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By :
H. Agus Hudari, Drs. M.A.



Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One
Kata Pengantar

Buku "Exercises in Verb Patterns Book One" ini dimaksudkan

sebagai salah satu buku pegangan dalam mats kuliah Structure di tingkat I
Jurusan Bahasa Inggris STBA Yapari-ABA Bandung.
Jilid pertama ini berisi penjelasan dan latihan tentang sebagian
dari pola-pola kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris (VP 1-6) yang disarikan
dari A.S. Hornby, A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English (Oxford
University Press, 1954).
Tentu saja para mahasiswa diharuskan juga untuk membaca buku
asli dan dianjurkan untuk membaca buku-buku lain tentang struktur
bahasa Inggris pada umumnya.
Dalam kesempatan itu penulis ingin menyampaikan terima kasih
kepada Ketua STBA Yapari-ABA Bandung yang telah memberi
dorongan moral untuk penulisannya, dan bantuan fmansial dalam
Penulis juga ingin menyampaikan penghargaan dan terima kasih
kepada Ny. Siti Rafi’ah Hudari, yang selalu mendesak penulis untuk
mulai bekerja.
Akhirnya penulis berharap semoga buku ini berguna bagi mereka
yang ingin belajar bahasa Inggris pada umumnya.


Bandung, Januari 2001

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One i


KATA PENGANTAR........................................................................ i
DAFTAR ISI...................................................................................... iii
PENDAHULUAN.............................................................................. v
VERB PATTERN 1............................................................................ 1
VERB PATTERN 2 ........................................................................... 6
'VERB PATTERN 3........................................................................... 13
VERB PATTERN 4............................................................................ 20
VERB PATTERN 5............................................................................ 27
VERB PATTERN 6............................................................................ 34
TEST VP-1 - VP-6............................................................................. 41
REFERENCES................................................................................... 45

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One iii


Secara harfiah Verb Patterns berarti Pola Kata Keria. Meskipun

demikian, yang dimaksud ialah pola-pola kalimat yang dapat disusun
dengan mempergunakan kata kerja tertentu.
Misalnya, kata kerja tell dapat dipakai dalam pola-pola kalimat
(1) SV O O : I told him a story.
(2) S V O to-infinitive : I told him to go.
(3) S V O that-clause : I told him that Mary was ill.
Dalam hal ini, arti kata ketja itu berubah-ubah menurut pola
kalimatnya. Jadi seperti bunyi pepatah dalam bahasa Indonesia "Lain
padang lain belalang, lain lubuk lain ikannya", maka untuk kata kerja
dalam bahasa Inggris kita dapat mengatakan : "Lain pola, lain arti:.
Seperti kita lihat dalam contoh kalimat di atas, dalam (1) kata kerja tell,
berarti menceritakan, dalam (2) menyuruh, dan dalam (3) memberitahu.
Kadang-kadang suatu kata kerja yang dipakai dalam dua pola atau
lebih dapat diterjemahkan dengan kata yang sama. Tetapi kalimat yang
terbentuk secara keseluruhan biasanya mempunyai arti yang berbeda. Kita
lihat misalnya kata kerja stop dalam kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini.
(4) I stopped smoking. (S V Gerund)
(5) I stopped to smoke. (S V to-infinitive)
Kata kerja stop dalam kedua kalimat diatas dapat kita terjemahkan dengan
berhenti, tetapi arti kedua itu sangat berbeda.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One v

Kalimat (4) berarti :
(4a) Saya berhenti merokok.
Sedangkan kalimat (5) berarti
(5a) Saya berhenti (mengerjakan sesuatu) untuk merokok.
Tentu saja tidak semua kata kerja dapat dipergunakan dalam
semua pola kalimat Misalnya, kata kerja advise dapat dipakai dalam, pola,
kalimat : S V O to-infinitive :
(6) I advised him to go.
Tetapi, kerja kerja suggest, meskipun mempunyai arti yang mirip,
tidak dapat dipakai dalam pola tersebut :
(7) * I suggested him to go.
Alih-alih kita harus mempergunakan pola lain :
(7a) I suggested that he (should) go.

Oleh karena itu, kita tidak boleh membuat analogi antara pola kata
kerja yang satu dan pola kata kerja yang lain, karena hal ini sering kali
berakibat kepada kesalahan. Sebagai contoh, kata kerja give dan explain
keduanya, dapat dipakai dalam pola : S V O to O :
(8) I gave the book to the students.
(9) I explain the lesson to the students.
Karena kite kerja give dalam (8) dapat juga dipakai dalam pola : S V O O
dengan arti.yang sama:
(10) I gave them the book.
maka banyak orang mengira bahwa kata kerja explain pun dapat dipakai

vi Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

dalam pola S V O O, sehingga menghasilkan kalimat yang salah :
(11) * I explained them the lesson.

