARADISE, however the 3D VEIL completely hinders us from
experiencing the power and liberty of that state if we remain in the TRANCE. We remain in
the TRANCE by rendering validity to the THOUGHT PROCESS and the 3 dimensional
The creation of the number system was a crucial first step to global manipulation, and for that
matter, global creation. In freemasonry, as well as in occultism, numbers are sacred. SACRED
GEOMETRY is the number system presented as religion. This is the significance of the
freemasonry symbol – the compass and square. This is the 6 pointed star, and is a from a
Christian CROSS, or a SWASTIKA, and basically, it includes every religious symbol within its
form in one fashion or another. Freemasons are not obsessed with the construction of physical
buildings, just for the sake of building a building. Freemasons, and the INTELLECTUALIZED
world as a whole, are fulfilling the agenda of the great god and architect of the universe, and to
this end, apply the principles of their sacred geometry. To a freemason, an ANGLE is an
ANGEL. Their black and white tiled floors express the duality of the luciferian GROUP king.
To these checkerboard patterns, they also attribute numbers forming the holy sacred cubes and
the magic squares.
Freemasons run the governments of the world and strive to erect landmark buildings, monuments
and national parks, etc., as strategic symbols of their influence and to instill the validity of the 3
dimensional realm. Not only as symbolic power, these structures act as direct subliminal
hypnotic suggestion. Their agenda uses the flawed system of number and language rituals to
build order out of chaos. The freemasons relentlessly build and construct the modern day cities
on behalf of the illuminati elitist families, who in turn are simply illusions themselves, working
within, and in accordance to, the luciferian agenda of 3 dimensional construction, sincerely
believing they are fulfilling the will of god and literally building his kingdom on earth.

Without the number system there can be no global deception and manipulation. Every
corruption in the world is the result of a religious or scientific system using numbers. Therefore,
those desiring to control and manipulate must create some type of number system before they
can proceed.

The beam of light in the above chart shows a circle of 360 degrees. Supposedly this represents
the number of days it takes for the earth to orbit the sun. However, it actually takes 365 1/4 days
and a few minutes for the earth to circle the sun. This is the key origin of how the times and
seasons have been manipulated as required, to change history according to the illuminati agenda.
Discussion of this discrepancy and its significance occurs in the following pages.

Oh Baby Baby – Baby Me

The oneness of our original awareness state is evident when a baby is born. The baby recognizes
nothing of its surroundings. As far as the baby is concerned, everything is still oneness – still
connected to authentic awareness. Let me ask this question. When do we first begin to
recognize people, things, the stars and even ourselves? If memory serves correctly, I may
have had an inkling of recognition at about 2 or 3 years old. Before then not much seems to have
taken place. Actually nothing did take place.

The reason we can’t remember seeing or hearing anything for the first year or two, or longer, of
our physical life, is because it’s not really there. We start to learn the language, learn to
interpret the stupidity of our brainwashed parents (I’m a parent of 5 children, so I personally
know how stupid a brainwashed parent can be), learn a number system and become
indoctrinated in the seductions of the other senses and so the 3D illusion appears real. Then
we store a memory bank of events to recall. Add to this the trauma of fear, stress, anxiety
and deceit over decades and we become totally hypnotized – convinced this is real. It isn’t real
and it never has been!

To consider the source of the system that runs the world, return to the top of the page and click
on, Page 3 – All Seeing Eye – Clockwork, etc. in the navigation bar at the top right side of the
page. The next few pages will lay the foundation for how the kabbalistic system for hypnotic
control is actually structured. This may become slightly tedious and its therefore recommended
to skip ahead to other pages to gain insight into how extremely revealing this foundational
information will be in uncovering the whole luciferian agenda, and in fact, answering those age
old questions of WHO GOD IS, and WHY ARE WE HERE, etc. Every question you may
have ever entertained at anytime in your life, can now be answered.
03 – All Seeing Eye – ALL A / ALLAH / ALL EYE / A LIE /
OWL EYE – Clock Work – Divided Light – The Same
Fucking Story – The Rainbow – Sexuality – Luciferian
Egregore – Atheism – DEEP HYPNOSIS – Getting Rid of
DEATH – Cynicism Is Greater Than Love – Numbers 1 to 6
– Code of Wisdom – SIX SEX HEX VEX

Bryan Kemila Fine Art EXPERIENCE … new website!

(Click on the card picture below)

Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of

hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.

Click here to watch video.

YouTube Video highlighting some of the subliminal elements hidden in the Dome of the
Rock in Jerusalem

Click here to watch the new Rock Video on YouTube.

This page is under construction.

the all seeing eye – numbers 1 to 6

Religion has hypnotized the human race. We have been convinced we are
lost sinners and in dire need of a saviour. This fear-based trauma tactic has
deceived humanity for centuries.

It is imperative to explain the many forms religion manifests itself. Our hope
is the insidious and conniving mindset of the luciferian hypnosis will be
recognized. This involves examining the origin of the number system. The
creation of astrological, numerological and scientific formulae are based on
the multiples of 10 and 12. We were introduced to these in grade school as
the 10 times table and the 12 times table.

(You may want to jump to page 16, top of the page, to see diagrams illustrating how the 10 and
12 times tables are symbolized in the Hebrew Temple).

When simplified, the number system is based on 1, 2 and 3. The number system manipulates 1
beam of light with the duality of 2 opposing characteristics – positive and negative – north and
south – male and female. These characteristics along with others, form the duality of religion. A
beam of light has 3 primary colours (red – yellow – blue), 3 primary shapes (a line – curve –
angle), 3 primary parts to sound (volume – tone – rhythm).

The system that manipulates energy can easily manipulate humanity when enough methods of
seduction (or enough wires of thought, which is energy, are coiled around us, as in an
electromagnetic field) are introduced. These systems are derived (similar to the basic religious
trinity idea – see home page), from the manipulation of a beam of light. The single beam of
light is highly symbolic and immensely powerful to the luciferian egregore group mind.

Notice that the illustration on the light beam chart depicts the atom symbol. The three primary
colours overlap in the centre forming a hexagon. The hexagon represents the light of the
world and is seen as black. The black hexagon is the pupil of the eye, the all seeing eye, the
illuminated knowledge used to manipulate humanity.

The HEXAGON is symbolically represented as BLACK when considering SUBTRACTIVE

WHITE. This is the very nature of the DUALITY BASED luciferian egregore THOUGHT
PROCESS. The thought process creates the illusion of black and white, good and bad, and
every opposing notion within the 3D plane.

Here the colour black symbolizes wisdom and truth. Applying the luciferian mindset, which is
the THOUGHT PROCESS, to undivided black light, creates a rainbow of divided light. Black
light becomes divided light when the luciferian entity manipulates light energy through the
THOUGHT PROCESS and attaches any notion of form. Light energy is sexual generative
energy. It requires the dual nature of the light and dark energy to inter-sect or to inter-course,
producing the SECT ACT, or the SEX ACT, thereby pro-creating.

Sexual energy is observed within the magnetic and electrical fields we experience in varying
degrees in the 3D illusion. The ultimate sexual ecstasy is experienced when we are liberated
from the luciferian hypnotic trance state, and awareness of what’s transpiring in the 3D realm,
and for that matter, what the 3D realm actually is. Through sex we try achieve the ecstasy only
awareness can provide. We attempt to reconnect and reclaim the original PARADISE
STATE using ineffective and deficient means of substitution within the sex act, that can
achieve nothing more than physical gratification. Sexual gratification is delightful, and does not
in anyway impede the reconnection process to our original WISDOM STATE. However,
even though sex is a pleasure, it pales in comparison to the bliss of awareness of what is
transpiring in this 3 dimensional illusory state.

The luciferian thought process conjures up light. As individual thought charactistics are applied
the whole black light becomes divided appearing to separate male and female. In other words,
this illusion manifests as male and female, dividing and disconnecting us from awareness of
our wisdom state. The original male/female oneness does not manifest in energy atoms. The
original male/female knowing had no physical form or no physical atom energy. We were
purely WISDOM, we were, and still are, FORMLESS, and fully WISE. However, the
luciferian mind conjured the human form and the human psyche, and used this illusion as the
receiving dish for the THOUGHT PATTERNS they wished to extend to us, manifesting as a 3
dimensional reality, and in the process disconnecting who we really are, WISDOM and

Keep in mind as you consider these words. There is no such thing as TIME, and this process is
just occurring NOW, even as I write. It wasn’t initiated centuries ago, or untold billions of years
ago. Its occurring right now.

Luciferian thinking entities cannot directly cause awareness to become unaware. They must
first create the atom (the first Atom and Eye), and thereafter create systems based on the atom,
such as religion, science and magic. These manipulate humanity through a physical sexual
experience, or an energy exchange, distracting our awareness from reality to the illusory images
presented to us. This is the process called HYPNOSIS. Hypnosis is simple MISDIRECTION
of REALITY. This is why the world systems are based on sex ritualism and sexual innuendo,
though very pleasant, they are very distracting and disconnect us from our eternal wisdom state if
we allow our awareness of this luciferian sex driven thought process to destroy our connection to
wisdom and reality.

Paradise Lost
For this reason humanity spends its physical life trying to reconnect to the awareness lost. We
want to return to our original knowing state, but always seem to lose our way. We continue to
lose our way until we become conscious that the luciferian egregore, or the creator god, is not a
loving god, or a divine creator, but deliberately aims to manipulate who we really are, and to
destroy our connection to the eternal wisdom state. It is this eternal state, and awareness of this
paradise state, that stands between absolute power and worship for the luciferian entities, who
can thereby fabricate an eternal state of subservience, in turn directing all the power of the
eternal state unto themselves.

Trying to reconnect to our awareness may take on different forms of sexual orientation, or an
active sex life. There is, with sex, no such thing as sin, therefore no right or wrong sexual
orientation. The sin concept is derived from manipulating the light, and when the light is
divided all sorts of legalism concerning right and wrong is suggested and attached to the
limitless colours, shapes and sounds.

In our original state of awareness, there is no light or energy. There is NO SPIRIT and NO
SOUL. Each man and woman, is without form, without division, and are not man and woman.
This differs from the 3D state in that there are no physical forms to deceive, causing the ecstasy
to end. Simply put, we are complete in awareness in the wisdom state, and the ecstasy of being
one in union is constant and eternal. There is no division, no individuality, no male or female in
the Paradise State. We are not WE, which denotes individuals, or division, but we are
WISDOM and the ultimate state of being, and we are that WISDOM ALREADY. We just
have to reconnect to who we already are.



The subliminals in these 2 words alone, will be used repeatedly throughout the implementation
of the luciferian agenda, as it unfolds towards its hoped for goal of total control.

When light is divided into the 3 primary colours, the 3 basic shapes and the 3 simple parts of
sound, it becomes integrated with a thought form. The shape imagined in the thought process
then appears to be solid. In reality the shape is only divided light with the egregore thought form

This process describes the origin of the all seeing eye symbol used throughout history by the
luciferian mind. The EYE, or I, is the ancient symbol of all religion as evident in Babylon,
Egypt, Phoenicia, and in modern times observed in Catholicism, Freemasonry, Jehovah’s
Witnesses, Mormonism, Evangelicalism, Protestantism and so on.

However, the most manipulative religion is, without a doubt, science. It is based upon the
ATOM (or ADAM), the oldest sex ritual symbol in the world, and is the source of the 6
pointed star (see page 1). Science as religion is based on the atom, which in turn is the symbol
of energy, sex, regeneration and divided light.

Albert Einstein was an acclaimed genius, an incredible scientist, theorist, and a believer in god.
Being of Jewish heritage, he had an edge in understanding how energy can be manipulated.
Despite this, Einstein comes up short in wisdom. He accelerated scientific thought in the 20th
century, allowing the world to succumb to even more of the luciferian mindset. The 20th
century was significant because, like the number 8, the number 20 is associated with total
control. (See the clockface charts below and 20 coincides with 8 on the 2nd clockface). During
the 20th century the New World Order was actually realized, or was arranged in such a
fashion as to allow for the events we’ve witnessed since the WTC attack of 9-11. By the year
2012, the New World Order, which is a more contemporary title for the Messianic Kingdom of
God on Earth, conspires to completely annihilate our awareness through the luciferian

Albert Einstein worked intimately with the atom and energy. This symbol is the All Seeing Eye,
the symbol of sun god worship throughout the ages. Let’s have a look at the word EYE as it
relates to EINSTEIN.


ALBERT = EL the father of all gods – BERT B beta the fertility letter, relating to both BIRTH
and DEATH, or LIFE and DEATH, as they are inseparable, and T is the sacrifice CROSS, the
sun god of ancient Babylon and in turn symbolizes the cross of sun and light worship.

This is all subliminal suggestion. The name, Albert Einstein, relates to, and supports the
activities of this scientific genius. Without the strong hypnotic suggestion locked within the
name, the control over the word’s consciousness would have been weakened.

This all seeing eye shows up in all religion in one way or another: as the eye symbol, the eternal
flame (representing light or illumination of knowledge), as the sun or any spin off symbol
representing rays from the sun as seen in the christian cross with or without the circle
representing the sun’s rays and sphere.

This is the source of one common name for the sun god RA – or RAY. The black PUPIL of
the eye is also the word for a student who is studying a particular craft, trade or expertise. The
student is referred to as a PUPIL. The pupil is gathering KNOWLEDGE, which is
synonamous with LIGHT according to the luciferian thought process. The knowledge of the
craft is symbolized by the dark hexagon pupil of the all seeing eye, which in turn represents the
luciferian mindset.

Intellectualism is indoctrination in the spirit of sun worship. As mentioned before, the SPIRIT
and the SUN, or SOUL, are illusions. In spite of these illusory concepts intellectualism has
become common place in our modern world, and it is all but impossible to think of it as
anything but normal. However, the world societies have drifted into the clutches of this mind
trap, carrying our connection to reality with it, and as a result we now face the spectacle of
immense destructive luciferian events, foretold for thousands illusory years. We now face the
contrived JUDGMENT of GOD!

These events are unfolding today, and will continue to unfold at an accelerated pace until the
luciferian scenario is complete, and the so-called Judgment of God has gone about its business of
creating a massive manipulative ploy, to herd any hint of reality we might have left, into a pit of
lunacy. In the following pages, this lunacy will be demonstrated to be the Environmental Green
Movement, the Global Warming fiasco, the War on Terrorism and the fabricated World
Financial Crisis, among a host of other topics. The events were programmed to happen at this
illusory point in time, after the complete manipulation of humanity had been achieved. It
wouldn’t have mattered who populated the world in these days, as no group of humanity would
be any more chosen or condemned than any other group. However, this egregore group of
entities will attempt to convince us that it has wiped corruption and heresy from the globe.

The colours within the dark hexagon pupil represent the colours seen in the IRIS of a human
eye. This name IRIS is derived from the Egyptian sun god Os-Iris, and is the root word for
symbolically establishing the thought of the Christ, THE SUN GOD, rising from the dead:
Christ being the light shown in the iris colours, and death being the black pupil.

Let’s have a look at this word OSIRIS.

OSIRIS = O – S – I – RIS
O = the symbol of the All Seeing Eye
S = the symbol of the serpent prince, or the heavenly queen
I = the symbol of the All Seeing Eye as the one supreme god

OSIRIS = OZ-I-RISE = The Wizard of OZ Rises As A 3D Illusory Plane

This is subliminal messaging. Subliminals are all around us and lock us into a state of hypnosis
almost impossible to escape. This is the foundation of the Order of the Rose – Christ RISING,
or the Christ who ROSE, from the dead – and the order of death. Suggesting there can be no
resurrection unto eternal life without death, as symbolized by the black pupil.

Osiris was the Egyptian sun god of life, death and fertility. He was the father of Horus, the
Rising Sun god, the supposed saviour of the world. HORUS is where we obtain the word
HORIZON, and the name of the State of ARIZONA in the USA. However, Osiris also had the
title of Redeemer and Judge, just as Jehovah does in Christianity. Jesus is synonymous with
Horus. Jesus is the son of Mary and Jehovah, just as Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis.

The Same Fucking Story

This same story, the FATHER GOD having sex with an EARTHLY WOMAN,
(immaculately, of course), is repeated over and over throughout history. The Mary and Jesus
story was about 1 out of 50 Christ saviour myths, (and probably many more of lesser fame) all
of whom were born on December 25th.

This is all based on corruption. This isn’t sinful, because sin doesn’t exist. However, all
knowledge is corrupting and hinders our awareness, if we let it. We then become saturated in the
knowledge of this dark hexagon pupil of deceit with the ultimate HEX of the hypnotic thought
process placed upon the people of the world.
Consider the chart below and the origin of the All Seeing Eye. Keeping in mind, that the word
ALL = OWL, and is the inspiration for the OWL symbolism, and the WISE OLD OWL
adage, used in society.

Even the religion known as atheism boasts the atom symbol, which is the All Seeing Eye, as
their logo. In the TRANCE STATE of this 3 dimensional plane, the deeper one is indoctrinated
in the belief that SCIENCE actually has some validity, or reality, the greater is the
disconnection from WISDOM and the original state of being. Atheists will argue vehemently
that science (which is seance), proves there is no god, which of course there isn’t. However, they
will continue to trust in the knowledge offered up through scientific research which is based
on the foundation of the ELECTRON, PROTON and NEUTRON, which is the TRINITY of
The All Seeing Eye of Freemasonry
The United States of America was founded by Freemasons, the most prevasive secret society
in the world. They designed the back of their one dollar bill with the all seeing eye above the 13
tiered pyramid. Many will deny the Freemason influence on the currency design. Many even
deny Freemasonic influence in the design and direction of the United States as a country. So be
it. Suffice to say, Freemasonry, or Secret Societies of any stripe, are still the driving force
behind every structure of government throughout the world. Freemasonic influence and world
manipulation is basically a smokescreen tactic used by the luciferian egregore, used to call the
dogs off if anyone gets to close to reality and the truth.
The US boasts that its founded on Christian principles. However, the actions of this so-called
Christian nation, against their own people and those of other nations, lets it be known what the
Christ of Christianity truly is.

So, what purpose is there for this luciferian symbol, the all seeing eye and the pyramid? This
Eye is called the Eye of Horus, the sun god of Egypt, who was born to die for the sins of the
world. (Sounds kind of Jesus like). This Eye is also called the Eye of Lucifer, the light bringer.
Light initiates corruption and is the corruptor of this world. The very nature of light, which
manifests as the 3 dimensional reality, is completely an illusion saturated entirely in
corruptibility. Both these symbols, the eye and the pyramid, come from the triangle created
by connecting the 3 primary colours from the colour wheel and manipulating them as shown
in the All Seeing Eye diagram above. (See illuminatiMATRIX home page – half way down –
Where Does the Atom Symbol Come From).

Zodiac Clockfaces of the Luciferian Egregore

Immediately below are twelve – 12 hour clock faces with the numbers from 1 to 144. These
clocks or light beams are zodiac circles. They are the source of the luciferian number
symbolism and the value they assign to each number. As you read through this site you will
become familiar with the importance of this symbolism and the secrets they unlock. Be
prepared to see into the mindset of the these lying entities. By the time we get to pages 13 to 41
and beyond, it will become abundantly apparent, the massive devastation that is written in these
little clock face charts.

This information has not come through spiritual channeling as it is that spirit channeling is the
very topic this site is exposing as being the luciferian intellectual and religious systems of the
world. This is just observation of the symbolism, interpreting it based on known principles of
interpretation, and passing the information on through words and diagrams.
Number 1
Number one is a new day, a new age of reason and a new start. In short, it’s the supreme god
concept blowing its own horn and thumping its own chest while announcing to its conjured up
creation: Let the worship and adoration of ME, the ALL SEEING EYE, begin!
The examination of the origin of numbers may seem trivial. You might say, “So what if number
1 came from this source and number 2 came from another … and so on?” Without this
manufactured number system there could be no astrology, no numerology, no science and no
form of magic (which is what these systems are, and have been referred to throughout history).
Magic was the word given to the unexplained. Anything that deceived in the seen or unseen
realm was looked upon as magic. Of course, we now know everything physical is only light
energy, and the ability to manipulate this energy draws from the scientific to the esoteric, of
which there is no difference. All energy manipulation, whether scientific or esoteric, is produced
by applying the number system. There could be no religion or science without a number
system, and therefore no hypnosis of humanity. The number system, instituted in formulating
any language system, creates a thought pattern used to manipulate the mind and thereby create
a 3 dimensional veil of deceit.

ONE = WON = NOW = NWO – The New World Order subliminal is hidden in the number 1.

Number 2
The number 2 represents the Duality nature of the messiah concept. It is this dualism, this
constant confrontation, that keeps humanity in the grip of hypnosis. Duality is how the
luciferian egregore group of entities perpetuates their illusion, and how they establish a
controlling mechanism to direct the 3 dimensional realm as they desire it to go. All the while
remaining undetected and free from being exposed.
Number 3
As numbers are established, the complexity and power behind them increases. The number 3
has a vast amount of symbolism. The obsession with the pyramid and triangle throughout
history is easily apparent.



Not so apparent is this shape, which has been derived from the 3 primary colours of a beam
of light, also represents the Sun (or Son of God). This is the seed of god, the Atom – the Adam.
This is the triangle pyramid, the most powerful form of the luciferian deity, the creator of every
illusory 3 dimensional object we see.

The number system is developed from the notion the sun is the source of life because the sun is
the light of the world. All numbers are developed with this concept in mind: light is god, and
worship of the sun/son is rewarded with salvation. Building one layer of religious thought
upon another in this manner has led to the mind-controlled hypnotic state of the 3D world, and
is in itself, the very reason the 3D world even appears to be real. This triangular shape
permeates society and for good reason. This is the shape used to penetrate the consciousness of
man. The triangle is the tip of the spear, used in the hunt to kill the awareness of humanity.
As mentioned above:



Number 4
The origin of the number 4 brings with it some curious revelations. We see the manipulation of a
beam of light, conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS, is designed to use the illusory
body of humanity into believing we should worship the sun as a god. This manipulation
immediately DISCONNECTS our being from our ORIGINAL STATE OF WISDOM. The
next logical step to solidifying this notion is to divide the light beam into 4 quarters or 4
seasons or 1/4 of 1 whole or 25% of 100. All these refer to the number 4 or one quarter. This
next word break down will follow through frequently in the pages that follow:


For those new to the information on this site, the word QUARTER relating to the word ROCK
and to WATER, and having originated from ONE QUARTER of a BEAM of LIGHT will seem
insignificant at this point. However, as the information is considered in the pages that follow, the
incredible importance and revealing of the luciferian agenda will link very powerfully to
understanding the symbolism in the word QUARTER.

4 = 4 SQUARE = 4 RAUQS in reverse = 4 ROCKS the 4

SQUARE FOUNDATION that the 3D illusion is built on.
After all, it takes 4 seasons to go around the sun, so it makes sense this thought should be
introduced. The number 4 represents the foursquare concept of sun god worship – the very
foundation that Judeo/Christian/Islamic thought, and religion as a whole, is built upon. All
religions are sun god worship religions. All religion is sun god, zodiac based, but
Judeo/Christian/Islamic thought, forms one religion, that of the children of Abraham. This one
religion includes half the population of the world, or approximately 3.3 billion people.

The 2 intersecting lines indicating the 4 seasons of the zodiac circle, form a CROSS in the
centre of the triangle, which in turn forms a 90 degree right angle at each corner of each
square. These intersecting lines form a symbolic cross overlayed on a symbolic sun. The lines
become the equinox and solstice season dividers. By placing a compass point at the intersect of
the 2 lines of the cross we can draw a circle around the triangle. The circle represents the path of
the earth around the sun in one year. This circle symbolizes the father god, in much the same
way as the protons represent the father god in the atom diagram.

This circle is the symbol of the Rose – the Compass Rose – the symbol of the Order of the
Rose – which follows a path around the earth to imprison and manipulate humanity. The
Compass Rose points to the North, East, West and South, symbolically including the entire
world in its spell.

North East West South = NEWS = the Good NEWS of the GOSPEL = God NEWS of the
GO cast a SPELL

As this is a very long bit of information to take in, its highly encouraged by the author, for the
reader to skip ahead to pages showing how this information will play out, and is playing out in
the luciferian agenda for domination of our Paradise State. Do return to this point in
establishing a sound basis for comprehending all the information and to then use this to
decipher all the mysteries that present themselves in this illusory time bubble.
The Mishkan – The Tabernacle Above and
This circle with its seasons portrays the earth’s orbit of the sun. This is the Mishkan of Judaism.
The Mishkan is the Tabernacle of god and represents the reflection of what is above. As the
earth goes around the sun, symbolized by the zodiac chart, and Compass Rose, the Order of the
ROSE travels around the globe fulfilling the agenda of the luciferian thought form working
through the illuminati families and its puppet governments and power brokers of the world.

The son (the seed – as seen represented by the triangle) is inside the circle (which represents the
father). The centre point of the circle is the eye of the penis. These intersecting lines not only
divide the year into 4 seasons, they also represent the intersessor, or the notion of a messiah at
the eye of the penis position. This is the inspiration for the seed of the father god, who is the
son of god, who is referred to as the messiah. The messiah, formed by the intersecting lines of
the cross, is also the inspiration for the word intersection and source of the word sex. Therefore,
the messiah/saviour/intersessor notion of eternal life springs from the concept of sex equals
eternal life. We must have the sex act to have eternal life, according to the luciferian mindset. In
other words we can only be in the presence of god through his son, the intersection, the inter-sex-
son ritual.

The 90 degree angles / angels demonstrate how the magnetic field of the energy light beam
interplays in all this. The sexual attraction of man and woman occurs at 90 degrees just as a
magnet only attracts at 90 degree right angles. Again we see 2 triangles making contact at the
intersecting point, just as observed with the number 2 and the hourglass symbol. Further, the 90
degree angle shows another example of the 10 times table. This is the product of 9 x 10 or 3 x 3
x 10. Three times three is significant and will be demonstrated in the origin of the number 9.

The large square drawn around the circle represents the mother goddess. This is similar to the
electrons (negative female energy) spinning around the nucleus of the atom. The nucleus of
course, contains the protons (positive male energy) and the neutrons (neutral seed energy). The
worship of the sun/son god manifests itself in worshipping the image of the woman. She is the
mesmerizing pendulum by which humanity has been seduced. She is the totality of the godhead.
All three segments of the sun god are manifest through her image. When an obelisk is erected we
see the phallic symbol. We also see by implication, the female sexual organ (square), which has
within it the male (circle) sexual organ, which has within it the son seed (triangle). After all, it is
the woman (female energy) who inspires the erection.
Number 5
The number of MAN – the number of SACRIFICE

As with the previous numbers, sexuality plays greatly into the number 5. In fact it is even more
sexually symbolic than any of the previous numbers. The pentacle can attribute its power to the
symbolism of the number 5. The pentagon formed in the centre of the pentagram star can be
physically formed by taking a flat cord or paper and tying it in a knot. The resulting knot is a
pentagram. This is the meaning and origin of the term, tying the knot, being sexually involved
with someone, or getting married.
The term, sexual union, and the word, sex, comes from the intersection of the cross lines derived
from the manipulation of the beam of light. Children, the product of sex, are not a gift from a
benevolent god. They are the product of the manipulation of light by the luciferian
egregore group of thinking entities, posing as some supreme god. Children come into
existence because of this manipulation, and like everything else in the 3D scheme of things,
children are an illusion. They don’t ask to come here, and truthfully, every human just wants to
go home to the original awareness state, and the original Paradise State of liberty and freedom.
Everyone wants to be free of the illusory body called humanity. Child worship, which is in
essence praising the luciferian thought form, and the concept so sanctimoniously referred to as
the sacredness of human life, is a total removal from reality and a complete plunge into the
illusory dream trance state being perpetuated by the THINKING PROCESS.

I write these words as a father of 5 children. Not one of them asked to be disconnected from their
original awareness state. In REALITY, they are not 5, but ONE. To continue this concept a bit
farther, they are ONE with me, and WE ARE ALREADY ONE, the whole of the REALITY
STATE, and the BODY OF HUMANITY is only conjured forth to create the illusion of division
and the notion that who we really are is a yet another group egregore.

Once children appear in this world, every trick imaginable deceives the perfect beings that they
are, (the ultimate state of ORIGINAL ONENESS) forcing them to succumb to the insanity of
this DIVIDED and DUALITY BASED 3 dimensional world. Birth is only the appearance of
being born into this world. In reality we’ve been here all the time, in the Paradise State, and
the 3D illusion of TIME and SPACE is only suggested through the THOUGHT PROCESS of
the luciferian group mindset, to distract us, and disconnect us from the original eternal state of
being. However, the luciferian thought form conjures a body to appear to envelope us, and
conjures up an illusory world to experience. The LIGHT BRINGING luciferian egregore group
entity erringly referred to as the SUPREME GOD, has but one purpose, that being the ultimate
infliction of suffering, through guilt and fear. This fear based illusory reality then appears to
attach itself to our ultimate state of being through the 5 SENSES, and the disconnection from
our original WISDOM STATE and the freedom and liberty of that state, is hindered

Continuing with this illusory BIRTH NOTION, at the moment of experiencing the fabricated
concept of death we don’t depart from here. We shed our body of deceit, our energy, spirit,
soul illusion, and reconnect to our wisdom, through awareness, and to our ORIGINAL eternal
state. We don’t reincarnate! The reconnection to our ORIGINAL PARADISE STATE occurs
EXPERIENCE as BEING REAL. The illusion of physical death allows who we really are, to
connect to our Paradise State once again. This illusory death experience returns to us, our
awareness that the 3 dimensional experience was just a sham. If we realize this now, in our 3
dimensional life experience, of the total sham and manipulation that forms the 3D experience, we
become dead to the deceit, and reconnect immediately to the WISDOM STATE that we never
left in the first place. All this is an illusion, EMOTIONALLY CONNECTING us to 3
dimensional lunacy. WE DO NOT REINCARNATE, for we were never really here in the
first place. TIME and SPACE are not real, so the notion that we can return to a PLACE that
doesn’t really exist, in a TIME that has to basis in reality, is utter folly. To become conscious of
this REALITY is to be FREE of the TRANCE STATE, and to be FREE of the 3

Because we’re in a state of deep hypnosis, believing the 3D plane to be real, we are conditioned
to view the birth of our children as wondrous miraculous events. Nothing could be further from
the truth. Once we awake from the hypnotic trance and see the farce of the 3D illusion, events
such as the birth experience are recognized for what they really are, that being, to perpetuate the
illusion and veil of deceit. When we regain our awareness, we immediately return and
reconnect to our original state. Not only will there be no more suffering, where the illusion of
DEATH LOSES ITS STING, there will also be no more seduction through colour, shape
and sound. This occurs, not just at the illusory moment of physical death, but RIGHT
that the 3 dimensional experience is real. There will only be awareness RIGHT NOW. The
whole illusion and hypnotic trance state of control takes place in the mind. To be emotionally
disconnected from the world, doesn’t in anyway mean that you can’t do anything you choose to
do in this 3 dimensional plane. JUST DON’T BELIEVE IT TO BE REAL. Not believing the
lie, to have the ability to see through the TRANCE and the HYPNOTIC MANIPULATION
of the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS, allows anyone to slip from this 3D death trap, back
into REALITY and the eternal Paradise State. Its all in how we REJECT the SUBLIMINAL
SUGGESTIONS implanted within these illusory, luciferian MINDS, (which we believe to be
our mind), that determines what becomes our reality.

