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Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Umum (PPU)

Teks berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 1-4.

Jumlah penduduk dalam suatu negara merupakan salah satu potensi dasar yang dapat
dimanfaatkan dalam pembagunan. Potensi tersebut akan menjadi kekuatan dalam
pelaksanaan pembangunan apalagi kualitas penduduknya baik, hal ini antara lain tercermin
pada tingginya tingkat kesehatan jasmani dan rohani, tingkat pendidikan dan keterampilan,
serta daya nalar penduduk negara tersebut. Di samping itu, kekuatan pembangunan
tersebut akan menjadi optimal apabila penduduk dapat berpartisipasi secara penuh dalam
pelaksanaan pembangunan sesuai dengan kapasitas dan kemampuan individu dan
kemampuan kelompok.

Perkembangan jumlah penduduk Indonesia menurut jenis kelamin pada tahun 2000, 2005,
dan 2010 menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari setengah jumlah penduduk Indonesia merupakan
wanita. Dengan jumlah penduduk yang besar tersebut partisipasi dan peranannya dapat
didayagunakan serta dioptimalkan dalam derap pembangunan, bukan mustahil hasil
pembangunan yang telah dicapai pada saat ini masih dapat ditingkatkan lagi.

1. Pikiran utaman kalimat terakhir kutipan di atas adalah …

a. dengan jumlah yang besar
b. partisipasi dan peranannya
c. dapat didayagunakan serta dioptimalkan
d. hasil pembangunan yang telah dicapai
e. hasil pembangunan yang dapat ditingkatkan
2. Akhiran “nya” pada kata peranannya yang terdapap di kalimat terakhir teks tersebut
menunjuk pada …
a. perkembangan penduduk
b. jumlah penduduk
c. jenis kelamin
d. penduduk Indonesia
e. penduduk wanita
3. Perhatikan pernyataan berikut!
(1) Banyaknya penduduk memengaruhi besar kecilnya pemanfaatan penduduk
untuk pembangunan.
(2) Penduduk merupakan asset yang dapat dimanfaatkan.
(3) Selain penduduk, ada kekuatan-kekuatan lain yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk
(4) Pembangunan memerlukan modal yang besar.
Dari kalimat pertama bacaan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa …
a. 1, 2, dan 3
b. 1 dan 3
c. 2 dan 4
d. 4 saja
e. semuanya benar
4. Perhatikan pernyataan berikut!
(1) Tingkat kesehatan penduduk tinggi
(2) Tingkat keterampilan dan daya nalar penduduk tinggi
(3) Tingkat partisipasi penduduk tinggi
(4) Jumlah penduduk wanita yang lebih banyak dari pria itu dapat didayagunakan.
Dari teks di atas dinyatakan bahwa kekuatan pembangunan dapat optimal apabila …
a. 1, 2, dan 3
b. 1 dan 3
c. 2 dan 4
d. 4 saja
e. semuanya benar

Teks berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 5-8.

Wilayah cekungan Bandung memiliki resiko gempa bumi karena jumlah penduduknya yang
padat dan banyak berdiri objek vital. Cekungan ini secara geologis terdiri dari hasil endapan
alluvium danau purba yang kondisinya gembur dan dapat mengamplifikasi goncangan
gempa bumi. Pada skala regional, Badan Geologi juga telah melakukan pemetaaan
seismoteknik di wilayah Bandung dan sekitarnya. Dari pemetaan ini diketahui bahwa wilayah
Bandung terdiri dari batuan sedimen tersier yang bersifat padu dan keras pada bagian
bawah dan ditutup oleh bagian sedimen gunung api.

PVMBG sudah melakukan penelitian dan kajian yang menghasilkan peta untuk kepentingan
mitigasi bencana. Salah satu rekomendasinya ialah tidak mendirikan bangunan di daerah
resiko bencana, seperti di atas sumber gempa dan longsor. Pembangunan di cekungan
Bandung direkomendasikan agar mengikuti kaidah struktur bangunan tahan gempa bumi
sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia yang dan sudah menjadi acuan Kementerian PU.