Dengan kata kerja explain, kalaupun obyek langsungnya diletakkan

di belakang obyek tak langsuag (biasanya karena obyek langsung itu
terdiri atas frase yang panjang), preposisi to di depan obyek tak-langsung
tidak dapat dihilangkan, misalnya :
(12) I explained to them the importance of learning verb patterns.

Lebih-lebih lagi kita tidak boleh membuat analogi antara pola kata kerja
bahasa Inggris dan pola suatu kata dalam bahasa Indonesia, meskipun
kedua kata itu mempunyai arti yang bersamaan. Karena, suatu kata kerja
dalam bahasa Inggris belum tentu mempunyai ekuivalensi kata kerja
dalam bahasa, Indonesia. Kata kerja suit, misalnya, dapat kita
terjemahkan dengan kata cocok dalam bahasa Indonesia, yang tidak
merupakan kata kerja, melainkan sifat, seperti dalam :
(13) Iklimnya tidak cocok bagi saya.

Kalau kita menganalogikan kata, suit dengan kata cocok dalam, bahasa
Indonesia, maka kita akan cenderung untuk mengatakan
(14) * The climate doesn't suit for/to me.

Yang merupakan kalimat yang tidak gramatikal. Pola yang betul untuk
kata kerja suit adalah S V O :

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One vii

(14a) The climate doesn't suit me.
Jadi kita harus tahu saja, kata kerja apa dapat dipakai dalam pola apa,
tanpa beranalogi baik dengan kata kerja lain dalam bahasa Inggris,
apalagi dengan kata lain dalam bahasa Indonesia yang mempunyai arti
yang bersamaan.

viii Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One


In this pattern the verb has a direct object. This is either a noun or
Example :
Subject + Verb Direct Object
1. I know your name.
2. Do you want any help ?
3. Who knows the answer ?
4. You didn't answer my question.
5. He cut himself.
6. Don't you remember her name ?
7. He dug a deep hole.
8. She laughed a merry laugh.
9. This climate doesn't suit me.
10. The glass contains fresh milk.

Notes :
1. No. 5 Note the use of a reflexive pronoun as object.
2. No. 7 Note the object of result (a deep hole).
3. No. 8 Note the cognate object (a merry laugh).
(cognate = having the same source of origin)
4. All the transitive verbs may be used in this patterns.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 1

(To pratice this pattern in yes-or-no question with various tenses).
Convert the statements into questions.
For example : They practised the conversation.
Did they practise the conversations ?
1. The teacher present the lesson.
2. Mary had breakfast.
3. The teacher presented the first lesson.
4. The students repeat the exercises every day
5. Mary passed the butter.
6. Paul has passed his exam.
7. John repeated the words.
8. We are learning Verb Pattern 1.
9. The doctor examined the students.

10. The students hae been discussing the lessons for haurs.

2 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One


(To prance this pattern in question-word question).
Ask questions first about tbp subject and then about the direct object of
each of the following sentences.
For example : John bought a book yesterday ?
a. Who bought a book yesterday ?
b. What did John buy yesterday ?

1. The students learned new words.

a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
2. John practised the conversations.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
3. Bill pronounces the difficult words.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
4. The tourists visited some places of interest.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________

5. John and Mary will discuss the lesson.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 3

a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
6. George is going to visit Janet tonight.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
7. The committee has anounced the results of the exams.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
8. We should learn our lessons every day.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
9. The students may have done their homework.
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
10. The secretary didn't type the letter
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________

(To practice short answers, affirmative and negative statements with

Answer the following questions with affirmative short answer. Then

4 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

affirmative and negative statements. Use the verb WANT and the form
ANY in the negative.
For example:
Do you hire eggs? Yes, I do
I like eggs, but I don't want any.
Does Mary like tomatoes? Yes, she does.
She likes tomatoes, but she doesn't want any.
1. Do you like apples ? ________________________________________
2. Does Mary like cabbage?____________________________________
3. Does John like bananas ?____________________________________
4. Do you like honey _________________________________________
5. Do you like oranges ? _______________________________________
6. Do the boys like whiskey ? __________________________________
7. Does Bill like jam ?_________________________________________
8. Do you like peanut-butter ?___________________________________
9. Does he like chocolate paste ?________________________________

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 5

10. Do you like ice-cream ?_____________________________________


6 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

In this pattern the object is a to-infinitive, which maybe preceded
by not
Example :
Subject + Verb (not) to-infinitive etc.
1. Please try to do better next time.
2. Do they want. to go?
3. Do we have to change trains here?
4. It has begun to rain.
5. It came on to rain.
6. He decided not to go.
7. He pretended not to see me.
8. Would you lace to come with me?
9. Did you remember to post the letter?
10. Please don't forget to look up the word.

Notes :
1. No. 4 and 5. The subject is impersonal it.
2. The phrasal verb come on means start, begin.
3. What is the subject in No. 1 and 10 ?
4. The commonest verbs used in this pattern are:
attempt guarantee prefer
begin have pretend
cease hope promise
come on intend propose

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 7

commence learn refuse
continue like regret
dare love remember
decide mean (intend) start
desire need swear
endeavor offer try
expect ought (aux) want
fear plan wish

5. There is a group of verbs that takes a plain infinitive as object. These

are the auxiliary verbs: do, does, did (emphatic), as in : He did come
yesterday; can, may, must, shall, will, could, might, should, would,
need and dare.
The phrases had better and would rather also belong to this group, as
in : You'd better start at once.
I'd rather not go.