An example of the corrupting influence of light can be seen in this example. A wheat seed
found in an Egyptian tomb dating thousands of years old was exposed to the light and sprouted.
At first it would seem the light of this 3D experience gave it life. In reality, the wheat seed only
lived a few months. The divided light of the rainbow killed its ability to be eternal. In the
absence of light, the wheat seed could have remained intact virtually indefinitely, even in the
3D sense of things.

Getting Rid Of DEATH

It is this very concept that the luciferian / illuminati intellectually indoctrinated elite, working on
behalf of this luciferian minded egregore group prince, have thrust upon the world. They look
upon death as life and life as death. They don’t hesitate to sacrifice the illusory body of
humanity to their THOUGHT BASED god concept. In the mind of the illuminati elite, its a
good thing for the common man to experience death. Its in death that the illuminati thinkers
and all luciferian-minded people, believe the soul can reincarnate, or be born again and move
onward and upward. This is bullshit. In reality,we don’t have a soul or a spirit, except for the
illusion of these concepts in the 3 dimensional plane. Soul and spirit are the misnomers
attempting to replicate our original awareness. Once we reconnect to wisdom through
awareness, by removing the shackles of religion and intellectualism, which in turn is to
extremely clear that we are, and always have been here, in this one moment and eternal state.
(See page 14 for more on reincarnation).


When we become aware of this truth, we reconnect to wisdom through awareness …
BEFORE… experiencing a physical death. The physical 3D reality is no longer able to
deceive even as we experience the 3D illusion. We have the freedom and liberty do whatever
we choose because nothing is right or wrong, and nothing is good or bad. The difference is
we don’t believe the deception anymore and we don’t exist, or are governed by, the code
developed through inspiration of the THOUGHT PROCESS. We are far beyond, and far
removed from the lunacy of religious or intellectual morality, where the code of wisdom
dictates a purity and perfection unfathomable to the luciferian 3D experience. We realize that
love is not the greatest virtue. Cynicism is greater than love. Note that I’ve stated
CYNICISM, not SKEPTICISM, is greater than LOVE. For LOVE is an arbitrary concept
with no basis in reality or truth. Love is completely undefinable! Cynicism, on the other
hand, believes none of the 3D lunacy.

Skepticism, considers that there may be a chance, even hoping, for something to be valid in
this 3 dimensional space. Being cynical in regards to the ultimate value of anything in this
world extinguishes the power of the luciferian mind. Cynicism towards this corrupt entity, the
THOUGHT PROCESS, that fabricated the veil of deceit, removes any respect we previously
held. In so doing we immediately shift to our original state of awareness. In other words, we
take our power back. We awake from the TRANCE. We terminate the luciferianMATRIX and
the luciferian egregore THOUGHT PROCESS, we terminate the TRANCE STATE, we
terminate DEATH, on an eternal, wisdom, reality level.

The word CYNIC has the sound and shape association of being an evil and corrupt thing. We’re
not told straight out that cynicism is evil, but its implied. Have a look at this word.

CYNIC = SIN – I eye – C see – or in more concise english, to be a CYNIC is to – sin, I see.

Let’s look at the number 5.

Manipulating humanity through the 5 senses is a simple matter when we understand
everything we see, hear, taste, smell and touch is really only a simple curve, line or angle
combined with a simple sound and colour. Place these 3 things together, the sound, colour and
shape, in specific proportions and the control of our original REALITY STATE is absolute.

Number 6
The number 6 = the SACRIFICER

The number 5 – the SACRIFICE plus 1 = 6 the SACRIFICER

The numbers 5 + 6 = 11 – the number of DEATH

The word sound and shape association seen in the number 6 could be applied to any of the
numbers, but its very easy to see when considering the number 6. When we look at the english
alphabet, the shape of each letter and the sound associated with it, is really the intent of the
word. If we read words according to standard english definitions only, we don’t necessarily
perceive the message the luciferian manipulator intends. Herein lies the power behind magical
incantations. Incantations are everywhere, not just in practicing satanic, or enlightenment
groups. All religions have their prayers, hymns, salutations, etc. All intellectual studies have
repetitive formulae/equations and phrases. All these ARE INCANTATIONS which are, in
effect, buzz words meant to numb the listener.

PRAYER = Pi sacrifice – RAY sun god – ER, or RE is equivalent to RA or WA, the sound
and shape associated with WATER. How WATER plays into the luciferian agenda becomes
abundantly clear.

In subsequent pages, the number 3.14 or Pi, is demonstrated to have a direct relationship to
the number 5, or sacrifice. Also, the term RE, RA, WA, or WAY is demonstrated to be
associated with WATER, the ION, and the concept of GOD.

Notice with the word numb. We see the meaning of the NUMB-er system. It is the system
meant to numb the senses, thereby numbing our connection to awareness. This hypnotic
numbing and forced conformity is a lack of awareness resulting from the continuous
bombardment of numbers associated with all aspects of life.

This forced conformity creates polarity (north and south magnetic field) within our illusory
forms and we respond obediently, we pay attention to, the one manipulating us from reality and
to focus on lunacy. Scientific equations and formulae are forms of incantations or magic
sigils. Couple this scientific knowledge with the doctor’s white coat and stethoscope, for
example, and you have an effective manipulative tool. This is a combination of sight and sound,
that misdirects our awareness from our eternal wisdom state. This is HYPNOSIS! Add a dose of
mumbo-jumbo medical jargon, inject a few immune destroying and mind altering drugs and
we have concocted a witch’s brew, (bewitching brew – magicians-brew – man’s-brew – he-

This ridiculous word play will not appear quite so ridiculous as we proceed through the
information on this site. Quite the opposite, will become apparent. Exposing the massive
luciferian illuminati agenda is impossible without this apparently insane method of
interpretation. Of course, that’s what the lucifer mind was hoping when it set about creating the
3D system in just this manner. Who would ever want to understand the luciferian agenda by
walking into the system of insanity described on this site? If you dare to continue, what lies
ahead is the complete luciferian / illuminatiMATRIX agenda, and how this whole agenda is
being perpetuated to destroy our connection to REALITY and our ORIGINAL PARADISE
The luciferian agenda has provided an illusory 3 dimensional world that we have been
manipulated to believe is real, and which in turn, is set before us as the reality we should be
determinedly fighting to save and that we should remove the corrupt elite who run the whole
shooting match. Of course, never realizing that the replacement elite, chosen to fill the shoes of
the present elite, will still be the elite, working on behalf of the luciferian THOUGHT
PROCESS. The body of humanity, having been disconnected from their original Paradise
State, fail to see that this is the very goal that the luciferian mindset was hoping to achieve
from the outset.

To reconnect to our original state we must eliminate the hold numbers have on our
consciousness. Chants, rituals and symbolism are important to the system of manipulation
because they’re based on numbers, repetition, duration, time and space. Even the word –
system – is the syst or cyst on humanity. This is the malignant growth, the cancerous growth,
which is a result of numbering.

(At this point I must interject, that a major CHANT, and luciferian RITUAL is taking place on
June 19 to 21, 2009, the Summer Solstice. It will originate from Long Beach California. If you
wish, skip ahead to page 39 and 40, to read the information regarding the LIVEH2O concert,
and the WORSHIP OF THE WATER. This is a world wide event with significant luciferian
manipulation intent).

The Left Hand Path

The intersecting lines on the number 6 diagram
are mirrored in the 2 opposite pointing triangles of
the male and the female. This is also the source of
the left hand path of luciferian rituals and
symbolism. The left hand path refers to the left
side of the body which is controlled from the right
brain or creative side of the brain. There is a
cross over, just as the left side of the brain
influences the right side of the body. Likewise the
brain inverses, or reflects, every image it sees. This
conjured up function is used to disconnect and
separate us from realizing our reality. The obsession
with mirroring or cross-over is a major tool in the
luciferian mindset. The Christian Bible is written by
this mind as it plays both bad and good, christ and
antichrist, black and white. You can learn alot by
reading this book, but not for the truth revealed in
its pages. Its just one manipulation tool of the luciferian agenda blueprint.

By now it may be apparent what needs to be done to terminate the agenda. Simply wake up.
Don’t seek revenge in some worldly courtroom looking to punish the luciferian illuminati
puppet leaders. After all, the police, the judges, the lawyers, indeed all those in power, have
been trained or broken in their ability to reconnect with wisdom. Justice is a myth. Instead
become aware this manipulation is the creation of light and the dividing of light inspired by an
egregore group entity. Wake up and let the value we extend towards the systems of the world

So lets take a look at where the number 6 comes from.

We will continue with the number 7 on page 4. Go to the top of the page and click the Page 4
button – Number System – Numbers 7 to 9. If it gets to be difficult reading these early pages,
certainly skip ahead to pages 12 and beyond which discuss specific current events and events
happening soon. Be warned these pages can be horrific when contemplating the consequences.
The trade-off in reading this information is we can all reconnect to the awareness we had no idea
is ours.

04 – Number System – Numbers 7 To 9 – ORION – The

ROYAL ION – The Rose EYE ON – The Lie Of Light
Energy – Worship Of The Woman Electron – COWS RATS
STARS And Other Gods – Sacred Geometry – ANGLES
Are ANGELS – Kabbalism / Hypnosis – BAAL Zeus JeZeus
– The Kingdom of God On Earth / The ENVIRONMENTAL
GREEN MOVEMENT – Smashing Pumpkins and The
Statue of Liberty – 911 The 1st DAY of CREATION and
SOCIETIES – GIZA and Wizard of OZ

Bryan Kemila Fine Art EXPERIENCE … new website!

(Click on the card picture below)
Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of
hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.

Click here to watch video.

YouTube Video highlighting some of the subliminal elements hidden in the Dome of the
Rock in Jerusalem

Please read the next paragraph before watching the ROCK VIDEO.

On the ROCK VIDEO, the World Trade Center is mistakenly called the
ROCKEFELLER PLAZA. The WTC was conceived and promoted by the
Rockefellers. The Rockefeller Plaza is to the north of the World Trade Centre,
on the MANHATTAN ROCK, or MANNA STONE. The WTC and the
Rockefeller Plaza , along with the area of CENTRAL PARK, relate to the
TEMPLE MOUNT in Jerusalem, and the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the
ROCK, and the Temple Courtyard. These in turn relate to the North American
West Coast. See page 39 for more details.

Click here to watch the new Rock Video on YouTube.

This page is under construction.


the numbing number system – numbers 7 to 9 – reverse

Number 7

The number 7 brings with it unique characteristics. Some can be evidenced in the number 5 and
the symbolism of the 5 pointed star. The triangle, circle and square can all be drawn without
lifting the pen from the paper. All odd numbered stars can also be drawn in this way.
Again, these nuances may seem trivial, but when considering that this is a powerful number in
the manipulation of humanity, it’s probably best to look at why its so strong. The number 7
represents completion. It symbolically represents the touching of, or manipulation of the
wisdom state, using the illusory body of humanity.

We have to understand, that humanity is not who we really are, and attempting to sustain,
perfect, and perpetuate the body of humanity, is to attempt to sustain, perfect and
perpetuate the illusion of the luciferian egregore group of thinking entities, who have
designed this 3 dimensional illusion to separate us from WISDOM, FREEDOM, LIBERTY,

This number also includes some word/sound manipulation. For instance seven sounds like
heaven. We use the term seventh heaven. This is no coincidence. SEVEN also sounds like
ELEVEN. 7 represents completion and perfection, however, it links in a subliminal sound and
shape fashion to 11, which is the number of DEATH. The completion and perfection
associated with 7 in this instance, is that of a PERFECT and COMPLETE DEATH. The death
in question, is the death of any real connection to, or awareness of, WISDOM and REALITY.
This death, or disconnection from wisdom, forfeits TOTAL CONTROL to the luciferian
mindset to dominate and exercise all the power of the eternal state for its benefit.

Sound incantation manipulates the mind. Sound implants the VIBRATION aspect, or the
itself, it wouldn’t have the strength to numb the mind. In conjunction with other seductions its
destructive. For instance, apply this sound to the gambling passion that many have and you get a
sense of its power. People will spend a lifetime and whole fortunes trying to roll a
seven/eleven. Just mention the phrase 7/11 and the idea of a convenience store immediately pops
to mind. This is the power of hypnotic suggestion. All this control of our thought process is
brought about through incantation, or sound subliminals, meant to misdirect and implant a
true hypnotic TRANCE STATE.
Sun of a Gun – The Gift of the Magi
As the word/sound association is explored further, we see the last 4 letters in the word
completion ending in – tion. These letters are pronounced shun. This is an exten-sion of the
word Sion meaning sun. All words such as completion and extension are simply incantations of
sound applied to some thought. A thought is the imagination (here we go again) or i-magi-na-
tion or image na-sun.

IMAGINATION = IM A YI NA SUN substituting the G for a Y, as there is no G, J, or Guh

sound in Hebrew/Sun worship. This substitution will be used repeatedly throughout this site
and will reveal a vast amount of information meant to stay hidden.

The worship of gods, and the luciferian agenda has a strong connection to the constellation
ORION = ROYAL ION = ROSE ION or the electrically charged ION that ROSE to
disconnect WISDOM and REALITY from our eternal state of being
For instance OREGON = OREYON = ORION
These 2 examples of subliminal substitution that will be used in subsequent pages.

IMAGINATION = I’M A EYN SUN = I’M A EYE SON or the SON of the EYE, the SON of
GOD made FLESH. As is the messianic principle repeated endlessly down through these
illusory ages.

An image alludes to an idol, symbol or the memory of any 3 dimensional thing. This is how we
set up idols in our heart. Idolatry is happening all the time, in everything we do. Again, this isn’t
sin, isn’t good or bad, it just manipulates us IF WE LET IT. This word imagination says
more than that however. It’s telling us that images are magic tricks of the eye and of the sun. In
other words, images, which are 3 dimensional impressions, are just magic tricks performed by
manipulating light that is symbolized by the sun. If you’re familiar with the book of Genesis, the
luciferian egregore CREATED LIGHT FIRST, and after that, this THINKING GROUP
entity conjured up the illusion of the sun to act as a hypnotic subliminal and to symbolize light.

The aforementioned ORION, the SUN, the MOON, the MILKY WAY, and the whole 3
dimensional experience is simply an illusion, created to act as a massive subliminal to
separate who we really are, from reality. NONE OF THIS IS REAL!

It is interesting to note that the ion (the 3 letters, ion, at the end of these words) is an electrically
charged atom, molecule or radical (RA-dical – a group of atoms behaving like a single atom).

Worship Of The Woman

Here we see that 7, the number of completion and perfection, is a number relating to sun
worship, through word/sound association, and the word heaven, eleven, … and so on. Sun
worship is the worship of the atom, a beam of light, which manifests itself as the worship of
the woman. The worship of the woman is the worship of the electron, the negative female
energy, that forms the 3 dimensional image we see. This beam of light (ion or atom), when
applied to humanity, causes us to conform through hypnotic numbing caused by the number
system and we become radical in energy, (the illusory spirit), and are manipulated at will. (The
word RA-dical also contains an incantation to the sun RAY god, the LIGHT BEAM GOD).

This is the necessary element required for the illuminati agenda to work. Everything must
polarize and point the same way. This is hypnotic suggestion. It doesn’t matter if we point north
or south, just become radical and point in unison with the masses around you. Every word with
the shun sound in it is manipulating everyone.

Another word/sound association which should be mentioned here, is the sound and the
symbolism of the word star.



The Milky Way is know mythologically as the Great Nile Flood In The Sky. The STARS are
symbols of WATER, and the significance of the STAR, as a symbol of SACRIFICE will be
demonstrated in later pages. The symbolism will further extend to Los Angeles, or LA,
Hollywood, and the STARS of the film and recording industries count heavily in the
luciferian agenda.

The connection between WATER and the luciferian agenda will become exceedingly clear on
this site. Suffice it to say, the AGE of AQUARIUS, the FLOOD of NOAH, the GLOBAL
WARMING RISING SEA LEVEL, etc. … are all one and the same. The STAR, and
especially the 5 POINTED STAR, the SACRIFICIAL STAR, is a symbol of WATTAGE, or
WATER, meant to implant the suggestion of the world being cleansed by WATER as a
PURIFICATION, or BAPTISM of a system gone astray.

The word STAR is just one of hundreds of simil-AR words (see what I mean) which use reverse
symbolism and sound association. AR stands for RA in reverse – the ancient Egyptian sun god
Amen Ra. Ra in turn is associated with a ray of sun. Again, back to sun worship. Furthermore,
Ashtar (or Astarte – A-STAR-TE) is an ancient Egyptian goddess of love and beauty. The
letter S in star suggests the serpent entity, or the deceiver.



The names ASHTAR and ASTARTE, mythological Queens of Heaven, mean STAR and in
turn are subliminals for WATER SACRIFICE.

ISIS, another Queen of Heaven title, also means WATER SACRIFICE and the subliminal as

Mother MARY, another name for the Queen of Heaven, once again means WATER
SACRIFICE as MARE means SEA in Latin.
MARE = MARY = MARRY = The Marriage of the Lamb of God or the MARRIAGE /

One further symbolic form of the word STAR representing the FLOOD, or WATER
SACRIFICE, is in the word STAR reversed.


In India, RATS are revered as gods to many. RATS are allowed to run free, in countless
numbers. This is symbolic yet again, of another FLOOD or STAR, a WATER SACRIFICE.

India is also acknowledged as a country that worships the COW. This animal gives an immense
amount of MILK for domestic consumption. The slaughter of cows is not part of Indian
religious culture and once again, the enormous numbers of MILK PRODUCING COWS is
symbolic of the MILKY WAY, or the millions of STARS that form the subliminal
FLOODING OF THE NILE, or the WATER SACRIFICE of the luciferian agenda.


The importance of this symbolism, the FLOOD, the WATER SACRIFICE and the ROCK,
will become extremely evident in the pages to follow.

The Nile River fertility gods, of which there were many, were believed to be the cause of the
annual flooding of the Nile on JULY 4 every year. (Also the inspiration for the birthdate of the
United States of America). The Nile River, like most rivers, wound its way from Upper Egypt to
Lower Egypt and the Delta, in the fashion of a SERPENT, or WATER SACRIFICE. This
annual flooding is central to the luciferian / illuminati agenda of hypnotic control which will
be revealed in the text and charts to follow.

The T, or cross, symbolizes the intersecting lines of the zodiac circle as well as being symbolic
of every sun/son saviour throughout history. The majority of these saviours were all crucified
on the cross – therefore, the inclusion of the subliminal T in the word STAR. The T also comes
from the first letter of Tammuz, the ancient Babylonian Son of God/sun god, who also died for
the sins of the world. This word/sound association runs rampant through the English language.
Though the English language, as we know it now, didn’t exist at the beginning of this system, the
sound and shape of the letters existed in primitive forms with vague meaning attached. As
these illusory centuries past, the system perfected the combining of shapes, colours and sounds
and became known as the CRAFT – bewitching craft or witchcraft. This is the craft of religion
and science recognized throughout the ages as Magic. Today, English is used world wide and
recognized by all as the universal language. This is not because English has the sweetest sound
or the easiest to work with, but it is the perfection of sounds and shapes needed to push the
buttons that manipulate the illusory body of humanity to once again disconnect our ultimate
state of being from WISDOM. English has also been designed with the introduction of SILENT
LETTERS, place holders, subliminal markers, interferring with the hidden meaning in
countless phrases and terms.

Angles Are Angels

Sacred Geometry of the Great Architect of the Universe.

It should be noted that the word English, literally means, Angel-man. The word ANGEL is, in
turn, derived from the word ANGLE. This is an extremely strong point to realize, as the whole
power of the hypnotic trance working through the illusory body of humanity is based on the
sacred geometry and the angles, or angels used, to develop the religious and scientific 3
dimensional space we exist in. There is actually no such thing as a spirit entity or an angel. The
spirits that do appear to people from time to time, are only illusions, even as we, the physical
person, are simply illusions. These illusions are actually there in a fake 3D sense, but they’re not
spirit entities, other than that they’re illusory THOUGHT PATTERNS creating an IMAGE.
They’re just hypnotic based manipulations of light, luciferian thought forms. There are only
subliminal hypnotic suggestions, combined with geometric based formulas, incantations,
chants, hymns, meditations, etc. Through this exercise, what is conjured up, is the illusion of a
spirit, or magic. This is the basis of kabbalism, the Tree of Life, or, in more clear terms,

The atom symbol is so completely symmetrical and geometric in its construction, that everything
as pertaining to 3D manipulation, has to include, and cannot appear as 3 dimensional, unless it
portrays geometry and symmetry to function and have an effect.

Let’s have a look at the number 7.

The LIVE EARTH Concert is luciferian based.
On this site I show the source of symbolism and reverse imagery. This concert is a fine example
of luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS manipulation. First off, the date of this event is 07/07/07.
Seven is the number of perfection and completion to the intellectual based luciferian mind.
Next year, 2008, the Olympics in Beijing – begin on 08/08/08. Eight is the number of total
control. Numbers and symbolism mean everything to these serpent minded / or water sacrifice
oriented entities. The website to register your support is symbolic as well –

On this site that you’re now reading, I demonstrate how the English alphabet is filled with
subliminal hypnotic symbols. The letter A is a pyramid with the capstone of the All Seeing
Eye drawn in. Take a look at the website name again – AVAAZ with its three letter A’s. This is
symbolizing the triune sun god deity of ancient times and all forms of christianity throughout
the ages. Even the title of this concert is Live Earth. When you understand how these entities
think, you soon realize

LIVE EARTH is just reverse phrasing for EVIL THRAE or, spelled correctly,

(Editing note – June 23 2009 – page 39 and 40 show insight into the LiveH2O, or LIVE
WATER, music concert initiated by Secret Society member Leonard Horowitz).

This is the subliminal message these thinkers want us to get. They want many of us to get the
message that this concert is corruption based. They also want the people who support it to see it
as an absolute necessity, if this planet is to continue functioning as our home. They’re really not
to concerned about which side you choose, just as long as you do choose a side. In this way, the
hypnotic suggestion that will be necessary to establish the the Global Climate Change scenario
concerning the rising sea levels, and to create this as part of our reality will be achieved, and the
hoped for devastation will ultimately ensue. In short, we’re the ones creating the devastation
to come, because we fall for the lunatic suggestion, that it is indeed, coming.

The letter V in this web address stands for a myriad of notions, suffice it to say, Venus is the all
encompassing thought projected here. Venus is the brightest planet in the sky and symbolic of
the luciferian thought form called love. (Love is but another form of EVOL – or EVIL in
reverse, when associating the sound of the word). However, when reversed, this word VENUS
spells SUN-EV. This is refering to the evening sun or setting sun. From this term setting sun
we get the name Satan. In turn, Satan, is further derived from the Arabic word SHAITAN,
meaning the one bringing enlightenment, or knowledge. Just more references to the sun god
whom the christian religion calls Jesus.

The letter V is also the Roman numeral 5. The number 5 is the number of SACRIFICE, and the
LIVE EARTH concert is totally concerned with sacrificing the infidel (or those who will not
conform). (JESUS is SUSEJ when reversed – which is SOOthSAYer – one who divines or
predicts future events). As shown on page one, the name Jesus is just a pimped up contemporary
name for Zeus, as in Ye-Zeus, pronounced like HEY ZEUS, and simply means Zeus. Again, the
luciferian trinity THOUGHT FORM is attempting to place humanity, once and for all, in it’s
complete control.

At various times, in different cultural beliefs, the name ZEUS has also been interchangeable with
the name BAAL. By extension, JESUS is BAAL, the fertility river god, the fertility serpent, or
WATER SACRIFICE god, the one who gives REGENERATION of SPIRIT, which is simply
the ENERGY electron, proton and neutron illusion that we are, and this is further construed
aseternal life.

The name BAAL holds an enormous amount of subliminal with its 4 letters. In later pages, the
importance of this subliminal will be massively clear. For now, just consider the name BAAL
and the breakdown of its meaning.

BAAL = BA sacrifice AL or LA, which is an acronym for ALLAH and LA, or Los Angeles.
The Z in this web address is subliminal messaging and hypnotic suggestion that alludes to the
Nazi Thunderbolt and Swaztika symbol. This is shown on pages 11 and 15 of this site. It is this
sigil magic form and sound association that the hypnotist can use to suggest sleep. This is the
reason the Z is placed at the end of this web address, The hypnotist, the luciferian
mindset, is saying,

Z has the subliminal shape of an HOURGLASS. The luciferian mindset has to continually
hide the suggestion. Enough is allowed to suggest, but just enough is hidden so as not to
expose. If you were to draw a line from the top left line of Z, down to the bottom right line, an
hourglass shape would appear. The hourglass is a symbol of TIME, and to the luciferian mind,
EXIST at all, let alone eternally. This subliminal then suggests the INFINITY symbol, or the
letter 8, the CONTROL number, and is again, the letter S. The letter S suggests the winding
river serpent, the WATER SACRIFICE, or the SACRIFICE of the Living Water, which has
related to much of the world as being Jesus. As one can see, this gets to be a vicious, lunatic
cycle of one suggestion supporting another, in endless, infinite fashion. This misdirection,
which leads nowhere, is the basis of hypnotic control.



The luciferian egregore thought form relies totally on symbolism. One of their main symbolic
forms are numbers. As just described above, concerning the LIVE EARTH concert on 7/7/7,
consider these other numbers as well.

The Rothschild family is one of the main driving forces behind the illuminati / Moriah
Conquering Wind agenda, working to further the blueprint of the luciferian THINKING
entities. One of their younger generation, David Mayer de Rothschild, now 29 years old, (who
will be 33 in 2012) has written a handbook detailing 77 Essential Skills to deal with combating
global warming. Suffice it to say, global warming is not what the egregore group thinkers, or
their puppet elite, declare it to be. Global warming is occurring in the most peculiar of ways, but
it is a direct result of the luciferian thought form. It is not a result of CO2 gases created by
man, although its made to appear to be. It is a result of the worship driven luciferian mind
wishing to manipulate the masses into begging to be protected and taxed and imprisoned even
more. Begging to maintain the 3 dimensional illusion, which has no basis in reality. That being
said, the most important thing we should be paying attention to is the number77 in the title of
this book.


obsessed with symbolism. Here, the concert is held on 7/7/7 and the off-spring of these
luciferian worshipping thinkers writes a book of 77 Essential Skills. This is the number of
perfection and completion. It just begs to be asked, What’s complete? and What’s perfect? Why
all this number symbolism?
It just so happens that the sun spot activity was in its lowest 11 year activity cycle on 7/7/7. The
earth was also at its most distant position from the sun on 7/7/7. It was, you could say, a double
death for the sun. Now, I’m going to ask you to consider the word Sun, when speaking of these
Sun Spots and Distance from the earth.

This day of JULY 7, 2007 (7/7/7) is the day the Son / Sun begins, symbolically, its continued
manipulation of humanity, when the messianic, Rose from the Dead concept is further
advanced, and heading now, to the finish line. The same warnings were there before the World
Trade Centre attack, however we were completely unaware to look for the symbolism and the
subliminal suggestion staring us in the face. As a result, we believed the suggestion and we, this
illusory body of humanity, actually caused this horrific event, and other worldy events, to
occur. These entities, and the world elite, know full well, that this is how it works, and play the
Trance card full out, everytime.


MOVEMENT – The Kingdom of God On
Read pages 15, 16 and 17 for more detail on the Order of the Rose and the Order of Death
notions of the luciferian mindset. These Orders together form the New World Order, the
Messianic Kingdom of Jesus (Zeus, Baal, etc….) , and the New Age Christ Consciousness
Age of Reason, or the Age of Aquarius, or the Environmental Green Movement. All are one
and the same, and are corruptions of the THOUGHT PROCESS.

The 11 year cycle of sun spot activity, refers to the number of death. More is detailed about the
number 11 on page 6. 7 is the number of completion. Together, this is symbolizing the end of
the of suffering of the messiah and the time when he, the messiah, will begin to RISE UP and
slay his enemies and establish a New World Order suggested by the title The Messianic Age.
This RISE, is the Order of the ROSE. All of this is a complete lie and is absolute insanity.
However, this chosen elite race of intellectually indoctrinated THOUGHT PROCESS elite
believe they can, and will, make it come to pass on behalf of the Great Architect of the

The point to be made at this time, is how unlikely is it that all these numbers and position of
the earth and sun spot activity could occur at the same moment, unless there was a unified entity
manipulating the whole show with one objective in mind. This entity is orchestrating
everything you see happening in the world today. The luciferian / illuminati agenda is not just
corrupt men and women creating bloody events. The real agenda, and the top boss of the whole
mob, is the luciferian group egregore thought form. On this site, it will be made clear, what it
is, where it came from, how it perpetuates its agenda and most important of all, how to get rid
of it once and for all.
Another interesting event which took place immediately after 7/7/7 on 7/8/7 or July 8, 2007, was
the unveiling of the new Boeing Jet, the 787. Boeing is located in Seattle, Washington, USA. It
employs 50,000 people. Seattle is a Freemason hotbed of activity. The symbolism of
introducing a new jet on this day will be described more on page 18 and the hypnosis of Trance-

(Editing note – June 23 2009, the STIMULUS BILL introduced by Barack Obama was $787
Billion. The introduction of this 787 BOEING, and the $787 BILLION are completely
connected from a subliminal perspective, which will be described in later pages).


