Anda di halaman 1dari 37




Kelompok 7A& B :

1. Firda Fitri Anggraini 1130017078

2. Lailatul Masrurah 1130017079
3. Tuhfatul Aliyah 1130017038
4. Lilis Ayu Solehati 1130017039
5. Novi Widiyanti 1130017040

Pembimbing Akademik :

Chilyatiz Zahro S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep




Judul Problem Intervention Comparation Outcome

Intervensi edukasi Data yang didapatkan Intervensi yang dilakukan Edukasi kesehatan yang Intervensi edukasi secara
kesehatan pada tahun 2007-2017 tercatat adalah edukuasi HD pada dilakukan secara online langsung memiliki manfaat besar
pasien gagal pasien baru yang penderita PGK yang pasien mudah untuk bagi pasien gagal ginjal kronik
ginjal kronik yang didiagnosis mengalami menjalani hemodialisis, selain mengakses materi edukasi, seperti menimbulkan
menjalani gagal ginjal akut pemberian terapi medikasi meningkatkan pemahaman keingintahuan, dapat memotivasi
hemodialisis berjumlah 25.854 diperlukan pula terapi dan kepatuhan, bisa pasien secara langsung untuk tetap
pasien, dan pasien aktif pendamping demi mengurangi berkonsultasi langsung menjalankan terapi pengobatan
yang sudah tingkat keparahan penyakit dengan tenaga kesehatan, yang dijalaninya. Pada pasien
mendapatkan dan peningkatan kualitas konsultasi gizi, konseling pre yang memiliki pengetahuan
terapi hemodialisis pelayanan kesehatan. dialisis dan bisa mengakses teknologi yang rendah edukasi
sebanyak 76.007 pasien. Adekuasi proses hemodialisis selama 24 jam kapan saja dan offline sangat memberi manfaat
Angka penyakit gagal akan memberikan rasa dimana saja sedangkan untuk bagi mereka yang kurang
ginjal kronik di dunia nyaman pada pasien dalam edukasi secara offline pasien memahami teknologi informasi
masih tinggi. menjalani kehidupannya bisa diberikan edukasi pada yang berbasis online. Intervensi
terlepas dari gejala uremia saat menjalani terapi yang diberikan baik secara offline
hemodialisis atau pada saat maupun secara online memiliki
rawat jalans manfaat yang berbeda pada pasien
gagal ginjal kronik tergantung
tingkat keefektifan sehingga
edukasi juga tergantung pada
kondisi kesehatan klien dalam
menerima sebuah intervensi
edukasi kesehatan


Judul Problem Intervention Comparation Outcome

Chronic Kidney Kami mempelajari Laju filtrasi glomerulus Jurnal: Penyakit Ginjal Di antara pasien dengan CKD ada
Disease Is 1805 pasien, dirujuk diperkirakan (eGFR) Kronis Ditandai dengan tekanan darah sistolik (SBP) yang
Characterized by ke Pusat Hipertensi menggunakan persamaan 'Masalah Ganda' Tekanan lebih tinggi selama malam hari,
‘‘Double kami, di antaranya MDRD dan CKD Darah Tinggi dan Tekanan prevalensi non-dippers yang
Trouble’’ Higher didefinisikan sebagai Darah Sistolik Malam Hari lebih besar (OR: 1,8) dan
Pulse Pressure ABPM, tes darah, dan eGFR,60 mL / mnt / 1,73 m2. dan Kerusakan Jantung peningkatan tekanan nadi (PP)
plus Night-Time ekokardiografi secara Kerusakan organ jantung Lebih Berat: Pengolahan selama periode 24 jam, siang
Systolic Blood klinis diindikasikan dievaluasi dengan data dilakukan dengan dan malam hari (semua
Pressure and ekokardiografi. menggunakan tabel hal,0,001). Pasien dengan CKD
More Severe penelitian berdasarkan memilikiLVM / h2,7 yang lebih
Cardiac Damage Prevalensi tahapan CKD, besar indeks, dan prevalensi
Korelasi antara parameter hipertrofi ventrikel kiri dan
Penyakit Ginjal ABPM dan disfungsi diastolik yang lebih
Kronis Ditandai tinggi (semua p,0,001). SBP
dengan 'Masalah eGFR dinilai dengan regresi dan PP nokturnal berkorelasi
Ganda' Tekanan linier, SBP malam hari terkait lebih kuat dengan kerusakan
Darah Tinggi dan dengan LVM / jam 2,7 organ jantung (p,0,001). Pasien
Tekanan Darah padalinier, 24 jam PP dengan CKD memiliki Skor
Sistolik Malam terkait dengan LVM / jam Intensitas Pengobatan yang lebih
Hari dan 2,7 dalam model regresi besar (p,0,001) tanpa adanya
Kerusakan linier model regresi kontrol BP yang secara
Jantung Lebih signifikan lebih besar.


Judul Problem Intervention Comparation Outcome

Penelitian ini Prosedur pelaksanaan Program pmr menyebabkan

Effect of mengitervensi 100 Seratus pasien hemodialisis (64
Progressive program dijelaskan kepada pengurangan yang signifikan
pasien CRF yang dirujuk dari kecemasan umum, wanita dan 36 pria) dirawat di
Muscle pasien pertama kali saat
Relaxation ke ruang hemodialisis kecemasan sifat, kecemasan bangsal hemodialisis rumah
and Aerobic rumah sakit hajar mereka menjalani beck, dan kelelahan rhoten
Exercise on sakit hajar terdaftar dalam uji
hemodialisis, dan cd dan peningkatan kualitas tidur
Anxiety, pada pasien hemodialisis. klinis ini dan secara acak dibagi
Sleep rekaman dibagikan kepada
Latihan aerobik menjadi tiga kelompok: latihan
Quality, and
pasien sehingga program menyebabkan kelegaan yang
Fatigue in aerobik (n: 32), pmr (n: 33), dan
Patients with pmr dilakukan selama sesi signifikan dari kecemasan
Chronic beck dan peningkatan kontrol (n: 35). Usia rata-rata
kualitas tidur
Renal hemodialisis dan di bawah pada pasien. Secara pasien pada kelompok pmr
Undergoing supervisi peneliti. Dengan keseluruhan, program pmr adalah 56,12 tahun dan pada
lebih banyak efisien
Hemodialysis cara ini, kinerja pasien yang latihan aerobik adalah 54,31
dibandingkan dengan senam
Pengaruh rusak dapat diperbaiki; aerobik untuk menurunkan tahun dan pada kelompok
Relaksasi Otot selain itu juga diberikan tingkat kecemasan, kelelahan, kontrol adalah 55,22 tahun. Para
Progresif dan dan gangguan tidur pada
nomor telepon peneliti pasien melakukan latihan
Latihan Aerobik pasien hemodialisis
terhadap kepada pasien agar dapat aerobik dan pmr program setiap
Kecemasan, menghubungi peneliti untuk hari selama delapan minggu.
Kualitas Tidur,
mengatasi potensi masalah Tabel 1 menunjukkan
dan Kelelahan
pada Pasien yang terkait dengan karakteristik demografis dari
Gagal Ginjal pelaksanaan program. pasien yang diteliti. Skor rata-
Kemudian, pasien diminta rata untuk kecemasan, depresi
yang Menjalani
Hemodialisis untuk melakukan program dan kualitas tidur sebelum dan
pmr dengan cara yang sama sesudah intervensi ditunjukkan
di rumah setiap hari selama pada tabel 2. Menurut temuan,
60 hari dengan kecemasan umum, kecemasan
menggunakan cd. Untuk sifat, kecemasan keadaan, dan
mencapai tujuan ini, kecemasan beck secara
sebelum tidur malam, pasien signifikan lebih rendah setelah
menunjukkan cd dan intervensi dibandingkan
berkontraksi kemudian sebelumnya pada kelompok
mengendurkan otot masing- pmr. (p<0,05). Pada kelompok
masing bagian secara latihan aerobik, kecemasan beck
terpisah saat berbaring secara signifikan lebih rendah
sesuai dengan instruksi setelah intervensi dibandingkan
masing-masing. Pada sebelumnya (p<0,05) tetapi
kelompok senam aerobik, kelelahan piper tidak berbeda
senam yang ditentukan nyata antara sebelum dan
sebelumnya dilakukan di sesudah intervensi. Rerata skor
hadapan peneliti untuk kualitas tidur menurun secara
pertama kalinya dan signifikan setelah dilakukan
kemudian setelah intervensi pada kelompok pmr
memberikan penjelasan dan senam aerobik, yang
awal saat pasien menjalani merepresentasikan peningkatan
hemodialisis. Jika perlu, kualitas tidur yang bermakna (p
kinerja pasien yang rusak <0,05).
diperbaiki dan pasien
diminta untuk melakukan
latihan dengan cara yang
sama selama delapan
minggu berikutnya. Untuk
memastikan bahwa pasien
tidak melupakan prosedur
melakukan latihan, daftar
latihan dikembangkan dan
dikirimkan kepada pasien.
Nomor telepon peneliti
diberikan kepada pasien
sehingga mereka dapat
menghubungi peneliti untuk
menyelesaikan masalah
potensial yang berkaitan
dengan kinerja latihan. Para
pasien diminta untuk
melakukan latihan pada
waktu tertentu dalam sehari
sehingga mereka memiliki
waktu yang cukup untuk
menyelesaikan program
tersebut. Peneliti mengawasi
pelaksanaan program latihan
dan menindaklanjuti pasien
setiap dua minggu sekali
melalui panggilan telepon
atau secara langsung
sehingga pasien akan
didorong untuk terus
melaksanakan program
latihan atau dikeluarkan dari
penelitian jika mereka tidak
mematuhinya selama ini.
Lebih dari dua hari