(To contrast the use of to-infinitive and bare infinitive). Substitute the
following words and make the necessary changes.

For example :

8 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

tried He tried to speak English.
should He should speak English.
I I should speak English.
read the leason I should read the lesson.
have I have to read the lesson.
should try I should try to read the lesson.
must I must read the lesson.

Continue :
1. they 11. had beer 12. plan
2. need 12. I 22. might
3. like 12. hope 23. want
4. try 14. expect 24. can
5. would 15. write the words 25. we
6. we 16. inted 26. should
7. all of us 17. promise 27. should start
8. learn structures 18. decide 28. she
9. you 19. write the letter 29. speak clearly
10. ought 20. will 30. is learning

Continue and write :

31. has _______________________________________

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 9

32. would like _______________________________________
33. would rather _______________________________________
34. must try _______________________________________
35. will _______________________________________
36. is going to learn _______________________________________
37. will attempt _______________________________________
38. would like to try _______________________________________
39. had better _______________________________________
40. study English _______________________________________
(To practise this pattern in questions and short answers)
Make questions with the following words and the infinitive READ. Use
HE as the subject and give the short answers.

For example:
can Can he read? Yes, he can.
have Does he have to read ? Yes, he does.
is trying Is he trying to read? Yes, he is.
would rather Would he rather read ? Yes, he would.
should learn Should he learn to read ? Yes, he should.

Continue :
1. plan 6. intend 11. like
2. expect 7. need 12. Prefer

10 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

3. will 8. should 13. refuse
4. mean 9. try 14. might
5. can learn 10. has decided 15. will promise

Continue and write:

16. would like _______________________________________
17. have _______________________________________
18. is trying _______________________________________
19. will try _______________________________________
20. should promise _______________________________________
21. can learn _______________________________________
22. might want _______________________________________
23. would rather _______________________________________
24. need _______________________________________
25. begin to learn _______________________________________

(To practise this pattern with not to-infinitive)
Listen to the statements about John. Make corresponding statements
about Mary using not before the to-infinitive.

For example :
John tried to speak loudly. Mary tried not to speak loudly.
John is planning to go. Mary is planning not to go.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 11

1. John must try to work hard.__________________________________
2. John promised to go. _______________________________________
3. John prefers to do it now. ____________________________________
4. John can learn to speak loudly. _______________________________
5. John must promise to do it.___________________________________
6. John will continue to answer._________________________________
7. John should try to take a nap. _________________________________
8. John decided to continue his study.____________________________
9. John pretended to do his work.._______________________________
10. John proposed to work over time.______________________________

(To practise this pattern with the infinitive implied)
Substitute the following words Use to when necessary.
For example :
He didn't go, but he plans to. .
wanted He didn't go, but he wanted to.
Can He didn't go, but he can.
is planning He didn't go, but he is planning to.
might He didn't go, but he might.
Would liko He didn't gobut he would like to.
Continue :
1. plans 6. expected 11. hoped
2. intended 7. would love 12. would like

12 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

3. might 8. could 13. will try
4. had promised 9. hopes 14. will
5. should 10. ought 15. had intended

Continue and write :

16. is hoping ______________________________________
17. might ______________________________________
18. will have ______________________________________
19. had decided ______________________________________
20. shouldd ______________________________________
21. wanted ______________________________________
22. was planning ______________________________________
23. would like ______________________________________
24. will ______________________________________
25. had expected ______________________________________

(To practise this pattern with the infinitive implied in short answer)
Answer the following question with NO, BUT and the words in brack-ets-

For example:
Does he have to go? (plans) No, but he plans to.
Does he want to go (should) No, but he should.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 13

Do they study every day? (have) No, but they have to.

1. Do you study every day? (should)_____________________________

2. Did you go to America? (want)________________________________
3. Did you get the letter? (am expecting)__________________________
4. Do you like to get up early? (must)_____________________________
5. Do you want to study tonight? (will try) ________________________
6. Did you meet the chairman? (would like) _______________________
7. Do you have to take a four-year course? (have planned)____________
8. Are you going to the movie tonight? (have promised) _____________
9. Will he pay for the ticket? (should)____________________________
10. Does Mary play tennis? (is learning)___________________________
11. Did you see the new play? (would like)_________________________
12. Did John talk to his teacher? (could)___________________________
13. Does sh e understand French? (is learning) ______________________
14. Do the students speak English? (should try)______________________
15. Do you need to see her? (might)_______________________________


In this pattern the verb is followed by a noun or a pronoun and a

14 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

to-infinitive, so closely connected that they form a unit.
This is sometimes called 'the accusative and infinitive construction'.
Example :
Subject + Verb (pro) noun (not) to-infinitive etc.
1. I don't want anyone to know
2. Will you help me to carry this box?
3. We can't allow them to do that
4. He likes his wife to dress well.
5. Didn't I tell you not to smoke here?
6. Who taught her to swim?
7. Did he mean us to know?
8. The rain caused the weeds to grow fast.
9. I've warned you all not to be late.
10. Did you advise your sister to accept the offer?