5. Pokok pikiran utama pada paragraf pertama bacaan tersebut adalah …

a. Cekungan Bandung merupakan wilayah yang banyak terdapat pemukiman
penduduk dan objek vital.
b. Bentuk geologis tanah cekungan Bandung menyebabkan wilayah ini memiliki
resiko gempa bumi yang tinggi.
c. Bentuk tanah cekungan Bandung berpontensi mengamplifikasi gempa bumi.
d. Pemetaan seismoteknik cekungan Bandung dapat menjadi acuan mitigasi
e. Penelitian mengenai kondisi geologis wilayah Bandung dapat meningkatkan
kewaspadaan masyarakat.
6. “Dari pemetaan ini diketahui bahwa wilayah Bandung terdiri dari batuan sendimen
tersier yang bersifat padu dan keras…”
Kata “Padu” dalam kalimat tersebut memiliki arti lain, kecuali…
a. Padat
b. Pejal
c. Kimpal
d. Utuh
e. Tidak ada yang benar
7. Inti permasalahan yang dituliskan pada paragraf dua adalah…
a. Masyarakat diharuskan mengetahui pemetaan wilayah yang termasuk sumber
b. Pemerintah perlu mengadakan sosialisasi mengenai standar bangunan anti
c. Upaya mitigasi bencana hanya dapat dilakukan dengan menghindari wilayah
d. Masyarakat disarankan tidak membuat bangunan di atas sumber gempa dan
mendirikan bangunan sesuai standar anti gempa.
e. Masyarakat perlu dibantu untuk mendirikan bangunan sesuai dengan standar
kementrian PU.
8. “Cekungan Bandung secara geologis terdiri dari hasil endapan alluvium danau purba
yang kondisinya gembur..”
Kata “gembur” pada kalimat di atas memiliki lawan kata…
a. Kuat
b. Pekat
c. Teguh
d. Kokoh
e. Keras
9. “Ibu-ibu hamil merupakan satu kelompok masyarakat yang sangat rawan terhadap
berbagai masalah gizi..”
Kata “rawan” dalam kalimat tersebut memiliki persamaan kata…
a. Mudah terganggu
b. Bahaya
c. Rentan
d. Siaga
e. Awas
10. Tema yang sesuai untuk bacaan di atas adalah…
a. Kesehatan ibu hamil
b. Perkembangan kesehatan bayi
c. Pola gizi ibu hamil
d. KEP pada ibu hamil
e. Kiat asupan gizi ibu hamil
11. “Bayi BBLR mempunyai kemungkinan meninggal sebelum usia satu tahun 17 kali
lebih besar dibandingkan anak normal.” Kata “normal” memiliki beberapa makna
terkait, kecuali …
a. Umum
b. Biasa
c. Sesuai
d. Tanpa cacat
e. Lazim
12. “Ibu-ibu hamil merupakan satu kelompok masyarakat yang sangat rawan terhadap
berbagai masalah gizi..”
Kata “kelompok” memiliki makna lain sesuai, yaitu…
a. Kumpulan
b. Gugusan
c. Golongan
d. Persatuan
e. Persekutuan

Question 13 – 16 are based on the following passage.

Today's pet dog descended from wolves wild animals that shared the same habitat as
human hunter-gatherers and, eventually, became domesticated companions at about 7,000
BC. There are a few theories that explain the change from savage creature to complimentary
intimate. One hypothesis suggests that when humans took in abandoned wolf cubs,
inbreeding and a new generation of domesticated animals followed. Another theory posits
that scavenging wolves would find carrion that had been discarded by humans, which lead
them to approach the unfamiliar beings. As they got nearer, they fought their instinct to flee,
and that trait was passed along to their descendants, making them more suited for

Along with the domestication of wolves came physical changes to the tame canine such as a
smaller build, a more compact jaw along with diminutive teeth as compared to their feral
counterparts, alterations in fur coloring and markings; a smaller brain and subsequently a
decrease in cranial capacity which did not allow room for certain instincts that are essential
in the wild.

In an attempt to recreate the domestication of these mammals, Dmitry Belyaev

commissioned an experiment with wild silver foxes that wore discerningly bred over four
decades and displayed amiability towards humans that they previously had not possessed.