Smashing Pumpkins and The Statue of

Subliminal messages are coming at us continually. Through pictures, books, movies, music and
the like. Here is one more fantastic subliminal manipulation that tells a nasty tale. The Smashing
Pumpkins music group have known an immense amount of success over the years. The reason
any group or individual attains such success is because they are willing to be used to further the
Trance State. For the most part, they do this unwittingly, however, that does not make the
hypnosis any less potent.

Consider their latest album – Zeitgeist (Translated as Spirit of Time in German:


This was to be released on July 7, 2007 or 07/07/07. Have a look at the symbolic image of their
album cover, then immediately below, read the lyrics to the song called Doomsday Clock.

(Editing note – June 23 2009 – pages 39 and 40 show the significant connection of the Statue
of Liberty to this album and the number 777, and the manipulation of REALITY as pertaining
to the luciferian agenda of TOTAL CONTROL).
Now for the lyrics and the obvious suggestions made throughout this song that are meant to help
mold the illusory reality humanity should have, along with the accompanying devastation.

Doomsday Clock
“is everyone afraid?
is everyone ashamed?
they’re running towards their holes, to find out
apocalyptic means are lost among our dead
a message to our friends to get out
there’s wages on this fear
oh so clear
depends on what you’ll pay to hear

they’re bound to kill us all

in whitewashed halls
their jackals lick their paws”

“i’m certain of the end

it’s the means that has me spooked
it takes an unknown truth to get out

i’m guessing i’m born free, silly me

i was meant to beg from my knees”

“we gotta dig in, gas masks on

wait in the sunshine, all bug-eyed
if this is living?
sakes alive!
well then they can’t win
no one survives”

“apocalyptic screams
mean nothing to the dead
kissing that ‘ol sun
to know all there is
come on, last call
you should want it all”

The suggestions here are obviously very intense. The lyrics have been inspired by the luciferian
entity to further establish the previous examples of hypnotic suggestion, with the same sort of
message, thereby creating our reality. According to the lyrics in this song, a massive
devastation is going to be unleashed. This simply reinforces all previous trance inducing
scenarios and this is now our reality. Without coming out of the TRANCE STATE, these
events will certainly occur and the anguish of these events will be devastating. Yet, coming out
of the TRANCE STATE, and losing all EMOTIONAL CONNECTION to the 3 dimensional
illusion will reconnect our state of being with REALITY, and our ORIGINAL PARADISE
STATE of WISDOM through AWARENESS of what’s transpiring, thereby making little
difference what might come to pass within the TRANCE STATE. To all who read these
words, … its ALL IN THE MIND. We’ve been imprisoned by manipulation of what we
believe to be our mind, and our thoughts, and our choices. Freedom from the devastation and
luciferian ‘hoped for cataclysm’ is achieved by rejecting the notion that our mind actually is
OUR MIND. These are not our minds and these are not our thoughts. Nothing could be
further from the truth and reality.

Number 8
Number 8 is hideous in that it represents the fascist mentality of the luciferian mind. Total
absolute control is all this number represents. Nothing matters but the luciferian domination of
our original eternal state utilizing the intellectually indoctrinated illuminati elite. As you
progress through this site, you’ll see the incredible significance of the NUMBER 8, the word
EIGHT, the word ATE, the shape of the OCTAGON, the 135 degree angle of the octagon and
the INFINITY SYMBOL. The number 8 suggests destruction to anything that attempts to
hinder this control. The endless coil of the 8 is symbolic of the electromagnetic coil wrapped
around humanity. Keep in mind, we are conjured up by the luciferian egregore thought form as
illusory light energy and therefore are electrical and magnetic in our 3 dimensional makeup. This
light energy form of how we physically appear is riddled with deceit. The coils of our three
dimensional reality are manufactured to squeeze DISCONNECT US FROM REALITY, just as
a snake coils around and strangles its prey. Everything in our 3 dimensional existence acts upon
our consciousness endlessly coiling and manipulating our actions to fulfill the aim of the agenda.
The number 8 is symbolic of infinity. It is a never ending symbol. Its the serpent that swallowed
its tail and maintains relentless control.

As you read these first few pages, the information may seem rather dull, however, these pages
are just laying the groundwork to help comprehend the information in the later pages. You
must read the later pages as the information is alarming and is not available anywhere else in
the world.

The evidence is overwhelming that the world systems control us. The systems have all been
established using manufactured number systems and are completely designed to destroy all
connection with REALITY we might dare to retain. Every major empire throughout history has
furthered the cause of world fascist control, which is simply a front, or a SMOKESCREEN
for luciferianism, and today we see the American Empire taking its turn at the helm. The
American Empire will be the last one used to bring in the one world fascist regime for those
left alive. Keep in mind, this fascist mentality is total manipulation of our original state of
being. Through indoctrination of the luciferian mindset, working its insanity, we are taught to
believe that freedom in the 3 dimensional scheme of things is somehow … FREEDOM. Being
FREE in the 3D sense, without realizing that EMOTIONAL CONNECTION TO, or
BELIEVING that the 3D experience is real, has no freedom in it whatsoever. And this is the
MANIPULATION of our eternal Paradise State. Belief in the 3 dimensional realm as being
real, and assigning VALUE and CREDENCE to it, is the ULTIMATE FASCIST

The United States was established in 1776. Not such a notable year when observed from a
calendar perspective. However, look at it from an entity driven perspective and something quite
sinister appears. Luciferian symbolism is obsessed with adding, subtracting, multiplying and
dividing. This is the magic of sacred geometry. They also mirror numbers, and mirroring
anything in this existence if it serves their purpose. So the year 1776 divided by 2 = 888. Now
mirror this number – it’s still 888. Trying mirroring it in any direction – above – below – left –
right – it’s still 888. From this you should see that the date for the creation of the United States
was no accident. Its highly significant in the plan of the agenda. Just how significant the United
States is concerning the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS for TOTAL CONTROL is almost
indescribable, and was never meant to be uncovered. Patiently bear with these words as more
groundwork is laid, to assist in understanding the complete lunacy that has pieced together this
whole agenda, and for that matter, the entire UNIVERSE.

(More 888 examples will be shown on page 19, 20 and 21 regarding the Olympics of 2008 and

It should also be noted that after the luciferian mind controlled government elite and agencies
used to attack the World Trade Centre using the American administration, secret service
agencies, etc. and destroyed the complex, the new Freedom Tower is already under construction
and will be 1776 feet tall. When observed from directly above, the shape is a perfect octagon.
Once again, the symbolic number of 1776 divided by 2 = 888. Is this really Freedom?

Furthermore, July 4, the birthdate of the United States is the number 4 – the FOURSQUARE
FOUNDATION of the mother goddess, which represents the whole trinity of all religion. The
4th of July is 14 days (or 2 x 7) after the summer solstice, a high point in occult, or hidden, or
SECRET, circles. Its also the 7th month, the number of perfection and completion. Combine
all this number symbolism with 1776 (which is two 888’s) and you have a highly significant date
in regards to the birth of the USA.

The number 4 has significant symbolism, and thereby significant manipulation attributes. Used
in combination, the words FOUR and SQUARE, refer to the FOUNDATION STONE that the
whole of the luciferian agenda is built upon. This is what the words attributed to the illusory
Jesus were referring to when he said to Peter, ‘thou art Peter, and upon this ROCK I’ll build
my church’.

FOURSQUARE = 4 ERAUQS in reverse = 4 ROCKS

ERAUQS also is the source behind the name IRAQ, the CRADLE of CIVILIZATION, or
more appropriately, the CRADLE of the CONJURED 3D EXPERIENCE, of the luciferian
agenda in BABYLON.


As one reads through this site it becomes extremely evident that vowels can be interchanged at
will. For all words in the English language can be understood without any vowels at all.

Also, this is important to consider:

All vowels represent LIGHT, or the ALL SEEING EYE, from which the LIGHT,

A = a PRYAMID, or a PRISM, dividing the LIGHT into a RAINBOW of Colour.

E = the 3 PRONGED TRINITY, the Electron, Proton and Neutron, the ELECT,
I = EYE – the All Seeing Eye – or ALL A – as in ALLAH – and the ENLIGHTENED Ones
O = the CIRCLE – another symbolic form of the EYE, and the LIGHT extending from that
U = YOU – the vowel symbolizing our illusory physical form, which is a LIGHT
ILLUSION – a vessel, cup, with arms upstretched, worshipping the luciferian THOUGHT

All vowels can be pronounced without closing the lips or teeth. There are 5 vowels,
representing the SACRIFICE of our connection to REALITY.

Each ROCK is 1/4 of a SQUARE, or 25% of the whole (see The ROCK Video on YouTube)

The number 888 is a multiple of 111 x 8 which equals 888. Where and why does this show up?
The number of the christ/antichrist is 666. The antichrist is the manipulated ‘black side’ of
religion and intellectualism, (derived from SUBTRACTIVE COLOUR MIXING) – while at
the same time, the fabricated christ, is the ‘white side’, (derived from ADDITIVE COLOUR
MIXING) – together they represent 333 + 333 (or 111 x 3 + 111 x 3). The 10th clockface shows
the number 111 coincides with the number 3. The number 3 is symbolic of the strongest
form, or shape, of the deity, and is the pyramid triangle. The number 111 is also highly
symbolic being located on the 10th clockface, as 10 is the number of inTENsity.

As well, 1+1+1=3. The 3 sides of a triangle (male), and the 3 sides of the triangle (female),
which totals 6. This is the DUALITY NATURE of the 3D illusion. Multiply these 6 sides by
111 and the sum is 666.

911 – The 1st DAY OF CREATION

According to certain oral teachings among some Hebrew faithful, the day of September 11, or 9-
11, is considered the 1st day of creation. The Egyptian Christian Coptic religion adheres to 9-11
as the 1st day of creation as well. Of course, there really was no creation, only a conjuring up of
an illusory 3 dimensional plane. Immediately below is the source for the symbolic day of 9-11
being chosen as the 1st day of creation.

When the number multiply 111 111 111 is multiplied by 111 111 111 the sum = 123 456 789
876 543 21 .

Take a close look at what’s going on here. There are 18 number 1’s. Section off these 18
number 1’s into the number 11, and you have a total of 9-11’s. Multiplying, or regenerating the
square root of 111 111 111, brings every other base number into existence, from 1 through to 9
and then in reverse back to 1. In other words 9-11’s, or the square root of 111 111 111, has the
ability to conjure up any mathematical set of digits.


The mathematical concept of 9-11 is then, the centre piece, or the FOUNDATION ROCK, that
includes 3 consecutive numbers, such as 1,2 and 3, and on this ROCK the luciferian THOUGHT
PROCESS has built its CHURCH.




This is the Sacred Geometry, or Sexual Geometry, that holds the conjured up illusion in tact.
Without this mathematical wizardry, nothing would appear as 3 dimensional.


Taking a closer look at the number 111, its composed of 3 lines. The 2 outside lines represent
the 2 pillars of BOAZ and JACHIN or GACHIN, that stood outside Solomon’s Temple.
These are the B and G Pillars of Secret Societies such as the Freemasons. The 3rd pillar in
the middle is set back. Joining the 2 – B and G Pillars to the 3rd middle pillar, forms a
triangle, pyramid. The angle of this pyramid, at the 3rd pillar can produce a variety of angles,
depending on the depth of placement, however, the angle of CONTROL, relating to the
number 8, would be that of 135 degrees, the angle of the OCTAGON. This angle is based on
the angle of the constellation ORION, which literally means, the ROYAL ION, or energized
ATOM. This is the first ATOM, or ADAM, the conjuring up of the illusory body of man, or
humanity. This angle then relates to the 51 degree angle of the Great Pyramid of Giza. A
perfect match would be 45 degrees, however, as you proceed through this site, very few
principles within the luciferian agenda match perfectly. Otherwise, it would be a simple matter to
see what is being suggested, and the subliminal effect, and the total confusion of our TRUE
REALITY STATE would not be influenced. For we would easily see the deceit and fabrication.

51 however, is still symbolically strong.

51 coincides with 3 on the 5th clockface, which means, the god of 111 is centred on sacrifice,
or the number 5. Also, 5+1 = 6.


As one reads through this site, its important to understand that the Hebrew Jewish faith do not
say the name of GOD. For this reason they substitute the G or J sound in GOD for the letter
Y sound, producing the word YOD. This substitution rule will apply throughout this site, and
not to the name GOD, or YAHWEH, which stands for JEHOVAH, but will apply to any
name, figure, symbol, location, etc., and is a major linguistic tool used to decipher the
luciferian agenda, (that even the Hebrew Jewish population are unaware of, for they, like
everyone, are merely pawns).

All names or words with the B and G or J letters featured prominently within the word, are
subliminals of power relating to the B and G pillars, or the 2 outside pillars of Solomon’s
Temple. These in turn are the 2 outside number 1’s in the number 111. From this, the whole
conjured up illusory HYPNOTIC MIND CONTROL lunacy came into play, fabricating the
illusion of TIME and SPACE, of which, there is neither. The perpetuation of this TIME and
SPACE concept is then multiplied endlessly through RELIGION and INTELLECTUAL
indoctrination, and a complete separation from our ORIGINAL WISDOM STATE, and our

Great Pyramid of GIZA

GIZA = YIZA = AZIY in reverse, (reversing is suggested by the 111 square root as
demonstrated above) = OZ EYE

The Pyramid of Giza is just one representation of the WIZARD of OZ, which will be
elaborated on in subsequent pages.


The number of completion and perfection is 7 or multiples of 7 x 11 (77) or 7 x 111 (777). The
number of humanity is 5 x 111 = 555 (5 sense reality). The Pentagram, the Pentatuch, the
Pentacost, are all luciferian egregore sun god terms. Tripling these symbolic numbers by the 3
sides of the pyramid (as seen in the number 3) symbolizes the sun/son god present throughout
this illusory reality. More will be written about the significance of 111 when we get to number
11. Suffice to say for now, that 111 is historically significant according to the agenda of to
manipulate and control the eternal Paradise State. All that we see and believe to be real in
this 3D sphere is simply an illusion, used mercilessly to disconnect us from our original state
of wisdom.

Octagon Magic Sigils

Throughout different world societies, the OCTAGON, or 8 pointed stars or shields, show up.
These symbols are magic sigils or powerful shapes that contain notions of total control. We are
hypnotically numbed into responding to the symbol without conscious thought. We just
respond mindlessly. We mustn’t resist the symbolism, for resistance is the whole objective of the
luciferian agenda. However, resistance is what we’re being manipulated to do. The luciferian
THOUGHT PROCESS, and the egregore group of THINKING ENTITIES, manipulate and
control our eternal state, and separate us from our incredible power, as long as we resist and
react, and remain emotionally attached to things of the 3 dimensional experience.

The number system was devised for this very purpose. They want us to RESIST the control
being forced upon this illusory body of humanity. REACT, when the manipulated elite, in
turn, do their political manueverings to bring about less sovereignty and greater suffering for
the nations of the world. But we mustn’t resist and react to this control. What the intellectually
indoctrinated elite and their luciferian egregore want is for us to become that RADICAL element
(again it doesn’t matter which side we choose). We can be either for them or against them. If we
react and if we resist, we give them the manipulative power to continue keeping the veil intact,
that separates us from our eternal ALL KNOWING STATE. By resisting and reacting, we’re
demonstrating that we believe the subliminal hypnotic suggestion, thereby making it our
reality, and the events they wish to occur, and that they wish to appear real, will occur and it
becomes our reality.

The Cares of the World – The Theme of Luciferianism

They want us to be concerned with caring about the things of the world. They want us to care
about our physical wealth, physical freedom and the materialistic world. This is why the
number system was devised. The NUMBER SYSTEM, in turn, is RELIGION and
INTELLECTUALISM. The Book of Numbers in the Old Testament isn’t there to simply list
the begats and begottens. The Book of Numbers is there to implant the notion that there’s
POWER IN NUMBERS. Numbers are meant to create systems which produce riches, power,
glory, and the like, which in turn, seduce our awareness. Faith in any form of god, appeals to
the greed that’s been instilled by the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS, into this illusory body
of humanity. Religion promises an eternity of peace and riches if we put our faith in the
luciferian conjured up notion of its SACRED GEOMETRY. RELIGION and
INTELLECTUALISM are both designed to manipulate the faithful into desiring more of the
3D experience. Again, nothing in this 3D realm is good or bad, or right or wrong, and there’s no
such thing as sin. However, when the distractions of this 3 dimensional illusion maintain a
disconnection from reality, we forfeit our power and strength. It makes no difference whatsoever
what we do, or how much we do in this 3D experience, just don’t believe its real, or lend
credence and value to this illusory plane. These riches and these systems are more prevalent
now than at anytime in history. We become horrified at the thought of losing our 3 dimensional
possessions and will resist and react furiously at the thought of losing them, …just as they
want us to do.

This resistance and reaction is the manipulative tool that they need to keep perpetuating the
veil that disconnects us from REALITY. Without the fear they purposely manufacture
through wars, genocide, religion and science, and so on, they would have nothing. Fear is the
manipulation machine they need. Fear is resistance. Fear is reaction. Fear, resistance and
reaction is mind control hypnosis of the masses. We have no need to fear, react or resist. The
world systems should have no hold on us and the loss of anything gained from the 3 dimensional
world should be incidental. The reason it shouldn’t have a hold on us is because it’s not real. 3
dimensional physical wealth in any form, is just energy, a light molecule whirling about,
mascarading as something real and it’s simply not there. ENERGY is THOUGHT, and this
THOUGHT orginated with the exercising of the EGO in the eternal state by the egregore
Why should we then be concerned about losing something that’s not there in the first

There are no numbers in the infinite awareness state. Everything in the 3 dimensional natural
realm is based on Real Pi (3.141…with endless decimal numbers) and the Golden Mean, or Phi
(1.618…with endless decimal numbers) which have no ability to support any religious, magical,
geometric, mathematical, algebraic, chemical, astrological or numerological formula. Pi and Phi
are concerned with light energy, which is the corrupting force in this physical realm, and is what
the physical realm is totally formed of. Then, when the egregore thinking entities play the
natural forces it created against the man made systems it also inspired, (a process called
DUALITY), that incorporate the sacred geometric equations, the result is illusion of endless
greed, death, disease and fear. To those in the illusory TRANCE STATE, the greed, death,
disease and fear all seem totally real, yet, it remains a complete fabrication and separation

Have a look at the number 8 in the diagram immediately below. Notice, that when 2 SQUARES
are overlayed, and given a 45 degree twist, an 8 POINTED STAR, or OCTAGON is formed
by connecting the points. This 8 POINTED STAR is formed by 2 SQUARES, which in
themselves are 2 CROSSES, formed by the intersecting lines that DIVIDE the SQUARE into
4 SEASONS. These 2 SQUARES, or 2 CROSSES, form the DOUBLE CROSS of religion
and intellectualism, the manipulation tool used to perpetuate the illusory world separating us
The Number 9 – Fall Into Death
Number 9 is derived from a number of sources. Three sets of threes – or 3 x 3 is the most
obvious. The three primary colours, shapes and sounds each have 3 principle parts. The total
of these 3 sets of 3 = 9. The senses used in this manipulative task are aimed at the sense of sight
and the sense of sound. These senses were purposely conjured up within our illusory forms for
their communicable characteristics, able to receive the THOUGHTS of the luciferian group
of THINKING BEINGS, causing us to believe that these THOUGHTS are OURS.
COLOUR – red, yellow, blue (subtractive) or red, green, blue (additive)
SHAPE – curve, line angle
SOUND – pitch, rhythm, beat

Another representation of the origin of the number 9 is the CUBE. The CUBE has a volume of
3 times that of a pyramid. Religious systems using the cube as a symbol are still devoted to the
same sun god. It really doesn’t matter what name you call your god, it just matters to the
luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS that you have a god, for they are all one and the same and
the concept of god is always that supreme lunatic, the luciferian group entity of THINKING

Have a look at a simple Magic Square below. This is the basis for the power of the Magic
Cube. A number is assigned to each of the 9 squares. Each row adds up to 15, even diagonally.

15 is the strongest number that represents the deity.

3 is the strongest number in regards to the form, or shape, of the deity.

… but 15 is the number most strongly associated with the luciferian god concept. It just so
happens that 15 coincides with 3 on the 24 hour clock, or the 2nd clockface shown on this site.
Then, when you total the three 15’s, you get the number 45. 45 coincides with the number 9
on the 3rd clockface. 9 is the number of the fall, the beginning of the FALL SEASON, and is
the symbolic number of the FALL INTO DEATH, in respect to the 3 dimensional creation of
the luciferian thought form. It is the 9th month, September, and the 11th day, that is regarded in
oral tradition on the Hebrew Calendar, (to many Jewish faithful) as the 1st day of creation.
The 1st day of the fall into death. 11 is the number thereby associated with death, as it is the
11th hour, the last hour before midnight and the coming judgment.

(See the text above, and the number 111, in regards to the reverence and belief that 9-11 is the
1st DAY).

All of this is just symbolism, but symbolism implements the power of hypnosis, the power of
the deity to control our eternal Paradise State. We’re in Paradise NOW, however the 3
dimensional experience that perpetuates the TRANCE, separates us from reconnecting to the
is what’s transpiring, completely liberates us from the TRANCE and we RECONNECT and
The number 9 can also be derived from the Magic Square of Saturn, shown above. Saturn is
another source for the name Satan. Satan is derived from the Arabic word SHAITAN, which
alludes to the ONE WHO BRINGS ENLIGHTENMENT, or KNOWLEDGE. This is also the
same meaning to the name LUCIFER, and though the exact terms are not originally found in
the Bible, the whole Jewish / Christian Bible is completely devoted to the LIGHT
BRINGER, who is Jehovah, and who Christians believe, is Jesus, the LIGHT OF THE
WORLD. All these names, or terms, refer to the CREATOR / CONJURER, who should
rightfully be referred to as the luciferian egregore group of thinking entities, who agree
together to perpetuate deceit to manifest a hypnotic trance illusion. This illusion manipulates
our reality through the CHRIST / ANTICHRIST concept, or the number 666, which, when
inversed, are symbols of 999, or 9 x 111, which in turn represents the FALL into DEATH.

With this particular example there are 3 rows of 3 squares – one on top of the other. The
numbers 4 – 9 – 2 are placed in the top row. 3 – 5 – 7 are placed in the middle row. 8 – 1 – 6 are
placed in the bottom row. No matter which way you add these rows up – across – up and down –
or diagonally, you always get 15. The number 15 is the number most strongly associated with
the deity sun god. Saturn relates to the Greek god Chronus from where we get the term
chronology. SATURN and the SUN, though appearing as opposites, together symbolize the
DUALITY NATURE of worshipping the 3 dimensional experience as if it were real.

Chronology, the science of computing time, and another god related to Saturn, is the god Shani.
This is a demi god of India. Any of these terms can be used with reference to the number 9.
When you add up the 9 numbers in the magic square you get a total of 45. 45 coincides with 9
on the 4th clockface illustrated on this site, and is the number of the fall. 45 = 4+5 = 9. Divide
45 by 9 and you get 5. The connection to the 5 sense reality which is synonamous with the fall
into death experience. This symbolism just keeps connecting all over the place, and is the
motivation behind the term, SACRED GEOMETRY. Quite apart from being incidental, it is
how we are all connected, and for that matter, how we ALL APPEAR TO BE REAL, to the
manipulation taking place on a grand scale.
To continue with the number 10, return to the top of the page and click on Page 05 – Religion &
It’s All In Our Mind – The LIGHT BRINGERS –
Eliminating The Illuminators


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the luciferian blueprint – the key that unlocks – the source of

Many thanks are extended to the individuals in different parts of the world who have come to
understand the information presented on this blog, and have taken it upon themselves to
translate some of the information into their native tongue for the benefit of those who cannot
read English.

Thank you for the French translations, from a resident of Quebec, Canada.
Thank you for the Arabic video translation of the “What In The World’s Going On” video, from
a resident of Jerusalem, Israel.
Thank you for the Spanish sub-titles on “The Rock Video” and “What In The World’s Going
On” video, from a resident in the Canary Islands, Spain.
Thank you for the German translations, from a resident in Berlin, Germany.

Words alone cannot describe the incredible effort that’s involved in translating this most
unconventional information. With the deepest appreciation, thank you to all of you.

illuminatiMATRIX en francais
Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 29, 34, 44,
45, 46, 47 and 48
Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 1.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 2.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 3.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 4.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 5.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 6.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 7.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 8.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 9.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 10.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 11.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 12.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 13.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 14.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 27.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 29.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 34.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 44.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 45.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 46.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 47.

Click here / Cliquez ici pour page 48.

Spanish sub-titles ‘What In The World’s Going On’ video

Spanish sub-titles ‘The ROCK VIDEO’

October 28, 2011

‫ترجمة عربية للفيديو على اليوتيوب – ماذا يحدث فى العالم ؟‬
‫– من يسيطر على العالم؟ – كيف يخدعون البشرية؟‬
Page 42 – NEW ACCURATE TRANSLATION of Arabic text for YouTube video “What In The
World’s Going On” – ” Arabic translation/subtitles for youtube video – whats going on in the
world ? – who controls the world ? – and how they manipulate humanity ?…

Page 42 – ARABIC TEXT to accompany YOUTUBE Video

What In The World’s Going On!

Page 41 -TEXT to accompany YOUTUBE Video

What In The World’s Going On!

Page 41 is highly recommended for those new to this site. The foundation for understanding this
site is available on this page.

Bryan Kemila


Scroll down if it’s not visible.

Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of
hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.

Click here to watch video.

YouTube Video highlighting some of the subliminal elements hidden in the Dome of the
Rock in Jerusalem

Please read the next paragraph before watching the ROCK VIDEO.

On the ROCK VIDEO, the World Trade Center is mistakenly called the
ROCKEFELLER PLAZA. The WTC was conceived and promoted by the
Rockefellers. The Rockefeller Plaza is to the north of the World Trade Centre,
on the MANHATTAN ROCK, or MANNA STONE. The WTC and the
Rockefeller Plaza , along with the area of CENTRAL PARK, relate to the
TEMPLE MOUNT in Jerusalem, and the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the
ROCK, and the Temple Courtyard. These in turn relate to the North American
West Coast. See page 39 for more details.

Click here to watch the new Rock Video on YouTube.

“What In The World´s Going On?” Full length(35:39):

Wer das lieber in Häppchen gucken mag:

Part 1 of 4 (09:22):

Part 2 of 4 (09:22):

Part 3 of 4 (09:22):

Part 4 of 4 (09:22):

Video “The Rock” (09:37):

The World Trade Center Attack Was The

Start Button
This site deals exclusively with breaking the world hypnotic trance. The powerful elite leaders
throughout the world are unwittingly, and sometimes not so unwittingly, plotting a major
cataclysm and massive devastation over the next few years. This site shows how and why, and
what the SECRET MYSTERIES entail, and WHO the agenda is being carried out for. This
site is not based on simply rehashing information from other sources, but demonstrates the
SECRET MYSTERIES UNCOVERED and EXPOSED through the use of hundreds of
original charts and approximately 400,000 words of text to date, to show the luciferian
illumaniti egregore group agenda. The information on these pages is not based on paranoia.
This site exposes the source of every religion, and the force behind every world system used to
manifest the hypnotic trance. This information is the result of over a 40 year search and
emergence from the trance state. What was discovered is now available on these pages.
Nothing is for sale. Everything is free. There is no group to join. Sanity, awareness, and most
importantly answers are available if you take the time to read.

The governments of the world and the royal elite are not here to take care of you. They are here
to kill you. They are not unwittingly trying to kill you. They are deliberately trying to kill
you. They are deliberately trying to kill you, but for a reason that eludes even them. Within in
the trance state, what seems good and right, and what is justified as sound reasoning and
socially acceptable, is absolute insanity when held up to the standard of awareness and
wisdom. This site shows how this deliberate, elusive, and unwitting state of confusion drives
the elite of the world to serve a master they know little of.

These pages expose the real luciferian illuminati agenda, not just the juicy tidbits the illuminati
families ALLOW many searching people to find. The information that has been made available
from other sources has been allowed as a smoke screen to throw those seeking off track. What is
coming is far worse than a global fascist/communist state. What is coming is a devastation so
massive humanity is going to plead for a New World Order and a messianic-style king.

The pages from 1 to 12 lay the groundwork. However, for your physical and emotional well-
being don’t hesitate to skip to pages 13 – 39.

Heed these next words very seriously:



As you progress through the pages a pattern will become obvious, and the REAL AGENDA will
be shown. Not just hinted at, or suggested, but SHOWN STRAIGHT OUT what the agenda is.
The next 9-11 has been uncovered and is already in progress. It’s massive and affects every
person on the planet. The World Trade Center attack was the start button.
2 Sides Of The Same Coin
This site is the blueprint for this luciferian / LIGHT BRINGER scenario’s origin … and lays
the groundwork to interpret what is written throughout this site. This may be a disturbing read, so
be prepared. The horrors of the luciferian controlled illuminati and the truther conspiracy
movement, (2 sides of the same coin), are revealed in these pages, BUT also included is the
SOLUTION TO END THIS HORROR on an individual basis. The luciferian agenda, (which
is this thing called the Thought Process), will always masquerade as a false reality, however,
each conjured up individual 3D illusory human being can completely detach emotionally from
the lunacy at any illusory moment and be free of the manipulation concerning this agenda.

It should be noted that the term “luciferian” does not imply a “devil” or a “satan” as expressed
in religious terms. This site will use these terms from time to time, however, the reader should be
aware that this is only to assist in comprehending the material. As the reader becomes acquainted
with the perspective associated with this material, the terms, “satan”, “luciferian”, “devil”,
“demons”, etc., will be phased out with terms associated with hypnosis, hypnotic suggestion,
and subliminal manipulation, which are just some of the manipulative aspects of the Thought

The terms “angel”, “spirit”, “soul”, “saint”, etc. will also be redefined in terms of hypnosis
and subliminal hypnotic suggestion. Gaining an understanding from this perspective allows the
reader the ability to comprehend all the mysteries of the universe and to walk free of this
“hellish” prison. The terms “hell”, “heaven”, “judgment”, “good”, “bad”, “right”, “wrong”,
etc., all of these will also be shown to absolute lunacy, and tools used by the luciferian Mindset
which functions completely in the realm of hypnotic suggestion, … none of which is valid, or
real, or of any worth.