Notes :
1. Note the passive constructions
No. 3. They can't be allowed to do that.
No. 7. Were we meant to know?
No. 9. You all have been warned not to be late.

2. The commonest verbs used in this pattern are :

advise expect persuade
allow force prefer

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 15

ask hate prepare
(can't) bear help press (=urge)
beg instruct promise
cause intend remind
challenge invite request
choose lead (=cause) teach
command leave tell
compel like tempt
dare (=callenge) love trouble
decide mean (=intend) urge
determine oblige want
encourage order warn
entreat permit wish

3. Note the difference between VP 2 and VP 3 in:

I want to go. (the subject of the inf. is I)
I want him to go. (the subject of the inf. Is him)

(To practise this pattern in statements).
Substitute the following words.
For example :
I wanted you to go
I asked you to go

16 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

asked I expected you to go
expected I expected you to have breakfast
We We expected you to have breakfast
him We expected him to have breakfast

Continue :
1. asked 6. Mr. George 11. them
2. wanted 7. advised 12. spell the words
3. they 8. The teacher 13. teaches
4. her 9. helps 14. practise the pattern
5. become a nurse 10. carry the books 15. encourages

Continue and write:

16. us ______________________________________
17. advised ______________________________________
18. instructs ______________________________________
19. answer the question ______________________________________
20. encouraged ______________________________________
21. persuaded ______________________________________
22. come to the party ______________________________________
23. invited ______________________________________
24. him ______________________________________
25. we ______________________________________
26. permitted ______________________________________

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 17

27. told ______________________________________
28. to study hard ______________________________________
29. them ______________________________________
30. urged ______________________________________

(To practise this pattern in answer).
Answer the following question using the suggested words.
For example :
What do you want me to do? (come on time)
I want you to come on time
What did he ask you to do? (do the homework)
He asked me to do the homework

1. What does he want her to do? (write the letter)

2. What,did sheexpecthim todo?(go to the party)
3. What does your father want from you? (become a guide)

4. What did Mary promise you? (discuss the problem)

5. What does the teacher advise you? .(study hard)

18 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

6. What did the teacher teach you? (speak English)
7. What did you instruct the boys to do? (practise their English)
8. What does she urge you to do? (work regularly)
9. What did they tell you? (learn Japanese)
10. What do you expect from her? (listen to my advice)

(To practise this pattern with not to infinitive).
Listen to the negative statements about Bill. Make a corresponding
positive statement about Mary using not before the to-infinitive.
For example:
Bill didn't ask me to speak loudly.
Mary asked me not to speak loudly

1. Bill didn't promise me to come early.

2. Bill didn't expect me to go.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 19

3. Bill didn't want him to read the lessons.
4. Bill didn't advise me to teach English.
5. Bill didn't force her to tell the truth.
6. Bill didn't force him to go to the party.
7. Bill didn't tell the students to be late.
8. Bill didn't teach them to smoke.
9. Bill didn't compell her to study too hard.
10. Bill didn't ask the students to speak too fast.

(To practice this pattern in replies with the infinitive implied).
Listen to the statement. Reply to them with the suggested words.
For example :
She didn't come to the party last night (ask)
I asked her not to.

1. They didn't go to the movie yesterday. (advise)

20 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One
2. The students didn't attend class yesterday. (ask)
3. Mary didn't come to the party last night. (advise)
4. The children didn't talk too much. (teach)
5. She didn't get up late this morning. (force)
6. The students didn't come late yesterday. (urge)
7. Bill didn't teach last week. (expect)
8. She didn't punish them. (promise)
9. Janet didn't tell me anything. (tell)
10. She didn't go to school yesterday. (want)

(To practise this pattern in pasive construction).
Convert the following sentences into the pasive construction. Remember
to use TO BE + Past Participle. Leave out by phrase.
For example :
A asked him to come early.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 21

He was asked to come early.

1. She told her to study hard.

2. They have taught her not to smoke.
3. They advised me to teach here.
4. The teacher instructs the student to answer the question.
5. I should force them to speak English every day.
6. She persuaded me to go to the party with her.
7. I allow the children to go on foot.
8. They won't allow her to go out alone.
9. The teacher encourage the students to practise their conversation.
10. His wife always urges him to work regularly.
11. Should I ask them to come to your house every week?
12. You should have taught them to pronounce the words.

22 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

13. Have they instructed the students to distribute the papers?
14. I will advise them not to work too hard.
15. The teachers have always urged the students not to come late.