13. Which of the following can be inferred regarding Dmitry Belyaev?

a. He succeeded in domesticating wild silver foxes.
b. He is one of the premiere researchers into wolf genetics.
c. He took in abandoned silver fox cubs and bred them for amiability.
d. His experiment emphasized one particular trait in the breeding of silver foxes.
e. His experiment lured scavenging foxes into human camps.
14. According to the passage, which of the following is a characteristic of domestic dogs
that is not found in wolves?
a. Domestic dogs do not hunt primarily for food.
b. Domestic dogs have striped fur.
c. Domestic dogs lack instincts necessary for survival in the wild.
d. Domestic dogs fight their natural instincts to flee humans.
e. Domestic dogs have large teeth.
15. Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph?
a. It presents two explanations for a particular phenomenon, and then evaluates
b. It poses a question and then suggests a possible answer.
c. It describes several characteristics of a particular phenomenon.
d. It offers a resolution to a controversy.
e. It presents two hypotheses for a particular occurrence.
16. The author of the passage most likely mentions inbreeding in the first paragraph in
order to…
a. suggest one way in which wolves raised by humans might have had descendents
who became domesticated.
b. Explain how domesticated dogs came to have smaller teeth.
c. Describe the domestication experimants of Belyaev.
d. suggest a cause for diminished brain capacity in wolves.
e. offer an explanation for tho scavenging behavior of wolves.

Question 17 – 20 are based on the following passage.

Recent investigations into how children acquire knowledge about the outside world have
produced agreement on one point. Children are not the blank slates imagined by
philosophers since Descartes According to leading cognitive scientists, it appears that
children possess some form of innate understanding about the physical world and its
concepts, such as force, heat, matter, and weight. But while scientists agree that there is
some sort of initial framework present in the minds of children through which observations
about the outside world are filtered and then interpreted, there is considerable disagreement
over how to characterize and describe these structures.

Some research suggests that children's innate knowledge is comprised of a number of

abstract phenomenological principles. These principles provide abstractions of common
events which a child can use to draw conclusions about the outside world. For example, a
child might possess an inherent understanding of the force of gravity, which is represented in
the tile child's mind by a basic principle: if something is not supported it falls. From this
simple principle, the child can then make a number of suppositions about how gravity works
on objects in the world around him.

Other researchers believe that a child's mind comes equipped with a number of basic
theories about common physical domains. These theories restrict both the type and number
of viable 'inferences a child makes about the world, although these initial theories may then
be amended by culturally acquired knowledge. Experiments have shown that when asked
about the shape of the earth, very young children visualize it as a flat surface, usually, a
square or disc, resting on some form of support, with the inhabitants living on “top” of the
surface. such a perspective would be consistent with a child's basic experiences of the
world. However, older children accurately describe the earth as a sphere floating in space, a
picture that contradicts our intuitions about objects but is in accordance with the culturally
and scientifically accepted views of the earth. Tellingly, none of the children in the
experiment pictured the earth as a pyramid, a point, a line, or any of a number of other
possible geometric forms.

17. The author’s primary purpose is to…

a. describe a new theory of cognitive development in children
b. present evidence that proves a recent theory correct
c. resolve a contradiction between two competing theories
d. advocate for futher research into an important scientific field
e. detail two possible ways to define certain theorized traits
18. Which of the following is most similar to the “suppositions” a child might make about
the world around him as detailed in the passage?
a. Because a child knows that an object that is not supported will fall, he infers that
a certain stool will not be strong enough to hold his weight.
b. Because the child knows that she can walk on the floor, she deduces that she will
not be able to wlk on the ground.
c. Because a child knows that some objects are heavier that others, he concludes
that he will be able to lift a small stone but not a large rock.
d. Because a child knows that a thrown object will falol back to earth, she realizes
that she will break a window if she throws a baseball.
e. Because a child knows that a hot object is dangerous to touch, he figutes out that
raw food can be cooked on a stove.
19. The passage suggests that the “basic theories” prossessed by children…
a. are not necessarily immutable
b. are eventually abandoned
c. are soon replaced by cultural lessons
d. are restricted to a few domains
e. are learned responses to the world
20. The author of the passage mentions “a pyramid, a point, a line, or any of a number of
other possible geometric forms” most likely in order to…
a. Support an earlier assertion about the nature of certain mental medels
b. describe several other possible ways of visualizing the earth
c. indicate how children who lacked an inherent theory about the world would
d. question the validity of the experiment used by researchers
e. suggest an area of further research into the way children perceive the earth

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