The Thought Process, which is hypnotic suggestion, is the luciferian agenda. The term “lucifer”
simply means “light bringer, or light bearer”, and the “light” is the “lie” that has conjured up
what humanity is entranced to believe is real. Humanity itself, is the most deceptive conjured up
aspect of the Mind of the Thought Process, and humanity is itself, the thick veil of deceit which
is designed to separate Illusion from Truth. This separation cannot possibly succeed as
pertaining to Who and What we really are (which will become apparent as the reader progresses
through this material), … however, the misery it produces seems real and valid until each
individual, … illusory, … human life experience, comes to the realization that everything is a lie
and without validity, … which does include each illusory human being on the face of the earth.

The Chameleon Principle

The prince of darkness – The angel of light

Author: Bryan Kemila

All artwork, charts and diagrams on this site created by Bryan Kemila copyright 2000 – 2013.
All charts, diagrams or artwork not allowed for print publication. Brief reference use on
websites is allowed, if copyright notice is maintained and link to is included in reference to material used.

Due to requests from art collectors wanting to purchase the

artwork produced by the author of this site, … the reader
should be directed to our NEW COMMERCIAL WEBSITE of
art and design:

Bryan Kemila Fantasy Fine Art Studio


This site discusses the root source of SUBLIMINAL MESSAGING. Through this messaging
the luciferian-based THINKERS control and manipulate an illusory smoke and mirrors
reality through indoctrination of the masses in intellectual and religious lunacy. Humanity is
in a massive state of hypnosis. HUMANITY IS ITSELF, an illusory form, and the product of
HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION. The consideration of this information WILL BREAK the

The 3 dimensional curtain of deception, otherwise referred to as a SINISTER FORM of

HYPNOTIC MISDIRECTION, separates us from our natural state of Wisdom, through
Awareness. The 3D perspective, everything we see, is a curtain formed in 3 directions –
height, width and depth. Part of this 3 dimensional curtain is our physical body. The body has 5
physical sensors programmed to be receptive to the 3 dimensional illusion around us. The way
these sensors pick up the signals from the 3D curtain is through subliminal messages.
Subliminals are constructed through such techniques as simple shapes, sounds and colours, and
then more complex, multi-layered methods, such as reverse imagery, reverse symbolism,
distorted symbolism, reverse speech patterns, neuro-linguistic (brain language)
programming techniques, and the elaborate use of the language and number systems,
among other devious modes of manipulation.

Subliminal Messages Are Thoughts – Which

Are Lies
Thoughts appear to make sense and relate to reality, sort of. This is why they’re subliminal. A
subliminal is a message that doesn’t rise above the conscious threshold. A subliminal is
designed to act on the mind at a subconscious level. That’s why the information on this site
seems to almost make sense, but not quite. The 3D world is one huge subliminal. The
luciferian mindset has manipulated the suggestible elite of the world to do whatever it
requires to be done. If subliminal messaging were rational and able to be recognized on the
conscious level, it wouldn’t be subliminal. We would never pay attention to it, and humanity
would ignore this illusory 3D experience and stay connected to it’s Original Wisdom State
through Awareness. The 3D illusion would then simply dissolve on an individual basis, which
is to say, that it would become of none importance or relevance.

For instance, if someone consciously told you to kill someone, you wouldn’t do it. That just
doesn’t make rational sense. However, if someone says this is the law, “thou shalt not kill”. The
subliminal message is this: if you really want to get even with someone or with society, then
commit murder. The idea is just suggested in the phrasing, coupled with the fact this is the law
of the land. Therefore, the way to stop killing, war, murder, and any kind of aggressive
bloodshed is TO NOT HAVE A LAW AGAINST IT. It is apparent society is over-burdened
with laws, and in turn, over-run with killing, corruption, lying, hatred, etc. There are laws against
all these things and therefore, these things abound because of the subliminal message

The 3 dimensional illusion is CREATED BY THE THOUGHT PROCESS. Thinking is not

being aware. Thinking is that thing any conscious being APPEARS TO DO to attempt to
manipulate the future, or relive the pain/pleasure from the past. Both these time zones, the
future and the past, do not exist. Therefore, thinking about them to manipulate them is a
deception. However, to consider what is happening in this moment is not called thinking. Staying
in the moment and meeting the needs of the moment is awareness of the 3 dimensional space,
albeit, an illusory space. To function within this 3D space requires that needs be met. Reality,
and our true eternal wisdom state, extends beyond the 3D illusory forms, and that wisdom state
simply knows everything through awareness, ALREADY. Our eternal wisdom state knows
the manipulation process of the luciferian egregore group of thinkers. Wisdom knows that this
luciferian group plays god and plays the devil. Both of which are none existent. Wisdom,
through awareness, sees how this group mindset bands together to manifest the reality they
want all humanity to follow.

The luciferian entity is the fabricated creator god. In creating this illusory 3D reality using
subliminal, subconscious messaging, this group entity conjured up and controls all power and
energy, and in turn, the reverent respect of their illusory master creation called humanity. This
adoration by humanity gives the luciferian group and their chosen elite the riches and servitude
Because they, themselves, chose thinking and lying above awareness and wisdom, this 3D
illusion is their reality. However, it is a reality fragmented, corrupted and filled with all
manner of duality. They see this reality as superior to the reality of wisdom. Wisdom does not
exhibit 3D manipulation through shape, colour or sound, so ultimately, wisdom is a reality of

Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work
out in its favour. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being
manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the
moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION,
ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical
activity is not bad or wrong. On this site it will be repeated many times, that there is no such
thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in
reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL
WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality.

There is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and
admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to
reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not

(Enlightenment is a luciferian term that sounds and seems to speak of reconnection to wisdom,
however wisdom and enlightenment have nothing in common).

When you do NO THING, other than being fully aware that the 3 dimensional experience is
an illusory deception conjured up through the THOUGHT PROCESS,, which is turn was
meant to disconnect us from REALITY, then you have reconnected to your original eternal
wisdom state. There’s nothing to do, just simply become AWARE of what is transpiring.
Perfection and purity is what we are ALREADY. This is wisdom and this is liberty, this is the
freedom and the power and strength of what we ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. The illusory 3
dimensional teachings of intellectual and religious thought systems, that instruct us to believe
that we are born sinners, and need to repent, to avoid some hell fire, are conjured up lunatic
notions straight from the mind of the luciferian egregore group mind. (This will be explained
and fully laid out in the pages on this site. Do not stop reading if you desire to reclaim your

The aim of the luciferian group egregore is to establish a New World Messianic Age, where the
control of the illusion we call humanity, is the manipulation tactic that will be increased to such
an extent that escape from being manipulated by the total 3D illusion is all but impossible.
Wisdom knows, and sees the lunacy of this 3D illusory reality. The illusion called humanity,
(and humanity is an illusion), will awake from the trance and reconnect to our original state
through awareness. These entities, who manifest their CONTROL OF REALITY through the
lives of the elite, will soon dissolve in frustration as humanity stops responding to the
subliminal messages that bombard the wisdom state in endless fashion. For it is that the 3
dimensional experience is NOT REAL, and it only exists IN OUR MINDS. Therefore, its in
OUR MINDS, (which are in reality, THEIR MINDS), that we disconnect emotionally from
the 3D space and reclaim our eternal state, which is here now. This is what we are! We are
the original eternal paradise state, and the 3D illusion was simply conjured up through the
THOUGHT PROCESS to separate us from this immense power and peace of the wisdom
state and thereby deceptively manipulate this ultimate state of being into servitude to the
luciferian egregore. The beneficial aspect in understanding this, is that at any moment of our
choosing, we can become aware of the luciferian hypnotic manipulation, and we can reclaim
our wisdom state, and experience the freedom of the paradise state right now.

Below is a map of the United States and its relationship with the World Trade Center on the
ROCK of Manhattan. The World Trade Center, Manhattan, and the Rockefeller Plaza
(just to the north of the WTC), is symbolic of the BIG COURTYARD being used for the
marriage supper of the lamb. The ‘marriage supper of the lamb’ is bible jargon for the feast
given when the messiah returns to establish his kingdom. This feast is the slaughter of untold
masses of humanity. This is a subliminal that has been established for thousands of illusory
years. This is the New World Order and is the messianic rule based on the Jesus myth. The
illuminati elite, aka Moriah Conquering Wind, adheres literally and symbolically to the
writings of their holy-luciferian-judeo-christian-bible. These elite have written every religious
manuscript in existence. Not from a literal perspective, but by manipulating the 3D illusory
experience, they inspire those that seek reality to fall prey to the concept of a supreme god as
they seek salvation, the result being religious lunacy, and a new religious pattern is thus conjured


Mother MARY
The table is set at the Marriott, which is the state of California, and the dishes are being
prepared in the Ring of Fire around the Pacific Ocean. The main course servings are dished up
symbolically and literally (the record breaking natural disasters, the fabricated middle east wars,
etc.). In 2008 things will really began to let loose. Now, in 2009, with the election of Barack
Obama, its as if a hurricane, a tidal wave, and a massive earthquake have struck the world in
unison. The combination of the Financial Crisis, the Energy Crisis, the Environmental Green
Movement Crisis, the Political Crisis’ around the world, not to mention war and disease,
have reached a peak, ALL AT THE SAME MANIPULATIVE MOMENT. The World Trade
Centre attack of September 11,2001 was just the appetizer leading up to the Great Feast.

Moriah Conquering Wind masquerades behind the symbols of the Olympic Rings logo and
the Olympic Torch of fire. The Beijing Olympics – 2008, the Vancouver Olympics – 2010
and the Freedom Tower opening – now set for 2014 are all significant markers. The seismic
volcanic Ring of Fire around the Pacific Ocean is symbolic of the Olympic Rings and their
Olympic Torch. The Olympics are religious celebrations and always have been. These
celebrations involve ceremonies and sacrifices. The sacrifices were to the 12 elite Greek gods,
of whom Zeus was the chief, and took place symbolically on Mount Olympus.

Jesus is Zeus!
In Hebrew there is no Jay or Gee sound, therefore

Je-Sus is Ye-Zeus!
or more literally

You Zeus
or again

in accordance with the Spanish pronunciation of Jesus.

On the chart below, notice the Mount Olympus symbolism in Washington State, just below
the tip of Vancouver Island, right next to Vancouver, BC, the site of the 2010 Olympics. Hey-
Zeus and his clan of 11 disciples are SEATED, in SEATTLE, the SEAT of EL, (another name
for the creator/saviour god ZEUS). Seattle is located right at the base of Mount Olympus
Washington and Vancouver/Whistler, and the luciferian gods are ready to pour their
judgment from Mount Olympus, as has been suggested since the days of the Olympic gods in
ancient Greece. Subliminal messaging is not limited by TIME or SPACE, as neither exist in
reality. However, as it is that humanity has been taught that TIME and SPACE do exist as
we become indoctrinated in the hallowed halls of higher intellectual learning, it then becomes
totally impossible to contemplate that there is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and in so
doing, we find it impossible to consider that simple hypnotic suggestion could conjure up the
whole 3D reality and thereby control our original wisdom state.

Judeo/Christian/Islam – The Human Sacrifice Religion of

The following is a list of Old Testament types of sacrifice which need to be fulfilled in New
Testament times. Notice this is subliminal suggestion and wordplay meant to hypnotize.

Leviticus 27:28,29 – “…no devoted thing, that a man shall devote unto the Lord of all that he
hath, both of man and beast … shall be sold or redeemed: every devoted thing is most holy
unto the Lord. (It will be shown who the lord really is on this site).

v.29 – None devoted … shall be redeemed; but shall surely be put to death.”

It is clear the lord of the old testament demands both man and beast dedicated unto him to be
surely put to death. Today this is done systematically through such strategies as war, crime,
the medical drug system, chemtrails, scientific advancements and so on. In other words,
human sacrifice is fulfilled literally through the mind numbing doctrine of religion and academia.
It is well hidden, but nonetheless it is human sacrifice.

Another example:

Exodus 22:29,30 – “Thou shalt not delay to offer the first, or thy ripe fruits, and of thy liquors:
the firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto me…v.30 Likewise…do with thine oxen, and …
sheep: seven days it (the sons, oxen and sheep) shall be with his dam (mother); on the eighth
day thou shalt give it unto me. (In other words – god demanded the firstborn son to be killed in
ritual sacrifice).

These quotes are from the judeo/christian bible, although it seems straight out of some sort of
satanic ritual book. This is because the bible is a luciferian-based satanic worship guidebook.
The hypnotic trance of religion allows us to gloss over, what should be obvious.
Another good book passage – the Battle of Jericho:

Joshua 6:20,21 “…the people shouted…the priests blew their trumpets…the wall fell down
flat…v.21…they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and
old…with the edge of the sword.

Numbers 31:26 “…Take the sum of the prey that was taken, both of man and beast… v.29 …
and give it unto Eleazar the priest, for an heave offering (a blood sacrifice) of the lord. …v.40
….and the persons were sixteen thousand; of which the Lord’s tribute (the sacrifice portion
for the lord) was thirty and two persons“.

In this instance 32 human beings are sacrificed to the luciferian entity, calling itself lord.

The lord lucifer said unto Abraham in Genesis 22:2 “… Take now thy son …Isaac…and get thee
into the land of Moriah…and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains
which I will tell thee of…”.

Again, we see the luciferian lord instructing Abraham to kill his son in the land of Moriah. This
is where the illuminati families obtain their name Moriah Conquering Wind and as will be
demonstrated, the MOUNTAIN in question, will appear in many forms, in many parts of the
world, as the luciferian agenda is revealed.

These are just a few demonstrations that Judeo-Christian teachings are devoted to human
sacrifice. Because of the big three religions, including Islam, that compose the whole of the
children of Abraham, world attention is focused on the middle east and we are totally missing
where and when the next 911 is taking place. And it is taking place, the next 9-11 is transpiring
at this illusory moment in time.

The heave offering is an offering to and from heave-n. Consider that this heave-n is the
underworld to the luciferian mind and a heaving up on a massive scale is about to be
unleashed. This heaving up will coincide with a wave offering in the luciferian illuminati
agenda. This has already created a social attitude where the messianic rule of the new world
order will make absolute sense.

Again, quoting from the blood-drenched bible:

In Leviticus these heave and wave offerings are meant to (Leviticus 10:10) “…put difference
between holy and unholy“. v.15… “the wave breast and the heave shoulder shall ye eat in a
clean place…” v.15 …”the heave…and the wave…shall they bring with the offerings made by

These heave offerings will continue to be made by fire (think volcanic earthquake activity) in
the Pacific Ocean volcanic Ring of Fire. People throughout the Ring of Fire region are waiting
for The Big One to come, and none more so, than those on the west coast of North America,
from Vancouver Island to Baja Mexico. The concept of the Big One is part of the hypnotic
trance and has conditioned humanity to plead for the messianic new world order when the Big
One is let loose. These heave offerings unleash the wave offerings already demonstrated in the
tsunami of Boxing Day 2004, in the Indian Ocean.

One more passage from Judges 11:31

“… whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house (Jephthah’s house) to meet me,… shall
surely be the Lord’s …and I will offer it up for a burnt offering. V.34…and Jephthah came…
unto his house, and, behold, his daughter came out to meet him… v.39…and it came to pass…
that her father… did with her according to his vow…”.

In other words he sacrificed his daughter to the luciferian THOUGHT FORM.

Notice the offerings and sacrifices made to the luciferian mindset are given the positive
subliminal message of being up. As in upbeat, positive and a good thing. This is the
Shekhinah Glory of the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS, who followed the Israelites out of
Egypt during the exodus. This Shekhinah Glory, or shock and awe glory, (SHOCK and AWE
= SHEK-HIN-AH from a subliminal perspective), was a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by

See page 11 and 16 to understand clearly how the symbols of the Shekhinah Glory – the female
presence of the lord, have been branded into our consciousness. These 2 PILLARS of the
Shekhinah Glory are the 2 TOWERS, the TWIN TOWERS of the World Trade Center.
These are the Pillars of SMOKE and FIRE symbolically guiding the luciferian illuminati
agenda to its ultimate goal.

The symbolism from the chart immediately below is repeated in hundreds of ways, and is
accompanied with hundreds of other charts to build, layer by layer, the luciferian agenda
demonstrated throughout the pages ahead.
Bridal Eyes by Bryan Kemila – Modeled by Devine Devasquez – Playboy

The painting below includes symbolism in regards to the luciferian illuminat agenda. Throughout
this site, paintings I’ve produced over a period of 8 years are included among the charts and text.
My sincere thanks to the Playboy and Penthouse models who posed for these paintings.
The Chameleon Principle
The prince of darkness – The angel of light

This site will discuss the luciferian illuminate agenda in the world today. The illuminati (or as
they like to be called nowadays – Moriah Conquering Wind – as well as The Olympians) are
the wealthiest elite and royal bloodline families in the world. They are behind each hideous act
of war, disease, deceit, act of depravity … you name it and they’re behind it. Their agenda has
gone on for thousands of years. They are melded together through a strict plan of intermarriage
so as to not weaken the genetic link (a natural inclination towards corruption and deceit) to a
secret knowledge that stretches to antiquity. However, their days of power and control are
numbered. Their agenda is unravelling even as you read these lines. Let’s take a look at who
these beings are, where they came from, how the manipulation transpires, and (what has never
been revealed before), who the luciferian lord really is.

(The luciferian lord is touted as the supreme god of heaven and at the bottom of this page it will
be demonstrated exactly who and what this god is).

Consider that what will be shown lower down on this page is the blueprint of the luciferian
mind. Just as a blueprint can indicate the design and structure of a building, this blueprint
unlocks the mystery of the ages used to manipulate humanity. With this awareness the reader
will recognize the path of “reason” the illuminati cabal follow.

If you want to learn how to read the blueprint so you can discover the answers to the multitude
of questions we all have, then diligently continue on this site. It may be tough reading, but you
will learn something that can prepare you for the luciferian onslaught.

The operation of the luciferian mind is built upon deceit, such that most can not begin to
comprehend. It divides and conquers. It manifests as both right and wrong, black and white,
angel and demon. Even as different seekers discover who the illuminati cabal are and what
they’re up to, the truth seekers themselves become identified as part of the luciferian master plan.

For instance, George Bush Sr. addressed the US Senate on September 11, 1990 (11 years
previous to 9-11) and declared that a New World Order was on the horizon. Coincidentally, the
new age thinkers declare the Mayan Calendar predicts a new consciousness will come upon
us somewhere around 2012. Coincidentally, many of the religious leaders of the world declare
their christ is coming, and soon! On and on it goes. Guess what? They will all claim victory
because they all are part of the same agenda sprung from the luciferian mind.

The Real Illuminati Agenda

The luciferian illuminati agenda is not just to create a world society controlled by fascism,
communism, capitalism, socialism, and every other “ism” all rolled up into one. Their ultimate
desire is for humanity to cling to this illusory 3D existence.

We are naive children being hammered with a hefty dose of reverse psychology. By threatening
to take away our rights, our physical health, our material wealth and our spiritual freedom, we
react and scream bloody murder. No way can you do this to me … to us! We are full of
indignation. We want to keep our health, our wealth, our comfort, our guns … and the freedom
to move about at will. This is how we succumb to the great liar of the universe, and yet all the
while we thought we were doing a good and godly thing. Not realizing for an illusory moment
that our 3 dimensional experience, which we call our LIFE, is the great illusion, and the
UNIVERSE itself is completely NON-EXISTENT.

Consider this. Those exposing the luciferian illuminati agenda are christians, jews, other
religious zealots, ex-CIA sex slaves, New Age spiritists, scientists and the like. I have yet to
read information from any source that points directly at the real culprit in all this … the
luciferian mindset. They don’t point the finger because they don’t recognize the direct
involvement of these THINKING ENTITIES in manipulating the whole 3D agenda experience.
If this were to be recognized and research was done into the dark mysteries of Babylon, the
realization would soon point to themselves and their misled belief systems.
However, I don’t exclude myself, or anyone for that matter, from being used by the luciferian
mindset in perpetuating the 3D illusory trance state. Every 3 dimensional form is meant to
support and extend the lunatic notion that the 3D experience has some basis in reality. We
are all enemies of REALITY, and because we go looking for the enemy in everything else
other than ourselves, we will never find, (on an individual basis), or conquer the real
adversary that disconnects each one of our illusory 3D forms from reality.

This site is concerned with the real culprit stirring the manipulative witches brew. Furthermore,
the solution for ridding ourselves of this culprit is also discussed. It is surprisingly simple how to
bring this hideous hypnotic control to an end. However, because of the reverse psychology
applied to our consciousness, the tricky part is realizing the simplicity of dissolving this demonic
agenda. We want to keep the 3 dimensional world experience intact. Therefore, we
unwittingly keep the luciferian illuminati thought form alive. The luciferian THOUGHT
FORM is a room full of mirrors, reflecting the initial illusion countless times, until the
immense vastness of the reflection overwhelms any sane individual from even beginning to
question its existence or reality. Because of this, no one of sound mind even dares to cross over
that fine line between reason and lunacy. However, the power of these mirrors reflecting their
illusion also retains its own destruction. All it takes is for ONE MIRROR TO CRACK, and
they ALL REFLECT THE CRACK in the same instance and the ILLUSION IS FINISHED.

The illuminati – Moriah Conquering Wind – the Olympians – it doesn’t matter what moniker
you give them, they are the elite royal bloodlines who orchestrate world affairs on behalf of the
luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS that conjured everything up initially. Yet even they pay
homage to this luciferian force so cunningly deceptive, that they are being manipulated as well.
They do the bidding of this sinister mind without hesitation because they are the direct,
emotionally connected offspring of this entity. They fulfill their duty to the luciferian lord
through the academic and religious systems of corruption which they have created for the
express purpose of destroying our connection with WISDOM and with REALITY. The
intellectual systems of the world are the THOUGHT PROCESS SYSTEMS that indoctrinate
our illusory 3D life forms into a state of extreme hypnotic TRANCE CONTROL.

The greater the intellectual knowledge acquired, the greater the degree of hypnosis, and the
greater the degree of responding to the luciferian mindset and its agenda for total control of

The Monster Called Religion

First, we’ll discuss the monster in the world named religion. Religion, wielding the twin
weapons of guilt and fear, was the first strategy employed to manipulate the world. Did you
ever wonder where religion came from? I don’t mean, why do people turn to religion and
worship gods? Sure, when things get tough, people feel a need to call on something to save them
from their predicament. But where did the very concept and this need for religion originate?
Why was there a predicament in the first place? Once this problem was introduced into the
scheme of things, why was there a response from the people that they needed to be saved? And
of course, once the population responded to the problem, who came up with the notion of
worshipping a god?

In Psalm 14:1 we are told that “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are
corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”

Now if this is the word of god, and for that matter, if god were really a wise and great creator, I
might be a tad shaken by these words. What follows may appear foolish, but to the open minded,
it may be a breath of fresh air. You see, this bible quote was written by the luciferian mind, the
corrupt entity that rules the planet. There is no god, there is only the luciferian mind of
corruption that conjures up the 3D reality we are experiencing. In fact, the bible and every
religious book written is inspired by the corrupt entity that governs the illuminati agenda. When
I say every religious book, that includes every science text, every new age bestseller, every
book on esoteric magic, every astrological/numerological notion … everything!

We will consider the question – Where did religion come from? I’m talking all religion,
including atheism. Yes, even atheists are religious zealots. Even though I state there is no god
I am not an atheist in as much as I do recognize infinite awareness and wisdom do exist. This
awareness and wisdom is NOT SPIRIT, neither does it have any connection to learned
knowledge. The worship of a creator, a supreme being who cares if I’m good or bad, and I better
obey … I don’t buy it!

Everything that everyone does is the result of his or her particular religion. It doesn’t matter the
lifestyle we choose to lead, we are all duped into being religious dogs for the luciferian mindset,
constructed to imprison humanity’s awareness. We all have been thrust into this religious
system called the 3 dimensional reality – and we exist in a hypnotic stupor, bewildered by it
all. However, we don’t need to exist this way. Quite simply, we don’t need to buy it anymore.
The whole 3D experience is symbolized in the short little word – BUY.

BUY – is an accurate reference to the former World Trade Centre. These 2 towers symbolize
Boaz and Jachin or Gachin, the two pillars flanking the entrance to the old Hebrew Temple. B
for Boaz. J/G or Y for Jachin/Gachin, as there is no jay or jee or gutteral guh sound in Hebrew.
These two pillars together enunciate as BY or BuY. This was the World Trade Centre: the
mighty symbol of commercialism in the world. The system of BuYing.


ATOM and EVE – Energy Demons

Below are charts exposing the luciferian egregore lie. We’ve been manipulated into believing
we’re merely our physical and emotional/spiritual body, responding to the stimulus of this 3
dimensional realm. Everything within this 3D space is divided light and therefore is energy.
Divided light is a rainbow. Everything physical is formed from this rainbow in some form or
another. Everything, from the tiniest sub-atomic particle to the galaxies above, is made of bits of
the rainbow. The rainbow canopy of light that surrounds our true awareness, has seduced us into
accepting the illusion as the real deal.

All energy is divided light, and is visible in the form of atoms. Some will argue that not all
energy is visible. However, all energy is visible, regardless of the frequency, when a proper
visual aid or frequency responder is utilized. In many instances, different segments of society are
able to see things with the naked eye, that others are unable to witness. When awareness is
seduced by a lying thought form, awareness focuses on the form, steps out of the moment and
into this construct we call time and space. Energy is simply a THOUGHT that blocks out
wisdom, and WISDOM IS the ABSENCE of ENERGY. It is this energy thought form, the
ATOM, that is the seducer, conjured by the luciferian mindset. Divided light, the rainbow, the
atom, the physical 3D space, is a lie – deception – illusion. Our original awareness state has NO
THOUGHT and therefore NO ENERGY. Wisdom is simply knowing through awareness. Our
original eternal state has no 3 dimensional form, no colour, sound or shape.

Thoughts Are Always Lies

Thoughts are always lies. Thoughts are words, words are sounds when communicating the
thought. We know we have a thought, or word implanted in our mind because sound vibrates.
Sounds vibrate, vibration is energy, energy glows, and glowing is light. Thoughts are therefore,
LIGHT, and light is an illusion, able to be manipulated by the simplest of thoughts. In other
words, since everything 3D is simply a THOUGHT, then changing that THOUGHT through
subliminal messaging will create a new 3D illusory world for anyone receiving the new
implanted THOUGHT FORMS.

These diagrams depict every world system functioning today is based on manipulated light.
Since humanity is not light energy, we must understand we are only being manipulated by the
manifest appearance of light energy. Even our physical bodies are hypnotic suggestions we
believe are real.

The manipulation tactics used to deceive humanity include the number and language systems
that enabled the establishment of religious, esoteric and scientific thought used to dupe the
masses. Or put another way, the religious, esoteric and scientific thought patterns of the world
are luciferian, satanic, knowledge based, illusion inducing concepts that disconnect us from
REALITY. It makes no difference what old-time religion, new age secret, or ivy league
indoctrination you deem to be true. These intellectual systems are based on the flawed
number and language system. In other words, everyone is wrong in their precepts. There is no
truth in this 3 dimensional realm.

So here’s a question. “What is wisdom”?

Wisdom can only be determined when the moment presents itself. WISDOM knows just what
to do only at that moment, and this is only in reference to the 3D life experience. Wisdom never
knows what to do before the moment arrives because wisdom doesn’t recognize time or
space. Wisdom is always in the moment because there is only one moment in the original
awareness state. Therefore, wisdom is never able to be manipulated because it has no
preconceived idea of what is right or wrong, good or bad, past or future. The moment decides
what needs to be done. In the 3D scope of things, moment by moment, for WISDOM, it is
always now.

The illuminati world system wants us to be divided one against the other. The luciferian
illuminati agenda wants us to choose a side. It doesn’t matter which side, just prejudge and
predetermine that something is right and something is wrong. In this fashion all of humanity
can be manipulated to jump through the hoops of deception, fully convinced that indeed they are
HUMANITY, and indeed, are REAL.

The charts below will be explained in the following pages, but for now simply understand that all
colour, (3 primary) all shape forms (3 simple forms used to build any shape – line, angle, curve)
and all sound (3 simple parts – volume, tone and rhythm) are all found within the structure of a
beam of light. Even the DNA tape running within our physical being has a built-in alphabet-
based language system. Systems based on these structures, or symbolic colour, shape form and
sound, have given way to producing numbers and language derived from the physical structure
within a beam of light.

Even though sound is an extremely slower frequency than light, the two are inseparable. They
are welded together by a thought. A thought traps sound within a light illusion. Thought travels
faster than light, and is able to contain and merge the slow frequency of sound with the faster
light frequency. Every 3 dimensional object has sound locked within its structure. The recording
industry deals with this very concept. However, a simple test that demonstrates how sound is
locked within a light energy particle, is to burn a log and listen to the fire roar. Even with the
absence of water in a substance, there will be a searing sound, however faint, sound is present.

Let’s think of ourselves as an electrical machine of some sort. To cause us to function we need to
plug a power cord into an electrical outlet, flip a switch, and we fulfill our duty. In the same way
our senses of sight and sound are the power cord that we plug into the manipulator’s system
of numbers and language. The numbers and language (alphabet) have shape, colour and sound
attached to them. These shapes, colours and sounds are the switch that turns us on. The other
senses of taste, touch and smell, support the illusion manifested through the senses of sight and

On this site I’ll demonstrate what words are really saying. A fine example is the word

SWITCH = S the letter that symbolizes the serpent – WITCH as in witchcraft.

Kaballism – Sigil Magic – The Egregore Thought Form

The characteristics of shape, colour and sound, in turn, have sigil magic strengths. SIGIL
MAGIC is the ancient kaballistic knowledge of manipulating matter through sight and
sound, one molecule at a time. By attaching an egregore thought form (a group thought form),
and directing it towards a specific physical form, then attaching an incantation (sound), ANY
and ALL physical matter (energy atoms) can be changed or manipulated, one molecule at a
time. This is how everything appeared to be created in the first place, by the luciferian
GROUP mindset. This is how everything still appears to be created today. In Genesis of the Old
Testament, the god (lucifer) said, let there be light (divided light or energy), and there was
light, and everything became visible. Nothing was really created, it just appeared to be created
by the lie that conjured forth the energy. This energy had a specific form to take, due to the
THOUGHT PROCESS applied to it, and so it whirls in our face, seducing us to believe it really
is there. And yet it’s not there at all. The name LUCIFER means LIGHT BRINGER, or
LIGHT BEARER, and it is the fabricated god of the Old Testament, and every other
religious writing, that is the light bringer, or the Shaitan, the Satan, the one who brings
knowledge or enlightenment.