Verb used in this pattern are chiefly verbs that indicate an opinion,
judgment, belief; supposition, declaration, or a mental (not physical)
perception. The pattern is typical of formal style. In formal style it is
more usual to hae, a that-clause after the verb.
The direct object may be a (pro) noun or a noun clause with what.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 23

The infinitive to be is often omitted. For past time to have been is used.
This cannot be omitted.

Subject + Verb (pro) noun (to be) complement etc.
1. People supposed him (to be) innocent.
2. They proved him. (to be) wrong.
3. Do you think him (to be) a good worker?
4. I consider what he said (to be) unimportant.
5. Do you believe such inquiries (to be) useful?
6. They supposed her (to be) a widow.
7. They have proved themselves (to be) worthy of promotion.
8. I guess her (to be) about fifty.
9. We believe it to have been a mistake.
10. They knew the man to have been a spy.

Notes :
1. In informal style we should say :
No. 1 : People supposed that he was innocent.
No. 3 : Do you tink (that) he's a good worker?
No. 9 : We believe (that) it was a mistake.
No. 10 : They knew (that) the man had been a spy.
2. Examples of the passive :

24 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

No. 1 : He was supposed (to be) innocent
No. 4 : What he said is considered (to be) unimportant.
No. 9 : It is believe to have been a mistake.
3. Note the word order in relative, clauses :
This custom, which I think (to be) barbaow, shoal be abandoned
The visitor, whom I guessed to be about fifty, came to see you
(The object, which is a relative pronoun, is shifted before the subject).
4. If in the place of (Pro) noun we have a that clause or an infinitive
phrase, we use the pattern :

That clauses
S + V + it + complement +
Infinitive phrase

Preparatory iffollow the verb and to be does not occur before the

Subject+Verb it complement clause/to-inf. Phrase
1. Do you think it odd that I live by myself?
2. I think it a pity (that) you didn't try harder.
3. We all consider it wrong to cheat in examinations.
4. Do you think it unwise to chlimb the mountain
without a guide?

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 25

5. ne commonest verbs used in this pattern are :
acknowledge guess see
believe imagine suppose
consider. judge suspect
declare know think
deny prove understand
feel realize
find report

(To practise this pattern with various verbs and complements)
Substitute the following words.

For example:
I. think him to. be wrong
a good man I think him to be a good man.
find I find him to be agood man.
know I know him to be a good man.

Continue :

26 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

1. believe 6. guilty 11. unimportant
2. innocent 7. them 12. they
3. suspected 8. wrong 13. proved
4. we 9. considered 14. useful
5. the,prisoner 10. what he said 15. themselves

Continue and write:

16. worthy of promotion ____________________________________
17. friendly ____________________________________
18. her ____________________________________
19. a spy ____________________________________
20. knew ____________________________________
21. we ____________________________________
22. a good lecturer ____________________________________
23. know ____________________________________
24. Mr. George (obj) ____________________________________
25. consider ____________________________________
(To practise the informal style from this pattern}.
Make a corresponding statement using the infornal style.

For example:
Most people supposed him to be innocent
Most people supposed that he was innocent

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 27

1. I believe her to be a good teacher.
2. I think her to be innocent.
3. I consider what he said to be of little importance.
4. We find him to be very friendly.
5. Do you think him unkind?
6. Don't think me jealous of your wife.
7. We suspect him to have been a spy.
8. They guessed her to be about seventeen.
9. Will you believe it to be true?
10. We all the plan to be unwise.

(To practise this pattern used in relative clauses).
Combine the following pairs of sentences making the second a relative

28 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

For example:
The prisoner shoud be set free. I think he's innocent.
The prisoner, whom I think innocent, should be set free
This method should be used, I think it is useful.
This method which I think useful, should he used

1. The girl went abroad, We supposed she was a widow.

2. A visitor came to see me. I guessed he was about fifty.
3. The prisoner was punished. They considered he was guilty.
4. The survey should be carried out We believe it is useful.

5. Mr. Smith is leaving for London. We find he is a good teacher.

6. Mr. Green has come back from Wales. We know he's a good lecturer
7. Jack has been converted into Islam. They declared he was a Catholic.
8. I met a stranger. I judged he was about forty.
9. The man was but to prison. They believed he was a spy.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 29

10. This book should be studied thoroughly. I consider it is very

(To practise the passive construction of this pattern).
Convert the following sentences into the pasive construction. Don't forget
TO BE + P.P. Leave out hyphrase.

For example :
They considered him to a good worker.
He was considered to be a good worker.
1. You should consider it a mistake.
2. We believe them to be innocent
3. They suspected him to be guilty
4. All the neighbours supposed him to be a widower.
5. I found the people to be friendly.
6. They have proved the prisoners to be guilty.
7. Everybody reported him to be the best student in his class.
8. We all know Mr. Green to be a good lecturer.
9. We felt the policy to be unwise.
10. Whey considered what he said to be a great nonsense.


30 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

(To practise this pattern with preparatory it)
Listen to the statements. Make a corresponding statement in this pattern
with the suggested words.