Skor rata-rata untuk kualitas

tidur, kecemasan, dan
kelelahan sebelum dan
sesudah intervensi
ditentukan. Untuk
menyelidiki kualitas tidur,
pittsburgh sleep quality
index dengan validitas dan
reliabilitas telah
dikonfirmasi oleh ağargün et
al.18 digunakan. Untuk
menyelidiki kecemasan,
spielberger dan beck anxiety
inventory dengan validitas
dan reliabilitas yang telah
dikonfirmasi19,20 digunakan.
Selain itu, skala kelelahan
piper dan rhoten yang
validitas dan reliabilitasnya
telah dikonfirmasi dalam
sejumlah penelitian21-22
digunakan untuk mengukur
kelelahan. Data yang
terkumpul dianalisis dengan
software stata versi 13
menggunakan anova, chi-
square dan t-test.
Jurnal Health Sains: p–ISSN : 2723-4339 e-ISSN : 2548-1398
Vol. 1, No. 5, November 2020



Sri Purwanti Ariani, Syamsul Firdaus dan Hiryadi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin dan Poltekes Kemenkes Banjarmasin


Tanggal diterima: 5 November Jumlah Penderita Chronic Kidney Disease semakin tahun
2020 semakin meningkat. Terapi yang bisa lakukan oleh
Tanggal revisi: 15 November penderita CKD adalah dengan Hemodialisis. Peran perawat
2020 dalam proses hemodialisis sangat besar karena buruknya
Tanggal yang diterima: 25 dampak komplikasi tersebut, maka intervensi keperawatan
November 2020 harus dilakukan dengan tepat. Studi ini bertujuan untuk
Kata kunci: mencari berbagai bukti terkait intervensi edukasi kesehatan
Intervensi; Edukasi Kesehatan; pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik. Pencarian beberapa
Penyakit Gagal Ginjal Kronik. literatur berdasarkan pada PRISMA checklist dengan
menggunakan 4 database yaitu Scopus, Pubmed,
Sciencedirect dan google scholar. Jurnal dipilih sesuai
dengan kriteria insklusi menggunakan JBI Critical
Appraisal Tools. Sebanyak 15 jurnal dan artikel yang
membahas tentang intervensi edukasi kesehatan pada pasien
gagal ginjal kronik. Hasil studi dapat disimpulkan bahwa
intervensi edukasi offline maupun online memiliki manfaat
yang berbeda tergantung tingkat keefektifannya sehingga
penerapannya juga tergantung
individu yang akan menerima intervensi edukasi tersebut.