In the course of a day we see and hear many thousands of these number and language sigil
incantations. As we absorb the numbers and the language we are unconsciously manipulated into
the behavior desired by the programmer. Yet, all the while we believe we act according to our
free will.

For example, corporate logos are very simple sigil magic forms. The advertising of a product
comes with simple colours and, if sound is available, a catchy jingle is included. Next time you
drive by the golden arches of McDonald’s, just listen to what your mind is telling you. This is
not a gentle nudge to nourish your physical well-being. This is a whisper from a corrupt mind
that would just as soon kill you as look at you. (Incidentally, the founder of McDonald’s was a
freemason – Freemasonry is the largest, secret, luciferian organization in the world today).

(The Golden Arches of McDonald’s is a symbol of the rising sun, the new age of
enlightenment. Look very closely at the shape of the arches and you’ll notice that they are
ONE RING OF THE ELECTRON from the ATOM SYMBOL. The significance of this will
be demonstrated in the chart at the bottom of this page).

Killing us is what its all about. Slowly, methodically, lucratively, every corporate advertisement
is fashioned to suck dry our wealth, our health and our wisdom. This is achieved through
hypnosis via the language and number messages directing us subliminally. Eventually this
leads to stress on our body, an inability to focus mentally, and in desperation we grab any form
of seductive pleasure in an attempt re-energize. Corporate logos are derived from the simple
forms that can be created from within a beam of light. Consider the diagram below.
This information may shake your belief system. You may not like what’s presented. Many
readers may not persevere to the conclusion. Some may dismiss it, others may wish they didn’t
even begin. Still others may want to continue, but distractions intervene. May I encourage you to
persevere. This information may not make friends, but we need to know that something very big
and very ugly is afoot. We need to realize we MUST NOT REACT to anything we see

The Still Small Voice of Deceit – Angels and Channeling

No matter what befalls the world, we MUST NOT FALL INTO A REACTIONARY
SCENARIO thrust upon us by the illuminati. Don’t believe anything you see or hear from the
media. Everyone (including me) is intentionally or unintentionally lying to you. These words
are written using a flawed language system that lacks any perfect ability to convey the
complete truth. People may ask, “How do we know you’re not working for the illuminati
agenda“? The answer is simple, “I am working on their behalf. Due to the fact I am in a 3
dimensional physical body, using audible sounds and sigil magic alphabet forms to
communicate my message, I am by default working and conjuring deceit. My intention, in spite
of that, is to take the sound, shape and colour (as seen in my paintings on this site), and bounce
them off each other in an irrational and illogical presentation, in the hope that someone may
stop hearing the sounds, stop seeing the shapes and stop identifying with the colours of deceit. In
other words, I don’t want you to hear the still small voice from within telling you what is true
and right. I want that still small voice to SHUT UP. You already have wisdom. Wisdom doesn’t
talk. Wisdom just knows. For this simple reason, when people channel entities and hear voices,
it is always 100% of the time, luciferian inspired, because wisdom doesn’t have sound, shape
or colour. There are no good angels, or bad angels, just luciferian light bringing thought
forms we might refer to as demons.

Such is the MATRIX web of deceit the illuminati use to manipulate. The MATRIX is the
womb, the mother, where the symbols and systems of deceit grow. The mother goddess of
deceit has within her the father and the son. Likewise, the son is of the father and the mother.
No matter which way we look at it, or try justify our belief system, we are all manipulated by the
system. Together the triune godhead of deceit has hypnotized the masses.

Despite these flawed attempts to convey reality, my intent is that you do see the truth. No
religious system or thought pattern (even my own) has complete truth in it. For all thought and
all religion is built using a system of deceit. Just try to exercise one of those luciferian implanted
thoughts without using language. Only wisdom is constant, powerful and true. We can rely on
wisdom to guide our every moment as each moment arrives. For there truly is only ONE
MOMENT. Anything else is a waste of effort – vanity and illusion. These concepts are
embedded within the flawed, corrupt luciferian system.

Many searching people have uncovered data, raising awareness of the sinister nature of the
illuminati global system. This so-called awareness is purposely allowed to be revealed. The
luciferian cabal want us to discover what they’re up to, but not completely find out. They want
us to know the majority of the world supports the illuminati agenda. Everyone assumes they’re
not part of the agenda. In actual fact we are all part of the mindset that destroys and deceives
on behalf of the luciferian egregore fabricated god king.

We are woven into the veil of deceit. Any reaction, revenge or resistance gives the elite the
excuse they need to push forward. They will fail, of course, because this illusion called humanity
has had enough. We just won’t buy into it anymore, and many folks are gaining a sense of this
every day. But our awakening is dopey-eyed at best. The new consciousness of the new age light
workers is doubling and tripling the dose of poison conceived previously by the scientific
thinkers. New age christ consciousness is simply applying luciferian spirituality to luciferian
science. When you add a lot of stupidity to a lot of stupidity you don’t become wise. You
become really stupid.
New Age thinkers use the number and language system with more fervor and complexity than
ever before. They combine scientific thought with spiritist notions and concoct a witches’
brew of light manipulation. This system unleashes a secret war on humanity whereby millions
suffer and die, while the culprits go undetected. The illuminati families are without compassion,
void of empathy, and thrive on the horror they inflict. In other words, they have no wisdom and
therefore no awareness of their own. They get their power from our reaction to their conjured
lies. It’s for this reason they’re not invincible.

Foundation of Illuminati Luciferian Deceit

One thing is missing from other information regarding the global agenda. That one thing is this –
What is the foundational base the agenda is built upon? Rather than elaborate on the peaks of
the agenda, such as the religious, educational, business, banking, media, military systems, etc., I
will discuss the one simple principle at the root of all these systems. Understanding the
principle root will allow humanity’s return to our original state as the luciferian agenda
collapses. I refer to this as the Chameleon Principle because of the ability to alter one’s
appearance, and to manipulate with serpent-like characteristics.

This principle decodes the mystery of the ages. It is the DECEPTION CALLED TIME.
Remember, wisdom knows nothing. How long does it take to learn that? No time!


Firstly, religion had to be established. Religion is based on the concept that the priests know
something of the unknown. In other words, they claim to have the wisdom or all seeing ability to
understand the hidden things of the universe. The All Seeing Eye of Horus of ancient Egypt, the
All Seeing Eye of Freemasonry, the Holy See of Catholicism, the great I Am – Eye Am of
Judaism(and every spin-off organization) are all based on trickery found within the structure of a
light beam.

Did you ever wonder why there’s an all seeing eye on the back of the freemason-designed US
dollar bill? Or why is the pope (pope – papa – pop-eye – poppy) referred to as the holy see? Or
why does religion embrace such symbols as the cross, the swastika, the six pointed star, etc.
which are symbols of the all seeing eye?

Religion, including atheism and new age thought, is rooted in luciferianism – the hidden
mystery mind. Pretending to know something doesn’t make one wise. The occult organizations
know that all they’re doing is manipulating light energy. It’s not a big secret. However, if the
gimmick is dressed in religious and scientific garb, people will believe the ark/arc of the
covenant is really the presence of god in a box. It is a matter to cause electricity to arc and
ultimately, electrocute whoever touches the box. This describes the Ark of the Covenant Chest
of Hebrew folklore.
The symbols of manipulation include everything, everyone, and every action we perform daily.
This is the number of the christ/antichrist – the SACRIFICER – 666 – that everyone has
been caused to take. Not, will take. No – has taken! The world dwells in the domain of
ignorance. We need not look for the antichrist to arrive, for it has long since captured our senses.
Neither should we look for a christ to save us, for that is but the flip side of religious thought.
What is coming is a total collapse and devastation. We need to be still, to be aware, and watch
and wait without concern or any form of reaction. Become emotionally detached, come out of
the TRANCE STATE, and allow the hold of the 3D illusion to dissolve.

Such is the scripted scenario from the very beginning of this 3D realm. We have been herded
like sheep into an age of reason, where we consume through ignorance, all the dogma the
elite feed us. We don’t need to be saved even though the demonic thought inspired holy bible
says, “there is none that doeth good”. The entire bible was inspired by the luciferian egregore
group mind. Every chapter and verse is a lie.

The painting below portrays the two faces of the illuminati agenda. The blood sucking vampire
versus the sweet demure nun. Both will eat you alive. They represent the duality found
throughout society that tempts you to pick a side. You’re tricked into loving one and hating the
other, thereby generating the energy, (which is to manipulate our reality in accordance with
the luciferian agenda), and that plays into the hands of the illuminati elite. Neither one is good
or bad. Both are just illusions. If you BELIEVE (BEL = BAAL and IEVE = EVE or sacrifice
and generation) either one is worthwhile, then you transfer your focus in accordance with the
luciferian mind. It really doesn’t make any difference what you do in the physical sense, but if
you give credence, or place value and worth on anything in this 3 dimensional reality, you
sacrifice your wisdom.

Wake Up Time? The

Illusion Called
Humanity CANNOT
As you read this information you may have a sense
of waking from a sleep. For many it may be
troubling as belief systems are challenged. Know
this – those belief systems are only illusions. They
are based on the hypnotic suggestion put forward
by the luciferian MINDSET. These belief systems
are the multi-layered veils of deceit that form the
illuminatiMATRIX. Most disturbing may be the
realization that it is you, and I, all of us, who are
unwitting tools used by the illuminati that cause the total control of humanity. This TOTAL
CONTROL is used as a distraction to manipulate us into believing that this thing called
HUMANITY, is WHO and WHAT WE ARE. In REALITY, we have no relationship to

When you realize that it’s the choices we make that cause war and disease, that perpetuate
hate, pride, pollution, greed and so on … this is troubling. When we believe these choices
originated within us, and by us as a person and were not the work of luciferian/light bringing
Thinking Entities implanting subliminal suggestions within our subconcious minds, then our
awareness evaporates, and we are deftly manipulated to follow the lunacy of the world systems,
and to emotionally associate our 3D lives with these systems.

But we, all of this illusory Thought Form called Humanity, don’t want to do this. The 3D life
experience being is willing to do this, but Who and What we really are, which is Wisdom,
which is our Original State of Being, has no relationship whatsoever to the 3D conjured up
illusory being that has been manifested, or conjured up, as a trick of the Thought Process.
We’ve been misled. We’ve been deceived and tricked into hate and murder. Humanity is not
born corrupt, humanity is an illusion, not real, neither corrupt, nor incorrupt. We are
taught, or inspired, to perpetuate corruption and we’ve been designed with 5 senses to
succumb to corrupt notions. Corruption is NOT SIN however. Corruption is simply
manipulation that causes us to do things that we’re conditioned to believe are unpleasant, or
harmful, and yet, tempting and emotionally stimulating to perform. Then, depending on which
society of the world you find yourself in, it can be labelled SIN or NOT SIN. Who we really
are, not this thing called humanity, wants to be free and aware. We are deceived to believe we
are born sinners, and even deceived to believe that we were actually born, suggesting that
we’re real and valid in our 3D life experience. These Thinking Entities use tactics that
transcend conventional 3D warfare, such as just described. Our first task is to wake up, or
become aware. Not that the illusion can wake up, but we must become aware that we are the
Eternal Wisdom State. Humanity is not the Original State of Wisdom, but we must reconnect to
Who and What we really are, which is Wisdom. Become emotionally disconnected from the
deception meant to manipulate Reality, for Reality is Our Original State of Being, and Reality is
Who and What we are, and Wisdom is Reality. Waking up, or becoming aware that we are
not this 3D illusory being, and RECONNECTING, or REGAINING OUR FOCUS of Our
Original Wisdom State through awareness, is the only task required to end the insanity. We
simply have to become aware of what’s transpiring in this 3D realm. The human being
CANNOT WAKE UP, because the human being is a Light Being, which is a Thought Form,
which was conjured up by the luciferian light bringing egregore group of Thinking Entitites,
which created this 3D ILLUSORY BODY OF HUMANITY. This illusion is unable to wake up
to become one with Reality, or to be in touch with what Reality is. But we are not this illusory
being. We are Wisdom, the Eternal Paradise State of Freedom and Liberty, and we are
REALTY, for this is our original state. Just as it can be annoying and uncomfortable to wake
up in the physical sense, so too, this waking up, or realization that humanity cannot wake up,
is annoying, and quite frankly, forces us to question our sanity. However, Who and What we
are is ALREADY AWAKE! Who and What we are NEVER FELL ASLEEP! It’s simply the
3D illusory life experience that was conjured up by the luciferian Thinking Entities that keeps
listening to the thoughts implanted within our illusory minds that convinces us that we are
this 3 dimensional illusory being, when we have nothing in Reality, and in common, with this

Now Who and What do you suppose wants us to believe that we are this mass of clay, this
ball of shit, this hopeless and pathetic thing we call humanity? Of course it’s that Entity we
call God, or Lucifer, the light bringer, which is not God, and is not our Creator, (for We
Always Were), but is the egregore group of Thinking Entities that conjured up the illusion called
the 3D universe, with the loftiest notion within this illusion, called Humanity. All we have to do
is to regain our focus on our Original State of Being, which is Wisdom, and to be free of the
Matrix web of deceit, is to forfeit any emotional connection to this illusory 3D life form

… simply WATCH and WAIT!

The Chameleon Principle is derived from the physics of light. More to the point, it is based on
the formulation and manipulation of light. Understanding the simple STRUCTURE OF A
BEAM OF LIGHT releases volumes of information about who we have been programmed to
think we are, what the universe appears to be, and the interconnection of it all. Most
importantly, it reveals how the luciferian/illuminati mind uses this illusion to manipulate the
world. We are, quite literally, manipulated to believe we are the light of the world. Every
physical manifestation is light energy. E=mc2 states this matter of factly. Multiply mass by the
speed of light times the speed of light and the mass becomes light energy once again. Slow it
down, it becomes mass and visible. Speed it up again and it disappears to the naked eye. The
only thing capable of manipulating energy in this way is a thought. A thought is the concept of
living outside the moment that appears to create light energy. This thought, when combined
with sound, slows and drags the energy down to make every thing physical appear.

The Religious Electrical Ark/Arc of the Covenant

Energy cannot be destroyed in this 3 dimensional realm, but it can change its form. ENERGY
IS THOUGHT. The luciferian illuminati puppet families understand this concept. They know if
we fully grasp this concept their hold on humanity is over. The powerful elite of the world act
upon the thoughts of the THINKING EGREGORE and plot and scheme and establish our reality
for us. They lie, cheat, steal, extort, kill, rape, plunder … to control a massive amount of
energy, or thought patterns, and transform then into the riches and pleasures we see them
acquire. They live totally out of the moment. Living outside the moment is the source of the
luciferian mindsets power. This power is, quite literally, the electrical energy they use to grow
rich and manipulate humanity. This is the religious ark/arc of the covenant entered into with

The illuminati families perch high on the power ladder, but they’re not on the top rung. Ruling
over them is a sinister group of luciferian kabbalistic manipulators with a cruel egregore group
mindset. Throughout the ages this luciferian cabal has masqueraded as an angel of light. An
angel of light is exactly what it is, however, this ruling egregore is equally the prince of
Every religious system emerged from the concept of light and dark. This exhibits the duality
nature of the luciferian egregore thought form. This is the origin of the hypnotic control of
humanity, via religion and intellectualism. We can now observe the mind of diablo – the
diabolical one. We may recognize we’ve been in agreement with diablo, the group ruler of the
luciferian illuminati agenda. If we can face it and press on, we can give up the struggle,
disconnect emotionally and simply emerge from the prison of deceit. We can share our
understanding with someone else, who will tell someone else, …and the cycle of deception will

The luciferian illuminati mindset has established an effective system to control humanity. This
system is one deceit layered upon another, upon another … endlessly. The religious system
had to come first. Trauma through guilt and fear is the basic hypnotic control mechanism.
Instill fear through trauma and you automatically instill control. This is hypnosis. Living with
any form of fear is living in a hypnotic state. Be it the indoctrinated fear of hell, death, or
whatever, any form of fear is hypnosis.

Of course, it’s at this point in the discussion the religious person quips, “oh yes, the other
fellow’s religion is hypnotic enslavement, but mine is the true religion”. Or, “The other fellow
believes in the triune god, but I only believe in Jesus.”There is no truth in any religious
system. There is a mirror of truth. It is a mirrored image that is exactly opposite, or veils
awareness. It looks like the truth, but it’s backwards. For instance, the judeo-christian bible
speaks of an antichrist and of a christ or messiah. Both of these concepts are the imagination of
the luciferian LIGHT BRINGER mindset. This mindset plays black against white, up against
down. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. This mindset states it is alpha and omega,
the beginning and the end. In reality, there is no beginning or end. Wisdom is eternal, no
beginning and no end. Remember this mirror technique as you read on. To mirror, or to do
things backwards, or in reverse is a major luciferian illuminati tool. When the hypnotic state is
multiplied by many layers of deceit-filled systems, the MATRIX web controls humanity.

One of the basic forms of hypnotic suggestion is to show a form, a sound or shape, a word or
even a complete written message in reverse. A simple example, LIVE is EVIL, when written
in reverse. This is done repeatedly in the 3D existence. When a written or spoken phrase seems
to say something caring and kind, it is really a subliminal for just the opposite. It’s all in how
thoughts are phrased, the tone, and how condescending it appears. Just listen to any doctor,
politician, teacher, lawyer, priest and the like, and it becomes obvious they lie with every
breath. In many instances, these professionals don’t even consider it to be lies, but simply
manipulation of our reality to conform to the direction they desire our existence to proceed.
Indoctrination in intellectual concepts places those willing to be indoctrinated, into an extremely
deep trance state, and then implanting those concepts necessary to spread the trance state
throughout society. How could you expect anything else? This is what they’ve been trained to
do. This site will demonstrate the power found in the use of shapes, reversed or not, with a
luciferian identity attached to it.

The following diagrams and charts show how this is accomplished.

When the three primary colours overlap at equi-distance of 120 degrees apart, the resulting
symbol shows as an atom symbol. When doing additive colour mixing, when the light does not
strike a physical surface, to absorb or reflect light, such as a rainbow or the colours on a TV
screen, it creates a white hexagon. When doing subtractive colour mixing, where light strikes a
physical pigment based surface, it creates a black hexagon. In both instances, a hexagon is
produced, and it is this hexagon, that is the tool used to manipulate humanity into the hypnotic
trance state.

(The 3 electron atom symbol does not exist in any element. It was developed by the luciferian
THOUGHT PROCESS merely as a tool to create the total blueprint used in hypnotic
Furthermore, it is the pigment based 3 dimensional space that is used to a greater extent to
create the illusion that manipulates, so the information on this site will refer predominantly to the
black hexagon. It is this black hexagon that is the nucleus of the atom. The electrons spin
around the outside of the atom, and form the illusory notion of a nucleus. Religious thought
originates from this concept as demonstrated below.

In sun god worship the black and white colours are considered sacred. Black and white
symbolize the duality nature of the whole 3 dimensional illusion. It’s for this reason that
Freemasons, Christian ministers and priests, amongst a whole host of other sun god, or son of
god worshipping thought forms, manifest black and white in their costume and symbols.
All physical 3D energy is light, and all energy has an electrical field. There are positive male
and negative female poles. The electrons are the smallest part of the atom and are referred to as
the female negative energy. They circle the nucleus. The nucleus houses the protons – the
positive male energy. As well, the nucleus has the neutrons which are almost identical in size
to the protons, but are neutral – neither positive or negative. The 3 primary colours
overlapping within a beam of light, cause the symbol of the atom to be formed. This is the basis
for all religious and scientific thought. All religious and scientific thought is luciferian, which
means, all thought results in the conjuring up of light.

Pay attention to the fact it is the electrons – the female negative energy, that create the nucleus
– the womb – in which the male protons and the neutral neutrons reside. Here’s how it works.
The negative female energy is represented by the electrons.
These particles are the smallest of the atom just as the woman is generally physically smaller
than the male.
This is the mother goddess of religion – (Semiramis/Isis/Mary etc.) Everything we see in the 3
dimensional space is an electron. In other words, everything visible is the female, or the
woman, seducing and distracting all from reality. Again, this is not good or bad, its just the way
it is.

The positive male energy is represented by the protons.

The protons are larger than the female electrons.
This is the father god. – (Cronus/Jehovah/El etc.)

The neutral energy is represented by the neutrons.

The neutrons are almost as large as the protons and represent the seed.
This is the son of god. Because of the neutrality of the neutrons, this is the prince of peace –
the mediator – (Tammuz/Horus/Zeus/Jesus etc.)
The SEED is ONE with the FATHER.

This is the source of the Triune Godhead in religion. This is the worship of the woman. The
Father and the Son are embedded within the nucleus. The woman is revolving around the
nucleus. The father and the son (the protons and neutrons) are one in the nucleus. This is
recorded in religious writings – The Father and the Son are One. However, this is the worship of
the woman due to the fact the electrons are whirling around the protons and neutrons at
incredible speed, completely blocking out the protons and neutrons from the naked eye. All we
see in the 3D realm are electrons, the female portion of the triune god. This is why everything we
see is so captivating, it is the beauty and seduction of the woman.

The manipulation of a light beam produces symbols, shapes, colours and sounds, through
thoughts, and the accompanying doctrine (dogma and incantations), directly and deceitfully
throws a veil over our ability to connect to wisdom. This occurs because we have been tricked
to believe we are physically created and that life is breathed into us. In reality we have always
been present, but through hypnotic suggestion, we believed our physical and mental being is
reality. Life wasn’t breathed into us. Quite the opposite! A thick veil of deceit, illusion and death,
has been cast over us, all in the name of the pretty rainbow of light we refer to as coming from

Hypnotic suggestion follows the same routine again and again. We grow up being seduced by,
and responding to, the female form. When we reach puberty, we start having thoughts – sexual
thoughts. This leads to the hypnotically suggested sex act, which leads to the hypnotically
suggested pregnancy, which leads to the hypnotically suggested birth of a baby. All was
conjured by one thought after another. Thoughts are lies, without fail. Sex thoughts, as lovely
as they are, are lies. The end product of sex is the birth of yet another illusion.
This is not who and what we are! The 3 dimensional body is just the luciferian egregore group
thought form, toying with our awareness, and disconnecting us from our original wisdom

This manipulation of light, or the male and female (positive and negative) has also produced the
sex ritual/fertility symbol in use since ancient Babylon. The 6 pointed star symbolizes the
sexual union of the man and the woman, once again forming the seductive hexagon of darkness
in the centre. (A white hexagon formed in ADDITIVE COLOUR MIXING is just as
symbolically seductive).

This next chart demonstrates the sound/word

association the luciferian mind uses to manipulate the
world. This is not scientific in the least. And that’s just
the point. Science is Seance and a total sham. Just as
religion and every other system in the world is a
distortion of wisdom.

Hypnosis has hindered my ability to reason things

clearly, also. My life has been an experience of
believing one lie after another. This occurs not because I
want to be lied to, but the moment I develop a belief
system, I leave the moment – the place where wisdom
exists. Therefore, to remain outside the hypnosis state I
must not become emotionally connected to the
thoughts intellectually implanted within, or build a
belief structure. There’s no need for a belief structure,
as wisdom knows all things. As we watch and wait, we
reconnect to this unlimited knowing, and in watching
and waiting, reclaiming our eternal paradise state

The information put forward in these pages might bring

forth the need to defend your personal views. In the 3D
sense of things we really don’t know much of anything.
ALL THINGS, and the patience of wisdom, is our
power and strength. There is nothing much for the ego
to boast. Once again, in REALITY, we have NO EGO.
Only in this 3 dimensional experience, the luciferian
THOUGHT PROCESS implants the notion of EGO,
however, its THEIR EGO, not OURS, and its THEIR
THOUGHTS not OURS, that’s conjured up the 3D
realm. None of us illusory human beings have an EGO. EGO was exercised in the eternal
paradise state by the luciferian egregore group who THOUGHT THEY KNEW SOMETHING.
This THOUGHT PROCESS immediately conjured up THEIR IDEAS which we witness as the
3D PHYSICAL UNIVERSE. Look in any direction around you, and everything you see is just
the mind of the THINKERS manifesting their lunacy as the 3D PLANE. What you’re
witnessing, as you observe the 3D existence, is the very creator god, the supreme being, who is
nothing more than an EGO, exploding with THOUGHT, that created a WORD. The WORD has
LIGHT. And LIGHT is EVERYTHING YOU SEE. Everything you SEE is LIGHT, and God is
supposed to be the LIGHT of the WORLD. Jesus is supposed to be the LIGHT of the WORLD.
Jesus is also, the WORD, we’re told. The LIGHT – WORD – EGO – THOUGHT – SOUND –
VIBRATION – ENERGY – GLOWING – all this is god, and is the visible 3D experience. In
turn, this is the hypnotic manipulation of our reality, through this KABBALISTIC lunacy that
separates us from REALITY. This may be painful, but this is also the awakening and the
liberation. Removing our ego is waking up from the hypnotic trance.

Something that will be demonstrated as you progress through this site, will be the name of
ALLAH, and how this name permeates the whole world in subliminal form. One such example
of this is seen in the word KABBALA. Bear with me, those of you who haven’t progressed
through this site yet, as I show the meaning of this word from a subliminal perspective. Then as
you read into the later pages, from about 25 and on, it will become exceedingly clear, the validity
of this interpretation.

KA – Killing or King force
BA – Sacrifice
LA – L A or Allah – which in turn is LA or LOS ANGELES

The First Man and Woman – Adam and Eve –

Atom and Eye
The first human creations referred in the judeo/christian bible are Adam and Eve. Simply put,
Adam is the Atom, the first man. Eve is the Coming of the LIGHT, the light emanating from
the ATOM. Therefore, the names Adam and Eve are referring to the Atom’s Light, or the
Atom’s EYE, or again, the ALL SEEING EYE. This is the Ayin of judaism, where something
is created out of nothing. The essence of kabbalism is thinking a thought of corresponding
sound and shape, and matter appears. This is the light of the Atom and the light of the Eye.
This is the duality nature, the DIVIDED LIGHT, of the whole 3 dimensional world. This is the
illusion the great and loving god created around us. This was deliberately and intentionally
done so that we would experience the illusion of death, and through this illusion, be
manipulated into fear and guilt through the concept of SIN, and the ONLY WAY OF
ESCAPE would be to call out to the SAVIOUR GOD to RESCUE US from our pitiful selves.
Quite the fucked up scam when you get right down to it.

As stated at the top of the page, the elite illuminati leaders, through their puppet governments,
are deliberately trying to kill us. Now you may have a clearer picture of how and why.
The following pages show how the number system is derived from the manipulation of light.
The pages from 2 to 12 lay the foundation for how these systems began. From page 13 and on,
the detail of what is transpiring in the world is not available on any known site, or any other
source. All charts, text, and paintings have been personally produced for demonstrating the
luciferian agenda on this site. I encourage everyone to go through all the pages, but I also
encourage everyone to skip ahead to pages 13 and on, to track with events that are happening
day to day, as the agenda is unfolding at a fantastic pace. Go to the top of the page and click on
the Page 2 – WHY 3D – Intellectualism button in the navigation bar on the right side of the
05 – Religion and Science – GROUND ZERO EROS –
Hypnosis – Electrical Motion – The Luciferian Egregore –
Dumbing Down – New Age Lunacy – The Garden of NEED
– LOVE The Bred of Lies – Shape-Shifting – UFO Grays

Bryan Kemila Fine Art EXPERIENCE … new website!

(Click on the card picture below)

Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of

hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.

Click here to watch video.

YouTube Video highlighting some of the subliminal elements hidden in the Dome of the
Rock in Jerusalem

Please read the next paragraph before watching the ROCK VIDEO.

On the ROCK VIDEO, the World Trade Center is mistakenly called the
ROCKEFELLER PLAZA. The WTC was conceived and promoted by the
Rockefellers. The Rockefeller Plaza is to the north of the World Trade Centre,
on the MANHATTAN ROCK, or MANNA STONE. The WTC and the
Rockefeller Plaza , along with the area of CENTRAL PARK, relate to the
TEMPLE MOUNT in Jerusalem, and the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the
ROCK, and the Temple Courtyard. These in turn relate to the North American
West Coast. See page 39 for more details.

Click here to watch the new Rock Video on YouTube.


This page is under construction.

The Number 10
Number 10 deals with the inTENsity of some event or moment. This number focuses on the
duration and strength intended to be applied to an event or moment in this illusory time sphere.
This INTENSITY is accomplished by REPITITION.

The first number is a ZERO. The word ZERO is an anagram, and a play on word sound

ZERO = ROZE = ROSE and refers to the Order of the ROSE and the Order of DEATH
within the luciferian agenda.

ZERO = EROZ = ARROWS (as in Cupid’s) = EROS = ROSE or the goddess of love –
referring to sex and fucking.


Ground ZERO at the World Trade Center site was, and still is, a SACRED SEX and
HUMAN SACRIFICE ritual site, with subliminal hypnotic links to the 11 Western United
States, which is now becoming the main focal Sex and Sacrifice ritual site within the illusory
luciferian egregore agenda. Remember though, its only an illusory reality where this all occurs.
Its only within the TRANCE STATE that the lunacy, described on this site, is meant to take
place. To become emotionally detached from this TRANCE STATE, which is the 3
dimensional sphere we now experience, is to come out of the TRANCE. This emotional
separation from things within the 3D sphere removes one from an emotional cataclysm which
is designed and being fulfilled, one conjured up notion at a time, for all who remain
ENTRANCED. Of course, the difficult part in all this, is that for those who are in the TRANCE
STATE, such a simple mechanism to escape the luciferian devastation and the illusory Day of
the Lord’s Judgment has been programmed to seem utterly insane.

There are 3 sets of 3 numbers – 1-2-3 – 4-5-6 and 7-8-9. Then it starts all over again with a
zero, but now attached to a number 1. From the number zero to nine symbolically represents
the fullness of time. This does not mean that time ends but rather that the fall from
WISDOM, or disconnection from AWARENESS of what’s transpiring placed us into this
illusory 3 dimensional reality which manifests as TIME and SPACE.