For example :
It's unwise to go to bed too late. (Do you think).
Do you think it towise to go to bed too late?

1. It's an honour to serve you. (I consider)

2. It's dangerous for a girl to go out alone (We think)
3. It's foolish to spend your money on lettery tickets. (I consider)

4. It's a great compliment that the President visited us. (We all think)
5. It's wrong to cheat in examinations. (The teachers consider)
6. It's dangerous to climb, the mountain without a guide. (The people
7. It's a great mistake that he didn't tell me the truth. (I think)
8. It's wise to practise your English regularly. (We all think)

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 31

9. It's stupid that they work only for the examinations. (We consider)
10. It's a pity that she didn't come to the party last night. (John thinks)


In this pattern the verb is used with a (pro)noun and abare infinitive.
The verbs used in this pattern are divided into two groups.
A. Verbs that indicate physical perceptions. These verbs can also be used
with a present participle with a difference, in meaning (see VP 6).
Subject + Verb (pro)noun Infinitive etc.
1. Watch the boy jump
2. Did you see him go out?

32 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

3. Did anyone hear John leave the room?
4. We felt the house shake
5. Did you notice anyone come in?

1. In the passive, construction the to-infinitive is needed.
For examples :
No. 2 : Was he seen to go out?
No. 3 : Was John heard to leave the room?
No. 4 : The house was felt to shake.
2. The verbs used in this pattern are :
feel look up see
hear notice watch
look at observe
B. Verbs that do not indicate physical perceptions and are not normaly
used with a present participle.
Subject + Verb (pro) noun Infinitive etc.
1. They made me do it.
2. Let me go.
3. Shall I help you carry those books?
4. I've never known her lose her etmper
5. I would have the students do the work.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 33

Notes :
1. The verb help can also be used in VP 3 (with a to-infinitive): For
examples :
No. 3 : Shall I help you to carry those books?
2. The to-infinitive is needed in the passive.
Examples :
No. 1 : I was made to do it
No. 4 : She's never been known to lose her temper.
3. The verb know is used in this pattern mainly in the perfect tenses. The
meaning is 'see', 'hear' or 'have knowledge of’.
4. The verb have in this pattern means want or like.
5. The verb used in this pattern are
have know make
help let
(To practise this pattern in statements). Substitute the following words.
For example:
She has made me do it
saw She saw me do it
him She saw him do it.
go out She saw go out.

1. heard 6. the boy 11. notice

34 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

2. tell a lie 7. learn English 12. make this mistake
3. made 8. have 13. have known
4. They 9. The teacher 14. We
5. let 10. watch 15. Some people

Continue and write :

16. have heard ___________________________________
17. notice ___________________________________
18. the students. ___________________________________
19. practise the conversation ___________________________________
20. observe ___________________________________
21. make ___________________________________
22. let ___________________________________
23. have ___________________________________
24. have listened to ___________________________________
25. look at ___________________________________

(To contrast this pattern with VP 3).
Substitute the following words. Insert TO when necesssary.
For example:
The dealer persuaded me to buy the car
made The dealer made me buy the car.
wanted The dealer wanted me to buy the car

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 35

sell The dealer wanted me to sell the car.

Continue :
1. told 6. urged 11. let
2. watched' 7. service 12. encourage
3. her 8. wanted 13. repair
4. made 9. I 14. peruadcd
5. asked 10. saw 15. noticed

Continue and write:

16. heard _______________________________________________
17. the teacher _______________________________________________
18. have know _______________________________________________
19. advised _______________________________________________
20. observed _______________________________________________
21. had _______________________________________________
22. forbade _______________________________________________
23. helped _______________________________________________
24. drive _______________________________________________
25. watched _______________________________________________

(For reproduction of bare infinitive and o-infinitive in sentences).
Combine the following pairs of sentences. Insert TO when necessary.

36 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

For example :
I asked John. He helped me.
I asked John to help me.
Mary bought a hat. I saw her.
I saw Merry buy a hat.

1. They asked me. I joined the study tour.

2. The teacher let him. He spoke to the class.
3. We've encouraged the students. They speak English.
4. The participants had their picture taken. I took it
5. I helped Mary. She wrote a composition.
6. We saw a lightning. It shuck a coconut tree.
7. We observed the sky. It turned very dark.
8. We drive carefully. The police tell us.
9. The thief jumped out the window. The people saw him.
10. The weeds grow fast. The rain has caused them.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 37


(To practise the passive constructions with VP 3 and VP 5).
Convert the following sentences into the passive constructions.
Remeber. in VP 5 the TO-INF. is nceded in the passive construction.
Make sure your sentences contain BE+PAST PARTICIPLE. Keave out

1. People saw the thief ran away.

2. Did anyone hear him leave the room?
3. We should make the students come on time.
4. Will your parents allow you to go with me?
5. I've never known Dr. Murphy come late?
6. Shall we ask, them to come earlier?
7. I watched the driver jumped into the water.
8. The teachers observe the students do the test.