Pendahuluan dunia masih tinggi. Prevalensi gagal ginjal

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) adalah kronik pada tahun 2011 di Amerika Serikat
kelainan progresif non reversibel yang sebesar 1901 per juta penduduk, Prevalensi
diakibatkan hilangnya kemampuan tubuh penyakit gagal ginjal kronik di indonesia pada
untuk mempertahankan keseimbangan cairan tahun 2013 sebesar 2% (499.800) orang,
dan elektrolit tubuh sehingga menyebabkan prevalensi terendah adalah 1% dan tertinggi
uremia dan azotemia. Salah satu tahap akhir sebesar 4%, pada tahun 2018 terjadi
penyakit ginjal kronis disebut dengan End peningkatan dengan prevalensi gagal ginjal
Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) yang kronik 3,8% (995.600), prevalensi terendah
memerlukan terapi pengganti ginjal seperti 1,8% dan prevalensi tertinggi sebesar 6,4%.
dialisis atau transplantasi ginjal (Hassanzadeh (The United State Renal Data System
et al., 2018). Indonesia diperikirakan jumlah (USRDS), 2013). Berdasarkan hal tersebut
pasien gagal ginjal meningkat dari 19.612 diperlukan intervensi edukasi kesehatan yang
hingga 100.000 antara tahun 2014 sampai berkesinambungan melalui program edukasi
2019 (Perkumpulan Nefrologi Indonesia yang kompherenshif.
(PERNEFRI), 2014). Data yang didapatkan Peran perawat dalam proses HD sangat
tahun 2007-2017 tercatat pasien baru yang besar, dan karena buruknya dampak
didiagnosis mengalami gagal ginjal akut komplikasi tersebut, maka intervensi
berjumlah 25.854 pasien, dan pasien aktif keperawatan harus dilakukan dengan tepat.
yang sudah mendapatkan terapi hemodialisis Agar dapat terwujud status kesehatan yang
sebanyak 76.007 pasien. (Infodatin et al. optimal bagi pasien hemodialisis dengan cara
2017). Angka penyakit gagal ginjal kronik di memberikan asuhan keperawatan
komprehensif dan holistik yang meliputi bio- kronik baik itu dilakukan secara online
psiko-sosio dan spiritual (Potter et al., 2017). maupun offline.
Atas pertimbangan adekuasi HD pada Pengkajian dari kualitas evidence
penderita PGK yang menjalani hemodialisis, nursing untuk menentukan intervensi
selain pemberian terapi medikasi diperlukan kesehatan dengan menggunakan critical
pula terapi pendamping demi mengurangi
appraisal The Joana Briggs Insitute Critical
tingkat keparahan penyakit dan peningkatan
kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Adekuasi Appraisal Tools (2016). Hasil seleksi artikel
proses hemodialisis akan memberikan rasa dan jurnal studi sesuai tema yang diambil
nyaman pada pasien dalam menjalani dapat digambarkan pada Diagram Flow
kehidupannya terlepas dari gejala uremia dibawah ini.
(Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative,
2015). Studi
Esklusi yang
(n=98)didapat dari beberapa
Dengan tercapainya adekuasi HD maka database terkait diantaranya Scopus,
Pubmed, Science in Direct dan
perawat dapat memastikan kondisi Tidak berfokus
pada permasalahan
Scholar n = 167
intervensi edukasi kesehatan pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik y
kenyamanan pasien sebagai langkah untuk Intervensi tidak sesuai /spesifik dengan intervensi edukasi kesehatan pada pasien gagal ginjal kro
meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan Outcome
Tidak membahas mengenai intervensi edukasi keperawatan (n=18)
dan intervensi keperawatan. Untuk fase Artikel dan jurnal
diidentifikasi berdasarkan
intradialitik sendiri, perawat berperan dalam duplikasi (n = 69)
pencegahan komplikasi lanjut pada pasien
(Sakitri et al., 2017). Namun komplikasi yang Skrinning berdasarkan identifikasi judul (n = 27)
sering kali muncul saat proses hemodialisa
masih menyebabkan tingginya tingkat
Excluded (n = 4)
mortalitas. Oleh karena itulah systematik SkrinningPopulations
berdasarkan identifikasi Abstrak (n = 19)
review ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis- Tidak berfokus pada permasalahan intervensi edukasi keperawatan pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik
jenis intervensi keperawatan yang dapat Intervensi tidak sesuai /spesifik dengan intervensi edukasi keperawatan pada pasien gagal ginjal k
dilakukan demi memaksimalkan pelayanan Outcome
Assesment berdasarkan full text
dan mencegah komplikasi proses Tidak membahas
dan mengenai( nintervensi
kriteria kelayakan = 15) edukasi keperawatan (n= 1)
hemodialisis (Sitoresmi et al 2020).
Artikel dan jurnal sesuai
yang bisa digunakan (n= 15)
Metode Penelitian
Desain studi dengan menggunakan
literature review dengan tahapan beberapa
studi pustaka dari jurnal dan artikel terkait.
Pertanyaan studi dirumuskan untuk
mengetahui berbagai intervensi edukasi
Hasil Penelitian
kesehatan pada pasien CKD. Kata kunci yang
digunakan Hemodialysis ‘OR’Chronic Hasil literature dari 4 database yang
Kidney Disease ‘AND’ Education Healthy digunakan, ditemukan 15 artikel dan jurnal
‘OR’ Offline ‘OR’ Online dengan yang sesuai dengan tema yang sudah
menggunakan 4 database yaitu Scopus, ditentukan peneliti, 1 Systematic Review, 4
Pubmed, Sciencedirect dan google scholar. Randomized Controlled Trial, 5 Pre
Kriteria inklusi pada studinini adalah jurnal Experiment, 5 Qualitative Study. Ekstrasi
dan artikel yang telah di duplikasi dengan data jurnal dan artikel dapat dilihat pada tabel
rentang waktu 2015-2020 yang tertulis dalam 1. Jurnal dan artikel tersebut juga telah
bahasa inggris dan bahasa Indonesia dan memenuhi kriteria berdasarkan pada The JBI
dapat diakses secara full teks dan merupakan Critical Appraisal Tools 2016. Studi yang
original research dengan berbagai desain sudah dipilih pada artikel maupun jurnal
penelitian. Artikel akan di esklusi apabila dalam systematic review ini adalah 2 studi
tidak menggunakan bahasa inggris dan dilakukan di California Francisco yang
Indonesia, tidak sesuai dengan tujuan dan dilakukan di insitut biomedis informatika, 5
rumusan masalah, fokus masalah dalam studi studi dilakukan di Indonesia yaitu beberapa
ini adalah tentang intervensi edukasi rumah sakit yang
kesehatan pada pasien gagal ginjal ada di indonesia. Penelitian dan studi ini juga ada
Jurnal Health Sains Vol. 1, No. 5, November 2020 271
yang dilakukan sms, aplikasi android, pasien. Tindakan yang tujuan, sesuaikan
di China, mobile health, dapat dilakukan adalah pengajaran
Kanada, Brasil, telehealth. Sedangkan hargai tingkat
Jepang, Australia intervensi yang dengan
pengetahuan dan kebutuhan
yaitu dilakukan dilakukan yang
pada lembaga dilakukan secara Offline pemahaman pasien, pasien, pilih
penelitian khusus untuk perhatikan tingkat materi edukasi
maupun dirumah penelitiannya seperti pendidikan pasien, yang sesuai,
sakit. pada jurnal dan artikel perkuat kesiapan pasien sesuaikan isi
Berdasarkan Andri et al., (2018). untuk belajar tetapkan pembelajaran
hasil studi Hartati et al., (2019), tujuan yang
ditemukan bahwa Loritta et al., (2018), dengan
menguntungkan bagi kemampuan atau
intervensi Nguyet et al., (2018),
edukasi Yoshihiko et al., (2018), pasien, identifikasi ketidakmampuan
kesehatan yang Amy et al., (2019), kognitif,
diberikan melalui Luana et al., (2018) psikomotor dan
cara online meliputi berbasis video, afektif pasien,
berjumlah 8 studi buklet, virtual reality
dan 7 studi dan dukungan sosial
dengan dilakukan pada pasien CKD. lingkungan yang
intervensi secara Edukasi kesehatan yang kondusif,
(offline). dilakukan secara online evaluasi
Beberapa pasien mudah untuk pencapaian
intervensi mengakses materi pasien terhadap
edukasi edukasi, meningkatkan
tujuan dari
kesehatan yang pemahaman dan
mampu kepatuhan, bisa edukasi tersebut,
memberikan berkonsultasi langsung berikan
penanganan pada dengan tenaga penguatan
pasien gagal kesehatan, konsultasi perilaku, berikan
ginjal kronik gizi, konseling pre waktu untuk
dengan dialisis dan bisa diskusi, sertakan
keberhasilan mengakses selama 24
keluarga atau
yang berbeda jam kapan saja dan
diantaranya dimana saja sedangkan orang terdekat
seperti intervensi untuk edukasi secara (Dochterman &
edukasi secara offline pasien bisa Bulechek, 2014).
online khusus diberikan edukasi pada Intervensi
untuk saat menjalani terapi edukasi secara
penelitiannya hemodialisis atau pada langsung
seperti pada saat rawat jalan.
jurnal dan artikel
Jaimon et al., manfaat besar
(2019), Delphine bagi pasien gagal
et al., (2016), ginjal kronik
edukasi atau pendidikan
Lianne et al., seperti
(2017), Joanna et kesehatan kepada
al., (2016), Ying individu yaitu
et al., (2018), merencanakan,
Fery et al., mengimplementasikan
(2019), Ann memotivasi
dan mengevaluasi
Bonner et al., pasien secara
program edukasi yang
(2018) meliputi langsung untuk
dirancang untuk
konseling tetap
melalui telepon, kebutuhan khusus
272 Jurnal Health Sains Vol. 1, No. 5, November 2020
m da kronik menggunakan
e pasien tergantu intervensi yang
n yang ng sudah ada untuk
j memili tingkat dijadikan sebuah
a ki keefekti perbandingan,
l pengeta fan tetapi menurut
a huan sehingg peneliti untuk
n teknolo a penelitian
k gi yang penerap kualitatif
a rendah an memiliki
n edukasi edukasi kelebihan seperti
offline juga data desriptif,
t sangat tergantu pengumpulan
e membe ng pada data dilakukan
r ri kondisi secara fleksibel
a manfaat kesehat sesuai dinamika
p bagi an klien dilapangan,
i mereka dalam interaksi
p yang meneri dilakukan
e kurang ma dengan bahasa
n memah sebuah partisipan sehari-
g ami interven hari.
o teknolo si
b gi edukasi Kesimpulan
a informa kesehat Intervensi
t si yang an. yang sudah
a berbasi Perband diberikan baik
n s ingan secara offline
maupun online
online. efektivi
y Interve tas manfaat yang
a nsi sebuah berbeda
n yang interven tergantung
g diberik si tidak tingkat
an baik bisa keefektifannya
d secara dibandi
i offline ngkan juga tergantung
j maupun jika individu yang
a secara tidak akan menerima
l online melalui intervensi
a memili penguji edukasi tersebut.
n ki an atau Perbandingan
i manfaat peneliti
edukasi tersebut
n yang an lebih tidak bisa
y berbeda lanjut dibandingkan
a pada dengan jika tidak melalui
. pasien pengujian atau
P gagal penelitian lebih lanjut intervensi yang sudah ada untuk
a ginjal dengan menggunakan dijadikan pembandingnya. Oleh
Jurnal Health Sains Vol. 1, No. 5, November 2020 273
karena itu sebuah The Effects Of Menjalani
intervensi tidak Relaxation Sitoresmi, H., Irwan, A. Hemodialis
bisa dikatakan Technique And M., & Sjattar, E. is:
efektif atau Inhalation L. (2020). Systematic
bermanfaat bagi Aromatherapy On Intervensi Review:
individu tanpa Fatigue In Patients Keperawatan Pada Nursing
adanya penelitian Undergoing Penderita Gagal Interventio
atau pembuktian Hemodialysis. Ginjal Kronik n For
terlebih dahulu, Complementary Yang Patients
karena ada Therapies In With
beberapa faktor Clinical Practice, Chronic
yang 31, 210–214. Renal
mempengaruhi Failure
sebuah intervensi Indonesian, P., Registry, Who
yang dilakukan. R., Renal, I., Undergoing
Pada Indonesia, P. N., Hemodialys
penulisan Kesehatan, D., is : A
systematic Kesehatan, D., Systemtic
Nasional, J. K., Review.
review ini
Indonesian, K., Jurnal
rangkuman Registry, R., Irr,
secara Ilmiah
A. M., Registry, I. Keperawat
menyeluruh R., Ginjal, T., an
adalah penulisan Memacu, P., Irr, (Scientific
secara mandiri P., Course, H., & Journal Of
sehingga tidak Irr, L. (2017). 9 Th Nursing),
Report Of 6(1), 108–
ada konflik
Indonesian Renal 118.
dalam proses Registry 2016. 1–
penyusunannya 46. Dochterman, J.,
BI Potter, P. A., Perry, A. Bulechek,
BI G., Stockert, P., G. (2014).
LI Hall, A., & Ochs, Intervencio
OG G. (2017). nes De
RA Fundamentals Of Enfermería
FI Nursing-Text And (Nic).
Study Guide Barcelona:
Dochterman, J., Package. Elsevier- Elsevier.
& Health Sciences
Bulechek, Division. Hassanzadeh,
G. (2014). M., Kiani,
Intervencio Sakitri, G., Makiyah, F., Bouya,
nes De N., & Khoiriyati, S., & Zarei,
Enfermería A. (2017). M. (2018).
(Nic). Pengaruh Comparing
Barcelona: Intradialytic The Effects
Elsevier. Exercise Terhadap Of
Fatigue Pasien Relaxation
Hassanzadeh, Hemodialisis Di Technique
M., Kiani, Rsup Dr. Soeradji And
F., Bouya, Tirtonegoro Inhalation
S., & Zarei, Klaten. Media Aromathera
M. (2018). Publikasi py On
Comparing Penelitian, 58– 64.
274 Jurnal Health Sains Vol. 1, No. 5, November 2020
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276 Jurnal Health Sains Vol. 1, No. 5, November 2020
Chronic Kidney Disease Is Characterized by ‘‘Double
Trouble’’ Higher Pulse Pressure plus Night-Time Systolic
Blood Pressure and More Severe Cardiac Damage
Massimiliano Fedecostante1*, Francesco Spannella1, Giovanna Cola2, Emma Espinosa1, Paolo Dessı`-
Fulgheri1, Riccardo Sarzani1
1 Internal Medicine and Geriatrics and ‘‘Hypertension Excellence Centre’’ of the European Society of Hypertension, Department of Clinical and Molecular Sciences,
University ‘‘Politecnica delle Marche’’, Italian National Research Centre on Aging ‘‘U. Sestilli’’, IRCCS-INRCA, Ancona, Italy, 2 Cardiology Clinic, Department of Cardiovascular
Sciences, University ‘‘Politecnica delle Marche’’, ‘‘Ospedali Riuniti’’, Ancona, Italy