The implementation of 10 is the beginning of replicating and starting all over again.
Replicating or repetition is the strongest form of hypnosis. When this is coupled with fear
based trauma, the victim is rendered impotent and unable to escape. Much like a snake
catching its prey in its coils and sqeezing the life out of it until it can be consumed. This is the
very definition that should be applied to the biblical teaching, where the consummation of all
things by the Christ, is fulfilled. Its the luciferian serpent, or reptilian minded, THOUGHT
PROCESS, that has literally sapped and separated who we really are from our eternal state of
wisdom, one seduction at a time.

The last letter in the English alphabet is Z. Likewise, Z is the first letter, of the first number,
ZERO. This isn’t a coincidence. Its one more display of the inter-connectedness with
everything concerning the manipulation of light, which is the inter-connection of all things
illusory. All things illusory must support, suggest and sustain every other illusory notion. To
break the support of subliminal suggestion, is to in fact, BREAK THE BEAM OF LIGHT, or
to BREAK THE THOUGHT PROCESS, and the illusion would be annulled. Things
concerning hypnotic suggestion don’t have to make sense, they just have to implant a
suggestion, and the subject being hypnotized, fills in the blanks. We will discover
characteristics unique to this number and with some word / sound association, it will become
more evident as to who is behind this insanity called the number system.


In the science of medicine, (which should rightly be called seance – contacting the mind of the
dead spirit), there is a part of the brain called the reptilian brain. This occupies about 10% of
the mass of the physical brain. This part of the brain lies at the core of the brain stem and every
person has one. The reptilian part of the brain is concerned with getting food – trying not to
become food – hoarding – control – mating – ignorance – ritual – symbolism – etc. In other
words, this part of the brain is obsessed with the physical materialistic world. All these things
serve a purpose and can be beneficial to one extent or another in this 3 dimensional state, but to
be totally driven and focused on the things of the reptilian brain is HYPNOSIS.

Read this next word chain very slowly:



The chart below illustrates where the numbers originated, and the inspiration for the symbols
within Sun God / Son of God worship, reaching back into the illusory past, to ancient Babylon.
This chart shows the real inspiration behind the 10 TABLES within the Holy Place of
Solomon’s Temple, that held the SHEWBREAD and CANDLABRUM. This chart also
illustrates the symbolic 12 BULLS acting as a TABLE that held the BRAZEN SEA of
WATER for cleansing the priests hands and feet of blood, just outside the Temple Porch, after
they had killed the sacrifice.

These 12 BULLS relate directly, in subliminal language, to the BULL MARKET of the
World Financial Stock Markets, hence the name, STOCK MARKETS.



This subliminal of the BULLS is reinforced every year, for the last few hundred years, with a
ritual known as the RUNNING OF THE BULLS in Pamplona Spain. This occurs every year,
beginning on July 6, with the 1st of 8 BULL RUNS beginning on July 7th, and continuing, 1
RUN EACH DAY, for 8 DAYS, starting at 8 am daily. This BULL RUN engages the antics of
the daring, to run for approximately 1/2 mile, risking life and limb, leading the BULLS to the
BULL RING where they will be killed in a BULL FIGHT that evening.

July 7th, or 07/07 is the main day of this event. As I edit this page, on July 7, 2009, which is
07/07/09, the significance of the MICHAEL JACKSON MEMORIAL SERVICE relates to
this date. This is the date of the LIVE EARTH CONCERT sponsored by people such as Al
Gore, 2 years ago, on 07/07/07. Everything is done symbolically through the religious and
intellectual systems created by the luciferian mindset that conjured up the whole madness. Being
that 7 is the number of completion and perfection, this year, the meaning of the symbolic date
of 07/07/09 refers to PERFECTION, COMPLETION and the FALL. It is very clear, even to
the most skeptical observer, that the world systems are FALLING and FAILING, and doing
so at an alarming pace in this year of 2009.
So what is this hypnosis … and where and how did it enter into the scheme of things? It entered
with the advent of the THOUGHT PROCESS. This process conjured up the illusion of TIME
and SPACE, and what we record as human history, appeared to begin in the cradle of
civilization, in ancient Sumer and Babylon. Understanding however, that there is no such
thing as TIME and SPACE, then no 3 dimensional reality actually began at any fabricated
point in time, and the illusion of their being an ancient Sumer and Babylon is simply a
concept to construct the luciferian agenda around. The illusion is perpetuated through
reptilian brain obsessed elitists who have manifested for some 6,000+ years and the luciferian,
reptilian brain based, thought process, which is the basic characteristic of these intellectual
elitists, acts only out of instinct and and indoctrinated knowledge. Intellect is not wisdom.
Rather, intellectualism is thought generated energy spirit which controls and possesses and
invariably disconnects us from our original state of being.
Dumbing Down
The luciferian agenda is based on intellect, the DUMBING DOWN PROCESS – perpetuated
through religion, science and magic. These three are synonamous and together form the
luciferian doctrine of SATANISM, which is the ENLIGHTENMENT, or manifestation of
knowledge. Since there is no such thing as an actual Satan, the THOUGHT PROCESS,
conjured up the LIGHT, or ENLIGHTENMENT, and every DIVISION within the 3D
experience. Yet again, more clearly stated, Satanism is DUALITY. Satanism is luciferianism,
and is the LIGHT BRINGER, and therefore is the concept of the creator God. This fabricated
notion of a creator God manipulates the masses into an even deeper hypnotic state. Today, this
deeper hypnotic TRANCE state has surpassed what religion and science had accomplished
hypnotically through the centuries, and especially in the last few decades. The reptilian brain
obsessed thinkers have conjured up the notion of marrying science and spirituality. Though the
implication is constantly presented that intellectualism is somehow an advancement in
wisdom, in reality, it is the process of absolute disconnection from reality and wisdom.


This new belief system is referred to as everything from infinite love to new age thinking,
channeling, wholistic healing, etc. …but it’s still polarity based on duality and absolutely
entrenches the 3 dimensional belief that energy and light is the basis of truth. Certainly some
physical health benefits have been rediscovered in some ways, but health for the body without
complete awareness, is temporal and extremely misleading and a manipulation of reality. The
medical drug system is so flawed, and purposely flawed, to allow room for new age light
workers to come up with improved healing techniques. From this, it has appeared, that they
must be filled with wisdom and insight. Not so however, as improved healing techniques are
simply walking deeper in the ditch of ignorance from which it is much harder to escape. The
purpose of humanity is not to see how much health or prosperity we might attain. Neither are
we here to worship a God in exchange for an eternity of peace and bliss.


To BECOME AWARE that the whole body of HUMANITY IS AN ILLUSION, an utter

fabrication, that the 3D experience, and the conjured up body of humanity, IS the veil of deceit
that makes it utterly impossible to rationally conceive that it, humanity itself, is the deception
keeping the disconnection from reality intact. This is what we must come to recognize.

We are already in our Paradise State!

We are already perfect, pure, eternal and ALL KNOWING. And WE are NOT this body of
humanity, neither are we this 3D illusory mass of energy and spirit. We are WISDOM! We
KNOW ALL! We have to learn NOTHING! If it wasn’t for the THOUGHT PROCESS that
indoctrinates the elitists, that IT, the THOUGHT PROCESS itself has conjured up, we would
be AWARE and PRESENT and completely reconnected to eternally drinking from the
fountain of wisdom in our Paradise State. For we are the Paradise state!

realm. Remaining emotionally connected to things of the 3 dimensional realm, keeps us in this
TRANCE, and conversely, detaching emotionally from believing that any of this is real,
allows the realization and power of the eternal state to be ours, RIGHT NOW.


The Garden of EDEN – Garden of NEED

Just below is the painting titled Bite Me, modeled by Playboy model Veronika. The message in
this painting harkens back to the Garden of Eden and the hypnotic suggestions established with
this old story, repeated endlessly, in almost every culture and religion, throughout history. The
Garden of Eden story did not originate with the Judeo/Christian/Islamic religions, that form
one half of the world’s luciferian sun worshippers of our day. The Garden of Eden story has
been perpetuated throughout history, by every society, in one form or another. The subliminal
attached to this story is in the name, and implies NEED, and implies that we are a PATHETIC
can anyone say Praise The Lord?

How about this is ALL just one BIG LIE. Through the
manipulation instilled by the THOUGHT PROCESS,
the EGO / EYE elitist worshippers perpetuating this
THINKING MASQUERADE, selfishly enslave and
imprison on behalf of the luciferian egregore entities.

RE – RA – RAY/WAY of
Words that relate to the REP-tilian part of the brain
tend to have an RE as part of their construction. RE
shows up throughout the English language frequently.
Either as RE or ER. This suggests observance of the
sun god. The RE or ER sound and symbols keep
REPEATING, because REPITITION is a major
hypnotic tool. Hence the name REPTILIAN.
REP = REP – REAP – RAPE to be RAVISHED by endless attack
TILIAN = NAIL-IT in reverse = ANNIHILATE or DESTROY – Nailed To A Cross

RE-ptilian – RE-bellion – RE-ject – RE-act – RE-plicating – RE-sist – RE-venge – RE-

taliate – RE-petition. In other words, these sounds and symbols are designed to manipulate us
to REspond, thereby establishing an emotional connection with the 3 dimensional illusion. This
is not a coincidence. The reptilian THOUGHT PROCESS has constructed incantations and
symbols into the very fabric of our language through the invention of a NUMBING, NUMBER
System. Keep in mind, that this SYSTEM is a CYST-em – a malignant cancerous growth.

Another subliminal hidden in our language is the word LOVE. We talk about LOVE but you
really can’t nail it down, just what this word really means. Here goes…

LOVE = LOVe with a long O vowel sound as in LOAVE

BRED = BA-RE or WAter-Death Sacrifice sound from Egyptian mythology – RED =

The word RED means Water Death.


EYE ALL = AISLE = as in getting MARRIED, we WALK down the AISLE. An extremely
trance inducing ritual.
Marry is Mare, the Sea, and marriage is to succumb to the seduction of the SEA/SEE.

LOVE is the worship of ALLAH, or the ALL SEEING EYE. This worship relates to SEX, to
DEATH, to REGENERATION, and is used to manipulate our reality. As always, this is not
right or wrong, or sinful, because sin doesn’t exist. But it is deception, meant to forfeit our
power into the control of the luciferian mindset.

Michael Jackson used to wear one glove on one hand. The subliminal attached to this is:

GLOVE = Y-LOVE (substituting G for Y) = EYE LOVE = EYE EVOL = EVOL EYE =
(This is not to say that Michael Jackson was aware in the slightest, of the subliminal attached to
this act of wearing ONE GLOVE).


LOVE is only a hypnotic incantation word, that when repeated enough times, the victim falls
into a completely vulnerable state. All we’re saying when we keep telling someone that “we
love them”, from a romantic perspective, simply means, “I want to have sex with you”. From a
security perspective it simply means, “please take care of me and I’ll let you have sex with me”,
or “I’ll do something beneficial for you in return”. Sex is not always intercourse either. Sex is in
the mind, and involves interaction of energy, which is thought. That’s all fine and dandy, but
let’s be aware of what’s going on. There’s no such thing as love, the kind of caring and
compassion we somehow dream it to be.

The ultimate expression of being is WISDOM through AWARENESS! Awareness of what this
3 dimensional realm really is. Awareness, that it is completely correct to be totally cynical ,
(without any emotional involvement), that any good or bad is present within this 3D illusion.
This whole 3D thing is a fabrication and a lie and a mere dream state. It simply does not exist!
Because of its non-existence, placing value, or lending credence to an illusion by declaring
strong sentiments of love within this illusion is simply manipulation of reality by the

On this site, its been demonstrated over and again, how the concept of god is the luciferian
egregore group of thinking entities, who act as the devil and as the god. They create this
duality on purpose. Through shape and sound association, the word love simply means sex, or
anything to do with physical gratification in any of its forms. Something to now consider, is how
the phrase, god is love, is really saying that the luciferian group of thinking entities, (who is
the hypnotic creator of all things), is love.
Since ancient Sumer and Babylon, the reptilian brain based elite, the first generation of
purebloods, commonly called Bluebloods, have continued to inter-marry. No commoners
have been allowed in their ranks from that time, right on up to the royal families of the world
today. They’re luciferian, intellectually minded, human beings. We all have a reptilian brain,
but with the watered down, common element within humanity, most of us have lost that close
genetic link and the kaballistic information given through inbreeding and channeling. What
inbreeding produces, is a belief system, from generation to generation, to further perpetuate the
intellectual notions of the previous generation, and to build upon them. Intellectual indoctrination
is acquiring the ability to manifest lies and deception, the whole time justifying the
indoctrination as truth based upon previously conjured up intellectual notions. This is how
kaballism works. When indoctrination in intellectual pursuits has achieved a deep hypnotic state
within a person, that person then proceeds to deliver the indoctrination as fact and truth, based on
previous intellectual deception, and those coming in contact with this delivery of intellectual
nonsense, likewise falls under the hypnotic spell.

Intellectualism = SCIENCE / SEANCE

This information has not been lost or denied to the elite royal reptilian brain based bloodline
families. Quite the opposite. The royal elite of the world have enhanced and fostered the
kaballistic information to the highest degree possible in this 3 dimensional world, and still stay
hidden. They have intermarried for thousands of years to keep the genetic reptilian code strong
and the genetic information with which to manipulate humanity intact. In other words, the elite
have kept and fostered, the ability to lie and distort reality, regardless of suffering and pain,
all for the sake power, worship and greed.

In the pages that follow, it will be shown just what this information entails and when the
events based on this information are going to unfold, in the pursuit of establishing the messianic
new world order kingdom on earth. Sometimes referred to as the Age of Aquarius.

Royal Elite Bloodline Shapeshifting

Since going public with this information I have had occasion to meet with, and talk to,
individuals who have genetic links to royal families. In other instances, people who have no
knowlegde of bloodline links to the elite of the world, have witnessed strange phenomena, which
is not supposed to occur. That phenomena is called morphing or shape-shifting. This is the
physical change of a persons appearance to that of a creature bearing reptilian characteristics.
One such instance occurred to an individual completely by accident. Never having read or heard
of such events at the time of their morphing, this individual was completely stunned at what was
occurring. According to this persons recollection, it only took 2 or 3 seconds to change from a
normal human facial form, to one where the eyebrows became large and bushy and extended
forward a great distance. The face flattened out becoming like that of a snake or lizard. Green
scales appeared all over the face. The nose became a lengthened snout and the eyes formed
vertical slits.

This was an extremely frightening experience for this individual and repeats the story to virtually
no one. The event happened only once, because the person knew what thought entered the
mind to initiate the shape shift. This person’s intent is to not enter that thought pattern again
as it wasn’t a pleasant experience.

I relate this story, only to underscore the fact, that with the thought form process of the
luciferian mind all manner of illusions can be created. To call it an illusion doesn’t mean its
not physically real according to the 3 dimensional physical way of reasoning things. For it is,
that we are all illusions, within the hypnotic trance state. It’s all a lie and deceit, but it is what
we’re experiencing. This person experienced the illusion, it really occurred, but its all a lie.
Grays – Aliens – Y-Rays Of Light
There were many other experiences related to me by this individual, all which bordered on the
unbelievable. Just as the little Greys of UFO fame are real illusions, so to, are the reptilian
shape shifting forms, real deceptions. The word Grays, reveals just what these things are.

GRAYS = G or Y – RAYS = EYE RAYS. In other words, Grays are simply rays of light.

Something to be aware of as you proceed through this site. As the words are deciphered for their
true meaning, what becomes obvious is that the thought process cannot prevent itself from
stating what the deception is. The thought process has to reveal what the deception is. This is
called subliminal messaging. The only thing available to the thought process, so as not to be
detected, is to create a diversion, or misdirection, a deception or a lie. These lies and deceit must
contain the correct information, albeit in hidden form. Without the correct information, there will
no subliminal or hypnotic misdirection. Some of the techniques used will be reverse symbolism,
mirrored, or reverse speech patterns, sound and shape similarities, neuro-linguistic
programming, as well as any other technique that might manipulate the subconscious from
connection to reality.

In the case of both the Greys and the Reptilian shape shifting occurrences, these are not
creatures from another planet or star constellations. These are egregore thought forms
created by the luciferian egregore group of thinking entities, all to add confusion, and a whole lot
of distraction from the real scenario which is going to unfold.

Be sure to keep reading the following pages to become acquainted with the luciferian hoped for
devastation. There is a way out, as has already been stated in these first few pages.

An example of this genetic heritage and the knowledge that is passed along through genetics, can
be seen in the Monarch Butterfly. This pretty little creature leaves Canada, dies along the way
as it migrates to Mexico, but before it succumbs it leaves a new generation of butterflies. This
group continues the trek to Mexico, but they too, die along the way. The offspring from this
second generation continues diligently on to Mexico, to the same region that the many previous
generations migrated to. These butterflies have never been to Mexico, but they knew where to
go. Then the migration starts back to Canada, with the same death and regeneration, and they
arrive back to the same region without fail. The genetics are passed along from generation to
generation, if, this interbreeding remains constant. So it is with the luciferian minded thinkers.
They have this kaballism knowledge of how to control energy and know how to manipulate
light. In other words, they know how to manifest deceit. Furthermore, they worship the bringer
of this light energy who is called god, satan, or by definition, lucifer. Through deceitful
wordgames, this luciferian group of entities have caused the masses around the world to
worship it as a supreme god, and from this, every world religion, large and small, worship this
group entity. This entity is the ancient sun god of Sumer, Babylon and Egypt. The
information on this site will reveal what this entity is, what it’s foundational root is, what it’s
plan using this illusory body called humanity is, as well as show how it means to manipulate
humanity very soon, especially within the next 5 years. (From today’s date of October, 2007).
(Editing note: it is now July, 2009, and we’ve just experienced a Banking, Mortgage, Energy,
Credit, Financial, Unemployment, Environmental, Natural Disaster, … etc. CRISIS. The next
3 years will continue with more of the same, only deeper, and more all inclusive).

The Bluebloods of Europe and the USA

They appear as normal and common, but they have a cold callousness about their demeanor. This
is evidenced in the bluebloods of Europe and the eastern establishment of the United States.
This is why all the presidents of the United States are related. All the presidents of the USA
are cousins of varying degrees. On this site, you will see how the Roosevelts, Bushes, and
Churchills are all related through King Edward Longshanks of England, over 800 years ago.
These are direct physical descendants of the luciferian thought form that manifested the elite
bloodlines, the direct descendants of the conjured up illusions of the luciferian thinking group
egregore. These elite are often referred to as the serpent gods of old. This is why, when it comes
to manufacturing problems for the world, they have no qualms whatsoever about killing whoever
needs to be killed and telling endless lies in an attempt to cover it up.


The painting entitled St. Valentines Day Massacre, is modeled by Playboy model Veronika.
This is a play on words and image, but it attempts to establish the notion, that not only are the
presidents of the USA, all related, but the Mafia families are also direct descendants of these
bloodline families and close genetic relatives to the presidential families and the Bluebloods of
Europe. Deceit, hypocrisy, manipulation, and the like, are the family characteristics of the elite.

More will be said about these luciferian thinking

entities as we look at the number 11. Keep in mind,
that the only reason this sounds like something out
of a science-fiction movie is because we’ve been so
hypnotically programmed from our birth, (and
even carry our forefathers programming genetically
within us), that to even contemplate anything
contrary to the intellectual process, is sheer lunacy.
When you keep this in mind, that the leaders – the
illuminati families – are genetic and spiritual
luciferian purebreds, which is to say, they’re in a
deep hypnotic trance, it answers every question
you have ever had about why the world is as it is.
We know the elite are intellectually entranced. They
are completely obsessed with the reptilian part of
the brain, the physical world and using the
hypnotic subliminal power of suggestion working
through this illusory body called humanity, to keep who we really are, out of touch with the
awareness described on these pages.

These intellectually minded people hoard – they control 90% or more of the worlds wealth.
There’s only a few of them, compared to the 6 billion plus of commoners, and yet they need
more. They are control addicts. They must plan and map out every move they make so as to not
lose their grip on the money, business, banking, military and media systems of the world. This is
the complete luciferian minded method of operation.

Further, they are definitely concerned with mating. They may take one mate for outward show,
but the stories are endless of their lovers and children born to them outside their official family
home. They are killers. WTC attack, WW1, WW2, Pearl Harbour, Middle East Wars…all these
are their doing. Of course, the big giveaway that they’re not ordinary commoners, is seen in
their ignorance. They ignor the suffering, hunger, death and disease in the world – when they
have the wealth to alleviate all of it. But they ignor it. If they would stop creating the
epidemics and pandemics in the world, and stop intervening with our food, water and air,
there would also be no disease. However, that’s not the plan. The plan is to use deceit and
devastation to take total control of our original eternal Paradise State of being. The ultimate
expression of being, … and this is who and what we really are!

09 – Magnetic Field – Time And Space – The Luciferian

Mindset – The Illuminati Cabal – Duality – The Day of the
Lord’s Vengeance
Bryan Kemila Fine Art EXPERIENCE … new website!
(Click on the card picture below)
Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of hypnosis,
religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.

Click here to watch video.

YouTube Video highlighting some of the subliminal elements hidden in the Dome of the Rock in

Please read the next paragraph before watching the ROCK VIDEO.

On the ROCK VIDEO, the World Trade Center is mistakenly called the
ROCKEFELLER PLAZA. The WTC was conceived and promoted by the
Rockefellers. The Rockefeller Plaza is to the north of the World Trade Centre, on the
MANHATTAN ROCK, or MANNA STONE. The WTC and the Rockefeller Plaza , along
with the area of CENTRAL PARK, relate to the TEMPLE MOUNT in Jerusalem, and
the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the ROCK, and the Temple Courtyard. These
in turn relate to the North American West Coast. See page 39 for more details.
Click here to watch the new Rock Video on YouTube.


This page is under construction.

the human magnetic field – striking and stroking to manipulate
Humanity was created by the luciferian serpent group of demonic entities. Our created body of light energy includes 2
main fields. One is electrical and the other magnetic. We have seen within the first few pages how the positive
male protons – the negative female electrons – and the neutrons – gave inspiration for the manufacturing of a
number system. This in turn led to the creation of a religious system and in turn to the establishment of a
scientific system. Both systems were based on the manipulation of the structural characteristics of a beam of light.
The number system was constructed to be just slightly off the natural course of this luciferian creation. Although both
were created by the luciferian thought form, they were purposely created to conflict, one with the other. This is
the true nature of duality in this 3 dimensional realm.

There are a couple of characteristics regarding the human magnetic field that are worth examining. An iron object
can be magnetized by STROKING or by STRIKING with FORCE. This process takes place because of the
structure of the light energy magnetic field. Humanity has this very same magnetic field. We have within our blood, a
concentration of iron that can be manipulated to effect our DNA. When the very same techniques are applied to a
segment of society as are applied to a piece of iron, the very same magnetization occurs.

Interestingly, iron in Latin means stars (STARS = HEAVENLY BODY). Nickel can also be magnetized and in
German it is referred to as Old Nick’s Copper – or Satan. This sort of gives a hint as to where Old St. Nick or
Santa – SATAN – Claus comes from as well. The Canadian and American 5 cent coins are made of Nickel (5 SENSE
REALITY = 5 CENT COIN). Cobalt can also be magnetized and cobalt in German means GOBLIN or EVIL
SPIRIT. Both Cobalt and Nickel are found in meteorites, or material from the STARS.

This shows just a few interesting characteristics of the metals that can be magnetized and how spiritual implications
are suggested in each name attributed to the metal.
The diagram below shows what happens to our magnetic field when influenced by the luciferian Thought Process. In
diagram A, we see the random magnets (the little red arrows) within our magnetic field forming little domains.
These domains point in every direction and thereby render no magnetic polarity. One domain basically neutralizes
another. In diagram B we see this random magnetic characteristic become highly organized and all the magnetic
domains point in the same direction. This new organization of the magnetic domains is caused by a strong
external magnetism. When given a 3 dimensional world perspective, this strong external magnetism is the
luciferian inspired, illuminati world system of deceit. The illuminati deception, is of course, the product of the
luciferian egregore Thought Process, where a massive group of hidden entities agree together – just like the
domains pointing in the same direction – and this common Mindset creates an incredible magnetic attraction
that is able to manipulate humanity. After the magnetic pull of the luciferian thought form seduces humanity to go in
a certain direction, all of the world societies are likewise magnetized, by force or by this seductive magnetic
attraction, to point in the same direction.

All of the seductions of the world created through the number systems have attracted us to respond in the direction
they desire. Looking at diagram C, even when the strong external influence is removed, the magnetic field
remains basically intact and polarized. Again, this is exactly what happens when the luciferian Mindset is
brought into any society. It enters society as an advancement or betterment of the current state of affairs. Once
established and the society becomes polarized with this new point of view, the external force can move on to other
conquests but we will remain performing the will of the master magnetic influence. This master magnetic
force is the hypnotic trance of the master hypnotist, the luciferian group of Thinking entities.

In this 3 dimensional realm, we will continue doing the work of the serpent thinkers, which is to become totally
devoted to acquiring as much physical wealth and pleasure, which is not wrong in itself. However, in the hypnotic
state we find ourselves in, we believe this is the ultimate purpose and goal concerning the 3 dimensional life
experience. Because of this fervent desire for riches and pleasure, if any of that is jeopardized in any way, we scream
bloody murder for the people in power to fix it. Of course, they will fix everything in such a fashion, that will only
create more problems, which will make us more and more dependent upon their involvement in our illusory lives.
This in turn causes an even stronger magnetic need and attraction to their control. The leaders of the world, the
rich, the powerful, the respected…these are the intellectually indoctrinated, luciferian minded illusory slaves, working
on behalf of the luciferian agenda.
When the sacred geometry of the luciferian mindset was introduced into this 3 dimensioanl egregore thought form,
a total disregard for the natural luciferian state of creation was purposely devised. This included taking natural pi
and the endless decimal number of 3.141…(plus endless numbers) and rounded it down to a perfect pi – or 3. The
same with the Golden Ration, or Golden Mean and the natural phi of 1.681…(plus endless numbers) and
rounded it down to 1.6 or perfect phi. This all coincides with the 360 degree or 360 day year of the zodiac circle
which was rounded down from a 365 1/4 day (plus a minute or two) year. This allowed for sacred geometry,
mathematics, algebra, chemistry, astrology, numerology, music and an endless vast array of seductions to be devised
which would flood the world. You cannot create a solid formula, calculation or equation unless you round the
numbers down. How can you take real pi – 3.141…with endless numbers, and multiply it by anything, and come to
any conclusion. You can’t! You have to manipulate, or force the calculation, to get a result. This forcing, led to
the creation of the number systems which drive the world and seduce us into the hypnotic state we’re in. REAL PI –
3.141… or natural pi became PERFECT PI – 3. The Golden Ratio or NATURAL PHI became PERFECT PHI or
1.6. With this manipulation and creation of a number system, TIME and SPACE appear to exist.

Only as you perceive time do you perceive space.

All this deceit is the result of a numbering system. This so-called, 5 sense world reality, based on these sacred
geometric and religious systems are unwittingly worshipped by every human being on the planet as being the truth of
what life is all about. In reality, all these systems are corruption and have no connection to awareness. Life itself, is
also a complete fabrication, and an immense illusion. Lies based on previous lies, multiplied by yet more lies, does not
foster truth. It creates a Universal Lie, which is exactly what the whole universe is.

See the diagram below regarding another characteristic of our magnetic personality. This observation shows the
deceit used by the luciferian Mindset to keep us blind to these simple truths. This deception that causes humanity to
accept this number system as reality is how we have all been manipulated to accept the number of the beast. This
beastly number is referred to in the Christian Bible, and is placed there, by the very luciferian egregore beast that
wrote the Bible. All numbers make up the whole number system, which in turn is the number by which humanity
is not able to buy or sell. You cannot buy or sell, carry on commerce, or even retain a physical presence in this 3
dimensional space, unless you accept this number system as part of your reality. This of course, is the hypnotic trance
state that we accept. Accepting this number system, this 666, (or as will be shown in later pages to be SICKS SICKS
SICKS), is how the 3 dimensional realm persists. It persists because we insist, in our belief system, that it must exist,
therefore it does, and all manner of manipulation is then possible.

Manipulation by this luciferian light bringer / the shaitan, the prince of darkness, occurs in a couple of ways. One is
by seducing the masses through the peer pressure to succeed in life. To have a nice home, a nice car, a nice family,
nice clothes, money in the bank, to belong to institutions, to be the leaders of these institutions … to literally be a
pillar in society. This is the STROKE method of manipulation and magnetization. Gentle and sweet but still as
destructive as any method devised to steer the luciferian conjured up soul of humanity into ignorance and the
luciferian Mindset.

The second method is the FORCED method of manipulation. This one is not so sweet. It includes genocide such as
has been evidenced in Nazi Germany during World War 2 and the extermination of the Jews. Although the
extermination of the Jews is massively overstated, it did occur. Just looking at the numbers quoted, 6 million, is
simply a reference to the Christ/Antichrist number of the luciferian prince. A prince, which does not exist, other than
in the suggestion that there is a Messianic Christ, and an enemy of that Christ, or an Antichrist. Neither of which are
real other than in the suggestion that they do exist. Without this unending suggestion, the very notion of the validity
of such a concept would fade away, and would not be part of the 3D trance state. This is precisely the same suggestive
process that’s conjured all of humanity into appearing to be a real and valid entity, but has no basis in reality.

After World War 2, 1200 Nazis were smuggled into Canada to exterminate the rest of the Native Indian
population with the cooperation of the government, the RCMP, the churches and the medical
institutions. A minimum of 50,000 Native children were exterminated. (See total number, when you include the centuries that this went
on before the Nazi mind control invasion, is in the millions.