38 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

9. Has the lecturer made his student understand his lessons?
10. I've always encouraged the student to speak English with me.

(To review VP 2, VP 4 and VP 5).
Use a to-infinitive or a bare infinitive for the verbs in brackets.
1. What caused them (fail) _________________in their exams?
2. You shouldn't (make)______________her (cry) _______again.
3. Has she decided (go)________________to the party tonight?

4. You have (let)_______________them (do) _______ the work by

5. The students should (be) __________ make (come)_______
6. Did you (hear)_______________John (go)____________out?
7. She's never been imown (tell)____________________a lie.
8. Would be (have)_____________________the students (attend)
_________________Classes tomorrow.
9. You must (try)___________________(speak)_______________
_______________________________English with your friends.
10. He watched the men (unlock)________________the door easily.
11. You’d better (tell)_____________________your students (not smoke)

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 39

_______________________________in the class rooms.
12. She’s made me (promise)_________________________(see)_______
her again.
13. I’d rather (have)________________them (practise)__________ in class.
14. I forgot (tell)___________________________her(notlet) __________
her husband (go)_________________________out without her.
15. She might (allow)____________________________you (study)


In this pattern the verb is used with a (pro)noun and a present

participle. Like in VP 5, the verbs used in this pattern are also divided
into two groups.
A. Verbs that indicate physical perceptions with a difference in meaning
from those used in VP 5. See the notes below.
Examples :
Subject + Verb (pro) noun Present Participle etc.
1. I saw the boy crossing the road.
2. I heard him giving orders.

40 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

3. Can you smell something burning?
4. I could feel her heart beating rapidly.
5. We listened to the band playing in the park.

Notes :
1. Compare the following sentences:
I saw the boy cross the road (VP 5)
I saw the boy crossing the road. (VP 6)
VP 5 suggests a complete activity.
VP 6 suggests an activity in progress.
The difference, maybe seen by means of a comparison with the
simple and progressive tenses.

I saw the boy cross the road 'means : the boy crossed
the road, and I saw him do this.
I saw the boy crossing the road 'means : the boy was
crossing the road when I saw him.
2. The present participle remains in the passive construction:
No. 1 : The boy was seen crossing the road.
No. 2 : He was heard giving orders.
3. The verbs used in this pattern are :
feel notice see
bear observe smell
listen to perceive watch

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 41

look at

B. Verbs that do not indicatephysical perceptions, and cannot be used in

VP 5.
Examples :
Subject+Verb (pro) noun Present Participle
1. I found him working at his desk.
2. You musn't keep them waiting.
3. You had better start the engine running.
4. They left me waiting outside
5. I caught him stealing the money.

1. The passive construction is the same as for Group A
No. 1 : He was found working at his desk.
No. 2 : They mustn't be kept waiting.
2. The chief verb in this pattern are
catch keep pass
find leave set
imagine meet start

(For reproduction of present participle in sentences).

42 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

Combine the following g pairs of sentences to make statements in this
pattem. For example :
I heard him: He was talking to his friends.
I heard him talking to his friends
The boys were playing. We found them.
We found the boys playing.

1. We passed an old man. He was sitting beside the road.

2. John watched the soldiers. They were marching in the street.
3. The students are waitin for us. We mustn;t keep them.
4. I was waiting outside. They left me.
5. The thief was stealing the money. The police caught him.
6. I heard the leaves. They were moving in the trees.
7. I could feel her heart. It was beating rapidly.
8. He left his coat. It was hanging on a book.
9. Miss Jakson looked at Sam. He was jumping into the water.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 43

10. Janet was doing her homework. I found her.

(To contrast the use of VP 5 and VP 6}.
Listen to the statements. Make a corresponding statement using either VP
5 or VP 6 according to the words suggested in brackets.
For example :
John left the room. (I saw)
I saw John leave the room.
The students were working hard. (We found)
We found the students working hard
1. Mary sang in the concert. (I heard).
2. The boys jumped over the wall. (We watched)
3. The teacher was talking to John. (Did you hear)
4. The man came in. (Did anyone notice)
5. I was wondering what would happen next. (The news left me)
6. He was stealing apples from my garden. (I caught)

44 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

7. The students attended classes regularly. (We should make)
8. The students are waiting for us. (We mustn't keep)
9. She goes out alone at night (Will her parents let)
10. Something is burning. (Can you smell)

(To contrast the use of VP 3, VP 5 and VP 6).
Substitute the following words making the necessary changes.
For example :
I asked him to come earlier.
made I made him come earlier.
do the homework I made him do the homework
found I found him doing the homework.