of cardiac organ damage.

uation and CKD was defined as eGFR,60 mL/min/1.73 m2. Cardiac organ damage was evaluated by echocardiography.
night-time (all p,0.001). Patients with CKD had a greater LVM/h2.7 index, and a higher prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunctio

was similar to patients without CKD. Our findings indicate the need of a better antihypertensive therapy in CKD, better selected drugs, dosages and posol

E, Dess`ı-Fulgheri P, et al. (2014) Chronic Kidney Disease Is Characterized by ‘‘Double Trouble’’ Higher Pulse Pressure plus Night-Time Systolic Blood Pressure and More Severe Cardiac Damage. PL
alth, United States of America
ublished January 23, 2014
access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author a
competing interests exist.

Introduction of CKD [2]. Considering also the role of BP in diabetes, high BP is

believed to be the leading cause of end-stage renal disease
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major health problem and its (ESRD). Every year, high BP causes more than 25,000 new cases of
prevalence is increasing worldwide [1]. A GFR lower than kidney failure in the United States [6]. A recent study shows that
60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for 3 months indicates CKD, regardless of even pre-hypertension is significantly associated with an
the presence or absence of kidney damage [2]. More than 10% of increased risk
the adult population of U.S. has some degree of renal
impairment and almost half of these subjects (5–6%) are
affected by a significant reduction of renal function (GFR
,60 ml/min/
1.73 m2) [3]. Data available from many European Countries are
similar regarding prevalence and incidence of CKD [4] whereas
only limited data concerning the prevalence of CKD in Italy have
been published [5].
High blood pressure (BP) can be either a cause or a consequence
PLOS ONE | 1 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86155
of CKD and it can be considered one of the relevant causes of
CKD in the general population because of its high frequency [7].
In any case, when CKD is established BP increases. The results of
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) study confirmed
previous reports indicating that, in renal disease, hypertension
is determined by the level of renal function [8].
Moreover, CKD is strongly associated with inadequate BP
control. Many individuals with CKD are hypertensive and
receive medications for controlling BP. However, the majority of
these patients seem to be undertreated. Optimizing blood
pressure treatment in this high-risk population can have a great
potential in decreasing renal disease incidence and
cardiovascular mortality [9].
Several studies reported that patients with an altered
circadian blood pressure pattern, as non-dippers, have a higher risk
of major cardiovascular events compared with patients with a
normal pressure pattern [10–13].
Patients with CKD may have a non-dipping BP pattern. The
explanation for this is not clear, but many factors have

PLOS ONE | 2 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86155

CKD, Blood Pressure and Cardiac Damage

proposed (e.g. defective natriuresis during daytime and increased or higher indicated the absence of a BP fall at night [17]. After
blood pressure/natriuresis during the night) [14,15]. evaluating drug therapy adherence by MMAS [18] a treatment
To date, to the best of our knowledge, there is little data intensity score (TIS) was calculated to compare many different
available, especially for the Italian population, regarding the drug associations. As previously reported [19], the recorded daily
inter- relationships between estimated glomerular filtration rate dose taken by the patients was divided by the maximum
(eGFR), BP values and patterns (dipper, non-dipper) and recommended daily dose to obtain a proportional dose (called
echocardio- graphic parameters. Therefore, the rationale of our ‘‘intensity’’) for that medication. The maximum recommended
study was to investigate the associations between eGFR, BP values daily doses set by the Italian National Drug Agency (AIFA) were
and patterns and echocardiographic parameters, to see how used for calculations. For completeness, dual-class drugs were
CKD and BP values and patterns may correlate with the separated into their components, and intensity was calculated
presence of a cardiac organ damage. separately for each chemical compound. The sum of all the
The main aim of our study was to assess 24-h BP values and different values was recorded as the TIS.
patterns and their relationship with eGFR and cardiac damage, in
a population referred to a single ‘‘Hypertension Excellence
Statistical analysis
Centre’’ for BP evaluation, in the hope to improve the clinical
Data were analyzed with the Statistical Package for Social
management of these patients in the absence of similar published
Science version 13 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, Illinois, USA). A value of
p,0.05 was defined as statistically significant. Quantitative
variables were checked for normality. Normally distributed
Materials and Methods continuous variables were described as a mean 6 standard
All participants have given their informed written consent and deviation (SD). The unpaired t-test and ANOVA (for multiple
clinical investigations have been conducted according to the comparisons) were used to compare normally distributed quanti-
principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki. This study tative variables with Bonferroni correction for multiple compar-
was approved by the local institutional ethics committee isons. The x2 test was used to analyze the differences between the
(Comitato di Bioetica, Ospedali Riuniti, Ancona). We studied categorical variables. Logistic and linear regression analysis and
outpatients referred to our Hypertension Centre for BP related ANCOVA were used to create adjusted models.
problems Inclusion criteria were: clinical indication to undergo
ABPM, plasma creatinine measurement and echocardiography. Results
Main exclusion criteria were: age,18 years, low-quality of
General characteristics of the population with reliable ABPM
pressure monitoring (rate of artifacts .25% and/or recording
and drug therapy are shown in Table 1. We studied 1805
duration less than 20 continuous hours and/or ,2 record per
patients: 1012 men (56.1%) and 793 women (43.9%). There were
hour at daytime and 1 record per hour at night-time), and
1535 (85.0%) patients with eGFR $60 ml/min/1.73 m2 and 270
unreliable data regarding anti-hypertensive treatment. After
(15.0%) CKD patients. Hypertension was present in 1680
exclusions, 1805 patients were studied; eGFR was estimated
(93.1%) patients; 1194 (71.1%) were on drug treatment: 311
using the MDRD study equation [8] taking into account the
(26.0%) were controlled, 883 (74.0%) were not controlled. CKD
dosage of creatinine by the Jaffe´ reaction.
stages are shown in Table 2. Only 10 patients (3.7%) of CKD
CKD was defined as the presence of confirmed eGFR ,60 ml/
subgroup had stages 4–5 (eGFR ,30 ml/min/1.73 m2).
min/1.73 m2 in patients having the clinical indication to at least
Among the CKD patients 264 (almost all: 97.8%) were
two creatinine determinations, the second one obtained 3 to 6
hypertensives, 218 (82.6%) were currently drug-treated, but only
months after the first one (n = 962, 53.5% of the studied
63 (28.9%) had controlled BP.
population, 100% of patients with eGFR ,60 ml/min/
1.73 m2). No significant differences in creatinine/eGFR were
found between the two time points (assessed by paired t-Test), CKD and BP values
supporting the notion that 15% of our patients truly had CKD. As shown in Figure 1. Panel A-Panel B, 24-h and daytime
CKD stages were defined according to the international SBP did not differ significantly between patients with or without
classification of National Kidney Foundation [2]. For each subject CKD, but CKD patients had higher night-time SBP (127.6617.6
24-h BP, daytime BP (defined as the BP values from 6 a.m. to 10 vs. 123.4615.2 mmHg; p,0.001; Figure 1. Panel C). On
p.m.), night-time BP (defined as the BP values from 10 p.m. to 6 the contrary, lower 24 hours (75.6610.4 vs. 80.6610.6
a.m) and pulse pressure (PP) [defined as systolic blood pressure mmHg;
(SBP) - diastolic blood pressure (DBP)] were evaluated. Daytime Figure 1. Panel A), daytime (77.9610.8 vs. 83.7610.9 mmHg;
and night-time periods were defined based on a questionnaire, Figure 1. Panel B), and night-time (69.8610.3 vs.
in which patients were asked about their sleeping behavior. 73.0610.9 mmHg; Figure 1. Panel C) DBP were found in CKD
Among patients under anti-hypertensive treatment, those with where PP was higher in 24 hours (57.5613.3 vs.
mean 24-h BP ,130/80 mmHg, mean daytime BP ,135/85
mmHg, and mean night-time BP ,120/70 mmHg were defined
as controlled hypertensive. Among untreated patients we labeled
not-hyperten- sive those patients with mean 24-h BP ,130/80
mmHg, mean daytime BP ,135/85 mmHg, and mean night-
time BP ,120/ 70 mmHg [16]. We considered dippers those
patients with a change in mean awake SBP to sleep SBP equal to
or grater than 10%. We considered as night-to-day ratio the ratio
between medium night-time and daytime values recorded
performing ABPM. Night-to-day ratios were multiplied by 100,
expressing night-time BP as a percentage of a daytime level. A
ratio of 100%
CKD, Blood Pressure and Cardiac Damage
Table 1. General characteristics of 1805 patients studied with
ABPM, echocardiography, and eGFR.