When you stroke the ego of a society, the ego that appears to be part of who we are, you create a willing
blindness. It is mind control with a pretty face. It magnetizes the population to do the will of those desiring to run
society. When you strike at society with the force and horror of genocide and war, you create fear in the victims
as well as in the population forced to carry out the atrocities. Everybody, victim and victimizer, lose. Everyone is
forced into a magnetic polarity where hatred, killing and death are the only winners. This is the Thought Process, and
its weapon of Duality, used to initiate, and perpetuate endlessly, the Trance State.
Having said this regarding the magnetic characteristics of humanity, what do we do about it? The answer is
NOTHING. Other than to expose the utter ignorance of such a regime and system, … we are to do nothing. In the last
century people pointed to Ghandi as one who peacefully resisted the British. He still resisted. We must not
resist, react, retaliate, resent, seek revenge … for all of this is emotional reaction to an illusion. Ghandi was reacting to
an illusion. Resistance is the energy/spirit illusory force that the luciferian illuminati elite are looking
for and need to continue the luciferian agenda. Of course, it must be recognized, that these elite have not the slightest
notion of what it is they do, for what reason, and neither do they perceive the master hypnotist they serve. The elite of
the world are indoctrinated in intellectual concepts, all of which have produced deeply entranced, totally unaware,

In the 1960’s people looked to Martin Luther King as a passive protestor campaigning for the rights of blacks in
America. That protest is the energy/spirit which feeds right into the hands of the luciferian Mindset. These and many
others have focused our attention on the plight of the poor and weak and helpless. This misdirection from Reality has
manipulated who and what we really are, into a prison of CARE. All this is true and horrific, from a 3 dimensional
perspective. However, this is the manipulation of religion, intellectualism, and is the foundation of all Secret Societies
throughout this illusory history, to manipulate who and what we are, out of our original wisdom and reality state, into
a sphere of CARE and CONCERN. All of which solves nothing, proves nothing, exposes nothing, but does perpetuate
the myth and the lie. In this state of CARE and CONCERN we react, we seek revenge, we retaliate, we resist, we
rebel … we totally respond the way the luciferian Mindset want us to respond. (Notice all these RE- words
again – that’s no coincidence as I will show in a subsequent page on the ALPHABET).

Look at the word REBEL. This word means RE or reference to – BEL who is Bel or Baal. In other words, to rebel is
to act in the manner of Baal. Baal was the Phoenician god responsible for the fertility of the earth and animals. Just
another name for a sun god deity. RE = RA, the RAY of LIGHT, another name for the Egyptian sun god deity.

We mustn’t be manipulated to extend a reaction concerning energy/spirit which they need to perpetuate the myth
and deception which holds us within the Trance State. Their system is in its last breath and on its last legs. It is self-
destructing right now. They are collapsing in on themselves. In the next few years they are going to try to pull off the
most massive form of deception ever attempted on humanity, using the illusory body of humanity, which is their
secret weapon of manipulation, to create a deep disconnection from our original Reality State. These hidden luciferian
entities and their world elite are going to attempt to put the crowning touch, the coronation, so to speak, on the New
World Order, the so-called Kingdom of God, or the Age of Aquarius, which is already controlling us. Causing us to
believe, through incredible devastation and horror, that these coming events are the Day of the Lord’s
Vengeance, when the messiah will establish the kingdom of god on earth by destroying the “useless eaters”,
(as folks like Henry Kissinger have referred to the common people of the world). All this with regard to controlling the
power of the eternal Paradise State, which is who and what we really are.

We need the information available on this site so we can know, as the campaign of deceit increases, and begins to
show its true face, that this is the agenda, the plan for 6,000 illusory years, (for TIME and SPACE do not exist), that
will be attempted to be fulfilled in the next handful of years. As things keep unfolding, if we know that this is what’s
happening and why it’s happening, we can remain calm. We can expose the agenda with total awareness of what’s
transpiring, but we MUST NOT REACT or seek revenge or believe for one second that this is the supreme god and
his prince of peace. There is no god, just a luciferian group of entities playing god and the devil, and
creating duality in this 3 dimensional realm at the expense of humanity, using the suffering of humanity, … and in the
same instance, humanity is just a conjured up illusory body of energy Thought Forms, used to make us believe that
we’re real, and that we should CARE and be CONCERNED, when in Reality, … ALL IS WELL, and were it not for the
hyper reactionary intellectually indoctrinated and religious slaves, feeding nonsense into the 3 dimensional plane, the
whole thing would completely fall apart, and a reconnection to Reality would pursue. It must be pointed out, the the
intellectual and religious reactionaries that assist this luciferian agenda for control of our eternal Paradise State,
includes the Truth Movement and the Conspiracy Theorist Movement. All of which are designed by the
luciferian Mindset to manifest a untold amount resistance, revenge and retaliation.
How can one be so certain that their system is finished and that the whole thing is collapsing. First off it’s just
obvious. We’re killing ourselves with disease, pollution and war. Secondly, when you saturate a magnet with a
particular magnetic polarity you wish it to take, the thing that happens, if you over-saturate it, it loses all its
magnetic strength. Similar in fashion to sharpening a piece of metal. If you over-heat the metal it loses its temper
and is unable to hold an edge. Therefore, this system is collapsing. The attempt to over-align the magnetic domains
has taken place. This is evidenced in the disbelief of the majority of the world population that anything good can come
out of the system anymore. We have been oversaturated and overheated. We have been created by this
luciferian mindset as flesh and blood – simple clay – and we have been over-stretched, forced to far, by the iron hand
of the SATURATOR (Saturn = Satan) to not want to cleave to the system anymore. Will they let us go, peacefully,…
kindly,… or will they make a Day of Judgment, designed to manipulate all who resist, to experience a Day of
Reckoning, and Destruction, through a world cataclysmic event? Keep reading this site … all the answers are
just ahead.

Return to the top of the page and click on Page 10.

27 – It’s Right On The MONEY – World Trade Centre
Attack Magic Sigils – FUCK The Name of God –
MONEY=ONE EYE – The Right ANGEL – George Rose
Washington – The Sign Of The Cross / Lesser Banishing
Ritual Of The Pentagram – The Capitol CAPITAL
BUILDING – The Epic of Gilgamesh – Rock and Rose –
Bytes of Apples of Zeus – My Cross Of Tammuz – I Do Not
Compute – Glavendrup Stone

Bryan Kemila Fine Art EXPERIENCE … new website!

(Click on the card picture below)

Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video detailing the foundational root of

hypnosis, religion, intellectualism and who and what god is.

Click here to watch video.

YouTube Video highlighting some of the subliminal elements hidden in the Dome of the
Rock in Jerusalem
Please read the next paragraph before watching the ROCK VIDEO.

On the ROCK VIDEO, the World Trade Center is mistakenly called the ROCKEFELLER PLAZA.
The WTC was conceived and promoted by the Rockefellers. The Rockefeller Plaza is to the
north of the World Trade Centre, on the MANHATTAN ROCK, or MANNA STONE. The WTC and
the Rockefeller Plaza , along with the area of CENTRAL PARK, relate to the TEMPLE MOUNT
in Jerusalem, and the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the ROCK, and the Temple Courtyard.
These in turn relate to the North American West Coast. See page 39 for more details.

Click here to watch the new Rock Video on YouTube.


This page is under construction.

The World Trade Centre Attack
Sigil Magic and Subliminal Messaging

The United States of America currency replaced the Gold Standard in international money
markets. This had to be done to bring about a massive sigil magic voodoo / miracle style event.
This event was the World Trade Centre attack of 2001. The money issued with all the sigil
magic markers and subliminal suggestions were created for the 2001 Series and came into
circulation in late 2000. The combined energy hype from the Y2K fiasco had already placed the
population of the industrialized world in a hypnotic trance which was deep enough to react to,
and be manipulated by, the sigil symbolism and suggestion in the 2001 Series of Bills. Follow
closely and consider all the implications that show that the United States administration, since
the foundation of the USA as a country, formulated this sigil magic show through the
Freemasonic leaders, religious, political and financial, who learn the methods of spiritism,
miracles, voodoo and magic, which form the basis of manipulating matter one molecule at a
time. This is called KABBALISM. This is called MAGIC. This is called HYPNOSIS.

Immediately below is a photograph that shows yet again, how intimate the world government
leaders, and in particular, the American government leaders, are to the All Seeing Eye luciferian
god. The Oval Office is simply a huge All Seeing Eye, which in turn is the womb of creation.
Outside the windows of this All Seeing Eye Office, is the Washington Monument. A 666 foot
tall phallic symbol that peers down on the vaginal symbolism of the Oval Office. The
Washington Monument is 555 feet above the ground and 111 feet below.
Kabbalism – The Ability To Manipulate Matter
The ritual of manipulating matter, or manipulating energy with sigil magic symbolism and
incantation, (or verbal mantras expressed through the media), has certain rules to follow.

1.Write or draw the desired wish in a sigil magic symbolic form. This form is most powerful if it
plays to the subconscious mind, rather than to the conscious mind. This is achieved through
subliminal messaging. The subconcious processes far greater and deeper, all the information it
gathers. The more elaborate the symbolism which must be contained in overall simple shapes,
and the more energy expended, the more powerful the sigil magic form becomes.

2. The next thing required is to frame the desired sigil magic wish in a box, not necessarily a
square cornered box. A box would be any controlled border that implies control and balance.
Again, the more elaborate the frame, the more powerful the magic form becomes. The frame
on the American money is littered with Sacred Geometric design. For example, the front of the
$1 bill took over 2 years to design.

3. The next step is to expend energy and to focus on the wish framed within the sigil form. In
other words, create a mantra, an incantation, a meditation or a prayer, which are all forms of
hypnotic trance inducement. The greater the number of participants willing to participate,
or unwittingly manipulated to participate in this magic ritual, then the greater the power and
effectiveness of the sigil magic ritual. If there were such a thing as a Satan, then this would be
referred to as a Satanic ritual. In actuality, it’s just the way things are. Not good or bad, but can
be used deceitfully to mislead and manipulate. This is just the way energy flows and how it can
be redirected. This is how everything was conjured up to form the 3D creation in the first place,
and all these rituals succeed in doing, is to rearrange thought patterns to create a new
hypnotic illusion by manipulating light. Light is all that the so-called physical 3 dimensional
creation actually is.

Causing the American Currency to become the world standard of commerce subconsciously
manipulated the powerful and entranced populations of the world to expend their energy in the
direction that the luciferian thinkers desired that energy to go. This is also why America has
become the most hated nation in the world. Not because Americans are more corrupt or
wicked than anyone else, but so the energy of the populace of much of the world could be
directed in hatred, (a very volatile energy), towards the United States.

Proceed through the charts below and consider carefully the implications of such sigil magic
forms. This money folding exercise has been shown on the internet before, however, the
origination is unclear. What is demonstrated on this site, in case others have missed it, is the
reason for the 135 degree fold and it’s relationship to the Octagon, the symbol of total
control. Further, the sequence of the money denominations and the relationship to the
sequence of events regarding the World Trade Centre Attack are more clearly shown.

The USA $1 bill is shown folded with the backside of the bill visible. Many examples of
symbolic numbers appear, some of which allude to the numbers 9 and 11. Many to the number
13, which coincides with 1 and is symbolic of the New World Order. Notice also that the folds
form a simple paper airplane. The WTC Twin Towers and the Pentagon both suffered AIR
STRIKES. The symbolism in these folds is that of the the mirror imaging of dark and light,
up and down and the whole duality nature that the 3 dimensional realm is manipulated by.

Here are some symbolic interpretations of the numbers that show up on the USA money bills,
as well as on examples of number symbolism throughout this site. These numbers are not based
on astrology, numerology or the Zodiac charts developed over the centuries, but are based on
what they really mean as shown on the simple clockface charts developed for this site. The
luciferian thinkers had to create the Zodiacal nonsense as yet another form of hypnosis to act as
a veil that would hinder anyone from discovering the simplicity of the luciferian symbolic use of

1 = A New Beginning
2 = Duality
3 = Deity Shape – Triangle Pyramid Trinity
4 = Four Square Foundation
5 = Humanity Earth – The Sacrifice – The Pentagram – Pentagon
6 = Christ / Antichrist – Crystal Light Divider – Sex Origin
7 = Completion
8 = Control
9 = Fall
10 = Intensity
11 = Death
12 = Full Circle – Whole – Hole
The next number, being 13, would start on the 2nd clockface and would have the same
symbolic meaning as the number 1, with the added significance, that it also includes the
symbolism of the number 2, which would be the Duality number. This is how it works with
any number, on any clockface up to the 12th clockface. Numbers larger than that can be broken
down by division or subtraction repeatedly to then gain the interpretion and symbolism

One such number is 135. This is the inside angle of the Octagon. 135 coincides with 3 on the
12th clockface. Therefore the number 135 carries the symbolic meaning of the Trinity Pyramid
Triangle, the Holy Sex Threesome, so to speak. Since it occurs on the 12th clockface, it is
symbolic of being a Full Circle, the Whole All Seeing Eye of Knowledge and another number
signifying completion. The number 135 also = 9 when adding all the digits. 135 = 8 when
subtracting 13 minus 5. These are numbers speak of Control and the Fall. It also totals 65 when
multiplying 13 times 5. The number 65 coincides with 5, the number of humanity / earth, and
also 6 + 5 = 11. The number 65 therefore symbolizes the death (11) of humanity / earth (5).
Yet again, 6 minus 5 = 1, which is the New Season, a New Age, a New Kingdom. The number
65 symbolizes all this, and is hidden within the number 135. For this reason, the Octagon angle
of 135 degrees is a very holy (12 whole) angle, or holy angel. This is why it is used throughout
the whole manipulation hypnotic process of the luciferian mind control agenda. This is the Angle
/ Angel in the constellation Orion, the Rose Ion or Iron Rose or again, the Iron Horse of
electrical energy. This is also the angle found on the Little and Big Dippers, the constellations
associated with Water, or WATTS, of measuring electrical energy. The subliminal suggestion
being that in the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Reason and Enlightenment, the world will be
cleansed by the massive outpouring of Holy Water (Green Water), the Water of the
Environmental Green Movement. Further, this is why the Octagon Stop Sign is speckled
throughout the transportation world, simply to remind us constantly, who is in control. The Stop
Sign is a religious symbol paying homage to the sun god. This is all there, locked up in the
number 135, and this is only a portion of what this number symbolizes.

Another special number to notice on the Money charts below, is the number 45. This coincides
with 9, the Fall, on the 4th clockface. This number is therefore symbolic of the Fall into this
lunatic 3 dimensional space, and is further symbolic of the Four Square Foundation that the
whole illusion is based upon. Do the math with this number and the number 1, 9, and 20
(control) will show up. The opposite, or remaining degrees on a straight line, after removing 135
degrees from the 180 degree line = 45. This completely perfect straight line is a Light Beam,
or One Complete Deity. This line is the Horizon that the Sun will Rise and Set upon. When
adding 13 plus 5 in the number 135 = 18, the number of the Light Beam 18 plus 0 or 180, which
represents intensity. When you pass this Light Beam through a Crystal Prism it breaks apart into
a triangle rainbow which contain 3 interior angles that always total 180 degrees. This is an
example of the foundational basis of how the Hypnotic Trance State is put together. It has the
illusion of solidity and truth, but is simply mathematical manipulation combined with
religious story telling.

The importance of the straight line fold through the middle of the money bills is symbolic of the
Light Beam, or the Deity concept. Folding it at 45 degrees in the centre creates 1 – 135 degree
angle. Folding it again at the centre, creates the 2nd 135 degree angle. The resulting shape is a
paper airplane, with 2 Octagon folds, ready to reveal the Air Strikes against the 2 Towers of
the WTC and the Missile Strike against the Pentagon. The strike against the Towers will be
shown lower down, to be a strike uniting the Mother and the Son. The strike against the
Pentagon, was a strike against Humanity, the Sacrifice of the Goat, the number 5.

This next chart using the USA $20 bill, shows how the fold is accomplished. The same fold is
used everytime on all the different denominations. The 2001 series of bills must be used for the
most part, or the images will not appear. For instance, if you fold a 2003 series USA $5 bill,
their will be no World Trade Centre building showing at all. This indicates that the building
which was there on the 2001 series $5 bill, is not there in the year 2003. The subliminal
messaging moves along very powerfully and rapidly in these sigil markers. These bills will also
hold clues to what the next attack is and when the next attack will take place and will be
shown lower down on this page. Also, of extreme importance, is to watch the new series of
bills that come out to catch any further subliminal sigils that will assist in interrupting the
luciferian agenda.

The $5 Bill
The $5 bill shows the 2001 Series again. After the fold is created, the image that suggests the
World Trade Centre buildings is seen to be untouched with no billowing smoke. The reverse
side shows a definite Heart shape, which is a symbol of the god Cupid from Roman mythology,
which is the counterpart of Eros, the Greek god of lust, love and intercourse. The god cherub
Cupid shoots his ARROWS = AIR-O’s = EROS (sexual love) at the heart of someone being
desired. This subliminal has been suggested for many years in the I Love New York logo. This
logo which gained it’s inspiration from the same luciferian mindset that inspired the heart on
the $5 bill. This air, arrow, or eros attack on the World Trade Centre, on the Rock of
Manhattan, is itself a subliminal for a bigger attack on a bigger scale.

Before examining the $5 bill, consider the photograph of Cupid’s Arrow in San Francisco,
where the song by Tony Bennett suggests that the singer left his Heart. Keeping in mind that
San Francisco is the Golden Gate to the location of the Rock of Judgment, on the Rockie
Mountains 11 western United States where the Marriage Supper of the Lamb is meant to
take place. A marriage is sexual union, an erotic event. The word MARRIAGE also defines
how that marriage will take place.


MAR or sea
RIA or AIR in reverse
GE or

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is MARY the Sea or Water (2 Towers) becoming one with
the Air, or the Son / Sun. The attack on the World Trade Centre suggested the Air (Airplanes –
a Missile for the Pentagon) and the Water (the 2 Towers) becoming one in a violent merging
of Mother and Son in Wedded / Wetted bliss. The 2 Cross shaped airplanes to strike the 2
World Trade Centre Towers were symbolic of the Double Cross of Jesus.

Mother Mary, the Sea or Water, has another symbolic form and term, that being Columbe, the
Spanish word for Dove. The 2 Towers are the 2 Columns, that represent the 2 Pillars before the
Hebrew Temple. These 2 Pillars are called Boaz and Jachin or Gachin. The inspiration for all
the B and G words. The 2 Columns are symbolic of the Dove that Dove down (as in diving) as
cascading columns of water, which is symbolic for the Holy Spirit, the Living Water.

What made this water to be holy was the sexual penetration of the sun / son, as the 2 Cross
Airplanes pierced the Heart, the Flaming Heart and Breasts, and the Womb of the Mother.
The womb was symbolized by the All Seeing Eye Compass Rose and Monument symbolically
located on the Rockefeller Plaza Courtyard floor at the base of the 2 Towers. The Compass
Rose is yet another symbol of the All Seeing Eye.

The World Trade Centre attack was an erotic sexual union from Cupid’s ARROWS or EROS.
For this reason George Bush immediately referred to the site as Ground Zero, which means, the
Stone of Eros, or Zeros, or sexual love. Zeros is again a play on Zeus, or Jesus. Sexual love in
turn is symbolized by the All Seeing Eye chart shown throughout this site, which is the Rock
that the Church of Christ has been built upon.

The subliminal message of the World Trade Centre attack is that of the Pillar of Smoke that
guided the Israelites out of Egypt by day. At night it turned into a Pillar of Fire. These Pillars
of Clouds and Fire represent the RAIN and FIRE that will be used to manipulate and threaten
humanity with devastation and annihilation. The luciferian thinkers will threaten the world with
devastation, however this is all with the pretense of threatening to destroy and take total control
of the 3 dimensional world systems so that humanity practically begs to be saved from
themselves. Humanity will further beg to the great luciferian god to help us maintain this 3
dimensional prison which we have polluted through the very same systems the luciferian
thinkers created.
The world systems were conjured up so that humanity would proceed to become gigantic
polluters all according to the wishes of the elite luciferians. This manipulation and worship
technique to cause humanity to do anything the luciferian god desires is obviously the
ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT and the GREEN – Holy Water, scam.

This is what the World Trade Centre attack was alluding to, and the same presidential
cousins who are perpetuating the Global Warming, Environmental Movement, in the
personage of Al Gore and the War on Terrorism, in the form of George W. Bush have set
the sigil magic markers and subliminal messages in place to bring about the devastation on
the Rock of Judgment.

The Double Cross of Airplanes are symbolic for 2 Crosses suggested to be used in the Sacrifice
on the Rock of Judgment. The 2 Crosses are the 4 Corners Cross states in the Western United
States, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado. This 4 Corners Cross is the South Tower, or
the South Sun Cross and is one square representing the Mother Tower. The other Cross is the
4 Corner Cross of Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and Manitoba and Saskatchewan, the
North Sun Cross and the second square representing the Mother Tower. These 2 Crosses that
represent the Double Cross, the Duality god, are in place, ready and waiting symbolically as the
merging of the Air and Water, the Mother and Son is set to transpire. This merging will occur
on a global level through the Ring of Fire volcano/earthquake zones around the world, and the
Rising Global Warming Flood Water.

Consider the Heart on the $5 bill and the implications this entails. As well as the untouched
WTC style buildings.
The Dome Of The Rock Pentagram Sacrifice – Baphomet
The chart below shows a closeup of the inner circle within the sketch of the Rock under the
Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. This sketch includes some geometric lines that demonstrate the
shape of the Octagon, the Square, the Circle, the Cross, as well as some of the topographical
features found on the Rock. Amongst all these lines is a pattern that forms the shape of a
Pentagram, the 5 Pointed Star. This star is the symbol of the Baphomet Goat, the Sacrifice,
and is the symbol of man.

The exposed portion of the Rock has been coloured blue so as to highlight that area that matches
the 11 Western United States. The whole array of lines are centred around the 2 intersecting
lines that cross at mid-circle. This coincides with the 4 Corners Cross states of Utah, Arizona,
New Mexico and Colorado. All the lines representing a 5 Pointed Star are visible and only one is
implied. That implied line extends from the top mid-point down to the area marked Los Angeles
and the Stairway to the Stars. This implied line is the inspiration for the name, the Lesser
Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. This ritual is performed to control and direct energy
wherever it’s desired. The ritual is performed in the 4 cardinal directions, North, East, South and
West. The lines on the Rock also form 4 Pentagrams, however, it would be an extremely
confusing chart, so only 2 are drawn in.

The Pentagram points to some interesting locations when considering that it’s actually being
overlayed on the western 11 states. The furthest South is Los Angeles. The furthest west is just
past San Francisco. To the northwest is Mount Olympus Washington and the furthest north point
extends into Canada. To the northeast is Yellowstone Park, where a square has actually been
drawn in at the general location of Yellowstone. To the east, just above the number 37 degrees,
the whole state of Kansas is practically covered under the star.

The Cross in the centre also points directly to the border of New Mexico and Arizona, at the
Mexican border. At this location, the Rock is exposed in a right angle. Then it takes another
right angle to the right, then another right angle going upwards, and yet another right angle to
the right. Right in the corner of this last right angle is another square which was drawn into the
sketch. This has been marked as Roswell (New Mexico) and Mount Ararat. Mount Ararat fell
exactly on this location on a previous chart, when the Rock of Iraq and Iran was overlayed on the
western states. Mount Ararat is the supposed resting place of Noah’s Ark, the boat or ship that
carried Moses and his family through the flood. Roswell is well known for another ship that
the world has become entranced with, that hopefully carries some salvation aboard. That is the
spaceship and the grey aliens that crashed in this location in 1947.

The 11 western states also follow this right angle up, then to the right, then up and to the right
again. On the little map to the top right of the chart, the lower border of New Mexico shows this.
The proportions are different, but the number of angle changes are the same, and always at a
right angle.

What this sketch is demonstrating is that the Rock is not just a religious geographical location
of historic importance to the religions of Abraham, but it is the major sigil magic marker, or
symbol, that is used to create, control and direct the energy of the world that has up until this
point in time, and will, in the days ahead, be used to complete the agenda of the luciferian
egregore thinkers. At least, that’s the intent.

Study the close up chart for a moment and then move down to the western states chart and how
the Sign of the Cross takes on a whole new significant corrupt meaning.
Tthe charts dealing with the American money bills, demonstrate the sigil magic markers that
actually assisted in creating the World Trade Centre Attack of 2001. The paper money
currency came into use in the American system of Commerce during the presidency of
Abraham Lincoln. (Much more will be said concerning Lincoln on page 29). It was Salmon P.
Chase, a member of Lincoln’s cabinet, who was Secretary of the Treasury who introduced
this paper money system. Without the paper money sigil magic hypnotic trance inducement that
assisted in establishing the reality of the World Trade Centre Attack, it would not have occurred.
In turn, the World Trade Centre Attack was a major world hypnotic event that has implanted the
subliminal message that is creating the reality of impending devastation.

This is all hypnotic mind control on a world scale. Become aware of this manipulation being
perpetuated through hypnosis and you eliminate that impending illusory calamity.
The symbolic Rock that supposedly was the Rock that Jesus would build his church on, is the
light atom symbol. The atom is the conjured up evidence of the thinking process. It is this
thinking process that produced the atom, (the electron, proton and neutron), the trinity. Which
in turn is the illusion we call Matter, which is the Mother of the 3 dimensional experience.
The atom symbol is subsequently divided into 4 quarters, or 4 Corners, as the luciferian
egregore conjure up ways to perpetuate the 3D myth through subliminal symbolism and
incantational hypnotic suggestion.
One quarter/corner of this whole atom symbol includes one right angle. The word ANGLE =
ANGEL. One quarter of the atom symbol also includes an ARC. The word ARC = ARK = K-
RA = Killing Ray. This is the Ark of the Covenant notion, that the luciferian god has
perpetuated through the Holy Spirit concept, the Holy Angel, which is the Holy Right Angle of
the atom symbol. This Holy Angel, Holy Spirit, Holy Corner, Holy Right Angle concept, is
the Cornerstone that Jesus said he would build his church upon. This is the Cornerstone that
the builders supposedly rejected, but later became the Chief Cornerstone upon which the
whole Temple of God was built upon. Far from rejecting this Rock, it was the full intent to use
it as the main manipulation tool throughout the course of the lucferian agenda. In the British
Parliamentary system, and in my country of Canada, they use the term when referring to
Members of Parliament, as Right Honourable so and so. This is the inspiration for such a term.
Even as the title SIR = RIS in reverse, which is a subliminal referring to the RIS-ing Flood
Waters. British Israelism absolutely permeates our society in forms that have become common
place and never looked upon as hypnotic trance inducers. These Right and Sir titles are a
reference to the right angle of the atom sex symbol.

As has been shown throughout this site, the Rock is evidenced everywhere throughout history,
and in the most astonishing ways. This page will be no exception to the rule. The Rock, the
Coming Flood of Judgment, and the Global Warming Flood Waters are all suggested in
every instance.

Fuck – The Name of God

The reason this Corner, in combination with the Arc, is so incredibly holy to the luciferian
agenda, is because it is the symbol of sexual union where the intersecting lines of the 4 seasons
of the Zodiac atom symbol form a Cross. Sun god worship is completely controlled by the sex
drive implanted within the whole conjured up illusory creation. GOD = DOG in reverse. Dog
refers, in a subliminal sense, to the name of God. Many of us have heard of Fuck, the Dog. This
is telling us the name of God is Fuck, or Fucking, which is to have sex, which in turn is the Sex
Ritual Atom Symbol, the Creator of All Things conjured up. This is also the reason the word
Fuck is so revered by humanity, and the most common word in usage when wanting to make a
dramatic statement. There is no word higher than Fuck. One word we’re never supposed to
use in society, in polite company, is the word Fuck. Why not? It’s just four letters that simply
mean FUCK = KCUF = Killing You Father in reverse, or the Father Who Kills You. The
Great Pyramid of Egypt echoes the name of God, with the name KHUFU = FUCK YOU. This
is again, not good or bad, it’s just the way it is. The other two pyramids of Egypt echo yet again,
the K or Killing sound of the name of God, The Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of
MenKaure. Dignified names, to be sure, and with the reverence deserving of the corrupting
luciferian beings who conjured up everything in the 3 dimensional realm. Mind you, it was all
in their better interests, not that of humanity.

The Rock of Christ, the Rock of Allah and Jehovah, and the Rock of all religious and
intellectual thought is the Rock of Sex. We’ve heard of the term, ‘Getting You’re Rocks Off’.
This is a religious/science/seance term based on the atom sex symbol. Sex is not bad or good,
and it’s usually very pleasurable, however, it’s the weapon used to control and manipulate.
When it comes to using the symbol of the Rock to manipulate, what is always implied
symbolically, in every instance of sigil magic markers and subliminal suggestion, is the Right
Angle, the Right Angel or Spirit, in combination with the Arc, the Ark, which is the Circle of
the All Seeing Eye. The word ARK = Killing RA in reverse, or Killing Ray of light. This 90
degree angle need not be perfectly drawn with straight lines, but only implied points that
suggest a 90 degree angle. Suggesting a 90 degree angle, or suggesting an arc, or suggesting
both at the same time, is just as powerful, and even more powerful than perfectly drawn lines
and arcs, when manipulating the subconscious mind. If symbols are drawn to perfectly then the
conscious mind interprets and interferes with the power of the subconscious which is

Consider the face of the USA $1 bill immediately below and the Corner and Arc of the Rock of
Deception built into the design. Study the Corner of the Light Beam and the subliminal meaning
of the word CORNER becomes clear.

CORNER = REN-ROC in reverse

RE or RAY or REIGN ROCK, the cornerstone is the REIGNING ROCK used to imprison
The USA Capitol Capital $ Building And The Owl
Oasis of Egypt – Capitoline Hill of Rome – Capitol Hill Owl
The next chart is a mixture of Egyptian, Greek, Roman and American goddages. The modern day
map of the Egypt Oasis’, the Greek god Zeus, the Roman Capitoline Hill, the American Capitol
Building and the Western 11 United States all come together to tell a story. They are, after all,
one and the same mythological conjurings that are used repeatedly to manipulate humanity.

When the map of Egypt is rotated 180 degrees, the curved line of the Oasis’ of Egypt forms a
Spiral that links with the Red Sea in it’s overall circular direction. When this Oasis outline is
placed over the 11 Western United States (shown in green), the location of the Oasis line up
with some geographical locations of interest. One of particular interest in the chart below is the
Bahariya Oasis. Bahariya, or Bahria, means NORTHERN Oasis. This is the location in Egypt,
where, in 1996, the Valley of the Golden Mummies was discovered. To date, over 100
mummies have been discovered and they expect to find over 10,000. This Oasis is a necropolis
full of carved out Egyptian / Roman tombs.

When placing this Spiral of Oasis’ over the right Owl Eye of the Capitol Building Owl, more
is revealed regarding the luciferian elite and the agenda of death. The Spiral formation of the
Oasis’ is symbolic of the Spiral Staircase in Freemasonic thinking. The presidents of the
United States have exceptionally strong ties with Freemasonry, beginning with George
Washington, a 33rd degree Freemason. The Spiral of the Oasis, when placed over the Owl Eye
of the Capitol Building, circles the area on the outer perimeter of Nevada. The Bahria Oasis
lies just above the 4 Corner Cross Arm of southern Utah. The name of some National
Monuments and Parks in this area include the Capitol Reef Nat. Park, and the Grand
Staircase Escalante Nat. Monument.