Continue :
1. steal the money 6. run away 11. the police
2. the thief 7. the people 12. wonder what happened
3. caught 8. them 13. me
4. we 9. let 14. the news
5. saw 10.made 15. caused

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 45

Continue and write :
16. left ______________________________________
17. let ______________________________________
18. fail in my exam ______________________________________
19. expected ______________________________________
20. made ______________________________________
21. study the lesson ______________________________________
22. urged ______________________________________
23. imagined ______________________________________
24. him ______________________________________
25. I ______________________________________
26. have never known ______________________________________
27. His father ______________________________________
28. have told ______________________________________
29. try to make ______________________________________
30. drive carefully ______________________________________

(To practise the passive construction with VP 3, VP 5 and VP 6).
Convert the following sentences into the passive construction. Do not
forget : be + p.p.
Remember : in VP 5 the to-int is needed in the passive construction.
For example :

46 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

I heard him giving orders.
He was heard giving orders.
I saw the thief nm away.
The thef was seen to run away.

1. They caught the boys stealing orange.

2. You should make the students attend classes regularly.
3. No expected Dr. Murphy to give his lectures.

4. Did you see her go out?

5. I've never known him smile to anybody.
6. You shouldn't have kept me waiting so long.
7. Did you hear John sing in the concert?.
8. I found many students cheating in their exams.
9. She asked me to accompany her to the party.
10. Can you seethe smoke coming out of the house?

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 47


(To review VP 2, VP 3, VP 5 and VP 6 in the activeand the passive
Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.
1.What made him (get)_______________________so angry?
2.They have been made (obey)_____________________the law.
3.I found the girl (sleep)______________________in her bed.
4.When I passed his house I heard him (sing)_______________
5.Mr. Smith was seen (get)____________________off the bus.
6.She's never been known (get)_________________angry.
7.Can we expect er (keep)_____________________her promise?
8.We should help her (carry)___________________those books to the
9.Should we let the students (study)_____________in the lab?
10. Do we have (watch)________________the students (do)
__________________their exams?
11. She couldn't (imagine)______________her husband (drive)
_______________________alone to Jakarta.
12. We'd better (try)______________(not keep)_____________
people (wait)_______________for us.
13. The syndicate was caught (force)___________the man (try)
_________________(rob)____________the bank.

48 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

14. What would you (have)_____________the students (study)
__________________________for the next examinations?

TEST VP 1 - VP 6

Choose the correct answer:

1. This climate - me
a. not suits c. suits to
b. doesn't suit d. not to suit
2. Would you like - with me?
a. come c. to come
b. coming came
3. You'd better - to your parents.
a. write c. to write
b. written d. writing

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 49

4. What caused the weeds - fast?
a. to gro c. grow
b. growing d. grew
5. They all supposed him - innocent
a. being c. was
b. be d. -
6. What made you - so?
a. think c. to think
b. thought d. thinking
7. I can't imagine such an old man - the mountain.
a. climb c. climbing
b. to climb d. climbs
8. He is known - a good lecturer.
a. is c. to be
b. has been d. being
9. He's never known - his temper.
a. lose c. to lose
b. losing d. loose
10. The dress sent to the dry cleaner's.
a. had been better: c, had be better
b. had be better d. had to be better
11. The news left me - what had happened.
a. wonder c. wondering
b. to wonder d. wondered

50 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

12. The students are instructed - the exercises at home.
a. to do c. do
b. doing d. was doing

13. Try - in your examinations.

a. don't cheat c. not to cheat
b. to not cheat d. not cheating
14. Need they - the examples by heart? ..
a. learn c. learning
b. to learn d. learned
15. It would be better – the paper once again
a. examine c. examining
b. to examine d examined
16. Do you drink - a good lecturer?
a. him is c. he is
b. he d. is
17. The thief was seen – out of the house.
a. run c. was running
b. to run d. ran
18. Watch the boy - !
a. jump c. is jumping
b. to jump d. jumps
19. I meet the professor – to the library.
a. go c. going
b. to go d. was going

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 51

20. What time - breakfast?
a. he has c. does he have
b. has he d. does he has
21. She - got to do everything by herself.
a. hasn't c. hasn't to
b. doesn't have d. doesn't
22. The Prince found her – soundly.
a. was sleeping c. slept
b. sleeping d. to sleep
23. Did you really hear him - the door open?
a. broke c. break
b. to break d. breaking
24. The people should be made – by the law.
a. abide c. abode
b. to abide d. were abode
25. She was always urged - too hard.
a. don't work c. not working
b. to not work d. not to work
26. He was compelled by illness - his studies.
a. to give up c. give up
b. giving up d. had given up
27. He may need - some money from you.
a. borrow c. borrowing
b. to borrow d. will borrow

52 Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One

28. He isn't back yet. He - an accident.
a. might had c. may have had
b. has might d. has may had
29. I was left - outside, cold and miserable.
a. to wait c. was waiting
b. waiting d. was waited
30. - asked not to come again next week ?
a. Did she c. Has been she
b. Did she have d. Has she been

Daftar Pustaka

Hamby, A.S., A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English, Oxford

University Press, London, 1954.

___________, Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current

English, Oxford University Press, London, 1974.

Lado, Robert and C.C. Fries, English Sentence Patterns, The University
of Michigan Press, USA, 1958.

Exercises in Verb Pattern Book One 53

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