eGFR $ 60 ml/min/
1.73 m2 CKD P

Age (years 6 SD) 53.6613.2 66.2611.4 ,0.001

BMI (Kg/m2 6 SD) 27.464.4 27.764.7 n.s.
eGFR 79.0612.3 51.268.9 ,0.001

Table 2. Prevalence of CKD stages.

eGFR (ml/min/
1.73 m2) Mean ± Sd. 95% CI n6 %

45#eGFR,60 54.964.2 54.4–55.5 215 79.6%

30#eGFR,45 39.363.7 38.1–40.4 45 16.7%
eGFR,30 24.265.3 20.4–28.1 10 3.7%


50.869.8 mmHg), daytime (57.6613.5 vs. 51.0610.0 mmHg)

and night-time (57.7614.0 vs. 50.3610.3 mmHg) periods (all
p,0.001) (Figure 2). These results were confirmed within
worsening CKD stages (Figure 3 panel A–D), after adjustment
for age and TIS, and in the linear regression model (Table 3): a Figure 2. Difference in PP between patients with CKD and the
significant relationship between the 24-h pressure profile and rest of the population.
CKD was found only for nocturnal pressure values and for doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086155.g002
daytime, night-time and 24-h PP.
independent risk factor for non- dipping pattern even after
CKD, dipping pattern, and night-to-day ratio adjusting for sex, age, BMI, and TIS in a logistic regression model
Along with higher night-time SBP, patients with CKD (Table 4). Patients with CKD also showed a linear association
showed higher prevalence of non-dipping pattern (72.6% vs. between eGFR reduction and night-to-day ratio (b = 20.123;
59.4%; OR: 1.8, CI: 1.36–2.41; p,0.001) (Figure 4) and p,0.001), another index of altered nocturnal BP.
CKD was an

Figure 1. ABPM values in CKD patients vs. the rest of the population. Panel A. Difference in 24-h BP between patients with CKD and the rest
of the population. Panel B. Difference in daytime BP between patients with CKD and the rest of the population. Panel C. Difference in night-time BP
between patients with CKD and the rest of the population.

PLOS ONE | 3 January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86155

Figure 3. Correlation between ABPM values and CKD stages. Panel A. Difference in night-time BP between CKD stages. Panel B. Difference
in 24 h PP between CKD stages. Panel C. Difference in daytime PP between CKD stages. Panel D. Difference in night-time PP between CKD
stages. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086155.g003

CKD, BP values and patterns and cardiac damage night-time PP were independently associated with LVM/h 2.7 after
Considering the association with cardiac organ damage, adjusting for age, sex, BMI, TIS and the presence/absence of
patients with CKD had greater LVM/h2.7 (60.9621.9 vs. CKD (Tables 5, 6, 7, 8). A higher prevalence of an index of
51.8613.1 g/m2.7, p,0.001) and higher prevalence of left diastolic dysfunction that was available in all patients, was also
ventricular hypertrophy (79.0% vs. 61.4%, OR 2.48 CI:1.58– found in patients with CKD (E/A ratio ,1: 79.3% vs. 54.5%, OR
3.56; p,0.001) (Figure 5 Panel A–B). Indeed, linear regression 3.2 CI:1.97–5.18; p,0.001).
model showed that night-time SBP as well as 24-h, daytime and
CKD and BP control
Table 3. Correlation between ABPM parameters and Patients with CKD had a greater TIS (1.5660.91 vs.
eGFR assessed by linear regression. 1.1960.72; p,0.001) without significantly better BP control
but, on the contrary, a tendency toward worse control (25.4% vs.
28.9%; p = n.s.). Among hypertensive patients treated but with BP
B P not controlled, there was a significantly higher percentage
24-h SBP 20.019 0.413 (87.3%) of CKD with uncontrolled night-time SBP; OR = 2.4
(CI:1.11– 5.33; p = 0.022). Isolated uncontrolled night-time SBP
24-h DBP 0.172 ,0.001
were also increased in CKD (prevalence 20.6%) vs patients
Daytime SBP 0.007 0.765
with eGFR $ 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 (12.9%; p = 0.012) OR = 1.7
Daytime DBP 0.192 ,0.001 (CI:1.12–2.74).
Night-time SBP 20.066 0.005
Night-time DBP 0.118 ,0.001 Discussion
24-h PP 20.197 ,0.001
We studied a large patient population with clinical indication
Daytime PP 20.186 ,0.001 to perform ABPM, lab test for plasma creatinine and
Night-time PP 20.205 ,0.001 echocardiog- raphy. The main findings in patients with CKD were
an altered SBP profile at night-time (higher BP and a more
frequent non dipper-pattern) and a higher PP which depends
also on a significantly lower DBP. Higher SBP values in patients
Figure 4. Prevalence of non dipping pattern in CKD.