Notice that the name Capitol is spelled the same as Capitol Hill, with an ‘O’, not an ‘A’. This
National Park is called a REEF. A reef is a line of rocks, sand or stone above or near the
surface of the WATER. However, this is desert country! What water could they be referring to?

Also in this area is the National Monument called The Grand Staircase, and here, on the Eyes
of the Capitol Building Owl there is a Spiral formation of trees, or PARK, that line up
precisely with the Grand Staircase of southern Utah. All of these maps/photos tell the same
story, with the obvious conclusion that somebody is trying to hide something, and yet, at the
same time, putting forth the subliminal symbolism needed to manipulate the population.

When the map of Egypt and the word Suez are rotated 180 degrees, the Gulf of Suez goes
exactly into the Sacramento Valley of California. The name Suez becomes Zeus. The direction of
this flood is from the area of Mount Olympus in Washington State, the location of the
Vancouver / Whistler 2010 Winter Olympics. This has purposely been designed into the
Spiral Park Grounds of the Capitol Buildings Owl Eyes. The names Capitol Reef and
Capitol Hill, both refer to mounds of rock, sand and stones. The name ‘The Grand Staircase
Escalante‘ (escalate), coincides with the Spiral Staircase of the Oasis‘ formation. This park
and monument, in turn, coincide with the location of the Bahria Oasis. This Oasis is filled with
thousands of Golden Mummies, or a monument to the dead. Likewise, the US Capitol
Building is graced with a black statue of Persephone on it’s dome, the goddess of the
Underworld, the goddess of death.

Study the chart below, and consider why everything is done in the fashion that it has been
created in. This is not loosely thrown together just for esthetic appeal. Every corner of this Owl
Eye Oasis is saying something. Even the direction of the road leading into the Spiral Park, enters
from just above Yellowstone and curves down and passes through the area around San Francisco
and Los Angeles. Then it curves back up towards the 4 Corners Cross and moves on towards the
Province of Manitoba and Hudson Bay in Canada.
Capitol Seismic Owl Eyes – Midnight At The Oasis
When the seismic regions of the western states are placed over the Capitol Owl Eyes, the very
same thing occurs, as with the Egyptian Oasis. The curve of the seismic region matches the
Spiral of the Park Trees of the Owl Eyes. It should be noted here, that the National Parks and
Monuments, the United Nations World Heritage sites, etc. are all shrines to the luciferian sun
god. Parks and Heritage sites are established to perpetuate the myth and the illusion that all is
well in the land of OZ.

On the chart below, the trees in the vicinity of Seattle Washington are separated from the trees
around San Francisco and Los Angeles. This coincides with the seismic zones of these 2 regions.
As well, the seismic areas that go through Utah and Wyoming coincide with the park trees that
circle up and around towards the top of the inside spiral. Observe closely, the Eye on the left
shows exactly the same pattern, with breaks in the trees to mimick the breaks in the seismic
regions. The yellow seismic region in the lower right corner of New Mexico is in the midst of a
section of park trees. This seismic region coincides with the Siwa Oasis of Egypt. Siwa means
‘The Mountain Of The Dead’.

The elite of American Society have established these park grounds around the Capitol
Building through their puppet governments that they manipulate into power. They meet within
their secret societies to discuss the luciferian agenda. The charts on the pages of this site allows a
little insight into what those discussions have entailed for almost 250 years. Of course, this was
all planned, written down, and suggested since the conjured up lunatic agenda began thousands
of illusory years ago. The elite of the America, and the elite of the world, know full well they’re
bringing the world to the brink of a massive sacrifice. They do it in worship of the Great
Architect of the Universe. However, it’s not the end of the world, it’s just the end of any
semblance of freedom for humanity. This whole scenario and agenda, is just one massive
manipulation ploy to control the eternal state by causing the world population to plead for the
maintenance of the 3 Dimensional illusion before we destroy ourselves. Of course, this is an
illusion and there really is nothing to destroy. There is, however, the illusion of destruction,
and coming devastation, that keeps us distracted and occupied so we completely miss the
blinding characteristics of the 3D experience.
The Epic Poem of Gilgamesh – The Flood
(Summary of the 11th Tablet of Gilgamesh courtesy of wikipedia)

11. Gilgamesh argues that Utnapishtim is not different from him and asks him his story, why he
has a different fate. Utnapishtim tells him about the great flood. His story is a summary of the
story of Atrahasis (see also Gilgamesh flood myth) but skips the previous plagues sent by the
gods. He reluctantly offers Gilgamesh a chance for immortality, but questions why the gods
would give the same honour as himself, the flood hero, to Gilgamesh and challenges Gilgamesh
to stay awake for six days and seven nights first. However, just when Utnapishtim finishes his
words Gilgamesh falls asleep. Utnapishtim ridicules the sleeping Gilgamesh in the presence of
his wife and tells her to bake a loaf of bread for every day he is asleep so that Gilgamesh cannot
deny his failure. When Gilgamesh, after six days and seven nights discovers his failure,
Utnapishtim is furious with him and sends him back to Uruk with Urshanabi in exile. The
moment that they leave, Utnapishtim’s wife asks her husband to have mercy on Gilgamesh for
his long journey. Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh of a plant at the bottom of the ocean that will
make him young again. Gilgamesh obtains the plant by binding stones to his feet so he can
walk the bottom of the sea. He does not trust the plant and plans to test it on an old man’s back
when he returns to Uruk. Unfortunately he places the plant on the shore of a lake while he
bathes, and it is stolen by a serpent who loses his old skin and thus is reborn. Gilgamesh
weeps in the presence of Urshanabi. Having failed at both opportunities, he returns to Uruk,
where the sight of its massive walls prompts him to praise this enduring work to Urshanabi.
(End of wikipedia summary).

The references to the flood and the symbolism has a strong relationship to all the other Rocks
demonstrated on this site. The question just has to be asked, ‘Why do all the maps, rocks, etc.,
have the shape and ratio that relates so incredibly close to the 11 Western United States? Again,
why do they all have the symbolism and suggestion of water or a flood coming to the west coast
of the USA? The answer lies in the subliminal messaging that all these images and stories relate.

Now have a look at the USGS site map showing active or potentially active volcanoes on the
west coast. Observe closely, the curved line that comes down from Vancouver, through
Washington, Oregon and Northern California. The curved line then breaks out in the direction of
the Pacific Ocean coastline in the area of San Francisco. Now slide down to the tablet of
Gilgamesh. The magenta line from the volcano map has been overlayed on the Gilgamesh tablet
and it follows almost identically, the curve of the stone tablet. Back again to the volcano map,
and the active volcanoes form a perfectly straight line from San Francisco to Yellowstone,
going through the recent earthquake swarm zone, May June 2008, in Reno Nevada and Lake
Tahoe. Yet again, another line is formed by the active volcanoes from San Francisco to the San
Francisco Field in Arizona and on to Bandera Field of New Mexico.

Why is this called the San Francisco Field in Arizona?

One other line of note is the perfectly vertical line shown on the tablet that points straight North
into Canada at the Wateron Glacier International Peace Park. The Gilgamesh Tablets
originated in Sumeria about 2100 BCE. After many centuries they were assembled in the myths
of the Akkadians from this area. The name Akkadian is once again suggestion the name
Canadian, and the direction that the flood will originate from. Namely the Global Warming
polar ice caps. This is also the Large Upper Room of the Last Supper myth that Jesus told
Peter and John to go prepare and to make ready for the Age of Aquarius illustrated on previous
pages on this site.

Why is this straight vertical line on the tablet?

David Jeselsohn’s Hebrew Tablet Of Gabriels Revelation Of
The Apocalypse

David Jeselsohn Hebrew Tablet NEWSPAPER article.


In Knohl’s interpretation, the specific messianic figure embodied on the stone could be a man
named Simon who was slain by a commander in the Herodian army, according to the first-
century historian Josephus. The writers of the stone’s passages were probably Simon’s
followers, Knohl  contends.
The slaying of Simon, or any case of the suffering messiah, is seen as a necessary step toward
national salvation, he says, pointing to lines 19 through 21 of the tablet — “In three days you
will know that evil will be defeated by justice” — and other lines that speak of blood and
slaughter as pathways to justice.
To make his case about the importance of the stone, Knohl focuses especially on line 80, which
begins clearly with the words “L’shloshet yamin,” meaning “in three days.” The next word of
the line was deemed partially illegible by Yardeni and Elitzur, but Knohl, who is an expert on
the language of the Bible and Talmud, says the word is “hayeh,” or “live” in the imperative. It
has an unusual spelling, but it is one in keeping with the era.

Two more hard-to-read words come later, and Knohl said he believed that he had deciphered
them as well, so that the line reads, “In three days you shall live, I, Gabriel, command you.”
To whom is the archangel speaking? The next line says “Sar hasarin,” or prince of princes.
Since the Book of Daniel, one of the primary sources for the Gabriel text, speaks of Gabriel and
of “a prince of princes,” Knohl contends that the stone’s writings are about the death of a
leader of the Jews who will be resurrected in three days.

He says further that such a suffering messiah is very different from the traditional Jewish image
of the messiah as a triumphal, powerful descendant of King David.

“Gabriel’s Revelation” and Knohl’s analysis deserved serious attention. “Here we have a real
stone with a real text,” he said. “This is truly significant.”

Knohl said that it was less important whether Simon was the messiah of the stone than the fact
that it strongly suggested that a savior who died and rose after three days was an
ESTABLISHED concept at the time of Jesus. He notes that in the Gospels, Jesus makes
numerous predictions of his suffering and New Testament scholars say such predictions must
have been written in by later followers because there was no such idea present in his day.

But there was, he said, and “Gabriel’s Revelation” shows it.

“His mission is that he has to be put to death by the Romans to suffer so his blood will be the
sign for redemption to come,” Knohl said. “This is the sign of the son of Joseph. This is the
conscious view of Jesus himself. This gives the Last Supper an absolutely different meaning. To
shed blood is not for the sins of people but to bring redemption to Israel.”
The Apple MacIntosh – Ayin – Something From Nothing –
From The Eye
The kabbalistic teaching is that all of creation resulted from the Great Nothingness Without
End. The suggestion in this statement is that because it was nothing, it was somehow useless and
worthless, and now that it has 3 dimensional time and space it has value. The word Ayin means
‘Nothing’ and it also means ‘Eye’ in Hebrew. The Eye is Nothing. However, when you attach
the concept of thinking to this eye of nothingness, when you add a word which is a thought, it is
still, really nothing, but now it has the illusion of being something. This word / thought action
makes a sound. Thinking is something, the opposite of nothing, and thinking is the very
opposite of simply knowing. Knowing, without the concept of thinking attached to it, is called
Thinking creates something called a sound.

SOUND = NOUS – D or NOOSE of Death

Sounds vibrate.

B = BETA fertility letter – sexual stimulation – vibrator
TE = T cross of Tammuz

Vibration has energy.


ER = RE or RA or RAY
GY = YY or EYE

Energy glows.

This glowing produces light.

GHT = EYE of Horus and Tammuz

Light is the energy manifested in everything visible in the 3 dimensional realm.

This is the process of creation. This is the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
However, the Garden of Eden story has many versions in many different parts of the world and
in many religions. One such version is that of the Garden of Hesperides. This was a blissful
garden in a far western corner of the world. The Hesperides were a triad of maidens sent to
tend to Hera’s Orchard in the west. Hera was the wife of Cronus, father time, and a child
born to them was Zeus. In Hera’s Orchard was a single tree, or a grove of immortality, that
produced Golden Apples for the god’s to eat that they might live forever. Keep in mind that this
was a garden in the far west with GOLDEN APPLES.

The triad of maidens tending the Orchard, were also known as the Sunset Goddesses, or
Daughters of the Evening. They took great pleasure in singing, and sometimes would eat the
Golden Apples. In other words, these were Party Girls. This was not to be allowed. Hera sent a
100 serpent headed creature called Ladon to guard the tree and keep the Hespirides from
eating the apples. Ladon is sometimes referred to as Lotan.

From this story we can see the connection to the Apple symbolizing immortality and the god
Zeus in his mother’s orchard where this Olympian god would eat the Apples to possess
eternal life.
The story now takes a twist where the intention is to lead the listener astray. Now Hera is Gaia,
mother earth, and she, as Gaia, gives birth to her final son called Typhon. This is the god of
wind, and the source of the word Typhoon. Typhon attempts to replace Zeus, who is actually
his brother, as the king of god and man. Typhon was a hundred headed serpent monster.
This would be the same 100 serpent headed creature mentioned in the previous paragraph.
The story then continues that Typhon was the father of the Nemean Lion. To confuse matters
even further, the Nemean Lion was considered to be the brother of the 100 serpent headed
dragon, called Ladon, or Lotan. The Nemean Lion was also considered to have fallen from the
moon, and of course, his mane is the reflection of the sun’s rays off the moon.

Typhon then fathered the Chimera, a creature made of multiple animal parts. The Lion in
front, the Serpent Dragon in her hinderpart, and a Goat in the middle. Here we have the
assimilation of the Lion, the Serpent and the Goat. Together, all of these perform their duties
in regards to the Garden Tree of Immortality.

On page 26 of this site, it has been demonstrated how the Goat suckles and feeds Zeus as a
child. The Goat is shown to be the Cornucopia Horns of the Americas and is symbolically
portrayed in the country of Mexico (Mexico is a Mecca – the centre of attraction or a goal) and
the continent of South America. The Goat is also the symbol of the Baphomet, the satan, or
devil, sometimes symbolized as an Unicorn, if there were such a creature. The Lion is a
symbol of bravery and royalty, the king of beasts. The Dragon Serpent is the protector, the
guard, even the fiery serpent of the Kundalini Energy, that guards the Tree of Immortality.

The Messiah – The Apple Of Immortality – Apple Zeus

“An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away”

actually means
“Eye A Pole Eye Deity Speak Way Death Eight Rose Eye Way”

or more literally
“The High Priest Controls Death”

What this story revolves around is the Golden Apple, which is the main symbol being portrayed.
This Golden Apple is immortality and the basis of establishing the hypnotic trance through
religion. Religion in turn has been founded on the light atom particle symbolism and the
thought process. The light atom particle symbol is representative of the son of god, or the sun
god, who is Zeus, or Jesus, who in turn is immortal life if we believe on him. The Apple is
symbolic of the saviour, and is Zeus, or Jesus, Horus or Tammuz, etc. Maybe throw in
Krishna and a few other saviours who were also born on December 25th, with basically the
same resurrection story, and the whole thing becomes ridiculous.

All these saviours are all symbolically the Apple, the Light Beam, to show us the Way. The
Apple in turn has a CORE = EROC or El Rock, the Rock of El-ectricity.
(See the Google video or YouTube – click on the link at the top or bottom of any page – to see
who El, the Father of gods really is).

This ROCK is the KCORe that the deceit and illusion were built upon to be used to
manufacture the illusion of immortal kingship for the elite. Even the earth’s core has been
conjured up to elude to the deity number 15, and is 1500 miles wide. The earth’s core is a
molten fiery ball ready to blow. Or at least that’s the hype, the subliminal suggestion, the reality
these lunatics are attempting to instill.

Garden of Eden – Guards Of The

The Lion and The Dragon Serpent Guard the Apple of the Eye

The Poles of the Apple, the Eye Pole, are the Positive and Negative Poles of Electricity and
the Duality characteristic of the whole 3 dimensional experience. It is this Apple that the Lion
and the Dragon were sent to guard so that no one could eat of immortality except for the
elite elect saints of god, who are of course, the elite puppets of the world who serve without
hesitation, the luciferian thinkers.

The Secret Of Secret Societies

The secret of the Apples, the Poles, the Duality and the Mystery or Lie associated with the
myth, was supposed to be guarded by the Lion and the Dragon Serpent. It was to be kept
secreted away forever through the mysteries of Religion and Intellectualism, who are
themselves, the Lion and the Dragon Serpent. They have failed miserably! This site is simply
demonstrating that failure. We no longer buy into the lunacy of the thinking process, the
subliminal trance inducing process of religion and intellectualism, which is the kabbalistic
magic of hypnotic suggestion on a massive scale.

The symbolism of this story is now extended to the present day illusion. The 100 Serpent
Headed Dragon, the Nemean Lion, and the Goat, represent the elite of the world, and
especially the elite of Europe, Asia (ASIA = LION in Turkish and Mongolian) the Middle East
and the Americas. For this reason the Lion, Serpent Dragon, and the 5 Pointed Star which is
the Baphomet Goat or the Unicorn – the One Horn, are featured on the Coat of Arms, or
flags, or other official regalia of the elite luciferian royals and the powerful rich. They consider
themselves to have the divine right of kings to rule, and are the protectors of the Golden
Apples, the DEFENDERS of the FAITH (FAITH = THIEF), the defenders of the
immortality giving fruit of the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Hesperides, or the Orchard of
Hera. Defending, or guarding the truth from being known, so that humanity might be
separated from their eternal wisdom and power which they already possess, thereby
relinquishing and redirecting this incredible strength to the wishes of the luciferian taskmasters.
Ladon – Lotan – London – The Home of the Lion and
Dragon Serpent
DRAGON = Death RAY Eye-ON = Death Ray Ion
SERPENT = SIR or RISe or ROSe – PENT or 5 the goat, the sacrifice

LION = EL ION or Electrical Ion of Energy

GOAT = TAO-G or Tao – THE Way of the EYE

The Serpent Dragon’s name in this story is Ladon or Lotan. This is simply the City of
London, the financial capital of the world. The centre of Gold and Commerce. The home of the
2012 Olympics. The Dragon imagery simply wreaks throughout the City of London and on the
royal vestments. The Lion symbolism has spread throughout the British Empire, (which still
exists under various names), and can be evidenced by the symbolic Lion itself or the symbol of
the Heart, which is the symbol of Bravery. (Example – Brave King Richard the Lion Heart).
Yet again, the 5 pointed star is on a huge percentage of flags around the world, and is the
Baphomet, the Goat, which in turn is created from 5 points of the Atom Light Chart symbol
on this sight. The one point being omitted from the 6 pointed star is the one that symbolizes
the immortality of the royals. The 5 pointed star is the symbol of the Goat and the Sacrifice.
For this reason there are 50 – 5 pointed stars on the American Flag. This is the land to be
sacrificed. This is the subliminal suggestion that has been established since the beginning of this
3 dimensional illusion and the luciferian agenda which sees it’s fulfillment and is carried out in
the world through the illuminati intellectual sun god worshipping puppets.

A bit of word clarification is in order at this junture.


the Guards of the Immortal Apples or the Messiah are the Lion and Dragon Serpent or the
War Machine of the God of War who resides in the sides of the NORTH or THRONE

GROVE = EYE ROVE or ROYAL EYE = ROYALTY or Royal Tammuz the sun god

ROYALTY = ROSE EYE = ROSEY = ROSY ‘everything is rosy’

The ROSE EYE is the ROSE SEE is the ROSE SEA or the Global Warming Flood Waters

The Apple is hidden in yet another flag. The Apple is the symbol of immortality. Immortality
is found within the CORE or the ROCK of JUDGMENT. That Rock is set for the final judgment
and is located in a Blissful Garden in the Far West and is the 11 Western United States as
shown throughout this site. The APPLE is A-POLE. This is referring to the POL-AR Ice Caps
and the immortality that is to descend with the Global Warming Flood Waters as the world is
cleansed of the so-called useless portion of humanity. This is the cleansing of the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Water, that comes from the Saviour as written by St. Paul (who is St. POLE) in the
New Testament. The direction of the main WATER TOWER (WATER=WOT-ER=TOW-ER
as in WTC Twin Towers) is from Canada and Greenland and the Canadian Shield Rock of
Orion, (the Great White Hunter).

The flag of Canada has a MAPLE LEAF and 2 RED BARS. The Maple Leaf is the Mother,
APPLE or son, and LEAF or FAEL or Father El of Mother Hera’s Orchard. The 2 red
stripes are the 2 columns, or towers of death and blood that will descend on the 2 sides of
Canada, namely, the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Again, these 2 red bars are symbols of the 2
Hebrew Pillars, which in turn, were the Twin Towers of the WTC.

HERA = AREH or A RAY, the light beam. The mother of us all, so to speak.
GARDEN = RAG or RAY – DEN or Death EYN or Death EYE.

The Maple Leaf on the flag of Canada has 3 main triangle points displaying 3 points each. This
is a total of 9. There are 2 side points on each lower side, and when added with the first 9 it
totals 11. This symbolizes the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Centre, which itself, is a huge
sigil and subliminal suggestion that will attempt to bring the Global Flood to pass if we
remain in the trance state.

In the same fashion the USA flag has multiple vertical rows of stars repeating 4 and 5, that
total 9, and 5 and 6 in horizontal rows that total 11. More symbolism showing the WTC attack
along with the 50 Baphomet, devil stars of sacrifice. One star for every state. The red and white
stripes are symbols of blood and cleansing. This Stars and Stripes symbolism originated in
Egyptian Temple imagery. The Stars on the blue box represents the universe – the Father god.
The red stripes are the sun god’s rays – the Son god. The white stripes represent the moon – the
Mother god. The Mother and the Son are One in a whole matrimony, or holy Mother Triad of
Money, or MATRIX of MONEY. The MATRIX of MONEY is yet again, the Womb of Mon
Eye or the Womb of One Eye.

The Red Maple Leaf is also a perfect square or circle when drawing a compass circle of
connecting the 4 extreme points. This represents the United States and Canada with the centre
located in Winnipeg Manitoba, the location of the Winnipeg Legislative Building which is an
Egyptian Sun God Temple and is 1 degree off the geographical centre of Canada. The Maple
Leaf, being a subliminal circle, is thereby, a symbolic All Seeing Eye, hidden in a pyramid
triangle leaf. With the inclusion of the triangle shape, the whole trinity of the Father – square, the
Mother – circle, and the Son – triangle, (or any reconfiguration of the symbols, for they are all
one), is represented with the Maple Leaf. The 2 red bars also symbolize the parting of the Red
Sea by Moses. This is demonstrated subliminally on the Canadian Flag. Once again, the
Manitoba Legislative Building has a statue of Moses within the main legislative chamber,
complimented nicely by blue carpeting (water) and a scene from the Garden of Eden
represented in the Tree of Life mural. The Tree of Life is the Tree with the Golden Apples.
The Apples are symbols of Zeus, or Jesus, and represent the Immortality Giving Flood
Waters that will wash the town of all its sin. All this will happen under the watchful eye of the
Golden Boy statue who sits majestically atop the 8 sided dome of the Manitoba Legislative
The United States and Canada are the Blissful Garden in the Far West, who lie waiting for the
Setting Sun, or the sun god to set his judgment. Below, the Temple of Set logo shows the
Pentagram, the Baphomet inverted 5 pointed star. When you invert the Maple Leaf, a similar
configuration appears, and is almost identical to Aleister Crowley’s rendition of the 6 pointed
star with a 5 leafed image in the centre. The 5 and 6 pointed star symbolism work hand in
hand with each other, and for good reason. Together they total 11, the number of death.

The Canadian Maple Leaf flag was brought into existence by Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson
in 1964. Pearson was no small force on the world stage, even though Canada was a very young
country with a very small population. Pearson was the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for his
diffusing of the Suez Canal Crisis. This symbolic connection to the Suez, which is Zeus in
reverse, speaks symbolically of the Flood of Zeus and Canada and the parting of the Red Sea.
(The Flood of Zeus has been demonstrated on page 25). Pearson was the first Secretary of the
Security Council of the UN and was a driving force behind establishing the UN and NATO and
is considered to be the father of modern day Peacekeeping. Not to shabby when considering
how all these institutions are playing out on the world scene today. If Pearson introduced the
Canadian flag, then it is definitely worth scrutinizing with a fine toothed comb.

The Canadian Flag also bears a strange resemblance to the Santa Claus suit as well. And so it
should. Despite what anybody else says, Santa does live in the Canadian North Pole. Right here,
on the Canadian flag is the proof. Old White Haired Santa’s suit shows the Global Warming
Flood, which is Old White Haired Moses (Mosses – as in lichen moss) dividing the Red Sea,
and so does the Canadian Flag.

Now study the logos of the Apple MacIntosh Computer company and notice that their first
logo was that of Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an Apple Tree waiting for the Apple to Fall.
MacINTOSH = Mac or Son of
IN-T = EYN or Eye of T or Eye of Tammuz (Tammuz – sun god of Babylon)
OSH = Osiris Isis Horus

MacIntosh literally means – Son of the Eye of the Sun God Trinity

The season for this apple to fall is the 9th month of the year, September to be exact. He was
about to discover gravity, or shall we say, the subliminal here is that of the GRAVE or
DEATH. Sir Isaac is sitting in Hera’s Garden, the Garden of the Hesperides, and the Tree of
Life looms with the Apple of Immortality about to fall on his head. The Apple of Immortality
is disguised as A POLE of Global Warming Flood Water. This is the sacrifice of much of the
population of the world to the luciferian lord. The world population is the GOAT, the
SACRIFICE, the TAO (as in Taoism) the WAY, the G Way or Eye Way, the High Way to
eternal life. Yet again, this is the Interstate Highway System of the USA which was created by
the Freemasonic luciferian worshippers (Ford, Olds, Chrysler, to name a few) that would
assist in building the most massive trance induced nation on earth. Just ripe for sacrificial
picking. By creating this hypnosis induced reality, the remaining slave population will never
resist or challenge the elite rich and royal again as they see the great god pour out his judgment.
The Golden Apples are immortality for the rich and royal; the immortality in question is power
and control unending through the 3 dimensional illusion.

The 3 dimensional illusion has got to go! How? Wake up, really wake up to how this system
operates. Stop participating in or encouraging anything within the world systems that perpetuates
its strength which is the hypnotic trance.


“…The power of this group entity is their ability to create an illusion and to make us believe
the lie. Once the illusion is broken and the lie uncovered, the egregore is finished. They just
don’t know it yet. They have no wisdom, no truth, no awareness,… they just have intellectual
religious concepts that they keep perpetuating endlessly, not realizing for a moment that the
whole mess has been uncovered. If hell were real, this is the hell they never wanted to
experience, where humanity totally ignores them and totally ignores the whole sick ‘thought,
energy, light illusion’.

As the days go by the whole of humanity is going to reconnect to awareness and wisdom, and
they’re going to do it very quickly. Humanity never reconnected before because the lie wasn’t
uncovered accurately enough to assist with reconnecting to the wisdom state. The people of the
world have had enough of lunacy.

All frequencies and beings composed of energy are part of the 3 dimensional experience, and are
part of the illusion even as our physical bodies are. Everything will simply, and very soon,
dissolve to nothingness and unimportance as the reconnection continues.”

A simple test to see if someone is in the trance state is to ask that person if the 3 dimensional
experience can be eliminated? If they give a negative response, they are still in the trance mode.
If they reply positively, that yes, it can be eliminated, then they are not bound any longer by
religious and intellectual notions that have attempted to imprison us in the hypnotic trance. If
they have no response, they are also in the trance mode.

When we break down Sir Isaac Newton it looks like this:

NEWTON = NEW – TOWN a New World Order – a New Heaven and a New Earth

Consider the charts relating to the imac products and logo. Contemplate all the implications of
how these subliminal sigil markers have infiltrated the world almost equal to that of the
Microsoft Empire of destruction.
On the chart immediately below, the 11 western United States, the Blissful Garden with the
Golden State of California, lie bound on the Rock of Judgment, awaiting the High Priests knife.
As the borders of these 11 states are placed over the newest Apple logo, some very telling things
occur. Most notably, the swooping arc from San Francisco towards Yellowstone and beyond
into Canada is speaking of the coming Flood and Earthquake that the day of the lord’s
vengeance is suggested to bring. It is certainly prudent to snap out of this lunatic trance as
quickly as possible.

Glavendrup Stone
The inscription on the runestone on Funen Island Denmark
– ending with a curse.
(Courtesy of wikipedia)
Transliteration from runes to Latin characters
• AP raknhiltr ‘ sa¶ti ‘ stain þonsi ‘ auft ¶ ala ‘ saulua kuþa
¶ uia l(i)þs haiþuiarþan þia¶kn
• AQ raknhiltr ‘ sa¶ti ‘ stain þonsi ‘ auft ¶ ala ‘ saulua kuþa
¶ uial(i)þs haiþuiarþan þia¶kn
• B ala ‘ suniR ‘ karþu ¶ kubl ‘ þausi ‘ aft ‘ faþur ¶ sin ‘ auk
‘ hons ‘ kuna ‘ auft ¶ uar ‘ sin ‘ in ‘ suti ‘ raist ‘ run¶aR ‘
þasi ‘ aft ‘ trutin ‘ sin ¶ þur ‘ uiki ‘ þasi ‘ runaR
• C at ‘ rita ‘ sa ‘ uarþi ‘ is ‘ stain þansi ¶ ailti ‘ iþa aft ‘ onon
‘ trak
Translation into English
• AP Ragnhildr placed this stone in memory of Alli the Pale,
priest of the sanctuary, honourable þegn of the retinue.
• AQ Ragnhildr placed this stone in memory of Alli, priest of
the Sølve, honourable þegn of the sanctuary-retinue.
• B Alli’s sons made this monument in memory of their
father, and his wife in memory of her husband. And Sóti
carved these runes in memory of his lord. Þórr hallow these
• C A warlock be he who damages(?) this stone or drags it
(to stand) in memory of another.
Another way of stating Line C from the inscription is this:
A Devil, a Goat, a Sacrifice be he who damages or changes the
shape or inscription of this stone, or drags it, or sets it up as a
monument to remember anyone else.
Unfortunately it has been dragged to the Far West and set
up to the memory of the luciferian lord in the shape of the 11
western United States. The suggestion is that the Sacrifice
will now proceed. This is a perfect example of framing a sigil
curse within tightly controlled boundaries. The energy
expended and enlarged upon through the other ‘Rock’
curses, will multipy to bring it to pass without a major
reality shift taking place.
Google Video – illuminatiMATRIX explanatory video
detailing the foundational root of hypnosis, religion,
intellectualism and who and what god is.
Click here to watch video.

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