CKD could be merely due to the higher prevalence of increase in arterial stiffness. Increased atherosclerosis and arterio-
hypertension in these patients, as well as to a higher prevalence sclerosis, as well as the metabolic alteration present in CKD with
of severe hypertension in CKD. However, 24-hours and daytime secondary calcifications of the intima and media layers of the
pressures were not different between patients with and without artery wall, are likely contributors to this process [27]. This is
CKD. Only night-time SBP and the dipper pattern were probably of great relevance in the population with CKD as the
altered, leading to the hypothesis of a direct influence of CKD patients with CKD are likely to be older (in our study the medium
on nocturnal blood pressure profile. Impaired natriuresis in age of CKD patients was 66.2611.4). Franklin et al [28]
daytime may increase nocturnal SBP in order to compensate demonstrated that, from age 60 and above, DBP was negatively
the diminished natriuresis with pressure natriuresis. Fujii et al related to coronary heart disease (CHD) risk, when considered
[20] showed that the circadian rhythm of natriuresis is disturbed together with SBP, and PP emerged as the best predictor. The
in patients with a non-dipper type of essential hypertension, in increased CHD risk due to isolated systolic hypertension may
whom BP was usually sodium sensitive [21,22]. Since the depend not only on the elevated peak of SBP reached in the
sodium sensitivity of blood pressure is considered to be caused by aorta (ie, increased afterload) but also on the low DBP (ie,
reduced GFR and/or increased tubular reabsorption of sodium potentially favoring a decreased coronary blood flow) [29]. In
[23,24], such disarrangement may be clearly recognized in CKD in patients older than 60, with central and peripheral PPs
which renal function is deteriorated. In line with these findings, approximating each other, PP becomes the dominant predictor
Fukuda et al [25] showed that, in the impaired renal function of CHD risk, incorporating both the positive predictive role of
character- izing glomerulopathy, the nocturnal dipping of blood SBP and the negative predictive role of DBP. In this way CKD
pressure is lost, resulting in enhanced urinary sodium and worsens the age- related arterial stiffness and potentiates its
protein excretion during night-time. An important role seems to effects. Our data overall strongly support the concept that once
be played by the autonomic nervous system, since renal CKD appears and worsens, some aspects of blood pressure worsen
denervation has resulted in improvement of the nocturnal blood too, as a consequence of CKD implications. These BP aspects
pressure profile in patients with moderate to severe CKD, leading (higher night-time BP, more non-dippers and higher PP) are
to a reduction in night-to- day ratio and a restoration of the known as important cardiovascu- lar risk factors [30–32] and
physiological circadian BP rhythm [26]. they translate in greater severity of cardiac damage in CKD.
In our study, the association between non-dipping pattern and Our patients with CKD had a higher prevalence of both
CKD was independent of age, sex, BMI and TIS, highlighting a myocardial hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction, suggesting that
direct influence of CKD on circadian pressure profile. The rise in the higher PP and the night-time SBP significantly increased the
differential pressures and the reduction in DBP were heart load. Linear regression analysis revealed a strong association
independent of age and TIS; in patients with CKD, this could between nocturnal blood pressure, PP and cardiac organ
be due to an damage. CKD itself was also independently associated with
cardiac damage, suggesting that other factors (such as CKD-
Table 4. CKD is an indipendent risk factor for non related metabolic alterations) in addition to BP are involved in
dipping pattern after adjusting for sex, age, BMI, and TIS the higher prevalence of cardiac damage and cardiovascular risk
(logistic regression). in these patients. Ad-hoc designed studies will be needed to
investigate the association between metabolic alterations in CKD
and cardiac damage, relevant aspects that were not the focus of
OR 95% CI P our present work. Despite greater intensity of treatment in CKD,
BP control is similar in the overall distribution. However, during
Sex (male vs female) 0.855 0.659–1.109 n.s.
night-time, there is a higher percentage of subjects with poor
Age 1.013 1.002–1.023 0.016
nocturnal control in CKD, a finding enlightened only by ABPM.
TIS* 1.072 0.916–1.255 n.s. Because of the lack of recognized pressure target for ABPM, we
BMI 1.055 1.024–1.087 ,0.001 had to use arbitrary cut offs to define BP control, referring to the
CKD (CKD vs eGFR$60) 1.803 1.200–2.707 0.005 values in the range of normotension for ABPM in general
population. Notwithstanding, according to initial evidences [33],
*TIS = Treatment Intensity Score. ABPM target pressure values in patients with CKD should be
lower than the one we considered.
Figure 5. CKD and cardiac damage. Panel A. Difference in left ventricular mass/h2.7 between patients with CKD and the rest of the
population. Panel B. Prevalence of ventricular hypertrophy in patients with CKD vs the rest of the population.

Conclusions plasma creatinine value in the initial evaluation of outpatients.

Our ‘‘real-life patient’’ data are relevant for clinicians that Our study shows that patients with a reduced eGFR (,60
often evaluate BP-related clinical problems on the basis of a ml/ min/1.73 m2) had an altered 24-hour BP profile, especially
single at

Table 5. Night-time SBP associated with LVM/h2.7 in a

linear regression model.

B p

AGE 0.262 ,0.001

SEX 0.074 0.005
CKD 0.098 ,0.001
Night-time SBP 0.200 ,0.001
TIS* 0.092 0.001
BMI 0.358 ,0.001

BMI and age were also two other important independent factors for LVM/h2.7.
*TIS = Treatment Intensity Score.
Table 6. 24-h PP associated with LVM/h2.7 in a
linear regression model.

B p

AGE 0.217 ,0.001

SEX 0.097 ,0.001
CKD 0.097 0.001
24-h PP 0.173 ,0.001
TIS* 0.082 0.003
BMI 0.351 ,0.001

BMI and age were also two other important independent factors for LVM/h2.7.
*TIS = Treatment Intensity Score.
Table 7. Daytime PP associated with LVM/h2.7 in a
linear regression model.

B p

AGE 0.219 ,0.001

SEX 0.096 ,0.001
CKD 0.099 ,0.001
Daytime PP 0.169 ,0.001
TIS* 0.082 0.003
BMI 0.353 ,0.001

BMI and age were also two other important independent factors for LVM/h2.7.
*TIS = Treatment Intensity Score.

Table 8. Night-time PP associated with LVM/h2.7 in a

linear regression model.

B p

AGE 0.218 ,0.001

SEX 0.097 0.001
CKD 0.094 0.001
Night-time PP 0.170 ,0.001
TIS* 0.084 0.002
BMI 0.347 ,0.001

BMI and age were also two other important independent factors for LVM/h2.7.
*TIS = Treatment Intensity Score.

night-time. Higher night-time SBP, a more frequent non-dipper evaluation of ‘‘stable’’ outpatients coming for BP related problems.
pattern and higher PP are related with more severe cardiac Moreover, patients having the clinical indication for at least two
organ damage. creatinine determinations, had the second one taken 3 to 6 months
Hypertension is the main cause of CKD and an accurate apart. There were no significant differences in creatinine values/
measurement of BP is the critical first step for the proper eGFR between the two time points, supporting the notion that
management of hypertensive patients. Our data highlight the 15% of our patients truly had CKD.
fundamental role of ABPM in optimizing antihypertensive Our study is based on ‘‘real-life’’ clinical practice, and we have
therapy when eGFR is low. The altered night-time BP pattern in not been able to include all potential causes of non-dipping pattern
CKD suggests the need of improving BP therapy in these in the statistical adjustments (e.g. presence of obstructive sleep
subjects, by choosing drugs, dosages and timing to cover the 24 apnoea documented by cardio-pulmonary monitoring), a limita-
hour period, taking at least one drug at bedtime, and using tion similar to other studies that investigated the relationship
effective diuretics. ABPM should be the preferred method in the between lower eGFR and ABPM patterns. Moreover, we didn’t
clinical management of patients with CKD as well as in clinical study some CKD biochemical factors (e.g. regarding Ca, P
studies. metabolism) and their role in influencing the association between
CKD, BP profile and cardiac damage. This was because some
Study limits metabolic parameters of CKD are not routinely assessed when
The main limitation of our study is the use of post-hoc analysis patients are referred for BP evaluation in a cardiovascular
of consecutive ABPM recordings that were performed for usual setting. However, the overall night-time results (night-time SBP,
clinical reasons (including/excluding hypertension diagnosis, night- time PP, non dipping pattern) and increased 24 h PP in our
verify the BP control in treated hypertensive patients). Although large population, even after statistical adjustments, strongly indicate
a selection of patients was unavoidable (e.g. the three ‘‘inclusion an altered pattern of night-time BP in CKD patients, with a
criteria’’: ABPM, creatinine and echocardiography), patient negative impact on the heart and therefore with important
selection was based only on the best clinical practice for the clinical implications.
management of arterial hypertension.
Overall, our analysis is based on one creatinine/eGFR and this Author Contributions
is certainly a limitation. Nevertheless, our data fit in the context
of current literature because most of the data available have Conceived and designed the experiments: RS MF. Performed the
been obtained with a similar approach. Our ‘‘real-life patient’’ experiments: MF FS. Analyzed the data: MF FS. Contributed reagents/
materials/analysis tools: GC. Wrote the paper: MF FS. Reviewed the
data are relevant for clinicians that make their decisions most manuscript: PDF EE RS.
often on the basis of a single creatinine determination during
the initial
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Elham et al. / Effect of Progressive
International Journal of Muscle…
Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016; 8(12): 1634-1639

ISSN- 0975 1556

Research Article

Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Aerobic Exercise on

Anxiety, Sleep Quality, and Fatigue in Patients with Chronic Renal
Failure Undergoing Hemodialysis
Elham Amini1, Iraj Goudarzi2*, Reza Masoudi3, Ali Ahmadi4, Ali Momeni1
Faculty of Medicine, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran;
Department of Psychiatry, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord,
Iran; 3Faculty of Nursing, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran;
Faculty of Public Health, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran;

Available Online: 25th December, 2016

Insomnia, anxiety, and fatigue are more common in hemodialysis patients than in healthy people and affect patients'
quality of life. In the present study, the effects of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and aerobic exercise on anxiety,
sleep quality, and fatigue in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis were evaluated. In this double-
blind clinical trial, 100 hemodialysis patients were randomly assigned to three groups: PMR, aerobic exercise, and
control. Patients performed relaxation and aerobic exercise daily for 60 days. Questionnaires of anxiety, sleep quality,
and fatigue were completed by participants before and after the interventions. Data were analyzed by Stata software.
PMR program significantly decreased general anxiety, trait anxiety, state anxiety, and Beck anxiety and aerobic exercise
significantly reduced beck anxiety. PMR program and aerobic exercise both significantly improved sleep quality in
hemodialysis patients. PMR program significantly reduced Rhoten fatigue but did not affect Piper fatigue. Aerobic
exercise had no effect on Rhoten and Piper fatigue. Results showed better function of PMR compared to aerobic exercise
in improving the symptoms of anxiety, sleep disorders, and fatigue in hemodialysis patients. Given that fatigue and sleep
quality cause severe anxiety and somehow undermine quality of life in hemodialysis patients, taking into account non-
pharmacological treatments such as aerobic exercise particularly PMR is a highly economical but efficient and
efficacious strategy to manage several problems of these patients. Healthcare teams can incorporate these safe programs
in care designs.

Keywords: Progressive muscle relaxation, Aerobic exercise, Sleep quality.

INTRODUCTION dysfunction and adversely affects daily life and quality of

Incidence and prevalence of chronic renal failure (CRF) life4. Different studies have demonstrated significant
is increasing worldwide and has recently been threatening association between fatigue and demographic, laboratory,
global health. Currently, over 5.1 million people clinical, and social variables such as underlying diseases
worldwide are able to survive only through hemodialysis, particularly diabetes, taking hypnotic drugs, low sleep
peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplant and are quality, nutritional deficiencies, physiological changes,
estimated to double within the following decade. Over abnormal serum levels of urea, hemoglobin, and albumin,
360000 patients with end stage renal disease, increasing hemodialysis-related concerns including low-sodium
by 5.12% each year, are living In Iran with 80 million dialysis solution and high-speed ultrafiltration as well as
population1,2. Although enhanced dialysis techniques in psychological factors such as depression5.
the recent years has caused increase in the longevity of Certain factors in hemodialysis patients such as dietary
the patients with CRF, these techniques may bring about restrictions, reduction in physical function, changes in
several physical and mental complications prevention of social life, job loss, impotence, feeling unwell, pain,
which can lead to improved quality of life among the medications, treatment costs, and fear of death are
patients3. associated with prevalence of psychiatric disorders
Fatigue is one of the most common side effects of particularly depression and anxiety1. Besides that, the
hemodialysis and the most important nursing diagnosis in levels of albumin and pro-inflammatory cytokines have
CRF patients. The prevalence of this debilitating been reported to be significantly and positively associated
symptom which is the leading stressor among with development of psychiatric disorders in
hemodialysis patients has been reported to be 60-90% 3. hemodialysis patients6. A study reported the prevalence
Fatigue causes physical, social, and psychological of anxiety, depression, and stress in hemodialysis patients

IJPCR, Volume 8, Issue 12: December 2016 Page 1635

to be 63.9%, 60.5%, and 51.7% and in patients gathered. To conduct intervention in the PMR group, the
undergoing kidney transplantation to be 48.6%, 39%, and procedure of performing the program was explained to
38.4%, respectively7. Anxiety and depression in these the patients for the first time as they were undergoing
patients cause declined quality of life and increased risk hemodialysis, and recorded CDs were distributed among
of mortality6. the patients so that the PMR program was conducted
Sleep is needed to remain healthy and restore during hemodialysis session and under the supervision of
neurological, immune, and musculoskeletal systems. the researcher. By this way, the defective performance of
Approximately, 25-36% of healthy adults suffer from the patients could be corrected; besides that, the
sleep disorders while 40-85% of CRF patients suffer from researcher's phone number was given to the patients so
these disorders that is much higher than its prevalence that they could call the researcher to resolve the potential
rate in general population8. Accumulation of uremic problems related to implementation of the program. Then,
toxins, anemia, and nightly hypoxia are some of the the patients were asked to perform the PMR program in
reasons for sleep disorders among these patients. Some of the same way at home every day for 60 days using the
the effective factors are anxiety, sadness, worry, and CD. To achieve this purpose, before going to sleep at
history of depression 9. Sleep disorders affect individual night, the patients displayed the CD and contract and then
physical and mental function adversely and cause relax the muscles of each part separately as they were
executive, cognitive, and memory dysfunctions2. lying down with accordance to the respective instructions.
Given that management and treatment of fatigue, sleep In the aerobic exercise group, the predetermined exercise
disorders, and mental problems due to hemodialysis using was performed in the presence of researcher for the first
chemical drugs are mainly costly and are associated with time and then after delivering initial explanations as the
side effects, it is necessary to seek out appropriate patients were undergoing hemodialysis. If necessary, the
alternative treatments. Recently, supplementary and side defective performance of the patients was corrected and
effect-free therapies such as aerobic exercise and the patients were asked to perform the exercise in the
progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) to treat physical same manner for the next eight weeks. To ensure that the
and mental disorders due to chronic diseases have patients do not forget the procedure of performing the
attracted researchers' attention. Programs of PMR and exercise, a checklist of the exercise was developed and
aerobic exercise are inexpensive and accessible delivered to the patients. The researcher's phone number
treatments whose efficacy has been demonstrated for was given to the patients so that they could call the
patients with multiple sclerosis disease10 and cancer11,12 researcher to resolve the potential problems related to
as well as the elderly13-15. These programs could be performance of the exercise. The patients were asked to
beneficial for hemodialysis patients as well. The effects perform the exercise at a certain time of the day so that
of PMR program in relieving anxiety and improving they had enough time to complete the program. The
quality of life have been demonstrated in some researcher supervised the implementation of the exercise
studies16,17. The present study was conducted to program and followed up the patients once every two
investigate the effect of aerobic exercise on relief of weeks through telephone call or in person so that the
anxiety, fatigue, and sleep disorders in comparison with a patients would be encouraged to continue implementing
PMR program. the exercise program or excluded from the study if they
did not adhere to it for more than two days a week.
MATERIALS AND METHODS The mean scores for sleep quality, anxiety, and fatigue
In this double-blind clinical trial, 100 patients with CRF before and after the interventions were determined. To
referred to the Hemodialysis Ward of Hajar Hospital, investigate sleep quality, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
Shahrekord in 2016 were selected according to with validity and reliability already confirmed by
convenience sampling and randomly assigned to three Ağargün et al.18 was used. To investigate anxiety,
groups: aerobic exercise, PMR, and control. The Spielberger and Beck Anxiety Inventory with already
inclusion criteria were signing the informed consent form confirmed validity and reliability19,20 was used. In
to participate in the study, history of undergoing regular addition, Piper and Rhoten Fatigue Scale whose validity
hemodialysis for at least 12 months, lack of suffering and reliability had been confirmed in a number of
from severe neuromuscular diseases, depression, severe studies21-22 was used to measure fatigue. Data collected
and unmanaged underlying diseases, lack of taking analyzed by Stata software version 13 using ANOVA,
antidepressants and anti-anxiety and hypnotic medicines, chi-square and t-test.
lack of participating in exercise or non-pharmacological
programs within the past 6 months, and being able to RESULTS
perform interventional exercises. All patients signed the One hundred hemodialysis patients (64 women and 36
informed consent form of participation in the study and men) hospitalized in the Hemodialysis Ward of Hajar
the study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee Hospital were enrolled in this clinical trial and randomly
of the Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. assigned to three groups: aerobic exercise (n: 32), PMR
After making necessary coordinations, the data on (n: 33), and control (n: 35). The patients’ Mean ages in
demographic characteristics such as age, gender, marital PMR group was 56.12 year and in aerobic exercise was
status, educational level, occupation, and history of 54.31 years and in control group was 55.22 years. The
undergoing hemodialysis in month and year were patients performed the aerobic exercise and the PMR
Elham et al. / Effect of Progressive

Table 1: Demographic characteristics of the studied hemodialysis patients.

Variable Groups Significance
CD Case Control
Sex male 22 21 21 0.826
female 11 11 14
Education Illiterate 11 7 14 0.117
Primary education 9 7 11
Secondary education 4 8 3
High school diploma 9 8 3
Academic 0 2 4
Occupation Civil servant 0 1 1 0.206
Labor 2 0 2
Farmer 3 5 7
Retired 6 4 4
Self-employed 11 9 7
Miscellaneous 2 2 1
Housewife 9 11 13
History of .00 10 11 11 0.937
1.00 8 10 9
2.00 2 3 3
3.00 5 4 3
4.00 2 0 3
5.00 6 4 6
Smoking yes 14 12 8 0.206
no 19 20 27
Marriage Single 2 3 1 0.080
Married 29 27 26
Divorced 0 2 0
Widow/Widower 1 0 5
Miscellaneous 0 0 1
* Significant difference at p<0.05.

program on a daily basis for eight weeks. Table 1 shows atherosclerosis, insulin sensitivity and increased HDL-C
the demographic characteristics of the studied patients. level have been demonstrated23. In addition, aerobic
The mean scores for anxiety, depression and sleep quality exercise has been reported to exert beneficial effects on
before and after the interventions are shown in Table 2. the functioning of the body, quality of life, cardiovascular
According to the findings, general anxiety, trait anxiety, diseases, anemia, cholesterol levels, and insulin resistance
state anxiety, and Beck anxiety were significantly lower in CRF patients24.
after the intervention than before in the PMR group Kouidi et al. reported that aerobic exercise was associated
(p<0.05). In the aerobic exercise group, Beck anxiety was with reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression and
significantly lower after the intervention than before enhanced quality of life in hemodialysis patients25. Reid
(p<0.05) but Piper fatigue was not significantly different et al. study indicated that aerobic exercise exerted
between before and after the intervention. The mean beneficial effects on sleep disorders and consequently
score for sleep quality decreased significantly after the quality of life among the elderly15. A clinical trial showed
intervention in the PMR and aerobic exercise groups, that bicycle ergometer, treadmill, and stationary bike of
which represents the significant improvement of sleep upper limb three 60-minute sessions per week for four
quality (p<0.05). months caused significant relief of anxiety and depression
as well as significant improvement of quality of life in
DISCUSSION hemodialysis patients26. In the current study, consistent
The present study investigated the effects of aerobic with previous studies, the aerobic exercise caused
exercise and PMR on anxiety, sleep quality, and fatigue significant relief of anxiety and improvement of sleep
in CRF patients undergoing hemodialysis. The findings of quality in the hemodialysis patients. This study is the first
this study indicated that aerobic exercise caused to provide evidence on the beneficial effects of aerobic
significant relief of Beck anxiety and improvement of exercise on sleep quality of hemodialysis patients.
sleep quality in the hemodialysis patients but had no In the light of the findings of the current study, the PMR
significant effect on these patients' fatigue. It has been program caused significant relief of general anxiety, trait
argued that aerobic exercise causes increase in oxygen anxiety, state anxiety, Beck anxiety, and Rhoten fatigue,
intake and intensification of the process of producing and improvement of sleep quality in the hemodialysis
energy. The beneficial effects of aerobic exercise on patients, which is consistent with previous studies.

IJPCR, Volume 8, Issue 12: December 2016 Page 1636

Table 2: Comparison of mean scores of anxiety, fatigue, and sleep quality between before and after the intervention
in the groups of the study.
Variable Groups of study Before intervention After intervention Significance
Mean (standard Mean (standard
deviation) deviation)
General Anxiety Progressive muscle 80.45±21.59 62.87±12.59 <0.001
Aerobic exercise 75.32±22.76 68.87±11.83 0.13
Control 77.14±18.03 74.34±11.67 0.44
State anxiety Progressive muscle 39.03±11.93 30.12±8.05 <0.001
Aerobic exercise 36.83±11.12 33.51±5.92 0.09
Control 58.51±20.59 36.68±6.10 <0.001
Trait anxiety Progressive muscle 43.09±13.06 32.93±5.99 <0.001
Aerobic exercise 38.25±12.13 35.15±7.67 0.21
Control 43.96±11.73 37.81±7.11 0.01
Beck anxiety Progressive muscle 41.60±12.97 30.21±5.56 <0.001
Aerobic exercise 37.80±13.12 31.73±13.17 0.01
Control 41.45±10.76 31.61±7.58 <0.001
Piper fatigue Progressive muscle 63.71±49.35 42.26±22.74 0.055
Aerobic exercise 57.67±39.33 59.92±28.87 0.77
Control 83.85±35.89 81.17±32.55 0.33
Rhoten fatigue Progressive muscle 6.28±2.67 3.96±2.23 <0.001
Aerobic exercise 5.46±2.89 4.37±1.62 0.08
Control 6.65±2.66 6.2±2.15 0.40
Sleep quality Progressive muscle 11.26±2.53 4.57±1.74 <0.001
Aerobic exercise 10.92±1.81 4.26±1.65 <0.001
Control 11.74±2.39 11.09±2.72 <0.001
* Significant difference at p<0.05.

Yildrim et al. investigated the effect of a PMR program important role in emergence and development of
(PMRT) on anxiety level and sleep quality among insomnia in hemodialysis patients. Given that PMR can
hemodialysis patients. The mean score for anxiety before relieve anxiety, depression, and stress in hemodialysis
and after the PMR program was derived 43.6±5.9 and patients, this type of exercise seems to help improve sleep
31.1±5.6, respectively, with a significant difference. quality of these patients as well.
Yildrim et al. study demonstrated that the PMR program The effects of the PMR on fatigue in hemodialysis
caused a significant improvement of quality of life and patients have not yet been investigated. Dimeo et al.
relieved anxiety among CRF patients16. A study reported that the PMR exercise program could improve
investigated 38 hemodialysis patients undergoing PMR physical function and reduce fatigue levels in cancer
program self-training using videotape and reported patients undergoing surgery12. Demirlap et al. study
significant reduction in anxiety levels compared to demonstrated the positive effects of PMR in reducing
controls27. fatigue among patients with breast cancer undergoing
Saeedi et al. investigated the effect of PMR on sleep chemotherapy11. The present study too demonstrated the
quality of hemodialysis patients, and found that the mean positive effects of the PMR program in reducing fatigue
total score for sleep quality after the PMR was in the hemodialysis patients.
significantly lower than that before the PMR. Moreover,
the scores for dimensions of sleep quality (except for CONCLUSION
taking hypnotic drugs) were significantly lower before The PMR program caused significant relief of general
the PMR than after17. Rambod et al. study indicated that anxiety, trait anxiety, Beck anxiety, and Rhoten fatigue
PMR program caused significant improvement of sleep and improvement of sleep quality in the hemodialysis
quality and decreased use of hypnotic drugs 8. There are patients. The aerobic exercise caused significant relief of
some controversies about the action mechanism of PMR Beck anxiety and improvement of sleep quality in the
effect on insomnia in hemodialysis patients. It is argued patients. Taken together, the PMR program was more
that uremia, anxiety, worry, and depression play an
efficient than the aerobic exercise to reduce anxiety level, 12. Dimeo FC, Thomas F, Raabe-Menssen C, Pröpper F,
fatigue, and sleep disorders in the hemodialysis patients. Mathias M. Effect of aerobic exercise and relaxation
training on fatigue and physical performance of
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